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over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by pxld1

When I first saw EOD, I said, "No way in hell... That's a ridiculous amount of money to spend on a game. And especially on an unreleased game at that!" So I bought standard during one of the 25%-30% discounts.

Fast forward a few months and EFT is starting to get its hooks into me. I can tell it's got something special going on.

Fast forward 6-9 months from that and I started following EFT's development more closely. I watched the past a current video podcasts, directly heard Nikita and his team's passion for the game... And that's when I knew for sure that the folks at BSG are not only making one heckuva game, but they are closely involved with its surrounding communities.

Can you name any other dev team that literally reads and responds directly to its players on its forums and subreddits on a regular basis? Any other dev team that actually gives its fans a shot at directly contributing to the game (USEC voicelines, etc)? Any other dev that spends HOURS at a time (well in the night Moscow time) talking directly with its fans on a live, recorded, and unscripted video feed? They may be out there, but no one else comes to my mind.

Also, by this point EFT's gear loss mechanics, instance based play, and hidden information (no killfeed, no player list, etc) have caused so many other FPS games I own to feel bland and watered-down. The other games now feel like risk-free rinse-and-repeat endeavors. "Oh, I died? Who cares, I'll just wait my 10 secs and spawn back in!" "Where's the action going down at? Oh, I'll just pull up my minimap and be on my merry way..." Nope, not with EFT! It's a whole new breed of animal!

And did I mention EFT's exquisite attention to detail? Don't even get me started :) One trip through its ArtStation related pages is all it takes to see the simply herculean efforts they put into their assets. And the SOUNDS, my gawd the SOUNDS! Think they're good now? Just wait until they're being handled by Steam Audio!

Taken together, I found myself wanting to support the devs further simply because I felt that $35 was an absolute steal. So the next sale, I took the plunge and made the EOD upgrade.

Thank you to you and your team u/trainfender!

thank you!