almost 5 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Laughter]
11s how's everyone how's everyone doing oh
16s there we go
18s get this off right welcome to Toronto
23s this is gonna be my talk on adapting for
30s those of you new to these I've caught at
33s the sometimes slightly bonkers world of
35s badly fitting ships and getting away
37s with it this is also my first time in
41s Canada so as you can see I've dressed
43s for the part as someone has actually
47s mistaken me for a Mountie today so that
49s was pretty satisfying so i'm baltic one
54s i'm a bit of vet of 13 years in this
57s game and i'm also a member of pandemic
61s horde if you enjoy aggressively fading
65s or if you have a spare spy old feel free
67s to give him the publication today i
71s don't know i'm gonna give you a walk
73s well many of you recognize my name it
77s comes from a doctrine that many people
81s may have flown in that's not actually
85s something i cooked or they just named it
88s after me because i was stubborn and flew
89s the thing constantly so it was it was
93s something that they had to sort with
95s named after me apparently now i'm going
99s to give you a warning i take absolutely
101s no responsibility for anyone actually
103s following this advice so don't hear me
106s if you get kicked from your lines
107s because he decided to turn a titan to
109s super heavy fast tackle it does but i
114s don't blame me for that one so ship
118s fitting it's a complicated business you
121s got thousands of monster choose from
122s dozens upon dozens of ships so there's
126s an awful lot of ways to make it an
128s absolute mess of things and accidentally
131s go down in history as this poor sod did
134s this is the original my raven was fitted
137s with a follow
138s a man that went down in legend for all
142s the wrong reasons
144s now this tends to put off people from
147s trying new things because the door want
151s to be that guy but um of the solve like
157s opinion that's it's perfectly fine to be
159s that guy
160s at least the lawyer and this tensor
165s solve like bring about people thinking
167s well I'm just gonna copy what everybody
170s else does and that W goes down for when
173s it comes down to Alliance fits all those
175s very good reasons to follow the fitting
177s of your Alliance leaders please follow
179s the fitting advice of your Alliance
181s leaders and fleets and we wind in in or
188s large organizations you've got people
190s they'll actually sit there in a theory
192s craft for pretty much the entire time
195s that they're not fighting on the
196s battlefield and it can be irritating to
201s them when you've got some numpty that
203s shows up in a ship that doesn't exactly
206s fit the fleet composition let's be on
211s top of me here but for me
215s fitting ships to do things that they're
217s not supposed to be doin is all the fun
219s in this game and a lot of people think
225s when it comes to adapting it just means
227s picking another ship to counter another
230s ship for example caracals taking on
232s frigate so swapping around fittings on a
239s single hull to meet new challenges is
242s not something you see an awful lot saw
247s I'm going to go through the last half a
249s year of me it ups in my mega thorns to
252s do things they probably shouldn't be
254s doing and we're gonna start off with the
258s fleet the fleets are probably the first
262s thing you think about when joining an
263s alliance it's the most obvious thing
265s that you say and more likely everybody
269s in this room has been in trouble at some
271s point
272s for bringing the wrong thing off it in
274s the wrong mod on a shipper and says
276s you're honza who's done not say
280s everybody who hasn't put their hand up
281s is a damn liar now the last thing the FC
288s wants is some idiot showing up in a
290s random ship so of course I am that idiot
293s so I'm going to show you what I've got
294s weird with the first stop is Phou ox
299s plate now this is one of the more fun
300s flakes I've been on for quite some time
303s now the general idea behind them is
306s straight up throw them at the enemy
308s blaster we're in a classic sort of meat
311s grinder where the losers decide by who
314s runs out of bodies first or I'm walk
317s firm favourite of leadership the world
321s over three old time now since Christmas
327s hardened tests have been thrown these at
329s each other over well keep stars in
334s highsec and honu thus fighting wars in
340s high sec could be so much fun I
342s certainly didn't so quickly kill hooks
346s up what's called the feral thorn it's
352s not the prettiest fit I'll agree where
355s but the problem of getting an armored
357s tank in battleship to become a shield
359s tank in battle cruiser that warm cup of
362s salt it requires a fair bit of
364s creativity first issue is speed now I've
369s got a very very simple rule for when
371s doing this the ship must either match or
373s be better than the fleet that's taken
376s part in its golden rule that it has to
378s be that and warp space is one of the
382s biggest problems that you can have find
384s with bigger ships because it impacts the
386s entire plate so what I did here was I
390s used some of those valuable rigged slots
393s with a pair of hyperspatial rigs and now
397s all the ferox the floor to slow me down
400s next up we shield tank this armored tank
403s ship which is fairly easy done
406s even if there's not a lot of not a lot
407s of room to fit one in there and what we
414s end up with is let's face it it's not a
418s fantastically tank to ship for a
420s battleship but it's in the rough
423s ballpark of what a fair works would be
425s if it's a little bit fatter may also
430s notice I've put in trucking
432s instead of max damage that's generally
436s because when it comes to rail guns the
438s bigger you go the more likely it's going
440s to miss the target and probably hit the
442s Sun wheels aren't that good at tracking
446s I then had to make sure that I didn't
452s cut this thing out when you run around
456s on the battlefield how's the fair work
457s still fortunately I've put all these
460s more hair loss loss to play with I'm not
461s using saw fit in three cut mods there
467s and it doesn't quite get you to complete
470s Cup stability but experience tells me
473s you're not going to be shooting them
474s guns all the time
475s so in practice it's got more Cup
479s stability than the focus of flies with
481s so if anyone's going to Cup Cup out it's
483s going to be them now of course being
487s such a blatant target does come with one
489s or two drawbacks the biggest pain is
492s that people will naturally want to kill
494s the big shiny thing but in the port
498s being the odd one out the law does come
500s with an advantage which many pair don't
504s really think about because a lot of
507s people when they take on a Farex flate
509s will have a battle cruiser only an
511s overview yes
515s so I suddenly become both the most
519s obvious ship on the field and also
522s completely invisible which has saved me
527s a few times now one of the more
530s surprising advantages it brings is the
534s much bigger cargo hold now there is a
536s bit of logic behind this one how many
539s people here
540s found themselves in a surprise structure
542s off where you've not had the amyl guess
546s what our stuff for nothing
547s lots of animal for the plate the fleet
549s love me now alternatively I can fit a
553s whole lot of Cup boosters in there The
555s Lodger wing like me now are they gonna
557s keep me alive another thing that I feel
562s like to fit on these is some repair rep
565s drones so your tackle wing likes you as
568s well so in strange weird this ship has
572s managed to master hearts and minds for
574s the flate so in a roundabout way they
577s always kind of want you there in the
580s strange where but am it's not always
587s this hard to get yourself adapted so for
592s example you got a bad inflate it's an
595s armored battleships late so there's not
598s much room for shenanigans in this one
599s really is there all you need to do is
601s just take your ordinary Megatron I find
604s that a little bit boring so I decided to
608s do something I've always wanted to try
611s I'll strap lasers to it and I called it
614s the laser throne and yes lasers really
619s do make everything cooler this one
623s managed to go several plates before
626s anyone actually notice what I've done it
630s wasn't until I started firing purple
631s that people suddenly realized oh hold on
633s a second
635s now all the fear for this one is very
638s simple I took the a button fit I have
641s just super glued it to the mega throne
645s absolutely no changes required
649s now first up is the all-important mega
652s pulse lasers now these are cup hungry
655s even on a marsh it's so that does mean
658s you need to keep them properly fed and
660s this is done with mixer cup bust cup
663s batteries a booster and we charger now
668s with a cup problem solved it's just a
669s matter of copying the tank over and
672s there were two things have stood out to
675s me about this fit the first is just how
677s easy it was to get lasers to work and
679s the second one is that the buff to
682s abandon damage was really needed I was
686s consistently coming out on top for
688s damage and that shouldn't have been
690s happening but flights aren't everything
695s home defense is probably where the
698s majority of your content is going to be
700s found it's also a lot of the fun ones
703s unfortunately this generally means fast
706s small stuff which is the exact opposite
709s of what I fly so this causes a 20d as
719s matter of kaity
720s well basically is one of the
724s biggest problems that I face and one of
727s the absolute massive problems I faced
730s came from these little buggers Corum
732s inflates extremely expandable an
737s extremely long range and extremely fast
739s for a battleship now all these tend to
743s roam around inflators of 20 to 150 ships
746s and they're an absolute nightmare to
748s engage if you use in a blast abort
750s it just means you can't really catch up
753s to them as I've tried a lot of times so
757s I came up with a solution
759s I took a basically take a brick strap
765s some long range guns to it and you get
768s the calm and get it
774s now the tanga straightforward she played
776s it off no one fights like this buffer is
779s way more important than tank well so you
783s have an active reps cuz they'll just
786s burst through you've reppin the repens
790s are four to five rails these give you
793s the range in ease but they do have big
795s issues with tracking as I've said which
798s is where the mids come in to trucking
801s computers generally with the ships
804s bonuses as well and some late use of
807s drugs
810s if give say it gives you the truck in
813s that you can grab all of them you also
818s have to wear to see balls in there so
822s you can actually lock them fast enough
823s or as well as it turns out keep up with
827s the range that you of bear fighting that
830s because when this thing maxes out its
832s range the tactical map isn't actually
835s large enough to cover it all which
840s essentially means my zone of death is
844s it's it's unbelievably funny so of
853s course ships like this do come with
855s large drawbacks and this this one comes
857s with two very big ones much like a brick
860s it doesn't move too well so don't expect
865s to be chasing things down so it's more
868s or less regular relegated to gear camps
871s or short trips that are on Spears unless
874s you like slaw bought into multiple
876s Bulbul gets but then people do enjoy
878s mine and so there's probably somebody
880s out there
886s the other drawback comes from the rails
889s when up against very fast small ships
892s such as frigates what interceptors they
898s all you have the range to hit them but
901s sometimes you just can't apply the
902s damage and that's due entirely down to
905s the very spooky thing called tracking
910s now some of this subject does sound like
912s the title of a very bad nineties action
914s movie and it's probably one of the least
918s understood mechanics of the game and I
922s do apologize but we're gonna have to do
924s just a little bit of a math saya so to
929s put simply it works out that you try a
932s uterus can well track the move by a
935s moving target the important thing is
937s that you need to look at this redline
939s the angular velocity now fortunately you
944s don't need a binder full of graphs our
947s memorizer of everything from a custom
950s spreadsheet the game does actually do a
952s lot of the heavy lifting for you and one
954s of the things i will advise you in your
957s view settings is to get the angular
958s velocity on there so let's see there's a
963s frigate with an RS of 0.0025 at 90
969s kilometres range I've got a 50/50 chance
972s of hitting this target double the RS
975s drops down to about 9% how old if I work
979s this out all turrets have a tracking
983s number now this number is different
986s dependent on skills you fit if you've
988s got implants on grid boosters or you've
991s munched a few drugs recently now it's a
995s very complicated thing and there are
998s tools thankfully you can goggle to help
1001s you understand them better than I can
1003s possibly explain because it just warps
1005s my mind EVE Online turret calculator is
1009s a great one and like many things the
1014s more you practice the more that you get
1017s good at judging if you can hit the
1019s target or not
1020s as many things in EVE now complicated
1025s mathematics aside this ship is an awful
1028s lot of fun the comments might not agree
1031s with that but when it comes to home
1035s defense and just company get in this is
1038s an amazing ship but when it comes to
1041s home defense there is a lot of running
1043s around and Shearson involved so this is
1047s where this one comes in the Nano throng
1051s now this is by far my favorite megathron
1054s and has been for pretty much the past
1057s six years or so that have been fair
1059s concentrating on them and who can't like
1062s flying a battleship I thinks it's a
1064s cruiser now this is the modern version
1069s of the old harpy throne and for those
1073s that can't remember what a harpy throne
1074s is and that was a mega throne that was
1077s designed to be a harpy in harpy flate
1080s yes it worked and yes it did I know and
1086s before you pod him to start looking
1087s they're looking around for me I'm not
1089s running the harpy fit because that was 2
1090s billion this is the torn down version
1094s the most important thing naturally is
1097s warp space this ship will be most
1100s cruisers out there
1103s which is an issue sometimes because I'm
1106s sometimes in the very strange situation
1108s of being the first thing on grid which
1113s is which is not as something a
1114s battleship tends to be used say used to
1118s now to get that speed doesn't need a
1120s huge amount all you have to do is
1122s sacrifice all of your rigs the second
1129s most important thing is a long time now
1133s this means that you don't find yourself
1135s left on a get when cruisers warp off now
1139s on paper this doesn't match a cruisers a
1143s line time in practice this thing can out
1147s spear stuber's
1150s and keep up with an awful lot of
1152s frigates and destroyers the reason for
1154s this isn't entirely clear but I'm sure
1157s would simply tone - because most people
1159s are really bad at this game this is one
1162s explanation I've got now well the tank
1165s is admittedly three mid slots now of
1170s course it means a shield tank and in
1173s battleship turns it does make it just
1175s that little bit squishy it also comes
1180s with cap mods in this particular fit so
1183s I can run around forever ruin the
1187s microwave drive so I can chase things
1190s down on grid but it's optional I can't
1193s fit in more tracking I can feel it in
1196s more damage it really depends on what
1199s I'm doing at the time and finally like
1202s the all-important damage is blasters now
1206s altogether this is a ridiculous ship and
1208s a lot of fun to fly but there's always
1210s room for a little bit more madness such
1215s as the palo throng for those times when
1219s you want to evaporate whatever is
1220s unlucky enough you get anywhere this of
1224s course means polarized blasters which
1228s comes with the hefty penalties of zero
1230s resists so with great power comes great
1233s squishy ability the weapons are almost
1237s criminally under used outside of things
1240s like bombers saw thankfully for me that
1243s means these weapons of mass destruction
1245s are incredibly cheap now all of these
1251s fit so far for me at least comfortably
1255s within the mega thorns range more
1259s difficult is something like a caracal
1261s fleet believe it or not now the problem
1264s with this fleet is the speed that
1267s they've move at asking a megathron to at
1270s the very least match them is an
1273s incredibly hard ask for the ship it's
1277s not impossible though and for this I
1280s need my Sapphira paper
1282s now caracals top out at 1900 meters a
1287s second and as we can say hey this mega
1289s thrown baits that just it does come at a
1296s cost or quite a hefty one to get up to
1300s speed requires high grades the best
1302s quality drugs and a squid swig a quiff
1305s and all of that comes to 2.5 billion at
1309s least to do the job over 30 to 50
1313s million risk ship
1315s so the question probably is is it worth
1320s it
1321s probably not but I've always been
1323s strange like that now all of this is
1328s just six months of farting around with
1332s just one ship and what it is a ship I've
1336s been tinkering with the seven plus years
1338s now and there's absolutely no sign of
1341s running out of new ways to fly it and
1343s well new ways to break it and this is
1347s something anyone can do with any ship
1350s you fancy the look of just be warned it
1355s can sometimes go incredibly wrong
1364s so unfortunately I don't have oh I've
1369s got five minutes left
1370s no I'll skip that one so if anybody
1375s wants to ask me questions I'll be
1377s hanging around there'll be the big party
1379s tonight it was interesting that one yeah
1383s very worried that's watching at home bad
1387s to be you suppose so thank you very much
1390s for watching and I'll see you next time
1395s [Applause]
1398s [Laughter]