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Obviously, having to feed your PMC is almost everyone's favorite mechanic in the game. We all love having to sit our hardened, highly trained mercenary psychopath in the high chair and play "here goes the airplane" with a can of squash 5 times a raid. We love paying 100 US dollars for enough bottled water to keep us alive for 20 minutes. Everyone has great memories of accidentally forgetting to drink before starting the raid and smashing themselves in the face with a Salewa kit as they slowly walk towards extract (the recommended medical course of action for dehydration). But this arcade-y system just simply isn't realistic enough for me. I have a list of recommendations:

  • Make the nutrition system even more tedious detailed. Not hitting your macros? Say goodbye to your strength levels buddy. Forget to eat enough vitamin C? You have scurvy now idiot. Obviously the best rations to address these issues should be several tens of thousands of rubles and locked behind higher trader levels
  • Add piss and sh*t. The law of conversation of mass dictates that if your character has to eat and drink several times a raid they should also have to excrete several times a raid. It's just basic physics. Like metabolism, you should be able to level up your bladder and anus clenching skill, making the meter fill more slowly.
  • Add a "hole filthiness" system. Goes along with above. You should have to use items (TP, paper, manuals, etc.) to keep your ass clean after sh*tting. If you don't, or if you sh*t yourself in raid, your endurance should fall and eventually your legs will get blacked (simulating waddling). At extremely high levels of filthiness you should get sepsis and die.

These are just a few suggestions. If you guys have any to add please do.

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over 3 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link
