over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by Ten_Forty_One

(Bot deleted the last one?)

Hey guys!

I just wanted to let you all, who made this possible for me know, that I just finished recording all of the lines for USEC 3 and am preparing to ship it off to Nikita and Dmitri!

I can't thank you all enough for making my dream come true. This means the world to me.

If you want want to keep in touch and see if I land anything else in the future (As well as play as myself in Tarkov, lol) you can follow me at these places:

Twitter: @ten_forty_one Twitch: (Had to remove sorry)

Thank you all again. This was my once in a lifetime opportunity and you made it a reality. I am forever in your debt!

And as always,

Be sure to sweep your sectors.

EDIT: Nikita and Dmitri have just told me they love my USEC 3 lines. I am in tears. My f**king dream came true. Thank you all so f**king much.

EDIT 2: Typo, lol

recorded lines are great!

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by jnarai

Definitely think you need a Canadian set of voice lines now!



"You'll be sorry you did that!"

"I'm sorry you did that!"

"The f**k do you mean we're outta darts?"

"The f**k was that about?"

"Hey, buddy!"

"BEARs? I'm worried about MOOSE."

nice :)