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There are so many trades that frankly need an overhaul. I've went through all the trades I currently have unlocked (level 26) and saw that there are many barters that people just won't trade for, while other barters are traded in large quantities (the AKM for Tushonka is a new one that people seem to love).

I propose that those useless barters could be slightly adjusted so it will incentivize people trade for them more. I think it will help low-level players and new-players have a much easier experience when they first start. I don't think changing any of these barters will break the economy but instead will find use for the least used items and will push people to raid more.


  • Cobra for 4 Bolts at level 2 Jaeger; Bolts are needed for the Hideout and they cost like 10k. A cobra on it's own costs 9k from Prapor. Not to mention you need to unlock Jaeger and you're more likely to unlock Prapor level 2 before you EVEN unlock Jaeger. It should be changed to 1 bolt at most and put to level 1.

  • SKS-OP dovetail for 7 matches. This should be reduced to 2 match cases at most. It's a ridicilous trade IMO.


  • APS for 4 packs of screws. Granted, screws and nails drop rate was increased last night by Nikita, they still cost 60-70k a piece... It could be changed to 1 bolt and 1 nut.

  • AK-74N for 2 Toolsets. No one buys this as toolsets are needed by the Hideout and cost 60-80k easily. Compare this to the 3xTushonka for AKM and you can see that people buy the AKM's like hot bread, even though it's limited to 1 per reset. This should be changed to 3x Army crackers and be limited to 2 per reset. This will allow low-level players a good barter so they are not left without a weapon to go into raid.

  • Mosin for car bettery. Car batteries are super expensive and are about 180k a piece now. This barter could be changed to 2xAA battery and 2xD batteries

  • SV-98 for Mosin and NaCl. NaCL costs now 80k on average. Change this to a Mosin + 2x Apollon cigarettes. Apollon are not used for anything in the game currently and are everywhere to be found. Also I like to think that Prapor likes to smoke Apollon cigarettes as opposed to the Western alternatives lol.

  • PP91 Std 30 round mag for Nails. Change this to 1 x Nippers or some other of the new tools we have.


  • Pistol case for 2x Opthalmoscope. Ridicilous IMO and no one buys it. Not sure what this can be changed to and frankly I think it's the least useful container in the game.

  • Meds case for 5x Bloodset and 1x LEDX. LEDX alone costs 600-700k on average and this alone makes the trade absurd. You also need LEDX for your Hideout too. This trade could be changed to 5x Bloodset, 5x Disposable syringe, 2x Vaseline, 2x Golden Star Balm. This would make those items much more valuable to find in raid and raise their prices slighlty on the market.

  • Grizzly for 6x Crickent and 3x Toothpaste. It's not a bad trade if Toothpaste wasn't so difficult to find. Change this to 6x Crickent, 1x Toothpaste, 2x TP, 1x Soap and this makes it worthwhile IMO.

Skier & Peacekeeper's barters are actually quite fair.


  • 260mm AR-15 barrel for 8x Malboro. This could be halved to 4x Malboro or changed for 2x Malboro 2x Apollon.

  • M4A1 Upper for 1x Nails. Nails are expensive, change this to 1x Wrench 1x Nut

  • TT Brunner for 5x Wires 3 Capacitors. Change this to 1x Wire 1x Capacitor and we have a much better and usable barter. Wires are expensive now so it could even be changed to 3x Capacitors.

  • M700 AAC SD for 1x VPX and 1x RFIDR. Those items are needed for quests and are quite rare and expensive. Not sure what it can be changed to but it's a largely a useless trade and no one is going to buy it.

  • Some of the Glock trades could be adjusted so people would buy them more. Glock17 VIPER for 1x Graphics card. Glock17 Hex for 5x HDD is also too much. You can sell those items on the Flea Market and make more money and buy yourself the same glocks and have money left for ammo.


  • UNTAR helmet for 5x AFGlass. Too much of a hastle for what you get. Change it to 2x AFGlass as they would take 2x2 and the helmet takes 2x2. It will incentivize low level people to keep those items and trade them more often, you can even see that no one is trading it, but they do trade the 6B47 for 2x Bleaches much more often.

  • Kirasa for 3x Coffee, 3x Tarcola, 3x NRG drink. Kirasa is actually an average level 3 armor and you can already buy other level 3 and level 4 armors for 47-50k from level 2 Ragman. Change the barter to 1x Tarcola 1x Coffee 1x Milk and limit it to 1 trade per reset, now we have a much better deal.

  • PACA for 5x Scav masks. This trade needs to be reduced to 3x Scav masks and limited to 2 or 3 times per reset. PACA will help so many players early game as it will protect them for longer from scavs, not so much from other players. Giving low-level players and people that are struggling an easier way to obtain a cheap armor will let them have a more enjoyable experience when they first start.

  • 6B5-15 for 4x Soap, 3x TP. This could probably be reduced to 2x Soap and increased to 4x TP as we have means to make TP in the Hideout now. Limit to 1x per reset is quite good.

  • MF-UN for 3x MF-UN. The idea originally was quite good, but in reality it's an awful trade. Not many people survive with their UNTAR armors for so long as to trade them, let alone survive and keep 3 of them. They take so much space that it's just not worth it for that reason alone. Reduce this to 1x MF-UN and 2x NRG drinks and limit to 1 per reset and I think we have a much better deal and will incentivize people in trading it.

  • Tactec is not worth the golden TT. Golden TT is rare to find, requires a lot of effort to obtain on your own and is now required to be found in raid as a quest for Jaeger. You can also buy armor that is of similar quality to the Tactec and it will cost you less (TT Gold is around 70-100k on the market right now). Not sure how it can be changed but maybe 1x HDDs, 1x PSU, 1xCPU Fan, 1x Powercable will make it worth it, also keep limit to 1 per reset (as it is currently). Ragman is already running the Flea Market, so he will require a lot of computer power, he might also be running bitcoin farms on his own, so it would make sense for him to require computer parts as well.

edit: changed some wording in the introduction.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

thanks for suggestions. made corrections