over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by 14Goose14

so a good friend of mine came up with this idea and I really liked it so i thought I'd share.

The idea is that BSG implements some sort of adrenaline 'bar' or percentage, and when you're shot at it will increase your adrenaline by X% the percentage would go back down something like 1% every 2 seconds that you're not being shot at.

Adrenaline will affect the speed at which you do things such as run, heal, or reload.


it will also increase the chance of you making a mistake for reloading, for example making you fumble your reload missing the mag well and increasing reload time by a second or so, or maybe your character misses the bolt release on a M4 and has to hit it with his palm instead of his thumb.

as for healing it will decrease the amount you heal in a percent but no more than something like 20%. For example if an IFAK now heals 30 hit-points per use (not sure exact so this is just an example) as your adrenaline increases you will heal faster but at 100% adrenaline you would only heal 24 hit points.

as for moving faster from having adrenaline it could increase your movement speed by say 20% at max adrenaline but your stamina will drain an equal amount faster.

lastly they could implement voice lines and visual ques for your adrenaline level.

meaning that at 40%-60% maybe your guy starts breathing heavy (as if out of stamina) and maybe 60%-80% you might start saying stuff quietly under your breath like "f**k, f**k, f**k" and at max adrenaline your guy could let out a short scream in fear or yell something at the enemy. These audio ques would be automatic and not controllable.

as for visual ques I would suggest something similar to being under suppression, in addition to the affect that propital gives you now with the "tunnel vision"

this would all also change the way the adrenaline stim works in game by directly affecting this percentage.

these affects could also be directly affected by skills already in the game such as stress resistance and memory potentially making it so that your character is less likely to f**k something up at higher levels of adrenaline, and will be less affected by other negative affects.

I think that this would add an all new dynamic to the game that is absolutely realistic and would make suppression significantly more viable

If you made it this far don't forget to upvote so we can see if Nikita has an opinion on this :)

some advanced stuff

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by 14Goose14

I agree and I have no idea how hard it would be to be implemented, but it seems like most of the mechanics are already in the game

What's your opinion on it?

i like everything real)

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by azenuquerna

Except helmets, of course.

yep. they are with a bit of magic