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Strength crowbar abuse, Fire skill resistance abuse, Vitality and health abuse, G18 50 round abuse recoil control abuse, grenade throwing abuse.

Why dont you just make everyone's skills equal for this time period when you know there are people maxed out sitting in raids for 2-3 hours straight abusing them. This has a direct affect on PVP.

2 players, same gun, same ammo, same armor, same reaction time, shoot same body part and one wins because hes abused the skill strength.

REALLY. why cant just find a middle ground for all skills and lock it at that for EVERY PLAYER. I dont get how people call on you for loot changes, ammo pen and dmg changes and scav changes and you give it to them in a blink of an eye but when it comes to skill abuse and good solutions to make the game fairer its a strong no. Like how does every player having the same skill not make the game for a medium length period not make the game a fairer game. Games been out for 40 days so anyone whose currently max anything has abused and will instantly be against this move.

External link →
almost 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link
