11 months ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s foreign
5s decade of being a key member of the
8s Imperium Coalition the initiative
10s announces its departure on amicable
12s terms in a statement initiative CEO dark
16s shines expresses that it is now time for
18s their organization to embrace fresh
20s challenges on their own terms
22s headquartered in the fountain region the
25s initiative reaffirms its strong Alliance
27s in collaboration with her neighboring
29s Imperium members in delve additionally
31s the initiative has declared its
33s unwavering commitment to deploy its
35s formidable forces supporting the B-2
37s Coalition in the ongoing war in the
39s North
40s the conflict that initiated in the
42s region of pureblind has carried on for
44s close to three months now what started
47s is incursions by a winter Co into the
50s B-2 Coalition held region grew into a
52s full-blown war with multiple Null Sec
55s parties drawn into The Fray during the
57s initial phases winter coat wasted no
60s time in establishing their foothold and
62s constructing citadels in the region for
64s their operations the incursions made by
66s winterco did not escape the attention of
68s the major capsulear power blocks of new
70s Eden the first major escalation happened
73s when the Imperium led by Asher Elias
76s made a significant move by deploying
78s their forces to Pure blind in support of
81s the B-2 Coalition which had been vastly
83s outnumbered in defending their territory
85s according to Asher the main strategic
87s objective of this deployment was to
89s prevent winter coat from expanding its
91s territory and renting it out to smaller
93s entities
94s although the pan-fam Coalition a
97s long-term rival of the Imperium did not
99s fully commit to the war in pure blind
101s they did deploy many of their most
103s experienced capsuleers to support
105s winterco in their fights against the
108s Imperium and B-2 forces the combined
111s forces of the Imperium and B2 Coalition
113s numbered approximately 70 000 capsuleers
116s while winterco and panfam had a force of
119s around 83 000 capsules
121s deploying a vast number of fleets to the
124s region this war has Unleashed a
126s Relentless wave of death and destruction
128s initially contained within the confines
131s of pureblind numerous significant
133s battles unfolded involving thousands of
135s ships among them the most ferocious
138s clashes erupted in the strategically
140s pivotal system of x-47l tattoo where
143s winterco managed to construct a
145s formidable keepstar Citadel despite
148s enduring weeks of Relentless combat and
150s incurring substantial losses the
152s combined forces of the Imperium and B2
155s triumphed reducing the keepstar to ruins
158s however undeterred by their setback
161s winterco swiftly established a
163s replacement perpetuating the cycle of
165s conflict another notable confrontation
167s transpired in the system of 5z xxxtentac
171s where over 4 000 ships engaged in a
174s grueling 15-hour battle culminating in
177s the annihilation of yet another winterco
179s keep Star as the war persists its reach
182s extends Beyond pureblind with skirmishes
185s igniting in various corners of new Eden
187s systems like the ravaged Turner and the
190s triglavian-controlled navula in the
192s region of poshman have become the new
194s Battlegrounds while pureblind is no
197s longer the singular focus of the
199s conflict the situation is still
201s smoldering in the northern regions as
203s both sides have retained their forces
204s there but not made any significant moves
207s the heavy engagements have been more
209s sporadic with both sides taking a
212s measured and reserved approach to Future
214s hostilities
215s much of their focus has been on
217s defending against any unwanted advances
219s across several regions in the north
221s waiting for the respective enemies to
223s make a mistake needless to say countless
226s millions of ship crew members and
228s Citadel residents have already perished
231s in this merciless conflict most tragic
233s are the workers who were enticed by
235s employment agencies with Promises of a
238s brighter future for themselves and their
239s families living in the numerous citadels
241s scattered across new Eden these
244s unfortunate people are now left in a
246s state of uncertainty with the departure
248s of the initiative from the Imperium
250s there are only Solace lies in fervent
252s prayers and hopes that this latest
254s development will not intensify the
256s conflict potentially making their homes
258s the next primary targets
261s this is Alton havery reporting for the
264s scope