almost 2 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | When I first started EVE I was a miner, |
5s | and I was really tired of getting blown up by people all the time. |
10s | So I decided instead of being the hunted |
13s | I would become the hunter. |
19s | My favourite role is to be a Logi pilot. |
22s | I really enjoy the idea of being the god of the battlefield, |
26s | be in charge of deciding who lives and who dies. |
34s | The main reason the we hunt, |
36s | we're looking for the good fight. |
40s | There's no fun in having twenty five people destroying one ship. |
44s | It's a lot more exciting when you know that there's forty other people, |
48s | two jumps out, |
49s | and they want to kill you. |
51s | You can go down in history with an epic fight, |
54s | that you were completely outnumbered in, |
56s | and came out on top. |
61s | So as soon as you land in enemy space, |
63s | the first thing that the fleet commander does |
66s | is look for a target. |
67s | So you want to see what options you have out there to fight. |
71s | Who's here, who can I kill. |
75s | The excitement that comes with trying to lock everyone that's taking damage. |
80s | You're constantly cycling between ships, |
83s | getting locked and shot at. |
84s | The more ships they bring, |
86s | the more we can kill. |
89s | I keep coming back to EVE Online |
90s | because it's allowed me to create my own story, |
94s | and who I want to be in game. |
96s | I'm able to map wormholes, |
98s | I'm able to hunt people, |
99s | and I'm able to spy if I want to. |
102s | You get to decide if you´re going to be the good guy or the bad guy, |
105s | on a daily basis. |
107s | It´s ruthless, it´s EVE. |