over 1 year
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | hello it has been five long years since |
5s | I last stood on this stage and actually |
7s | had the opportunity to address this |
10s | community um and I don't think I've |
13s | ever empathized with someone quite as |
16s | much as when CCP Burger was on the stage |
18s | yesterday saying that being on this |
20s | stage is kind of his happy place because |
22s | his safe place because just being here |
26s | with the community honestly is um |
29s | comforting in a way that's hard to |
31s | describe uh so as as they said my name |
34s | is Andrew growan uh I write a book |
35s | series called empires of Eve I've been |
38s | writing about Eve online yes yes let's |
41s | do a round of applause for empires of |
42s | Eve yeah thank you hey we got a copy in |
45s | the audience appreciate |
48s | that |
50s | um so the first time that I ever came to |
53s | FanFest was actually 10 years ago and |
56s | the slogan for Eve online at the time |
58s | was Eve online into the second decade |
61s | and now I feel like that's actually my |
62s | mission right now is heading into the |
64s | second decade the grains keep slipping |
67s | Through The Hourglass my friends it's |
69s | terrifying so I wanted to use this as an |
72s | opportunity to kind of give you guys an |
74s | update on where empires of Eve is right |
77s | now before we get into the rest of the |
79s | presentation um to use us as an |
82s | opportunity to show you or to tell you |
85s | who I am first of all if you don't |
86s | actually know who I am um and to see |
90s | what I've actually been up to in the two |
92s | years since empires of be Volume 2 came |
94s | out so in 2013 I was a journalist at |
98s | wired when I decided to launch a |
99s | Kickstarter to raise uh a simple amount |
102s | of money to to print a thousand copies |
104s | of a book about Eve online that I was |
106s | writing at the time um and this |
109s | community sight unseen and really |
111s | without my having to ask for too much um |
116s | decided to just overflow the funding for |
119s | the project and allow allowed me to to |
121s | create the book that I always wanted to |
124s | but never even really bothered to dream |
127s | I would be able to have the space and |
129s | the funding to be able to go um and |
131s | report and to interview everybody in the |
133s | community and to to find the story that |
136s | I always wanted to write and the |
137s | experience of that fundamentally changed |
140s | my life and I'm I'm I'm still to this |
142s | day I mean I'm here because of that |
144s | initial trust that the community placed |
146s | in me and um yeah I just can't I to this |
150s | day I still feel warm fuzzies in in my |
152s | belly uh over that moment because it was |
155s | one of the defining moments of my life |
157s | then in 2018 we did a campaign on |
159s | Kickstarter for a sequel which attracted |
161s | even more support and now to date |
164s | empires of VI is actually sold nearly |
166s | 30,000 copies |
168s | worldwide and uh just being even saying |
172s | that is is absurd to me because like I |
174s | said the whole mission in the first |
176s | place was just to print a th000 copies |
178s | of the book and I thought thought most |
181s | of those were going to end up in my |
182s | closet so I I to be a to be here at this |
185s | moment is um is incredible and I thank |
187s | you all so much so uh last month I |
191s | actually got a really incredible email |
193s | kind of out of the blue from a museum in |
197s | Spain called the Espio |
200s | telica and they're creating a mum |
204s | exhibit on Virtual Worlds and they |
206s | wanted to include empires of Eve in |
208s | their Museum exhibit this is a |
211s | uh screenshot or a |
214s | picture they're called pictures when |
216s | they're real |
218s | um of an exhibit that they did |
221s | previously on uh digital misinformation |
223s | it's a really wonderful place um and |
227s | they do a lot of amazing things with |
229s | technology and popular culture and so |
231s | the museum uh the exhibit is called |
233s | Virtual Worlds from Cyclorama to |
235s | metaverse uh and it's going to be |
237s | running from November 22nd 202 23 |
241s | through April 202 or 2024 so if you find |
243s | yourself in Madrid for whatever reason |
246s | it's free to the public so you can go in |
247s | and check out an Eve online exhibit and |
250s | uh see what we've been working on just |
252s | as a a quick aside for anybody who |
254s | doesn't know what a Cyclorama is is |
256s | actually kind of interesting it's an |
257s | 18th century technology that's kind of |
260s | in a vague way the first ever virtual |
262s | world what they would do is they had |
264s | these traveling uh carnivals basically |
267s | as a carnival exhibit where they would |
269s | take a huge panoramic 360 degree image |
273s | that they would paint of like Napoleon's |
276s | defeat at waterl or whatever and they |
279s | would pipe in music and there would be a |
280s | door and you would walk into the center |
282s | of it and you'd be surrounded by like uh |
285s | a battle that was unfolding and this was |
286s | like the 18th century uh version of a |
290s | virtual world which is uh really cool |
293s | actually I would love to go I wish we |
295s | still had those so right now the empires |
298s | of volume 2 Audi book is something that |
300s | I just finished working on um and it's |
303s | currently only available to backers of |
305s | the kickstarter for volume 2 but that is |
307s | going to change very shortly because I |
310s | just finally did all of the little |
311s | annoying things that you have to do in |
314s | order to submit it to audible it's a |
315s | very annoying little process um but I |
318s | submitted that five or six days ago and |
320s | I'm told it takes about 10 days to get |
322s | through the approval process so with a |
324s | little bit of luck it should be |
325s | available for purchase uh as soon as |
327s | next week ideally oh we get a round of |
331s | applause for that thank you guys that's |
332s | really cool I appreciate it I appreciate |
334s | that so for the future of the of the |
336s | series I want to talk about that a |
338s | little bit before we get going um in uh |
341s | next year in 2024 I'm going to be |
344s | beginning work on some sort of new |
347s | installment in this series it is very |
349s | hard for me to talk about what I'm going |
351s | to be doing next year because I work by |
353s | myself I'm a single person company so |
356s | when things get delayed or things slow |
359s | down my my entire company comes to a |
361s | screeching halt so it's very difficult |
363s | to call my shot a year out um but I am |
366s | very I have ideas in my head for what I |
369s | want to do in the future and I'm |
371s | exploring those and I and I'm I'm I'm |
373s | really looking forward to it I do not |
375s | think it's going to be a full-on Empires |
377s | review volume 3 simply because I just |
379s | don't think that's the best idea for how |
381s | to explore the rest of the story but I |
384s | do think that whatever we end up doing |
387s | will end up substantially expanding The |
389s | Narrative be beyond the events of volume |
391s | 2 um and whatever I do I promise it'll |
394s | be a great idea so uh moving on to what |
397s | we're actually going to talk about today |
398s | and I wanted to open this up by talking |
400s | about empires of Eve because this was |
403s | the head space that I was in when I |
405s | started working on the the next project |
408s | that I was that I've been working on for |
410s | the last five years and it all started |
414s | when I was in the the finishing stages |
416s | of that book and I want to show you guys |
418s | something that will be very familiar |
419s | amiliar to a lot of you um but we're |
423s | making a grander point here so um this |
426s | is uh for anybody who doesn't know this |
428s | is the sovereignty map of EV online that |
431s | shows which organizations own which |
434s | nullsec territories and this is a |
436s | screenshot of Eve as it appeared in |
439s | 2007 and it's amazing because we can |
442s | actually this is a time lapse and you |
444s | can watch a screenshot is each frame of |
447s | this video showing a day in the life of |
450s | EV on line and so what I want you to do |
452s | is I want you to keep your eye on the |
454s | bottom left hand corner here a lot of |
455s | you are going to know what's coming but |
457s | it's it's still pretty interesting to |
458s | watch it happen in you know maybe 20 or |
461s | 30 seconds this blue blob down here in |
464s | the bottom leftand corner that says |
465s | Banda Brothers on it something terrible |
468s | is going to happen to it and uh we |
471s | talked about this earlier in the keynote |
473s | that this is the dissolution of Band of |
476s | Brothers and what's going to oh it's |
477s | already gone oh my God he's gone band of |
480s | Brothers Bob is dead I can't believe it |
483s | happened um and I I these watching this |
488s | video was so important to me to |
491s | understanding what ion line actually is |
494s | because when you see moments like that |
498s | happen on the map you know instinctively |
500s | as a Storyteller that's where the story |
503s | is those moments of of drastic seismic |
507s | change are where you go to find the |
510s | human dramas that makes the story of Eve |
514s | actually worth learning to people those |
516s | are the moments where everything changed |
518s | that's what you need to understand in |
521s | order to understand the E and flow of |
522s | power so you see for a long period of |
525s | time the map usually tends to remain |
527s | mostly stable until you get to these |
530s | moments where suddenly everything shifts |
533s | and all the sudden a blob just appears |
537s | and wipes something else out |
540s | and uh this was it was watching this map |
544s | play out where I really started to |
546s | understand what I was trying to study |
548s | with EV on line that I was really |
550s | looking from the top down at this kind |
552s | of like petri dish of uh a human social |
557s | ecology that was evolving over time and |
561s | it's very difficult to read this map but |
563s | once you understand what you're actually |
565s | looking at you can actually see these |
568s | organizations uh growing and becoming |
572s | larger and more powerful o over time |
578s | so having had that in mind and thinking |
581s | about the dissolution of Bandit Brothers |
583s | I want you to watch another video and |
586s | this is a |
588s | visualization of the entire internet as |
591s | it existed in |
593s | 1991 and we're watching the exact same |
596s | thing taking place where we are watching |
598s | a frame a snapshot of the structure of |
601s | the internet as it grew day by day over |
604s | time and these these flowers are network |
608s | hubs like one of these is going to be |
610s | Google and another one is going to be |
612s | YouTube and the we can learn things |
616s | about the structure of the Internet by |
617s | studying this map the blue is uh the |
622s | United States the red I believe is China |
626s | Green represents the networks of Iran |
629s | and the Middle East and I believe purple |
633s | if I'm not mistaken is Europe and so we |
636s | can watch all of this happening as it |
639s | unfolds over time and this is a a |
641s | visualization project that's created by |
642s | Barrett Leon at the Opti project and uh |
646s | it's honestly one of the most to me one |
648s | of the most beautiful things that I've |
649s | ever seen watching the profound of this |
653s | system start to develop like this is to |
656s | to someone who studies the internet this |
658s | is like my pale blue dot like this when |
661s | I look at this I see every hero and |
664s | coward every young couple falling in |
666s | love in the DMS this is everything and |
670s | so if you actually looked and this is a |
672s | very zoomed out map we can't actually |
675s | know what most of these hubs actually |
677s | are but what's fascinating to me is you |
679s | can see similar things starting to take |
682s | starting to happen on this map as |
685s | networks start eating each other and and |
688s | moving around and and conglomerating |
691s | with one another and it's profoundly |
695s | fascinating to me to know that if we had |
699s | enough information we could zoom in on |
701s | this map we could find EV on line in |
704s | this bouquet of |
706s | flowers and perhaps even find the |
709s | dissolution of Band of Brothers on this |
712s | map in flow with the entire rest of the |
718s | internet |
721s | and |
723s | um when I started thinking about all of |
726s | these things and and seeing these e |
729s | these Human Social ecologies playing out |
731s | in front of me I started to feel a |
734s | little bit crazy and was |
738s | wondering am I imagining all of this do |
741s | I want this all to be very profound do I |
746s | want Eve to be in flow with the whole |
749s | rest of humanity in the internet um or |
752s | am I actually looking at something |
754s | really fascinating here and so in order |
757s | to try to wrap my head around this I |
759s | reached out to somebody who a some of |
762s | you will know others of you will not |
764s | know but I think everybody who loves Eve |
766s | should know it's a guy named Raph Coster |
769s | Raph Coster was the lead designer of |
771s | Ultima Online I called in a few uh and |
774s | Ultima Online was the direct design |
776s | ancestor of Eve um back way back in the |
780s | early 2000s even the late 90s one of the |
782s | early mission statements for Evon line |
785s | as it was being developed was to create |
787s | Ultima Online in space so this is a |
789s | person who knows a lot about how these |
791s | sorts of systems actually work and so I |
794s | called in a few favors and managed to |
795s | actually get him on the phone and um I'm |
798s | going to play a couple of clips for you |
799s | from my conversation with him because it |
802s | ended up being one of the most profound |
805s | conversations I've ever had in my life |
807s | as he immediately started started to |
809s | explain to me the structure of all human |
812s | civilization across all eras of |
815s | history and so I bring I bring up this |
818s | map for you um this graph for you |
820s | because he's going to reference uh |
822s | what's called a Paro distribution and |
824s | it's all very simple he's going to he's |
827s | going to fake like he's going to talk to |
829s | you about math but don't be afraid he's |
831s | not actually going to we're going to |
832s | move past it really quickly but this is |
834s | what he's going to be talking about when |
836s | he talks about power laws and Paro |
838s | distributions you can keep your dry on |
839s | this map no you're not too deep if you |
842s | take all of the cities in the world and |
846s | you put them on a graph for population |
849s | so you end up with this but if you take |
852s | this and put it on a log scale so this |
855s | is the exact same data but on a log |
857s | scale it looks like that that's called a |
861s | power law distribution often called a |
863s | Paro distribution anyway it turns out |
866s | that magically throughout history it |
869s | hasn't matter what the most powerful |
871s | country in the world was you know |
873s | regardless of what was going on in |
874s | politics if you graft the population of |
878s | the cities of the world they always |
881s | followed that curve think about how |
883s | whack that is for a second they always |
886s | have this distribution to them the |
888s | biggest one is always nend times larger |
891s | than the next biggest and so on down the |
893s | chain I'm describing a shape of human |
896s | civilization all periods in history |
899s | regardless of geography the largest |
901s | cities in the world have always had this |
903s | structure if you take the wealth of |
907s | individuals across the world they have |
910s | tended to follow this curve I mean these |
912s | curves are hidden everywhere they're |
914s | hidden in things like your cell like |
916s | your body follows this kind of curve the |
920s | graph that is your body has only a very |
923s | small percentage of cells that are |
925s | actually in charge of specifically |
927s | your nervous system cells and and the |
929s | kings of the nervous system cells are in |
931s | your brain you have cells in your |
933s | fingernails not only do you not give a |
935s | about them you intentionally kill |
936s | them off yourself because they're that |
939s | unimportant to your |
941s | network so I actually kind of undersold |
944s | the ambition of his comments because he |
947s | went on to describe how these very same |
950s | laws are bound up in almost every |
953s | science like the actual states of matter |
956s | plasma Gas Liquids and solids are |
959s | actually simply names for different |
962s | levels of connectivity in the network |
965s | graph between the molecules so this is |
967s | kind of like a uh universal truth of how |
971s | things actually |
973s | uh actually works scientifically and he |
977s | kind of B started to really blow my mind |
978s | when he explained how all of this |
980s | applies to MMOs the reason is because of |
984s | how networks work when two things form a |
988s | relationship |
989s | any two things okay any sort form a |
992s | relationship mathematicians call that an |
994s | edge so think of it as a node and a line |
997s | and another node right let's say you've |
999s | got a whole bunch of random nodes and |
1002s | you just roll dice to start attaching |
1004s | them what you'll find is that they |
1006s | attach in kind of a soup the an average |
1009s | node has the same number of connections |
1012s | on average as every other node right but |
1015s | if you tilt the odds just a tiny bit so |
1018s | that that a node that already has edges |
1021s | tends to get more so I want to play WoW |
1026s | because it's where my friends are okay |
1028s | whatever that's called a preferential |
1031s | attachment Network and uh it's very hard |
1034s | to find things in human society that are |
1036s | not preferential |
1038s | attachments you know Facebook wins out |
1042s | over the other social networks because |
1044s | it's where everybody already is if you |
1047s | take the populations of MMOs at any |
1050s | given moment since MMOs started they |
1053s | also follow this |
1055s | curve so it kind of blew my mind and uh |
1059s | then further went on to explain that not |
1061s | only do |
1063s | MMOs collectively follow this structure |
1066s | that not only are all of the MMOs |
1068s | essentially sharing a population amongst |
1071s | each other a single population a single |
1074s | community that exists and permeates all |
1077s | of the different titles that are out |
1078s | there they're even |
1080s | included uh but that this actually also |
1082s | applies to player organizations this |
1084s | applies to guilds and corporations as |
1086s | well that this is um essentially social |
1090s | science all the way down and you can see |
1093s | this in the mega coalitions of nulc |
1095s | where you see these very very few groups |
1097s | that conglomerate into massive |
1100s | coalitions of tens of thousands of |
1102s | players whereas the majority of them |
1104s | fall into the category of these uh the |
1107s | long tail the very small groups of 30 40 |
1110s | 50 |
1111s | players |
1113s | so as a Storyteller of of MMOs and as |
1117s | historian of the internet this is |
1118s | actually particularly fascinating to me |
1121s | because he went on to explain that |
1123s | there's this phrase in the science |
1125s | called a phase transition that applies |
1128s | to all of these different types of |
1129s | networks and a phase transition is |
1131s | exactly what happened to Band of |
1133s | Brothers it's when something happens |
1136s | that suddenly causes the network |
1139s | connections to shift and when they shift |
1142s | they tend to shift very rapidly and you |
1144s | see that immediately there something |
1147s | terrible happens to Band of Brothers and |
1149s | it turns to liquid in a moment and a |
1150s | moment later it's evaporated into gas |
1152s | and it's |
1154s | gone and so I started |
1159s | looking as a Storyteller for these |
1162s | moments of phase |
1164s | transition because those are the |
1167s | moments of deepest |
1170s | Humanity those are the moments that |
1172s | drill down deepest into these other |
1175s | digital social networks and can teach |
1178s | you the most by digging down into the |
1180s | history of why Band of Brothers was |
1182s | destroyed what happened there who was |
1186s | there who did what and why it all |
1188s | occurred you can understand so much |
1191s | about ion line and that essentially is |
1193s | the structure of the first empires of |
1195s | Eve book The dissolution of banded |
1197s | Brothers create is provides the climax |
1200s | for the story and so I went around |
1203s | looking for these other moments of phase |
1205s | transition inside the |
1208s | other popular networks within that |
1211s | shared community of other MMOs and so |
1214s | the the first story that I investigated |
1216s | was one of the more famous events in |
1218s | online gaming history which is this uh |
1220s | an event in World of Warcraft called the |
1221s | gates of |
1223s | anage and the gates of anurage was a |
1227s | one-of-a-kind event in which every |
1230s | server of World of Warcraft received a |
1232s | new dungeon with the gates sealed and |
1235s | each server had to go on a massive realm |
1238s | wide Quest that included every single |
1241s | player on that realm to work together in |
1243s | order to amass an enormous amount of |
1245s | supplies to you know uh Supply The Siege |
1249s | on on this hidden dungeon where the old |
1251s | God cathon this big eyeball was waiting |
1254s | um and they could only actually go into |
1257s | it when the entire server |
1259s | had amassed all of these these this |
1261s | enormous amount of supplies and when one |
1263s | particular hero from each particular |
1265s | server had gone on this monthlong quest |
1268s | to reforge uh the scepter of the |
1271s | shifting Sands so that he could ring a |
1273s | Gong outside the gates and open them up |
1276s | for the first time and so what |
1278s | implicitly ended up happening is that |
1280s | this has created a race between all of |
1283s | the different Realms to be the first one |
1285s | to open up the gates and one one server |
1289s | one in particular a server called |
1291s | miv and uh this guy named kalahad was |
1295s | the very first person to open the gates |
1297s | in World of Warcraft history and what |
1301s | nobody anticipated including the |
1303s | designers of the encounter was that when |
1307s | you have only one place on one server of |
1311s | in World of Warcraft where something |
1313s | interesting is happening every other |
1316s | server |
1317s | empties all of the players from the |
1319s | other servers not all of the players but |
1321s | tens of thousands of players from the |
1323s | other servers left their server created |
1326s | level one characters on the miv server |
1329s | and began a massive pilgrimage across |
1333s | the world of Azeroth to arrive in the |
1335s | desert in one of these higher level |
1337s | zones to be able to be there to witness |
1339s | the opening of the gates of anurage and |
1342s | that's what you see here in these uh |
1345s | relatively Exquisite screenshots of of |
1347s | players massing around the gates as they |
1350s | were |
1353s | opened so the second story that I dug |
1357s | into was this story that I call the |
1359s | siege of keral by the armies of the dead |
1361s | and it takes place in a zombie |
1363s | apocalypse text MMO called Urban dead um |
1367s | which is a fabulous game despite the |
1370s | fact that it's a text-based MMO and what |
1373s | ended up happening in urban dead is the |
1376s | the way the game worked was these zombie |
1378s | side and The Human Side were not fixed |
1380s | teams if you died as a human you became |
1383s | a member of the zombie team and if you |
1385s | were a zombie and a human jabbed you |
1387s | with a with a medical syringe you came |
1390s | back to life and became uh a human again |
1393s | so at a certain point the humans got |
1396s | tired of running away from the zombies |
1398s | and decided to make a Last Stand at this |
1400s | place called kager mall and hundreds |
1403s | upon hundreds of humans showed up to |
1405s | defend them all to try to actually |
1407s | create one Little slice of civilization |
1410s | again in this apocalypse so that they |
1412s | didn't have to get dispersed by the |
1413s | overwhelming horde over and over and |
1415s | over again and so what happens is the |
1419s | zombies all find out that this is where |
1421s | everybody is at and every horde of |
1424s | zombies within the game converged on ker |
1428s | Maul and you have this incredible battle |
1430s | that takes place between thousands of |
1432s | players that unfolded over the course of |
1434s | more than a month and the only reason |
1437s | why it ended Ed is because Urban dead |
1441s | was run by an independent game developer |
1444s | there was only one developer in charge |
1446s | of the game and he was not able to be |
1448s | inside the virtual environment and |
1450s | actually know what was happening so in |
1453s | the middle of the siege of kager |
1455s | maul the guy whose name his name was |
1458s | Kevin Kevin changed some of the rules |
1462s | you remember that's that revivification |
1464s | syringe that I talked about he changed |
1466s | the loot rate of the |
1468s | syringes so that three times as many |
1471s | syringes were able to be found and the |
1474s | humans wiped out the zombies Side by |
1477s | resurrecting almost all of them so that |
1479s | there were almost no zombies Left in |
1481s | urban |
1482s | dead and the |
1486s | story climaxes or culminates with um a |
1490s | protest March that where the zombie side |
1495s | and The Human Side actually joined in |
1497s | common cause and became allies and |
1499s | marched across the city in solidarity to |
1502s | try to get Kevin's attention to say Lord |
1505s | the game is broken we need your help |
1508s | please roll back please roll back the |
1514s | update this is a game called Asheron's |
1517s | Call which came out in 2000 and the |
1520s | graphics are great aren't they guys |
1522s | Round of Applause for Asheron's calls |
1524s | Graphics thank you |
1526s | so asheron was a really cool game where |
1530s | they had an the developers of the game |
1532s | had an idea and what they wanted to do |
1536s | was they wanted to uh release these |
1539s | crystals all over the game world for the |
1542s | players to find and what the players |
1544s | didn't know was that when they smashed |
1546s | these crystals and got a bunch of loot |
1548s | out of them that these crystals in the |
1551s | lore were actually the hor cruxes of the |
1554s | game's main villain this winged demon |
1556s | named baleron um and so the development |
1559s | team didn't tell the players that they |
1561s | were trying to trick them into releasing |
1563s | the demon through their own greed right |
1565s | they were trying to pull the old oky do |
1567s | on them and they were trying to like |
1568s | release these little hints that this was |
1570s | what was going to happen and that's what |
1572s | you're looking at right now when you see |
1573s | these players standing on a Mountaintop |
1575s | the development team actually layered a |
1578s | silhouette of baleron into the Skybox of |
1581s | the world so that when lightning struck |
1583s | you would be able to see just for like a |
1585s | fraction of a second you would see the |
1587s | winged demon with Beady red eyes de uh |
1590s | beaming down on the world of uh Darth it |
1593s | was called |
1594s | Darth and so once the players figured |
1597s | out that the dev team was trying |
1601s | to make them complicit in the |
1604s | destruction of the world that they were |
1605s | roleplaying as saviors of they refused |
1608s | to play along they literally formed a |
1610s | secret society that formed Oaths to |
1614s | guard the final Crystal the final hor |
1616s | Crux of baleron the hope Slayer 24 hours |
1620s | a day 7 days a week for more than a |
1623s | month and they the cool thing about |
1626s | Asheron's Call is that every creature in |
1629s | the game had experience points that |
1631s | could level up so if you were a monster |
1634s | you could uh and you killed a player you |
1636s | would get XP from that and you might |
1638s | actually level up and become an even |
1639s | more powerful monster players used to |
1641s | troll the Newbie zones by feeding |
1644s | themselves to like a level one bunny |
1646s | rabbit until it was a level 30 rabbit |
1648s | and it was just rampaging through the |
1650s | new the Newbie zones nibbling players to |
1653s | death right so they did the same thing |
1655s | to the Crystal and they turned it into a |
1657s | level 900 Crystal that one shot |
1660s | everybody who ever came near it and it |
1662s | became so broken that it started |
1664s | refusing Dev commands and |
1669s | the they eventually figured out exactly |
1671s | why it was refusing Dev commands it |
1673s | wasn't like a ghost or something like |
1675s | that but uh what what actually happened |
1677s | is the the Crystal had so much extra |
1679s | experience that the moment they tried to |
1681s | set it its HP to zero to destroy it it |
1685s | would spend its XP on more levels again |
1687s | and and instantly re uh refill its own |
1690s | health but it took him a while to figure |
1692s | out why that was happening they were I |
1694s | talked to the devs about this they were |
1695s | like we were kind of scared we were like |
1698s | what's going |
1700s | on so this is lit this is actually uh so |
1703s | what they ended up doing is they they |
1705s | found the greatest troll in Asheron's |
1709s | Call and recruited them into a basically |
1712s | a role-play event where they gave them |
1714s | um like Infinity Buffs to go in and |
1717s | roleplay the destruction of of the the |
1720s | crystal Defenders and destroy the |
1722s | Crystal and on it's too long of a story |
1725s | but you have to read the story it's a |
1726s | it's a it's a great tale um and this is |
1729s | this is baleron after he was Ultimate |
1730s | released this down here this person in |
1733s | the orange in the bottom left that's |
1735s | vidorian uh the greatest troll in the |
1738s | history of of Asheron's Call uh who |
1740s | ultimately destroyed the crystal |
1742s | released baleron the Hope Slayer and |
1744s | commenced uh what they call the fourth |
1746s | sending of |
1750s | Darkness this guy's another great |
1753s | troll fancy the famous Bard was a |
1756s | character in |
1758s | EverQuest |
1759s | who EverQuest had a |
1762s | problem with um what you might call |
1765s | lords they didn't control certain |
1769s | aspects of their community and so they |
1771s | had to create all these rules to govern |
1773s | these people's behavior and make sure |
1774s | that they weren't harassing people out |
1776s | of the game and the the players these |
1780s | players hated that and they were like |
1781s | well we need to be able to express |
1783s | ourselves to the maximum uh of of our |
1786s | capability or else we're not living our |
1788s | fullest life in the virtual environment |
1790s | so the solution that they came up with |
1792s | was to create a no rule server and the |
1796s | no rule server had one rule it wasn't |
1798s | quite a no rule server they had one rule |
1801s | and it was that any player who was less |
1802s | than level lower than level six was |
1804s | invulnerable couldn't be attacked by |
1806s | other players so this was a ruthless |
1809s | place that was run by the worst elements |
1812s | of the community the PE some of the some |
1814s | of the most some of the best pvpers in |
1816s | the game um but they were mean dudes and |
1820s | so fancy the famous Bard was a level six |
1824s | player who skilled only one skill and it |
1829s | was called celos accelerando celos |
1832s | accelerando is a movement speed skill |
1834s | that Buffs your movement speed so that |
1837s | you can run faster than everyone what he |
1839s | did is he ran around the world |
1841s | attracting the aggro of all of these |
1843s | what are called sand Giants which are |
1846s | very large formidable enemies and you |
1848s | can see and it's hard to see some with |
1850s | these Graphics but you can see the sand |
1852s | Giants are chasing uh fancy through the |
1855s | down the river across the desert here |
1857s | here um and he would take this enormous |
1861s | train of highlevel enemies and run it |
1864s | right into the town centers and kill |
1866s | everybody and the fun thing about fancy |
1870s | is that he was role playing as a doer of |
1872s | good he worshiped the God of Light this |
1875s | guy named mithaniel marah who was a uh |
1877s | he's a God in the Everquest Universe |
1879s | who's who's literally he's a paladin |
1881s | whose face is so beautiful that he hides |
1883s | it behind his hair because it would pain |
1885s | you to look upon him and that was |
1887s | Fancy's God and fancy um killed everyone |
1892s | fancy killed 350 people across a rampage |
1895s | of two days and basically took over suen |
1898s | Ze at only level six uh the the no rule |
1901s | server was called suen Ze and he became |
1903s | the level six God of senen here he is |
1905s | again with a with a whole train of of |
1908s | sand Giants chasing after him there's |
1910s | there's fancy closeup with his cool |
1912s | green vest running across the desert I |
1915s | love this guy |
1919s | the Sun King shines on the devil of the |
1921s | Republic the best chapter title I ever |
1924s | came up with is about second life one of |
1929s | the weirdest and |
1931s | ultimately kind of oddly coolest games |
1934s | that I've ever learned about uh in the |
1939s | early 2000s there was a really big fad |
1942s | around second life and the idea of |
1945s | creating permanent virtual Outpost |
1947s | inside of second life and the first |
1951s | political organization in history I |
1953s | believe to create a virtual headquarters |
1957s | was the the What's called the front |
1959s | National in France which is the uh |
1963s | political party within France that tends |
1965s | to blame things on immigrants which |
1967s | tends to be a thing that shows up at |
1968s | least once in every country it seems |
1970s | like but the Denis of Second Life hated |
1974s | this they hated the idea that this was |
1976s | going to be an unwelcome space a a place |
1979s | where they were |
1981s | celebrating the election of jearie Leen |
1985s | who was the leader of the party who is |
1987s | now who is actually the father of the |
1988s | current leader of the party Marine Leen |
1991s | and so they staged uh protest SL rot |
1995s | they shot they made guns that shot pigs |
1998s | uh at the headquarters building and they |
2000s | basically shut the entire thing down |
2003s | they made lots of posters with jearie Le |
2005s | Pen with a little Hitler mustache on |
2008s | and then my absolute favorite thing one |
2009s | of the one of them made an AOE attack of |
2013s | Thomas the Train |
2016s | Engine which is just worth the whole |
2018s | story just on its own um and |
2023s | so Jean Marie Le Pen's nickname in |
2025s | France was the devil of the Republic and |
2028s | when the protesters actually defeated |
2031s | the front National and forced them to |
2033s | retreat from Second Life um they second |
2037s | life is a highly modable game and they |
2040s | took a JPEG of Dr Martin Luther King Jr |
2043s | and they superimposed it on the Sun so |
2045s | that forever afterward Dr King would be |
2048s | shining down smiling upon the site of a |
2050s | successful anti-fascist |
2058s | action so I've now been studying MMOs |
2062s | for 10 years and I've been working on |
2064s | these particular stories uh and studying |
2066s | I've written I think seven or eight |
2068s | chapters um over the last five years in |
2071s | my spare time chipping away at this and |
2073s | doing research on on other games well at |
2076s | the same time I was writing about Eve |
2078s | and the key takeaway is |
2080s | actually it's profound But ultimately |
2082s | very simple is that we are from many |
2086s | games but we exist across one larger |
2089s | Community that's more important than any |
2091s | individual game and that we are |
2094s | ultimately connected to our Brethren |
2096s | across the gaming community and to a |
2098s | lesser extent in we are in flow with the |
2101s | entire rest of the digital Humanity |
2104s | across the internet in that uh |
2106s | visualization that we watched earlier |
2108s | makes that relatively |
2110s | clear and I find this so deeply |
2112s | interesting |
2115s | because these moments of phase |
2117s | transition these moments where the |
2119s | social fabric of the world breaks |
2123s | down has everything to teach a modern |
2126s | social media |
2128s | about what awaits all of us in a digital |
2132s | future because I've got bad news Mark |
2136s | Zuckerberg doesn't know about any of |
2138s | this stuff he's never studied it Elon |
2140s | Musk doesn't know about the history and |
2143s | what the history of gaming and online |
2145s | gaming has to teach social media about |
2148s | the internet's past and it's almost |
2152s | disappointingly these moments of protest |
2155s | and rupture are these social failures |
2158s | where these societies kind of came apart |
2161s | are are far more complicated and |
2163s | interesting than what's going wrong with |
2166s | modern social media today which is |
2168s | failing at elements that are far more |
2171s | basic than what games like Eve are |
2173s | experimenting with in the modern world |
2176s | and so that is one of the great things |
2179s | about Eve and the responsibilities of |
2181s | Eve moving forward is that Eve is the |
2184s | test pilot for digital research SE arch |
2187s | for testing out Human Social |
2190s | societies um and it's a it's an awesome |
2193s | responsibility and it's one to take |
2194s | extremely seriously and I know that CCP |
2200s | does |
2203s | so I've Loved writing these stories so |
2205s | much because they take place in deeply |
2208s | Fantastical environments and star these |
2211s | bizarre characters and they grapple |
2215s | with the function of the UN of these |
2218s | digital universes and and what goes |
2220s | wrong when things go wrong and I've |
2223s | spent years trying to figure out what I |
2224s | should actually call this book um when |
2228s | so many of the characters that we're |
2230s | meeting and we're grappling with in this |
2232s | story are some of the most problematic |
2234s | elements of uh of the univer of these |
2237s | digital |
2239s | universes um and that's why I came up |
2242s | with the name Edge Lord elegy the fates |
2244s | of digital |
2246s | societies and I hope that you will |
2248s | consider uh as we move forward into the |
2250s | early next year uh becoming a supporter |
2252s | as we start to plan a |
2256s | Kickstarter so all of my research over |
2260s | these past five years working on these |
2264s | stories suggest just one deeply and |
2267s | desperately important lesson for Eve and |
2270s | for the internet broadly and for social |
2273s | media and it's that every time one of |
2277s | these societies broke down if you study |
2281s | it closely enough you find out that it |
2283s | was designed to break down exactly as it |
2286s | did it was always going to happen and so |
2290s | you have to study these spaces and |
2292s | understand the social dynamics well |
2294s | enough to get out in front of it and |
2296s | make sure that that collapse does not |
2298s | happen because in the |
2300s | future where we're living in a world |
2303s | where Facebook has two billion citizens |
2307s | the consequences of such a rupture |
2310s | aren't as cheeky as fancy the famous |
2313s | Bard they're potentially extraordinarily |
2316s | serious |
2318s | and one of the reasons why I love Eve so |
2322s | much is that I know that Eve does take |
2324s | that responsibility so seriously and |
2328s | um if Eve is going to achieve the dream |
2333s | of Eve |
2334s | forever the only way that that is going |
2337s | to happen is by building the community |
2341s | person by person and making sure that |
2345s | absolutely nobody flies alone and that |
2347s | the community is healthy and strong and |
2351s | I just want to say thank you guys so |
2352s | much for coming and for giving me an |
2354s | opportunity to be up here again I've |
2355s | missed you all so much um and hop about |
2358s | a round of applause for everybody at |
2359s | home who didn't get to come this year |
2362s | thank you guys so much thank |
2365s | you |
2425s | for |
2430s | all right that was an excellent |
2432s | presentation which uh shows us that |
2434s | wherever Humanity goes it's always there |
2437s | right that's the I think that's the |
2438s | moral of the story I'm CCP goat I'm CCP |
2441s | goat I can do my own name I promise uh |
2444s | and I'm joined here by two very special |
2445s | guest my uh co-host danana IO and uh uh |
2451s | Ryan from um from uh Vancouver Yeah Yeah |
2455s | from from Vancouver exactly |
2457s | from Project Discovery Pro discovery |
2459s | that was the thing that you were here to |
2460s | uh talk about and present about you had |
2462s | a very successful presentation yesterday |
2464s | showed us some very very cool stuff uh I |
2467s | wanted to ask you like um it's a |
2469s | question that I get uh repeatedly as a |
2472s | person who works in PX dealing with |
2474s | tickets and uh other like support um |
2477s | question so to speak does uh does this |
2481s | project Discovery actually do anything |
2483s | does it give any results that is a |
2485s | question I get seriously yes oh my god |
2488s | um it's going to change the world so |
2490s | there yes yes and it's going to change |
2492s | the world because um we're going to have |
2494s | better drugs faster with less side |
2496s | effects that are going to do things like |
2498s | cure |
2499s | cancer so does that count that counts |
2502s | that absolutely counts uh you hear that |
2504s | twitch chat yeah and and it's not it's |
2507s | not it's not because of bots it's |
2509s | because of real people yes correct okay |
2512s | that's excellent and you were able to |
2514s | take what you learned from this one and |
2516s | apply it to the next one that's coming |
2518s | right yeah so so for when we started on |
2519s | this we were doing Co and um the thing |
2522s | that was really awesome was just how |
2524s | much data we were getting we we I had we |
2527s | we spent months trying to fill that pipe |
2528s | of all these players clicking clicking |
2530s | clicking and and then we had the |
2532s | realization that wow with all this data |
2534s | we let's just make it better and give |
2537s | them more data and explore other |
2538s | diseases of the immune system that we |
2539s | didn't even have the idea that we'd ever |
2541s | get to because the data was looking so |
2543s | awesome that we're going to do things |
2544s | that we never had in our head in the |
2545s | first place wow that's pretty amazing |
2547s | and we're going over yeah we're going to |
2549s | analyzing cancer not re right so the |
2551s | next so next thing we do is not just |
2553s | analyzing cancer the the tools that |
2555s | they're looking at is going to help us |
2557s | um develop machine learning algorithms |
2558s | to help develop cures for cancer wow |
2561s | it's and so true story I'm going to |
2564s | fizer next week to like one of the major |
2567s | drug companies in the world name we W |
2569s | hurt now yeah and and this is for good |
2571s | vaccines are for good people um I'm a |
2573s | scientist trust me um and so I'm meeting |
2576s | with the head of CL hometry at fiser and |
2578s | I'm showing him data coming off of |
2580s | project Discovery because I just showed |
2582s | it to some people at that company in San |
2584s | Diego last week and they're like this is |
2587s | as good as the data that we're producing |
2588s | ourselves as real scientists wow it's |
2591s | true story I think that's actually |
2593s | pretty wow that's that's amazing yeah |
2595s | and and and the excitement is that fast |
2598s | yeah it yeah it happens that fast you of |
2601s | course went into this a lot in your uh |
2602s | presentation yesterday uh which people |
2605s | can watch on uh on the channel from |
2607s | yesterday and |
2608s | like yeah and like exactly uh |
2613s | so I find it extremely uh humorous that |
2617s | you are on here as a fc for pandemic |
2622s | horde well not of seeing as much as logi |
2626s | anchoring but it's still pretty close to |
2628s | the same thing right uh it's an |
2630s | important part of the of the of that um |
2634s | aspect of group gameplay right oh yeah |
2636s | somebody has to anchor on the logy or |
2638s | logy have to Anchor somewhere yes yeah |
2641s | but uh you were telling me sorry my in |
2643s | ear came out that's not supposed to |
2645s | happen uh you were telling me that this |
2648s | is your first time here at at FanFest |
2650s | yeah even though you've been like around |
2652s | CCP for some time yeah I've been we |
2654s | started this project three years ago I'm |
2655s | a I'm a I'm a hardcore gamer I have I |
2657s | have a little man cave that's got |
2658s | screens and a PC Xbox a switch i' I've |
2662s | been playing since like Vic 20 days I'm |
2663s | dating myself right not Eve because it |
2667s | scares the out of me |
2669s | yes it is a game that takes a lot of |
2671s | time to get into I would say uh but um |
2675s | it can be very rewarding as you can see |
2677s | from the community that comes here you |
2679s | were saying it's uh it's like it's not |
2682s | as scary because the people are so nice |
2685s | the the the the people are nice the game |
2687s | scares me I I I went down that path of |
2690s | um of sorry wow |
2693s | and it like many many many late night |
2696s | nights and this is spre so I'm a data |
2698s | scientist and you they're showing at |
2701s | these talks like graphs and everyone's |
2703s | just loving the graphs I've got a new |
2704s | graph type yeah and that's that's my day |
2707s | job and I and I love my job so much and |
2709s | the idea of going into a game that is so |
2711s | data intensive and graph heavy it's like |
2713s | I I want to keep I like my life |
2715s | now and I I have I have things I want to |
2718s | do besides Eve but I I I can tell you |
2722s | here and now that there is a way to play |
2723s | Eve without going into graphs I have |
2725s | done it |
2727s | agreed graphs no spreadsheets you need |
2731s | those okay all right yeah I'm more of a |
2734s | factional Warfare kind of person I un |
2736s | talk I find somebody I die and then I |
2738s | quit for the day okay it's my my dose of |
2742s | Eve yeah and I mean I do NSE stuff so a |
2745s | lot of times I'm just like I just unduck |
2747s | I go and rep whoever needs repping |
2750s | whenever we're shooting whoever we're |
2751s | shooting and but then there's still |
2754s | sometimes like I need to organize my |
2755s | ships |
2757s | um especially if I'm like suitcasing |
2759s | with my caps and all that so I have |
2761s | still a bunch of spreadsheets maybe not |
2763s | as many grabs at all but still yeah it's |
2766s | a good thing that we actually have a |
2768s | have a an add in into EV online for Exel |
2772s | which helps with that kind of stuff the |
2773s | first game to do that by the way that is |
2776s | pretty awesome that's pretty awesome and |
2777s | all the stuff you guys are doing in R |
2779s | and python that's that's the world I |
2781s | live in and so it's it's too close to |
2784s | home yeah it's almost like comfortable |
2787s | turning your work into a passion yeah |
2789s | and it already is and that's the problem |
2791s | yes okay yeah I understand that I |
2793s | understand that um uh were you out last |
2796s | night on the pup |
2798s | girl I was not tell me about that so uh |
2802s | I briefly touched on it this morning but |
2804s | uh it's a it's a it's a wonderful time |
2807s | where a bunch of uh grown people come |
2811s | together is a is it a hoorde yeah would |
2815s | yeah happy |
2817s | hord hordes are can I think guess happy |
2820s | hordes are the thing not nefarius we're |
2821s | there for good I would say so hordes for |
2824s | good in hords for goods for |
2828s | good uh CCP takes no official stance on |
2831s | which Alliance is best uh but however |
2834s | during pub crawl uh we often have um and |
2838s | I heard that were some there were some |
2840s | groups that were stealing beers from |
2842s | other groups uh I heard yeah know no no |
2847s | but yeah I mean it's it's a |
2848s | long-standing tradition it started out |
2850s | like when when FanFest was still young |
2853s | it started out with uh people just |
2855s | wanted to keep talking after their |
2856s | lectures which happened in a place that |
2858s | was |
2859s | maybe 12th of the size of this uh and |
2864s | they just wanted to go out for beer and |
2865s | after that it it evolved grew it became |
2868s | uh a thing where you have 14 groups of |
2871s | four or five devs with 15 to 20 players |
2874s | going around we each tried to hit a the |
2876s | bar and then we have a central location |
2877s | everybody meets up at and you can |
2879s | imagine it's just like I just did the |
2881s | math in my head that's a ho that's a |
2884s | that's a lot of people uh it is um it is |
2888s | a legend how um kind and um courteous uh |
2893s | Eve online players are when they come |
2895s | here even when they are uh I don't know |
2898s | how just like they are in Game yes |
2900s | exactly everybody is so nice in game |
2902s | right yeah I mean it's it's a whole |
2904s | different thing it's like sports team |
2906s | games it's like you have the other team |
2908s | and it's like oh you could be like oh |
2910s | beat them but still after the game or if |
2912s | you're like tailg and you're still going |
2914s | to give them a beer you can still hang |
2915s | out with them or or take them or or take |
2918s | the beers yes yeah that's I think that's |
2920s | an important part because it's like it |
2921s | is a a living community you should know |
2924s | that everything that happens on the |
2925s | battlefield stays there and once you're |
2926s | out you're just two people who play the |
2928s | same game and we can all have fun and |
2931s | that's that's a unique I think it's a |
2933s | unique um method of playing a game game |
2936s | where you can actually lose a lot of |
2937s | stuff uh not get real stuff yeah real |
2940s | stuff that has like actual monetary |
2942s | value uh and not be that mad about it |
2945s | that mad about it like it can hurt it's |
2947s | still kind of disappointing when you get |
2949s | dropped on and lose three caps and |
2951s | you're |
2952s | like SAT but everybody has those stories |
2955s | but then you can peace out and do some |
2956s | project Discovery and feel better about |
2958s | the world except yes and I also want to |
2960s | say that there are no uh drops in |
2962s | factional Warfare if you're in the right |
2964s | complex as that is but um I will want to |
2968s | wrap this up now and maybe uh head on |
2970s | over to to get ready for the next |
2972s | presentation which is um skills in real |
2975s | life in Eve with real life skills in Eve |
2978s | I swear I can do titles guys I swear uh |
2981s | with auki that is the next presentation |
2984s | happening on the big stage uh any final |
2987s | words for this one um please keep doing |
2990s | that data it's really important it's |
2992s | going to help so many people around the |
2993s | world and maybe even your mother we all |
2996s | want to help their mother |
2999s | specifically and uh you will be with me |
3002s | after the next presentation so uh guys |
3005s | we will see you |
3013s | [Music] |
3024s | then |
3026s | [Music] |
3037s | [Music] |
3052s | [Music] |
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3210s | [Music] |
3239s | [Music] |
3262s | [Music] |
3274s | [Music] |
3294s | for |
3297s | [Music] |
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3521s | [Music] |
3527s | [Music] |
3554s | [Music] |
3594s | do |
3598s | exploring how the roles we undertake in |
3600s | new Eden can provide transferable skills |
3603s | into real life please welcome to the |
3605s | stage |
3617s | euki hello |
3620s | everybody how's FanFest |
3623s | going awesome you got to ask when you |
3626s | get to be on the main stage |
3627s | right so um hello my name is Zuki Z and |
3632s | today we're going to be talking about |
3634s | real life skill training with Eve online |
3637s | so if you have been playing for a while |
3640s | or not a while and you're wondering what |
3642s | can I be doing in Eve that's going to |
3644s | actually help me outside of Eve we're |
3646s | going to try to answer that question |
3650s | today so um today what I'm going to run |
3654s | through for every everybody I'm going to |
3655s | tell everybody a brief bit about myself |
3658s | Who I Am What I've Done in Eve maybe why |
3660s | you want to care just a little bit um |
3663s | I'm going to talk about what prompted |
3665s | the entire presentation that I'm giving |
3667s | it's a question that I've been pondering |
3668s | and chat with a lot of people over the |
3670s | past couple of years um I'm going to |
3673s | talk about how I gathered all the data |
3675s | that you're going to see used in the |
3677s | presentation that we're talking about so |
3679s | when I say correlations or interviews uh |
3683s | where you know that came from cuz only |
3685s | made up some of this |
3687s | stuff uh and then I'm going to talk |
3689s | about what we found so you know the meat |
3691s | of the presentation is I spent a lot of |
3693s | time talking I wrote surveys I did |
3696s | interviews uh I used some personal |
3698s | experience but what did we find what is |
3701s | it that you might want to care about |
3703s | what are some things I want you to think |
3705s | about what are some things that you're |
3706s | going to go |
3708s | huh so um about me um if you are |
3713s | unfamiliar with me my name is ex suuki Z |
3715s | I've been playing uh E online since 2009 |
3719s | I joined right after Apocrypha came out |
3722s | which is why I also spent more than the |
3725s | first decade of my time in Eve online |
3726s | doing wormholes so if you're thinking |
3728s | that guy looks familiar I'm frequently |
3730s | up on the FanFest stage talking about |
3732s | Wormhole space but not this time I'm |
3734s | instead telling you about how Eve's |
3736s | making you a better person um I'm the |
3739s | CEO of TD sin and have been for 14 years |
3743s | um another name that you've probably at |
3745s | least heard of before we're not very |
3747s | good but that does mean that no matter |
3748s | how bad we are you've heard of us and uh |
3751s | while I'm here I wanted to just briefly |
3753s | touch on for everybody uh we have a lot |
3755s | of fans that talk about us on Discord |
3758s | servers and talk about us on Reddit um |
3760s | that is an S uh I frequently see people |
3763s | uh misspelling our name with a b um it's |
3766s | an S though just making sure that you |
3768s | guys all know that I know that the keys |
3770s | can be tricky um I'm also the alliance |
3773s | leader of scary Wormhole people AKA |
3775s | waboo um you've probably heard some of |
3779s | my court mates shouting our ticker |
3780s | around and it's gone oh it's back um and |
3785s | you might have seen our pretty dope logo |
3787s | so that's up there too um I was also a |
3790s | member of |
3791s | csm4 um I'm going to touch on it in in |
3793s | another slide or two but that's actually |
3795s | one of the places that prompted a lot of |
3798s | this um I've met a lot of really cool |
3801s | people playing Eve in general as well as |
3803s | my time on the Cs M and that got me |
3806s | thinking into a bunch of things that led |
3808s | to the presentation um outside of Eve |
3811s | and some of the personal experience that |
3813s | I'll be touching on or you know what I |
3815s | said I think this actually helped uh I'm |
3818s | a director of software engineering |
3820s | outside of Eve um I've had a very |
3823s | fortunate career to move up several |
3825s | levels quickly in software engineering |
3827s | management and I attribute a good chunk |
3828s | of that success to things that I've |
3831s | learned and gotten to experience through |
3833s | Eve so moving right |
3837s | along um the question that started all |
3840s | of this so when I was on csm4 in 20 |
3844s | March of 2020 a month and date year that |
3848s | uh probably some people have |
3850s | some icky feelings about cuz that was |
3854s | basically the start of the pandemic me |
3856s | and a bunch of uh csm4 found ourselves |
3859s | at the old CCP office way down closer to |
3861s | the docks um watching Co start to unfold |
3865s | actually it was that critical week where |
3868s | you might remember Co was a thing in |
3871s | China and it was starting to be a thing |
3873s | in Italy and it was kind of popping up |
3875s | everywhere and by the end of our |
3877s | week-long Summit here we were flying |
3879s | back watching closures and international |
3881s | borders getting zipped up so they sent |
3883s | us home just in time I think the United |
3885s | States closed their International |
3887s | borders like two days after we got back |
3889s | from the CSM Summit but one of the |
3893s | things that happens at the CSM Summits |
3895s | is you know we have a meeting with a |
3896s | bunch of a lot of devs that happens |
3899s | constantly there was one in particular |
3901s | in which Hillmar came in down and sat |
3903s | and sat down and looked around the room |
3905s | and just said I am in a room full of |
3908s | superhumans now first thought when that |
3911s | happened was I looked around and said |
3913s | that's a weird thing to say um I mean |
3917s | sure uh I wouldn't consider myself a |
3919s | superhuman I would consider some of the |
3922s | other CSM superhumans and certainly some |
3924s | of the more csms that I've gotten to |
3926s | meet since my time on on the on the |
3928s | management Council some of them are |
3930s | definitely superhumans um but it |
3933s | prompted that thought what did Hilmar |
3935s | mean was he right um and I began to |
3940s | think on it one of the things that uh |
3943s | you know as you get to know the rest of |
3944s | your CSM and you get to talk more and |
3946s | more I realized that a lot of the csms |
3949s | on CSM 14 were they were pretty powerful |
3953s | people um we had you know we had |
3956s | corporate Executives we had phds we had |
3958s | a doctor we had people that are leaders |
3961s | and movers and shakers in their career |
3963s | field and from my experience chatting |
3965s | with a lot of other csms besides 14 |
3968s | that's not uncommon and then you begin |
3971s | to dig and talk to a lot of other people |
3973s | that are leaders in Eve themselves they |
3975s | FC's they're Alliance leaders they Corp |
3977s | leaders of some of the both smallest and |
3979s | largest corporations and you start to |
3982s | see some patterns now the question that |
3985s | I first started with was how much of |
3989s | each thing is inter is impacting the |
3990s | other I don't think anyone would be |
3992s | surprised if I said someone that's an |
3994s | executive or a leader outside of Eve is |
3997s | likely to come into Eve and be a leader |
3999s | there |
3999s | too that's less interesting and we're |
4002s | not going to focus on that because I'm |
4004s | far more concerned with the reverse I |
4006s | wanted to find out how many people |
4009s | played Eve learned some things and then |
4011s | carried that back to their career where |
4013s | they didn't have that that first so the |
4016s | questions we're going to dive into are |
4017s | how can things that you do in Eve help |
4019s | you outside of it what are those skills |
4022s | how do they help um we're going to try |
4025s | to so the goal of my presentation here |
4027s | really is to try to give you some |
4028s | answers to that question I tried to |
4030s | build a presentation that would be |
4032s | helpful and insightful to as many people |
4035s | as possible because your mileage may |
4038s | vary I'm not getting up here and saying |
4040s | do these things you'll get promoted do |
4042s | these things and you'll get a cool new |
4045s | job but I think what we are going to |
4048s | talk about is do these things in Eve and |
4050s | you're probably learning stuff I don't |
4053s | want to ruin Eve for everybody because |
4055s | if you suddenly realize that you're |
4057s | learning things that might make it way |
4059s | less fun um but the bad news is you |
4063s | probably already are maybe whether you |
4065s | knew it or not you've learned something |
4067s | from logging in and doing things in Eve |
4069s | and you've probably picked up some |
4070s | skills and you might just be a better |
4072s | person whether you want to admit it or |
4075s | not um so we're going to focus and talk |
4078s | about what are some of those skills what |
4080s | are the ways that you can learn them and |
4082s | maybe you already are and how those |
4085s | skills might in fact just be something |
4086s | that you can |
4089s | leverage so everything that we're going |
4091s | to talk about here today comes from |
4093s | three main places um I use the basis of |
4097s | my own personal experience and career of |
4099s | course as a foundation for figuring out |
4101s | where I wanted to poke into talk to |
4103s | people what are the questions I wanted |
4105s | to specifically find answers for um I |
4108s | interviewed a lot of other eve players |
4111s | uh I conducted well over 70 different |
4113s | interviews some very formal some less |
4116s | formal with people all over different |
4119s | organizations every part of space you |
4121s | can think of every block corporations I |
4125s | went all over the place trying to get a |
4126s | nice varied background of different |
4129s | people I talk to doctors I talk to |
4131s | Engineers I talk to truck drivers I I |
4134s | talk to people that repair medical |
4136s | robots there you go pelp uh I talk to |
4140s | people that uh you know work in retail I |
4143s | talk to people that are chefs I talk to |
4145s | people that are bartenders we tried to |
4147s | go everywhere because my goal is to tell |
4150s | is to convince you that no matter what |
4151s | you actually do outside of Eve you are |
4153s | learning things that are probably |
4155s | helpful I had a survey um if you took it |
4159s | thank you very much we got several |
4161s | hundreds of people to come take a |
4164s | admittedly little lengthy survey about |
4167s | what do you do outside of Eve what do |
4169s | you do in Eve tell me about both of |
4171s | those things answer I got feedback too |
4174s | many questions about some different |
4176s | skills do you think you learned |
4177s | something do you think it came back and |
4180s | helped you in other places but that also |
4182s | helped me provide a guide on people I |
4185s | wanted to talk to and the great news is |
4187s | I found overwhelming support suggesting |
4190s | that the answer is yes almost everyone |
4193s | that took my survey said in some way |
4195s | they' learned something that they think |
4197s | they were able to bring back to their |
4199s | job sometimes it helped immensely |
4202s | sometimes they they thought it helped a |
4203s | little but everybody said they learned |
4206s | something so what I did with all of that |
4210s | is we tried to look and I to I tried to |
4213s | tailor it and correlate it to a list |
4215s | that might make sense outside of Eve um |
4218s | so I went to the Forbes |
4220s | 2023 most in demand skill Workforce |
4223s | survey |
4225s | which is intended to be Universal |
4227s | regardless of who you are where you are |
4229s | and what you're doing or where you work |
4231s | these are skills that you're going to |
4232s | find |
4233s | helpful um those skills are |
4236s | communication |
4238s | leadership teamwork creativity time |
4241s | management adaptability problem solving |
4245s | work ethic critical thinking conflict |
4249s | management and emotional |
4251s | intelligence so we've got a pretty cool |
4253s | list here here um I'm going to hope and |
4256s | assume that most people know what most |
4258s | of those words are because reading you |
4260s | the wiki definition of every single one |
4262s | would be timec consuming and probably |
4264s | rather boring although the one thing I |
4267s | did want to touch on simply because when |
4269s | I first started this initial feedback I |
4271s | got was emotional |
4274s | intelligence we're Eve players you know |
4278s | um you might your first thought when |
4280s | you're thinking about Eve players might |
4281s | not be emotional intelligence but I can |
4283s | assure you that when I asked them about |
4286s | it I was able to get several people go |
4288s | you know what I do care a little bit |
4290s | about other people or you know what I do |
4294s | know how to pretend that I care about |
4295s | other people just a little bit so Eve |
4299s | players can get those done |
4301s | too now basing it off of my survey the |
4305s | roles that we're going to touch on and I |
4307s | looked at by far not an all-inclusive |
4310s | list broke down into four main |
4313s | categories um we have leadership roles |
4316s | your CEO your director depending on the |
4319s | size and way that your group is |
4320s | organized you might have officers or a |
4322s | layer of middle management we looked at |
4325s | industry and Logistics which I defined |
4327s | mostly as people that are building |
4329s | things and moving them around this |
4331s | Logistics is specifically the moving it |
4333s | around part and not uh repping other |
4337s | ships that's also useful but probably |
4339s | less likely to directly correlate um |
4342s | because running around your work place |
4344s | trying to heal people might be |
4347s | strange um that was so and this is not |
4351s | all the roles that we looked at and |
4352s | talked about in my survey but for the |
4354s | sake of time and not having a million |
4356s | slides I condensed it into the ones that |
4359s | had stronger correlations and I thought |
4361s | were going to be make the most sense but |
4363s | also be a little easier to explain um so |
4367s | we touched on people that work in Solo |
4369s | industry people that worked with lots of |
4371s | other people working on Supply Chain man |
4373s | management material coordination Market |
4377s | managers people that run buyback |
4380s | programs um the third category is people |
4383s | management there's of course the |
4386s | possibility for significant overlap |
4388s | between all of these but whether it's |
4391s | the same person doing half the things on |
4392s | this list for your organization or a |
4395s | small army may decide depend on the size |
4398s | as well as how you've organized yourself |
4400s | these are roles and functions that are |
4402s | focused purely on people these are your |
4405s | recruiters and people that talk to |
4407s | people review applications these are |
4409s | people that work in onboarding these are |
4411s | people that track your membership are |
4414s | they active are they doing enough are |
4417s | they clicking their Pap links and these |
4419s | are people that do culture fit |
4420s | assessments are these the right people |
4422s | for our Corporation do I want to be |
4424s | flying with these people do I want to |
4426s | throw them out a |
4429s | window um and then probably the category |
4431s | that most of you actually first thought |
4433s | about I called it operations these are |
4436s | your Fleet commanders these are people |
4438s | that are helping run rolles supporting |
4439s | the fleet commander making the fleet |
4441s | successful these are people that plan |
4443s | The Fleets might be the FC doing |
4446s | literally all these things but sometimes |
4448s | these are different people or at the |
4449s | very least their different skills um and |
4451s | then you have your theory Crafters |
4453s | you've got your people that are figuring |
4455s | out what are we doing how are we going |
4456s | to do it which of these modules goes on |
4459s | my ship there's people that know enough |
4461s | to shout at your bad Court members when |
4463s | they die and ones that are fit terribly |
4465s | terribly |
4467s | wrong so the first grip that we're going |
4469s | to look at and for some of those I'm |
4471s | going to have a slide that grabs just |
4472s | one and for some of them I'm going to |
4474s | have a slide that tries to condense it |
4476s | all depending on what the results looked |
4477s | like now what we found talking both |
4480s | talking to people as well as from the |
4482s | survey results was regardless of what |
4485s | level you're operating at as a leader in |
4488s | your group chances are you're learning |
4490s | the same skills the exact degrees some |
4493s | lean a little heavier and others did |
4495s | vary but not enough to be worth |
4497s | splitting this up so whether we're |
4499s | looking at CEOs we're looking at |
4501s | officers or we're looking at |
4503s | directors these are people that are |
4505s | responsible for setting the goals and |
4507s | directions of your corporation and |
4509s | utilizing delegation and collaboration |
4512s | they're going to try to make those |
4514s | things |
4515s | happen um these people had the strongest |
4518s | likelihood of saying that they felt that |
4520s | they had learned and or improved on |
4523s | their leadership skills their work ethic |
4526s | their problem solving skills and their |
4528s | communication |
4530s | skills probably not a huge surprise |
4532s | especially the first one if anyone's |
4534s | shocked that CEOs said I learned |
4536s | leadership skills I've got tons of |
4538s | surprises for you in my presentation |
4540s | then if that one surprises you um but I |
4544s | also have a quote from someone that uh |
4547s | indicated that this is something they |
4548s | would Define themselves on for each of |
4550s | these slides we're going to touch on |
4552s | what the roles were |
4554s | um how I defined them the skills that |
4557s | they correlated with and then I've got a |
4559s | quote that uh some people saying that |
4561s | they're actually really getting |
4562s | something done so for the for the PE for |
4566s | uh I believe this was a CEO uh Eve |
4568s | helped me trust myself and my skills |
4572s | enough to start my own business when I |
4574s | look at what I've been able to deal with |
4576s | in Eve the problems of my job seem like |
4579s | nothing I actually really like this |
4581s | quote I like all the quotes that's why I |
4583s | chose them |
4584s | but uh depending on what you do in Eve |
4587s | you might actually have def defined your |
4589s | time in Eve as your second job before |
4592s | show a hands who else has ever thought |
4594s | that what they do in Eve is a second job |
4596s | all right that's a good chunk of the |
4598s | audience so you guys are doing great |
4601s | keep it up but |
4603s | uh Eve can be hard Eve can be very hard |
4608s | people in Eve can be very hard uh I'm |
4611s | not going to keep asking everyone to |
4612s | raise their hands up and down a couple |
4614s | of you made faces that you already said |
4615s | I hate this don't call me again but uh I |
4619s | think I've had more difficult people to |
4621s | work with in Eve than I have in my |
4624s | workplace which is probably a blessing |
4626s | there's certainly people that can say oh |
4628s | that is not true for where I work and |
4630s | I'm sorry for you um but that's true for |
4634s | definitely some of my experiences in Eve |
4636s | there are |
4637s | some rough individuals that play Eve we |
4640s | might love them but they're rough um so |
4644s | being able to do things in Eve hopefully |
4647s | helps you know recognize you can |
4649s | probably do a lot of that in real life |
4651s | it might be different but if you can |
4654s | Corral a bunch of people and say guys |
4656s | this is what we're doing over the next |
4658s | couple of months and then work with them |
4659s | to get that done chances are you could |
4662s | do that outside of Eve too you might not |
4665s | want to especially if you have to like |
4667s | sit near people and smell them and |
4669s | things but if you're here at FanFest |
4671s | you're already smelling people so you |
4675s | can do |
4676s | it um rolling into our next category |
4680s | we're going to have a couple slides on |
4681s | some industry and logistic roles um the |
4684s | first one that I wanted to start off |
4686s | with um that actually surprised me a |
4688s | little bit but only in until you start |
4690s | thinking about it was people that do |
4692s | industry by themselves um if you're here |
4695s | at FanFest there's a good chance that |
4698s | you're not a solo player there certainly |
4700s | could be some out there but most people |
4701s | that make it to FanFest are usually |
4703s | people here with groups so this may or |
4705s | may not apply to you or maybe you're in |
4707s | a group but you don't like those guys so |
4710s | they don't get to touch your minerals |
4711s | and you're building all your stuff by |
4714s | yourself um you know where's the |
4716s | tritanium just makes collaborating with |
4718s | people very challenging sometimes but |
4721s | people that are Solo industry players |
4724s | they're tackling potentially complex |
4726s | jobs um that might include a lot of |
4728s | steps um that might have prerequisites |
4731s | and they're usually doing this by |
4733s | themselves |
4734s | so these people through my interviews |
4736s | and discussions identified strongly with |
4739s | time management skills critical thinking |
4742s | adaptability and problem solving these |
4745s | are people that need to know how to line |
4747s | things up to be efficient they need to |
4749s | be able to figure out how to adapt on |
4751s | the Fly because they don't have someone |
4753s | else to go lean on and get some of this |
4754s | done for them it's you the buck stops |
4757s | with you if your reactions aren't done |
4759s | on time that next job's going to sit and |
4762s | wait um |
4763s | skills I made doing industry helped me |
4766s | set up ordering of medical supp supplies |
4769s | and equipment ensuring deadlines and |
4771s | bottlenecks are met as far as material |
4774s | and fiscal inputs are |
4777s | concerned I thought that was actually a |
4779s | pretty cool quote I talked to someone |
4780s | that basically talked about how they |
4784s | applied their Eve industry experience to |
4787s | organizing and getting things done |
4790s | um lots of people had feedback Sim |
4793s | similar to this um there's a lot of |
4796s | things in in real life that can be |
4799s | thought of as put a bunch of things |
4800s | together let them do some things for a |
4802s | little while get something out not |
4804s | everything can be baked down that far |
4806s | and I would strongly advise against in |
4808s | your head applying the eve industry UI |
4810s | to everything that you do but you could |
4813s | if you really |
4814s | wanted um but people that did this and |
4817s | did industry by themselves were able to |
4819s | really learn and grow in a lot of |
4821s | different ways cuz you've got to figure |
4823s | it all out and then get started and I'm |
4826s | sure a lot of you would probably raise |
4828s | your hand that that is a definition of |
4830s | something you've done at your job is |
4831s | figure it all out and get it |
4834s | started um bouncing to another type of |
4837s | industry and Logistics we've got Supply |
4839s | Chain management and Market management |
4841s | so these are people that are working |
4843s | with other people they're building |
4845s | capitals while someone else takes care |
4847s | of some of the components maybe they're |
4849s | doing reactions uh and doing reaction |
4852s | chains where other people are handling |
4854s | different steps of that process these |
4856s | are people that are moving stuff from |
4857s | point A to point B these are people that |
4859s | are stocking your Market they're getting |
4861s | stuff up on contracts they're making |
4863s | sure that you guys have what you need um |
4867s | primary skills that these people |
4869s | strongly correlated with were |
4871s | communication and teamwork not a |
4873s | surprise since these are people that are |
4874s | working with other people conflict |
4876s | management and problem solving and if |
4879s | you're wondering why Conflict Management |
4881s | cuz I actually was too and came up on |
4883s | the survey and I chatted with several |
4886s | people figuring out what everybody wants |
4888s | to do and then making sure that they're |
4891s | not all doing the same thing can can |
4894s | apparently be rather challenging if |
4896s | you've got several people that are |
4898s | helping stock your Market first off |
4901s | great the fact that it's more than one |
4902s | we're off to a fantastic start but it |
4905s | doesn't do you any good if they're all |
4907s | stalking the same thing because now |
4910s | you've got five people undercutting each |
4912s | other trying to to make sure that |
4913s | they're the ones selling things and |
4915s | you've probably underserved your |
4917s | community because all the other crap |
4919s | that you need is not stocked um so the |
4923s | reason that a lot of those people chose |
4924s | conflict management was really bunch of |
4926s | people getting into a room or a channel |
4929s | and or voice coms and saying I want to |
4931s | do this figuring out someone's got to do |
4934s | something they don't want to do there's |
4935s | compromise there's resolution of some |
4938s | conflict and there is hopefully an |
4940s | outcome where your group your Market |
4943s | your whatever it is your stock and gets |
4945s | what you |
4946s | need um working with industry that |
4949s | requires multiple people requires |
4951s | patience and an understanding of |
4953s | people's capabilities and limits big |
4956s | things require coordination and working |
4958s | with people and the same is true of |
4961s | almost all careers so if you've ever |
4964s | found yourself trying to figure out how |
4965s | to get a bunch of people that together |
4968s | have all the right skills to get a job |
4970s | done and you've managed to get it done |
4974s | that's great and that also is pretty |
4977s | agnostic of what you actually do for a |
4979s | living um if your experiences in school |
4982s | with group projects were that they're |
4984s | terrible and you hate people because of |
4985s | it this is a good way to try to undo |
4988s | some of that uh PTSD because most things |
4992s | in life require collaboration and |
4994s | working with other people whether you |
4996s | want it to or not as much as you want |
4998s | everything to be a solo Venture chances |
5000s | are that will not always be the case |
5004s | rolling into our third category and |
5006s | talking about some people management |
5007s | roles um the first slide I've got here |
5009s | talks about cultural fit assessments and |
5012s | people that work in onboarding um |
5014s | cultural fit assessments we defined as |
5016s | the person whose job it is to feel out |
5019s | somebody and decide if they're a good or |
5021s | a bad apple this may or may not be the |
5024s | people doing all the other things |
5026s | related to interviewing but it is a |
5028s | distinct step I thought because looking |
5030s | at someone's skills and actually talk |
5032s | talking to them are two very different |
5035s | things likewise people that identified |
5038s | as on boarders had a nearly identical |
5040s | identical skill profile so that's why |
5042s | they're together here on the |
5044s | slide um if your group doesn't do |
5047s | onboarding I would strongly advise |
5049s | trying to do onboarding um we've had |
5052s | other presentations at prior FanFest for |
5054s | sure from different groups talking about |
5056s | their onboarding programs but making |
5058s | sure that new people that join have what |
5061s | they need know what they need and |
5063s | nowhere to go to ask questions generally |
5065s | has a pretty strong correlation with uh |
5068s | likelihood of longer term membership and |
5070s | smooth integration into your crew people |
5073s | working in these roles strongly |
5075s | identified with critical thinking work |
5078s | ethic emotional intelligence told you it |
5080s | would come up and conflict |
5083s | resolution um mostly the cultural fit |
5087s | assessment I thought but on boarders |
5089s | also had it too when you're trying to |
5091s | work with someone first trying to figure |
5094s | out do I want to fly with this person at |
5097s | all and then all right we got to fly |
5100s | with them how do I make sure they don't |
5103s | suck um you end up talking to them it |
5106s | requires figuring out what do they want |
5108s | what do they need and resonating that to |
5112s | match what you want and what you need or |
5114s | rather your group wants and your group |
5115s | needs closing that Gap and being able to |
5119s | get everyone onto the same page is the |
5121s | main reason that we have Emo |
5123s | intelligence up |
5124s | here um working and assessing fit into |
5127s | an organization helped me understand |
5130s | that often times the best way to solve a |
5132s | problem is to avoid having it in the |
5133s | first place that's a good quote of |
5136s | virtually everything but in the context |
5138s | of this slide that was specifically |
5140s | raised to me as far as keeping bad |
5142s | apples out of a |
5143s | corporation um I suspect this is a |
5147s | lesson that many different groups and |
5148s | leaders and organizations and Eve have |
5151s | tried have had to learn prob probably |
5153s | the hard way at least once uh toxic |
5156s | people are bad and you might say but I |
5159s | need more people you never need people |
5162s | enough that you should be tolerating |
5164s | people that are bad um the damage that |
5167s | can be caused internally by someone that |
5169s | is negative hard to deal with and makes |
5172s | other people want to literally not play |
5175s | with you might mean that when you take a |
5177s | step back you realize you're literally |
5178s | at a net negative for letting this |
5180s | person be in your Fleet um and |
5183s | recognizing that before they're in your |
5186s | group can be important and that was what |
5188s | this quote was specifically talking |
5190s | about but hopefully a lesson that you |
5191s | can learn both in even if you're in a |
5194s | position to ever be doing so I'd advise |
5197s | about I'd advise about keeping uh bad |
5199s | people out of your real life |
5201s | organizations as well cuz it's rarely |
5204s | ever worth that uh worth that |
5208s | gamble um so we've got people management |
5211s | working with uh recruiters and |
5212s | application so these are the people that |
5214s | are going to sit there and go you don't |
5216s | get to fly with us um these are Talent |
5219s | acquisition these people that work on |
5222s | finding recruits rather that's spamming |
5224s | in local chat posting on Reddit using |
5227s | the in-game recruiting function you're |
5230s | finding people that want to join your |
5231s | group and then you're talking to them |
5233s | making sure they know what you're about |
5235s | figuring out if they want to come join |
5238s | you and then you'll interview them and |
5240s | review their application all depending |
5242s | on what your group does how strict your |
5244s | requirements are the bar could be way up |
5247s | here or maybe if they can breathe |
5249s | they're joining your Corp and most |
5251s | groups in E somewhere in between there |
5254s | um we can probably all think of groups |
5256s | on both ends of that Spectrum most Corps |
5258s | are definitely somewhere in the middle |
5261s | um but uh you know that's that's a very |
5264s | real thing and the people that do this |
5266s | in Eve generally had strong critical |
5269s | thinking skills strong work ethic skills |
5272s | again emotional intelligence because |
5274s | their work here relies immensely on just |
5277s | understanding other people's wants and |
5279s | needs and expressing their own and |
5281s | communication because they're spending a |
5283s | lot of time talking to people um work |
5286s | ethic uh I wanted to just touch on the |
5289s | reason we have work ethic up here is a |
5291s | lot of them said well recruiting is a |
5293s | lot of work maybe you have deadlines or |
5296s | targets we want to recruit X number of |
5298s | people maybe you have a lot of people |
5300s | applying to your corporation and the |
5302s | people that you've got to review and |
5304s | talk to are piling up these are people |
5307s | that just generally speaking said they |
5309s | know how to buckle down and get stuff |
5311s | done um and they know how to |
5313s | consistently do that to try to keep |
5315s | everything |
5317s | moving um one of the I think only quotes |
5320s | that I actually have a name attached to |
5323s | it um either people left me useful |
5325s | quotes but didn't give me contact |
5327s | information wishing to remain anonymous |
5329s | on my survey or in my interviews would |
5332s | say you can quote me but leave my name |
5334s | off that slide um I don't know if they |
5336s | were worried they just didn't want to be |
5338s | associated with me um but I did get a |
5342s | couple people that said they didn't want |
5343s | their name up here so uh I actually use |
5347s | these skills in real life to hire |
5349s | support staff and even help with |
5351s | selection of Physicians and other |
5353s | critical clinical support roles um I |
5356s | don't know if they're here I asked one |
5358s | of the wingspan guys and he said he |
5360s | didn't know but this quote is from Nikki |
5362s | kala um who works in HR for |
5365s | wingspan |
5366s | um another one of my surprises that's |
5370s | probably not a surprise Eve's a great |
5373s | place to just hone and practice and |
5375s | leverage some of those skills that you |
5377s | may or may not be using outside but it's |
5380s | a place where you get to sit down on a |
5382s | table and interview people or talk to |
5384s | people and find out if you like them if |
5386s | they like you um I don't have a quote |
5390s | here but I can tell you at least five of |
5391s | the people I spoke to specifically |
5393s | mentioned that they felt like |
5395s | interviewing people in Eve made them |
5397s | better at interviewing in real life on |
5399s | both sides of the table because you're |
5402s | in a you you're sitting down and talking |
5403s | to someone and just figuring out I want |
5407s | I want a job here I want to fly with |
5409s | these guys or I'm figuring out if I want |
5411s | them to Fly With Me Maybe the word is |
5415s | not fly but you do that a bunch in your |
5417s | job probably especially if you work in |
5420s | any sort of hiring manager roles or team |
5422s | lead roles where you're trying to figure |
5424s | out people that you want on your team or |
5426s | you want on your |
5428s | company rolling into the last category |
5432s | that I had for rle set up and starting |
5434s | right off with probably the role that |
5436s | I'm not sure which one's higher CEO or |
5439s | fleet commander probably the other role |
5441s | that everyone immediately thought to uh |
5444s | when I said rolles in Eve the fleet |
5446s | commander I'll also note um this is the |
5449s | only slide where I have five skills |
5452s | attributed to it because Fleet |
5453s | commanders had such strong correlations |
5456s | across the board with a lot of roles |
5458s | that it was challenging to pick just for |
5462s | um cuz I I think I did mention it but |
5464s | these are not the only skills these |
5466s | roles help you with they're just the |
5468s | strongest cuz telling you that every |
5470s | skill or every role helps with every |
5472s | skill would be terribly unhelpful um but |
5476s | the definition of fleet commander that |
5478s | we use is these are the people that are |
5479s | responsible for calling out actions |
5482s | directing and driving groups of people |
5483s | towards a common goal and that goal |
5486s | might sometimes be complex I'm sure if |
5488s | everyone just closes their eyes for a |
5490s | moment they can hear their fleet |
5492s | commander shouting at them to jump or |
5495s | not jump or wondering who jumped or |
5497s | asking why' someone already shoot the |
5499s | target and now we need to unlock and |
5500s | move to another one |
5503s | um it's every Fleet I heard several |
5505s | Giggles like it's not just my corp's not |
5508s | the only one that's bad at PVP you I |
5510s | don't believe you if you try to tell me |
5511s | otherwise |
5512s | um but Fleet commanders they do a lot um |
5517s | they've got a lot of stress running on |
5518s | them sometimes they've got a lot of |
5520s | people sitting there patiently or |
5522s | hopefully patiently actually paying |
5524s | attention to when they get told what to |
5526s | do and they need to do a lot of thinking |
5528s | and they need to do it quickly so Fleet |
5531s | commanders get five skills for critical |
5534s | thinking adaptability creativity |
5537s | leadership and |
5539s | teamwork um Fleet commanders need to be |
5541s | good at communicating too it was a close |
5544s | Contender to be here cuz if your FC |
5546s | can't communicate they're probably not |
5548s | doing any fcing ever again um but they |
5551s | need to be able to think quickly they |
5553s | need to be able to make good decisions |
5555s | and they need to be creative because |
5557s | sometimes you go on in and you said this |
5559s | is the plan and you take that Titan |
5561s | bridge and you go oh one dcan lights up |
5565s | with what the fleet is bringing and now |
5567s | you need a whole new plan um they're |
5569s | leaders and they work with teams so |
5572s | probably the rest of those skills aren't |
5574s | no well none of the skills are probably |
5576s | surprises but Fleet commanders get an |
5578s | awful lot of experience in a lot lot an |
5581s | awful lot of different |
5583s | places um my quote from n FC Fleet |
5586s | commanding was how I learned to build |
5588s | trust and reliability within my |
5590s | teammates and these are skills that I've |
5592s | successfully carried into managing |
5594s | people outside of Eve it's not a quote |
5596s | from me but I probably could have |
5597s | written it cuz I would say something |
5599s | very similar um I work with managing |
5602s | people for a living I work on making |
5604s | sure they have everything they need |
5606s | giving them Direction Where needed and |
5609s | there is immense strong overlap with |
5611s | things I do both as a CEO and a fleet |
5614s | commander I'm not our good fleet |
5616s | commander though he's someone else |
5620s | um next uh next up I've got Ops planning |
5624s | very similar to Fleet commanders as far |
5626s | as the uh roll breakdown goes but I did |
5628s | want to call them out cuz they had at |
5630s | least one uh they had a couple different |
5632s | differences there and again Fleet |
5634s | commanders had very strong correlation |
5636s | across the board I could have put all 11 |
5639s | skills up there but it would have been |
5641s | less helpful Ops planners are people |
5644s | that may or may not be the FC but |
5646s | they're helping figure out what we're |
5647s | doing ahead of time this might be |
5649s | planning just tonight's op this might be |
5651s | planning the entire week when are we |
5653s | hitting what when are we going to need |
5654s | to follow up on timers they're heavily |
5657s | involved with ensuring a group's |
5659s | operations run on time and move and run |
5663s | effectively they've got leadership just |
5666s | like the FC's did they've got work ethic |
5668s | they've got time management and they're |
5670s | adaptable timing can be very important |
5672s | when it comes to planning most plans at |
5675s | least in Eve do have some semblance of |
5677s | time to them but being able to figure |
5679s | out how long are things going to take |
5681s | how long is getting there going to take |
5684s | and oh the Wormhole is gone now we need |
5685s | a new plan and uh you know figuring out |
5688s | how to adapt when your route has changed |
5690s | twice because now your Titan's also dead |
5693s | and you need to figure out how we're |
5694s | getting there differently um planning |
5697s | and helping execute operations helped me |
5699s | build planning skills and learn |
5701s | attention to detail I have been able to |
5704s | directly translate those skills to |
5706s | mapping out install jobs and ensuring |
5708s | proper Staffing and resource allocations |
5711s | so again I thought a pretty cool quote |
5714s | um this person worked in um |
5717s | construction and they in my conversation |
5721s | with them they said that literally I've |
5724s | taken figuring out how I'm going to |
5726s | Glass this constellation of structures |
5728s | and taken some of the skills I've |
5730s | learned from that on moving all the P |
5732s | pieces and parts around and actually |
5734s | carried that back to my |
5736s | job um we've got Theory crafting Theory |
5740s | crafting is an interesting one um in |
5742s | that I think your first thought might be |
5746s | how does that apply to anything that's |
5747s | not figuring out how to make |
5750s | spaceships but then you think think on |
5752s | it more and realize it actually starts |
5753s | to make a lot of sense especially after |
5756s | uh you know we we touch on the quote |
5758s | maybe this applies more to some Fields |
5760s | than than others but I got a lot of |
5762s | people that talked about how that |
5764s | overall Min maxing optimization mindset |
5768s | was able to be applied everywhere these |
5770s | are people that build your doctrines |
5772s | they figure out how to fit your ships |
5773s | they might yell at you when you don't |
5775s | listen and fit your ship something |
5776s | differently and they adjust to the game |
5779s | changes both mechanics and the game meta |
5781s | to ensure that whatever you're flying is |
5783s | as efficient as possible keeping the |
5785s | price in |
5787s | mind these are critical thinkers they |
5790s | they solve problems they're adaptive and |
5792s | they're creative and figuring |
5794s | out screen keeps dying on me there we go |
5798s | figuring out how to minmax something and |
5800s | find the perceived best solution to a |
5804s | problem with hundreds of variables has |
5807s | helped me tackle similarly complicated |
5809s | things in my engineering career probably |
5811s | no big surprise to someone that uh |
5814s | engineering was where this quote came |
5816s | from but being able to just take a |
5819s | couple steps back and look at the big |
5821s | picture with all the different parts |
5824s | changes things that need to happen and |
5826s | figuring out how to navigate through |
5828s | that is not unique to Eve it's not |
5830s | unique to Eve it's not unique to just |
5832s | ship fittings um and I strongly believe |
5834s | that if you learn some of those skills |
5836s | and work and just what is the best way |
5838s | to put all these pieces together it's |
5841s | going to work |
5844s | um that is a real ship fit that I have |
5847s | uh seen used by someone in my alliance |
5849s | in case you're wondering where that came |
5852s | from um not on the list from Forbes but |
5856s | something I wanted to touch on was hard |
5858s | skills um the hard skills that we |
5860s | specifically peaked at was data |
5863s | collection analysis statistics um I got |
5866s | a lot of people saying that they' picked |
5868s | up these skills in Eve um the first |
5871s | grouping Google Docs Microsoft Excel |
5874s | Power by uh and other similar software |
5877s | that does data entry and processing um a |
5880s | lot of people we talked to actually said |
5881s | one of the first places they really |
5883s | really used those things was an eve um |
5887s | and many of them now use them in their |
5889s | job even if they didn't have to because |
5893s | they are now addicted to spreadsheets |
5895s | look what Eve has done to |
5897s | us |
5899s | um almost everybody said in some fashion |
5902s | they used this but the roles that that |
5903s | had the highest likelihood of saying yes |
5905s | I used that for both my job and in my |
5908s | Eve job uh literally every industry role |
5911s | didn't matter what kind of industry you |
5913s | were doing huge surprise if you're doing |
5915s | industry without spreadsheets I'm |
5917s | slightly concerned um operations |
5920s | planners Theory crafters and people that |
5922s | worked in onboarding if you're wondering |
5924s | why onboarding is up there my |
5926s | conversations with the people that |
5927s | checked that box was they basically use |
5930s | them to make checklists they use them to |
5932s | track where people are at in their |
5934s | different onboarding pipelines um and |
5936s | they're using that to figure out who |
5937s | needs what um likewise people that |
5940s | learned and got involved in analyzing |
5942s | data and learning |
5944s | statistics um Theory Crafters Fleet |
5948s | commanders Ops planning and people that |
5951s | worked in again all industry roles were |
5953s | likely to have gotten involved in |
5954s | analyzing lots of data and making some |
5957s | decisions based off of |
5960s | Analytics |
5962s | so |
5964s | um what are uh per the Forbes list |
5967s | there's our 11 I attached one quick end |
5970s | toward there towards the end for the |
5972s | hard skills what we've done now is we've |
5975s | created a mapping of where am I most |
5978s | likely to improve my time management |
5981s | skills where am I most likely to be able |
5983s | to work and do some things that might |
5985s | help me learn and improve my creativity |
5987s | or my leadership or my critical thinking |
5990s | I'm not going to read this entire slide |
5992s | of course but what we've got here is the |
5994s | 12 different skills that we touched on |
5997s | along with what roles that I talked |
5999s | about that had the strongest correlation |
6002s | to them I of course will again note |
6005s | basically almost every role that we |
6008s | looked at had some people that said they |
6010s | used XYZ skills in it if you're doing |
6013s | anything in Eve there's a good chance |
6015s | you're learning several of these so this |
6017s | is not an exhaustive list or a |
6019s | prescriptive list but rather this is |
6021s | intended to come across as a guide that |
6024s | says I do some of those things those are |
6026s | the skills I'm learning and picking up |
6029s | on um finally I wanted to just touch on |
6033s | this with one slide just because uh it |
6035s | came up enough from conversations that I |
6037s | thought it would be silly not to touch |
6039s | on um there was already another |
6041s | presentation by Max Singularity this |
6043s | weekend that talked about relationships |
6045s | and friendships and networking and |
6047s | things that you can build and grow and |
6049s | learn through Eve um but two things that |
6052s | stood out to me that I felt were |
6053s | especially relevant to this conversation |
6056s | was people that said that those have |
6057s | helped them in their |
6059s | career um just over one in five people |
6063s | that we spoke to and took the survey |
6065s | felt that relationships that they' |
6067s | gained through Eve have actually helped |
6069s | them Advance their career whether that |
6071s | was helping them land a new job in the |
6074s | same field in another company or just |
6076s | saying hi yeah this is how I learned |
6078s | these skills and got promoted here's how |
6080s | you can do it too um these are not |
6083s | direct quotes but rather paraphrasing of |
6085s | combining lots of conversations on this |
6088s | but meaning someone that was further |
6090s | along in the same career as me helped me |
6092s | find advancement opportunities |
6094s | summarizes what all those people gave me |
6096s | as feedback as well as uh people |
6099s | actually changed career Fields because |
6101s | of Eve um or rather because of people |
6103s | they met in Eve um I've been thinking |
6106s | about moving careers and finding someone |
6108s | that already did that helped me decide |
6110s | to make that jump if you're thinking I |
6112s | want to know how to break into |
6115s | X what's better than finding someone |
6117s | that already does X so one in eight |
6120s | people said that this has happened to |
6121s | them through their time playing Eve um |
6125s | 133% uh not most maybe not tons but |
6130s | given how many people we looked at I |
6131s | thought it was relevant and interesting |
6133s | enough to bring it |
6135s | up so um that's wrapping up my |
6139s | presentation we talked about me the |
6142s | questions that started this um the goals |
6144s | of the presentation hopefully everyone |
6146s | feels like they learned something or at |
6148s | least laughed once or twice at some of |
6150s | my bad jokes um How We Gather the data |
6153s | and then I drove in and talked about all |
6155s | the different roles and skills and how |
6158s | they all correlate together so um there |
6162s | is not time for Q&A here we're not set |
6165s | up for it in the main hall but if you |
6167s | have questions comments feedback or want |
6170s | to just |
6171s | talk to me um I'm Zuki Z in game you can |
6175s | cono me if I'm online you can shoot me a |
6177s | mail you can find me as Zuki on Discord |
6180s | and of course I will be around for the |
6182s | rest of FanFest so always happy to talk |
6184s | about this with anybody |
6186s | else so thank you very much everyone I |
6189s | hope that was a good use of your time |
6192s | and enjoy the rest of |
6194s | [Applause] |
6200s | FanFest |