over 1 year ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s foreign
5s [Music]
17s [Music]
48s thank you
90s thank you
152s foreign
238s you take
245s the reason is because
261s hello and welcome everyone back to Fan
264s Fest 2023 I am CCP goat I'm a little
268s rusty after yesterday we went a little
270s late to bed which is evident by my being
274s here since the others are probably all
275s just sleeping so that they can give you
277s the quality entertainment you deserve
279s when they when the day progresses we
283s have a pack day today there's a lot of
285s interesting talks Happening Here on
287s stream
288s uh expanding on what you saw with Eve
292s Havoc announcement in the keynote
294s yesterday we have very interesting
296s player panels happening as well the
299s author of the empires of Eve will give a
301s talk about how Eve uh sort of measures
305s up to other MMOs and what its space is
308s there's some
310s the building blocks of Eve is actually
312s what's coming up here now at 10 but I am
315s going to entertain you until that
317s happens and I am joined by none other
322s than chaos yes hello hello how are you
326s feeling today
327s tired but uh get after the pub crawl
330s bit too many drinks in me but I'm a
333s heavyweight so yeah yeah so to put
336s things into perspective
337s um we at the Friday so far first we have
342s this event called the pub crawl which is
344s just the devs taking people into
347s downtown Reykjavik heating up as many
349s bars as we can in an all gathering at
352s the one bar for yes like a final sort of
355s uh who hoorah should we say I think a
360s horror is a bit
362s I think it's something we need to find
363s another word for it I reckon right okay
365s yeah yeah but it's it's generally we
367s start out by having a beer we have a
370s drink of the local uh fire wine oh with
373s black death it's an excellent cumin it
377s was actually quite rough I have to say
378s yeah it is it's the the reason we drink
381s it is that so we can eat the rotten
382s shark that's yes it's a scam the only
386s reason why we do it is uh to trick
389s foreigners we it's that's just what we
391s do exactly like it's always the same
393s thing like ah this is delicacy uh he
396s ain't
397s but it was a
399s uh unfortunately there wasn't any shark
401s yesterday but whatever we can maybe
402s maybe we can figure that out today
405s um but after yesterday there was a lot
408s of things to talk about yes there were
409s some exciting moments in uh
412s in all of the presentations yesterday of
414s course you guys only saw what was on
415s stream there was a lot of other very
417s interesting talks uh I want to ask you
420s what did you think about the Keynote
422s absolutely amazing everything I uh
425s somewhat predicted in that did come true
427s and even more
429s um it was absolutely fantastic right you
431s were telling me that you had some
433s predictions yeah since all the way since
435s last Fan Fest yes yes and uh it actually
439s came through I uh
441s sort of got like all the people together
443s to get all the information
444s we didn't get to the punch line at the
447s end of it but I was quite close to it
448s okay that's pretty good I mean
451s people that watch your stream and watch
453s to go through this you must feel
454s Vindicated towards them yes yeah a
456s little bit but um some exciting stuff
459s coming in IV Havoc the talk of pirates
463s joining the factional Warfare yes yes
465s yes yes uh some more avenues for people
467s to blow up and like ruin things and of
470s course the panel that'll go further into
474s all the details coming in that is at 12
476s 30. it will be shown on stream here in
478s the big in the big arena huge there's
482s already some players filing in so I
483s guess huge arena there were some there
485s were some yeah yeah it's it's and they
487s even expanded it since last year so it's
489s it looks really it looks amazing yeah
491s yeah they they added like
493s 18 extra rows of Tears or something oh
495s yeah it was because we filled it out
497s yesterday and there was even a mail
499s there was a mail sent please let the
501s player sit before you do so uh staffs we
504s we just stand yeah because uh I remember
506s when the CEOs in the front he's like
508s okay oh the CCP members set up and he
510s was like uh okay they're in the back
512s they actually did listen yeah it's
514s really weird we're we're good like that
517s we're good at listening people are
520s filing in for the building blocks of Eve
522s a panel that will be streamed here at 10
526s but again
527s um what what would you say in the
530s portion of the eve keynote yesterday
532s excited you the most I think the biggest
535s one was the first position yeah uh
537s coming to the game I like I've I've came
541s back from like I've I started playing
543s online games with first person shooters
545s with my our brothers and stuff like that
547s so uh yeah it's probably half something
550s to do uh with that now yeah I'm gonna be
552s all over it it's a good it's a good like
554s a segue into gaming to uh go through
557s first person shooters yes and it's it
559s feels nice that I can finally say
561s Vanguard now Vanguard yeah yeah it's
564s like it's
565s it's been a secret it's yeah it's like
568s it's like uh the people who have a kid
569s but they never wanna what is it uh
572s announce the name until the baby see her
575s so they give you a size of a V and
577s that's it I actually have a funny
579s Icelandic thing uh icelanders have up to
582s six months after the kid is born to
584s decide the name oh really yes or even up
586s to a year if I remember correctly so
588s it's very normal for icelanders to have
590s a baby yep and they don't even know what
592s the name is
593s yeah I've heard some other things about
594s Icelandic I don't really want to yeah
599s there are some there are some things
601s that you only learn when you come to
602s farmfest the rest yeah like I can give
604s you interesting tidbits like this but
605s yeah
606s I I believe I set uh to a fellow ccpeer
610s that was moving here from abroad I said
612s uh we have Northern Lights you can
614s sometimes see them in the sky it's
615s amazing yes we have really good tap
617s water we have we have a horizontal rain
620s I haven't experience experience no I
622s hope you won't people like when Fan Fest
625s was held in the spring last year yeah we
627s did have that people did experience that
629s and I thought typically don't like it
631s when the rain goes into your face no
634s matter what if you're having a have an
635s umbrella or not but yeah and then we
638s have a rough four months of leg breaking
641s ice where like everything is just glazed
644s over with ice because of the rain and
646s the frost
648s and uh yeah and then we have an entire
651s summer where the sunlight never goes
653s away it's like it's it's an interesting
655s place to live here that explains why we
657s are but it explains why we are like we
659s are yeah because I uh I did the Golden
661s Circle
662s and uh we went to I forgot the name of
664s okay I'm really bad with names here but
667s it was some sort of a waffle cool and uh
669s it was absolutely windy everyone was
671s dressed up in the puffy jackets and
674s stuff like that and I'm here just in my
676s shirt pants and an over shirt I love
679s this yeah and people like blow it away
680s I'm just like I'm anchored not moving
682s yeah it was actually uh pretty good yes
685s uh that would be good for us and gaze it
688s yeah yeah those names exactly yeah we
691s had this we had this I don't know if you
692s remember like a certain volcano volcanic
695s eruption that happened maybe 10 or 12
697s years ago people around the world tried
699s to say some Icelandic names and it was
700s hilarious yeah yeah yeah uh they still
703s actually come up uh recently because uh
706s with the latest one this year uh yeah
708s there was a little bit of it then
710s they're like oh I remember about 10
711s years ago let's bring it back up again I
713s mean uh AF at Leo good was the one who
716s was erupting then and then this time it
717s was uh in Celtic and
721s I don't remember the name of the
722s mountain so I'm not gonna say it but
723s yeah it was like easy yeah sure exactly
727s so um regarding the day like what would
731s you most like to see expanded upon with
733s what you saw yesterday
735s um I wanted to know a little more about
736s the Devils or the lines of
739s just for the third party or armed people
742s I like to see like
744s yeah stuff about the deathless like
746s there's it's a void that some of it's
749s been taken but we still need more
751s because it's very very interesting yes
754s a faction that has uh like many people
757s don't remember that they interrupted the
759s keynote last year yes with some very
761s interesting information and uh chaos
764s here was able to decipher it and have
767s made some pretty good points to me on my
768s on the pub crawl yesterday oh yeah but
771s uh yeah deathless look pretty good uh
774s getting all the materials that they can
776s into into sarsaks and do some to do some
778s nefarious stuff
780s um I don't know how much I'm allowed to
781s say or how much I can say I don't even
784s know if mine is
788s yes
790s it's something like that yeah something
792s like that um so uh
796s the two new destroyers that are coming
799s yes yes and I forgot the angel cartel
802s one mercable yeah I'm not gonna say that
805s okay
810s I don't typically flight destroyers I'm
813s more of an Interceptor guy okay yes yes
816s yes
818s um but uh do you think that those two
820s would be something that
822s like faded Dior play style so I've never
825s really flew uh Angel cartel ships before
827s but everyone has four aggressive ships
831s and it's definitely going to be uh
834s someone really is going to change in the
836s faction Warfare and especially with
838s these brand new battle destroyers right
841s yes so the Destroyers are coming and
844s then in November we will see the battle
845s Cruisers oh battle cruises oh yeah yeah
848s yeah I mean it's it's it's it's I don't
851s know about you but there's a lot of
852s ships in the game
853s what was the I don't I don't remember
857s exactly the number I had it in my head
858s like a
860s 364. yeah I think so I think we have to
864s up the number a bit more now yeah it's
865s like uh we're getting five more
868s oh yeah with the Titan yeah there's a
871s Titan there's a Titan coming there's a
873s Titan it's just like a little thing that
875s was promised yeah it's very tiny isn't
878s it it's just something just
881s I don't know I don't know if anyone was
882s asking for it to be honest I
884s I haven't heard anyone asking for it for
887s a long time no yeah uh but here you go
890s yeah there you go all the other stuff to
892s do with like yesterday with the Kino oh
895s yeah we're gonna have automatic SRP and
896s people like huh yeah and largely on kill
899s males and lodgy on kill males exactly
901s that was another like
903s sorry sorry yeah sorry and it's just
906s like because a lot of people are like oh
908s we want this but cgp is like technically
911s you want that but you don't know it yet
912s yeah
913s that's that's the way it works yeah
915s exactly that's the way it works but yeah
917s I mean I've already seen some Theory
919s crafting regarding what the alligator
921s could be which is the the garista's uh
923s battle cruiser okay and I've seen the
927s name of the Angel battle cruiser but I
930s uh it's Kiri something uh and I don't
933s want to say it out loud because
935s it's a I don't wanna sound like an idiot
938s but uh the voices are Whispering uh
941s there's 30 seconds until we go to the
943s panel down here the building blocks of
945s Eve
947s thank you for joining us here early in
950s the am in uh on Saturday of Fan Fest
953s 2023 I hope you will enjoy the packed
955s schedule
956s that we have for you today and
960s I hope all your questions regarding Eve
962s Havoc will be answered today
976s good morning capsules and welcome to the
979s third day of Fan Fest 2023 if you've
982s ever wanted to peek under the hood of
984s Eve now is your chance as we are about
986s to explore the building blocks of new
988s Eden please give a very warm welcome to
991s CCP vertex
1001s good morning everyone it is so good to
1004s see you all
1005s my name is Ben also known as CCP vertex
1009s and I'm the development director of our
1011s core Technology Group known as platform
1014s I've been around eve since the early
1017s better in 2002 so there's actually my
1020s 13th Fun Fest overall it's really good
1022s to see so many familiar faces and
1024s Friends
1026s having been around for the past two
1028s decades means that I've had the
1030s privilege of witnessing the evolution of
1032s Eve over the 20 years and how we're
1035s constantly tweaking and improving things
1037s modernizing the game the look and the
1040s feel
1041s crafting the best visual experience is
1044s something we put a lot of effort into we
1047s take a lot of pride in that because we
1050s want you to have the most visceral
1052s experience possible the most immersive
1054s experience possible
1056s and the last two decades we've come a
1058s very long way in that Journey
1060s from Eve in the early Alpha all the way
1063s back in 2001 where the look and feel
1065s wasn't well defined at that point
1067s to the open and closed beta periods of
1070s 2002
1071s were constantly evolving that look and
1074s feel
1076s modernizing the engine capabilities the
1079s r pipelines we've released countless 3D
1082s model redesigns texture and Shader
1084s updates
1085s completely overhauling the lighting and
1089s visual effects
1090s to the graphics API upgrades moving from
1093s DirectX 9 to 11 and now we're on 12.
1096s this transformation represents two
1099s decades worth of modernization effort
1103s all while needing to support your
1105s record-setting Fleet fights some of the
1108s largest PVP battles in gaming history
1110s something you should be so proud of
1114s you don't make it easy for us but we
1116s really wouldn't have it any other way
1118s and we are definitely not done with
1121s modernizing the look and feel of Eve
1127s CCP games presents
1130s Carmen a Next Generation game engine
1138s the boundaries of large-scale MMO
1141s technology
1143s to create entire universes
1156s forged over two decades carbon Powers
1159s the eve Universe
1162s creating Worlds Without Limits
1174s you need to do you
1177s suck then
1184s we are proud to present carbon Eve
1187s online's next Generation game engine
1189s building on our 20-year Legacy of
1193s breathtaking visuals
1194s carbon represents our vision of a modern
1197s game engine supporting the latest in
1200s rendering techniques and features within
1202s an efficient and flexible framework
1205s this effort
1207s extends to our tools and our pipelines
1209s so that we can increase our developer
1211s velocity
1212s which means we can get features to you
1214s quicker than ever
1217s carbon will release with upskilling the
1219s best suits your choice of GPU vendor
1223s so going off of our DirectX 12 of
1226s metalwork we will be supporting raytrace
1228s shadows and reflections
1230s to complete that visceral experience we
1233s will be adding support for 3D audio
1237s and to ensure that the engine performs
1239s better than ever we will have an all-new
1242s GPU driven pipeline which we'll hear
1244s more about later in this presentation
1250s releasing early next year carbon enables
1253s new visual experiences for decades to
1255s come ensuring Eve continues to be the
1259s ultimate science fiction experience
1261s and now I would like to hand over to our
1264s technical director CCB tuxford Veep dive
1266s into the technology that drives all of
1268s these changes thank you
1270s [Applause]
1273s foreign
1282s thank you Vortex I'm CP tuxford and I'm
1285s the technical director of platform
1287s like vertex I've been here at 6B for
1290s many years in Mario's role including
1292s game designer software engineer and
1294s technical director of Eve
1299s and I'm here to talk about our physics
1302s engine destiny
1308s so
1310s that is all messed up sorry about that
1313s just
1320s hmm
1326s right area little technical difficulties
1330s so what is a physics engine
1331s so a physics engine is a software
1334s component that simulates physical
1335s interaction in a virtual environment it
1338s calculates our object move Collide and
1340s react forces
1342s and if we have a proprietary physics
1344s engine called Destiny it's simple and
1347s efficient and it's a key factor that
1349s enables us to have these large Fleet
1351s fights
1354s but how does it actually work
1358s the server runs a simulation for the
1360s entire solar system
1361s but the client runs one as well for all
1364s items in local proximity basically
1366s anything you can see the client is
1368s simulating as well
1371s the client will send instructions to the
1373s server
1374s instructions such as orbit
1377s approach or line basically anything you
1381s can see the UI all the interactions you
1383s can do the client sends that to the
1384s server the server will send that
1386s straight back to the all the clients
1388s that need to know about it
1393s and then everybody will progress to the
1395s next frame now technically the server
1397s doesn't really wait for the clients to
1399s to progress to the next frame but they
1401s all kind of do it in sync
1404s this implies a few things
1406s and the first thing is we only
1408s communicate changes
1410s we will get the initial state of the of
1413s the universe but after that you only get
1415s some changes this means that if there
1418s are no changes in the simulation there's
1421s no actual network activity going on
1424s and this is because Destiny is
1426s deterministic we don't know what
1429s determinism is it basically means given
1431s the same input it will yield the exactly
1434s the same results
1435s and because we're working on divs the
1438s calculations really have to be
1439s deterministic
1441s because any discrepancy May for example
1443s cause collisions on some simulations but
1446s not the others
1447s and those discrepancies will only grow
1449s as time passes
1453s you may have already experienced this as
1455s desync sometimes it's because the client
1458s is actually missing some messages but
1460s sometimes it's discrepancy in the
1461s calculations now we haven't had one in a
1463s while now but
1466s you you you may have already experienced
1469s the ramifications of it
1472s so the third thing is the client needs
1475s to know pretty much everything that it
1477s can see because in order to simulate the
1480s state we need to know everything so I
1483s have a small example of this let's say
1486s we're simulating this raven we just want
1487s to simulate whether this raven is going
1489s in order to do that we need to know what
1491s its original position is its velocity
1493s and what it's actually doing
1496s in this case it is approaching that
1498s Tempest
1499s so we need to know its state its
1502s position velocity what it's doing it's
1504s orbiting the 10 percent and so on and so
1506s forth we also need to know about
1508s anything these ships can collide with
1514s collisions are an important part of any
1516s physics simulations
1518s collisions in Destiny are pretty simple
1520s but more importantly they're really easy
1522s to calculate and this is because the
1524s geometry of the objects is pretty simple
1527s all moving items are simulated as
1529s spheres and finding collisions between
1532s two spheres is really really simple you
1534s just compare the distance between the
1536s centers a distance between the centers
1538s to the radius of the Spheres and this is
1541s kind of fine for smaller ships
1544s for stations and larger structures it's
1547s very noticeable that they aren't weird
1548s especially when you start maneuvering
1550s your smaller ships around them we have a
1553s pretty Innovative solution to that we
1555s just add more spheres to it
1559s and since the structure doesn't move the
1561s calculations are pretty simple
1564s some ships are also pretty big and they
1566s don't have spherical geometry so
1570s geometry but they don't look remotely
1573s spherical
1574s regardless of what we try to tell you
1579s so
1580s where are we now destiny has served us
1582s for 20 years and we will continue to
1584s develop it and work on it
1586s so in order to prepare it for a third
1589s packet of evil mind
1590s I'm going to tell you about some of the
1592s modernization's efforts we've been doing
1596s the cake is really where all the magic
1598s happens in the simulations
1601s we have an evolved step that's where we
1603s move all the objects around and resolve
1605s all the collisions
1607s then we have everything that happens
1608s before the tick
1610s and everything that happens after the
1611s trick this is pretty much what
1613s programming is about it's like three
1614s lines of code
1617s do the thing before the thing do the
1619s thing do the thing after the thing
1620s pretty simple
1623s these are really poorly named things to
1625s pre-tick to post stick what really
1627s happens there in the in the pre-tech is
1629s we
1630s gather up all the messages we need to
1633s send to the client all these approaches
1635s orbits and Alliance that the clients
1637s told us they wanted to do we call them
1639s send them to the relevant clients so
1642s let's take a look at what happens in the
1643s pre-tech
1645s so
1647s it gets quite complex
1649s and it's a lot more complex than what
1652s you would reach nuclear reasonably
1653s expect
1654s for what it's doing
1656s so what you're seeing here is around 20
1658s years of gameplay logic getting
1660s intermixed with the physics logic
1663s this goes on there was a limited amount
1665s of time I wanted to spend in PowerPoint
1666s making this animation but it's like 1000
1668s lines long
1677s ah
1680s why is this bad
1682s so this is bad because whenever you make
1684s changes to this to this physics
1686s simulation code it can cause unexpected
1688s failures in different systems and this
1691s will cause you to lose confidence in
1693s making tenses and pretty soon you don't
1696s want to make any changes at all and if
1697s you are making changes you definitely do
1699s not want to make any big changes
1702s this drive poor code because you shy
1704s away from making it the structural
1706s changes to the code that are required
1709s and then this cause unexpected failures
1711s again so
1713s how did it really get like that how did
1714s we make it like this
1716s reality is physics engine has been
1718s stable there hasn't been a chrome need
1721s to make any changes to it so the changes
1723s being made have been catered to other
1725s systems and that allowed it to grow
1727s around it
1728s this is really common in software it's
1730s just part of the entropy of being a
1732s software developer
1734s and it's not particularly bad it just
1737s means that before we start making any
1739s bigger changes to the engine
1741s we need to do some maintenance work
1744s as a starting point we've separated the
1746s gameplay logic from the logic that
1749s prepares and the messages to kind of
1751s encapsulate Destiny and make it
1754s detangled from the rest of the code
1758s and by simplifying and decoupling of
1760s physics engine for gameplay
1761s we've opened the door to creating
1764s targeted benchmarks and this allows us
1766s to precisely measure and enables us to
1769s improve Destiny's performance
1773s because if you can measure it you can
1774s improve it
1776s so all of these changes were made to
1779s give us confidence the confidence to
1781s change destiny but what kind of changes
1783s are we really talking about
1788s Destiny is efficient but there's still
1790s plenty of room for improvement
1792s one of the most resource intensive code
1794s in our cluster in a fleet fight
1796s is sending the destiny updates to the
1799s clients
1800s let's take a look at what happens there
1802s so test the neurons on both server and
1804s client
1806s there's a server server site called
1808s Beyonce
1809s it gathers the instructions
1812s all these approaches orbits Alliance and
1815s everything explosions that happen and
1817s sends them to a client-side service
1819s called Michelle
1821s these are definitely Destiny's Child's
1823s preferences by the way
1826s and it gets those to the client-side
1829s destiny
1831s the destiny code is all written in C
1833s plus plus but the service is Beyond San
1835s Miguel are written in Python
1837s and if you know nothing about the
1839s programming then simple process really
1842s really fast python is kind of slow
1844s there are top people working on that but
1846s that's the reality of the situation
1849s the logic for determining which uh this
1852s means that the logic for determining
1854s what message is to send to its client
1856s along with the marshalling on
1857s marshalling and the data transmission is
1860s all handled in the slower python layer
1862s and if you're unsure about what
1864s marshalling and on marshalling is you
1866s can imagine marshalling and supporting a
1867s plane that transmission is the flight
1869s and on marshalling as the onboarding
1875s by separating the gameplay logic from
1877s physics logic we're in a pretty good
1879s position to send all Destiny packets
1881s within the C plus plus layer
1883s that's because all the information we
1884s have is really inside destiny
1889s it's difficult to say what the net
1891s effect on performance is because there's
1893s a lot of other things happening other
1894s than physics simulation but for all the
1897s code we've seen the efficiency of the
1898s data transmission go up but two orders
1900s of magnitude
1902s the other side of performance is
1904s Fatality and by that I mean how
1907s realistic the simulation feels
1909s it's clear to us that representing
1911s shapes are sphere does not fit all
1913s scenarios
1915s we use different shapes and even
1917s multiple shapes to represent static
1919s objects could be not to use those for
1920s ships as well
1922s we could but at what cost to Performance
1926s with investment modernization such as
1928s Benchmark and more test automation we
1932s can know exactly what that cost is
1937s so for 20 years Destiny has been a
1940s reliable Foundation when it comes to
1941s physics
1942s a recent code modernization sets us up
1944s to boost performance and fatality but
1947s what about other kind of more
1948s game-changing improvements now quick
1951s caveat before I say that the upcoming
1953s feature is purely hypothetical
1955s it would need design validation which
1957s has not happened at all think of it more
1960s as what could be not what will be
1963s imagine being trapped in master at field
1965s surrounded by hostel ships outgunned but
1968s not outsmarted
1969s you spot a nearby cluster of large
1971s asteroids
1980s you thought towards
1983s toward the debating incoming fire As you
1985s move behind the asteroid the hosters no
1987s longer have a clear line of sight which
1989s caused them to lose their target lock on
1991s you
1994s seizing the chance you line to a near
1996s Pike Planet initiate warp just as the
1999s enemies regain the lock you hear the
2001s sweet words warp drive active
2007s so now it's Europe to speed a little bit
2009s on the server side I would like to
2011s introduce Macio who will talk about some
2014s of the updates to the client
2016s foreign
2017s [Applause]
2029s hello everyone my name is Daniel also
2032s not truly known as CCP monkey just yet
2034s this is actually my first Fan Fest
2038s um
2039s thank you
2042s um I am a rendering engineer on the
2044s engine team and I'm here to you today to
2046s present a little bit about some of the
2048s rendering work that we've been doing
2050s and start that off I want to introduce
2052s you guys to Trinity
2053s email line is a very unique game not
2055s just for you players but also for for us
2057s Engineers working on the rendering we
2060s have a very large world we have a very
2062s high view distance in this world and
2063s there's a large number of things to
2065s render
2066s it's also Mass only multiplayer online
2068s which means that we have neural control
2069s about what you the players do in the
2071s world so we need to be prepared for
2072s anything
2073s Trinity is the the graphics engine
2075s inside of carbon and it's our solution
2077s to graphics
2080s um so some of the visual improvements
2082s that we've been working on lately
2084s um
2085s I'm sure you're familiar with the
2086s improvements to Shadows we now have an
2089s unlimited number of Shadow casters and
2091s Shadow receivers and the Shadows overall
2094s are just much much sharper than they
2095s used to be
2096s uh these Shadows Shadow changes go hand
2099s in hand together with the the new
2100s volumetric Cloud effects that we have
2102s which are obviously very prevalent in
2104s the in the new area that just unlocked
2106s yesterday
2108s um it's a it's a really really beautiful
2109s effect and I would love to talk a little
2111s bit more about it uh unfortunately don't
2113s have time for everything
2115s um so I will move on to probably why
2118s you're here which is the new stuff
2120s um Ray tracing
2122s um
2123s so what is Ray tracing well it's the
2125s ability it's a hardware feature of your
2126s graphics card that allows you to shoot
2128s race arbitrarily in the scene and see
2131s see what they hit
2132s we're working on support for both
2134s Windows and Mac
2135s and the cool thing about Ray tracing is
2138s that it enables us to do a bunch of new
2140s techniques that we simply weren't able
2141s to do before
2143s this includes stuff like improving the
2145s reflections and improving the Shadows
2147s even more as well as hopefully improving
2150s the lighting overall in the future
2153s um the cool thing about Eve online is
2155s that it well space is fairly empty so
2158s you can count on Ray tracing not having
2160s the same kind of performance hit that
2163s you're used to seeing when enabling it
2164s in other games
2166s so looking a little bit of the ray Trace
2168s Shadows
2169s well we already have shadows of course
2171s uh but Ray tracing allows us to simulate
2174s the size of the light source in a in a
2177s much more accurate way
2178s if we add a shadow Caster to this little
2181s scene here you can see that only some of
2183s the Rays will be blocked and the actual
2185s shadow that you see from this very large
2186s light source will be very uh soft and
2188s diffuse
2190s and and yeah this is this uh this is
2194s fully realistic and fully Dynamic which
2197s means that if you have a for example an
2199s antenna sticking out of your ship it
2201s will cast a perfectly sharp Shadow onto
2203s your own ship while the distance space
2205s station will cast this very very soft
2208s Shadow on your ship and these two kinds
2210s of shadows will seamlessly mix
2213s um we have a prototype working as you
2215s can see but it's still very much work in
2217s progress
2218s we also really want to want to improve
2221s the reflections we of course already
2222s have support for limited Reflections but
2225s Ray tracing will truly help us take them
2227s to the to the next level
2228s you can imagine the the metal parts of
2231s your ships reflecting the dynamic
2233s environment around you in a way you
2235s haven't been able to see before
2237s um as well as or for example seeing a
2240s perfect mirror-like reflection of your
2242s ship as you pass by a frozen asteroid no
2245s prototype here just yet but it's
2246s something we're very excited about
2249s um but of course graphical improvements
2251s aren't everything we also need to make
2253s sure that it all performs well
2255s we do always try to optimize our code
2257s and our shaders stuff like that but
2259s there is an upper limit to how far you
2261s can go with just minor code changes uh
2263s sometimes we need to take just a
2264s completely different approach to uh to
2266s uh to rendering something to make sure
2268s that we maintain the performance
2270s and one of the biggest challenges there
2272s is just pixels it's just the sheer
2275s number of pixels that we need to render
2276s uh the number of pixels is of course
2278s determined by the resolution of your
2279s monitor a 1080p monitor is about 2
2282s million pixels 4K bumps that up to 8
2284s million and that's the number of pixels
2286s we need to render every single frame
2289s um of course the cost of each pixel will
2291s also keep going up we are always adding
2293s new shading improvements such as the
2294s Shadows we're adding new special effects
2297s and post-processing effects to make sure
2298s that the game looks as good as it ever
2300s can and on top of that we want to add
2302s Ray tracing and all of these increase
2304s the amount of time we need to spend on
2306s each pixel
2307s and we can't forget about anti-aliasing
2310s anti-aliasing usually comes in in the
2313s form of some kind of resolution increase
2315s again increasing the number the
2317s effective number of pixels we need to
2318s render so it kind of multiplies the cost
2321s yet again and obviously solution isn't
2324s to just get everyone to get a really
2325s expensive GPU would be nice but that's
2327s not the reality we live in
2330s um but then looking into anti-aliasing
2332s specifically well what is aliasing and
2334s why are we trying to get rid of it
2336s well aliasing is essentially an artifact
2339s of the way that gpus render triangles
2343s and things in general
2344s you basically have this binary test for
2347s each pixel that checks if the center of
2349s the pixel is covered by the triangle and
2351s if it is it's completely filled in and
2353s the end result is the image to the left
2355s here where you can see these ugly Jagged
2358s edges this kind of staircase pattern
2360s it's very typical of aliasing and
2363s anti-aliasing is essentially any kind of
2365s method that attempts to generate the
2367s image to the right which is something
2369s that just represents the actual physical
2371s shape of this triangle much more
2372s accurately
2374s but aliasing doesn't just happen at the
2376s age of triangles it also happens it can
2378s also happen in the middle of triangles
2379s such as in the case of these specular
2381s highlights
2382s so what's happening here is that the
2385s highlights on this Hull here is they are
2388s very very thin and therefore it's
2390s essentially completely random if just a
2392s row of pixel centers happens to kind of
2395s randomly end up on this reflection and
2397s when they do they pop into existence and
2399s then briefly disappear again whenever
2401s the camera moves
2403s so it's essentially a problem of details
2405s that are smaller than a pixel that we
2406s can't capture with this
2408s uh one of the most naive and simplest
2410s approaches to anti-aliasing is super
2413s sampling it's a very simple idea instead
2416s of doing a single sample at the center
2418s of each pixel we simply do multiple
2420s samples it's effectively the same as
2422s just rendering at a higher resolution
2424s then at the end we kind of just average
2426s together all of the samples inside of a
2428s pixel which again is effectively the
2430s same as scaling the image down again
2432s this is really really effective but it
2435s also is really expensive if we're doing
2437s four samples for each pixel for example
2439s that's four times the amount of shading
2441s work and lighting it's all that good all
2442s that good stuff on top of that we need
2444s four times the amount of memory to store
2446s all these samples and we also need four
2447s times the amount of bandwidth to read
2449s and write to these samples so 1080p
2451s effectively becomes 4K 4K if actually
2453s becomes 8K everything is becomes so much
2456s worse
2457s but it is really really effective you
2461s can see the comparison here to the left
2463s we have no anti-aliasing and to the
2464s right we have four times super sampling
2466s as you can see all of this ugly
2468s shimmering and this like all this
2469s distracting shimmering is completely
2471s gone it looks absolutely amazing
2474s unfortunately because it's so expensive
2475s uh Eve has so far been forced to rely on
2478s something called multi-sampling
2480s so multi-sampling is an optimization of
2482s super sampling that essentially only
2484s tries to Super sample the triangle edges
2487s so we're still only shading once per
2490s pixel but we actually choose which
2492s samples to actually write to when we
2495s write the same color to all the samples
2496s that are covered by the triangle
2498s you still need to pay for the memory and
2500s the bandwidth cost but the shading
2502s shading cost increases essentially
2504s negligible and that's where the bulk of
2506s the cost comes the big drawback of this
2509s is of course there's no anti-aliasing
2511s for the shading in that case
2512s so if we again look at this shimmering
2514s image here the only thing that
2516s multi-sampling really fixes is that top
2519s Jagged Edge like that staircase pattern
2521s on the edge of that that uh the holder
2523s you're not going to see any any kind of
2525s impact at all on the shimmering inside
2527s of triangles
2529s it would be really really nice if we
2531s could afford super sampling
2533s but we can't but what if we just we do
2536s we still do one sample per pixel
2538s but we kind of start moving it around
2540s inside of the inside of the pixel so we
2542s do a different Center every frame and
2544s then kind of just add them all up at the
2546s end
2547s well that's the foundational idea behind
2550s behind temporal anti-aliasing
2552s the idea is basically that you spread
2554s these samples out over time
2556s you do one sample per pixel but a
2558s different sample every frame
2559s the idea then is to blend it all
2562s together really carefully to get the
2563s effective result of four times super
2565s sampling
2566s it's really effective and it's actually
2569s even faster than four times super
2570s sampling sorry four times multi-sampling
2573s simply because we only need one sample
2575s per pixel just like when we have no
2577s anti-aliasing at all
2578s but you do need to be really really
2580s careful when doing this if you end up
2582s blending uh when you're not supposed to
2584s you can get blurriness you can get
2586s ghosting where you can see parts of the
2588s previous frame looks very terrible and
2591s if you and in fact if you blend too
2592s little you also get problems you can't
2595s just disable the blending completely
2596s because then you will suddenly start to
2598s be able to see this kind of jittering
2600s motion around as you you switch you move
2601s where the pixel Center occurs
2604s and to take an actual visual example of
2606s this here's a very same damage of an
2608s anger hanger you can see that it's very
2610s pixelated and you can also see that it
2612s has these ugly staircase patterns
2614s everywhere this looks even worse in
2616s motion where you will have a lot of
2618s shimmering effects as this moves
2621s so when we apply a temporal
2623s anti-aliasing we will first start to
2626s sharpen the image as much as we can
2628s and then start kind of moving it around
2630s a little bit
2632s um and all these images are slightly
2635s different so when we add them all
2636s together
2637s we end up with this really really nice
2639s and smooth result we still have all the
2641s sharpness of the texture detail all of
2643s that good stuff but we have managed to
2645s eliminate the uh the staircase patterns
2648s and and on top of that it's much much
2650s more stable under motion looks very very
2652s good
2654s um but can we actually take this
2656s approach even further and it turns out
2658s that we can it's called temporal
2660s upscaling
2661s the idea is to start at an even lower
2663s resolution we don't actually start at
2665s the full resolution uh you you can
2667s imagine moving this single sample that
2669s we have around in a two by two area
2671s instead so over four pixels instead
2674s we then temporarily upscale this beyond
2677s the full resolution to again get this
2678s kind of super sampling effect
2680s and then scale it back down to full
2682s resolution well what your monitor has
2684s and this works it works really well but
2687s it is even more challenging any kind of
2689s issues that you would normally have with
2691s temporal anti-aliasing such as
2693s flickering or blurriness or ghosting
2697s this becomes so much more obvious when
2699s you're doing when you're when you're
2700s kind of blowing it up to twice the size
2702s basically fortunately this isn't the
2704s problem that we really have to solve
2705s ourselves there are numerous temporal
2708s upscaling or at least only at least
2710s temporal upscaling functions uh
2712s algorithms that already exist and we are
2716s planning on supporting pretty much all
2717s of them so that you can pick the best
2719s solution for your specific graphics card
2720s we will we will be supporting AMD fsr3
2723s we will be supporting Nvidia dlss 3.5
2726s Intel Intel's xcss as well as metal FX
2730s upscaling on Mac
2732s so that kind of uh makes sure that even
2735s as we're adding all of these new
2736s features even on weaker graphics cards
2738s you will you will be able to enable
2739s these new goodies with a minimal loss in
2742s in image quality from the upscale
2745s but uh your GPU isn't the only thing
2747s that's kind of struggling
2749s um what about the CPU
2751s well
2752s um
2753s the the GPU and the CPU have a very
2755s interesting relationship there are
2758s essentially two completely separate
2760s processors that coexist inside of your
2762s computer and it kind of works the way
2764s that the the CPU sends commands to the
2766s GPU and tells us what to do and in some
2768s cases we can actually end up with a case
2770s where the CPU simply doesn't have the
2772s time to generate enough commands for the
2773s GPU and the GPU will just sit idle and
2776s not have anything to do
2778s and that's where our GPU driven pipeline
2780s project comes into play
2783s it's quite a quite a bit of a complex
2785s topic so we will need to take a deep
2787s dive into into how this relationship
2789s between the CPU and the GPU work
2791s so to understand this let's have a look
2792s at a timeline where we can see what the
2794s CPU and the GPU are up to at any given
2796s time when rendering a frame so the CPU
2799s is of course responsible for a lot of
2801s different things it's not just
2802s responsible for graphics things like
2804s physics
2805s networking Network code as well as the
2809s user interface all this kind of good
2811s stuff and a lot of other things this is
2813s a bit outside of my area I work with the
2815s graphics so I'm just going to group all
2817s of these up into this big block and call
2818s it gameplay
2820s but at some point the carbon engine will
2823s have processed all of the other
2824s subsystems and it's now time to start
2827s rendering something and at that point it
2829s will gather up a bunch of commands and
2831s it will kind of send them off to the GPU
2834s and the GPU will then start processing
2836s this and rendering that frame
2838s but the CPU doesn't just sit idle as it
2840s waits for this to to complete no it will
2842s immediately move on to the next frame
2844s and the frame after that once once
2846s that's done and in this case this works
2849s really really well the CPU even has a
2851s little bit of breathing time and the GPU
2853s is is taxed to its full capacity it's
2855s working 100 of the time
2857s but there are cases that Eve quite a few
2860s cases where this is not the case where
2862s this submitting of the Gathering up all
2865s of these commands and submitting them to
2867s the GPU actually takes longer than it
2869s takes for the GPU to render them
2871s and this can happen simply because of
2873s massive Fleet battles or a huge amount
2876s of detail and it also depends on your
2878s your your specific Hardware like the
2880s relative power of your CPU and the GPU
2884s um and in this case well we're wasting a
2886s lot of time on the GPU the GPU is
2888s essentially sitting idle for a very
2889s large amount of time and we could in
2891s theory push the GPU to render maybe
2894s maybe for maybe twice as many frames per
2896s second in this case
2898s but to understand why this happens we
2901s need to look into what what actually
2902s happens in this submit block to make it
2904s make it so expensive and to do that we
2907s need to figure out how we're rendering a
2909s single specific like a single Eep ship
2911s like a single ship in the in the
2913s universe of Eve
2914s so I present to you an eve ship I
2916s promise this is definitely your ship uh
2919s like like a really Eve ship it has a
2922s mesh which is determined by the shape
2923s here it also has a Shader which is
2925s determined by the color here it also has
2927s a material which is represented by the
2929s the texture applied to this
2931s uh so to render the ship uh we actually
2934s need to submit four separate commands to
2935s the GPU we need to set which color we
2938s want to render it with we need to set
2939s the shape that we want to render and
2941s then we need to set the texture and once
2943s those are done we can submit what's
2944s called a draw call which is essentially
2947s a command that says yeah Draw Something
2949s using the previously set stuff
2951s and if we only we were only rendering
2954s one ship uh this would not be a problem
2956s whatsoever this is just four commands
2958s problem is Eve has a lot of ships some
2961s might even say dozens of times
2964s um so we need to we need to really be
2965s able to render this many many things and
2968s well the first thing we're going to do
2969s we're program I'm a programmer at least
2971s I love lists I'm going to move them all
2973s into a list this will make it much
2975s easier to work with and once they're all
2976s in the list well it isn't that difficult
2979s to just kind of do a naive Loop over
2980s this and render them we'll just go
2982s through all of the ships that we have to
2983s render we'll set the color we'll set the
2985s shape we'll set the texture and issue a
2987s draw call there's actually 100 ships in
2990s this in this image or in this scene so
2993s we will end up with a total total of
2995s four four times a hundred commands which
2997s is 400 very simple
3000s um however this is not the most
3002s efficient way of doing this we are
3003s actually switching between the same
3004s colors multiple times for example so we
3007s can actually eliminate a bunch of
3008s commands uh by kind of just reorganizing
3010s this data so if we move this down here
3012s and then we make new lists we make one
3014s list for each color and then we kind of
3016s just take all of these ships we go
3018s through them and we sort them into the
3020s Rel into the color and we sort them
3022s based on the color that they have and
3024s put them in the corresponding list well
3026s it turns out that we can render these
3027s lists much more efficiently now we no
3029s longer need to switch the color for
3031s every ship we can just set the color
3032s once and then render all of the ships
3034s that use that color and the end result
3036s is that we eliminate almost 25 of our
3038s commands and we can actually take this
3040s one step further we can start sorting
3042s Things based on what shape they're using
3044s as well
3045s and that will allow us to to eliminate
3047s even more draw calls uh in in fact we
3049s can we no longer need to change the
3051s shape as often now so we've even though
3053s we're rendering the exact same pixels on
3055s the screen in this exact same triangles
3057s we are now doing it with almost uh like
3059s by we sorry we are now doing it with
3062s almost half the the draw calls of what
3065s we were doing before
3066s in this process of kind of just
3068s reorganizing the data to to render it
3071s more efficiently it's called batching
3072s and it's a very important thing
3074s so yeah uh problem solved right let's
3077s see what happens with our timeline well
3080s our submit block is now really really
3082s tiny the problem is that now we have a
3084s batching block instead and that it turns
3086s out that just reshuffling all of this
3088s data and taking care of it is really
3090s expensive as well
3092s what if we just kind of take this
3093s original list of ships
3095s obvious heat it directly at the GPU with
3098s no regards for its safety we please
3100s don't care and we kind of just let it
3101s figure it all out for itself
3104s that is what the GPU driven pipeline is
3106s all about
3107s so it turns out that gpus nowadays are
3110s really really flexible they can actually
3111s generate commands for themselves they
3114s don't need a CPU to tell them what to do
3116s anymore
3117s so we can actually have the GPU do
3119s dispatching for us and the best part
3121s about this well one of the good parts at
3123s least is that it's even faster than the
3125s CPU are doing it
3126s the actual best part is that there's
3129s minimal CPU involvement the CPU is now
3131s free to do other things while the GPU
3133s keeps itself busy
3134s so if we look at our rendering Loop that
3136s we had before we can kind of eliminate
3138s everything inside of that Loop there and
3141s basically just set the color and then
3143s tell the GPU to do its thing and we
3145s eliminate more than 90 of the CPU side
3147s draw calls and commands that need to be
3149s sent there while the GPU still gets to
3152s execute all of those 200 plus draw calls
3154s that we had before but it's fine because
3156s the GPU was already not being taxed to
3158s its full capacity so that's all good and
3161s what happens to our timeline well we
3163s used to have this batching block that
3164s was on the CPU timeline that just
3166s magically moves down to the to the gpu's
3168s timeline and in fact the batching block
3170s is actually significantly smaller than
3172s this this is just the smallest block I
3174s could get in that could still fit the
3175s word batching
3178s um so what does this ultimately mean for
3180s Eve well it's a complete restructuring
3182s of how things are rendered inside of
3183s Trinity it's a lot of work there's
3186s essentially no Shader that's going to
3188s come out unscathed unskated by these
3190s changes it's a lot of work but once it's
3193s done we are confident that we will be
3195s able to have a lot more objects on
3197s screen and we can really get let our
3198s artists go crazy with this and also more
3201s variation inside of those objects we no
3203s longer need to have copies of the same
3204s objects to make sure that it works well
3206s with batching or something like that we
3208s can just have more unique objects and
3209s let the artist the artists just get more
3211s free hands but the best part about this
3214s is just that it frees up the CPU for
3216s game logic it means that the entire
3218s Graphics engine is kind of moves out of
3220s the way of all the other systems that
3222s also require the CPU time which will for
3224s example enable for the new physics
3227s improvements that CCP tuxford was
3230s talking about before
3232s but then the big question is when
3235s and well CCP verdicts already spoiled
3237s this early 2024. uh we are we are uh we
3241s want to get all of these improvements uh
3243s including
3245s um the upscaling uh the ray tracing as
3248s well as the GPU driven pipeline done in
3250s early 2024.
3252s that leads me to my final question how
3254s do artists actually work with all of
3257s this new stuff that we're giving them
3258s and that's where I hand over to CCP
3260s Amino
3261s [Applause]
3272s thank you
3277s hello
3283s so my name is CCP Amino I'm a tools
3287s developer with CCB
3289s and so our job is to try and take the
3292s power that carbon brings to our game and
3295s put it in a package that will our
3296s artists and designers to leverage that
3298s to build great experiences for you
3301s so with the big investment
3303s in carbon we've also been making a big
3305s investment in these tools
3306s and I would like to introduce you to our
3308s new very internal only tool
3311s graphite
3314s so graphite
3316s is a sort of editor for everything you
3318s might want to do in the engine
3320s whether you're making a new ships
3321s getting an old one
3323s building a whole new scene for you guys
3325s to explore in new Eden
3327s or even badly trying to make a trailer
3330s like I am here
3332s you can basically use it to Leverage The
3335s Power of carbon
3336s in order to build all of the experiences
3338s that we want to deliver to you in the
3340s game and we've been working on this for
3341s quite a while we've actually started
3343s from the the ground up with the UI here
3345s we've been trying to modernize our tools
3347s internally overall try and bring all of
3350s the capabilities of carbon together
3352s under one tool set and Empower our
3355s artists and designers to deliver bigger
3357s and Bolder experiences leveraging all of
3360s the new benefits with the new engine
3363s some of the improvements we're making
3364s are actually just really simple
3366s in some cases it's just about taking a
3369s system we already have fitting a turret
3371s to a ship and shooting another one
3372s making it explode making that feel a
3374s little bit more in our tool set like it
3375s does in the game the important part here
3377s is having artists being able to use this
3380s like you they're going to like you're
3382s going to experience it will allow them
3384s to hopefully build a higher quality
3387s version of that turret something that
3388s feels better to use is more fun to play
3390s with and they'll be able to get that
3392s experience a lot earlier in their
3394s development cycle
3396s in some cases it's about bringing tools
3398s home
3400s when it comes to doing things like
3402s defining Collision geometry we've
3404s historically leveraged third-party tools
3406s have artists work in there build the
3409s kind of data that we need for carbon to
3410s consume in order to do the Collision
3413s work
3414s and that's a quite a long-winded
3416s pipeline the artists will spend a lot of
3418s time in in this third-party tool be it
3420s Maya or blender try and author this data
3423s and then they've got to go through the
3424s process of getting it into the engine to
3426s see if it works to see if it plays
3428s nicely to see if they've introduced some
3430s really weird bug where you get stuck in
3432s the middle of a station
3433s so by bringing these things all Under
3435s One Roof and bringing them home
3437s we plan to leverage this to deliver
3440s higher quality to you in the game
3443s experience
3446s in some cases we're actually looking to
3448s improve our developers experience as
3450s well
3452s many of the places they'll spend a lot
3454s of time is doing things like crafting a
3456s beautiful scene for you to explore
3459s they want to visually tell a story use
3461s their our assets and show them off to
3463s build big cool things for you to
3465s discover and enjoy
3466s and we want them to spend more of their
3469s time expressing themselves and designing
3472s what they want to deliver at the end
3474s rather than spending time fighting
3476s against the engine and the tools that
3477s they have at their fingertips
3478s so we put a lot of time and effort into
3481s leveraging some of the performance
3483s benefits that come with carbon to give
3484s them a much nicer overall experience
3486s smoother prettier UI make it a little
3489s bit more functional make it a little bit
3491s more adaptive make it feel good
3493s it's a pleasure for them to work with
3497s then hopefully they will deliver
3498s something very pleasurable for you in
3500s the end
3502s in some cases we are actually trying to
3504s make use of
3505s and Leverage The Power of some
3507s third-party tools you'll have seen a lot
3509s of the new Cloud Tech being used
3512s this technology is authored by artists
3515s in something called embergen
3517s and that tool will spit out data that
3519s carbon can consume and we can put in the
3521s game
3523s before we can actually get into the game
3525s there's a lot of other little things
3526s that go into a little bit of overhead
3528s and ultimately they end up working
3530s heavily in isolation inside of a tool
3532s set outside of our ecosystem
3534s crafting those clouds
3537s so what we're trying to do here with
3539s graphite is make sure that they have as
3541s smooth and as fast a pipeline so when
3543s they were using these third-party tools
3544s to build big new clouds we are very
3547s quickly getting them into the engine in
3549s this case preferably almost instantly
3552s they make a change in ambergen and we
3554s want them to instantly see that in
3556s graphite but along with that by having
3557s all of our tools under one place having
3560s the tools they use to author scenes this
3562s allows them to see not only their Cloud
3564s very quickly in engine and see what
3565s that's going to look like but see it in
3567s the kind of place that they're going to
3568s use it allowing them to craft more
3571s bespoke assets that fit the scene and
3573s better tell the story or better describe
3576s the experience that they want to give
3577s you
3580s in some cases we're leveraging whole new
3582s capabilities
3584s so carbon brings a lot of benefits in
3587s terms of new performance
3589s and better options and this provides new
3592s opportunities for designers and artists
3594s to take advantage of
3596s every time we save a couple of frames in
3598s the engine maybe that means explosions
3599s can be bigger maybe that means scenes
3601s can be more complex there's less
3603s restrictions on the work that they do
3607s and so this is quite an experimental
3608s feature for us but we're trying to
3611s Leverage The Power of third-party Tools
3612s in this case blender again with a really
3614s direct pipeline
3617s so the artist can work in blender and
3619s craft very large assets
3621s hit one button and see it very quickly
3623s ported straight into the game try how
3626s does it feel to fly around how does it
3627s feel to bump into it how does it look
3631s and by giving them this pipeline the
3633s plan is to allow them again very early
3635s and very experimental allow them the
3637s power to build much bigger and grander
3640s experiences overall and delivered to you
3642s the best possible experience that they
3644s can manage
3646s to make Eve awesome forever
3650s thank you very much
3651s [Applause]
3660s so if you have any questions you'll find
3663s many of us around we're all very
3664s friendly come and say hi have a chat
3666s we'll happily talk your ear off for
3667s hours about all of this stuff but we
3670s also have a panel on the second floor so
3672s if you're in the mood we'd love to see
3674s you there at 1 30.
3675s thank you
3677s [Applause]
3700s thank you
3711s welcome back to Fan face Fan Fest day
3714s two I am CCP overload uh here with chaos
3717s who is joining us once again
3719s um I don't know about you but that was
3720s super interesting I really enjoy hearing
3723s all the cool things that the platform
3724s team are doing all the tech behind Eve
3727s it's just it's such a unique game
3729s there's nothing else like it so there's
3730s so many of these bespoke tools that we
3733s have to just craft and build and do
3735s things that it's just it blows my mind I
3739s I remember when I found out that we only
3741s had 16 shadows in scenes in the old
3743s Shadow system we could only have up to
3745s 16 shadows and I've been playing you for
3747s a long time never noticed never noticed
3750s that there was only 16 Shadows just
3752s clever clever ways of hiding it but now
3753s as you just saw incredible new
3755s advancements in in the way we're
3756s building things phenomenal so how did
3758s you enjoy that presentation yeah it's
3760s really good because it really uh shows
3762s people there's more to it than mid CI
3764s because it's a lot of work for some ex I
3767s wouldn't say it's simple but to a normal
3768s person it's very simple but it's not
3770s really so it's very good to see yeah
3773s especially when we get into things like
3775s these uh you know we saw c2b tucks we're
3777s talking about the server with uh Destiny
3779s and all Destiny's children and yeah all
3780s the crazy game logic that we have to
3782s process especially in these large uh
3784s time dilation Fleet fights you know
3786s there's eight and a half thousand
3787s players squeezed into one system oh yeah
3790s oh yeah you can imagine all those
3792s messages all flying around all the crazy
3794s physics simulation everything that you
3797s exactly do exactly it's just an absolute
3799s cluster and of course these are the
3802s things it's almost impossible to even
3803s test for because you know we can't spill
3806s up eight and a half thousand uh you know
3808s devs and just all log into test servers
3811s and try and do exactly you have to test
3812s it as you go like I experienced my first
3815s heart eye uh probably four months into
3817s the game and I remember running to my
3819s brother's room are you using the
3820s internet uh but no it was actually the
3822s game it was actually pretty cool how
3824s Tada actually does work
3826s um but yeah it's very unique yeah so
3828s it's a pretty useful thing to be able to
3831s slow time down yeah of course it's uh it
3834s just helps keep things running and we
3837s would love to be able to of course
3838s remove things like time dilation uh but
3840s yeah this is an N squared problem every
3842s time we make things better you guys out
3845s there shove more people in yeah exactly
3847s exactly because the game's always
3848s growing and uh especially after this
3849s year if the new game announced the first
3852s person shooter uh more eye is going to
3855s be on the eve and uh the uh was that the
3858s playback is going to get much bigger
3859s because of it yeah I hope so now you've
3862s flown all the way here from Australia
3865s yes I sure did is this your is this your
3867s first Fan Fest uh yes it is I hope
3870s you're enjoying Iceland is it just like
3871s Australia there's another island in the
3873s ocean I imagine they're very comparable
3875s um very similar but there's some
3878s differences like you know one's very hot
3881s and very one's very nice
3884s um figure which one's which I've been to
3886s Australia I know for a fact it's
3888s incredibly hot uh it's always for me yes
3890s it's uh it's pretty hot out there so
3893s tell me a little bit about yourself uh
3894s and introduce yourself to me tell me
3896s about what you do uh like in Eve I know
3898s you do a bunch of streaming talk about
3899s all that okay so I stream on Twitch I do
3903s a lot of things to do with just I
3905s wouldn't say PVP as much but I always
3907s like to do back line stuff get in
3909s trouble uh running people and all that
3912s but when the events do go live I turn
3915s aside and I become the hunter well make
3918s at the same time and I think I love the
3921s most is finding something else that no
3925s one really knows about and teaching
3928s people the game people who've been
3929s playing the game for 10 plus years some
3930s stuff they never knew about
3932s so that's something I actually super
3934s enjoy as well I've been playing this
3935s game for a very long time and
3937s occasionally I learned something new
3939s because the beauty About Eve online is
3941s it's not our game it's like 24 games in
3944s this big Overcoat trying to sneak into
3945s the cinema as well exactly exactly
3947s there's all these different types of
3948s gameplay that you know you can go 15
3950s years like I did without doing certain
3952s parts of the game exactly just haven't
3954s done it so I made a point recently of
3956s like making some new accounts and going
3957s and doing things I'd never done before
3959s so I have an ALT which is a secret alt
3962s um of course of course joined a high SEC
3964s mining corporations one part of the game
3967s I've never done I've never been involved
3968s have you been engaged yet I have been
3971s ganked
3973s um I lost uh I think it was a I think it
3975s was a retriever welcome to Eve and I
3978s just that was my macro now in fact
3980s because I just saved up and bought it uh
3981s yeah I'm not sending any yes to that
3983s account from anything else I'm trying to
3984s keep it all like yes in-house and it's
3987s just this little high stack mining Corp
3988s with a bunch of cute little new Bros and
3990s they're all doing their thing and like
3992s they were they they were some of them
3993s are teaching me how to do these
3994s different things with the mining and
3996s helping me and just chilling on comms
3997s just a whole different world from like
3999s the high-end like you know super duper
4001s PVP years like yeah my main admin Volta
4004s for example so uh you know I haven't
4007s heard of trash were locked off most of
4008s the time but yeah I just I love that's
4011s why I love Eve yeah because uh it
4013s doesn't matter what you do in the game
4014s you're always affecting something in the
4017s game like you can really go without
4019s actually any interactions for a very
4021s long time but you are so impacted the
4023s game whatever you do yeah
4025s um and I try to go for the what's the
4028s quote quote of
4031s oh shoot my quiet vortrey's master of
4035s none yes so I tried to understand every
4037s part of the game so if anyone comes to
4039s me and asks us okay
4041s um after this okay I know a little bit
4043s but I know this person who taught me
4045s yeah so I should have over there yeah
4047s there's some there's some incredible
4048s knowledge
4049s um in in our player base out there and
4051s and we at least be we utilize that
4053s sometimes yeah there's players who know
4056s more about certain things in the
4057s gameplay side than a lot of people who
4059s work at CCP so we try and use that
4062s resource
4063s um and not everyone at CCP has been like
4065s you know maybe a 10 year BP peer so when
4068s you have someone who maybe needs to know
4069s a bit more information they can talk to
4070s you know people like Stitch cainland
4072s who's going to be in the CSM this year
4074s yes you know he's done a lot of work
4075s over the years uh of giving advice
4077s helping out with like things like
4078s balance and stuff like that you've
4079s obviously seen all of these Reddit posts
4082s um to be honest I'm sorry I stay away
4085s from that so yeah I mean that's probably
4087s why he's like a general life advice I
4089s know I know I
4091s feeling yeah it's probably the same with
4093s twitch chat you know twitch chat is
4094s never wrong of course uh you'll have
4096s experienced this
4099s it depends it depends uh very depends on
4103s the chat with that but they like to play
4105s games with me
4106s um like oh I think it's a pet shop I
4109s think it's a bachelor there's a patch
4110s it's a badge to take the gates are
4111s active like and no it's not yeah I was
4115s so watching The Gates go live yesterday
4117s it was a super cool moment
4119s um I was sitting down in the just in the
4121s middle of the of the crowd and one
4123s person to the left of me gets his laptop
4125s out and starts like patching Eve another
4127s guy gets his phone out remote desktops
4130s into his computer at home yes logs in
4132s like multi-accurrence uh like using evil
4134s preview and starts like multiboxing on a
4136s phone I was like you mad man yes yes I
4139s I've done roughly the same thing I've
4142s left my computer on back home and I just
4145s go straight into the laptop to the
4147s computer and uh so play Eve in Iceland
4150s nice yeah uh heck of a round trip oh I
4155s might not even it's terrible but uh it's
4157s funny because uh because it's usually
4159s like night time or midnight there and my
4161s room's flickering and people like what
4162s the hell's going in there but it's uh my
4164s monitor to myself awesome all right so
4167s we've got a part I think like seven or
4168s eight minutes until our next
4169s presentation which is going to be in the
4170s art of Eve so we've just had a bunch of
4172s tech stuff and then we're gonna go
4173s straight into all the art stuff so two
4175s very different disciplines that are
4177s incredibly complementary we'll go to a
4178s short break and we'll be back in a
4180s couple of minutes
4202s foreign
4207s [Music]
4213s [Music]
4237s [Music]
4247s [Music]
4255s [Music]
4273s [Music]
4278s foreign
4278s [Music]
4303s [Music]
4326s [Music]
4374s foreign
4381s [Music]
4389s [Music]
4398s [Music]
4429s foreign
4431s [Music]
4465s [Music]
4481s foreign
4483s [Music]
4489s [Music]
4513s foreign
4517s [Music]
4537s once again with chaos we're here at the
4541s arena whose name I still can't pronounce
4543s despite living and working in Iceland
4545s we're a Fan Fest as day two of course
4547s we've had our first panel our first
4548s presentation I should say and we are
4550s going to go in very shortly to the next
4552s one which is the art of Eve and I cannot
4556s wait to see this one uh the artist that
4557s we have at CTP are just phenomenal
4559s phenomenally talented and they always
4561s have just the most incredible eye candy
4563s so let's head down to the main stage and
4565s check that out now
4575s to go on a captivating journey into the
4577s artistic essence of Eve online please
4580s welcome to the stage CCP Benson and CCP
4584s blue screen
4599s all right
4600s [Music]
4620s try a little doctor
4624s [Music]
4632s [Music]
4651s [Music]
4667s hide it isn't it
4672s [Applause]
4678s [Music]
4686s hello FanFest
4688s yep
4691s thank you for a great couple of days so
4693s far thank you for a great pop call
4695s yesterday
4696s anyone from Team 13 here
4699s yes
4701s nice
4703s okay
4704s I am CCP blue screen and I'm cgb Benson
4708s and uh yeah it's great to see you all
4710s again back at Fan Fest
4714s um
4718s As You Are
4720s hopefully where we are here representing
4722s team to Atlanta
4723s the graphics team of Eve online and
4727s building a better universe is what we do
4730s so 20 years ago
4733s this is how it all started
4745s foreign
4746s [Music]
4754s and
4756s it really was
4757s and all the years since we've been hard
4760s on work keeping the Aesthetics fresh and
4762s Cutting Edge as ever many and uh
4768s many steps as pertaining towards that
4771s so I've been here for about 15 years I
4775s remember
4776s making two of these exits back in the
4779s day authoring effects on Gates there was
4782s a premium client and a basic client to
4784s remember if you remember that I don't
4785s know if you remember that that was uh
4787s now it's just called high and low
4788s settings and
4789s [Music]
4791s and then in 2007
4794s Along Came Trinity with a huge Graphics
4797s update
4799s one of the many milestones
4802s uh later came the V3 overhaul
4811s foreign
4815s moves on to V5
4818s where we introduced the PBR based
4820s shaders updated textures and this
4823s included many major polish detectors and
4826s yeah video updates we quickly move on to
4828s V5 plus plus
4830s where we reintroduced the fourth
4832s material that we launched in the initial
4834s PBR conversion and we also added the
4836s adjustable dirt maps that we have today
4840s and then just recently we gave Eve
4843s another all-around polish with what we
4845s called the delete the gray initiative
4850s and so with these and countless other
4853s updates Shader developments and model
4855s texture updates and effects updates
4858s check Editions
4860s and with the ongoing ship redesign
4863s initiative we continue like with the
4865s rifter here
4868s getting its new recent update here and
4871s refined design
4872s so from 20 years ago until today
4875s looks something
4877s like this
4885s screen's got bigger
4889s and but we're never done as much work as
4891s we put into adding and supporting new
4893s features with Graphics we spent probably
4895s the same amount of time keeping
4897s everything fresh updating and
4899s maintaining like existing content
4901s and so this year
4903s we for instance updated all of the 68
4907s Empire frigates
4909s gave them a major effect love pass so
4913s many features new features and lights
4915s have been developed since they were last
4916s touched so
4920s yeah they all got a
4923s pass
4924s and you know we're not done with these
4926s but this is yeah amazing
4929s and also this is tied to the new to the
4932s warp States many of these lights making
4934s things more Dynamic here the lights
4936s turns red
4938s for the uh warping animation
4941s and also other effects as it added just
4943s like when it comes out of warp here you
4945s see that little poof gas cloud
4948s from the back
4950s uh but yeah we didn't stop with the
4952s frigates uh also the Marauders received
4955s a comprehensive effects update updating
4957s the Bastion modules along with just a
4959s general effects pass
4961s so all in all we try and we feel we do
4963s pretty well at uh
4966s adopting these things but
4969s it is
4970s of course hard to please all the pilots
4974s all of the time
4975s uh
4977s current graphic effects are kind of weak
4980s that's rough
4982s so yeah this is something our lead
4986s effects artist CCP milk found roaming
4989s the eve subreddits he was not impressed
4993s obviously
4997s so uh
4999s how did the torpedo effect so milker
5001s here had to do something about it so our
5003s fixed Department went straight ahead and
5005s went to work on the missile impact
5007s effects
5008s the missiles will now explode outwards
5012s in opposite direction of impact Vector
5015s which looks and feels right aside from
5017s the thermal ones
5018s just had to be a spear because it just
5021s looks great and it also really
5022s differentiates it from the other ones
5025s and also for the first time now the
5027s missile impacts will be contributing
5028s lighting to their surrounding
5030s environments this really ties it
5033s together
5035s see it here on the gate on the on the
5037s right side here
5039s so that's awesome
5042s and here going from what they looked
5044s like before
5049s game pay availability of the impact
5051s should now be immediate like through the
5054s shape language and visual visuals so
5056s it's super important that you can tell
5058s the damage type of whether you're being
5060s hit with Kinetic explosive electrical
5062s magnetic or thermal thermal missiles
5069s um so yeah that is just important when
5070s we introduce new gameplay you know that
5072s that the players can tell what they
5074s actually do so now they look like what
5075s they are
5078s um so a bit of subreddit CCP please does
5081s actually work from time to time yeah
5084s and So speaking about visual language
5085s you all got a new way of expressing
5088s yourself in space this year
5091s with the skinner and the new structure
5093s skins
5094s so for for art there wasn't a lot of
5096s actual content work on the structures
5098s themselves
5100s um many of us the upper structures that
5102s we have
5103s um included in this were ready for this
5105s there was a lot of technical work so our
5107s Graphics programmers were more busy
5108s probably than us in this feature here
5112s there was a lot of stuff to integrate
5114s the space optic Factory and make this
5116s work with that but for us it was more
5119s about looking at pallets
5121s material areas what materials to use and
5124s whatnot
5126s um
5127s and materials just like uh the different
5132s types of materials color Shades building
5134s a library for this basically
5142s and then trying out different
5144s combination and testing setups
5148s how it all comes comes out also looking
5150s a bit forwards
5152s um
5153s here we're trying with the pattern
5155s projections that are not available yet
5157s but you know we never know maybe it'll
5159s come but this is just a few uh basic
5162s gradients used in the structures in
5165s addition to the material areas
5169s and but probably the biggest update on
5172s the pure content side connected to this
5175s was giving all the military upper
5177s structures like a lighting update
5181s so we updated the lighting of all these
5183s structures I guess they really sorely
5185s needed it added Point lights and
5187s spotlights and Jesus and like new
5189s hologram details
5192s and even added some new geometry some of
5195s the structures with new paint areas
5203s this was padded on simply because that
5205s we really needed to do this visual
5207s update to the structures but also to
5208s facilitate any future possible
5210s customization of the lights of
5212s structures by getting this up to date we
5214s are opening up for the possibility of a
5216s future where lights is part of your
5218s structure's color palette
5222s and that is super nice
5227s so the lights really should match your
5229s structured color palette and there was a
5231s lot of tech involved in making this work
5232s so again yeah a lot of work and on our
5237s graphic programs for this
5239s but quite often art is very dependent on
5242s advances in the graphics text so you
5244s just had a presentation of an engine
5246s engine and they of course let us do a
5248s lot of stuff we do last year we talked
5250s about the improved lots and measures and
5252s the improved lots and textures
5255s and also learning on sub-shaped objects
5257s like turrets and more stuff like that
5259s and this year more advanced uh more
5262s awesome advances has been made uh some
5265s of them you just saw if you were in the
5266s presentation before
5269s um but there were other things like
5270s historically we've been packing all of
5272s our eight in-game textures into three
5274s compressed DDS files this means that
5277s each texture often gets a single channel
5279s to live in which does not help its
5281s quality can impact it quite a bit but
5284s that is no more
5285s now we no longer pack our Chesters we
5288s simply compress them into eight
5289s individual TDS textures
5292s and this gives us some noticeable uh
5294s quality improvements for sure and it
5296s also means that we can go in and remove
5297s individual textures and that makes more
5300s sense now so um
5302s so that's actually also what we did this
5304s year
5306s no more static occlusion Maps
5310s now this is something that we've wanted
5311s to do for a long time and with the
5313s modular hangers that we've been rolling
5315s out and releasing this has really become
5318s evident
5319s so ssao that we need some Dynamic you
5324s know ambient occlusion
5327s uh and you got it with satio and finally
5330s killed off the static occlusion Maps
5334s and also for like a more modular
5337s approach of assembling scenes and
5339s environments this is super important
5345s and here's a few examples this is from
5347s the abyss here you see on the Big Blocks
5349s here they don't actually have ambient
5351s occlusion left but with the ambient
5352s occlusion comes in
5355s probably more than here you see this
5357s trachlavian extraction noted
5360s um on the rock
5364s so this really it's subtle but it really
5366s adds and tries to room to touch the
5368s scene together much more nicely but our
5371s amazing friends in team engine we're not
5373s done here because we also went ahead and
5375s updated the in-game Shadows
5377s what we had before was basically one
5380s Shadow map per object with the
5382s limitation of 16 objects so 16 channel
5385s Maps
5386s and that's a problem 16 Shadow Casters
5388s in modular acid scenes and will lead to
5391s like Seattle's popping in and out
5395s so let's not do that anymore
5397s what we are going to do instead is we
5399s are going to partition the camera
5401s frostrum into multiple frustra
5405s I asked our attack people for that
5407s sentence I don't know what that means
5410s and then we render and Shadow map reads
5414s suffer some
5415s so that allows us to render an unlimited
5419s amount of Shadows now so that is awesome
5422s but uh
5424s it's still not super nicely defined so
5427s we also looked a bit on the quality of
5429s the shadows and yeah
5430s they got a lot better as well super nice
5438s so with unlimited crisp and sharp
5441s Shadows coupled with the SSA this is
5443s extremely important for us moving
5445s forward with complex modular
5447s environments and scene creation uh here
5450s see the Shadows again before and after
5452s oh my God nice
5457s uh uh and now also they render on all
5460s settings the Shadows apart from disabled
5462s of course but like with the filtering of
5463s Shadows being adjusted to allow a
5465s balance between quality and performance
5469s we also talked a little bit last year
5471s about the extension system
5473s that we have been developing now known
5476s as the layout system uh bringing with
5480s the whole extensions that can inherit
5482s space optic data like that is the
5484s faction colors the logos lights and
5487s stuff and all the structures
5489s so they can inherit that all reversely
5491s they can introduce new factions and
5492s parallel factions within the same asset
5494s so that's a single asset with many
5496s faction settings that's new
5499s and that gives us many cool options also
5502s in this it is interesting
5505s where we optimize performance while
5507s introducing large amounts of geometry
5509s using the layout system
5511s and finally within this context we also
5513s talked a bit about ship extensions
5516s for this purpose we Illustrated like
5519s adding plating and wings and other
5522s exteriors things to ships like either
5524s simply to create like whole variations
5526s or maybe even to represent like fitted
5528s modules and stuff like that
5532s so that's a cool idea and we went ahead
5535s and used test to um
5537s you said this here's another ships if
5540s you want to go over that
5542s there you go yeah let's go
5546s let's go
5551s so for these new destroyers we did an
5554s update to the base attack one holes
5557s to create their new Navy variations
5560s and on top of that we updated the
5562s textures
5563s and we put the layout system to use
5568s those new destroyers are good example of
5571s us starting to use this new way of
5573s modifying our ships so here you can see
5575s the pieces that make up the modification
5578s to the thresher
5584s hmm
5589s so texture is being updated Parts added
5592s to change the silhouette and I'm topping
5594s it with a camo pattern
5603s same approach we did with the catalyst
5616s nice nice
5620s same with the cursor textures parts and
5624s for the first time Amar Navy camo
5627s pattern
5634s so be thought the thought behind these
5636s visuals is to
5638s like make the ships feel more fitting
5641s for its roles
5648s and the last but not least the cormorant
5652s so obviously this is a fairly recent
5654s Hull and the base didn't need much
5656s updating
5659s but you know
5661s a little bit meaner
5663s so more plates
5666s a little bit more beefy
5673s we also did the Navy thread knots
5677s so here you see the next far
5681s the revelation
5683s withhold changes and the new camo
5689s the moros
5691s getting much tougher
5696s and the Phoenix
5697s we had wanted to give the Phoenix an
5699s overall for some time so we used the
5701s opportunity and updated completely
5712s [Laughter]
5716s so this collection of ships gives you an
5718s idea of where we're heading with
5720s modifications to our ships and Tech to
5723s variants in the future
5727s since last time fast
5730s we introduced the new Apple hangers and
5732s with those came the new capital hangar
5735s a good home for these new treatments
5749s yeah I think we need to restart the
5750s presentation I think so
5752s can we do a quick restart
5777s foreign
5793s structures receive new hangers heat
5796s stylized and themed for the respective
5798s functional mood
5800s that includes different visuals and
5803s audio environments for each distinct
5805s structure type that help reflect the
5807s state and life of the structure in space
5811s this hunger project was very large on
5813s our end a lot of new features and
5815s performance achievements came with it
5817s that benefits benefit us into future
5820s projects
5830s here
5870s so trying to emphasize the difference in
5873s the interior
5875s to reflect the outside look and function
5877s of the station
5917s [Music]
5919s foreign
5931s fuel up so talking about that could we
5934s could we again drop the key to the
5936s backdrop I think it turned on when we
5937s restart the presentation
5940s uh
5954s so all your indicators visual indicators
5958s for the structure States
5961s and if you're seeing these you said
5963s maybe start looking for another real
5965s estate
5987s so when we were looking at this hunger
5990s project we very much kept the Empire
5992s hangers in mind
5993s be designed and concepted some ideas for
5995s each Empire some of those goals
5998s for us would be to achieve a visual
6001s progression for the player difference
6003s between regions
6005s and security status and customization
6010s so one of the key unlocks for us in
6012s producing these
6013s having a smaller team is being able to
6016s build assets faster making prototypes
6019s and not over designing before trying
6021s things out
6023s so here's a prototype of a cultary
6025s hunger using the methods we learned from
6027s the Apple anger project
6047s [Applause]
6055s yeah sweet
6057s it's a legacy with the ships and with
6059s the hangers this is a holistic approach
6062s in improving our Pipeline and creating
6063s new assets
6065s and it also applies to structures
6069s um
6069s so how we're building libraries for
6072s modular use
6074s for instance we can go back to the data
6077s station the new data station which was
6078s very much built in a modular approach
6081s so if you want to try and build a
6082s modular library for a structure library
6084s for caldari we could go back here and
6086s identify again modular pieces that we
6089s can then Harvest here throw out
6095s and then we can consolidate all the
6096s pieces into you know into actual small
6099s pieces finding build blocks and create a
6101s set that we're going to use here's
6103s connection pieces
6106s you know and platforms small structures
6109s big structures
6111s you can then combine these again and use
6115s them to build infrastructure around
6118s Gates
6120s around stations
6122s and also the fleet Harbors I will
6125s introduce this part of the factional
6127s Warfare content
6132s and this method gives us you know ways
6136s to build quickly and by using ready use
6139s like assets that fit together and so
6142s here we're using the minmeter module
6143s library to create the Builder scene this
6146s is for this is a wash complex for the
6148s Min matcher warzone
6150s and the factional Warfare
6159s and here is example of the calendar Plex
6162s again using a calendar modular sets
6165s Amar
6171s and caltari
6173s so it's super nice to have these sets of
6175s like a lot of new assets available all
6177s of a sudden
6178s and also for the factual Warfare content
6180s we use these to create the battlefields
6186s and this material approach is really key
6188s for us like with a relatively small art
6190s team this gives us this makes us able to
6193s like build varied and complex
6194s environments
6196s um you know in a reasonable time and an
6199s iterative iterative pace
6204s and it's not just environments like
6205s these uh that where we can use these
6207s modular sets and where they're helpful
6209s uh also a more complex and unique assets
6212s from a factional Warfare campaign is an
6214s example uh we can show that Stellar
6217s transmuters also here like modular sets
6219s came in extremely handy as we could
6221s construct these you know with a
6223s combination of tailor-made geometry and
6225s and the modularity on top
6254s yeah that's cool and in much the same
6256s way we'd also construct the ship casters
6258s which is also a mix of custom geometry
6261s and the Empire modular pieces on top
6267s so this way we've added quite a bit to
6269s our environments the last years
6279s you know new asteroids expanding our
6281s asset and structure Library
6283s sets better and more varied
6286s post-processed templates and environment
6288s effects so what's next what's the next
6291s step and like to really up our game and
6293s to take us into the third decade we
6295s wanted to take on something that's been
6297s high on our list for quite some time
6300s that is volumetric clouds
6303s so now we have clouds in Eve many clouds
6305s but historically they've all been
6306s represented representing Cloud we've
6308s been representing the clouds and smoke
6310s as static images and particle systems uh
6314s most obvious examples being our nepales
6319s those represent clouds but they're
6321s static and 2D as it gets but obviously
6324s we have clouds and smoke that are more
6326s Dynamic and voluminous
6328s um
6330s such as scene clouds fire smoke and many
6332s other effects but basically they're just
6335s 2D images you know obviously not always
6338s static but using texture atlases and
6340s color ramps and particle systems camera
6342s facing particles and various Shader Tech
6345s you can manipulate the 2D images and
6348s mask them together and you can create
6349s something to mimic cloud and smoke
6354s like here on one of our stations
6362s so that's basically what it is the
6365s images
6366s facing the camera
6368s and within that some Shader Tech
6370s happening
6372s and you know it's it's it's that's about
6375s how they work and it's definitely not
6376s all bad they're relatively easy to
6378s author and Implement and they definitely
6380s look good for specific purposes
6383s but it's not an actual volume it's just
6384s a lot of 2D planes and that illusion can
6386s easily break depending on the use case
6388s and also with particle systems like this
6391s if you really want to create like dense
6393s effects like if you wanted to try and
6394s hide this station here behind the clouds
6397s you will often end up using a lot of
6399s particles and that creates overdraw and
6401s that creates poor performance
6403s and also it doesn't always quite work
6405s anyways the illusion will break when you
6407s get up close and interact with the
6409s clouds
6410s like if you try and fly through the
6411s clouds there's a perceived density will
6414s shift every time you break through one
6415s of those T 2D images
6418s so to continue to strive for striking
6420s and immersive environments we wanted to
6422s try and create an actual density
6424s volumetric cloud and not for the first
6426s time either we actually used uh
6428s volumetric clouds in an early version of
6431s them in in the abyss
6435s this this elevation did not have the
6437s definition and resolution and just
6439s general quality that we would want for
6441s for up close gameplay they didn't
6443s support Dynamic lighting and shadows and
6446s these clouds are generally just used
6447s around the dungeons so outside of the
6449s actual play Space
6451s so that's good for this purpose and like
6453s the uh at this place play Space lend
6456s itself nicely to that because you're
6458s locked in a bubble
6460s but now we won't fly through them we
6462s want to hide structures inside them you
6464s know we want we don't receive shadows
6467s and receive lights and add to the scene
6469s Reflections so to create the actual 3D
6472s volumetric data
6474s we turn to ambergen
6476s uh real-time fluid simulation software
6478s that lends itself nicely to this purpose
6481s here we can author the volumetric clouds
6484s in voxels using emitters forces and
6486s collision volumes
6488s and then render out the temperature and
6491s density
6492s and then within our own pipeline we can
6494s then convert this information into two
6495s 3D textures
6498s and now import that
6500s and start optimizing and author in the
6502s cloud because it's not cheap volumetric
6505s data but for example amongst many
6508s optimizations for performance you can
6510s cut down on the iterations which in
6513s turns then creates this under sampling
6515s and aliasing effects you see here
6517s so to contract contract this we
6520s introduce noise
6522s and then you can blur the noise into
6525s further smooth out your cloud
6527s and effectively in the end cutting down
6529s the iterations up to 10 times
6531s and now we can also in our own pipeline
6535s of things like Cloud color both with the
6537s color ramp and with an all flat color
6539s and we can add lighting to the cloud
6543s so both to light up the cloud itself but
6546s also uh for the light to light up its
6549s surroundings
6553s we can also author the clouds effects on
6556s the scene reflections
6558s so on the right here you can see the
6560s scene reflection map as the reflection
6561s probe generated in real time and you can
6564s see the proxy reflection of the cloud
6565s being rendered into that
6569s so with this and a bunch of other tweaks
6571s authoring options and performance
6573s optimizations
6575s we end up with a finished volumetric
6578s clouds in client
6584s s
6592s and we ended up authoring somewhere
6596s around 44 of these new volumetric clouds
6599s that to initially use in the home front
6601s environment
6603s um yeah so let's uh take a look at that
6606s came out amazing
6608s and uh here's one of the amount Dungeons
6611s and you can see how you can actually
6612s just block out stuff like this asteroid
6615s just gets hidden in the cloud density
6619s uh the overall density is by the way
6621s something we can easily adjust in our
6623s own pipeline after the cloud has been
6625s authored in Imogen
6627s and it's also a bigger a bit of work on
6629s our Indian people to make sure that the
6631s clouds play nicely with everything from
6633s explosion effects and glass services
6635s alphas and much much more
6638s but yeah in the end we were really happy
6640s with what we ended up with uh these Loop
6643s clouds work really well to bind together
6645s our Dungeons and environments and assets
6647s and creating a super immersive
6649s environment we we always strive for
6652s so yeah this is a good way to enter the
6655s third decade of Eve and we put together
6658s a short video here just to let's have a
6660s better look at these environments so
6662s let's check that out
6671s thank you
6680s thank you
6683s [Music]
6736s [Applause]
6738s [Music]
6750s foreign
6763s [Applause]
6782s with further use of our volume at the
6784s cloud Tech we wanted to try and create a
6786s new environment centered around clouds
6790s key points for this new environment were
6793s bright cloudy backdrops with a feeling
6795s of danger with contrasting ominous
6798s Jovian structures
6800s kind of the opposite of our current
6802s Abyssal space
6805s we went into our archives and took up
6807s some environment Explorations from the
6808s past
6809s some of those were based around
6811s exploration in the old job territory
6818s we had discussions on reinvention in
6821s Geoff
6822s went through old Concepts and knew
6825s and figured out how we would make it fit
6828s into our virtual goals of creating this
6831s bright hazardous environment
6834s because when you're dealing with Joe
6835s it's easy to slip into dark and
6839s motivations
6843s so a bright disastrous environment
6845s nebula was created that pushed us back
6847s on the target
6848s getting us closer to the feeling of
6850s being in a disastrous sandstorm
6853s here you can see the new nebula of sasak
6861s the scenery needed new assets
6864s we wanted to place ourselves in a
6866s certain age of Joseph
6867s that aids has its visuals based on oily
6871s Sleek matter and primitive shapes
6874s like the current torment job Observatory
6880s we wanted players to discover this new
6882s region of sarsak through a puzzle of
6884s finding new gates which would lead them
6887s closer to Joe
6888s here's an early expiration for those
6891s kids with a very organic and aggressive
6893s look
6896s another one more simplified and
6899s structural feeling more organized
6904s and the final one
6906s a plant of organized paint oily metal on
6909s top of a very organic interior
6912s hinting at a more sophisticated geomets
6914s with the figured out
6916s at least on the outside
6920s a lot of detail got crammed into this
6922s asset using our extension system
6927s letting us go a lot further in detail
6930s than previously possible with our old
6932s assets
6938s to emphasize the organic element and
6941s scientific feeling of job we created
6943s visual effects that display more Tangled
6946s mathematical forms
6952s so the first asset into this new region
6956s the gate a visual Target for job space
6959s assets
6975s foreign
6985s foreign
6992s space we needed a central location for
6996s previous job habitants
6998s here are early explorations of such a
7000s structure following the same ideas as
7002s with the gate
7005s another structure
7011s and the final one
7012s an inactive job puzzle piece one of the
7015s largest known structures in the game
7025s same as with the gate we went way up in
7027s polygon count and detail for a motor and
7030s its extensions
7075s foreign
7079s [Music]
7094s there are no signs on them in this new
7096s space other than they're barely working
7098s and abundant structures which seem to
7101s have been kicks extracted by a newly
7103s surfaced faction called the deathless
7108s the deathless is a new faction for us
7110s they're a hybrid faction
7113s mixed together with the kaltari and
7115s minmatar Empires
7119s the look is based on mixing the best
7121s functional parts of these two empires
7123s and fusing them together with their
7125s signature exoskeleton technology
7128s and a lot of tubing
7134s so the attached components together to
7137s get the best out of both
7140s with this new faction like we did with
7142s the troclavians in early days we were
7145s imagining how the death flesh might look
7147s and feel if they would do a takeover
7151s because they are not only bound to
7153s kaltari and Men matterharter
7156s here are some work in progress ideas
7157s that's your modifications to the Apple
7160s share platforms
7166s so a modified small ship platform
7169s Modified by the deathless
7174s and here you can see it hooked into
7176s touchless technology
7180s in the same way changes made to the
7183s medium shape platform
7187s and held in place by the testless
7189s signature exoskeleton Tech
7192s this is a bit of a sneak peek for what
7194s deathless could become
7200s as deathless move on with the
7202s exploration of jove
7204s they realize that more hands are needed
7206s on Deck so they sent out an invite to a
7209s proper pilot party
7211s and invite is sent out to the charistas
7213s and the angel cartel
7217s to bring the angel cartel up to par with
7220s the charistas we visited the angel
7222s cartel the sign language
7225s here are some of those ideas
7230s this is a new Intel cartel Destroyer
7233s design sleek and aggressive it's iconic
7235s cockpit area
7238s and plenty of turret harpoints
7242s here is the Angel cartel battle cruiser
7244s design same sleekness and recursive
7246s pointy bits I quit with a similar
7249s cockpit design
7261s thank you
7283s and of course the one we couldn't let
7285s wait any longer
7288s we took a lot we took a look at all
7290s these signs we had for this one then
7292s previous and the previously revealed
7294s Concepts
7295s so in the left corner with some
7297s iterations on it like you can see from
7299s left to right
7301s we try to get it into the new visuals of
7303s where we wanted the angel cartel to be
7306s giving it the same sleekness aggression
7309s and pointy bits
7313s we gave it the four states of its being
7318s gave it wings and thorns
7323s and its final beast-like form
7326s the angel cartel Titan
7339s yes
7346s so
7347s that's rush for now come and chat with
7349s us in the art corner
7352s where we'd like to get your feedback
7354s and say hi
7358s yeah there's a day questions and
7360s everything like that please come to the
7362s art Corner feedback anything it's super
7364s useful for us and helpful and uh yeah
7367s and it's just nice to see you all so all
7371s compilers will follow you
7373s yeah that's right
7383s click it yeah oh
7408s foreign
7445s [Music]
7452s [Music]
7491s foreign
7492s [Music]
7516s [Music]
7545s ER thank you
7547s [Applause]
7560s welcome back to Fan Fest 2023 IMC speed
7564s overload and I'm joined with a couple of
7566s guests here we've got chaos once again
7567s and Professor mark mccorkran from the
7569s European space agency but before we talk
7571s to you Mark about uh cool space stuff
7574s how phenomenal is the visuals of evil
7577s online chaos like for a 20 year old game
7580s this game came out when you were six
7581s years old right yes we're not six years
7583s old and we see like all this new
7585s advancements in Tech that we're doing
7587s it's not just across the art team it's
7588s uh The Tech Guys and the platform team
7590s are building the tools to let the
7592s artists author all these sites you know
7594s zarzak opened up yesterday we have all
7596s the incredible argumentary Cloud
7597s technology I just when you see like
7599s lightning flickering in the clouds and
7601s it yeah beautiful yeah like great people
7603s need to really go there to experience
7605s how big these structures truly are and
7608s the amount of depth is actually in them
7610s yeah and the detail as well it's just
7613s fantastic I mean Eve's always had this
7615s unique visual identity and it's always
7617s been at the 4 front of like kind of
7621s what's possible when you look at these
7622s games even back in 2003 people didn't
7624s believe that some of the screenshots
7626s that were being released before the game
7627s was released were real inclined
7629s screenshots and of course over the years
7631s it's just been evolved and it made more
7633s and more pretty all the extra lighting
7636s effects on the citadels that we saw and
7637s all the frigates uh things like the The
7640s Marauder changes recently with all the
7641s extra bits and pieces that happen on
7643s that just constantly evolving and
7644s pushing further further and further
7647s um you know it's off to all all the
7649s people who make this all possible
7650s exactly exactly that's fantastic while
7653s we were waiting to come back home we
7654s were watching that trailer uh there that
7656s the the graphics guys put together and
7657s we saw the ships flying around and
7659s Professor Mark mccorkin turns to me is
7662s like why are all the ships constantly
7663s under thrust
7665s yeah I mean it's a Trope in science
7666s fiction of course right I mean it's all
7668s very cool to see thrusters working
7670s permanently when of course there's no
7672s drag in space and once you're on the
7673s velocity you want to be at turn them off
7675s right save the fuel
7677s um so we thought we I think we had this
7678s yesterday in the panel we had that you
7680s actually have a drag system in space in
7683s Eve sort of I maybe it's a game-ish
7686s reason for that explain that to me why
7688s you want Dragon space
7690s um so basically all the ships have top
7692s speeds uh which of course doesn't really
7695s make sense because as you say you know
7696s the engine is running you get to our
7698s speed and you turn it off and you just
7699s keep coasting you know this is basic
7701s Newtonian physics you will eventually
7702s hit something potentially
7705s um but if we could just keep
7706s accelerating and accelerating an Eve
7708s online uh it would be chaos it would be
7711s utter chaos oh so so I mean it's an
7714s interesting point because you know I'm a
7716s science fiction fan but I don't I don't
7718s have time to play games at the moment I
7719s used to but I kind of I mean I had to
7721s wean myself off it was stealing way too
7723s much of my time from looking at real
7724s space
7726s um you know occasionally I'll look at it
7727s I look at my son playing and I'm
7728s thinking oh that looks no no stand away
7730s step away don't go in
7732s um but you know the TV series like the
7734s expanse they're quite famous for having
7737s tried to embody real physics
7739s um and in fact when you look at space
7741s battles in in the expanse they happen
7742s incredibly quickly and there's an awful
7745s lot of you know what the hell just
7746s happened which you go back to Star Wars
7748s it's it's actually the Battle of Britain
7750s in space right it's all kind of cruising
7751s around and flying and I I haven't played
7753s Eve so where do you fit between that
7755s right at what point do you make it so
7756s completely unmanageably real that you
7758s can't actually play the game yeah that's
7760s that's always this discussion that
7762s people have to have you know we talk
7763s about the suspension of disbelief in
7765s things like the expanse like Star Wars
7766s you know no one looks at that and goes
7768s yes this is a documentary like we we
7770s accept that we have to have some some
7772s things that we let happen and sometimes
7775s you look at them and go I mean these
7776s these in Star Wars they're shooting like
7778s laser blasters and you can see the the
7780s lights moving around and you're like hey
7782s hey hey hang on hang on but then there's
7786s this lighting where yes you can be super
7789s realistic or you can be completely and
7791s utterly unrealistic and one of them can
7794s be good gameplay and one of them can be
7796s terrible gameplay and you have to find
7797s the nice blend and sometimes you can
7799s like get away and hide things and things
7802s like for example you know the dragon
7803s space uh the the classic meme is Eve is
7806s actually submarines in space it's a
7807s submarine simulator it's kind of like
7809s dressed up and we put a little wig on it
7811s and said hey it's actually in space it's
7813s not it's uh it's underwater yeah I mean
7815s the the question again is we had this
7818s discussion a little bit in the panel
7819s yesterday
7820s you need to also make things credible to
7823s human beings that human beings can
7825s engage with them but real physics
7826s actually isn't very accessible to human
7828s beings quantum mechanics general
7831s relativity these are not things that
7832s human beings actually can make any sense
7834s out of unless it's with equations and so
7836s I
7836s um I know the
7838s um guy was in charge of the visual
7839s effects for Interstellar Paul Franklin
7841s and he worked very closely with Kip
7843s Thorne Nobel prize winning physicist for
7845s gravitational waves and they made an
7847s awful lot out of the fact that this was
7849s credible physics in the film
7852s um and then just blew it all away with
7854s what was what was the answer in the end
7855s love or something was saved the problem
7857s right at the end you know but Star Wars
7860s didn't actually set out to be
7861s scientifically real the expanse tries to
7863s do that more so you know when I hear the
7866s the People speaking here it's all about
7868s yeah we put the new physics in the new
7869s physics and I'm going yeah kinda but
7872s that of course you know as a player you
7874s guys are players is that actually
7876s not disturb you but is there a point
7878s where you say well wouldn't it be nice
7879s if
7880s or he's like no I'm cool with submarines
7882s in space I'm actually quite good for
7884s some reason space I have to say because
7885s you know you still have to have the fun
7887s side of things like when you make it too
7889s realistic it becomes a headache because
7891s yeah that's not my type of uh type of
7894s thing no I mean the thing that comes to
7897s me I don't know if this is a long time
7898s ago but Ender's Game
7899s um there's famous science fiction book
7901s which became I guess a film later on a
7903s TV series
7904s um all the kids in that who ended up you
7908s know in a genocidal war against an alien
7910s species they'd all been trained on
7911s computer games they didn't actually
7912s think what they were doing was real
7913s until it was too late do you think you
7915s guys could fight a space battle
7922s so I think there's two parts of this
7924s question if the space battle is
7926s underwater then we all experience the
7929s second part is I think what Eve does and
7931s we see this uh time and time and time
7933s again is it teaches people how to work
7936s with and manage other people because
7937s unlike a lot of games you can kind of
7939s think of it as this like Grand strategy
7941s game if you're playing from like an
7943s alliance leader type level and you have
7944s thousands of people at your disposal and
7946s some of these you know huge battles have
7949s you know 8 000 plus people in a fight so
7951s you might be commanding 2 000 or more
7954s people and everyone has to fly their
7956s ships individually you can't click a
7958s thing and make everyone do something
7959s right so you have to be uh you know the
7961s logistics to make that happen means
7963s there's entire supply lines running
7964s you're commanding like sub commanders
7966s who are giving out uh things to like
7968s smaller fleets and things so there's a
7970s huge amount of like people resource
7972s Logistics and planning so I think a lot
7974s of e-players if you put them in some you
7976s know theoretical space battle actually
7978s would maybe have an advantage over a you
7980s know we might listen we know how to pee
7982s pee but we might not be able to hit the
7984s targets yeah I mean that's quite right
7986s so you you guys in in your various ways
7988s I'm sure are stars in the eve world
7990s right in the eve Universe you wouldn't
7991s be up here if you weren't right you're
7993s not grunts right so well I'm guessing so
7996s so who are the grunts I mean when you
7998s say I lead is there a political
8000s hierarchy inside Eve who gets to vote to
8002s be who's going to be king or the you
8004s know whatever the leader is it really
8006s depends on on the group so some that are
8008s quite uh Democratic I've been in one
8010s Corporation we basically refer to
8012s ourselves as space Communists we had 100
8015s Corp tax everyone had access to the wall
8018s and everything all the time and other
8019s ones uh full dictatorships
8022s um you know one of the largest groups in
8024s the game the Imperium which is run by
8025s gunsmar Federation they have somewhere
8027s in the region of like 30 to 40 000
8029s people spread across dozens of
8031s sub-alliances and corporations and
8033s things and what did he call it again you
8035s called them well the under people grunts
8037s yeah well you know we call them F1
8039s monkeys okay members if we're being more
8042s polite is it just because you've just
8043s joined yeah you don't have enough status
8044s point so you can't I mean do you have to
8047s work your way up or could somebody come
8049s in and Stage a coup you know one week
8050s after join someone could do that if they
8052s if someone gave them the wrong access
8054s and someone could definitely do things
8055s and that doesn't happen it's all about
8057s trying not to get scammed in Eve as well
8060s because I'm going to really age myself
8061s now the first computer game I mean apart
8063s from the original Atari Superman or
8066s something right in 78 I'm sorry I am
8068s that old
8068s um first thing I played at University
8070s was the first online
8074s dungeon game so it was called Mud
8076s multi-user dungeon first one it was on a
8078s big Mainframe down at the University of
8080s Essex you could only play it after two
8082s o'clock at night because it was being
8083s used for work for the rest of the day so
8085s we PhD students were working late night
8087s and there was a hierarchy in there you
8089s worked your way up by gathering points
8091s and dropping things in the swamp and you
8092s know you Rose up the rank and if you got
8094s to be a wizard The Wizard could then put
8096s favors on other people and they were
8099s definitely events that happened over the
8100s couple of years I played there where
8101s indeed The Wiz is just deliberately made
8103s a complete nobody kind of a super God
8105s and so they would run around making
8107s chaos to choose your name right so so
8110s again is the get how do I well all right
8113s so I joined tomorrow how do I get to be
8115s in charge of 30 or 40 000 people what do
8117s I have to do so if you join tomorrow and
8119s you knew the right person they could
8120s just put you in charge of it exactly
8122s yeah do I have to be a sociopath I mean
8124s that's generally what happens in most
8126s political systems right you want to be
8127s in charge of that many people you're
8128s slightly
8129s yeah it's again there's been all sorts
8131s of leaders across the history of new
8133s Eden there's been some uh people who
8135s lead if you go back to like the long
8137s time uh like the Great War people like
8138s Jane Constantine who led
8140s um a bunch of alliances and everything
8142s he posted on the forums was all written
8144s like lore and in character and then you
8147s know these great debates between some
8149s really incredible writers uh sir mola
8151s used to write a lot of things and
8152s they've been quoted into into history
8154s books and then you get other ones who
8156s they lead more from like a this is a
8158s game that we're playing and we're
8159s optimizing the game so that we win but
8162s it is I mean is it through persuasion
8164s through talking to people in the online
8165s when you're in the game and saying hey
8167s come and join me I can you know we can
8168s do this together is it is it just
8170s classic human sociology yeah
8173s you're the right person to be the leader
8175s yeah so yeah it's all about
8177s just talking to people finding to the
8179s right connections and who knows you
8181s might get to the top fast sometimes
8182s you'll see at the bottom yeah sometimes
8184s it's not too similar to like engineering
8186s and Academia where if you have a big
8189s research project for example that's
8190s going on and you need a bunch of kind of
8193s menial more like data crunching type
8195s stuff done it's probably going to be the
8197s PhD students that are going to be
8198s working on that they're like our our
8199s line members in this scenario then you
8202s have the people who are further up
8203s who've got their one way or another by
8205s Merit by doing something uh kind of
8208s spectacular
8210s um or just simply by political
8211s maneuvering so it's all to be more
8214s generous by age and experience right at
8215s some level because that's the hierarchy
8217s right in Academia to zero Authority you
8219s join as a PhD student you you write your
8221s thesis you work your way you write some
8223s papers you get an assistant professor
8225s job and so on and so on whereas here
8227s you know my son who's 21 he could join
8230s tomorrow and he could be the king in a
8232s year's time maybe I'm not saying you
8233s know through skullduggery right so he
8235s does but he would learn he would have to
8237s be learning in the I don't know why I'm
8238s asking you guys this because everybody
8239s on the stream knows this stuff already
8240s I'm just curious yeah no it's always
8243s nice to talk especially like we talked a
8244s little bit just before we came on about
8246s having someone on like panels uh and and
8249s talking about things where they don't
8250s have that particular knowledge I don't
8252s think so you know bringing you on to
8254s talk about things like space and then
8255s you starting to ask all these questions
8256s because I find quite an interesting
8258s dialogue because it forces us to think
8260s about you know maybe he's right like how
8263s do I answer this question yeah exactly
8265s and like Eve is bigger than people
8268s really think and as much more
8270s complicated anything but if you get the
8272s rights
8273s you go to the right people you can go
8275s quite a long distance okay yeah I'll
8277s turn it around right you're I'm acting
8279s like I'm the moderator here ask us some
8280s questions come on all right so let's
8282s talk about space for a little bit so
8283s you're here from the European Space
8284s Agency
8286s um you're wearing it on your shirt tell
8287s me a little bit about the James Webb
8288s Space Telescope yeah so jwst which I
8291s gave a talk about on this stage behind
8292s us here yesterday is a collaboration
8294s between NASA European the American Space
8297s Agency of course European Space Agency
8299s which is 22 countries and then the
8301s Canadian space agency so it's a very big
8303s International project which was started
8306s even before the Hubble Space Telescope
8307s was launched in 1990 we kind of knew
8309s Hubble would do amazing things but we
8312s also knew that it wouldn't do everything
8313s and in fact we were proven right Hubble
8316s was able to make some discoveries which
8318s immediately said we need a bigger
8319s telescope to follow up those right I
8321s mean you can very simply put if you if
8323s you want to discover something you take
8325s a picture and you see a faint dot in the
8327s middle of the picture now you want to
8328s know what it's made of you need to split
8330s that light out into a spectrum you need
8332s to see the different chemical local
8333s traces in that so when you split the
8336s light out you're effectively making it
8338s fainter if you like because each little
8340s bit is now split into multiple
8343s wavelengths and to gather more light you
8345s need a bigger telescope so jwst was
8348s partly designed to follow up on things
8349s that Hubble would discover but not be
8352s able to go further in characterizing but
8355s it also opens up all sorts of new
8357s avenues because it's an infrared
8358s telescope whereas Hubble is
8360s predominantly an optical and UltraViolet
8362s telescope and the infrared is really an
8365s important part of the spectrum because
8366s firstly it lets us see the most distant
8368s galaxies in the universe where the light
8370s has been redshifted all the way out of
8373s the visible range into the infrared
8375s so Hubble can see back about 13 billion
8378s years into the past which is about 800
8380s million years before after the big bang
8382s but to see the birth of the first stars
8384s and planets and galaxies after the big
8386s bang you need to be in the infrared
8387s because the universe really stretched
8389s out and really redshifted there but it
8391s also lets you go and look in places
8392s where light can't normally Escape you
8395s just saw we saw these clouds that you
8397s saw there and they're opaque to the
8399s background light so you know you're
8400s wandering around in a cloudy environment
8402s you guys need to get infrared cameras
8404s because if you put infrared cameras on
8405s your spaceships you'll see straight
8406s through the clouds and you'll see the
8408s people coming to attack you so that's
8410s actually a true piece of physics we can
8411s see through dust mostly the thing that
8414s makes clouds opaque is mostly dust not
8416s gas but in the infrared they're more
8419s transparent so we can see through them
8420s and and for us what we want to do with
8423s that is look into places where young
8424s stars are being born and planets today
8426s like the Orion Nebula
8429s if you look indivisible you're dominated
8430s by clouds of gas and dust and you see a
8433s few Stars you look in the infrared you
8434s see thousands of stars in there and you
8437s can see much more detail as to how
8438s they're forming so and also you know the
8441s third thing the big feature is looking
8442s at exoplanets planets which of course
8444s you know big big thing in Eve online
8447s going and saying what are these planets
8449s made of are they gas giants are they
8451s terrestrial planets do they have
8452s atmospheres are those atmosphere is
8454s breathable you know it's one thing to
8455s measure the mass of a planet you can go
8457s and measure the mass of Venus and say
8458s it's very similar to the mass of Earth
8460s but they're completely different worlds
8463s Venus has temperatures up to you know
8465s above 450 degrees and not a place you
8468s really want to spend time well that's
8470s habitable because it has the same mass
8472s as Earth no it really isn't so you need
8473s to measure the atmospheres as well the
8475s jwst will do a lot of that yeah I mean
8477s we were talking yesterday in the panel
8478s of red space we had Max Singularity of
8480s course he works over at Nasa in JPL and
8484s we're talking about things like that the
8485s scale of the planets for example with an
8487s Eve online and this is again where we
8489s start to disconnect from real physics
8491s yeah you know according to the game uh
8494s the uh of our Homeworld is three times
8497s the size of uh Earth and therefore all
8499s omarions should be absolutely henched
8502s because the gravity would be three times
8503s as much as well so it depends it depends
8506s right it depends how big the world is
8507s it's not only a question of how massive
8509s it is but it depends what the radius is
8510s right yes so yeah you could get into
8513s that so why why is it made three is it
8516s three times the radius or three times
8517s the surface area or three times the mass
8519s when you say three times bigger in which
8520s dimension well Max just said three times
8524s so well let's imagine it's three times
8526s the mass and it's the same radius then
8528s yeah indeed you would have three times
8529s the surface gravity but why why don't
8532s you then I mean why make it bigger and
8533s then not have the physics is there any
8535s reason to make it so much bigger there's
8537s literally so the Eve online the new Eden
8539s uh Galaxy the the whole cluster is you
8541s know eight and a half or so thousand
8542s systems uh this was procedurally
8544s generated at one point back in the day
8546s the header button and then the whole
8548s thing was automatically generated it
8550s wasn't hand crafted so certain things or
8553s you could have some variability to add
8555s your distinct regions and biomes to
8557s different different areas so it's
8559s probably it's a little artifact of
8561s something like that just a piece of code
8563s somewhere someone put like a Rand
8564s between these two digits and they
8567s probably picked it with no real bearing
8570s um sometime in you know the early 2000s
8571s to it was you know super physics right
8574s and then um some of the stuff we talked
8576s about a little bit yesterday is moving
8578s more towards real life influenced stuff
8582s within the game if it's feasible so if a
8584s couple of people who work at CCP who
8586s have things like phds and computational
8588s astrophysics and they're helping us
8590s bring some of the realism in alongside
8593s gameplay elements to make sure the thing
8594s is actually still fun which is yeah I
8596s did it was quite noticeable that you had
8597s you had two of them on the panel
8598s yesterday and every time physics came up
8601s they both rolled their eyes and said I
8602s wasn't here when that was put in so
8605s um but but um thinking again I was
8607s talking about the expanse a bit earlier
8608s on going back to the expense they did
8610s make a deal out of the physics in the
8612s sense of how it affected people's physio
8615s physiology so the belters became these
8617s very drawn out skinny beings because
8619s they're living under zero g or very
8621s small micro G A lot of the time is that
8623s a feature in in Eve at all that you have
8626s different ways that people
8628s you know they're more able to fight
8629s because they are stronger because they
8631s grew up on a more massive planet or or
8633s is everybody sort of you know standard
8635s human so according to the lower all the
8637s uh all the capsuleers the the player
8639s characters
8640s um are capsuleles which are basically
8642s clones it's all clone Tech so everyone
8644s everyone's bodies like people have like
8646s implants and body modifications and
8647s things like that and of course we saw in
8649s the trailer yesterday
8650s um uh with Vanguard coming the the war
8652s clones uh as well so these are just uh
8655s these are you know clones bred for war
8656s which the capture leaders can inhabit
8659s and go on missions on the planet
8661s um but I think it was designed more
8664s thinking of what looks cool uh than what
8667s is physically possible when it comes to
8668s physiology yeah it was I'm going to
8671s struggle now in real time in front of
8673s the camera but the books by Anne Leckie
8676s um science fiction books um got a series
8678s of them um what do they call ancillary
8680s Justice
8682s um and the three books there I mean they
8684s they have ships which have clones on
8687s board which are actually they're not
8688s well they're not clones they're bodies
8690s which are taken as prisoners of War when
8691s they conquer planets they deep freeze
8693s them and then when they get to the next
8694s planet they actually they unfreeze them
8697s and program them to be soldiers and
8700s they're they're weird because they can
8701s all talk to each other and communicate
8702s with each other and they actually are
8704s part of the ship from which they came so
8706s they are sort of they could share the
8710s they share each other's
8712s um inputs so you know you're one of them
8715s and there's one on the other side of the
8716s room you would know exactly what's going
8717s on there yeah but you also know what the
8719s ship's going on so this idea of Clone
8720s technicals is in Star Wars as well in
8722s all sorts of areas
8724s why
8726s so why that right because it's got a few
8729s regenerates when your character is
8731s killed it's like okay thank you for
8733s playing Eve online that's it exactly
8736s you'll just just move on so you have to
8738s have some sort of way of bringing people
8739s back so of course this is uh like you
8741s know the magic space stuff where you hit
8743s a button and yes it clones so this is
8745s Battlestar Galactica right it's it's the
8747s the ship storing the memory so that when
8749s a particular one of you know number six
8751s gets killed another number six comes
8753s along but has those memories again
8754s exactly yeah exactly that's exactly how
8756s it works and then of course you can have
8757s multiple clones so you can have
8759s different implants in each one you can
8760s jump around the universe of course FTL
8763s is not something that's even
8765s addressed in in Reading there's
8768s instantaneous communication across the
8769s the entire galaxy you can jump your
8771s Consciousness across uh obviously that's
8774s not possible so yeah this is back to the
8776s suspension of disability you know it's
8778s something we discussed yesterday and you
8779s weren't in the room yesterday no no I'm
8782s curious what your take on this is
8784s science fiction has a very important
8786s role to play in the way we
8789s examine possible Futures and examine the
8791s way our societies work right you kind of
8793s posit a slightly a weird version you
8795s can't just you know have right what
8797s would happen if there were clones and
8799s they did this that and they would die
8800s how would we treat them as human beings
8802s so science fiction has always been good
8804s as a thought experiment about how the
8805s future works but it but it it can never
8808s allow itself to get too far away from
8811s this right you know the sort of one
8813s meter 100 kilo scale otherwise it
8815s becomes impossible to deal with so oh
8818s I'm curious as you know do you have as
8820s you're playing the game do you think
8821s about well how might this play out in
8822s real life I've never actually really
8824s thought about that actually uh I don't
8827s know because like in the game you are a
8828s cash leader but there's actually
8829s technically other
8831s say humans yep but you're the one that
8833s gets to live forever like there's so
8835s other people around but you're like the
8837s not I wouldn't say God but you're yeah
8840s capture leaders are this um people who
8843s are chosen yeah essentially and so
8845s they're actually not they're not the
8846s lowest of the low they're higher in
8848s somewhere they're basically almost
8849s pseudo Gods within new Eden uh capture
8852s theirs uh throw away trillions of isk
8855s worth of wealth in game and uh an isk to
8858s the many many trillions of inhabitants
8860s of New England are not capsularly as is
8862s around I think one year's uh like
8864s average income for a family and these
8866s you know people are getting into ships
8868s that are worth hundreds of billions and
8870s just like throwing them away the other
8872s thing is uh ships in lore have a crew
8875s compliment so you have a unpiloted or an
8878s uncapsulated version of a ship which may
8880s have you know four or five hundred crew
8882s members and then the capsuleer version
8883s by virtue of them being in their pods
8885s able to control a lot of things
8886s automatically they don't need as many
8888s crew but they'll still might be like 50
8889s 60 crew so like when a Titan dies in an
8894s Eve online the capture there gets we
8895s call potted they wake up in their new
8897s clone and like oh that was a shame I'm
8899s sure I'm sure my alliances will pay for
8900s another one but 50 people died and they
8902s were tight and it's thousands okay yeah
8904s so it depends on the bigger the ship the
8906s more crew you've got well because you're
8908s encapsulate you need less of them yeah
8909s but then again you know that asks the
8911s question right
8912s it's basically instantly dismissable
8915s it's like well I'm all right yeah sorry
8916s about you guys yeah exactly but that's
8917s not how the real world works you would
8919s hope at least and and it goes back to
8921s that metaphor Of Enders Game right um
8923s when they discovered that they were just
8925s playing a computer game but they they
8926s actually were killing real people in a
8928s war or real aliens uh another species of
8931s course they're completely screwed with
8932s their minds and they had been utilized
8933s for their fast reflexes and plastic
8935s brains I mean what if it turns out that
8937s while you've been playing Eve online you
8939s have been actually flying drones in in
8940s the in the Middle East right yeah that
8943s would be uh pretty scary to be honest
8946s that will ruin everything I mean you
8948s certainly I I would you know guess that
8950s you're not sorry guys are they no um we
8952s can't ask him but but you are also
8955s fueling other parts of the machine if
8957s you like yeah there's kind of big
8959s industrial entertainment slash military
8961s slash all sorts of complex it yeah you
8963s know I know that the people who do fly
8964s the drones do play computer games right
8966s because and people who drive Formula One
8968s cars practice incessantly on simulators
8971s yeah exactly
8972s um so at what point does that reality
8974s crossover or do you keep it totally
8976s separate in your life it's just this is
8978s just that thing and it doesn't influence
8979s my daily life at all as I say it's just
8981s that thing okay I would say uh because
8984s again I've never actually really thought
8985s about that like what was evils actually
8987s like you know it actually happened but
8989s at the same time we had to take
8990s consideration
8991s you're going from concert Galaxy to
8993s Galaxy there's so many galaxies as well
8995s yeah so you know someone from one Galaxy
8998s doesn't care about the next galaxy
9000s so I mean there is this element of Ready
9003s Player one right in all of this as well
9004s at some point yeah at some point you're
9006s just gonna lie down on your couch and
9007s say actually I enjoy this world more
9008s than the real one because the real ones
9010s sort of you know degrading whereas I am
9013s a master in this universe I can make
9015s this one what I want I am a boss whereas
9017s actually I'm just a waitress in a
9019s restaurant in in the real world but in
9021s this one man I'm the most famous person
9023s in that Galaxy so yeah so I mean I I
9026s used to play computer games a lot and
9027s you know they were nothing like this
9029s immersive level but now I watch them and
9032s I watch my son play them and I watch you
9034s know I hear about other people I
9036s is there a sense that you know you would
9038s want to retreat if I gave you the option
9039s now right fully immersive VR game lie
9041s down on the couch would you check out
9042s you know this is a William Gibson type
9044s stuff right oh mate or would you stay in
9046s this world and say well actually you
9048s know I do like real trees and not you
9049s know ask me that again in 50 years
9052s um that's what I would say ask me that
9054s in 50 years and because that's when you
9056s think the technology will be available
9057s or because you're good to see how the
9059s world's going yeah so I mean new Eden's
9061s a dark and gritty place um it's a
9064s dystopia essentially there's chaos
9067s brutal destruction death and everything
9069s all over the place
9072s brutal yeah the good thing about having
9074s a dystopia as the setting is allows
9077s people in groups to create their own
9078s personal Utopias in terms of what they
9081s want to do if you give if you make a
9083s game like a Utopia then that's your
9084s interpretation of what Utopia actually
9086s is yeah and so before we came on I was
9089s talking to CC convict and I was telling
9091s them about the panel yesterday and I was
9092s we ended up in this like philosophical
9094s bit for a while and it was really quite
9096s fun to talk about and I was like kind of
9098s hoping we would end up back there again
9099s yeah it was super interesting to talk to
9101s you before I go to head off and have a
9102s bit of a break
9103s um but stuck around because the main
9105s attraction of the day is of course uh
9107s the new expansion Havoc which is coming
9110s pretty soon and we're going to tell you
9111s all about it in a short while so I've
9113s been seeing people this would be Mark
9114s for Cochran from the European space
9116s agency and of course chaos so see you
9118s guys later thank you very much
9161s foreign
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9500s foreign
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9574s foreign
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9649s foreign
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9721s foreign
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9781s thank you
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9838s thank you
9844s foreign
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9881s foreign
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9914s [Music]
9932s foreign
9934s hello CSP overload here once again at
9937s Fan Fest 2023 and we are on day two
9941s we're about to go into the Eve online
9943s Havoc uh discussion presentation all the
9946s stuff that we teased yesterday all the
9947s stuff we started to show you in the
9949s keynote uh you get to get a bit more
9951s information about it right now the gates
9954s are open to zarzak you can go see some
9956s of the new tech we saw in the The Art of
9958s Aviv some of the the the the cool things
9961s that have been built by our platform
9962s team to just bring this whole thing
9964s together and of course zarzak holds a
9966s lot of mysteries that are still waiting
9967s to be answered and let's go down to the
9970s main stage right now and check it all
9971s out
9982s thank you
9994s sarsak
9996s has been waiting
9999s an ancient Nexus
10003s [Music]
10008s now ruled by the insurgents
10011s The Fearless
10013s [Music]
10014s the deathless
10019s trust is rare among Our Kind
10025s yet here you are
10028s held by my invitation
10032s I offered you a Haven of Fortress hidden
10037s from the
10046s I have given it life
10049s it feeds on me
10052s and in return
10054s it yields
10056s knowledge and gifts
10060s power
10065s tear your forces for the chaos on the
10069s front lines
10071s harness the might of capsules of the
10074s promise of riches
10079s and together
10081s we will unlock zorsak's secrets
10086s one
10088s bye
10091s one
10127s hello capsules
10130s and welcome
10132s [Applause]
10134s the Havoc expansion is coming to Eve
10138s online on the 14th of November I'm
10140s excited I hope you're excited it's going
10143s to be amazing
10145s we have a lot of amazing does here who
10148s are going to be going into all the juicy
10150s details and stats for the expansion and
10153s are you ready
10154s are you ready
10159s they'll also be sharing with you some of
10161s the foundations that have been laid to
10163s get us to this moment as well as what
10166s the future looks like Beyond havoc
10169s so you're going to want to stick around
10170s for this one
10172s an important part of engaging in
10175s corruption or suppression and preparing
10178s for the future of war is building up and
10181s strengthening your organizations through
10183s valuable connections that you make with
10185s other capsuleers
10188s to share more on this I'd like to
10190s welcome to the stage CCP ghost
10193s [Applause]
10203s hello Fan Fest
10206s [Applause]
10208s so over the last 20 years there has been
10211s countless amounts of people myself
10213s included that I wanted to get to the
10215s bottom of the Eve Magic
10218s what is it about our game that causes
10222s countless stories to happen about spying
10226s betrayal vast destruction and incredible
10229s data points such as the fact that
10233s 73 percent of us claim to have made a
10236s friend as a result of playing Eve online
10239s and why do we have almost 80
10243s 000 active players for more than a
10246s decade in our game
10254s and believe me this has been studied
10256s widely we've had university courses
10259s taught on Eve we've had some of the top
10261s tier universities in the world wanting
10263s to get to study our data set we've
10265s haven't had people having their
10267s doctorate studies on this thing
10270s and one thing keeps coming up
10275s do you want to guess it
10282s friendship absolutely but I told you
10285s that a couple years ago what is behind
10287s the friendship
10290s clearly
10292s you're the only audience that would say
10293s that
10294s it's organizations the answer is
10297s organizations it's you people the corpse
10301s and the groups you organize the chat
10303s groups the alliances and there is
10305s something seemingly if I may say magical
10308s that happens here
10309s and CCP has now been studying this
10311s phenomena for years and through
10314s countless interviews with you the
10316s players surveys data Gathering many
10319s meetings with the CSM and More We
10321s believe We have found a few crucial
10322s elements
10324s pertaining to the health of a good
10326s organization and subsequently the heart
10329s of the Friendship machine
10331s for example
10332s here you can see the player organized
10335s effort of the liftoff of CCP Burger
10340s and another example we discovered is
10343s that the most efficient organizations in
10346s onboarding new players into our game in
10348s a positive manner deploy similar tactics
10351s when it comes to stuff like creating
10354s newbie fleets with something we have
10357s topped the super Fleet formula
10360s would you like to see it
10363s all right let's run through it because
10365s we love some formulas
10367s so the superfleet formula goes a little
10369s bit like this first a recruiter finds
10371s new recruits
10373s and then that recruiter or an FC gives
10375s everyone the same ship
10378s following that the recruiter or the FC
10381s gives each new recruit a role that they
10383s can understand
10388s and then specific behavioral
10389s instructions are given such as find this
10392s target shoot it then
10394s shoot targets of that type that approach
10398s newly formed group is then taken into
10400s combat with a specific intention that
10402s they will all die together
10405s so killing
10412s and after this happens the recruiter or
10413s the FC explains that this was okay this
10416s was a bonding exercise
10419s and the recruiter then replaces all the
10421s Lost materials
10422s and then finally this is repeated and
10425s scaled up with increased adversity and
10427s complexity
10428s and this setup seems to be one of the
10431s crucial ingredients in the fact that 14
10434s of all brand new players
10437s that have played Eve less than 10 hours
10440s claimed to have made a friend as a
10442s result of playing the game
10445s we also found that good groups spent
10447s considerable resources and making sure
10449s players always have something to do in
10451s our game that their activity and
10453s interest-based groups to congregate in
10455s to find camaraderie a purpose to align
10457s behind situations where trust building
10460s can Thrive and connections be made and
10463s massive resources massive massive
10465s resources are devoted to making sure
10467s players have regular access to Fleet
10470s play and opportunities to have
10471s Cooperative kills together mentors
10474s available reasons for direct trading and
10476s a plethora of scheduling activities
10478s together
10479s and the deeper we went the more we've
10482s come to realize that we want to
10484s prioritize healthy group formation in
10486s our game
10487s not only the initial Connections in the
10489s onboarding phase but also the maturing
10491s of a group and the deepening of
10494s friendships
10495s and so
10496s one of our focused for the next few
10499s years at CCP will be the following
10502s mission statement we aim to create or
10504s Foster scenarios where existing players
10506s can meaningfully connect play and
10509s progress with each other and new players
10511s in an environment of purposeful
10514s friendship
10515s because as we can proudly state
10520s you are somebody other people want to
10523s play with and you eaten and that is a
10525s fact when you come into new Eden as a
10527s new person not knowing anybody there are
10529s literally thousands of people and
10531s hundreds of groups waiting for you and
10533s wanting to onboard you into their
10535s adventures together and that is an
10537s amazing thing to be able to say about
10539s our world
10541s and so in Viridian we introduced
10545s Corp projects we introduced Homefront
10548s operations and we introduced air
10550s opportunities
10552s core projects with the aim of giving you
10554s the tools to better organize meaningful
10556s activity and clearer contributions to
10558s your group
10559s Homefront operations to provide a venue
10561s to practice small Fleet play with
10563s different roles through fun adventures
10565s that can be lucrative and air
10567s opportunities with a long-term plan of
10569s air opportunities being your One-Stop
10571s shop to find everything you can to do
10574s right now and with relevance to who you
10576s are
10578s and introducing something like core
10580s projects into Eve is a complex
10583s undertaking to say the least there are
10586s so many potential paths to go so we
10588s decided to release a simple version of
10591s what we were envisioning for the Corp
10592s projects in the first go and to see how
10595s you the players would use it and what
10598s you would mainly request as additional
10600s features so in the first version we had
10603s five contribution methods to deliver an
10605s item to damage capsuleer to mine
10608s unclassified meaning you describe the
10611s parameters and to kill an NPC and
10614s packaged with this we have manual payout
10617s system and then we introduced a dynamic
10620s home UI called the air opportunities to
10623s find stuff to do now and according to
10625s your interest in relevance
10626s and to find more features to engage with
10629s as well and this is also where we
10631s decided to place the new home front
10633s operations
10634s which is a group of brand new missions
10637s designed with the intent of offering
10639s exciting Adventures for Cooperative
10641s Fleet play
10643s and we are happy to see that these
10645s missions seem to be widely used by
10647s veteran players taking a group of less
10649s experienced players out to teach them
10651s about roles and Eve and show them
10653s Adventures
10654s and since we all love the data here is
10658s some insights for you the most popular
10659s dungeon out of the homefront operations
10661s has been entered 26 603 times and 45 of
10668s all the players using it are less than
10669s three months old so new players
10671s and the average completion time is 12
10675s minutes
10676s with the average reward per completing
10678s character being 26 million isk
10682s and the most active dungeon has given
10685s out a total of 2.5 trillion Ishq in
10689s Rewards
10691s so with our goals set we wanted to be in
10694s a strong position to also be able to
10696s learn about healthy organizations and
10698s how you might develop using these new
10700s tools and these new features and we
10702s thought that we should strengthen our
10704s ability to monitor these key elements
10706s mentioned previously so valuable to
10708s group and friendship building in Eve and
10710s see if these new systems and other
10712s additions to our game could help more
10714s healthy organizational and friendship
10716s building take place
10718s our new connections being made our older
10721s ones being deepened our organizations
10723s thriving or not
10725s and so alongside our project we've
10727s developed something that we're calling
10728s the Friendship index
10731s and we are happy to report that after
10733s the first Homefront deployment in
10735s Viridian we are seeing a healthy upward
10737s trend line in the Friendship index what
10739s this means for you data nerds out there
10741s is that we have a weighted index of
10744s eight social factors in our game
10745s previously mentioned and since Viridian
10748s we've been seeing a healthy uptick in
10750s corp member logins
10752s at the same time and direct trade
10755s contacts added with positive standing
10758s Co-op kills and cast donations what this
10762s means in other words is that you are
10763s playing more together
10765s a lot of you are giving each other more
10767s presence
10768s and your Social Circle is growing which
10770s is fantastic thank you
10779s and this is just a little bit of a peek
10781s under the hood of some of the
10782s developmental monitoring we do and the
10785s health metrics we are now prioritizing
10787s to help us keep track in building
10789s stronger organizations with all of you
10792s but the most important of information
10794s for us always keeps being player
10797s feedback and reception to the things we
10799s put out there and so after court calls
10802s in the Meridian launch we've seen that
10804s this has been well received and believe
10807s me we have been monitoring your feedback
10809s constantly CCP Nomad spent many a night
10812s scouring the internet to try to find
10815s every piece of feedback that was out
10817s there
10818s and a couple of
10820s couple of uh days later when we picked
10822s them up from the mental hospital he told
10825s us all about it
10827s but uh all joking aside the feedback has
10829s been great and we implemented it
10832s straight into our product Vision
10833s actually and and the prioritization for
10836s the next launch which is happening in
10838s November and to tell you more about what
10840s exactly that is here he is in the flesh
10844s the creative lead for the home front
10846s initiative CCP Nomad thank you
10860s hello Fun Fest
10868s so uh cispy ghost has said we checked
10872s all your feedback and that is how we
10874s prioritize the features for November
10876s I'll start with the most requested one
10880s payment integration to project
10883s so this will help
10885s provide you the creators of those
10888s projects with the ability to associate
10890s to assign payments to
10893s reward your members for contributing to
10896s the projects automatically
10903s the projects are now set and forget from
10906s the point of view of the creator
10908s the design we are implementing is based
10911s on a escrow system so essentially the
10914s moment you create a project and
10915s Associate a payment with the
10918s contribution then the total sum is taken
10920s out of the corporation account that you
10922s have set as active that you have the
10924s access to
10925s and then the escrow distributes the
10927s rewards to the contributors
10929s proportional to to the contributions
10932s they have made
10934s for example your Corp needs Fiverr
10936s events
10938s so you have the project manager role you
10941s create a project and the you use the
10944s deliver item contribution method for
10946s that project
10948s and since you have additional overall
10950s giving you access to one of the core
10951s wallets you can associate a payout with
10954s that project
10955s you set it at 250 million per
10957s contribution which means per one or even
10960s delivered to the Project's hanger
10963s and the whole project costs the
10965s corporation one point 25 billion ISC
10970s and that is the amount taken from the
10972s Corp wallet on Project creation and
10974s you're done you don't have to follow up
10976s with any payments
10978s the project run itself
10981s so now if you are a member or a
10983s potential contributor to the project you
10985s want to contribute to it you have two
10987s spare Raven holes in your Hangar for any
10990s reason
10991s so you just drop them to the corporation
10993s projects hunger
10996s and that gives you 500 million reward
10999s for you to claim
11001s the contribution you have made is
11003s visible on the project as well as the as
11006s the reward that you have earned
11008s you claim the reward and 500 million is
11011s goes from the escrow to your personal
11014s wallet the project stays active since
11016s there are still three Ravens left to be
11020s delivered and paid for
11021s and that's it that's how the the system
11024s works should be pretty simple
11027s so it's worth to note
11030s that the total amount of risk available
11031s for each project will be visible on the
11034s particular project itself but also the
11036s total sum of money available on the
11039s table let's say will be visible in the
11040s corporation window so your members will
11042s be like I can earn 5 billion is doing
11044s stuff for the Corp that's great
11046s so this will be a signature of a healthy
11048s Organization for all the members that
11051s are interested into this stuff like they
11053s want to see how is my organization how
11056s healthy it is so this will be a good
11058s indicator
11060s the second upgrade to Ink
11064s the project manager role
11067s so you've been guys asking for it
11069s because it's been only CEOs and
11071s directors that were able to create those
11073s projects so far and we wanted to be able
11076s to delegate it to to other people
11077s without necessarily giving them
11080s access to stuff they probably shouldn't
11082s have
11085s so this should be good and that's how
11087s the project delegation looks like in
11088s your corpse we imagine
11092s they're so happy
11096s and related to this is a quality of life
11099s feature allowing you to clone projects
11102s essentially just copying the parameters
11103s of an existing project where they're
11105s canceled or completed or or active to to
11108s a new project so less clicking class
11110s writing less effort for all those new
11113s project managers
11114s and finally
11116s seven new contribution methods seven new
11119s project types so we released five in
11122s June this gives you guys in total you
11124s all in total 12 project types that
11127s you'll be able to create for your
11128s corporation
11129s that means more play Styles can be
11133s recognized by the corporation and the
11136s contributors can be rewarded for it
11139s so starting with my favorite remote reps
11142s [Applause]
11154s so the remote repair armor and remote
11156s put Shields those are two types of
11158s projects and they they will provide The
11160s Lodges with all the recognition
11162s within the Corp
11164s so maybe this is not logic yet as CCP
11168s ratat said yesterday we are getting
11171s there too but this this actually allows
11174s the corporation to financially
11177s incentivize the members to fly Lodi
11180s because they they will be not only
11182s recognized their effort will not only be
11185s recognized in the corporation by making
11187s them visible as contributors to the
11189s projects but also they can actually earn
11191s money for wrapping people
11194s so the available options here
11197s where that you can set up is the you can
11200s select the location solar system in
11202s particular in which you want to consider
11206s the contributions as made to this
11208s project prepared ship type if you want
11210s to incentivize or if you want to reward
11213s your members for wrapping some types of
11216s ships more than others if if it's needed
11219s and then identity of the ship owner
11222s which means
11224s we want to wrap people from this
11227s Alliance more than from that one
11230s you have your own reasons
11233s no judging
11235s you can also put it as as far down as
11239s designating specific character that you
11241s may want to rep so maybe you are CEO and
11244s you want
11246s you know where this is going if you are
11248s this type of person do that
11253s kill capsuleer that's another
11255s contribution method so this is an
11257s addition to the
11259s deal damage to capsule project type that
11261s we released in June
11263s and we started with damage delivery to
11265s Foster Group Play
11267s but you've been asking for recognition
11269s for the actual killmase
11272s those things matter to you so here is a
11275s project type that we recognize the
11277s actual killer basically who gets the
11279s kill mail is the one who is contributing
11282s to the project
11284s so the options available here
11287s they are similar as in the remote reps
11289s you can specify in which solar system
11291s The Killing should happen
11293s what type of ship should be killed to be
11296s considered as a contribution if you want
11297s to Target specific types of ships maybe
11299s the enemy lodges you want to for example
11302s pay more for damage dealt to lodges than
11305s to other ships
11307s and the identity of the ship owner again
11310s just make sure you set this up correctly
11313s because you may incentivize your members
11315s to shoot each other
11318s which might be a good thing I don't know
11323s scan signatures
11325s so you are running a wormhole Corp
11328s yes yes yes
11337s wormholer by the way
11339s [Laughter]
11342s okay so so you're running a wormhole
11344s Corp and you have a hard time
11346s making all your members to keep your
11349s home scanned at all times so maybe this
11351s will help or or maybe you are the person
11354s that actually relentlessly is scanning
11357s all the signatures all the time every
11360s day maybe finally the Corp will start
11362s paying you for it
11366s so the options here allow you to set up
11369s the solar system where the signature
11370s where the signature is and the signature
11372s type so you can reward the people you
11375s you can reward the members more first
11376s kind of sign signatures in your home
11378s system versus another systems or for
11380s scanning wormholes only rather than any
11383s type of signatures for example
11386s capturing the fan faction Warfare
11388s complex
11395s so as you may have noticed we have been
11397s strengthening the functional Warfare
11399s gameplay for some time so it was just
11401s suitable to for this to be reflected in
11404s the car projects as well
11405s so if you're running a militia
11407s Corporation you will be able to better
11408s guide your members
11410s about the objectives for today which
11413s system we need to capture which system
11415s we need to defend
11417s and for the members they will always be
11419s aware What What In which direction they
11422s should go what what they should be doing
11424s so the options here the again there's
11427s two types of projects it's separate type
11429s of project for capturing and separate
11430s for defending and the option Fields
11433s gives you
11435s the way to communicate to your members
11438s what are the objectives to objectives
11439s today which systems to capture
11442s also the complex type allows you to
11445s reward people differently for different
11448s type of complex because different types
11450s of complexes have different
11452s values added to the victory conditions
11455s of particular system
11457s so that's the way to incentivize them or
11459s maybe even you have a corporation that
11460s is not enlisted in the factional Warfare
11463s you can still create that project and
11466s then select specific faction or maybe
11468s not
11469s to to incentivize a group of members
11472s that maybe are directly enlisted in your
11474s Corp to actually do something or keep
11476s doing something
11479s so
11481s this looks odd huh
11483s so everyone so far had cool pictures of
11485s spaceships and explosions but some of us
11487s prefer spreadsheets
11489s just imagine doing Excel on this screen
11494s manufacture item
11496s this project type should improve the
11498s organization and in industrial
11501s corporations
11503s the option Fields here is the item type
11507s where you select what type of item you
11509s want to to be manufactured
11512s who should be the job owner whether that
11515s should be a private job installed by the
11517s character for themselves or should that
11519s be a job installed on behalf of the
11520s corporation
11522s and the location of the facility so the
11524s combination of choices here allow you to
11526s create different scenarios where you for
11528s example can you can first create a
11530s deliver item project to Source the
11532s materials first and then create this
11535s this project to actually ask someone to
11538s build the thing and you can specify
11540s where it should be built maybe you have
11543s higher taxes there I don't know
11545s and
11546s about the individual and Corporation so
11549s the corporation doesn't benefit directly
11551s from private jobs let's say but maybe
11553s you're running a program where you want
11554s to show the ropes to the rookies you
11557s want to incentivize them to do something
11558s to build something that can be useful or
11561s maybe you just want to incentivize your
11563s members to build something in your
11565s competitors HQ to raise their industrial
11568s index that's up to you
11572s so
11574s what all these upgrades amount to
11577s for the people who run the corpse it is
11580s better organization communication with
11582s your members and monitoring of what is
11585s going on and for the members it is
11587s visibility into the direction of the
11589s Corp and its health
11591s and an easy answer to the question what
11594s should I do now
11596s and of course money
11598s but that's up to you guys
11603s but wait there is more
11605s scary dude
11609s in addition to all the core projects
11611s upgrades we are also doing changes to
11614s the new player journey in Eve
11616s Now new players can start the air
11619s Adventure but they have to finish it
11621s fully or abandon it before they can try
11623s any other thing in the game
11625s so come November we're changing that now
11629s the NP is more will be more open
11632s allowing the new players to break off of
11635s it to try other things to maybe fly with
11638s you in athlete for a while and then come
11640s back to the npe and finish it at their
11642s convenience and they will be able to do
11645s that from the air opportunities window
11649s and the air opportunist window itself
11651s getting an upgrade
11653s so we are adding more types of content
11656s available there
11658s and we are utilizing the system of tax
11660s with combination of the information
11663s about your location and location on the
11665s account of the content to present you
11667s the opportunities that are available to
11670s you
11671s nearby and the opportunities that you
11674s might be interested in should be much
11676s easier to find
11679s so this should be familiar
11682s but let's make it a bit more scary
11685s killed 10 Drifters or sleepers in
11687s Abyssal space
11689s who struggles with this
11691s yes
11692s yes we know we've heard your feedback
11696s about it
11697s uh so this is pretty difficult challenge
11699s for those of you who don't know and it's
11701s not because Drifters are hard to kill in
11704s a piece of that space that's not the
11705s problem the problem is
11707s that you have no control over finding
11710s them there so it may take one attempt or
11712s 10 to find Drifters in the office of
11714s best ways to actually complete this
11715s Challenge and get the skill points
11717s because we all want that
11719s so this makes the rewards not very
11721s accessible we talked to a laboratory
11725s since the accessibility is their
11727s specialty
11728s and they came up with a solution
11731s their daily goals
11734s so for air the accessibility comes from
11737s the fact that you are able to choose
11739s your path to the end result like in the
11742s air carrier program here you are free to
11744s choose which goals to complete to
11746s progress to the main reward of the day
11748s while iska never marks will be assigned
11751s to every single challenge the skill
11753s points will be awarded for completing
11756s two out of four challenges on a given
11758s day and it is your choice with
11760s challenges to pick
11762s so this should be much more accessible
11764s than hiding the skill points behind
11766s specific challenge
11769s thank you
11778s and on the theme of empowering
11780s organizations who are making the daily
11782s goals is rewards taxable by your
11785s corporations to fund all these projects
11788s evermark rewards will be duplicated for
11791s the corpse as per usual
11795s and we are moving the daily goals to air
11796s opportunities so we'll have a better
11798s overview of your progress towards the
11800s main reward but also you will be able to
11802s see more details of each particular
11804s challenge
11807s and the final note
11809s every day the goals the set of goals
11812s will be the same for all of you
11814s that means it will be much easier for
11816s you to complete them all at once with
11818s all your ads
11822s [Applause]
11828s so this is what's coming in the November
11831s expansion core projects air
11833s opportunities and NP and air daily goals
11836s and I would like to share a glimpse of
11838s what is coming to core projects after
11839s that
11841s just a glimpse
11849s does it look good
11851s all right
11853s so because there's another thought that
11855s I would like to leave you with and it
11856s needs just a short introduction
11859s last year we released the Air carry
11861s program in which we provided with a
11863s couple hundred goals that we created for
11865s you and these goals are unlike any other
11867s challenges present in the games in the
11869s game before they are not missions that
11871s you need to sign up for but rather
11873s challenges that monitor your progress
11875s nonetheless and
11877s they just wait for on for you to cause a
11880s specific event
11882s and that allowed us to create some weird
11885s missions like spent the isk on the
11887s market
11888s or enter that space or make one
11891s blueprint copy or lose a ship those are
11894s pretty unusual challenges compared to
11896s what was in the game before because this
11898s thanks to this technology
11901s anything can be a mission
11903s any type of action you can take in the
11906s game can be monitored and have a
11908s challenge made for it and this is great
11910s because we can create a variety of
11913s content for you
11914s however
11916s the most meaningful content in the game
11918s is created by you
11921s and this technology allows us to give
11923s you the tools to create missions tasks
11927s and challenges for others
11929s the people among you
11932s the people among you
11936s some shy clapping don't be shy this is
11940s great
11948s so the people among you who run
11949s corporations will easily be able to
11951s communicate with the members and monitor
11954s their progress and reward them for it
11956s and for the members of the strong
11958s organizations they will always have an
11960s answer to the question what should I do
11963s now
11964s that is all from me
11967s please welcome on stage CCP Mischief
11969s thank you
11978s [Music]
11981s hello Fun Fest
11986s so lovely to see you all here I'm CCP Ms
11990s Chief a product manager for Eve online
11994s like all of you here I love games
11998s they've been a massive part of my life
12000s ever since I can remember
12003s and for as long as I can remember I've
12006s always wondered how to make each of the
12009s title I've tried a little bit better for
12011s me and for other players
12014s and now
12016s being a product manager at CCP I get to
12020s do this for Eve online and for all of
12023s you guys
12024s because without you there is no Eve
12029s I still remember my first days at CCP
12032s almost five years ago
12035s coming to a new country starting a new
12038s job
12040s working on a new title
12042s it was exciting
12044s but challenging
12046s will I be able to find my people
12049s am I going to make friends
12051s will I be able to call Iceland home one
12055s day
12058s even though I was surrounded by people
12060s with the same passion connecting with
12063s them still took me a while
12065s and the same applies to all of you
12068s capsuleles in New Eden by default there
12071s is a potential to make a new friend
12073s you're all there playing the same game
12076s there is a shared interest
12079s but Eve is vast with hundreds of things
12082s to do and that's when things get a
12085s little bit tricky
12087s so is there something that we CCP can do
12091s to help you on that Quest
12096s during last year's FanFest CCP ratati
12099s talked about the impact that the
12101s self-expression has in building a sense
12104s of belonging and finding your tribe
12107s this was the very first time you've
12109s heard about possible customization
12111s options in development pipeline to be
12114s added to help you fulfill that task
12119s since then Corporation and Alliance
12122s emblems were added
12124s as player corporations are at the core
12127s of social interactions in Eve and the
12130s key to unlocking and forming
12133s long-lasting relationships that was the
12137s very perfect first step
12139s corporations and Alliance emblems are
12143s available to purchase for evermarks in
12145s Paragon stores for all existing ships in
12149s the game and All Ships released this
12152s year including the ones coming in
12154s November will get their dedicated sets
12157s with Havoc expansion
12161s now with Empires being at War
12164s and Pirates raging through new Eden it's
12168s more meaningful than ever for you to be
12171s able to show your Allegiance by fitting
12174s a faction emblem on your ship
12179s and for those of you who are proud of
12182s your professions career emblems would be
12185s a great addition
12187s both types
12189s are will be available in the near future
12192s with custom emblems following farther
12195s down the line
12204s we are also looking into enabling custom
12207s emblems fitting on structures but more
12210s about this in just few minutes
12212s speaking of structures
12215s homes and safe havens for many a source
12219s of headache for some
12221s in Viridian expansion
12224s a new tool that allows structured design
12227s creation was introduced by paragon
12230s thanks to Skinner you can now create a
12233s custom look for any of your standard
12236s Apple structures by mixing and matching
12239s available Nano coatings
12241s and wow
12243s e2q only
12245s 193 seconds to be precise
12249s to customize the first fortazar
12251s courtesy of holy roaming Empire
12255s and here are a few more examples of your
12258s creativity
12261s you seem to like pink a lot
12267s and let's not forget about the 30
12271s billion one DQ keepster design auction
12274s result
12278s surprise surprise it's pink
12284s this made our day we love seeing you
12288s guys finding creative ways to interact
12290s with Eve and with each other
12294s and I'm pleased to say
12296s that this was just the beginning
12298s in the following months the tool will be
12301s expanded upon we will add a library of
12305s patterns and materials so you can
12307s elevate your designs to go from this
12315s to this
12321s I promise I didn't take a single penny
12324s from Brave to be featured here
12330s to ensure you have an abundance of
12333s options to choose from we will be adding
12336s new sets of all the materials narrow
12339s Coatings and patterns to purchase
12341s directly from the tool no travel
12343s required and some of them will be
12345s dropping as Rewards and loot
12350s Now by now some of you might be thinking
12353s cool Mischief but structure
12356s customization is for Corporation use
12358s only
12359s what is there for me an individual
12362s player
12363s well we got you
12365s we've heard you when you said we want
12368s more ship skins
12372s so how about
12374s we give you the option
12376s to create your own instead of giving you
12379s a limited variety to purchase
12390s yes
12391s the next obvious step for Skinner is to
12395s open it up and allow all of you
12398s to fully customize your ship look
12400s however you want to
12402s similar to structure designs
12405s you will be able to combine Nano
12408s Coatings patterns materials to create
12411s your own design
12413s that then you can turn into a permanent
12417s skin with simplex
12421s designs will be free and shareable
12424s but each individual has to convert them
12428s into a skin
12429s please don't quote me on this as
12431s everything is subjected to change at
12433s this point Twitter I'm also looking at
12435s you
12440s and again
12441s we will make sure you don't get bored
12444s with the choices all mention design
12446s components will be available to purchase
12449s for different currencies depending on
12451s the theme but primarily for evermarks
12453s and LPS so you can create Beauties like
12456s this
12459s and maybe that's a strong Maybe
12462s compete with Timbre for the best design
12464s one day
12467s and with addition
12469s of Corporation and Alliance palettes
12472s you can make sure that everyone wears a
12475s uniform when in battle
12478s now we are aiming to get you the
12482s foundation of the ship skin design tool
12485s in 2024.
12488s is that all
12490s not quite yet
12492s designs is amazing and skins as amazing
12495s as they are and will be are only just
12498s the beginning of what soon you will be
12500s able to do to express yourself in the
12503s new Eden
12506s they say a picture is worth a thousand
12509s words
12509s so let me show you few examples
12513s of what soon within the next three years
12517s will be available for you
12521s let's start with structures and
12523s surrounding space
12532s [Music]
12549s and one more example
12555s [Music]
12556s soon you will be able to control your
12559s lights on structures
12561s display your favorite people's hologram
12563s on them
12567s use animated sculptures
12573s or put up statues
12589s display custom banners
12591s foreign
12593s or even create them
12598s fit emblems
12601s use effects like fireworks
12605s [Music]
12611s or volumetric clouds
12625s [Music]
12633s and a very similar treatment can be
12637s applied to the insides of the structures
12640s let's take a peek
12643s you will be able to control the mood of
12646s the stations by controlling lighting
12648s access points and of course adding
12651s banners
12652s [Music]
12654s showcase the best performance in your
12657s organization
12665s reward the biggest contributors with
12667s their hologram and station and their
12669s achievements
12673s foreign
12674s [Music]
12676s ex project
12678s [Music]
12682s or control ship dog lights
12691s and last but not least
12695s what about chips
12699s in the near future you will be able to
12701s fit emblems functional ones and custom
12703s ones
12707s of course create your own custom skins
12714s but also add activation effects
12721s or enjoy achievement based skills
12726s [Music]
12733s [Applause]
12739s thank you
12754s foreign
12756s use custom ship trails or even sound
12760s effects
12763s all for your pleasure to combine however
12767s you want to to show us your true colors
12771s this might get you some friends
12775s or some Torpedoes delivered straight to
12777s your hall
12779s so it's time to start earning and saving
12782s up those evermarks because you are going
12785s to need them
12787s and we also have a few things in store
12789s for that
12791s in response to your feedback and great
12794s TSM suggestions we've decided to improve
12797s how Paragon missions work
12800s all I can say right now that there will
12802s be more variety of those with a better
12805s access
12807s we're also looking into enabling
12810s corporations to have Paragon
12812s representatives in their stations to
12814s make items delivery headache free
12824s new daily challenges and by new I mean
12827s new ones not the ones that are in the
12830s client at the moment
12832s will provide you a new source of
12834s evermarks and of course transaction logs
12837s for both evermarks and LP
12840s will help you individuals and your
12843s organizations to track your earnings and
12846s spending
12849s okay there's one more thing before I go
12852s Hot Topic since yesterday on Twitter
12855s who here wants to see cat ears in the
12859s game hands up
12863s [Applause]
12866s thank you very much don't worry or worry
12869s we're not adding those
12872s body you did help me win a bet
12877s thank you very much for your your all
12880s attention I can't wait to see you all in
12883s space in your custom-made color for
12884s skins
12886s if you have any questions for what
12888s happened so far to ghost Nomad or me
12891s please come and see us at the panel room
12893s at 3 pm today and now welcome to the
12896s stage CCP psych with mold more details
12900s on the November expansion
12902s [Applause]
12913s hello everybody
12916s how are you doing are you having fun
12919s [Applause]
12921s are you excited with everything you have
12923s just heard
12926s cool
12930s so I guess you're ready to talk about
12931s how you are gonna bring chaos to the
12935s front lines
12937s no I guess the presentation is done
12941s yes
12943s so
12946s we are building on the foundations we
12948s created last November with the uprising
12951s expansion
12952s and more specifically
12955s direct Enlistment
12957s it unlocked aligning with the Empire
12959s militias without the need for you to
12961s leave your player Corporation
12964s front lines
12966s a new star system hierarchy based on
12969s relationships between neighboring system
12971s ownerships
12974s and the Advantage system a new attribute
12977s in functional Warfare which that created
12980s the opportunity for new content while
12983s the added value on how you capture and
12986s and the capture mechanics of functional
12987s Warfare
12991s so what is coming this November
12995s we have zarzak we're introducing a new
12997s star system with a unique environment
12999s and a unique rule set
13002s we have aligning with pirates with
13004s direct enlistment in place we are now
13006s taking aligning with NPC factions one
13009s step further
13011s we will give you the ability to enlist
13013s with one of two pirate functions
13017s pirate insurgencies
13019s capsuleles that align with pirate
13021s factions will have the opportunity to
13023s get in the versions and participate in
13027s new content
13030s corruption and suppression
13032s a new foundational mechanic for us two
13035s new attributes of star systems that can
13038s alter the rules within those systems
13043s we have new pirate LP stores with two
13045s factions that you will be able to align
13047s with and of course
13049s we have new ships we have destroyers we
13052s have battleships
13054s sorry battle Cruisers
13056s and we have an angel Titan
13059s [Applause]
13066s I want to take a pose here
13069s I won't stop for a minute and I want to
13071s try and create this
13072s this model with you so that you can keep
13075s it in mind throughout this presentation
13077s maybe throughout Fun Fest and even
13078s Beyond
13080s I want us to see how everything we built
13083s last November and everything we're
13085s building this November can come together
13087s how they fit together and how they can
13090s potentially be used in the future and
13092s unlock opportunities for us
13100s aligning with pirates so direct
13101s enlistment allowed us to expand on the
13104s ways capsule pledge allegiance to an NPC
13106s and Perfection and now we're using this
13109s to add pirates in the mix
13113s we have front lines that give us a star
13115s system hierarchy and our pirate
13117s insurgencies will allow pirate aligned
13120s players to rein havoc in the front lines
13122s and be rewarded with loyalty points
13127s we have the Advantage system that
13129s reinforced factional Warfare gameplay
13132s corruption and suppressor will reinforce
13135s the pirate Insurgency feature which you
13137s will hear about in a minute
13139s but also it unlocks a huge opportunity
13142s space for us to utilize in the future
13145s as these attributes exist outside of the
13148s systems that are in incursions
13151s keep with me
13155s so building strong foundations this
13157s means building and investing on the
13159s right technology for the future
13162s where our goals of core is to deliver on
13165s the ultimate sci-fi experience
13170s the technology that powers corruption
13171s and suppression allows us to create a
13174s link between Vanguard and Eve online
13178s from day one
13180s we aim to have Vanguard objectives
13182s affect corruption to a degree
13185s in specific systems in Eve online
13189s we are approaching this with an open
13190s mindset
13192s but at the same time we are being
13193s mindful of Eve's ecosystem
13197s we are taking the necessary precautions
13199s to not have the connection be too
13200s disruptive to start with and at this
13203s point
13204s building the ultimate sci-fi experience
13206s is a marathon
13208s we are taking it one step at a time and
13211s we're building strong foundations
13216s one last thing before we go into the
13218s details of November
13221s let us briefly see how the foundations
13223s were building so far can potentially be
13225s used
13226s and further shape the future of new Eden
13232s our future goals include
13235s saving the future and how Wars are
13238s fought saving the future of war in New
13241s Eden
13242s this can mean a few things
13245s so to complete our mental model let's
13248s add a few things in the future and in
13251s the things that the future may bring
13255s the design part as we have been
13257s introducing can have very interesting
13259s applications with tweaks in other spaces
13263s of space in other types of space
13267s this will lead to some major revamps
13273s that will inevitable touch on other
13276s related mechanics
13279s so I'm going to leave this for a minute
13281s there
13282s and when you're ready we'll continue
13287s okay
13289s enough about the future let's talk about
13292s November
13296s a place of wonder
13299s through weave Ops Epiphany you capsules
13301s discovered four Jovian Gates
13304s quite fast I might add
13306s and since yesterday these gates are now
13308s open and you can visit zarzak
13312s it's a system with a very special
13314s environment and a unique rule set
13317s the environment comes with dangerous as
13320s I think CCP for the showcased yesterday
13324s so explore at your own risk
13328s inside zarzak the deathless are building
13330s a ship caster which
13332s allow pirate aligned players
13335s to use and lots insurgencies in the war
13338s zones
13339s Pirates are establishing a new type of
13342s forward operating base in the war zones
13345s that they can use as their base and it
13349s will act as the landing pad for this
13351s ship caster
13354s the deathless have also established a
13356s base inside an ancient Jovian
13358s megastructure they call the fulcrum they
13361s have extended an invite to garistas and
13364s angels to join them
13366s and they will soon
13368s ask for capsular help
13370s to bring it to life
13375s aligning with pirates
13378s fulfilling the pirate fantasy
13382s so the gurusas and the angels are
13384s recruiting with a Netflix function you
13386s will be able to align with one of the
13388s two factions
13391s the enlistment process will be the same
13393s as it is with Empire militias and this
13396s means direct enlistment and also options
13399s for Corporation and alliances
13404s Pirates are of course at war with FW
13406s militias in their area of space meaning
13410s there are specific Rules of Engagement
13412s with the players that are aligned with
13414s those factions
13418s pirate aligned players can earn new
13421s loyalty points by raiding the war zones
13423s and through the Insurgency feature
13426s the eucharistas and Angel ships are
13429s unique to these LP stores
13433s pirate aligned players will also get
13436s some special benefits and access to
13438s zarzak that you will see in November
13444s corruption and suppression
13447s in our pursuit of defining the future of
13450s War we are building another foundational
13452s system in Eve online
13456s corruption represents the amount of
13458s criminal activity that is happening
13459s within a star system while suppression
13462s represents the scale of law enforcement
13464s operations in that system
13468s as corruption and suppression increase
13471s in the system they will trigger effects
13473s and they will alter the rules within
13475s those systems
13477s both can be active at the same time
13479s and you will hear more about this in a
13481s minute
13485s it's foundational work for us because we
13487s are looking at corruption and
13489s suppression As Natural traits of star
13491s systems even for those systems that are
13494s outside of ongoing insurgencies
13498s insurgencies will be the First Source
13500s but generate corruption and the way that
13503s corruption is being removed from systems
13505s while Vanguard will be the Second Source
13510s for now Vanguard will only affect active
13513s Insurgency systems
13515s corruption and suppression value reset
13518s its system following the completion of a
13521s pirate Insurgency
13523s some systems though
13524s we have heightened default values and
13528s this means
13530s pirate HQ systems we have an increased
13532s default corruption value
13535s meaning certain effects will always be
13537s active there
13539s and the same goes for the pirate for the
13541s Empire excuse me HQ systems and
13544s suppression which has different effects
13547s always active at those systems
13551s with that in mind
13553s and before I leave the stage I want to
13555s bring this one final View
13559s just keep it in mind while the rest of
13562s the presentation throughout FanFest
13565s and for the days to come
13567s now
13569s please welcome on stage CCP K1 P1
13582s hello Fan Fest
13586s I'm CCP k1p1 and now that CCP psych has
13590s laid out the foundations of the future
13592s of War let's dive into What pirate
13594s insurgencies are that that will come in
13596s the Havoc expansion in November
13601s so due to the effect of the ongoing
13603s factional War there are systems in new
13605s Eden that are weakened making them the
13608s perfect Target for the Pirates to raid
13610s from their zarzak base
13612s in these insurgencies a set of systems
13614s is selected to loot and as they loot
13617s they expand outwards setting their
13619s sights on more systems
13621s the Empire militias can respond and
13623s attempt to put down these this
13625s Insurgency and force them to flee
13628s while this is similar to FW mechanics
13630s there are a few key differences
13634s pirate insurgencies represent discrete
13637s asymmetric Warfare inside the war zones
13640s it has a beginning and an end as well as
13643s a winner and a loser
13645s the war zone for an Insurgency is
13647s dynamically created based on player
13649s activity
13651s and can stretch beyond the bounds of
13652s traditional factional Warfare space
13655s but for now they won't go into Null Sec
13658s or any system with a status of 0.8 or
13661s above
13663s while factional Warfare is a tug of war
13665s the insurgencies are a race
13668s so how do the war zone and the
13670s Insurgency interact with one another
13674s this is the factional Warfare map but
13676s the front lines command operations and
13679s rear guard systems
13681s this is the same map with a potential
13683s pirate Insurgency layer
13687s the Insurgency layer sits independently
13689s on top of the factional Warfare systems
13692s and can easily extend into non-fw space
13695s including High sec
13700s so let's go through the flow of how the
13702s Insurgency works
13704s pirate leadership or AI will select a
13707s set of systems for the Insurgency to
13709s begin
13709s and there they will place a pirate
13712s forward operating base
13715s the Insurgency then Sprints spreads
13717s three jumps in all directions from the
13720s starting system
13721s and the system will always be in one of
13723s three states
13724s Insurgency HQ where the pirate fob is
13727s active Insurgency with no fob or no
13730s Insurgency
13732s so it's similar to incursions
13734s but with players instead of NPCs
13738s so how do the Pirates and the Empire
13740s players
13741s impact from this point forward
13744s I'm gonna need your help
13746s so I want to take this middle section
13748s right here and you're going to be my
13750s pirate line players
13753s and I'm going to take this side and this
13756s side and you will be my Empire aligned
13758s players
13761s so I want you to keep in mind that
13764s everyone in the middle is fighting with
13765s everyone on the outside but at the same
13767s time you are also fighting with you
13772s so because you were lucky enough to sit
13774s in the middle and got here early you
13776s also get to use the ship Caster from
13778s zarzak which which will shoot you
13780s straight into your pirate fob into your
13782s Insurgency area
13785s so don't forget that I said that the
13787s pirate insurgencies are not a tug of war
13790s like factional Warfare but they're a
13792s race
13793s and once the Insurgency has started the
13795s race has begun
13797s pirate line players right here in the
13799s middle will seek to plunder the systems
13801s in the Insurgency Zone and increase
13802s corruption in that system
13805s and at the same time the FW militias on
13808s the side will be acting as the law
13809s enforcement to push back against these
13812s pirate raids and by increasing
13814s suppression in Insurgency systems these
13816s anti-pirates will attempt to put down
13818s the Insurgency and force the Pirates to
13821s flee
13825s fully corrupted systems like the one in
13827s dark purple
13828s will give the Pirates points and the
13831s opportunity to spread the Insurgency
13832s even further
13834s and fully suppressed systems like the
13836s one in green will give the Empire
13838s malicious points and the opportunity to
13840s stop the Insurgency altogether
13843s but how does it work
13845s well let's look at corruption first but
13847s I want to make sure that my Empires on
13848s the sides don't fall asleep because it's
13850s the same mechanics
13851s in order to spread corruption
13854s uh the pirate line players will need to
13856s complete specific activities to increase
13858s the level of corruption in that system
13861s and the corruption level will determine
13863s the types of activities that are that
13865s are available so for example in this
13867s system that we're looking at they
13868s haven't reached any stages of corruption
13870s so there's only one activity available
13872s the corporate Outpost rate which can be
13875s completed to progress corruption and
13877s receive Rewards
13881s so once you're pirate insurgents have
13883s reached stage one of corruption they
13886s will trigger the systemoid effects
13888s at that like that level
13890s now
13892s I do want to make it very clear
13893s that none of these system word effects
13895s are final
13896s and they are subject to internal testing
13898s and feedback and we'd love your feedback
13900s but I'm really glad then that this is
13902s not recorded
13906s so for example uh with that being said
13909s our first system-wide effect could be
13912s increased PVP loot drops
13914s by for pirate aligned players that with
13918s the player that kills the the player
13920s that deals the killing blow
13923s and because you reached stage one of
13925s corruption that also means that you've
13927s unlocked more activities
13928s so now you have two activities to choose
13931s from to in order to increase corruption
13933s and and uh increase the different types
13935s of rewards that your fellow Pirates can
13937s receive
13940s this will continue with every level of
13942s corruption uh that you achieve in the
13945s system and the system-wide effects will
13948s stack
13949s so every new stage of corruption will
13951s unlock new effects such as increased
13955s pirate gang spawns Empire police will
13957s stop spawning
13959s stage three could include Advantage
13962s decrease for system owners
13965s and stage four could possibly be warp
13968s speed multiplier for pirate insurgents
13971s now once you reach level 4 of corruption
13973s the Insurgency will also spread one
13976s system in every direction from that
13978s level four system
13980s and at level five
13982s Pirates will have reached maximum
13984s corruption but more on that in a bit
13986s because at the same time that everyone
13989s here in the middle is trying to increase
13991s corruption everyone on the on the
13993s outsides is also trying to increase
13995s suppression
13997s so the system affects but they can
13999s unlock through their hard work include
14002s increased pirate bounties
14004s increased militia LP
14007s reduced corruption gains in a system
14010s and triggers the spawning of edencom
14012s security forces
14015s stage four could add web scram range
14018s bonuses for Empire Pilots
14020s [Applause]
14025s and and once my answer pirates on the
14027s sides here reach level five of
14029s suppression that system is considered
14031s fully suppressed and you will receive a
14035s significant system effects like upgraded
14037s turrets deployed on stations and Gates
14040s and once you've reach level 5 of
14043s suppression that also means that the
14045s Pirates can never reach level 5 of
14047s corruption in that system
14050s and once you fully suppressed a
14052s predetermined number of systems let's
14055s say five
14056s then the pirate fob becomes vulnerable
14058s with only a single reinforcement timer
14063s and if my Empire empire militias on the
14066s side are able to successfully destroy
14068s that fob then they will have uh that
14071s they will claim victory and all
14073s capsuleles that participated in putting
14075s down the Insurgency will get rewards and
14077s bonuses
14080s on the other hand
14083s my pirates in the middle don't look so
14085s easily one
14087s and so if they reach maximum corruption
14089s they will trigger a meaningful change in
14091s the whole nature of the system and it'll
14094s depend on where the system is so for
14096s example if you reach maximum corruption
14098s in a system that's high SEC it'll start
14100s to look a lot more like low SEC and if
14102s the system is in low SEC it'll start a
14105s lot a look a lot more like nulsek
14110s and if they're able to successfully
14112s corrupt five systems then they will have
14114s won the Insurgency and the Pirates
14116s Pirate line players who participated in
14118s that Insurgency will receive rewards and
14121s bonuses
14123s so not only do you need to keep track of
14126s the corruption per system
14129s but you also need to keep track of the
14131s amount of systems that you have either
14133s fully suppressed or fully corrupted
14137s every fully suppressed or fully
14138s corrupted system will give your side a
14141s point
14142s and here
14143s you can see that the Pirates have won
14145s the Insurgency with their five fully
14147s corrupt systems
14152s but the system is self-balancing so the
14156s more insurgencies you win the more
14158s points you'll have to get next time due
14160s to the ambition modifier
14163s following the completion of an
14165s Insurgency the system will return to its
14167s previous owner with system control at
14169s zero percent and a new fob location for
14173s a new Insurgency will be chosen after
14175s some time
14176s and all of this information will be
14178s available to you in a dashboard not
14180s unlike the one you see before me
14184s so to increase the levels of corruption
14186s or suppression we are introducing four
14188s new pirate activities they are the
14190s corporate Outpost raid
14192s the pirate laundering Center or
14194s anti-pirate security post the mining
14197s Fleet Ambush and the warehouse rate
14201s so the corporate Outpost rate and the
14203s warehouse raid are an iteration on our
14205s FW complexes
14207s we got some really great feedback from a
14209s lot of our players and we aim to improve
14210s on the existing FW gameplay by making
14213s them more engaging with more things to
14215s shoot and more variation including a
14218s more even contest between the Pirates
14220s and the anti-pirates
14221s and like the FW complexes these
14224s activities will have a variety of values
14226s and sizes
14229s with the mining Fleet Ambush and the
14232s laundering Center and security post we
14234s are providing our Pirate players here in
14236s the Middle with the classical fantasy of
14239s raiding mining fleets and outposts and
14241s fighting off the Defenders while my
14243s militia members on the sides are able to
14245s play the hero and attempt to rescue the
14247s fleet or secure the outposts
14250s and I've got to tell you the amount of
14252s meetings that I've been in where we're
14253s talking about the classical pirate
14255s fantasy is really starting to make me
14256s have some really weird dreams
14260s so these activities provide a safe place
14263s for us to test new ideas and if you love
14266s them we would be able to backboard some
14268s of the gameplay into the FW complexes
14272s and of course successfully completing
14274s these activities will reward you with
14276s loot isk and LP
14280s speaking of LP
14282s as my pirate line players who's well
14285s done well done at picking the right seat
14286s you will receive either the garistas or
14289s the angel cartel Insurgent LP
14292s and this is comparable to the Empire
14294s militia LP that we introduced with the
14296s factional Warfare
14298s you can spend it in dedicated LP stores
14300s and purchase all existing and new pirate
14303s ship bpcs
14306s and since we're talking about pirate
14308s ships
14309s let's take a look at what you can fly
14311s come November
14319s behind door number one we have the Mamba
14323s the mekubala class destroyer a fast
14325s projectile boat that has a few turret
14327s hard points and a good damage bonus so
14330s you can choose between artilleries and
14331s auto cannons to fit your play style
14337s here you can see the details for this
14338s ship which you might have seen on TQ but
14341s it's including its 634 slot layout for
14344s your theory crafting
14350s behind door number two
14352s we have the Mamba class destroyer a
14355s light missile drone boat with extra
14356s drone capacity so you can launch
14357s refreshed waves of drones to attack your
14360s enemy complete with a 7-4-2 layout
14368s behold
14376s behind door number three
14378s we have the kids real class battle
14380s cruiser which is what you might expect
14382s from Angel designs with a brand new Hull
14386s the most agile battle cruiser with a
14388s falloff bonus and a 756 layout
14394s for your reading pleasure
14404s and our last store we have the alligator
14407s class battle cruiser which has a simple
14410s design a 764 layout and an added
14413s garista's bonus the alligator is only a
14416s bit faster than a drake but with a high
14418s DPS
14421s check out the teeth on this bad boy
14439s [Applause]
14447s there is the matter
14449s of one final ship
14464s the angel cartel has finally finished
14467s their designs for the long-awaited
14470s azariel class Titan and they are ready
14472s to reward capsuleers
14475s it is the ultimate hyperdunking platform
14478s with high damage and Mobility that make
14481s it particularly strong for hit and run
14483s tactics
14492s so I know you've seen this video before
14495s and it's a pretty video
14497s but here are the stats
14502s the ship has an 877 layout and will be
14506s well worth the wait
14520s you all need to be a little bit faster
14522s at taking pictures
14526s so in the next couple of months you will
14529s get an expanded Court projects Library
14531s daily goals pirate insurgencies pirate
14534s enlistment new activities and yes new
14538s ships
14539s and we can't wait to see what chaos you
14541s unleash with it all in new Eden
14544s we'll be in the the second stage with a
14547s panel if you have any questions on
14548s pirate insurgencies and pirate
14550s enlistment any of the ships we'd love to
14552s get your feedback and have your
14553s questions and we look forward to seeing
14555s you later today thank you
14557s [Applause]
14585s hi everyone I hope you enjoyed that
14587s stunning presentation about what's
14589s coming for you and Eve havoc in November
14590s there's a lot of stuff there to look
14592s forward to the biggest choice for me is
14594s do I sign up with the gristers or do I
14595s sign up with the angel cartel
14597s um for this little break between
14598s presentations though we're going to do
14600s something different instead of an
14600s interview we've got a bit of a show and
14602s tell for you because this weekend at Fan
14603s Fest we've had the guys from titanforge
14605s games who are working on the new e-board
14607s game called War for new Eden and they'll
14610s be demonstrating it to players all this
14612s time they've been getting an amazing
14613s response and we didn't want to miss out
14615s you go for you to miss out on seeing
14616s what's here as well so I'm joined by
14618s radic and Cuba from titanforge games
14620s thank you so much for joining me guys
14622s hello to everyone we are happy to
14624s finally be here at the Fun Fest this
14627s year yeah big shout out to everyone
14629s watching at home this is amazing we
14632s highly recommend coming here because the
14634s show is just spectacular and there's so
14636s many great people and great players and
14638s great people from CCP yeah thank you you
14640s only get to really try stuff out like
14642s this ahead of time at places like Fan
14643s Fest so we I don't have much time I mean
14646s there's so much to cover and I'm so
14647s hyped because there's lots of so many
14648s minis down here but first I just quickly
14650s want to ask so how did the collaboration
14651s between CCP and titanforge come about
14654s uh so in our company we have few if
14658s players I'm myself and each player I
14660s played for like five years so we are a
14663s company creating great Miniatures and we
14665s were looking to do some board game with
14668s a lot of minis we are mostly wargaming
14671s players strategy players so we wanted
14673s also something a game that includes that
14675s type of gameplay and we're looking what
14678s can we do and that can be unique
14680s compared to something that already
14682s exists in the market and at some point I
14684s just suggested hey maybe we'll do if
14685s online it was you know said great
14688s question of a joke at some point but you
14690s know somehow we are sitting here after
14692s that that conversation here so yeah and
14696s you've been demonstrating this to
14697s players here at Fan Fest so far all
14699s weekend what's the response been like
14702s so the first big thing about we have
14705s brought the where we have been working
14706s on a prototype for the last three months
14708s to bring everything in this pristine
14710s condition and to show you those great
14711s components and everything we have maybe
14714s made a little mistake we have brought a
14716s 200 percent scale version of the game
14719s that takes two tables and when anyone
14722s comes to our booth they're just asking
14726s yes yes yes so it has been amazing but
14729s we have been running demos we are taking
14731s your feedback guys we are listening to
14734s what you're saying we want we are making
14736s this game especially for you with you in
14738s mind and
14740s what was the question again how did you
14744s team up with us but I think you pretty
14745s much covered it was not only the first
14747s test for the if uh work for the newly
14750s then outside of our company yeah also
14752s probably the hardest test because the if
14754s Community is like very top quality
14756s players yeah yeah yeah so we were
14759s expecting you know a lot of criticism
14760s stuff like that yeah but actually
14762s everyone like Loved A lot of the things
14765s that exist in the game sure there are
14768s some things we they would see in a
14769s different way yeah but now we know what
14772s on what we can work to make the game
14774s even better after receiving all the
14775s feedback from Eve crowd nice well the
14777s first time I looked at it I could
14778s physically feel my pupils dilating just
14780s to take in more light because that's how
14782s amazing this looks
14783s tell us what is the objective of the
14785s game how does the game Flow like it's a
14788s four player game I can see there's a
14789s spot for an Empire at Each corner so
14791s just if you can and it'll come it won't
14793s be easy but can you give us a quick
14794s rundown of how the game is played
14796s so the game is like a like a classic
14798s Forex games uh
14801s who are players takes exercise as one of
14803s the empires existing in if online so
14805s it's quite a bit different experience
14807s from what you do in if online as a pilot
14809s of one of the empires or pirate factions
14812s or different corporations here we are
14814s all playing Empires that exist in the
14816s eve we're trying to develop our Empire
14818s create like new technologies new new
14822s developments like diplomacy economy
14824s things to gain more presence on the
14826s battlefield to deploy new ships and made
14830s them use the new abilities through the
14832s Technologies we discover new tiles size
14835s the control over them uh you know making
14837s that our sovereignty over the systems
14840s bigger
14841s [Music]
14848s so it is a classic Forex game in which
14852s you first you explore the the area
14854s around you you start with a small base
14856s you have limited resources and then you
14859s uncover this huge map of Cosmos and and
14862s you get to other parts you get rewarded
14865s for reviewing new part new parts and new
14868s systems so this is the exploration part
14871s and then then in the expand expand your
14874s Empire you can do it either by going
14875s wide and just getting as many systems in
14878s your control as possible or going high
14880s by focusing on some Key Systems and
14884s putting structures inside and just
14886s juicing up everything from them as much
14889s as possible so like the main objective
14892s of the game is like in probably most of
14893s the games is gaining control points the
14896s main way to receive them is by fighting
14898s your opponents and destroying their
14900s ships in the combat you will always
14901s receive some victory points but this is
14903s not the only way to generate them you
14905s can gain them through different actions
14908s that your function development that
14909s allows you for example you might be
14911s again you might be kind of a pacifist
14913s and you will be getting inventory points
14915s whenever someone recruits from a combat
14917s even if you are not taking the part in
14920s that battle you can also sell your
14921s minerals to gain some of victory points
14923s so you can be also a minor and maybe you
14926s will manage to win that happen in our
14927s latest few times it's harder but not
14930s impossible right you will still need
14932s some ships to defend your your systems
14935s but it will be not required to have that
14938s many as if you will go full offensive on
14940s some other players and try to size
14942s control over their systems right and I
14944s mean ships they are the key part of this
14946s game of course because there is just so
14948s much so many Miniatures inside over 100
14950s minutes
14951s divided into four factions each factions
14954s has eight different types of ships and
14957s they are not on the not only differ
14960s visually each faction has a different
14964s each factions ships have different
14966s statistics and abilities there is a huge
14970s element of developing your Fleet
14972s throughout the game as
14975s well you can't be a little bit too flat
14977s with your faction development deck you
14979s can unlock additional abilities of the
14981s ships so they start as those simple
14984s vessels and then you can specialize
14986s depending on what challenges you are
14989s surrounded by if you see that your enemy
14991s is focusing on small ship you will want
14993s some some fast Destroyer mediumship to
14996s get rid of them so most of the
14999s components that each faction have like
15001s the development decks their how to call
15005s it like a common sense that where they
15008s perform an actions it's exactly the same
15011s for each faction but what different
15013s faction is their ships some of them have
15016s exactly the same abilities because it's
15017s like their main uh main how to call that
15021s like main thing they do like for example
15023s Black Ops will just jump through from
15025s one system to another they don't need
15026s gate stuff like that but then each
15028s factions have their Black Ops having
15030s like slightly different abilities that
15032s will reflect the abilities that exist in
15034s the game
15035s so for example you know uh like a Golem
15038s will apply some kind of Target painter
15040s bonuses
15041s she will be able to use the drones to
15044s repair some other ships and something
15046s like that so right now most of spaces is
15049s hidden from view so you you reveal space
15052s as you explore and I assume that given
15054s the fact that all these tiles are
15055s modular you sort of like rearrange the
15057s board at the beginning of every game so
15059s it's never quite the same every time you
15061s start out
15063s what do you guys see on the stream right
15066s now this is at least for now like the
15069s whatever you will get in the core box
15071s like all the types cards ships we plan
15074s to include that in the base games what
15076s you see on the table I can see like
15078s there's four battleships over here got
15079s two Ravens two scorpions I've got
15081s several blackbirds I've got three serbs
15082s uh I've got I was gonna I was gonna say
15085s four five comrades but these are
15087s actually fly catchers the ship model
15088s tier two ships oh okay to the game
15092s for example when you unlock large ships
15096s if you are able to deploy your Widow but
15099s without uh yeah without completed
15103s utility or offensive and defensive
15106s systems that the numbers in the red and
15108s green circle the ship will actually feel
15111s like a tier one hole right so it won't
15113s have the the jump ability but once you
15116s unlock the Technologies to the
15118s development deck that ship will give you
15119s a feeling oh now I actually feel like
15121s I'm flying a tier 2 ship so it's exactly
15124s the same with other ships for example I
15127s don't know where is the someone stole
15129s the Golem from us I think it's here so
15132s this is like a pretty straightforward
15134s Battleship that will use his abilities
15136s just to fight and like no tricky place
15139s so you unlock the defensive and
15141s offensive systems tier two and it gains
15144s kind of like a
15146s uh his Bastion mode so you get that
15149s feeling oh now it feels like I'm flying
15151s here too but when it's just the basic
15153s hole it's just it gives you the feeling
15155s it's just a raven that's awesome we've
15157s only got like two minutes left now I
15159s want to show you just some of these
15160s tiles for the space off so can we flip a
15162s few of those over and just explain some
15163s of the symbology that's on them yeah
15165s probably that one because it's in the
15167s camera you might have to hold it up a
15168s little bit so people can see
15170s so it was uh looks like the caldari
15172s looking nebula on this one they differ
15173s by location but also the the closer you
15176s get to the center of the board the more
15177s immense the rewards are for controlling
15179s them so yeah I see these ones on the
15181s outside have all ones on them and then
15182s you've got twos and then threes in the
15183s middle yeah so it's like a tier list
15185s does it get closer so if you want the
15187s better resources you've got to move in
15188s and everyone's going to be doing the
15189s same thing so like be a big showdown in
15191s that yeah
15193s yeah so for example so on the tiles as
15197s you can see you might find some
15198s structures like raffinelli you can build
15200s also additional buildings like custom
15203s office or engineering complexes that
15205s give you like a passive income and
15206s allows you to build and deploy the ships
15208s in the systems they also have like an
15211s asteroids belts that will give you a
15213s passive minerals each turn and also some
15215s discoverable bonuses can be like a
15217s research points event cards all
15219s different things I never know what they
15221s bring yeah and there are some cool
15222s rewards in there one of the really
15223s things that I discovered before is the
15225s way that these drives work we don't have
15226s time to go all the way into combat the
15227s way the way these dice work that
15229s depending if you're flying a small ship
15230s like a frigate or a big ship like a
15232s battleship your road dice with a
15233s different balance of locking icons and
15235s damage icons so when you're using a
15237s small ship for combat you're always
15239s using the white dices if you're using
15241s the large shape you will be using the
15242s black dice the medium-sized ships like a
15245s cruiser in battle cruiser using the mix
15246s of both the types of dices so white
15248s dices have much more m m locks on their
15252s sides while the black one have more
15254s damage results so whenever you try to
15257s use small ship to hit any Target like a
15260s same size or bigger it will be way
15262s easier for you to lock it and start
15265s dealing that damage but the damage will
15266s be much lower that's one of the things I
15268s absolutely love when the penny drops me
15270s what you're explaining I'm like oh my
15271s God you've actually you found a way to
15272s show the relationship between scan
15274s resolution and signature radius for
15275s different ships because a frigate can
15277s lock a battleship very easily but it
15279s can't do much damage to it and for
15280s Battleship down to frigates vice versa
15282s I'm like I just love the fact that
15283s you're taking like trying to find ways
15285s to adapt eave mechanics into the board
15287s game format for the ship combo yes that
15289s was exactly the idea behind the Dutch
15291s system
15292s to make you know to transition that
15295s signature reduce locking time tracking
15297s everything that exists in if to the
15299s dices you know when my colleagues that
15301s didn't play Dave asked me like so a
15303s battleship destroying I forget I'm like
15305s that's not quite how it works yeah they
15307s can be fighting for a few days and no
15309s one will destroy anyone so everything
15311s that you see on the table right now is
15312s sort of the initial offering of the game
15313s yes if the board game is successful have
15316s you had any thoughts for where you might
15317s take it from here uh yes we have idea
15320s for like two medium to big size
15323s expansions one would be like people
15324s already asking where are the Pirates we
15327s could add them to the game we tried that
15328s but it's become a great bit too complex
15330s and we wouldn't be able to deliver the
15332s product we would want to I think the the
15334s Pirates especially now with all the
15336s updates you are creating deserve like a
15338s separate expansion and it might bring
15341s like a fifth player to the table which
15343s have way different rules of winning
15344s Empires now not gonna fight only against
15346s each other but now they will have the
15348s fifth player on the board that is
15349s messing with all of them at the same
15350s time and what's the last expansion the
15352s last one is about the wormholes T3 ships
15354s and slippers Drifters yeah I think that
15357s might be a cool idea to implement a new
15359s smaller board on the side and a bit
15362s extra customized ships that you can
15365s deploy that sounds amazing so this is
15367s going to be offered by a Kickstarter the
15368s kickstarter campaign is not active yet
15370s but if you go to kickstarter.com
15377s search for Eve online find the sport
15379s game put in your email address and hit
15381s notify just so that you can get an email
15382s when the kickstarter event does go live
15384s if the kickstarter is successful and we
15385s ship a bunch of these there'll be
15387s expansions these guys know what they're
15388s doing I've played their other games
15389s they're fantastic let's go back down to
15391s the stage
15392s hello it has been
15396s five long years since I last stood on
15399s this stage and actually had the
15400s opportunity to address this community
15403s um and I don't think I've ever
15407s empathize with someone quite as much as
15409s when CCP Burger was on the stage
15410s yesterday saying that being on this
15412s stage is kind of this happy place
15414s because in his safe place because just
15417s being here with the community honestly
15420s is
15421s um comforting in a way that's hard to
15423s describe so as they said about my name
15427s is Andrew grohan I read a book series
15428s called empires of Eve I've been writing
15431s about Eve online yes yes let's do a
15434s round of applause for empires of Eve
15435s yeah thank you hey we got a coffee in
15438s the audience
15439s appreciate that
15442s um
15444s so the first time that I ever came to
15446s Fan Fest was actually 10 years ago and
15449s the slogan for Eve online at the time
15451s was Eve online into the second decade
15453s and now I feel like that's actually my
15455s mission right now is heading into the
15457s second decade the grains keep slipping
15460s Through The Hourglass my friends it's
15461s terrifying
15462s so I wanted to use this as an
15465s opportunity to kind of give you guys an
15467s update on where empires of Eve is right
15470s now before we get into the rest of the
15472s presentation
15473s um to use this as an opportunity to show
15477s you or to tell you who I am first of all
15478s if you don't actually know who I am
15480s um
15482s and to see what I've actually been up to
15483s in the two years since Empire's review
15486s Volume 2 came out so in 2013 I was a
15490s journalist at wired when I decided to
15491s launch a Kickstarter to raise a simple
15495s amount of money to print a thousand
15497s copies of a book about Eve online that I
15499s was writing at the time and this
15501s community
15502s sight unseen and really without my
15505s having to ask for too much
15508s um decided to just overflow the funding
15511s for the project and allowed me to create
15514s the book that I always wanted to but
15517s never even really bothered to dream I
15519s would be able to have the space and the
15521s funding to be able to go and report and
15525s to interview everybody in the community
15526s and to to find the story that I always
15529s wanted to write and the experience of
15531s that fundamentally changed my life and
15533s I'm I'm still to this day I mean I'm
15536s here because of that initial trust that
15538s the community placed in me and um yeah I
15542s just can't I to this day I still feel
15544s warm fuzzies in my belly uh over that
15547s moment because it was one of the
15548s defining moments of my life then in 2018
15550s we did the campaign on Kickstarter for a
15553s sequel which attracted even more support
15554s and now to date empires of he was
15557s actually sold nearly 30 000 copies
15560s worldwide
15561s and uh it's just being even saying that
15565s is is absurd to me because like I said
15567s the whole mission in the first place was
15569s just to print a thousand copies of the
15571s book and I thought most of those were
15574s going to end up in my closet so I to be
15577s able to be here at this moment is um is
15579s incredible and I thank you all so much
15580s so uh last month I actually got a really
15584s incredible email kind of out of the blue
15587s from a museum in Spain called the
15591s espacio telefonica
15593s and they're creating a museum exhibit on
15598s Virtual Worlds and they wanted to
15599s include empires of Eve in their Museum
15601s exhibit this is a uh
15604s a screenshot or a a picture
15607s they're called pictures when they're
15609s real
15610s um
15612s of an exhibit that they did previously
15614s on digital misinformation it's a really
15616s wonderful place
15618s um
15619s and they do a lot of amazing things with
15621s technology in popular culture and so the
15624s Museum of the exhibit is called virtual
15626s world from Cyclorama to metaverse and
15629s it's going to be running from November
15631s 22nd 2023 through April 2020 or 2024 so
15636s if you find yourself in Madrid for
15638s whatever reason it's free to the public
15639s so you can go in and check out an Eve
15641s online exhibit and see what we've been
15643s working on
15644s just as a quick aside for anybody who
15646s doesn't know what a Cyclorama is it's
15649s actually kind of interesting it's an
15650s 18th century technology that's kind of
15652s in a vague way the first ever virtual
15655s world what they would do is they had
15657s these traveling uh carnivals basically
15660s as a carnival exhibit where they would
15662s take a huge panoramic 360 degree image
15666s that they would paint of like Napoleon's
15669s defeat at Waterloo or whatever and they
15671s would pipe in music and there would be a
15673s door and you would walk into the center
15675s of it and you'd be surrounded by like a
15677s battle that was unfolding and this was
15679s like the 18th century version of a
15682s virtual world which is a
15684s really cool actually I would love to go
15687s I wish we still had those
15689s so right now the Empire's review Volume
15691s 2 audiobook is something that I just
15693s finished working on
15695s um and it's currently only available to
15697s backers of the kickstarter for volume
15699s two but that is going to change very
15701s shortly because I just finally did all
15704s of the little annoying things that you
15705s have to do in order to submit it to
15707s audible it's a very annoying little
15709s process but I submitted that five or six
15712s days ago and I'm told it takes about 10
15714s days to get through the approval process
15716s so with a little bit of luck it should
15718s be available for purchase uh as soon as
15720s next week ideally
15722s oh we get a round of applause for that
15724s thank you guys that's really cool I
15726s appreciate it I appreciate it so for the
15728s future of the of the series I want to
15730s talk about that a little bit before we
15731s get going
15732s um in uh next year in 2024 I'm going to
15736s be beginning work on some sort of new
15740s installment in this series it is very
15742s hard for me to talk about what I'm going
15744s to be doing next year because I work by
15746s myself I'm a single person company so
15749s when things get delayed or things slow
15751s down my entire company comes to a
15754s screeching halt so it's very difficult
15755s to call my shot a year out but I am very
15759s I have ideas in my head for what I want
15762s to do in the future and I'm exploring
15765s those and I and I'm really looking
15766s forward to it I do not think it's going
15768s to be a full-on Empires review volume
15770s three simply because I just don't think
15772s that's the best idea for how to explore
15774s the rest of the story but I do think
15777s that whatever we end up doing will end
15780s up substantially expanding The Narrative
15782s beyond the events of volume two and
15785s whatever I do I promise it'll be a great
15787s idea so uh moving on to what we're
15790s actually going to talk about today and I
15791s wanted to open this up by talking about
15793s Pirates of Eve because this was the
15796s headspace that I was in when I started
15798s working on the the next project that I
15801s was that I've been working on for the
15803s last five years and it all started when
15807s I was in the finishing stages of that
15809s book and I want to show you guys
15810s something that will be very familiar to
15812s a lot of you
15814s um but we're making a grander point here
15817s so
15817s this is uh for anybody who doesn't know
15821s this is the sovereignty map of Eve
15823s online that shows which organizations
15825s own which Null Sec territories and this
15828s is a screenshot of Eve as it appeared in
15831s 2007 and it's amazing because we can
15834s actually this is a time lapse and you
15837s can watch a screenshot is each frame of
15840s this video showing a day in the life of
15842s Eve online and so what I want you to do
15845s is I want you to keep your eye on the
15846s bottom left hand corner here a lot of
15848s you are going to know what's coming but
15849s it's it's still pretty interesting to
15851s watch it happen in you know maybe 20 or
15854s 30 seconds this blue blob down here on
15856s the bottom left hand corner that says
15858s Band of Brothers on it something
15860s terrible is going to happen to it and uh
15863s we've talked about this earlier in the
15865s keynote that this is the dissolution of
15868s Band of Brothers and what's gonna oh
15870s it's already gone oh my God he's gone
15871s Band of Brothers Bob is dead I can't
15874s believe it happened
15876s uh
15877s and I I these watching this video was so
15882s important to me to understanding what
15884s Eve online actually is
15887s because when you see moments like that
15890s happen on the map you know instinctively
15893s as a Storyteller that's where the story
15895s is those moments of of drastic seismic
15899s change are where you go to find the
15903s human dramas that makes the story of Eve
15906s actually worth learning to people those
15909s are the moments where everything changed
15911s that's what you need to understand in
15914s order to understand the ebb and flow of
15915s power so you see for a long period of
15917s time the map usually tends to remain
15919s mostly stable until you get to these
15922s moments where suddenly everything shifts
15926s and all of a sudden a blob just appears
15930s and wipes something else out
15932s and uh this was it was watching this map
15936s play out where I really started to
15938s understand what I was trying to study
15941s with Eve online that I was really
15942s looking from the top down at this kind
15945s of like petri dish of a a human social
15949s ecology that was evolving over time and
15953s it's very difficult to read this map but
15956s once you understand what you're actually
15957s looking at you can actually see these
15960s organizations uh growing and becoming
15964s larger and more powerful over time so
15971s having had that in mind and thinking
15974s about the dissolution of Band of
15976s Brothers I wanted to watch another video
15978s and this is a visualization of the
15983s entire internet as it existed in 1991
15986s and we're watching the exact same thing
15989s taking place where we are watching a
15991s frame a snapshot of the structure of the
15994s internet as it grew day by day over time
15997s and these these flowers are network hubs
16001s like one of these is going to be Google
16003s and another one is going to be YouTube
16005s and the we can learn things about the
16009s structure of the Internet by studying
16011s this map the blue
16013s is uh the United States the red I
16017s believe is China Green represents the
16020s networks of Iran and the Middle East and
16023s I believe purple if I'm not mistaken is
16027s Europe
16028s and so we can watch all of this
16030s happening as it unfolds over time and
16033s this is a visualization project that's
16035s created by Barrett Leon at the Opti
16036s project and uh it's honestly one of the
16040s most to me one of the most beautiful
16041s things that I've ever seen watching the
16044s profoundity of this system start to
16046s develop like this is to to someone who
16050s studies the internet this is like my
16052s pale blue dot like this when I look at
16054s this I see every hero in Coward every
16058s young couple falling in love in the DMS
16060s this is everything and so if you
16063s actually looked and this is a very
16065s zoomed out map we can't actually know
16068s what most of these hubs actually are but
16071s what's fascinating to me is you can see
16073s these similar things starting to take
16075s starting to happen on this map as
16077s networks start eating each other and and
16080s moving around and and
16083s conglomerating with one another and it's
16087s profoundly fascinating to me to know
16090s that if we had enough information we
16093s could zoom in on this map we could find
16096s Eve online in this bouquet of flowers
16099s and perhaps even find the dissolution of
16103s Band of Brothers on this map in flow
16106s with the entire rest of the internet
16110s [Music]
16113s and
16115s um
16116s when I started thinking about all of
16118s these things and and seeing these
16121s College Human Social ecologies playing
16124s out in front of me
16126s I started to feel a little bit crazy
16129s and was wondering
16131s am I imagining all of this do I want
16135s this all to be
16137s very profound do I want Eve to be in
16140s flow with the whole rest of humanity in
16143s the internet or am I actually looking at
16146s something really fascinating here and so
16149s in order to try to wrap my head around
16151s this I reached out to somebody who a lot
16155s some of you will know others of you will
16157s not know but I think everybody who loves
16159s Eve should know is a guy named RAF
16160s Coster RAF Coster was the lead designer
16164s of Ultima Online
16166s I called in a few uh an Ultima Online
16168s was the direct design ancestor of Eve
16171s um back way back in the early 2000s even
16174s the late 90s one of the early mission
16176s statements for Yvonne line as it was
16178s being developed was to create Ultima
16180s Online in space so this is a person who
16182s knows a lot about how these sorts of
16184s systems actually work and so I called in
16187s a few favors and managed to actually get
16188s him on the phone and I'm going to play a
16191s couple of clips for you from my
16193s conversation with him because it ended
16195s up being one of the most profound
16197s conversations I've ever had in my life
16199s as he immediately started to explain to
16203s me the structure of all human
16205s civilization across all eras of history
16208s and so I bring I bring up this map for
16211s you on this graph for you because he's
16213s going to reference uh what's called a
16215s Pareto distribution and it's all very
16218s simple he's gonna
16220s he's gonna fake like he's gonna talk to
16221s you about math but don't be afraid he's
16223s not actually going to we're going to
16225s move past it really quickly but this is
16227s what he's going to be talking about when
16228s he talks about power laws and burrito
16230s distributions you can keep your eye on
16232s this map
16234s if you take all of the cities in the
16239s world when you put them on a graph for
16241s population
16242s so you end up yes but if you take this
16245s and put it on a log scale so this is the
16248s exact same data but on a log scale it
16251s looks like that that's called a power
16254s law distribution often called a Pareto
16257s distribution anyway it turns out that
16259s magically throughout history it hasn't
16262s matter what the most powerful country in
16264s the world was you know regardless of
16266s what was going on in politics if you
16268s graft the population of the cities of
16272s the world they always followed that
16274s curve think about how whack that is for
16277s a second
16278s they always have this distribution too
16281s the biggest one is always end times
16283s larger than the next biggest and so on
16285s down the chain
16286s I'm describing a shape of human
16288s civilization all periods in history
16291s regardless of geography the largest
16294s cities in the world have always had this
16296s structure if you take the wealth of
16299s individuals across the world they have
16302s tended to follow this curve I mean these
16305s curves are hidden everywhere they're
16306s hidden in things like your cell like
16309s your body follows this kind of curve the
16312s graph that is your body has only a very
16315s small percentage of cells that are
16317s actually in charge of specifically
16319s your nervous system cells and the kings
16322s of the nervous system cells are in your
16324s brain you have cells in your fingernails
16326s not only do you not give a about
16328s them you intentionally kill them off
16329s yourself because they're that
16331s unimportant to your network
16334s so I actually kind of undersold the
16337s ambition of his comments because he went
16340s on to describe how these very same laws
16343s are bound up in almost every science
16346s like the actual states of matter plasma
16349s gas liquids and solids are actually
16352s simply names for different levels of
16356s connectivity in the network graph
16358s between the molecules so this is kind of
16360s like a
16362s universal truth of how things actually
16364s uh
16367s actually it works scientifically and he
16369s kind of started to really blow my mind
16371s when he explained how all of this
16372s applies to MMOs the reason is because of
16377s how networks work when two things form a
16380s relationship
16382s any two things okay any sort form a
16385s relationship mathematicians call that an
16387s edge so think of it as a node and a line
16390s and another node right let's say you've
16392s got a whole bunch of random nodes and
16394s you just roll dice to start attaching
16396s them what you'll find is that they
16399s attach in kind of a soup the an average
16401s node has the same number of connections
16404s on average as every other node right but
16407s if you tilt the odds just a tiny bit
16410s so that a node that already has edges
16414s tends to get more
16416s so I want to play WoW because it's where
16419s my friends are okay whatever
16421s that's called a preferential attachment
16424s Network and uh it's very hard to find
16427s things in human society that are not
16429s preferential attachments
16432s you know Facebook wins out over the
16435s other social networks because it's where
16437s everybody already is if you take the
16440s populations of MMOs at any given moment
16444s since MMOs started they also follow this
16447s curve
16449s so it kind of blew my mind and uh then
16452s further went on to explain that not only
16454s do MMOs
16456s collectively follow this structure that
16459s not only are all of the MMOs essentially
16461s sharing a population amongst each other
16465s a single population a single community
16467s that exists and permeates all of the
16470s different titles that are out there even
16472s included
16473s but that this actually also applies to
16475s player organizations this applies to
16477s guilds and corporations as well that
16480s this is essentially social science all
16483s the way down
16485s and you can see this in the mega
16486s coalitions of nullsec where you see
16488s these very very few groups that
16490s conglomerate into massive coalitions of
16493s tens of thousands of players whereas the
16496s majority of them fall into the category
16498s of these uh the long tail the very
16501s smaller groups of 30 40 50 players
16505s so
16507s as a Storyteller of MMOs and a historian
16510s of the internet this is actually
16511s particularly fascinating to me
16513s because he went on to explain that
16516s there's this phrase in the science
16518s called a phase transition that applies
16521s to all of these different types of
16522s networks and a phase transition is
16524s exactly what happened to Band of
16525s Brothers it's when something happens
16528s that suddenly causes the network
16531s connections to shift and when they shift
16535s they tend to shift very rapidly and you
16537s see that immediately there something
16539s terrible happens to Band of Brothers and
16541s it turns to liquid in a moment and then
16543s a moment later it's evaporated into gas
16545s and it's gone
16548s and so I started looking
16552s as a Storyteller for these moments of
16556s phase transition
16557s because those are the moments
16560s of deepest Humanity
16563s those are the moments that drill down
16566s deepest into these other digital social
16569s networks and can teach you the most by
16572s digging down into the history of why
16574s Band of Brothers was destroyed what
16576s happened there who was there who did
16579s what and why it all occurred you can
16582s understand so much about Eve online and
16585s that essentially is the structure of the
16587s first empires of Eve book The
16589s dissolution of Band of Brothers Korea is
16591s provides the climax for the story
16593s and so I went around looking for these
16597s other moments of phase transition inside
16599s the other
16601s popular networks within that shared
16604s community of other MMOs and so the first
16607s story that I investigated was one of the
16609s more famous events in online gaming
16611s history which is this an event in World
16613s of Warcraft called the gates of on kiraj
16616s and the gates of Entourage was a
16619s one-of-a-kind event in which every
16623s server of World of Warcraft received a
16625s new dungeon with the gates sealed and
16627s each server had to go on a massive
16630s realm-wide Quest that included every
16633s single player on that realm to work
16635s together in order to amass an enormous
16638s amount of supplies to you know Supply
16641s The Siege on on this hidden dungeon
16643s where the old God c'thune this big
16645s eyeball was waiting and they could only
16648s actually go into it when the entire
16650s server had amassed all of these these
16653s it's enormous amount of supplies and
16655s when one particular hero from each
16658s particular server had gone on this
16660s month's long quest to reforge the
16663s scepter of the shifting Sands so that he
16665s could ring a Gong outside the gates and
16668s open them up for the first time and so
16670s what implicitly ended up happening is
16673s that this has created a race between all
16675s of the different Realms to be the first
16678s one to open up the gates and one server
16681s one in particular a server called medivh
16685s and uh this guy named callahad was the
16688s very first person to open the gates in
16690s World of Warcraft history and
16693s what nobody anticipated including the
16696s designers of the encounter was that when
16700s you have only one place on one server in
16703s World of Warcraft where something
16705s interesting is happening
16707s every other server empties
16710s all of the players from the other
16712s servers not all of the players but tens
16714s of thousands of players from the other
16716s servers left their server created level
16719s one characters on the medivh server and
16721s began a massive pilgrimage across the
16725s world of Azeroth to arrive in the desert
16728s in one of these higher level zones to be
16731s able to be there to witness the opening
16733s of the gates of on kiraj and that's what
16735s you see here in these uh relatively
16738s Exquisite screenshots of players massing
16741s around the gates as they were opened
16747s so the second story that I dug into
16750s was the story that I called The Siege of
16752s keger mall by the armies of the dead and
16754s it takes place in a zombie apocalypse
16756s text MMO called Urban dead
16760s um which is a fabulous game despite the
16762s fact that it's a text-based MMO and what
16765s ended up happening in urban dead is the
16769s the way the game worked was the zombie
16771s side and The Human Side were not fixed
16773s teams if you died as a human you became
16775s a member of the zombie team and if you
16777s were a zombie and a human jabbed you
16779s with us with a medical syringe you came
16782s back to life and became a human again
16786s so at a certain point the humans got
16789s tired of running away from the zombies
16790s and decided to make a Last Stand at this
16792s place called cager Mall
16794s and hundreds upon hundreds of humans
16797s showed up to defend them all to try to
16799s actually create one little slice of
16802s civilization again in this apocalypse so
16804s that it didn't have to get dispersed by
16806s the overwhelming horde over and over and
16808s over again
16809s and so what happens is the zombies all
16812s find out that this is where everybody is
16814s at and every horde of zombies within the
16818s game converged on kager mall and you
16821s have this incredible battle that takes
16823s place between thousands of players that
16826s unfolded over the course of more than a
16827s month
16828s and the only reason why it ended
16831s is because Urban dead was run by an
16835s independent game developer there was
16837s only one developer in charge of the game
16839s and he was not able to be inside the
16841s virtual environment and actually know
16844s what was happening so in the middle of
16846s the siege of kager Mall
16849s the guy whose name his name was Kevin
16850s Kevin
16852s changed some of the rules remember
16854s that's that revivification syringe that
16857s I talked about he changed the loot rate
16860s of those syringes so that three times as
16864s many syringes were able to be found
16866s and the humans wiped out the zombie Side
16869s by resurrecting almost all of them so
16871s that there were almost no zombies Left
16873s in urban dead
16875s and the story
16879s climaxes or culminates with a protest
16883s March that
16886s where the zombie side and The Human Side
16888s actually joined in common cause and
16891s became allies and marched across the
16893s city in solidarity to try to get Kevin's
16895s attention to say
16897s Lord the game is broken
16900s we need your help please roll back
16902s please roll back the update
16908s this is a game called Asheron's Call
16910s which came out in 2000 and the graphics
16913s are great aren't they guys Round of
16915s Applause for astronauts calls Graphics
16917s thank you
16918s so
16920s astronaut's call is a really cool game
16922s where they had an i the developers of
16925s the game had an idea and what they
16927s wanted to do
16928s was they wanted to uh
16931s release these crystals all over the game
16934s world for the players to find and what
16937s the players didn't know was that when
16938s they smashed these crystals and got a
16940s bunch of loot out of them that these
16942s crystals in the lore were actually the
16945s horcruxes of the game's main villain
16948s this winged demon named bowseron and so
16951s the development team didn't tell the
16953s players that they were trying to trick
16955s them into releasing the demon through
16957s their own greed right they were trying
16958s to pull the old okey-doke on them and
16960s they were trying to like release these
16962s little hints that this is what was going
16963s to happen and that's what you're looking
16965s at right now when you see these players
16966s standing on a mountain top the
16968s development team actually layered a
16971s silhouette of belzeron into the Skybox
16973s of the world so that when lightning
16976s struck you would be able to see just for
16977s like a fraction of a second you would
16979s see the winged demon with his Beady red
16981s eyes beaming down on the world of uh
16984s dareth it was called dareth
16987s and so once the players figured out that
16991s the dev team was trying to
16994s make them complicit in the destruction
16997s of the world that they were role-playing
16999s as saviors of they refused to play along
17002s they literally formed a secret society
17004s that formed Oaths to guard the final
17007s Crystal the final horcrux of Bowser on
17010s the Hope Slayer
17012s 24 hours a day seven days a week for
17014s more than a month
17016s and they the cool thing about Asheron's
17019s Call
17020s is that every creature in the game had
17023s experience points and could level up so
17025s if you were a monster you could uh and
17028s you killed a player you would get XP
17029s from that and you might actually level
17031s up and become an even more powerful
17032s monster players used to troll the Newbie
17035s zones by feeding themselves to like a
17037s level one bunny rabbit until it was a
17039s level 30 rabbit and it was just
17041s rampaging through the new the Newbie
17043s zones nibbling
17044s players to death right so they did the
17047s same thing to the Crystal and they
17049s turned it into a level 900 Crystal that
17052s one shot everybody who ever came near it
17054s and it became so broken that it started
17057s refusing Dev commands
17062s they eventually figured out exactly why
17064s it was refusing Dev commands it wasn't
17066s like a ghost or something like that but
17068s uh what what actually happened is the
17070s Crystal had so much extra experience
17072s that the moment they tried to set it
17074s it's HP to zero to destroy it it would
17078s spend its XP on more levels again and
17080s instantly re
17082s um refill its own health but it took him
17084s a while to figure out why that was
17086s happening they were I talked to the devs
17087s about this they were like we were kind
17089s of scared we were like what's going on
17093s so this is lit this is actually uh so
17096s what they ended up doing is they they
17098s found the greatest troll in Asheron's
17101s Call and recruited them into uh
17104s basically a role play event where they
17106s gave them
17107s um like Infinity Buffs to go in and role
17111s play the destruction of the the crystal
17112s Defenders and destroy the crystal
17115s and which it's too long of a story but
17117s you have to read the story it's a it's a
17119s great tale and this is this is belzeron
17122s after he was Ultimate released this down
17125s here this person in the orange in the
17127s bottom left that's vidorian uh the
17129s greatest troll in the history of of
17131s Asheron's Call who ultimately destroyed
17134s the crystal released Bells around the
17136s Hope Slayer and commenced what they
17138s called the fourth sending of Darkness
17144s this guy's another great troll
17146s fancy the famous Bard was a character in
17149s EverQuest
17151s who
17153s EverQuest had a problem
17155s with um
17157s what you might call lords they
17159s couldn't control certain aspects of
17162s their community and so they had to
17164s create all these rules to govern these
17165s people's behavior and make sure that
17167s they weren't harassing people out of the
17169s game
17169s and the the players these players hated
17173s that and they were like well we need to
17174s be able to express ourselves to the
17176s maximum of of our capability or else
17179s we're not living our fullest life in the
17181s virtual environment so the solution that
17184s they came up with was to create a no
17186s rule server
17187s and the no rule server had one rule it
17191s wasn't quite a no rule server they had
17192s one rule and it was that any player who
17195s was less than level slower than level
17196s six was invulnerable couldn't be
17198s attacked by other players so this was a
17201s ruthless place that was run by the worst
17204s elements of the community the some of
17206s the some of the most they're some of the
17207s best pvpers in the game but they were
17211s mean dudes and so fancy the famous bard
17215s was a level six player who
17219s skilled only one skill and it was called
17222s celos accelerando Silas accelerando is a
17226s movement speed skill that Buffs your
17228s movement speed so that you can run
17230s faster than everyone what he did is he
17232s ran around the world attracting the
17235s aggro of all of these what are called
17236s sand Giants which are very large
17239s formidable enemies and you can see and
17242s it's hard to see some of these Graphics
17243s but you can see the sand Giants are
17245s chasing fancy through the down the river
17248s across the desert here
17251s and he would take this enormous train of
17254s high-level enemies and run it right into
17257s the town centers and kill everybody
17260s and the fun thing about fancy is that he
17263s was role-playing as a doer of good he
17266s worshiped the God of Light this guy
17268s named Nathaniel Mar who was a uh he's a
17271s God in the Everquest Universe who's
17272s who's literally he's a paladin whose
17274s face is so beautiful that he hides it
17276s behind his hair because it would pain
17277s you to look upon him
17279s and that was Fancy's God and fancy
17283s um killed everyone fancy killed 350
17286s people across a rampage of two days and
17289s basically took over sell and Zach at
17291s only level six uh the the no rule server
17294s was called Sullen Zach and he became the
17296s level six God of selenzak here he is
17298s again with it with a whole train of sand
17301s Giants chasing after him there's there's
17303s fancy close-up with his cool green vest
17306s running across the desert I love this
17309s guy
17312s the Sun King shines on the devil of the
17314s Republic the best chapter title I ever
17317s came up with
17318s is about
17320s Second Life
17321s one of the weirdest and ultimately
17324s kind of oddly coolest games that I've
17327s ever learned about uh
17331s in the early 2000s there was a really
17334s big fad around second life and the idea
17337s of creating permanent virtual outposts
17340s inside of second life and the first
17343s political organization in history I
17346s believe to create a virtual headquarters
17349s was the the What's called the front
17351s National in France which is the uh
17355s political party within France that tends
17358s to blame things on immigrants which
17359s tends to be a thing that shows up at
17361s least once in every country it seems
17362s like but the denizens of Second Life
17365s hated this they hated the idea that this
17369s was going to be an unwelcoming space a
17371s place where they were celebrating the
17375s election of jamery Le Pen who was the
17379s leader of the party who is now who is
17380s actually the father of the current
17381s leader of the party Marine Le Pen and so
17384s they staged uh protest slash Riot they
17388s shot they made guns that shot pigs at
17391s the headquarters building and they
17393s basically shut the entire thing down
17395s they made lots of posters with Jamboree
17397s Le Pen with a little Hitler mustache on
17399s and then my absolute favorite thing one
17402s of the one of them made an AOE attack of
17405s Thomas the Train Engine
17409s which is just worth the whole story just
17412s on its own
17414s um and so
17416s Jean Marie Le Pen's nickname in France
17418s was the devil of the Republic and when
17421s the protesters actually defeated the
17424s front National and forced them to
17426s retreat from Second Life
17429s um they second life was a highly modable
17431s game and they took a JPEG of Dr Martin
17434s Luther King Jr and they superimposed it
17437s on the Sun so that forever afterward Dr
17439s King would be shining down smiling upon
17442s the sight of a successful anti-fascist
17444s action
17447s laughs
17451s so I've now been studying MMOs for 10
17455s years and I've been working on these
17457s particular stories uh and studying I've
17459s written I think seven or eight chapters
17461s over the last five years in my spare
17464s time chipping away at this and doing
17466s research on on other games as well at
17468s the same time I was writing about Eve
17470s and the key takeaway is actually
17473s it's profound But ultimately very simple
17476s is that
17477s we are from many games but we exist
17481s across one larger Community that's more
17483s important than any individual game and
17486s that we are ultimately connected to our
17488s Brethren Across The Gaming Community and
17491s to a lesser extent we are in flow with
17494s the entire rest of the digital Humanity
17496s across the internet in that uh
17499s visualization that we watched earlier
17500s makes that relatively clear
17503s and I find this so deeply interesting
17506s because
17508s these moments of phase transition these
17511s moments where the social fabric of the
17513s world breaks down
17516s has everything to teach a modern social
17519s media
17520s about what awaits all of us in a digital
17524s future
17525s because I've got bad news Mark
17528s Zuckerberg doesn't know about any of
17530s this stuff he's never studied it Elon
17533s Musk doesn't know about the history and
17536s what the history of gaming and online
17538s gaming has to teach social media about
17541s the internet's past and it's almost
17543s disappointingly
17546s these moments of protest and rupture our
17549s these social failures where these
17551s societies kind of came apart are are far
17554s more complicated and interesting than
17557s what's going wrong with modern social
17559s media today which is failing at elements
17562s that are far more basic than what games
17565s like Eve are experimenting with in the
17567s modern world and so that is
17570s one of the great things about even the
17572s responsibilities of Eve moving forward
17575s is that Eve is the test pilot for
17578s digital research for testing out Human
17581s Social societies
17584s um and it's a it's an awesome
17585s responsibility and it's one to take
17587s extremely seriously and I know that CCP
17589s does
17593s so
17596s I've Loved writing these stories so much
17598s because they take place in deeply
17601s Fantastical environments and star these
17604s bizarre characters and they grapple with
17608s the functioning of the unit of these
17611s digital universes and and what goes
17613s wrong when things go wrong and I've
17615s spent years trying to figure out what I
17617s should actually call this book when
17620s so many of the characters that we're
17623s meeting and we're grappling with in this
17625s story are some of the most problematic
17627s elements of of the universe of these
17629s digital universes
17633s um and that's why I came up with the
17635s name Edge Lord elegy the faith of
17637s digital societies
17639s and I hope that you will consider as we
17642s move forward into the early next year
17644s becoming a supporter as we start to plan
17646s a Kickstarter
17649s so all of my research
17652s over these past five years working on
17655s these stories
17657s suggest just one deeply and desperately
17661s important lesson for Eve and for the
17664s internet broadly and for social media
17666s and it's that every time one of these
17670s societies broke down
17672s if you study it closely enough you find
17675s out that it was designed to break down
17678s exactly as it did it was always going to
17681s happen and so you have to study these
17684s spaces and understand the social
17686s dynamics well enough to get out in front
17688s of it and make sure that that collapse
17690s does not happen because in the future
17694s where we're living in a world where
17696s Facebook has two billion citizens the
17700s consequences of such a rupture arnest
17703s cheeky as fancy the famous Bard they're
17706s potentially extraordinarily serious
17709s and
17712s one of the reasons why I love Eve so
17714s much
17715s is that I know that Eve does take that
17717s responsibility so seriously and
17720s um
17721s if Eve is going to achieve the dream of
17726s Eve forever
17728s the only way that that is going to
17730s happen
17731s is by building the community person by
17735s person and making sure that absolutely
17738s nobody flies alone and that the
17740s community is healthy and strong
17743s and I just want to say thank you guys so
17745s much for coming and for giving me an
17746s opportunity to be up here again I've
17748s missed you all so much and how about a
17751s round of applause for everybody at home
17752s who didn't get to come this year
17755s thank you guys so much thank you
17805s all right that was an excellent
17807s presentation which shows us that
17810s whatever Humanity goes it's always there
17812s right that's the I think that's the
17813s moral of the story goat I'm CCP goat I
17817s can do my own name I promise and I'm
17819s joined here by two very special guests
17821s my uh co-host drana Ivo and uh Ryan from
17827s um from uh Vancouver Yeah Yeah from from
17831s exactly from Project Discovery project
17833s discovery that was the thing uh that you
17835s were here to uh to talk about and
17836s present about you had a very successful
17838s presentation yesterday showed us some
17840s very very cool stuff uh I wanted to ask
17843s you like um it's a question that I get
17845s uh repeatedly as a person who works in
17848s PX dealing with tickets and others like
17851s support
17852s um questions so to speak does uh does
17856s this project Discovery actually do
17858s anything does it give any results that
17860s is a question seriously yes oh my god
17863s um It's Gonna Change the World so yes
17866s yes and it's going to change the world
17868s because
17868s um we're gonna have better drugs faster
17871s with less side effects that are going to
17873s do things like cure cancer
17874s so does that count that counts that
17877s absolutely counts you hear that quick
17880s chat yeah and it's not it's not it's not
17883s because of bots it's because because of
17884s real people
17886s yes correct okay that's excellent and
17889s you were able to take what you learned
17890s from this one and apply it to the next
17892s one that's coming yeah yeah so so for
17894s when we started on this we were doing
17895s covid and
17897s um the thing that was really awesome was
17899s just how much data we were getting we I
17901s had we spent months trying to fill that
17903s pipe of all these players clicking
17905s clicking clicking and and then we had
17907s the realization that wow with all this
17909s data let's just make it better and give
17912s them more data and explore other
17913s diseases of the immune system that we
17915s didn't even have the idea that we'd ever
17916s get to because the data was looking so
17918s awesome that we're gonna do things that
17919s we never had in our head in the first
17920s place wow that's pretty amazing and
17923s we're going over yeah we're going to
17924s analyzing cancer not Rex right so the
17927s next the next thing we do is not just
17928s analyzing cancer the the tools that
17930s they're looking at is going to help us
17931s develop machine learning algorithms to
17933s help develop cures for cancer wow it's
17937s and so true story I'm going to Pfizer
17939s next week to like one of the major drug
17942s companies in the world no yeah and and
17945s this is for good the vaccines are for
17947s good people I'm a scientist trust me and
17950s I'm so I'm meeting with the head of flow
17951s cytometry advisor and I'm showing him
17954s data coming off of project Discovery
17956s because I just showed it to some people
17958s at that company in San Diego last week
17960s and they're like this is as good as the
17963s data that we're producing ourselves as
17964s real scientists wow it's a true story I
17967s think that's actually pretty wow that's
17969s that's amazing yeah and and the
17972s excitement is that fast yeah yeah it
17974s happens that fast yeah you of course
17976s went into this a lot in your uh
17978s presentation yesterday which people can
17980s watch on on the csb channel from
17982s yesterday and like
17984s yeah I like it exactly
17987s so I find it extremely uh humorous that
17992s you are on here as a fc for pandemic
17996s horde
17998s well not I'm seeing as much as lodgy
18001s anchoring but it's still pretty close to
18003s the same thing right it's an important
18006s part of the of the of the of that aspect
18009s effect of group gameplay right so
18011s somebody has to anchor on the Lottie or
18013s a lot you have to Anchor somewhere yes
18015s yeah but uh you were telling me sorry my
18018s in-ear came out that's not supposed to
18020s happen uh you were telling me that this
18023s is your first time here and Fan Fest
18025s yeah even though you've been like around
18027s CCP for some time yeah I've been we
18029s started this project three years ago I'm
18030s I'm a hardcore gamer I have I have a
18032s little man cave that's got screens and a
18034s PC Xbox a switch I've been playing since
18037s like vic-20 days I'm dating myself right
18040s not Eve because it scares the out of me
18043s yes
18045s it is a game that takes a lot of time to
18047s get into I would say uh but it can be
18051s very rewarding as you can see from the
18052s community that comes here you were
18054s saying it's uh it's like
18057s it's not as scary because people are so
18059s nice
18060s the people are nice the game scares me
18063s because I I went down that path of
18065s um of sorry wow and
18069s there's like many many late nights and
18072s this is spreadsheet so I'm a data
18073s scientist and they're showing at these
18076s talks like graphs and everyone's just
18078s loving the graph so I've got a new graph
18080s type yeah and that's that's my day job
18082s and I and I love my job so much and the
18084s idea of going into a game that is so
18086s data intensive and graph heavy it's like
18088s I I want to keep I like my life now
18091s and I I have I have things I will only
18093s do besides Eve but I I can tell you here
18097s and now that there is a way to play Eve
18099s without going into graphs I have done it
18101s agreed
18102s graphs no spreadsheets
18106s all right yeah I'm more of a factional
18109s Warfare kind of person I undock I find
18111s somebody I die and then I quit for the
18114s day okay it's my my dose of Eve
18117s yeah and I mean I do no sex stuff so a
18120s lot of times I'm just like I just unduck
18122s I go and
18124s rep whoever needs repping whenever we're
18126s shooting whoever we're shooting and but
18128s then there's still sometimes like I need
18130s to organize my ships
18132s um especially if I'm like suitcasing
18134s with my caps and all that so I have
18136s still a bunch of spreadsheets maybe not
18138s as many graphs at all but still
18141s it's a good thing that we actually have
18143s a have a an ad in into E1 line for Excel
18147s which helps with that kind of stuff the
18148s first game to do that by the way that is
18151s pretty awesome that's pretty awesome and
18152s all the stuff you guys are doing are in
18154s Python that's that's the world I live in
18156s and so it's it's too close to home
18161s turning your work into a passion yeah
18163s yeah and it already is and that's the
18165s problem yes okay yeah I understand that
18167s I understand that
18170s um uh were you out last night on the
18172s popcorn
18174s I was not tell me about that
18176s so I briefly touched on it this morning
18178s but uh it's uh it's a it's a wonderful
18182s time where a bunch of uh grown people
18185s come together
18186s is it a horde yeah yeah I would yeah
18190s yeah a happy horde yes
18194s I think it's happy hordes is a thing not
18196s nefarious we're there for good
18198s I would say so horns for good in yeah
18204s uh CCP takes no official stance on which
18206s Alliance is best but however during pub
18209s crawl uh we often have and I heard that
18214s there were some there were some groups
18215s that were stealing beers from other
18217s groups
18220s I heard yeah no no no yeah but yeah I
18222s mean it's it's a long-standing tradition
18224s it started out like when when final Fest
18227s was still young it started out with uh
18229s people just wanted to keep talking after
18231s the lectures which happened in a place
18233s that was maybe one 20th of the size of
18237s this
18239s and I just wanted to go out for beer and
18241s after that it evolved it grew it became
18243s a thing where you have 14 groups of four
18246s or five devs with 15 to 20 players going
18249s around we each tried to hit the bar and
18251s then we have a central location
18252s everybody meets up at
18254s and you can imagine it's just like I
18256s just did the math in my head that's a
18257s horde that's a that's a lot of people uh
18261s it is um it is a legend how
18265s um uh kind and courteous Eve online
18269s players are when they come here even
18270s when they are uh I don't know how just
18274s like they are in Game yes exactly
18276s everybody is so nice in game right yeah
18277s I mean it's it's a whole different thing
18280s it's like sports teams it's like we have
18282s the other team and it's like oh you
18284s could be like oh beat them or but still
18287s after the game or if you're like
18288s tailgating you're still gonna give them
18289s a beer you can still hang out or take
18291s them
18294s I think that's an important part because
18296s it's a it is a living community you
18298s should know that everything that happens
18300s on the battlefield stays there and once
18301s you're out you're just two people who
18303s play the same game and you can all have
18305s have fun and that's that's a unique I
18307s think it's a unique
18309s um method of playing a game where you
18311s can actually lose a lot of stuff uh not
18313s really real stuff yeah real stuff that
18315s has like actual monetary values uh and
18318s not be that mad about it that mad about
18321s it still kind of disappointing when you
18324s get dropped on and lose three caps and
18326s you're like
18328s but everybody has those stories but then
18331s you can piece out and do some project
18332s Discovery and feel better about the
18333s world yes yes
18335s I also want to say that there are no
18336s drops in factional Warfare if you're in
18339s the right complexes there is but um I
18342s will want to wrap this up now and maybe
18344s head on over to to get ready for the
18347s next presentation which is
18349s um skills in real life in Eve with real
18351s life skills in Eve I swear I can do
18354s titles guys I swear with aksuki that is
18358s the next presentation happening on the
18360s big stage
18361s any final words for this one
18364s um please keep doing that data it's
18366s really important it's going to help so
18368s many people around the world and maybe
18369s even your mother
18371s we all want to help their mother
18373s specifically
18375s yeah and you will be with me after the
18377s next presentation so uh guys we will see
18380s you then
18388s [Music]
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18660s foreign
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18727s foreign
18734s [Music]
18772s thank you
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18965s thank you
18973s exploring how the roles we undertake in
18975s new Eden can provide transferable skills
18978s into real life please welcome to the
18980s stage exuki
18987s [Applause]
18993s hello everybody
18996s how's Fan fest going
18999s you got to ask when you get to be on the
19001s main stage right
19003s so
19005s um hello my name is zigzuki z and today
19008s we're going to be talking about real
19010s life skill training with Eve online so
19013s if you have been playing for a while or
19016s not a while and you're wondering what
19018s can I be doing an eve that's going to
19019s actually help me outside of Eve we're
19021s going to try to answer that question
19023s today
19026s so
19027s um today what I'm going to run through
19029s for everybody I'm going to tell
19031s everybody a brief bit about myself Who I
19033s Am What I've Done in Eve maybe why you
19035s want to care just a little bit I'm going
19038s to talk about what prompted the entire
19040s presentation that I'm giving it's a
19042s question that I've been pondering and
19044s Chad with a lot of people over the past
19046s couple of years
19048s um I'm going to talk about how I
19049s gathered all the data that you're going
19051s to see used in the presentation that
19053s we're talking about so when I say
19055s correlations or interviews uh where you
19058s know that came from because I only made
19060s up some of this stuff
19063s and then I'm going to talk about what we
19065s found so you know the meat of the
19067s presentation is I spent a lot of time
19069s talking I wrote surveys I did interviews
19071s I used some personal experience but
19074s what did we find what is it that you
19077s might want to care about what are some
19079s things I want you to think about what
19080s are some things that you're going to go
19081s huh
19084s so
19085s um about me if you are unfamiliar with
19088s me my name is izuki z I've been playing
19091s uh Eve online since 2009 I joined right
19095s after Apocrypha came out which is why I
19098s also spent more than the first decade of
19100s my time in Eve online doing wormholes so
19103s if you're thinking that guy looks
19104s familiar I'm frequently up on The Fan
19106s Fest stage talking about Wormhole space
19108s but not this time I'm instead telling
19110s you about how Eve's making you a better
19112s person
19113s I'm the CEO of TD soon and have been for
19117s 14 years another name that you've
19119s probably at least heard of before we're
19121s not very good but that does mean that no
19123s matter how bad we are you've heard of us
19125s and uh while I'm here I wanted to just
19128s briefly touch on for everybody uh we
19130s have a lot of fans to talk about us on
19132s Discord servers and talk about us on
19134s Reddit that is an s i frequently see
19138s people misspelling our name with a B
19141s it's an S though just making sure that
19143s you guys all know that I know that the
19145s keys can be tricky I'm also the alliance
19148s leader of scary Wormhole people AKA wabu
19151s you've probably heard some of my court
19154s mates shouting our ticker around and
19157s it's gone oh it's back
19159s um and you might have seen our pretty
19161s dope logo so that's up there too um I
19164s was also a member of CSM 14.
19167s um I'm going to touch on it in another
19169s slider too but that's actually one of
19170s the places that prompted a lot of this
19174s um
19174s I've met a lot of really cool people
19176s playing even General as well as my time
19178s on the CSM and that got me thinking into
19182s a bunch of things that led to the
19184s presentation outside of Eve and some of
19187s the personal experience that I'll be
19189s touching on or you know what I said I
19191s think this actually helped I'm a
19193s director of software engineering outside
19195s of Eve
19196s I've had a very fortunate career to move
19199s up several levels quickly and software
19201s engineering management and I attribute a
19203s good chunk of that success to things
19206s that I've learned and gotten to
19207s experience through Eve so
19210s moving right along
19213s the question that started all of this so
19216s when I was on CSM 14 in 20 to March of
19220s 2020 a month and date year that probably
19224s some people have some
19226s icky feelings about because that was
19229s basically the start of the pandemic me
19231s and a bunch of uh CSM 14 found ourselves
19234s at the old CCP office way down closer to
19237s the docks Watching covid start to unfold
19240s actually it was that critical week where
19243s you might remember kovid was a thing in
19246s China and it was starting to be a thing
19248s in Italy and it was kind of popping up
19250s everywhere and by the end of our
19252s week-long Summit here we were flying
19254s back watching closers and international
19256s borders getting zipped up so they sent
19259s us home just in time I think the United
19260s States closed their International
19262s borders like two days after we got back
19265s from the CSM Summit but one of the
19268s things that happens at the CSM Summits
19270s is you know we have a meeting with a
19272s bunch of a lot of devs that happens
19273s constantly there was one in particular
19276s in which Hilmar came in down and sat and
19279s sat down and looked around the room and
19280s just said I am in a room full of
19282s superhumans
19284s now first thought when that happened was
19287s I looked around and said that's a weird
19288s thing to say
19290s um
19291s I mean sure I wouldn't consider myself a
19294s superhuman I would consider some of the
19297s other CSM superhumans and certainly some
19299s of the more csms that I've gotten to
19301s meet since my time on on the on the
19304s management Council some of them are
19305s definitely superhumans
19307s um but they prompted that thought what
19310s did Hilmar mean was he right
19313s um
19314s and I began to think on it one of the
19317s things that uh you know as you get to
19318s know the rest of your CSM and you get to
19320s talk more and more I realized that a lot
19323s of the csms on csm14 were they were
19327s pretty powerful people
19329s um we had you know we had corporate
19331s Executives we had phds we had a doctor
19334s we had people that are leaders and
19336s movers and shakers in their career field
19338s and from my experience chatting with a
19340s lot of other csms besides 14 that's not
19344s uncommon and then you begin to dig and
19347s talk to a lot of other people that are
19348s leaders in Eve themselves they're FC's
19351s they're Alliance leaders they're Corp
19352s leaders of some of the both smallest and
19355s largest corporations and you start to
19357s see some patterns
19358s now the question that I first started
19361s with was how much of each thing is inter
19365s is impacting the other I don't think
19367s anyone would be surprised if I said
19369s someone that's an executive or a leader
19371s outside of Eve is likely to come in to
19373s even be a leader there too
19375s that's less interesting and we're not
19377s going to focus on that because I'm far
19379s more concerned with the reverse I wanted
19382s to find out how many people played Eve
19385s learn some things and then carried that
19387s back to their career where they didn't
19389s have that first so the questions we're
19391s going to dive into are how can things
19393s that you do and Eve help you outside of
19395s it what are those skills how do they
19398s help
19399s um we're gonna try to so the goal of my
19401s presentation here really is to try to
19403s give you some answers to that question I
19405s tried to build the presentation that
19407s would be helpful and insightful to as
19410s many people as possible because your
19412s mileage may vary I'm not getting up here
19415s and saying do these things you'll get
19416s promoted do these things and you'll get
19419s a really cool new job
19420s but I think what we are going to talk
19423s about is do these things in Eve and
19426s you're probably learning stuff
19427s I don't want to ruin Eve for everybody
19429s because if you suddenly realize that
19431s you're learning things that might make
19433s it way less fun
19435s um
19436s but the bad news as you probably already
19438s are maybe whether you knew it or not
19440s you've learned something from logging in
19442s and doing things in Eve and you've
19444s probably picked up some skills and you
19446s might just be a better person whether
19448s you want to admit it or not
19451s um so we're going to focus and talk
19453s about what are some of those skills what
19455s are the ways that you can learn them and
19457s maybe you already are and how those
19460s skills might in fact just be something
19461s that you can Leverage
19464s so everything that we're going to talk
19467s about here today comes from three main
19469s places I use the basis of my own
19472s personal experience and career of course
19474s as a foundation for figuring out where I
19476s wanted to poke into talk to people what
19479s are the questions I wanted to
19480s specifically find answers for
19483s um I interviewed a lot of other eve
19485s players uh I conducted well over 70
19488s different interviews some very formal
19491s some less formal with people all over
19494s different organizations every part of
19496s space you can think of every block of
19499s Corporations I went all over the place
19501s trying to get a nice varied background
19503s of different people I talked to doctors
19506s I talked to Engineers I talk to truck
19508s drivers I talked to people that repair
19510s medical robots
19512s there you go pee up I talked to people
19515s that you know work in retail I talk to
19518s people that are chefs I talk to people
19520s that are bartenders we tried to go
19522s everywhere because my goal is to tell is
19525s to convince you that no matter what you
19527s actually do outside of Eve you are
19529s learning things that are probably
19530s helpful
19531s I had a survey if you took it thank you
19534s very much we got several hundreds of
19537s people to come take a admittedly little
19540s lengthy survey about what do you do
19543s outside of Eve what do you do in Eve
19545s tell me about both of those things
19547s answer I got feedback too many questions
19550s about some different skills do you think
19552s you learned something do you think it
19554s came back and helped you in other places
19556s but that also helped me provide a guide
19559s on people I wanted to talk to and the
19562s great news is I found overwhelming
19564s support suggesting that the answer is
19566s yes
19567s almost everyone that took my survey said
19569s in some way they'd learned something
19571s that they think they were able to bring
19573s back to their job sometimes it helped
19576s immensely sometimes they thought it
19578s helped a little but everybody said they
19580s learned something
19582s so what I did with all of that
19585s is we tried to look and I took I tried
19588s to tailor it and correlate it to a list
19590s that might make sense outside of Eve so
19594s I went to the Forbes 2023 most in-demand
19597s skill Workforce survey
19599s which is intended to be Universal
19602s regardless of who you are where you are
19604s and what you're doing or where you work
19605s these are skills that you're going to
19607s find helpful
19609s those skills are communication
19612s leadership
19614s teamwork creativity time management
19617s adaptability problem solving work ethic
19621s critical thinking conflict management
19624s and emotional intelligence
19627s so we've got a pretty cool list here I'm
19630s going to hope and assume that most
19632s people know what most of those words are
19634s because reading you the wiki definition
19636s of every single one would be time
19638s consuming and probably rather boring
19641s although the one thing I did want to
19643s touch on simply because when I first
19644s started this initial feedback I got was
19647s emotional intelligence
19650s where are you players you know
19653s um you might your first thought when
19655s you're thinking about youth players
19656s might not be emotional intelligence but
19658s I can assure you that when I asked them
19660s about it I was able to get several
19662s people go you know what I do care a
19665s little bit about other people or you
19667s know what I do know how to pretend that
19670s I care about other people just a little
19672s bit so if players can get those done too
19677s now basing it off of my survey the roles
19680s that we're going to touch on and I
19682s looked at by far not an all-inclusive
19685s list broke down into four main
19687s categories we have leadership roles your
19691s CEO your director depending on the size
19694s and way that your group is organized you
19696s might have officers or a layer of middle
19698s management
19699s we looked at industry and Logistics
19701s which I defined mostly as people that
19704s are building things and moving them
19705s around this Logistics is specifically
19707s the moving it around part and not
19710s repping other ships that's also useful
19714s but probably less likely to directly
19716s correlate because running around your
19718s workplace trying to heal people might be
19721s strange
19723s um that was so and this is not all the
19726s roles that we looked at and talked about
19728s in my survey but for the sake of time
19730s and not having a million slides I
19732s condensed it into the ones that had
19734s stronger correlations than I thought
19736s were going to be make the most sense but
19738s also be a little easier to explain
19741s um so we touched on people that work in
19744s Solo industry people that worked with
19746s lots of other people working on Supply
19748s Chain management material coordination
19751s Market managers people that run buyback
19754s programs
19756s um the third category is people
19758s management
19759s there's of course the possibility for
19761s significant overlap between all of these
19764s but whether it's the same person doing
19767s half the things on this list for your
19768s organization or a small army may decide
19771s depend on the size as well as how you've
19774s organized yourself these are roles and
19777s functions that are focused purely on
19779s people these are your recruiters and
19781s people that talk to people review
19783s applications these are people that work
19785s in onboarding these are people that
19787s track your membership are they active
19790s are they doing enough are they clicking
19792s their Pap links
19794s and these are people that do culture fit
19795s assessments are these the right people
19797s for our Corporation do I want to be
19799s flying with these people do I want to
19802s throw them out a window
19805s um and then probably the category that
19807s most of you actually first thought about
19808s I called it operations these are your
19811s Fleet commanders these are people that
19813s are helping run rules supporting the
19815s fleet commander making the fleet
19816s successful these are people that plan
19818s The Fleets might be the FC doing
19820s literally all these things but sometimes
19823s these are different people or at the
19824s very least they're different skills and
19827s then you have your theory Crafters
19828s you've got your people that are figuring
19830s out what are we doing how are we going
19831s to do it which of these modules goes on
19834s my ship there's people that know enough
19836s to shout at your bad Court members when
19838s they die in ones that are fit terribly
19840s terribly wrong
19842s so the first group that we're going to
19844s look at and for some of those I'm going
19846s to have a slide that grabs just one and
19848s for some of them I'm going to have a
19849s slide that tries to condense it all
19851s depending on what the results looked
19852s like now what we found talking both
19855s talking to people as well as from the
19857s survey results was regardless of what
19860s level you're operating at as a leader in
19863s your group chances are you're learning
19865s the same skills the exact degrees some
19868s leaned a little heavier and others did
19870s vary but not enough to be worth
19872s splitting this up so whether we're
19874s looking at CEOs we're looking at
19876s officers or we're looking at directors
19879s these are people that are responsible
19881s for setting the goals and directions of
19883s your corporation and utilizing
19885s delegation and collaboration they're
19888s going to try to make those things happen
19891s um these people had the strongest
19893s likelihood of saying that they felt that
19895s they had learned and or improved on
19898s their leadership skills their work ethic
19901s their problem-solving skills and their
19903s communication skills
19905s probably not a huge surprise especially
19907s the first one if anyone's shocked that
19910s CEOs said I learned leadership skills
19912s I've got tons of surprises for you in my
19914s presentation than if that one surprises
19916s you
19917s um
19918s but I also have a quote from someone
19921s that uh indicated that this is something
19923s they would Define themselves on for each
19925s of these slides we're going to touch on
19927s what the roles were
19929s how I defined them the skills that they
19932s correlated with and then I've got a
19934s quote that uh some people saying that
19936s they're actually really getting
19937s something done so for the for the people
19940s for uh I believe this was a CEO Eve
19943s helped me trust myself and my skills
19947s enough to start my own business when I
19950s look at what I've been able to deal with
19951s in Eve the problems of my job seem like
19954s nothing
19955s I actually really like this quote I like
19957s all the quotes that's why I chose them
19958s but uh
19960s depending on what you do in Eve you
19963s might actually have defined your time
19965s and Eve is your second job before show
19967s of hands who else has ever thought that
19969s what they do in Eve is a second job
19971s all right that's a good chunk of the
19973s audience so you guys are doing great
19976s keep it up
19977s but uh
19979s Eve can be hard it can be very hard
19982s people and Eve can be very hard uh I'm
19986s not going to keep asking everyone to
19987s raise their hands up and down a couple
19989s of you made faces that you already said
19990s I hate this don't call on me again but
19993s uh
19994s I think I've had more difficult people
19996s to work with in Eve than I have in my
20000s workplace which is probably a blessing
20001s there's certainly people that can say oh
20003s that is not true for where I work and
20005s I'm sorry for you
20007s um but that's true for definitely some
20009s of my experiences in Eve there are some
20012s rough individuals that play Eve we might
20016s love them but they're rough
20018s so being able to do things in Eve
20021s hopefully helps you know recognize you
20024s can probably do a lot of that in real
20025s life it might be different
20028s but if you can Corral a bunch of people
20031s and say guys this is what we're doing
20032s over the next couple months and then
20034s work with them to get that done
20036s chances are you could do that outside of
20038s e of two you might not want to
20040s especially if you have to like sit near
20043s people and smell them and things but if
20046s you're here at Fan Fest you're already
20047s smelling people so
20049s you can do it
20053s um rolling into our next category we're
20055s going to have a couple slides on some
20056s industry and Logistics roles the first
20059s one that I wanted to start off with that
20062s actually surprised me a little bit but
20064s only until you start thinking about it
20066s was people that do industry by
20068s themselves
20069s if you're here at Fan Fest there's a
20072s good chance that you're not a solo
20074s player there certainly could be some out
20075s there but most people that make it to
20077s Fan Fest are usually people here with
20079s groups so this may or may not apply to
20081s you or maybe you're in a group but you
20084s don't like those guys so they don't get
20086s to touch your minerals and you're
20087s building all your stuff by yourself
20090s um you know where's the titanium this
20092s makes collaborating with people very
20094s challenging sometimes but people that
20097s are Solo industry players they're
20100s tackling potentially complex jobs that
20102s might include a lot of steps that might
20105s have prerequisites and they're usually
20107s doing this by themselves
20109s so these people through my interviews
20112s and discussions identified strongly with
20114s time management skills critical thinking
20117s adaptability and problem solving these
20120s are people that need to know how to line
20122s things up to be efficient they need to
20124s be able to figure out how to adapt on
20126s the Fly because they don't have someone
20128s else to go lean on and get some of this
20129s done for them it's you the buck stops
20132s with you if your reactions aren't done
20134s on time that next job is going to sit
20136s and wait
20138s um skills I made doing industry helped
20141s me set up ordering of medical supply
20143s supplies and equipment ensuring
20146s deadlines and bottlenecks are met as far
20148s as material and fiscal inputs are
20150s concerned
20152s I thought that was actually a pretty
20154s cool quote I talked to someone that
20156s basically talked about how they apply
20159s their Eve industry experience to
20162s organizing and getting things done
20165s um
20166s lots of people had feedback similar to
20168s this
20169s [Music]
20170s um
20170s there's a lot of things in your in real
20173s life that can be thought of as put a
20175s bunch of things together let them do
20177s some things for a little while get
20178s something out not everything can be
20180s baked down that far and I would strongly
20182s advise against in your head applying the
20184s eve industry UI to everything that you
20186s do
20187s but you could if you really wanted
20190s um but people that did this and did
20193s industry by themselves were able to
20195s really learn and grow in a lot of
20196s different ways because you've got to
20198s figure it all out and then get started
20200s and
20201s I'm sure a lot of you would probably
20203s raise your hand that that is a
20204s definition of something you've done at
20206s your job is figure it all out and get it
20208s started
20211s um bouncing to another type of industry
20213s and Logistics we've got Supply Chain
20215s management and Market management so
20217s these are people that are working with
20218s other people they're building capitals
20221s while someone else takes care of some of
20223s the components maybe they're doing
20225s reactions and doing reaction change
20227s where other people are handling
20229s different steps of that process these
20231s are people that are moving stuff from
20232s point A to point B these are people that
20235s are stocking your Market they're getting
20236s stuff up on contracts they're making
20238s sure that you guys have what you need
20241s um
20242s primary skills that these people
20244s strongly correlated with were
20246s communication and teamwork not a
20248s surprise since these are people that are
20250s working with other people conflict
20252s management and problem solving and if
20254s you're wondering why Conflict Management
20256s because I actually was too when it came
20258s up on the survey and I chatted with
20260s several people
20262s figuring out what everybody wants to do
20265s and then making sure that they're not
20267s all doing the same thing can can
20269s apparently be rather challenging if
20271s you've got several people that are
20273s helping stock your Market first off
20275s great the fact that it's more than one
20277s we're off to a fantastic start but it
20280s doesn't do you any good if they're all
20282s stalking the same thing
20284s because now you've got five people
20286s undercutting each other trying to make
20288s sure that they're the ones selling
20289s things and you've probably underserved
20292s your community because all the other
20294s crap that you need is not stocked so the
20298s reason that a lot of those people chose
20299s conflict management was really a bunch
20301s of people getting into a room or a
20303s channel and or voice comms and saying I
20306s want to do this figuring out someone's
20308s got to do something they don't want to
20310s do there's compromise there's resolution
20312s of some conflict and there is hopefully
20315s an outcome where
20316s your group your Market your whatever it
20319s is your stocking gets what you need
20323s um working with industry that requires
20325s multiple people requires patience and an
20327s understanding of people's capabilities
20329s and limits
20330s big things require coordination and
20333s working with people and the same is true
20335s of almost all careers so if you've ever
20339s found yourself trying to figure out how
20340s to get a bunch of people that together
20342s have all the right skills to get a job
20344s done
20346s and you've managed to get it done
20348s that's great and that also is pretty
20352s agnostic of what you actually do for a
20354s living
20355s um if your experiences in school with
20357s group projects were that they're
20359s terrible and you hate people because of
20360s it this is a good way to try to undo
20363s some of that PTSD because most things in
20367s life require collaboration and working
20370s with other people whether you want it to
20372s or not as much as you want everything to
20374s be a solo Venture chances are that will
20376s not always be the case
20379s rolling into our third category and
20381s talking about some people management
20382s roles the first slide I've got here
20384s talks about cultural fit assessments and
20387s people that work in onboarding
20389s cultural fit assessments we defined as
20391s the person whose job it is to feel out
20394s somebody and decide if they're a good or
20396s a bad apple this may or may not be the
20399s people doing all the other things
20401s related to interviewing but it is a
20403s distinct step I thought because looking
20405s at someone's skills and actually talking
20408s to them are two very different things
20411s likewise people that identified as
20413s onboarders had a nearly identical
20415s identical skill profile so that's why
20418s they're together here on the slide
20420s um if your group doesn't do onboarding I
20423s would strongly advise trying to do
20425s onboarding
20426s um we've had other presentations at
20428s prior Fan Fest for sure from different
20430s groups talking about their onboarding
20432s programs but making sure that new people
20434s that join have what they need know what
20437s they need and know where to go to ask
20439s questions generally has a pretty strong
20441s correlation with uh likelihood of longer
20444s term membership and smooth integration
20446s into your crew
20447s people working in these roles strongly
20450s identified with critical thinking work
20453s ethic emotional intelligence told you it
20455s would come up and conflict resolution
20459s um
20460s mostly the cultural fit assessment I
20463s thought but onboarders also had it too
20465s when you're trying to work with someone
20467s first trying to figure out do I want to
20470s fly with this person at all
20473s and then all right we gotta fly with
20476s them how do I make sure they don't suck
20479s um you end up talking to them it
20481s requires figuring out what do they want
20483s what do they need
20485s and resonating that to match what you
20488s want and what you need or rather your
20489s group wants and your group needs closing
20492s that Gap and being able to get everyone
20495s onto the same page is the main reason
20497s that we have emotional intelligence up
20499s here
20500s um working and assessing fit into an
20503s organization helped me understand that
20505s oftentimes the best way to solve a
20507s problem is to avoid having it in the
20509s first place
20510s that's a good quote of virtually
20512s everything but in the context of this
20514s slide that was specifically raised to me
20516s as far as keeping bad apples out of a
20518s corporation
20520s um
20520s I suspect this is a lesson that many
20523s different groups and leaders and
20524s organizations and Eve have tried have
20526s had to learn probably the hard way at
20528s least once uh
20530s toxic people are bad
20532s and you might say but I need more people
20535s you never need people enough that you
20538s should be tolerating people that are bad
20541s the damage that can be caused internally
20543s by someone that is negative hard to deal
20546s with and makes other people want to
20549s literally not play with you might mean
20551s that when you take a step back you
20553s realize you're literally at a net
20554s negative for letting this person be in
20556s your Fleet and recognizing that before
20560s they're in your group can be important
20562s and that was what this quote was
20564s specifically talking about but hopefully
20566s a lesson that you can learn both and
20568s even if you're in a position to ever be
20570s doing so I'd advise events I'd advise
20573s about keeping bad people out of your
20575s real life organizations as well because
20578s it's rarely ever worth that worth that
20581s Gamble
20584s um so we've got people management
20585s working with recruiters and applications
20588s so these are the people that are going
20590s to sit there and go you don't get to fly
20591s with us
20593s um these are Talent acquisition these
20596s people that work on finding recruits
20598s rather that's spamming and local chat
20600s posting on Reddit using the in-game
20603s recruiting function you're finding
20605s people that want to join your group and
20607s then you're talking to them making sure
20609s they know what you're about figuring out
20611s if they want to come join you
20614s and then you'll interview them and
20615s review their application all depending
20617s on what your group does how strict your
20619s requirements are the bar could be way up
20622s here or maybe if they can breathe
20624s they're joining your Corp and most
20626s groups in Eber somewhere in between
20628s there we can probably all think of
20631s groups on both ends of that Spectrum
20632s most corpse are definitely somewhere in
20634s the middle
20636s um
20637s but uh you know that's that's a very
20639s real thing and the people that do this
20641s in Eve generally had strong critical
20644s thinking skills strong work ethic skills
20647s again emotional intelligence because
20649s their work here relies immensely on just
20652s understanding other people's wants and
20654s needs and expressing their own and
20657s communication because they're spending a
20658s lot of time talking to people
20661s um work ethic uh I wanted to just touch
20663s on the reason we have work ethic up here
20665s is a lot of them said well recruiting's
20668s a lot of work maybe you have deadlines
20671s or targets we want to recruit X number
20673s of people maybe you have a lot of people
20675s applying to your corporation and the
20677s people that you've got to review and
20679s talk to are piling up
20681s these are people that just generally
20683s speaking
20684s said they know how to buckle down and
20685s get stuff done and they know how to
20688s consistently do that to try to keep
20690s everything moving
20693s um one of the I think only quotes that I
20696s actually have a name attached to it
20698s either people left me useful quotes but
20701s didn't give me contact information
20703s wishing to remain anonymous on my survey
20705s or in my interviews would say you can
20708s quote me but leave my name off that
20710s slide I don't know if they were worried
20712s they just didn't want to be associated
20713s with me
20715s um
20715s but that I did get a couple people that
20718s said they didn't want their name up here
20719s so uh I actually use these skills in
20723s real life to hire support staff and even
20726s help with selection of Physicians and
20728s other critical clinical support roles
20731s um I don't know if they're here I asked
20733s one of the wingspan guys and he said he
20735s didn't know but this quote is from Nikki
20737s akala who works in HR for wingspan
20741s um
20742s another one of my surprises that's
20745s probably not a surprise
20747s Eve's a great place to just hone and
20750s practice and leverage some of those
20751s skills that you may or may not be using
20754s outside but it's a place where you get
20756s to sit down on a table and interview
20758s people or talk to people and find out if
20760s you like them if they like you
20763s um I don't have a quote here but I can
20765s tell you at least five of the people I
20767s spoke to specifically mentioned that
20769s they felt like interviewing people and
20771s Eve made them better at interviewing in
20774s real life on both sides of the table
20775s because you're in a you you're sitting
20778s down and talking to someone
20780s and just figuring out I want I want a
20782s job here I want to fly with these guys
20784s or I'm figuring out if I want them to
20787s fly with me
20789s maybe the word is not fly but you do
20792s that a bunch in your job probably
20793s especially if you work in any sort of
20795s hiring manager roles or team lead roles
20798s where you're trying to figure out people
20799s that you want on your team or you want
20801s on your company
20804s rolling into the last category that I
20807s had for role set up and starting right
20809s off with probably the role that I'm not
20812s sure which one is higher CEO or fleet
20814s commander probably the other role that
20816s everyone immediately thought too when I
20819s said rules and Eve the fleet commander
20821s I'll also note this is the only slide
20825s where I have five skills attributed to
20828s it because Fleet commanders had such
20830s strong correlations across the board
20832s with a lot of roles that it was
20834s challenging to pick just four
20837s um because I I think I did mention it
20839s but these are not the only skills these
20841s roles help you with they're just the
20843s strongest because telling you that every
20845s skill or every role helps with every
20847s skill would be terribly unhelpful
20850s um
20850s but the definition of fleet commander
20852s that we use is these are the people that
20854s are responsible for calling out actions
20856s directing and driving groups of people
20858s towards a common goal and that goal
20861s might sometimes be complex I'm sure if
20863s everyone just closes their eyes for a
20865s moment they can hear their fleet
20867s commander shouting at them to jump or
20870s not jump or wondering who jumped or
20872s asking why'd someone already shoot the
20874s target and now we need to unlock and
20875s move to another one
20877s um
20878s it's every Fleet I heard several Giggles
20881s like it's not just my corpse not the
20883s only one that's bad at PVP you I don't
20885s believe you if you try to tell me
20886s otherwise
20888s um
20888s but Fleet commanders they do a lot
20891s um they've got a lot of stress running
20893s on them sometimes they've got a lot of
20895s people sitting there patiently or
20897s hopefully patiently actually paying
20899s attention to when they get told what to
20901s do and they need to do a lot of thinking
20904s and they need to do it quickly so Fleet
20906s commanders get five skills for critical
20909s thinking adaptability creativity
20912s leadership and teamwork
20915s Fleet commanders need to be good at
20917s communicating too it was a close
20919s Contender to be here because if your FC
20921s can't communicate they're probably not
20923s doing any F seeing ever again
20925s um but they need to be able to think
20927s quickly they need to be able to make
20929s good decisions and they need to be
20931s creative because sometimes you go on in
20933s and you said this is the plan and you
20935s take that Titan bridge and you go
20938s oh one D scan lights up with what the
20940s fleet is bringing and now you need a
20942s whole new plan
20944s they're leaders and they work with teams
20947s so probably the rest of those skills
20949s aren't no well none of the skills are
20950s probably surprises but Fleet commanders
20952s get an awful lot of experience and a lot
20955s a lot an awful lot of different places
20959s um my quote from an FC Fleet commanding
20962s was how I learned to build trust and
20964s reliability within my teammates and
20966s these are skills that I've successfully
20968s carried into managing people outside of
20970s Eve it's not a quote from me but I
20972s probably could have written it because I
20973s would say something very similar
20976s um I work with managing people for a
20978s living I work on making sure they have
20980s everything they need giving them
20982s Direction Where needed and there is
20984s immense strung overlap with things I do
20987s both as a CEO and a fleet commander
20990s I'm not our good fleet commander though
20991s he's someone else
20994s um
20995s next uh next up I've got Ops planning
20998s very similar to Fleet commanders as far
21001s as the role breakdown goes but I did
21004s want to call them out because they had
21005s at least one they had a couple different
21007s differences there and again Fleet
21009s commanders have very strong correlation
21011s across the board I could have put all 11
21014s skills up there but it would have been
21016s less helpful us planners are people that
21019s may or may not be the FC but they're
21021s helping figure out what we're doing
21022s ahead of time this might be planning
21025s just tonight's op this might be planning
21027s the entire week when are we heading what
21029s when are we going to need to follow up
21030s on timers they're heavily involved with
21033s ensuring a group's operations run on
21036s time and move and run effectively
21039s they've got leadership just like the FCS
21042s did they've got work ethic they've got
21044s time management and they're adaptable
21046s timing can be very important when it
21048s comes to planning most plans at least in
21050s Eve do have some semblance of time to
21052s them but being able to figure out how
21055s long are things going to take how long
21056s is getting there going to take and oh
21059s the Wormhole is gone now we need a new
21061s plan and you know figuring out how to
21064s adapt when your route has changed twice
21066s because now your Titan is also dead and
21068s you need to figure out how we're getting
21069s there differently
21071s planning and helping execute operations
21074s helped me build planning skills and
21076s learn attention to detail I have been
21078s able to directly translate those skills
21081s to mapping out install jobs and ensuring
21083s proper Staffing and resource allocations
21085s so again I thought a pretty cool quote
21088s this person worked in um
21092s construction and they in my conversation
21095s with them they said that literally I've
21099s taken figuring out how I'm going to
21101s Glass this constellation of structures
21103s and take in some of the skills I've
21105s learned from that on moving all the
21107s pieces and parts around and actually
21109s carry that back to my job
21112s um
21113s we've got Theory crafting Theory
21115s crafting is an interesting one
21117s um in that I think your first thought
21119s might be
21120s how does that apply to anything that's
21122s not figuring out how to make spaceships
21126s but then you think on it more and
21127s realize it actually starts to make a lot
21129s of sense especially after uh you know we
21131s touch on the quote maybe this applies
21134s more to some Fields than than others but
21137s I got a lot of people that talked about
21138s how that overall Min maxing optimization
21142s mindset was able to be applied
21144s everywhere these are people that build
21146s your doctrines they figure out how to
21148s fit your ships they might yell at you
21149s and you don't listen and fit your ship
21151s something differently and they adjust to
21153s the game changes both mechanics and the
21156s game meta to ensure that whatever you're
21158s flying is as efficient as possible
21160s keeping the price in mind
21162s these are critical thinkers they solve
21165s problems they're adaptive and they're
21167s creative and figuring out
21170s screen keeps dying on me
21173s there we go figuring out how to min max
21175s something and find the perceived best
21177s solution to a problem
21180s with hundreds of variables has helped me
21182s tackle similarly complicated things in
21185s my engineering career probably no big
21187s surprise to someone that uh engineering
21190s was where this quote came from but being
21192s able to just take a couple steps back
21194s and look at the big picture with all the
21198s different parts changes things that need
21200s to happen and figuring out how to
21202s navigate through that is not unique to
21204s Eve it's not unique to Eve it's not
21206s unique to just ship fittings and I
21209s strongly believe that if you learn some
21211s of those skills and work and just what
21213s is the best way to put all these pieces
21215s together it's going to work
21218s um
21219s that is a real ship fit that I have seen
21223s used by someone in my alliance in case
21225s you're wondering where that came from
21229s um not on the list from Forbes but
21231s something I wanted to touch on was hard
21233s skills the hard skills that we
21235s specifically peaked at was data
21238s collection analysis statistics I got a
21242s lot of people saying that they'd picked
21243s up these skills in Eve
21245s um the first grouping Google Docs
21248s Microsoft Excel Power by and other
21251s similar software that does data entry
21253s and processing a lot of people we talked
21256s to actually said one of the first places
21257s they really really used those things
21260s wasn't Eve
21261s um and many of them now use them in
21264s their job even if they didn't have to
21266s because
21267s they are now addicted to spreadsheets
21269s look what Eve has done to us
21273s um
21275s almost everybody said in some fashion
21277s they used this but the roles that had
21279s the highest likelihood of saying yes I
21281s used that for both my job and in my Eve
21284s job literally every industry role didn't
21287s matter what kind of industry you were
21288s doing huge surprise if you're doing
21290s industry without spreadsheets I'm
21292s slightly concerned
21294s um
21294s operations planners Theory crafters and
21297s people that worked in onboarding if
21299s you're wondering why onboarding is up
21300s there my conversations with the people
21302s that checked that box was they basically
21305s use them to make checklists they use
21306s them to track where people are at in
21309s their different onboarding pipelines and
21311s they're using that to figure out who
21312s needs what
21314s um likewise people that learned and got
21316s involved in analyzing data and learning
21319s statistics
21320s Theory Crafters Fleet commanders Ops
21324s planning and people that worked in again
21326s all industry roles were likely to have
21329s gotten involved in analyzing lots of
21331s data and making some decisions based off
21333s of Analytics
21336s so
21338s um
21339s what are uh per the Forbes list there's
21342s our 11 I attached one quick and toward
21346s there towards the end for the hard
21347s skills what we've done now is we've
21350s created a mapping of where am I most
21353s likely to improve my time management
21356s skills where am I most likely to be able
21358s to work and do some things that might
21360s help me learn and improve my creativity
21362s or my leadership or my critical thinking
21365s I'm not going to read this entire slide
21367s of course but what we've got here is the
21369s 12 different skills that we touched on
21372s along with what roles that I talked
21374s about that had the strongest correlation
21377s to them I of course will again note
21380s basically almost every role that we
21383s looked at had some people that said they
21385s used XYZ skills in it if you're doing
21388s anything in Eve there's a good chance
21390s you're learning several of these so this
21392s is not an exhaustive list or a
21394s prescriptive list but rather this is
21396s intended to come across as a guide that
21399s says I do some of those things those are
21402s the skills I'm learning and picking up
21403s on
21406s um finally I wanted to just touch on
21408s this with one slide just because uh it
21410s came up enough from conversations that I
21412s thought it would be silly not to touch
21414s on
21415s um there was already another
21416s presentation by Max Singularity this
21419s weekend that talked about relationships
21421s and friendships and networking and
21422s things that you can build and grow and
21424s learn through Eve but two things that
21427s stood out to me that I felt were
21428s especially relevant to this conversation
21431s was people that said that those have
21433s helped them in their career
21435s um just over one in five people that we
21439s spoke to and took the survey felt that
21441s relationships that they'd gained through
21443s Eve have actually helped them Advance
21445s their career whether that was helping
21447s them land a new job in the same field in
21449s another company or just saying hi yeah
21452s this is how I learned these skills and
21454s got promoted here's how you can do it
21456s too these are not direct quotes but
21459s rather paraphrasing of combining lots of
21462s conversations on this but meeting
21464s someone that was further along in the
21466s same career as me helped me find
21467s advancement opportunities summarizes
21470s what all those people gave me as
21471s feedback as well as people actually
21474s changed career Fields because of Eve or
21477s rather because of people they met in Eve
21479s I've been thinking about moving careers
21482s and finding someone that already did
21484s that helped me decide to make that jump
21486s if you're thinking I want to know how to
21488s break into X
21491s what's better than finding someone that
21492s already does X so one in eight people
21495s said that this has happened to them
21496s through their time playing Eve
21499s um 13 percent
21500s uh not most maybe not tons but given how
21505s many people we looked at I thought it
21507s was relevant and interesting enough to
21508s bring it up
21511s so
21512s um that's wrapping up my presentation we
21515s talked about me the questions that
21517s started this the goals of the
21520s presentation hopefully everyone feels
21522s like they learned something or at least
21524s laughed once or twice at some of my bad
21525s jokes
21526s How We Gather the data and then I drove
21529s in and talked about all the different
21531s roles and skills and how they all
21533s correlate together
21535s so there is not time for Q a here we're
21540s not set up for it in the main hall but
21542s if you have questions comments feedback
21544s or want to just
21546s talk to me
21548s um I'm exooky Z in game you can combo me
21550s if I'm online you can shoot me a mail
21552s you can find me a zigzuki on Discord and
21555s of course I will be around for the rest
21557s of Fan Fest so always happy to talk
21559s about this with anybody else
21562s so thank you very much everyone I hope
21564s that was a good use of your time and
21567s enjoy the rest of Fan Fest
21583s [Music]
21593s it's amazing how uh governing a group of
21597s players is the same no matter where
21598s those people I should say people
21601s governing a group of people is the same
21602s whether they're in kindergarten Eve
21605s government a corporation like whatever
21608s it's the same anywhere I am CCP goat I'm
21611s glad and happy to welcome you back to
21613s the sat here I am joined once again by
21616s DeLana and this time around we have them
21619s uh Andrew with us the author of the
21622s empires of Eve that's correct volumes
21624s one and two yes yes yes and soon to be
21631s my difficulty uh with that kind of stuff
21633s is like as a individual author and a
21636s person who runs just like a one-person
21638s company it's so immensely difficult to
21641s project myself out like next year
21643s because if something goes wrong my whole
21644s company shuts down right yes you know
21646s yeah yeah yeah it's uh not there's not a
21650s lot of fail-safes redundancies when
21652s you're a single person company nowhere
21654s to help me out no right well
21656s um we were discussing it a little bit
21657s how the overlap between these two uh
21661s subject matters is uh interesting that
21665s like
21666s um controlling like
21668s guiding a group of people
21670s um guiding a group of people through
21671s something is the same wherever it is and
21674s people are the same wherever they are
21676s yeah absolutely and the reason why that
21679s becomes so important is because that
21683s means that the design of the game is of
21686s the utmost importance that the the
21688s people aren't responding the same way
21691s because they're people necessarily
21693s they're responding the same way because
21694s the game is prodding them to respond in
21696s the same way it's only giving them a
21697s handful of different options about how
21699s they can respond and so people choose
21701s from among those limited options so you
21703s end up with
21704s um
21705s familiar things taking place across a
21708s number of different systems and it's
21709s super interesting uh
21712s actually I wanted to point one thing out
21714s our last interview here was with
21717s um
21717s was it I I oh I can't remember his name
21721s but he was with project Discovery I'm
21722s not very good with names I'm old okay uh
21725s but I wanted to say he wanted to come
21726s send something across is that they are
21729s planning to release an app for mobile
21731s phones and other devices which will
21733s allow citizen science to occur outside
21736s of the client and that's also something
21738s that I find really interesting is um
21741s he called it a monkeys with like
21745s typewriters writing Shakespeare kind of
21747s moment the the thing like that many
21750s people created this beautiful thing
21753s um the uh the map of sovereignty that
21757s you were showing in your presentation
21758s that is something that I find
21760s um
21761s beautiful in a way it is with all the
21764s like uh especially if you know the
21766s history of the Intrigue and the
21767s Espionage that went into it if you yeah
21769s if you learn how to read the map if you
21771s learn to to see everything that's
21772s happening it's so it's so thick with
21775s um consequence and you understand that
21777s that little colorful blob actually
21779s represents 600 people's in-game lives
21782s right and that it meant so much to them
21784s and when you study the game's history
21786s that's what you're really studying is
21788s you're studying the human emotion that's
21790s involved you're reading their diary
21792s entries their journal entries you're
21794s hearing their speeches as they talked
21796s about it late at night on on Discord or
21798s whatever right um and uh yeah and then
21801s watching it all burn down because one
21803s person one person maybe got a little I
21806s don't know pissed off angry bored
21809s yeah I don't know what you look at me
21810s for
21812s uh you would probably be the person of
21815s us here that has the most experience
21816s with something like that something like
21818s this going wrong
21819s oh yeah well Martini personally unless
21822s but
21824s um yeah being in Dulce
21827s um yeah it's it's all entirely just
21829s interpersonal
21831s um
21832s interactions so it's like we all make
21835s the story and yeah like we were saying
21838s it's just
21840s [Music]
21840s um
21842s yeah somebody decides to backstab
21844s somebody else or if we just get a nice
21845s little war you know that's
21847s we're writing the whole story and that's
21849s still crazy to me just like instead of
21851s just you know other MMOs like we're just
21853s playing along they make the story for us
21855s to just be part of but
21857s with Eve we are the story right and
21860s that's still just amazing to me and I
21862s think that makes the game so fascinating
21865s too because because of the fact that one
21867s player can ruin everything for so many
21870s people it makes the game is about making
21873s sure that that doesn't happen so it
21875s means that part of the strategy of the
21878s game has to be about a sort of micro
21880s level understanding of each and every
21882s pilot because each person you put into a
21884s position of responsibility can be so
21887s disastrously consequential if you make
21889s the wrong decision so you need to know
21890s who your allies are you need to know who
21892s you're flying with yeah exactly and uh
21896s um when people are talking about how
21898s content is lacking in email line then
21900s the answer is usually just do you go out
21902s and do something like do you have access
21904s to some Corporation hangers called meta
21906s history make some content for yourself
21907s but no um
21909s forgot the point I was going to make but
21912s that happens regularly so coming from a
21914s px background
21916s it is uh no I forgot my point again it
21919s happens to me constantly this is so
21921s relatable right now to be honest with
21923s you all these lights these nice nice
21926s people both talking and watching me it's
21929s too much sometimes too much uh I will
21932s try and figure out what my point was
21934s going to be but that might take a while
21936s but um now that we wrapped up the uh
21939s skills real life skills from you online
21941s panel there is only one thing left
21945s on the stream today yeah there's still
21947s some panels ongoing uh FanFest itself
21950s but you want the one thing that has left
21953s is the closing ceremony which is sure to
21955s sum up everything that's been happening
21957s uh here both on camera and off we'll get
21960s some statistics about like how the
21962s charity things were going and uh like
21964s where we scored on that front
21966s um would you say that you've been having
21968s fun yeah I mean I'm here for the fifth
21971s time uh I haven't been here in five
21974s years though
21975s um you know with everything that was
21976s going on and also I hadn't been here for
21978s a couple years before all that started
21979s anyways but
21981s um this place is now like rich with
21984s memory for me
21985s um and so we're in a different physical
21987s location we're not at the harp at this
21988s year right but still at the same time
21990s being in the city seeing all the
21992s familiar faces
21994s um it's a long trip and it's worth it
21998s every single time
22000s um and I don't always know how it ends
22002s up being worth it every single time
22003s because I hate flying so much and I do
22006s it anyways just to come here and be
22008s around this whole thing and it's by the
22010s end of the I've never regretted it once
22012s and to be honest with you I've never met
22014s anyone who regretted it right yeah
22016s before so I mean called it confirmation
22019s bias it takes a long time and a lot of a
22021s lot of resources to come here but I
22023s agree uh everybody who decides to make
22026s the trip and does it they don't regret
22028s it it's it's a like
22030s um even if I grew up here and I'm from
22032s here it's a magical place like every
22035s every single season has something new to
22037s offer and you can go somewhere and see
22038s something new almost every every quarter
22040s of the like of the actual Island itself
22042s not that we go that far from the capital
22044s but
22045s um I can imagine that like coming coming
22048s all this way to do something like for a
22051s game that you play and like and love and
22054s you enjoy being around the community
22055s like it's only going to get better
22057s really yeah I mean especially as I get
22060s older you talk about being older as I
22061s get older as well like I become much
22064s more aware that the little interactions
22068s that you share with people become
22070s incredibly are much more important than
22072s you thought they were yes and that is
22074s what I take away the most from Fan Fest
22075s is that a lot of times it's a very it's
22077s a short conversation that you share with
22079s somebody or it's something relatively
22081s small like I just met up I met a person
22083s who I worked with I collaborated with
22085s the in-game photographer Resort and it
22088s just came up to me in the hallway and
22089s and
22091s we got this chance to just sit down and
22092s talk for 20 minutes about the craft of
22094s virtual photography and like that is not
22097s the only experience that I've had here
22099s but like realistically if I had never
22101s had that conversation I'd be so much
22103s poorer for it yes and and it's weird
22105s those little interactions are what make
22108s the trip worth it yeah
22110s would you agree
22112s uh yeah definitely
22114s um I mean usually for me for fam Fest a
22116s big part just besides just going to the
22118s panels learning stuff that's great but
22121s one of my favorite Parts is just walking
22122s around just like with my little flag
22125s here and just talking to people
22128s something I love just like beating all
22130s these different sorts of people from all
22132s over the place and it's just all
22134s different perspectives and
22136s it's just it really adds a lot to just
22139s the whole experience and just being part
22141s of Eve and just the whole social aspect
22144s of it is something curious do you have
22146s any social strategies for how you engage
22147s people like is the flag your your go-to
22150s strategies
22151s like normally I would Define myself as
22154s like a shy introvert but this is here
22156s it's just like we're all here for the
22158s same thing so it's like we already have
22159s something in common it's like okay who
22161s do you apply for like what do you do in
22162s game and it's easy just lead in with
22164s that
22165s yeah absolutely and hearing like people
22167s who've been maybe been playing since
22168s 2008 2009 talk about what's the best
22171s thing to do in game you can get into
22173s heated arguments whether it's like no
22175s sack people want to go faction Warfare
22177s the wormholders usually say that you are
22179s just playing in sand like in an actual
22181s Kitty sandbox if you're not going into
22183s wormholes it's like the the level and
22186s tears of uh I don't want to say classism
22189s but like snob sure that can happen with
22191s what you're doing in the game passion
22193s passion right yes yes the different
22195s tears of passion uh can be quite
22199s overwhelming at times coming from like
22201s certain players who have mastered what
22202s they're doing and then you have the
22203s people who are actually like figured out
22206s that switching between different play
22209s Styles I mean if it's the best way to
22210s keep it like fresh and good it's it's
22213s difficult to get to know something over
22215s the past over the like a period of uh
22218s one or two years and then try to switch
22219s up the way that you're doing it going
22221s from like high seg Mission running and
22223s Mining to low sec I mean terrifying I
22226s remember when I did that first I lost my
22228s first probe to a gate camp and I still
22231s haven't like forgiven the people who did
22233s it and then you go from like you start
22236s maybe you get better at uh PVP and you
22238s get better at going one way one or like
22241s you get fed up with getting a hot
22242s dropped or or ganked by small fleets and
22245s you start Gathering your own small
22247s fleets and stuff and then go into
22248s Middlesex like apply for groups like
22251s pandemic horde who are a really good
22252s group again CCP does not endorse any One
22256s alliances the best Alliance in the game
22257s I'm sure but uh and then once you're fed
22260s up with the politics of nullsack you
22262s don't want to be the F1 line monkey
22264s anymore you want to go into wormholes
22266s explore find make-isk
22268s uh some some employees and CCP have
22271s taken to like decided to make it their
22274s mission to crack the way you're supposed
22277s to play wormholes and they do that by
22279s themselves just alone and I have great
22281s fun doing it the inventiveness of that
22283s you're allowed within the community too
22285s is something that I mean I'm a little
22287s biased because I feel like I'm one of
22288s those people who kind of like invented
22290s my own play style
22292s um by not actually undocumented ship and
22294s just talking to people like because
22295s that's what I like to do is I like to
22297s hear people's stories and so that's how
22299s um I it's not really a joke but
22301s something I say sometimes like that's
22302s how I play Eve and I gravitate a lot of
22305s times towards other people in the
22307s community who have found their own niche
22309s in the same way like I mentioned
22310s resorian the the virtual photographer
22313s who I spoke to a few minutes ago he's
22314s exactly the same kind of person who
22317s invented in a lot of ways his own way of
22320s interacting uh with Eve in a way that
22323s nobody else told him was okay told him
22326s that he told him no one told him to go
22327s do that and to go you know become a fine
22330s artist a virtual photographer within the
22333s virtual environment but Eve is
22335s freewheeling enough to allow you to
22337s experiment and come up with your own
22339s play style right and uh that's a part of
22342s the infamous learning Cliff right that
22345s it's not the like of the the what was
22348s the actual name I can't remember there's
22350s a craft people know that graph all the
22352s other games on that craft are that oh
22354s sure yeah yeah that's the best one with
22356s all the stick figures dying yes
22358s learning Cliff everyone line uh but like
22361s that's the reason why it's so hard
22362s there's no right path to take you can
22365s follow what others have done before but
22368s they will not have found like the reason
22371s those paths were made was was because
22373s there was no path and people just made
22375s their own and some others were able to
22376s follow you seem to like Eve online a lot
22378s of CCP paying you
22380s say these things low key I can neither
22382s like yeah I mean yeah sure yes CCP is in
22387s fact in fact paying me I have been
22389s playing since it came up like I will
22391s tell you guys right yes it was a very
22394s big deal when an MMO was being made in
22397s Iceland sure back in 2003 and they
22399s released beta for it it was like it was
22402s the biggest uh gaming phenomenon to
22404s happen in in Iceland since like board
22407s games uh were given like were got
22410s translations I've always been curious
22412s about that because it must have been
22413s special like the whole design philosophy
22415s does seem to me at times to be like it
22418s is a game that is Icelandic in a lot of
22420s respects and so to like have something
22422s that like speaks to that cultural
22425s experience in like a not a overt
22427s branding kind of like fetishization kind
22429s of way but deep down in the bones in the
22431s DNA of the product you made by people
22433s who see the world the same way yes so as
22436s an outsider who wasn't a part of the
22438s actual designing process I can tell you
22440s that playing it in the beginning was
22442s like going into Icelandic nature
22443s probably in the South part of the
22445s country where we have no trees and
22447s nothing it's just lava Fields standing
22449s on a stone and it's like it's it's it's
22450s windy and it's kind of raining a little
22452s bit and just standing there and
22454s listening to that that was the that was
22455s the experience of playing A1 life like
22458s with the with the music that came with
22460s it and the feeling of trying like the
22463s the the absolute Joy you first when you
22466s finished mining an Umpire Rock somewhere
22468s where it was dangerous those were the
22470s days we are all a lot less innocent
22473s these days which like uh comes with the
22476s evolution of the game I heard somebody
22478s saying that he missed the time when
22480s people were racing rifters it was like
22484s you just try to make a rifter as fast as
22486s possible and then you just raced uh and
22489s then I guess like it evolved with people
22491s becoming bored of that and they started
22493s bringing down the biggest alliances in
22495s history sure which is like it's a
22497s beautiful uh evolutionary path
22500s for an MMO game I think yeah definitely
22503s but speaking of evolutionary path uh I
22507s will say that FunFest 2023 has been a
22509s remarkably good time it's been wonderful
22513s to see all these faces as always the
22515s vibe is incredible yeah the people are
22517s people are excited like I was sitting in
22519s the audience yesterday for the keynote
22521s and like people were getting like almost
22523s a little bit out of pocket I was like I
22525s wanted to get over and be like I know
22526s you're like excited but you gotta calm
22528s down like a little bit because they're
22529s still speaking
22530s um please but you know I don't know they
22532s were telling us to get excited
22534s Hilmar was being uh very loud himself
22537s too so there was a lot of yelling so a
22539s lot of yeah specifically at you
22540s specifically but uh yeah it's it's um
22547s um even people that don't play the game
22549s are on either on a break or have like
22551s like self-declared one Eve online they
22555s still come to fast there's a particular
22557s person I have in mind which has like he
22560s he is thinking of making a character
22562s called x minus two because that's how
22564s many Fan Fest he's been at like he's
22566s been at all but two
22567s uh and that's that is a unique thing
22570s um definitely and for everyone all of
22573s these people to come here uh two to
22575s three hundred people arriving to Iceland
22578s a day specifically for Fan Fest since
22580s last Sunday it's like it's uh that that
22583s those are numbers that like what I think
22585s icelanders are 350 000 360 maybe the
22589s entirety
22590s it's a large portion of of the popular
22592s like percentage of population per capita
22595s of course sure Iceland is the is the is
22597s the world champion of per capita right
22601s anything per capita you guys win at it
22604s yeah apparently my mic type can I
22607s apparently my mic died so I'm handing it
22609s to you of course no but uh I I want to
22612s quickly wrap this up
22613s um we are going on a little break until
22615s uh
22616s until uh the closing ceremony starts at
22620s 16 30.
22622s um so stick around and you want to watch
22624s that to see this this whole package
22626s being wrapped up
22627s um and then we will be back with a
22630s little word after that but I want to
22633s thank you guys for joining me here thank
22634s you so much uh and thank you for the
22636s presentation it was immensely uh
22639s educational and it's wonderful to be
22641s here as a guest at CCP and to get to
22643s talk to the community again I'm isolated
22645s a lot of the time off on the west coast
22647s of the U.S so I don't get a chance to
22648s talk to people about this it's something
22649s that I really care about so it's great
22651s to be here so it's safe to say that to
22653s be back well we'll see CCP has to invite
22656s me so okay perfect
22659s yes thanks for giving me the dead Mike
22661s but anyways yeah I mean I have the same
22663s thing I live in the south so let's even
22665s wears we feel like it's hard to find the
22666s Nerds but this is where all the Nerds
22668s are sure I live in Seattle so it's not
22670s hard to find the Nerds it's a it's a
22671s video gamey town for sure well New
22673s Orleans is not really exactly but I'm
22676s working on that
22678s good luck yeah good luck
22683s go to Eve New Orleans you heard that go
22686s to leave New Orleans but for us now
22688s we're going to go on break and we'll see
22690s you after the closing ceremony
22703s thank you
22705s foreign
22706s [Music]
22716s [Music]
22731s [Music]
22768s foreign
22776s [Music]
22782s foreign
22801s [Music]
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22833s [Music]
22852s foreign
22854s [Music]
22866s [Music]
22879s [Music]
22894s thank you
22899s [Music]
22905s [Music]
22913s [Music]
22926s foreign
22951s [Music]
22965s [Music]
22973s thank you
22979s [Music]
23017s foreign
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23070s [Music]
23081s foreign
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23156s [Music]
23165s foreign
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23213s [Music]
23218s foreign
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23244s [Music]
23251s [Music]
23262s [Music]
23295s foreign
23302s foreign
23305s [Music]
23324s [Music]
23382s thank you
23418s [Music]
23429s [Music]
23444s foreign
23446s [Music]
23455s foreign
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23468s [Music]
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23502s [Music]
23511s [Music]
23540s foreign
23589s [Music]
23614s foreign
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23652s [Music]
23690s [Music]
23700s [Music]
23709s thank you
23719s [Music]
23722s foreign
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23742s [Music]
23748s [Music]
23804s foreign
23849s [Music]
23854s foreign
23875s foreign
23918s [Music]
23932s [Music]
23937s thank you
23942s [Music]
23949s foreign
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23965s [Music]
24008s [Music]
24054s foreign
24071s [Music]
24117s foreign
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24145s [Music]
24148s foreign
24149s [Music]
24158s [Music]
24169s [Music]
24186s thank you
24187s [Music]
24193s [Music]
24203s [Music]
24209s [Music]
24216s [Music]
24223s all right
24225s [Music]
24241s [Music]
24244s foreign
24247s [Music]
24282s foreign
24284s [Music]
24298s [Music]
24305s [Music]
24311s [Music]
24321s foreign
24323s [Music]
24348s [Music]
24361s thank you
24370s it is time for The Fan Fest 2023 closing
24375s ceremony please welcome onto the stage
24378s me
24387s Jesus Christ
24391s there's a lot of you
24392s like a lot of you
24395s [Music]
24400s but one should expect that from the
24402s officially Biggest Fan Fest ever
24409s all right I just have to go over a
24411s couple things first just
24413s um
24414s I'm used to speaking in front of people
24415s not quite this many people I'm more of
24418s like a nano gang public speaker not so
24420s much a block level public speaker so if
24422s I make a mistake or stammer or forget
24424s where I'm at just kind of like roll with
24427s it
24427s the other thing too is I won't be
24429s engaging in any of this crowd work
24431s sophistry that you see in so many
24433s presentations you know the the Callback
24435s thing you know are you ready yeah yeah
24437s all that kind of stuff all right is that
24439s all right with you I I said is that all
24442s right with you
24445s good because there'll be no cheap tricks
24446s like that tonight
24449s so during the closing ceremony at Fan
24451s Fest is a Bittersweet thing
24453s um it's great to be up in front of all
24454s of you and I've had a fantastic time
24455s with you all for the last couple of days
24457s at least as many of you as I could catch
24458s up with if you've been able to stop me
24460s for five seconds while I've been
24461s scrambling around the venue
24463s um but before we all got here from Fan
24465s Fest
24467s many of us have been in Iceland for a
24468s while already and we'd gone on various
24470s Adventures of our own so I want to recap
24472s that just a little bit I know many of
24473s you were at some of these events some of
24475s you weren't but it's also several
24477s thousand people watching on the stream
24478s who didn't come at all and I really want
24480s them to feel it you know like
24482s regret it
24484s so the first thing for me that I went to
24487s was this Fan Fest not not Fan Fest shoot
24491s at LAN party now this actually wasn't an
24493s official part of The Fan Fest program
24495s but with Fan Fest coming up and so many
24497s of you arriving my friends on the
24499s community team we do a weekly stream
24500s called lift to feed where we go out and
24503s we just get in spaceships and roam
24504s around New Zealand and get out of New
24505s Zealand new Eden
24507s I've been spending too much time talking
24509s to Tampa okay so we roam around new Eden
24513s and get blown up and we thought wouldn't
24514s it be neat if we did that with just like
24516s way more people so we went to this cool
24518s place in copavera called Arena gaming we
24521s had 50 players and 10 devs we went on in
24523s three separate fleets ccpb LED one uh
24526s kiyakti from finding LED another one
24528s Varian Stone Shard from Specter Fleet uh
24530s let another one it was a wonderful day
24532s of explosions there was also some beer
24533s and some pizza you know don't judge it's
24535s just the thing that you do at a LAN
24536s party and everyone went home with a
24539s smile on their face
24540s except for the guy in the gray jumper
24543s but it's okay he's a friend of mine
24546s we're old Court mates from our days back
24548s in Syndicate that's Epsilon sorry I
24549s couldn't resist he's he's smiling on the
24551s inside don't worry about that
24554s uh some of you took the time to check
24557s out your surroundings you went for like
24559s walks around Reykjavik and learned about
24560s the history of the city which is a great
24562s thing to do while you're here some of
24564s you went out into the nature and you
24565s went on the Golden Circle Tour and
24567s checked out some of the beautiful
24568s natural sites and in some cases the
24570s nature came to you because the Discord
24573s for The Fan Fest uh the official Eve
24575s Discord was just packed with photos of
24577s people looking at these like incredible
24579s uh uh Northern Lights I could only fit
24582s three but there was like probably close
24583s to 50 or 60 picks on there so to get a
24586s couple of nights of really clear weather
24588s while there's really good Aurora going
24589s on is absolutely fantastic so I hope if
24592s it was the first time seeing all the
24593s lights you'll be able to cherish that
24594s and take it home with you
24597s is trying to bring fit Fleet back he
24600s took a bunch of people to go bouldering
24601s and a lot of you also turned up for the
24604s monument unveiling which was great and
24605s then immediately started clambering all
24607s over it with your grab your hands to try
24608s and find where your names were
24610s now I was here in 2013 as a player when
24613s they unveiled the first monument and the
24616s only downside was like I don't even
24618s think we used Discord in 2013. maybe it
24620s was carrier pigeon I can't remember it
24621s was a while ago
24624s um Twitter social media whatever it was
24626s it was blowing up with all of my friends
24628s saying hey can you just go take a photo
24630s of my name I can take a photo my name
24632s did anyone you did it happen to any of
24634s you as well yeah
24637s uh we had fun in the evenings as well
24639s this is from the Tweet Fleet Meetup at
24641s galkerin originally this event was well
24643s I don't know if originally but
24644s historically it had been run by a player
24646s named General Stargazer who is now Cece
24648s fizellis and in his absence the uh it
24651s had been picked up by draculus who's
24653s been looking out stand up
24654s this is dreckless
24660s he used to call himself the Paris Hilton
24663s of Eve because he was famous for doing
24664s nothing uh but you're going to have to
24667s come up with a different name now
24668s because you're doing stuff uh so yeah
24670s all had fun singing karaoke even some
24672s CCP has got in onto it here we have CCP
24674s duckling CCP tiger shark and CCP Emerald
24677s I don't know what tune they're building
24678s out but I'm sure it was fantastic then
24681s on Thursday things officially started
24683s here at grosca some um some people with
24685s lower moral fibers started turning up to
24687s register and collect their tickets there
24689s are also some really cool presentations
24691s and of course the traditional Charity
24693s Dinner now I want you to take a minute
24696s look at this picture see if anything
24697s stands out to you
24702s I'm captivated by expression on the face
24706s of CCP blue screen in this picture I
24710s this guy is talking to has just told him
24712s some real like
24714s I'm like it's like dude
24716s do we call them pets because we pet them
24719s or do we pet them because they're called
24720s pets and he's just like
24725s yeah never thought that before then
24728s while you're here in the venue I hope
24729s you went and checked out the history
24730s wall it was we had so much space and we
24733s still couldn't fit all of the all the
24735s stories in that we wanted so there was a
24736s lot of stuff missing of course bold Tech
24738s can't walk past the word megathron
24740s without stopping for a selfie and uh
24742s Katya say was there too and I took a
24745s little opportunity to get a snap next to
24746s their
24747s um Guinness World Record uh story
24750s the eve board game was also being tried
24752s out did did you get to try this out did
24755s you go look at it I
24757s I don't until till Fan Fest I'd only
24759s seen it on a screen like this big like
24761s on a team's call and I'm like yeah I
24762s guess it looks like looks pretty neat
24764s and then I walked into the um the area
24766s where they're set up and I saw they had
24768s to they baited me they had that like 200
24770s size version of it I was like oh uh and
24774s um uh but it still looks super cool so
24776s go to kickstarter.com look at for Eve
24777s online find this type in your email
24780s address hit notify because I've been
24782s talking to these guys they they're
24783s already thinking about what they could
24784s do with expansions like one with pirate
24786s factions and one wormholes and all of
24788s that is incumbent on this being
24789s successful and if you'd like to have one
24790s of these on your game shelves then you
24792s should definitely try and pick one up
24793s but the first step is just letting us
24795s know how much interest there is so yeah
24798s I'm sure the Pope the pope you must be
24801s sitting on a gold mine
24804s all right Kickstart is canceled it's
24806s going to be funded by the Pope
24813s thank you you're holding us
24817s oh okay okay no worries we have to pay
24819s him back that's the only catch
24821s uh some of you took the time to Brand
24824s yourself with e for life which is soup
24826s which is like a super amazing commitment
24828s I haven't got one yet because I haven't
24829s decided what I want to get I want to get
24831s the caldari Navy logo I think that would
24833s look cool but I think if anyone saw it
24835s that I think it's like are you just some
24837s sort of try hard Air Force guy or
24839s something I'm like no I'm a nerd that's
24841s that's way cooler uh and some people who
24843s weren't quite prepared to go that far
24845s settle for just getting their hair and
24846s makeup done
24848s I would have done this myself but
24850s you know
24853s um and but it was a great Fan Fest
24855s overall whether you were just like
24856s catching up with your current space
24858s friends
24859s and I want to thank the the guy from NC
24861s DOT who gave me that uh you know that
24863s machined aluminum token with the logo on
24866s it I was it was one of those situations
24867s where I was like charging from A to B
24869s you know he stopped me he's like here
24870s have this and I was like thanks and it
24872s wasn't until like five minutes I looked
24873s at it I'm like oh this is cool you
24875s know I like I I feel really bad just for
24878s pseudo ghosting him uh and even some old
24881s friends turned up
24891s never far from our hearts
24893s but speaking of friends I want to invite
24895s on stage now one of my legitimately
24897s oldest space friends we've been flying
24899s together for nearly 10 over 10 years was
24902s when we first started going on fleets
24903s together her name is Greg L and she is
24906s the leader of the Fan Fest volunteer
24909s Corps and I want to bring them on stage
24910s as well just so they can get the
24912s recognition they do for all the awesome
24913s work they do to help make this event run
24916s so come on out here
24918s [Applause]
24926s always good to be with you Pam
24930s come on guys
24931s [Applause]
24936s one of my best volunteer teams ever
24940s give my great ground
24942s [Applause]
24950s alrighty
24952s [Applause]
24957s it's been a fantastic weekend hasn't it
24962s full of history and mystery
24965s and the volunteers have been doing this
24968s 10 years now did you know that
24971s yeah we started a New Vegas 2013. Oh far
24975s out that's so that's when you sort of
24977s stuff well that's when I kind of fell
24978s into this yeah it just it just started
24981s happening and now what we were going to
24983s talk about first again well did you want
24985s to say a little bit more about the
24986s volunteers first or should we talk about
24987s some of the side work that you've done
24989s at the fan Festus so let's talk about
24991s what some of the volunteers did this
24993s weekend besides checking everybody in we
24996s raised a lot of money
24998s um we had hmm
25001s folded a lot of shirts yes
25004s stuffed a lot of bags yep
25007s but mostly we welcomed you because
25010s without you we wouldn't be here
25013s and we want to say thank you to all of
25015s you and give you all of you a huge round
25018s of applause because without the players
25021s there is no Eve
25023s without the without Eve there's no CCP
25027s there's no volunteers so thank you for
25030s all of you I said it might not be so bad
25033s yes so you guys
25037s um I can't wait to see the total
25038s Olympics I don't know the total number
25039s yet but y'all blew us away with your
25042s generosity in the Raffles in the
25045s capsular pilots licenses which by the
25048s way uh if you haven't picked yours up
25051s you better hit me up really fast after
25053s closing
25054s and The Wheel of Fortune thingy the data
25059s thing and
25062s should I just put the number on the
25063s screen I think so this is how much you
25065s raised obviously
25066s [Applause]
25071s [Laughter]
25073s 40
25076s 710.66 yep wow just
25081s wow so that'll be going to the reg uh
25084s Children's Hospital the children thank
25086s you so much we blew away last year
25088s that's way more than last year yeah
25091s you're way cooler than all the people
25092s who showed up last year
25094s oh okay oh yeah
25097s so
25098s we oh yeah
25103s we do have a little box where'd that box
25105s yeah so there was a raffle running as
25107s well yes just a little box contains
25110s about 4 000 raffle tickets uh which um
25113s wasn't what we expected it to contain
25115s because I was like yeah you know what we
25118s usually go through about five six
25119s hundred tickets it's a big one you know
25121s let's let's bring like 1500 that should
25124s be enough and y'all bought 1500 raffle
25127s tickets in two hours we ran out of
25129s raffle tickets we had you know several
25131s of the volunteers save the day by
25132s printing some temporary raffle tickets
25134s While others went to the printers to get
25135s some more printed and we're going to
25137s draw the winner here and the winner must
25139s be present yeah so have you take a hand
25141s because
25144s yes now do we have a picture of the
25147s history mystery Crete is that again that
25150s history mystery crate which is sorry
25152s this is what you're playing for
25157s so yeah there's quite a bit there
25160s um and there's a couple of things that
25162s are not pictured which will be revealed
25165s here soon soon but the scanners uh
25168s worked really hard to find this it's uh
25170s it's been floating in space for about 20
25172s years some of these are really old Fan
25174s Fest t-shirts I can tell like some stuff
25176s here you just can't get your head and
25178s I'm going to read the scan results a
25179s little bit here while y'all are digging
25181s through your tickets to see if you
25182s wonder since I know some of you have
25183s like a hundred tickets and it might take
25185s a few minutes a few seconds for you
25189s hmm
25190s oh somebody bought 150 tickets so it's
25193s not a hyper net relax yeah but we'll
25197s we'll do a little pause if the first
25199s number drawn isn't a winner anyway
25202s in one of her this is her first time
25204s volunteering this year
25205s she has the holder the keeper of this
25208s and Jana Jana Brill who has been a
25212s volunteer for what eight years now
25215s is going to draw it
25217s and onslaughter I mean onslaughter
25219s Insidious why am I doing that today
25221s sorry Insidious
25224s is the one who's going to be able to
25225s figure out whether it's a green ticket
25227s or a red ticket because he's the one who
25229s actually got us the tickets so
25232s do the
25235s drum roll drumroll
25246s if you are the holder of a pink ticket
25249s pink ticket number one
25252s three zero five pink ticket one three
25257s zero five
25259s one three zero five we'll give you a
25262s second to dig through your piles of
25264s tickets now where are those scan results
25266s okay one three zero five pink ticket
25270s oh then you better check
25273s yeah I was gonna see it there's some guy
25275s with 100 free tickets I'll be there in a
25277s minute just
25279s so I won't be long all right so you know
25282s it includes things from 2003 and 2004 as
25285s such as the original Eve CD key sets
25290s you got another 10 seconds to find one
25292s three zero five
25295s e Vegas whiskey stones
25299s well yes the guy next time that's okay
25301s and we've got
25304s um signed by the developers at e Vegas
25307s 2014 Eve Universe book I mean sorry that
25311s was the Empire of Eve book 2015. before
25315s we redraw GG sorry how long do we have
25317s to wait before we go about to go now oh
25319s oh you are oh you got it I thought you
25323s were gonna ask a guy next to you
25325s all righty
25327s oh oh he got it match it up
25331s there's also
25334s an original danger game with board is
25337s this our winner I have the ticket
25341s it is the guy with 150 now because the
25344s creek
25346s is Minotaur manufactured we weren't able
25349s to carry it up here on stage so you'll
25351s come over to our area or we'll help you
25354s with it after the show and what is your
25356s name
25357s oh I remember printing your card cpu93
25362s 939
25365s in the initiative
25369s Applause all right
25376s one of the things not shown
25379s all right
25382s congratulations
25383s what are you guys doing with all those
25385s tickets down there
25387s oh
25389s of course it was a gay party one of the
25391s things not pictured one of the things
25393s not pictured there
25395s is a tile from the memorial confirmed
25401s one tile it even has little bits of
25403s concrete on the back
25405s okay and that is a particularly special
25407s thing that I thought you know would
25409s appreciate it that is in there signed
25411s lithograph
25412s of the monument and world of Darkness
25415s the day of Darkness card pack a few
25418s other things the scanners of course are
25420s never 100 percent
25422s good but we've also got a file career
25424s number one
25426s comic there are other opportunities to
25428s get those Palace licenses and still
25430s wears a bit more money for charity we'd
25431s like to tell the folks
25432s evecharities.org
25434s evecharities.org is for the viewers like
25436s you at home who have already contributed
25439s over eighteen hundred dollars even
25441s though they weren't able to be here so
25443s if you are watching this stream or you
25445s are here and want to order some
25446s additional
25447s capsley or Pilot's licenses for your
25451s Corp mates alts whatever just go to
25454s echarities.org it'll be available
25456s through Tuesday midnight
25459s um let's call it Pacific Time midnight
25461s and by making a donation that will I
25465s will then print and mail you a card
25467s within 10 days and that'll be available
25469s through like I said Tuesday
25471s 26 right
25473s and all that money will also be donated
25476s to the hospital to the Children's
25478s Hospital
25480s so I want to thank CCP for
25482s [Applause]
25490s for all of you guys just
25492s love you all all of you what else are we
25495s going to talk about I can't remember
25496s that's about it you've gotta you've
25498s earned yourself a break you can go put
25499s yourself I'm about to do for a break
25500s yeah
25502s so y'all can be at the party night
25507s I said I said I wouldn't do chip tricks
25509s she's
25510s can get away with it
25512s um but yeah I think that's uh I think
25514s that's it and if you haven't picked up
25516s your capsule your pilot's license you
25518s need to get there ASAP because it's
25520s going to be shut down like really quick
25522s so that way you can get it and Sir the
25524s winner CPU
25527s um we'll help you with carrying that out
25529s fortunately everything's already in bags
25530s but we can help you carry it out and
25533s make arrangements for
25535s it's over there so okay
25537s you're welcome my pleasure thank you
25539s again for another fabulous Eve Fan Fest
25545s take it with you all right let's head on
25548s out
25550s after you my crew my wonderful team
25563s such a hand
25567s it's okay
25569s ah all right and I want to apologize to
25572s you sir when you said you were
25574s colorblind I thought that you'd meant
25576s that like uh you had looked at your
25578s tickets previously and misremembered the
25579s color it was a so I apologize for that
25582s so
25583s okay well congratulations the swag is
25586s yours I've only got one last thing to do
25588s and that is that just say thank you to
25590s our various partners for e-fanfest this
25592s year these aren't just people who swing
25594s into action necessarily for Fan Fest
25596s some of these uh Tech Partners marketing
25598s Partners people who work with us all
25599s real year round to uh make Eve a better
25602s product so thank you to them and that's
25605s pretty much all for me I am now going to
25607s hand this over to the VP of product for
25609s Eve online CCP orca
25613s then then
25621s hello everyone
25624s what an amazing Fun Fest have you guys
25627s been having fun
25628s yeah
25630s the future is even bigger and brighter
25633s and we want to go over some of the
25635s highlights that we have been talking
25636s about during Fan Fest
25638s starting with the new system opening up
25643s and although capsules are already
25644s exploring don't worry you're not going
25647s to miss a thing it's all going to start
25649s late next week when things will really
25652s start heating up in the soundtrack
25653s system
25656s although some of you couldn't wait
25661s [Applause]
25668s so there was at least one capsuleer
25670s spotted logging into the system
25672s yesterday during the Keynote
25677s this expansion will make your
25680s organization stronger with
25683s automatic payouts the new project
25685s project manager role and as you heard
25688s yesterday getting the first steps to
25690s getting lodges on killmail
25693s [Applause]
25699s Havoc is coming in November where you
25702s will be able to align with pirates to
25704s AIDS in the mysterious deathless
25707s the harbinger of havoc
25710s and of course
25713s Angel Titans
25719s and Eve Vanguard will be on PC it will
25723s be connected to Eve from day one and I
25726s can't wait to shoot you all in the face
25728s in the first strike event in December
25739s if Galaxy Conquest will be released on
25743s mobile a Forex strategy game set in the
25745s if universe
25747s and project Discovery has delivered a
25751s wealth of information to the global
25753s scientific community
25755s and with thank you all for your
25757s contribution
25762s and for the next iteration of the
25765s program we will be moving into cancer
25767s research
25774s and then of course the 20th Alliance
25778s tournament has been confirmed
25783s it's going to be bigger than ever and we
25785s will be sharing more detail with you in
25788s the next coming months
25790s and we welcome the 18th CSM
25794s and we're looking forward to work
25795s closely with them in the next couple of
25798s months we also want to thank the
25800s previous esm members for all their hard
25803s work
25805s so next year we will be beefing up our
25808s attendance at player organized events we
25812s have already talked out talked to the
25814s organizers of e-vegas Eve New Orleans
25818s Eve London Eve Singapore and we will
25821s have a present at Gamescom next year as
25823s well
25831s which leads us to e fanfest25
25836s so we will be back in harpan 25 in May
25840s [Applause]
25847s and tickets are on sale right now
25854s really looking forward to seeing all of
25855s you there
25857s with that please join me in welcoming
25860s CCP Homer to the states
25873s so uh this is what you guys look like
25876s from the sky
25879s I'm the tiny person there on States
25881s so we're actually calculating this is
25884s 1500 square meters of ifans
25888s the
25890s I think we can officially State this is
25892s The Biggest Fan Fest ever
25895s it's a
25896s cold is that some Danish measurement
25899s unit
25900s [Laughter]
25902s yeah we have a complicated relationship
25904s with the with Denmark
25910s we uh performed some Alliance
25913s Shenanigans when we exceeded the
25916s alliance while they were basically with
25917s all the things
25920s so
25921s um and here is a little bit uh I like
25924s this picture this is what happens behind
25926s the scenes uh and that's again a call
25928s out to all the people that have worked
25930s extremely hard some here in the audience
25932s some here in the back all around
25935s on the stream and around the world
25937s there's a lot of hard work that are
25939s going into this and again I want to take
25942s a moment to upload everyone
25944s please give everyone pulling this on
25948s break apart
25957s special thanks to the president uh for
25961s coming and
25963s allowing us to feel reasonable about our
25966s EV addictions
25969s I don't think any skulls have been split
25971s due to if
25973s that is a big Improvement
25975s um
25976s leave the violence on screen it's kind
25979s of the new catchphrase a big improvement
25981s from time zone it's a maybe not what you
25984s know maybe people don't fully understand
25987s this but uh
25989s so following the speeds the president
25992s actually went to play football with CCP
25995s employees
25996s this is not a joke and CCP ratati was
26000s really weighing his options Siri go play
26002s football or just practice the keynote
26004s one more time
26007s I was not because of the president he
26009s just really wanted to play football this
26011s is the country we live in
26014s it's this more
26016s smaller than you
26019s I learned so many things at fun fact I
26022s was just now watching anti-grown
26024s who is telling about a museum about
26028s empires of Eve in Madrid
26032s live say think about that we were
26035s talking about its pyramids all the way
26036s down
26037s the history you have created
26041s he has written is now a museum
26044s exhibition in Madrid
26046s but well done
26054s and so many like great conversations and
26057s anecdotes have come out of this I've
26059s constantly reminded about things in even
26062s line we need to
26063s fix
26066s the the lotties are slowly carrying on
26069s those emails like you're seeing there's
26072s a path to it getting more and more
26074s relevant
26076s I think we'll have to dedicate an
26077s expansion to that eventually
26080s we'll get there in the third decade
26085s also just like kind of little and small
26087s problems and Eve always great to hear
26091s I've had detailed conversations with
26094s people about new playing bullying in
26096s nuclear bullying and high tech and how
26097s we need to fix that I've got an essay
26100s about like how chaos need to come to
26102s wormholes from the Fitness contingents
26105s it was a thick stack of design
26107s documentation that I gave to Parkers to
26111s read
26114s meeting Staples of Fun Fest
26118s space and hope is here in full force
26120s fully recovered
26121s congratulations space Pope being here
26123s with us yet again
26132s so it's been just overall a great event
26135s I'm so thankful to be here thanks all
26138s for coming thank you all for watching on
26140s the stream I was watching the twitch
26142s stream novel about 11 000 people
26144s watching the expansion detail earlier
26146s today
26148s people are really excited feedback so
26150s far has been
26151s yeah it's actually good
26156s but it's uh it's high price
26159s so um it's just been us much in time
26162s we're now
26163s going to have this much longer we have
26165s parties to go to
26167s so I just wanna end this on if we volt
26171s here once more and we say
26174s if
26175s forever
26177s thank you
26191s so let's try again so
26194s it's going to be three two one if
26196s forever okay three two one ah
26209s thank you and see you after party see
26212s you tonight
26212s [Applause]
26227s foreign
26236s [Music]
26269s celebration of the EU Nation
26275s we are dancing on top of the world
26283s [Music]
26296s we are gonna dance for
26306s [Music]
26320s thank you
26322s we are dancing on top of the world
26330s Dancing On Top of the World
26335s [Applause]
26336s [Music]
26348s foreign
26361s [Music]
26382s [Music]
26393s thank you
26399s hello once again and for the final time
26401s this eve Fan Fest 2023 imccp code and
26405s I'm here to say thank you for following
26408s the stream thank you for sticking with
26410s us and watching everything that we had
26412s to show you it's always an immense honor
26415s to get people to experience your show
26419s and you heard CCB Helmer reception has
26422s been mostly positive it's kind of weird
26424s isn't it
26425s in all seriousness uh you see like you
26429s saw a little bit of why people come to
26430s Fun Fest it's the it's the community it
26433s is uh experiencing others that have the
26436s same interests as you uh even if it's
26438s just to connect on over how much like if
26441s it's
26442s connect over how bitter you are as
26444s veterans in the game we are CCP loves
26446s all of you
26448s uh as for us we have now reached the end
26450s of scheduled content uh on the stream uh
26453s The Fan Fest guests will have one more
26455s night of revelry and I'm sure we will
26458s have a lot of fun listening to the pants
26461s that are going to be playing
26463s uh if you want to come in two years in
26467s May
26468s 2025 in harpa which is a considerably
26472s larger and more impressive than the
26473s sports arena we are in currently then I
26476s urge you to do so uh hopefully I will be
26478s here to say hi to you and along with all
26480s the other CCP devs but uh again thank
26484s you for tuning in thank you for watching
26485s all of our content I want to say a
26488s special thanks to all of the staff
26490s that's been working behind the scenes
26491s here for this stream making it happen
26493s the excellent production quality was all
26497s their hard work and I would like you
26501s guys on Twitter to give it like a good
26503s clap clap clap clap thank you guys so
26505s much for making this happen thank you
26507s for watching uh and I'll catch you later
26522s foreign
26530s [Music]
26578s [Music]
26601s foreign
26604s [Music]
26610s [Music]
26618s foreign