Original Post — Direct link

It‘s been 3(!) months now since changing email has been „temporary“ disabled. Thats a joke my email has been compromised and i want it to change it. I still have access to the email but there was a leak of data. BSG are you serious?

When can players expect that basic feature being re-enabled?

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over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Hello. As you wrote yourself, you have access to email. Therefore, for maximum protection, you need to change your password (use unique passwords for each resource), and enable 2FA on our website and in your email. In this case, there is no need to change mail.

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by Money_Common8417

Thank you for your answer but I also stated that there was a leak of data and with that I do not know if some hacker can trick support by social engineering so I want to complete change to another email to be secure because he could have stolen the purchase confirmation ids

I think you should talk to your email service support about this.

About our support - "some hacker" will not be able to deceive us, tk. just the information that is stored in your email will not be enough