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From a testing perspective, having to spend a fair few hours to get to the new testable items is quite... How you would you say... Tedious It would be nice of stuff like trader rep, completed quests, weapon masterings and so on weren't wiped till release. Or at least a yearly or 2/3rds of a year basis. Its very differcult to enjoy doing the same thing over and over again every time something new is added.

I believe either devildoggamer or operator drewski brought this up recently. This game is great, the combat is like nothing else, but the wipes, and the quests... Something to make the game more dimensional please??? I know there's a story coming as well as a planned 64 player open world mode but the game, in my opinion, needs something else now. A lot of the skills feel shallow and I'm yet to understand how most of these skills effect the game to a great deal. Its nice to have them but a lot of the stuff right now feels like alpha content. A beta should imply that the all content is ready and it's just bug fixes and optimisations. Now we don't know if all content is ready but we've not been shown it so it's hard to believe it is. This game should be moved back to alpha as the beta tag doesn't feel right, it just feels like a tag to attach to the game to make you feel like its going somewhere. If it were a beta we'd be bug testing and balancing and so on. Not waiting for the hideout to finally be released.

None the less. Please can we have no more full wipes and some deeper gameplay mechanics that feel like they're there.

Thank you for reading and feel free to downvote :( or upvote :)

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over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

sometimes we need to wipe everything. for example - the Hideout will require to wipe everything cause we need to test the progression in general when the hideout are also in. sometimes quests are need to be wiped too due to critical bugs or new mechanics. we will try to ease next wipe.