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I've gotten killed by a lot of RMT hackers the past few days, they all have discord invite links as their name to get people to join their discord after the hackers kill them.

Surprisingly this method of advertising is super effective, people actually join these discords after they die to an advertising hacker and then pay for super cheap services. Services as cheap as 3 dollars per Labs raid. This results in 2-5 million rubles for every 3 dollars that the players spend on RMT hackers.

BSG needs to add a bot that automatically detects and bans names with discord invite links or names with traces of discord invite links or just "discord" in their names. This would make RMT advertising much harder.

An idea similar to Pestily's is that BSG adds a bot that flags these RMT hackers, either through a bot or a BSG developer marks a hacker as an RMT account. When the hackers account is marked as an RMT account it will automatically ban that account within a week. But first the BOT/system will note which players have matched together and played with this RMT account. When the RMT flagged account get's banned the players that have matched/played with this RMT flagged account also get banned if they have played enough games with the flagged account for it to count as potential RMT/boosting.

This could be wrong, but from my knowledge BSG only hard drive/SSD bans. RMT hackers just download programs that "change" the hard drive/SSD to another serial number (right?). BSG could silently impliment other types of hardware bans, maybe just one random day impliment banning the GPU as well. So when a hacker with a spoofing program for the HDD/SSD get's banned they change the serial number on the hard drive and they're still banned, because their GPU was also banned. Maybe BSG could also start banning serial numbers on Mouse's, Keyboards, Monitors just to make it all a harder process for hackers to hack again after they get their accounts banned.

It sucks seeing this game being tarnished by hackers, especially because some hackers earn a killing on RMT. BSG needs to find creative solutions to slow down hackers and waste their time once they get banned, make it an even harder process for hackers to just get a new account and keep cheating.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/BSG_Damiano - Direct link

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