about 4 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

I know that you think I kinda abandoned reddit but nope! I'm in read-only mode cause it's quite hard not to gather your feedback on some important updates, features etc.
Yeah, I definitely stand my ground that minimizing reddit interaction and overall comment reading made my life less stressful (yep! taking almost everything personally). But! I was always around :)

Anyway I wanted to tell some quick status report on what is going on in the studio.

  1. Almost everybody is still working from homes and we are good
  2. Currently actively working on 12.8 (it will contain a big bunch of content and several features - one of them is a hand-held compass (cause wrist-based compass is also planned for later), also a lot of really good QoL improvements (some of them proposed here on Reddit!), bug fixes etc.) Not long to wait!
  3. At the same moment we are doing annual Unity dev review - optimizing game, making network run better together with Unity dev team
  4. 90% of level-designers/env artists are working on Streets of Tarkov location, but we plan to release one more expansion to old location before Streets (you can guess which one)
  5. Fighting with those who are not welcome. Did a pretty good things to throw back 99.9% of cheats. The war continues - report suspicious players after match (it really helps)
  6. Started to work on customizable rigs - it will be huge feature, one of my favorite (not in 12.8)
  7. And other things

Also I want to say something about this subreddit.

I love seeing well-made analysis and suggestions here. I love seeing step-by-step articles where you try to solve EFT balance problems and give more realism to the game without damaging playability. I (and the most part of reddit community) love to read stories of your good experience. Detailed bug reports - good, some imbalances and bad design discussions - good as long as it's all kept constructive. And memes of course, funny stuff at least it's on Reddit sometimes, cause the game is not about fun lol.

So, keep doin what you are doing, but sometimes it's really hard to get valuable information here :)

Love, peace, pack of sugar.

External link →
about 4 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by Blandscaper

Hi Nikita, love your game. I have a question about the compass. Is it an item that is always carried on our characters, or will we need to choose to take one out? If we take it out, is it lost on death or kept like melee weapons?

compass will not be lootable from you