5 months
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
8s | [Music] |
16s | Heroes have |
18s | [Music] |
20s | risen Legends have been |
25s | forged their names echoing Through Time |
34s | their |
35s | Glory Ed into the |
39s | Stars doesn't appear to be come take out |
43s | still |
46s | hammering come on abon pull a hero on us |
49s | I'm looking for the hero hungry |
54s | loaded the arena |
56s | awaits this Crucible of Courage ready to |
60s | bear |
61s | witness who will be cast down and who |
65s | will join the immortal |
68s | Dynasty let the battle begin |
83s | [Music] |
93s | hello everyone and welcome to Alliance |
96s | tournament |
97s | 2020 holy hell it is the 20th time we |
100s | are doing this uh who is going to go |
102s | home the champions of the 20th Alliance |
104s | tournament joining the hallowed Halls of |
106s | Victors last year's defending champions |
108s | for T are going to be first up I am CCB |
111s | overload I am joined by a whole host of |
114s | amazing talent for this production we |
116s | are here in the CCP headquarters in |
117s | Iceland and honestly I am so excited I |
120s | think I want to go straight to the first |
121s | match it's going to be forar the |
123s | defending Champions going up against |
125s | till doomsday so let's just head over |
127s | straight to the arena and we'll talk |
128s | about that |
131s | afterwards till Doomsday's drone control |
134s | fear yeah till doomsday unfortunately |
137s | not going to have a great time against |
138s | that King killer rapid heavy setup with |
140s | all their ships being of course |
143s | mediumsized but they do have aarz which |
146s | does mean if they aren't able to clip |
148s | through uh these eos's V Navy issues and |
151s | similar ships then zarm will be able to |
154s | spool off and fret will need to change |
156s | targets but we see off the start a bunch |
158s | of drones from the till doomday side |
160s | starting to move over towards uh these |
163s | Armageddon Navy issues until doomsday is |
165s | actually boating in uh with their drone |
168s | setup yeah it looks like the onos will |
171s | be the primary which makes a lot of |
172s | sense to me you're going to want to get |
174s | rid of that before till doomsday loses |
175s | any critical mass it looks like |
177s | returnity will be going on to the EOS |
179s | trying to get any of of the links off of |
181s | the board and notably fraternity putting |
183s | a total of 30 points into to two |
185s | arbitrators that tracking and guidance |
186s | disruption isn't going to do much |
188s | against the Drone comp yeah it's an |
189s | unfortunate pick for them however King |
191s | Slayer should do well against |
192s | medium-sized ships even with the lower |
194s | Sig radius that is given by the armor |
197s | and of course Armageddon Navy issue with |
199s | Flagship guns is going to be doing a lot |
203s | of DPS all in its own but we see ombre |
205s | doio currently tanking up these rhml |
208s | pretty quickly I expect frat to start |
211s | changing targets pretty soon as Theos of |
213s | coer seems to have gotten out of the |
215s | danger from till to stay yeah we see an |
217s | entire cloud of heavy drones on top of |
219s | that onos and it looks like that might |
221s | be a 100 MN onos seems to be active |
223s | tanking however one of the issues in |
225s | bringing a drone setup like fraternity |
227s | did is that your Navy Armageddon of |
229s | course is not going to have rep bots so |
231s | that onos will most likely be a bit of a |
233s | local tank and now damage coming off of |
235s | the onos and switching on to another |
237s | Target on the side of fraternity yeah |
239s | meanwhile fraternity keeping on poking |
241s | and proding they've got some more damage |
242s | onto the EOS of Dy Noah but as we've |
245s | mentioned those zarm reps once they're |
247s | able to keep spooling can tank the Dual |
249s | rapid Heavies if they can uh zaras this |
252s | year only two more points than the other |
254s | Tech 2 Lodi ships notably the guardian |
256s | so if it's able to keep these reps up |
258s | it's good that said frat swapping onto |
260s | this hyena of KitKat 01 and he's going |
262s | to die pretty quickly yeah we see a lot |
264s | of light drones that on top of Kit Kat |
266s | Kit Kat doing the best to try to pull |
268s | range on that uh going three ,000 |
271s | overheating and he is actually pulling |
272s | away from some of these drones but he's |
274s | already down into low hole Yeah being in |
276s | structure hyena of course able to screen |
279s | and slow down targets for these drones |
281s | to catch back up to uh at the moment |
284s | though kit kat1 still staying alive for |
287s | the time being as fraternity their |
289s | Tormentor is the target from the Drone |
292s | comp at the time they just haven't been |
293s | able to kill the sosos got off SC free |
295s | and the Tormentor goes down for First |
297s | Blood yeah that Tormentor had been doing |
298s | a good job at holding down one of the |
300s | eos's and then we see tackle on what |
302s | looks like Dusty noo had dropped a |
304s | little bit there um really doing a good |
306s | job at holding one of those um EOS in |
308s | the backline but Tormentor uh not quite |
311s | as tanky as uh some of uh its other |
314s | Brethren that hyena now finally dropping |
316s | to drone damage yeah until doomsday |
318s | again those webs off the table for them |
321s | is not going to be very nice at all uh |
324s | fraternity getting rid of a lot of that |
325s | control we see the EOS of ombre once |
327s | again being the primary from fraternity |
328s | those dual rapid Heavies are not |
330s | clipping through the zarm rebs at the |
332s | moment and it's been a bit unfortunate |
334s | for them with these two arbitrators |
335s | basically being useless this comp |
337s | they're going to lose their Confessor |
338s | and that's one more tackle boat off the |
340s | table for Fraternity yeah interestingly |
343s | that does put till doomsday in the lead |
345s | and I have to imagine that uh it looks |
347s | like Frank the Tank is possibly going to |
349s | be a new primary we see Heavy NES going |
352s | on top of it trying to maybe shut off |
353s | some hardeners but these nevi Armageddon |
355s | they're going to have to eventually |
356s | break through the zarm or an isher or |
358s | something else because they're not going |
359s | to break EOS and right now they need |
362s | points to start to be able to secure a |
364s | lead or they're going to be in a world |
365s | of hurt yeah for DOT it's a bit |
367s | interesting seeing King slayer at this |
369s | stage in the tournament uh typically uh |
373s | we didn't see a whole lot of it in |
374s | feeders and fraternity obviously didn't |
375s | pan feeders being the winner from last |
377s | year uh their anos now being chunked out |
379s | once again uh coer Cen now into half |
384s | armor and it doesn't look like he's able |
386s | to self WP enough is he tackled right |
388s | now yes he is he's been held down by the |
390s | prophecy of flin uh good old French name |
393s | that I cannot pronounce however the |
395s | Magus on the side of alternative mov did |
397s | a good job at counters scramming the |
399s | prophecy off so the onus is doing uh |
401s | what he can to now be no longer under |
404s | that uh web slowing him down he's going |
406s | to be propping up trying to mitigate a |
408s | little bit more damage but there are no |
409s | rep drones on top of that onos it's all |
411s | local tank and there's just a mob of |
414s | Imperial Navy uh everything and Republic |
416s | Fleet warriors on top of him going down |
418s | into low hole if returned to loses their |
420s | onos here it may be a huge upset it |
423s | really looks like it to till N St taking |
425s | out that onos and once again these |
426s | arbitrators are absolutely useless the |
428s | Navy armagedon are completely tackled up |
430s | so are the Mages and the pawn effects at |
432s | the moment and these dual rapid Heavies |
434s | have not been able to chunk through |
437s | these oses uh they killed one frig the |
440s | entire time and now like they're onto an |
443s | isher trying to get some damage under |
444s | that maybe Frank the Tank of the Vex are |
446s | navy issue but they're losing their |
447s | links now the pawn effect is dead |
448s | they're moving on to this Mages and they |
450s | don't even need to kill the armag get |
451s | Navy issues because the armag Navy |
453s | issues are losing all of their support |
454s | the vexer is still alive but that's |
456s | going to be the last tackle down and the |
458s | Dual arbitrators once again doing |
460s | absolutely nothing at drones so |
462s | critically here now that the Magus does |
464s | die that is now starting the clock where |
466s | we have about a minute 30 seconds where |
468s | the links will remain um from the last |
470s | time that they were run on those Navy |
471s | gettins but once those drop uh that's |
474s | the end of the armor links that's the |
475s | end of any sort of skirmish link so |
477s | those uh Navy gons are going to be much |
480s | less tanky and if I'm till doomsday I'm |
481s | thinking about trying to commit to uh |
484s | really taking that out here uh you don't |
486s | just want to win you want to absolutely |
487s | Dominate and make a statement until |
489s | doomsday it looks like they've got the |
490s | match win they're getting remline rather |
492s | low let's see if they can also get the |
493s | flagship yeah this zarz an absolutely |
497s | brilliant pick against this fraternity |
499s | comp if they got the read on the king |
501s | Slayer obviously those zarm reps can |
503s | keep uh ships up through dual rapid |
505s | Heavies if it's able to spool for as |
507s | long lumahan doing an excellent job |
509s | being with his Target priority with |
511s | those reps the vexer is down now it's |
514s | just two arbitrators which do nothing in |
515s | this comp and the two Armageddon Navy |
518s | issues which I'd have to assume are dual |
520s | n fit I don't see any sort of smart |
522s | bombs going out from them at the moment |
523s | we see the Drone blob starting to move |
525s | over towards those gon navies in support |
527s | of these EOS and the zaras taking some |
529s | damage right now but the zaras is |
531s | incredibly tanky in that local tank and |
534s | that's not what you want to see if |
535s | you're dual rapid heavy armag getting |
537s | Navy issues remember the flagship is |
538s | being used here the flagship goes down |
540s | we're seeing frat loser Flagship in the |
543s | first match of the tournament yeah so |
545s | these are going to be a rapid heavy and |
548s | these new EOS so these EOS are on top of |
550s | an Navy get in each and these EOS are |
552s | getting rather low it looks like what's |
554s | going on is fraternity is using the fact |
556s | that they can have one of these get and |
558s | shoot each of the eos's and this will do |
561s | um something that the that L will not |
564s | like which is having to split reps and |
566s | zarm zzs are very very bad we can see |
568s | that U you know mut plasma a rep go on |
570s | top of Dy Noah which means that ombre |
572s | might drop but I mean fraternity they |
576s | still have a massive attack bar it's |
578s | just can they actually get that rapid |
580s | heavy damage concentrated and on top of |
582s | anything these arbitrators are breaking |
584s | uh man even if they do break these eos's |
587s | fraternity is going to be in a lot of |
588s | trouble they'll have a lot of points to |
590s | make up till doomsday going to be over |
592s | that 100 point mark remember this year |
594s | Point values are approximately double |
596s | what they are previously and we get up |
598s | to 200 points for a little bit more |
599s | granularity till doomsday currently |
601s | sitting at 95 points of fraternities 11 |
604s | they have yet to kill one of these EOS |
605s | once again just killed the hyena one of |
607s | the osis isn't even tackled anymore |
609s | Dusty gets completely out of Dodge and |
612s | now ombre should be able to focus the |
613s | Reps back uh on top of ombre in the Eos |
617s | we see L start to move that and once |
620s | again these SPO DRS from the EOS if |
621s | they're able to keep through the rapid |
622s | heavy Clips even with the flagship it's |
625s | just impossible for Fraternity to do |
627s | anything against this yeah absolutely I |
629s | mean till doomsday we had almost |
631s | everyone had thought that they would be |
633s | you know the team that would easily get |
635s | knocked out here and they're doing an |
636s | actual Master Class of really showing |
638s | what happens when you can screen apart |
641s | these ships and I mean fraternity really |
642s | dumping 30 points into guidance and |
645s | missile disruption that really isn't |
646s | going to do much and now it looks like |
648s | ombre is actually stabilizing in low |
650s | armor that you know mut plasmid rep from |
653s | the zarm that is actually holding him |
655s | Lou is absolutely playing lights out |
657s | doing a great job uh you know it's |
658s | staying away from |
660s | uh the N pressure of these Navy |
661s | Armageddon and crucially this year uh |
663s | you know officer heavy NES are not |
665s | allowed to be uh used so the Navy gons |
668s | while they might have Tech to n they |
670s | won't have the full officer capability |
672s | yeah until doomsday they're a team that |
674s | we've seen in a couple of the previous |
675s | tournaments the French team split off |
677s | from uh what was local as primary them |
680s | and white flag kind of going off and |
681s | doing their own thing we see till |
683s | doomsday comeing to this tournament not |
684s | a lot of expectations on them after some |
686s | kind of poor performances in the |
688s | previous two this is an absolute win for |
690s | them as we are only 44 seconds left in |
692s | the match they lose ombre even if they |
694s | lose Dy they win this one handily and |
696s | they're about to kill CRA naruga and the |
698s | Navy Armageddon well okay so that said |
700s | they would have to kill dusty but Dusty |
702s | would not be enough points right they |
703s | would also have to kill zarzad or a |
705s | prophecy and really I mean we've got 28 |
708s | seconds left on the clock fraternity is |
709s | not going to have the time the number |
711s | one seated team in this entire event one |
714s | Alliance tournament 19 is going to go |
716s | down to the lower bracket in a manner |
718s | that I think no one would predicted no |
720s | this is completely unexpected and an |
722s | absolute upset till doomsday making a |
725s | massive statement taking out the |
726s | tournament favorites and the number one |
728s | seed going into of the tournament we |
729s | have six seconds left in the match siren |
731s | euga goes down we don't know which of |
733s | those name Armageddon was the flagship |
734s | we'll see if it was siron or if it |
736s | perhaps is Fuki waiu and they're able to |
738s | carry that in a lower bracket but that |
740s | is the match till Dooms are moving on |
742s | for turny get knocked down to the lower |
743s | bracket and we're going to take a quick |
745s | break after that it's going to be to the |
747s | desk we'll be right back after this |
754s | just I'm like over welcome back Alliance |
757s | tournament 20 the first match the first |
759s | upset for T taking the L on that one and |
763s | I believe I'm joined by mystical M and |
765s | blackb pirate mystical might has just |
766s | dropped his L on the floor uh you may |
769s | put that back upon your head where it |
770s | belongs uh what an upset blackbart |
773s | Pirates what happened there well uh |
775s | something I don't think anybody expected |
776s | I didn't get to see what the twitch |
777s | results or predictions were on that but |
779s | I mean returning Champions |
781s | fraternity already losing two million |
783s | Channel points just went poof oh okay so |
786s | yeah definitely unexpected um it was |
788s | kind of interesting so obviously we had |
790s | a lot of different things happen uh we |
791s | had what was a drone setup going up |
793s | against this kind of weird hybrid drone |
795s | rapid heavy missile launcher Flagship |
798s | setup um they weren't able to kill |
801s | anything with their Flagship besides |
802s | they got an EOS and they got a hyena and |
804s | they kind of slowly lost their entire |
806s | bottom in there wasn't really a lot of |
808s | damage I personally hate armag navvy |
810s | issues as flagships I hate rapid heavy |
811s | missile launcher armagedon Navy issues |
812s | and now I feel very justified in that |
814s | because fraternity is already in the |
816s | lower bracket first match returning |
818s | champion in the almost trash not quite |
821s | the trash yet very close they're trash |
823s | adjacent now um well the good thing is |
825s | they do have an opportunity to win tons |
827s | of skins now they could do the hero run |
828s | through the low bracket uh getting skins |
831s | 10 skins for every match you win which |
832s | is great lots of skins lots of money uh |
835s | but uh they have to actually win those |
836s | matches Unfortunately they have not done |
837s | that yet that's the master plan yes now |
839s | they had uh the till D team had a zarm |
841s | as talk to me about the zarm as was that |
843s | a was that a bit of a a key ship for |
845s | them there yeah uh the zarm typically |
847s | fails when DPS getss split across your |
849s | team the arm has a very strong remote |
852s | rep which reaches out to about 72 km as |
854s | an optimal it doesn't have any fall off |
856s | it's either on or it isn't um and the |
858s | more that it spools or Cycles the more |
861s | it reps what we saw with the till |
864s | doomday till doomsday team is that he |
866s | was able to effectively manage where |
868s | those reps were going when oses were |
870s | being attacked and because there wasn't |
871s | really that much damage coming out of |
872s | the fraternity team it was very easy to |
875s | manage like how long you spent repping |
877s | One OS then you swapped it over to the |
879s | other we saw at the end that one OS was |
881s | allowed to die because it was dying very |
882s | slowly and that the one that was more |
884s | effectively tackled and in damage range |
886s | was the one that got the Reps and we saw |
887s | it actually go from about 10% armor up |
890s | to effectively full so very well played |
892s | from the z um because of the distance |
895s | that it can rep from it means that the |
897s | Navy geddon even if it is a flagship |
898s | because it doesn't have any any like |
900s | officer NES or factor NES can't nude out |
902s | that far to stop it from from doing so |
905s | yeah I mean it would be nice to see a |
907s | flagship die in the first match but I |
908s | think uh it probably was Fuki Wu in the |
910s | flagship so I think it did survive but |
912s | we'll get confirmation that a little bit |
913s | later but now let's look at our next |
915s | match this one's one I'm looking forward |
916s | to it's going to be uh templis Castle |
918s | versus Exodus so two pretty experienced |
921s | teams Exodus of course have some of the |
922s | most highly skilled pilots on TQ in |
924s | terms of small gang they love to kite |
926s | these are these are kiting experts uh |
928s | and of course uh temp C of also no |
930s | slouch team they won Alliance open uh |
932s | without dropping a single match uh |
934s | they've done pretty well in some other |
936s | tournaments like Alliance tournament |
937s | itself including knocking famously Hydra |
939s | down into the lower bracket on weekend |
940s | one back in last tour at 16 another |
943s | crazy upset so B what do you think about |
944s | this upcoming match I think it's going |
946s | to be really good um both teams I feel |
948s | like you know I'm sure somebody on their |
950s | team is like no no no he's wrong about |
951s | this but I think they're about equal |
952s | skill level which means it should be |
954s | really really interesting and um like I |
956s | said when you have such a history of |
958s | matches that means that you know both |
960s | teams know that the other teams can |
961s | bring out some like really crazy stuff |
963s | so uh they're going to have to prepare a |
965s | lot to basically be able to beat each |
966s | other um I think like we're already |
968s | getting crazy matches and I think this |
970s | is one that's going to be potentially |
971s | one of the best of the day calling it |
973s | now you know match two best of the day |
975s | match two bday so a strong prediction |
977s | yeah match one was pretty good match one |
979s | was pretty good yeah you ask yeah sorry |
982s | I thought match one was great I thought |
983s | my was really good too yeah okay I see |
986s | two wrong |
988s | opinions no I'm not not so sure about |
990s | that all right well let's talk about |
991s | let's talk about wrong opinions let's |
993s | have some predictions uh what do you |
994s | think uh this match is going to see I'm |
996s | expecting to see some counting on next |
998s | to side they're very good at it it's |
999s | traditionally what they bring um they |
1001s | are execution team for sure uh Bart any |
1004s | thoughts uh kiting medium guns kiting |
1008s | medium guns interesting and uh mystical |
1011s | might probably expecting to see some |
1014s | badens I I I feel like there's going to |
1015s | be some laser spam from templus maybe I |
1018s | think Exodus also flew some armor cores |
1021s | in the feeders mhm so I'm expecting like |
1023s | armor versus Armor maybe some control |
1024s | setups or just High DPS okay and in |
1027s | terms of like win lose who who you going |
1029s | for Exodus exus win Exodus will win |
1034s | mhm I'm going go with tempas we're going |
1036s | to be contrarian just starting off you |
1038s | know what just keep it going the whole |
1040s | time because twitch chat is never wrong |
1041s | let me check what they think uh so |
1043s | twitch chat think templ is calive um so |
1047s | I am going to align with my my good |
1049s | friends out on the internet uh and also |
1051s | go for tempas calive in that case |
1052s | because I've never ever seen twitch trap |
1054s | be wrong uh it's a it's a famous thing |
1056s | they're always correct hello twitch chat |
1058s | I see you there uh they were wrong last |
1060s | time that is a good point uh thank you |
1062s | uh twitch chat pointing out that twitch |
1063s | chat was in fact very wrong in the last |
1065s | match um I hope uh you guys get some of |
1067s | your channel points back because that |
1068s | was 2 million Channel points that |
1069s | everybody lost uh I'm just looking to |
1071s | see if we have the bands and we do I can |
1073s | have a look at the bands here now so |
1074s | tempas calv versus exus tempas are |
1076s | Banning out the Armageddon Navy issue |
1078s | the hyena um exus Banning out the |
1081s | crucifier and the Loki those were the |
1082s | first round bands in the second round uh |
1085s | templus banned out the typon flea issue |
1086s | and the orthus and exodus Bing at the |
1089s | arbitrator and the Sentinel so a lot of |
1091s | ewar especially like tracking disruption |
1092s | taken off the field by The Exodus team |
1094s | that does kind of say hey we're going to |
1095s | bring some maybe like Long Range Guns so |
1097s | I think you might be right there Bart |
1098s | but what else do you see in these bands |
1099s | here uh I also see that you know we have |
1101s | the hyena gone so that's kind of one of |
1103s | the anti- kite or the kiting ships |
1104s | especially with light missile setups and |
1107s | we have the lokon which is kind of the |
1108s | Lynch pin of the ham rush I would say so |
1112s | um yeah I I'm kind of I'm going to stti |
1115s | with what I said I think we're going to |
1116s | see some longrange guns uh I do feel |
1118s | like the kiting is still going to happen |
1119s | though so uh it's it's open now like |
1121s | it's really really open it looks good |
1123s | for that it is extremely open mytical |
1125s | mate any other thoughts on this one I |
1127s | think it's quite interesting to see how |
1129s | the new band format has led to basically |
1131s | the removal of a bunch of tracking |
1132s | disrupting ships on The Exodus side and |
1134s | whether that actually applies to that |
1135s | strategy or if the trash is trying to m |
1137s | game the enemy enemy team yeah is |
1139s | something that we'll probably have to |
1140s | see but I I think it's a cool little |
1141s | band system so yeah so the bands this |
1143s | time uh you do two blind bands uh you |
1146s | feed them to the referees um and then if |
1148s | there's any duplicates there's a round |
1149s | of duplicate ban so if both of you ban |
1151s | the same ship in the first round you get |
1152s | an extra ban and then there's a second |
1154s | round of blind bands as well so um we'll |
1156s | have some some more information on the |
1157s | Bands a little bit later in the show for |
1159s | you guys but it's a bit of a change up |
1160s | in the way bands have been done for the |
1161s | last while uh personally I think it has |
1163s | a little bit more chaos in a good way |
1164s | and like you say m we have a bunch of |
1166s | these uh ewar ships all removed moved |
1169s | and uh Exodus I I think Barts you are |
1173s | going to be right on what they're |
1174s | bringing um I still think I'm going to |
1177s | go with twitch chat and go with tempas C |
1178s | though uh and I think we can go over to |
1181s | the arena to see this match and exodus |
1184s | are bringing a flagship so let's head |
1185s | over now and see who wins |
1195s | [Music] |
1202s | bringing dual Armageddon and a lot of |
1204s | drone damage meanwhile what have uh |
1207s | templus C or Exodus brought yeah Exodus |
1210s | has decided that they're going to bring |
1211s | their Flagship piloted by sabotage here |
1213s | so he's going to be uh the only rapid |
1216s | heavy ship these other gons are going to |
1218s | be uh giant curses supported uh you know |
1221s | by the Ashima for the longrange webs and |
1222s | then you've got the ponti and the Magus |
1224s | 4 links and uh going with uh T2 armor |
1228s | logib Bots and a purifier and Hound is |
1230s | an interesting choice I really like the |
1231s | option to you know bomb drones off or do |
1234s | long range uh damage with things like |
1236s | javelins yeah and you can do a lot of |
1238s | damage to the Armageddon that we see |
1241s | from templ Kos and in fact The Last |
1243s | Spartan in the Armageddon is the first |
1245s | primary from uh Exodus in that Flagship |
1249s | genon Navy they have rapid heavy missile |
1250s | launchers on it it's full NES from uh |
1254s | the side of tempas Cal as they've opted |
1256s | for full drone damage on their setup |
1258s | they're getting some damage on this logy |
1259s | now the tal of Mr Falcon first primary |
1262s | from them yeah that makes a lot of sense |
1263s | to me you know when you commit to uh |
1265s | Stratos you know you're jumping a lot of |
1267s | points into uh these drone ships and |
1270s | you're really wanting to try to get on |
1271s | top of the Thalia get webs or something |
1272s | on top of it slow it down uh you know |
1274s | turn off that um After Burner if you've |
1276s | got a tenen it looks like Falcon going |
1279s | around 13,400 will be that but a lot of |
1281s | drone damage really chunking down that |
1283s | Thalia very quickly and I mean there are |
1285s | reps coming on top of it but it just too |
1286s | much damage for the uh tken so far to |
1289s | hold up yeah unfortunately for the Thia |
1292s | even with the 10m men just not |
1294s | outrunning the light drones at the |
1296s | moment but as I say that uh has been |
1298s | getting a bit more Health back from that |
1301s | Deacon of Von uh getting back into the |
1303s | ranges pulling together meanwhile kill a |
1305s | 542 the first primary uh now from Exodus |
1308s | they SWA off The Last Spartan and now |
1310s | kill a 542 in half uh Hull at the moment |
1315s | yeah I mean they pull the drones on the |
1317s | side of um temples C if Mr FAL was not |
1319s | breaking they gave up and they're moving |
1320s | now to the isimu they're wanting to get |
1322s | um you know those bonus webs off uh the |
1325s | field and the isimu is relatively not |
1327s | that tanky so I understand the reason |
1328s | that you would want to call that but I |
1330s | mean if killer drops you know before uh |
1332s | they really get any damage on the shimu |
1334s | we do try to see some NES on top of the |
1336s | isimu and now reps um it did take some |
1339s | time from uh you know Mr Falcon who was |
1341s | running away to really get back on top |
1343s | of the isimo in range to get those reps |
1345s | but again if they get that get in that's |
1347s | going to be a lot of the damage off the |
1348s | side of temple they've got a small |
1349s | attack bar Fe yeah they have a pretty |
1351s | small attack bar and all of that attack |
1353s | is in drones meanwhile Exodus has a much |
1355s | larger one due to the rapid heavy |
1357s | missiles that they put on their gons in |
1358s | addition to the uh drone DPS that they |
1361s | have brought uh we see a lot of uh |
1363s | attack drones out from Exodus as well as |
1366s | a couple rep drones they end up trading |
1369s | for the ashamu but getting for an ashamu |
1371s | definitely worth it for Exodus their |
1372s | tholia stays Alive Now regening Shield |
1374s | pretty effectively and even though the |
1376s | thol and Deacon are being nuded out by |
1378s | the armagedon it is only uh the one |
1381s | Armageddon remaining oh Mr Falcon just |
1382s | gets one tapped here by a drone Cloud he |
1385s | was absolutely out of capacitor just |
1386s | gets absolutely zeroed now Falcon is |
1388s | going to or V viton rather is going to |
1391s | be the followup and Falcon's or viton |
1393s | rather is moving nowhere fast getting |
1395s | Ned out webbed and taking a pounding |
1397s | right now yeah those heavy NES even with |
1399s | just the one armagedon do a lot to logi |
1401s | and short range logi from those te 2 |
1404s | logi forets as we see this Deon of thone |
1406s | go down uh now the points about even 38 |
1410s | to 40 but the L Spartan about to go down |
1413s | and that Armageddon doesn't have a whole |
1415s | lot of rep from the rest of his Squad |
1417s | and the Dual deacons there and now KF |
1419s | have lost the majority of their damage |
1421s | yeah so three brand is getting webbed |
1422s | down and has absolutely no speed just |
1424s | looking on top of him it looks like he's |
1426s | getting uh webbed down by the uh support |
1429s | of that Magus and that pontifex if they |
1431s | can break the Deacon here it will do a |
1433s | lot of damage you know to the support |
1435s | here but they're trying to get rid of |
1437s | the purifier and the Hound on the Exodus |
1439s | side once they do that those Torpedoes |
1441s | Off the Grid will mean that exodus's |
1443s | attack bar will shrink pretty |
1445s | significantly yeah but those Torpedoes |
1446s | did what they needed to do it's not |
1448s | going to apply to an isar it's not going |
1450s | to apply to any other Cruisers as this |
1452s | Deacon goes down uh the Torpedoes did |
1454s | what they needed to do which is kill |
1456s | battleships and now these rapid heavy |
1458s | missiles from the Armageddon and the |
1459s | armageddon's uh Navy issue uh just going |
1462s | to chunk through this midsize ships from |
1466s | tempas especially without their deacons |
1469s | on the grid last Deacon Falls and exodus |
1472s | running away with this match now yeah so |
1474s | if I'm temp at this point I don't really |
1476s | think I can win the match meaningfully |
1478s | but I know that sabotage is a Navy |
1480s | Armageddon fear you've been in the you |
1481s | know shoes of a captain do you still try |
1483s | to win the match by going through you |
1484s | know the megas and the Pont effects did |
1486s | you full commit onto that Flagship uh I |
1489s | mean you just do uh the primaries that |
1492s | make the most sense for what you have as |
1494s | far as DPS is concerned you're not going |
1495s | to break a flagship nav Armageddon with |
1497s | an isar 2 Strat and a vexer worth of DPS |
1500s | you're just going to try to get whatever |
1502s | points you can the Mages and the pawn |
1503s | effects are the targets that you can |
1505s | actually kill uh you cannot kill these |
1506s | battleships right now you do not have |
1508s | enough damage for them even without uh |
1510s | any logy we see the ishar go down oforal |
1513s | and templ Cal going to be moving down |
1515s | the lower bracket Exodus making a strong |
1516s | showing uh from this first match we'll |
1519s | see how long it takes for them to clean |
1520s | up Temple Cal or maybe we'll see some |
1522s | edges of Glory uh but at the moment uh |
1525s | the Stratos now the primary from Exodus |
1528s | yeah so something we were talking about |
1530s | a little bit at you know before uh the |
1532s | match in kind of the Green Room is |
1534s | talking a little bit about the impact of |
1535s | these flagships and what they can really |
1537s | bring for your team and so we don't have |
1540s | the officer you know heavy NES involved |
1542s | but if you're Exodus you know you can |
1543s | put uh these officer rapid Heavies and |
1546s | you can take a Navy Armageddon which |
1548s | will do you know a good amount of damage |
1550s | between heavy missiles and the drones |
1552s | and really supercharge it and make it a |
1554s | really um well-rounded deeper team and |
1556s | we can see that you know the Stratos is |
1557s | that isar they're dropping very quick |
1559s | for Cruisers yeah and even if you're |
1561s | cheaping out right uh missiles are the |
1564s | one system where uh faction guns are |
1566s | actually higher damage than T2 it's just |
1568s | not better fitting for the top quality |
1570s | of the faction ones uh but either way uh |
1573s | whether it's purple or green on this |
1575s | Flagship it is bonus damage you get |
1577s | bonus damage in those lows you get uh |
1579s | extra tank in your local reps as well so |
1581s | it's very difficult to kill uh we saw |
1584s | not a flagship go down in the first |
1586s | match they did not kill fuku Wu who |
1588s | wasn't that FL ship uh but this time |
1590s | around as we see some damage going on on |
1591s | this armag G because there's no local |
1592s | rep on it it's just not nearly enough |
1594s | with the just one vexer in the statos |
1596s | who are now being chunked down the rapid |
1598s | heavy reload is here so the next clip |
1600s | will take down the stratus I'd have to |
1602s | imagine uh but for the time being uh |
1605s | just really well played from Exodus |
1607s | using their Flagship in the second match |
1608s | of the day yeah so we've got you know a |
1612s | little bit of time before kind of the |
1613s | match wraps up so just kind of |
1615s | dissecting this one a little bit looking |
1618s | at uh the composition that Exodus has |
1620s | brought what do you feel um are some of |
1623s | kind of the strengths and weaknesses of |
1624s | it because this is a little bit |
1625s | different of a setup than what we really |
1626s | see um a lot of the teams bring in the |
1629s | prelims yeah I think teams are kind of |
1632s | showing some new things that we didn't |
1634s | see in the prelims obviously in the |
1635s | prelims we saw uh Armageddon drone |
1637s | control was a thing that a couple of |
1639s | teams brought and had some success with |
1641s | uh this time around because you have the |
1643s | ability to bring your Flagship if you |
1645s | think it's going to be a close match it |
1646s | makes sense for you to bring the |
1647s | flagship and Exodus did that to bring |
1649s | the X Factor up against tempas KF we saw |
1652s | the bands going into this right |
1653s | Armageddon Navy issue and typhoon Fleet |
1655s | issue from calf they didn't want to face |
1657s | Kings Slayer Exodus knowing that fit |
1660s | rapid Heavies to regular gons they had |
1662s | this comp ready in case uh Army genon |
1663s | Navy is typing Fleet issue were banned |
1665s | and then still brought king Slayer and |
1667s | that was exactly what tempas KF could |
1669s | not deal with this particular time |
1671s | around the Dual deacons just not going |
1673s | to be able to rep through anything and |
1675s | with the purifier on the Hound adding |
1677s | DPS up they were able to punch through |
1679s | battleships with rapid Heavies on their |
1681s | three battleships from exodos yeah so |
1684s | for those of you who might be you know |
1686s | relatively newer viewer to the |
1687s | tournament uh we talk about uh these |
1689s | kind of comp archetypes right so we've |
1691s | called you know a lot of medium rail gun |
1693s | spam you know different names Octodad uh |
1695s | talking a little bit about a king Slayer |
1696s | setup is when you have three battleships |
1699s | that do a lot of damage all at once and |
1701s | really what you're trying to do is pick |
1702s | apart um something like an Armageddon |
1705s | right an ishar EST Stratos or a |
1706s | logistics Cruiser say like a guardian |
1708s | orer arms at right then you go on the |
1710s | reload of your rapid Heavies and then |
1712s | you know you pick another ship right and |
1713s | you just try to buy time Pick A Part One |
1716s | ship you're not trying to win the whole |
1717s | game |
1718s | outright at once you're just trying to |
1721s | you know knock off one thing pull away |
1723s | rinse and repeat and a is doing a really |
1725s | good job at demonstrating I think a |
1728s | really economical Point setup right you |
1729s | know you get a lot of damage from the |
1731s | you know 14 points in two bombers you |
1733s | get you know a lot of value from going |
1735s | you know Thal a deacon instead of having |
1737s | to spend more points on double Deacon |
1739s | and the isimu a ship that's been rather |
1741s | underrated in my opinion it makes a lot |
1744s | of sense in this composition right like |
1745s | what are you going to use to slow down |
1748s | your targets right uh when you have all |
1750s | these heavy drones that aren't |
1751s | necessarily the fastest or you know that |
1753s | effective at killing these smaller ships |
1755s | the shimu does a very good job at |
1756s | webbing down like a deacon and we saw |
1758s | that to good effect I mean that's what |
1759s | was able to slow down three brand and |
1761s | allow that heavy damage from those rapid |
1764s | Heavies and those heavy drones to really |
1766s | break the lodgy side of templus I |
1768s | meanwhile templus uh bringing a drone |
1770s | setup that doesn't have a whole lot of |
1771s | control right when we talk about control |
1773s | we're talking about trackon disruption |
1774s | missile guidance disruption uh ECM all |
1777s | of that stuff that is used to shut down |
1780s | the other team without necessarily |
1781s | killing their ships uh this time around |
1783s | tempas CA brought just drones and didn't |
1786s | have any ships that were bonused and |
1788s | therefore could not fit uh any sort of |
1790s | guidance disruption which would have |
1791s | helped them perhaps in this match so the |
1793s | comp not doing them any favors and they |
1795s | tried Banning out king Slayer Exodus |
1798s | sees that and picks King slair and it |
1800s | works perfectly well into tempas K we |
1803s | see 22 seconds left in the match it's |
1804s | just the pawn effects remaining for K |
1806s | none of the battleships died from Exodus |
1808s | and with that moderator what are your |
1810s | final thoughts before we send this back |
1812s | yeah I mean both of these teams are good |
1813s | sports many of them have known each |
1814s | other for quite some time in local |
1816s | they're saying you know give each other |
1818s | you know hell in the lower bracket I |
1819s | mean templis going down here means that |
1821s | uh they're likely I believe to face |
1823s | fraternity but I'm sure the desk will |
1824s | know more about that um as we you know |
1827s | send it back to the break and then send |
1829s | it back to the desk to really give us a |
1830s | further analysis on this |
1835s | match back an exciting match there |
1838s | another example of twitch chat being |
1840s | wrong uh I'm beginning to think that you |
1841s | guys don't know what you're doing uh but |
1843s | what an exciting match Bart we were |
1845s | discussing what we were seeing there |
1846s | break it down for me well uh we got to |
1848s | see a uh very very interesting setup of |
1851s | kind of what we used to call uh King |
1853s | Slayer King killer uh there was a triple |
1855s | rapid heavy missile launcher Battleship |
1857s | setup with a flag Battleship um they did |
1861s | what they were supposed to do and they |
1862s | just nuked massive amounts of damage |
1863s | onto people and uh it was It was kind of |
1865s | interesting I liked how they had so much |
1867s | more n power than we usually see because |
1868s | you know back in the day it would be |
1870s | like typhoon Fleet issues and such like |
1872s | that so uh it was really cool they they |
1874s | did tons of damage uh completely |
1876s | unrep couple they did lose their logy |
1878s | which you know that happens it doesn't |
1880s | really matter though when you still have |
1881s | your battleship core and unfortunately |
1883s | twitch chat was wrong you and I were |
1885s | wrong Misty was right which he's very |
1887s | happy about and |
1889s | that that was that that was that Misty |
1891s | that was a lot of gons are Armageddon |
1893s | going to be a popular ship in liance |
1894s | tournament 20 well the gon Navy is yeah |
1897s | well there was four gons on that field |
1898s | as well uh I think gons are interesting |
1902s | they do have a new Range bonus which |
1903s | makes them kind of cool to bring along |
1905s | I'm not sure how often we're going to |
1907s | see them outside of a few select teams |
1908s | that maybe have practiced together I |
1910s | don't know if um these two teams have |
1912s | had a chance to to scrim together and |
1913s | kind of develop the meta in the same way |
1915s | or the same direction I'm expecting to |
1917s | see a lot more |
1920s | like gun gun battleships really like AB |
1923s | badens I'm expecting to see you know |
1925s | bowon more considering the number of um |
1927s | flagships that we have um so yeah we'll |
1930s | see I always find the Drone heavy comps |
1932s | can be a little bit HIIT or Miss because |
1934s | I mean you have drone flight time you |
1935s | have to deal with um you have the fact |
1937s | that you can be defanged if you have |
1939s | damage drones out you can't have red |
1940s | Bots and vice versa so you kind of have |
1942s | to make some some decisions there and of |
1944s | course if you face uh some team that has |
1946s | uh like long range it can take time for |
1948s | all those drone CLS to move around if |
1950s | they're just kiting different directions |
1951s | which is what you should be doing um now |
1954s | that match is over we can talk about the |
1956s | next match and that is going to be |
1957s | between Platinum sensitivity and whole |
1959s | control uh and I do believe we can show |
1960s | you the band so let's bring up the bands |
1962s | um and it looks like Plum sensitivity |
1965s | Banning out the stalk and the bifrost uh |
1968s | as well as the hyena and the jto |
1970s | meanwhile whole control Banning out the |
1972s | slip the Loki the Armageddon Navy issue |
1974s | and the prophecy Navy issue uh black bar |
1977s | P what do you make of these bands |
1978s | uh so we saw armag Navy issue bands it's |
1981s | been one of the main bands for ever |
1983s | since the rework a few years ago um s |
1986s | and Loki is a very classic like we don't |
1988s | want to be minmatar rushed those are the |
1989s | two key ships though nowadays you know |
1991s | we have keles which work pretty well as |
1993s | well um armagan Navy issue and the |
1995s | prophecy Navy issue also two very solid |
1997s | bands if you brand the prophecy Navy |
1998s | issue it makes it a little hard to field |
2000s | some of these armor medium gun setups uh |
2002s | armagedon Navy issue we've seen them in |
2004s | every match all two of them so far and |
2006s | uh they seem to be doing pretty well and |
2008s | could be an attempt to maybe trick one |
2010s | side or the other into doing a flagship |
2012s | um I don't know off the top of my head |
2015s | uh if that's what their plan is because |
2017s | I can't read their minds and if you |
2018s | could then we'd be way better be like oh |
2021s | yeah I know exactly who's going to win |
2022s | this one yeah so uh yeah that's pretty |
2024s | pretty solid bands on the low end the |
2026s | bifrost and Stor band on Platinum |
2028s | sensitivity though those are very |
2029s | interesting because that basically means |
2031s | you can't bring uh a shield kite setup |
2034s | So in theory until they do they do |
2037s | anyway yeah yeah yeah I think we don't |
2039s | know what we're talking about half the |
2040s | time anyway so mystical Minds speaking |
2042s | of lack of knowledge what else do you |
2043s | think about these BS I was just going to |
2045s | say someone in twitch chat correctly |
2046s | said that garlic is unbanned and garlic |
2048s | in this case is the Squall so Squall |
2050s | very Point efficient ship um I thought |
2053s | it was interesting that plat was Banning |
2054s | out the the two destroyers the stalk of |
2056s | the bifrost but also removing the Jack |
2058s | door as well towards the end um it's |
2060s | removing a lot of The Shield lower end |
2062s | like the support Wing that you would |
2063s | have in a shield setup um but I don't |
2066s | really think that these ships matter |
2067s | that much much when it comes to Shield |
2069s | Rush which you know the Nighthawk is |
2071s | still open you still have all the |
2072s | squalls open um we've seen Platinum |
2075s | sensitivity run onyxes in their Shield |
2077s | Rush before so they still have all of |
2079s | these ships available and the battle |
2081s | cruiser core of a shield Rush is what |
2083s | you would be pulling your links on |
2084s | anyway MH so by removing the stalk on |
2086s | the bifrost it doesn't actually make |
2087s | much of an impact on the potential |
2089s | setups they could bring but it also |
2090s | pushes everyone towards armor setups |
2092s | quite a bit so the estate you've got the |
2095s | Navy bres Navy harbingers all of those |
2097s | core ships are still open for people to |
2098s | bring if they wanted to so you might see |
2100s | a lot of like gun spam um which is |
2103s | basically just going to be like eight |
2104s | DPS ships doing range uh range damage |
2106s | out to like 50 to 80 km awesome and uh |
2110s | just a quick word on uh the points |
2112s | system so we have increased the points |
2114s | used to be you can only bring 100 points |
2116s | now you can bring 200 points uh that |
2118s | would be ridiculous if we didn't do |
2119s | something else so we also increased the |
2121s | points of the ships themselves as well |
2122s | so some of the ships are like 50 points |
2124s | instead of last year they'd been 25 um |
2126s | this gives us more granularity so the |
2128s | difference between a two-point ship and |
2129s | a three-point ship is like 50% more |
2131s | points uh now that would be like a twoo |
2134s | ship and and a four-point ship and |
2136s | there's an extra point in there so you |
2138s | can be more granular and say this one's |
2139s | three this one's four etc etc so it |
2140s | allows uh CB zealous to get into his mad |
2143s | cooking cave and come up with uh uh just |
2146s | I think this is the most amount of |
2147s | individually pointed chips we've ever |
2148s | had in any tournament uh it's a lot more |
2150s | fine granularity uh and of course I'm |
2153s | sure the 3D Crafters enjoyed that |
2155s | greatly I'm sure it did not uh give you |
2157s | any trouble whatsoever you just had to |
2158s | count to 200 instead of 100 it really |
2160s | can't be that difficult um I think we're |
2162s | pretty much ready to head over to the |
2164s | arena this is going to be platin versus |
2166s | whole control I want to see what twitch |
2167s | chat thinks on this one uh yeah they |
2169s | also think Platinum Sensitivity I agree |
2170s | with twitch chat this does make me |
2172s | concerned uh for for platinum |
2174s | sensitivity based on what's happened so |
2175s | far but I think I'm going to stick with |
2177s | it and go for platinum sensitivity Mr |
2178s | Gite plat plat all the way disc re eror |
2181s | is also going to be cheering on Plat as |
2182s | well yep yeah I mean it's it's a it's a |
2184s | team favorite for at least I know all |
2186s | three of us so okay |
2188s | okay so it's PL plat plat plat let's |
2192s | head over to the arena |
2195s | now I'm moderator once again joined by |
2198s | my good friend here feur Vina and we |
2200s | have on the side of hle control a looks |
2203s | like kind of a mixed um combination of |
2206s | control supported by a Vindicator for |
2208s | heavy damage and platinum sensitivity |
2209s | really going for drone control yeah |
2212s | drone control a cop that we saw a couple |
2213s | times during feeders the stool |
2214s | Armageddon uh just regular Armageddon |
2216s | which has the Drone bonus uh obviously |
2218s | and full NES on those gons alongside two |
2222s | arbitrators which are going to make life |
2224s | really difficult for jeta in that |
2226s | Vindicator uh the only real source of |
2228s | damage from his team to Able one |
2231s | providing those links in the Eos and uh |
2233s | probably going to be some rep Dron so |
2234s | we'll see what he drops uh that said uh |
2237s | this is all going to be on Nick wiro the |
2239s | only source of screen for this armor |
2242s | control comp to keep this Vindicator off |
2244s | of Mark GES and Kent |
2248s | I like how we already see the tracking |
2249s | disruption or the guidance disruption |
2251s | rather go on top of the Squall the only |
2253s | missile ship so those arbitrators doing |
2255s | what they can here and the MS of sead |
2258s | doing good work to try to get some uh |
2260s | damage on top of the arbitrator but um |
2263s | really it's going to be difficult for |
2264s | this Vindicator to do a whole lot of |
2266s | anything this match so the EOS in The |
2267s | Vindicator getting nuded out already by |
2270s | uh Kent larus and Mark Bridges going to |
2271s | have those bonus ranges and as this |
2274s | match goes on that Vindicator is going |
2275s | to be even you know more uh difficult to |
2278s | get cap on top of it but that EOS |
2279s | initially of Nick's getting webbed yeah |
2282s | currently screened up and if you screen |
2285s | your screen uh might not be necessarily |
2288s | the best thing The Vindicator still a |
2290s | gante ship so a bit faster than these |
2291s | armagedon but needs to get on top of |
2293s | something to get those 90% webs that are |
2295s | oh so important the EOS is currently |
2298s | webbed by I'm looking at it uh a couple |
2302s | of different ships but is also being |
2303s | nuded out by the curse yeah it looked |
2305s | like the eos's were actually kind of |
2307s | counter tackling each other and if I'm |
2310s | the uh you know EOS of nyck what I |
2312s | really want to do is I want to get on |
2313s | top of that Vindicator right at |
2315s | Vindicator is going to have a hell of a |
2316s | time punching with you know kinetic |
2318s | thermal into the resist of an EOS which |
2320s | is going to be very good at holding on |
2322s | to that and the EOS of teble one is |
2325s | taking a lot of n pressure right taking |
2327s | a lot of paint it's going to get a lot |
2328s | of drones on top of it and an EOS nuded |
2331s | out is going to be in an absolute world |
2333s | of her um you know the curse of dvesta |
2336s | is doing its best to you know new out |
2338s | Nicks but you know a curse cannot |
2339s | compete with the output of two gettin no |
2343s | it can't uh unfortunately and the other |
2345s | bers of the curse completely useless |
2347s | this time around it is twice this |
2349s | tournament now that we've seen curse |
2351s | arbitrator these track and disruption |
2353s | ships go into a drone setup and not be |
2356s | able to use really any of the bonuses |
2359s | that make them good in a tournament |
2360s | format right on TQ you think about the |
2362s | curse as this really powerful nuding |
2364s | ship and it has these tracking |
2365s | disruptors that are also really powerful |
2368s | uh here in tournament space a lot of the |
2370s | times the cse's big utility comes in the |
2372s | form of the Dragon disruption and the N |
2375s | pressure comes towards Lodi but not |
2377s | towards these big battleships which |
2379s | completely outdo it so right now there's |
2381s | not a ton of damage on the grid right |
2383s | now there's some drones that are going |
2384s | after what looks like the backline and |
2385s | support but really what's going on is an |
2387s | absolute capacitor War right and it |
2389s | looks like solidly Platinum sensitivity |
2392s | understands the assignment here right |
2393s | they're getting NES onto the Vindicator |
2394s | the EOS the onos and the curse right all |
2397s | of the most crucial ships of whole |
2398s | control really doing their level best to |
2400s | make sure that I mean once the Ono is |
2402s | completely cap it's not going to be able |
2404s | to put much in terms of rep you know |
2407s | output to support the core and if the |
2409s | Vindicator you know has its gun shut off |
2411s | at you know by a combination of tracking |
2413s | disruption and not having any capacitor |
2415s | you know your battleship that might be |
2417s | used to doing nearly 2,000 damage does |
2419s | nothing yeah Jack rowand in the aneros |
2422s | right now not tackled up but still |
2424s | taking uh quite a bit of drone damage as |
2426s | he is nuded out |
2428s | only going less than 400 m a second uh |
2431s | in that anus and it's being taken down |
2433s | pretty quickly because the heavy drones |
2434s | are able to get on top of them and jce |
2436s | Rolland now in low structure goes down |
2439s | for First Blood Platinum sensitivity |
2441s | taking out the t2 logy yeah so when |
2443s | you're going 300 km a second in noo what |
2446s | that means is you have no capacitor |
2447s | right he couldn't even have a propulsion |
2449s | mod on to even get away those Armageddon |
2451s | absolutely closed in Chase so yeah the |
2453s | vexor of micro an athema might go down |
2456s | but Theon has died so what means for |
2458s | platinum sensitivity they're going to go |
2459s | after the Pont effects what which is |
2461s | what they're doing now the Links are |
2462s | going to fall off the grid then you go |
2464s | for you know some of these other support |
2466s | ships and without a no neros I mean yeah |
2469s | the vexer might die but Plum sensitivity |
2471s | is going to walk away with this at this |
2472s | point yeah definitely we saw Nick wiro |
2475s | and the EOS go for that screen on screen |
2477s | action with the EOS versus EOS fight but |
2479s | in the background uh micro in the vexer |
2483s | was able to get tackle on top of the |
2484s | Vindicator we see he's scrammed at the |
2486s | moment uh getting some new pressure on |
2488s | him as well and the 90% web can really |
2491s | only hit on to one Target right now and |
2493s | that is macro Mark brid is in the |
2495s | Armageddon also being L down by some |
2497s | miscellaneous stuff on the hole control |
2498s | side but uh this Vindicator absolutely |
2501s | useless for hole control at the moment |
2503s | Platinum sensitivity dealt with it |
2505s | neutralized the flat threat incredibly |
2507s | well yeah and the curse of devesta |
2509s | getting caught in the kind of the |
2511s | backline again having really no |
2512s | propulsion uh really being shut down by |
2515s | the Armageddon yes the curse has a bonus |
2517s | to Med medum NES but one thing medium |
2519s | NES don't beat is heavy NES and again |
2521s | looking at warari the Confessor does go |
2523s | down here going 200 m a second again |
2526s | means you're completely capped right uh |
2528s | Platinum sensitivity look at their |
2529s | control bar they've just been applying |
2531s | the big Zuck the entire time in the |
2533s | whole control um they've got nothing to |
2535s | show for it right now so for those who |
2537s | haven't seen the tournament before we |
2538s | can talk a little about the control bar |
2540s | what it is is a bar that tells you how |
2542s | many modules that apply eware effects |
2546s | have been used by Platinum sensitivity |
2548s | it doesn't tell you what the E effects |
2550s | are but it tells you you know your NES |
2552s | your trackon disruption your guidance |
2553s | disruption uh your webs anything of that |
2556s | nature that affects enemy ships that |
2558s | isn't DPS that gets lumped in the |
2560s | control bar so it is as wide as it needs |
2562s | to be and it gets filled up the more of |
2565s | those control modules are used Platinum |
2568s | sensitivity uh this time around we see |
2570s | the ball or is completely used they're |
2571s | using all of their control all over |
2573s | whole control out controlling the |
2575s | controlling worm holers as it were |
2578s | uh but for the time being Platinum |
2579s | sensitivity just picking through the |
2580s | lineup whole control unfortunately |
2582s | didn't bring the right comp to deal with |
2584s | Platinum sensitivity and their drone |
2585s | control setup yeah I would absolutely |
2587s | agree with you I mean we saw that |
2588s | Platinum sensitivities wide control bar |
2590s | absolutely filled up whole control and |
2592s | they're also going to be uh filling some |
2594s | skins into their coffers for winning |
2595s | this match a whole control um going down |
2598s | into the lower bracket and uh you know |
2601s | we talked about Platinum sensitivity win |
2604s | sometimes being a little bit messy but |
2606s | really only messy against like a top |
2607s | eight top 12 um Team historically |
2611s | Platinum sensitivity has been making it |
2613s | into the top six making it into the top |
2614s | eight really being a final um weekend |
2616s | team and showing an armor control setup |
2619s | and just dominating with it is really |
2622s | indicative of you know that high |
2624s | tournament pedigree that uh Kent larus |
2626s | Mar Bridges really do bring to the table |
2628s | Yeah and meanwhile whole control right |
2630s | uh we think of them as uh finished worm |
2632s | holers C2 C5 wormers that type of thing |
2635s | um they did bring on some members of uh |
2638s | tuskers last year in jeta and to Able |
2641s | one we see them in The Vindicator in the |
2643s | Eos this particular time trying to bring |
2645s | some of that tuskers experience in |
2646s | theory crafting unfortunately didn't |
2648s | quite work out for them this year and |
2649s | they're going to be moved down to the |
2650s | lower bracket this year as well we'll |
2653s | see how they deal with that moving into |
2656s | uh the next couple of matches in that |
2658s | lower bracket for the time being |
2660s | Platinum sensitivity they're picking |
2662s | apart the last members uh g t able one |
2664s | and the EOS going down into structure |
2666s | right now and then it'll just be the |
2667s | mallus I would like to see an edge of |
2669s | glory in the mallus uh but that is just |
2671s | me currently not tackled down by |
2673s | anything and uh of course being an time |
2676s | honored at tradition can you beat uh the |
2680s | boundary record well he is on top of a |
2682s | beacon right now so we'll see what's |
2684s | going on I mean both of these teams are |
2685s | being very um you know sporting to each |
2687s | other a lot of good fights in local I |
2689s | mean again Mark uh Bridges and Kent |
2692s | larus we hype them up a lot but you know |
2694s | these teams know each other um they've |
2696s | got some experience most of the players |
2698s | in this match have been part of the |
2699s | tournament Community for you know few |
2701s | years um and they've kind of all got |
2703s | that experience and kind of understood |
2706s | um you know that friendly uh |
2708s | relationship and a little bit of a |
2709s | rivalry between each |
2711s | other uh the mollus is spoling the mjd |
2714s | so now the Edge of Glory they go trying |
2717s | to get away from these Valkyries we'll |
2719s | see how far they pop out as they are not |
2721s | currently tackled getting some bumps in |
2723s | for the Valkyries and there's the Edge |
2724s | of Glory I saw about 170 km on that and |
2727s | with that we're going to send it to a |
2728s | quick break and when we return the desk |
2729s | will break that down and bring us into |
2730s | the next match we'll see you right after |
2733s | this there you have it plant of |
2735s | sensitivity taking the win twitch chat |
2737s | you were right well done you have |
2739s | improved it only took three games to get |
2740s | your eyes in so we're very proud of you |
2742s | here at CCP Games headquarters |
2744s | congratulations on all your channel |
2746s | points that you have just inherited |
2748s | mystical mate what happened in that |
2749s | match it was very slow it was |
2752s | very intense match controlled some might |
2755s | say some it yes there was control |
2757s | controlled aggression controlled |
2759s | aggression um mindful setup I would say |
2763s | I it seems like teams are SC more |
2764s | towards you know two battleships control |
2767s | Wing I think plat uh Platinum |
2769s | sensitivity has probably practiced with |
2770s | fraternity because they basically ran |
2772s | the same archetype um I think the only |
2774s | difference was that frat had armagedon |
2776s | navies um Platinum sensitivity one well |
2782s | well that do frat didn't yeah frat just |
2785s | just making sure you knew okay okay okay |
2788s | glad glad we cleared that up yeah um and |
2792s | now I have to remember where I was |
2793s | that's good no okay so it seems like a |
2795s | lot of teams are going for the the Drone |
2797s | control setups I think that h control |
2799s | had a really hard time because we saw |
2801s | the two arbitrators actually have a |
2802s | positive impact in the match um when |
2805s | going up against drones because |
2806s | arbitrators can fit tracking disruptors |
2809s | or guidance disruptors um effectively |
2811s | these modules will lower the range of an |
2813s | enemy ship um either the gance |
2815s | disruptors for missiles the track rups |
2817s | for guns um when you're going Going Up |
2820s | Against drones you can't do anything so |
2822s | um we saw that they could actually do |
2824s | something to The Vindicator and |
2825s | historically The Vindicator already has |
2827s | a teeny tiny range um so unless it was |
2830s | on top of something it wouldn't be able |
2831s | to do any damage and because the fact |
2834s | that they had a good lower lower end on |
2836s | their team means that they're able to |
2837s | effectively hold down the Vindicator |
2838s | while the gon Ned out and then it's just |
2840s | a slow grind to get rid of the rest of |
2843s | the ships on the whole control team so |
2845s | very slow but very controlled um yeah |
2848s | they had maxed out the control bar in |
2850s | the UI uh if you've been watching the |
2852s | tournament before you'll have seen that |
2853s | there's a couple of different uh bits of |
2855s | information on the screen for you the |
2856s | control bar is uh basically anything |
2859s | like electronic warfare uh tracking |
2861s | disruptors guidance disruptors uh NES |
2864s | all that kind of stuff uh and as you add |
2866s | more of them the bar gets bigger and |
2868s | their bar bar was very big in fact uh |
2870s | maxed out so they had tons of ewar and |
2872s | whenever I was looking at it it was |
2873s | mostly on uh like being applied so so |
2877s | yeah I think those uh tracking and |
2878s | guance disruptors would have done a lot |
2880s | of damage to that poor whole control |
2882s | team uh now bar I also noticed that |
2884s | whole control brought a |
2886s | Squall uh what's a Squall and why would |
2888s | you bring it in an alliance tournament |
2890s | comp so the Squall is a newi is E online |
2893s | spaceship uh there's a couple different |
2895s | reasons for it I the big thing about it |
2898s | is it's really really cheap like in this |
2900s | specific tournament setting it's I want |
2903s | to say it's like four points and they |
2904s | have a ton of mid slots they actually do |
2906s | a lot of damage which is kind of crazy |
2908s | um I think in this specific case it |
2910s | probably it might have had some missile |
2912s | launchers but I think they were using it |
2913s | as a remote uh sensory boostering ship |
2915s | which would have been helpful if there |
2917s | was ECM but there wasn't so it is what |
2918s | it is um but I think we're going to see |
2920s | a lot of them we saw a ton of them in |
2921s | the feeders because it turns out you can |
2923s | turn them into uh ham Rush boats as an |
2926s | industrial ship that do several hundred |
2928s | DPS and move very fast so uh we should |
2930s | see a lot I think um I expect to see |
2932s | more especially once ham rushes start |
2934s | and uh yeah they're they're pretty cool |
2936s | it's different we used to see |
2937s | Industrials for you know as the remote |
2939s | sensor booster ship now we're seeing |
2941s | them as DPS ships yep I mean it also has |
2943s | a massive gargo hole so it can hold cap |
2945s | charges for for all of his best internet |
2947s | spaceship friends uh so should they need |
2949s | more to keep themselves alive for |
2951s | example they could uh they could |
2952s | jettison them sometimes you see Advanced |
2954s | Techniques um such as that being |
2956s | employed by some of the top tier teams |
2958s | um you'll if you have spare slots uh |
2960s | spare cargo uh in your ship even if you |
2962s | don't need to put anything in it just |
2963s | put cap charges in there because if you |
2965s | die you become a cap charge resource |
2967s | then and then you're still valuable in |
2968s | providing use to your team even from the |
2971s | grave uh our next match I'm excited |
2973s | about it so I want to start talking |
2974s | about that because it's going to be we |
2976s | form Volta versus Brave Collective Now |
2979s | Brave and Volta uh two pretty you know |
2983s | experienced teams uh Brave have had a |
2984s | pretty good run uh in the past a couple |
2986s | of times Volta have uh gone all the way |
2989s | to Second they've been third a couple of |
2991s | times and back in the old days Alliance |
2992s | tournament 10 um uh as Veria collapsed |
2995s | they even won an alliance tournament so |
2997s | they're a very experienced team this |
2998s | will be a bit of an up uphill battle for |
3000s | brave I think but the brave team has |
3003s | historically uh shocked some people from |
3005s | time to time but the best part of it |
3006s | this one is our casters for this match |
3008s | uh our star leet Commander leader of VTA |
3010s | and ferina who is in Brave so uh I'm |
3013s | expecting to see some some salt and |
3015s | maybe some tears but let's take a look |
3016s | at the bans for this matchup so Volta |
3019s | Banning out the arbitrator the crucifier |
3022s | The Sentinel and the EOS and brave |
3024s | Banning out the Jack doll the orthus the |
3027s | and the carries so a lot of small stuff |
3030s | a lot of ewar especially tracking |
3031s | disruption and G disruption being banned |
3033s | out here but what else do you see from |
3036s | these Bens the the one that's really |
3038s | weird to me is getting rid of those uh |
3040s | damp frigs because they're really not |
3043s | that useful anymore in my opinion um the |
3046s | issue with them is that you know you're |
3048s | taking up a lot of points for frigs that |
3051s | can be countered by just getting closer |
3052s | to the opponent uh the only way you can |
3054s | really use them is if you have ECM at |
3056s | the same time um or you know there's an |
3058s | old old school drone damp meta but it |
3060s | doesn't work as well anymore cuz you can |
3061s | can't put 75 damps on grid so the brave |
3064s | bands are a little weird uh I get the |
3065s | jack on orthus getting real light |
3067s | missile ships you know especially |
3068s | against Volta who people think is going |
3071s | to kite a lot of times and they are kind |
3072s | of known for bringing these like light |
3074s | missile kiting uh setups against teams |
3076s | they maybe not necessarily think they're |
3078s | way better than them but they kind of |
3079s | are it's their way of disrespecting them |
3080s | as like yeah we'll just cite you you'll |
3082s | we'll kill you like we do on TQ uh BTA |
3085s | bands pretty solid I mean it's |
3087s | you know the really top tier teams don't |
3089s | like getting guidance disrupted and |
3090s | eos's are incredibly powerful in any |
3093s | armor setup it's like I mean we've seen |
3094s | them in every single match so far so you |
3096s | know there's a reason for it yeah that's |
3098s | a good point and Misty while Bart was um |
3100s | I believe the term is yapping on about |
3102s | the about that you had some um |
3104s | disagreeing looks in your face there |
3106s | when he's talking about the frigs I |
3107s | think that the damp bands are an |
3110s | interesting reaction to the fact that |
3112s | they've then seen the initial arbitrator |
3115s | and was it the crucifier ban initially |
3117s | arbitrator CH so after seeing those |
3119s | bands they're like okay vta's trying to |
3121s | remove tracking disruptors or guidance |
3123s | disruptors which implies that Vault will |
3125s | be wanting to maintain some some form of |
3127s | range like B said you could just get |
3130s | closer but that's not always the easiest |
3131s | thing to do and damps are a really good |
3133s | way of preventing you from being able to |
3135s | reach out and Tackle something |
3136s | especially if you bring something like |
3138s | Loki um if you damp it down it won't be |
3140s | able to web at long range which makes it |
3142s | very very hard for the rest of your team |
3143s | to get on top of a Target um so I think |
3146s | it's interesting that they've responded |
3147s | to these initial bands that would remove |
3149s | some form of range control um and |
3151s | they've responded with their own bands |
3153s | to make kiting more difficult you're |
3155s | still going to have you know your hugan |
3157s | your rapers your lokis if you want to |
3159s | bring those but um it'll be much harder |
3163s | for you to to screen Everything at Once |
3165s | if you don't have that ew war on grid |
3167s | yeah I mean Volta does love to bring a |
3169s | good old hyena as well they're notorious |
3172s | hyena enjoyers um so that ship is still |
3174s | available and I think I agree with you |
3176s | that um the the m and the carries |
3178s | they're they're useful bands I would |
3180s | have probably banned more long-range |
3182s | webs though what do you think B yeah I I |
3184s | think that uh especially against a team |
3186s | like Volta I like hyena and then |
3188s | probably hugan I mean you can't get rid |
3190s | of a raper and a hugan and a hyena at |
3192s | that point with only two bands but at |
3193s | least rapers are significantly more |
3196s | killable than a hugan is uh that that |
3198s | extra low slot is a big deal especially |
3201s | in the alliance tournament um I think |
3203s | that that's because the issue is that if |
3205s | a good pilot is in a hyena they can shut |
3207s | down your entire ability to get anywhere |
3209s | and so it's like yeah damps are good but |
3213s | you still do have to get in range at |
3214s | some point and if you have a good pilot |
3216s | that's like doing perfect range control |
3217s | which we've seen before where somebody |
3219s | locks down like five ships by just |
3221s | cycling webs it's rough so I like I said |
3224s | I agree with what Misty said I think |
3227s | that these are kind of weird bands and I |
3229s | don't know if they're the correct ones |
3231s | the only thing I can think of for uh |
3232s | Banning out these damping ships that |
3234s | might Brave is a bit uh bit cooky at |
3236s | times they might try and bring like a l |
3238s | Shack based comp and damps can really |
3240s | mess up um anything Travian because you |
3242s | can just like cancel the spill by just |
3244s | swapping damps around onto different |
3246s | chips and then all of a sudden your lock |
3247s | range has decreased bang your spool is |
3249s | gone and that could be really impactful |
3251s | the Shacks are very expensive points |
3252s | wise we don't see them super often but |
3254s | when we do see them they can be |
3255s | extremely effective especially against |
3257s | other Battleship heavy comps where they |
3259s | can just spool endlessly any thoughts |
3262s | M I believe that brave is probably going |
3264s | to bring a rush or something that they |
3266s | want to be super I think Banning webs |
3268s | instead of the damps would make it |
3270s | harder for them to get on top of things |
3271s | I think they probably benefit more from |
3273s | having webs on their team than Volta |
3274s | will have you know from having webs on |
3277s | on their team um just due to the |
3279s | inherent range control that Vol is going |
3280s | to be going for um in terms of |
3282s | positioning um I'm not sure about the |
3284s | lasack I think if I saw three tracking |
3287s | disrupted ships kind of like banned on |
3289s | the enemy team the lasack could be |
3291s | pretty good but you might want to |
3292s | actually finish off that line and go for |
3294s | the curse and go for the pilgrim or |
3296s | something like that so by leaving those |
3297s | two ships in you still have the |
3299s | potential for track and disruptors and |
3301s | track and disruptors will put your |
3303s | lushack into the trash can so um is true |
3306s | I'm I'm thinking they're going to go for |
3307s | a rush so keep it simple going up |
3309s | against vter they're going to hope that |
3311s | vter messes up positioning that they're |
3313s | able to get on top of something kill it |
3315s | really quickly move on um and just kind |
3317s | of braw their way through awesome well I |
3319s | think we should head over to the arena |
3321s | and find out who's going to win between |
3322s | we form Volta and brave Collective with |
3324s | the Caster starlake commander and Fe |
3331s | welcome back to the arena my name is |
3332s | Fana joined by the lovely start fleet |
3334s | commander and on the blue side we have |
3336s | Brave Collective My Alliance as you can |
3338s | see by my lovely shirt bringing a king |
3340s | Slayer setup but also with quite a bit |
3342s | of control in that curse and Pilgrim |
3344s | what have Volta brought well volter have |
3345s | gone for a ham Rush Nighthawk with two |
3347s | lokis Fleet Tycoon and some Cyclones and |
3350s | a scalpel Kier and schools now isn't |
3352s | this an important match for us isn't it |
3354s | uh ex Coalition mates Brave and vter |
3356s | back B2 before uh MTI and fraternity |
3359s | ruins that all for us unfortunately he's |
3362s | on the desk so we can't really get our |
3363s | revenge on him at the moment but either |
3365s | way Brave and Volta a lot of history on |
3368s | TQ over the last couple years and we're |
3370s | seeing actually uh Volta doing the pull |
3373s | back towards mjd play off the start of |
3374s | the match for The Rush not immediately |
3376s | going in they're going to try to play |
3378s | and get on top of one of these armag |
3379s | Navy issues and try not to be screened |
3382s | by this Muller and this vexer that brave |
3384s | had brought a difficult game for bra I |
3387s | think a lot of damage from the vter team |
3389s | I think a good play to go for the mro |
3390s | jump Deacon but obviously Brave can |
3393s | position themselves to get out of that |
3394s | if they want to also this is the first |
3396s | match today we haven't seen Armor All |
3398s | the other matches today I've had gons |
3400s | and obviously vter my guys bringing in |
3401s | some ham Rush straight from the feeders |
3403s | F the same comp so the pilgrim and the |
3406s | curse interestingly we don't see any |
3407s | guidance disrupture going on to the we |
3409s | form VTA side quite yet we'll see how |
3412s | that works um it's you know when you |
3415s | bring a pilgrim in a curse uh most teams |
3417s | will bring a mix of guidance and |
3419s | tracking disruption in order to help |
3421s | against the enemy team also those |
3423s | longrange NES on the pilgrim and curse |
3425s | uh very very nice to have if they're |
3428s | rushing directly into you and we see |
3429s | Brave actually start to close the |
3431s | distance because they don't want to be |
3433s | 100 km away from this mjd Beacon that |
3435s | Volta are playing on Volta right now |
3437s | literally getting ready to jump uh in in |
3439s | a moments here but obviously Brave |
3441s | realizing that moving in closing the |
3442s | distance but I think this is the problem |
3444s | with doing these jumps you have to get |
3445s | there quite quickly and position really |
3447s | fast otherwise you're going to jump over |
3449s | jump yeah and of course no flagships |
3451s | being brought in this one Brave has a |
3453s | Balor Flagship so uh this time around |
3456s | the extra tank not necessarily available |
3458s | from these battleships and it's a lot of |
3460s | damage from this ham rush we see the |
3462s | mgds begin to spool for Volta as they |
3464s | move in actually hold on no the mold is |
3466s | webbed they're burning back in they're |
3467s | burning back in and in fact uh that |
3469s | gives Braves screen the opportunity to |
3471s | go in but we see one of the armag Navy |
3473s | issues actually playing a bit far |
3474s | forward that's enen Leon in the |
3476s | armagedon Navy issue playing forward and |
3478s | actually trying to screen for the rest |
3480s | of the backline as the ham Rush starts |
3482s | going in covert one and the Cyclone is |
3483s | the primary from Brave Inquisitor is |
3485s | Webb from Brave that would be the |
3486s | primary for the volter team definitely I |
3488s | think the good move here I think they |
3489s | should get rid of those logi frigs on |
3491s | the volter side they need to get rid |
3492s | them otherwise they're going to lose I |
3494s | think the Cyclone obviously taking |
3495s | damage this going to be a hard match for |
3496s | for vter I think and we see the G |
3498s | disruption actually going on on the nigh |
3500s | Hawk of stiggy MAA at the moment as well |
3502s | as some other targets Cyclone of covert |
3504s | one still on low Shield The Inquisitor |
3506s | of andari actually staying alive for a |
3508s | bit longer than was perhaps thought now |
3510s | she is webbed and scrammed up and |
3512s | there's damage going on to loose mucus |
3513s | in the Mer but the Cyclone of covert one |
3515s | now into low armor and covert one will |
3518s | be first blood for brave Collective |
3520s | covert one about to go down and chist |
3521s | now in half armor I mean that he's |
3523s | trying to hold on as much as possible |
3524s | this is such a bad trade honestly guys |
3526s | First Blood goes to Brave amazing G is |
3529s | about to go down as well they need to |
3530s | get down the other one straight away and |
3531s | work on these damages on on the G don't |
3533s | they so brave going for the damage |
3535s | efficient traes taking out these squall |
3536s | next instead of focusing on the |
3538s | Nighthawk and the lokis meanwhile the |
3540s | curse of bro Bentley getting some damage |
3542s | on top of him right now although he's |
3544s | not currently tackled at all the only |
3546s | people that are tackled are this |
3547s | Inquisitor of K Carn effect who doesn't |
3548s | have anyone to rep him up and duuk wanai |
3551s | in the Navy armagedon isue as we see |
3552s | pretorius in the Squall go down the next |
3555s | Squall is uh zap in going down as well |
3558s | and brave is actually doing a really |
3560s | good job of the rapid Heavies of taking |
3561s | down the low end of we for Volta doing |
3564s | really well obviously Volta now |
3565s | realizing okay logi frig down let's just |
3568s | go for thean navu they've figured out |
3569s | they can try and break the Reps I think |
3571s | this is the right play for volter they |
3573s | need to get the big ships down if they |
3575s | waste any more time with the lower ends |
3576s | they're going to lose they're going to |
3577s | have Whittle down you know they're going |
3578s | to lose their ships aren't they yeah so |
3580s | they've got of course five DPS ships |
3582s | currently up and available xiaan in the |
3584s | Squall very low in Shield at the moment |
3587s | but the Rabid Heavy Clips are on reload |
3589s | so that Squall has not gone down quite |
3591s | yet DJ W I currently sitting about one |
3593s | qu armor remaining and doesn't have any |
3595s | reps now the Rabbid heav has have |
3596s | reloaded and the Squall goes down of |
3598s | zaps and they're going to go for zebidah |
3600s | in the next squ as well trying to get |
3602s | the DPS efficient trades off but then |
3604s | they need to take off the Cyclone Fleet |
3605s | issue if they have any chance of winning |
3607s | this match but doju ey in the armag get |
3609s | Navy issue now into structure it's not |
3611s | looking good for bra super close to |
3612s | dying right now and as soon as they get |
3613s | that g Navy issue off that's a lot of |
3615s | damage gting off and a lot of control |
3617s | gone off the grid for brave a big win |
3619s | for vter but the game is still not over |
3621s | as a school goes down for zebar the |
3623s | damage is coming out from from the |
3624s | volter team I'm not really too sure what |
3626s | the going go for they're going to go for |
3627s | The Inquisitor I think get him off |
3628s | quickly get those reps away but this is |
3630s | still a tight match yeah bravon a |
3631s | supreme leader on the Cyclone flu issue |
3633s | now it's the next obvious Target when |
3635s | you're dealing with a rush setup you |
3636s | want to go for uh much like Dread braws |
3639s | uh higher DPS over lower ehp is |
3641s | typically the more efficient way to do |
3643s | it in terms of uh damage but in terms of |
3645s | points that's not necessarily the thing |
3647s | as we saw the squalls go off the grid |
3649s | after that cyclone and it makes for a |
3651s | really efficient trade for brave but |
3652s | they still only have rapid Heavies on |
3654s | one boat and the logi is still alive for |
3656s | reform vter that said Navy armag nuding |
3659s | out the scalp on the Kieran they're not |
3661s | repping anything at the moment no and |
3663s | also Kane is doing a fantastic job |
3665s | wasting time right now he's in structure |
3667s | but he's still holding on volter now |
3669s | decided to go for the arm again of enig |
3671s | which I think is uh a good idea they've |
3673s | got five minutes left and need to just |
3675s | Whittle it down the is basically out of |
3676s | the game at this point he's really far |
3677s | away he's nowhere near the isue I think |
3680s | volan need to get the damage down they |
3681s | are holding though supreme leader ma is |
3684s | sort of stabilizing but he's dying a bit |
3686s | buying a bit much so Planet 6 and no |
3688s | proo in the logi fs really talented loif |
3690s | Pilots I'm sure they're trying to manage |
3691s | their cap as best as they can I guess |
3693s | yeah under the heav pressure of a Navy |
3695s | Armageddon One n a piece obviously |
3697s | there's still the curse in the pilgrim |
3698s | as well getting the fast cycle medium |
3700s | NES I expect are getting those NES out |
3703s | as well and the fleet Cyclone do not |
3705s | have any hardeners we saw the reload |
3707s | come out from enen Leon and is now |
3708s | shooting supreme leader once again so |
3710s | they will be able to take him down |
3711s | meanwhile en lean going down a lot |
3713s | slower than you expect a rush comp onto |
3715s | a Navy armag and I'm not exactly sure |
3717s | what Volta is thinking about right now |
3719s | they now have the primary DPS on end and |
3721s | he's now in 2/3 of the armor and he's |
3724s | tackled up but supreme leader ma staying |
3726s | alive in the cycl fleet issue because |
3727s | there isn't that second rapid heavy |
3729s | threat at the moment I mean NY in the |
3731s | arag Navy she's dying too slowly with |
3733s | Supreme deal going into armor he will |
3735s | drop here I'm not it's not looking too |
3737s | good for the vter team I mean he is in |
3738s | half armor now maybe the pace is run out |
3740s | I think for the armagan Navy issue he |
3741s | might be dropping now but obviously the |
3743s | cycl F she goes down if he goes down the |
3745s | DPS does a lot well The Inquisitor reps |
3747s | are out but also Brave has a massive |
3749s | amount of rep bots on their team with |
3751s | this curs and this Pilgrim the megus the |
3753s | pona all and the vexer and the mer all |
3755s | having rep Bots onto this Navy |
3756s | Armageddon if they can get this Fleet |
3758s | Cyclone might be able to keep the |
3760s | Armageddon Navy a little bit for a |
3762s | little bit longer 10% structure |
3763s | remaining on enen Leon supreme leader |
3766s | still in he's holding on for dear life |
3769s | right now if ven Leon goes down this |
3770s | match goes the way of Volta and he's now |
3772s | into structure en and Leon in the VA in |
3774s | the armor get Navy isue uh now into half |
3777s | structure they're trying to take |
3778s | down he's holding on for dear life Volta |
3782s | with the rush into the king Slayer of |
3783s | brave are going to take this match |
3785s | Armageddon Navy issue down and that is |
3789s | all the DPS off the table for brave |
3790s | Collective a valiant effort from them if |
3793s | I may say so myself but uh unfortunately |
3795s | I'm going to have to take the Big L that |
3797s | we saw Misty take uh on the desk earlier |
3800s | I see uh CCP overload starting to run |
3803s | into the room with the casters bringing |
3806s | the L for me to wear but uh uh you know |
3810s | I think he's here we go there there |
3812s | there we go thank you overload uh but oh |
3815s | dear but regardless uh you know uh Brave |
3818s | Collective obviously uh didn't have a |
3820s | whole lot of scream for this vola comp |
3822s | they did a decent job of trying to shut |
3824s | down this Nighthawk early on but |
3825s | unfortunately for them they just ran out |
3827s | of steam and lost their Armageddon Navy |
3828s | issues and uh congratulations I mean I |
3831s | mean let's just sit back for a second |
3833s | here I mean Brave did a fantastic job |
3835s | I'm sorry absolutely incredible job vter |
3837s | clearly getting a bit of cold feet there |
3839s | I think at the beginning they're kind of |
3840s | bit not really too sure what to do here |
3842s | for their target calling but they |
3843s | managed to get it back uh and and get |
3845s | the win uh which is good job guys by the |
3847s | way uh hopefully hopefully they keep |
3850s | going forwards and obviously Brave going |
3852s | to lose this bracket be playing later I |
3853s | think uh I think match I think they will |
3855s | be playing later um so we'll see who |
3857s | they play uh next I think is the next |
3860s | the loser of the next match I think is |
3861s | who Brave play uh don't quote me on this |
3864s | but it might be right I think it is um |
3866s | OB see right now bit of a clean up right |
3868s | now um supreme Supreme Leader Mau |
3870s | obviously an absolute legend holding on |
3872s | that was a close shave and also Kane I'm |
3873s | going to give a big shout out to Kane |
3875s | holding on an Inquisitor on his own |
3877s | burning away wasting a lot of time the |
3880s | volter team did waste a lot of time on |
3882s | him I mean he's X blob he's one of your |
3884s | guys originally right well there we some |
3886s | got some good pilots in there haven't we |
3888s | bit of a clean up right now isn't it |
3890s | fair yeah just a a cleanup for we from |
3892s | VTA they're chasing down you know the |
3893s | brave Collective side um these Recon you |
3896s | know obviously go off to the other side |
3897s | of the arena and do what they do from |
3899s | range which is what the pilgrim and the |
3900s | Mages or and the uh curse are good at |
3903s | but now the pilgrim goes down Len reden |
3905s | ends up falling and you know Volta |
3907s | getting the cleanup uh not showing a |
3909s | whole lot that we haven't seen in |
3910s | feeders obviously bringing uh Nighthawk |
3913s | dual Loki Rush um surprised that we |
3915s | haven't seen a whole lot of that in this |
3918s | tournament outside of feeders thus far |
3920s | but uh I'm interested to see if any of |
3923s | the other top teams are going to bring a |
3925s | comp like Rush that we've seen before |
3926s | and try to hide things moving forward in |
3928s | the tournament I think also some also |
3930s | good fights in Lo right now um everyone |
3932s | saying what a great fight yeah I |
3933s | completely agree I mean VTA VTA |
3935s | literally flying the same thing as in |
3937s | the feeders the same sort of archetype |
3939s | comp and all the matches we saw today |
3940s | were basically being battleships uh yeah |
3943s | uh a lot of battleships except for the |
3945s | first match where we saw uh till |
3947s | doomsday take down take down frat with |
3949s | uh nothing but uh battle Cruisers and |
3952s | Below uh drones K car effects in The |
3955s | Inquisitor going to be the last last |
3956s | blood and the Mages of Arcos dock stays |
3959s | alive to uh the end of the match bra |
3962s | Collective going down lower bracket |
3963s | Volta moving on and with that we're |
3964s | going to take a quick break when we |
3966s | return the desk will break that down |
3967s | we'll be right back after |
3970s | this welcome back we for Volta taking |
3973s | the W and handing uh the L to Brave |
3976s | Collective that was my favorite match of |
3977s | the day so far that was a very exciting |
3979s | match it was really touching goal for |
3980s | quite some time there uh especially with |
3983s | um I think it was ma in the the the |
3985s | cyclone was like holding on for be life |
3988s | at one point I thought he was going to |
3989s | drop before the gon went down but they |
3991s | managed to hold on the two logi frigs of |
3993s | Outlaw no proo and Planet 6 doing a |
3995s | great job they would have been under a |
3996s | lot of n pressure during that fight but |
3999s | they managed to keep him alive and then |
4001s | they took the win but yeah that was a |
4003s | bit of a bit of a touch and go one bit |
4004s | of a squeaky bum moment for VTA I am |
4006s | sure moderator welcome to the desk hey |
4009s | I'm glad to be here you've uh you know |
4011s | allowed me to escape the uh the casting |
4013s | dungeon and I'm back on the desk with |
4015s | you guys and excited to be here yeah |
4016s | we're excited to have you here so that |
4018s | was a great match uh I want to talk a |
4020s | little bit about the use of Lodie frigs |
4021s | because usually um it's bit easier to |
4023s | use Tech 2 Logistics Cruisers but you |
4026s | can only bring one logy Frets you have |
4027s | to bring a pair there are Le less points |
4029s | and we saw Brave bringing Tech 1 versus |
4032s | uh Volta bringing Tech 2 tell me a |
4034s | little bit about why you would bring |
4035s | logi F instead of a logic Cruiser mod |
4037s | well part of what's going on there is |
4039s | points economy right so a pair of logi |
4041s | frigs right if you bring two of the same |
4043s | kind The Tech 2 so double Deacon we'll |
4045s | see aot lot right that's 20 um2 points |
4048s | because of the you know double Point |
4050s | rule there we saw a um The Shield one |
4054s | the Kieran and the other one whose Name |
4056s | Escapes me right now I'm sure twitch |
4058s | chat will remind me that I do not |
4060s | remember how to play the game but that's |
4061s | 20 points and really what we saw going |
4064s | on there is that those are cheaper |
4065s | significantly right than having to bring |
4068s | something like an a guardian right or a |
4070s | zarm zad or um really any of those you |
4073s | know Cruisers and what that allows you |
4076s | to do right is you can spend more of |
4077s | those points on anything else in your |
4079s | composition however on the side of Brave |
4082s | when you go for you know a pair of you |
4084s | know tech one ones you don't spend as |
4086s | many points but they don't tank as well |
4087s | of course um you know as their Tech 2 |
4090s | counterpart yeah and then bar I also |
4091s | want to talk a little bit about um the |
4093s | use of Rapid heavy missile launchers |
4096s | normally missiles go bur but with rapid |
4098s | Heavies they must stop think about what |
4101s | they've done and reload and that takes |
4102s | some time so there's like a a clip of |
4104s | missiles that that go in you have some |
4106s | strong opinions on these gons here yeah |
4108s | um well so far they've been Vindicated |
4110s | because we' have seen a lot of uh gon |
4112s | Navy issues today um and we've seen a |
4115s | lot of losing rapid heavy getting Navy |
4117s | issues and we've kind of talked about it |
4118s | uh for a few years when the change first |
4120s | came out they're also bonus to lasers |
4123s | and lasers also go Burr and they look |
4125s | really cool and I think that there's |
4127s | been a couple matches today where I feel |
4128s | like the get navies would have won if |
4130s | they were laser boats not rapid missiles |
4132s | because their damage wouldn't stop for |
4134s | 30 to 35 seconds um additionally |
4138s | like if you're going to double get a |
4140s | Navy issue because of the point |
4141s | inflation rule you're spending extra |
4143s | points that you could do to spend on |
4144s | maybe another ship like a redeemer which |
4146s | we saw happen all the time last year uh |
4148s | we saw so redeemers you know people |
4151s | think okay it's a Black Ops Battleship |
4152s | if you don't fly it like a Black Ops |
4154s | Battleship you fly it like a you know a |
4155s | line Battleship they do a ton of DPS |
4158s | they're relatively tanky and they also |
4159s | have a n bonus like the G Navy issue so |
4162s | if you're going to do two battleships |
4163s | why not bring a gon Navy issue and a |
4165s | redeemer or a redeemer and a Vindicator |
4167s | perhaps which uh a certain team who is |
4169s | now in the lower bracket basically used |
4171s | to win the alliance tournament last year |
4173s | so just things to think about um when |
4176s | your DPS gets stopped especially versus |
4178s | a shield rush and you haven't actually |
4180s | taken down a DPS ship or two you're |
4182s | you're kind of screwed right and we saw |
4184s | it like it looked like they were about |
4186s | to kill a fleet cyclone and then their |
4188s | damage stopped and then they lost get |
4191s | and that was it if they had been laser |
4192s | boats they probably won that fight yeah |
4195s | I mean it is one of the main problems |
4197s | with h with clip based things if you |
4198s | don't kill them before you run out and |
4201s | their lodgy still alive then all that |
4203s | damage you've done is just going to be |
4204s | slowly undone uh over over the next like |
4206s | 30 seconds until you can go back on |
4208s | again so you really have to focus on on |
4209s | clipping usually is the term uh that's |
4211s | used and you also have to try and sync |
4212s | up your Clips with uh with multiple |
4214s | ships you don't want to be splitting DPS |
4215s | it's just easier for the the enemies to |
4217s | rep uh and not die but enough about |
4220s | about that match let's look at our next |
4222s | one this one I think is going to be um |
4224s | pretty lit uh it is Tru truth on a light |
4226s | versus bright side of death so truth on |
4228s | a light the multiple lines tournament uh |
4230s | winning team some of the most |
4231s | experienced pilots in the game for for |
4233s | for tournaments just straight up end of |
4236s | sentence bright side of death are also |
4238s | not a sledge they have done pretty well |
4240s | they they have certainly got the ability |
4242s | to uh to knock down truth on the light |
4244s | let's take a look at the bands and see |
4246s | what these teams are choosing to ban out |
4248s | so truth on the light Banning Out The |
4250s | Jacka The Curse the Armageddon and the |
4252s | Armageddon Navy issue meanwhile uh the |
4254s | bright side of death team Banning out |
4255s | the zarm the slep the Widow and the |
4258s | crucifier moderator what do you think |
4260s | about these bands so what truth onor |
4261s | light is really saying is God I hate NES |
4264s | because they've decided that they're |
4265s | going to get rid of you know the curse |
4267s | which does a really good job at |
4268s | projecting long-range medium NES you get |
4270s | rid of aedon and it's get a navy and |
4272s | you've gotten rid of really what are the |
4274s | two primary um you know Battleship |
4276s | longrange heavy NES and this is not |
4278s | again a meta where you're allowed to |
4280s | bring you know Flagship uh heavy you |
4283s | know bonus NES but still you know those |
4285s | T2 n |
4286s | are no joke right so the gons are pretty |
4288s | good at that we see a lot of these uh |
4290s | boats you know they just fit seven newes |
4292s | in their high slot and they're like hey |
4294s | we're not going to do a ton of damage |
4295s | but we're going to do the big suck and |
4297s | if you have no capacitor you can't win |
4299s | um so that's what I'm seeing here The |
4301s | Jacka is something that um has a lot of |
4305s | utility as a ship you know you have |
4309s | those mids slots five of them you can |
4310s | fit a lot of um you know things like |
4312s | remote sensor boosters Target painters a |
4314s | lot of uh support even in an armor |
4317s | composition as strange as it sounds you |
4319s | know you just throw a bunch of Target |
4320s | painters you throw a lot of seos on |
4322s | there and it just becomes utility boat |
4323s | so THL clearly they've seen something um |
4327s | I know they've been scrimming uh some of |
4329s | these you know Russian teams so bad |
4331s | being um what we consider to be the |
4333s | second best Russian team they might have |
4335s | a clue as to what's going on with the ru |
4337s | meta this year yeah I think NES are was |
4339s | an interesting one in a lot of Al |
4341s | matches because the longer the match |
4342s | goes on the more oppressive they become |
4344s | because the capacitor is gone and then |
4346s | you can move on to another ship and |
4347s | leave just one on that ship and you |
4349s | slowly reduce the effectiveness of any |
4351s | ship and it's just this sphere of nting |
4354s | death if you get too close to especially |
4355s | if you're in a small uh Ship Without a |
4357s | capacitor booster you might just be |
4358s | completely dead in the water uh |
4360s | vindicators famously uh do not enjoy |
4362s | being n to DED they just turn off and |
4364s | become useless 54 Point bricks I think |
4367s | um they look great just to be clear very |
4369s | nice ships but um very useless when they |
4371s | get nuted out um bar any other comments |
4374s | on these bands here I I think it just |
4376s | really does show you know something like |
4378s | the teams are thinking differently like |
4379s | trth HL went with very basic standard |
4382s | bands because they're kind of like well |
4384s | whatever um we'll see what happens and |
4387s | uh whereas the bright side bands are |
4388s | like like nobody has bands a widow we |
4391s | probably won't even see a widow like I |
4392s | would be surprised if we see a widow in |
4395s | more than one match in the entire |
4396s | Alliance tournament but if there's a |
4398s | team that could bring one and do it |
4399s | correctly it would be truth honor light |
4400s | because they're kind of famous for kind |
4402s | of weird off-the-wall control setups |
4405s | like that so so it's uh kind of there's |
4407s | a little fear I think I think bright C |
4409s | death has a bit of fear here yeah there |
4410s | has been um a couple of like heavy ECM |
4413s | based comps from some of these top tier |
4414s | teams Hydra reloaded uh versus VRA |
4416s | reloaded in one particular final I'm |
4418s | thinking of uh when there was I believe |
4419s | uh chameleon broad ECM bonus chip uh and |
4423s | a lot of like I think there was also |
4424s | like Rooks and Falcons and stuff as well |
4426s | just lots of ECM heavy uh control comps |
4429s | now there's a bit of a dice roll uh but |
4430s | the Widow if you're going to roll a dice |
4432s | it has a very loaded dice it's a very |
4433s | strong bonus to those uh those new |
4435s | strength so it's probably a good good |
4437s | chance of getting Jen by one of them so |
4439s | Banning it is a good idea yeah and Hyer |
4441s | they've got a history of bringing widows |
4442s | right they had a special comp that was |
4444s | based around these kind of endgame final |
4446s | weekend Widow comps and bright side they |
4448s | may have some you |
4450s | know insight into kind of the history |
4452s | book and being like wow those comps that |
4454s | we saw that were good in the past are |
4456s | still decent this year and we really |
4458s | don't want to deal with that so we're |
4459s | going to ban it out and just not have to |
4461s | you know worry about that this match |
4464s | yeah so I think we can head over to this |
4465s | match cuz it's going to be an exciting |
4466s | one we have a new Caster in the booth |
4468s | now we have all the way from Down Under |
4469s | we have Wingnut cross uh joining |
4471s | Starfleet Commander so let's head over |
4473s | for that |
4478s | match welcome back to the arena I'm |
4480s | staffle Commander with me I have wing |
4482s | nut and on the grid right now in front |
4484s | of you we have a quick match don't we |
4485s | truth on a light uh bringing a basically |
4487s | medium rail spam and what a be of |
4489s | brought well they heard the Met memo we |
4491s | do the exact same thing see differ |
4493s | differences here a lot of damage AB |
4495s | prophecies half navies we got the whole |
4497s | kickle it's going to be an aggressive |
4499s | fight and they even warped in pretty |
4500s | close too yeah they're warping angles |
4502s | right now so they both obviously Waring |
4503s | from different directions but the where |
4504s | they are they're literally about 50 or |
4506s | 40 or 50 km from each other so the |
4508s | damage will come down really fast as the |
4510s | match does get on the way I think the |
4512s | first primaries here are key who they go |
4514s | for first and we're going to see right |
4516s | now I think a perfect a really good |
4518s | choice for be they went Deon th that's |
4521s | crazy going straight for the Lodi and |
4522s | honestly they might actually get it look |
4523s | at that th went down straight to half |
4524s | armor into already gone boom oh wow THL |
4528s | wasting no time at all thano down I |
4530s | think the Deacon will be next um but I |
4532s | think well bid need to make a decision |
4534s | as they do go for the AUG do you think I |
4536s | mean with these matches do you think the |
4538s | pace is what matters doesn't it exactly |
4539s | that especially time comes like this the |
4541s | they paid for the double LOD FRS against |
4543s | an a here they should be get putting a |
4544s | lot of damage down they're not doing too |
4546s | well they're starting to go for the or |
4547s | but they're already losing ships doing |
4548s | that it's it's going to start just |
4550s | steamrolling one way already yeah I |
4552s | think I mean Beast would really need to |
4554s | get some tackle or gets something on the |
4556s | Oro he is bur he's he's miles away Lucas |
4559s | is a season logy pilot knows what he's |
4560s | doing I think B they're not really too |
4562s | sure what they're doing as the Deacon on |
4564s | their side goes down I mean that's kind |
4565s | of it yeah I mean they're kind of really |
4567s | on the back foot here The Omen of |
4568s | control freak is now taking damage from |
4571s | bord but I think bord really need to get |
4573s | some damage down they push the orre away |
4575s | fantastic but just focus on stuff around |
4577s | exct get some stuff down right now like |
4580s | I said the or is a mile away he's gone |
4581s | somewhere else everyone's bringing |
4582s | damage I can't see many LOD drones it's |
4584s | just like full damage going |
4585s | they're losing their entire comp they |
4586s | haven't even killed an omen yet they've |
4588s | got five DPS ships that Omen should be |
4590s | obliterated from this planet The Omen |
4592s | wasn't tackled so control freak just |
4594s | burn away back to the ly and he's got |
4596s | reped come back now as the harbinger of |
4599s | for Harbinger Navy issue is about to go |
4601s | down I mean THL the execution you know |
4605s | placing last year doing fantastic last |
4607s | year they have the strong Pilots strong |
4609s | cordination and strong Target recording |
4610s | and it shows here exactly they're very |
4612s | well te B is not a particular like sleep |
4614s | te they've done some great matches |
4615s | they've had some great calls but this |
4616s | just seems like they've been entirely |
4618s | outskilled and out play just destroyed |
4620s | from the start I mean literally um THL |
4623s | lost an orro uh he's down but I think |
4626s | it's h too little too late I think uh no |
4629s | he's he's no okay he just got killed |
4630s | fair enough I think he just I think he |
4632s | died I think yeah fair enough got |
4634s | boundary but I think it's a bit too |
4636s | little too late too on that on that |
4638s | front I think BW definitely trying to |
4639s | just scrap and getting some points right |
4641s | now THL obviously massive commanding |
4643s | lead and what a difference from the |
4644s | match you had today this was a quick |
4645s | match compared to what we've witnessed |
4647s | today I up comes in the games are over |
4651s | you know within 3 minutes they heard the |
4652s | sirens call of damage man it's it's the |
4654s | way it is and honestly it's exactly that |
4656s | it was a very quick game and even even |
4659s | these kind of matches right they are a |
4660s | full damage rush but you still got to |
4661s | play it correctly and Truth on the light |
4663s | showing okay we're going to play this |
4664s | perfectly with these matches literally |
4666s | the first I say 30 seconds are the most |
4668s | important thing the first Target you go |
4670s | for if it doesn't if it doesn't break we |
4672s | saw a be they went for the visual lots |
4673s | of damage landed did not break on the |
4675s | other hand th |
4676s | annihilated T2 LOD friets with resist |
4679s | they managed to kill them both in |
4680s | seconds like that's game immediately |
4682s | it's like okay these things are meant to |
4683s | be hard to kill it's already gone Lally |
4686s | as good fights going local I think B |
4688s | lots of good fights lots of um yeah in |
4691s | local which is really good obviously the |
4692s | Absolution of MERS about to go down but |
4695s | I think I mean could B won this one do |
4697s | you think they could have won B do you |
4698s | re they could have honestly what you |
4700s | said the first 30 seconds that initial |
4702s | Target calling cuz they could go for |
4703s | something bigger kill it and maybe win |
4704s | the damage rate but it's always that |
4706s | first call if you get it wrong in these |
4708s | kind of high damage comps you basically |
4710s | given up the comp you basically like |
4712s | kneecap yourself it's like okay well now |
4713s | we don't have the survivability we just |
4714s | die I mean the bands do scream on THL |
4717s | bands right now obviously the genon get |
4719s | Navy issue jacked or curse they kind of |
4721s | say like you know we want to we do want |
4722s | to bring some armor Cruiser I think and |
4724s | obviously on be banning Zam slep with |
4727s | and Cru we talked about this before it's |
4728s | a bit of a random one interesting part |
4730s | as well the get get Navy Band is |
4731s | actually kind of a band against like or |
4732s | stopping them from bring or if you get |
4734s | rid of the get get Navy the or is |
4735s | actually a bit more safe oh definitely |
4737s | no yeah the oppression is not there so |
4738s | they could safely bring new org and they |
4740s | probably know their flags and everything |
4741s | so they probably thought this is a safe |
4742s | safe bet for us on the other side they |
4744s | brought T2 logi FRS which does give more |
4746s | points obviously it makes it so you can |
4748s | have a bit more of a higher higher top |
4750s | end but obviously it didn't work out I |
4752s | mean I thought the I think the visual |
4754s | for THL which is why it was the main |
4755s | target was the was a good call free |
4757s | application the entire match and yeah |
4759s | Navy about to go Blue there we go well |
4761s | and with that we'll take it back to a |
4762s | break and then we'll get the analyst to |
4764s | talk about it |
4769s | welcome back truth honor light there |
4770s | doing a bit of a speedrun to Victory uh |
4773s | with a lot of medium guns price head of |
4775s | death uh they lost a ship in seconds uh |
4778s | turns out if you bring uh lots of medium |
4780s | guns you can just press F1 make the |
4781s | enemy go away much easier to win the |
4784s | match uh Bart tell me what happened |
4786s | there yeah uh so Tree on light basically |
4789s | brought a massive amount of DPS which so |
4791s | did right side to death the comps were |
4793s | very very similar with a couple |
4794s | different chips but the the intent was |
4796s | the same um the issue for bright side of |
4800s | death is that they brought logy Frets |
4803s | with mwds so they're kind of easy to hit |
4807s | and Truth honor light is like it's such |
4809s | an experienced team that they had locked |
4811s | up Target painted and killed the logi |
4813s | frig in the first like 5 Seconds of the |
4815s | match which if they had been three or |
4817s | four seconds slower the Lodi friet would |
4818s | have been going to fast they would be |
4819s | able to take it down as soon as that |
4821s | happens it's like okay well now you're |
4822s | down to a single logistic ship truth on |
4825s | lights warpin were a little bit better |
4826s | too and uh their augurer which is a |
4828s | tech1 Lodi Cruiser which is probably the |
4831s | only tech1 Lodi Cruiser that you ever |
4832s | see with armor was too far away um so TR |
4835s | th light was able to head shot logi they |
4837s | then could just do whatever they wanted |
4839s | I mean it was a what 4 minute and 10 |
4841s | second match which is pretty dang fast |
4843s | like we usually don't see them much |
4844s | faster than that uh 7,000 DPS and medium |
4847s | guns probably the the thing I liked |
4849s | about it is that this is the team that |
4851s | people are like oh they're this crazy |
4852s | execution team they have crazy plans |
4854s | they took basically the second simplest |
4856s | comp like the simplest I'd say is a |
4857s | shield rush and just like okay yeah what |
4860s | if we just do a ton of damage to you and |
4861s | you die right everybody else we've seen |
4863s | today they've been like oh we're going |
4863s | to go control NES and oh we're going to |
4865s | bring all these these you know control |
4867s | ships and we're going to like do this |
4869s | range control and they're just like yeah |
4870s | we're just going to press one on you and |
4871s | press F1 on you and then your ship's |
4873s | going to blow up and then we're going to |
4874s | move on to our next match and uh it it |
4876s | was fun yep I mean solid execution of a |
4879s | pretty you know don't say basic comp but |
4882s | um like you you highlighted it yourself |
4884s | there are such an experience team that |
4885s | as soon as the match started they target |
4887s | was called they banked straight onto it |
4889s | and they took down uh that Logistics |
4890s | frig almost immediately moderator any |
4892s | any thoughts on that yeah so we saw a |
4895s | little bit of uh you know kind of key |
4896s | differences in kind of the the thought |
4899s | process behind those comps right so you |
4901s | have these micro warp driving you know |
4903s | frigs that can do a pretty good job of |
4905s | getting from point A to point B very |
4907s | quickly but the thing about them is they |
4909s | just don't have the rep range themselves |
4912s | that a augurer would have and people |
4914s | think of this augur is being kind of |
4916s | like an inferior ship but it is compared |
4918s | to the guardian but it's 20 points right |
4920s | so you're spending the same amount of |
4921s | points on that as two of those logi |
4923s | frigs but it also has greater rep range |
4926s | and what that means is that even if you |
4928s | are you know taking you know more damage |
4931s | initially the Reps can be immediately |
4932s | applied whereas in these kind of um |
4935s | mid-range setups you like to spread |
4937s | around a lot and it could be very |
4939s | difficult for the logi frig to actually |
4941s | be in range you know of you in time and |
4944s | also pH philosophically you bring a |
4946s | Vigilant right the idea is I'm going to |
4948s | get on top of you're going to play 90% |
4949s | webs you're not getting on top of a THL |
4952s | comp that's pushing out that much damage |
4954s | so you spend all this time and points on |
4957s | a Vigilant it's going nowhere THL is |
4959s | deciding okay our tackle we're going to |
4961s | bring two mullers I'm sure they've got |
4962s | some sort of tackle you've got two Omens |
4965s | it's got some sort of tackle it's you |
4967s | know a very well-rounded setup copy and |
4970s | paste or if you're on Mac you know |
4971s | command B command C if you're |
4973s | unfortunate if you're on Linux I don't |
4975s | know what you do I don't keep up but |
4977s | copy that setup it's good yeah I mean we |
4980s | are of course operating system agnostic |
4982s | here uh but uh yeah I'm on a Mac right |
4984s | now and uh I can command uh see that's |
4986s | that that right now um that was an |
4989s | awesome match uh it was just a great |
4991s | example of of a top top tournament team |
4994s | uh doing what they do really well which |
4995s | is coming in executing it bringing |
4997s | something solid bringing something that |
4999s | as you say B has less Avenues to kind of |
5001s | like screw it up like if you come in |
5003s | with like some super complicated like |
5005s | ewar control comp where you rely on X Y |
5006s | and Z to all go right and then someone |
5008s | makes a mistake then it can all fall |
5010s | apart very quickly uh just coming in |
5012s | with it's like you know we have a chef |
5013s | like the simplest things or the hardest |
5015s | things to actually make and do really |
5017s | really well like a you know scrambled |
5018s | eggs or something like that that's what |
5019s | they always use to test them I think |
5020s | it's something similar like if you bring |
5022s | something simple like this medium gunsan |
5024s | and you execute it extremely well it |
5026s | shows like your pedigree as a team and |
5027s | like I mentioned before the match such |
5029s | an experienced team with a lot of |
5030s | experienced Pilots we can actually hear |
5033s | from one of those Pilots we have |
5034s | spokesperson this Alliance tournament so |
5036s | we have some some videos submitted by |
5038s | the alliances from a representative of |
5040s | that Alliance so let's go to the truth |
5041s | onite spokesperson and see what they |
5043s | have to say about |
5046s | themselves my name is Dexter and I'm |
5048s | representing truth on the lights our |
5050s | team is a Honeypot of several old teams |
5052s | but generally speaking we've competed in |
5054s | the alliance tournament several times um |
5057s | you know under many different groups and |
5059s | names most notably the camel Empire hydr |
5061s | loaded Skil you and white flag |
5065s | on Tranquility a lot of our players |
5066s | reside in a C2 Wormhole of norc static |
5069s | so they're just bullying RS and norc |
5070s | groups roaming around stuff like that |
5073s | and others are mostly chilling in jetto |
5074s | at amaki waiting for filament |
5077s | rooms outside of EV on line a lot of the |
5079s | team like to play the coffin of and and |
5081s | lelay which is a immersive Adventure |
5083s | horror and watching Attack on Titan |
5086s | probity you should not waste any Chow |
5088s | points this cuz we're definitely going |
5089s | to throw and shout out to VTA for rage |
5092s | quitting each tournament and some |
5093s | managing to scrape together another was |
5095s | that year after year loss after loss |
5097s | good luck to all teams and |
5102s | have and there you have it so from truth |
5105s | on our light there uh anything else to |
5107s | say about these guys uh not particularly |
5110s | I mean we let's be fair they're they're |
5112s | one of the favorites right um they won |
5115s | two tournaments in a row they got fourth |
5116s | place last year which I think generally |
5118s | we almost consider a fluke which is |
5121s | something like oh yeah oh they only got |
5122s | top four that's kind of a fluke so I I |
5124s | don't want to say it's an unexpected |
5125s | result um they just they played really |
5128s | well it's cool that they used something |
5129s | different to to win but then they you |
5131s | know they did a throwback compa it is |
5133s | what it is I mean we're going to see |
5134s | them do some crazy stuff probably |
5136s | probably yeah I'm expecting 20 to to go |
5138s | deep into the tournament we always do uh |
5140s | I think last year was a bit of a |
5141s | unexpected drop from them I can't |
5143s | remember who knocked them out was it the |
5144s | tuskers code that knocked them out to |
5145s | the end I think so think so and tuskers |
5147s | of course was it not the tuskers no was |
5148s | um actually I believe it was uh barcode |
5150s | in the lower bracket and then barcode |
5152s | lost to the tuskers and losers fin |
5155s | and then we had the you know tuskers and |
5157s | fraternity where fraternity was able to |
5158s | take it uh not salty that my team lost |
5162s | you know by the way we can't we couldn't |
5163s | tell if you were sure yeah I mean that |
5166s | to be hon let's just have a quick quick |
5167s | talk about that um that was a extremely |
5169s | good Grand Final one of the best in in |
5170s | many years in my opinion um the |
5172s | defending Champions uh fraternity of |
5174s | course uh lost their first match today |
5176s | uh that was kind of a bit of bit of a a |
5178s | bad start for them so we'll see what |
5179s | happens we'll see where it goes but um |
5181s | they went down uh 02 in the Grand Final |
5184s | last year against against the tuskers um |
5186s | and then they came back and they won uh |
5188s | 3 to2 and it was super exciting uh I |
5190s | really loved it and I think yeah we |
5192s | should I hope for more of that I think |
5193s | truth on the light are going to have a |
5194s | bit of a a chip on their shoulder from |
5196s | getting knocked out uh lower than any |
5198s | anytime in the last like probably five |
5200s | years or so uh that that collection of |
5202s | Pilots has ever been knocked out so I |
5203s | think they're going to come back strong |
5204s | this year um but we'll have to wait and |
5206s | see of course they will be back later in |
5208s | the tournament let's look at our next |
5210s | matchup um it is white squall versus |
5213s | genin impact Alliance so the bands for |
5217s | white squall are the EOS the Loki the |
5219s | Blackbird the Armageddon and the |
5221s | arbitrator and well genin impact |
5223s | Alliance Banning out the sneer EOS hyena |
5226s | ishar and the mollus black bar pirate |
5229s | what do you make of these bands so we're |
5231s | uh we're seeing a blackbird band um |
5233s | blackbirds are one of the bestest uh |
5237s | sort of ship that you can kind of almost |
5239s | slot into any armor setup and they're |
5241s | incredibly powerful um so it's really |
5243s | it's really cool to see that I've always |
5244s | liked seeing Blackbird comps I know most |
5246s | people hate seeing Blackbird comps hate |
5248s | fighting Blackbird comps and hate |
5249s | watching Blackbird comps but uh I think |
5251s | they're kind of fun EOS span it's like I |
5254s | said it's a great ship it it if you get |
5256s | ban to EOS you really mess up your |
5258s | ability to fly any armor setup that is |
5261s | not like the ones we just saw and then |
5263s | of course you know like we got rid of |
5264s | the gon okay we we know why or this it |
5267s | the gon Navy issue I believe yeah just |
5269s | Armon old sorry it's a slightly far |
5272s | enough away that I I see the ship shape |
5274s | and I the color and I'm like I'm pretty |
5276s | sure that's getting all right cool yeah |
5278s | um pretty standard bands I do think that |
5280s | the uh the bands on ginin impact are a |
5283s | bit weird if uh if mod wants to talk |
5286s | about that yeah so genin impact Alliance |
5288s | besides being you know a group of you |
5290s | know weebs um they have they're the um |
5293s | essentially the Chinese um Infinity |
5296s | Avenger dot Corp of snuffed out they |
5298s | broke off from snuffed out for the |
5301s | tournament let's see if they can do |
5302s | better than the main team but what's |
5304s | going on with this one is that you bring |
5307s | in EOS if you want to deal do any sort |
5310s | of like an armor um you know drone comp |
5312s | the Armageddon is also part of that and |
5315s | so I can see white Sall with the second |
5316s | band saying okay we saw that the EOS is |
5318s | earlier now we're going to get rid of |
5319s | the Armageddon so drones are basically |
5321s | off the board because if those two are |
5323s | out you're not really bringing a drone |
5324s | comp it doesn't work without that sleer |
5326s | is just a generically good uh you know |
5328s | Rush setup ship and when you get rid of |
5331s | the M you get rid of some damps I agree |
5333s | with Bart that's maybe not as good as it |
5335s | used to be uh the Blackbird has been |
5337s | upoint a little bit this year compared |
5339s | to where it has been last year I expect |
5341s | to see a lot of um Blackbird bands still |
5344s | but really it's just kind of like a lot |
5346s | of I don't like this particular ship but |
5349s | it's not really focused at anything in |
5351s | particular just a lot of very generic |
5353s | very annoying ships that they neither |
5355s | side wants to deal with yeah I'm also |
5357s | curious if white s white squ will bring |
5359s | a Squall um of course the the option is |
5361s | available to them um and it could even |
5364s | be white they could use uh they could |
5365s | use a skin make it wide that would be |
5367s | pretty cool and I would give them extra |
5368s | points just for style um so Bart before |
5371s | we talk about this match for another |
5372s | like three minutes or so um isar I'm |
5376s | looking at this tar but I find that one |
5377s | a little bit unusual I I do too um I |
5380s | think that so they're not really that |
5382s | good anymore in the at so they used to |
5384s | be insane like there's been times when |
5387s | drones were dominant there's been times |
5388s | when drones are being okay obviously so |
5390s | far we've seen a lot of drone setups but |
5392s | and you know we were talking to Misty |
5393s | about it and neither of us are really |
5395s | like like these are great setups I don't |
5398s | think an Ishtar really does anything for |
5400s | a drone setup anymore though it's not |
5402s | like you know yelden days where the |
5404s | Ishtar was this like 900 DPS Powerhouse |
5406s | and you'd bring three of them and every |
5409s | single ship on grid was always at threat |
5410s | from these just really really fast heavy |
5412s | drones so I'm not sure what the plan is |
5414s | behind that um you know maybe they're |
5416s | just trying to ban out all the ratting |
5417s | ships I'm not sure uh you know and like |
5420s | moderator said like you ban the EOS you |
5421s | ban the genon the ishar is out if |
5424s | somebody tries to bring armor drones |
5426s | here it's like this is when you're |
5428s | trying to force your comp in I I |
5432s | don't I could be wrong somebody might |
5434s | try and ban or bring armor drones as |
5436s | kind of like a we've mind gam you we |
5437s | banned armor drones and we still brought |
5438s | it but like in this case if you've |
5440s | gotten most of the ships that are good |
5442s | with it I would be shocked and I think |
5443s | you're just going to lose because you |
5444s | don't have enough like quality ships for |
5446s | it so yeah the estar bands is weird I |
5449s | don't yeah yeah I mean the one one quick |
5451s | thing on the a tower b sometimes you see |
5453s | people bring a Stratos instead uh don't |
5455s | do that by the way uh it's a bad idea uh |
5457s | it's just kind of crap um but moderator |
5460s | what else do you think about these bands |
5462s | you you look like have something say |
5463s | well when you look at this you can think |
5464s | okay so double Battleship control is |
5466s | open right you can still bring you know |
5467s | Armageddon Navy issue you can still |
5469s | bring that Redeemer you can bring a |
5470s | shield rush you can bring any of the |
5472s | medium gun you know spam that we just |
5474s | saw in the last match there's a lot |
5475s | that's still open like very traditional |
5477s | archetypes you think 10bs well it's a |
5479s | lot out there's a lot that's still open |
5482s | there is indeed any final thoughts part |
5484s | before we head over to this match uh not |
5486s | particularly I'm I'm very interested to |
5487s | see what they're going to bring on this |
5489s | just because some of these bands are a |
5490s | little confusing but I thankfully I'm |
5491s | going to find out like really really |
5493s | soon look what I see on our screen it |
5495s | says here this is an exciting |
5496s | announcement ladies and gentlemen both |
5498s | teams bringing flagships so we might see |
5502s | Flagship dies cuz I I one team has to |
5504s | win right yes I I hope we see a flag |
5506s | according to the rules there will be a |
5507s | team that wins this match and one that |
5508s | loses and one that loses uh and it goes |
5509s | with thir say so hopefully we see a |
5511s | flagship go down um in a blaze Glory uh |
5515s | so let's head over to the arena and give |
5516s | the Cs a little bit of time to talk |
5518s | about this one so let's head in for |
5519s | white squall versus genin impact |
5523s | Alliance welcome mate to genin vers |
5526s | white schore and we have a beautiful |
5527s | match cuz we have two flagships we have |
5529s | a lot of control this is going to be a |
5531s | brutal one star my man I want you to get |
5532s | started what are we seeing white school |
5534s | bringing their flag bow obviously and a |
5536s | fleet tempis with ano Sentinel lots of |
5538s | ew lots of control and also genjin |
5540s | impact bringing their flag I know get |
5542s | the Navy issue with another Navy is |
5544s | shoot a lot of control sentinals |
5546s | assuming there's TDS everywhere there's |
5548s | control everywhere I think a flagship is |
5550s | going to die today I mean maybe the |
5552s | damage bars are not particularly big but |
5553s | the control bars are even bigger than |
5555s | the defensive bars in most cases this is |
5557s | massive amounts of control both teams |
5558s | definitely thinking right how are we |
5560s | going to play this how are we going to |
5561s | get through how we going to hit things |
5563s | man how are we going to do anything in |
5564s | this game I've got damage but I'm not |
5566s | sure how to use it anymore let's see |
5567s | what do it's definitely going to be I |
5569s | think quite a slow match I think we're |
5570s | going to see a sort of ramping build up |
5573s | we're going to see a bit of control bit |
5574s | of positioning at the start then we're |
5575s | going to start getting a gritty nting |
5577s | Warfare lots of evil going down with 27 |
5579s | seconds until the match starts had a |
5581s | quick check as well the G navies both |
5582s | rapid heavy fit both rapid heavy we're |
5583s | going to yeah plenty of damage on the |
5584s | grid right now the flag Balor definitely |
5586s | going to be fit I mean I wonder toas we |
5589s | potentially we'll see big kill mail if |
5591s | that's the case but so essentially the |
5593s | Balor with a with a um Tas web can |
5596s | definitely web out two six km 10 seconds |
5599s | second so we're going to see s lock down |
5601s | uh straight away and also we got NES on |
5603s | the grid everywhere damage is definitely |
5605s | lack luster right now as you said as the |
5606s | match does begin I think it's going bit |
5608s | of a slow burn we're going to probably |
5609s | see them just move in position a bit |
5611s | more try and get some things lock down |
5612s | we see some drones coming out actually |
5614s | some sentes coming out look at the |
5615s | disruption already coming out we gups |
5617s | we've got track we've got damps it's |
5619s | just everything's going out both Navy |
5620s | they brought a lot of guidance ruptor |
5621s | theyve bought enough for both Navy gon |
5622s | so they're already being a bit Ked here |
5624s | I mean I think right now we're going to |
5626s | see a very slow burn and we're they're |
5629s | going to sort of move in right now the |
5630s | armagan Navy she's slowly moving in |
5631s | everything is kind of going to be a bit |
5633s | in slow motion until gets locked down as |
5634s | soon as things get locked down the BW |
5636s | gets started then it starts to happen |
5638s | really quickly both teams as well they |
5640s | started opposite points as well so this |
5641s | is a like I said Slow Burn they're both |
5643s | coming from a long distance Balor of |
5646s | yabi moving straight in there no |
5647s | hesitation EXA he's the flag of the of |
5650s | the match he's the B he's got to project |
5653s | that b gun is a big old ball of pain |
5654s | Webb down on the armagan Navy issue of |
5657s | snow so he's looks like to be the first |
5659s | Target for the white school team and |
5661s | also the fleet um the fleet Tempest |
5663s | which I think is the first time we've |
5663s | seen that today um is now the primary I |
5666s | think for um genin impact I mean right |
5669s | now at this point in time this can go |
5671s | either way it's I mean I love the Balor |
5673s | I love the the oppressiveness of it I do |
5676s | like I mean but also you've got the Navy |
5678s | armag which also has its own very |
5680s | oppressive um NES as well but the NES |
5683s | are not shiny no no no faction no no |
5685s | faction NES on on neither of these |
5687s | flagships obviously the Bon really does |
5689s | benefit with the web was super |
5691s | oppressive and super long range uh |
5692s | around 60 km I think |
5694s | no damage yeah do anything no damage |
5697s | right now a little damage onto the bone |
5699s | we've got some check disruptors and gun |
5700s | disrupts just on the two the respective |
5703s | ships from both teams are being |
5705s | disrupted oh yeah shock horror what a |
5707s | surprise so right now we're going to |
5709s | probably see just both teams trying to |
5711s | gauge a get get through basically I |
5713s | think they're going to get in there and |
5715s | probably just try and go for something |
5716s | small CU ship here is the celestus he |
5718s | can potentially at one point turn off |
5720s | some of the tracking sh on one ship and |
5721s | try and maybe force a hole or maybe even |
5723s | take out the logic |
5724s | Sor neut but at the moment it's looks |
5727s | like they're going for a megas I guess |
5728s | it's the Confessor double Confessor |
5730s | shooting megas that's good call there |
5731s | Confessor are very good for hitting |
5732s | things obviously I really like I think |
5734s | wi s bringing the nearest I think I |
5737s | think that's a really good call I I give |
5738s | that as an advantage because he can sit |
5741s | back once the BW gets started he can |
5743s | stay back and stay out of the N range |
5745s | yeah basically stay away whereas if the |
5747s | reverse happen the Balor is oppressive |
5749s | can just web it down and get it so I |
5750s | feel like wat will have a bit of an |
5752s | advantage with the anos just so he can |
5754s | stay back keep the Reps going while the |
5756s | ball's going on and a bit of a nting war |
5758s | going on right now um I mean again shock |
5761s | horror who would have thought this was |
5762s | going to happen the the Bor and the and |
5765s | snow nting each other right now um I |
5768s | think both teams I think are thinking |
5769s | right we've both got off lags and |
5771s | they're both being gun shy at the moment |
5773s | everyone's kind of thinking right we |
5774s | need to be very careful how we get in |
5776s | there curator coming out again for Gen |
5778s | impact proba to get some damage down I |
5780s | think this could I mean this could go to |
5781s | TI this is going to go to TI feeling |
5784s | unless something suddenly changes some |
5785s | team really like I wouldn't say grow a |
5787s | pair of balls but you know go in for it |
5790s | that the bom could be worth 100 |
5793s | billon could be worth you know 50 true |
5796s | yeah the fleet temp is taking a a smidge |
5799s | of damage now he's finally into armor |
5801s | he's finally into 99% armor so oh man |
5804s | that's that's game over he's actually |
5806s | he's actually getting he's actually the |
5807s | primary right now taking a bit of damage |
5808s | probably from the creators I think and |
5810s | probably the Rapids as well taking a bit |
5811s | of damage on him uh I mean you think the |
5815s | the objective is to go for the |
5816s | battleships that's your win condition |
5818s | but at the same time it's like if you |
5819s | could remove some of the control at the |
5821s | back they got tple Confessor they |
5822s | actually could go chasing around small |
5823s | ships but for like for wh skull the |
5826s | confessors I think your win condition to |
5827s | start hitting things for genin it's a |
5830s | bit harder they went harder on control |
5832s | yeah even the isimu is technically more |
5833s | of a control ship than a I want to kill |
5835s | that thing ship I see looking at the |
5837s | positions of the teams right now on the |
5838s | screen in front of you we've got the |
5839s | balone uh front and center which is |
5842s | where he should be and on reverse side |
5843s | we got the very close to each other this |
5845s | is such a such a comp that you need to |
5848s | the positioning and making sure your |
5850s | oppressive battleships flagships are out |
5852s | in front exactly making a wall The |
5854s | Tempest feet issue did burn away uh |
5856s | actually he back into the sort of the |
5859s | the rest of the team right now he take a |
5860s | bit of damage this is where the the B's |
5862s | really good right cuz the B can either |
5863s | be pushing forward or pulling back and |
5865s | being the wall and you see this moment |
5867s | he's playing wall he's sitting between |
5868s | him and the enemy team and letting him |
5870s | come after him N Things away keep them |
5872s | slow so this this is the bow like the |
5874s | bow of the web is really shining just |
5876s | being a real let's be honest I paid in |
5877s | the ass to try and get yeah definitely I |
5879s | mean one thing they got to be careful of |
5881s | is not to get caught in the corner of |
5883s | the Arena obviously the arena is 125 km |
5886s | radius around the center so there's not |
5887s | an infinite amount of space they can |
5888s | move into so we'll have to try and |
5890s | position them if they want to try and |
5891s | kite away and really just delay the you |
5893s | know positioning and try and get them to |
5894s | make a mistake because I think that is |
5896s | what this match is about it's who makes |
5898s | the mistake first and both of them are |
5900s | way too like not sced both being very |
5902s | careful to not make the mistake but in |
5904s | not really making any decisive actions |
5906s | yet no and also like with 5 minutes left |
5908s | obviously it's been 5 minutes guys not |
5910s | much has happened a little bit of damage |
5911s | tickled on the T issue the thing is like |
5914s | no team I've been in a situation where |
5917s | you kind of just you you don't want to |
5918s | gamble and just go in cuz you're going |
5920s | to risk a lot of money going to lose it |
5922s | as well we're seeing now the Balor and |
5924s | the Armageddon of snow really close to |
5926s | each other now so I think they're going |
5927s | to start getting locked into a combat |
5930s | right now as the balone starts to take |
5931s | damage so maybe this is the commitment |
5933s | that we look at the B again the B is now |
5935s | webbing out the isimu and the Navy genon |
5937s | he's trying to still keep range even now |
5939s | and yeah the thing as well this kind of |
5941s | annoying for genin they have rapid |
5942s | Heavies right they can't just start |
5943s | shooting they have to pick the right |
5944s | time this is the thing right now look |
5945s | the Balor has the oppressive web and can |
5947s | just get out and just move away Y and |
5949s | one thing to note as well the the |
5951s | creators that were dropped by genin |
5953s | impact are now really far away so I |
5955s | think they're basically going to be |
5957s | useless at this point and they're about |
5959s | 20 off of zero so they got a pretty good |
5960s | range but they're still yeah you're |
5962s | sitting way off curated is definitely if |
5965s | going past 60 km it's going to be |
5966s | getting out of the damage range I think |
5968s | will fall off basically fall at that |
5970s | point um but right now Balon and um the |
5973s | Armageddon of Slayer so Flagship and |
5975s | Flagship right next to each other the |
5976s | Balon now taking a lot of damage oh here |
5978s | we go it begins the actual brawl and now |
5980s | is the time we got to commit um white |
5982s | school needs commit the Bon is now |
5984s | locked down scrammed and web as well the |
5986s | white school the confesses need to wake |
5988s | up and start doing things now crucify |
5990s | yeah the crucify white score getting |
5991s | punished like this thing white score has |
5992s | the anti small but there more being |
5994s | killed yeah I know he shouldn't be there |
5997s | why are you there like you're you're so |
5998s | far away from your team and you're |
5999s | taking a lot of damage obviously they |
6000s | got Theos um to to keep him up but the |
6004s | Bal gone yeah going down he's getting |
6007s | he's getting punished now for sure I |
6009s | wonder didn't actually look that I don't |
6010s | think the B would have a reactive right |
6012s | surely they put something Fancy on it |
6013s | like really shiny you probably want to |
6015s | be pimping out as much as you can trying |
6017s | to make because you can use you can use |
6018s | faction |
6019s | um so like you want to you want to |
6022s | maximize with the bone you you're there |
6023s | for the control web and for the tank |
6025s | that's what you there for it's a big |
6026s | brick and a big web that's what you want |
6028s | a nice |
6029s | oppressive yeah the just tapping him a |
6032s | bit of reps get him up and the as well |
6034s | the bone while he's being pressured it |
6036s | is rapid Heavies so he's going to be |
6037s | pressure for a while Zoom back up |
6039s | pressure for a while back up so the |
6041s | question is is can they get through an a |
6042s | clip yes exactly and if because he's |
6045s | blink there is no resist to try and be |
6046s | cheeky with yeah exactly oh hold on |
6048s | crisfer I said he was fine and uh he's |
6051s | being chased again he's got a lot of |
6054s | he's got a lot of Jones but he's got a |
6055s | lot of bots him right now he's got |
6057s | Hornets on him from gen and he's got a |
6059s | lot of bots on him right now but he is |
6060s | where is the he is going a bit no he is |
6062s | next to he's close enough to get reped |
6064s | again we're just seeing nus doing a |
6066s | really good job um and I think there's |
6067s | clip by the way you no that the damage |
6069s | has suddenly died there's your clip but |
6071s | here's the thing what have wh School |
6072s | done in return while that's been |
6073s | happening yeah we've been talking a l |
6075s | about the damage landing on wh school |
6077s | but not much on gch an impact right now |
6079s | I think they're kind of not really too |
6080s | sure if you look at the white school |
6082s | team they don't have much damage it's |
6083s | just a tempestry issue and the B gun's |
6085s | guns as well and the B gun gun I didn't |
6087s | check unfortunately I don't if actually |
6089s | surely it's a gun ball it's not like |
6090s | it's um look right now it's definitely |
6093s | got some guns in it yeah it's got some |
6095s | guns in it I made an assumption there |
6096s | I'm not going to lie I mean that full |
6098s | new balum would be a bit of a ballsy |
6099s | move right now it would be like yeah |
6100s | your damage would just be the Tempest |
6102s | yeah temp Tempest Fe now taking a bit of |
6104s | damage um I do think that the can keep |
6107s | it up though yes oh absolutely Tempest |
6109s | is like it may be called a tempest but |
6110s | Tempest Fleet is a way tankier boat than |
6112s | its a T1 cousin and it it can definitely |
6114s | with good fitting just become a real |
6115s | brick of a ship while projecting pretty |
6117s | well genin now trying to get the damage |
6119s | across the board we've got sensel taking |
6120s | damage crucify taking damage the Tempest |
6122s | fish in half armor maybe this is the way |
6124s | to get through split the damage and get |
6126s | the battleship down I'm looking for |
6128s | where the confessors are I'm kind of |
6129s | very curious I wonder if maybe if the |
6131s | confessors aren't killing small ships |
6132s | are they maybe going anti- drone Duty |
6134s | are they just drones I haven't seen any |
6136s | drones die in the centuries are still |
6138s | out out there The Tempest is holding in |
6139s | half armor right now we' got he is |
6141s | Confessor is shooting DRS he shooting |
6142s | drains he's trying to |
6144s | oh sentinel's getting lower sen honestly |
6146s | guys we've got a minute left so whoever |
6148s | kills if the Sentinel goes down they'll |
6150s | be ahead on |
6151s | points could you imagine losing because |
6153s | of one frig oh my God poor Hillary on |
6157s | Tank's good Tank's good there we go |
6159s | there we go he's back he's back deiro is |
6161s | doing a fantastic job just keeping the |
6162s | sport up whilst also slowing that |
6164s | Tempest that he's dying but he's |
6167s | understanding that he can still keep a |
6168s | little bit of the support up I think |
6170s | also the spent some time they put some |
6171s | reps on the on the central P back up and |
6173s | now he's probably going to go full B |
6175s | honestly you could be a little bit of |
6176s | back tank too just keep be just in range |
6178s | I mean the problem right now is that the |
6179s | Tempest is going to low armor and the |
6181s | cenal pressure is still there I think |
6183s | that's why the confessors are trying to |
6184s | get rid of the drones I think the drones |
6185s | are are definitely the the main damage |
6188s | on the cenal right now real damage yeah |
6190s | I mean Hillary needs to keep this empist |
6192s | up crucify going down again oh my that |
6195s | was 10% armor that was 10% armor we've |
6198s | got 8 seconds 7 seconds on the clock |
6200s | until probably going to go to tiey |
6201s | reverse tiey reverse tiye guys welcome |
6204s | to hypers speed uh which basically means |
6206s | that CCP will now speed up the arena so |
6210s | modules will start cycling quicker |
6211s | exactly and Reps will down faster as |
6213s | well but the damage increas is now going |
6215s | to be exponential and going to be scary |
6216s | for the anus cuz again it's a medium |
6218s | medium Cruiser it's reps are on the end |
6220s | of the ccle he's got to get quickly and |
6221s | flick back and forth it's over one n |
6224s | wait what oh it's one n it's one N I |
6226s | didn't even look at |
6228s | the it's one nil why did we not see that |
6233s | let's go go back to the go back to break |
6234s | in the studio they can tell us how much |
6236s | of a full we are we didn't look at the |
6238s | screen we were too busy in the |
6241s | M welcome back from one of the matches |
6244s | of all time uh here at a liance |
6246s | tournament 20 where white squall get a |
6249s | technical Victory by one point because |
6251s | gench and impact Alliance forgot to |
6253s | bring the full 200 if they just had one |
6256s | more point that would have gone to |
6257s | overtime and then someone had to die and |
6259s | to be honest white squall were kind of |
6261s | on the back foot the the the crucifier |
6263s | made a positioning mistake he got too |
6265s | close he got webbed he got painted but |
6267s | hero Lodi piloting uh on that side |
6269s | managed to keep him alive but then the |
6271s | Sentinel started getting head suddenly |
6273s | the Bor was getting head it became |
6274s | really you know you had to just survive |
6277s | to win for white squall and I think if |
6279s | that had gone to overtime genin impact |
6281s | would have possibly taken the W because |
6283s | when it goes to overtime we go into |
6284s | reverse time dilation so the game starts |
6286s | going faster and faster and faster um |
6288s | which I know starle Commander was in the |
6290s | middle of explaining uh when I had to |
6291s | run into to tell him like hello it's |
6293s | actually over because it's 1 uh mystical |
6296s | M welcome back to the desk hello how did |
6298s | you enjoy that match I thought that was |
6300s | probably one of the more exciting |
6301s | matches of the tournament not because it |
6303s | was flashy um at one point I was kind of |
6305s | just sitting cross-legged on the floor |
6307s | very Zen it was a very floor just in |
6309s | front of this the TV there where I'm |
6312s | kind of pointing at we were all just sat |
6313s | on the floor watching it and when I |
6315s | realized that it was a 1 nil potential I |
6317s | was like okay now I do not want the |
6318s | flagship to die I wished for the 1 nil |
6320s | Meme and it happened I got my wish thank |
6322s | you it was |
6324s | was really well piloted from both the |
6325s | Bor who were spending a majority of the |
6327s | match just making sure that the Navy |
6329s | gons in turn were slowing down they were |
6331s | hitting about 750 m a second 800 m a |
6333s | second then they would get double webbed |
6336s | they drop down to about 200 um and then |
6338s | the other Navy gedon would kind of |
6339s | overtake and then also get slow down so |
6342s | great back and forth from the balone |
6343s | there but I guess the the real winner of |
6346s | that match was Hillary and the aneros |
6347s | who was able to keep up a couple |
6352s | somewhat you know now um flying by the |
6355s | seat of the pants FRS being where they |
6357s | shouldn't have been but yeah no great |
6359s | match great piloting I mean great |
6360s | piloting on both sides just to be clear |
6362s | um white squall is a very competent team |
6365s | uh so I mean quinch and impact allance |
6368s | were really putting the pressure on them |
6370s | um and to come out of that uh having not |
6372s | just fed to a team like white squ is |
6373s | actually pretty good morale Victory even |
6375s | if it's not a technical Victory um so |
6377s | yeah really good piloting all around |
6379s | moderator anything you wanted to shout |
6380s | out about that yeah I mean sometimes you |
6383s | have a composition that really just |
6384s | maths out to be 199 points right and |
6387s | there's not really like another ship you |
6389s | can substitute in for that one point and |
6391s | this is really kind of the risk of doing |
6392s | that is that if you go to time you know |
6395s | that's one point you didn't bring goes |
6397s | to the other side right you don't get |
6398s | any sort of credit or special you know |
6400s | pad on the back for that you just lose |
6403s | and um we saw that the B Gorn did a |
6406s | really good job of again like you were |
6407s | saying just kind of uh saying you know |
6409s | you can't get too close to me okay you |
6411s | got to stay away but the Sentinels |
6413s | are really the kind of the Lynch pin of |
6415s | the setup right we saw that you know one |
6418s | side had um you know one Sentinel one |
6420s | side had two Sentinels and those |
6422s | Sentinels what they will do right is 70% |
6425s | of your range right your optimal range |
6427s | or your Missile Range gets deleted right |
6430s | because they're that te 2 effect so |
6433s | these rapid heavy Boats were being kept |
6435s | away wanting to hit something but they |
6437s | only really shoot about like you know 60 |
6439s | km in change and the B Gorn that's |
6442s | webbing you that far away you get you |
6443s | know guidance disrupted you really only |
6445s | have around 15 kilometer of range you're |
6447s | going to be not really doing much and |
6449s | that's what happened until these |
6451s | crucifiers the Sentinels decided that |
6453s | I'm going to get very very very close to |
6456s | the enemy Battleship we're going to make |
6457s | things exciting for the match and nearly |
6460s | inted themselves and the onos did their |
6463s | level best to you know keep everything |
6465s | alive throwing um Lodi drones you know |
6467s | even to try to save things and then you |
6469s | know spreading reps across the board |
6471s | basically playing hot pot trying to keep |
6474s | it alive for his team and you know not |
6476s | securing defeat from the jaws of victory |
6479s | yeah that essentially was just the |
6480s | logistics pilot for white squall uh in |
6482s | his own little game where he just has to |
6484s | like click the right buttons at the |
6485s | right time for 10 minutes and if he does |
6486s | his team wins that's that's basically |
6488s | what just happened the other 19 people |
6489s | were just sort of like party to that uh |
6492s | they didn't really have much effect on |
6493s | it but yeah fantastic match um I'm very |
6495s | happy we got a one-nil win because it's |
6497s | just kind of funny uh but let's move on |
6499s | and look at our next one it's going to |
6500s | be paper numbers versus no need loose f |
6503s | so let's take a look at the bands paper |
6505s | numbers Banning out crucifier Sentinel |
6508s | arbitrator curse they do not like uh |
6510s | tracking and guance disruption there |
6511s | getting rid of all of that uh no need |
6514s | loose face Banning out the EOS the |
6516s | armagedon Navy issue the aarti uh and |
6519s | the EOS did I say onos first but you can |
6522s | see it on the screen so one's an EOS and |
6523s | one's an onos um mytic Gite tell me your |
6526s | thoughts about these bands I think it's |
6527s | interesting that again we're seeing the |
6529s | full kind of tracking disruptor Line |
6530s | Band out we still have the pilgrim |
6532s | available I think feeders we saw similar |
6534s | band set to not this because there were |
6537s | fewer bands um but people trying to |
6539s | remove um you know like curses Etc but |
6542s | leaving the pilgrim in because it's |
6543s | usually an underutilized and overlooked |
6545s | ship um so there's still the pilgrim if |
6547s | anyone's trying to you know counter this |
6549s | TD spam ban out but I also think it's |
6551s | interesting that the eosa and the estar |
6553s | are banned the estar we usually see |
6556s | performing well in medium gun spam uh |
6559s | the EOS is a very strong link ship that |
6562s | can be brought with any armor comp |
6564s | really because it gives you I think |
6565s | stronger Skirmish links and stronger |
6567s | armor links which is kind of what you |
6569s | want if you're going up against um an |
6573s | enemy Fleet when you have an armor comp |
6575s | um so yeah I I think that these are two |
6576s | interesting bands because it does make |
6578s | it harder to bring an an effective armor |
6581s | comp when you don't have those two |
6584s | command ships to lean back on yeah and |
6586s | more any thoughts yeah I mean paper |
6588s | numbers really saying hey um we want to |
6590s | be able to play at range uh if you're |
6592s | going to ban out basically everything um |
6594s | but the pilgrim as Misty was saying and |
6596s | yeah you can bring the pilgrim but man |
6598s | for 30 points that it costs it just does |
6600s | not do nearly as well as its you know |
6602s | counterpart in the curse and even the |
6605s | curse this year is just very expensive |
6606s | for what it does and uh no need to lose |
6609s | face going and saying hey um drone boats |
6611s | are gone medium um you know rail guns |
6614s | are getting hit as well and then you've |
6615s | got the Armageddon Navy issue that's |
6617s | being targeted people love their getting |
6619s | Navy issues so far today I think we're |
6621s | going to continue to see that you know |
6622s | the rest of the day tomorrow and then |
6624s | the onos span is kind of the |
6626s | prototypical um armor logy we see that |
6628s | being used a little bit more than the |
6629s | guardian just because of the mid slots |
6631s | allow you more in way of like uh sensor |
6634s | boosters and capacitor injectors to you |
6637s | know self- sustain against ew War so |
6640s | pretty well targeted I would say by no D |
6642s | Li face and I was just going to add that |
6645s | it's interesting again to see the fact |
6646s | that the two bands are shared first we |
6648s | have the potential duplicate bands and |
6650s | then we have the reactions and in that |
6652s | reaction phase when they first saw the |
6653s | track and disruptor ships kind of banned |
6655s | out they went for the estar to |
6657s | potentially weaken like the medium gun |
6658s | spam and the aneros to potentially |
6660s | weaken any like armor core that was |
6661s | looking to ball up and just project so |
6664s | it it's again an interesting little |
6666s | format yeah I'm just checking in on on |
6668s | you guys on Twitch to see what you're |
6670s | predicting looks like paper numbers are |
6671s | the heavy favorites here 1.7 million to |
6673s | just 370,000 Channel points uh lots of |
6676s | madelle spamming for Road Capel uh |
6678s | they're not on yet uh you may spam when |
6680s | they are on uh please come up with more |
6682s | original spam for the teams that are |
6683s | actually playing I will appreciate all |
6685s | Emoji based spamming as long as it's |
6686s | relevant to the teams that are currently |
6688s | playing someone is spamming uh spam this |
6690s | pheasant to support of essence um |
6693s | they're using a swan I think seven out |
6695s | of 10 so so like we can we can rank |
6697s | these at some point but yeah come up |
6698s | with better spamming um all right let's |
6700s | head over to the arena for paper numbers |
6703s | versus no need loose face uh yeah let's |
6705s | go check that out |
6708s | now welcome back to the arena guys I'm |
6710s | starle Kim still here Wing that I think |
6713s | well we can't count count clearly or |
6714s | even read yeah we were told to inject |
6716s | reading comprehension one I'm sorry I |
6718s | need competency four to get that first |
6720s | but on the screen in front of you right |
6721s | now we've got paper numbers versus no |
6722s | need loose face and we have a very |
6724s | interesting match right now we've got a |
6725s | kind of a mirror exactly but with armor |
6728s | and shield exactly so yeah we've got the |
6729s | old medium gun spam but paper numbers |
6731s | being weird brought Shield gun spam but |
6733s | with navy Hub Navy bricks as well |
6735s | because I don't know they feel like that |
6737s | it's definitely going to be an |
6737s | interesting one because obviously I feel |
6739s | like no le face have a bit of an |
6741s | advantage here with uh sort of the armor |
6743s | comp but Navy prophecies I mean the |
6746s | projection on paper numbers is quite |
6748s | substantial and look who there's one |
6749s | easy target Ora the aura will be I |
6752s | reckon the first Target and as we've |
6754s | commentated on the two matches ago the |
6756s | first 30 seconds are usually what |
6758s | makes bang bang bang bang straight away |
6760s | or completely getting obliterated down |
6763s | into structure of amazing first call |
6765s | from paper numbers into infastructure |
6767s | completely gone no need new face not |
6769s | even time to Blink exactly that and |
6771s | that's again mean and guns span just |
6773s | throw the damage in their face now with |
6774s | the a gone it's going to be an easy |
6775s | picking Vigilant next Gone Navy probably |
6778s | after that gone after they even take out |
6779s | the the mor of Vig make it really easy |
6781s | to apply to stuff this is going to |
6783s | really snowball they went for a mower |
6784s | but looks at it first the probably one |
6785s | of the tankiest Cruisers you can engage |
6788s | probably not the best CO as well I mean |
6789s | obviously um no need Le face have propy |
6791s | da issues right so they have got some |
6794s | turrets but mostly it's a drone a lot of |
6796s | drone damage as |
6797s | well so not really too much the M does |
6799s | go down but I think it could be too |
6801s | little too late exactly they got the mo |
6803s | and fortunately the Vigilant and vigil |
6805s | have both gone Vigilant and vigil both |
6806s | the v's so I think paper numbers still |
6808s | have their vigil as well so you've got |
6810s | the TP which is so incredibly important |
6812s | for their comp um you might be obviously |
6814s | the bruck Navy isue not traditionally a |
6815s | a a shield ship but it can be it can |
6818s | work exactly and the amount the damage |
6819s | you can get out of it too it' be a |
6821s | brutal amount of damage definitely a lot |
6823s | of damage and also very quick as well |
6824s | they can actually they can shift quite |
6826s | quick quite quick fantasms by the way as |
6827s | well not particularly a tournament |
6828s | common ship but they do have their play |
6830s | sometimes especially coms like this and |
6831s | they're also good against for instance H |
6833s | Rush comps cuz you can try and pull away |
6834s | a bit BH I was say earli on the fantasm |
6838s | you don't see it often but they can be |
6840s | good they're very hard to kill got the |
6841s | ab bonus as well so they very small Sig |
6844s | so really hard to hit the obviously Pap |
6846s | is doing a fantastic job just getting |
6848s | all the ships down obviously Navy |
6849s | Harbinger Navy Harbinger sorry is about |
6852s | to die in a second here but I think this |
6855s | as these matches go the first like 10 |
6857s | seconds is always your first Target call |
6859s | is the one thing that matters if you get |
6861s | the first Target call and you can kill |
6862s | the Target you win but you can also |
6864s | there's also the counter play if they |
6865s | know you're about to do it they can try |
6866s | and maybe make that call bad it's a very |
6869s | it's honestly it's one of those things |
6870s | why people say lost on warpin or lost on |
6873s | uh on your comp this is lost on the |
6875s | first Target call I think so as well and |
6877s | also there's a bit of you know chance |
6879s | with the warpin as well these two teams |
6881s | actually warped in at 50 both teams |
6883s | wared in at 50 but because of the |
6885s | because of the angle they warped in |
6886s | they're actually quite close to each |
6887s | other I do think that the prophecy Navy |
6889s | issues are a bit lackluster in this I |
6891s | think if they I don't know why I don't |
6893s | know where that came from I'm not a fan |
6895s | they could there's probably a reason |
6896s | they're probably smarter than me not |
6897s | going to give not going to say they that |
6898s | but I don't understand the prophecy Navy |
6900s | here personally I think they should have |
6901s | gone for more you can look at the look |
6903s | at paper numbers they've just double |
6905s | down double Navy brck for instance they |
6907s | could do that at the same price yeah |
6908s | they could have they could have done |
6910s | well they'd have to change the they'd |
6913s | have to see they'd have to figure out |
6915s | what they can put in there and probably |
6916s | alter the points to get some more rails |
6917s | in there but there's probably a reason |
6919s | there usually is I mean it's a it's a |
6920s | Prof naue is good it's got a good tank |
6922s | it can lock down things has decent |
6924s | damage but there's no real heavy |
6925s | projection like paper numbers you saw |
6927s | the oppressive damage just annihilating |
6929s | your Oro right at the start he didn't |
6931s | have a chance to even really move yeah I |
6933s | mean he he was getting up to speed still |
6934s | and was still being shy it didn't matter |
6936s | and yeah that's I think previous team |
6937s | attempted the same thing and |
6938s | unfortunately could not manage it this |
6939s | is what happens when they manage it it |
6941s | works no a start contrast to the last |
6943s | match was a super slow it seems today |
6945s | we've got you know we got heavy control |
6947s | setups and we have old rush rush Blaster |
6950s | Rush stuff not BL Rush |
6952s | we got we got hand rush today we've got |
6955s | this U medium Rail and projectile spam |
6959s | and we've got some lots of control stuff |
6960s | right now obviously these matches are |
6961s | more are more fun |
6964s | things style spaceships exploding two |
6966s | chips left for no le le face obviously |
6968s | you're going to see paper numbers uh |
6970s | going through uh to you in the winners |
6973s | by the way they left the tanky T1 |
6974s | Cruiser till last yeah it's almost like |
6977s | let's be honest shooting a m I would not |
6979s | be a fan of I agree with shooting T1 |
6981s | Cruisers in these kind of compe get free |
6983s | damage killed quickly the mo is not that |
6986s | the mo is the opposite of that no I |
6988s | think probably they should have gone for |
6989s | something a bit less tanky that's tanky |
6991s | I think but even the fantasms would be a |
6993s | fun option but they're hard to get they |
6995s | hard to hit but the same thing is if |
6996s | you're firing medium guns at him it's |
6998s | not like you're going to particularly |
6999s | miss that no you you I you can match |
7000s | transversal as well that will help but |
7002s | they are hard to kill killing the MERS |
7003s | like you killed it it's not that much |
7004s | damage it's a lot more tank for its |
7005s | damage you kind of hurt but here we go |
7007s | final ship's going down prop dead more |
7009s | they going to die good fights local yep |
7012s | you know more is about to go down here |
7013s | obviously congratulations to paper |
7015s | numbers |
7016s | to my |
7019s | Bo welcome back paper numbers there |
7022s | taking that victory over no need loose |
7024s | face um and that was a lot of medium |
7027s | guns mystical M it was indeed it was |
7029s | indeed what a blast from the past |
7031s | finally some good comps finally when we |
7034s | saw those fantasms I was like ah we're |
7036s | back in thei tournament 18 once again uh |
7039s | we've had a little bit of a history in |
7040s | the last couple of matches we had uh |
7041s | flag Balor with a a tempest Fleet issue |
7044s | that's straight out of Lance tournament |
7045s | 16 right there uh so maybe 16 18 next up |
7049s | it's 20 then that's where we are this is |
7051s | perfect have we ever had a onepoint win |
7053s | uh I don't think we've had a onepoint |
7054s | win someone someone who has more brain |
7056s | cells than me can check that out but I |
7057s | don't think we've ever had a one n Win |
7058s | made history today maybe we have made |
7060s | history uh moderator medium guns spam |
7063s | tell me about medium gun spam why uh we |
7065s | saw one there being an armor one one |
7066s | being a shield one talk to me through it |
7069s | sure so medium gun spam has been an |
7071s | archetype basically a staple of |
7073s | tournaments for really kind of the last |
7076s | I want to say like six seven years and |
7078s | it's gone through a number of different |
7080s | iterations we used to call it kind of |
7081s | Octodad because what you would do is you |
7084s | would bring eight battle Cruisers right |
7087s | and then a couple logi frigs and you |
7088s | would just push down anything because |
7091s | eight battle Cruisers turns out it does |
7092s | more damage than pretty much anything |
7093s | else in the game and things have Chang |
7096s | you know over time you're not allowed to |
7098s | bring you know that many of the same |
7099s | class of hole so uh now we see that you |
7103s | know we bring Cruisers instead uh we |
7105s | bring some things like the fantasms |
7107s | right instead of you know like throwing |
7109s | a bunch of phox as if it was going to be |
7111s | a shield comp and then it's turned into |
7114s | this kind of evolution where a shield |
7116s | kind of setup versus an armor setup The |
7117s | Shield setup it can do things like put |
7120s | tracking enhancers it can put you know |
7122s | more damage mods in the low slots and |
7124s | maybe out trade right you really trying |
7126s | to see I do a lot of damage but you do a |
7129s | lot of damage but if I do damage faster |
7130s | than you I win and that's pretty much |
7133s | what paper numbers did here yeah I find |
7135s | it interesting as well that one side |
7136s | went for Logistics friets and one side |
7138s | went for a tech1 logistics Cruiser so it |
7140s | doesn't have those Tech Two resists as |
7142s | soon as uh we saw what was on grid I |
7144s | looked at him was like this is going to |
7145s | be a case of if they shoot those frigs |
7147s | first then they win if not they lose and |
7149s | that's pretty much exactly what happened |
7150s | that augur went down really fast uh you |
7153s | also want to talk a little bit about the |
7155s | was it the shield Navy har Shield Navy |
7157s | Harbinger yes tell me about the shield |
7159s | Navy Harbinger mystical M so one of the |
7161s | conversations we were having um is when |
7163s | we're watching the match we're kind of |
7165s | trying to figure out okay why are they |
7166s | bringing a Navy Harbinger instead of I |
7169s | guess your more traditional phox right |
7170s | um foox is already a shield ship it has |
7173s | its bonuses it has um optimal range |
7176s | bonuses I believe on the rail gun so it |
7179s | would seem like a good ship to fit into |
7181s | this comp but the Navy Harbinger has |
7183s | five mids it has six lows has its beams |
7187s | um it does an absolute ton of damage and |
7190s | it's actually fairly quick which me that |
7192s | it's actually kind of Ideal to fit into |
7194s | this medium gun spam because it allows |
7196s | you to close range to put your |
7197s | multifrequency damage in when you're not |
7199s | getting shot if you do start getting |
7201s | shot you can start to burn away |
7203s | effectively trying to speed tank or |
7205s | range tank the enemy team and trying to |
7207s | preserve your life a little bit longer |
7209s | so the mobility plays a huge part in |
7210s | these types of setups especially when |
7212s | there's a mirror um we saw in fact um |
7214s | lost touch also burning away at one |
7216s | point when he was in half armor in the |
7218s | Navy BRX and it meant that they had to |
7219s | switch Target right so it's very |
7222s | important play this positionally but |
7224s | just the sheer amount of damage and |
7225s | range you can get out of a Navy haringer |
7227s | probably means it's more worthwhile to |
7228s | take than a ferox which is more likely |
7230s | to die um than the Navy Harbinger would |
7234s | so uh mod it feels like medium gun spam |
7237s | has a lot of potential to be a pretty um |
7239s | top tier comp this particular tournament |
7241s | in in this current Ro Set uh how do |
7243s | teams kind of counter this like it feels |
7245s | like it's so impressive with the DPS it |
7247s | has range speed it's it's you know we've |
7249s | seen them execute quite well so far so |
7253s | yeah something that we've seen |
7254s | traditionally the way you can shut these |
7255s | down is you bring tracking disruption |
7258s | right if you have a bunch of ships that |
7260s | really want to project and at range but |
7263s | you have things like curses in the past |
7266s | historically that can really take you |
7268s | know the incoming pressure you put full |
7269s | tank on those lows you're not going to |
7271s | put any you know ECM strength mods on |
7273s | those and you just put a bunch of |
7274s | tracking disruption you get like six or |
7276s | seven um you know tracking disruption uh |
7280s | you know modules that really are spread |
7282s | across the board and they all do around |
7285s | 70% mitigation okay your medium rail gun |
7288s | and beam damage that wants to be at 60 |
7290s | km they have to be within hard tackle |
7293s | range now to do anything and if you can |
7295s | you know force that to run into like a |
7298s | Vindicator or other heavy battleships |
7300s | right you're in a world of hurt so it's |
7303s | a very high skill um con comp as a whole |
7307s | it can be used you know by basically |
7309s | people who are starting the game and it |
7311s | just got used by truth light so it's got |
7313s | a very deep uh pool a lot of usability |
7316s | utility but it has weaknesses too it's |
7318s | not like the I win button automatically |
7321s | yeah and Mr Gite do you think um the no |
7325s | lead loose face team could have done |
7326s | anything different in this particular |
7327s | match it would have led them to to |
7329s | Victory or do you think it was just out |
7331s | execution I think it's It's tricky to |
7334s | say um without being able to look at the |
7335s | fits being able to understand exactly |
7337s | what they were going for when they came |
7338s | up with the comp and then how their |
7340s | practices have also gone um over the |
7343s | course of like the the couple months |
7344s | leading up to the alliance tournament um |
7346s | my initial reaction will probably be |
7348s | that they should have better range than |
7352s | the shield setup because they have their |
7353s | mids that they can put towards tracking |
7355s | computers um s boosters in case they |
7357s | were ever worried about damps for |
7358s | example so they'd be able to pull back |
7361s | and force the shield comp to fly into |
7363s | them which doesn't quite have the same |
7365s | effect since it's gun so you know |
7367s | there's instant damage with missiles for |
7369s | those of you that don't know missiles |
7370s | have flight time which means that that |
7372s | if you burn away from a ship that is |
7374s | shooting missiles at you the missiles |
7376s | will often burn out even if you're |
7377s | within range just because of the way |
7379s | that the the flight time works that |
7381s | doesn't happen with guns but it would |
7383s | still allow you to draw the Shield team |
7384s | out um some ships are going to be faster |
7386s | than others um it would allow you to |
7390s | potentially like kind of burn around and |
7391s | turn back around like we see with some |
7392s | teams that burn towards mjd beacons and |
7394s | it may have allowed them to isolate some |
7396s | fights that would have allowed them to |
7397s | pull ahead a little bit with the damage |
7399s | race um but outside of that I mean |
7402s | yeah that's yeah just just win it's just |
7407s | that easy guys just win instead of |
7409s | losing have you considered winning yeah |
7411s | or stal mating and then winning by uh by |
7414s | one point Tech yeah I'm actually looking |
7416s | forward to seeing some um some reverse |
7418s | tie-dye matches uh we had one last year |
7421s | in allance tournament 19 uh it was the |
7422s | first time in quite some time we saw a |
7424s | reverse tie-dye match if I do recall uh |
7427s | and it was very exciting to watch It's |
7428s | Always A bit chaotic uh for those of you |
7430s | who don't know uh we talked about it |
7431s | briefly but if it goes into reverse |
7433s | tie-dye um everything just happens |
7435s | really quickly and that means like your |
7436s | modules cycle really fast your overheat |
7439s | uh increases super quickly and it gets |
7441s | faster and faster and faster and faster |
7442s | as the match goes on uh until modules |
7445s | that used to cycle like this are just |
7446s | going like and you like accidentally |
7448s | overheat for a moment and bang you have |
7450s | just burned out all your guns it is |
7452s | chaos incarnate but it's very fun to |
7454s | watch it's good stuff I'm I don't think |
7457s | I've ever been involved in a reverse |
7458s | tie-dye match I I've been in one I flew |
7460s | a tinker tangu LOD |
7462s | in Alliance tournament 14 I think it was |
7465s | a bomber Tinker as well um so it was uh |
7470s | against another Tinker bomber setup |
7472s | which is why it went to stalemate cuz we |
7474s | just sat and shot Torpedoes at each |
7475s | other for 10 minutes and then shot them |
7478s | faster for another five that's one of |
7479s | those matches where what we need is like |
7481s | a heart rate meter on each side's lodgy |
7482s | to see like you know you start out and |
7484s | by the end you you've done a marathon |
7486s | you've just won like the uh you know |
7488s | Olympics cuz your heart is just given |
7489s | out at that point exactly uh all right |
7491s | so um we have an A match coming up and |
7494s | of course uh we have lots of spamming of |
7496s | the madmazel to support ropel but let's |
7498s | take a look at some of the other things |
7499s | that you have been spamming and let's |
7500s | have a look at the rating so madmazel |
7502s | for RO Capel uh currently 200 which is |
7505s | which is pretty good uh cucumbers for |
7507s | paper number is ranked pretty high 300 |
7509s | uh I'm I'm questioning that one |
7511s | cucumbers for paper numbers I mean |
7512s | unless you're saying it in a really |
7514s | weird |
7515s | way that one Rhymes but all the numbers |
7517s | for paper numbers uh that one's worse |
7520s | that one's worse that one's worse |
7523s | cucumber now it's too wordy too but I |
7525s | like pheasants for of essence that's my |
7526s | favorite I like that I I like the fact |
7528s | that we haven't included the Emojis |
7530s | they're using this because again it's |
7532s | not pheasants there are no pheasants on |
7534s | Twitch I believe and they are using |
7536s | doves or swans or something that's close |
7537s | enough it's a bird yeah I guess but yeah |
7542s | I mean mambaz roella is a classic um I |
7545s | will be spamming my mambaz I always spam |
7546s | my Melle for RO Capel Ro Capel very |
7549s | experienced tournament team uh in |
7550s | general we usually think of them as one |
7552s | of the uh sort of a Gatekeepers to the |
7554s | upper bracket uh they've played in tons |
7557s | of matches over the years going back a |
7558s | long long long time uh and they usually |
7560s | do pretty all right and if you can get |
7562s | through a team like Ro Capel you're |
7564s | probably like above average I say |
7566s | they're definitely a solid solid team uh |
7568s | they have last couple of matches that |
7569s | they have played in Lions tournament |
7570s | Lions tour 19 they lost to Exodus uh and |
7573s | also hidden Leaf ninja Village whatever |
7576s | the hell are called again um those are |
7578s | two pretty tough teams so they didn't do |
7580s | so well last time but they have overall |
7582s | they are 21 wins to 22 losses so um |
7587s | basically average perfectly balanced so |
7588s | uh technically according to this they |
7590s | they will lose and then it will be |
7591s | balanced but we will find out all right |
7593s | let's take a look at the the bands |
7595s | though for this match of essence versus |
7597s | Ro Capel so of essence Banning out the |
7599s | Armageddon simitar the sleer and the |
7601s | cycle and Fleet issue meanwhile Ro Capel |
7604s | Banning out the nigh talk the Loki the |
7605s | orthus and the zarz moderator your |
7608s | thoughts please yeah so the simitar is |
7611s | something we actually haven't really |
7612s | seen a lot of bans um today on and when |
7615s | you have the Scimitar out you have the |
7616s | sleer out and the Cyclone Fleet issue |
7618s | out you're really hitting at like every |
7620s | single heavy missile kite chip or like |
7623s | um an artillery uh kite has been popular |
7626s | but also with the orthis and the Loki |
7628s | out and the Nighthawk out it's like man |
7630s | Shield Rush has no ships left at this |
7633s | point and it makes me think that we're |
7635s | not going to see a shield Rush we're not |
7636s | going to see a shield kite so really the |
7638s | relevant bands we've got left are the |
7640s | get and navy issue and the zorad and the |
7643s | zorad is a very interesting ship |
7646s | compared to its counterpart the guardian |
7648s | and the onos where it does a lot of |
7652s | ramping right onto a ship as opposed to |
7655s | kind of a split rep and we saw that to |
7657s | great effect actually in the very first |
7658s | match where um fraternity mystical |
7661s | might's team actually did not win |
7664s | because zarzad uh was very effectively |
7668s | being able to deal with the incoming |
7670s | rapid heavy damage so |
7672s | Armageddon |
7673s | Navy has been something we've seen |
7676s | banned most of today we're going to keep |
7678s | seeing it banned but zarm is a little |
7679s | bit out there Mr gmate your thoughts on |
7682s | this as well yeah get that Z out of here |
7686s | yeah don't don't like it just don't like |
7687s | it um I I think it's interesting that |
7690s | we've got a simitar and Zan ban um I |
7693s | think the SL band's kind of interesting |
7695s | the krael on TQ I think gets used very |
7699s | very rarely by like small gangers people |
7701s | that cut around quite a bit and want to |
7704s | spend that extra money on something |
7705s | that's shiny not necessarily because |
7707s | it's way better than a s or a hurricane |
7709s | Fleet issue but because it's shiny but |
7712s | in a tournament setting I think you |
7714s | could probably replace the S with K you |
7716s | could probably place it with hurricane |
7717s | Fleet issues and still kind of get the |
7719s | same fight um was it flight killer yeah |
7722s | fight killer would be that kind of |
7723s | composition but then you see like the |
7725s | band of like the orth and you're like |
7726s | man that no Loki it's like I don't think |
7728s | you've ever needed the Loki and the |
7730s | orthus for a flly kular setup I think I |
7731s | think you you you'd probably be leaning |
7733s | more towards um hyenas and things like |
7735s | that in your lower end just to have the |
7737s | webs and the target painters and then |
7739s | you've also got other ships that you |
7741s | could probably replace to orthus with |
7742s | it's not going to be the same because |
7744s | light missiles were nerfed on things |
7745s | like the Navy Osprey but um you know |
7749s | Jack doors are still in for example if |
7751s | you wanted some light missiles in the |
7752s | lower end um that are also fairly cheap |
7755s | you've also got squalls which you can |
7757s | also kite around with with heavy |
7758s | missiles if you wanted to or light |
7759s | missiles wouldn't recommend it but heavy |
7762s | missiles yeah so there's there's still |
7764s | options to bring a like |
7766s | discount fly killer if you wanted to um |
7770s | I think the slep bands these days are |
7772s | not as efficient yeah I like the the |
7774s | simitar band on the offence side uh Ro |
7777s | Capel um haven't necessarily been the |
7779s | most in Innovative in terms of like the |
7781s | comp that they tend to bring they tend |
7782s | to stick with the the known good ones |
7785s | and just try and do them really well and |
7786s | the simitar plays a big part in a lot of |
7788s | these sort of like kiting execution |
7790s | comps especially from tour past and I |
7792s | would expect like that's the type of uh |
7794s | comp that teams like Ro Capel would love |
7795s | to fly so I think that's a good targeted |
7797s | ban of of of essence from of essence uh |
7801s | you guys with your silly names um but |
7804s | yeah and then slep classic I think it's |
7806s | probably the most used tournament ship |
7807s | basically ever anyway um it's was a long |
7810s | long long time classic um but yeah we |
7812s | can head over to the arena uh Ro Capel |
7814s | are Fielding their Flagship in this |
7815s | match by the way so this should be an |
7817s | interesting one hopefully I mean I do |
7819s | kind of want to see flagships die |
7820s | because it's fun but also so I am |
7822s | spamming my Melle for rock Capel so |
7823s | hopefully it doesn't die this time um |
7826s | let's head over to the arena for this |
7829s | match good day mates and Overlord just |
7832s | stole my thunder because that's right |
7833s | roel brought their flag again Navy in a |
7836s | drone control comp what has of essence |
7838s | brought for us man of essence has |
7840s | brought a more armor projection setup |
7843s | with big DPS coming from the Paladin |
7845s | Redeemer and a badden they've got a |
7847s | little bit of control of their own with |
7848s | that crucifier and mollus to sort of |
7850s | damp things out disrupt the rapid |
7852s | Heavies on the Armageddon but I'm really |
7854s | worried about these arbitrators from R |
7856s | Capel this is going to make the uh |
7859s | application from those big laser boats |
7861s | kind of sweat and it might let Rach |
7862s | Capel utilize their large control bar in |
7865s | order to grind down this match yeah it's |
7867s | going to be one of those painful things |
7868s | like hey I've brought these three great |
7870s | damage projection ships and I can't use |
7871s | them yep yep uh Scorch has long range |
7876s | unless uh the arbitrators are tracking |
7878s | disrupting you so it'll be a little bit |
7880s | of a slow start and that really does |
7883s | favor the control comp of roel I'm also |
7885s | curious what kind of drones they're |
7886s | going to drop first from this no mostly |
7888s | drone comp with a very shiny rapid heavy |
7890s | Armageddon Navy flag by the way yep yep |
7893s | and looks like we've got those DPS drone |
7895s | or so heavy drones coming in uh no |
7898s | sentries here so those will be streaming |
7901s | across the arena to the lucky first |
7904s | recipient of the damage uh which we will |
7907s | see in other arbitrator being shot first |
7909s | yet that makes perfect sense mate get |
7911s | rid of that before gimps us please yep |
7913s | yep we know exactly what our problem is |
7915s | here and that is that uh we need to be |
7917s | able to shoot uh although looking at the |
7920s | looking at the effects there's no |
7922s | tracking disruptors going out here on |
7924s | the ls Steam and as I say that there go |
7927s | so uh might be a little bit of a missile |
7929s | focused thing or it might be that they |
7931s | were damped off um not damped at the |
7934s | moment it looks like it's just |
7936s | potentially one or they've stacked a lot |
7937s | onto the pallet just to bring it down |
7939s | enough yeah those Marauders have quite |
7941s | good range on them but uh realizing that |
7944s | they're not that tracking disrupted |
7946s | perhaps they're switching over to the |
7947s | Stratos meanwhile the damage from Rook |
7949s | pel going onto the isimu of Zer y Str is |
7952s | now pulling back into his team so he's |
7953s | now pulling back aimu is still being |
7955s | pressured but it looks like he's at the |
7957s | moment holding some comfortably by the |
7958s | way the Lodie on that team is an |
7960s | Inquisitor and a deacon so there's also |
7962s | a potential really big weak spot on The |
7964s | Inquisitor if they can potentially get |
7966s | the damage down yep yeah and those logi |
7968s | frigs that's rough cuz they have to get |
7969s | in range of their target they have to |
7971s | stay close to their target uh and the |
7973s | great thing about drone ships is if you |
7975s | don't have to use your high slots for |
7977s | weapons you can use your high slots for |
7978s | neutralizers and also the ever |
7980s | everpresent ever scary random wrecking |
7983s | shot yep yep so we should be we should |
7985s | be seeing uh some risk to those logi |
7988s | frigs uh which are happily trying to |
7990s | keep up their shimu he's holding quite |
7992s | well meanwhile and speaking of logi |
7994s | frigs uh Rema in the Thalia is the |
7997s | primary for essent so Essence trying to |
7999s | take out the sustain from the control |
8002s | they going have a bit more trouble with |
8003s | but I believe it's just a bunch of |
8004s | drones on him at the moment yeah bunch |
8006s | of Warriors at the moment being on on |
8008s | the Val he's not doing all too well he's |
8010s | going to get hope to get saved by this |
8011s | Deacon or it's going to start going |
8012s | poorly meanwhile Chad flame is now being |
8014s | primary yep and uh Chad flame taken a |
8017s | big chunk of damage those heavy drones |
8019s | from those bonus notes uh boats can deal |
8022s | uh quite a bit of pain and while |
8025s | sometimes they're tracking struggles it |
8026s | doesn't struggle against a paladin |
8027s | especially if Paladin is not trying best |
8029s | not to move particularly fast yeah domic |
8032s | being pressured as well so we got a th |
8033s | being pressured and the Deacon I believe |
8034s | are they in the middle of the fight no |
8036s | they're away so Dom's actually on his |
8038s | own a bit being attacked but no now he's |
8040s | next to little we're good yep yeah and |
8043s | honestly this is just the longer this |
8045s | goes the better that the NES from rot |
8048s | Capel start to be you know nuding out |
8050s | that Paladin it needs capacitor in order |
8052s | to deal damage it needs capacitor in |
8054s | order to use its uh effects and this |
8057s | Navy Armageddon you hoping to stay alive |
8059s | Flagship uh hoping to be able to bring |
8061s | that damage to Bear against the enemy |
8063s | team but this Dominic is in deep trouble |
8066s | yeah he's not going anywhere there's an |
8067s | Abid well within range at this point now |
8069s | it's going to be race to kill the dummy |
8070s | and I think they're going to get him |
8071s | like doesn't matter how much you track |
8072s | and Sh us he's right there he's the size |
8074s | of a moon we can kill him yep yep so uh |
8079s | Dominic's into arm into structure |
8081s | galente holds quite a lot of hole but uh |
8084s | it's there's no Reps for that on field |
8087s | so it'll be tough to see if this Dominic |
8090s | can survive and if it goes goes down |
8092s | trading for nothing that's going to be a |
8093s | tough spot exactly that exactly that |
8095s | he's he's they're doing a great job |
8096s | trying to keep him alive you see the |
8097s | Reps coming constantly in but that's |
8099s | that's not looking good and what are |
8101s | they doing in return well they're |
8102s | finally going for The Inquisitor but it |
8104s | looks like that's not particularly going |
8105s | well which happens and they're kind of |
8108s | looks they're between targets at the |
8109s | moment yeah that Inquisitor it's a |
8112s | potentially squishy Target te one |
8114s | resists not as good as the uh its Tech 2 |
8117s | Deacon buddy oh yeah yeah we're all |
8120s | looking at that Dominic that last tiny |
8122s | sliver of |
8123s | structure Inquisitor to that can also |
8126s | there Inquisitor goes down which means |
8127s | the Deacon is now a potential Target as |
8129s | well The Dominics is still creeping down |
8132s | they are trying there he goes never mind |
8134s | pop yeah although that Deacon absolutely |
8137s | the primary and if R Capel can get down |
8139s | the Deacon then they'll have the logy |
8142s | advantage against of essence and that |
8143s | will be a that'll be a win condition for |
8145s | them that means rapel will have sustain |
8147s | of Essence no sustain those battleships |
8150s | have quite a lot of buffer but it's just |
8152s | buffer you can grind through it and that |
8154s | Deacon is just taking chunks and chunks |
8156s | and chunks of damage Theos and Shima by |
8157s | the way they're tackling each other |
8158s | mutually right now you can tell it looks |
8159s | like the Stratos is the one getting the |
8161s | bad end of that deal yep so Deacon down |
8164s | Stratos down uh Road Capel definitely |
8167s | behind but not out of it quite yet |
8170s | indeed indeed but it's like not looking |
8171s | too good but here's the thing flagships |
8173s | can turn a match solely on their own |
8175s | sometimes we saw a bunch of years back a |
8177s | single scope Navy just basically soed a |
8179s | team at one point so if they can get a |
8180s | position Maybe the Navy gon can carry |
8183s | but with the opposing team still |
8184s | maintaining all of their damage and |
8186s | basically all of their control it's |
8189s | looks like we might potentially be |
8190s | losing a flagship at the moment yeah K |
8193s | Paso over there definitely sweating uh |
8195s | as proxy in the prophecy prophecy also |
8198s | quite heavily tank boat uh but that |
8201s | damage from the three projection |
8203s | battleships still available still all |
8206s | applying and speaking of flagships |
8208s | carrying uh comp Paso has a little bit |
8209s | of a problem and that problem is the |
8212s | crucifier of night merant the crucifier |
8215s | did show up with missile guidance |
8216s | disruptors and this rapid heavy ship is |
8219s | going to be suffering in its ability to |
8220s | apply to anything uh meanwhile also |
8222s | suffering a little bit in the capacitor |
8224s | Department notice that the uh the |
8225s | Redeemer now is starting to creep down |
8228s | they now they've got rid of the logy |
8229s | they can potentially try and eat through |
8230s | this guy theyve got a lot of drones they |
8232s | got a lot of potential here and they |
8233s | could maybe start slow to eating and |
8235s | looks like it's starting to go their way |
8237s | that prophecy is being what prophecy do |
8240s | tank their break |
8242s | both in terms of flying capability and |
8243s | in terms of tank yep not looking good |
8246s | this is exactly what roel needs to turn |
8248s | this back is get that Redeemer down |
8251s | start working on the other ships if they |
8253s | can hold the prophecy and get the |
8254s | Redeemer down in time they'll be that'll |
8256s | be a big bunch of damage off of the of |
8259s | essence team and they'll be able to |
8261s | start continuing to use their logi still |
8264s | alive even though uh Rema and mealia is |
8267s | being pressured yeah and I going to say |
8269s | next as well is that this is where these |
8271s | teach FRS can do really well cuz they |
8272s | don't have to keep you alive forever |
8274s | just long enough and they're doing very |
8276s | well here keeping this prophecy alive |
8277s | for long enough that's actually starting |
8278s | to threaten this redeema yeah and Rema |
8282s | St both got both getting consistently |
8284s | nuded by the of essence team good call |
8286s | from the of essence team you don't need |
8287s | to kill the logi frigs if they don't |
8289s | have any capacitor they can't rep if |
8290s | they have no cap but they're injecting |
8293s | through it they're doing their best and |
8295s | that Magus of Quinn rhods just quick |
8297s | swap get the links down yeah pop gone |
8300s | profy still surviving as well it's |
8301s | getting real close we have 3 minutes |
8303s | left in this match and it's looking very |
8306s | very dicey honestly for both teams yeah |
8308s | R capel's gone for the links they've |
8310s | popped the Magus they've popped the Pont |
8312s | effects they're really trying to push |
8314s | the advantage that they have in sustain |
8316s | in order to start getting one of those |
8319s | big targets down and having said that |
8321s | they're switching to the isimu just |
8322s | trying to get as many points as they can |
8324s | in the remaining two minutes especially |
8326s | with proxy dipping deep into hole |
8329s | killing off damage as much as they can |
8330s | as well the shimi kind of damage and NES |
8332s | they can just delete here and it's |
8333s | definitely like seems like this change |
8334s | in strategy is definitely working is |
8336s | they starting to kill a lot of ships |
8338s | prophecy look at that there like 5% |
8340s | structure oh and he's look at he's |
8342s | starting to get red up again him that's |
8343s | 8% structure my apologies and he's he's |
8345s | just holding it and I think his arm is |
8346s | going up it's going up oh no there there |
8349s | goes the isimu that is a huge bunch of |
8351s | pressure off of the stalia and Deacon |
8353s | that isimu has NES they cycle very |
8356s | quickly it's very effective at |
8358s | disrupting the repping ability so look |
8360s | at the scores as well look how close the |
8362s | scores with this thing there he goes |
8364s | there we go okay all right crisis |
8366s | averted for of essence at least but they |
8369s | still have two minutes you think they |
8370s | can take down a flag Navy get in two |
8372s | minutes or you think they're not going |
8373s | to try I I think they're I think they're |
8375s | not going to try I think they need to |
8377s | get out of this with their lives if that |
8379s | Redeemer goes down if that Redeemer goes |
8381s | down or if that Paladin goes down it |
8383s | looks like all the tackles on the |
8384s | Paladin right now then roel still have a |
8388s | chance to pull this out roel 55 to 85 |
8390s | those battleships 48 any of these |
8393s | battleships would do it for R Capel I |
8395s | just noticed where the demer is by the |
8396s | way the demer decided you just leave the |
8398s | vicinity and he now on the other side of |
8400s | the Arena so that demon that's why he's |
8401s | still alive he decided to leave but the |
8402s | Paladin now is the one who's taking the |
8404s | absolute spanking from a flag Navy |
8406s | geddon yeah and if that's got purple |
8408s | launchers that can plug out a massive |
8410s | amount of damage and that's starting to |
8412s | look not good they yeah got one minut |
8415s | one minute has to survive one minute of |
8418s | this there is a flag that is beating you |
8420s | to death and one minute to try and do it |
8422s | but I think Chad Flame's about to go |
8424s | down madmazel has done it rope Propel up |
8428s | ahead and points pulling this one out by |
8431s | the skin of their teeth and this is the |
8433s | most important thing in the alliance |
8434s | tournament it is not over till it's over |
8437s | and this |
8439s | match that is that is absolutely brutal |
8442s | yeah the demon the other side of the |
8443s | Arena there's nothing they can really do |
8444s | now they've got not enough damage |
8445s | they're going to go for the abidon but I |
8446s | think with the NES on him he's probably |
8448s | going to be particularly useless so yeah |
8450s | rote with with the last with literally a |
8452s | minute on the time goes from being in a |
8453s | losing position to a winning position |
8456s | yep and uh very well flown from Ro Capel |
8459s | uh of essence pretty good match too of |
8462s | essence they're a newer team they've |
8464s | made it through the feeders into the |
8466s | alliance tournament these days the |
8467s | feeders are a play in uh play in |
8470s | qualifier so much more competitive great |
8472s | job to them great showing here exactly |
8474s | very good showing for them here yep R |
8476s | Capel we've seen them a lot we'll see |
8478s | them more in the Winner's bracket uh |
8480s | very very well done and comp Paso |
8482s | surviving in the flagship their |
8484s | investment is safe they can bring it |
8486s | back another day well with that let's |
8489s | take go to a break and come back to the |
8490s | studio |
8492s | after very touching goal for some time |
8495s | in that match um but they managed to |
8497s | hold on delete some ships enough ships |
8500s | to win and then did in fact win uh |
8503s | mystical might as a pilot in the |
8505s | alliance tournament when the match |
8508s | begins what should you do well according |
8511s | to my manual right here it says that I |
8512s | should sit still in my redeemer for 28 |
8515s | seconds and do absolutely nothing in the |
8517s | match um which was a very effective play |
8520s | for rot um yeah I I don't know um we |
8523s | usually look to see how long it takes |
8525s | for teams to actually get off the |
8526s | starting line when the match begins I |
8528s | think especially newer pilots in the |
8530s | tournament have a tendency to double |
8531s | click just before ships are unlocked and |
8534s | you can move around and it won't send |
8536s | that command through so you'll just end |
8538s | up sitting still you'll be like Oh I'm |
8539s | going to be heading in the in the right |
8541s | Direction I'm going to be burning |
8541s | towards the enemy team and then you |
8543s | realize 30 seconds in okay I haven't |
8546s | moved at all I've been running my prop |
8548s | mod probably so just turning capacitor |
8551s | into nothing yeah it's it is something |
8554s | that newer Pilots do need to get used to |
8556s | I think that people that have experience |
8557s | in the tournament usually um know when |
8560s | they can actually start moving they |
8561s | usually spam the command as well just as |
8563s | the timer ticks over um I think that of |
8566s | essence actually had a really good |
8567s | chance at winning um I was saying that |
8569s | the Redeemer the ab and the Paladin were |
8572s | was a decent comp to bring um we saw |
8575s | that it was working fairly well towards |
8576s | the beginning but I think that the |
8579s | Paladin just having to suffer through |
8580s | the Navy geddon noes for what was the |
8582s | entirety of the match meant that when |
8584s | they did switch the Paladin towards the |
8586s | end it had no capacitor and it seems |
8588s | like they weren't able to trade cap |
8590s | Chargers over from the abadin to keep |
8592s | that Paladin alive for a little bit |
8594s | longer so yeah now we we had a little |
8596s | bit of a meme on the uh Redeemer pilot |
8598s | for uh forgetting to move for the first |
8600s | 28 seconds however I did want to call |
8602s | out his Chad gamer move uh of being shot |
8605s | at realizing he was being shot at uh |
8607s | sitting still on the beacon in the |
8609s | middle allowing himself to be shot out |
8611s | until it was time to vacate the premises |
8613s | and then he just MGD away uh into safety |
8615s | and survived uh |
8617s | so overload approved well done uh black |
8620s | bar pirate anything else from you in |
8621s | this one yeah I think um I feel like of |
8624s | essence had that because we saw Dominics |
8625s | and we're like |
8627s | uh and then uh The Dominics did |
8630s | something that uh every every body knows |
8631s | potatoes are really good at and uh |
8633s | skillfully slipped away from the triple |
8635s | battleships and we were kind of watching |
8636s | it and you know I hate to say this and |
8638s | it's it's obviously I'm not sitting in |
8640s | the pilot seats of any of our the |
8641s | battleships on the other team but it |
8643s | felt like they might have right click |
8644s | approached The Dominics in a bunch of |
8646s | slow battleships and so when The |
8647s | Dominics turned space left which is |
8649s | different than regular left because it's |
8650s | whichever direction I feel like it is at |
8652s | the time the battleships did the uh the |
8654s | classic like oh we're following the path |
8656s | of you as opposed to cutting it off so |
8658s | it took them I would say probably almost |
8659s | a minute longer than should have to |
8662s | tackle a |
8663s | Dominic's King Dominic a kiting Dominic |
8666s | was tackled by the number one tackled by |
8669s | the other number one kiing Battleship of |
8670s | the abadin um because I and I feel like |
8673s | the Redeemer or the Paladin could have |
8676s | also done that or any of the ships could |
8677s | have done that and if they had gotten it |
8678s | down just a little bit faster um they |
8681s | could have won but you know I will say |
8682s | uh the rot Capel Flagship pilot you know |
8684s | recognized the fact that his ship has |
8686s | long range and never was close enough to |
8688s | get crushed like I think they they |
8690s | looked that as oh that's a lot of damage |
8692s | let's not get killed by that and then |
8694s | you know they kind of barely squeaked it |
8696s | out but they did and I think that it was |
8697s | uh I think it was of essence's fight to |
8699s | lose and I think that they had a little |
8701s | bit of piloting errors that caused that |
8702s | to happen yeah and yeah like you say it |
8705s | was probably their fight to lose and I |
8707s | think a couple of those little errors |
8708s | they kind of all compounded uh and I |
8711s | mean we we saw how close it actually |
8712s | still was at the end like that match was |
8714s | not really over until it was um there |
8716s | was certainly a number of opportunities |
8718s | uh where they could have taken the W |
8719s | there I think over but anyway solid win |
8722s | for RO Capel they they're going to |
8723s | advance along the winners bracket of |
8724s | Ence drop down into the losers bracket |
8726s | this is a double elimination tournament |
8728s | as his tradition so uh you can lose once |
8731s | and everything is okay it just means |
8733s | more skins uh if you win some more um |
8735s | but it can be a grind dropping into that |
8737s | lower bracket of course we have a lot |
8739s | more matches to do uh so congratulations |
8741s | I'm pretty sure this was all down to the |
8743s | um the spamming of the Melle without |
8745s | that who who knows what would have |
8747s | happened all right let's look at our |
8748s | next match now um it is going to be the |
8752s | tuskers versus unspoken Alliance uh this |
8755s | should be an interesting one the tuskers |
8757s | co uh they won before they won allance |
8759s | at 14 that was a while ago but they |
8760s | still won and they've always been quite |
8762s | good uh I would say definitely like a |
8764s | top four team uh last year they were in |
8766s | the grand finals and uh lost to |
8769s | fraternity so certainly um a different |
8772s | team from the last 14 teams not very |
8774s | many members are the same but they still |
8775s | showed that they as an organization are |
8777s | very good um this I'm looking for the |
8780s | bands I don't think I have the bands for |
8781s | this one yet so I'll just keep talking |
8783s | until someone tells me the bands are |
8784s | available uh blackb Pirates what do you |
8786s | think of this upcoming matchup so this |
8788s | is it's kind of a similar situation with |
8789s | like truth honor light like we expect |
8791s | tuskers to win this because tuskers has |
8794s | not not been in the top four for years |
8798s | um they're an incredibly good team they |
8799s | have some of the wildest crazy Offa |
8802s | Theory crafting of anybody uh you know |
8804s | mirie has always played its own game |
8807s | tuskers plays their own game um and that |
8809s | makes them very very difficult for teams |
8812s | that are not maybe on that same level of |
8814s | just kind of like theorycraft Madness to |
8816s | predict and fight against that being |
8819s | said there is always the chance uh we |
8821s | were talking about it last night that |
8823s | sometimes tuskers will kind of outm meta |
8825s | themselves and you know we don't know |
8827s | what they're going to bring it this is |
8828s | the first match tuskers is played this |
8830s | tournament because they didn't have to |
8832s | play through the feeders uh I would |
8833s | expect some really weird stuff and I |
8836s | guess you know we we'll have to see but |
8838s | I do see that you have the bands up |
8840s | stealing your spot H we should talk |
8842s | about the bands yes great Segway Bart |
8844s | excellent let's talk about the bands uh |
8846s | so the tuskers co are Bing out the curse |
8848s | crucifier Armageddon and Armageddon Navy |
8850s | issue unspoken Alliance Banning out the |
8852s | orthis hyena brick Navy issue and fic |
8855s | Navy issue question mark uh hyena good |
8858s | ban I think against the tuskers mystical |
8860s | M what do you think about these bands I |
8862s | think the bands are kind of interesting |
8864s | uh the I don't think the ferox Navy |
8865s | issue ban is quite so much a question |
8867s | mark we've seen it be fairly strong in |
8869s | some of the media real gun spam concept |
8871s | we've seen um it it does fairly well it |
8874s | puts out a ton of damage which is why |
8876s | it's a very popular TQ ship as well at |
8878s | the moment um the Navy BRX also |
8880s | basically fulfills the same role you can |
8883s | probably Shield fit the Navy bruix more |
8885s | than you can armor fit the ferox Navy |
8886s | issue um so by removing those two ships |
8889s | it seems like a fairly decent way to |
8891s | counter the two initial bands that they |
8892s | are seeing which is the curse and the |
8894s | crucifier again both tracking disrupting |
8896s | ships which means that they're able to |
8899s | respond more effectively to what what |
8900s | the opponent might be trying to aim for |
8902s | and try and curtail that a little bit um |
8906s | I think the hyena and orthus bands are |
8907s | also fairly interesting CU yeah it it |
8909s | plays more into Theus the tuska's play |
8911s | style which is making sure that you |
8913s | can't get on top of them cutting around |
8915s | bursting to something with light |
8916s | missiles and then kind of waiting out |
8918s | that reload Time by just flying around |
8919s | the edge of the Arena yeah and |
8921s | interestingly both teams choosing to |
8923s | Feld their flagships both bringing |
8925s | Flagship borns um it makes me feel like |
8928s | we're back in L in 16 all over again |
8929s | Flagship Balor gns which are back and |
8932s | you can uh pimp them pretty heavily |
8934s | especially with some webs and of course |
8936s | uh the tuskers are no no they're not |
8939s | afraid to pimp they're going to be uh |
8940s | pretty expensive uh they're going to |
8942s | have probably at least a Tobias web |
8944s | maybe a gokan's web those will web out |
8946s | to like 60 kilm with uh with links Heats |
8949s | etc etc uh but they are extremely |
8951s | expensive I think Toby webs are normally |
8952s | like 80 billion or something like that |
8954s | if you can even find someone who will |
8955s | sell you one yeah I I think your best |
8958s | bet if you really want to upgrade your B |
8960s | is to go up against a team that has a |
8962s | flagship bone and then kill it yeah and |
8964s | then higher drop rates than trying to |
8966s | find the officers on on DQ does the uh |
8968s | drop rate event also work with the |
8971s | at that's a question that's a good 90% |
8974s | drop rate in the at you should be |
8976s | killing the flagship yes that is a very |
8979s | good point someone can clarify that that |
8980s | is excellent yes it does it does GB |
8983s | zealous has spoken to me from somewhere |
8985s | else in the building and told me that |
8986s | yes the 90% drop rate does I completely |
8989s | forgot about that that's hilarious the |
8990s | secret Tech is kill the flags yeah just |
8993s | win kill the flags all right let's go |
8994s | see some flagships die let's head |
8999s | over hello and welcome back to the arena |
9002s | I'm Ali Aris here with feina and we are |
9005s | watching tuskers versus unspoken |
9007s | Alliance tuskers have brought a BAL Gorn |
9009s | with a medium guns spam setup and that |
9011s | is their Flagship Bal Gorn fear what |
9013s | have unspoken Alliance brought well they |
9015s | have brought a born with uh two more |
9018s | battleships to make it a triple |
9019s | battleship Bal Gorn comp and both these |
9021s | teams have brought flag Bal Gorn as you |
9025s | have mentioned uh the desk was just |
9027s | saying hey we want to see some B uh |
9029s | flagships get blown up well this is a |
9031s | good opportunity because both teams have |
9032s | a rather large attack bar un spoken |
9034s | alliance with a little bit more control |
9036s | here just having Aus on their team comp |
9040s | might be able to help against the medium |
9041s | gun spam but either way with the match |
9043s | is now underway and immediately The Damp |
9045s | goes out onto vld in that Bal Gorn yep |
9048s | and immediately we can see that Bal Gorn |
9049s | web on to Ace Echo presumably the |
9052s | harbinger of uh some damage going out |
9055s | and the Thalia just getting deleted from |
9057s | unspoken Alliance yeah uh Thia not able |
9061s | to get up to speed nearly as far uh was |
9063s | webbed up by the Balor vld and |
9065s | unfortunately goodbye with the medium |
9068s | gun tracking as soon as you're webbed |
9069s | like that the omen of a echo staying |
9071s | alive and living to win thus far hasn't |
9074s | really been under a whole lot of threat |
9076s | from these battleships as the Deacon |
9077s | goes down from unspoken Alliance they |
9079s | were now without their logy and it looks |
9081s | like tuskers are going to move this one |
9083s | bottom up with the medium gun spam and |
9085s | save the battleships for last yep and |
9087s | this is just a textbook medium gun spam |
9089s | setup you have these guns they have |
9090s | great tracking and uh if you want to |
9093s | kill a flagship it's going to be much |
9094s | much easier if there is no lodgy to rep |
9096s | that Flagship so we take out the logi we |
9098s | take out the paon effects we're taking |
9099s | out every single bit of sustain that |
9102s | unspoken Alliance might have down goes |
9104s | the paon effects and the somen living to |
9106s | win Ace Echo uh even though they've been |
9110s | they've been grappled uh just has been |
9113s | wasting so much time from unspoken |
9114s | Alliance now there's damage onto this |
9115s | Fleet Tempest as tuskers have decided |
9118s | that they don't need to deal with the |
9119s | low end or the uh frigs from uh unspoken |
9123s | Alliance and instead moving right onto |
9125s | the battleships the attack bar from |
9126s | unspoken uh started this match a bit |
9128s | larger this time tuskers getting more of |
9130s | that applied damage the red part of the |
9132s | attack bar going in favor as I say that |
9135s | though grunt KO currently tackled with |
9137s | the uh web and grapple uh so this aard |
9141s | day might be a little bit out of |
9143s | position for them but if they trade onto |
9145s | the fleet Tempest it's definitely worth |
9146s | it for tuskers yeah and with the the |
9149s | triple Battleship setup you've got more |
9150s | of your damage concentrated up in that |
9152s | high end uh so that Fleet Tempest going |
9154s | down is going to be a much larger |
9155s | percentage of the unspoken Alliance |
9157s | attack bar then grunt KO aarte so |
9161s | tuskers will still be applying damage |
9162s | after this trade goes out but uh Fleet |
9164s | Tempest going deep into Hull uh it's not |
9166s | even going to be a trade Tempest is down |
9168s | grunt KO might even stabilize with that |
9171s | source of damage off the field yeah the |
9172s | only damage remaining from uh the side |
9177s | of rage quit or of a unspoken Alliance |
9179s | is the lasers from that ABBA and from |
9182s | that Bal gor they go ahead and go |
9184s | through the megas I want to see this Bal |
9186s | Gorn die we have 7 minutes and 26 |
9189s | seconds remaining in the match I expect |
9191s | tuskers to turn this Bal gor any second |
9193s | now because they really do not need to |
9195s | kill this Abba or really anything else |
9197s | to win the match so why not give us a |
9199s | shiny kill Ma and the Bal Gorn is now |
9201s | the primary from the tuskers already |
9204s | into 2/3 uh armor yeah and that Bal Gorn |
9208s | could be fit with a whole variety of |
9210s | shiny modules hopefully it'll post |
9212s | hopefully the desk will be able to tell |
9213s | us what the total value of the Bal Gorn |
9215s | is uh but it is absolutely not going to |
9219s | survive the onslaught of the medium gun |
9220s | spam medium gun spam very high damage |
9223s | and we are seeing that being applied |
9224s | very well continuously in this |
9227s | match and thus we say good by to our |
9230s | first Flagship of Alliance tournament 20 |
9235s | it is a flag Bal Gorn one of the more |
9237s | popular uh flagships of this tournament |
9240s | uh see a lot of teams going for the Bal |
9242s | Gorn a lot of teams going for that armag |
9243s | Navy issue and we'll see how it's fitted |
9246s | um I'm interested to see you know what |
9249s | kind of webs were on it I think that's |
9250s | always the first question you ask when a |
9252s | flag Balor goes down we haven't had flag |
9253s | Balor in the tournament for quite some |
9255s | time have we no flag borns they're |
9258s | banned for a long time now they're back |
9260s | uh the ranged web bonus is quite amazing |
9264s | on that Bal gor we've been talking about |
9265s | it all day uh they can really Reach Out |
9268s | across the arena 60 km more with those |
9270s | officer setups uh and with the points |
9274s | changes a little bit more granularity |
9276s | it's time to bring them back time to see |
9278s | how they do uh and theyve been quite |
9280s | popular in this tournament uh this is |
9282s | the first one that's dead but not the |
9283s | first one that's been fielded that white |
9285s | squall match earlier we saw a flag Bal |
9287s | Gorn there doing its best to use the |
9290s | longrange webs for control uh so here |
9293s | both teams similarly using the long |
9295s | range webs to try to help the rest of |
9297s | their team apply damage but tuskers they |
9300s | are much more successful with their |
9302s | damage application than the unspoken |
9304s | Alliance team and you know uh the desk |
9307s | was talking a little bit about how |
9308s | tusers hasme aieve this kind of uh |
9311s | interesting uh Mastermind behind a lot |
9313s | of their comp design um this is kind of |
9317s | one of those examples I think a lot of |
9318s | teams going into this tourament when we |
9321s | see borns don't necessarily associate |
9323s | that with medium gun spam because medium |
9324s | gun spam you're thinking of relatively |
9326s | fast ships uh even though their armor um |
9329s | that can kite or choose to brawl at any |
9331s | time and a BAL Gorn doesn't typically |
9333s | fit that Niche but as we see in this |
9336s | match uh so long as you have the right |
9338s | matchup for it and the born is able to |
9341s | keep control and keep your medium gun |
9343s | spam applying uh then it pays dividends |
9348s | and doesn't bring too terrible damage |
9350s | either with officer guns and damage mods |
9353s | this molus the last member alive of |
9355s | unspoken Alliance will we see an edge of |
9357s | glory we've only seen a handful of today |
9360s | yep mollus is uh running away uh you |
9363s | doing their very best to Lo to damp out |
9366s | every single member of the tuskers but |
9367s | of course uh you can only fit so many |
9369s | damps in the mids of mollus and you |
9371s | cannot damp the entire medium gun team |
9374s | uh so kiting trying to uh live as long |
9378s | as possible the all caught up to the us |
9380s | here oh no all right so uh merer did not |
9384s | seem to be fit with tackle as uh this is |
9387s | a uh I'm going to take a look at the |
9389s | model should be a gun Maller considering |
9391s | the setup and in fact uh is a gun Maller |
9395s | so uh you know not having the tackle in |
9398s | the mids because that's not really what |
9399s | this comp is designed to do with any of |
9401s | their ships uh but as we see that |
9404s | finally a scram lands on top of this |
9405s | molus as more members of tuskers get on |
9407s | top of them and uh Taj will eventually |
9411s | die uh before the M Falls do you have |
9414s | any final words before we send it back |
9416s | to the desk a great great job to both |
9419s | teams for bringing the flagship uh great |
9421s | job for unspoken for putting it on the |
9422s | field uh our condolences for your loss |
9426s | uh although we are very excited to see |
9428s | what was inside that delicious pumpkin |
9430s | treat uh one thing that might not have |
9431s | been mentioned already uh 90% Loot drop |
9433s | during an event right now on TQ so if |
9435s | there were any shiny modules that got |
9437s | dropped it is very likely that the |
9438s | tuskers have taken them and added them |
9440s | to their War chest and with that |
9443s | explosion we are done with this match |
9444s | we'll send you a break and then back to |
9446s | the |
9447s | desk welcome back there we have our |
9450s | first Flagship has gone down uh a |
9452s | flagship Bal Gorn has bitten the dust uh |
9456s | it is a relatively modest fit very |
9458s | demure fit for this particular Balor uh |
9460s | Bart take me through what happened in |
9461s | that match so uh it's really funny |
9464s | because we were talking about tuskers |
9465s | being off meta and they make their own |
9467s | game up and they did except that they |
9469s | didn't really they went back to at16 and |
9471s | brought the basically the setup which |
9473s | was the reason why Flagship alorn more |
9476s | or less got banned from the game for 3 |
9477s | years uh obviously it's a little bit |
9479s | different points are different you know |
9480s | the game's a little bit different but |
9481s | yeah it was a ton of DPS with a flagship |
9483s | B Gorn right off the bat they did |
9485s | exactly what you said they could do |
9486s | which was web down anything in the |
9488s | entire game uh they Webb down the lodic |
9490s | ships and they blew the lodgi ships up |
9492s | and then that was kind of it um I was |
9494s | really impressed with how much DPS the |
9495s | tuskers actually put out considering |
9498s | that they had so many points with the |
9499s | flagship Bal Gorn um it was kind of |
9502s | rough I think uh you know both teams had |
9504s | a similar idea tuskers probably I'm not |
9506s | even going to say they necessarily |
9507s | executed it better I think this was |
9509s | literally a case of bling letting them |
9511s | win because if you looked at the other |
9513s | Flagship which I you know I can tell you |
9515s | it's on zkill I don't know if we can |
9516s | post it immediately but it was uh not |
9518s | the uh spiciest fit in fact I would say |
9521s | that it was a very poor it was a poor |
9523s | fit yeah I mean one of the one of the |
9525s | things about the balard is of course uh |
9527s | the web we talked about it earlier on |
9529s | and uh I look at this one here CU see |
9530s | it's a dark blood status webifier it's a |
9532s | it's a pretty good web uh but there are |
9534s | plenty more but this is one of those |
9536s | things where the price starts to get |
9537s | prohibited very quickly uh that's why |
9539s | you get those like Tobias webs like 80 |
9541s | 100 billion or so um but there are |
9543s | plenty of other other ones and like we |
9544s | said 90% lit drop event completely |
9547s | forgot that was on uh that is affecting |
9549s | it so you can see most of this dropped |
9551s | uh so if that had been a spicy potato |
9554s | then uh you would have been able to get |
9555s | a little little cheeky upgrade perhaps |
9557s | for your ship so you should all be |
9558s | shooting flagships don't not shoot |
9560s | flagships um you may have |
9562s | noticed the Australian in the room see |
9564s | be convict hello hello how are you I'm |
9567s | doing all right that was a really cool |
9569s | match when the first two when the Lodi |
9571s | wi got basically eviscerated in the |
9572s | first 45 seconds I was like I just hope |
9575s | they'll be able to kill one ship in |
9576s | order to save face and they got the omen |
9578s | so I'm like all right okay you got some |
9579s | runs on the board to use in Australian |
9581s | eism well English invented Cricket |
9584s | doesn't matter we're better at now um |
9586s | but uh no that was that was a really |
9588s | super cool fight um it was kind of sad |
9591s | to watch them go plinking off one by one |
9593s | I think the pontif effects and the Mages |
9594s | also basically just got like one shot it |
9596s | felt like yeah um but good job cut good |
9598s | job tuskers see if they can at least |
9600s | make a top four again this year yep I |
9601s | mean losing to the tuskers is it's like |
9604s | yeah I mean it's Champs you don't have |
9606s | to uh come away from that feeling |
9608s | anything less than like yeah we gave it |
9609s | a good run we we we brought our we |
9612s | brought our balls to the table we |
9613s | brought our Flagship like you you go up |
9616s | against team like the tuskers you kind |
9617s | of like this is going to be a tough one |
9619s | um and tuskers obviously showed some |
9621s | respect as well brought their Flagship |
9622s | saying hey you know we we we're taking |
9624s | this seriously we treat you like an |
9625s | enemy and of course they they just |
9627s | managed execute in this instance uh but |
9630s | yes pleas be convict yes um first of all |
9633s | welcome thank you I lovely to have you |
9635s | here it's a pleasure to be here y now |
9637s | you have come along to talk about um a |
9639s | little shindig next year I believe yeah |
9642s | just just a little thing we throw back |
9643s | in the brocs here in Iceland uh ion e |
9646s | FanFest is going to be back in 2025 from |
9648s | the 1st and 3rd of May next year uh we |
9651s | are inviting everyone as usual to come |
9654s | and I'm here to give you a little bit |
9656s | information on the event and also a |
9658s | warning um I think it's going to sell |
9661s | out oh yeah I think it's going to sell |
9663s | out as well we sold out last year we've |
9664s | got every reason we think that will sell |
9666s | out again this year as well uh and so |
9669s | I'm not trying to like oh Foo hype but |
9671s | just letting you know if you are |
9672s | planning on coming to FanFest uh next |
9674s | year probably get your ticket sooner |
9676s | rather than later because if you leave |
9677s | your run too late you might not be able |
9678s | to get your hands on some |
9680s | Also earlier in the week or was it last |
9681s | week now it's been a while um we |
9684s | released a news item where we announced |
9685s | a whole bunch of tickets for side events |
9687s | so that when you're coming here you can |
9689s | also experience from other parts of |
9690s | Iceland not just be trapped inside |
9692s | Harper with a bunch of sweaty nerds for |
9694s | 3 days as I which is something I Delight |
9697s | in mind you cuz those are my people um |
9700s | uh but yeah there are tickets for things |
9701s | like the Golden Circle Tour and the land |
9703s | party at the top of the world which was |
9704s | a little side event that the community |
9706s | team did last year but it was so popular |
9708s | we decided to make it part of the |
9709s | program |
9713s | people and we |
9715s | haveed mpsi fet or an nfsi Fleet if you |
9719s | think about it and uh with a bunch of |
9722s | guest FC's from CCP in the player |
9723s | community it's a lot of fun yeah it was |
9725s | super good like being in this big sort |
9727s | of land Center in a fleet with all the |
9729s | people around you and then you hear |
9731s | someone like I've got points and it's |
9732s | like from just over there like all right |
9734s | cool yeah it's super fun yeah for |
9736s | roaming we use for roaming and during |
9737s | this event we use special uh CCP |
9741s | internal use only 100 person uh needle |
9744s | Jack filaments so we can get the entire |
9746s | fleet to wherever we need to go we just |
9747s | yeat out there with like 50 people 60 |
9749s | people it's pretty wild yeah it's |
9751s | definitely a great event I have the list |
9753s | of other events up uh some of these ones |
9754s | are amazing obviously you mentioned uh |
9756s | the Golden Circle and the land party at |
9757s | top of the world there's also just cool |
9759s | General things like the walking tour |
9760s | there's like um walking tour around |
9763s | downtown rikic to see the sites with a |
9764s | tour guide that explains to you the |
9765s | history of the city uh things like fly |
9767s | over Iceland you probably some of you |
9770s | may have experienced something like this |
9771s | before in other places where you just |
9772s | like sit on a giant mechanical rack with |
9774s | a huge iMac screen in front of you and |
9776s | in this experience you get flown around |
9778s | the sights and sounds of Iceland it's a |
9779s | really cool experience um it helps you |
9782s | uh cover a lot of the country without |
9784s | even getting out of your chairs quite |
9785s | fightful uh there's also things like the |
9787s | pub crawl which is uh always a Smash Hit |
9790s | yes um there's been some incredible Pub |
9792s | crawls over the years uh I remember I |
9794s | think it was 2013 FanFest uh someone had |
9797s | a great idea of giving each of the team |
9798s | a flag with their team number on it uh |
9800s | it turned very quickly into Capture the |
9802s | Flag yeah that's right it did uh I I |
9804s | also tried to obtain a couple of flags |
9805s | myself that year um the we don't do |
9807s | Flags anymore wise we do that now it got |
9811s | it got very competitive yeah it did it |
9813s | well give a bunch of ease players |
9814s | something to cover it something to take |
9816s | off their off their neighbor and they'll |
9818s | do it you'll get dragged through the |
9819s | street holding on to the end of the pole |
9821s | while someone tries to get into a taxi |
9822s | with it yeah there's a couple of other |
9825s | things as well um so I see party top of |
9828s | the world that's a great one and then of |
9829s | course the the Sunday soak afterwards in |
9831s | Sky lagon the party at the top of the |
9833s | world is included in the price of the |
9834s | FanFest ticket so you get to come to |
9836s | this awesome show that we do at Harper |
9838s | on the final night uh it's always a |
9839s | blowout we get some really cool musical |
9841s | acts and have a just a giant concert |
9843s | it's absolutely mind-blowing if you go |
9844s | back uh to previous years um there's a |
9846s | lot of really cool footage from the |
9847s | party at the top of the world that sort |
9848s | of makes it onto YouTube and things like |
9850s | that definitely something you have to be |
9851s | in uh isol to experience though at F |
9853s | first time yeah it's definitely awesome |
9855s | but yeah as CCB convict says uh buy your |
9857s | tickets uh it's going to sell out so I'm |
9860s | here to instill the |
9861s | fal buy them do it bu them right now I |
9864s | have one more thing to say before you |
9865s | move on to talking about the next match |
9867s | please all right twitch chat which |
9868s | camera I on this look stra in the center |
9870s | one this one this middle one all right |
9871s | all right twitch chat the swords okay |
9874s | the swords if you work at if you work at |
9877s | CCP for 10 years you get given a sword |
9881s | and it go can go on the wall here or |
9882s | maybe you can take it home with you so |
9884s | that's the reason for the swords I'm I'm |
9886s | this close to just making a bot trigger |
9887s | like exclamation mark swords so for all |
9890s | the people who keep coming into the |
9891s | there's like 6,000 plus people watching |
9894s | it feels like every other person who |
9895s | comes in is like hey what's with the |
9896s | swords so it's it's like a it's a it's a |
9899s | a gift from CCP for 10 years of service |
9901s | so CCP arcade told me we could get a |
9903s | couple of them out and have a sword |
9904s | fight later we were actually going to |
9905s | like take the cases off the swords and |
9907s | just leave them exposed but I was |
9908s | worried like someone would bump into one |
9910s | or something and just like get necked on |
9911s | stream like oh probably be great for |
9913s | viewership but you know how do you f out |
9915s | that in insurance form like how did the |
9916s | man get decapitated at the gaming event |
9919s | yes sorry I my sword was loose and it |
9921s | fell out awkward yeah but yeah their |
9924s | swords they're pretty cool uh there's |
9925s | like you guys can't see because the |
9926s | camera's kind of tight but there's quite |
9928s | a lot of Swords uh there's also behind |
9929s | here A big double-handed one uh for 20 |
9932s | years that one belongs to hilmer so uh |
9935s | it's a pretty cool thing uh that we do |
9937s | here at CP and each sword is customed by |
9939s | the way that's why they're all slightly |
9940s | different they're customized to the |
9941s | person who gets them you get to pick |
9942s | like pommel the type the length a whole |
9945s | bunch of stuff it's pretty cool um all |
9947s | right I guess we have to talk about |
9948s | spaceships again to the sword |
9950s | I like swords but I think we should talk |
9951s | about spaceships um okay our next match |
9953s | is going to be Rage Quit cancel sub |
9956s | versus plug in play and the bans for |
9958s | this match are uh rage qu ban Banning |
9961s | out the EOS orthis Armageddon simitar |
9964s | and plug and play Banning out the lok |
9966s | the Blackbird the cycl fleet issue and |
9969s | the night talk blackb py tell me about |
9971s | these bands uh rage qu cancel sub band a |
9974s | sword so you can't be happy about that |
9976s | right this a citar there's two reasons |
9978s | to this like oh two reasons to dislike |
9980s | them AP from the |
9981s | [Music] |
9982s | name yeah it should be instead of |
9985s | canceling your St you should buy your |
9986s | FanFest tickets you you know what I miss |
9988s | is I feel like I used to be able to be |
9990s | toxic and then now now we have you guys |
9992s | have taken it away from like man B St |
9995s | come look a bit salty out there quick |
9996s | convict to be even mean and so he looks |
9998s | good uh no it's I mean they're pretty |
10001s | standard bands um I do like orth's bands |
10003s | are cool but I do really like the citar |
10005s | band because it basically says hey we |
10008s | don't want Plug and Play to do anything |
10011s | kitey versus us because you can't do |
10013s | Shield kite without a citar I say that |
10015s | people try and then they die because |
10017s | they're alternative logi ships just they |
10019s | can't keep up or they don't take enough |
10020s | so there's a thought process behind it |
10022s | uh Plug and Play is like don't Shield |
10024s | Rush us like straight up do not Shield |
10027s | Rush us um but I'm wondering if it's a |
10029s | mind game because like I I always love |
10030s | when they somebody bans out Shield rush |
10032s | and then they Shield Rush themselves to |
10033s | kind of be like haha tricked you so uh |
10036s | but I do know that plug- and play is a |
10037s | pretty experienced team that's kind of |
10039s | put together from a bunch of different |
10040s | places rage cancel sub I think we were |
10042s | looking through it and we're kind of |
10044s | like oh okay you know it's awesome that |
10045s | they made it through the feeders and I |
10047s | don't say that in a disparaging way like |
10048s | it's it's hard to make it through the |
10049s | feeders but uh they're unknown and that |
10051s | can be really scary yep and I see |
10052s | they're also bringing their Flagship |
10054s | Vindicator to this fight so Vindicator |
10056s | uh the favorite ship of our other |
10058s | Australian who's here today Wing cross |
10060s | um very good at slowing things down |
10062s | substantially uh very very strong webs |
10064s | on that thing especially when you can |
10066s | Flagship it uh which obviously they have |
10068s | done uh however uh it also gets screened |
10072s | very easily from things but again very |
10074s | good web so it can just kill whatever |
10075s | screens it so it is sort of like a yeah |
10078s | maybe it can it can do it but it can be |
10080s | pretty risky at times uh predictions CCP |
10083s | convict uh I will go with plug plug and |
10086s | play I think that's fair M yeah I'm I'm |
10088s | gonna go with Plug and Play because uh I |
10090s | I don't want you know I don't want to |
10091s | get added by Ricos like where you being |
10093s | toxic to me and you know we can we'll |
10094s | save that for later I want to see if |
10096s | twitch what twitch CH say and just go |
10097s | with them Plug and Play they agree wow |
10100s | unanimous so either we're all going to |
10101s | be right or all wrong we're all going to |
10103s | be right or wrong together that's the |
10105s | important part and you know where else |
10106s | we could be together at |
10108s | FanFest well let me say you |
10112s | should all right let's hand over to the |
10114s | arena for this |
10117s | match welcome back to the arena my name |
10119s | is FV joined by Ali Aris and we are |
10121s | ready to go with Rage Quit canel sub on |
10124s | the red side bringing their Flagship |
10126s | Vindicator and a triple Battleship armor |
10129s | braw setup what have plug- andplay |
10130s | brought plug- andplay also have a triple |
10133s | Battleship armor brawl setup we have a |
10135s | Navy Armageddon Redeemer a badden all |
10137s | three strong pulse laser gunboats uh |
10141s | that dger also going to be quite vicious |
10143s | against the rage quit cancel sub |
10145s | backline yeah especially that small |
10147s | stuff does not like dealing with uh the |
10150s | small entropic disintegrator uh that the |
10153s | dger brings out of course uh a ship that |
10156s | has been up and down in popularity |
10158s | across a couple of tournaments it's |
10159s | always nice to see a jogger as the match |
10161s | is now underway uh both teams warping in |
10164s | at ranges of course bit more projection |
10166s | from the Plug and Play side so they had |
10168s | warped all at 50 but they are now |
10169s | boating in as Rage Quit cancel sub |
10172s | starts boating away yep and rage quit |
10174s | cancel sub they have the tracking |
10176s | disruption for the Redeemer and the Abad |
10177s | they can bring down the ranges a little |
10179s | bit but it's just one tracking disruptor |
10181s | meanwhile plug andplay they've got some |
10183s | damp so both sides have a bit of control |
10186s | but that control is going to be less and |
10188s | less effective the close the closer they |
10190s | get and this rage quit cancel sub |
10192s | Vindicator with its close range webs is |
10196s | really more of a brawler than it is a |
10197s | projection ship yeah I mean it's the |
10200s | shortest range out of all these ships |
10201s | and the most likely to die to a |
10203s | crucifier but as I say that uh Lucius |
10205s | vanle inside crucifier uh getting some |
10208s | pot shots taken at them of course the |
10210s | ders number one priority in this match |
10213s | is to get this crucifier molus off the |
10215s | table while staying in licks range of |
10218s | the uh ships and once to give its links |
10219s | to as I said that though the triple |
10221s | Battleship core from plug- andplay are |
10223s | onto the armag Navy of uh Arena arthy as |
10227s | their first primary target and both |
10230s | teams still just kind of skirmishing |
10232s | moving around the arena a little bit |
10233s | trying to find the right opening for |
10237s | their team so uh again plug andplay a |
10239s | little bit extra range minus the |
10241s | tracking disruptors of course uh |
10242s | ragequit still just looking for a way to |
10245s | bring that Vindicator to Bear because |
10247s | the big thing with the flagship |
10248s | Vindicator is it is absolutely deadly to |
10250s | anything within 20 km but it really has |
10253s | to get close in order to do that most |
10256s | important damage so what we usually see |
10259s | with The Vindicator is we worst case you |
10261s | go in someone sets their tackle on you |
10263s | orbits you at 500 and then all the webs |
10267s | in the world aren't going to help you |
10268s | kill a Confessor kill a Punisher kill |
10270s | just some uh tackle free that uh the |
10274s | dger the pona effects any of those could |
10276s | potentially shut down that flag |
10277s | Vindicator so the the vindy doesn't want |
10279s | to go until it's with the rest of the |
10280s | team uh so we should just see these |
10282s | teams sort of jockey for position yeah |
10284s | and obviously a flag Vindicator can |
10286s | bring officer webs under links and heat |
10288s | they got about 30 kilom out U merge quit |
10291s | cancel sub is a team made up of uh |
10294s | primarily tournament vets from other |
10296s | tournaments so I wouldn't be surprised |
10297s | if they have an officer web on that |
10299s | Vindicator but we will not know unless |
10301s | that Vindicator dies meanwhile plug |
10303s | andplay iser XX currently being the |
10305s | Target in the primary got under those |
10307s | 90% Vindicator webs is now uh about to |
10311s | get brawled out by this Vindicator uh |
10313s | meanwhile uh actually gets away the N |
10316s | cycled from the Redeemer and the |
10318s | Armageddon Navy stops The Vindicator |
10320s | from getting the web out and the Navy |
10322s | Armageddon gets out and now the Ashu uh |
10325s | dealing with some pressure from one of |
10327s | these other battleships the grapple yeah |
10329s | so both teams still just jockeying for |
10331s | position and that ashamu really in a |
10334s | tight spot tackled down webbed nuded not |
10338s | going anywhere |
10339s | not really going to be able to get away |
10341s | from the oncoming brawl uh and we can |
10345s | see the uh Vindicator debug just heading |
10348s | straight for uh that ashamu yeah and |
10352s | obviously uh you know ashamu access the |
10356s | screen for this plug andplay Squad so uh |
10359s | is the one who's trying to keep the |
10361s | Vindicator off but as we see if the Ashu |
10363s | gets caught and The Vindicator gets on |
10364s | top there's really not a whole lot in |
10365s | Ashu can do for a pirate Cruiser it's |
10368s | not particularly tanky um and obviously |
10371s | you have uh Deacon and Inquisitor for |
10374s | your reps so not anything that's going |
10376s | to be able to keep an ashm under the |
10377s | full brunt of a Vindicator that said |
10379s | plug andplay with the redeema and their |
10381s | Armageddon Navy they do have four bonus |
10384s | NES on their team assuming those are |
10386s | full NES and the highs from both those |
10388s | uh ships so they could potentially uh |
10392s | shut off the vindicators guns if they |
10393s | play it smart but right now they're |
10395s | focused on this uh Navy armor gedon |
10397s | keeping it nuded out while some damage |
10399s | is going on on the Cruis fire in the |
10400s | background it just seems to be drone |
10401s | damage at the moment as he's not tackled |
10403s | up by the dger or anything else yeah so |
10406s | really sort of a slow slow evolution of |
10411s | of the game here um hashimu moving off |
10414s | of that moving on to the Redeemer those |
10416s | NES are quite threatening to really all |
10419s | three of the gunships on the rage quit |
10422s | cancel sub side uh but that Armageddon |
10424s | Navy on of Arena on the rage quick |
10426s | cancel sub is taking a huge chunk of |
10429s | damage from those plug andplay gun boats |
10431s | but dots and the Redeemer ended up |
10432s | getting caught and is now under the full |
10435s | might of a Vindicator uh the full webs |
10437s | the full blasters uh with as much bling |
10441s | as uh R quck cancel sub could put on |
10445s | that Vindicator so uh the Redeemer still |
10447s | has those Tech 2 resists so it's going |
10449s | to be a bit more difficult and obviously |
10451s | has the reactor uh the reactive armor |
10453s | hardener potentially as I say that |
10455s | though this Cruise fire Lucius van CLE |
10457s | in the backline seems to be going down |
10459s | yeah and this is a smart play you just |
10461s | put your drones oh and one of those |
10462s | deacons just disappeared wrecking shot |
10465s | straight to the face uh yeah this is |
10468s | smart play you put your drones on a |
10469s | crucifier you put your drones on a small |
10471s | ship while pressuring a big ship and |
10473s | you're splitting the logistics up both |
10476s | teams here are running those logi frigs |
10477s | they're close range they can only really |
10480s | rep one thing at a time the crucifier |
10482s | and the Navy Armageddon don't really |
10483s | want to be best buddies they don't want |
10485s | to hang out together and The Inquisitor |
10487s | gets melted too |
10489s | all right with the with the dam with the |
10491s | Reps off the plug andplay side this is |
10493s | looking a little bit sketchy for them uh |
10496s | they might be able to trade it for arena |
10498s | in the Navy armag again get the dger got |
10500s | caught the dger caught caught trying to |
10502s | take out uh some of the members in the |
10504s | backline we see the dger actually |
10506s | webbing Nexium in that Thalia at the |
10509s | moment and trying to take out the logi |
10510s | but uh get absolutely deleted and down |
10513s | goes the dger and the Thalia will lose |
10515s | their webs in a brief moment DS and the |
10518s | Redeemer meanwhile also going down and |
10520s | rage quit cancel sub starting to run |
10522s | away with this match yeah that was a |
10523s | really good reaction from Rage Quit |
10525s | cancel sub uh one of the things that we |
10526s | see separate uh we see good teams do is |
10530s | when something is happening in their |
10532s | backline they're able to quickly turn |
10534s | around and react to that some of that is |
10536s | the positioning making sure that your |
10537s | loggy aren't too far away from the rest |
10539s | of the team that can really impact |
10541s | something some of that is just the team |
10544s | you know being aware of the whole grid |
10546s | not getting too tunnel visioned on uh so |
10548s | very well done by the The Rage Quit team |
10551s | and yeah uh they've lost their Navy |
10553s | Armageddon that's a chunk of their |
10555s | damage but that Vindicator still |
10557s | perfectly healthy perfectly fine they |
10559s | still have reps even though uh Nexium |
10562s | and Nathalia is tackled they've got NES |
10564s | on the logi forgets but rage quits in a |
10566s | good spot here yeah it's uh a bit |
10569s | unfortunate for plug andplay that they |
10571s | uh ended up not being able to out kite |
10573s | this Vindicator um it all starts with |
10576s | the ashm kind of getting caught and |
10577s | getting um in range of those Vindicator |
10580s | webs in an attempt to scream and uh with |
10583s | that you know just starting to get |
10585s | picked apart a little bit of an |
10586s | overextension from the jogger after the |
10588s | Deacon and The Inquisitor get voled uh |
10591s | basically by Rage Quit cancel sub and uh |
10594s | the match just starts snowballing from |
10596s | then on and there out R qu Camp so |
10598s | they'll lose the Navy armor that's fine |
10600s | by them uh some damage onto this Abba |
10602s | but plug andplay really don't have a |
10604s | whole lot left in the tank yep and uh |
10607s | that is uh while plug- andplay do have a |
10610s | flagship Navy Armageddon available |
10611s | they've chosen not to field it in this |
10614s | particular matchup so the only Flagship |
10616s | on on field is debug in The Vindicator |
10618s | and uh this is not going to be another |
10620s | one of those matches where we get to see |
10621s | a flagship kill mail uh so well done uh |
10625s | wing nut uh you've got one on the board |
10627s | here for your uh Vindicator scoreboard |
10630s | very exciting news uh the windicator uh |
10633s | one of the less popular flagships this |
10635s | year um kind of uh the same places the |
10639s | barest in terms of the amount of teams |
10640s | that have brought it uh has been popular |
10643s | in previous tournaments but obviously |
10644s | with the return of Flagship borns a lot |
10647s | of teams really have uh gone into that |
10650s | one um this year I hope we see some more |
10652s | flagships obviously uh we seen a lot of |
10655s | flagships on day number one but uh we're |
10657s | not quite done with our first round |
10659s | after this match and after the break |
10661s | we're going to take an even longer break |
10663s | as we get ready for the second half of |
10664s | the day so be ready for that there will |
10667s | be a couple of matches for the remainder |
10669s | of the round one matches and then a |
10671s | couple lower bracket matches after that |
10673s | so uh do stay tuned as everything |
10676s | develops throughout the rest of the day |
10677s | Navy armagon of iser XX uh as you |
10680s | mentioned not a flagship but uh still |
10682s | being melted under the full might of a |
10685s | windicator and Abba and down goes that |
10688s | Navy genon yep and we can see that the |
10691s | uh The Vindicator is doing the correct |
10693s | thing for the battleship vers Battleship |
10694s | piloting if you just take a look at the |
10696s | speed over there the speed of The |
10698s | Vindicator is zero because uh for these |
10700s | very large battleships uh in order to |
10703s | fully apply and not just cause tracking |
10706s | problems for themselves uh you really |
10707s | just want to stop your ship uh apply |
10711s | void directly to the enemy |
10714s | hole it's a it's a very fun dance indeed |
10719s | I hate control space because you're not |
10721s | going anywhere uh either way uh some |
10724s | more damage going on on this Abba 30 |
10726s | seconds left in the match do you have |
10728s | anything else to say before we hand it |
10729s | to a break uh not right now just |
10732s | enjoying watching uh this rage quit like |
10734s | you mentioned a bunch of experienc |
10736s | tournament pilots on the team formed |
10739s | under under a new Banner plug andplay uh |
10741s | we saw them be very strong in the |
10742s | feeders so I'm hopeful for a very strong |
10744s | lower bracket run from them and uh we |
10747s | will see as fear mentioned lower bracket |
10749s | later today and since we see lower |
10750s | bracket later today that mean does mean |
10752s | that some teams will be going home on |
10754s | day one very exciting uh I'm hoping we |
10757s | see more flagships uh |
10759s | I don't know that we're going to see any |
10760s | more flag vindicators they're not that |
10762s | popular um probably going to see more |
10764s | flag Bells flag navies in particular in |
10766s | the lower bracket matches because if you |
10768s | have it you better use it to keep |
10769s | yourself in the in the game with that |
10772s | we're going to take a quick break when |
10773s | we return the desk will break that down |
10775s | and we'll take the even longer break as |
10777s | we get ready for the second half of the |
10779s | day we'll be right back after this yeah |
10781s | you have it uh very very brightly |
10784s | painted Vindicator uh taking the win |
10787s | there uh for Rage Quit cancel sub uh |
10790s | exciting match it looked like it could |
10791s | have gone either way for a while uh |
10792s | black bar pirate talk to me through it |
10793s | what happened I mean basically The |
10796s | Vindicator had the dream match of any |
10797s | Vindicator pilot ever which was nobody |
10800s | controlled them they were not Ned they |
10802s | were not screened they were not tracking |
10804s | disrupted they were not ecmd he just |
10807s | flew around and tackled things with 90% |
10809s | webs and then it's like okay I'm in |
10811s | range stop my ship press F1 oh look I do |
10813s | Vindicator DPS for 10 minutes straight |
10815s | and then they won I mean there's it's |
10817s | yeah he and looked amazing like that |
10820s | that skin that is exactly and I I think |
10823s | that uh I think someone's going to be |
10824s | interviewed about it later that is |
10825s | exactly what the vision of the CCP art |
10828s | team was when they put in that they're |
10829s | like yes yellow with like rainbow spots |
10832s | all over |
10836s | it awesome um now uh I can't hear you C |
10840s | be conf but I assume the stream can |
10842s | because no one's no one's shouting at us |
10845s | um but no they cannot hear you oh they |
10848s | can hear CCP convict that is can you |
10850s | hear the rest of us can I assume they |
10851s | can hear the rest of us we we can I'll |
10854s | be I'll be CCP convict oh good day mates |
10857s | I'm here to talk about Fan Fest take |
10860s | take a thing you can talk yeah you are |
10862s | demoted be |
10864s | gone be gone I've already spoken about |
10867s | FanFest but during that last match I |
10869s | went off and sent a telegram to CCP |
10871s | ruffage who is responsible for running |
10872s | the event and I said hey you know what |
10873s | it be need is if we had a couple of |
10875s | tickets to give away during this |
10876s | Alliance tournament so he said that |
10878s | sounds like a cool idea so in just a |
10880s | second CCP Swift I'm sending you a |
10883s | message T telepathically press the |
10885s | button and start the raffle for the at |
10887s | ticket so uh it'll be starting up soon |
10889s | all you have to do is type exclamation |
10891s | mark FanFest in twitch chat to enter |
10893s | we'll draw one ticket today and we'll |
10895s | draw another ticket next Saturday if you |
10897s | win the ticket come to FanFest you know |
10900s | now that's that's that's you know a good |
10901s | $300 worth of value taken care of so |
10903s | maybe that makes it easier for you to |
10904s | get here if you uh if you still can't |
10906s | make it a FanFest don't feel bad we'll |
10908s | send out your swag bag and the other |
10910s | things you would have got if you were |
10910s | here in person um and if you already had |
10913s | your ticket to FanFest well in find a |
10915s | friend make make him come along make him |
10917s | join |
10918s | you and that's that that's that all |
10920s | right did I do good I think you did |
10922s | great we're all very proud of you um all |
10924s | right so we're going to take a short |
10925s | break we'll be back in about 20 minutes |
10927s | or so but in the break uh CP Yen uh will |
10930s | be coming on to have a bit of an |
10932s | interview and a bit of a discussion with |
10933s | CP X type so uh stick around for that uh |
10936s | until then we'll see you back in about |
10937s | 20 minutes |
10942s | back everybody to the intermission I am |
10944s | CCP yoten joined alongside my very good |
10947s | friend today CCP X Type thank you so |
10949s | much CPX type for joining us here at the |
10951s | desk for this intermission interview we |
10955s | have a few minutes and we wanted to take |
10956s | this opportunity to talk a little bit |
10958s | about our friends here at CCP uh of |
10962s | which I am one now which is crazy uh but |
10965s | we wanted to shed a little bit of light |
10966s | about what we do here the the people we |
10968s | have here their experiences with both |
10970s | the game and life and everything else so |
10972s | CCB exite please introduce yourself to |
10974s | the friends at home yeah uh so I'm CCP |
10976s | xyp uh I'm a senior software engineer |
10978s | here I've been working at CCP for seven |
10981s | and a half years now seven and a half |
10983s | years yeah so not too far from a sword |
10986s | I'm getting there I'm getting there very |
10987s | yeah which by the way just so it's not |
10990s | just in case it's clear chat uh swords |
10992s | if you're here for 10 years you get a |
10994s | sword cbx at two and a half years from |
10996s | getting a sword that must feel pretty |
10997s | good yeah yeah yeah uh yeah I'm going to |
10999s | have to start thinking about the design |
11000s | because you get to design it yourself |
11002s | like you know pick the handle and all |
11003s | that stuff extremely cool yes extremely |
11005s | cool so cbx not only are you a developer |
11007s | you're a a software engineer here at CCP |
11010s | in raik you've also been an eve player |
11012s | for a long long time yeah uh like I |
11015s | started playing in like early 2007 so |
11018s | yeah uh if my math is R next next year |
11022s | I'm going to have spent half my life |
11023s | playing Eve online so I mean the the |
11025s | game has obviously had like a you know |
11027s | profound impact on me and my life I was |
11029s | going to say I mean the would would you |
11031s | have ever imagined in 2007 when you |
11033s | first start I imagine you were a much |
11034s | younger man at the time as we all were |
11037s | uh would you have ever imagined at that |
11038s | point that you would be standing here |
11039s | right now in this studio no like uh like |
11042s | and when I started like uh so I was |
11045s | playing for AET Cafe and all like I was |
11047s | you know spending too much time there |
11049s | arguably and all of the people there |
11051s | were playing Eve and to me it was kind |
11054s | of making fun of them like okay it's |
11055s | blue squares versus red squares like |
11057s | what what the hell hell is that and then |
11059s | they got me to try it and I got hooked |
11061s | and I had no idea you know it would just |
11063s | you know take me on this journey like |
11065s | I've lived amazing things in the game |
11067s | met so many people and ended up here uh |
11070s | it's like amazing company amazing job |
11072s | amazing country so yeah not bad right |
11074s | not bad at all so let's talk about your |
11076s | Eve career a little bit because I think |
11077s | there's this this sentiment among a lot |
11079s | of the players that there none of the |
11080s | eve devs actually play the game uh |
11083s | outside of the ones who like they know |
11084s | play the game for sure but like there |
11087s | are people in software develop people |
11088s | Engineers working on the foundation of |
11090s | the game right now who are active and |
11093s | have been active Eve players for a long |
11095s | time so what let's talk about your Eve |
11096s | career where didd you start out yeah I |
11098s | mean uh well the very start I started uh |
11101s | as a parrot in this tiny LC Pockets like |
11104s | Ander Ander Alin tunan yeah um and then |
11108s | I I quickly moved on like to to nulc I |
11111s | joined arran uh just like a month before |
11114s | uh like uh CVA to oldest Alliance and |
11116s | Eve oldest Alliance it's still going |
11119s | going strong um so yeah uh I did like NC |
11123s | roaming uh with a Shan basically just |
11125s | you know roaming around Prov and catch |
11127s | killing CVA and Sil um for about three |
11130s | years uh then I wanted to kind of change |
11133s | and I ended up joining Rooks and Kings |
11135s | uh for which I flew for a little over |
11137s | three years um and after that I foled |
11140s | around in LC for a bit uh then I joined |
11143s | tuskers uh for another three four years |
11146s | I believe uh very very good time too and |
11149s | then I joined CCP uh and like there was |
11152s | a little bit of a break there um got |
11155s | back into PVP and then I decided I |
11157s | wanted to have a interesting change and |
11159s | I started my industry Corporation for a |
11161s | few years I thought it was going to be |
11163s | easy peasy and oh I was wrong I gained |
11165s | so much respect for all of the ENT guys |
11167s | out there because it's nuts my God it's |
11169s | like you know second job you get in you |
11171s | check your emails run your projects but |
11173s | it was super interesting so yeah you now |
11175s | you you you skated right past it I'm |
11177s | glad that chat uh managed to catch that |
11179s | you did say Rooks and Kings Rooks and |
11182s | Kings legendary Evon line PVP Corp uh a |
11186s | with a storied history and not only were |
11188s | you in Rooks and Kings I'm pretty sure |
11190s | you're a bit of a movie star yourself |
11191s | aren't you yeah uh I was lucky enough to |
11195s | to be involved in the Clin call 3 movie |
11197s | uh like it's uh like I think one of the |
11200s | best fights I've ever you know been part |
11202s | of in in EV online and yeah I mean it's |
11206s | it's one of those things that especially |
11207s | when you for people like myself coming |
11209s | up in the game you know when I because |
11210s | we started about the same time uh for |
11213s | somebody who was less involved in Eve |
11215s | for a long time uh but stayed connected |
11218s | to the community and through um you know |
11220s | to what was going on through videos |
11223s | through these stories people were |
11224s | telling claring calls one of those I |
11225s | mean that was a big one that's that is |
11227s | that is a I mean it's it's a huge deal |
11229s | does it feel you know to you now or in |
11232s | the moment did it feel to you like it |
11234s | was as big a deal as it ended up being |
11237s | no and I think I mean like to this fight |
11239s | in particular when when you're having |
11241s | the fight you're just you're just busy |
11242s | fighting right uh but after I mean and a |
11245s | lot of credit goes to Lord malder like |
11247s | the leader of Rooks and Kings for you |
11248s | know his amazing talent at putting |
11250s | together stories and videos and that can |
11253s | actually reach a lot of people uh but |
11256s | yeah I think when like on the moment you |
11258s | just don't really realize that you know |
11260s | something's really Cool's happening and |
11262s | that you're doing a good job and yeah |
11264s | and you've got a little bit of a |
11265s | Alliance tourament experience too |
11266s | haven't you uh a bit |
11268s | uh I mean I I flew with a shakan back in |
11271s | wow um like maybe 856 or something |
11275s | um uh yes to the chat |
11278s | Salia uh you got me um and and then with |
11285s | tuskers uh I played a I didn't play in |
11287s | the matches I did a lot of you know |
11289s | training uh so was like a good shooting |
11291s | targets uh for you know many of them |
11295s | yeah yeah but yeah so like and even if I |
11298s | haven't flown in the 80 so much I've |
11300s | always enjoyed watching it it's always |
11302s | super interesting to just you know and |
11304s | it is one of those things that I think |
11306s | especially for people within CCP who |
11307s | maybe don't have the same kind of |
11309s | experience that like you or I have or |
11310s | any of the people here who uh have been |
11313s | players of e for a long time or have |
11315s | participated in the alliance tournament |
11316s | for a long time this is a cool |
11318s | experience to give people elsewhere in |
11319s | the company that kind of exposure I mean |
11322s | you guys don't see it here but this is |
11323s | the room we're in right now is the main |
11325s | thoroughfare at ccp's headquarters in |
11328s | raik I mean there are literally offices |
11331s | there there there the canteen where we |
11333s | all eat lunch is right across the corner |
11335s | so throughout this entire next week this |
11338s | set is going to be taking up the |
11339s | dominant space in ccp's HQ here at uh |
11343s | our headquarters in raik like this is |
11346s | one of those really cool opportunities |
11348s | we have as players and developers to |
11351s | share what we we do and and why it's so |
11353s | important with the rest of our team yeah |
11355s | and I think it's only second to FanFest |
11357s | to like you know getting everybody in |
11359s | the company just like really exposed to |
11361s | the community uh and I think it's it's |
11362s | always you know very good and healthy |
11364s | for everybody I agree now as a developer |
11366s | I know we're getting close on time as a |
11368s | developer now you've you've transitioned |
11370s | not so much being a player first but a |
11372s | developer first do you feel like the uh |
11375s | your experience as a player now has |
11377s | driven your interactions with other |
11379s | other developers and with the game as a |
11380s | whole now that you're kind of you know |
11382s | with a hand on the wheel so like uh like |
11385s | as an experienced player uh working on |
11388s | the game has a big impact because like |
11390s | the I mean it's it's a very large game |
11392s | uh there's a lot of things you know to |
11395s | know and so when you have this |
11396s | experience it's always very useful to be |
11398s | able to bring that and say you know like |
11400s | bring some insight into how things might |
11402s | get used or abused uh all of this um and |
11406s | there's a lot of those a lot of both of |
11407s | those yeah of course uh and as a like as |
11411s | a player it's it's interesting it was it |
11413s | was a bit different when I joined |
11414s | because there were stricter like |
11415s | anonymity rules uh and so um that was |
11419s | actually like I tried playing |
11420s | anonymously it was very hard because you |
11423s | you can't join a group you can't really |
11425s | engage with people make friends like I |
11426s | used to before yeah uh but that's uh uh |
11429s | that's gone now uh and so yeah no [ __ ] |
11432s | now it's like just uh I mean it's it's |
11435s | slightly different because you got a |
11437s | slightly different point of view on the |
11438s | game it's very weird to play with |
11440s | features you've worked on because all |
11441s | you see is the you know the stuff okay |
11444s | well that should work better or |
11445s | something but it's it's very interesting |
11447s | do you feel a sense of satisfaction |
11449s | though when you see something that has |
11450s | been only really in an abstract for such |
11451s | a long time finally get pushed to |
11454s | development and then pushed into product |
11456s | like does that does that make you feel |
11458s | something like down inside your soul |
11459s | does the kid inside you playing Eve feel |
11461s | that yeah of course I mean it's it's I |
11463s | think it's super you know satisfying you |
11466s | know you if you work really hard on |
11467s | something and it just goes through you |
11469s | know it's just like really really you |
11471s | know feels really good extremely cool |
11472s | extremely cool well folks thank you so |
11474s | much for staying with us here we have |
11476s | another couple minutes left in our break |
11477s | here at the half uh for today's matches |
11480s | and Alliance tournament 20 I have been |
11482s | CCP and joined alongside my very good |
11484s | friend CCP xtype we'll be back in just a |
11486s | couple more minutes until then get |
11488s | something to drink get up stretch those |
11489s | legs and we'll see you back here in just |
11491s | a few minutes thank you very |
11494s | much back to Alliance tournament 20 uh |
11497s | we've had the first half of the first |
11499s | day we've seen explosions we've seen |
11500s | victories we've seen a couple of upsets |
11503s | as well uh but there is still plenty |
11505s | more spaceship on spaceship violence |
11507s | still to come and the next one will be |
11509s | in just a minute so I'm going to quickly |
11511s | go over the bands we have deteriorated |
11513s | versus slow children at play |
11514s | deteriorated banning at Theos Blackbird |
11516s | pun effects and the megas will slow CH |
11519s | player Banning out the slep near locate |
11520s | Cyclone Fleet issue and the abandon |
11523s | interesting sets of choice CP Aurora |
11525s | joins us on the desk CP Aurora in 30 |
11528s | seconds or less tell me what you think |
11529s | about these bands uh yes so it sounds |
11532s | like uh I can't quite see them uh |
11534s | deteriorated is on the left right uh |
11537s | deteriorated on the top oh deteriorated |
11539s | on the top okay so it sounds like |
11540s | deteriorated really don't want to see |
11542s | armor matchups so by Banning the Mages |
11545s | and the P effects they're very much |
11546s | indicating anything that would require |
11549s | these ships uh is removed it does leave |
11551s | open however the battle Cruisers as a |
11553s | potential option but it very much limits |
11555s | the scope of what you could bring in a |
11557s | standard armor comp awesome and with |
11559s | that we will head over to the arena for |
11561s | this |
11565s | match hello ladies and gentlemen welcome |
11567s | back from the break I am moderator |
11569s | joined by Wingnut cross and we're going |
11570s | to have a very exciting match where |
11572s | deteriorated looks like they are going |
11574s | for a drone and ECM comp what if SL |
11577s | children at play decided to run with |
11579s | well the max guns we know what it's like |
11581s | it's a good old uh medium gun spam but |
11583s | it's going to be very interesting cuz |
11584s | meeting gun spam is one of those comps |
11585s | that kind of can go against this Widow |
11587s | comp but at the same time it's not going |
11588s | to be exactly a pleasant experience and |
11590s | the Z backing this Widow that's a big |
11592s | investment but it's one of the few times |
11593s | I think the Z is good yeah the the |
11596s | difficulty here with deterior rated is |
11598s | that we can see their attack bar is very |
11599s | tiny the control bar massive SL children |
11602s | at play large attack bar very small |
11604s | small control bar so slowroll they're |
11606s | just going to want to punch through zarm |
11608s | punch through um the dger uh any of |
11611s | these ships that are not that tanky |
11613s | before the Reps can SP and the mullus I |
11615s | see why you would pre-re it trying to |
11616s | make sure that you're not going to take |
11617s | a ton of damage but already we're seeing |
11620s | cross jams across the board from |
11621s | deteriorated trying to do the level best |
11624s | to try to get all those racial gems |
11626s | spread across the board and the |
11627s | harbinger the execu Navy augur these are |
11630s | all pretty good targets and looks like |
11631s | they might be pretty heavy into what |
11634s | look like G Leni jams now the jam coming |
11635s | off of a Vigilant maybe trying to go |
11637s | back onto the bruix um might be cycling |
11640s | around but just being very annoying with |
11641s | it yeah trying to cycle between things |
11643s | but the FIP is taking a ton of damage |
11645s | the Confessor getting webbed very |
11646s | heavily here yep yep say getting |
11649s | punished and this VIP Widow is trying |
11650s | his best to kind of force them to come |
11652s | after him which which point the Z can |
11653s | hold him but at the moment see damage |
11655s | coming back on an Inquisitor in response |
11656s | trying to get rid of logic to start off |
11659s | yeah I can understand why you would do |
11660s | that so deteriorated you're not going to |
11661s | have a ton of damage right so punching |
11663s | through any of these main core ships not |
11665s | going to make sense but you break The |
11666s | Inquisitor then you break the navatos |
11668s | you work you know low down exactly and |
11671s | slow children they're going to try to |
11672s | knock through the Confessor they might |
11674s | get it too he's already into H yeah they |
11675s | do they do actually get um The |
11678s | Inquisitor down and there's the |
11679s | Confessor okay so that makes a lot of |
11681s | sense for um Soul Children right |
11684s | deteriorated they don't have a lot of |
11686s | damage but the damage they do have is |
11687s | going to be in that Confessor sple that |
11689s | makes a lot of sense to me exactly that |
11691s | losing a Confessor there it doesn't seem |
11692s | that bad for a lot of other comps but |
11693s | for this comp it's actually quite |
11695s | painful you're losing a lot of very good |
11697s | applied damage and honestly a good chunk |
11699s | now if goes down now they've got rid of |
11700s | all the logy from slow children now it's |
11702s | just going to be a grind before they |
11704s | lose their damage so the vexer now is |
11706s | getting fullon spool repped and the muls |
11708s | is taking chunk damage I don't think |
11710s | it's going to be that impactful really |
11712s | the mollus in this composition uh so |
11714s | children what they're going to do sooner |
11715s | rather than later is they're going to |
11716s | realize that we're getting webt we're |
11718s | getting scrammed by a lot of things and |
11720s | that's going to be the vexor doing a |
11722s | good job the D as well at screening and |
11724s | speak of the drer though look at the man |
11726s | he's gone that oh wow wow he's surviving |
11728s | in just a sliver of Hol checking the |
11730s | number 4% structure full look at the |
11732s | Reps yeah exactly God what an excellent |
11734s | play by Mattis so the thing about these |
11737s | kind of ECM setups right is that they |
11739s | become more and more effective the less |
11741s | ships are on the field right now there's |
11743s | only eight ships we see six Jam attempts |
11746s | and the sple getting down rather low uh |
11748s | the arm having to you know split and the |
11751s | Vigilant actually droing that that there |
11753s | is going to be one of the keys with the |
11754s | T they've removed the damage ship now |
11756s | now they can put that next jam on the |
11757s | next damage ship they getting rid of the |
11759s | log is a good start now you more they |
11760s | kill the damage ships the more they can |
11761s | Whittle the targets down to all they can |
11763s | shoot is the Widow yeah I mean now the |
11766s | Muller is completely scrammed off |
11767s | getting killed off by drones and with |
11769s | that I mean you really only got six |
11771s | ships left I mean deteriorated their |
11773s | attack bar was Tiny at the beginning but |
11775s | now it's gotten rather massive and their |
11777s | control bar fully applying Soul Children |
11779s | at play is getting picked apart right |
11781s | now exactly exactly exactly log's gone |
11783s | they're losing the low end and they're |
11784s | not really being to do anything and soon |
11786s | that Widow is going to force them all to |
11787s | Target the Widow which point the Z will |
11789s | just point lodgy and it'll be game over |
11791s | if it's not already going to be game |
11792s | before they even get there yeah so now |
11794s | we see that the zarm is actually being |
11796s | um chased down by the um looks like one |
11798s | of the prophecy Navy issue and a cloud |
11800s | of rep Bots are coming after as well and |
11803s | yes you know good call to kill the zarm |
11805s | but it feels like maybe a little bit too |
11807s | little too late I know you want to kill |
11809s | the Confessor you wanted to try for the |
11811s | fle but really like if you're countering |
11814s | an ECM comp you cannot let the logi live |
11816s | long you cannot let the ECM live a long |
11818s | time or it's going to hurt you you can't |
11819s | let the core of what this comp does |
11822s | survive so well at the moment the Widow |
11824s | Z is a very potent combo CU you notice |
11826s | that the Z is starting to rep up now cuz |
11827s | the Widow can just go you stop shooting |
11829s | you stop shooting just keep them off of |
11830s | the Z long enough to win which is what |
11833s | you're saying and I mean look at the way |
11834s | that the The Tackle being spread across |
11836s | I mean there are damps scrams there are |
11838s | webs on top of all of SL children to |
11839s | play sink too mate they're throwing it |
11841s | all at them there's even some NES and |
11842s | some nsas in there like it is SL |
11845s | children in play it is painful to live |
11847s | right now and speaking of painful that |
11848s | rudix is down into low hole it's about |
11850s | to drop and that's going to be yet |
11851s | another Jam you know hey that's another |
11854s | racial Jam that that Navy BRS you can |
11856s | throw it onto the aard or to you know |
11858s | any of these other Amar ships and the |
11860s | zarm is not stabilizing it's still |
11862s | rather low but even if they do kill it |
11865s | now they've lost so much on the |
11868s | lost too much it's it's done it's |
11869s | finished it's over I don't like calling |
11871s | it that early but like it's this is one |
11873s | of those comps that once you let it |
11874s | build up to this rate it's done there |
11876s | nothing they can do the Widow now has |
11878s | full control he can do whatever he wants |
11880s | if you want to turn off one ship on its |
11881s | own done turn off All Ships he can try |
11883s | it's really powerful you see the zarm |
11885s | now I don't think he's even repping I |
11886s | think he's just sitting there yeah I |
11889s | mean the zarm is I mean taking a bunch |
11891s | of damage from drones but I mean I don't |
11892s | even think anything can lock it right |
11894s | now because those widows they have |
11897s | really really really strong uh Jam |
11898s | potential interestingly enough the Widow |
11900s | being the only ship this Alliance |
11902s | tournament that is on the flagship ban |
11904s | list God thank thank thank praise Bob |
11906s | because I would not want to be the parts |
11907s | going against that that would just be |
11909s | pain I'd probably just eject down my |
11911s | ship and leave yeah uh well now speaking |
11915s | of leaving the grid uh we've got katsuko |
11917s | then augur be the next victim of the |
11920s | this Widow combination this is a very |
11922s | kind of interesting and unique uh take |
11925s | and spin on kind of the ACM comp a lot |
11928s | of what we've seen has been a |
11929s | combination of like two Rook or two |
11931s | Blackbird or two Falcon if um that Rook |
11934s | or Blackbird had been banned but really |
11935s | seeing a widow this is the first time |
11937s | we've really seen anyone bring it and be |
11940s | successful with the exception of like |
11942s | truth honor light I think like a year or |
11943s | two ago we saw a widow Guardian version |
11945s | I think I've seen a z version that's |
11947s | honestly I kind of like again I'm not a |
11949s | fan of the Z I hate these triangle |
11950s | things but this this kind of comp is |
11952s | where the Z shines because you can just |
11953s | keep focusing and pushing them where you |
11955s | want them to go as another ship goes |
11956s | down it's just yeah slow children |
11959s | pleasure to meet you here I'll see you |
11960s | in the next bracket because wait no |
11963s | there is next bracket isn't it yeah |
11964s | there's a next bracket so this is the |
11966s | Los for this is still the winner side so |
11969s | little children at play they do lose |
11971s | here um but they will have a chance uh |
11973s | tomorrow or later today to redeem |
11975s | themselves in the bottom side of that |
11977s | bracket I think it's just the drones |
11979s | that have been constantly just like |
11980s | scratching that Z cuz he's not moved any |
11982s | further up in in armor it's stayed |
11984s | basically exactly where it is constantly |
11985s | ticking up and down yeah there's just a |
11987s | handful of um you know armor maintenance |
11990s | spots and some uh you know handful of |
11992s | Warriors from this Harbinger Navy and |
11994s | prophecy Navy chasing after so I mean |
11997s | the thing that the prophecy and |
11998s | Harbinger are dealing with is that the |
12000s | only thing they can lock of course is a |
12002s | widow but good luck killing a widow |
12004s | under zarm zad rep so this is something |
12007s | where you either have to kill the widow |
12008s | or you have to kill the zarm because |
12010s | early on like the star exactly and this |
12012s | is the kind of comp that theoretically |
12013s | should be able to do that it's got eight |
12015s | ships that can all shoot so they have |
12017s | potential to potentially break through |
12018s | something but going for this the |
12020s | Confessor honestly most other comps are |
12021s | probably agree with that but when you're |
12023s | getting this Widow vag comp you kind of |
12025s | need to see what the core problem is and |
12027s | how to break that yeah and and like |
12029s | you're saying right you look at the slow |
12031s | children composition it's basically a |
12034s | octo um you know missile sorry missile |
12038s | speaking there it's medium gun right so |
12039s | you've got essentially a ton of um those |
12043s | Navy Cruisers Navy battle Cruisers and |
12044s | even a Vigilant and a m right eight just |
12046s | cord DPS ships but they don't always |
12049s | necessarily have the greatest of sensor |
12051s | strength and usually what you're fitting |
12052s | in those mids is usually going to be |
12054s | like targeting range um but that's going |
12057s | to be all for us we can send it to a |
12059s | break here and then the death to break |
12061s | down widows why do they |
12067s | work welcome back uh to Alliance |
12069s | tournament 20 uh and we see our first |
12072s | Widow uh on the field the the strength |
12075s | of RNG whereas on the side of |
12077s | deteriorated there um and they paired it |
12079s | nicely with a delicious zaraz seems to |
12082s | be Aurora why is that pairing so strong |
12085s | yeah so uh the zaras spools up reps over |
12088s | time so the longer that it reps a single |
12090s | Target the longer that those reps stay |
12092s | spooling on that Target the more they |
12094s | they W every time the Widow has an ECM |
12096s | bonus so what they do is they fill the |
12098s | mid slots with ECM modules they fill the |
12100s | low slots with armor tank and then the |
12102s | whole goal is to taunt the other team |
12103s | into shooting you because if you're |
12105s | jammed you can only shoot the person |
12106s | that is jamming |
12107s | um so everybody hopefully shoots the |
12110s | Widow and then the zarm spools on the |
12112s | Widow preventing all of the the damage |
12114s | because it's allowed to spool on just a |
12116s | single Target which kind of lets that |
12118s | zarm really shine in that scenario uh |
12120s | what we saw however was they knew that |
12122s | they knew that that was the plan and |
12124s | they uh wanted to instead kill the low |
12126s | end uh they tried uh the Widow rolled |
12130s | really good on its gems they weren't |
12132s | able to kill what they needed to kill |
12134s | and they lost the match yep uh I mean I |
12137s | think they came in they were like ha I |
12138s | see what you're trying to do you're |
12139s | trying to make us shoot your Widow well |
12141s | we shall not do that instead we shall |
12142s | die individually so it's a bit of a |
12144s | shame uh but the yeah the power of etm |
12147s | it's one of those things it gets |
12149s | stronger and stronger and stronger as |
12150s | the match goes on because at the start |
12152s | there's 10 things that have to be jammed |
12154s | and then there's nine and then |
12156s | eventually you have one poor fellow with |
12158s | all the jams just cycling continuously |
12160s | for the last couple minutes of that |
12161s | match I'm pretty sure um they couldn't |
12164s | lock anybody like I'm pretty sure they |
12165s | were all permanently jammed towards the |
12166s | end Mr G you're a massive fan of ECM |
12169s | tell me about ECM yes historically I'm a |
12171s | massive fan of ECM uh old ECM really |
12174s | sucked um you couldn't lock anything but |
12177s | modern day ECM sucks a little bit less |
12180s | cuz you can lock the ship that is |
12181s | jamming you so with the Widow jamming in |
12184s | this match um you would have been able |
12186s | to lock the Widow but you wouldn't be |
12188s | able to lock anything else on the grid |
12189s | um it basically funnels all of your |
12191s | you're targeting towards one person um |
12193s | if there are multiple ECM ships on grid |
12195s | and they are both jamming you then |
12197s | you're able to lock both of them so when |
12200s | it comes to having multiple UCM ships on |
12202s | grids you want to be coordinating jams |
12204s | that you're not overlapping them |
12205s | especially if one of your ECM ships is |
12206s | getting shot you usually let those jams |
12209s | drop jam it with something else um and |
12211s | then they'll have to like move over and |
12213s | shoot the other ship or they can wait |
12215s | about 20 seconds and hope that they |
12218s | don't roll that jam um I think in this |
12222s | match one of the ways that the slow team |
12225s | could have won is just diving in and |
12227s | trying to shoot the Widow at the very |
12228s | beginning while the zarm is fairly |
12230s | strong because it does increase the rep |
12232s | amount each time that it Cycles um the |
12234s | Widow also has a paper thin armor tank |
12238s | um on TQ you can kind of get away with |
12240s | it a bit more because you can you know |
12241s | Imperial Navy plates you can do some uh |
12244s | C type enams if you want to to keep it |
12245s | kind of cheap but also a little bit more |
12247s | survivable in the tournament you don't |
12249s | get that luxury um Widow is the only |
12251s | ship I believe that cannot be a flagship |
12254s | um and you've seen how strong it can be |
12256s | even as a ship um so imagine a flagship |
12258s | that would be that would be amazing we |
12260s | should bring that back but um yeah you |
12263s | don't get the luxury of faction tank so |
12265s | I think just shooting the Widow would |
12267s | have actually allowed them to break |
12268s | through it and then they'd have a free |
12270s | run at the rest of the comp yeah we saw |
12272s | a dger um get caught in a sliver of Hull |
12276s | uh it was clear that some jams landed |
12278s | just at the right time to save that dger |
12281s | uh I forgot to ask how many H points it |
12283s | was uh would survive but I assume it was |
12286s | not that many uh because it looked |
12288s | extremely toasty towards the end of that |
12290s | match but yeah with that deteriorated |
12292s | today they win that fight it's pretty |
12293s | good match all in all although I'm sure |
12295s | their opponents are feeling very much |
12298s | the opposite uh we were discussing if |
12299s | there was going to be a sound effect for |
12302s | trying to lock while under Jam should be |
12303s | like the sad Trum bone noise uh because |
12305s | it is very frustrating just sitting |
12307s | there spamming like lock you son of a |
12309s | [ __ ] um but there's nothing you can do |
12311s | ex have wait to die all right let's look |
12313s | at our next match next match so this one |
12315s | is going to be only Fleet versus postp |
12318s | Clarity a stupendous uh pairing of names |
12322s | here I'm very pleased with this one uh |
12324s | only fleets Banning out the arbitrator |
12326s | the armag nvy issue the typhoon Fleet |
12328s | issue and the abadin uh post pod Clarity |
12331s | Banning out the LOI the Armageddon the |
12334s | abadin and the Scimitar CB Aurora your |
12337s | thoughts on these bands yeah um some of |
12340s | these are fairly standard the armag |
12342s | geted Navy issue is a really popular |
12343s | ship that we've been seeing in almost |
12345s | every match where it's unbanned um so it |
12347s | seems that that's just kind of a meta |
12348s | pick that they're saying like we don't |
12351s | think we would win in that matchup so |
12353s | what else can we what else can we bring |
12355s | the Loki pick on the other side kind of |
12356s | signals that they don't want to see that |
12358s | standard Nighthawk Loki Rush that we're |
12360s | so familiar with arbitrator we've been |
12363s | seeing a lot of those um so it's just |
12365s | kind of a general maybe we want to bring |
12367s | missiles or or or something other than |
12370s | Dr shall bring some weapons yes possibly |
12374s | um uh it's it's a little bit like the |
12377s | the only Fleet spans are pretty wide so |
12380s | they're they're just kind of like taking |
12382s | little chunks out of different things to |
12384s | hopefully maybe pick some holes in what |
12385s | postp Clarity is want going to try to |
12388s | bring uh maybe they're also trying to |
12390s | obate exactly what they want to bring |
12391s | because they don't have a lot of like |
12394s | cohesive they didn't ban out like all |
12396s | armor ships or or something in their set |
12398s | so um yeah mytical might any any further |
12401s | thoughts I find it quite interesting |
12402s | that they're banning out the simitar and |
12403s | the Loki yeah um I think the bad order |
12406s | is quite interesting as well um Banning |
12408s | out the Loki originally um then Banning |
12411s | the Armageddon as well we've seen a few |
12413s | Armageddon towards the earlier um |
12415s | matches of the day we've also seen the |
12417s | Armageddon Navy quite a bit it hasn't |
12418s | really performed that well from what |
12420s | we've seen so far I think um so it's |
12423s | still interesting to see that teams are |
12424s | Banning it out fairly early on the simar |
12427s | ban given the amount |
12430s | of basically like armor battleships |
12433s | banned in the first wave right they're |
12434s | not going to know that they banned the |
12435s | Abad and the Fleet issue in the second |
12437s | wave until those bands are shared the |
12440s | simitar band just seems like another way |
12441s | of going we just want to make sure that |
12443s | we're not seeing any like super tanky |
12445s | Shield kite uh not kite um Rush um or |
12450s | kite really um but yeah I mean it it |
12453s | does seem kind of out of place as well |
12454s | because there's other options that you |
12455s | could you could go for the scalo you |
12456s | could go for the um Kieran you could |
12459s | bring a basilisk if you really wanted to |
12461s | and ospre is actually quite fast and |
12462s | Reps quite well so yeah there's other |
12464s | options yeah and the armag Navy is being |
12466s | quite popular to to bring usually with a |
12469s | geddon as well uh CP Aurora uh there was |
12471s | a big buff to the Navy battleships about |
12473s | a year or so ago um tell me a little bit |
12475s | about the the Armageddon Navy issue uh |
12478s | yeah so the Armageddon Navy issue is a a |
12481s | very effective ship so it usually a lot |
12483s | of ship people are running these with |
12484s | rapid Heavies um it can bring a lot of n |
12487s | power and being a Navy battleship it has |
12489s | just an incredible amount of tank so it |
12491s | is a very well-rounded ship um the |
12495s | sometimes we talk about on like ships on |
12497s | paper looking better than they are in |
12500s | practice but I think this is one case |
12502s | where it looks as good as it is uh the |
12504s | amount of HP and the amount of damage |
12506s | and the amount of control it just kind |
12507s | of does everything really well uh so |
12509s | it's just kind of a really good solid |
12511s | Central pick for a lot of cops yeah I |
12513s | think it's um I think it's the most um |
12515s | picked Flagship this year as well um and |
12519s | speaking of flagships I've just been |
12520s | told that we're going to have a flagship |
12521s | in the next match only fleets are |
12523s | Fielding their Flagship bar guest this |
12525s | will be our first bar guest that we're |
12526s | seeing so far a couple of teams have |
12528s | have chosen that personally I think the |
12530s | bar is a is a great choice for a |
12532s | flagship it can be both armor and shield |
12535s | um it's probably the least tanky of most |
12537s | of the flagships but it has so much |
12539s | utility and and and different things you |
12541s | can do with it like we say if you have a |
12543s | flag Bal Gorn you pretty much only bring |
12545s | it with an armor comp no one in their |
12547s | right mind is going to bring a shield |
12548s | Bal Gorn don't do it it might be one of |
12551s | those things you can make it work in |
12552s | pipa please don't all right um but the |
12554s | baras can be fit into both of these yep |
12556s | yeah yeah that's correct I think |
12558s | especially with the new band setup where |
12560s | you get four bands each and you're able |
12562s | to react to the initial bands I think |
12565s | it's a lot harder to bring some of these |
12566s | like typ casted um flagships like the |
12569s | Armageddon Navia sh the B gor because |
12571s | it's easy to remove the support Wing |
12573s | from out underneath them whereas the |
12574s | bugas like you said slap some plates on |
12576s | it slap some reps on it slap some seral |
12578s | boosters on it it's fine it does it does |
12579s | the same job it's good nice some might |
12582s | even say it slaps nice it does it slaps |
12585s | all right let's head over to the arena |
12586s | for all only fleets versus postp Clarity |
12588s | in this match of L |
12591s | 20 good day there mates welcome back to |
12593s | the arena with only fleets versus postp |
12595s | Clarity I'm of course joined by mod and |
12596s | it feels like Groundhog Day cuz Melinda |
12598s | is in a new team but it's still flying a |
12600s | flag bark you know Melinda does as |
12603s | Melinda does and you know Melinda's |
12604s | going to be in that flag barus looking |
12606s | to project excellent damage across the |
12608s | arena onto this you know missile sorry |
12611s | not missile medium gun mirror excuse me |
12613s | thinking missiles because that bar guest |
12615s | is going to want to do that Pro ction so |
12617s | keys to Victory um that crucifier has |
12620s | got to be you know doing really good um |
12622s | you know disruption trying to mitigate |
12624s | the incoming damage because flag barest |
12626s | rather unique with how much damage they |
12628s | do exactly that as well yeah I said the |
12629s | crucifiers probably got at least one GD |
12631s | on there right as well as a bunch of |
12632s | tracker sh so they're going to see a lot |
12634s | of damage going on that crucifier if he |
12635s | can survive is going to do a lot of hurt |
12638s | potentially to this opposing team but |
12639s | the match is about to go underway in |
12640s | about 5 |
12642s | seconds so I love seeing a Bello show up |
12645s | again you see them on occasion they're |
12646s | always really good in these sort of comp |
12648s | free Tain more damage yeah I mean Bose |
12651s | um we see a lot of um you know vigil we |
12653s | see a lot of hyena but a bellicose um is |
12656s | it going to have it's going to have a |
12657s | little bit more survivability they're |
12659s | relatively quick being a minmatar |
12660s | cruiser but already we see that the zarm |
12663s | has you know PTSD is prepping the |
12665s | crucifier who we did see have initial |
12667s | missile guidance disruption onto the |
12669s | barest but uh the barest it looks like |
12672s | um you know that team both of them are |
12674s | actually going towards their respective |
12675s | micro jump Drive Beacon so uh looking to |
12678s | do a bit of uh positional play makes a |
12680s | lot of sense to me neither team is going |
12682s | to want to immediately close into the |
12684s | other one both wants the right moment to |
12686s | go in and one team because you know |
12687s | they've got a good comp and they need to |
12689s | know at the right time the other team |
12690s | because they would got the right comp |
12691s | and they've got a buger so they want to |
12692s | find the right moment but look at the B |
12694s | been slowly being like whittel down a |
12696s | little bit here yeah there'll be just |
12697s | some chip damage from kind of the bar |
12699s | guest who is lobbing some uh missiles at |
12701s | range presumably or maybe some starts at |
12703s | at long distance so um you it's not that |
12706s | impactful when you have a little bit of |
12708s | Shield damage right now it's just more |
12709s | one of those like indicators like what |
12710s | are they potentially going to go for you |
12712s | know it's like where's their thought |
12713s | process at for what they want to kill um |
12715s | does telegraph a little bit but right |
12717s | now both teams are both just kind of |
12719s | chilling on the beacon not really doing |
12722s | anything just yet but we see aalia on |
12726s | the side of um excuse me of uh only |
12730s | fleets being a little bit slow to uh |
12732s | catch up to you know that Beacon um the |
12737s | teams are just kind of kind of figure |
12738s | out okay what do we want to do now no |
12740s | one's being very committal and now the |
12741s | blue team is spooling and they jumped |
12744s | look at the Bell another micro jump |
12746s | drive B look at the Bell Co I think the |
12748s | Bell Co might have just made a big |
12750s | mistake oh my God the Bell Co ke must |
12752s | have double clicked or gone away and |
12754s | he's going to get absolutely picked here |
12756s | either that or this wasow getting back |
12757s | he's getting back he's going to get back |
12759s | to his team never mind that's the fal |
12760s | alarm either that or it was five head |
12762s | bit and he was able to chip some damage |
12764s | off of a baras make it dump a little bit |
12766s | more clip force a Reload cuz of course |
12768s | it is rapid heavy so yeah they might be |
12770s | trying to force him just fire a few |
12771s | missiles and then try and go in but hey |
12772s | he survived he's pulling the drones back |
12774s | to him so maybe kill a few drones that |
12776s | was a a bit of a heart stopping moment |
12778s | yeah but I mean we see um around like 20 |
12781s | 25 um vyes across the arena get on top |
12784s | of that Bell Co trying to do damage and |
12785s | then some medium uh rep Bots one of the |
12787s | you know benefits of being in these kind |
12789s | of AAR comp you have a pretty large |
12791s | drone Bay you can throw out some pretty |
12793s | effective versatile one you don't need |
12795s | to do damage you don't need to do do you |
12796s | get a option to go what do I think this |
12798s | comp needs and it's one of the comps I |
12799s | love for that particular reason okay and |
12801s | now the jump drives have gone off again |
12802s | battle has been look right on zero look |
12804s | at that look at that right on him okay |
12807s | and the barg is actually in a relatively |
12809s | good place you want to be able to use um |
12811s | in you know an armor you want to use |
12812s | those faction officer scrams um to |
12815s | really keep things away from you |
12817s | Vigilant hard tackled as well Vigilant |
12818s | the first thing he went for which is |
12819s | fair lightest tank best damage hopefully |
12822s | easiest kill but the barus has a |
12824s | scramming web on top of him but also at |
12825s | the same time we have a scram on top of |
12827s | the zarm so it's going to be a quick |
12828s | race here you want to kill the zarm |
12830s | probably if you're on the side of only |
12831s | fleets um you know really get rid of any |
12834s | sort of um Logistics and then pick apart |
12837s | the kind of the low end but also I'm |
12838s | scared if I have my bar guest uh getting |
12841s | held down like that exactly that your B |
12843s | is being held down meanwhile the other |
12844s | side the Z is held down which they are |
12846s | probably also just as scared both these |
12848s | kind of like the Lynch pin ships with |
12849s | the comps and both of them are sitting |
12850s | there woring Pon effects just getting |
12852s | casually deleted didn't really exist it |
12854s | got removed yeah I mean that's going to |
12856s | be lyns off the grid that is somewhat |
12859s | important um you know a little bit later |
12861s | exactly you're going to have a start and |
12862s | a Navy Bruto for lyns but it's still |
12864s | something Bello getting primary again |
12866s | and this time that looks like no no he |
12868s | is probably going to tank again cuz |
12870s | here's the thing they can probably |
12871s | spread damage here they've got a lot of |
12872s | damage ships but they're all targeting |
12873s | one ship which is perfect for the Z the |
12875s | Z is loving this but meanwhile the |
12876s | vigilance is getting rather low so I if |
12879s | I trade a Vigilant and a Pon effect for |
12882s | a bellicose that's not very good the |
12883s | Vigilant is dropping down um pretty low |
12887s | and postp pod Clarity I mean this is a |
12889s | power of his arm really on showcase is |
12892s | yeah you keep spooling you build up |
12893s | those resistance and now you're doing I |
12895s | think the Absolut right call you get the |
12898s | web on top of the Thalia you're not |
12899s | going to fully focus on top of the |
12901s | barast you're going to try to work on |
12903s | that support core and then only then |
12905s | when you've secured the victory on the |
12907s | low side of things you work way up on |
12910s | bar and here's the thing they need to |
12913s | refocus B is fully harmed go somewhere |
12915s | else this is the problem with his arm |
12916s | you need to kill things fast or it will |
12918s | make your your day worse and if they |
12920s | start spraying damage problem solved but |
12922s | looks like they're starting to lose out |
12924s | the th is about to go down at that point |
12926s | it's just going to start to really just |
12927s | snowball too far for them to catch up |
12930s | yeah and mean this Thalia he looks like |
12932s | he might be outrunning the Deacon a |
12934s | little bit um it's hard to see but like |
12936s | yeah the Thalia is just running and it's |
12939s | like Benny Hill is there's an entire |
12940s | flight of like small armor um buts and |
12944s | you know damage ons are trying to keep |
12945s | up and that do is going to drop here |
12947s | yeah it's a bunch of valks and |
12948s | infiltrator chasing him down to be fair |
12950s | he actually got out of range of some of |
12951s | them so maybe it's possible he might |
12953s | have broken some drone control breaking |
12955s | coming back with a little bit of armor |
12957s | but the zarm now taking a decent amount |
12960s | of damage we see that the scram is on |
12961s | top of it but it's propping around 700 |
12965s | um kilm which tells me that's an after |
12967s | burning armarm and scrams don't shut off |
12970s | after burners but you notice they're |
12971s | going for the |
12973s | bug and look how quickly it's going down |
12975s | wait what |
12976s | hold on what that's the part problem |
12978s | with an armor barast is if they get held |
12981s | down and they get applied to they |
12983s | doesn't have a lot of low slots for tank |
12984s | it has a lot of mids slots this seems so |
12986s | familiar this is Grand Hog Day M lost a |
12988s | flag bug before watch I commentated that |
12991s | one this is happening again this is this |
12993s | is a curse Melinda's going to |
12994s | potentially there another flag Bargas |
12996s | yeah and I mean that barast is I mean |
12998s | it's having those X-Type reps you can |
12999s | see doing its level best to keep it up |
13001s | but it's lost AIA the Deacon is webbed I |
13004s | think away from it he's got nothing to |
13006s | keep himself up now's trying best look |
13008s | he's repping his absolutely hard out 4% |
13010s | There He Go he will go down so postp pod |
13012s | Clarity secures the loot presumably |
13015s | hopefully someone else will probably try |
13016s | to race for that bargus but I mean |
13018s | they're solidly in the driver seat |
13020s | they're going to win the match at this |
13021s | point that is a goodbye good night I |
13023s | feel like again this is this is a weird |
13025s | world where I'm watching Melinda lose |
13027s | multiple flag bus and I feel like I need |
13029s | to start questioning my life choices but |
13031s | um looks like post pod now this is going |
13034s | to be almost a clean sweep potentially |
13036s | it might get a full 200 to zero here |
13038s | just well played seriously honestly very |
13040s | well played and the issue that postp pod |
13043s | Clarity really didn't have to deal with |
13046s | is that yeah they got their zarm had |
13048s | scram but that was an after burning zarm |
13050s | and it was almost bite wasn't it like |
13051s | scram me please we see the Deacon goes |
13053s | down but you really needed to web that |
13055s | to be able to apply full damage even |
13057s | with heavy missiles and some of these um |
13060s | these ships rail guns yeah with rail |
13061s | guns you know with those um long range |
13063s | beams so you know fenri a chain breaker |
13066s | in the crucifier I mean we talk about |
13068s | these 14 these eighto disruption frigs |
13070s | you know doing work against you know |
13072s | much more expensive 30 you know 36 point |
13074s | ships or even a 54 point barest you know |
13077s | even people in smaller ships newer |
13078s | players can have that effect in new Eden |
13080s | it always can like one crucify one guy |
13082s | stopped a sudden your ship becomes kind |
13083s | of useless it's it's one of those joys |
13085s | of the at Alliance Tournament being |
13086s | Braves Infamous for it that one Griffin |
13088s | just saving the world you know but you |
13091s | know here a crucifier might have |
13093s | potentially ruined a baras day and it |
13094s | was a very shiny very EXP expensive |
13096s | wonder how many Cru you can get for that |
13098s | um a lot the entirety of the Brave JoJo |
13102s | is probably not as expensive as that |
13104s | Bargas kill mail will be but uh you know |
13107s | now it's pretty much just clean up here |
13108s | postp pod Clarity um you know trying to |
13112s | see if they can kill anyone that might |
13114s | have scooped any of the loot if they |
13115s | didn't get it themselves so that's the |
13117s | game they're trying to play right now |
13119s | might be the game the old game of loot |
13120s | whacka all someone blows up someone goes |
13121s | to steal it next person blows up goes to |
13123s | steal it but yeah this NE is going down |
13125s | honestly ly the start of this match |
13126s | looked like it was pretty even both |
13127s | teams playing smart slow careful and |
13129s | controlled but the moment the fight |
13131s | started fleets kind of fell apart a |
13133s | little bit and postp pod just managed to |
13135s | pick it up and just run with it yeah |
13137s | exactly and I mean we see that these |
13139s | teams and both of these teams are pretty |
13141s | good I mean you want to play that kind |
13143s | of initial positional game it's not |
13145s | super exciting for our viewers at home I |
13147s | realize but it's what you have to do |
13149s | when you know you're really facing you |
13152s | know hey we're dealing with a flag bar |
13154s | guest what does that mean it's going to |
13155s | scr us really far away so we have to be |
13157s | very careful positionally or we're going |
13158s | to be in trouble not get caught in the |
13160s | wrong spot exactly like that you said |
13162s | it's a very dangerous ship you want to |
13163s | say get in when it's the right time and |
13165s | not before started going down now too |
13167s | goodbye to him so something you know |
13169s | interesting of course for our viewers is |
13171s | that we are in the middle of the blood |
13172s | Harvest which means that the drop rate |
13174s | the loot fairy has been extra generous |
13177s | no longer half of the time does The Loot |
13179s | drop it's now 90% of the time and that |
13181s | applies to not just you know Tranquility |
13184s | you know in these Fleet fights but it |
13185s | also applies to the alliance tournament |
13186s | as well oh mate the lot faery is just is |
13189s | giving us all the stuff we want here |
13190s | that's going to be great that's post |
13191s | pod's going to be like loving this |
13193s | they've got the stuff of course you know |
13194s | it could be one of those moments where |
13195s | someone else stole the loot but yeah |
13198s | final freak's going down mate and I mean |
13199s | this is an opportunity right where you |
13201s | can get you know maybe a better officer |
13203s | micro warp drive maybe you can get a |
13205s | better officer trading up man trading up |
13207s | I mean how many times in the past have |
13209s | we seen where a team with a you know Bal |
13212s | Gorn that has you know an okay but maybe |
13215s | not the best off |
13216s | they kill like tuskers I think did this |
13218s | they kill pandemic Legion they upgraded |
13219s | their web they used it later I swear |
13222s | there was one time one team did it twice |
13224s | but I can't find when if someone knows |
13225s | please let us know but yeah I remember |
13227s | one team doing that but there we go |
13228s | match is over well done the post pod and |
13230s | let's go have a break and then see what |
13231s | the studio thinks met that |
13233s | one Clarity there with the flagship kill |
13237s | uh Fs in chat please for Melinda one and |
13240s | his Flagship barast F in chat uh because |
13244s | that thing was expensive and it's very |
13246s | dead and um I hope you guys managed to |
13249s | get get the loot cuz 90% Loot drop and |
13251s | lots of the good stuff did in fact drop |
13253s | uh just looking at it here is Officer |
13255s | rapid heavy missile launchers of course |
13257s | five of the six of them dropped so |
13258s | that's a cheeky 11 bill right there and |
13261s | then all of the like fancy uh scram |
13263s | dropped that's four and a bit Bill the |
13265s | cormax sensor booster seven bill that |
13268s | dropped uh only thing that didn't drop |
13270s | was the the expensive damage control |
13272s | another 11 bill that went puff uh into |
13275s | Oblivion |
13276s | uh mystical might what went wrong uh |
13279s | this is a experienced team I mean a lot |
13280s | of a lot of twitch Channel points were |
13282s | reallocated to the to the masses there |
13284s | most of you going for only fleets 1.5 |
13286s | million Channel points uh you can |
13288s | actually in chat you can uh at CCP |
13291s | arcade exclamation mark refund and he |
13293s | will give you your points back um so Mr |
13296s | what happened in that match there uh |
13298s | well we found out that the B guest does |
13299s | not in fact slap um it got slapped in |
13302s | fact um yeah it was a very very rough |
13305s | match |
13306s | there was a very interesting mjd play |
13308s | that came out from the postp Pod Clarity |
13310s | side um where they mjd onto a secondary |
13314s | Beacon and then down into the only |
13316s | fleets team the problem is a bellicose |
13320s | decided that he was going to go his own |
13322s | way um out into the middle of the Arena |
13324s | um I think the collective response from |
13326s | the desk team was oh no over and over |
13330s | again as as we saw the direction that |
13333s | the V coas was going and then um Fleet |
13336s | one up him by just not shooting um I |
13338s | believe the attack bar on the only Fleet |
13340s | side had the tiniest tinge of red for |
13343s | half the match I'm not entirely sure |
13345s | what they were going for I mentioned |
13346s | that they may be trying to reserve the |
13348s | bar guest clip because it takes a while |
13349s | for the heavy missiles to reload when |
13351s | you're using rapid Heavies um but that |
13353s | doesn't stop you from using your medium |
13355s | guns on the rest of your ships so I have |
13359s | no clue what they were doing um they |
13360s | fully committed to the bellicose towards |
13362s | the end and just decided I guess um when |
13364s | they saw that it wasn't breaking that |
13366s | they were going to run the barest away |
13367s | and uh it that didn't work either yeah |
13369s | there was a lovely camera shot um when I |
13370s | think uh only fleets realized that it |
13373s | wasn't going to go their way and the |
13374s | baras is just flying away from the rest |
13376s | of his team like see you later I'm going |
13377s | to go try and hide somewhere and survive |
13379s | for the next six minutes uh that did not |
13381s | did not happen he didn't in fact die |
13383s | someone has pointed out that the ponteix |
13385s | may not have plugged in a mine link but |
13387s | it's also possible that they were |
13388s | carrying two mine links one for Skirmish |
13390s | one for armor depending on what links |
13392s | they had fit so yeah there's some there |
13394s | some top gamer plays but doing things |
13395s | like that like you can pull out the |
13397s | implants and stuff um before the match |
13399s | now one of the other things that was |
13400s | asked in chat actually it's good point |
13402s | um was can you refit your or mess with |
13404s | your bar Flagship fit between rounds |
13406s | absolutely you can uh the number of |
13409s | times in the alliance tournament where |
13411s | uh Team a wins a match by killing team |
13413s | B's Flagship and they scoop the loot and |
13416s | that stuff is better than theirs so they |
13417s | just upgrade their Flagship so you kind |
13419s | of like build a better Flagship as the |
13420s | tournament goes on and not only can you |
13422s | do that you can change it however you |
13423s | want uh in general so for example we |
13425s | talked about it before you don't have to |
13427s | have two Flagship bar guests that are |
13430s | fit differently you can just refit one |
13432s | so you can have an armor one and a |
13433s | shield one if you just have all the fits |
13435s | ready and waiting you decide which one |
13436s | you want to use and you fit it I just |
13438s | have to pull off a couple of rigs but I |
13440s | mean who who cares about rigs this be |
13442s | Aurora is there anything else you think |
13444s | that um only fleets could have maybe |
13446s | done in that match uh shoot the enemy |
13448s | would have been good um it it looks like |
13451s | they it looks like they kind of gave up |
13453s | early and I'm not sure exactly what they |
13456s | were hoping to do exactly if they |
13458s | misplayed postp pod Clarity did the |
13460s | right thing mostly we were worried about |
13462s | that Bell Co when we saw but it actually |
13464s | lived to the end of the match um they |
13467s | managed to use the micro jump drive |
13468s | beacons at the start of the match landed |
13470s | right on top of the other Fleet that's |
13472s | kind of where they wanted to be because |
13473s | those rails they can load their close |
13475s | range ammo and shoot back whereas the |
13477s | baras doesn't really care about its |
13478s | range it actually doesn't want to be |
13479s | that close to the enemy team um they |
13483s | lost their pontif effects really early |
13484s | they weren't able to to keep that up |
13486s | which is the right call from postp pod |
13487s | Clarity which means that uh after a |
13489s | minute those uh those Buffs fall off and |
13492s | all of their ships are like 50% weaker |
13494s | than they were before um and then they |
13496s | just got shredded after that so uh I |
13499s | think they basically misplayed in the |
13501s | first few moments of the match in terms |
13503s | of trying to find the right positioning |
13505s | they let the other team get right on top |
13507s | of them didn't control the field and |
13509s | they lost game yep and of course all |
13511s | thanks to that Chad Bellos gamer uh we |
13513s | thought it was a mistake jumping there |
13515s | turns out that was the plan all along |
13517s | all right let's look at the next match |
13520s | uh which is uh going to be barcode |
13525s | versus go swarm Federation uh I don't |
13527s | see the bands just yet I believe they |
13529s | are coming and we actually before we do |
13531s | that I see we have an infographic uh for |
13533s | the uh the flagship let's show that |
13535s | let's throw up the flagship infographic |
13538s | um which comes courtesy of squiz and |
13541s | zkillboard.com um I think I can't tell |
13545s | we're showing it I'm just going to |
13546s | assume that we are um enjoy uh all right |
13550s | moving on uh and let's look back at um |
13553s | uh barcode versus gwor Federation I |
13555s | don't have the bands just yet uh when I |
13557s | do I will let you know what they are |
13558s | this is always an interesting one for me |
13560s | uh gonss um very successful Alliance in |
13563s | history of E online done a lot of things |
13565s | currently moving um historically pretty |
13569s | terrible at Alliance tournament um |
13571s | there's really not any any really good |
13574s | moments they've had I mean they brought |
13575s | the t on that was pretty fun uh but they |
13577s | usually then go on to lose moment yeah |
13579s | so they're they're most known for |
13581s | legitimately a kind of a meme in |
13583s | Alliance tournament I always want them |
13585s | to win though I think it'd be great to |
13587s | see goons finally having some success in |
13590s | Alliance tournament like proper success |
13592s | uh one of the memes of course is they |
13594s | they were so annoyed at their unsuccess |
13595s | at Alliance tournament they made their |
13596s | own tournament um but they're com up |
13599s | against barcode and barcode is an |
13601s | extremely competent team Mr Gite your |
13603s | thoughts I think twitch should go all in |
13606s | on goons look the returns are going to |
13608s | be incredible okay put all your points |
13612s | on goons right now |
13615s | okay should I check the SC okay for |
13617s | anyone who's also already put that okay |
13619s | now put your put your points on barcode |
13621s | um barcode is definitely in my opinion |
13624s | going to win this match but anything is |
13625s | possible right I think barcode came |
13627s | third yes te yeah last year so they've |
13631s | already shown that they can kind of |
13632s | reach those upper levels they have very |
13634s | talented players have a lot of |
13636s | experience one of the questions that |
13638s | always comes to mind when we're |
13639s | discussing teams like this maybe not |
13640s | barcode so much because they have |
13642s | performed well but teams that are |
13644s | usually made up of very good like |
13647s | individual solo small gang players |
13649s | sometimes it doesn't translate well to |
13650s | the tournament and you have to kind of |
13651s | find your footing there because it's a |
13653s | completely different play style it |
13654s | relies on different types of |
13656s | communication you have to play |
13657s | differently there's less agency in some |
13660s | things and more agency in others and you |
13662s | need to communicate that properly |
13663s | barcode I think has found a great way to |
13666s | make that work um which saw them reached |
13668s | third place last year so I think it'll |
13671s | be interesting to see if they've |
13673s | developed any new strategies or tactics |
13675s | in this upcoming match but then |
13676s | goonswarm also has I believe dark and |
13679s | they have some good Pilots like and good |
13681s | the Crafters people know tournaments |
13683s | yeah darkk I believe helps um run the |
13685s | Anor games right so he has experience |
13688s | running tournaments he has a |
13690s | understanding of like what the Mets look |
13691s | like I just remember something gos do |
13693s | have something their first end they have |
13694s | the record for the boundary violations |
13697s | they have the furthest ever boundary |
13698s | violation I just remembered that it's |
13700s | like 234 colum I think Aur argant um |
13703s | managed to bend physics of space time |
13706s | and get that far out of the Arena so |
13707s | well done good you number one at |
13709s | something um all right let's take a |
13711s | quick look at the bands before we go to |
13712s | the match barcode Banning out arbitrator |
13714s | curse Sentinel crucifier so all the |
13716s | tracking disruption off um and uh gwor |
13720s | bing out Abad armagedon Navy issue Loki |
13722s | and Deacon so interesting sets of band |
13724s | most focus on tracking and guidance |
13726s | disruption and then just some normal |
13728s | standard ones Deacon one I think is |
13729s | quite clever all right let's head over |
13731s | to the arena for good swarm Federation |
13732s | versus |
13738s | barot hello ladies and gentlemen I was a |
13741s | very nervous moderator but now I am a |
13744s | very happy moderator seeing that my good |
13747s | uh friends and uh teammates in barcode |
13749s | are in a medium uh gun spam composition |
13752s | against a heavy assault missile Rush |
13755s | yeah very uh eclectic heavy missile |
13758s | heavy missile Rush some curious things |
13760s | about this comper Force goons banned out |
13762s | Loki and then brought heavy missile Rush |
13766s | usually requires a ly they no no we can |
13767s | do it with an onyx it's fine it's fine |
13768s | don't worry about it we got this guys |
13769s | this is our plan so what do you think |
13771s | for barcode what's the win condition at |
13773s | the start the win condition for barcode |
13775s | is literally just do not get caught and |
13777s | that won't be too too difficult really |
13778s | the threat that you have is basically |
13780s | going to be the jaguar or you know the |
13782s | Onyx getting on top of you and catching |
13784s | you and the thing about the onyxx is |
13788s | it's pretty slow relative to a lot of |
13789s | these ships I mean people don't think of |
13791s | Omens as being like a heavy armor ship |
13794s | it's more of a fast like screener the m |
13796s | is even you think is a thick Bo and and |
13798s | you notice that this uh barcode setup is |
13800s | very very similar to the one that we saw |
13802s | truth honor light bring so yes the |
13803s | Jaguar is going to rush they're going to |
13804s | get tackle on this Harbinger but the |
13806s | Squall is the immediate primary then the |
13808s | Jaguar is being held uh down it's |
13811s | probably going to be uh you know the |
13813s | next immediate primary we see Target |
13814s | paints on top of the jaguar and he |
13817s | should go down really quick this is like |
13819s | these are all medium guns they can apply |
13820s | reasonably well to him he is low Sig but |
13823s | it you know enough shots will get |
13824s | through yeah this assault damage control |
13826s | is about to fall off in a second and now |
13828s | that it does grunt ataro does drop the |
13831s | harbinger no longer tackled by that but |
13833s | is being held down by the Onyx was able |
13836s | to catch up eventually and now the burst |
13837s | Bantam are the targets these are going |
13839s | to get cycled through instantly and were |
13842s | they there are you sure do do we see the |
13843s | ships uh not not anymore not for the |
13846s | Bantam the burst is likely to follow |
13848s | shortly but uh it looks like they may |
13850s | have changed their priority a little bit |
13852s | to the Navy Drake and to the alligator |
13855s | um initial stram on the alligator and |
13858s | the Navy Drake uh so the Onyx did |
13861s | eventually catch the harbinger they get |
13862s | did get tackle on that and these ens are |
13864s | doing a very good job of screening the |
13865s | front line of goonswarm federation and |
13868s | you just kind of sacrifice these you |
13870s | know Cruisers that are relatively free |
13872s | so that you're more expensive you know |
13874s | ship with you know more damage and the |
13876s | lengths in the bruix and the Absolution |
13878s | can live to win fact they brought four |
13880s | of them too like four MO two mullers two |
13882s | Omens it's like a lot of like we've got |
13883s | some really good cheap T1 amarian |
13885s | Cruisers we can project we can suicide |
13888s | we can do whatever we need to do to make |
13889s | this comp function and it's it's done |
13890s | very very well I'm quite happy with it |
13892s | also kind of a nicely perfect result |
13894s | because you brought a lot of lasers |
13896s | you're versing all Shield you're having |
13898s | a good time yeah I mean for the most |
13900s | part I mean you're very happy to be |
13901s | shooting em and thermal into essentially |
13905s | most of these calari ships of course you |
13907s | don't want to shoot you know em thermal |
13909s | into like a claymore or to a Jaguar |
13912s | which is probably why they're not |
13913s | shooting the Claymore you had to shoot |
13914s | the Jaguar early forced to yeah no |
13916s | matter how much you didn't want to it's |
13917s | like that one's got to go first exactly |
13919s | that alligator being absolutely deleted |
13921s | they got rid of an omen so you know they |
13923s | they're not getting entirely wiped wiped |
13925s | out they are fighting back a bit but |
13927s | Omen going down there still another one |
13928s | left still two more moles have to get in |
13929s | the way yeah and I mean the reason You' |
13931s | take the alligator right is it's got |
13932s | those medium uh bonus Dron said very |
13935s | effective it's basically you can think |
13937s | of it as a giant um you know hila that |
13939s | was relatively uh introduced relatively |
13943s | recently introduced and now the Onyx |
13945s | fell apart rather shortly and then the |
13946s | orthis um you know just taking apart |
13949s | these targets of opportunity look at |
13951s | kind of you know a wide pan view of |
13954s | these barcode ships they're just kind of |
13956s | all spread around in a ball very much |
13960s | making it difficult for goons swarm or |
13962s | any of these heavy assault you know |
13965s | rushes to get on top of one ship exactly |
13967s | and that's the thing that you want to do |
13969s | when you're in sort of these kite comps |
13970s | you want to make sure okay yes if you |
13972s | rush us you can get on top of one of us |
13975s | but then the other nine of us are going |
13976s | to be you know very far and meanwhile |
13978s | barcode can keep shooting goons have to |
13980s | jump from one to one and it's difficult |
13982s | to play that exactly we've heard a few |
13984s | times people saying like oh how do you |
13985s | how do you beat rush like just move away |
13986s | L it's like yeah just move away scatter |
13989s | we saw I think it was a snuff in the |
13991s | peders did that very well they managed |
13993s | like fully stab it every direction which |
13994s | is like yeah you can rush me all you |
13996s | want M you're only going to get one ship |
13998s | you're not going to get through the rest |
13999s | of us and yeah they're down to the |
14000s | Nighthawk now leave the tank is to last |
14002s | they they're very thick yeah I mean |
14005s | Nighthawks are an incredibly thick ship |
14007s | um especially so when they're being |
14009s | supported by Lodi frigs but thankfully |
14011s | those are gone so um I saw Ali RS was a |
14015s | little bit here she was about ready to |
14017s | you know presumptively hand me my L had |
14020s | barcode dropped out of the match but |
14022s | thankfully they will continue to go on |
14024s | and they will face the winner of the |
14026s | next match which would be uh pandemic |
14029s | horde and uh vasive maneuvering I'm very |
14031s | much looking forward to this match goons |
14033s | swarm dropping down into the lower |
14034s | bracket means that um you know if |
14037s | pandemic horde loses we would have a |
14039s | goon and pandemic horde lower bracket |
14041s | match but yeah that's something for the |
14043s | analyst to talk about after we send it |
14044s | to the break |
14046s | here there you have it GS doing what gs |
14049s | do best uh and losing in the L |
14051s | tournament um we you know what the all |
14055s | right at the start I thought they |
14056s | actually I looked at I was like hey who |
14057s | they they're killing some stuff and |
14058s | barod is a good team like at least they |
14060s | didn't get you know clapped uh which is |
14062s | nice H but they're not out goods are |
14064s | back Goods will be in the the lore |
14066s | bracket they have still got a chance to |
14068s | win plenty of skins and as it was |
14070s | pointed there I bet you those Elite Nano |
14072s | gangers wouldn't try that kind of stuff |
14073s | in 1 DQ so true you still still the |
14075s | kings of there at least well until you |
14077s | finish moving Bart what happened oh so |
14080s | many things um I so I I said this when |
14084s | we were watching the match I think that |
14085s | was actually a really good performance |
14086s | from goons and they just kind of got |
14087s | countered a little bit by a team that |
14088s | knows how to counter a rush setup I |
14091s | loved the Jaguar pilot um I think his |
14093s | name was grunter Grant or something just |
14095s | rocketing in like overheated Ram Jagged |
14098s | in instantly tackled Harbinger Navy isue |
14101s | the rest of goons followed up and killed |
14102s | the harbinger Navy ISU so good job um |
14105s | the the problem is is that when you go |
14107s | up against a pretty experien team they |
14110s | land on grin they look at you and |
14111s | they're like oh you're bringing a ham |
14113s | rush and they immediately Starburst away |
14116s | so it's like yes you will kill one ship |
14117s | you'll probably kill two ships the rest |
14119s | of them Starburst away and then they got |
14120s | DPS down and it it is what it is I mean |
14123s | like I said goons they flew their comp |
14125s | pretty correctly I would say like they |
14127s | made the right choice it's like oh crap |
14128s | they have a ton of medium guns we can't |
14129s | outrange this so they rammed in didn't |
14132s | work they get better every time I feel |
14134s | they do I think goons have continuously |
14135s | improved um I know you said it on the |
14137s | desk a little bit ago I also want to see |
14140s | goons win some matches uh maybe this is |
14142s | the year you know they still have a |
14144s | chance they still have a chance I'm just |
14146s | saying I'm a good Stan in this like I |
14148s | want I want to see some good victories |
14150s | some big W's in the column we said this |
14152s | about fraternity last year remember we |
14154s | we are on team we want The Underdogs to |
14156s | win exactly yeah now now fraternity is |
14158s | not an underdog so they can lose as much |
14159s | they want but he's just trying to say |
14160s | face because his team lost they run you |
14162s | know it's you and goons are on the same |
14164s | you know same tier right now exactly |
14166s | yeah true losers bracket yeah losers |
14167s | bracket yeah it's alloyed to get more |
14170s | skins it's fine it's part of the plan |
14172s | excellent yeah no I think I think goons |
14174s | did okay like honestly they they flew |
14176s | that it was it was a decent comp they |
14177s | flew it correctly they got countered |
14179s | because the other team was like oh |
14180s | you're rushing with the shield rush and |
14182s | I've said it for quite a while now if |
14183s | you don't know how to beat a shield r |
14185s | with your setup in the modern Alliance |
14187s | tournament your setup is trash and you |
14188s | shouldn't fly it clearly barcode was |
14190s | like oh yeah okay well we've practiced |
14192s | this we know what to do and goons just |
14193s | like ah crap next time they they get |
14196s | another game uh in fact I think we find |
14197s | out who they'll be playing relatively |
14198s | soon yep that's true uh we can take a |
14200s | look at the bracket at some point |
14201s | because uh some of the uh the teams have |
14203s | to play again today because um they went |
14205s | for the the odd tactic of dropping |
14208s | themselves into the lower bracket for |
14209s | quote more skins end quote mytical might |
14212s | um Misty could the good team have flown |
14214s | that differently and come out with a win |
14216s | or do you think it really was like kind |
14218s | of a counter just straight out the box I |
14221s | I think it's very difficult to execute a |
14224s | rush setup against um medium gun spam |
14227s | when it can just kind of separate out |
14228s | like you said it kind of Starbursts and |
14230s | you have to spend 20 30 seconds chasing |
14233s | down each individual ship and that time |
14234s | you are constantly taking damage I did |
14237s | question whether it would have been |
14239s | better for the Jagua to tackle the augre |
14240s | at the beginning and allow the Onyx to |
14242s | get in and then spread a couple hick |
14244s | scrams across a couple different ships |
14246s | to keep them in place um but I'm not |
14248s | entirely sure that clearing the orre at |
14250s | the beginning would have allowed them to |
14252s | you know go on to chase down and and |
14255s | break through some of the other DPS |
14256s | ships so I think they could have played |
14258s | it better I don't think it would have |
14260s | actually LED them to a win without |
14262s | barcode um Miss executing the comp right |
14265s | like accidentally keeping a couple ships |
14267s | together they both get tackled by the |
14269s | Onyx and then they both die in quick |
14271s | sucession that I think is the only way |
14273s | that goons would have been able to come |
14274s | back into that match yeah plus it's |
14276s | always good um to like Bart says we |
14279s | always want to root for The Underdogs um |
14282s | and then if we say mean things about you |
14284s | and then you go and win you can claim |
14286s | that you won out of spite and then we |
14287s | feel good cuz we helped you win uh also |
14289s | you get great content for adverts uh I |
14291s | don't know how many times I've uh made |
14293s | cold take that have been turned into ads |
14296s | turns out I'm wrong a lot um who would |
14298s | have thought it but that's just how it |
14301s | is all right we have about 10 minutes |
14302s | until our next match which is going to |
14303s | be evasive maneuvering versus pandemic |
14306s | horde uh horde came through the feeders |
14308s | this year uh well let's roll this one |
14311s | back everyone came through the feeders |
14312s | except four teams uh so the top four |
14315s | from last year got direct entries but no |
14317s | longer can you just uh come up with some |
14320s | Plex and buy your way into the alliance |
14321s | tournament as it was before with the |
14322s | silent auction uh everything single |
14324s | other team for the other 28 slots they |
14326s | had to go through the feeders there was |
14328s | no such thing as just like hey look how |
14329s | much money I have buy your way into the |
14331s | allance tournament and then get clapped |
14333s | which uh we saw happen in Alli |
14335s | tournament 18 a bunch uh I think it was |
14337s | a bunch of Rich teams of I won't name |
14340s | any names but they'd been around and had |
14341s | done successful tournaments before but |
14343s | weren't as good anymore and then bought |
14345s | their way in and then lost very badly um |
14347s | that can't happen anymore you have to |
14348s | actually get in on Merit now which I |
14350s | think is a great Improvement what do you |
14351s | think about that Misty I think it's good |
14353s | I think it least some more exciting |
14355s | matches the upside is that we also get |
14358s | another round of weekends where people |
14359s | get to play um and participate in the |
14361s | tournament even if they don't make it |
14362s | into the main tournament itself um I |
14365s | believe there's the opportunity to win |
14366s | skins in those feeder matches so you're |
14368s | not walking away from it with nothing |
14370s | those feeders matches also take place |
14373s | on Thunderdome Thunderdome Thunder in |
14377s | the Thunderdome in the Thunderdome I was |
14378s | going to say Tranquility which is not |
14380s | the right answer but it's you know it's |
14382s | a test server essentially for tournament |
14384s | where you'll be given a Max SP character |
14387s | you get to make a ship out of thin air |
14390s | um so you're not losing anything either |
14392s | apart from your time but hopefully |
14393s | you're having fun in in trade so um I I |
14396s | think having people play through the |
14398s | feeders is an excellent way to give |
14401s | newer teams the chance to learn and |
14404s | participate while also ensuring that |
14406s | teams that have put in that effort um do |
14410s | have a basic understanding about like |
14411s | what the meta may be that year based on |
14413s | the rule sets get a chance to then get |
14415s | into the main tournament and have a good |
14417s | run or at least a good attempt at a run |
14419s | y to get those price ships yeah and um |
14421s | you get skins for wins in the feeders as |
14424s | well now so it basically cost you almost |
14427s | nothing to to participate and if you |
14429s | manage to like eek out a win then you're |
14430s | going to get uh quite a decent return in |
14433s | just skins alone uh I did see a comment |
14435s | like a while back asking like how to get |
14436s | into tournaments uh that's a great wave |
14438s | like you know find find some friends uh |
14441s | make a team join the feeders might get |
14442s | rolled might not you never know you |
14444s | might r someone unexpectedly by bringing |
14445s | something kind of cheesy that happens |
14447s | the big teams are always kind of a |
14449s | little bit extra afraid of the really |
14451s | unknown new teams because you can kind |
14453s | of predict what an experienced team is |
14454s | going to bring like with a fair degree |
14457s | of accuracy but some of these like new |
14459s | teams who've never done the tournament |
14460s | before they just come up with like these |
14461s | crazy off thewall cheese comps that 99% |
14464s | of the time won't work but that 1% could |
14467s | be against you uh and you look kind of |
14469s | silly when that happens uh so if you're |
14472s | looking to get tournaments try that also |
14473s | check out uh the community run |
14475s | tournaments um obviously we mentioned |
14477s | earlier on but the anger games it's run |
14479s | by some of the guys from goonswarm Dirk |
14481s | and uh |
14482s | sthil uh check that out it's also on |
14484s | thunder so you're not losing stuff uh |
14486s | and there's usually a couple other sort |
14487s | of little tournament things that you |
14489s | know float around in the community so |
14491s | check it out I was going to say |
14492s | something but then I'm not sure if it's |
14494s | announced yet yeah I I was thinking |
14495s | about it too but I don't think we should |
14497s | do that but it was mentioned in Vegas so |
14501s | I feel like it could be said I I could |
14504s | possibly |
14505s | say interesting let's just say there may |
14508s | be a cup for captains next year who |
14510s | knows who knows who knows who knows all |
14512s | right we have evasive maneuvering vers a |
14515s | pandemic horde let's talk about that |
14517s | okay so evasive maneuvering they are |
14519s | going to ban out the Armageddon Navy |
14520s | issue the Loki the carries and the curse |
14524s | meanwhile pandemic horde Banning out the |
14525s | prophecy Navy issue the EOS the |
14527s | arbitrator and then the harbinger Navy |
14529s | issue interesting sets of bands uh |
14532s | blackb pirate what do you think yeah uh |
14534s | I it definitely is I I think that um the |
14537s | pandemic hord bands are a lot more |
14539s | exciting I think because they've gotten |
14541s | rid of some of these ships that nobody's |
14544s | really banned them out yet like we |
14545s | haven't seen the uh these Navy battle |
14546s | cruiser bans we saw I think we saw pery |
14548s | Navy once so far today um but that's |
14550s | very much a like they' they've gotten |
14552s | rid of almost the entire like main DPS |
14555s | ships of a medium gun armor setup uh |
14558s | which is interesting um we've seen it |
14559s | perform extremely well today so far so |
14562s | you know that makes sense but it's kind |
14564s | of weird that that's the thing that they |
14565s | decided they don't want to deal with |
14567s | obviously you know EOS bands very very |
14568s | good any any armor setup Banning an EOS |
14571s | is just like good choice extremely tanky |
14573s | good DPS brings amazing links uh yeah I |
14577s | I hate mollus bands is that a Moll |
14579s | that's that's a m carries that's even |
14581s | worse I hate carries bands I hate car |
14583s | because like that's even worse than |
14584s | amales bands because carries are a ton |
14586s | of points that is true Aus that leads to |
14589s | like you can kind of Be Like H okay |
14590s | maybe we'll we got like six or seven |
14591s | points okay yeah bring a but like |
14593s | carries it's like the thing that makes a |
14594s | carries good in Tranquility on small |
14597s | ganging is that it has a really really |
14600s | long Point range points are pointless in |
14602s | the at so if you didn't know there's a |
14604s | big old bubble that means that if you |
14605s | leave you know 125 kmers your ship gets |
14607s | blown up scrams are great prevents |
14609s | people from running away points is just |
14611s | kind of like I mean what do they they |
14612s | can't warp off anyways right so I I hate |
14614s | car's bands um I think it's a wasted ban |
14617s | I like the pandemic cord bands uh it's |
14620s | different they're thinking differently |
14621s | they're getting rid of probably one of |
14622s | the better comps if of maneuvering it's |
14625s | kind of weird but also they're I mean |
14627s | they're they're a team like they're like |
14629s | a good team uh I don't think we talked |
14632s | about who they are exactly but they're a |
14634s | very experienced team so if they're |
14636s | doing something weird they have you know |
14638s | the brain is working in some way it |
14640s | might be in a different direction than |
14641s | our brains usually work but it's |
14642s | definitely like oh they have a plan yeah |
14645s | sometimes you see weird bands coming |
14646s | from teams especially if they have like |
14648s | exclusive practice partners because they |
14650s | get themselves into this um like mindset |
14653s | when they're scrimming against each |
14654s | other that they think X is really |
14656s | powerful and Y is not and there |
14658s | something that they really don't like to |
14659s | see so they start Banning out things |
14661s | that that normally happens in their in |
14662s | their scrims and then they turn up and |
14664s | just get like either it works |
14665s | coincidentally or they get stomped |
14667s | because they were just a complete wrong |
14669s | post code uh Misty what's it like when |
14671s | you're like trying to practice and think |
14673s | about like Banning strategy and and not |
14675s | getting yourself into these like weird |
14676s | little pits of uncertainty I think |
14679s | different teams will have different |
14680s | practice strategies um I think it's been |
14683s | me mentioned a couple times where you |
14686s | want to have at least a a baseline |
14688s | competence for the comp where you know |
14689s | that it can beat some cookie cutter |
14691s | stuff right if it can't beat some of the |
14693s | very basic things that people will bring |
14695s | like some of the medium gun spam or some |
14697s | handam rush if you execute it properly |
14700s | then there's no real Point practicing |
14702s | that comp because it's not likely to do |
14705s | well in the tournament um you know |
14708s | sometimes there will be comps where you |
14709s | can't win but you can ban out enough of |
14711s | the comp that it's unlikely that you'll |
14713s | see it in that Incarnation at least um |
14715s | but there are so many there's such a |
14717s | variety of ships in evil line that it's |
14718s | easy to sometimes replace some of these |
14720s | the ships like the Nighthawk you can |
14722s | kind of bring the alligator a little bit |
14723s | doesn't quite do as much damage it does |
14725s | have that dependence on drone damage as |
14727s | well but it's the same points and it |
14728s | fills the same role so there are ways |
14731s | around some bands not ideal ways right |
14735s | but there's some some ways around it so |
14737s | yeah I think you establish a basic |
14740s | competency for the comp you know that it |
14742s | can beat the basic cookie cutter stuff |
14744s | you run it until you are comfortable |
14746s | running it right so if you land on grid |
14748s | and you see it you'll be like hey we |
14749s | know how to do this this is fine we'll |
14751s | just burn away to the beacons or we'll |
14752s | burn around the arena or we're rushing |
14754s | we call this first that's where you want |
14756s | to be and then you can start practicing |
14758s | okay um here's what we think the meta |
14760s | will be this year based on the rule set |
14763s | um here's how we think it will work and |
14764s | develop and then the important thing is |
14766s | practicing midweek so the first weekend |
14768s | is when you start seeing the the better |
14770s | of the other teams come out and |
14772s | sometimes you'll be you be like oh the |
14774s | hell is that right and it works it's I |
14777s | know it's incredible right she to be so |
14779s | convinced yeah you'll be like wow what |
14781s | is this we've never seen this before uh |
14783s | we need to practice against it to know |
14784s | how to beat it and sometimes you'll run |
14786s | it once and you'll be like oh this is |
14787s | super easy um I don't know how this |
14789s | other team lost against this matchup and |
14791s | sometimes you run and you be like none |
14793s | of our comps work against it maybe we |
14795s | just start running this and then you |
14796s | practice it into all the other comps |
14798s | that you have and also the other |
14799s | baselines to understand how well it |
14801s | works right so not only are you |
14803s | practicing it that you can fly it but |
14804s | you're practicing it so that you know |
14806s | how to beat it using different setups |
14807s | and where its weaknesses are um |
14810s | basically lot of work right to to go to |
14813s | that level you can take it pretty chill |
14816s | and just Ram right |
14819s | just1 yeah yeah and it works right like |
14822s | sometimes most of the time yeah I mean |
14824s | 80% of the time it works every time it |
14826s | is harder it's harder to execute a comp |
14828s | with a lot of moving Parts than it is to |
14830s | point at somebody and go approach yep so |
14834s | Russians are Russians have their cheese |
14836s | moment and Russians can be very |
14838s | successful the ham nigh Hawk ham rush |
14839s | for example very strong uh it's very |
14842s | dpsy and it's very hard to slow it down |
14844s | when it's coming at to um so I think |
14847s | we're almost ready to go to the match I |
14849s | see that horde pandemic horde are |
14851s | building their Flagship Vindicator in |
14853s | this match uh against barcode no sorry |
14856s | not barcode vasive maneuvering we just |
14857s | had barcode uh we have these three |
14859s | matches coming up before we go into the |
14861s | lore bracket and those are going to be |
14862s | elimination matches so around we're |
14864s | getting close to people being kicked out |
14866s | of the tournament for good but until |
14868s | then let's go see if evasive maneuvering |
14870s | can defeat pandemic |
14874s | hord hello and welcome to the arena I'm |
14876s | Ali Aris here with uh Starfleet |
14879s | commander and we are here watching |
14881s | pandemic horde versus evasive |
14882s | maneuvering pandemic horde have brought |
14884s | an armor brawl setup featuring their |
14886s | flag Vindicator can the flag Vindicator |
14888s | COD 2 and0 we'll find out today |
14890s | Starfleet what have evasive maneuvering |
14892s | brought well my boy faffy raffy B |
14894s | maneuvering amazing comp they've got we |
14896s | got a Nighthawk with Fleet Cyclones and |
14898s | the Cyclone ospr a bit of a kiting thing |
14900s | for them I think they're going to try |
14901s | and stay away from the vindy aren't they |
14903s | yeah that Vindicator bad news to any |
14905s | ship within 20 km but stay a little bit |
14907s | further away and you can just sail away |
14910s | and not have to worry about it uh bad |
14911s | and big chunky amount of damage coming |
14913s | out from the pandemic cord team so if |
14915s | they're able to get on top and apply |
14916s | that damage will'll be good if evasive |
14918s | maneuvering can evade the incoming |
14920s | damage then uh they should be in a good |
14923s | spot I think is really important for AAS |
14925s | ning the the positioning for their for |
14927s | their comp they need to not make a |
14928s | mistake if they make a mistake get |
14929s | catched they're dead |
14931s | basically and I also think that well vly |
14934s | in The Vindicator Captain they're going |
14936s | to have to go straight in or go for a |
14938s | jump drive Beacon maybe yeah yeah and uh |
14940s | as we can see the uh evasive maneuvering |
14942s | team are indeed backing up to start out |
14944s | with um pandemic cord are heading in |
14948s | they're sort of splitting up most of |
14949s | them are heading in a couple of the |
14950s | small ships are taking a little bit |
14953s | further back those crucifiers looking to |
14955s | apply uh disruption potentially but I |
14957s | don't see any disruption going out onto |
14959s | the evasive maneuvering side not much |
14960s | the the primary for Evas moving is the |
14962s | nurgle a bit of damage on the crucifier |
14965s | bit on the cineol I think they're just |
14966s | sort of testing seeing what's going out |
14967s | you know what they can get through the |
14968s | nurgle is taking some damage vly is in |
14970s | The Vindicator going out in front which |
14971s | is the correct call get the batt ship |
14973s | out there try and lock something down |
14975s | but vas maneuvering they're not they're |
14977s | not slow they're quick yeah yeah and uh |
14980s | beatm Adon in the hyena is evasive |
14982s | maneuverings Ace in the hole here beatm |
14984s | adon's number one job is making sure |
14986s | that viley in The Vindicator does not |
14989s | get anywhere close to the rest of the |
14990s | team that's his one job basically yeah |
14994s | keep keep villy away keep and we can see |
14996s | that web going out uh Vil's uh Philly's |
14999s | webbed off uh he'll slow down while uh |
15002s | beam Mater on just uh kites out of range |
15005s | and looks like the damage is going on |
15007s | villy right now a bit on feel the nurgle |
15009s | is in half armor honestly it's a it must |
15011s | be a very frustrating match for like The |
15012s | Vindicator pilot just being webbed down |
15014s | as soon as you get a bit close you get |
15015s | webbed down and webbed off but anything |
15017s | that overextends on the phle team will |
15018s | get killed as an urle is in structure |
15020s | the on is trying to keep him up but |
15022s | we'll see if he can hold he should go go |
15024s | back to the in get the Reps maybe reset |
15026s | and try and regroup but he might go down |
15028s | here yeah it's a little bit hard for |
15031s | those uh Lodie Cruisers to hold the the |
15033s | frigs um especially with the high alpha |
15037s | of the longrange weapons so light or |
15039s | heavy missiles they'll all apply all at |
15040s | once the light missiles from the Jack |
15042s | doll they'll all apply in big chunks of |
15043s | P meanwhile those onos Reps don't cycle |
15046s | as fast as some others yeah well the |
15048s | near near reps um cycle at the end of |
15050s | the cycle HP comes in at the end so you |
15052s | have to take into consideration a delay |
15055s | of reps coming onto it as now the damage |
15057s | on the cineol which will have quite a |
15059s | small um armor tank and he's going |
15061s | actually bleed he actually going down |
15063s | pretty fast he might actually go down |
15064s | here yeah and that fast swap is exactly |
15066s | what a vas of maneuvering needs to do in |
15068s | order to get some ships off the field uh |
15069s | once they get a couple of points on the |
15071s | board they can potentially just kite |
15073s | this one out |
15074s | they don't have to risk anything and |
15076s | that's what they're hopefully going to |
15078s | try to do uh again pandemic hord very |
15081s | dangerous and close evasive maneuvering |
15083s | they want to avoid that yeah C goes down |
15085s | so they're already heading points to |
15086s | this point and also s is one of their |
15088s | main tackle ships as well pretty quick |
15090s | uh maybe I think he was out position a |
15091s | bit went bit too far forward now pord |
15094s | under a bit of a pickle now they need to |
15095s | commit something to get something they |
15097s | need to get something they need to push |
15099s | them into a corner or try and lock them |
15100s | in because the longer this goes on for |
15102s | the worse it is I mean they do have an |
15104s | anero so they got reps at range pord so |
15107s | they could push out things I think now |
15108s | villy is trying to go back in there but |
15110s | he's again web by the Hena he's not |
15112s | going to get close yeah it's tough |
15114s | battleships uh Vindicator is not the |
15116s | slowest battleship in the world but it's |
15118s | nowhere near as fast as the shield |
15120s | Cruisers I can see a couple of the |
15122s | pandemic horde team may be trying to |
15124s | sort of circle around cut this evasive |
15127s | maneuvering team off but so far none of |
15130s | those decisive moves that they really |
15131s | need there goes the nurgle nurgle down |
15133s | it's just one it's just chipping away |
15135s | aren't they evasive maneuvering chipping |
15136s | away at Port must it's so frustrating |
15138s | and the piloting actually from evasive |
15140s | maneuvering we should actually say |
15142s | really well done they're staying |
15143s | together moving around uh making sure |
15146s | they're away from everything keeping the |
15147s | webs as well morus is now taking damage |
15149s | and obviously now the crucifier taking |
15151s | damage but I think the mor be the next |
15152s | to go out that's a really good point uh |
15154s | we've seen a lot of a number of kites in |
15156s | the feeders and some of the fight the |
15158s | kites that we saw in the feeders you |
15159s | would see them make that initial run |
15161s | they they back up and then and they |
15164s | didn't quite know where to go yet Evas |
15166s | maneuvering they know where to go |
15167s | they're in the right place V oh we got |
15170s | did we just get a boundary violation |
15172s | from fafy waffy the |
15174s | captain it the boundar is closer than |
15177s | you think it creeps up on you it really |
15179s | does honestly a huge loss for AAC |
15182s | maneuvering their Captain dying to |
15184s | boundary massive win for pord obviously |
15186s | the Magus is though still going down but |
15188s | I mean I think they they can still hang |
15190s | on I think of a maneuvering I don't |
15191s | think it'll be that much of a problem |
15192s | they still got plenty of damage to |
15194s | project outwards and I think pord are |
15196s | are lacking in the tackle Department |
15198s | still 5 minutes and a half left I mean V |
15201s | still alive vill still alive and we saw |
15203s | it earlier the battle the flag |
15206s | Battleship able to clutch out in the |
15208s | Rope match uh villy again if uh Vil is |
15211s | able to get into the middle of the |
15213s | evasive maneuvering team get those webs |
15215s | on and start applying The Blasters this |
15218s | will start hurting but one by one the |
15220s | evasive maneuvering team is doing a very |
15222s | good job of taking out the ships that |
15224s | could make that happen yeah literally |
15225s | it's just like a finding that weak point |
15228s | getting one down and going for the next |
15229s | one getting one down then try and get |
15231s | the next one five minutes remaining Evas |
15233s | maneuvering just needs to keep on just |
15234s | keep holding on this honestly for |
15236s | evasive maneuvering is like a super |
15238s | difficult match because you can't make |
15239s | really any mistakes as or FY throughout |
15241s | the arena but the rest of the team need |
15242s | to continue on even with that loss they |
15244s | got to just get focused I'm not too sure |
15246s | who's doing the target calling on their |
15247s | team might been fafy so a new guy needs |
15249s | to take over and sort of get everyone |
15251s | you know together they got to stay |
15252s | together um which can be stressful cuz |
15254s | your Osprey when you're kiting you need |
15256s | to keep your squad together otherwise if |
15258s | you get split up you're going to get |
15259s | isolated and get killed yep not to |
15261s | mention that once you get split up you |
15263s | can't apply your damage anymore cuz |
15264s | someone will call a Target and three |
15265s | other people say h I'm out of range I'm |
15267s | out of range I'm 30 30k away too far |
15270s | away from me vill in half armor though |
15272s | taking a bit of damage I don't think |
15273s | he'll die though the N will definitely |
15275s | keep him up um we also fig they're |
15277s | having a badon as well I keep forgetting |
15278s | that exists uh in this match he has got |
15281s | a bit of projection but it's it's not |
15283s | going to be much a bit of bit of |
15284s | tickling coming into Sky Sky killer but |
15286s | I still think if they keep this going I |
15289s | think AAS maneuvering is going to be |
15290s | good yep yeah one of the things that we |
15293s | haven't really seen in this match but we |
15295s | can see um I've flown Osprey and some |
15298s | kiing comps the Osprey it's a tech one |
15300s | logistic ship its cap is not very good |
15302s | no and hitting your mwd and repping |
15306s | anything is eventually by five minutes |
15308s | into the match just like I'm sorry guys |
15310s | you've got to be very considerate with |
15312s | your cap and making sure that you're you |
15314s | know you can move away and stuff but I |
15315s | think he should be okay in this match |
15317s | there's not much that can really affect |
15320s | him at range I think only the abadon and |
15322s | even then there he's so slow like and |
15325s | you can just see right now you know on |
15326s | the screen in front of you the two |
15327s | battleships have just right next to each |
15328s | other and just going around and trying |
15330s | to get something but they've lost all |
15332s | their tackle at this point um horde so |
15334s | there's really not much they can do I |
15336s | think the anything thing is a Ponte and |
15338s | he's he's been shot now yeah that the |
15340s | the uh evasive maneuvering team has been |
15343s | switching back and forth between the |
15344s | pony and the vindy Pony and the vindy |
15347s | Ponte uh press F to pay respects for |
15350s | flip there uh and that is the last fast |
15353s | tackle ship on the pandemic hord that |
15355s | abadin has been boating around at less |
15357s | than 1K a second abad's known for their |
15359s | HP not known for their speed he's doing |
15362s | his best though that's the main thing I |
15363s | think AAS moving should just get go for |
15365s | the right now M just goes down I think |
15367s | go for the get over and just kill |
15369s | everyone I mean good paring from |
15371s | maneuvering unlucky fafy waffy |
15374s | boundary violating what would have been |
15376s | just a clean perfectly executed kising |
15379s | comp unfortunately boundary violated oh |
15381s | dear um I don't think I I looking at |
15384s | this from the get-go I think this was |
15385s | just a difficult match for horde I think |
15387s | from the from the Geto I think they |
15390s | really would have struggled I think they |
15392s | just don't have anything really solid to |
15393s | lock down anything that's the problem or |
15395s | like any long like a Balor would have |
15397s | had long range long range webs or |
15398s | something but they'd have to change the |
15399s | comp they don't really have anything to |
15401s | to lock evasive maneuvering down yeah |
15403s | exactly and in this typee of situation |
15405s | it's really rough uh potentially |
15407s | pandemic horde could have gone for a |
15409s | beacon tried to make some sort of jump |
15410s | in particular like a spread out jump so |
15413s | doesn't matter where you are but that's |
15414s | the kind of thing you have to do in the |
15415s | first minute of this match you kind of |
15417s | have to potentially sacrifice a frig for |
15420s | villy to get something yeah to to lock |
15422s | down a key ship something like you know |
15424s | I mean faf's dead but like you know you |
15426s | want to get like a battle cruiser down |
15427s | and then immediately have him go to |
15429s | something else but again it's super |
15430s | difficult a jump drive um as we saw in |
15432s | the match previously I think well the B |
15434s | Co went off on his own by mistake so |
15436s | it's there really hard to execute |
15438s | properly as a team uh if you practice |
15440s | enough you can do it 1 minute and 28 |
15442s | seconds left I mean AAS moving still |
15444s | tickling away on different things they |
15446s | really are just whittling down slowly |
15448s | aren't they indeed indeed and that's |
15449s | what we see with a lot of these kiting |
15451s | comps uh game balance being what it is |
15454s | you cannot fly quickly away from things |
15457s | apply damage at long range and also |
15458s | apply lots of damage so most of these |
15461s | kiting comps have a little bit smaller |
15462s | attack bar and that's what we've seen |
15464s | from evasive maneuvering but it's |
15465s | consistent you can't get away from it |
15468s | and also evasive maneuvering is a really |
15469s | season team uh fafy waffy I Pandy Sky |
15473s | killer all really Pilots that have |
15475s | played a lot of tournaments uh in |
15477s | different teams all in the same te with |
15479s | the same people but in different |
15480s | alliances so this is a lot of dark side |
15482s | guys are here so a super season team one |
15485s | to watch out for I think as Theos is |
15486s | about to go down here and he's going to |
15489s | structure he should have been I think |
15490s | they could have got him earlier on but |
15491s | I'd say |
15493s | good good show from vas maneuvering yeah |
15495s | and I think you know that as you said |
15497s | very good show I think the target |
15498s | calling that they did was focused on |
15500s | keeping themselves alive minimizing |
15502s | their loss conditions of okay what if |
15503s | someone gets tackled uh very good job |
15506s | staying in it despite the boundary |
15507s | violation that can be a little bit we'll |
15510s | look okay with that one that's fine no |
15512s | but it's it's a good it's a good thing |
15514s | no it's a good thing to do to like stay |
15516s | in the team like keep kiting don't just |
15518s | fall apart because someone made a |
15520s | mistake very well done from them I think |
15522s | we go five six seconds on the clock and |
15524s | a little countdown no I think there were |
15527s | some good fights in no no good fights |
15528s | late in Yoku but I think well the match |
15530s | has end it yeah it is and The Vindicator |
15532s | lived there we |
15537s | go there you are so evasive maneuvering |
15539s | managed to maneuver theel themselves |
15542s | into a victory uh but not without a |
15544s | little bit of a mistake from Captain |
15546s | fafy waffy uh who maneuvered himself out |
15548s | of the boundary of the Arena uh thus |
15551s | having his ship deleted by the great |
15554s | ever deletion finger of CP zealous um |
15557s | yeah if you're new to Alliance |
15558s | tournament first of all welcome thank |
15559s | you for joining us uh the fights take |
15561s | place in a bubble about 125 km in all |
15564s | directions um if you leave that |
15567s | bubble you die it's simple that just |
15570s | bang instant instantly um so don't do |
15573s | that is my my Pro tip I would say stay |
15577s | inside the bubble um fafy waffy a |
15579s | extremely experienced uh Captain a lot |
15582s | of experience on that team as well uh |
15584s | some uh vidra raled former members uh |
15587s | from the winning teams so I expect to |
15589s | see them go far I honestly think hord |
15591s | they did all right at the start like uh |
15593s | that was a pretty good showing against a |
15594s | really experienced team uh Mr Gite what |
15597s | do you make of it it just really is |
15599s | unfortunate that horde essentially had |
15602s | very limited low end tackle a lot of it |
15604s | was committed towards evil frigs um |
15606s | which meant that they had no real way of |
15609s | catching up to the evasive maneuvering |
15611s | team and we saw the evasive maneuvering |
15613s | team just running circles around the |
15614s | hord team because there was nothing that |
15616s | they could do besides push them towards |
15618s | the boundary apparently which was a very |
15620s | good strategy and they should have |
15621s | continued with that but um there was a |
15624s | point where the pontif effects managed |
15626s | to tackle I think Sky Kor Russian Sky |
15629s | Russian killer something like that y |
15631s | some combination of all caps by the way |
15634s | um and I thought that The Vindicator may |
15637s | have been able to get into range to like |
15639s | keep that tackle once Theon effect died |
15641s | unfortunately not quite in range to do |
15642s | so I think the |
15645s | hyena was webing down the The Vindicator |
15647s | when it started getting close um I think |
15649s | that was really hord's only chance to |
15651s | get back into the match if they' managed |
15652s | to kill that cycl Fleet issue they would |
15654s | have been up on points I believe um and |
15656s | it seemed like the eneros was doing a |
15658s | reasonably good job of keeping people |
15659s | alive when they were in a good position |
15661s | MH so yeah I think with a couple of |
15665s | mistakes from evasive maneuvering horde |
15666s | could have won but that's not really the |
15668s | position you want to be in in an |
15669s | alliance tournament match you want to be |
15671s | able to decide hey we're going to win |
15672s | because we're going to do this not hey |
15674s | hopefully they screw up and we'll get |
15675s | flitter you know so yeah tough times |
15678s | yeah but I mean I think playing against |
15680s | a lot of other teams uh instead of |
15683s | evasive maneuvering uh hord might have |
15685s | come out with a W in that one um they |
15687s | they were able to take advantage of a |
15688s | mistake they almost caught the second |
15689s | one and got it down uh that would have |
15691s | like you say probably flipped it um so |
15694s | you know the the score line will show |
15695s | one thing but those of you who were |
15697s | there will know the opposite um so there |
15700s | you have it and at least it wasn't uh |
15702s | like you know 200 to to zero or anything |
15704s | Cu uh fafy waffy gifted them some points |
15706s | which is very nice of them very generous |
15708s | of you fafy waffy we appreciate it um |
15711s | okay so shall we talk about the next |
15714s | match uh it's not quite ready for Band |
15716s | by the looks of it but it's going to be |
15717s | Snuffer versus Odin's call now this is |
15720s | an interesting one because Odin's call |
15723s | um half the time I don't know what |
15725s | they're doing um they're either good and |
15727s | then they're really good or they're just |
15729s | really not um this doesn't seem to be |
15730s | any middle ground for Odin's call uh I |
15732s | believe believe previous years like they |
15734s | came second for example uh and other |
15736s | years they went out pretty much |
15737s | immediately like it's just kind of 50/50 |
15740s | uh so I'm excited to see what happens |
15741s | there snuffed out um also uh spent a lot |
15744s | of time hanging around near Gates and |
15747s | loc smoking something and coming up with |
15750s | very bizarre comps uh four deuses for |
15752s | example uh Springs to mind um there's a |
15755s | point inflation rule by the way uh that |
15757s | means it costs tons to bring for demases |
15760s | and it went very as well as you might |
15762s | expected uh to go so I'm looking forward |
15764s | to this matchup because I think this is |
15766s | going to be hard to predict because both |
15768s | teams are quite inherently unpredictable |
15771s | I think it's hard to predict because so |
15772s | looking at the feeders snuff played |
15775s | really well like snuff played exactly |
15778s | the way that you look at like they |
15780s | played better than I mean some of the |
15782s | teams that we expect to play well like |
15783s | uh there's a there's a moment where they |
15785s | were getting rushed and they did like |
15786s | the perfect like if you were going to |
15788s | teach somebody a class on how to |
15789s | Starburst and not die to a shield Rush |
15791s | In The Alliance tournament you could |
15792s | play that replay and be like look at the |
15794s | positioning everyone is in the exact |
15796s | perfect spot and that's not something a |
15797s | team that brings four demoses does |
15799s | exactly just what is going on in in in |
15802s | LC these days because like they have the |
15805s | potential to be really good based on |
15807s | what we saw in the feeders like they are |
15809s | a competent team um they clearly have |
15811s | some good theory Crashers and some great |
15812s | Pilots uh and then sometimes they have |
15814s | this like great we outter plan and they |
15816s | just toss it away and bring for misses |
15819s | so I I don't know which snuff we're |
15821s | going to get today uh we might get for |
15823s | demons stuff we might get good stuff um |
15825s | Mr Gite any further thoughts on that I |
15827s | wasn't sure if you wanted add something |
15829s | I was going to add that Odin is in the |
15830s | same boat because two years ago they |
15832s | were the second place team and they were |
15834s | fantastic and last year they were kind |
15835s | of dog but I know it's the same players |
15838s | this year |
15840s | so this is this is the coin flip right |
15842s | we don't know who we're getting I think |
15844s | uh I think it could be really really |
15846s | good I do think snup is looking very |
15848s | strong and Odin might have won because |
15851s | of having just |
15853s | a really it it was a meta that played to |
15855s | their strengths I think as a way to put |
15856s | it yeah I'm just looking at the twitch |
15859s | uh Channel points you can predict in |
15861s | twitch by the way I don't know if I've |
15862s | mentioned this but you can go into |
15863s | twitch and you can predict with your |
15864s | channel points and you can redeem them |
15866s | for skins which is pretty cool um you |
15869s | can also gamble them all the way on |
15871s | matches like this um this one at the |
15873s | moment looks like your guys are mostly |
15875s | favoring Odin's call 1.8 million to |
15877s | 900,000 I think if it was my channel |
15879s | points I would put them on snuffed out |
15882s | mm- incorrect wrong wrong here's why |
15885s | Odin is going to win okay look snuff |
15888s | they have flown really well um they |
15890s | brought a shield medium gun spam in the |
15894s | feeders um managed to cite away managed |
15896s | to spread out managed to make sure their |
15897s | DPS was on target however Odin brought |
15901s | an armor medium gun spam in the feeders |
15904s | and beat a shield medium gun spam in |
15908s | what was essentially a mirror match up |
15909s | now if anything if this match is going |
15912s | to be be anything like the feeders in |
15914s | the way that these teams are thinking I |
15916s | think that Odin will probably be a |
15917s | little bit more comfortable taking on |
15919s | some of these mirror matchups or these |
15921s | situations you don't necessarily want to |
15923s | be in um presum I I think it's because |
15926s | they will have practiced these matchups |
15928s | and they'll know the inherent weaknesses |
15930s | um and also I'm making all of this up in |
15933s | terms of I have no idea what the hell |
15935s | these teams are going to do but I'm |
15937s | right and I would bet on Odin so that |
15940s | that that is my stance on this okay we |
15943s | may have to get the the L back out at |
15944s | some point but the bands are available |
15946s | let us say peruse the bands snuffed out |
15950s | Banning out the EOS the orthis the |
15952s | Blackbird the Loki and the typhoon Fleet |
15954s | issue meanwhile Odin's call choosing to |
15957s | ban the EOS the zaraz the abadin the |
15959s | crucifier and the skiar blackbart |
15963s | Pirates your thoughts on these |
15966s | bands well I mean we have the you know |
15968s | EOS bands are great we don't need to |
15970s | talk about them we talked about it uh |
15972s | the kind of weird ones here so typhoon |
15974s | Fleet issue by snuffed out it's it's not |
15977s | at13 yep demoses are available by the |
15980s | way they are they could well I mean you |
15982s | you wouldn't ban that come on you got to |
15983s | say like look we left your ship here go |
15986s | go ahead and take it no the the snuffed |
15988s | out typhoon Fleet issue band is very |
15989s | strange um they are not good ships |
15991s | anymore in the at uh they especially in |
15993s | the in a time when the get Navy issue is |
15995s | basically the same thing but like better |
15996s | in every single way uh I do like uh I |
15999s | like the rest of them I think it's they |
16001s | all have they have a lot of thought |
16002s | behind them you know citar bands are |
16003s | great you don't want to get kited um |
16005s | we've seen the zad do really good today |
16007s | like even the match where the zarm zad |
16008s | team lost I feel like the zad was not |
16011s | the problem it actually did fantastic so |
16013s | yeah it's you know it's just a lot of |
16016s | interesting like I said typhoon Fleet |
16017s | issue I don't I don't get it but hey we |
16019s | didn't get the carries ban last time and |
16020s | then as soon as it came out and we saw |
16021s | we're like oh that's why it's so they |
16023s | can win The Damp War okay duh but you |
16025s | know so maybe maybe snuffed out has some |
16027s | Secret Sauce they're like ah yes well if |
16029s | you ban the typhoon Fleet issue Odin |
16030s | can't defeat us yeah well I think if I |
16032s | remember correctly Odin's used the Ty |
16034s | and Fleet issue quite a lot in previous |
16036s | years um it's kind of good opportunity |
16039s | to be both armor and shield it's kind of |
16041s | like a almost like a pro man's baras in |
16043s | some ways but it has this like heavy |
16045s | nutes as well uh it's pretty fast if if |
16047s | you care about that kind of stuff is |
16049s | pretty fast uh so maybe this is a |
16051s | targeted band specifically at something |
16053s | that Odin's call have have brought a |
16054s | bunch snuff looked at the you know |
16057s | they've reviewed the tapes uh and the |
16059s | tapes say hey they use a t a typh and |
16061s | Fleet tisue and the fact that it's the |
16062s | last ban as well um also could be to do |
16065s | with that or it could just be that they |
16067s | didn't realize there was another ban and |
16068s | then scrambled and pick that the last |
16070s | minute don't really know what else to |
16071s | say we'd have to ask him so like what so |
16074s | why did you ban the typhoon Fleet issue |
16075s | so yeah someone be like wait we banned |
16077s | the typhoon Fleet |
16079s | issue okay well I mean I guess we could |
16081s | go find out why they baned the Ty in |
16083s | Fleet isssue uh so let's do that let's |
16085s | go to the arena for snuff versus Odin's |
16087s | call |
16094s | um the ships are not on grid |
16096s | yet um but in the meantime whilst they |
16099s | come on grid uh we |
16103s | got um yeah we have to wait until |
16107s | they're on oh they are they are there on |
16108s | the we can see them we can see them so |
16112s | well SN snuffed out |
16114s | brought um snuffed out stff well Tempest |
16118s | issue H arbitrator when they get on grid |
16121s | what a voting School no Odin's call have |
16123s | brought a triple Navy |
16126s | Armageddon comp uh and we can't look at |
16129s | the launchers or weapon systems on this |
16132s | Navy Armageddon but with three of them |
16133s | I'm assuming these are going to be rapid |
16135s | Heavies one of them toast BR is in a uh |
16139s | one of the toast BR is in a flagship |
16142s | Navy Armageddon so that is going to be a |
16144s | king Slayer setup with lots of Rapid |
16147s | light or rapid heavy damage right on top |
16149s | of the key ships of the snuffed outside |
16152s | we've also got a lot of well-known |
16153s | players across both teams we've got we |
16156s | got delf we've got destoyer and on an OD |
16158s | is cool team we got crazy vaner uh and |
16160s | we've got who else we got Colonel Curts |
16162s | as well another another wellknown team |
16164s | well SN out team with the fleet tempests |
16167s | I mean they have to go straight in uh |
16168s | they got a lot of high damage but I |
16171s | think they might struggle against the |
16172s | Navy armag yeah and these Navy armag are |
16175s | going to be uh outrange those Fleet |
16177s | Tempest assuming those are the most |
16179s | likely uh AC Fleet Tempest which certain |
16182s | would track with the attack bar Odin's |
16184s | call larger attack bar Odin call really |
16186s | needs to get down enough stuff with |
16188s | their first clip of their rapid Heavies |
16190s | I'm just going to double check those are |
16191s | rapid Heavies they really need to get |
16193s | down enough stuff with their first clip |
16195s | so that they can really uh get something |
16199s | off the field before they have to clip |
16201s | out and reload 5 Seconds till the match |
16203s | starts we've got also un schol bringing |
16205s | a little purifier a little bit of damage |
16207s | on the back end which I think is a |
16208s | really nice addition to the to the team |
16210s | especially when there's a lot of bits |
16211s | being filled right now both teams going |
16213s | to have to get in there get and get the |
16215s | damage on I think especially the fleet |
16217s | Tempest they need to get in they need to |
16218s | completely brawl in otherwise they're |
16220s | not going to be doing much but right now |
16222s | both teams off to a bit of a slow start |
16223s | which happens which is often the case in |
16225s | these things both teams want to see what |
16226s | the other one sort of does and then they |
16228s | make a decision right now as as the |
16230s | hyena comes out throws a little bit of a |
16232s | we out and staying his distance which is |
16234s | good but he needs to probably keep |
16236s | something from burning away I think yep |
16239s | yeah and you can see the snuffed out |
16241s | team reacting very quickly to that hyena |
16243s | let's get some NES on it get some light |
16244s | drones on it uh Martin Conrad a former |
16247s | align made of mine uh very frequent |
16251s | tournament light tackle pilot um turning |
16254s | around and heading back for reps and the |
16256s | safety of the rest of his team yeah Odin |
16259s | schol sort of moving in now as a unit |
16260s | with the battleships right now really |
16262s | good stay together keep getting and |
16263s | catch something don't get split one of |
16265s | the bad things you can do with a |
16266s | battleship comp is get split up you |
16268s | could just charge him with a couple of |
16269s | battleships and one gets left behind or |
16271s | gets tackled behind and then he's just |
16272s | not really in the in the match anymore |
16274s | snuffed out playing very reserved though |
16276s | at the moment the gon out in front but |
16279s | they're not you know I don't know they |
16282s | it's very reserved from them when when |
16284s | they should be the fleet Tempest need to |
16286s | get in there yeah and this is a you this |
16288s | is a you have an opportunity to come in |
16290s | and kill toast BR in the flag Navy |
16293s | Armageddon you have an opportunity to |
16295s | get an amazing Armageddon killmail here |
16298s | I think I think I mean this this is one |
16299s | of those matches where like it's |
16301s | tempting but want to win so they're |
16302s | going to try and win has the webs come |
16304s | down right now tempat of the web we're |
16306s | going to start seeing the damage come |
16307s | down really quickly the brawl is now |
16309s | started plenty of ew on grid as well |
16310s | lots of drones out as well so I think |
16312s | the damage will be on the battleships |
16313s | yes we got damage on nuke on the Tempest |
16315s | V issue he looks to be the primary for |
16317s | Odin call taking a lot of damage though |
16320s | yeah Odin's call that attack bar is big |
16322s | they are firing all in at nuke Michael |
16325s | and indeed these are rapid heavy |
16327s | Armageddon Navy issues just piling their |
16330s | clips into that enemy to battleship |
16332s | I do think in the terms of the DPS right |
16335s | now I mean where is the DPS coming from |
16337s | snuf guys what are you going for the h |
16340s | is taking a bit of damage you got Batts |
16342s | next to you I think just go for the |
16343s | battleships and try and break through |
16345s | yeah it looks like they might be trying |
16346s | to get the logy of athal and kurur she's |
16348s | tackled down and might be in a bit of a |
16352s | bad spot but her partner The Inquisitor |
16353s | right next to her able to R her up and |
16356s | honestly the logy frigs are not that |
16359s | easy to hit with your battleships not |
16361s | really good I think if you don't have a |
16363s | Vindicator and you don't have loads of |
16364s | webs and TPS it's going be really hard |
16365s | to apply Tempest F of nuke almost going |
16368s | to go into structure huge win for Odin C |
16370s | they get the first batt ship blood get |
16371s | the first batt ship down and you're |
16373s | basically you're so far ahead at that |
16374s | point you have more damage you have more |
16376s | NES you have more control in the top end |
16377s | and also you're going to win on points |
16379s | at that point and also own score already |
16380s | one point ahead to so from the last |
16383s | match I've |
16385s | noticed that's what I'd say yeah but |
16387s | unlike the last match the teams right |
16390s | ramming into each other and trying to uh |
16393s | brawl it out in classic armor Battleship |
16396s | style uh snuffed out low suck Alliance |
16398s | they've done lots of heavy armor brawls |
16400s | in their time Odin's call in Wormhole |
16402s | specifically that C2 nulc and they've |
16404s | done some heavy armor themselves so this |
16406s | should be a comfort place for both of |
16407s | them I mean n is still holding on though |
16409s | which is actually fantastic but you know |
16412s | he's holding on but they're not really |
16414s | you know the Navitas is barely even if |
16416s | he dying he's not really dying but nuke |
16418s | is bleeding in structure I really think |
16420s | that snuf need to focus on the B ship |
16422s | get the damage get the application on |
16423s | him I know the Navitas is sort of dying |
16425s | but like you said the application is not |
16427s | going to be there no and with nuke goes |
16430s | down these Tempest Fleet issues they |
16432s | have utility highs they have mids and |
16434s | boom that's a whole bunch of control as |
16437s | well as DPS off the field there's no |
16439s | doubt it's plenty of DPS gone off the |
16440s | field and now this is the problem it's |
16442s | also a psychological thing you lose your |
16443s | battleship you kind of now thinking well |
16445s | I can't break if I'm not breaking the |
16446s | nas a minute ago I'm not going to break |
16448s | him now so now again well now you lost |
16451s | your maggus immediately G wiped off the |
16453s | grid and now Odin school now just |
16455s | methodically trying to get rid of the |
16456s | command destroyers which I think it's a |
16457s | good move for the long term get rid of |
16460s | those links I think is really good yep |
16463s | yeah clear off the links make sure that |
16464s | snuffed out can't have that sustain you |
16467s | or come back yeah you killed one |
16469s | Battleship it's going to be much easier |
16470s | to kill the next without the links and |
16473s | we've seen NES on the Lodi frigs the |
16475s | logi frigs aren't able to apply their |
16476s | full repping power and Odin's call just |
16480s | taking out the low end snuffed out as |
16482s | far as ways back in this it's a little |
16485s | bit rough from here they're going to |
16486s | have to pick a Target that isn't that |
16488s | Navitas they keep going for the Navitas |
16490s | this is like no we're going to kill him |
16491s | we're now's the time we're going to get |
16492s | him they keep going for him she's a yeah |
16495s | she's a season pilot a one of the uh |
16499s | captains of the Odin call team oh really |
16502s | yeah and uh often doing well holding on |
16506s | taking the damage and living to win now |
16508s | Odin's Co going for another 10 to F |
16510s | issue which is obviously the right Co |
16511s | they are at this point super far ahead |
16513s | snuff would need a boundary variation or |
16518s | I don't know something mad to happen or |
16519s | they should I think they should just try |
16520s | and go for something else try and go for |
16521s | the batt ship and me adver is still in |
16523s | half armor Inquisitor taking a bit of |
16525s | damage now now they switched over to |
16526s | Inquisitor maybe he'll die maybe they |
16528s | can bring it back we'll see but the |
16529s | tempers F issue is going into low well |
16532s | he's getting a bit of reps as well local |
16533s | tank they still have the logic figs up |
16536s | um s but I mean the odds are are not in |
16539s | their favor yeah in terms of just |
16542s | watching this match how did we get here |
16544s | uh that the Sentinel of the Odin call |
16547s | team has been doing a good job we've |
16549s | been seeing tracking disruptors on those |
16550s | Fleet tempests that's been making it |
16552s | harder for the fleet Tempest to kill |
16553s | athal in the the Navitas um the |
16557s | arbitrator has been putting some |
16558s | disruption on the heavy missile ships |
16560s | but at the same time if you're a rapid |
16562s | heavy ship and you're disrupted and you |
16564s | want to shoot a battleship you just get |
16565s | closer yeah I mean second Tempest down |
16568s | for snuffs so I mean and now yeah F has |
16571s | gone off the grid now Odin's just |
16572s | basically cleaning up at this point |
16574s | really fantastically well played by them |
16576s | um it shows they got they got good |
16577s | Pilots they have good execution they |
16579s | knew the target they went they go |
16580s | straight for the B ship they just don't |
16582s | even waste time on loif figs just just |
16584s | burst through it new te game capped out |
16586s | good fights going in local I think they |
16587s | did a fantastic job yeah definitely and |
16589s | snuffed out they're going to losers |
16591s | bracket but they're not out of the |
16592s | tournament and we saw they did very good |
16595s | in feeders um they've had good recent |
16597s | performance and with the pickup of |
16599s | destoya you as you mentioned they have |
16601s | tons of |
16603s | tourament team got really good pilots |
16606s | and stuff and like you said feeder's run |
16607s | was really strong so I don't think going |
16609s | to losers they can still come back it's |
16611s | not it's not you know they can andly the |
16613s | losers I think will be quite a grueling |
16616s | experience I think if you're in losers |
16618s | but you can probably get through I think |
16619s | there's a lot of good teams in there um |
16621s | I think later today we've got um tempis |
16623s | CF and fraternity for the losers which |
16627s | is crazy but it's going be amazing match |
16628s | can't wait for that one um we've only |
16630s | got the Vengeance left |
16632s | arbitrator um Odin cool going to be |
16635s | going into the win this bracket and they |
16636s | I think they're a team to watch out for |
16638s | OD yeah definitely they took second |
16640s | place in uh yeah |
16642s | at18 uh so great run previously um we've |
16645s | seen them perform well in other |
16647s | tournaments as well consistent strong |
16650s | finishes so Odin's call definitely going |
16653s | to have a this is a good opening from |
16655s | them in this tournament yeah definitely |
16657s | I think we'll be definitely seeing them |
16659s | in the winners bracket for a while and I |
16660s | think they're going to come up against |
16661s | another like really strong team that' be |
16663s | a fantastic Max broho in arbitrator |
16667s | miles away from everybody else living |
16669s | living to the end he wants to keep going |
16671s | run the clock down love it don't give up |
16674s | he should go for a jump drive he's |
16675s | actually how far away he's actually |
16676s | pretty far away but he's not going to |
16677s | bound you anytime soon no no in those |
16680s | rapid Heavies they're able to reach |
16681s | across the arena and apply to the T1 |
16684s | Cruiser especially with the target |
16685s | painter um and pretty much all the DPS |
16689s | and the Odin call team still alive uh |
16691s | this is looking to be a 200 to Zer I |
16693s | don't think our friend bro is going to |
16695s | be able to kite this one out a 200 200 |
16699s | to zero win for Odin's call uh we'll go |
16701s | for a quick break and then we'll be back |
16702s | at the |
16705s | desk Odin's call there just |
16709s | demonstrating how it's done 200 to zero |
16711s | snuffed out were in fact snuffed out um |
16714s | pretty convincingly as well uh blackbart |
16717s | pirate um interesting choice uh from |
16720s | snart to bring the flists what do you |
16721s | you think about their comp yes we we've |
16723s | decided their fmus now you can tell the |
16726s | mist's very happy about that um yeah |
16729s | interesting it's definitely you know as |
16731s | as you would say one of the choices of |
16733s | all time um tempus fet issues are good |
16735s | ships in very specific situations uh we |
16739s | actually used to see the um in fact |
16741s | funnily enough Odin's call was kind of |
16743s | carried by a double tempus Fleet issue |
16745s | kind of control setup through their at |
16747s | run where they did a really good job but |
16749s | you know that was two years ago when |
16751s | they were disc in points and you could |
16752s | do some fun things with minitar so uh |
16755s | snuffed I think it's kind of weird this |
16756s | is not the snuff we saw in the feeders |
16758s | like the snuff we saw in the feeders |
16760s | fantastic setup probably beat that team |
16762s | that stuff was like like why did you |
16763s | pick that um I you know two Fleet issu |
16766s | like they do a lot of damage but they |
16768s | they're kind of slow uh they didn't |
16770s | really have the ability to survive |
16772s | anything because they're not that tanky |
16774s | ships with you know minitar holes |
16776s | traditionally having certain kind of |
16778s | glaring resistance and lack of Hull and |
16780s | armor weaknesses that allowed a triple |
16783s | Navy genon setup to not quite clip them |
16786s | it was like it was like this clip he |
16788s | started bleeding a little bit of |
16789s | structure but on the second clip they |
16790s | finished him off so yeah misty misty was |
16792s | disappointed Misty's very |
16794s | disappointed stop bringing Navy gons |
16797s | man what about if we just bring more |
16801s | yeah let just keep bringing so many |
16803s | points so many points I get it as a |
16806s | flagship you know three good no no look |
16810s | it's not the same of squalls okay we can |
16812s | convince uh CB zis and we can get four |
16814s | in there o that' be like four na G would |
16817s | be great you must win by |
16820s | default yeah okay |
16822s | NE no just bring her okay so it was it |
16826s | was a fine correct it was a flag Navy |
16829s | gedon on the Odin side was it a flag |
16831s | navon on the Odin side I think I'm like |
16834s | 8.93% sure 89.3 that's a high percentage |
16837s | that's pretty high we'll be told shortly |
16839s | I mean somebody will be like yeah cut |
16842s | his m c his Mike yes it |
16844s | was so they brought a flag Navy genon |
16847s | and then two little friends to be with |
16848s | it I know what they've done they've |
16850s | disguised it so you can't tell which |
16851s | one's the flag see you have to know how |
16854s | to read to be able to know exactly most |
16857s | of us don't know how to do that correct |
16859s | that's true so it makes sense yeah hey |
16861s | look |
16863s | just bring more Navy gets got it all |
16866s | right the cup game like oh which Navy |
16868s | get is the flagship just bring redeemers |
16870s | and abandons and stuff and it works just |
16873s | as well and it doesn't clip so you know |
16876s | we saw the they won H yeah yeah yeah |
16880s | trip trip is undefeated the other team |
16883s | brought |
16884s | flists which |
16886s | suck I'm sorry I just can't believe |
16889s | you're disparaging The |
16890s | Undefeated 200 to zero triple Navy gon |
16895s | setup but snuff effectively turned up |
16898s | and didn't do anything okay F temp |
16903s | fists are not great but they're not as |
16906s | bad as navy gons so I would say bring a |
16910s | redeemer bring an Abad bring your |
16912s | Flagship Navy gedon have a few more |
16913s | points to spend on other things round |
16915s | out the comp a little bit more and I |
16917s | think it would be stronger because then |
16919s | you don't end up clipping on three |
16921s | battleships at the same time while the |
16923s | ship you're shooting is still alive and |
16925s | you have to wait you just have the |
16926s | constant pressure coming in and it |
16928s | probably means that it dies faster you |
16930s | know more reliable I you know I know you |
16933s | are I know you |
16934s | agree but also they did win they did win |
16937s | yeah yeah literally undefeated yep 100% |
16940s | winning on the first day doesn't count |
16942s | does losing on the first day count yeah |
16944s | also |
16945s | no first day never counts changes |
16948s | everything I know that interesting well |
16950s | I missed that part I guess we'll tell |
16951s | the last three matches it's like oh |
16952s | don't worry about it we know you're |
16953s | eliminated but it's the first day starts |
16956s | in like half an hour so what if you're |
16958s | the so there was one point where the |
16960s | literally the only team in the entire |
16962s | tournament that had lost a match was |
16964s | fraternity yeah it doesn't count okay |
16967s | okay just being sure all right let's |
16968s | look at our next match is arrival versus |
16970s | Ronin reloaded uh take a quick look at |
16972s | the bands arrival who have a flagship |
16975s | varer by the way interesting choice |
16977s | we'll talk about that some the time um |
16978s | they banned out the arbitrator the |
16980s | crucifier the curse and the pilgrim so |
16983s | trackon disrupts just gone um and Ronin |
16986s | reloaded Banning out the Scimitar The |
16988s | Jacka The zorz and the Loki uh myo your |
16992s | opinions in this L this particular um |
16995s | segment have been questionable at best |
16997s | so I'm going to go to Bart I see well |
16999s | they did not ban DET tring disruptors |
17001s | there is one ship left because I |
17003s | remember had a count unlike that time |
17005s | last year when I was like oh they're all |
17006s | gone and you're like actually um so the |
17009s | Sentinel is still up and the Sentinel is |
17010s | actually probably one of the best |
17012s | tracking disrupt boats and also they're |
17014s | very good because quick cycling small |
17015s | noes are absolutely disgusting versus Lo |
17018s | Logistics especially Lodi frigs which |
17020s | we've seen many many many of in fact |
17022s | usually you see twice as many as regular |
17024s | Logistics cruisers for some strange |
17026s | mathematical reason um so I get that |
17028s | rival bands like okay you're getting rid |
17030s | of track and disruptors besides |
17032s | Sentinels that points very very heavily |
17035s | to either a lasack setup which I kind of |
17038s | doubt they're going to bring or some |
17039s | kind of weird gun based setup now |
17042s | extrapolating this they have a flag |
17044s | varer which you said we would talk about |
17047s | later and now is a great time because we |
17048s | may or may not see it um which is a very |
17052s | weird choice but also they do a ton of |
17053s | damage and they have a lot of tracking |
17054s | so you know they have the ability to use |
17057s | their flag varer to just destroy things |
17060s | now I am questioning the existence of |
17063s | the flagship varer like does it actually |
17065s | exist is there |
17067s | a faction officer fet varer sitting in |
17070s | someone's hanger right now oh well okay |
17073s | yes is it going to be in the at I don't |
17075s | know but do there there's there's a |
17076s | faction officer fit varer sitting in my |
17078s | hanger right now so I'm just you know |
17079s | but yeah in the at uh |
17082s | I I would hope to see it um I do think |
17084s | that the it does get a bonus on micro |
17085s | jump cool down yeah so you could just |
17088s | bounce all over all over the place ping |
17089s | pong ball just how how do you stop it h |
17092s | you don't you just lose the only thing |
17094s | that could possibly defeat it would be |
17095s | the triple Navy gon setup yeah cuz then |
17097s | it would be Ned out yeah and clipped and |
17099s | clipped yeah yeah so it's going to work |
17103s | yeah all right so what are your |
17105s | predictions in arrival are a really |
17106s | solid team um they've done pretty well |
17108s | they one of the things I will call out |
17110s | for them is they usually do a really |
17112s | nice uh like breakdown afterwards with |
17114s | some videos and like talk through all |
17115s | the the processes super interesting if |
17117s | you new tournaments I recommend checking |
17119s | that out uh I see Ronin are bringing |
17121s | their Flagship armagedon Navy issue |
17122s | perhaps one of three we'll find out soon |
17124s | um and yeah I think I'm going to go for |
17126s | arrival on this one uh what do you think |
17129s | B yeah I think arrival um they they they |
17131s | are the ones that invented the modern |
17132s | Shield rush for those who don't know but |
17134s | that's a history lesson that would take |
17135s | at least 30 seconds to say so we'll hold |
17137s | that for later if they win or not we'll |
17139s | find out very soon uh and uh Mr your |
17141s | opinions are discounted this time so I'm |
17143s | just going to bypass you and go straight |
17145s | to handing this one over to the |
17147s | commentators in the booth for uh Ronin |
17150s | reloaded versus |
17154s | arrival hello and welcome to the arena |
17157s | for this last game before the |
17159s | elimination matches uh Ron and reloaded |
17161s | have shown up with a armor Kings Slayer |
17163s | setup featuring their Flagship Navy |
17166s | Armageddon with two additional rapid |
17168s | heavy missile friends uh Starfleet what |
17171s | have arrival bot arrival varer not the |
17173s | flag Vara we we we got hopes up we had |
17176s | hopes up for another flag Flagship fight |
17178s | off but nothing happened varer Navy FX |
17182s | fantasm fantasm stormbringer stalk |
17184s | interesting comp from them actually is |
17186s | this going to be I don't know this could |
17188s | go out of the way yeah this is this is |
17189s | really sort of like in a way the updated |
17192s | Shield Rush maybe it's the shield medium |
17194s | gun spam uh with a varer with a varer |
17197s | yeah Shield medium guard spam and extra |
17200s | medium gun spam uh the uh the Run |
17202s | reloaded tide they're going to be doing |
17204s | the same thing that the Odin team were |
17205s | doing last team last game which is to |
17207s | say putting a whole bunch of damage on a |
17210s | single Target and trying to burn it down |
17211s | in a single clip uh arrival bigger |
17214s | attack bar if they can get rid of one of |
17216s | those battleships in particular if they |
17217s | can survive the first clip uh they'll be |
17220s | able to put a world of hurt on Ronin I |
17222s | mean arrival Waring at 50 max range they |
17224s | did come out a a um an angle which is |
17227s | means that they're actually kind of |
17228s | close to each other um so it's going to |
17230s | be definitely Ronin ra running in and |
17233s | trying to get something I think uh I |
17234s | think arrival are going to try and stay |
17236s | back and get some projection going 7 |
17238s | seconds on the clock to the start I mean |
17239s | do you think that a rival need to just |
17241s | prioritize small ships or or go for go |
17243s | for something go for a battleship or |
17244s | something I think a rival probably need |
17246s | to prioritize the smaller ships uh they |
17248s | if they can get their speed up they |
17249s | should be able to mitigate at least some |
17251s | of the rapid heavy damage stay away from |
17254s | in particular the utility of that Fleet |
17255s | typhoon Inquisitor almost down oh the |
17259s | damage coming down fast from arrival no |
17262s | wasting no time handsy babes not wasting |
17264s | a second at the beginning of the match |
17266s | getting it down quickly hiring the next |
17268s | Target amazing perfect I think a |
17270s | fantastic second target getting him down |
17272s | well he's almost dead I speak too soon |
17275s | no I don't he's dead there's there's no |
17277s | way the hyen is surviving this is the |
17279s | kind of decisiveness that you need if |
17281s | you're going to Pilot an aggressive comp |
17284s | and it's not exactly the traditional |
17285s | rush but this is another aggressive comp |
17287s | and just like that Confessor also |
17289s | deleted going by up they've been able to |
17292s | clear Three Ships Before Ronin reloaded |
17294s | has been able to make serious progress |
17296s | on a single Navy Fox I mean the the pros |
17299s | right now is just that just rival have |
17302s | that instant damage which you just see |
17304s | it's just it just lands so fast you're |
17305s | seeing on your screen right now |
17306s | everything's kind of all the low end |
17307s | ships are just getting wiped off the map |
17309s | all the tackle the hyena was a huge huge |
17311s | kill as well so right now Ronin have |
17314s | nothing to really catch up yeah we saw |
17317s | as soon as that hyena went down the |
17319s | target paints went off of Furious |
17321s | Furious now comfortably tanking the |
17324s | damage from the fleet typon and navy |
17326s | Armageddon and with that low end removed |
17328s | arrival are able to start bringing that |
17330s | damage to bear on the fleet typhoon and |
17333s | start taking out the DPS now that DPS |
17336s | it's not really in evidence right here |
17338s | that attack bar is a little tiny it's |
17340s | very small and also I think we might see |
17342s | a flag die here today maybe in this |
17344s | match we see if I mean the flag the |
17346s | typhoon Fleet issue is going to be the |
17348s | first to die obviously I think they'll |
17350s | probably go for I mean I'm assuming |
17351s | they'll go for the other or get first |
17353s | just to get him down just to secure the |
17355s | win you don't want to waste time on a |
17356s | flagship potentially unless you're |
17358s | confident um that you're going to win uh |
17360s | I'd say Hy babes just needs to stay |
17364s | alive as long as possible he is tackled |
17366s | uh he's being ProMed right now by all |
17367s | the Batts on the running team I think he |
17369s | might he should tank and last a Reload I |
17372s | think yeah and they're about halfway |
17374s | through their clip once these rapid |
17376s | heavy ships finish firing they'd have |
17378s | like a 45 second reload before they're |
17380s | able to start firing again so we'll see |
17382s | Ronin reloaded attack bar drop |
17384s | precipitously uh and Hy babes is |
17386s | Comfortably still in in good Shield |
17388s | spots he's he's doing well the two |
17390s | scales right now are just came back into |
17392s | a bit of range they're probably on their |
17394s | complete um full off I reckon or Optimum |
17396s | full off probably somewhere between you |
17397s | can't come too close um because you |
17399s | don't want to get tackled cuz I think in |
17401s | one of these matches um their |
17403s | survivability is super important if your |
17404s | varas completely tackled down the |
17406s | scalers need to stay alive for the late |
17408s | game cuz if you lose them at the |
17409s | beginning it's it's you know you saw the |
17411s | F Navy issue they don't have much tank |
17413s | so you want to make sure you have your |
17414s | scar alive so they're doing really well |
17416s | but obviously handsy might he's dipping |
17418s | down and the tyon fleet ISO oh the armag |
17420s | Navy Sho now is is nearly dead as well |
17422s | yeah and the the rapid heavy battleships |
17424s | just clipped they stopped firing and |
17426s | with that you can see the vargar healing |
17428s | back up getting repped back up by those |
17430s | scalpel those scalpel are taking n |
17432s | pressure the I've talked about this |
17433s | before but the problem with the logi |
17435s | fgets is you got to get them into range |
17437s | and the all of these battleships have |
17439s | NES in their highs oh I see oh no this |
17442s | is a um there is a flag varo yeah it is |
17446s | a flag varo okay just a flag okay our |
17450s | bad we uh which is why it's tanking so |
17452s | well yeah as as the desk was saying you |
17454s | have to read and uh it's it's |
17455s | challenging it's difficult it's |
17456s | challenging for us two Batts down right |
17458s | now last Arman Navy issue which is the |
17461s | flagship for R reloaded on the grid |
17462s | right now he will definitely down maggus |
17464s | goes down I think they're going to have |
17465s | to go for him now I think arrival |
17469s | playing fantastically well a lot of |
17471s | really good pilots on their team howling |
17473s | wind we've got hansy baz we've got black |
17474s | teth um there so adenu as well really |
17478s | really good pilot from many he's been |
17479s | tournament for a long time so I'm not |
17481s | really surprised that their execution |
17483s | was on point yeah they had a very clean |
17484s | run through the feeders uh they brought |
17487s | rush it was piloted very well including |
17489s | uh yeah really good showing yeah they |
17491s | lit smashed it yeah completely destroyed |
17493s | that Deacon about to go down well he's |
17495s | been part targeted right now I think |
17497s | they want to get the flag down and |
17499s | obviously right now it's 90% Loot drop |
17500s | isn't it yep so that flag dies uh then |
17503s | not only will we in the audience get to |
17506s | see a delightful kill mail but |
17508s | especially with no other ships on grid |
17511s | to pop the wreck ninja loot it otherwise |
17514s | scoop those mods before uh arrival is |
17516s | able to get it arrival should be able to |
17519s | add some money to their tournament War |
17520s | chest you've also got to be quick cuz CP |
17522s | will move you out afterwards so you have |
17524s | you have to be quick he has to be on the |
17525s | ball so he dies you got to go get on on |
17528s | the on the wreck immediately L you know |
17530s | cuz sometimes you they just move out at |
17532s | the end of the match once it's finished |
17533s | you're out cuz the other team's coming |
17534s | in so you got to be quick the school |
17536s | though taking a bit of damage zags don't |
17539s | die the flag dead now yeah yeah I was |
17542s | going to say is the strategy here for |
17543s | bed deall is to get to a beacon and like |
17545s | start a jump the minute and then get out |
17548s | of the the arena uh but uh looks like |
17551s | it's not going to be an issue we see a |
17553s | huge cloud of rival ships around uh the |
17556s | Navy Armageddon wreck and uh bed boss |
17559s | caught shot uh and and will be going |
17562s | down and we will be going back to the |
17565s | desk after a short |
17568s | break there you have it in vargar We |
17570s | Trust as said the flagship varer uh it |
17573s | has fulfilled its Destiny and uh stomped |
17576s | the enemy composition uh 200 to zero uh |
17580s | a solid win there uh by arrival uh well |
17583s | done Flagship varer we know what the |
17585s | problem was though uh for running |
17587s | reloaded black bar pirate enlighten me |
17590s | all right so they only had two armag get |
17594s | Navy issues which one was a flagship |
17596s | which is good but as we have discovered |
17599s | through the power of math you need to |
17600s | have three one is also okay and it does |
17604s | seem that zero wins like at least a fair |
17606s | amount but two two is bad all right so |
17608s | they should not have brought two they |
17610s | should have boughten three um I think |
17612s | that they actually could have possibly |
17613s | won with three maybe well the the varer |
17616s | rammed in you saw the varer rammed in |
17619s | and really dealt with a VAR timeing in |
17622s | nobody was nobody was prepared for nice |
17626s | Redeemer uh I don't know go that far I a |
17630s | whole untested we we have signs behind |
17634s | we have we have empirical proof that |
17636s | three armagedon Navy issues is good yeah |
17639s | we don't know about redeemers I have a |
17640s | flagship Kill Me by the way it's nice |
17641s | Flagship uh approximately 50 of your |
17644s | finest internet spaceship billions um |
17646s | and thank you once again to the 90% Loop |
17648s | drop most of it dropped uh 24 billion in |
17652s | Toby rapid heavy missile launchers |
17654s | dropped uh I think pretty much |
17656s | everything dropped there's even like |
17658s | unpriced stuff those are about 20 25 |
17661s | Bill okay so this is more like a 70 bill |
17663s | yeah uh loss right here that's expensive |
17667s | e wow very nice very nice now here's my |
17670s | question because every once in a while |
17672s | on Zill you can see what the guns of the |
17674s | ships that shot them was do we know what |
17677s | kind of weapons the varer had it had the |
17679s | varer ah yeah yeah they were shooting |
17682s | the flagship varer was shooting smaller |
17684s | vargar yes well I mean I don't know I |
17687s | don't how do you defeat that there's no |
17689s | possible way just varer all the way down |
17691s | ah well well then the the varer will be |
17693s | a mystery fit for now yes but at some |
17696s | point maybe it won't be at some point |
17698s | maybe it won't be at some point maybe |
17699s | either because the tournament's over it |
17701s | didn't die yeah or someone will will |
17703s | catch the flag varer and it will do what |
17705s | vargar normally do and die I don't think |
17708s | it was a lack of being caught the vargar |
17710s | rammed in |
17711s | like the varer was in the between all of |
17713s | the ships and it actually tanked really |
17715s | really well which uh means it's |
17717s | definitely got some bling on it cuz you |
17718s | know people don't know you can't use |
17720s | Bastion modules in the alliance |
17721s | tournament for very good reasons um |
17723s | there was a part we were kind of |
17724s | watching the vargan it did almost break |
17726s | shield for a second but like the amount |
17728s | that it was repping even without a |
17729s | basion module means there's at least |
17730s | there's something on there there's |
17732s | something expensive y I'm sure um that |
17734s | Hy Vapes got a little bit worried at a |
17737s | moment when he Shield was just still |
17738s | going down he's like oh no |
17741s | have we made an error yep chat claims |
17744s | that there are officer guns on the Vara |
17745s | and I assume you can actually check the |
17747s | other kill mails from that match it's a |
17749s | good point I could do that yeah someone |
17751s | else should do that I'm not going to do |
17752s | that yeah that sounds like good that |
17753s | sounds like a lot of effort We Trust |
17756s | yeah I mean I'll ask twitch chat like I |
17757s | said we're opinion based podcast they |
17759s | stopped being wrong they've been right |
17760s | for a while oh there it is somebody says |
17762s | I don't know if they're correct or not |
17764s | but uh oh I see a lot of people saying |
17765s | it there you go yeah but twitchchat |
17766s | officer guns yep twitch chat once again |
17770s | you're good you help us you so good to |
17772s | us so good to us um yep I can see it |
17776s | here uh off again yep uh muros modified |
17779s | 800 millim repeating cannons those are |
17781s | the good ones too those are the good |
17782s | ones what would we do without you twitch |
17783s | chat yeah I don't know what we would do |
17785s | I don't know they could just take over |
17788s | true ttch runs twitch Twitch Plays |
17791s | Alliance tournament uh XX casting yeah |
17794s | imagine uh remember twitch played |
17796s | Pokemon yeah imagine there was like an |
17798s | alliance tournament team that was just |
17799s | played by like twitch |
17801s | commend I think twitch chat's happy with |
17803s | that idea yeah they're like yeah |
17806s | Scholars it's it's |
17809s | goonswarm yeah yeah yeah that's now |
17812s | Misty I know uh that you are also um |
17815s | doing your best to not talk about the |
17816s | next match um because we're we're going |
17819s | into the losers bracket it's the bracket |
17821s | where losers are are you sure yes it's |
17823s | the loser bracket not just winners and |
17825s | waiting well yeah no they're definitely |
17828s | losers okay that's fine 50% of them will |
17830s | be losers yeah 50% of them will be |
17832s | double |
17834s | losers some some some of them are like |
17836s | half half of them are winners in waiting |
17839s | yeah are losers losers yes okay now what |
17843s | about your beloved fraternity they lost |
17846s | open champions of Alliance tournament 19 |
17850s | one of the most exciting finals we've |
17851s | seen in a long time I recommend go back |
17853s | and watching it it was amazing um a new |
17856s | winner a new team to put their Crest |
17858s | upon the monument in monarc it blazed |
17861s | across the Stars |
17863s | amazing turned up [ __ ] the |
17865s | bed Navy |
17867s | gons Navy get can't just blame all your |
17870s | problems on I and I will how many did |
17872s | they bring two ah yes needed the third |
17876s | one |
17878s | no more Navy gons so as I as I have |
17883s | alluded to losers bracket this means you |
17886s | lose your art that's it defending |
17888s | Champions literally could go home and |
17890s | they have to go up against a pretty |
17892s | solid team temples CF so this is |
17894s | essentially two basically Alliance |
17897s | Tournament winning teams a temples |
17898s | Castle won the alliance open fraternity |
17900s | won Alliance tourament 19 this is this |
17903s | is a a Powerhouse match potentially yes |
17906s | exciting stuff how are you feeling I'm |
17909s | absolutely fine I'm going to go have to |
17910s | find the frat flag for when we win this |
17912s | match okay I'm confident I was confident |
17916s | and I looked at the bands and I don't |
17917s | like some of what I see let's take a |
17919s | look at those bands let's bring those |
17920s | bands up so Bart fraternity Banning out |
17924s | the Loki and the EOS and then the ishar |
17926s | I'm not sure that's because they they |
17928s | spend so long like spinning them around |
17929s | Havens in nul that they think it's good |
17932s | uh and then the slep near meanwhile |
17933s | Templar spanning at the Armageddon |
17935s | Armageddon Navy issue that's sad can't |
17936s | get three of them uh tyen flu isssue and |
17939s | the hyena what do you think of these |
17941s | bands Bart well you could get two armag |
17942s | get Navy issues no you can only do one |
17946s | oh no what if both teams bring them oh |
17949s | is that can't |
17951s | is temp's |
17952s | flag yeah it's probably not I I feel |
17955s | like they're going to be Bargas and joy |
17956s | I can't remember T my head I remember I |
17959s | could check but I won't we we're |
17960s | terrible people we're like um yeah no uh |
17962s | isar band's weird again nobody's brought |
17965s | an isar yet it's been banned twice oh |
17967s | they're Bal Gorn enjoyers they're Bal |
17969s | Gorn enjoyers oo what is a BAL Gorn but |
17971s | a better armag Navy um is |
17976s | it okay so anyways Ishtar weird but |
17980s | still in it we haven't seen one yet |
17982s | they're not very good anymore correct |
17984s | and it's drones yep but fraternity |
17987s | actually has they so last year they used |
17989s | a ton of drone control setups this year |
17991s | they started with a drone control setup |
17993s | and lost to another drone control setup |
17995s | which you know um so maybe that's uh |
17999s | maybe that's their way of kind of |
18000s | debating like what if this is The Shield |
18002s | drones coming |
18004s | out I don't think that's the case but |
18007s | I'm just trying to think I'm trying to |
18008s | like why would you ban the Ishtar I than |
18010s | to signal to somebody hey like we don't |
18013s | want to see drones before you surprise |
18014s | them with drones yeah I mean the EOS |
18017s | band I think is solid yep always uh |
18018s | always a solid ban um it's a great chip |
18021s | uh the low key means that your Nighthawk |
18023s | ham Rush is kind of hamstr strong you |
18025s | can you can kind of squeeze one in but |
18027s | then we talked a little bit about this |
18028s | earlier like sometimes you have a comp |
18030s | you're like this is our comp and then |
18032s | someone bans something and you're like |
18034s | well we could just change it to this and |
18036s | it will probably still work uh and if if |
18038s | Point differences it gets really |
18039s | confusing |
18040s | um like how do you deal with bands when |
18043s | you have a comp like how many |
18044s | alternative versions do you have do you |
18045s | have to have mytic M okay how many |
18048s | alternative versions do you have to have |
18051s | probably only it it really depends on |
18053s | the comp sometimes a comp only works |
18054s | when there's a specific set of ships and |
18057s | if you lose one then you can't really |
18058s | run the comp effectively and sometimes |
18060s | you can have a couple of different |
18062s | Replacements the comp may lose some of |
18064s | its Effectiveness but generally it's |
18065s | still really strong and you've probably |
18067s | practiced the replacement ship so you |
18068s | know how it works and how you might need |
18069s | to tweak a place play style and then |
18071s | some |
18072s | comps yeah like a lot of it's just |
18075s | interchangeable right um again to to |
18078s | varying degrees I think for drones for |
18079s | example there are a lot of different |
18080s | ships you can bring in if you really |
18083s | really wanted to do drones you've got |
18085s | like mermaid on Navy issues you've got |
18086s | meridon you've got vexes you got Vex |
18088s | Navy issues you got Stratos you got |
18089s | gilas you got alligators there's a lot |
18092s | right if you wanted to |
18094s | do I don't know like ham rush you know |
18097s | you got Nighthawk alligator and then |
18099s | you're down to like |
18101s | onyx's |
18102s | lokis it it and then squishy ships like |
18105s | caracal carac navies and stuff like that |
18108s | or squals so um I would say you probably |
18112s | don't want to plan to have like 15 |
18114s | different variations of the same comp um |
18116s | unless it is around your like Flagship |
18119s | like if you have a flagship comp you |
18121s | probably want to have various variations |
18122s | so if someone tries to ban you out of it |
18124s | you're still able to bring your Flagship |
18126s | if you don't have variations for that |
18128s | then one or two targeted bands might |
18130s | mean that you can't F your Flagship at |
18131s | all and then that makes it effectively |
18133s | useless it's still useful in a way to |
18136s | make people ban it out and waste two of |
18138s | their bands three of their bands getting |
18140s | rid of your |
18141s | Flagship but generally people have the |
18143s | flagship so that they can actually use |
18144s | it because it's strong so um I'd say |
18148s | Flagship comps have a lot of variations |
18151s | practice them all know how they work |
18153s | other comps just have have a decent po |
18156s | to pick from um and you should generally |
18158s | be okay and it's very important that you |
18160s | have this poll because when we get into |
18162s | like final weekends when we're having |
18164s | the conquest |
18166s | banss you're going to need more than |
18168s | like two comps to be able to actually |
18170s | like effectively fly in the tournament |
18171s | so yeah Conquest bands if uh you're new |
18174s | to the alliance tournament in the best |
18175s | of three and best of five finals um if |
18178s | you win with a set of ships then those |
18180s | ships are then banned for the next match |
18182s | so you can't bring the same ones again |
18183s | uh and this kind of rolls this window |
18185s | rolls forward so you can end up with |
18186s | quite a lot of ships banned um if you if |
18188s | you win like two matches in a row for |
18189s | example uh so you have to be really able |
18191s | to go into uh deep setups G swarm |
18194s | Federation would have struggled with |
18195s | this cuz they managed to bring uh 10 |
18197s | different chips uh in their comp so that |
18198s | would have been 10 ships just Bang |
18200s | banned uh whereas you'll see when you |
18201s | get to the final stage a lot of teams |
18203s | will suffer with the um uh the point |
18206s | inflation rule by bringing multiple of |
18207s | the same thing because they know less |
18209s | ships banned out |
18212s | overall mytic M so what it says on |
18216s | screen is that the gon Navy issue is |
18219s | terrible uh but frat is bringing their |
18221s | flag to this particular match so flag |
18225s | gon Navy issue there is one on grid |
18228s | which is know the rules they're going to |
18230s | have to have a redeemer and a bad in man |
18232s | they're going have some good stuff they |
18234s | can't bring more than one so we're going |
18236s | to win I want to see what um uh people |
18239s | are voting on ooh this is extremely even |
18242s | almost 50/50 almost exactly 50/50 in |
18245s | twitch uh Channel points so everyone is |
18247s | split like I am quite split in this one |
18249s | as well like both of these |
18251s | teams have the potential to do very very |
18254s | well like both of them are winners frat |
18256s | more recently than others um but they |
18259s | are still extremely experienced teams |
18261s | with very good Pilots very good theory |
18262s | crafting knowledge Deep Pockets to fit |
18265s | uh like you know well fit flagships so |
18267s | this really could go either way this is |
18269s | a I mean it's a win or go home for both |
18271s | of these teams and both of these teams |
18273s | want to you know not go home on day one |
18274s | of Alliance tournament 20 um especially |
18277s | I would imagine the defending Champions |
18279s | so |
18281s | this is going to be a good one I think |
18281s | this might be one of the the matches of |
18283s | the day it may indeed be a good match or |
18285s | my team may lose we'll see we'll |
18288s | definitely find out we could head over |
18290s | to the arena and find that out basically |
18292s | now uh so let's do that let's go in for |
18294s | this first of our elimination matches of |
18297s | Alliance tournament 20 one of these |
18298s | teams will go home will it be fraternity |
18301s | will it be tempas Cal let's go and find |
18303s | out |
18307s | now welcome back to the arena my name is |
18309s | Fana joined by by CCP Aurora and on the |
18311s | red side we have fraternity who have |
18313s | brought Kings Slayer once again despite |
18315s | the bands coming out from templ Cala |
18317s | they have brought their Flagship Namy |
18319s | Armageddon What have Cala brought tempas |
18321s | C have brought a very standard uh |
18324s | missile Rush comp um except however with |
18326s | the Loki band it looks like they've |
18328s | swapped in onyxes to fill that role |
18330s | it'll fill very similar damage um and |
18332s | long range uh tackle uh however it won't |
18335s | be able to shut down uh it'll be weaker |
18338s | against after burning fits because those |
18340s | uh don't they don't have the webs and it |
18342s | will be kinetic locked unlike the Loki |
18344s | would be and uh here fraternity uh |
18347s | obviously they that T2 Cruiser largy and |
18349s | the eneros if it's got an AB fit the onx |
18352s | is aren't going to be able to do a whole |
18353s | lot to them uh that said double Jack |
18355s | dolls uh we'll see if they're able to uh |
18359s | do a whole lot there as that said we are |
18363s | now underway in the match fraternity dot |
18366s | with their dual rapid heavy setup are |
18367s | going to try to kill something and as uh |
18371s | we see calf they're just rushing |
18373s | directly in they're not even holding |
18375s | back like Volta Dead versus Brave this |
18376s | is actually uh the same type of comps |
18379s | that we saw earlier today we saw sentes |
18382s | go out um those entries are going to |
18384s | become a little bit less effective as |
18385s | the tempus CI team gets right on top of |
18388s | those ships they weren't really able to |
18389s | pull the range uh we can see damage now |
18392s | going onto seran karuga uh on the |
18394s | fraternity side uh we'll see if uh this |
18397s | Rush is good enough this will be a big |
18399s | positioning game um if frat can't hold |
18402s | them off and they allow these ships to |
18403s | get on top of them uh and they kill key |
18406s | targets fast enough then this will be |
18408s | one for Cal potentially um but we'll see |
18411s | how it goes well Cal has three ships of |
18412s | their's webbed right now the Claymore |
18414s | the Navy ospray and the Navy caracle and |
18416s | as I say that the Navy Osprey goes down |
18418s | so fraternity their job with this ash |
18420s | moon with this Punisher are to keep |
18423s | calung out and not able to all collapse |
18425s | together on the same Target siren naruga |
18427s | currently about half armor should end up |
18429s | going down of this Rush eventually even |
18431s | through the inos but how much can |
18433s | fraternity take for that we see tackle |
18435s | onto this Navy caracle as well as this |
18438s | Jacka who's trying to get tackle on top |
18440s | of the fraternity backline and this |
18442s | Claymore still tackled has extra range |
18444s | compared to the nigh Hawk but the nigh |
18445s | Hawk's also tackled scrammed and webbed |
18447s | uh but they're right on top of the |
18449s | typhoon these Carle navies are not |
18451s | particularly tough and it looks like |
18452s | he's going into armor now uh probably |
18454s | about to leave the field um it they're |
18458s | also struggling a little bit here with |
18460s | uh lasers coming from uh oh actually |
18462s | we're probably looking at fairly |
18464s | selectable damage from coming from the |
18465s | fraternity side onto these calari |
18467s | resists which is going to be pretty |
18469s | punishing for The Punisher goes down I'd |
18470s | like to point out this Nighthawk is |
18472s | completely and totally far away from the |
18474s | typhoon the only battle uh Cruiser that |
18476s | was able to get on top of the Armageddon |
18478s | Navy issue uh was the Claymore but the |
18481s | nigh Hawk has been scrammed off has not |
18483s | nearly the same amount of ranges that |
18484s | Claymore and as we see uh the pawn |
18486s | effects go down fraternity has done a |
18489s | very good job of keeping this uh DPS |
18491s | Rush strung out uh and screened off of |
18494s | their big DPS boats but as I say that |
18496s | they are starting to lose lengths yeah |
18498s | that typhoon is pulled far away he |
18499s | stopped losing armor they are losing |
18501s | their Mages which is going to hurt them |
18503s | uh in the next couple minutes when those |
18504s | links fall off um but that typhoon is |
18507s | actually slowly regening armor uh |
18509s | because they can't uh the caler team |
18511s | isn't able to get on top of it um this |
18513s | is the positioning that will be so |
18515s | critical for them and I think something |
18517s | The Dusk is going to be able to point |
18518s | out is since we saw this match up |
18520s | earlier today with the voled brave match |
18524s | what went different here for Fraternity |
18526s | um after the start of the match because |
18528s | fraternity seems to be in a very good |
18530s | position right now uh they've taken out |
18532s | these two DPS boats and they've kept |
18534s | this Nighthawk off of their typhoon and |
18536s | the Nighthawk uh now turning onto this |
18539s | ashamu the typhoon continuing to live |
18541s | the ashamu is the last screen available |
18543s | from fraternity so after that kov should |
18544s | be able to get on top of these ships but |
18546s | they've lost uh pretty much all of their |
18548s | lowend DPS at Ash was also living for |
18551s | quite a while uh the |
18554s | uh he he seems to be just self- repping |
18557s | he's got a he's got some repair drones |
18558s | on him that are that are keeping him |
18560s | alive uh but uh the longer that he lives |
18563s | the better the more that F time that |
18565s | frat has to control the positioning game |
18568s | um and they can kind of hold things off |
18569s | although it looks like the fight is now |
18571s | collapsing so they'll probably go back |
18572s | on the typhoon here shortly if they can |
18574s | hold him down Deon penin in the onx has |
18577s | been the target from these dual rabit |
18578s | Heavies and now |
18580s | down goes Devon penin in the aen Rex |
18583s | very low structure goes down so it's |
18584s | three DPS boats to two if we take a look |
18586s | at the attack Bar C of St attack bar is |
18589s | much much shorter than fraternities |
18592s | however fraternity still dual rapid |
18594s | Heavies they're very bursty if they can |
18596s | get this typhoon down before the reload |
18598s | completes then they might still have a |
18600s | shot in this |
18602s | match oh this is this is still pretty |
18605s | tight um Tempest C if it really if it |
18608s | really depends on if this typhoon |
18610s | if they're able to put any meaningful |
18611s | damage on it if they could take the |
18612s | typhoon down which is looking more and |
18614s | more unlikely given the size of that |
18615s | attack bar maybe someone burn out guns |
18617s | at this point it's looking pretty small |
18619s | that attack bar is much smaller than it |
18621s | was before I wouldn't be surprised if |
18622s | someone actually burned out the guns |
18623s | here from the temples C team Now Grant |
18626s | you Temple Kel of ended up winning the |
18628s | rush tournament uh as Alliance Open |
18631s | winners but they haven't had really had |
18633s | a whole lot of tourament success uh |
18634s | since then and they're up against last |
18636s | year's uh winners who surprisingly went |
18638s | to the lower bracket um this time around |
18641s | the rush not quite playing out the way |
18643s | that they wanted to in this matchup |
18644s | fraternity out executing them and as |
18647s | this KN Hawk and Claymore are starting |
18648s | to die uh fraternity looks like they |
18651s | will keep their typhoon and their |
18652s | Flagship alive and go on through the |
18655s | lower bracket yeah I haven't seen any |
18657s | shots come out from this Claymore so |
18658s | it's looking like he might have burnt |
18660s | out or either that he's on he's been on |
18662s | a very long reload uh so that might have |
18665s | been a critical a critical uh error for |
18668s | the tempis side if that is indeed what |
18671s | happened um perhaps we can confirm that |
18673s | after but good job to uh fraternity uh |
18676s | staying in this loser bracket match and |
18679s | uh unfortunately tempus c will be seeing |
18681s | you next year yeah I mean k was pretty |
18684s | obvious in their bands they didn't want |
18685s | to face King Slayer um and fr JY was |
18688s | obviously uh prepared to not have dual |
18691s | armag G Navy issue and be with the kind |
18694s | of worse of the armor King Slayer ships |
18696s | in the uh regular typhoon also uh |
18700s | something that we haven't really noted |
18701s | on is the guance disruptions these arbit |
18702s | trators have been putting a lot of |
18704s | guance disruption on the temple C side |
18706s | um fraternity definitely kind of dared |
18710s | templus to rush them by Banning the Loki |
18713s | um and not really showing a whole lot |
18715s | here so I think fraternity definitely |
18718s | showed a very strong ban strategy and |
18721s | very strong reactions to that in this |
18722s | tournament this Nighthawks about to go |
18724s | down um so what are kind of your |
18727s | thoughts on the uh temples calf comp and |
18732s | um kind of their ideas going into this |
18735s | match I I think that they went with a |
18737s | rush comp after the uh with that Loki |
18740s | Band Pick hoping that it was what uh |
18743s | fraternity didn't want to see uh however |
18746s | it just really didn't work out for them |
18747s | so they they attempted to swap in onyx's |
18750s | for uh lokis and they just lost the |
18753s | positioning game they weren't able to |
18754s | get on top of things that ashamu lived a |
18756s | little bit too long they were able uh uh |
18758s | the uh fraternity side was able to pull |
18761s | that typhoon away keep it alive he's |
18763s | still alive his armor has been fully |
18764s | wrapped up at this point yeah and I |
18766s | think that's what changed the game so it |
18768s | might have been different if they had |
18769s | had those lokis in order to make that |
18771s | comp work because perhaps they wouldn't |
18773s | have uh struggled so much to get that |
18775s | damage on top of their targets yeah but |
18778s | positioning wins those longer range webs |
18779s | the Loki is obviously being tankier than |
18781s | the Onyx is as well um I I would like to |
18784s | shout out these arbitrators obviously |
18785s | for doing work against these hams and |
18787s | preventing them from applying um but |
18790s | remlin and the ashamu uh did so much in |
18793s | the start of this match to keep uh |
18795s | fraternity strung out and keep that uh |
18797s | all important Nighthawk off of the |
18798s | typhoon so really well played to them |
18800s | temples calf now only with the Claymore |
18803s | remaining uh before the Claymore dies do |
18805s | we have any final thoughts before we |
18806s | send it back I look forward to seeing |
18808s | fraternity's last match next match not |
18811s | last match hopefully not last match I |
18813s | mean they're number one se's going into |
18814s | this |
18815s | tournament uh really uh |
18819s | [Music] |
18832s | but uh they did make the tournament this |
18833s | time around and uh with how competitive |
18836s | The Field's been uh making the |
18837s | tournament in of itself is quite an |
18839s | accomplishment now absolutely uh this |
18842s | the the alliance tournament is getting |
18843s | tougher and tougher every year as the |
18845s | the amount of veterans that it produces |
18848s | uh just keeps continually continuously |
18850s | growing um fraternity had an incredible |
18852s | run last year they've got some |
18854s | incredibly skilled Pilots um but so did |
18856s | templis ciff these are these are two |
18858s | recent winners of the alliance |
18860s | tournament uh going to head to-head here |
18861s | in the losers bracket which I think says |
18863s | a lot about the state of the tournament |
18865s | alt together and with that we're going |
18866s | to send it to a quick break when we |
18868s | return the desk we'll break that down |
18869s | and bring us on the next match and we |
18871s | will see you right after |
18874s | this and welcome back from that first |
18877s | elimination match in Alliance tour |
18879s | tournament 20 uh the first people going |
18881s | home are in fact tempas calu uh |
18885s | fraternity managing to to scrape out a |
18888s | win there they keep their dreams alive |
18890s | the skin run begins now and someone's |
18893s | happy someone is happy he he's been |
18896s | redeemed uh I'm joined on the desk by |
18899s | Starfleet commander and Wingnut cross |
18901s | Starfleet how are you doing today I'm |
18902s | good thank you for having me on here |
18903s | it's been a long day been a fantastic |
18905s | day lots of amazing matches including |
18906s | the one we just saw incredible yeah and |
18909s | Wingnut how are you as he said long day |
18912s | very good day it's uh it's honestly been |
18916s | great to watch it live for once yeah |
18918s | getting you to see all the background |
18919s | stuff and watching the absolute |
18921s | beautiful chaos yeah yeah there's a lot |
18923s | of people uh it takes a lot of people to |
18925s | make a reduction like this uh not only |
18927s | uh us obviously like the most important |
18928s | people uh but all the rest of the people |
18931s | who like do other things like clicking |
18933s | buttons and setting up the stage setting |
18935s | up all the uh the fancy lighting the |
18938s | cameras the audio there a ton of people |
18940s | to make this happen and uh you know |
18942s | we're very grateful to have them uh |
18944s | because honestly I mean first of all |
18946s | let's just take a look at the set I it |
18947s | looks amazing like we've got the swords |
18949s | uh CB talked about them earlier we've |
18951s | got this cool thing um this desk is |
18953s | awesome there's a screen down there |
18955s | which pretty cool uh so yeah but let's |
18957s | talk about that last match so Starfleet |
18960s | Commander what happened well we saw a |
18963s | well it was actually kind of at the |
18964s | beginning a bit close but then I feel |
18966s | like tempers just fell apart they sort |
18968s | of didn't really get hold on |
18970s | fraternities uh ships and then |
18972s | fraternities had a really good strong |
18974s | core setup and they also broke through |
18976s | really easily so they really had a good |
18980s | start as well yeah I feel like the |
18982s | amount of um screening on fraternity |
18984s | side is worth worth calling out because |
18986s | uh they were up against a rush comp uh |
18988s | from templus and one of the things you |
18990s | can do to defeat a rush comp is kind of |
18992s | just tackle everybody and keep them all |
18993s | spread out so they can't apply that DPS |
18995s | on top of anything and you saw most of |
18997s | the templers team got tackled all over |
18999s | the place yeah it's super difficult as |
19000s | well well the templers had two onxs as |
19002s | well so they can also lock things down |
19004s | but you're right for fraternities their |
19005s | number one priority was to split up the |
19008s | damage CU if it's all together tempus um |
19011s | would have a much better chance of |
19012s | breaking through fraternity yep and uh |
19015s | how about you w what did you think of |
19016s | that match there exactly what you said |
19017s | there the whole thing about keeping it |
19018s | all split at the start with most Rush |
19020s | comps the first 30 seconds that we said |
19021s | is what matters the most and that one |
19023s | there immediately okay half the team's |
19025s | tackled we can take our time still got |
19027s | pretty close with that typhoon they got |
19029s | definitely got a few brown pants moments |
19031s | but they picked picked the backup kept |
19032s | going and just destroyed him by the end |
19034s | there I also feel like with these comps |
19036s | uh especially for Fraternity what |
19038s | Tempest do at the start is like |
19040s | signaling what they're going to do in |
19042s | that moment they need to have tackle |
19043s | already assigned across their team to |
19045s | get things on the go so if templus go in |
19049s | frat need to be ready yep I mean |
19051s | honestly it was very well executed by |
19054s | honestly both teams executed pretty well |
19056s | uh it just so happened that templers got |
19057s | themselves kind of screened in awkward |
19059s | position |
19060s | even despite that they almost kind of |
19061s | pulled it off and broke through that |
19062s | typhoon I think if they broken that |
19063s | typhoon it would have really started to |
19065s | flip the other direction definitely |
19066s | would open the game back up for sure |
19068s | yeah I think not breaking through the |
19069s | typhoon set them back and they probably |
19072s | got a bit dishearted as well like when |
19073s | the ship gets into half armor and he's |
19075s | just not breaking you kind of sort of |
19077s | second guessing they probably second |
19078s | guessing like okay we need to change we |
19080s | need to change our tactics right now but |
19081s | fraternity just pushed through got |
19083s | through the targets and had a good fight |
19085s | and also it's really you know these two |
19086s | teams you we've got to mention they're |
19088s | both winners and they're in the losers |
19090s | braet on the first day it's actually |
19092s | incredible we hadity being 02 as the |
19095s | previous tournament winers like that |
19096s | would have been an insane change like |
19097s | hey they won last year and they couldn't |
19099s | even win a match this year but luckily |
19100s | they're safe we're good that that's not |
19102s | going to happen it was almost the case |
19104s | of uh uh last out first in type thing |
19107s | because um fraternity won last year and |
19110s | then they would have been the first team |
19111s | to go out the next year on the first |
19112s | match of the day too by the way exactly |
19114s | I mean I do think fraternity will still |
19116s | go far in the tourament I think they're |
19117s | going to go through the losers they are |
19119s | team you saw to say both the teams there |
19121s | are good players and they have really |
19123s | good competition obviously shame for |
19125s | last Bon you know for losing but they |
19127s | are a good team as well so I think |
19128s | fraternity will definitely go through |
19129s | the losers and go really deep super deep |
19131s | into the tournament yeah I think so too |
19133s | and uh it's sad to see templers drop out |
19135s | at this stage but they had a they had a |
19137s | tough set of matchups like facing up |
19140s | against fraternity um at this early |
19142s | stage is already going to be quite tough |
19145s | um and they also played Exodus earli on |
19147s | that's how they lost let to check that |
19148s | out so not only do you have to uh play |
19151s | one of the best teams kind of in |
19152s | tournament history in in Exodus with |
19154s | some of the best pilots in the game you |
19156s | then as your uh loser bracket match have |
19158s | to go up against the defending Champions |
19159s | yeah and that's probably what both teams |
19162s | really realized earlier when they saw |
19163s | the bracket are like right we need to |
19164s | win this one and obviously X has got |
19166s | through and temp oh God we got now |
19168s | they're probably watching fraternity |
19169s | thinking oh damn we got to play them now |
19171s | so that's the thing when you look at the |
19172s | brackets all the teams are are looking |
19174s | ahead to make sure okay do we put our |
19177s | flag on field because we don't want to |
19178s | go to losers but but unfortunately for |
19180s | templus they didn't get through did they |
19182s | yeah they did not so but thank you very |
19184s | much to templus uh for competing uh and |
19186s | we hopefully we'll see you in other |
19188s | tournaments again in the future it's |
19189s | always nice to have you um uh but yeah |
19191s | you can now sit back the goag is closed |
19194s | you don't have to practice midweek you |
19196s | can just sit on the couch watch other |
19198s | people get stressed and then you can uh |
19200s | type Lal don't want those skins anyway |
19202s | when they when they say you're salty |
19204s | like so you are fine now you can you can |
19205s | go go to the pub go to bed whatever you |
19207s | want that's a good point it is really it |
19209s | actually really you know when you when |
19210s | you're out you're kind of like it's over |
19212s | that's fine anymore I didn't really care |
19215s | I just I going to go get a drink man I'm |
19216s | done it's very much like a Doby has |
19218s | given Master a sock moment sometimes |
19219s | like oh okay see you later I can go |
19222s | outside now and actually watch it and |
19224s | enjoy the tournament yeah wow it's it's |
19226s | dark all of a sudden outside all the |
19227s | trees were were green like last time I |
19229s | was outside yeah it's amazing all right |
19232s | next match another elimination match we |
19233s | have two more matches today two more do |
19235s | both elimination matches so more teams |
19237s | are going to go home uh and join templus |
19240s | in the garden party uh this match is |
19242s | whole control versus Brave Collective so |
19244s | let's take a look at the bands for whole |
19246s | control versus Brave Collective whole |
19248s | control choosing to ban out the Loki the |
19250s | slepnir the Armageddon nav ISU and the |
19252s | crucifier meanwhile Brave Collective |
19254s | Banning Out The Jacka The orus the hyena |
19257s | and the mollus starle commander what do |
19259s | you make of these bands well Brave |
19260s | obviously earlier today playing against |
19262s | v vter um and brought two um G Navy |
19265s | issues um so I would be interested to |
19267s | see if they bring no again they've |
19269s | banned the Jack door the orus as well |
19271s | the high is really good super good |
19273s | control figure we've seen that a lot |
19274s | today being used to web down battleships |
19276s | and keep them away obviously morus again |
19278s | getting the damps as well I think Brave |
19281s | signaling they might do the flagship I |
19282s | think they might do it all in win or bin |
19284s | I think so because if you're in this |
19286s | position right now you just don't want |
19287s | to go you know you don't you need to do |
19289s | it to win this is your moment right you |
19291s | got to send it and for whole control |
19293s | they've banned lowkey slep near bit good |
19295s | ships for those projection ham Rush is |
19297s | kind of targeted for a bit like that |
19298s | obviously the St there is obviously not |
19299s | in ham rush but the Loki definitely is a |
19302s | key part of a ham Rush setup and then |
19304s | armagan Navy well then I don't think bra |
19307s | are going to bring those are they no I |
19308s | don't think so I think they'll be |
19309s | difficult they could bring one if it's |
19310s | their Flagship uh wng what do you think |
19313s | about these bands jumping out at you |
19314s | exactly what he said there some of it's |
19316s | bit reactionary and it's going to be |
19318s | curious to see what Brave is doing the |
19320s | other team uh with h control I'm not |
19322s | really sure but Brave is going to be |
19323s | like what are what's their plan here now |
19325s | especially you know some of the guys at |
19326s | the backing praying that Brave has a |
19329s | chance here I think Brave will do well I |
19331s | think they' I think they've in even in |
19333s | the match against vter they were really |
19335s | play really well yeah honestly I mean I |
19336s | got a bit I be like you know we're so |
19339s | out and then we're so back at the end I |
19341s | was like oh dear me but they I mean |
19342s | Brave did really well and I actually |
19344s | think they're actually a quite a solid |
19345s | team yeah they are they have been a |
19347s | solid team for a couple of years now |
19348s | like kind of like a bit of a sleeper |
19349s | team people kind of look at them go oh |
19351s | Lau it's Brave you know uh what they're |
19353s | going to do bring Atron and then they |
19354s | turn up with a pretty solid comp they've |
19356s | for years they've had a a very |
19358s | aggressive good team basically and I |
19361s | think they just got better and better so |
19362s | the fact that they really pushed VTA |
19364s | hard earlier on and for a few seconds |
19367s | yeah I was I was I was on edge I was |
19370s | like no Annie's got this he brought it |
19372s | back and I was like he was going through |
19373s | the five stages of griefing he was going |
19375s | through really |
19376s | aggressively I didn't want the L on my |
19378s | head and I didn't want to have that one |
19380s | it it's always fun watching these |
19382s | matches like live here in the studio |
19384s | when we have people from some of the |
19385s | alliances uh like sitting watching them |
19388s | get like two people getting like you |
19389s | know really like ansy that their team's |
19391s | going to win uh it's just part of the |
19393s | fun thing about uh about being here and |
19395s | doing these shows you get to watch |
19396s | internet spaceships with a bunch of cool |
19398s | people and uh when someone loses you get |
19400s | to like laugh at them which is also fun |
19402s | so that's part of the f I mean obviously |
19404s | Misty CLE he must like fraternity he he |
19407s | a little I think he do you think he |
19408s | likes fraternity I think he does he's |
19411s | not he's not what I call a gracious |
19412s | winner though no he's really not ear |
19415s | today he they lost he lost he was like |
19417s | oh whatever yeah then want to talk about |
19418s | it |
19419s | about continue the day he was like more |
19420s | skins for us and we're like yeah sure |
19422s | and then the moment he wins then all of |
19424s | a sudden ping straight to the top again |
19426s | yeah very happy man one wondering around |
19428s | there with these flag so all right I |
19430s | think we're pretty much ready to go to |
19431s | the arena so again this is elimination |
19433s | match uh one of these teams will go home |
19435s | uh we only have 31 teams remaining in |
19437s | the allance tournament 20 we're going to |
19439s | have to take that down to 29 before the |
19441s | end of the night so we can crack on and |
19443s | do that brave are bringing their |
19445s | Flagship Balor for this match so let's |
19447s | head into the arena for whole control |
19449s | versus Brave |
19451s | Collective yeah I |
19454s | think welcome back to the arena minor fa |
19456s | van joined by CC and with us on the |
19458s | right side we have whole control who |
19459s | have brought Shield Rush what have Brave |
19461s | Collective brought Brave Collective have |
19462s | brought their uh Flagship born as well |
19465s | as two abadin uh for a triple Battleship |
19467s | core uh lots of lasers very little uh |
19471s | and and moderate |
19472s | control yeah and we see uh whole control |
19476s | have made the grave mistake of warping |
19478s | their Rush at zero everyone except for |
19480s | their ospr who who in at 50 uh Brave |
19482s | though with that Flagship born are going |
19485s | to try to string out this rush and |
19488s | hopefully it works out better for them |
19489s | than it did versus Volta uh once again |
19492s | Flagship Bal Gorn we'll see uh how well |
19495s | it goes this match uh that said this is |
19498s | a ham Rush that doesn't have any command |
19499s | ships in it we don't see a night clock |
19501s | we don't a Nighthawk we don't see a |
19503s | claymore uh we don't see a Loki or an |
19505s | onx or anything like that so I'm |
19506s | interested to see how this works out up |
19509s | against the brave St comp and as we see |
19511s | the rush comes in from tempas CA |
19512s | immediately off the bat the webs Landing |
19514s | onto uh an ABBA and a merer but right |
19517s | now the fleet Cyclone Fleet cyclone and |
19519s | navy Drake are all webbed down from |
19520s | Whole control yep we can see that uh |
19522s | damage from the uh uh uh the whole |
19526s | control side is going out onto uh duj |
19528s | wanai who is the captain in the abadin |
19530s | as well as uh uh the the second Abad |
19532s | they're just trying to kill that core |
19534s | Brave didn't quite manage I think they |
19536s | they might have came in a little bit too |
19538s | close what they really needed to do was |
19540s | use that uh Balor with the bonus webs to |
19543s | hold this rush off but that has not |
19545s | happened and the rush is right on top of |
19546s | them right where they don't want them to |
19548s | be yeah Brave primarying jeta and the |
19550s | Drake Navy issue right now as duuk Wai |
19552s | is into half armor jeta should be first |
19554s | Blood of this match but once again that |
19556s | ABBA going down not going to be a great |
19558s | start for brave Collective the Drake |
19559s | Navy issue Falls and now uh Brave in a |
19563s | little bit of trouble doj one ey |
19565s | currently sitting in about one3 armor |
19567s | and they're onto the Cyclone Fleet issue |
19568s | of dvesta yep if they can get that |
19571s | Cyclone Fleet issue down it looks like |
19572s | that abad's holding which is quite good |
19574s | if that can Abad can hold the now uh |
19578s | going to the deacons might be the right |
19579s | choice they're probably making it's |
19580s | probably a painful one they've they've |
19581s | moved over because they didn't have the |
19583s | damage to break anything else uh if they |
19585s | lose a fleet cyclone and navy Drake for |
19587s | a deacon however that is an incredible |
19590s | trade for the brave Collective side yeah |
19592s | this Cyclone Fleet isue getting |
19593s | absolutely melted and as we saw uh even |
19595s | the whole control was able to get on top |
19597s | of one target that Target is isn't a |
19599s | badon it is one of the tankiest ships |
19600s | you can bring in any sort of at setup |
19603s | and has the resist bonuses and with the |
19605s | reactive even though we don't have any |
19607s | damage lock ships outside of these Navy |
19609s | osps uh can be really really difficult |
19612s | to deal with for hole control without |
19614s | proper coordination as we see they're |
19615s | onto this next Fleet Cyclone as well and |
19617s | brave Collective do you Che wany Staying |
19619s | Alive even with the one Deacon of K |
19621s | carnifex down uh this is the entire |
19623s | highend of whole control being traded |
19625s | for one Abba and that belor is nuding |
19628s | them out uh pretty effectively that |
19630s | Fleet Cyclone even though he was still |
19631s | alive and is no longer uh wasn't doing a |
19634s | whole lot uh during that period uh |
19636s | they've now only got their their midline |
19638s | which is not going to be enough I think |
19640s | to break uh maybe they can finish off |
19642s | this abaten but it's looking pretty bad |
19644s | for whole control at this point Brave |
19646s | has a dominating lead yeah Navy oppr of |
19649s | to Able one currently the primary from |
19651s | Brave Collective d one ey on the Abba |
19653s | now into structure currently sitting at |
19656s | 66% structure remaining it will be a |
19658s | Deacon and an ABBA for two Fleet |
19660s | Cyclones a Navy Drake and an osprey Navy |
19663s | issue duwai and the Abba continuing to |
19665s | live but has already taken down one of |
19668s | those ospy Navy issues and dwai still |
19670s | hasn't died 5% structure remaining come |
19673s | on you can maybe do it no the ABA goes |
19675s | down but he's traded almost the entirety |
19677s | of this ospr Navy issue of Hump uh for |
19681s | it and uh when that ospray Navy issue |
19683s | goes down it will just be the two cnis |
19685s | for DPS uh from Whole control and the |
19688s | brave Deacon of shivala doing absolute |
19690s | hero work to keep him alive as long as |
19692s | possible um shiala has taken a little |
19695s | bit of damage but at this point uh maybe |
19698s | maybe that last Deacon goes down kind of |
19699s | a desperation play to remove what what |
19702s | little uh repair Brave still has in the |
19705s | field um but I don't think h control is |
19707s | going to be able to do anything about |
19709s | that flag Bal Gorn which is just going |
19711s | to be utterly oppressive uh to the few |
19714s | remaining medium missile Cruisers uh |
19717s | it's not looking too good to whole |
19718s | control at this point certainly so uh we |
19721s | can talk a little bit uh more about this |
19723s | uh start of the match I think uh right |
19726s | you know you see a BAL Gorn warping in |
19728s | behind the Abbas has these longrange |
19730s | webs trying to wh down the whole control |
19733s | side before they get on top of the Abba |
19734s | they still did what went wrong for whole |
19737s | control after they got on top of the |
19740s | abadin uh so they they actually split |
19743s | their damage so they were shooting both |
19745s | AB badens at the same time um so they |
19748s | they didn't managed to just like kill |
19749s | one Target and move on to the second one |
19752s | um so there was a little bit of split |
19753s | damage going on here uh they were |
19755s | probably also just kind of suffering |
19757s | under the oppression of that born uh |
19759s | they did get where they wanted to be so |
19761s | in in this case uh they they got into |
19764s | the right position but then just weren't |
19766s | able to execute unfortunately uh I think |
19768s | there might have been some some slightly |
19771s | uh unclear Target calling maybe they |
19773s | were hoping to punch through those uh uh |
19775s | abadin a little bit faster um but uh |
19779s | they they failed to kill them they moved |
19780s | on to the deacons and at that point the |
19782s | game was over because once you have to |
19783s | start trying to kill those deacons with |
19785s | your with your Rush comp uh your Rush |
19788s | comp's not doing what a rush comp is |
19789s | supposed to do which is to punch through |
19791s | the big ships and ignore those logistic |
19793s | frigs as you would hope and brave |
19796s | Collective now finishing off this ospre |
19798s | uh they will move on through the lower |
19800s | bracket and face the loser of barcode |
19804s | versus uh evasive maneuvering we'll see |
19807s | how that plays out for them uh |
19809s | unfortunately for whole control out they |
19810s | are out 02 in the alliance tournament |
19813s | and we will see them next year for |
19815s | feeders but first we're going to take a |
19818s | quick break when we return the desk will |
19820s | break that down and bring us on the next |
19821s | match so we will be right back after |
19825s | this Brave Collective continuing their |
19828s | skin run in Alliance tournament 20 as |
19831s | they they take a win and eliminate whole |
19833s | control uh who are in fact collapsed out |
19836s | of this tournament uh there'll be no |
19837s | more from them Starfleet commander tell |
19840s | tell me about that last match well a |
19841s | badens and a Bor and a flag B we kind of |
19844s | expected the flag to come out like they |
19846s | they the back of that you know they lose |
19847s | bracket they have to show something good |
19849s | but the abandons I think was actually a |
19850s | good call up against a ham Rush which is |
19853s | actually kind of looks a bit scary when |
19854s | you come on grid and you got that much |
19856s | damage facing you you kind of get a bit |
19858s | they could break through obviously all |
19861s | control tried to go through the bad but |
19862s | just it just took too long didn't it |
19864s | it's always the worst choice to go for a |
19865s | bad first it's like even with a flag bar |
19867s | the B is one of the tankiest things yeah |
19870s | yep I found it interesting that I just |
19871s | had to Quick Check of the twitch Channel |
19873s | points um most of them were voted for |
19876s | hul control hul control were were heavy |
19878s | favorites in that match there they saw |
19879s | the word brave newbies went oh they're |
19881s | not going to win they're new players |
19882s | like no hold on Braves been around for a |
19884s | while they think they kind of know what |
19885s | they're doing yeah I think this kind of |
19886s | like highlights what we were talking |
19887s | about just before the match like people |
19889s | kind of sleep on Brave sometimes they |
19890s | think that they you know it's Brave |
19892s | newes they can't be that good right |
19893s | they're just a bunch of newbies but no |
19895s | they are actually solid tournament team |
19896s | yep but we can't not I mean whole |
19897s | controls comp was good it was good po |
19900s | but that's what a flag B does though |
19902s | right it was well thought out that it |
19903s | was very coner they had all the 100 200 |
19906s | points strong DPS could definitely break |
19909s | through I think if they if they brought |
19910s | if if um let's say Brave brought a I |
19913s | know T1 Battleship other than the Abad |
19915s | maybe they brought a typhoon or |
19916s | something or some other temp I they |
19918s | would would have got through it was just |
19919s | that the badden is so tanky and just |
19922s | wasting so much time that brave had |
19924s | enough time to get through and get the |
19925s | ball noes to be effective cuz as We Know |
19928s | the longer the game goes on the more |
19930s | dangerous those become yep and of course |
19932s | Flagship Bal Gorn um super powerful ship |
19935s | like there was there was a period of |
19937s | time where the flag Balor was basically |
19939s | the number one choice um then in L room |
19941s | 17 it was removed from the list of |
19943s | eligible um flagships um and of course |
19947s | that was the year of the bar guest L 17 |
19949s | um great year there was a lot of bar lot |
19952s | of bar guests and then uh this year |
19954s | we've reopened up up the list and pretty |
19956s | much it's only the the Widow and the |
19958s | Marshal I think that you cannot pick as |
19960s | your Flagship so sorry command I'm going |
19962s | to ask you this one uh because you have |
19965s | Captain teams before what is a flagship |
19967s | why is a flagship important and what |
19968s | does it mean well actually well the |
19970s | flagship is it's important for many |
19973s | reasons obiously the number one reason |
19974s | is that you can fit uh faction modules |
19976s | only certain faction modules so webs |
19979s | tank modules and damage modules to be in |
19981s | particular um not for the B you can't do |
19983s | NES on the Balon then you can't fit |
19984s | faction NES in the Balon so they still |
19986s | have to be T2 but the we'll talk about |
19987s | the Balon it's the web that matters for |
19989s | that ship but the other important reason |
19991s | as well it kind of defines you know when |
19993s | you look at the flag uh list their |
19996s | choice defines their kind of their |
19998s | archar as well because that's what |
19999s | they're prioritizing so when you see sh |
20001s | teams have gni or again Navy issues they |
20003s | got Balor they got gons they're going to |
20005s | be their comps their good comps will |
20008s | probably be focused around a control |
20010s | setup or if you have bar guest or |
20011s | something you might be thinking a more a |
20013s | flexible Flagship cuz barers can be fit |
20016s | with armor and can do Shield so the |
20017s | number one thing is actually just the |
20019s | modules and it makes them really strong |
20022s | and uh what about things like Flagship |
20024s | vindicators and stuff there's a lot of |
20026s | ships available but like what what do |
20028s | you think Drive teams other than that |
20030s | sort of like fitting their style to pick |
20032s | things like a Vindicator or um even a |
20035s | varer for example the varer is an |
20037s | interesting one CU that one kind of |
20038s | breaks the mold The Vindicator let's |
20039s | just kind of call it penis envy people |
20041s | get a vindy like oh mate more damage I I |
20043s | just get to go in the B is the best one |
20045s | because of the ability of control it |
20047s | provides the get as a Swiss army knife |
20049s | or get Navy sorry Swiss army knife the |
20052s | vager again very very weird it has the |
20054s | potential to be one of the fastest most |
20056s | aggressive ships on the field it also |
20058s | has potential to die in about 5 seconds |
20059s | flat if it gets engaged too quickly so |
20061s | utility highs it's a it's a very |
20063s | interesting ship even nonf flag shipped |
20065s | on its own it could be interesting we |
20067s | saw I think a double varaga comp I think |
20068s | last year either an AG or at it was like |
20071s | it was very very aggressive like huh and |
20073s | they used it for the entire tournament |
20074s | it was just really good and today we saw |
20077s | hanzy babes the flag Vara absolutely |
20079s | annih team really I mean I don't know |
20082s | what's fit on it but it was good magic |
20084s | magic I would say I mean the vindy is a |
20086s | good they are good Flags in their own |
20087s | right depending on the comp obviously we |
20089s | see the balone we see the gon as as like |
20092s | the the most common ones because usually |
20094s | you pick a flag when it can utilize the |
20096s | modules to the to the max the the B the |
20099s | faction and Dead Space modules so yeah I |
20101s | think it's going to be going forwards |
20103s | we're going to have well this we saw VY |
20106s | today didn't we yeah yes we saw flag it |
20108s | won it did win yes it did win yeah yep |
20111s | so one of the other cool things about |
20113s | flagships um is obviously as Starfleet |
20115s | mentioned uh you can fit them with uh |
20116s | more than just Tech 2 normally um ships |
20119s | can be fit with Tech 2 in the inst but |
20121s | you can you can kind of pimp them uh but |
20122s | also they can't be banned so you can ban |
20124s | Dodge so uh let's just say I have a |
20127s | flagship Armageddon Navy issue and uh I |
20129s | want to bring three of them um I can do |
20132s | andless you ban the armag Navy isue now |
20134s | I cannot bring any of my armagedon Navy |
20136s | isues except my Flagship that one cannot |
20138s | be banned so I bring along at least one |
20140s | and then I don't know like two other |
20141s | ships just like maybe a band for example |
20143s | that's also part of why the B kept |
20144s | getting kicked as well cuz you could BS |
20146s | are already pretty good obviously The |
20147s | Bling makes them massively good but when |
20150s | you when you can't ban it off you |
20151s | basically got a free 50 km web every |
20153s | match whenever you want to and it's very |
20155s | hard to find a way around that for a lot |
20156s | of comps C comps bra comps it's a very |
20158s | big control as we saw earlier with the B |
20160s | holding two BS off the entire match yep |
20163s | and the other super interesting thing |
20165s | about the way the flagship system works |
20166s | is uh once your flag ship dies it's gone |
20169s | for good uh so obviously this tournament |
20171s | is taking place on Tranquility so these |
20173s | kill Mills are all public uh we just we |
20175s | teleport them all out to the magical |
20177s | space area of Polaris uh where no one |
20179s | can interfere with them we then uh run |
20181s | the match and then we teleport them home |
20182s | again but they is still on Tranquility |
20184s | so these people are losing the ships |
20186s | which have value this is why we see |
20187s | these kill Mills like you know 70 odd |
20189s | billion earlier on like that's gone and |
20191s | not only is that just gone you can't |
20194s | bring it again your Flagship once it is |
20196s | dead it is dead so losing your Flagship |
20199s | means that not only do you lose the |
20200s | additional power that it brings but you |
20202s | lose the ability to ban Dodge and |
20204s | suddenly that will change the ban |
20205s | strategies against you st that you've |
20208s | been both sides of this it's definitely |
20210s | I mean the flags it's mind games when it |
20212s | comes to it because when you look at an |
20213s | opponent you look at their flag and you |
20214s | definitely ban with that in mind because |
20216s | you have to have an awareness that like |
20219s | you said they can always bring that ship |
20220s | I mean in the past you know we always |
20222s | try and we can we have in the past tried |
20225s | to steer people to use their flag and |
20228s | then lose |
20230s | thaten but we move we moved on for that |
20232s | one but I'd say I mean there are some |
20234s | games uh in the tournament where people |
20236s | try and get them to field it and then |
20237s | try and specifically kill their Flagship |
20239s | if it's a best of for example they the |
20241s | tournament but I'd say in a flag yeah |
20245s | the Bal gor I think is is probably the |
20247s | the strongest one at the moment yeah I |
20249s | mean I I still like the Bargas for the |
20251s | flexibility the baras obviously uh my |
20253s | team obviously vter the one I am in the |
20256s | Cooperative uh they've obviously dgist |
20258s | but I'm seeing a lot of Bon as well and |
20261s | a lot of gons and a lot of again Navy |
20263s | issues a lot of NES flying around |
20265s | exactly which can be a bit dicey for a |
20267s | kitey comp for of a baras the baras is a |
20269s | special ship for sure but I feel like |
20271s | yeah BS and gons around you it's like |
20273s | you're being surrounded by things that |
20274s | would love to kill you we have a couple |
20276s | of vindicators and uh two L Shacks as |
20279s | well two L Shacks yeah two L Shack |
20281s | flagships in here wow brght head of |
20283s | death and evasive maneuvering both |
20285s | choosing the Shacks is it one of them |
20286s | out now no uh one of them lost a match |
20289s | earlier on Oh I thought that was their |
20291s | lost match my bad yeah but uh hopefully |
20293s | they bring him then cuz flag Shacks are |
20295s | definitely going to be a curious one |
20296s | yeah the shack used to be one of the the |
20300s | most important battleships in the |
20301s | tournament when they when they got first |
20302s | introduced didn't they they were |
20303s | literally every game yeah everywhere |
20305s | it's like how many l Shacks can I breing |
20307s | today well you could the good thing |
20308s | about L Shack is that if it's pimped |
20310s | correctly you can literally put it on |
20312s | something and it will die eventually it |
20313s | will die there's no way it's going to |
20315s | tank it will just die the number just |
20316s | keeps getting bigger until the enemy |
20318s | stops existing uh and that's it like |
20320s | they were super good it it is very |
20322s | expensive points wise it's one of the |
20323s | most expensive ships in the whole |
20324s | tournament um it has a lot of utility it |
20327s | has a lot of that big damage especially |
20329s | it's great if you come across a a a comp |
20332s | where the enemy team has battleships |
20334s | because you can spill on them for ages |
20335s | not great against things like medium gun |
20337s | spam because you're going to have to |
20338s | change targets a lot more often but it |
20339s | still has a lot of ver uh versatility uh |
20342s | but I really like the the current |
20344s | Flagship setup like we've got quite a |
20346s | good variety it's actually more variety |
20348s | than we had last year as well which is |
20349s | very good to see exactly that's really I |
20350s | think that's really important as well |
20351s | that's a good sign that some teams are |
20353s | doing different things if they' not |
20355s | choose if everyone's not doing borns |
20357s | it's good because then people have |
20358s | different ideas and we get more |
20359s | interesting matches yep all right we |
20362s | have uh one more match for the day it'll |
20364s | be our final match of the day another |
20365s | elimination match and we just spoke |
20367s | about um one of these teams uh I |
20370s | mentioned that uh bright side of death |
20372s | yep had aack just double check that they |
20375s | are one of the two teams that we're |
20376s | about to see so right side of death |
20378s | going up against genin impact Alliance |
20380s | uh reminder genin impact Alliance uh |
20383s | they lost earlier on 1 nil uh because |
20386s | nobody died in the entire match we can't |
20388s | read |
20389s | yeah commentary ever and uh but they |
20392s | just brought 199 points genin impact so |
20395s | uh they lost by one point because they |
20398s | didn't spend one point someone didn't do |
20399s | some math somewhere like it's a it's a |
20401s | decision the one time where a $1.99 |
20404s | matters yeah pretty much always have 200 |
20407s | points |
20408s | they learned always for this exact |
20410s | reason always bring 200 points so bright |
20413s | side death versus gench and impact |
20414s | Alliance bright side again really |
20416s | experienced team uh so very interested |
20418s | to see what goes on here um the band for |
20421s | this matchup bright side of death |
20422s | Banning out the zaraz the slep the |
20425s | Armageddon uh the Widow and the Sentinel |
20428s | gen an impact B out the EOS the slep the |
20430s | Loki the Hena and the Widow now if |
20433s | memory servs me correct the only team |
20434s | that have actually brought a widow so |
20437s | far |
20438s | have one with it yes okay so that's |
20440s | interesting and I know bright side of |
20441s | death uh they are Widow enjoyers uh so I |
20445s | would I'm not surprised by the ban from |
20447s | genjin Impact Alliance I'm interested |
20448s | the fact that bre of death have band it |
20450s | makes me think that they practice a lot |
20452s | with other teams that used the Widow and |
20454s | they saw it earlier on and they're like |
20455s | hm please no no thank you and also the |
20457s | first set they both band slept there and |
20459s | they got both got a Jeep right in the |
20461s | first set of bands which also isn't when |
20463s | people ban the same shits like okay are |
20465s | they thinking about the same thing and |
20467s | yeah' got Widow and slept slept it's |
20468s | kind of like are they going to bring |
20470s | airor that's what I think or again I |
20473s | think Beast will do the flag it's it's |
20475s | the losers moment you just do it you |
20478s | have to ban for it but slap it on the |
20480s | table go for it yeah I mean it's it's |
20482s | wor noting that um the top 16 of this |
20485s | top 32 all get prize ships yeah like you |
20488s | only have to basically win two games in |
20490s | the winners bracket and you're |
20491s | automatically into the prize ship |
20492s | territory and for the first time in |
20494s | nearly 20 years there are prize |
20496s | battleships that |
20498s | we have FR Weis like normal and we have |
20501s | a and byting top 16 you will get at |
20504s | least one bhip for your team a Alliance |
20507s | tournament prize Battleship they look |
20509s | gorgeous they look amazing they're |
20510s | absolutely beautiful they're pretty cool |
20513s | but they're going to be even if you |
20514s | don't want to use it they are going to |
20515s | be worth an absolute Fortune so let's |
20516s | just say you get top 16 you win these |
20518s | ships you can sell them and split the |
20520s | proceeds between all your members and |
20521s | all be very happy so this is going to be |
20524s | I think a bit of a bloodfest as well um |
20526s | there I've just been called both teams |
20529s | Fielding flagships so we have a flagship |
20533s | Armageddon Aviation with his bonus NES |
20534s | going up against a flagship lash Shack |
20536s | with its spilly boy weapons that doesn't |
20538s | like NES it doesn't like NES I think the |
20541s | Le could do it the Le could do it flag |
20544s | Le could do it it wants to be at zero it |
20546s | wants to be at zero oh do it all warp in |
20548s | at zero let's go straight in at zero |
20551s | brawl I'm going to give it to Visa I |
20553s | think this one I think they're going to |
20554s | do L I think they're going to obviously |
20556s | they're probably will at 30 but I |
20558s | think if that Les gets on the battleship |
20561s | it's going to die I think so too I think |
20564s | that no chance I think a flagship L |
20566s | Shack with those extra DPS the extra |
20569s | tank the extra utility it's going on NES |
20571s | as well um so it's it's a lot of |
20574s | pressure yeah it's it's I mean like we |
20575s | said it's a lot of points but it could |
20577s | be deadly um and you know that number is |
20580s | just going to spool and that's possibly |
20582s | why there's a Zoras ban from Bright Side |
20584s | to death yes because um that obviously |
20587s | has the SPO rep and that's probably one |
20588s | of the only things that could counter a |
20592s | so oh God I'm so smart sometimes you |
20594s | should be an to you should be you should |
20596s | be an honest no that sounds way too |
20598s | difficult all right let's head over to |
20600s | the UN for our final match of the day |
20602s | our elimination match between bright |
20603s | side of death and genin impact |
20607s | allance welcome back for the last match |
20610s | of the day we have bright side of death |
20612s | versus uh genin impact Alliance in the |
20615s | losers bracket the loser of this match |
20617s | will leave the tournament and it looks |
20619s | like both Fields have uh both teams have |
20621s | fielded their flagships do you want to |
20623s | talk about what flagships they've |
20624s | brought krilo of right side of death has |
20626s | brought a lasack they're one of two |
20628s | teams that have brought lasack as their |
20629s | Flagship the other being evasive |
20631s | maneuvering who we will see more of |
20633s | facing barcode tomorrow uh that said |
20636s | genjin impact Alliance bringing the |
20638s | flagship uh Navy Armageddon and that is |
20641s | being piloted by sailor uh we see |
20644s | another uh King Slayer Plus control |
20647s | match up with dual arbitrators and a |
20649s | celestus up against the lasack armor |
20652s | control setup with a kitson who might |
20654s | make the cestus and arbitrators a very |
20656s | bad day and actually the mollus wins The |
20658s | Damp War over the celestus off the start |
20660s | so what this is going to come down to |
20662s | the uh um the there's a lot of there's a |
20665s | lot writing on that lesack being able to |
20667s | apply damage he needs to be able to get |
20669s | that t uh get that um disintegrator on a |
20672s | Target and it needs to be able to leave |
20673s | it there the uh the gench and impact |
20676s | Alliance however they're set up to |
20678s | prevent that from happening so those two |
20680s | arbitrators do you want to talk about |
20681s | what they're going to do to that lushack |
20682s | they're going to make the lak's range |
20684s | basically none lasack cannot spool on |
20687s | somebody unless uh they are within range |
20691s | of the entropic disintegrator so the |
20693s | arbitrators as we see are completely and |
20696s | only tracking disrupting the lasack |
20698s | because if the lak can't spool lasack |
20699s | can't kill their ever precious Flagship |
20701s | couple more TCS going on the Redeemer |
20703s | but uh obviously as Kuro gets closer and |
20705s | wants to start spooling |
20707s | uh they're going to try to keep that gun |
20710s | from going on to their Flagship night |
20713s | again because really it is a flag V flag |
20715s | uh bout here uh both teams just want to |
20718s | kill the other team's Flagship and then |
20719s | Snowball the match after that we see |
20721s | damage going onto kico in the leack uh |
20724s | to start it's not a lot they're not |
20725s | really scratching those she the that |
20727s | armor however it looks like they're |
20728s | swapping over to the vexer of kinaru |
20730s | we'll see if he takes a little bit more |
20732s | damage on that bright side of death team |
20734s | the most critical ship to watch here is |
20736s | going to be that kit |
20738s | so look at where the jams are being |
20739s | applied currently he's attempting to jam |
20741s | out that celestus the kitsun is the key |
20744s | ship here that will be able to try and |
20746s | pull away some of that electronic |
20748s | warfare um in order to uh open up uh the |
20752s | game for that lak to actually be |
20754s | effective uh however they have a lot of |
20756s | it and so you need they'll be attempting |
20758s | to uh damp out that kitsun so he can't |
20762s | lock them and it's going to be a a game |
20764s | of back and forth uh in order to figure |
20766s | out who can who can actually control the |
20768s | the field in terms of all of those |
20769s | control modules and we see uh that kid |
20772s | soon start to jam out the Navy armor |
20775s | gons on the top or on the ash move from |
20777s | get an impact Alliance uh both these |
20779s | teams underp pointed so 199 versus |
20782s | 199 if somebody doesn't die we are going |
20784s | to overtime for the first time uh but |
20787s | for the time being uh you know really |
20791s | not a whole lot of Applied damage has |
20792s | been showing from either of these teams |
20793s | we see the attack bar of both these |
20795s | teams uh the red portion very very very |
20797s | anemic uh as you know not only is the |
20800s | trackon disruption from these dual |
20801s | arbitrators but there's also missile |
20803s | guidance disruption from this crucifier |
20804s | fox pure which is keeping sailor the |
20807s | flagship Navy Armageddon from really |
20808s | applying at all as I say that though |
20810s | snow kid fox has been tackled and |
20813s | grappled he has uh We've we've seen that |
20815s | Confessor just make a play kind of |
20817s | diving in on that Armageddon Navy issue |
20819s | of going the kidon going down however is |
20822s | going to be crippling for that bright |
20824s | side of death team because it's going to |
20825s | leave that lak totally open to all the |
20827s | control coming from the genin impact |
20830s | side yeah and uh we saw scram web on |
20833s | that Armageddon Navy issue he stabilized |
20837s | he might have he might have outrun the |
20838s | drones that were on him for for a moment |
20840s | we'll see if he can he can keep |
20842s | it yeah and uh still scram uh now snow |
20846s | kit Fox so sailor was able to get out |
20847s | from under uh the tackle that came in |
20849s | from Bright Side of death as they're |
20850s | trying to keep this kitson up and |
20852s | there's the rep the kitson was looking |
20854s | for this Confessor now scrammed webbed |
20857s | and getting DPS they have a guardian the |
20860s | most armor reps you can get out of a |
20861s | ship not named B zarz and uh we're |
20864s | seeing those armor reps start to apply |
20865s | to that Confessor now but now they're |
20867s | onto the Mages so genin impact Alliance |
20869s | trying to get that Target switching |
20871s | going for them oh the Mages is down |
20872s | that's going to be pretty damaging that |
20874s | is a lot of uh potential tank coming off |
20876s | the field in a the next minute or so uh |
20879s | for the bide te side um their Confessor |
20883s | that had tackled the armagedon Navy was |
20885s | uh kind of counter tackled and peeled |
20888s | off he's currently dealing with quite a |
20890s | lot of of threat however it looks like |
20892s | the uh Logistics uh from the uh that |
20895s | Guardian are keeping him quite safe and |
20897s | stable uh they're currently switching |
20899s | over to the Redeemer to poke and PR at |
20901s | him we'll see if that damage amounts to |
20903s | anything more and meanwhile there hasn't |
20904s | been a whole lot coming out from the |
20906s | side of bright side of death uh this |
20908s | lasack has just been absolutely useless |
20910s | it's scrammed it cannot hit anything if |
20913s | it hits a wrecking shot it will one-hot |
20915s | it but uh at the moment just completely |
20919s | scrammed out of the fight and stopped by |
20920s | the arbitrators really applying any DPS |
20922s | we now see all of those tracking |
20924s | disruptors onto the Little Shack as the |
20925s | Redeemer is scrammed and webbed and now |
20927s | the primary from gench Impact Alliance |
20929s | the track disruptor is not going to do a |
20930s | whole lot with a pulse laser uh that is |
20934s | at zero on you yeah that leack is not |
20936s | applying damage to anyone right now if |
20938s | you look at him at a closeup he has no |
20941s | uh disintegrator going out which is very |
20942s | damaging because most of the DPS output |
20945s | from the bide team is going to be in |
20947s | that besid as now uh their their vexor |
20950s | of kinu is now taking some damage hold |
20953s | on hold on they got a jam they they did |
20956s | they get a jam I was like they they must |
20959s | have got a jam on the TCS because now |
20961s | the Navy armor getting of Sailor is |
20962s | actually taking damage and quite a lot |
20964s | of it I don't see any ECM currently |
20967s | applied that kit soon is quite a ways |
20969s | out it looks like he he might have |
20971s | outrange himself in order to to catch |
20973s | some damage the only effect coming out |
20975s | from him or there's no effects out from |
20977s | him just reps coming in from his yes so |
20979s | the redeemer's right on top of Sailor |
20981s | trying to get those NES out onto uh that |
20984s | Navy arvon um has him grappled and there |
20988s | are reps and the guid disruptions here |
20990s | her and the lushack meanwhile uh webbed |
20993s | up currently not tackled I'm taking a |
20995s | look at where his ship is positioned uh |
20997s | he's currently diving back towards the |
20999s | backline these arbitrators are actually |
21001s | dangerously close to this little Shack |
21003s | right now uh they are that last Shack |
21007s | however is still not shooting anything |
21009s | so he seems to be having a pretty rough |
21010s | day uh there are no disintegrated beams |
21013s | at least visible uh from my screen going |
21015s | out to any Targets on the other side so |
21018s | they might be close but he is completely |
21020s | invalidated currently yeah but even then |
21023s | right uh sailor and the Gen Navy 70% |
21025s | armor remaining uh the Redeemer just |
21028s | currently trying to solo uh this |
21031s | Flagship genon Navy um the only ship |
21034s | that's died this far is Maes we have 3 |
21035s | and a half seconds or minutes remaining |
21038s | in the match and the Reps have come out |
21040s | from skyart in this Guardian pretty |
21041s | effectively as I say that though the |
21043s | Redeemer is now starting to take damage |
21045s | from these dual armor get Navy issues |
21046s | they're going to try to clip through |
21047s | them but it's going to be very very |
21049s | tight uh this Redeemer currently sitting |
21051s | 41% armor and getting those full |
21053s | Guardian reps meanwhile kico and lasack |
21055s | we're taking a look at him once again |
21058s | where is he he is currently sitting on |
21060s | the mjd beacon in the center of the |
21062s | Arena those deacons for the uh genin |
21065s | impact side uh pretty far out they are |
21068s | kind of swinging in to put some oh the M |
21071s | gets deleted goodbye mollus those |
21074s | deacons are getting uh back closer |
21075s | however to kind of put some repair on |
21077s | that armagedon Navy issue that redeemer |
21080s | is doing a lot of work with the lhack |
21081s | effectively out of the game still he's |
21083s | currently scrammed in the backline uh |
21085s | quite far away from the rest of the |
21086s | fight that is very unfortunate |
21088s | positioning for him to try and do much |
21090s | from yeah the shack currently webbed |
21094s | right now trying to burn in towards uh |
21098s | that Armageddon Navy issue that is |
21099s | currently tackled the Redeemer living |
21101s | through the clips of those gedon navies |
21103s | for the time being uh sailor currently |
21106s | uh sitting uh at 61% Armor remaining the |
21110s | slack continues to burn in we have about |
21112s | two minutes left in the match if this L |
21113s | Shack isn't screened if he gets right on |
21116s | top of Sailor this could end up being |
21120s | much more |
21121s | interesting than I initially thought he |
21124s | is slowly creeping closer but boy he is |
21126s | moving really really slow so that lak is |
21128s | currently only going 299 me/ second so |
21131s | for most a players that's going to be a |
21133s | pretty pretty modest crawl uh getting up |
21136s | to 300 now saw mjd wait hold on uh one |
21141s | of these armag got Navy issues actually |
21143s | mjd on the backside and is now rushing |
21146s | in towards this |
21148s | Guardian oh if they can get that |
21150s | Guardian that could allow them to punch |
21152s | through oh the vexer of kinaru has gone |
21154s | down now as well that's going to be a |
21155s | few less rep Bots out on the field |
21157s | uh and a little bit less uh range of |
21159s | control and Tackle which is going to |
21161s | hurt uh continue to hurt that uh bright |
21164s | side of death team yeah bright side of |
21167s | death just hasn't been able to kill |
21168s | anything because the Little Shack has |
21169s | been completely neutralized but now is |
21171s | almost at zero on top of this Armageddon |
21175s | Navy issue this kits uh has jams out |
21178s | Only onto the Armageddon Navy issue |
21180s | sailor right now we have a minute |
21181s | remaining in the match uh ul and |
21183s | redeemer is currently sitting very low |
21185s | armor and krilo leack I still don't see |
21188s | any disintegration Rays why bring uh why |
21191s | why spend all of these points on a leack |
21193s | that you're not going to oh wait no we |
21195s | finally have spool congratulations leek |
21197s | has entered the match with 50 seconds to |
21199s | to go um However unfortunately his |
21202s | partner the Redeemer which has been |
21203s | doing most of the work thus far is in |
21206s | hole and it looks like that redeemer is |
21207s | about to go down very low structure uh |
21210s | 27% structure remaining the guardian |
21212s | trying to keep the Redeemer repped up as |
21214s | best as he can if this Redeemer goes |
21216s | down then does not matter if killo ends |
21218s | up killing the flagship naon and in fact |
21221s | the crucifier goes down the Redeemer |
21222s | goes down we have 24 seconds remaining |
21224s | and bright side of je just could not get |
21227s | this comp working versus genin impact |
21229s | Alliance yeah that that leack was was |
21232s | the absolute Lynch pin of this comp it |
21234s | is their Flagship it's got a ton of |
21235s | damage and it just did nothing um it is |
21239s | it's very unfortunate for bright side of |
21241s | death I imagine that if they hadn't |
21243s | faced so much control maybe they would |
21245s | have been able to execute a little bit |
21246s | more uh but he was just webbed down out |
21248s | of range damped down uh tracking |
21251s | disrupted there was almost nothing that |
21253s | he could do yeah pretty unfortunate for |
21255s | the Travian ship but that is all for |
21258s | this match bright side of death being |
21259s | knocked out 02 out of the alliance |
21262s | tournament gench impact Alliance now |
21265s | moving on to face uh a team from the |
21268s | start of tomorrow in the lower bracket |
21271s | all that being said though my name's |
21273s | been fana that's been CCP Aurora we will |
21275s | see you tomorrow after this break and |
21278s | after the desk we'll be right back after |
21282s | this and there you have it bright side |
21284s | of death is the next victim of Alliance |
21286s | tournament 20 they are dunzo um what |
21289s | happened there is they brought their |
21290s | Flagship lck uh completely forgot to |
21293s | Banner any form of tracking disruption |
21295s | oh n um and got tracking disrupted to |
21298s | heck and back uh we did a quick Piper um |
21301s | timal range with uh maon uh 6.9 km so uh |
21306s | functional right he wasn't really doing |
21308s | much and he also didn't go anywhere yeah |
21310s | he just spent the he he tried to go away |
21313s | and then come back he was just literally |
21315s | locked in too far away and actually it's |
21317s | it must been frustrating for him I got |
21319s | to say that's probably the saddest |
21320s | flagless Shack I think we've ever seen |
21322s | in a tournament match like you've got |
21324s | all the tool like the world did your |
21325s | fingertips and it's just that far away |
21328s | he was just looking at the big number in |
21329s | Piper with like the sad violin music |
21331s | playing in the background like how much |
21333s | damage I could have done if I had been |
21335s | able to hit we did say it before well |
21337s | you actually said the Fantastic analyst |
21339s | of that you are that they were sort of |
21341s | signaling that they were going to bring |
21342s | the Les and I'm surprised that why |
21344s | didn't they just ban some any any any |
21348s | anything they did the Sentinal did they |
21350s | which isn't enough they s and the |
21353s | arbitrator is still open which is |
21354s | obviously going to be used a lot so I'm |
21356s | surprised is a good old crucifier like a |
21357s | little cheap boy just being a real ruin |
21359s | of your day the wle band does make sense |
21360s | now because you don't want your your Le |
21362s | get jammed um but I'm pretty sure a flag |
21365s | the shat could have just killed Widow |
21367s | anyway so I don't think that really good |
21369s | gon also maybe that's the one that you |
21370s | drop out and you start sticking in |
21372s | Pilgrim curse arbitrator that kind of |
21374s | stuff that's where I do at least oh well |
21377s | could have should have would have try |
21378s | again next time um all right that was |
21379s | our last match uh of the day uh we are |
21382s | back tomorrow uh 1500 um Eve time for |
21386s | more spaceship explosions it's been |
21387s | plenty today um plenty of great ones |
21389s | some some great upsets we've already |
21391s | lost a couple of like pretty Powerhouse |
21392s | teams both Bry of death and Tempest are |
21395s | already gone just like gone straight out |
21397s | the door bang did not expect tempis did |
21400s | not expect this at all we we had some |
21402s | great matches we had uh the VA to Brave |
21404s | match was a great one uh we had our 1- |
21406s | nil match that was one of my favorites |
21408s | uh we had some great examples of |
21409s | piloting and of course some some |
21410s | terrible mistakes that people will be |
21412s | reviewing overnight and getting ready |
21414s | for matches tomorrow so do come back |
21416s | tomorrow uh 1500 uh we will be here |
21419s | waiting for you uh until then uh I've |
21421s | been CP overload uh there's a whole host |
21423s | of other people here uh they all say |
21424s | thank you as well see you tomorrow Co |