about 6 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by fuckcheaters1

your "wave bans" do nothing. literally nothing to stop people from cheating. they just buy the game for cheap some where else on a grey market, use scav names to avoid being reported,etc. its the same thing every single wipe, the hackers come in full force later after a "major" update. its aimbot central right now all over again. Devs you need to hire professionals that know about anti cheat or buy/license one from someone else cuz waiting long periods of time to ban them hurts the people playing now.

why the f**k does cheating posts never get any damn responses from devs huh? you expect us to enjoy playing this when cheaters get insane after a couple weeks into a update? everyone with half a brain knows banning in waves DOES NOT SOLVE ANYTHING. a good license anti cheat with some customizing on top is the best solution. if you play for 5 minutes you would easily catch cheaters using blatant aimbot or wall hacks/esp. its outragous. This will only get sooo much worse if the game ever becomes full release.

if you think that we do nothing on that and we only do non-frequent banwaves - you are terribly wrong. As I said many times, we constantly improve anticheat and we ban cheaters every day. Also they are improving their cheats to avoid future bans constantly too, they make false statements, they even try to explain motives why they are cheating.

Releasing your hate on us here will not work, cause we understand everything and highly prioritize work related to anticheat. Blaming us, that we better do this or do that also will not work - you don't know how the things work here, we will not give any info about anticheat work, we will not announce updates of AC as well as banwaves. All I can say - we banned a lot of cheaters starting this year, and we will ban more and we will fight with them cause they are ruining your experience. Also as I said - we are confident in our plans related to anticheat modification.

Also, "devs will respond" on the most posts if they will be at least without f*ck words. Thank you.

about 6 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by Incrediblebulk92

I wouldn't take it too personally dude, the cheating is much better than it was 2 months ago (in my experience at least). The problem is that you have a lot more to lose in EFT when you run into a cheater, if you see somebody cheating in Battlefield or CS:GO you change server and report him, waste of 3 minutes. When you start losing good gear and that quest item you've been looking for for an age it's really frustrating and feels a lot more personal.

I think if most of the people who post these threads stood back for 5 minutes and took a breathe of fresh air they'd probably realise that you're working on it and these things take time. Thanks for not ignoring the problem dude, it's easy to mistake BSGs silence for not giving a f**k.

thanks. we are not ignoring it and never were

about 6 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by godexits

It may not seem it but the majority of us are on your side. Gib hugs to Nikita!

you guys too good

about 6 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by iisnotninja

how to respond to your audience. good shit nikita. proud to play your game on eod and have 3 others friends buy it.


about 6 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by Catastrophe85

So, I'm one of the people who complained in this thread and didn't use foul language or attack you. I would like to know if there are plans to have some sort of report function? Possibly requiring video proof? I've played shooters for 20+ years and can pretty easily tell when I die to skill/luck compared to dying to what is clearly cheating. I have lost 15m worth of kits now in the past 4 days to EXTREMELY suspicious white name accounts. Turning blind corners and instantly HSing me regardless of how i'm crouched or leaned. People running to me from all the way across that map it seems, and then shooting at me through a wall. This past week has been ridiculous on US servers. You'll have to forgive some of us for getting upset, but when it continues to happen with nothing on our end to be done about it, it's pretty defeating.

the report feature is being discussed. cause we need it more for bug abuse control. so im not saying no to it

about 6 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by penguiin_


what do you think about hardware bans? from what i understand, these losers who are hacking just buy a new account and they are good to go.

we do hardware bans but for real blatant ones. its possible that it will be changed soon