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4s welcome back to alliance tournament 17
7s where we have not one but two extremely
10s ecm heavy comps going up against each
12s other with psychotic tendencies versus
15s templas kalsiff psychotic tendencies has
17s brought three scorpions a damn nation
19s two deacons three spitfills and a
21s purifier and templus kalsif has
23s responded by bringing
25s what exactly
26s uh i think this looks fairly similar to
28s a comp they brought earlier with their
29s armor bar guests but this time they've
30s brought two hyperions instead which i
32s don't think we've seen before absolutely
34s love that ship it's beautiful um they've
37s bought they're on vargas like i said i
38s know nero's two majestes two black birds
40s and two sky breakers so i'm imagining
42s these black birds are going to want to
43s try and land the jams on the scorpions
45s here and prevent those scorpions from
46s jamming anything else that's what that
48s would be my imagining of what the play
50s is players here um this is just a very
52s unusual comp from tissue to begin with
54s three scorpions have we ever seen
56s anything like that
57s i mean widows sure but regular scorpions
60s that's 57 points in ecm
63s it's it's 57 ish points in ecm
66s and uh also they they have rapid heavy
69s missile launchers but i'm not really
71s sure how much damage they're going to be
72s really putting out there so
74s you know the the tissue team is very
76s light on dps but they are extremely
78s heavy on jam so weirdly enough we are
80s seeing a lot of tds coming out from the
82s temple's cast of sky breaker which is
84s kind of goofy but uh the teams are kind
85s of just moving around and trying to
87s figure out exactly how they want to play
88s this i think both sides were like oh
90s crap what do we do here
92s yeah so we can see from the fancy ui
93s that there are jams attempted on all
95s three scorpions and just for everyone we
97s don't know if those jams are successful
98s we just know it's an attempt but clearly
100s they're not all successful because we
101s also see gems going out the other way
103s towards the barges theo neros and of
104s course onto both the blackbirds so as an
106s observer it's pretty difficult for us to
108s know exactly who is winning um the ecm
110s war
111s um but there is definitely an ecm ball
113s being fought we know that
115s yeah there's a a massive amount of jams
117s going on on both sides i mean you can
118s see so from
120s what usually we can tell is that as that
122s control bar maxes out that means more
124s jams are landing uh so if you see that
126s tissues is totally maxed out so they've
128s got
129s not necessarily saying all of their jams
130s have landed but most of them where the
131s templars calcif's uh not doing quite as
133s well as it kind of bounces back and
134s forth you'll be able to see but very
136s little damage is being applied
137s whatsoever i believe tissue is probably
140s waiting to get like the perfect jam
142s session because
144s you know they only have the three rapid
145s heavies from the scorpions it's it's not
147s a lot of damage
148s yeah they're gonna need to time up their
150s their clips with a perfect jam you know
152s jamming on on the oniros maybe and then
154s they can volley through some blackbirds
156s for example um but if they just you know
158s press f1 and fire all their missiles
159s they're going to run out of missiles at
160s a really bad time and it's just it's a
162s waste you know at this sort of level you
163s need to be making sure the whole team
165s plays together coordinating all
166s different parts of the comp and that
167s involves saving your missiles and
169s waiting for your damage until you can
170s actually accomplish something with it
173s yeah i hate to use the word ramming when
175s talking about a damnation because
177s they're not that fast but it does look
179s like blood of gods was attempting to
181s kind of ram in with his damnation and
182s tackle uh weirdly enough this damnation
184s actually has no guns on it so it's
186s probably the brickiest tankiest ship of
188s all time and uh most likely some kind of
191s super hard tackle not really sure what
193s the deal is there but there is these
194s fipples of psychotic tendencies are
196s starting to move forward a little bit um
199s maybe something's about to happen not
200s sure
201s it's going to be difficult for them to
203s burn in though because i can see two
204s separate scram attempts coming off from
205s this bar guest of the last spartan which
207s i believe
208s is their flagship as well so of course
210s he's got those officer or you know
212s extremely abyssal scrams and as we saw
214s earlier it's also most likely a double
215s prom double prop bar guess so he's going
217s to have microwave driving at least two
219s and i off burner at least two scrams on
220s there so it's obviously if you're in a
222s damnation trying to ram them it's gonna
223s be pretty difficult you need a sort of a
225s committed effort from the whole team to
226s ram again it's it's about the whole team
228s working together here if they do want to
229s get on top of that vargas
231s then of course there's a hyperions
232s parked up there as well so you don't
233s really want to get too close and risk
234s one of those hyperions not being jammed
236s and then suddenly he punches your face
237s in
239s yeah and i we're seeing a lot of drone
241s dps coming out which makes sense since
242s drones are kind of the only thing that
244s like you can jam drones out but you're
247s probably not going to waste your jams on
248s drones so uh we are seeing the hyperion
250s actually take a pretty decent amount of
252s damage um hopefully for template uh yeah
256s hopefully for template's sake they have
257s a lot of self-rep on that but it seems
259s like it's going down really fast yeah i
261s mean the way that they've committed this
263s kill was suggested to me that they were
264s successful with the jam on their neros
266s and decided this their time to pounce um
268s these three scorpions clearly they've
269s just been stacking jams and just waiting
271s you know trying to get the right time
272s and they are now volleying onto this
273s hyperion with all these drones out as
275s well but he's obviously got a local rep
277s on that hyperion very very strong local
278s rep ship so
280s i mean this jam cycle in the universe
281s might end all might have ended already
283s ended as the hyperion is now wrapping
284s back up and in which case they need to
286s wait for another opening
287s the anirus is repping again i can see
289s the effect i'm not sure if you can see
290s it on the stream but you know their
292s psychotic tendencies is trading their
293s spittles for this um it does look like
295s they kind of all end for a second like
297s every single jam was on the nether neros
299s somehow it didn't get jammed and was
300s able to save this hyperion but you know
302s those three spiffles was a significant
304s amount of dps on the psychotic
305s tendencies side so losing two
307s potentially this third is really not a
309s good situation to be in yeah this third
311s one is going to go down and yeah like
312s you said these three scorpions and no
314s gun damnation is not going to be the
316s highest dps comp in the world to say the
318s least so yeah those three circles um you
320s can assume that they were going to be
321s pretty significant portion of the dps
323s obviously three or two cannons ripples
324s on top of you is not in significant way
327s but
327s um yeah like a pretty integral part of
329s this comp i mean they've got the bomber
330s as well but he is taking some aggro but
332s at this point tissue
334s not looking good to be honest i mean
336s these three scorpions it was a bit of a
337s gamble obviously ecm in general not like
339s i'm not saying ecm's pure rng you know
341s there are skills using ecm comps but
343s this kind of comp is so all in on ecm
345s that it's going to live or die by that
347s mechanic and at this at this point in
348s time it doesn't look like it's working
350s out
351s well and we're about to see uh sort of
352s the skill in ecm um as they go for opus
355s if the other two scorpions swap and jam
358s the dps and opus stops jamming like if
361s they do some really good weird
362s cross-jamming stuff they can actually
363s save him here but like it's a scorpion
365s it's a t1 battleship it's got five low
367s slots
368s not particularly tanky and uh they might
370s just lose them right here and you know
373s as that ecm goes down you're basically
375s dismantling the team here
377s yeah for one of a better word um tissue
379s after all they're bleating about going
381s 2-0 3-0 200 in the feeders they might
385s actually be looking towards zero two day
386s here after winning so well in the first
388s weekend just being unceremoniously
390s dumped out in the top 12.
393s okay
394s fair
395s being unceremoniously dumped out in the
397s top 12 still dumps you out with like
398s what eight at ships or oh yeah it's
400s still a reasonable performance but i'm
402s you know today i think their comps have
403s been just kind of weird i mean the
405s triple scorp and before that we saw the
406s triple armageddon with the you know the
408s armageddon as a sort of mainline damage
411s ship with the rapid heavy missiles it's
413s just it's weird
415s yeah i this is this is extremely
417s questionable i mean
419s i will say that i think that their
421s setups that they've run have been
423s probably the most interesting setups
424s that we've seen but usually there's a
426s reason why you don't see interesting
428s setups winning like
430s look at this it's it's cool it's a great
432s idea but uh
433s they're just not applying any damage
434s here and i don't i don't know what they
436s can do at this point like
437s maybe try and headshot a magus who knows
440s temples has been very smart in their
442s positioning here and keeping everything
443s far away
444s i mean to be fair templars are also
447s probably like top three for interesting
449s comps so far this tournament with that
450s or was it the dreck of that comp they
452s fielded on day one with two curses now
454s this they've got two hyperions they
456s fielded some interesting stuff of their
457s own
459s yeah this is this is really cool and you
461s could tell that they kind of had
462s prepared themselves too for
464s maybe i wouldn't necessarily say they
466s were prepared for an ecm setup but if
468s you look at
469s bringing blackbirds and then also
470s hyperions like you have ships that can
472s tank really really well here and
475s without having their logistics working
477s it does look like tissue is actually
478s going after the logistics of templates
480s but you know those jams are crazy and
482s we're seeing both ivy lash and opus
484s dropping at the same time
486s just
486s the ecm as your ships go down the amount
489s of ecm you can put out goes up by so
491s much
493s yeah i mean the only problem is
495s given that the ecm mechanic still lets
497s people shoot you you know they can jam
498s everyone but they're still all going to
500s die in terms of um damage and health
502s that's left on the field they're still
504s losing both those metrics pretty
505s significantly so unfortunately this is
507s going to be the end of the road for
508s tissue um and it's just going to be
510s templar spending these remaining two
511s minutes killing whatever they can taking
512s out their frustration on being in the
514s loser's bracket on opus on the hands and
517s on drummond and saying bad tissue don't
520s bring ecm it's naughty
523s yeah it's uh always wild to see uh it's
526s good to see that this was not sort of
527s one of those ecm versus ecm setups where
529s nothing died for nine minutes and a half
532s you know at least we got to see some
533s spaceship explosions but if you think
535s about it like
537s ecm is
538s always always interesting to watch
544s i recognize that from a viewership
546s perspective it's a little like
547s i don't get it i don't like it easy and
549s bad
551s i think you need to put your batteries
553s on charge as well bart because you just
555s went robot a little bit like north did
556s earlier
557s uh
558s yeah i we are actually all sharing the
561s same battery pack but um
563s i'm i'm blaming uh teamspeak
567s we should be using skype the greatest of
569s all no i don't think i really don't
572s think we should be using skype
575s if you're using teamspeak 2 instead of
577s teamspeak 3 that that'd be the related
579s to it but uh yeah it's just mostly
582s cleanup at this point you know templates
583s they're probably going to get at least
584s the scorpion done that damn nation like
586s how do you think that thing was fit
588s because i'm really curious about it um
591s it could be like a full new damnation
593s like we saw
594s um they committed so heavily into newt's
596s last time with the triple armageddons
597s maybe they thought well we can just park
599s this
599s damnation on someone but i mean it's a
601s weird choice for that in my opinion um
604s yeah it's it's unusual of of course
606s missiles on the damnation obviously
608s don't use any capacitor so there's not
609s really any
610s downside into fitting like you know like
612s even if you fit a full tank damnation
613s you can still get like you know three
615s 400 dps out of a ham damnation um and
618s then a comp that's so low on damage
620s otherwise with three scorpions yeah it's
622s an unusual choice for sure
624s okay it did go down i was a little
625s worried there because it seemed like it
626s was tanking um i i want to see what
628s their choices were obviously we won't
630s have time to explore that as the match
631s will be over in about 10 seconds but uh
634s yeah that was that was weird that's
637s just super weird no missile damnation
639s three scorpions
641s three stipples not the best setup but it
643s was definitely interesting and we love
645s interesting here and hopefully we see
647s more in the last three matches as we go
649s back to the studio