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Sure, its not balanced, sure its buggy, and sure it has an annoyingly toxic and aggressive community, but you know what counters all of that?

The developers. The fact that they stick to this game for 4 years, while still maintaining any form of community relations, and have not run away with the money is wonderful.

I can tolerate a messy project if it is visible that the honest attempts were made to make it the best it can be. Marketing buzzwords aside, Tarkov is Tarkov, and you don't get Tarkov feels playing anything else.

Every rat run, every pacifist run, every hunting mission, and every raid cut short due to scav buckshot aimbot... I genuinely enjoy it all because the game does not force you to try and play a specific style.

Building up your base and resources does not equal killing players always, and I love the fact that it allows this.

I don't play Tarkov to kill players, I play it because I love the atmosphere, the tension, and the pure chaos of it all. I enjoy looting but I enjoy sneaking and stealth even more, and this game has that in spades that you just don't see in other multiplayer shooters.

Once you bring friends into the mix, it changes up even more and allows for communication, squad tactics, and a sense of camaraderie that is hard to find in other survival shooters.

So thank you Battle State Games. It is far from done, but I know for sure I have already gotten experiences worth the 180$ I have spent on it.

Keep up the good work, looking forwards to the next patch.

(Once you get offline co-op working, this will be definitely be one of the best cooperative shooter experiences out there)

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almost 4 years ago - /u/BSG_Damiano - Direct link

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