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Asian region players are currently region-locked and we can basically choose Tokyo, Seoul, Hongkong and Sigapore servers only. So when it is Asian timezone's prime time, all of us basically suffer from some tens of minutes matching time. Solo player can luckily have a raid within a few minutes, but matching time here for party players are something like a punishment(sometimes more than 30mins)

Other region server are able to hop server and American and European players can avoid the looong matching time problems sacrificing their low ping when it is their timezone's prime time and their nearby servers are all overloaded.

As far as Japan, Escape from Tarkov is sooooo hot now. Japanese Top streamers are streaming Tarkov with more than 3000 viewers Both on Twitch, Youtube and other local streaming sites. And also Japanese emissary told Japanese translation is going very well and it is coming soon. I believe more and more Japanese players will begin playing this game.

I understand BSG puts region-lock to Asian players because of Asian cheaters(Yea, sadly it is so many here), but instead please do something for normal players to play this game normally.

It is literally unplayable now.

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over 4 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

adding new servers every day! hold on!