over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by MrUnicornator

Hi Nikita,

from time to time you mention that a companion app will be build where for example we can trade, move stash etc.

Some months ago I tried to reach out directly and via e-mail (which I sent August 30, 2018), but I haven't got any answer yet, so I'm trying my luck here.

I wanted to ask you, if it is possible to help you creating that mobile companion app. My daily life is developing such apps, running in the Web, on iOS and on Android, so all major platforms are covered. I'm also aware of the backend side, I call myself the typical full-stack-developer. Alongside with the mail, I wrote, that I've written several articles, small books about the technologies I'm using in my daily life. Additionally, I've given more than 50 talks and workshop on that topic. Within the mail I sent you there are also links to all that stuff I've mentioned.

Since I love the game, I want to contribute something back to it and with the mobile companion app that would be something I'm capable to do. It would be nice, if you have some interest in this topic, so we can have chat.


yes, its possible. but not right now. let us reopen this question later - i noted this