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AAAA i'm happy my dudes.

Essentially i'm a new player, 3 months old, since 1 month i tried my best to learn pvp, at start i was dying like 20 times EACH DAY, and zkill, unluckily, can prove it, lately i'm really having fun though, I killed ships i thought were unkillable for me, like the Fed Navy Comet, Worm, Ishkur.

I really thought player skills were the most important thing to win matches, but i proved myself that being a decent pilot really makes the difference, engaging the right ship and knowing what can outplay you really sets you ahead.

Yesterday I also won my first 2v1, i went against a condor and a slasher, i divided them through the stargate and killed the condor, then simply warped away cuz who da f*ck cares about the tanky slasher, it was a great feeling, such a great feeling that after it i yolo'd and died randomly to a drake. cuz yeah

Solo pvp is great, BSB

(ama was ironic but if you have questions yeah ask them)

"Pic or didnt happen", sure here you go
overall kills (i'm 2nd) [Thrasher]


Solo Kills (1st) [Thrasher]


External link →
almost 6 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

<3! Awesome to see that you're having so much fun :D