over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Damn, it was hard! Live theatrical action! 12k viewers top! Thank you very much and sorry we kept you frustrated for so long!

We wanted to enrich all of this for you, people, that was a really challenging 47 hour experience.

Don't worry - 90% of actors were real actors - not developers "doing BS instead of patch". Get ready for more Raid episodes - they are part of the game too.

Again, thanks for watching. That room was the point of interest with thousands eyes focused on it. That was pure magic.

Much love.

P.S. Patch 11.7 is near around.

External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by Wavelength1335

Whoa whoa wait. LIVE. as in. Not pre recorded bits edited together with loops of emptiness in between?! you mean the dude playing PK was at this for 47 hours. Now thats some dedication!

pure live!

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by mmodelta

So does this mean we're getting RPGs now?

not now but they are planned

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by Dzsekeb

How did you do the scene where Peacekeeper shoots the PMC? Was he shooting blanks? How did you get the big fireball effect?

blanks and muzzlebrake which focused flame in front

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by ThorstenTheViking

not developers "doing BS instead of patch"

I really hate that you felt the need to say this, I'm so sorry there are so many negative people in this community who bitch about everything.

I loved this episode, it was very professionally done and the effects were fantastic. I love you guys' creative output in all the forms it takes.

thank you