almost 6 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

6s [Music]
13s hello my name is kismet ear you're here
17s because you want to hear about role
19s specialization whenever you guys have
21s started Eve everyone just kind of
23s wanders around and inside the the
25s different ships they're told you need to
27s get this ship you need to fly this ship
28s you need to fly that ship it gets a
30s little intimidating the goal of my topic
33s is to go ahead and find roles that are
35s suited for your likes you have a
38s starting ship where you can go ahead and
41s basically learn if you're gonna like
44s that particular specialization but
46s that's the general topic so Who am I
49s I am a terrible pilot this is my worst
52s day I've lost devote er to sabers and
55s IIST act like I didn't know thirteen
58s days a jump fatigue it was not a fun day
60s because we lost it was not fun but it
63s happens but the key is that I learned
66s from my failures I might be a terrible
68s pilot but I'm gonna keep trying
69s persistence turns into a lot so Who am I
74s I'm in backcountry you might know Baltic
77s he's gonna be speaking later we're in
78s pandemic Legion I can use every module I
82s can fly every ship it's taking me a long
84s time I think I know everything I don't
87s but I like to talk like I do
90s I run a review pack called kiss over
93s it's mostly for newbies it's a single
96s pack that you can run everything through
98s it's in my bio I was a logistics
100s director with with goons for six years I
103s phone out a lot of fc's you might
106s recognize a few of these some of them
108s were the best the best few f C's in the
110s game some have stopped and played are
112s now playing like Elder Scrolls online
113s instead but you know we're hoping
116s someday they all come back and play I
117s tend to dress like characters from The
119s Big Lebowski to Vegas last night I was
121s the dude tonight I am the Jesus and I
125s don't know if I pull it off well but you
126s know I'm gonna keep on trying I don't
129s know if there's much more to say but the
133s key here is I you
134s these kill males of my losses to show a
137s story I remember what happens the reason
140s why kill males are important pilots is
142s you remember that I was there I did I
145s messed up here but I killed this other
147s guy you remember the stories about that
149s even years later I still have kill males
152s that I used like wow I remember then
153s that happen it was a big deal I want to
155s thank the people who helped me with this
157s costume and also in backcountry he gave
159s me some really good help with that and I
162s have a typo already all of my FCS for
165s making me a better pilot and not getting
168s too mad when I mess up I want to say CCP
171s for wasting 13 years of my life and all
173s the other people who helped put up with
176s my stupid nonsense so your FC says who
180s can switch everyone is fine the wrong
183s ships he doesn't have anything he needs
186s the the FC basically needs pilots to go
190s ahead and show up for his fleets if he
191s doesn't have anyone show up he can't go
193s anywhere so he needs all these roles
195s filled and those roles are DPS logy
198s tackle support if he doesn't have these
201s roles he can't do his job and then your
203s Alliance doesn't get what they want your
205s PvP group when I say PvP group I could
207s be a Corp it could be an alliance it
209s could be an entire coalition but you
212s want to go ahead and pick two roles to
215s specialize in the reason why is that you
218s never know when you're going to need
219s that particular role in your PvP group
221s and this can be for a small gang this
223s can be for a large gang large gang or
225s large groups they tend to use a little
227s more so you need to specialize because
229s it takes so much less time to train it I
232s mean you're talking about years of
234s training difference unless you're gonna
236s inject and you're crazy but I do not
238s recommend that it's like crack but the
240s thing is by specializing and doing one
243s job well you're gonna do it a lot better
245s than just someone who randomly picks it
248s up and just occasionally goes ahead and
250s does you know something and you can be
252s counted to show up so basically they're
254s like we need these bursts we need the we
257s need a decent dictor pilot and they're
258s all like let's go find that guy and and
262s basically every single group in the game
263s so even if your current group doesn't
265s need it other groups will
268s there is a continuous effort for you to
271s go ahead and develop these skills so you
273s can go ahead and be helpful or someone
275s else the reason we play this game is for
277s PvP if you want to go play you know pick
279s rocks and wow you told he can so so what
283s can what does everyone need to be able
284s to do they basically everyone needs to
287s be able to do light tackle this is where
289s everyone starts out you need to fly some
291s sort of light tackle only so you can go
294s ahead and make sure you guys catch the
296s things so you can kill them if you don't
297s have tackle we've all been there I sleep
300s everyone in the entire game should try f
302s seeing once you'll know pretty quickly
305s if you feel you're suited for it you'll
307s know when you're terrible at it like me
309s but you'll keep trying and you'll get
311s better but the thing is is that everyone
314s should at least try to take a small
316s group out it's really simple you just
318s say come let's go do this everyone needs
321s to know at least what PvP PvE and
323s industry player versus environment they
325s need to understand a little bit about it
328s you need some way to make money you can
330s just Plex your account and then once you
332s have those ideas done you have the other
335s things that everyone always trains DPS
339s it's just such a slog to go through
342s because the meta changes so quickly that
344s you know you're flying retributive on
347s illegit into retribution and then now
348s it's on the fair axes and now rax is out
350s and you know omen Navy issues are in and
353s they're just this constant churn of
354s trying to catch up the weapon systems
356s bombers are important only if your group
359s does bombing because you need a critical
361s mass if you don't reach those critical
363s mass you can't do nearly as much damage
365s bombers are also very helpful for a lot
367s of other things logistics the space
371s priests I'm sorry that you without that
373s that's what makes a PvP group effective
376s if you do not have effective logistics
379s the ability to go ahead and rep people
380s you need to get at least forward and
383s it's something you should try there's
385s smaller lower ways to go ahead and try
387s that it takes like I'll get to that
388s anyway you need capitals only to move
391s your stuff around it's it's a fact of
392s life now and the entire escalation thing
395s is crazy but it is what it is so this is
400s the role list on
402s to be going through a slide on each of
403s these so you don't have to memorize
405s numbers like that but you get the kind
406s of idea these are the different roles
409s you could specialize in that could be
411s helpful for your group so what is a PvP
414s group usually start out with a you know
416s some leadership guy and his friends you
419s know they go ahead and find someone who
421s can actually be an FC all he's able to
424s do is to motivate people login join my
426s group we're gonna go kill a bunch of
427s stuff and then your guys are going to
428s find nothing and then do it the next day
430s and the next day and the next day it
432s happens the whole time you you have your
434s PvE group the guys who make money you
436s have your support people that are helped
438s everything else under the fleet
440s commander you have your general make up
443s up a fleet when I say a fleet this is
445s where it starts crossing the boundary of
447s like 20 ships you can do a small group
449s with just this stuff you can do mostly
452s it's mostly in those cases a lot of time
453s it's just almost all DPS and then one
456s tackle and then one logy or but the
459s thing is is that as you start to develop
461s as you get bigger as you get more
463s powerful you start to add on parts that
466s go ahead and help you you have your
468s builders and these are the people that
469s go ahead and build everything for your
471s group you have your doctrine players
472s that people who say this is the current
474s meta we should do this then you have the
476s different types of Scouts they basically
479s can go out and find enemy activity they
482s can go ahead and you have probing Scouts
484s which basically can find get you warp
486s and zero on people or the combat Scouts
489s you have the probing Scouts to use
490s wormholes wormholes are extremely
492s powerful to do force projection across
494s the entire map it takes a while to go
496s ahead and do it but it's totally worth
498s it you then have the different parts of
500s the fleet's interdictor x' or tackle
504s light tackle you have heavy tackle
506s that's Hitler's you have command bursts
508s which everyone needs now and then you
512s have capitals capitals don't get in a
515s capital fight you can escalate you're
516s out of or just be where that you're just
519s going to lose everything
520s and it's fine we're here to fight I'm
522s just saying so basically these can be
525s grouped into three different sections in
526s your PvP group you have your planning
528s section this is where your alliance
530s leader sets your FC your doctor playing
532s your your Scouts the people that are
534s kind of organizing
535s the kind that people that are going to
537s go ahead and make this a fun in time for
538s you guys you have that work then work
541s you have the the thing that everyone
543s needs to be able to do a little bit not
546s all of these you should at least try
547s them you don't have to specialize them
549s you don't have to be a logic I if you
551s don't like it you might not show up on
552s kill males like I said kill mulch tell
554s stories but you can usually show up on
555s one so you Lisa show up on the battle
557s report and the battle report is usually
558s enough and then you have the
561s specialization these guys are so focused
563s on this one thing they do it so well if
566s you like doing it you can you can play
569s anytime of the day it's great so we'll
572s start with the first one player versus
573s environment this is a kill male that I
576s had not too long ago you can see this is
579s the worst ship or worse fitting as you
583s can see it is a shield fit upon effects
585s with a whole bunch of DDA's I afk Don a
589s gate and then Lex arson from adversity
591s came and killed me it was a kind of
593s embarrassing cuz I was like how did I
594s get my pod and then I looked around and
596s I didn't realize it for another day that
598s I lost this ship so who can go ahead and
601s do PvE everyone it's the it's the first
604s thing we start out in its the way we're
606s taught this is how it is the people are
610s good at it the people that are able to
612s go ahead and do that mindless repetitive
613s tasks targeting things like that the
616s things you can start in exploration is
619s what I've been is suggesting to people
621s to start out in because doing
623s exploration makes you better at the game
625s it makes you more engaged you understand
628s our wormhole works you get to learn to
630s dodge gate camp stuff like that
631s eventually though you go to be and I are
633s adding and that's the current meta and
635s then you also have missions in highsec
637s but you're gonna try all these anyway
639s later on you'll get into crazy you know
643s amounts of mindless thing and then you
647s have light tackle light tackle is the
649s other place people start out in this was
651s a fight we had in delve being run by
654s kono and then we lost all basically all
657s of our tackle we lost some cruisers we
659s lost some frigates we lost the Force
661s Recon it was not a good day this is
663s against IT Alliance
665s and anyway but the thing is is that if
667s you fly tackle you tend to die
669s so everyone needs to be able to do it
672s only so you can say scramble right now
674s let's catch these guys
675s when I say light tackle this can be
677s frigates it can be assault frigates it
679s can be interceptors it can be two degree
681s dictor's the people that are good at
684s with it are the ones who are persistent
686s the ability to go ahead and reship
689s rejoin the fight get right back in there
691s is really really important where you can
694s start as frigates and it just takes
696s under a month to go ahead and get under
697s this thing I have a newbie meda Nova she
701s is trying to learn to do tackling she
704s has lost 30 ships so far and I
706s appreciate her persistence because she
708s still continued to jump into a Tron get
710s right back out there and keep on trying
713s later on you tend to do interest in
716s interceptors you go ahead and use the
720s salt frigates and if you want to know
721s the current meta you just look what mr.
722s riah's been losing recently he is one of
725s the better tacklers that I know you then
728s have the main group of almost
729s everybody's DPS the problem with the NBS
732s is that you're constantly doing this
734s escalation of you're trying to catch up
735s the current meta that at this point the
738s meta was materials we were all flying
739s material materials all very expensive we
742s had a big fight
743s I had a bubble go up on me just and I
745s was on the edge of the bubble almost
747s about to get out and then got zonked by
749s goons Lee so what are you gonna do I was
752s really depressed about this for a while
754s because I was like oh man I was so close
756s to getting out but you know that's Eve
759s so who does us everyone you got to get
762s them to kills the kill once again the
764s kill Mel's relate the story and if you
766s don't have enough DPS you can't break
768s people's tanks this is generally the
771s catch-all where everyone is that he has
773s all the support rolls your your FC here
775s here has all the support roles you then
778s go ahead and say everybody else jump in
779s DPS the starting ships these vary this
783s is the problem with doing DPS it takes
785s about three months to get into the first
787s one takes like a month to get in the
789s second one once you start talking t-to
790s guns it sometimes takes like a month and
792s a half it adds up just exponentially and
795s it's a pain in the butt and and eBay
799s you end up having to get every single
800s ship every single weapon system and then
803s all the max DPS kills it takes forever
805s so this is why I don't always recommend
808s people go for a specialization first and
810s then go ahead and consider getting into
813s DPS ships if you have a small group
815s though you might need to go ahead and be
817s a little bit more flexible and aim on
819s those DPS ships first the omen Navy
822s issue is a great one do you have the PvP
825s so lowers this is my example of PvP
828s soloing I thought I could go ahead and
830s just swing by this guy blow him off the
833s field and it did not work well for me it
836s was kind of embarrassing and yeah so oh
840s well my poor Raptor the people that are
844s good at soloing are people with no
846s friends streamers antisocial people in a
849s very social game the people who are
851s actually good at it though have to be
853s great at Eve it is really hard when you
855s have the entire galaxy against you you
858s don't know how many people are in the
859s other side is gay you don't know how
860s many people are coming you know that
861s they know what you're in so they're
863s gonna bring the counter to that the
865s starting chips though frigates cruisers
868s faction cruisers are really powerful
872s they offer a lot of variability it takes
875s a couple months to get decent at it
877s later on you can go ahead and fly
879s anything a shout out to Big Mike er for
882s his ability to go ahead and just show up
884s with kind of random ships and get a
885s bunch of kills and probably die in the
887s process but it's a video game we play
889s this to go ahead and have fun
891s this is something you could like doing
893s getting your first kill is really really
896s hard just warning you but don't lose
900s hope we have the main role of all of
904s these PvP groups you need an FC the
907s problem is is that it's not always easy
909s to tell who's going to be good at it and
910s who's not this was me being very bad at
913s it we're on the left there we basically
916s we're gonna kill a couple bubbles we
918s were gonna go ahead and kill me Mon some
920s guys and instead they brought two galas
922s and just completely destroyed us so we
925s got you know our dictor's and we lost
927s and tackle and then everything else got
928s out so but it was it was a little bear
931s scene so this is my
933s I've seen I am NOT a good FC but I'm
935s good at back city and and yelling at
937s other FC or are good and they're good at
939s not killing me
940s so sometimes everyone should try it I'm
944s not a kidding if you are I've started
946s playing the game there is nothing better
947s than a newbie lead when they're
949s basically are jumping through gates and
951s like there's Reds on the other side of
952s the gate and you jump in you realize
953s that they're talking about the rats
954s these things happen every shouldn't try
957s it the people that are good with it are
959s good at multitasking they're good with
961s organization they're good with spatial
962s so the idea of spatial is that you can
964s go ahead and know the battlefield you
966s keep your eye on multiple things a lot
969s of people get tunnel vision I definitely
971s tunnel vision the hell out of everything
972s and they have to be somewhat good with
974s people but there are exceptions you then
978s have your starting ships to do F seen is
981s tackle you're gonna die as the F see if
983s you're if you're you're flying tackle
985s but you're gonna make sure you get the
987s you get you get the thing pointed the
989s thing dies you're more likely to have
991s people come back out if you're willing
992s to die for the fleet later on command
995s ships the monitor is super easy to get
998s into the force recons are really popular
1000s with like people like elo so you then
1004s have the recon scout the Recon Scout is
1006s the guy that you go ahead and have just
1008s sit out in people systems and figure out
1010s what they're doing this was me and I
1012s Falcon we were I was sitting inside of a
1015s boss I was gonna go ahead and just nudge
1017s my way outside the shield and see what
1019s percentage of the shields were at and
1021s yeah they caught me it wasn't fun anyway
1025s so who can do this anyone with its eyes
1028s set of eyes and a mic you need a cloak
1030s usually but you can even that's even
1032s negotiable the people that are good with
1034s though are people that are very good
1036s with patience watching and reporting you
1040s know they have this many people formed
1041s they have this many people form they
1042s have this many dreads accurate
1044s communications are really important to
1046s to start out you just need interceptor
1048s it's really simple and good recons are
1052s hard to find because and it's people
1053s that can play a lot later on you can key
1056s three cruisers you get into recons Cove
1059s ops but t3s are usually where everyone's
1062s ends up going the combat Scout
1065s is where I went ahead and probed down a
1068s Titan I thought I was all smart and I
1071s worked at the wrong range he basically
1074s he cloaked me and then shot me and
1077s killed me
1077s so yeah shoutouts a super Twinkie combat
1083s Scout is basically good at doing warp to
1086s zero on people the people that are good
1089s at it though are able to go ahead and
1091s make sure they can keep track of
1093s multiple things going on so you know
1094s when she fleets are warping off when
1096s they're working back in finding the
1098s right ranges is really important to the
1102s starting ships you can do an interceptor
1104s with expanded probe on turret does not
1106s fit easily it is a very tough fit it is
1108s better to go with a Cove ops that the
1111s cove OPS's aren't that expensive realize
1115s that you can use these skills for other
1116s things like exploration exploration is
1119s very is easy way to go ahead and learn
1121s more of the game you then have the
1124s probing Scout which is what the you do
1127s for exploration this loss was I double
1129s realize they modules aren't here on here
1131s because this is before they were
1132s recording what modules you head on but
1135s this is when I double clicked the cloak
1138s and tried to burn back the gate it did
1141s not go well and yeah elitist ops man
1144s they were really good in there on vfk
1146s around this time so anybody that's good
1150s to they can do this if you live in a
1152s wormhole group this is like your bread
1154s and butter everyone needs to know how to
1155s do this if you're in a wormhole group if
1157s you're a large PvP or PvE group you
1160s might want to find a hole to esotery
1162s kobold edge you might want to find that
1164s way out in the middle of nowhere
1165s Declan delve the people that are good at
1168s it are the people with patience
1170s persistence and no life beyond finding
1173s out oh there's one more hole in Thera
1175s let me find out where it goes to
1178s starting ships probe frigates they're
1180s really simple again - there's not even I
1182s mean the time to get into them and doing
1184s it you need like level two if you once
1187s you have little - in the skills you can
1189s start probing right away it's not that
1190s hard it takes it's there's some
1192s mechanics to it there's a lot of
1193s tutorials out there later on you do a
1196s Cove ops you can do it a stero Estero is
1198s good because you
1199s defend yourself t3s are pretty good for
1201s it recons are used for it often you have
1205s command verse these used to be known as
1206s links this is damnation I lost against
1210s CBA it was one of my more expensive ship
1213s losses
1213s I got basically primary like right off
1216s the bat they just blew through all of
1218s our things and luckily it was just
1221s sensor links I think we managed to save
1223s the armor links so who can do commanders
1227s these are people with a ton of SB I do
1229s not recommend going down this route
1231s unless you're willing to go ahead and
1232s remap the charisma when you meet remap
1234s to charisma you've realized that you
1236s have made a horrible horrible mistake it
1238s takes a long time so you need three of
1242s these the beetle things that make you
1245s good at it though if you're always there
1247s you're willing to miss out on key males
1248s because sometimes the Rangers are wrong
1249s and you're good at getting your pod out
1251s only because you want to keep your
1252s command like your mind link active
1255s starting ships command destroyers the
1258s Pontifex is good the the Bifrost is good
1260s you can at least provide some links for
1262s small gangs in that way you want to pick
1264s one that makes sense work with other
1266s people you can do some of the battle
1267s cruisers but it takes eight months
1270s because you're looking at how much stuff
1272s you have to go ahead and train a lot of
1274s times you need to switch links as well
1276s and that can be very painful later on
1279s you can do the command command ships
1281s command ships take a long time the Train
1284s t3 cruisers can do it but not very good
1286s and then you need of course the
1288s mindlinks associated with them then we
1291s have everyone's space priest this is my
1294s last set of kill Mel's
1296s or glosses associated with different
1299s semies its simplest see semi guardian
1302s guardian guardian or tiaras and basileus
1306s so one of everything over a period of
1308s two years or something like that so I
1310s don't know you it helps to be able to
1313s fly all of them they're used for
1314s different things everyone should try it
1316s it's actually easier to try than you
1318s think but it's 15% of your fleet
1322s sometimes 10 sometimes 8 depends on how
1324s people sometimes 20 the people the
1327s things that make people good at it
1329s though dealing with chaos because logy
1332s can be
1332s chaotic being telepath the telepathic
1335s helps a lot because you know that this
1338s guy runs a to be A to Z you can go ahead
1341s and add them to your watchlist ahead of
1342s time the starting ships you can do an
1345s osprey Ospreys are super easy to get
1347s into to run it for a while it takes a
1350s little bit to fly like a scimitar or
1353s something like that that's six months
1354s and then it's another month for logy
1357s five and that's non-negotiable in the
1359s future if you if you say I want to go
1361s ahead and do the space priests you'll be
1363s welcome in almost every kind of fleet
1364s like bar almost none and you'll be bit
1368s little to go ahead and help constantly I
1370s recommend everyone train it try it see
1372s how they like it
1373s this is my preferred ship class you
1377s might see I've lost these a little bit
1378s more aggressively than the last group
1380s these are Sabres they're interdicting
1384s interdictor z-- seventy one of my last
1389s 226 losses have been or sorry 77 of 226
1393s losses have been Sabres for me so one
1395s third of all of my losses in all of Eve
1397s at been Sabres who can do that basically
1401s dictor's are good at separating fleets
1406s it's one of the few ships in the game
1407s where you can make a huge difference the
1410s fact that you can go ahead and use your
1411s own self-direction to figure out what
1413s you need to do next with your dictor can
1415s sometimes make FC is upset if you can
1418s totally get you killed and shot by your
1421s own FC but be able to get away is very
1424s important is more important that you
1426s were able to go ahead and survive for
1427s later in the fight than it is to get you
1429s know the second bubble or something like
1431s that
1431s if you already have bubble stacked on
1433s top of each other it's better for you to
1434s cloak up knowing the Micra warp drop
1436s trick with cloaking it's very important
1438s there's no substitute you can't there's
1441s no temporary you know kinda dick Turing
1443s you can do like anchored bubbles but
1446s that's not the same but I recommend the
1448s Sabre the Sabre they all have different
1450s abilities the Sabre is the best to
1454s survive it's also the fastest heretic is
1457s good if you're gonna be using armor reps
1459s because it can get really tanky the
1461s flycatcher is really good at DPS and I
1463s don't know who flies Eris's other than
1464s when they get super super cheap
1466s they were my favorite for a while
1468s because I would join him with blasters
1470s and just I don't know it's not the best
1472s fit you then have the other end of that
1475s coin which is heavy tackle this was me
1477s trying to mess with fraternity and I
1480s thought I could go ahead and get my
1481s bubble down in time it did not go well
1484s so we gonna do so who can do heavy
1489s tackle balls of steel you have to be
1492s willing to go ahead and put that bubble
1493s up realize you're gonna get fired on and
1495s no one can help you so you just got to
1497s survive people that are good at though
1499s are good at spatial awareness make sure
1501s the bubble is covering everything you
1502s need to making sure you're close enough
1505s to your logy so they can still rep you
1506s knowing when to broadcast skis if you
1508s broadcast early and you're logically try
1510s to rep you and yourself your bubble up
1511s they'll get really mad at you I've never
1513s done that yes anyway starting chips you
1517s can do in the assault frigate I tried
1519s this the other day with an assault
1520s frigate it did not go well and my FC got
1523s super mad at me
1525s but these things happen you can also do
1527s with battle cruisers and cruisers but
1529s really later on you're looking at heavy
1531s interdict errs you're looking at force
1533s recons things like the Lachesis the
1535s Hugin so like that you can even start
1537s mixing it with the cloaking ones for
1540s more diverse groups buescher's is the
1544s shorthand for command destroyers this is
1548s what my presentation is titled off of I
1550s just got into one and I immediately went
1553s on a fleet and I immediately boost our
1555s entire group off the gate when we were
1556s trying to go through it and so I like
1558s most of the fleet jumped away with me
1560s and then Thomas leaders probably married
1563s me and I died so it was it was a good
1566s time I regret nothing you die definitely
1570s learned how to use a command destroyer
1572s though I have never boosted anyone other
1574s than that ever yes anyway the people
1577s that everyone can do it you want to make
1580s sure that you have a good working
1581s knowledge of EVE there's a lot of things
1583s you can do in a Boucherie you can Boosh
1585s bubbles away you can take entire groups
1587s you can go ahead and Boosh tackle on two
1590s things you can there's a ton of things
1591s you can do with it the people that are
1593s good with it are things that you have a
1596s good rapport through RF see if you have
1598s a poor reporter like me you
1599s we're gonna go ahead and a bad time
1601s because you're gonna Boosh at the wrong
1602s time about having good spatial awareness
1604s and how far away 100 km is very
1607s important it's once again you got to go
1610s straight to the the only ship that does
1611s this which is the Bifrost Pontifex you
1614s can use some of the microbe jump drives
1617s on on some of the larger ships like the
1621s battleships and stuff like that it's not
1623s the same you want to take the entire
1624s group and then you want to do all of
1626s them you eventually start going you know
1628s links you know or sorry command bursts
1631s and but that's a long time you then have
1634s the doctrine planner this is the guy
1635s that goes ahead and it says we're gonna
1637s fly these because the met is really
1638s strong I had this great idea to go ahead
1641s and build a new mission for running chip
1643s the reason this kill metal is important
1645s is the value if you can see there 361
1649s mil for a this was a lot of money for me
1652s at the time I decided to go through
1654s ranter which is always a mistake just go
1657s around it it's fine I'm you're good
1658s you're gonna be fine so but the doctrine
1661s planner is someone who's good with EFT
1663s good with PI fuh I use PI for personally
1666s but the people that are good with it I
1668s have no idea what makes them good at it
1669s other than they're good at remembering
1671s they're good arguing their case you can
1673s only get in so many arguments with
1675s people before you realize you're just
1676s not that great at it but everyone likes
1678s EFT boring they like go and say but on
1680s paper this is great until you use it and
1683s then you realize it's terrible to start
1685s on it download Peiffer it's or you can
1688s use the in-game browser to get good at
1691s it it's gonna take about a year of
1692s playing Eve in general and then later on
1695s you're gonna try the new ships and see
1697s how you like them how they perform how
1700s they handle so building is is important
1704s to the game this was an example of me
1706s deciding to take trips across and I got
1709s caught by a lone bomber it was very sad
1713s and lost my 85 that had been with me for
1716s a long time
1717s the people that can go ahead and do this
1719s the people who are lazy who are good
1722s with their money but really just a ton
1726s and ton of monotony Spreadsheets jump
1729s freighter all the stuff that can put me
1732s to sleep
1733s anyway having a lot of resources helps a
1736s lot but to get started you just need to
1739s have some risk and you can go ahead and
1741s start small yeah basically you're your
1743s Alliance your PvP group most likely
1745s loses a certain amount of ships there's
1747s certain amount of ammo stuff like that
1748s you can start to build that to replace
1750s that you then start building Citadel's
1752s to help you with that later on you get
1755s you know to jump Raiders you start
1756s mining yourself that's the big
1758s differentiator or as soon as you start
1760s mining to build your own Empire that
1763s helps a lot you then have bombers when I
1766s say bombers I mean in general it's where
1770s you're buying entire fleets off the
1772s field in this case we were bombing
1774s darkness and we got cotton bubbles and
1778s we died so not that and the thing is
1782s that bombing isn't terribly you know
1784s it's that hard it basically you need
1788s seven or eight people to bomb in a group
1790s because that's the most amount Amager
1792s can do you want to have that full-out
1793s group the people that are good at it or
1796s I'll to go ahead and follow these
1797s instructions they're aligned land a line
1801s D cloak bomb warp out don't deviate if
1804s you do anything else you're not gonna
1806s you might not hit the right target you
1809s basically when you you're aligned to get
1810s warped in you're gonna land you're gonna
1812s you're aligned towards your we're gonna
1813s aim your bomb you'll launch it and then
1815s you warp out starting ships any bomber
1818s ask UFC you could ask Nova lentes he has
1820s very very strong opinions on this I've
1822s talked to him about it he's in bombers
1824s bar bombers bars a fun group that shows
1826s up the fights and just bombs the crap
1827s out of everybody and by the way if you
1830s tell them of the fight they usually
1831s won't bother you the Obama who you're
1832s fading later on you get coops five this
1836s is the big differentiator the difference
1838s between Cove ops was at three and five
1841s is something like you know another ten
1844s percent or something it just add it
1846s ramps up really crazy
1847s so it's like eight K on the other end of
1851s the spectrum you have blocks back black
1853s ops these are the guys that hang out in
1855s your systems trying to kill you in this
1858s case we were down in delft with a
1860s polarized bomber we were hanging out on
1862s gate they warped in a super carrier and
1865s they killed us
1866s and it you shouldn't die I got D coach
1869s because I ran into something it sucked
1871s and it's very embarrassing when this
1873s happens people or who do this assholes
1879s they come in your ship your you're
1881s renting or whatever and they're just
1883s kind of hang out there just because yeah
1884s I don't know but the thing is is that
1887s it's incredibly fun but the thing is
1890s that to be good at it you need our
1892s patience you need to know when to warp
1894s out it's more important you keep your
1895s ship alive and that they die
1899s starting ship you can get deuce in a
1900s bomber but later on you can go ahead and
1902s do us in a black ops battleship you can
1904s even do it with cruzi capitals you know
1906s very fast ones it's like that if you go
1909s to watch Baltics presentation later I
1912s think he might be covering some of this
1913s he is doing a lot of damage in Delft
1916s just you know wandering around you then
1920s have capitals this is where the entire
1922s game tends to push you towards
1924s eventually this was in a DW I was last
1929s person on the field thanks to the the
1933s incredible power of the the roeckl in
1937s invulnerability and this was a hell a
1940s lot of fun it was one of the best things
1942s I had done in the game and it was great
1946s basically everyone needs to get a capo
1949s only so you can move ships that are
1950s packed realize rigs aren't actually that
1952s that expensive they used to be really
1955s expensive even the t2 ones aren't that
1957s bad anymore so you could go ahead and
1959s get someone to ship it with a jump
1961s freighter service but it's not nearly as
1963s efficient as it is just dumping them all
1965s on your capital and just going so but
1967s the people that are good at it they're
1969s okay with moving turning a lot of
1971s there's a lot of insurance you can get
1973s returned on it pain center your ship is
1975s really important if you float off an
1977s Astra house you will never hear the end
1979s of it people make fun of you forever the
1983s starting chips pick a dirt carrier dread
1986s or apostle I recommend a possible if
1988s you're part of a large group because
1989s that's what everyone's getting to or the
1991s men Okawa or another one that is suited
1994s but just focus on that one and it's
1997s going to take 1.5 years of training time
1999s to get
2000s there and it sucks because it's a long
2002s long time later on you're gonna get the
2005s other two you might go in through a raw
2007s coal you might go into a super you might
2008s get a Titan you might get tight ends
2010s because if you start talking about the
2012s current meta you need Titans to go ahead
2015s and do edit or damage any heavy damage
2018s in heavy time
2019s you then have capital reps this is this
2023s is before the apostille took over you'll
2027s notice that I have been D deed I was on
2030s the undock of Saren in using tractor
2033s beams to salvage ships because I don't
2036s know I was bored and then yeah Patrick
2039s 99 Omega went ahead and did a drive-by
2042s he did one early and day he attempted
2044s one he failed and I laughed at him and
2045s then later on he got me what are you
2048s gonna do so everyone needs to be able to
2052s do this if you're part of a large group
2053s if you're a part of a small group you
2055s don't really need it but capital reps
2056s are not to be under judged they are so
2060s so valuable
2061s the people are good at though you need
2064s to have a lot of ESPE you need to have
2066s three billion s Ford it and then you
2068s need to you know have a reason why to
2069s use it
2070s starting chips any facts by your group
2073s talk to your groups they usually will
2075s regular recommendation which one to go
2077s with the carrier skill book it requires
2079s like 500 million s it's pretty expensive
2081s for what it is
2082s the vs. a dread which is 100 mil later
2085s on you're gonna get both a combat and an
2088s emergency fax combat faxes tend to have
2091s a rep and they can cycle emerging fact
2093s attack faxes are just pure buffer and
2096s they're just for Dedes because they got
2098s to get removed so why do you do this
2103s that's all of them by the way so the
2107s reason why you want to go ahead for this
2109s reason to do all the things that I just
2111s went through is about 5.5 years of your
2114s life to go ahead and say I wanna just do
2117s G everything so it's just it's tough but
2121s as soon as you go ahead and start
2123s stripping down to I'm just gonna do the
2124s things in the everyone should do the
2126s temporary the small list it's only one
2128s point through five years then when you
2130s go ahead and start adding a capital
2132s maybe it matches up to you know
2133s two point seven years but if you can go
2135s ahead and pick one generalization one
2139s specialization and focus you will become
2142s a better pilot it'll only take you six
2144s months to get where you need to be so
2146s you can be effective for your PvP group
2148s and it's gonna it's going to make you a
2150s better pilot too because you're going to
2151s be just that one thing you're gonna get
2153s better and better at it so we go back to
2155s our picture of the the organization you
2158s find someplace in this organization
2160s where you think you can make a
2161s difference you want to find there's a
2163s starting chip you can start out you can
2165s see you know do I like doing this
2167s because I recommend you try it for about
2169s a week if you're getting not getting a
2171s lot of combat maybe you do it for a
2172s month but the idea is you try something
2174s for a while see if you like doing it if
2176s you don't like doing it then then move
2178s on to something else there's a ton of
2179s other special specialties in here
2182s but that's the thing is that once you go
2184s ahead and find those those groups you
2187s can go ahead and say this sounds
2188s interesting this sounds interesting you
2190s can do it like doing the blob stuff is
2192s super easy to go ahead and do when
2194s you're not the when you're not deployed
2195s when you're not fighting you know or but
2198s I by the way I recommend everyone tried
2199s dickering because it's great but that's
2201s my personal preference it's a lot of fun
2204s anyway if you guys want to see a copy of
2207s this presentation it's a kiss w ck
2210s Ginette my i'm gonna be adding it to my
2213s bio later you can find my kiss over
2216s which is my overview in my bio and i
2218s have an in-game channel called kiss
2220s assist that i use that help newbies
2221s sometimes I'll be happy to answer
2223s questions later but that's my time I
2226s want to thank you for attending
2233s and I apologize if I am a huge knodel I
2236s apologize anyway