about 5 years ago - TheWay - Direct link


Hello sir,

the problem with unfair players is being addressed, we are haveing an AC system the we are keeping updated and we are banning cheaters daily, we are not doing it in waves.

First, we are gathering evidence for such player and when we got enough evidence, we are giving such person a ban.

We also created a special thread for you, where you can submit videos of suspected cheaters, you can find it in the link below:

We are checking every reported video, so if you have any videos of such players, then please submit them there.

We are also planning to add a report funcction in the game, so you will be able to report suspected cheaters there too.

Cheating never was and never will be allowed, every cheater will be punished.

Thank you for your support!

Since the topic was answered, I am locking it.
