about 4 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

H E L L O W!

So, we decided to do it before the 12.8, cause, usually, right after the patch ppl are focusing on the patch and not on writing annoying problems on forums. And right now we want your feedback on what is not right in current version of the game.

So, type the most annoying bugs, most annoying features, questionable gameplay elements and balancing issues you think are in the game right now. Vote for them to increase visibility. But please - type and vote deliberately. It's not the rant post - let's make it useful and constructive.

Your feedback will help us to determine future 12.9 patch goals.

Much love, patchnotes for 12.8 are soon!

External link →
about 4 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]



almost 4 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by sunmachine_

Sup Nikita and co. Gonna go ahead and compile a master list of every issue I can think of and that others have listed for the sake of organization.


  • Full auto bug; gun will stop shooting when on full auto. Appears to be related to how the game reads single and double click inputs.
  • Reload freeze glitch; character will freeze in reload animation and be unable to perform any actions until relog. Appears to be related to inputs during the reload animation.
  • Silent grenades; back again for the nth time.
  • Ghost bullet bug; rare and difficult to reproduce. Your gun will do no damage and all of your shooting will be client side; teammates and enemies will not see or hear you shooting and your bullets do no damage, otherwise there is no indication. Upon relog your gun will have an empty magazine.
  • Invisible player desync; rare and difficult to reproduce, possibly related to slow hardware. Players will be invisible to teammates and potentially enemies.
  • Broken extracts; indicators for some conditional extracts are nonexistent or don't work.
  • Party leader disbands group upon queueing if queue is started after the accept indicators are there but before they visually show up in the lobby. Lobby updating/group joining is too slow overall and contributes to downtime.
  • Player gear doesn't render at a distance; this can dramatically change how engagements are taken.
  • Some important objects like cover and doors do not render at a distance. This interferes with gameplay. For example, Room West 301's door does not render from East wing no matter how close you get.
  • Players unable to heal. Rare and difficult to reproduce.
  • Infinite healing bug; players stuck in animation. "Hands busy" type bugs in general.
  • Animation delays when modifying equipped weapon's attachments in-raid.
  • Fullscreen bug; game does not properly enter fullscreen mode and causes performance loss. Fixed by going into the menu and selecting fullscreen again. Appears to be related to tabbing in and out.
  • Dual monitor switching bug; game will switch to the secondary monitor and cause performance loss even when switched back. Appears to be related to tabbing in and out.
  • Window in Black room on Labs can be shot through while jumping.
  • Frozen gun when getting up from prone.
  • Sneak key does not appear to work sometimes, must press multiple times.
  • Random unexplainable server disconnects and ping spikes.
  • Disconnect lighting bug. Players can intentionally disconnect and reconnect for brighter lighting. Particularly abusable on Interchange.
  • Green flare smoke is not visible from a certain distance, will appear to change color. Particularly noticeable on Shoreline's rock passage extract.
  • Dead scavs may freeze in place and look as if alive. Rare and hard to reproduce.
  • Player gear mistakenly shows as Found In Raid upon reconnecting
  • Eyewear like glasses glow bright white when it's raining.
  • Still rains underground on Interchange. Minor issue obviously.

Game Balance

  • INTENTIONAL LATE SPAWNING. Players can force close the game during the map loading phase after connecting to the match and cause themselves to spawn as late as they want to for safe farming. Particularly abusable for Labs.
  • UNINTENTIONAL LATE SPAWNS still a MAJOR issue; sometimes you will queue into matches that have already begun.
  • General moderate to severe server sync issues. Player perspectives can be wildly different and ruin any semblance of fair play.
  • Scavs that almost instantly one-tap to the face, particularly noticeable with shotguns.
  • Scavs still show no grenade throw animation and sometimes drop a hidden grenade upon death.
  • Scav visibility/tracking through bushes and fences. Particularly noticeable with Sanitar at cottages.
  • Arms tank too much damage. Related: using a canted sight with an RK-1 unnaturally bends the player's arm model to block thorax and head shots.
  • Players have no side to side movement inertia.
  • Can no longer push disconnected friends; seriously this was a terrible change
  • Explosions do not damage armor.
  • Goldenstar Balm gives infinite energy if used and canceled repeatedly.
  • Still many exploits to put thermals in containers. In particular, XSRU AK handguard, some M700 rails.
  • The Skier quest "Bullshit" is bullshit.
  • Jaeger's progression. Jaeger in general. Quests suck, unlocks too late for what he sells, only relevant for a handful of barters.
  • Trader balance overall; there are many useless barters and unlocks that come too late or too early. One such example is a barter for VOGs being available immediately. Another example is that the VAL is almost 300k from Prapor, making this offering useless. Other examples are almost everything that Therapist sells.
  • The Beta Container is not worth it; too expensive and getting Epsilon is faster.
  • GL40 and Thermals still exist ;). But for real, at this point in the wipe NVG night raids are ruined by thermals.
  • Several Reserve spawns are imbalanced and lack proper cover. Will spawn you in positions that make you almost immediately vulnerable to players and boss scavs.
  • Player scavs spawn too early on Reserve.
  • Pre-painkiller meta. Not necessarily an issue.
  • Glass is still a pain to fight through. Particularly Interchange balcony glass (which should shatter) and Kiba glass.
  • Optics could do with an overall pass/rework. Some reticles are terrible, have too much sway, are too bulky, misaligned, etc.
  • Various visibility issues with night vision; has too much glare from lights and fog. Effect can be tested by using the periphery of the PNV goggles to look around; you will see much more.
  • Free look sensitivity and view angles should be improved.
  • Quick reload is not fast enough compared to normal reload.
  • Many foldable stocks do not work.
  • The VAL/VSS dust covers are useless. The guns are objectively better with no dust covers because they are lighter.
  • Trigger delay on weapons like SV98 should be removed. Cost of these weapons could be increased to compensate.
  • Gas station fire on Shoreline has unrealistic jarring glare. Fires like the one in Goshan on Interchange do not.
  • Some lights on older maps can't be shot out while the same light models on other maps can.
  • 5.56 MDR variant has an unrealistically slow fire rate that harms the viability of the gun. IRL it is around 750 RPM I believe whereas ingame it's 650.
  • Suppressors could use a balance pass. Stat variance is too high and most suppressors have terrible stats. Only the Wave QD is really "viable".
  • .308 rifles could use a balance pass. M1A is too good, options like SR-25 and RSASS are too inferior.
  • Cannot use Fast MT side armor/mandible with comtacs. This may be intentional so idk.
  • Eyecups are still useless, but very minor issue.

Quality of Life

  • Must repeatedly put away and take out meds to heal separate body parts. Letting players hold heal can be compensated by a slower healing speed; this is more realistic and makes the game more hardcore while improving gameplay flow.
  • Can no longer open and look at rigs/backpacks in the Insurance screen.
  • Global stock still exists as a mechanic. Nobody likes this but doubt it will be changed.
  • Adjusting weapon in hideout (adjusting scope, fire mode, lasers) does not carry over to raid.
  • Might as well give us infinite ammo/reloads in the firing range.
  • Certain areas you can get stuck in, particularly on Interchange. For example there are two spots between cardboard boxes, one in Idea near the front registers and another right outside Generic.
  • No "buy all" option for trader items on the flea market.
  • "Buy all" will refuse to buy remaining amount if somebody already bought any amount.
  • Indicators for out of stock items sometimes do not update properly.
  • The "add offer" button in the flea market can obstruct filter closeout buttons if there are enough filters.
  • "Add offer" doesn't properly select the intended item sometimes.
  • Flea market sometimes shows only items and not categories (hard to reproduce)
  • Loud wind/rain sounds in loading screen.
  • Unable to equip stacked backpacks in the stash for organizational purposes.
  • Unable to pick up a reasonable amount of multiple decent items like 1G phones. Doubt this is actually good for fighting RMT.
  • Vertical audio is still terrible on either setting. Audio in general is lackluster and constantly buggy. Running sounds are too loud through buildings, particularly on surfaces like wood. You can hear someone in Admin building from East wing. Audio transitions from outdoors to indoors are still too stark.
  • Tree trunks make wood plank sounds; chain link fences make metal plate sounds.
  • Money in secure container/docs/sicc cases still spent.
  • No option to toggle helmet lights.
  • Would be nice to be able to drop an item you're in the middle of using instead of simply reversing the animation.
  • Would be nice to have multiple loadouts for your PMC.
  • Would be nice to right click linked search on gear slots to search items on the flea.
  • Would be nice if almost every resealable food/drink item could be partially consumed (like lunchboxes and Superwater).
  • Would be nice to have a button to go to the final container in a stack (instead of having to click through 20 backpacks). Buttons to go back and forward in a stack would be nice as well.
  • Would be nice to be able to fold comtacs.
  • Would be nice to have an ingame option to hide raid code. Streamer mode perhaps.
  • No separate bind for throwing flashes/smokes.
  • Various clipping issues with comtacs/headgear.
  • AACPC rig sorting order issues.
  • .45 ACP AP still has no store icon.
  • General performance/stuttering issues. Game has gotten better on this front in my experience but people still report these issues.

thank you! this is really good

almost 4 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by trainfender

thank you! this is really good

The Skier quest "Bullsh*t" is bullsh*t


many of thing in this list are being work on or done