Socially minded Capsuleers,
A spread of striking new EVE-themed items has been added to the Points Shop.
That means you can customise your Steam profile with new backgrounds, avatars, animated frames featuring Empire logos, and more – each inspired by the world of New Eden.

Released to coincide with the debut of the
new Uprising expansion[], the new Points Shop items let you show off your devotion to EVE to all Steam users. Equally, they allow fellow EVE players over on Steam to know where your loyalties lie, and who you are fighting for.
How does the Steam Points Shop work? Every time you shop over on Steam [you earn points that you can trade in for cosmetic items that you use to personalise your [
url=]Steam Profile[/url], or even award others. You can also earn points by contributing to the Steam community in various ways.

The new EVE items added to the points shop consist of animated Empire logo frames, animated avatars, profile backgrounds, and mini profile backgrounds. You can check out some examples below, or
head over to Steam now to see the full range.