over 1 year ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s one more one more
8s yeah all
9s right mic check okay can y'all hear me
14s yeah okay yeah no
19s yes all right good afternoon capsuleers
24s did you hear that all right welcome to
28s FanFest this is dropping all right
30s welcome to FanFest we are thrilled to be
34s uh celebrating Eve's 20th birthday with
37s you all over the next 3 days thank you
39s for flying into raik and for joining us
43s here at the eclusive gamer Circle where
46s it's a space where everyone is welcomed
48s and
49s embraced and we appreciate you so thank
52s you for coming the hope for bringing us
55s all together today is to continue to
57s build and reinforce the bonds that we
59s share both in new Eden and in real life
63s in order to create a strong and
65s inclusive community for us all who you
69s are your personality your identity how
73s you play Eve online this is how you
75s bring Eve online to life every single
77s day when you log in and that is the
79s magic that we like to call the
81s Friendship machine this is what Eve
84s Community is all about friendship and
87s today I'm excited to have some of this
89s fabulous Community here with us uh both
93s in CCP devs and Eve online players so
96s we'll be hearing from them shortly as
98s they share their experiences About Eve
100s online with us so thank
103s you so why the focus on community some
106s people would say that you know this is
108s just a video game so who cares but this
112s this is you know really important for
115s CCP as we believe that the purpose of EV
118s online extends far beyond traditional
121s gaming and entertainment it is really
124s about friendship and nurturing and
127s taking care of each other built on trust
130s so this is why CCP has um you know
133s decided to create this virtual and
135s meaningful sci-fi uh world where we can
138s all come together not only to
140s collaborate and to strategize but also
143s to make meaningful friendships and Forge
147s connections so we have decided that
151s today we will talk about Community we're
154s going to invest in community and FanFest
157s and all of you here are the truest
159s manifestations of the Friendship
161s machine so of course this all starts
165s with each and every one of you it's
167s about your personality your identity
170s your needs your motivations your gender
175s all of this is what you bring to Eve
177s online the chats you sent the trades you
181s make the wars you fight you know that is
185s the tangible output of the Friendship
187s machine and that is those bonds that
190s keep EV on line alive every single day
194s and safety diversity and inclusion are
197s the necessary ingredients to make this
200s all
201s work and that is why today here as CCP
204s devs and as players we are going to try
207s and find new ways to make the friendship
210s machine come alive and we're going to
213s use our gameplay mechanics to elevate
216s who you are in EV online so our hope is
219s that as CCP devs we can continue to lay
222s the bricks for the foundation for a
225s healthy and exciting
228s gameplay now over the summer we did some
232s research we reached out to some Eve
234s online players perhaps some of you in
236s this room and we asked your experiences
240s now please know this is the first step
243s of our journey in understanding um the
246s step of you know building a welcoming
249s inclusive and safe journey and we want
251s to take that Journey with you so this
254s survey this panel discussion this is all
258s to help us grow and to create those
260s bonds together and to share those
263s experiences and to fuel that friendship
265s machine so we welcome you on this
268s journey with us and later on today um
271s after we hear from these wonderful
273s people on stage we will be um opening it
276s up to audience Q&A so uh we definitely
280s want to hear from you as well and later
283s on we have a networking event in Seeker
285s Saladin which is downstairs if you've
287s not been we'll be sharing a little bit
289s more of our research in depth and um you
293s can talk to either myself or CCPA who
296s have been very involved in doing that
298s research uh if you want any more
300s information if you also didn't have a
303s chance to fill out the survey we have
305s little QR codes um in Secret Salon so
308s you can just click on that and take the
310s survey we'd love to hear from
312s you so what did we here in the survey we
316s had about 13,000 people fill out the
318s survey out of that 9,000 approximately
322s were playing Eve at that current moment
325s in time and from there we had about um
330s majority of our players 90% were
334s male uh three and a half% 4% identified
337s as female 2% identified as non-binary
341s and we had about a handful of people 5%
343s that prefer not to answer so this is the
346s audience that you will be seeing today
348s that we talk about when you see the data
350s uh we'll be referring to them in uh
354s three different sections males
356s non-binary and
358s female
361s so let's begin these conversations and
364s start to uh dive in and see what we
367s found out and with that I'm going to
369s introduce our lovely lovely
372s panel so starting from the right here we
375s have uh CCP Emerald from the Emerald
378s City itself the senior brand manager for
381s Eve online has nearly a decade of
383s experience as a brand and product
385s manager working with Dev teams to ensure
388s the work they do developing games is
390s well positioned to excite and activate
392s players growing up games were always
395s part of her life whether it be board
397s games computer games or Nintendo and she
400s clearly never outgrew them because she
402s has often one to host Mario K Kart game
404s nights or play D and D at home so
406s welcome Emerald CCP
412s lovess CCP less is a Joan of all trades
416s and a tool developer from the city of
418s fear rikic she is has worked for 17
421s years in the gaming industry from
423s creating Concepts and models to writing
425s code and she barely knows anything else
428s besides textures and tools in her free
430s time she's quite insane and likes
432s controlling armies of elves to destroy
434s the Imperium of man while contemplating
436s the why of
438s existence her favorite animals are cat
441s and geese said Thank You CP
448s less well welcome cpia to the to the
452s floor she's a senior data scientist very
454s involved in the research and the the
456s work that you see here today uh she
458s leads data products within CCP London
461s and machine learning projects for Eve
463s online in her free time she likes to
465s play open world RPGs and Casual FPS so
468s welcome
473s messia CCP Zenia is a hungry Bug Hunter
477s with over six years of testing
478s experience in the industry she is a
481s proud QA analyst for one of the content
483s teams here in rikic but even though she
486s loves finding digital bugs she can't
488s really stand spiders in real life she
490s also has a hard time leaving her QA role
493s outside of work causing her teammates
495s trouble when playing PVP or getting
497s stuck and crashing in the client during
498s crucial moments so look out CCP
506s zinia next we have gregal which I'm sure
509s you all uh may know uh gregal has been
513s playing Eve online for over 14 years uh
516s she's an amazing fleet commander in real
519s life and in Eve online and um she is
523s responsible for you know helping tens of
527s thousands of newbies learn how to play
529s Eve online and FanFest couldn't happen
531s without her so thank you Greg G for
533s joining us
538s today and I on my other side I have kall
543s kall has been playing Eve online for
545s about three and a half years uh I
547s believe you were saying that uh your
549s partner was playing and tried to get you
551s to play and she didn't want to but then
553s one day she decided and now she's
555s kicking but and also a fleet commander M
558s PSI uh fleets helping newbies uh play
561s Eve online so thank you
566s kha we welcome CE Sly Eclipse born and
571s raised in Iceland she's a devoted
574s computer scientist serving as a software
576s engineer within one of the content teams
578s at CCP games Eclipse equipment extends
581s commitment extends beyond the digital
583s realm they are passionate advocate for
586s equality with a special focus focus on
589s promoting gender equality within the
591s tech industry in her Spare Time Eclipse
594s finds joy immersing herself in the
595s captivating worlds of fantasy RPGs
598s welcome
605s next we have Dy another Eve online
608s player Dy has been playing for seven
611s years and uh she does she flies and does
617s loging welcome
624s D introducing CCP Moss a talent
627s acquisition SP specialist with an
630s advocate for diversity and inclusion
632s within the gaming industry with her Keen
635s Eye for talent and a passion for the
637s gaming industry CCP Moss has played a
639s crucial role in building the dream teams
642s behind some of ccp's iconic projects in
644s recent years but there's more to Moss
646s than meets the eye when not busy
649s scouting and recruiting top tier Talent
651s CCP Moss is a DieHard board gamer and
653s spends most of her time either
655s collaborating with or killing her
658s friends okay well welcome CC
664s M and last but definitely not least we
667s have CCP Mercury she is a visual artist
671s from Italy after working seven years in
673s the comic book industry she transitioned
675s to video games designing user interfaces
678s for PC and mobile an introvert
680s pretending to be an extrovert she enjoys
683s embarrassing herself in RPGs be it on
685s pen and paper or in MMOs when her social
689s battery run low you can find her at her
691s desk playing puzzle games or starting
693s yet another DIY project so welcome
702s Mercury so I am very fortunate to share
706s the stage with all of these amazing devs
709s and players and without further Ado
711s we're going to jump in and learn a
713s little bit more about them so I'll start
717s with uh CCP emeralds
720s hi hello
721s welcome tell me uh what inspired you to
724s pursue a g a career in games and what
727s Drew you to Eve
730s online
732s hello is it on okay all right um yeah so
737s I have always been um a pretty creative
740s person um thinking back to my childhood
743s my brother and I would sit out in the
744s backyard we'd you know make up stories
747s and um yeah and play games together uh
750s either in the backyard board games uh
752s computer games I mean computers came out
755s when I was a kid so we got stuck into
757s that and I kind of fell into games but
760s it ended up being perfect for me because
762s it creates a great venue to uh share to
765s create and share stories uh like just
768s really lean into that creativity and and
770s bring it out so that people can enjoy
773s the experiences that we create and
775s honestly I I never imagined myself
777s working in games but I would not change
779s it for for the world I absolutely love
782s what I
784s do thank you CCP Mercury what about you
788s what Drew you to a career in games and
791s what brought you to Eve online let's see
793s if this works yeah okay um yeah I'm
797s actually coming from um the comics
800s industry I was working as a freelancer
802s for comic books uh but I was really
804s looking for um an environment that
808s Fosters grow growth and uh also human
811s connection which is not what you get
814s when you're freelancing and drawing
815s comic book pages uh and I also wanted to
818s be in the video gaming industry but um
820s opportunities in Italy weren't that many
824s so I take a lip of faith and applied to
826s CCP uh transition career and I was
829s fortunate enough to be hired uh one year
831s ago so that's how I got into it it was a
835s a a dream of mine uh that I wasn't brave
838s enough to pursue for 8 years uh until
841s one year ago that's it thank you CCP
845s Zena what about you uh what inspired you
848s to pursue a career in games let's see
851s does it work no yes it works okay yeah
854s so for me I was here in Iceland it must
855s have been over 10 years ago now I was
857s here for a summer job I was just you
859s know in my you know uh years of thinking
862s of what I wanted to do with my life and
864s figured out that I love games so I
866s searched for educations got in started
868s game design and programming for three
870s years then afterwards I started working
872s as a QA loved QA stayed as QA still a QA
876s and yeah then I listened to a lot of
878s podcasts about games and heard a lot of
881s e on line and especially one was that
883s was about the Judgment Day
886s yeah and I was just hooked I really
888s wanted to be part of that community and
891s here I am today super proud of being
893s here thank you thank you Zenia uh CCP
900s ASA what about you yeah um yeah so I was
905s a data scientist for a while before I
907s started at CCP but yeah I love gaming
910s myself and then I was living in Iceland
913s and CCP was just very much the perfect
915s fit great environment and I love it
918s thank you CCP lovess um what are some of
923s the most rewarding experiences you've
925s had while working on EVE
927s Online uh wearing many hats is probably
929s the the biggest Pride I have like I've
932s concepted I modeled I've worked on tools
935s I've scripted a lot of stuff in Mya for
938s people it's just the universal appeal of
941s not being stuck in a one role and being
944s able to just do a lot of things
947s especially like in the early days it was
949s just it was amazing thank you thank you
953s so greal
954s [Laughter]
957s hi uh what's specific aspect or
960s experience of e EV on line initially
962s Drew you to the game 14 years ago well
966s it was 3 in the morning and I was oops
969s sorry my voice travels
971s anyway hello okay but yeah I was like
975s literally 3 in the morning I was kind of
976s bored and saw this little advertisement
978s and I was like going yeah I could use a
981s new game to try and I downloaded it and
986s uh 11 days later I you know it was okay
989s and but I you know and then this was
992s right after Apocrypha so wormholes were
994s brand new and I decided a scan out a
998s wormhole jumped in Warped off looking
1000s for something and then I couldn't figure
1002s out how to get
1005s out there's just I didn't know I needed
1009s to bookmark the exit you
1011s know and I'm like typing in newbie chat
1014s how do I get out of here and nobody
1015s really knew how and they were like just
1017s well maybe you just need to to wait to
1019s downtime and it'll kick you out
1020s automatically or something I mean
1022s literally that's what like one of the
1025s yellow ones you know the the people are
1027s supposed to know what's going on said
1029s and a player a total stranger offered to
1032s he asked me if I remembered what system
1033s I was in and I did and he you know when
1036s I scanned it out and he says well I'll
1038s try and scan it out and come rescue you
1039s and everybody in the chat is like don't
1041s do it he's going to blow you up it's a
1043s scam whatever you do don't flee you'll
1045s lose everything and everything I owned
1047s is in this little catalyst and I was
1050s lost in space and I'd never experienced
1053s that in a game before just like I'm like
1056s up and down walking in my around just
1058s pacing like how do I get out and this
1061s guy scanned sent me a fleet invite said
1064s warp to me and you know some everybody
1068s says an eve that don't trust anybody but
1071s sometimes really the only way to really
1074s get it in Eve is you got to trust
1076s somebody I warp to him he said hop on
1079s out I hopped on out he dropped me from
1082s Fleet and sent me 100,000
1085s isk right great and I went grabbed my
1087s wallet and subscribed right
1091s away that was
1095s it thank
1098s you Michelle what about you what uh
1101s brought you to um EV on line what Drew
1104s you to the game initially is this on yes
1108s so so I tried playing with my husband um
1112s I never got on ducked I hated it I
1113s rageed
1114s uninstalled uh said screw it you can go
1117s play triangles in
1120s space and uh couple years later they
1124s came out with the alpha Concepts so I
1125s tried it again I got in docked I never
1127s got into ship I was floating around
1129s something came by and bloed me and I'm
1131s like screw this I don't need this in my
1132s life I uninstalled
1134s it third time's a charm so uh 2020 I
1138s loaded up I started playing I decided
1140s that I was going to be a solo player in
1142s HEC I'm not going to do anything silly
1144s like go out into NC and then I heard an
1147s interview from
1149s her and I went out on her Fleet the next
1152s week and uh everything else is her
1156s fault so I started doing new RS myself
1160s and I joined up with fun in um npsi
1164s community and pretty soon someone said
1167s you need to start doing this thing with
1169s new Bros in incursion fleets it didn't
1172s work the community kept popping mom and
1176s an mpsi that doesn't really
1179s work so the next year um they came with
1183s an agreement we could schedule it so I
1185s started something called Eve
1186s rookies and we started with incursions
1189s one time a week we got a bunch of
1191s newbies out gave them practice blew it
1193s up they got like 200 mil in their wallet
1195s they thought they're the richest people
1196s in the world went off and did stuff
1198s pretty soon that became 2 3 four I think
1200s we run like four to five fleets a week
1202s now we now do fob fleets we do level
1205s four mission fleets we do uh I think we
1208s just got Mining and Wormhole ratting and
1210s we run around 34 fleets a month we have
1212s 70 unique newro and returning vets
1215s coming back into uh the ecosystem every
1218s month and yeah so that's my career in
1222s Eve suing it up well thank you glad to
1225s have
1227s you
1231s so dyl could you uh walk us through what
1233s a typical day in new Eden looks like for
1236s you a typical day in New Ed for me it's
1239s usually uh receiving a ping on Discord
1243s uh fleets up you better join
1246s it and then so I log in and of course
1249s they're saying you know we're not
1250s leaving until we get more Lodie like all
1252s right I guess I'm doing Lodi again and
1254s then they're like oh we need a Lodi
1256s anchor Delana you do it okay
1259s thanks um or sometimes I do it on my own
1262s but um that's what I do a lot of is um
1267s just big Fleet fights with other people
1269s in nck um usually doing some kind of
1272s lodging whether I'm lodgy anchor or just
1274s following the Lodie anchor um but most
1276s of it just either doing directly PVP or
1280s supporting PVP um activities like buying
1283s my usually more drones when they kill
1285s all my
1286s drones um
1289s buying more Lodi
1291s ships uh occasionally doing PVE when I
1294s have
1295s to but I just like blowing people up
1299s so I guess yeah that's mostly what I do
1303s thank you thanks so
1308s much so CCP Eclipse hi hi uh what advice
1313s would you give to aspiring female game
1315s developers who want to have a a career
1317s in video game design
1319s um I think the most important thing um
1321s is to believe in in yourself and stick
1323s to your guns um when I first told people
1326s that I wanted to be a game death uh they
1328s looked at me a bit like I just told them
1330s I wanted to be a unicorn um but like a
1334s career in games is always becoming a
1336s more viable option the industry is
1338s expanding and there is a place for you
1341s win it it's so like we need diversity in
1344s this industry so please don't let like
1346s adversity give you up like please
1349s believe in yourself you can do it thank
1351s you thank you CCP moss from your
1355s perspective as a talents Acquisitions
1357s manager what advice would you give to uh
1360s young aspiring game developers who want
1363s to get into a career in video games it's
1366s really just like daring to dream you
1368s know when I originally applied for the
1370s job that I am in for example I did not
1373s meet every single requirement listed on
1375s that jobs back um and I know that it's
1378s often a tendency that women don't put
1380s themselves out there unless they're 100%
1382s sure that they're going to succeed and
1384s they meet every single thing um so even
1388s if you don't just shoot your shot really
1391s just go for it if it's something you
1392s really want to do just be passionate and
1395s yeah don't be afraid to dream and just
1397s go with
1398s it thank you so much all right well we
1403s talked about Eve online and the
1404s friendship machine and it's something
1406s that we are very proud of because I
1408s think as Greg Al mentioned you know this
1411s is a game where we're killing people and
1413s stealing and all of this stuff but
1415s uh our relationships are built on trust
1419s and what we found out in this survey and
1423s in previous surveys
1425s consistently is that our players
1428s regardless of gender have made friends
1431s in New Eden so
1434s 80% uh it's a little bit higher for
1437s women and non-b AR than men but 80% of
1441s you have made a friend in new Eden and I
1444s think again this is one of the trest
1446s manifestations of this I remember doing
1449s a FanFest survey after FanFest last year
1452s and a lot of you come not because you're
1455s playing the game or because you want to
1456s see the keynote but to hang out with
1458s your friends you know and again it is
1460s the Friendship machine and I think it's
1462s something unique to E online so CCP
1466s Mercury the Friendship machine plays a
1468s crucial role in shaping player
1469s interactions and experiences can you
1472s share a compelling uh example or Insight
1475s on how your work directly contributes to
1477s fueling the Friendship machine I would
1479s love to thank you um so I'm mainly
1482s focusing on factional warfare and uh not
1485s just myself but the entire team um
1488s really thinks about uh Gathering players
1492s in one area of space uh be it because
1495s they want them to fight against each
1497s other and kill each other or maybe build
1499s alliances uh so for example in the war
1502s zone we're trying to gather uh the most
1505s PVP activities in front lines so that
1508s new Eden is such a vast vast universe
1511s and it's hard to gather players in um a
1515s star system or in in a region so what we
1518s really try to do is uh get players
1521s together uh have them maybe join an
1524s Empire faction as opposed to uh a
1527s corporation could cuz that requires a
1529s little less commitment like you don't
1530s have to stick to a schedule uh but you
1533s can still get a chance of uh playing
1535s against or with other players um and
1539s that's where uh Community begins and
1541s maybe uh you want to commit and join a
1544s corporation or join an alliance uh so
1546s that's what we're trying to do thank you
1550s Casal um you know as we said social
1553s aspect of EV on line is huge as a season
1555s vet of new Eden um is there any any
1558s guidance or tips that you would offer to
1561s uh non-male Gamers who are considering
1562s to dive into the world of Eve online for
1564s the first time just do it I mean it's
1568s that simple install it it's it's free
1572s um you have to reach out and you have to
1574s talk to someone because you know trust
1577s is one of those things that um you just
1580s have to do it yeah it may be broken
1582s every now and then but eeve players were
1585s really not that big of bad guys you know
1589s um I know that I go out I love killing
1592s Ventures I'm known for it I get yelled
1594s out for it and always at the end you
1598s know I'll mail them and give them a
1600s little bit of isk and tell them you know
1602s this is what you need to do so yeah um
1606s even though the majority of the game is
1609s male our our characters are our
1611s characters and a lot of people don't
1613s even look at each other as our
1614s characters it's more just you know it's
1617s that Ino it's that Lo it's that you know
1619s whatever ship is out there um yeah just
1623s reach out and talk to people thank you
1626s thank you so much and greal kelle had
1629s just mentioned trust so in your
1631s experience how do you go about
1633s establishing and nurturing trust with
1635s other players in the complex world that
1638s is new Eden good question um it starts
1641s with the
1642s fleet flying together that's really
1645s where it starts because the only way a
1647s fleet really does succeed is if
1649s everybody trusts that not just what the
1652s FC is saying and and deciding but
1655s everybody they're flying with um and of
1658s course that's also the root of where
1660s most of the friendships are built and
1662s just get in a fleet fly together over
1664s and over and over again I used to say
1667s actually I still say it that I can know
1670s more about a person in how they are in
1672s Fleet than hanging you know than almost
1675s anything else in game um how they fly
1680s how they interact with everyone else
1683s whether or not they listen to me when
1684s they should and whether or not they go
1686s ahead and do something that is the right
1687s thing to do instead of listening to me
1689s um you you know oh that was a good
1692s tackle even though I said don't tackle
1694s them you know all right turned out it
1696s was right uh but yeah it starts with the
1698s fleet and the fleet is the core of the
1700s social experience in Eve and it doesn't
1702s matter what kind of Fleet it is I talk
1704s about PVP fleets but it could be a
1705s mining Fleet it could be a gank Fleet
1709s any kind of Fleet that's where
1711s everything the root of everything in Eve
1713s begins thank you so you heard it here
1716s first from two of the most amazing
1718s players that we have um just do it and
1722s fly a feet so that's how we get new
1725s people in the game done
1729s done soon as you get somebody into a
1731s fleet the more likely they're going to
1732s stay in the game and stay in the game
1734s and the more often they're in Fleet
1735s they're going to stay in the game much
1737s longer yeah yeah I think we agree with
1739s you well thank you sorry no that's
1741s that's I we so true no no sorries here
1746s um okay Dy as um a player who identifies
1750s as female in the Eve online community
1753s could you give your perspective or share
1755s any um distinctive experiences that
1757s you've gained while playing the
1760s game um I say um I would say like
1765s finding a group of other women who play
1768s the game uh we've had our own little
1770s groups or servers where like it's just
1773s such a different perspective like I mean
1775s most of like the vast majority of people
1778s I I talk with or interact with related
1780s to Eve are going to be men um but
1784s sometimes it is nice just having our own
1786s little space where we can you know talk
1788s about
1790s um just our own things that we can all
1792s kind of relate to each other on um I
1794s mean I still love my guy friends but
1796s it's just different when there's people
1798s that like intrinsically like we have
1801s things in common just like straight up
1803s like I mean we've all dealt with you
1805s know guys being stupid to us and um
1808s you've you know some some people have
1811s been harassed but it's all like we all
1813s keep together we're all say like oh that
1815s guy was messing with you he's stupid and
1817s we all agree on that we can all like
1819s support each other um because a lot of
1823s us we've been playing games since we
1825s were little and we've dealt with this a
1828s long time and it's just good to all you
1832s know be together and it's very unique
1835s especially with Eve um just finding
1837s other Gamers that are women and we all
1840s just play together thank
1844s you um Casal in your experience what
1847s kind of support networks or resources
1849s have you found valuable in Eve online um
1853s and how do they cont contribute to your
1855s gaming experience I
1858s think for me it was just luck I just
1861s happened to fall into the mpsi community
1865s and I just happened to fall into the
1866s right hands um you know from the day
1870s that I wandered in as uh I think I
1873s showed up in an Interceptor and he like
1875s okay you're going to play Scout today
1877s I'm like what I'm only a month and a
1880s half old in the game she's like I don't
1882s care you're you're an Interceptor you're
1884s going to go out and Scout so it's just
1887s those type of of um she gave me the room
1890s to grow and even you know in my current
1893s corporation uh fun ink it's like you can
1897s go out and take a fleet out you know it
1900s it doesn't matter just take something
1901s cheap and
1904s um yeah so that's the type of typ thing
1907s that I'm trying to put out into the game
1910s as well with Eve rookies uh we give a
1912s lot of room to people who want an FC or
1915s want to try something different to Go
1917s and Do It um I only have one female FC
1922s out of everyone no sorry two um the rest
1926s are male I would love to have more
1928s female coming in because uh you know we
1933s we can do it just like everybody else so
1936s yeah find some place that says you can
1938s do it not that you have to do this first
1941s this first this first you have to take a
1943s 50-page test at the end um it's just
1946s really going doing it Wonder thanks
1951s ccpsa hi um speaking of building a
1955s diverse and inclusive community in Eve
1957s Are there specific strategies
1959s initiatives or changes that you have
1961s championed or been involved in to Foster
1963s inclusivity and diversity at in Eve
1966s online CCP games yeah so personally I'm
1970s a women and games Ambassador so I just
1972s really Thrive for this and I think to
1975s make Eve more diverse and inclusive it
1978s just needs to start with us developers
1980s to be more diverse so I've also been
1983s taken part in University days talking to
1986s students and yeah just show that we're
1988s out there and recruit more diverse
1992s devs right thank you and actually CCP
1996s Moss um around the same from your
1998s perspective as Talent acquisition
2000s manager uh what are some of the things
2001s that you are proud of championing here
2003s at CCP to Foster diversity and inclusion
2008s yeah thank you um so we do quite a lot
2011s of things when it comes to Talent
2013s acquisition um it is I'm also women and
2015s games Ambassador so we're together on
2017s that one um but we also think a lot
2020s about you know how can we shift you know
2023s um traditionally a lot more men have
2026s been entering areas like programming
2028s game design all of these things that you
2030s often go into making video games so so
2032s we and the HR department have been you
2034s know focusing on getting more young
2036s people in um so really we had like every
2040s once in a while we have like a group of
2042s teenage girls come in and we'll teach
2044s them about you know what is programming
2046s what is game making um see all of these
2048s wonderful you know people here that are
2050s doing that that are just like you um and
2054s hopefully this will also create this
2056s change uh
2058s because we don't have as many women in
2061s this industry as we have men and we
2063s somehow need to change this and it's
2066s going to take a long time but but we are
2067s taking a lot of different steps towards
2070s that wonderful thank you so
2072s much now uh I'm not sure if you've heard
2075s of impostor syndrome but impostor
2077s syndrome is when you're in a situation
2080s and you feel as though you don't belong
2083s and even if you do belong you still feel
2085s as though you are an impostor and
2087s oftentimes um you don't take credit for
2089s your own successes because you think
2091s they're attributed to other people
2093s because again you just don't belong and
2095s you're an impostor so CCP Ina many
2098s developers in the gaming industry have
2100s mentioned that they have experienced
2102s imposter syndrome at some point in their
2104s careers have you ever felt like you were
2105s experiencing impostor syndrome in the
2107s gaming industry uh yes I have it
2110s actually started very early on in my
2112s career so it was on my first job this
2114s was not CCP this was another game
2116s company and had just started this was my
2118s first week and one of my colleagues
2120s accident said that I only got hired
2123s because I was a girl and that the
2125s company needed to increase the amount of
2127s feem employees within the company and it
2129s didn't feel that great you know uh just
2131s starting up you know getting your foot
2132s into the industry uh so I felt like I
2134s had to do uh you know a lot more and
2136s prove myself a lot to earn you know my
2139s place there and it didn't help that I
2141s was the only girl in a team of 12 uh
2144s QA um and I had a meeting after my
2148s probation time was over with my manager
2150s producer and the higher up and they were
2152s there saying that hey you did a great
2153s job you have actually you know you
2155s managed to do the QA you know
2157s much better than maybe many others had
2159s done before you but I couldn't hear that
2161s all I could hear was blah blah blah
2162s you're just one in the statistics in our
2165s you know company of female
2167s employees um and it didn't uh change
2170s until I actually started to talk about
2172s it with some of my uh colleagues uh they
2175s were saying something giving me some
2176s kind of credit for something and I just
2178s brush it off like whatever and um then
2181s we had a conversation and we realized
2184s that this is like you know imposter
2186s syndrome and uh that's my advice to any
2188s of you who feel like you have that that
2190s please uh talk about it it's so
2193s important to talk about it for for me it
2195s help at least I know it's it's not for
2196s everyone everyone is different but yes
2199s that that's what I would bring you know
2201s to you guys and if you feel like you
2202s have that and you would like to talk to
2204s me I'm going to be here today tomorrow
2206s and through all a FanFest and I would
2208s love to you know support in any way
2210s possible so yeah thank you so much CCP
2213s Zenia may I add something absolutely CCP
2216s m um yes so imposter syndrome is also a
2220s huge thing as well when it comes to
2221s Talent acquisition um so one of the
2224s things that we actually do as well to
2226s combat that is to you know think about
2229s the requirements how we write job ATS to
2232s try to make sure that this sounds like a
2234s place where women belong and non-binary
2236s people belong like people with different
2238s genders you know so that you realize
2242s that you are a person that can really
2244s contribute in this space and this is not
2247s not about compromising on Talent it's
2249s not about you know lowering requirements
2251s in the sense of you know hiring less
2253s skilled people it's more about making
2255s sure that we speak and show that this is
2258s a place where women non-binary people
2262s that they are supported they have value
2264s they contribute they are important and
2267s and this is shown in so many of our
2269s different efforts as well because this
2271s is a real thing and we encounter this
2273s all the time unfortunately thank you CCP
2276s m
2277s um so similar to impostor syndrome I
2280s guess somewhat of a parallel um is only
2283s girl syndrome only girl syndrome happens
2286s often when you're one or you know one of
2289s a couple of women in a group of males
2293s and I say women I mean non-male so you
2296s are not a male and you're in a group and
2298s in this survey we actually asked a
2301s question uh it's not up here but uh we
2303s asked uh you know out of your friends
2307s group in new Eden what percentage of
2311s that group is male and a lot of the
2314s women's groups were you know 90 95
2318s 99% male so uh we we saw and then we
2323s also asked this question have you
2325s experienced only girl syndrome which is
2328s again being you know one of a few or the
2330s only woman in a group which
2333s unfortunately leads to some negative
2335s consequences so one one it can lead to
2338s unwanted attention from other members in
2341s the group or
2342s microaggressions the other thing which
2344s is is a is a phenomenon a little strange
2347s but I understand it is the women become
2350s more and more competitive against each
2352s other because they believe that there's
2354s room for only one and so when we ask
2357s this question in the survey have you
2359s experienced only girl syndrome almost
2362s 34s of uh you know non-male respondents
2366s said they had experienced that so um GRE
2370s girl have you ever experienced only girl
2374s syndrome in EV on line and and okay tell
2379s us about it and how have you combed it
2381s um you know I
2384s I I don't know that it for me it was
2388s necessarily a negative except that
2390s sometimes when other you know women came
2393s in when I was not just the I was no
2397s longer the queen bee and the solo bee
2400s sometimes I may have found myself
2403s being um not as not as friendly as I
2406s should have been you know viewing them
2408s as competition in a way that I shouldn't
2409s have you know they you're stepping on my
2412s toes man I've been here I've already put
2414s in the work I've already done all the
2416s you know laid all the groundw work I've
2418s already put up with all the and
2420s um
2421s oops it's okay you
2423s know you know how dare you think you can
2426s just you know and that is one of the
2429s negative sides of only girl syndrome or
2431s as I always know it as being the queen
2433s bee syndrome you know um but on the
2437s other
2438s hand Eve because women are so few in
2442s Eve being the queen bee is really
2445s awesome okay I in many ways women have
2450s um because we're such a rare thing in so
2453s many ways we have advantages and
2455s opportunities that
2457s you know just another guy doesn't have
2459s no offence and I'm using gender terms
2461s and you know kind of just
2463s generalizations here
2467s um women tend to be more trusted in and
2471s also tend to have the ability to advance
2473s higher in the hierarchy in Eve and
2477s alliances and corporations than we would
2479s in other games where gender roles are I
2482s mean gender just you know the
2483s percentages are more even or at least
2486s not only 5 or
2488s 7% uh if you look at most of the major
2492s alliances in Eve there's a woman high up
2495s there who is making things happen that
2498s you may not even know exist especially
2501s in the logistics area and the
2502s administrative areas and stuff and
2504s without that woman there the whole thing
2506s might fall apart and of course you know
2509s some of the most famous scammers that uh
2511s in Eve happen to be women and you would
2514s never know
2515s it okay you know so it's yeah it's it's
2520s it's something I still myself um I'm
2523s recognizing
2525s that um I sometimes am myself play a
2528s role
2529s [Music]
2530s in in that that's not
2534s as good as it should be but being aware
2537s of it as the first step exactly well
2539s thank you so much greo oh well we're
2542s almost at time here and I just wanted to
2545s let you know that we have wine
2548s downstairs in s solaren and uh all of us
2552s here on the panel are going to be
2554s downstairs so you can come and ask us
2557s more questions have a chat with us as
2559s CCP zinia said we will all be at FanFest
2562s all weekend long so feel free to grab us
2564s and say hello um we'll be going through
2567s uh the research in more detail so you
2570s see this uh beautiful infographic that
2573s our fellow mate CCP gner uh put together
2576s we'll have printouts of this in the
2578s salon as well uh so yeah please
2581s definitely feel free to join us but till
2584s then we have a few minutes for audience
2587s Q&A and I would just ask if you have any
2592s questions does anybody have any
2594s questions yes let's just uh come over
2597s there with the microphone we're coming
2599s right over right over
2605s there hopefully this thing's
2608s working um I was thinking about the eve
2611s trailers most of the eve trailers have
2613s been male
2614s dominated do you think having a
2617s non-male character as a main role for
2620s them would actually help bring in non-
2622s males to the
2624s game that is a great question I'm going
2626s to pass that along to CCP emeralds who
2628s is yeah thank you that's a fantastic
2630s question um this is something that we
2633s have over the last year been trying to
2635s introduce more you'll notice that some
2637s of the uh current trailers have uh
2641s non-male uh characters being more
2644s represented um sorry yeah and um this is
2648s something that we are definitely driving
2651s driving more of as as well and I can
2652s definitely see opportunities to bring
2654s more female charact or more female
2656s characters or and non-male characters uh
2658s into play I think just showing diversity
2661s and and um the way we present Eve to the
2664s public is important and and hopefully
2666s that will uh make people it'll you know
2669s inspire people to join the join the
2672s game thank you any other questions oh
2677s there's one right up
2678s here we're we're making sure he gets his
2681s steps in today so we'll be right
2685s over hi um thanks first of all I'd like
2689s to congratulate you this was a fantastic
2691s panel thank you very much for putting
2692s this on um my question is really around
2696s the portrayal of women in games and
2697s particularly in Eve online and it seems
2700s to me um as a man that a lot of what's
2704s presented in terms of female personas is
2706s overly sexualized and I wondered what
2709s the panel's opinion was on
2711s that I think we agree uh but does anyone
2714s have any specific uh yeah I think we
2717s would agree anyone disagree
2725s yeah
2728s I think uh we had a question over here I
2732s was just going to say to that note um we
2735s were working on a I think it was the um
2738s Uprising teaser trailer and the
2740s character animation for the original
2743s version I saw had the most interesting
2745s walk that I'd be happy to tell you about
2747s later and that we promptly changed
2751s out when I first thought I was very
2754s shocked demonstrations later in Seeker
2756s Saladin so fil make sure you come all
2760s right I think we had a question if you
2761s raise your hand y right there down here
2764s and then one over
2766s here
2769s and so it seems like there would be an
2773s obvious easy uh way to include more
2777s diversity which would be just allowing
2780s uh male characters and female characters
2782s to wear different gender clothes is
2784s there a technical issue about why that
2786s can't be done or is it just not been
2788s thought of which I don't think is and
2790s that was in in regards to character
2793s characters yes yes yes yes does anyone
2795s want to take a question about characters
2797s and character creation yeah sound good
2800s you're talking about mixing like
2801s clothing or something yeah yeah I mean I
2804s mean there's nothing in a way of doing
2806s it it's just mostly just needing a
2808s manpower to actually just make models
2811s fit whatever body because the original
2815s original body were made they were kind
2817s of just like stuck in like certain sizes
2820s and certain certain portions and it's
2824s basically just like I said it needs
2825s manpower to actually just produce them
2828s and who knows maybe if people want it
2830s then I would think it's a fantastic to
2832s actually add more options I Love
2837s Options okay I any more questions
2840s there's a couple right here yeah one
2842s right
2845s here
2848s hi so I see on this graphic it mentions
2851s aesthetic customization as something
2854s that um is more interesting to non-male
2857s players and I'm I've I've just realized
2860s that in all the games that I'm really
2862s into that tends to be the motivator is
2865s like well if I can work for a faction
2867s that will give me clothes for my
2869s character to wear to show that I've done
2871s the missions working for the faction
2873s then that will motivate me to do the
2875s thing
2877s but there isn't really anything like
2879s that in Eve is there a possibility to
2882s maybe do something like that where like
2884s you know you can get
2885s pirate apparel by working for pirates
2890s for example yeah yeah I mean let us
2893s design our own
2895s clothes there we go hair styles can we
2897s have curly hair big curly hair new Eden
2900s Fashion Week 2024 here we come P ear you
2903s know let let players create yeah that's
2907s a great idea GRE girl said let players
2909s create wonderful did you have something
2912s Emerald oh uh just just I think that's a
2915s great idea it's definitely a topic of
2917s conversation yeah just add thing as a
2921s person that grindes every skin in
2922s fortnite I agree just grinding grinding
2926s new looks is
2928s amazing do we have time for another
2931s maybe I can add something on that like
2933s that's something that we uh often
2935s discuss with factional Warfare also for
2938s uh rewarding players like Aesthetics is
2941s one of the things that comes up more
2943s frequently uh because it's just hype uh
2947s first of all and it's a way to reward
2949s players and also insist on the lore
2952s aspect of the game and the role playing
2954s because it it's cool if you can show
2957s that you're aligned with affection and
2959s winning for that faction um and also if
2962s you're losing like you still want to
2964s take some pride and and show to other
2967s players what you're doing in a game so
2969s that's something that we keep in our
2970s minds for
2975s sure one more
2977s yeah we can keep going I don't know when
2980s they're going to kick us off the stage
2982s so okay I I had to write this down
2985s because it otherwise it became too
2988s difficult um based on the numbers of on
2990s the screen non-binary players and female
2993s players seem to be more into this social
2996s aspect of the game I I get that out of
2998s the graphic at bottom left uh but also
3002s from role playing uh and part partially
3005s that's also the Aesthetics and
3007s customization one of the challenges for
3009s a new player though is finding social
3012s contact yes you have local chat nobody
3015s reads it I've have no idea why we still
3017s have it I bet I insult people now with
3019s that but whatever uh what can CCP and
3025s what can Community do to
3028s increase the possibilities for a new
3030s player in finding that social contact
3033s but because in my experience that is key
3036s to a have them play keep them playing
3040s and keep them around for a long time
3043s what what what can we as a community and
3045s C what can CCP do in this this
3050s aspect yeah hello hi uh I'm a I work on
3053s a team which is really focused on new
3055s players so this is a question we've been
3057s asking ourselves quite a lot um and what
3060s we have been kind of trying to do is try
3062s to empower the corporations and trying
3064s to improve like if there's some UI we
3066s can do better and it's a continuous
3068s process we work a lot with players like
3070s uh Scorpio star has been excellent with
3073s um so yeah it's a continuous process um
3076s so yeah I don't have a clear answer but
3078s yeah we're looking into it yeah I think
3083s the other thing on CCP eclipse is team
3086s is that you know like GRE G said help
3089s them to find other players that they can
3092s build trust with fly with you know fight
3095s with kill with so you know how do we
3098s continue to fuel that friendship machine
3101s and uh find vets that can bring some
3104s newbies under their
3107s wings I have I have something um least
3110s in terms of the community like outside
3112s of CCP um as someone who's been really
3115s involved with just all sorts of
3117s community things um without anything
3120s super fancy it's just like just reaching
3122s out to people saying like I mean I go
3124s months without hearing another uh female
3127s voice in Fleet commoms and um I think a
3131s lot of times like when you see that oh
3134s some women don't have only girl syndrome
3136s it's a lot of times because they just
3137s never speak up you never know there's
3139s probably a lot more women that play this
3140s game than you ever realize they just
3143s they never say anything they're kind of
3145s is olated because they're probably shy
3147s or they're scared to speak up and then
3148s they just kind of fade away because it's
3150s not fun for them um so just kind of
3153s reaching out to them a lot of times I be
3155s like oh you're a girl come join our
3156s Discord just first off like one of the
3159s first things I say or like I DM them
3161s like I hear another girl in Fleet chat
3162s I'm like oh my God this's a girl d i I'm
3165s gonna DM you in a second like we're
3167s gonna talk um so just little things like
3170s that just like kind of approaching
3172s people even if they might be shy you
3173s know it's kind of scary stepping out
3175s into the group especially if you might
3177s stick up because guys will be like oh my
3178s God it's a girl um yeah I've gotten I've
3183s gotten that
3184s yeah oh it's definitely happened to me
3187s yeah
3189s um yeah so just like I mean like I said
3193s Community with with just women helping
3195s each other out even if it's just s such
3197s a simple thing as just sending them a
3199s message or like even just like chatting
3202s them up in game like hey do you need
3204s help do you want to like join our group
3205s group like my Corporation is pretty cool
3207s my alliance has some groups like I I
3209s assure you there's some girls there if
3210s you want to hang out with us um just
3213s doing that kind of thing just reaching
3214s out just trying to get some groups I
3217s mean if we had better tools that would
3218s really be helpful um but just even the
3222s little tiniest thing I think can help
3224s with
3225s that thank you well unfortunately that
3229s is time for us here in this room but as
3232s I mentioned we will be moving downstairs
3235s uh to get to the downstairs room you
3237s have to go out the main doors and just
3239s go around the corner and that's where
3241s you'll see the entrance for Seeker
3242s seller in and we would love to continue
3245s the conversation with you there before
3247s we leave I did forget to read the
3249s disclaimer about the research so let me
3251s just do that so ccpsa doesn't get mad
3255s all analysis shown is based on the
3257s survey respondents from the survey we
3259s sent out in August
3261s 2023 and um they are respondents that
3263s consider themselves as active Eve
3265s players about
3267s 9,000 um and then we shared the numbers
3270s of the gender breakout but however as we
3272s are not collecting gender as part of our
3275s account creation user sign up um this
3278s analysis is based solely on the survey
3283s just so you know so that was the
3284s disclaimer but thank you all for opening
3287s your hearts and minds and listening to
3291s us share our stories um we really
3293s appreciate it as you said this is not
3296s going to be the last you hear from us
3298s the women and non-m males of Eve so um
3302s thank you and fly safe in new Eden
3305s thanks for joining us
3306s [Applause]
3312s [Music]
3320s today