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Friends, we decided to ask Developers of EFT a few questions.

Material was collected by Emissaries from their communities.

We present to your attention a small interview.

Q: Please tell us how do you create a roadmap for adding weapons to the game? How do you determine which weapon to add next? What was behind the decision to add the almost unknown DT MDR as the first bullpup, when there are much more well-known " brands” that, as guest stars in commercials, would attract more interest in the patch in which they are introduced, and the game as a whole. AUG in this case. 

A: There Is a plan, a list of weapons that was created at an early stage of the game's development. Some weapon samples, like the DT MDR, were taken from Contract Wars to more closely link both projects into one universe. Also, we add weapons that we like, not that are currently fashionable and in the trends. After that, the weapons from the list are sent in order depending on the complexity of the models, to outsourced staff or made inside the office, under the guidance of weapons specialist Vlad. After creating models, the project is passed to animators and programmers. If the weapon has additional parameters that were not present on other weapons, for example, as on the PPSH, shooting with an open bolt, these functions are added, polished, and only then the weapon is added the game.


Q: Can you please fix the error window at the flea market when the quantity of goods purchased is bigger than what the seller has, replacing it with the purchase of all that is left with the corresponding price conversion?

A: This bug will be fixed in one of the upcoming patches.


Q: A long time ago, we got the functionality of "flea market". What about the equally important "Auction"? Tell us what it will be like. Is it planned in the 0.13 patch family? 

A: It is not a fact that it will be in the 0.13 patch family. We are not sure whether an Auction is needed in the game, since the flea Market also performs the function of an Auction to some extent.


Q: Did you ever get the idea to move part of EFT to virtual reality? Do you think this industry is promising? A kind of EFT VR: experimental DLC in the Hideout, where you can spin, disassemble and shoot with several weapons and interact with the environment of the Hideout. 

A: Yes, something similar was planned, but much later.


Q: Will the main trailer of the game be re-edited for the release that has been with us since 2015? 

A: There will be a new release trailer. There is no information yet on whether this will be a cgi trailer. 


Q: Is it planned to be possible to exit the Hideout  to a small location for " personal use” with a shooting range for shooting weapons at long distances? Or maybe a location for " personal use”, which is planned for a small initial training? 

A: There are some plans for long-range weapons targeting. But we are still thinking about how it will look like.


Q: Are there any plans to introduce a counteraction to players using various paid VPN servers? Well, are there plans for some regional restrictions for players who are from China to play on European servers? I understand that this is a trace issue, but I want to know. Well, or do you want to clarify without any streamlined words, whether the restriction will be imposed on Chinese players only on the territory of China?

A: Regional restrictions are already in place. China is already isolated in its region. But now many Chinese people use VPN, we can not completely prohibit its use because we will lose a huge number of players.


Q: I will still raise the old question, is it planned to introduce abstract slings for weapons, two-point, three-point, even without animation (although where is it without it), but this in reality allows you to quickly change the main weapon to a gun and vice versa? (because in the end, you will also make pistol bullets more dangerous).

A: The mechanic of rapid, tactical weapon change (speed, reset) will be introduced. It is possible without visual representation of the sling itself. 


Q: Not so long ago, the Kalashnikov concern released a series of videos on the shooting of AK-series submachine guns (there was also a PKK and a PPSH). will the same behavior of weapons be implemented, such as overheating of the barrel, fire, because often in a raid, just the same, about 200-300 shots are fired at opponents, or even more.

A: The weapon overheating is scheduled. In the upcoming versions.


Q: The wearable ammunition in vests can also be damaged by enemy fire, and also, stuffed magazines can be an involuntary protection (sort of), is this planned? 

A: We thought about it. The minimum protection may be possible, it all depends on the configuration of the vests. We want to do this correctly and efficiently. It takes time and effort. But the items themselves will be displayed on vests. And there will also be wearable armor plates. 


Q: Will there be a fundamental difference between cultists and ordinary scaves(in addition to the poisoned weapons/ammunition)? Namely: will they conflict with the scavs/raiders/UN (because now bots do not conflict with each other); the manner of behavior and movement on the map will be similar to the scavs(relative binding to a certain area) or it will be patrolling/moving around the map; will there be a cultists own voice-over?

A: Cultists are a closed topic. Players will learn everything in the future. 


Q: Will the mechanics of items and equipment that are in the vest/pockets/backpack be implemented in the future when they are hit(Yes, some similarity to what was in DayZ, but not so destructive, probably)? The mechanics are not unambiguous, since on the one hand, the loot can be damaged, completely or almost completely so that everything player scored in the raid will be gone and he will be left with nothing; on the other - it somewhat coincides with the desired concept, voiced by Nikita, when the player has to choose: he wants to fight or get out.

A: It's too early to say. This is certainly realistic, but it is a large amount of work: creating damaged items, their characteristics after damage, and so on. Perhaps something similar will happen in the future. Time will tell.


Q: I Would like to convey another question/request that POPs up from time to time when playing in a party: is it possible to move the ready button in the lobby to another place to avoid accidental clicking, after the next button. Sometimes pressing the ready button can happen on the machine, from the habit of playing solo(just skipped the lobby), and sometimes when you want to join the party as a scav(lead when you go as a scav, there is no window with a map and insurance, and your finger is trying to make a couple of extra clicks - as a result, we again skip the lobby, load up in the raid, click back...).

A: the entire UI is planned to be reworked, including the button transfer.


Q: There are interesting cartridges of 5.7*28 caliber, namely Vanguard V57, Elite T6, VBR "TB", VBR " B2F " are you planning to add these cartridges into the game, or one of them?

A: This question is from the category of a thousand questions of people who understand the topic, constantly find something. Different cartridges are planned in the future. It is worth understanding that there are a lot of samples, types and brands of cartridges. We will pay attention to these cartridges, see if they are interesting, and introduce them sooner or later. Because we are interested in everything which stands out. Thank you for the ideas you send us.


Q: Are there any plans to update PostFX? Now the post fix works in raid, and the lobby and inventory remaines unchanged. That gives fatigue to the eyes.

A: Yes, we want PostFX to work in the menu. When? We will try to do it in the near future.


Q: In one of the upcoming updates, it was planned to introduce an in-game system of reports on cheaters. Unfortunately, this topic was not discussed on the last podcast. In this regard, I would like to have an update on this - when to expect its introduction, and the mechanism of how it will work itself, if possible… 

A: A detailed report system is planned. You will be able to report poor server performance in real time, so that we can quickly take action on the server. You can also report an incorrect nickname and potential cheater.


Q: Are there any plans to add HitBox of plates for bulletproof vests? If so, will the PMC's own HitBox system be reworked? 

A: The answer to this question has already been given slightly higher.


Q: If you compare the current state of the economy with the release, how much are you going to complicate or make life easier for players? (Meaning how difficult/easy it will be to get rich). 

A: it is planned to make life more difficult for players in economic terms. The game follows this direction from the very beginning. In order for the player to get rich, you will have to try very hard. If you want to earn money? These will be clear and simple mechanics. If you get rich, we are against it. You'll have to make an effort.


Q: How possible is it at this stage of development to rebalance all the weapon mods in the game so that at least for the most popular weapons there are several meta builds to return at least a little to the original idea of gunporn, and players at least a little bit chose weapons not only for the sake of good numbers in the indicators, but also for a pleasant appearance? At the moment, each weapon has 1 build option with the best performance. This is not very realistic - it cannot be that the same weapon preset will be equally ergonomic and convenient for different people. 

A: We are constantly introducing various modules. A lot of modules have not yet been added to the game. We are gradually introducing them and partially correct them. Some mods will only visually differ from each other, but they will be identical in characteristics. So Yes, small adjustments are constantly made, but total rebalancing at the current stage of development will not be effective enough. Full rebalance of all items will be made after adding all the main items (modules, mods, barrels, and so on).


Q: Will Unity 2019 add more functionality? How will Unity 2019 help developers? 

A: We can't give a specific answer on the topic of Unity 2019 Yet. The transition to Unity 2019 is planned. There are quite a lot of differences from the 2018 version, we will still study and experiment on this regard.


Q: Tell us about the status of the Arena. When should we expect it ?  

A: The Arena is not ready at the moment. There are no exact dates yet. But the arena will definitely be there.


Q: Recently posted photos that show a decrease in stutters and memory usage. Can you tell us more about this? What exactly has changed and will there be similar changes in the future? 

A: There will definitely be similar charts in the future. We have statistics of "long" frames, when the frame is rendered more than 1000ms (1 second or more) - in fact, it is a freeze. Such freezes must be corrected. Now there are fewer of them, about 40%. However, there are still freezes that will be fixed in each new patch. This will be especially evident in 0.12.7 and 0.12.8. This is a long-lasting problem that we have constantly been fighting, are fighting and will continue to fight.


Q: When will you add story quests related to Tarkov's story?

A: Storyline quests will be added before the game is released. This is one of the interesting and expected things. There will be a lot of interesting plot twists in Tarkov.


Q: The range of use of grenades is very limited due to the extremely small explosion radius. Against the background of all the grenades presented in the game, only the f-1 stands out due to the small chance of hitting the enemy with a fragment at a distance, but these fragments are too few. Also, for some time now, the explosion of a grenade can not contuse, stun the player. And the visual effect of the explosion in the game is not very similar to the IRL: you need more smoke and less flash itself. Will something be done about it? 

A: The explosion effect was initially similar to the Arma project, but we are constantly experimenting with these parameters. The explosion may not be very similar to the real one, Yes, but we deliberately slowed down the effect of the explosion a little. In real life, it is much faster and less noticeable to the eye. We don't agree about the shards, it's a pretty shaky topic. Experts who played our game noted that everything was implemented at a good level - grenades work in different ways. There can never be a 100% guarantee that a grenade will work exactly as you think it will, just like in real life. I also want to mention that the grenades we have are working correctly. For example, if you lay down to the grenade with your feet, you will get damage to your legs. You can also lie on the grenade and thus "cover" it with yourself. 


Q: The zoom (sharp decrease in fov) of the entire image greatly interferes with comfortable aiming. Some of the sights are out of use because of it. Can we remove the zoom or put it in a separate setting? 

A: Zoom in the game is a necessity. This is done in order to normalize the approach of sights to the eye. If you do this with a camera, it will lead to various visual bugs.


Q: And what about cultists ' firearms? They won't just run around with knives, will they? 

A: We've already talked about cultists. This is a surprise. 


Q: Purely in theory, after the release, it is possible for players to have the opportunity for modding the game? Or to have an editor. That would be cool. I am sure that among the tarkovians there are talented guys who could make something interesting out of mods, although there will be a lot of trash: Glock-18, shooting VOGs, scavs with 10,000 hp. But! Could be something adequate and cool, such as fan maps and their own mods. This would extend the life of the game well. All this is only done by the players and on their local servers, of course. This is only in theory, but your attitude to mods is very interesting. 

A: Modification is certainly a very important aspect in many single-player games, but for multiplayer projects it is fraught with nuances and problems with balance and bugs. No, we do not plan to introduce this mod support functionality. 


Q: The range of the thermal sights was a bug. Did you think to leave them like this, and make them more realistic (so that you can't see through the glass) and balance them by reducing the chance of spawn.

A: Balancing of thermal sights will be performed, including after entering all the main models of sights and mechanics in the game. For example, there will be batteries for the thermal imager. In any case, the option is not final at this time.


Q: Many people ask to move the treatment screen from *post-raid* to *pre-raid* so that passive treatment can work. Also, fewer people will start a raid with incomplete health. 

A: This screen cannot be moved, because it contains "post-match" information about the damage received, the type of caliber, and so on. But we also have a separate service planned and a menu from the Therapist.


Q: Do you plan to make us able to cancel a friend request in the future? 

A: Planned. This task has been on the list for a long time, and we will definitely implement it.


Q: PostFX is a great thing, will it be possible to bind two or more presets per key? 

A: Additional presets may be added, but it doesn't make sense to enter binds on the preset, since this can lead to dishonest situations in raids. Players will switch presets when entering rooms as an example. This is not appropriate.


Q: The 1911 has a fairly sophisticated modification system, including, for example, the ability to replace the trigger and hammer. Are there plans for a similar more detailed modding of the rest of the weapons?

A: More detailed modding is planned. For example, you can change the gas blocks of the AK, change the pins, and so on. A large number of different mods are already being modeled for 1911.


Q: Are there any plans to improve the mechanics of sniping (more complex sights, bullet physics, wind)? 

A: Planned. There are specific, very serious plans to implement the "sniper craft" - the correct operation and speed of the bullet, corrections, and so on.


Q: Are there any plans to create a clan fighting mode in the Arena in the future ? 

A: it's too early to say. The arena is at the design-document stage.


Q: How do you see the endgame content and player progress when the game is fully developed? All mods, quests, and locations are added to the game. 

A: This is a very complex and difficult issue. Endgame content in the game will be required. Tarkov can be completed - the player will be able to carry out "Escape from Tarkov". Then the player will be able to continue playing and explore the game world, using DLC and pursuing their goals.


Q: Since the transition to Unity 2018, the shadow rendering distance has had almost no effect on performance. Despite this, the game allows you to reduce the shadows to such an extent that dark areas become light-players who are hiding there think that they are not visible. Are there plans to fix this problem?

A: Of course it is planned. The distance of shadows will be fixed. This will definitely be fixed.


Q: Voice commands and gestures can only be used with F1-F12. Is it planned to be able to change these keys to a combination of other keys (for example, ALT + something)?  

A: Various improvements to binds are planned. This suggestion will be taken into account.


Q: At the moment, if you buy an item found in raid at a flea market, it will lose the *found in a raid* tag. Is this how it was intended, or is it a bug? Quite an important thing after the release of patch 12.6. 

A: This is not a bug. The feature is designed like this.


Q: Will there be additional quests in 0.12.6? Perhaps more quests to open different clothing. The community liked these quests

A: Quests will not be added in 0.12.6, but some of them will appear in 0.12.7.including quests to unlock clothing in the future.


Q: Is it Possible to add any functionality against cheaters? In the same Call of Duty Warzone added linking the phone number to the game account. 

A: This feature is very interesting and definitely important. But, here it is worth understanding that this is a fairly complex solution. For example, there is a transfer of personal data. Not all players will like it. Such a measure in the same "Call of Duty Warzone" is forced, since this is an F2P project — anyone can create a new account and continue using cheats. In our case a cheater has to buy a new version of the game, as well as buy a fairly expensive cheat. However, it is still a good system. If there is an urgent need for this system, we will introduce it and implement it. We have always had and still have a backup options to fight cheaters.


Q: Will there be a function of cooking and throwing a grenade (hold it in your hand and throw it on a hot one)? 

A: Planned.


Q: Nikita recently spoke about the role-playing functionality in Escape from Tarkov. Will this system be available for solo players? 

A: Each player can choose their own direction and goals in raid. We do not try to restrict players in the playstyle. A solo player is more unified and can combine all playstyles.



  • Swedish translation can be found here. Thanks to our Emissary @tobiassolem
  • Arabic translation can be found here. Thanks to our Emissary @d3voo