over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by Paaranoja

So, without much intro, our lord Nikita, please answer any questions you want to if any at all :) Answers like soon and planed are enough if you dont want to type.

1.Will bullet velocity depend on actual rounds and not the gun in the future?

Right now bullet velocity is an ammo parameter (you can see it in ammo chart). Gun barrel can influence on it though

2. Subsonic ammo, when will it work?

In the next patches

3.Gun barrel heat distorting sight picture, yes? no?


4.Will helmets ever revert back to realistic protection?

i don't think so. Full realistic approach in helmets will make them unuseful cause they all will be the same lvl1-2 protection. Anyway helmet parameters is a subject to change

5.Armor zones still planed? If yes, will they have realistic protection or will they be tweaked like helmets?

Armor zones planned. We want to make body armor realistic

6.More realistic movement inertia planed?

we had inertia before - looks like additional lags or something

7.Bullet drop seems excessive for some rounds, will this be changed to realistic values?


8.Will rigs like blackrock and avs be changed so they can store realistic amount of magazines?


9.Gun silencer durability? Will there be difference between "wipe" and "chambers" silencer (durability vs performance)?

yes, exactly everything you described

10.Is personal sight zeroing still planed? (as in: we will zero sights in our hideouts)

we will think about it

11.Do scavs use hitscan or projectile mechanics or combination of the two?

no hitscan. they shoot the same way as players.

12.In the future, will labs be acesed from another map?

we will think about it. In the nearest future Labs access will be limited

13.Is open world scraped or is there still a chance to see it in distant future?

it's still on the track

14.When will vodka be in the game and will it help with radiation poisoning?

vodka will be in game pretty soon. We just need to add drunk effect :)

15.For karma system to work we need a way to ID people. Will walki-talkies, gps devices and maps help with that?

didn't get how all the stuff you described related to karma system. and how they will help to ID people in general

16. How long will heal time of dead pmc (0HP) to full hp be when hideouts comes?

Subject to test. I don't think that it will be long time. Long time I mean hours.

17.How many pmc charachters will we have when hideout comes?

hm...didn't get the question. you meant how many PMC character slots will be on the account? When the hideout will be released it's still be one character per account

18.What might DLC´s be?

new locations, new quests, new mechanics, new traders, events and so on

19.Do you know how many shooter games are ruined for me because of Tarkov?

oh stop it :)

Second set of questions

15. addendum: As in, we will use gps/map to radio our position over walki talkies to other players of our faction. Not directly tied to karma, but a system to male karma viable.

well i guess so)

17. addendum. At one point there was a rumour about 3 charachters per account (obviously not true now that you answered). Will scav runs be our only "option" while we wait for our one pmc to heal?

yes its planned have 3 characters on account but it will be the whole profile in profile thing. you will not be able to use them as switchable character with a single stash. But, who knows. We'll see

Thats all i can think of now. Stay true to your vision Nikita, make the most brutal game ever! Tarkov is already the best fps game i ever played and its not even finished!

Dear community, start summoning our lord Nikita, so we might get answers to some questions.

today is your lucky day!

  1. Right now bullet velocity is an ammo parameter (you can see it in ammo chart). Gun barrel can influence on it though
  2. In the next patches
  3. yes
  4. i don't think so. Full realistic approach in helmets will make them unuseful cause they all will be the same lvl1-2 protection. Anyway helmet parameters is a subject to change
  5. Armor zones planned. We want to make body armor realistic
  6. we had inertia before - looks like additional lags or something
  7. yes
  8. yes
  9. yes, exactly everything you described
  10. we will think about it
  11. no hitscan. they shoot the same way as players.
  12. we will think about it. In the nearest future Labs access will be limited
  13. it's still on the track
  14. vodka will be in game pretty soon. We just need to add drunk effect :)
  15. didn't get how all the stuff you described related to karma system. and how they will help to ID people in general
  16. Subject to test. I don't think that it will be long time. Long time I mean hours.
  17. hm...didn't get the question. you meant how many PMC character slots will be on the account? When the hideout will be released it's still be one character per account
  18. new locations, new quests, new mechanics, new traders, events and so on
  19. oh stop it :)
over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by Paaranoja

wow! i didnt imagime you would be this fast. Thank you for all the answers and i must say im really happy with the answers!

  1. as in, we will use gps/map to radio our position over walki talkies to other players of our faction. Not directly tied to karma, but a system to male karma viable.

  2. At one point there was a rumour about 3 charachters per account (obviously not true now that you answered). Will scav runs be our only "option" while we wait for our one pmc to heal?

Bonus question: Will tarkov have its own merch store one day?

again, thank you for this great game!

  1. well i guess so)

  2. yes its planned have 3 characters on account but it will be the whole profile in profile thing. you will not be able to use them as switchable character with a single stash. But, who knows. We'll see

merch store is planned. don't know when

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


not sure about it

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by Par4no1D

Point 4 is a bit depressing. You promised us realistic combat with no compromises, yet you pander to 'useless helmets' crowd. Is making stuff unrealistically powerful the only way you can balance around?

You just set up a precedent to change more stuff this way.

sounds like im trying to fool myself) no its not. EFT must be as realistic as playable

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by Tunck

Hey, what are your thoughts on hatchlings and secure containers? Do you consider them a conducive part of the game, and if not, what are your plans to change player behavior?

Thanks in advance!

hatchlings are the self-contained type of players. anyway a bit of regulation is needed and i hope off-raid healing will bring some

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by mkpankov

  1. Right now bullet velocity is an ammo parameter (you can see it in ammo chart). Gun barrel can influence on it though

That's not the full picture. For velocity to be really useful, we need penetration depend on velocity, and that doesn't happen currently.

  1. i don't think so. Full realistic approach in helmets will make them unuseful cause they all will be the same lvl1-2 protection.

That's not true. Being certified for same level (GOST 1 or 2) doesn't mean the protection is the same. It's pretty obvious Altyn is better than 6B47.

They are certified to the same level because of several certification requirements:

  • 3 shots are fired, and to be certified helmet must protect from all of them. 2 shots of 5.45 PS is still better than none, don't you think?
  • blunt trauma must be not above 2nd level (small contusion, combat disability of up to 5 minutes).
  • shots are fired at normal, leaving no possibility for ricochet. But for helmets, it's really important.

I don't know what are your current thoughts on meta, but it's pretty obvious helmets shouldn't be tankier that body armor of the same level, and hitting the head with best AP rounds in the game should be an instant death.

When you say helmets won't be useful, it's not particularly true either. A lot of usefulness comes from being able to mount stuff on the helmet.

i got your point. about penetration depends on velocity - right now penetration is separate parameter, logically determined on the basis of physical characteristics of round. it means that its bot FULLY physical, but approximated closely to it. Also bullet velocity affects bullet's travel distance and overall energy drop during flight - this means that not only dmage will drop - also penetration. About helmets - ok they will not be all the same, but variety will be "compressed" to 2, maximum 3 protection classes plus ability to install components. And that's it. Yes there is vulcan-5 helmet which stands out, but its not in the game yet. And best AP ammo penetrates every helmet easy. Right now helmets are effective against 9mm and some low-penetration rifle ammunition - its pretty close to real life actually

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by absolutegash

Having to wait for your PMC to heal will kill this game

you will have the ability to heal fast with your meds and Therapist's service

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by SirKillsalot

/u/trainfender I would love just this answer;

What is the status of the gun jamming mechanic? Are animations completed for all the weapons we currently have in game?

network part of it needs to be refined

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by NoFoodAfterMidnight

I've only got one question:

I have 420 VOG grenades, I've cleared the hidden requirements for the GP-34 task, could you please send me the grenade launcher? :(

Okay I've got some real questions too:

  1. Is a ballistic rework coming for the issues with ballistics: Drop, drag, object penetration, and fragmentation?
  2. Will you be doing balance passes on armor/ammo/attachments soon, and can I help?
  3. Is dynamic pricing going to be re-enabled soon, if so was it reworked?
  4. Will there be production of things like ammo within the hideout to drive the player-run economy?
  5. Why do my pants feel tight when I hold the RSASS?
  1. i said yes
  2. not so soon soon, but soon. you could always make suggestions as a separate post
  3. yeah, it needs to be enabled again, but we wait
  4. yes
over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by mkpankov

Thanks for reply!

Also bullet velocity affects bullet's travel distance and overall energy drop during flight - this means that not only dmage will drop - also penetration.

Sorry, do you mean "will" like in the future, in the game it will happen that way?

Right now helmets are effective against 9mm and some low-penetration rifle ammunition - its pretty close to real life actually

In some areas it is, but overall...

ULACH taking 4 rounds of 5.45 BT


And 30 rounds of 5.45 PS?


That's what I meant by "helmet shouldn't be tankier than body armor".

I know the videos are old, but most of the ballistic parameters haven't changed since then (for example BT still has 33 pen).

this videos are definitely old. but i agree that they should not tank as body armor

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by SirKillsalot

Cool cool I don't expect jamming soon. I'm just hoping you guys have been doing the jamming animations as you are making the weapons instead of waiting to do all the animations at once.

I believe you can trigger the animations for the guns that have been here since alpha, but not newer ones.


over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by ThotRemovalUnit

Hi u/trainfender just wondering if the HK USP will be added at some point

it will be added

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by Bakimaster91

Chief, can You confirm (or not) that the RPK-74 series will be in the game officially?


over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by Dantback

u/trainfender when will we be able to drop small items without them dropping through the floor?

unity physics bug. working on it too