over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by Dustructionz

It seems like every raid is full of desync. I've just dropped dead multiple times to players who are slightly teleporting. No muzzle flash or sound whatsoever. It seems to be the most common on labs.

I was really excited and hoping that the servers would go back to being somewhat decent after the trials ended but in the past 3 days it somehow feels even worse. 2 games today have been so full of desync I had no choice but to walk straight to extract because I couldn't loot or open doors. I have recordings of a lot of this through Shadowplay. It's been extremely frusterating.

please for the love of all tushonka in the world- REPORT IT. if you encounter bad server perf - send a bugreport with "lags" or something in name. thank you very much and have a nice day