over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by silentdeath631

Hello fellow survivors!

I'm back with another project of mine that I've decided to start this morning.

I have started to put together an easy to read spreadsheet of all known bugs that players have experienced. My goal in this is to have one place where people can look to see if a specific issue they are having has already been mentioned.

The reason I've said it's slightly redundant is mainly because all I'm doing is compiling the issues in one place and those issues are already posted here in the sub. However, my hope is when a major patch comes out I will be able to track current issues posted in patch mega threads so perhaps u/trainfender and other players have one place they can double check for accuracy and proof that such bugs are occurring.

However, I do not expect Nikita to even see this post, but I felt like doing something for the community and if it helps anyone then I am glad. In a day or so I will be making a submission form to submit bugs only to the spreadsheet. With that said, when that link becomes available please do not treat this Bug Tracker as the official bug reporter. There's a larger chance BSG will never see this document and to improve the game you're better off always submitting the bug through the launcher before sending it to my spreadsheet.

Again I hope this helps at least a couple of people. If there are some changes you would like to see make sure to let me know in the post. Also, if you have any bugs that you've already posted here on Reddit and want added to the spreadsheet post the link to your Reddit post in the comments and I'll do my best to get it added.

I expect in time this will be hard to manage so if anyone wants to help manage the spreadsheet I'd be glad to take on 1 or 2 helpers. When patch notes are eventually posted by Nikita and if any of the bugs reported are in the Spreadsheet I will mark them accordingly so people can know what has and hasn't been fixed.


Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fbbPcEilX2IrwH0Y0BpMTKuiXRCBLjSXk-13XSUT6oA/edit?usp=sharing

wow, pretty good)