9 months
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EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | hello hello hello hello you beautiful |
3s | people what's happening how are we |
7s | all doing good doing good I'm good I'm |
10s | good thank you good good good good and |
12s | uh how's chat today I mean everyone's |
14s | rolling in so yo zero um welcome guys to |
18s | the uh the solstice Dev stream um this |
22s | is a a very exciting stream um |
23s | especially for me because this is the |
25s | first time I've actually ever done a Dev |
26s | stream um so little nervous little shaky |
29s | but we're going to get through it and I |
31s | am joined by uh my fellow colleagues do |
35s | you want to introduce |
37s | yourselves hi yeah I'm CCP Collins I'm |
40s | the lead product manager on E |
43s | Vanguard and I'm uh |
46s | Lucas C be sneaky |
50s | snake and I'm senior technical artist |
54s | on amazing and I'm CCP peaceful I'm the |
58s | uh Community developer for you Vanguard |
61s | um it was really funny when you said |
63s | your name there I was like yeah that's |
64s | right but then I realized what you did |
66s | yeah um so yeah we've got a lot to uh |
70s | talk about today um there's a hell of a |
72s | lot uh I don't even know where we begin |
75s | um I guess uh one of the first things we |
77s | could probably do is uh check out the |
79s | the focus uh the in Focus that we |
81s | released um last night on YouTube um do |
84s | you guys want to roll with that |
86s | first yeah yeah show show these guys |
88s | yeah it's a really good video um so |
90s | we'll roll with this uh so you guys can |
92s | check |
93s | out what is going to be in |
98s | store the key vision statements for e on |
102s | line is that we want to create the |
103s | ultimate science fiction |
105s | experience the solce event will start on |
108s | June 20th and run for 11 days to July |
110s | 1st and players will be able to deploy |
113s | 24/7 we're actually building on a lot of |
116s | the great work that happened in play |
118s | tests from December and up to but |
120s | there's a lot that has |
128s | changed it's a brand new map it's a |
131s | completely new biome it's new wreckage |
133s | new hazards and looks like a beautiful |
135s | archipelago that's been completely |
137s | corrupted by wreckage that's crashed |
138s | into the nearby |
142s | ocean there's plenty of new content |
144s | being added to the experience we will be |
147s | expanding on the industry work that we |
149s | did in marks and you will also be adding |
152s | new objectives for you to do to add |
154s | suppression or corruption your activity |
157s | really matters in the grander scheme of |
162s | things when you first deploy your weapon |
165s | will be pretty thin and you'll need to |
167s | go and find chipsets in the environment |
169s | that you can either get through looting |
170s | or completing activities and |
172s | events it's got the fre activities which |
175s | are the secured s sites The Mining |
177s | rights and then these Escape pods which |
179s | are strewn all over over the landscape |
181s | that you can go and hack open with your |
182s | winding |
183s | laser the secured saage site is a lock |
186s | down secured Depo which the enemies |
188s | found some stuff and they put it under a |
189s | shield and it's up to you to sort of |
191s | break in and take the stuff for yourself |
193s | and you can use your mining laser to |
194s | hack these panels to then gain access to |
197s | the internals this is where you're |
198s | getting cool chipsets which goes to |
200s | support the Adaptive weaponry and make |
202s | your weapon unique to |
204s | you the more dangerous the activity is |
206s | the greater the chipset rewards will be |
208s | once you collect the chipsets you'll |
210s | either have to bank and extract to be |
212s | able to keep them or on certain events |
214s | they'll automatically be sent directly |
216s | to your hanger before you next deploy |
218s | you'll have the option to go and |
220s | customize your weapon with those |
221s | chipsets that you have we've got this |
223s | idea of the open contract which is the |
226s | Mining rights event this is an event |
228s | that gets called out to the entire |
229s | session so everyone gets told about this |
231s | event you go along you show up and you |
233s | contest that site this big drle comes in |
236s | from space people are coming in and |
237s | trying to take it from you and then |
238s | you're defending it we introduce these |
241s | new gadgets the motion scanner which |
243s | pings enemies around you you can see |
245s | what direction threats are coming from |
246s | and then you've got proximity mines |
248s | which you can place to defend those |
249s | areas in those directions and that came |
251s | from feedback from players saying that |
253s | they want more tools to help make their |
255s | sessions more interesting each of the |
257s | weapon modes have an array of slots so |
260s | you support one scope and then five |
262s | other generic chipset slots and you can |
264s | customize those however you like in |
266s | whatever combination you have two of |
268s | these different modes and those will |
269s | Define the two weapon types that you |
271s | have that you can switch between on the |
273s | Fly you're going to be feeling a lot of |
275s | weapon sway you're going to feel the |
276s | weapon kind of pushing against you a |
277s | little bit this makes the weapon feel |
279s | much more alive make it feel a lot more |
281s | visceral in your |
282s | hands so after the Solage event we're |
285s | actually going to lay low just gather |
286s | all this incredible feedback we've |
288s | gotten there is a reason why we are kind |
291s | of focusing on the Eve Community First |
294s | make sure that like things go in the |
295s | right places and we can really allow |
297s | ourselves some time to prioritize and |
299s | make sure that the next steps are even |
301s | stronger we have a free Omega in the |
303s | nest store right now and you can claim |
305s | it until midnight June 20th we're also |
308s | going to be creating a Founders program |
310s | where we'll allow a bit more access to |
313s | the developers opening up dedicated |
315s | discords and getting people into focused |
317s | play tests on topics that are maybe more |
321s | focused and more detailed than the ones |
323s | that we've been seeing till this point |
325s | so stay tuned and look forward to seeing |
327s | you in space |
333s | awesome stuff um so there was a a lot of |
338s | new things there um I think the |
342s | yeah I take the Le was it what was what |
345s | was your thoughts well I yeah I think |
347s | that's the thing this is |
349s | like um this is we've been talking about |
352s | this before like after first strike um |
355s | the first first |
356s | strike um happened in December mber um |
361s | this is the main chunk of the content |
363s | that we the most of the team have been |
365s | working on we've obviously had the first |
366s | strike play tests but those were kind of |
369s | just Little minor updates we added the |
370s | mining in March but the the vast |
373s | majority of the team have all been |
375s | working towards this release so yeah |
378s | there's a lot that's gone into it you |
380s | know planning all the way back before |
382s | even first strike the first first strike |
384s | in December we've been planning all of |
385s | this stuff so um yeah it's just good to |
387s | see out there I think the main goals |
390s | around this were just about wanting to |
393s | create more activity more things for |
395s | people to do more reasons to keep |
398s | deploying and have stuff that they can |
400s | also take out I think a lot of feedback |
403s | that we got rightly around first strike |
405s | is the sessions were very contained but |
407s | there was no there was no really there's |
409s | no thread between them there was no real |
411s | reason from one session to the next um |
414s | to to deploy down other than just maybe |
416s | completing a new contract or hoping you |
418s | come across something different so with |
420s | the chipsets there's a persistence now |
422s | between the sessions so there's this |
424s | sense of progression that you're |
425s | building your stash of chipsets You're |
427s | Building Your Perfect Weapon um you're |
429s | building your loadouts and then you're |
430s | deploying that way and then even on the |
432s | surface as well as a gorgeous new map to |
435s | explore there's lots of more activities |
437s | that can happen on the surface of that |
439s | planet now and I think it was all within |
440s | the goal of just creating more |
443s | activities for people to do more reasons |
445s | for people to play for longer and over |
447s | multiple sessions as well yeah and I |
449s | think I think uh one of the the key |
451s | points is uh been feedback right so |
453s | we've we've taken so much feedback from |
454s | all of these uh these play tests um |
457s | throughout the months is there um is |
459s | there one any in particular feedback you |
460s | can you can list that we've taken on |
462s | board I think there's a lot of things |
464s | it's quite interesting as well because I |
465s | think a lot of the things that a lot |
467s | people wanted like I want more things to |
468s | do I want ways to customize my weapon it |
471s | was it was hard for us to not just say |
473s | ah we're working on it already CU there |
474s | was kind of a lot of that stuff we we |
477s | knew was going to be the cruxs of the |
479s | feedback but lot of quality of life uh |
481s | feedback we went really heavy on on the |
484s | January and February first strike play |
486s | test we' made a lot of quality of life |
487s | changes based on the feedback that we |
489s | got from December um there's a whole |
492s | host of sorry keybind |
496s | keybind um and adding in suppression as |
498s | well um |
501s | we that wasn't originally a part of the |
504s | plan for us to add suppression contracts |
506s | in so soon but we got so much feedback |
508s | from the December and January play tests |
511s | um that we we immediately prioritized in |
513s | so we can get it in for March um but |
515s | yeah there's a lot of that that have all |
516s | filtered in through into some of the |
518s | stuff that we're doing and we're trying |
520s | some stuff differently as well here |
521s | there's some quality of life |
522s | improvements that we hope will work some |
524s | that may not land some that will land |
526s | right this is why we do this that we'll |
528s | get loads of feedback on for this test |
530s | that we'll immediately funnel back in um |
532s | for the next release yeah uh 100% yeah |
535s | that's very good answer and of course |
536s | the um the suppression and Corruption is |
538s | obviously you know sort of vital because |
540s | it does kind of it's sort of the way of |
542s | tying into the eve Universe right um |
544s | because you know even though it is |
545s | Vanguard it is still Eve Vanguard um so |
547s | it's all about keeping within that new |
548s | Eden um I think one of the uh one of the |
552s | the big things that's coming to this |
553s | update then is uh the map right I think |
555s | that's probably the biggest thing um and |
559s | it's it's called Solstice um so I know |
562s | uh Sneaky Snake may have um some |
564s | comments on the uh on the new map |
568s | but what was what was the where did the |
571s | ideas come from how did how did things |
574s | plan out this |
576s | way um yeah gosh long story I guess |
580s | there's there's a lot of things we |
582s | wanted to do with this map um a lot of |
585s | different things we wanted to |
586s | explore |
587s | [Music] |
590s | um I guess in general a lot of it was |
594s | about just doing something completely |
596s | different uh than caran and just really |
600s | in terms of atmosphere and mood just |
602s | sort of show a different angle um that's |
605s | mostly visually and artistically I think |
608s | that was a big challenge we wanted to |
610s | set for ourselves um and in gameplay |
612s | space we we wanted to experiment with |
615s | all sorts of different things as well |
616s | you'll probably notice if you play it |
617s | it's a lot more vertical and there's a |
619s | lot more I guess different ways of |
622s | traversing the the the map different uh |
626s | kind of areas that you can get into um |
631s | I think one of the first things I |
632s | noticed when actually jumping on the map |
634s | was how um how much fall damage is |
639s | considered uh compared to Kion because |
642s | it was like I think I took fall damage |
643s | once on Kion um just randomly I thought |
646s | oh there's fall damage in this game and |
648s | then I played this map and I think I |
649s | found out there was fall damage within |
651s | the first maybe 30 seconds um so you can |
653s | definitely tell that uh it's it's also |
657s | as well like a lot of um the community |
658s | mentioning though it's with carry on it |
660s | was very um I don't want to say dull but |
662s | it was very uh dark colors very gray |
665s | very um yeah it had its own kind of like |
669s | Rhythm I guess like theme throughout the |
671s | entire map whereas like with uh with |
673s | sorces now you have like the different |
675s | biomes right yeah you do and we wanted |
678s | to really contrast them because in Karen |
679s | we sort of had different biomes we had |
681s | sulfur swamps and we had um I guess the |
685s | the rest of the map we had the central |
687s | POI which felt a little bit different um |
689s | but here we really wanted to contrast |
690s | with different areas and make them feel |
692s | very different um and also play very |
696s | different if you're in the in the jungle |
700s | you will feel like the game is almost |
703s | completely different in terms of how you |
704s | approach navigating and looking around |
708s | um compared to some of the other areas |
710s | of the |
711s | map yeah and then indeed that that sort |
714s | of the the fear of fall damage that the |
716s | sort of feeling of I have to watch my |
718s | step and I have to watch |
720s | where I go is is a lot more important |
722s | here I think I think you both called out |
725s | something which is I'm glad you called |
726s | that out as well because I think it was |
727s | a large part of um uh Adam is blue our |
732s | um level designer the work that he |
733s | wanted to build in in adding more |
735s | verticality to the map is carrying kind |
738s | of is a bit of a bowl right it's all |
740s | generally on one big plane that kind of |
741s | funnels into the middle is uh having |
744s | soltice have a lot more |
746s | verticality um in terms of breaking up |
749s | combat lines as well but also how you |
752s | navigate the map and how you how those |
754s | sight lines are broken up it was a large |
757s | part of the um design direction of that |
759s | new map so glad that it's coming through |
761s | even if it is in the form of fall damage |
763s | yeah I think I think for me personally |
765s | um you know as like a a competitive |
767s | player for me it's all about map |
768s | knowledge um and I feel like map |
770s | knowledge is going to be a lot more |
772s | crucial on Solstice um as opposed to it |
774s | was on carryon and you can actually uh |
776s | increase that sort of skill skill Gap |
778s | now because the map knowledge is going |
780s | to be so important and it's going to be |
782s | important to the way that you make you |
783s | know your your your ideas the way you |
785s | take contracts the way you um initiating |
788s | activities the way that you uh position |
790s | your team as well you know when you're |
791s | you're countering or maybe um on the |
794s | offense uh so yeah it's it's definitely |
797s | very different I'm very excited to get |
799s | back on |
800s | it it's a much more complicated |
803s | map it will feel bigger I think I can't |
807s | confirm the actual sizing of it but I |
809s | think in in terms of square footage I |
811s | think it's actually smaller than |
812s | carrying um but it will feel like a much |
814s | larger map based on you've got a lot of |
817s | overlapping areas you can go underground |
819s | overground um so yeah I never and that's |
823s | good to be seeing some of the feedback |
825s | of people going oh my God this this is |
826s | much bigger than carry and and we're |
828s | like |
829s | H we you I thought I thought it was |
832s | bigger I'm not goingon to lie I I 100% |
834s | thought it was bigger if anything if you |
836s | told me it was four times bigger I would |
838s | have believed you and I think you're |
839s | right it's because of the the different |
841s | levels right I think that's the voodoo |
843s | of good level design right we definitely |
846s | set out to make something smaller than |
848s | Karen because like that was a lot of |
850s | work let's keep it |
853s | simple um quite bad out I still to this |
856s | day like after months of playing this |
858s | map uh I still bump into areas that I've |
861s | never |
862s | seen I found like a underground cave |
865s | Network that I hadn't found before I |
867s | fell in there was a a in some wreckage |
870s | and I fell in it and there was just it |
872s | was like a what it was a mine there was |
875s | mining Outlets everywhere around me and |
877s | I just in all my time hadn't stumbled |
879s | across that place before because I |
882s | hadn't found that one area that funnels |
883s | in through it and I hadn't found that |
885s | hole so yeah I think um we'll be people |
888s | will be constantly like we are coming up |
892s | against areas in the map that they just |
893s | didn't know we there it's yeah it's it's |
897s | a difficult thing though right cuz it's |
898s | like I think it was like three islands |
900s | and then it's connected via the wreckage |
902s | so I mean the the way that the map works |
904s | is is actually quite intelligent and the |
906s | way that um you know you've managed to |
908s | like Loop the islands together to create |
910s | one Island uh with the wreckage it's |
912s | really impressive um I know uh when we |
916s | started releasing um you know sort of uh |
919s | assets for the the new map one of the |
921s | assets we provided was the trees um and |
924s | people in the community went wild over |
926s | trees um and I think the the the sh as |
929s | well I think the water um I think |
931s | everyone was uh uh very excited to |
935s | see um that so if I just bring this on |
938s | screen now so I don't know um if you |
940s | want to go through the the the thought |
942s | process of this sneaky or where the idea |
945s | of this came from or um yeah I can I |
948s | mean the i i there's obviously a |
951s | concepting phase and I can only talk |
954s | about the concepting phase of the tree |
955s | so much sure um because I wasn't the one |
959s | to do it it um I think in general we |
961s | wanted to make a map that felt a lot |
962s | more alive and a lot |
965s | more um maybe I wouldn't say alien but I |
968s | guess alive is the good word uh things |
970s | that that move things that aren't just |
974s | on fire um and so these types of foliage |
979s | and trees that you've never really seen |
981s | before was definitely something we |
982s | wanted to play with |
985s | um and I guess we had our our concept |
989s | team |
990s | uh work with this and design these |
992s | different types of trees and shapes |
997s | um and at that point we just kind of got |
1001s | this and and tried to translate it into |
1003s | the into the 3D World um which is |
1006s | obviously an incredibly interesting |
1009s | challenge um these sort of natural |
1012s | shapes but not quite natural things like |
1016s | it's not an actual thing that is on |
1018s | Earth |
1020s | um so Translating that convincingly into |
1025s | a 3D environment is is very cool uh so |
1029s | we developed all sorts of tools to help |
1031s | the art team with that um and to sort |
1035s | of uh give people that feeling of these |
1038s | trees being um not quite what you expect |
1042s | they they react to the light slightly |
1044s | differently than you would expect any |
1046s | other tree to to do |
1050s | um it's it's interesting because um like |
1052s | obviously for me it's you know I I see a |
1054s | tree it's it's uh interesting and it |
1056s | looks really cool and you know maybe |
1058s | like but that as you just said the way |
1059s | it reacts with a light is just something |
1061s | that I would never have taken into |
1062s | consideration and I think that's what a |
1063s | lot of other people probably didn't |
1064s | either um and when you see like these |
1066s | kind of these diagrams and you see the |
1068s | kind of like information and narrative |
1070s | that goes into it is is uh quite |
1074s | interesting the way they sound as well |
1076s | like I they almost sound like I don't |
1079s | want to describe them as creatures but |
1082s | the there's the the creaking and the way |
1084s | they they move and sound they there |
1087s | almost something I think alive is the |
1089s | word that you know sneaky just used I |
1091s | think I would describe it as well but I |
1093s | just it's my favorite part of the map |
1095s | just to stand and take it all in I'm |
1097s | obviously quite um privileged as a Dev |
1100s | to be able to jump into a map with |
1101s | nobody else in it so I can just wander |
1103s | around without being shot at um but yeah |
1106s | just with the dust particles and the god |
1108s | r and just seeing the the trees move and |
1111s | the SS they make it's just it's amazing |
1114s | what the team had done just to make what |
1116s | is generally just a just a section of a |
1118s | map just feel so alive and |
1122s | Rich yeah um and it's it's impressive to |
1125s | see the different contrast in biomes |
1127s | when you're when you're traveling like I |
1129s | I spawn for the first time in the in the |
1130s | trees area and then next thing I know |
1132s | I'm straight in a wreckage or I'm |
1134s | straight in like you know this this icy |
1136s | Zone um it's it's impressive to see the |
1139s | the different biomes and how they um how |
1141s | they connect so so well um cool so um I |
1146s | guess uh yeah the map uh obviously |
1149s | incredible we do have though uh a bunch |
1152s | of new features um so I guess we do have |
1154s | like uh the I guess we could start with |
1157s | the mining tether uh cuz that's a pretty |
1159s | cool that's a pretty cool uh interesting |
1161s | one um the mining tether so it's uh it's |
1165s | an activity right it's a contract that |
1167s | appears on the map |
1169s | yeah I think it's it's something like |
1171s | the the way that we've been like the |
1173s | terminology we're using around our |
1174s | activities is like we've been calling |
1176s | structured activities is like our |
1178s | contracts but we wanted more emergent |
1180s | activities things that just kind of |
1181s | happen in the section that you have to |
1182s | make an on the-fly decision of do I get |
1184s | involved in this do I not so the mining |
1187s | Tor is our first one of our first |
1189s | alongside um Salvage rights as well um |
1193s | is |
1195s | the first kind of Fay into US creating |
1197s | these emerging experiences so in the map |
1200s | uh everyone will be warned that there is |
1202s | a zone that is now active where players |
1204s | can now call down the mining tether |
1206s | they'll then have to keep the tethers uh |
1209s | aligned there's like a little maybe |
1211s | miname is the wrong word but the T |
1214s | you'll have to either work solo it's |
1215s | harder solo but I as a team work |
1217s | together to keep the tethers aligned um |
1220s | as the mining tether does its job and |
1222s | then once it's done that it will then go |
1224s | back away uh and the team that had |
1226s | control of that area when the mining |
1228s | teor is done will get the rewards for |
1230s | that so everyone knows the position of |
1233s | that though so you can ex expect some |
1235s | skirmishes to happen um as teams fight |
1238s | for control of the mining T to get the |
1240s | rewards um from it but yeah as you can |
1242s | see here as well it's a first instance |
1244s | of something dropping in from the sky as |
1246s | well which is really exciting for |
1250s | us but yeah there it is in it's glory |
1253s | and they they're the the very wild |
1254s | tethers but yeah the teams will have to |
1256s | work at each of those tethers to keep |
1257s | that aligned to keep the progress |
1259s | ticking on you can see it uh in the |
1261s | central column there on the mining T |
1263s | I'll tell you how far it's gone along |
1265s | but what we're doing is we're hoping you |
1267s | can create a bit of a flash point is it |
1269s | something that other players will want |
1270s | to stay away from but if they want to |
1271s | get involved as some PVP um you can very |
1274s | much guarantee that you're going to come |
1275s | across other players um as people are |
1277s | fighting for these mining tethers um and |
1280s | this this hopefully is just the start of |
1283s | these kind of activities that we want to |
1284s | create cuz we also have uh the other |
1287s | activity as well which I'm sure we can |
1288s | talk about |
1290s | yeah um it's it's kind of like a like a |
1292s | capture the flag or like King of the |
1293s | Hill kind of aspect to it really um yeah |
1296s | and it is really cool because uh and |
1297s | obviously as as a squad it's so much |
1299s | easier because you can have one on each |
1300s | tether um but then you can't all be on |
1303s | the tethers because as you said it's |
1304s | going to be alerted on the map and |
1306s | people are going to be coming for it um |
1308s | yeah so it's a really cool uh aspect um |
1311s | of the game um which what did you say at |
1314s | the last bit then did you say something |
1316s | we have uh the the ever activity um |
1318s | right the um I can't remember the full |
1321s | name of it I want to call it by its Dev |
1323s | name because it's been referred to so |
1325s | long the the the Salvage um secure |
1329s | Salvage secure Salvage that is that is |
1331s | the name yep yep the these are a lot of |
1336s | fun um we do have some gameplay for this |
1339s | one as well awesome yeah this this one's |
1341s | really cool as well so this one this |
1343s | one's a bit more local than the other |
1344s | one so these are already present on the |
1346s | map um different instances of maps will |
1349s | have different ones activated so they |
1352s | you won't always find them in the same |
1353s | place um but here this isn't just |
1355s | something that's called out on the map |
1356s | that happens at a specific time you will |
1358s | have to go and activate these so what |
1361s | this is is there's basically some |
1362s | secured Salvage um and you need to hack |
1364s | into a terminal to be able to gain |
1367s | access to that but the hacking process |
1369s | takes time whilst you're hacking hordes |
1372s | of NPCs will start spawning in around |
1374s | you and you kind of have to defend the |
1376s | point from those um if you're in |
1378s | exterior um points as well you'll |
1380s | actually see them drop down um which is |
1382s | really cool uh and you need to defend to |
1385s | the point whilst the hacking is going on |
1386s | but there are terminals around you that |
1388s | you can use to speed up the process but |
1390s | the NPCs are going to be wanting to |
1392s | dismantle those as well so there's a bit |
1393s | of micromanagement that's needed to |
1396s | ensure that the hacking process is |
1397s | continuing but um I really love this I |
1400s | love third partying this as well so I'm |
1402s | the type of person that I won't initiate |
1404s | one of these I'll wait for somebody else |
1406s | to do it and I'll wait for them to do |
1407s | all the hard work for me and then when |
1409s | they get slightly overrun by NPCs I then |
1411s | come in take advantage of it and then |
1413s | once the hacking's finished I'll steal |
1415s | the loot and I'll go um but there's also |
1418s | is one of those things that we want to |
1421s | just create these kind of experiences in |
1424s | the game where you're worried about NPCs |
1427s | other players recloning in that you've |
1428s | just killed wanting Revenge as well as |
1430s | being third partied all of these things |
1432s | should be swirling in your mind when |
1433s | you're making decisions about should I |
1435s | engage with this shouldn't I engage with |
1436s | this or you might just stumble across a |
1438s | team team taking on one of these and |
1440s | thinking oh is this the right time to |
1442s | take advantage of that and that that was |
1444s | something we didn't have in First Strike |
1445s | right it was just running around finding |
1447s | people and just bumping into them and |
1449s | killing them now people are starting to |
1451s | be congregated around certain areas of |
1453s | the map that you can now start to play |
1454s | around or avoid depending on your play |
1456s | style yeah yeah it's it's so good to see |
1460s | a drop come in and a bunch of AI come |
1462s | out of it and run into a cave and you're |
1465s | know like oh there's some people doing |
1467s | some some business in there |
1469s | yeah and that alert is terrifying um I |
1471s | don't know if you can hear it on the |
1472s | stream but the alert is like a siren |
1474s | that goes off um but the one thing uh |
1478s | that I like is so obviously the the |
1479s | mining tool that was introduced |
1481s | previously um it's not just used for you |
1484s | know Gathering resources anymore it's |
1485s | also used for completing objectives um |
1489s | like these s sites |
1491s | so it's just nice to always we we always |
1494s | kind of wanted to to do that and it even |
1496s | surprised us I remember when we put the |
1498s | m in laser and not even we we hadn't |
1501s | even put it out yet we put a video of |
1503s | the mining laser on Discord and people |
1505s | were already going I can use this for |
1506s | Target painting and straight away we're |
1509s | like people are already thinking about |
1510s | ways that they can use this so the |
1512s | luckily our designers were also thinking |
1514s | about the same thing so these panels |
1516s | need the mining laser here there are |
1517s | also some internal prototypes that we're |
1519s | just playing around with and exploring |
1520s | about how other ways can we use this |
1522s | mining laser um which is really cool we |
1525s | don't want it to just be for mining this |
1527s | is a tool and why shouldn't we be using |
1529s | it for for other |
1531s | things yeah definitely um it's it's |
1533s | funny because when when I first went |
1535s | into this with the uh with the squad |
1536s | what we what we originally planned was |
1538s | we would have someone watching the front |
1539s | someone watching the back and then one |
1540s | person doing the the mining uh doing the |
1543s | the patterns and uh we quickly found out |
1546s | that it was actually better to do it |
1548s | separately so all three of us took one |
1550s | section each and then um we would |
1553s | whoever the last uh whoever done this |
1555s | quickest would just go to the last one |
1557s | and then the other two can hold off the |
1558s | enemies so there's a lot of different um |
1560s | tactics that you can do with it um and |
1562s | obviously as well you still got to |
1563s | remember that there is going to be other |
1564s | players around that could potentially |
1565s | just come in and sweep it sweep from mum |
1567s | after you've done work I imagine a |
1570s | meta's going to form all of these things |
1572s | happen and players will figure out a way |
1573s | of Min maxing this like we saw this with |
1576s | contracts that we added in with First |
1577s | Strike we never imagined that people |
1579s | would be able to complete you know |
1581s | almost 1500 of them over a weekend um |
1584s | but that they surprised us with that |
1587s | this is why we do this and this is why |
1588s | we get excited by this is um be really |
1590s | interesting to see how people kind of |
1592s | Break um and form a meta and strategy |
1595s | around these kind of things that we put |
1596s | out we we we kind of plop them in to |
1598s | just create some emergence in the |
1600s | gameplay and how people interact with |
1602s | them how they interact with others |
1603s | around it um is super interesting right |
1606s | we might even find two squads or three |
1608s | decide that it's more effective to to |
1610s | help each other and take this on |
1612s | together and share the rewards he knows |
1613s | right |
1614s | mhm yeah um and I believe I think when |
1618s | you loot them um I think they have uh |
1621s | chipsets in them as well I believe um |
1624s | which is really really cool we will go |
1625s | onto the chipsets in the Adaptive |
1626s | Weaponry uh in a moment but since we're |
1628s | on the topic of uh the mining um I think |
1630s | it'd be really cool to just talk about |
1632s | the Escape pod cracking uh this is |
1635s | another cool element of the game where |
1637s | you you find um pods around the map and |
1640s | you can just hack them enter the code |
1642s | and then |
1643s | redeem some some credits yeah like the |
1648s | this is one of the things that um when |
1650s | we're kind of doing a lot of open |
1651s | prototyping um I think this was the the |
1654s | brainchild of um CCP principal our lead |
1656s | game designer who was looking at ways to |
1658s | better utilize the laser and come up |
1661s | with things that players can just |
1662s | stumble upon and have to interact with |
1664s | in the world um and it it is really cool |
1668s | already to see these Jets and pods that |
1670s | players have to hack into adding a new |
1672s | mechanic in here obviously with the |
1673s | hacking um having to wait for the uh the |
1676s | numbers to appear which exposes you as |
1678s | well so risk reward in the gameplay as |
1680s | well um all of these things are just |
1682s | really cool and I think um it's very |
1686s | worth spending your time if you stumble |
1688s | across one of these the credits you can |
1690s | earn from these is generally quite a lot |
1691s | so uh it's worth if you spot a few uh |
1695s | taking your time unless you feel um they |
1698s | expose you too much but you'll find them |
1699s | all littered around the map um again one |
1702s | of the many things we want to add to |
1703s | kind of just keep you entertained and |
1705s | you have is we' always talked about this |
1708s | from like a perspective is the player |
1709s | has their goals there's something that |
1711s | they want to achieve in the session it's |
1712s | our job to just put loads of stuff in |
1713s | their way that may just draw their |
1715s | attention um uh and that that's the kind |
1718s | of this is a prime example of um that |
1722s | kind of |
1726s | gameplay yeah I think uh the the tactic |
1729s | that I found is if you get to a loot |
1730s | site you do the the pods first the |
1734s | Escape pods first activate it Go loot |
1736s | everything and then come back to it |
1737s | right um I shouldn't be sharing this |
1739s | information but uh I I know I my my |
1742s | secret strats but uh I I feel bad for |
1745s | getting to uh getting to play it early |
1747s | but yeah I think uh I think it's a |
1749s | really cool element uh introduced to the |
1751s | game um so I know we we talked about um |
1755s | the chip sets that you can receive now |
1756s | so this is uh very interesting because I |
1760s | feel like this is such a |
1761s | customizable it's such a like a way for |
1764s | players to be able to customize the way |
1766s | that they play the game um in the in the |
1768s | term of these chips as where they can |
1769s | actually design their gun to work the |
1772s | way that they want it to um so if I |
1775s | bring up the Adaptive Weaponry like for |
1779s | example in this clip here you'll see |
1781s | that there's there's two separate modes |
1782s | now per gun correct like it has like two |
1785s | different personalities yeah there's |
1786s | there's like an alpha and beta load out |
1788s | so players will create their own |
1789s | loadouts in the front end and they can |
1791s | switch between them using Q if you press |
1793s | Q you'll switch between the the two load |
1795s | outs on the fly so like a strat I like |
1798s | to use is I create a short short range |
1800s | Loadout it's very bursty um very kind of |
1802s | from the hip um and then I create a |
1805s | another Loadout which is a bit more long |
1807s | range um and then I just switch between |
1809s | the two when I've got different |
1810s | engagement ranges but the there's also |
1813s | like Scopes is a part of this as well |
1815s | like I think if I go back to like the |
1816s | original goals like CU you're you're |
1819s | right this is we wanted to go very wide |
1821s | with this when we talked about how we |
1823s | wanted to take weapons forwards there |
1825s | was there was you know some paths we |
1827s | could take we could just keep making |
1828s | more weapons um um or which is kind of |
1832s | the the wide approach to making Weaponry |
1834s | or we could actually just go tall with |
1835s | our weapons make these weapons platforms |
1838s | that players can then customize and how |
1840s | deep we go to the customization is up to |
1842s | us right and we wanted to just see how |
1844s | far we could go with this by exposing as |
1848s | many parameters of that weapons profile |
1850s | to the chipsets so and then create |
1852s | chipsets around that at different tiers |
1854s | at different stat levels um for players |
1857s | to basically just start creating those |
1858s | things we wanted people if they we |
1860s | wanted it to be inefficient as well like |
1863s | people can make bad builds and that is a |
1866s | part of this is you will have to learn |
1869s | what works for you but it's not just |
1871s | about power there isn't like a final |
1874s | build that is perfect um it's about how |
1877s | you like to use the weapon right like I |
1879s | like dmrs but I'm I'm not a very Twitchy |
1883s | shooter I don't like getting up in close |
1885s | range and just trying to keep my |
1886s | Crosshair on you I like being far away |
1889s | and knowing that you are you don't see |
1892s | me and then me trying to get a pot shot |
1893s | on you so I'm going to be building my |
1895s | weapon around that but there will be |
1896s | people who just just want to run at |
1898s | people and fire from the hip and unload |
1900s | a clip as quickly as |
1902s | possible both of those things work and |
1906s | that's the kind of Realm that we wanted |
1907s | to create here with the chipsets is |
1910s | there is a progression in it the more |
1912s | chipsets you have and the higher ones |
1914s | you have the more customization you have |
1916s | over the weapon um but it is about |
1918s | how what works for you and how you like |
1921s | to kill people and how you like to |
1923s | engage in combat you're building your |
1924s | load outs that way and I think we have I |
1927s | think over around 70 chipsets at the |
1929s | moment so there's a lot of customization |
1930s | you can do from Scopes and highlights um |
1934s | changing things like you know uh damage |
1936s | output and stability recoil control all |
1939s | of these things um I'd like I we're just |
1942s | really excited it's one of those things |
1944s | again let's see how people break it |
1947s | right yeah like if we want people if |
1949s | somebody creates a meme build we want to |
1951s | see what those meme builds are if there |
1953s | is a build that starts to rise from the |
1956s | crop as like this is a really good build |
1961s | and it's slightly overpowered we want to |
1962s | see that now because it's at this stage |
1965s | that we can start making those changes |
1966s | we want to see where the balance you |
1968s | know Deltas are and um we just we wanted |
1972s | to put it out as wide as possible so |
1975s | people can just rip turn run this thing |
1977s | but it it's again is emphasizing that |
1980s | the weapons that we build and this isn't |
1982s | always going to be a one weapon game |
1983s | right we only have one weapon at the |
1985s | moment we will eventually get around to |
1987s | making more weapons but we just still |
1989s | feel there's more depth we want to build |
1991s | into the weapon system this is the first |
1992s | step on that and be really exciting to |
1995s | see all the different builds that people |
1997s | make yeah um I I know there's a there's |
2000s | a player I keep calling him out Levi |
2002s | Thunder who likes meleeing people |
2004s | unfortunately there aren't any melee |
2005s | chips he can't make any melee builds but |
2008s | I he just likes running at people right |
2009s | so he may be thinking about creating |
2012s | some short range um load outs to to help |
2016s | him out because I know we've added a |
2018s | cool down to melee now which I think |
2020s | he's very unhappy about um primarily |
2023s | devs uh he likes to uh practice on I |
2026s | think yes 100% yeah the but no what's |
2030s | what's really cool about this though um |
2033s | is that obviously I know a lot of people |
2035s | say like is it still one gun I mean the |
2038s | is this time it's like yeah it's still |
2040s | one gun but it can be shaped in any kind |
2043s | of way uh that you want it to be um |
2046s | obviously there's limitations and stuff |
2047s | but yeah it's going to be really |
2048s | interesting to see what the meta is |
2050s | going to be as well um I know as you |
2053s | said like people breaking it uh which is |
2054s | probably going to be the same route as |
2056s | as creating a meta um but something |
2058s | that's really nice as well is the the |
2060s | touch of the uh the fire um rates right |
2064s | so you have like automatic which is like |
2066s | normal but then you also have a semi and |
2069s | uh sorry semi and burst isn't it I think |
2072s | yeah so you can you can have the the |
2073s | burst and you can have the the semi um |
2075s | and I think a lot of people you know |
2077s | they you know everyone's like oh where's |
2078s | the where's the snipers or where's the |
2080s | DRM and stuff like that but at least you |
2081s | can actually kind of convert it into one |
2084s | of those now um to suit your play style |
2086s | and as you said earlier it's definitely |
2088s | uh for me I definitely use um long range |
2091s | and short range um so it's definitely uh |
2096s | there definitely going to be a change in |
2097s | Pace um when I play the game now I think |
2100s | cuz we still only have the one gun we've |
2102s | gone very wide I think like um I was |
2104s | chatting to some people in Discord about |
2105s | this the other day is that over time |
2108s | when we add more weapons in the |
2110s | individual frames may feel like their |
2113s | characteristics tighten a bit like right |
2116s | now we have gone very wide because we |
2117s | only have one weapon we do want people |
2119s | to build across the full spectrum um but |
2121s | at the end of the day the core 80 is |
2123s | still an assault rifle we're not going |
2125s | to allow you to have chipsets on it that |
2126s | make it a shotgun or make it sniper |
2128s | rifle you'll be able to kind of pull it |
2130s | from the the center in towards more of a |
2133s | kind of a close-range bursty weapon and |
2135s | to a DMR um but Our intention isn't to |
2137s | just make like kind of a one- siiz |
2139s | fits-all weapon that you can you know |
2141s | change into absolutely everything and |
2142s | that's the next weapons that will add |
2144s | will be a different type of frame that |
2146s | will have their own characteristics and |
2148s | likely their own set of chipsets that |
2150s | can pull that in kind of either |
2152s | direction left or right of the of the |
2153s | center as well yeah yeah |
2158s | did um uh sneaky did you want to say |
2160s | anything on the on the weapons or I mean |
2162s | absolutely I |
2164s | think didn't want to no no go there's so |
2168s | much to to talk about I guess as as |
2171s | developers the Adaptive Weaponry is just |
2173s | such |
2174s | a such a fun thing to play around with |
2177s | even if it's like just the sitting |
2180s | around the kitchen table and discussing |
2183s | hey have you been able to make this uh |
2186s | this uh Zoom work because I don't know |
2188s | it's just it uh screws up my recall a |
2191s | little bit too bad and then I don't know |
2194s | you you get to properly Theory craft and |
2197s | and sort of uh talk about the game which |
2201s | is just really exciting and as a as a |
2204s | challenge from a developers point of |
2207s | view making this system work and making |
2211s | it feel right |
2214s | um because I know um there's a |
2218s | CCP colins was talking about 70 |
2221s | different uh |
2223s | chipsets in there's there's a couple of |
2226s | parameters that we tweak and that each |
2228s | of these chipsets tweak um and sort of |
2233s | figuring out how to make those things |
2236s | feel right um and to make it feel right |
2239s | if your if your gun turns from a close |
2242s | range weapon to a long range weapon um |
2246s | is just a very exciting thing to work on |
2249s | um so I can't wait to work on this more |
2253s | to be honest um I think with this sort |
2255s | of first iteration of it and getting it |
2257s | into people's hands and seeing what they |
2259s | do with it |
2261s | [Music] |
2263s | um that'll be very nice to see but I'm |
2266s | just excited to to drill into it even |
2270s | deeper yeah it's um it's it's nice to |
2273s | see that there's like a tier system on |
2275s | them as well but they have like um I |
2276s | think it's blue is uh one and then green |
2279s | is two and then purple is three I |
2280s | believe um oh absolutely which is really |
2283s | cool um so obviously like when I'm when |
2285s | I'm deploying and I'm and I'm managing |
2287s | my my Loadout uh I always uh you know if |
2290s | I get full inventory I'll always |
2292s | prioritize the two over the one um so |
2294s | there's that little bit of like |
2295s | Inventory management as well which is um |
2297s | which is nice to have |
2299s | um yeah yeah and it really makes you |
2302s | sort of look if you've got this build of |
2305s | a weapon but it's just not dealing |
2306s | enough damage so you just keep dying |
2309s | yeah um it really gives you a reason to |
2311s | go look for a a like higher tier chipset |
2313s | of this of this power module or um to |
2317s | really pull your gun over the edge and |
2320s | make it as as strong as you need it to |
2322s | be uh yeah gives you a big reason to to |
2325s | sort of redeploy and and uh and look at |
2329s | the map more because there's so many |
2330s | different ways to get these chipsets as |
2332s | well uh some are better than others um |
2335s | and this again is one of those things |
2337s | that I was talk talking to one of my |
2339s | colleagues earlier today uh and he was |
2342s | like oh yeah there's this other thing |
2343s | hidden on the map where you can also get |
2345s | chipsets and that's a really efficient |
2347s | way and I was like oh my God I had never |
2350s | I've never even run into |
2352s | this you're not going to share that with |
2354s | us no oh no |
2357s | keep yeah I I think like that's like the |
2361s | the the start of how people acquire |
2363s | chips sets as well cuz it's worth it's |
2364s | worth saying like this is the first step |
2367s | in adapted weapon |
2368s | like for the next release we're already |
2369s | planning on how we can build more depth |
2371s | and strategy into the system in terms of |
2373s | how people acquire chipsets um and we've |
2375s | made had to make some balancing changes |
2377s | as well to accommodate because now |
2380s | there's far more risk in death right |
2382s | like you have things to lose now right |
2383s | if you if you die you lose the chipsets |
2386s | that you're on your weapon and if you |
2387s | haven't banked any the ones that you're |
2389s | also carrying in your inventory right so |
2391s | we've had to accommodate for that so |
2392s | recones um we give you are a bit more |
2395s | generous now but like recones as well |
2397s | and this is you know hash Dev tip um |
2401s | always keep a reclone handy like think |
2403s | of it as like |
2404s | Insurance um because if you die you will |
2409s | reclone with the same chipsets on your |
2411s | weapon you'll have to go back to get the |
2413s | ones that are in your inventory but you |
2415s | get to keep the ones that you're on your |
2416s | weapon take a moment to reflect if you |
2419s | are down to no |
2420s | reclines is it worth extracting so you |
2424s | get to keep the ones that you're on your |
2425s | weapon or do you want to take that risk |
2427s | moving forwards um so I think it's like |
2431s | is really cool to see how people play as |
2432s | well because I'm I'm I'm having to get |
2435s | over the fact that when I play a lot of |
2436s | these games I suffer from a lot of gear |
2437s | fear is where I have my tier 3es and I |
2440s | never want to use them because I'm |
2441s | really worried so like I'm having to |
2443s | accommodate and it's made me think about |
2445s | recones very differently when I think of |
2447s | like that last reclone is that moment |
2449s | where I go okay I've got a chance to |
2452s | keep my tier 3es on my weapon I'm going |
2454s | to extract um so yeah I think |
2458s | it adds a lot of permutations to |
2459s | gameplay which is really exciting yeah |
2461s | I've started to to approach it |
2463s | differently actually in in same as in E |
2467s | on line where you at the end of the day |
2469s | if you're net |
2471s | positive like at the end of your play |
2474s | session that's a win so if you go in and |
2478s | you die but as long as you get out with |
2481s | more good chipsets than you got in with |
2484s | um that's fine and then I just get to |
2486s | experience building my weapon again with |
2488s | different and hopefully better chipsets |
2491s | so I've started to not even not even try |
2494s | to survive anymore and and take my |
2496s | chipsets out but just make sure I I run |
2498s | a net positive which I think is really |
2501s | fun as well just different a different |
2503s | way of playing yeah I I think that that |
2506s | that's the the cool thing about this |
2507s | right is we want people will come at |
2510s | this from different angles like I'm a |
2513s | very lazy Theory crafter whenever I play |
2515s | Deck Builders I just go on meta websites |
2517s | and just |
2518s | right that one looks good I've got the |
2519s | cards I need for that like I'm just |
2521s | waiting for the experts to tell me like |
2524s | hey this is this is the load out for a |
2526s | really good DMR because I'm I'm just too |
2528s | lazy to experiment myself in certain |
2530s | places and I I think this is one of the |
2532s | things we thought about when we made |
2533s | this I think like you you talked about |
2535s | the sneaky right his like Theory |
2537s | crafting is we want that to be a |
2540s | significant part of the strategy of how |
2542s | you deploy is there's that you know and |
2544s | if people want to Theory craft |
2546s | themselves and experiment that's but |
2548s | people just want to watch a YouTube |
2549s | video of somebody who's found that |
2551s | perfect SMG or that perfect DMR um then |
2554s | that's also good right but that just |
2556s | adds to the experience rather than just |
2558s | it being a second gun that you pick up |
2561s | which is what we we we never wanted it |
2562s | to be that |
2564s | simple yeah uh 100% agree with you there |
2567s | like if I'm if I'm going to go dropping |
2569s | you know into like war zone or something |
2570s | the first thing I do is I go and watch a |
2572s | video to see what the meta is right um |
2574s | so it's definitely uh opening the gates |
2576s | to that um I think the other thing as |
2578s | well that you touched up on is you know |
2580s | the gear idea is um it's kind of like |
2583s | the the E on line rule isn't it that uh |
2585s | you don't fly a ship if you can't afford |
2587s | to lose it right is that's so it's kind |
2589s | of like that that link there as well um |
2592s | yes uh it's very very cool um I think so |
2596s | the the other things uh that we have uh |
2599s | brought in is um the motion scanners and |
2605s | the proximity mines |
2608s | these are a lot of |
2610s | fun um and yeah and and the designers |
2614s | were experimenting with loads more as |
2616s | well these were the two that we decided |
2618s | we could get in a decent place for this |
2620s | test but like um Unchained they will |
2623s | just keep making as many of the these |
2626s | little deployables and craftables um as |
2629s | possible but like the motion scanner for |
2631s | me is gamechanging because I'm I I like |
2635s | playing solo mhm I like Mining and I |
2639s | can't always watch my back so if I can |
2641s | just pop down a motion Scanner listen |
2642s | for the blip but I'm also very cautious |
2645s | like you said my preferred gameplay |
2646s | style is keeping people at a distance |
2648s | and shooting them that way um so having |
2652s | the motion scanner to see what's up |
2653s | ahead is is awesome um and the mines as |
2657s | well like the old tactic of putting down |
2659s | a claymore behind you um like in COD |
2662s | right it's like that so I can kind of |
2664s | cover my rear if I need to if I find a |
2666s | good point and I want to you know take |
2668s | up a position I can put a couple of |
2669s | Mines down we've also found in play test |
2671s | as well people using them for trolling |
2673s | like just putting loads of mines around |
2675s | a bank station so people can't get to it |
2678s | and stuff like that it's just um just |
2680s | just adding more factors into the |
2682s | gameplay which is really |
2685s | exciting uh yeah one of the things I did |
2687s | um yesterday was I was trying to gather |
2689s | footage for the for the mines and I I |
2691s | I'll be honest I was only what should |
2693s | have took 15 minutes to just log on and |
2695s | demonstrate how a mine worked actually |
2697s | took me about about 3 hours because I |
2698s | was just having so much fun with it um |
2700s | like for example like here I I went to |
2703s | the secur Salvage site and just decided |
2704s | to place mines everywhere um just to |
2706s | watch the enemies come in in waves and |
2708s | just get blown up and it was amazing it |
2710s | it was so much fun especially as a solo |
2713s | player as |
2716s | well yeah absolutely there's just opens |
2720s | up I guess you have to be be |
2723s | um sort of uh maybe not careful but you |
2728s | need a bit of a scalpel approach to what |
2731s | you add to the game and what you don't |
2733s | as in as CCB Collins was saying there's |
2736s | so many ideas of stuff we could add into |
2738s | the game and it's all very exciting and |
2740s | and it's |
2742s | uh just giving players a couple more |
2746s | tools uh just makes being in a session |
2750s | and looking for your own play style so |
2753s | much more interesting because before we |
2755s | really just had the shield mostly and |
2758s | the shield was much bigger of an impact |
2760s | than at least let me speak for myself I |
2762s | would have expected |
2765s | um you could definitely see a lot more |
2767s | players as the play tests went on using |
2769s | the shields a lot more strategically um |
2771s | and I think that's probably what's going |
2772s | to happen here um do they are they |
2775s | friendly fire if a a teammate walks over |
2778s | one yeah I think looking at that damage |
2781s | report you've got on the screen you took |
2782s | damage from a peaceful yeah my own one I |
2786s | did |
2788s | I so whether that Splash D that could |
2789s | either be Splash damage but um yeah I |
2792s | think um I'm pretty sure there is some |
2794s | friendly fire on them especially with |
2796s | Squad mates you should be careful don't |
2798s | just place them down willy-nilly |
2799s | remember where you remember where you |
2801s | parked your mine I is funny for me to |
2804s | see actually normally I I just see |
2806s | proximity mine Dash uh CCP rage who is a |
2811s | prolific proximity mind Placer who who |
2814s | always gets me |
2817s | yeah I uh I was trying to record footage |
2819s | yesterday and it was very funny because |
2821s | um I just kept blowing myself up they |
2824s | just kept attacking me and uh but no |
2827s | they they're a lot of fun and as you |
2828s | said the motion scanner as well I think |
2830s | that's going to be very crucial |
2831s | especially if you're doing like these uh |
2832s | these new activities like maybe like the |
2833s | mining tether you put it on like sort of |
2835s | Choke points or maybe you're doing the |
2837s | um SEC uh SEC Salvage sites especially |
2840s | inside the wreckage you know you could |
2841s | set it up so that it's holding those |
2844s | sort of chug points to make sure that |
2845s | you don't get flanked by other players |
2847s | um |
2847s | yeah I think there's going to be a lot |
2848s | of strategies that we see coming coming |
2850s | out from the |
2851s | players yeah and there is there is audio |
2854s | on the mines um so be uh be listen out |
2858s | for that distinctive chirp um it will |
2862s | haunt you yeah because sometimes you |
2865s | hear the chirp and you you know you know |
2866s | it's too late you know it's too late |
2870s | but yeah the um I think the uh the other |
2874s | thing then is there's these fragments |
2876s | around the map |
2878s | um can we talk about those like the |
2879s | Easter egg fragments yeah I think it's |
2881s | worth not talking about them too much Cu |
2883s | uh you you will find little data panels |
2886s | around the map some of them may lead to |
2890s | a hidden cache that's on the world and |
2894s | some of them may allude to some illicit |
2896s | activity that was uh happening on the |
2899s | map from a certain Corporation of up |
2902s | well but we can see here yeah yeah so we |
2906s | we're we're it won't be long before |
2908s | somebody pieces these all together um |
2912s | but yeah I think the maybe the less said |
2914s | about that the better yeah yeah that's |
2915s | absolutely fine um I just hope be |
2917s | bringing up because I've seen them a lot |
2919s | and yeah it's just uh something to to |
2922s | mention um yeah um aside from that then |
2925s | I think uh that's pretty much everything |
2927s | in regards to the the features obviously |
2930s | because the the first strike is ended |
2931s | now is now Solstice um one of the things |
2934s | that we we want to make clear is that uh |
2939s | even though this is the last sort of um |
2942s | public play test we are going to be |
2944s | doing internal play tests um moving |
2948s | forward so what this means is that um |
2951s | we've opened the Vanguard official |
2952s | Discord now people can join the official |
2954s | Discord and they'll be able to find more |
2955s | information on this um so it's not like |
2958s | we're going to go quiet we you know we |
2959s | are gathering all the feedback and |
2960s | everything that we've learned from the |
2961s | past plat tests um very importantly |
2964s | listen to the community uh but it's |
2966s | going to be more in turn on now um yeah |
2969s | there won't there won't strictly be |
2971s | monthly play tests in the way that we've |
2973s | done first strike um that isn't to say |
2976s | that we're done with play test we're |
2977s | certainly not um there's still some uh |
2981s | decision making we have to do off the |
2982s | back of this play test but yeah we um |
2985s | moving into that finders program where |
2988s | we are running uh more internal play |
2990s | tests with the community is what we'll |
2992s | be doing as we build towards um the next |
2994s | major content release yeah uh there will |
2997s | be um a lot more information on that um |
3000s | in the Discord as the uh as the weeks uh |
3002s | you know in the coming weeks so um if |
3004s | you guys aren't already in the official |
3005s | Discord come check it out because it's a |
3007s | great place we've got you know I think |
3008s | we've got over 2,000 uh people in there |
3010s | now uh within you know sort of a few |
3012s | days which is incredible um but yeah so |
3015s | we are sharing a lot of stuff on there |
3017s | if you guys want to get involved um y |
3021s | the um the other thing to discuss um I |
3023s | know the uh the road map um so obviously |
3026s | just we've already touched on previously |
3028s | about the um the founders and the |
3030s | internal play test and stuff but just to |
3032s | uh go over the the the road map uh very |
3035s | briefly because uh we are at the end of |
3038s | it now uh this is the final part the new |
3040s | map weapon modification session |
3041s | persistence and fitting um yeah it's |
3044s | been a pretty long six months I guess |
3047s | seven months since yeah if if you asked |
3050s | me this time last year whether we |
3052s | thought we could run a monthly play |
3054s | test um culminating in this patch in |
3057s | June um I would have probably called you |
3060s | insane the the amount of effort that's |
3062s | gone into this uh and the the effort |
3064s | from the the team has been absolutely |
3066s | incredible to get to this point which is |
3068s | really cool um but like and if if you |
3071s | allowing me to SP as well like go for I |
3073s | I don't want this to feel like it is the |
3075s | end right it certainly isn't the team |
3077s | are now transitioning into our next |
3079s | development block where we're building |
3081s | out the rest of the future of the game |
3082s | that we'll do a another content release |
3085s | um that we we're hoping will be at the |
3087s | end of this year um that we're now |
3089s | working towards now and there's some |
3091s | awesome stuff already planned in that |
3093s | around building in more strategic depth |
3095s | and agency into the experience more |
3097s | purpose and narrative into places as |
3099s | well um like that we're now |
3102s | transitioning into the of building that |
3104s | for the last couple of months uh a whole |
3106s | lot of us have been planning that |
3107s | release and um I can't tell you what |
3110s | we're planning just yet um as we kind of |
3112s | explore that and solidify that but like |
3114s | some of the stuff that we're already |
3116s | starting to cook up um just sounds |
3119s | really exciting and it's all about |
3121s | taking steps in growing this product |
3124s | with the community uh and building |
3127s | towards that goal of of of building an |
3130s | MMO FPS really that's the the north the |
3133s | north star that we that we eventually |
3135s | want to build towards and the fature set |
3137s | that we're building hopefully will take |
3139s | us |
3142s | there excellent um sneaky did you want |
3145s | to mention anything in regards to the |
3149s | road map in regards to the road map yeah |
3153s | um |
3156s | gosh I didn't want I didn't want to |
3158s | leave you out that's what it was I |
3159s | didn't want to leave you out I'm excited |
3161s | to work on it so yeah yeah sure sure no |
3164s | um no that's that's fine uh something |
3166s | that we uh do want to bring up though is |
3169s | the new weapon skins uh that we have um |
3171s | coming with the the sources launch so |
3175s | I'll just uh bring these up because we |
3176s | got some really cool videos uh to |
3178s | demonstrate these um let me just check |
3181s | these on there so we have the um the |
3185s | default gun uh the Bas c80 uh has had a |
3188s | complete reskin I guess um it looks much |
3192s | more clean now a lot more bronze |
3195s | effect uh we also have the |
3199s | arbine uh skin this arbine skin is for |
3202s | anybody who participated in the December |
3205s | play test last year um very nice I |
3208s | really like the the glow on the handles |
3210s | as well really impressive and then of |
3214s | course we do have the Eden com skin uh |
3216s | that I know a lot of you were already |
3217s | aware of cuz I think you received emails |
3219s | about it but the Eden com skin was uh |
3221s | given to the players that participated |
3223s | in four out of six uh of the challenges |
3228s | uh throughout the first strike events um |
3231s | there is another uh skin reward as well |
3233s | that I will mention um but it's |
3237s | going to be provided later um it's not |
3240s | actually |
3242s | for uh this sorry it is for Solstice but |
3246s | it's not going to be distributed um |
3248s | anytime soon it will come at a later |
3250s | date uh so there will be more |
3251s | information on that though of course by |
3253s | all means just jump in the Discord and |
3255s | uh we we should be able to find that um |
3258s | so the other thing then as well um so |
3261s | there will be challenges as well uh like |
3263s | we've done with the first strike events |
3264s | where there will be a leaderboard um but |
3267s | for the challenges uh for the uh |
3269s | harvesting 80 units of reactive alloy uh |
3272s | reactive alloy and craft 9900 units of |
3274s | energy ammo you will receive the alos AR |
3277s | combine Horizon skin uh I know a lot of |
3280s | people have probably um uh I think a lot |
3282s | of people have asked me already whether |
3284s | you can do this solo I'm 99% sure you |
3287s | can um I haven't been told otherwise |
3289s | because I know from the past previous |
3290s | play tests um when we did switch them up |
3293s | that you could do them in Solo cuz I |
3294s | know a lot of people were requesting |
3295s | them uh the other skin then is the zura |
3300s | uh Navy issue AR combine rizon skin uh |
3303s | and you can get the skin by getting 25 |
3305s | kills with each firing mode the |
3307s | semi-auto burst fire and full auto |
3310s | firing uh this comes in the form of |
3312s | chipsets uh that we was talking about |
3313s | earlier so you do get uh the chipsets on |
3316s | the map from completing activities and |
3317s | looting Etc and it's going to be um out |
3320s | of those three chipsets the full auto |
3322s | fir ring is just going to be uh ordinary |
3324s | but then you've got the other chipsets |
3325s | which is semi-auto and burst fire that |
3328s | you can find and apply to your weapon um |
3331s | and then of course the uh final one is |
3334s | the leaderboard that is uh 3,000 Plex |
3336s | that's sub to grabs uh again um so if |
3339s | you place Top 10 in the leaderboard then |
3341s | you should be able to uh earn some FX uh |
3344s | the way that we've done it this time is |
3346s | you need to uh drop into a game and |
3349s | complete at least one contract pick up |
3351s | and successfully bank or extract at |
3354s | least one weapon chipet |
3359s | excellent um aside from that I think |
3362s | that's pretty much |
3364s | everything was there anything that you |
3366s | guys wanted to uh |
3370s | add I think I'm going to go and play the |
3373s | game yeah yeah I I can't wait I I'm sat |
3376s | you with my fingers crossed hoping you |
3377s | say no so I can just go and play but uh |
3380s | that's same I've got all these chips |
3382s | that's to |
3383s | grind amazing uh no I'm very uh very |
3386s | very excited but no um thank you both |
3387s | for for coming on um and doing this with |
3390s | me it's been an absolute pleasure and |
3392s | very insightful as well thank you thank |
3395s | you for having |
3397s | me I will cool thank you so much catch |
3400s | you guys in a bit |