over 4 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Hello, rebziki!

So, after the dust has settled, We decided to give you current status - what is going on and what's planned for the patch 12.5.

First of all, no matter what, thank you for your feedback related to new features - we did a lot of balancing changes to weight system, we fought headbobbing problem and currently working on hotfixes related to all the major problems you described recently.

Also we are continuing to modify servers, currently testing new load balancing system to increase the amount of free rooms to play, adding new servers in different regions. Actively working with BattlEye.

So, the next 0.12.5 patch will be 95% fixes and optimizations. It will include a couple of features like quick after raid healing, post-effects filters, no additional content.

That's it! As we said before - we plan to do patches every month. So it will be not so long till 0.12.5.

Thank you for support! The game will be more complex, we will introduce many features that will require testing and changes - don't forget this!

And the most importantly - stay safe and be careful in this difficult times!

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