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I just searched and founded many posts talking about people not being able to play Streets even with top tier PCs. And nothing from devs? Anywhere?

I'm having this problem since weekend. At the beginning of wipe I was able to play it normally, then it suddenly starts to have a disconnect here and there (which fixed just restarting the game). But now it's 100% that I will lose my scav run if I try Streets. Already tried EVERYTHING to fix it: lowering all graphics, configuring internet connection, windows and nvidia settings... Nothing works.

My PC is a 3060, Ryzen 5600X, 16gb RAM, game on SSD Nvme. Yes, many of you could talk about 16gb of RAM, I agree that's the bottom limit and need double it, but in community people are playing with even lower specs.

Just want to know if BSG are working on it or we have to play the game ignoring Streets and quests on it.

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over 1 year ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

we are working on that. preparing several things to increase the streets performance and decrease memory consumption