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Why is it that when critical errors often occur, and on a regular basis, that support just can't do anything. They just give u the same old instructions. "oh just reset this file and then restart the game" etc.... Okay, thanks. That totally helps me undo absolutely nothing.

Here's an example. I VERY frequently get back end errors. I have followed the steps given by support. They do nothing. So, it's kinda frustrating when on a REGULAR BASIS, I'll do something like collect money from an item sold, move cash, or transfer items after a raid, only to get a backend error and EVERYTHING IS GONE. No money from the item I just sold. The money/item I just moved 4 slots over is now gone. Everything I just transferred from that scav run? Also gone.

I get that support can't just make the backend errors go away. But I also know damn well that they have the ability to undo the mess they cause. I'm just so sick of this problem. I get the game is in beta. But holy f*ck. I'm so tired of all of my time/effort going to waste and just poofing into thin air because the game doesn't work right.


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almost 4 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by Sam41Gaming

I've brought up the issue that I have them on a regular basis. Support just gives me the same generic response every time. No escalation at all. And 99% of the time re logging doesn't get my items back like it should. Sometimes a chunk of the items moved will be in their original place from before the back end error, but again 99% of the time they're just gone.

Write me the support ticket number