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6s foreign
32s and welcome back to Alliance tournament
35s 18 Minotaur Republic trials day three
38s this is weekend two this is where we
41s narrow it down to just seven teams who
43s will advance to Alliance tournament 18.
46s everyone else goes straight into the
49s dumpster as there can only be seven six
51s from the Minotaur tribes that we're
53s playing now and then the the runners-up
55s of each of those tries will drop into
57s the
58s um the consolidation round and they will
61s fight for that final seventh spot
65s um and we have a whole bunch of matches
66s some really good matches a whole bunch
68s of really good teams have made it
69s through some less experience than others
72s some really experienced teams that we
73s expect to see do really well
76s um jintan anyone you're really looking
77s forward to seeing today
79s uh there's a lot of teams that I'm
81s looking forward to seeing uh one is
82s Exodus uh so far I believe they haven't
85s lost a single ship in their games and
87s it'll be interesting to see if they can
88s follow that through uh the remainder of
91s their bracket they certainly have the
92s execution to do so but whether or not
94s their opponents are going to be able to
96s bring something out of the bag to
97s surprise them in what looks like a clean
98s run through to 8018 is the real question
102s thank you jintan uh is with me today as
105s is Mystical mate Misty who are you
107s looking forward to seeing
108s I have to say snuffed out to see if they
111s bring any other questionable comps along
113s for the tournament
114s um but I think you know more seriously
116s electors Matari and ashra Khan are there
118s two to look for simply because they are
120s role players in a Minotaur tournament so
122s it'd be interested to see what happens
123s in there in their brackets
125s exactly and they are both in the britor
128s tribe so only one of those can
131s potentially win that tribe one maybe can
133s make it through into the uh the
135s consolidation tribe if that's the case
137s maybe we see two Minotaur RP teams make
140s it into alliance tournament 18 but that
142s is a tough ask they'll have to win a
145s fair few matches to get through if they
147s don't make it in the um the britart
149s finals first time round but let's look
152s at our first match because it is only a
154s few minutes away and it's going to be a
155s hill now versus shut up I'm trying now
158s uh Jin tan I believe shut up I'm trying
160s or one of two teams that just simply due
163s to the luck of the marble draw and have
166s somehow managed to make it through into
167s these semi-finals without winning a
170s single match is that right
172s uh yeah I believe uh shut up I'm trying
174s and uh seriously suspicious are the two
177s teams that have managed to win precisely
178s zero matches and are still into the
181s playoff section
183s um shut up I'm trying as well we're only
185s able to field a maximum of I believe
187s eight pilots during their two games so
189s hopefully they've woken everyone up
191s they've you know maybe rung up all their
193s friends and uh will be bringing a full
195s compliment of Pilots to the games
197s tonight
199s we can only hope so we see the bands on
201s screen right now Banning The Shack uh
204s which is change ship model as far as I
206s can tell uh and a bar guest we're shut
208s up I'm trying Banning an EOS and a slept
210s near mystical Knight what do you make of
212s these particular bands
214s uh well just looking at the shut up and
217s trying bands the EOS and the sled there
220s seem to be targeted Advanced towards the
222s heilenard team as last week
226s um ahal now brought a drone Rush set up
228s and a should Rush setup both of which
229s relied on the EOS and then the sleptner
232s respectively so
233s um it seems like they have taken
235s advantage of the VOD and looked back and
237s seen what their opponent is flying I
239s don't know whether this is necessarily
240s going to help too much I think they
241s might still not be able to necessarily
243s field a full team
245s um based on some feedback that we've had
247s in twitch chat but maybe it will even
249s the playing field a little bit more
252s I'm just looking at what landed on grid
255s and it does look like they are feeling
256s another undermanned team but it is time
259s to go to the real and find out can shut
260s up I'm trying win with less than 10 or
262s will I will not continue their streak of
264s Victories so let's hand over to the
266s arena with CCP Kestrel and Wingnut
273s g'day there mates Welcome to our hill
275s now there's a shop I am trying and we've
277s got a quad BC comp On Demand versus a
280s triple BC with a whole wing of support
282s social took us through mate
285s uh yeah so uh uh the uh
289s oh uh oh hell no they've brought a free
293s uh battle Cruisers like you said two
294s Nighthawks and a claymore so triple
297s Command Ship backed up by a bunch of
299s support Gila broadsword uh loggy
302s frigates jackdaws people and skybreaker
304s so they're gonna have a bunch of support
306s they're gonna be able to lock people
308s down I believe they're Nighthawks are
310s hands as well uh so it's gonna be a bit
312s of a hand Rush when you talk about the
313s uh the other team here
315s yeah they've just brought quad BC with a
317s couple of uh
319s autocannon Cy fleets and a scimitar but
321s they're also rushing in so as you can
323s see they are screaming towards each
324s other I love watching the uh swivel of
327s uh Nicolo just going straight to the
328s back and immediately tackled that along
330s the side fleets just watch it die watch
332s it die
333s yeah that Paul grave is already gone um
336s unfortunately uh I think these teams
338s basically have about the same DPS except
341s uh or hell no just have two lodgy and a
344s bunch of support on top of that so I
346s don't see any way that they're going to
348s be able to win but let's see maybe they
350s maybe they could they maybe they're
351s ocean seven and they're gonna you know
353s perform the you know Grand Heist of the
355s the 80 somehow
357s I'm hoping that the Scimitar from uh
359s shut up I'm trying really manages to
361s pull its weight here if they can kill
362s enough DPS that maybe that Scimitar can
364s buy them a lot more time this might not
365s be an entirely stupid idea but you can
368s see the second safely being beaten down
369s the guild just goes pop
372s yep he's gone they're still trying to
373s kill the Kirin of Aquila Concordia he's
376s doing a pretty good job of just uh
378s staying away he does have this huge
381s cloud of bots on him drones hot goblins
383s that are slowly whittling him down but
385s one thing that's really cool is the sky
387s breaker of Marvel doggies is actually
389s shooting the drones that are on him and
391s the drones are slowly getting killed so
393s now Aquila is actually uh wrapping back
395s up again now
397s now I wonder I don't think these rxlas I
399s think actually xlasbly issues which is
402s honestly one of my favorite ships to fly
403s it does it still explode but it's
405s starting to beat down an eye hook now
408s yeah Michael of launch it's uh
411s it's getting pretty low here it's about
412s half Shields but
414s um imagine pengu in 1998 is probably
417s going to be going going down before he
419s goes down at least
422s he didn't see a single xlasb cycle on
424s that ship
428s yeah the the damage here is just super
430s brutal from oh hell no
432s taking these uh safely issues down
435s before they can even get like the full
437s value of that xlsb
440s just immediately immediate deletion they
442s are still being done as Nighthawk but a
443s fortune the drag Navy is now incredibly
445s Squishy in comparison without their
447s Scimitar backup so I think that's
449s probably the death knell for this
450s underman comp they actually gave it a
452s surprisingly good run though
455s yeah they did pretty well unfortunately
457s uh I think Aquila is gonna live now
459s slenders is gone they only have three
461s battle Cruisers left against uh launch
464s who's like starting to stabilize
466s it's going a bit low maybe they can get
468s Lord down but uh Aquila is a lot
470s more healthy now that that Sky Breakers
472s cleared off all of those drones so the
474s uh the scalpel of Mick can now
477s concentrate for Leon launch so I
480s think it's going to be tough for them to
481s break even Lord here he is he is
484s pretty low though but Captain Emmy
485s unfortunately is about to go down here
488s and he's gone yeah
490s well what since this match is currently
491s over
492s someone someone in local wanted to give
494s a shout out to shanna's Dad because
496s honestly nothing else was going to go on
497s this match besides these ships dying so
499s hello Shannon's dead how you doing mate
502s [Laughter]
504s this is this is chaos
507s yeah it looks like damage is getting
509s better a bit too Nicolo bernardo's
511s Super's going down a little bit Lord
513s midgets uh Nighthawk is now stabilizing
515s I'm about 20 Shields so it looks like
518s he's probably gonna live here and the
520s Nighthawk of CG arkoski is uh about to
524s hit armor here so I I think it's going
526s to be a Flawless victory for all hell no
529s uh floor or something what's the gear
532s so I guess they lost the dealer but the
535s dealers don't count
539s they're not real ships not real menships
544s oh well yeah that and the man was ballsy
547s honestly I'm not gonna lie I was
549s surprised it got as close as it did
551s but yeah it would I need more boys bring
553s more bring more guys please
556s yeah I mean bring three more people it's
559s it's not hard you know you need to just
560s recruit some people
562s except get that new uh new pack in the
564s eve store the uh the uh
568s seven days
570s with that horrible uh plug we're gonna
573s send it back to the studio
575s oh God
578s now for the triglavian weather report
580s brought to you by Exodus integration
584s [Music]
589s and that's the weather forever
593s okay
596s you
600s said for just 10 million is a month you
604s can save the life of a high SEC minor
621s [Music]
638s I'll now taking our first victory of the
642s day over an undermanned shut up I am
644s trying team who uh unfortunately get
647s knocked out at this particular stage of
651s the tournament uh I will now of course
653s uh only losing one ship uh The Gila
656s there of Shanna uh disappointing his
658s father uh today by feeding but uh
662s elise's team got the W and that's what's
664s important it's a team game here the team
666s wins or the team loses speaking of teams
669s mystical might is there any advantages
671s really of bringing on-demand team comp
674s um that instead of instead of bringing
676s 10 if you can
678s I mean I'd always advise that a team
680s bring 10 if they can there are other
683s circumstances that sometimes prevent
684s teams from bringing you know the full
687s roster
688s um as we saw I believe the shut up I'm
690s trying team is suffering from some
691s internet connection issues for some of
693s their members which means that they're
694s not able to field the full team which is
696s one of the issues that you may face when
698s you whenever you have a team that's made
699s up a 10 to 15 people it's it's usually
702s ideal to have more than the required
704s number so that you can have people stand
706s in where needs to be I will say though
708s and answer the question maybe like
710s Tinker setups where you'd rather have
713s more people in bigger ships May then
716s lend itself a little bit more towards
717s the reduced number of pilots on grid but
720s you can still use those smaller ships
722s for things like ewall which you'll be
724s lacking if you don't have your full Dem
725s man
727s it's also worth
729s um pointing out that although I'm trying
732s we're only able to bring seven Pilots
734s um we commend them for bringing the
736s seven pilots and giving it a go uh you
738s know the feeders uh or the trial runs
741s are an incredible opportunity for teams
742s who might not otherwise get the
743s opportunity to fly in the alliance
745s tournament to you know fly in these
747s matches uh get a bit of publicity
748s further alliances and it's very easy for
750s them to be like oh we've only got seven
751s people let's just you know let's just
753s forfeit let's just not turn up
755s um but they didn't you know they tried
756s they literally came along shut up and
758s trying and they consistently have flown
761s in every match that we've asked them to
762s fly in so well done to them uh for a
765s given ago unfortunately the disadvantage
767s of having only seven Pilots uh is kind
770s of highlighted especially against a team
772s like ahil nah who seemed to be doing
774s quite well thus far in the tournament it
777s looked like jintan we saw the Scimitar I
780s sort of what I'm trying tackled almost
781s immediately by the sky breaker of all
784s hill now that's just kind of you have
787s less people you have less ability to
788s screen and that's kind of a good example
790s of why it's so important but what is
792s like how do you screen and why is apart
794s from that why is screening so important
796s here
797s so screening is a bit of a complex term
799s it's something we use quite a lot on
801s both The Cask and the cast and the desk
803s and there's two ways to look at it you
806s can depending on what team you're flying
808s with they'll have a slightly different
809s definition some people see screening as
811s more of an aggressive activity where
813s you're trying to go in and Tackle down
814s specific ships normally that's something
816s you'll do if you have more tackle ships
818s in your opponent you will assign you
820s know zipple you go on you know the
822s Confessor saberfully issue you go on the
824s Vengeance and then your other final ship
827s you will have free you send that after
829s some sort of priority Target but if
831s you're in a case where you have less
832s tackle tackle ships than your opponents
834s what you've got to do is you've got to
835s coordinate with your fellowships and do
837s some defensive screening where you
839s basically occupy space so that hostile
843s tackle Pilots can't enter the space that
845s they would need to go through in order
846s to tackle a high value Target like a
849s logistics or even something like a curse
851s or other really high value low ehp
854s Target which if it gets tackled will
856s probably die to your opponent yet
860s and Mr Gemma I also wanted to ask you a
863s little bit about the the yellow we saw
864s there in ahilna uh called by CCP Kestrel
868s as a ship that quote doesn't count
869s because it's a crabbing ship do you
871s agree with that or is it a useful ship
873s in tournament formats
875s I think it's an excellent ship you know
878s um I was trying to describe the concept
880s to somebody last week
882s um how I think some ships have like a
883s mouth feel you know where they could
885s potentially be really strong in the
887s right format right but they just feel
889s ready to fly I think the Gila is
892s one of the ships where it feels really
893s good to fly you feel like you're having
895s an impact and the two drones that you
897s get with a garista ship because they're
899s the those ship holes have such strong
902s bonuses towards them they make
903s themselves feel known so you can feel
906s your impact as well during the match
908s um so I mean I I love the Gila in a
910s tournament setting I think it has its
912s place perhaps not in every comp
914s um but definitely in some of the kiting
916s comps or in some drone setups
918s um I think it's a really good selection
921s so follow-up question
922s um if the gear doesn't have a
925s good mouth feel uh which which ships in
929s the tournament does have a good mouth
931s feel in the world of mystical night is
932s it the thorax for example or are there
934s are there other shows I mean I I prefer
937s that the sleptner it's a little bit
939s Slimmer and Sleek you know
940s um I think it's an excellent ship in the
942s tournament setting
943s um the balgorn is also of course a great
945s one
946s um yeah so there's some some really good
948s ships that you'll see come up quite
950s frequently I think that's because most
951s people agree they're both strong and
953s also fun to fly
955s awesome so mystical mate loves a
957s mouthful of now good to know
960s um let's look at our next match coming
962s up uh it's in about 10 minutes and
965s actually we can also pull up the the um
967s the bracket for this particular docker
974s and shut up I'm trying uh who have just
976s played and shut up and trying we've
977s moved forward to the final they're gonna
979s go up against the winner of we form blob
982s versus Prismatic Legion
984s um and then the winner of that advances
986s to Alliance tournament 18 and that makes
990s um that's a good point ahil na are the
992s winners here not shut up I'm trying
994s um I mean they try to get into the final
996s they almost managed it but we have
998s noticed too late so you don't get to
1000s come in this way so that should be out
1002s here on that going up against we form
1004s blob or Prismatic Legion uh with the
1006s winner advancing to Alliance tournament
1007s 18 and the runner-up going into the
1011s um the matches tomorrow to determine the
1014s last uh the last remaining slot in terms
1017s of uh we form blob versus Prismatic we
1019s didn't let's take a look at the bands
1021s and see uh what we can expect in this
1024s next match
1027s okay so we form blob Banning The
1029s Vindicator and the bar guest whereas
1031s dramatic Prismatic Legion Banning the
1034s EOS and the balgorn
1036s potentially The Shack and you never know
1037s these days
1039s um gentan the EOS balgar and ban uh
1041s looks like maybe they don't want to see
1042s long-range webs and drones what's your
1044s thought there
1045s yeah so this is something the mystical
1047s and a few other casters have talked
1049s about extensively last weekend uh the
1051s EOS that is a band dedicated towards the
1054s Drone composition
1056s um the EOS is incredibly tanky provides
1058s the links and uh provides five heavy
1061s drones which is the maximum amount of
1063s DPS you can really do in a drone ship
1064s and having two of them is normally key
1067s to running a proper drone composition
1071s um meanwhile the bowel gone is just an
1073s incredibly potent ship it provides you
1076s know as I was talking about earlier in
1077s terms of controlling space with regards
1079s to screening the bowel gone provides the
1082s longest area of space you cannot enter
1084s without being at extreme risk of dying
1086s anything with a within around 30
1088s kilometers of it is going to get webbed
1090s it's going to get neutered and it's
1092s going to cease to exist uh it's
1094s incredibly potent against some of the
1096s logistics frigates that we've seen a lot
1098s of in this tournament as well uh
1100s generally a very powerful tool although
1102s if you are able to control it with a
1104s smaller ship for example the sky breaker
1107s or The Punisher can normally hold one
1108s down and force the enemy team to you
1111s know basically rotate around it and it
1114s can be quite a struggle at that point
1116s and unless you have tools to deal with
1118s it whereas their opponents we form blob
1120s they've banned the vindi they've banned
1122s the bar guest doesn't look like they
1123s want to face anything that's really high
1124s DPS Battleship based not sure what that
1127s implies about their comps though uh
1129s potentially something kite
1132s yeah I think we saw the
1134s um algor and being the number one band
1136s ship last weekend I'll have to look and
1138s see if we can get up some some stats
1140s from the bands last weekend
1142s um mystical might the the bar guest
1144s doesn't seem to be super popular
1148s um to ban and fly last week but yeah
1150s we're seeing it now uh watch what's your
1152s thoughts on the on the the bar gas
1154s what's the mouth feel there
1156s well I'm glad you've asked I think the
1158s Vargas is again another strong ship
1160s which is why it's coming up so often
1162s well I say so often I don't think it's
1164s necessarily been the top ban
1167s um so far in the feeders
1169s um but I'm just thinking back to
1170s previous tournaments where it cropped up
1171s quite a bit
1173s um I know that the Bargas has kind of
1174s been a Mainstay ship across a number of
1176s different tournaments
1178s um you'd have what two or three bar
1179s guests coupled with a couple hyenas and
1182s that would effectively work its way
1183s through an entire lineup without really
1185s being at too much risk and I think
1187s people just have a long-term memory
1189s based on the previous tournaments that
1190s we've seen and they don't wish to come
1192s up against a strong cutting setup like
1194s that
1197s yeah the bargain of course gets that
1198s long range uh Point scram bonus point in
1201s uh Alliance Tournament of course not
1203s incredibly useful uh because you cannot
1205s warp uh but the scram much more useful
1208s uh to shut down your opponent's Mac warp
1210s drives or stop them using the micro jump
1212s drive units or even just their local
1213s micro jump
1216s um Gentile I'm just looking at some of
1217s the matches for later on today and I
1219s know you mentioned uh you're looking
1220s forward to see Exodus they're going up
1222s against wolves among strangers
1224s um are there any other particular
1225s matches that you're looking forward to
1227s see I know I'm looking forward uh to
1229s seeing Rusty hyenas or suspectively
1231s Rusty hyena has brought a couple of
1232s really interesting comps last weekend
1233s and notably the uh winning comp of
1237s Alliance tournament 17 fielded by Hydra
1240s reloaded and they flew it with great
1243s effect I'm looking forward to see that
1244s one what other matches are you looking
1246s forward to I really think the laser
1249s Hawks versus initiative match which
1250s we're going to see right at the sort of
1252s end of this slot I'm not entirely sure
1254s where it is on the schedule in terms of
1255s time that's going to be a really fun
1257s match to watch those are both two teams
1259s that you'd expect to be you know riding
1261s competing for the 2-2 sort of slot maybe
1264s even three two uh finish in the actual
1266s Alliance tournament and now they're
1268s playing in a single elimination game to
1271s even get a chance to reach 8018 there's
1274s a lot on the line there for both teams
1275s and they're both teams that have really
1278s good execution so I think we're going to
1279s see a fantastic contest between the two
1282s of them
1284s yeah and mystical might what about
1286s yourself what matches are you looking
1287s forward to seeing today
1288s uh so I know that I was showing interest
1291s in electors for Tonya as two teams I was
1294s interested in seeing how they did but
1295s Odin's call versus whole control to see
1299s which wormholler establishes dominance
1300s would I think be a fairly interesting
1302s match
1303s um I don't actually know who I would
1305s favor in that setup I probably lean
1307s Odin's based on history but you know
1310s they're both wormholers so they're both
1311s kind of garbage Pilots uh we'll see how
1314s they go
1315s well that is the spicy take coming from
1318s someone in fraternity
1320s um so looking at some of the other
1321s matches
1323s um I see obviously laser Hawks another
1325s Wormhole group going up against the
1326s initiative
1327s um so a bunch a bunch of a bunch of uh
1331s cool matches today effectively uh scary
1333s Wormhole people the Ancients we saw them
1335s do uh surprisingly well last time they
1337s brought a kind of Amara laser Rush comp
1340s write a zero with the patterns and
1342s oracles and then just dunk so I'm
1345s looking forward to see if they can play
1346s another W there and we have about three
1349s minutes uh until the uh the match
1352s between we from blob and Prismatic
1353s Legion
1354s um gentan I know Jin Gran favors
1357s Prismatic Legion but Robert jintan
1361s um you know Prismatic Legion were a
1363s scrim partner of Outfox uh during our
1366s preparation for the feeders
1367s unfortunately we didn't get through uh
1370s but you know I've because of that I've
1371s also got a route for prismatic Legion uh
1373s XV teacher V XV sorry uh has a great
1377s team of Pilots behind her and I'm hoping
1380s she does well that said it is going to
1382s be a tough match up we form blob uh
1384s definitely showed that they can bring
1385s out not only interesting comps but also
1388s some comps that seem relatively good uh
1391s probably not this kind of comments we're
1393s going to see when it comes to the actual
1394s tournament but maybe they're hiding
1395s things who knows maybe they've learned
1397s from their daddy involter and have uh
1399s decided to hide a bit of their Theory
1401s crafting whilst playing it against
1402s lesser teams
1405s and mystical mate do you agree with uh
1408s with those texts there or do you have
1409s your own
1410s oh I'm on I'm on team Prismatic yeah
1413s yeah as you aptly pointed out as a
1415s member of fraternity
1417s um you know it's good to see we form
1419s bloblies where they do
1421s um but no I mean they've brought some
1422s interesting setups I did like some of
1425s the setups they brought last week
1426s especially the Tempest Fleet issue one
1429s um it perhaps wasn't flown to the best
1431s effect I believe they were outkited
1433s because they didn't appropriately use
1435s their Armageddon newts to slow down the
1437s battleships that they were chasing so
1439s it'll be interesting to see whether they
1440s fixed some of their piloting issues and
1442s decision making in the upcoming match
1444s but yeah team Prismatic for me as well
1448s yeah I mean you're calling for obviously
1450s we form blob
1451s um to lose this match here um I guess it
1454s would be nice to see reform blob lose
1456s somewhere if not uh Tranquility when
1459s they face fraternity uh but both teams
1461s are on grid and ready to rock and roll
1464s so let's hand over to the arena uh with
1467s your casters moderator and black pirate
1477s hello and welcome back to the alliance
1480s from an 18 Minar feeder trials
1482s Extravaganza where we have we form blob
1484s versus Prismatic Legion we form blob
1487s bringing a armor setup with a lecheck to
1489s Fleet Tempest and a little bit of a
1491s decent bottom end though I am loving
1493s that crucifier and celeste's pick uh
1495s moderator Prismatic seems to brought a
1497s much different setup tell me about it
1499s yeah Prismatic has decided to go for a
1502s you know an auto Cannon slept in your
1504s team supported by
1506s um ham Loki for some webs and their
1508s lower end also looks like they're going
1511s to be running a little bit of Rapid
1512s lights with the Osprey
1514s um you know pretty typical Rush setup
1516s that we've seen throughout the event and
1518s now we're off we'll see what both teams
1520s try to do
1522s um looks like Prismatic Legion deciding
1524s to kite a pole range a little bit use
1526s the mobility of those Minimates or holes
1528s and you know not just frustrated into uh
1531s those battleships
1533s it is a little bit of a different setup
1536s or a different attempt probably a lot
1537s smarter unfortunately uh does look like
1540s possibly the Loki was AFK or decided not
1543s to use his prop mod uh they are going to
1546s potentially be tackled though the
1547s smaller is actually flying right past it
1549s getting webbed down so weave from Bob is
1551s rushing right into here a little bit of
1553s damps coming out a little bit of uh
1555s Eeyore some guidance disrupters a little
1557s bit of newts nothing really tackling the
1559s Prismatic Legion side yet though and we
1560s formed Bob is just pushing in very very
1562s uh stuck together doing their job quite
1565s the Vengeance though is already dropping
1566s very quickly on WE form blog getting
1568s wrecked by those rapid lights
1570s yeah that's um not usually survivable
1573s looks like the Vengeance did like stop
1575s taking damage for a second activating
1577s the assault damage control but
1579s um they're going way in Deep Way outside
1581s of the rep of the deacon and Thalia and
1583s will go down meanwhile XIV teacher
1587s um that Osprey Navy issue has been
1589s neuted down pretty heavily by The
1591s Tempest uh The Tempest Fleet issue of
1592s Jin Lee is on top of them at zero end
1595s um now they're pulling range so somehow
1597s not tackled by The Tempest
1600s yeah I'm a little confused here the
1602s scimitaries actually just decided to fly
1604s directly into the Le Shack though and
1606s has been scram webbed and is being muted
1608s and damage is being applied at the
1609s Scimitar so uh dramatic Legion God first
1611s Blood did a pretty decent job pulling
1613s away but the appear to have decided to
1615s not continue to kite and their Scimitar
1618s is hard tackled in just getting
1620s absolutely blasted by this leshaka we're
1622s seeing the lecheck be an absolutely
1624s garbage terrible trash Battleship pilot
1626s and is orbiting with the zimwd on and
1628s doing no damage to the Scimitar right
1630s now but eventually they will probably
1631s stop their ship and realize that misses
1634s are not how you do DPS here meanwhile
1637s not a ton of DPS coming up from the
1638s Prismatic Legion side a little bit of
1640s tankless Shack is now pulling around
1641s with his mwd rapidly pulling away from
1643s the Scimitar and is probably going to
1645s lose tackle here
1646s yeah we see that the stifle of uh Yvette
1649s has dived into the back line along with
1651s some of these site Fleet issues trying
1652s to go on top of the Thalia assassinate
1653s one of the frugalaji
1655s um yeah as you were mentioning the best
1656s thing you can do if you're really Shack
1658s in that spot is just control space and
1659s sit close
1662s um but not you know out tracking
1663s yourself the Scimitar now has been
1666s thoroughly neuted out is not propping
1667s running their insulator Shield booster
1669s uh but in no short order is going to go
1672s down here losing the Scimitar before the
1675s Folly it takes any meaningful damage now
1677s the dam primary being swapped over to
1679s the celestis uh the Thalia holding um
1683s for now we see the flepners of zephan
1686s Ariel trying to dive into the back line
1688s possibly trying for round two on top of
1690s the valley of King carnifex
1693s yeah I think they uh you know they they
1695s got prismatically you got a lot more
1697s life out of that Scimitar than they
1698s really deserve to uh the Thalia is
1700s actually dropping quite quickly and
1701s finally does get destroyed from all of
1703s those missiles so a little bit of a
1705s lodgy trade going on here not seeing any
1707s damage coming out of this The Shack
1708s right now I'm finally starting to ramp
1710s up on one of the slept news it does look
1712s like that Jack Dorval has realized that
1714s the best way to play this game is to not
1716s out track yourself and is doing a ton of
1718s damage now onto uh zeph uh meanwhile
1721s Deacon is dropping on WE form blob as
1723s well prismatically been trying to finish
1724s off that Lodge you get that trade done
1725s it does go down and uh I don't know this
1728s is actually still really close there's a
1730s full DPS on both sides is what you
1732s really think about it but the slepner is
1734s starting to drop pretty quickly
1734s hopefully the ASB can keep it alive just
1736s long enough to apply some damage and
1737s they are going after the shack now which
1740s is uh probably one of the biggest
1742s targets that they need to take down I
1743s think that that ship just has to go down
1745s quickly to okay that was that was a
1747s wrecking shot just blasting straight
1748s through the shields at the sleptner
1749s drops
1750s yeah the Tempest Fleet issue was on top
1752s of the slept near zero applying nudes
1754s probably didn't have any hard drives uh
1755s critically though the crucifier does go
1757s down for Commander men that would be
1759s applying some tracking disruption onto
1762s the slept nears or guidance disruption
1763s to the low-keys and Osprey Navy issue
1766s um I can see the appeal of trying to get
1769s rid of the Le Shack here and that looks
1771s like it might be their primary but
1773s unfortunately for prismatic Legion
1776s they're rapidly rapidly running out of
1778s damage
1780s um let's see if they do try to pick off
1782s some of the one of the Magus or
1784s something else to try to get rid of the
1786s link that would be supporting any active
1788s thinking that shaft doorville would have
1790s as I say that though Ariel is running
1792s through almost all of their ASB charges
1794s and that explosive damage is just doing
1796s excellent damage
1798s yeah we do uh see that magnets go down
1800s but I think it was a good call on their
1801s part links are very very powerful uh the
1804s sleptner is again only alive because the
1806s battleships are orbiting with their
1808s micro warp drives on very very quickly
1810s so they're not actually applying right
1812s now but eventually the Le Shack will
1814s stop his ship and then this lepner will
1816s drop we're seeing Gloria orbiting at
1819s almost full mwd speed now they're
1821s finally pulling away and as soon as they
1822s stop their ship they are going to Alpha
1824s through the sleptner so a lot of uh
1826s interesting Battleship piloting here
1827s something does go down Jack doorball is
1829s sitting in about 60 armor here which
1831s yeah I don't know I don't know if
1832s they'll be able to take it down or not
1833s because there's been so much DPS lost
1835s there is actually a pretty decent chunk
1836s of damage on that low end still but with
1838s three battleships Left Alive I don't
1840s think Prismatic legion's in a very good
1841s spot here
1842s no and I mean if you look at the defense
1844s bar basically says it all we can see
1846s that the form blob team
1848s um even having lost ships and now having
1850s their little shacking to about half
1851s armor still has a full bar meanwhile
1854s Prismatic Legion has got a very
1856s diminished one having lost to their
1858s slept nears um they're going to continue
1859s to pound through the defenses of this
1862s little Shack but we do see a bit of
1863s active tanking one thing that will not
1865s have active tanking though is this
1867s caracal that
1868s um despite being a rapid missile ship is
1870s now on top of a tempest Fleet issue and
1873s uh Le Shack at zero not a place you want
1875s to be in a car called of
1877s you know getting destroyed there
1881s yeah I don't know there's a I feel like
1883s there was like a pretty good opportunity
1884s here for prismatic Legion to actually
1886s use the fact that they are in mwd Shield
1888s ships and kite away at least for like
1890s the Scimitar and stuff uh they will take
1892s the shack down though there's still
1894s quite a bit of damage on field and there
1896s are no more reps um so I think this is
1899s Shaq will probably drop before they're
1901s able to really return and take this Loki
1905s down uh obviously the Loki will
1907s eventually go down is very very hard
1908s tackled but I I don't know there's still
1911s maybe a little bit of a chance here uh
1913s just because Tempest Fleet issues
1916s well maybe we'll see I don't I don't
1918s think there's much they can do here but
1919s I Prismatic Legions finally kind of
1921s putting some damage out right now which
1922s is really good for them
1924s yeah unfortunately for prismatic Legion
1926s though uh Dara schadenguft is being sat
1929s up on top of Zero by two chemistry
1930s issues uh now that the Tempest split
1933s issues hit control space they apply
1934s perfect damage uh Jack doorville into
1936s little Holland with only three minutes
1938s left even if they kill this Le Shack
1941s um that support core on thematic Legion
1943s won't have time to chew through any of
1945s these chemist Fleet issues Before Time
1947s runs out so as long as we form blob uh
1950s doesn't do something uh silly and jump
1952s themselves out of the Arena they should
1953s be taking this match apprehendedly
1957s yeah unfortunately just due to uh one of
1959s the one of the benefits of running these
1961s triple battleship top-ins is that you
1963s have so many points invested in these
1964s three ships and as you can see uh the
1967s oprismatic legion does actually have one
1969s more ship on grid than we form blob uh
1971s those two Fleet tempests are worth so
1973s many points and Prismatic Legion will
1975s have to take one of them down to have
1977s any chance of winning I think you're
1979s correct I don't know if they actually
1980s have the DPS to drop the Tempest Fleet
1982s in the next two minutes here uh that
1984s being said also this Fleet Scythe is
1986s again hard tackled and will probably go
1988s down
1989s um having a little bit of a trouble
1991s applying to it but the battleships have
1992s stopped their ships uh Gloria is now
1994s moving into range and we're about to see
1996s huge chunks of damage going to it
1998s yes so we noticed at the beginning of
2000s the match that these were autocannon
2002s slept nears do you think that they might
2004s have been better served had they been
2006s artillery with the 720s and some light
2009s missile comp and heavy missiles as well
2011s or do you think that going for The Rush
2013s here was the right call
2016s uh I think I think that like going
2018s through the rush probably might have
2019s been the right call here I but at the
2021s end of the day like
2022s you need to screen for your Scimitar and
2025s your Scimitar needs to not sit in the
2027s middle of the blob so there is
2029s definitely some opportunity on the
2031s piloting side from both teams but I
2033s think that uh this actually was a
2035s relatively even match and I
2038s feel that like
2039s maybe if both teams are playing at like
2041s top tier and executing their comps
2043s perfectly uh this could have gone either
2046s way that being said again if you get
2049s your Scimitar tackled by battleships
2050s that go half at speed it's really not
2052s going to end very well for you
2054s yeah we feel a bit of a kind of uh
2058s comedy there with um you know we see
2061s that in the feeders the teams that have
2062s less experience sometimes they do silly
2064s things like they
2066s oh track themselves in battleships or
2067s they take their Scimitar you know that
2070s goes two and a half thousand kilometers
2071s and they run it straight down mid into a
2074s tennis Fleet issue
2075s um you know things that you just have to
2077s kind of learn and get experience through
2078s practicing unfortunately though
2081s um The Alliance tournament is not the
2083s place to learn that as uh we form blob
2086s it's going to pretty decisively take
2088s this match
2089s um XIV teacher now getting caught by a
2092s Muller the Celeste is getting on top of
2094s it but
2095s um Gloria Khan just taking too long to
2098s really well they actually might be able
2099s to get it in the next 15 seconds or so
2101s here but
2103s um not holding my breath I think it's
2105s probably going to be about the score
2106s line with uh we form blob advancing into
2109s the winner side of things
2112s it was a it was a pretty interesting
2114s match though a good job to reform blob
2117s for really using and leveraging that
2118s triple Battleship that they have with
2120s the time counting down we form blob does
2122s win this match 80 points to 48 and we
2126s are going to be sending it back to
2127s Ithaca and the boys
2135s [Music]
2147s [Laughter]
2161s thank you
2171s [Music]
2195s let the kids
2199s [Music]
2204s welcome back there so we Farm blob
2206s taking that W despite their best efforts
2210s um with some questionable piloting by
2212s the battleships there
2214s um but doesn't matter they still won
2216s um the Prismatic Legion certainly give
2218s them a bit of a helping hand running
2220s that Scimitar straight into the shack at
2223s controversial uh piloting decision there
2226s it's very easy under high pressure to
2228s make such mistakes maybe you just double
2229s click in the wrong direction maybe
2231s you're out of range of your buddies who
2233s are getting absolutely Giga dunked and
2235s you are damped down so you have to get
2237s closer and you just go in too far
2239s overshoot where you want to be and get
2241s tackled uh but we've run blood
2243s capitalized on that taking out that
2244s Scimitar and then cruising slowly to
2247s Victory uh Jin tan we saw a couple of
2250s interesting uh fitting decisions and
2253s piloting decisions in that match because
2255s if they wanted to ask you about the
2257s Mauler from we form blob there look like
2258s they didn't have any guns why would that
2260s be
2261s so this is actually something that you
2263s see fit quite a lot in the tournament
2264s and it's the legendary tackle Newt
2267s Mahler and we see this used because a
2270s it's an excellent screening uh it
2272s has the ability to basically turn off
2274s the mwds and Tackle of any frigate that
2276s comes within its range just letting you
2278s basically take a assault frigate or some
2281s other ship out of the game at that point
2283s you know once uh a jaguar or something
2285s like that can't fire its ADC uh you can
2288s just pile some medium guns onto it and
2290s it will break eventually and also it
2293s means that if during the late game
2295s you've managed to kill off all your
2296s opponent's tackle you can keep your
2299s opponent's Logistics running around for
2300s effectively the entire match burning
2303s through cap charges like nobody's
2304s business because if you get within 10
2306s kilometers of it you can both scram it
2308s down and mute it down and turn off its
2311s ability to impact the match from that
2312s point we've seen Volta for example in
2315s ag5 do use that so effectively uh to
2319s kill enemy teams and just to cap take
2321s that Logistics early on in games and
2324s here we saw it somehow managed to get on
2327s top of a Loki which should have the
2329s advantage in terms of screening because
2331s it has a long range web that can reach
2333s out to 20 30 kilometers with heat and
2336s slow it down but unfortunately it
2338s doesn't seem like they noticed them
2339s Allah quickly enough and as a result
2342s Mala got on top of it turned off those
2343s bonus hardeners and led to it dying in
2346s just a couple of seconds once all the
2347s attention of the opponent's seems turned
2349s on top of them
2352s a little bit on the battleship piloting
2355s there but why why is it so important to
2358s do things like stop your ship when
2359s you're shooting something right
2360s underneath you
2362s yeah so it depends largely on the weapon
2366s system that you're using so missiles
2367s don't necessarily suffer as much because
2370s regardless of how fast you're moving
2373s um your missiles will apply to some
2374s degree right and there's a completely
2377s different calculation you have to do to
2378s figure out missile application which
2379s we're not going to go into
2381s um at this stage at least with
2383s turret-based ships like the Le Shack and
2385s the Tempest Fleet issue that we saw in
2387s that last match
2388s um the reason it's so important that
2390s they stop their ships is so that their
2391s turrets can actually track the ship that
2393s they're shooting
2394s um when the Le Shack was burning around
2396s the Scimitar at what was about a
2398s thousand kilometers swinging around with
2400s his mic Corp Drive on his turret wasn't
2402s able to track that Cemetery we saw the
2404s Scimitar took no damage over that time
2406s um thankfully
2407s uh he managed to double click away which
2410s allowed his turret to actually begin
2411s tracking the Scimitar and it evaporated
2413s right
2415s now there is an interesting uh mechanic
2418s with trig guns
2420s um which is to say regardless of how
2422s many times you miss sometimes you can
2424s just get a wrecking shot and with trig
2427s weapons the longer that you run your
2428s weapon on a particular Target the more
2430s damage it eventually does so you can end
2432s up doing Wrecking shots of 15 to 20 000
2434s volley which can by itself almost delete
2437s the Scimitar anyway
2440s um but I don't necessarily think that
2441s was the tactic they were aiming for uh
2443s when he decided to take a ship for a
2445s spin there so yeah stop your ships let
2447s the Grapplers do their work and actually
2449s apply some damage and you'll do great
2453s awesome yeah stop your ship apply damage
2455s that is uh wise words for Battleship
2457s Pilots everywhere especially if
2458s something is uh grapple sitting at zero
2461s on you you want to buy maximum maximum
2463s chunk damage uh Jim tan the other uh
2466s decision I wanted to ask you about was
2468s we saw a blob bringing a single Magus
2470s links whereas Prismatic Legion brought
2473s double slept near
2475s um what's the kind of difference in link
2477s power we can expect there
2479s so the actual difference in terms of
2481s Link power between command ships and
2484s command destroyers is very minimal it's
2486s about five years depending on which
2488s Command Ship you bring it's either one
2490s percent or two percent per level so five
2492s percent or ten percent and in practice
2495s that's not a huge amount the difference
2496s really is on the survivability of the
2499s platform command destroyers as you saw
2501s in that game uh actually no sorry I
2503s think the mega survived but if they get
2505s tackled down they can evaporate in
2508s seconds and that can take all of your
2510s links off the field if there's something
2511s that you're relying on
2513s uh they do have some benefits though you
2516s can normally because you don't need to
2517s fit weapons to them to make them uh
2520s impactful in a match you can normally
2522s fit three links for example on the
2524s pontifex and the store which enables you
2527s to bring more links per ship which can
2530s be beneficial to certain compositions
2532s which want to have for example uh two
2535s speed bonuses and an info link so that
2538s you can not get damped or td'd out of
2541s the game
2543s we're probably going to see a lot of
2544s command destroyers as the as the games
2546s continue one important factor to note
2548s though if you're not familiar with the
2549s alliance tournament rules is that you
2551s cannot bring a micro jump drive field
2553s generator and ute your opponents out of
2556s the Arena as fun as that is it presents
2558s a lot of problems both in terms of
2560s balancing them as ships and also uh not
2562s having our cameras be deleted out of the
2564s Arena as we experience during ag5 with
2567s some test matches
2569s and that would be absolute scenes if uh
2571s we allowed micro jump field generators
2573s kind of tempted to see if we can do it
2575s in a show match sometime just to see if
2577s anyone can successfully spear fish out
2580s their opponent's team completely
2582s um but you know we don't allow it in the
2584s main tournament uh before we go to our
2585s next match which is going to be Odin's
2587s call versus whole control a quick shout
2589s out to uh the guys and gals in queue in
2591s Pella Iowa who are having a viewing
2593s party in the in the Esports Center uh so
2596s hello uh welcome and I hope you guys are
2598s enjoying it
2600s um yeah and let's talk about our next
2601s match the Odin's car versus whole
2603s control uh this is going to be a good
2605s one I think Odin's call one of the teams
2607s we expected to be
2609s um making their way out of this trial
2611s completely
2612s um whole control bit of a bit of a wild
2615s card here I think Odin's call are
2617s probably going to have this one Mr come
2619s out what do you think
2621s I'd expect that it ends up being Odin's
2623s and bright side of death I think in the
2625s in the finals playing for that uh for
2627s that slot to be honest
2629s um looking at the Bands
2632s it's fairly interesting it looks like
2633s they're both looking to remove Rush uh
2637s with the sleptner and the Nighthawk
2638s being removed
2639s um the sleptner the standard band but
2641s the Nighthawk as we saw in the first
2643s match of the day I believe you can
2645s replace the sleptner with the Nighthawk
2647s because it effectively feels the same
2648s role which is rushing in and doing a lot
2651s of damage
2652s um the Loki being removed as well as one
2654s of those control ships that you might
2655s see in a rush component you have the
2657s standard Barger span to go alongside
2659s just because again the ball guest is a
2661s spooky ship with a good mouth feel
2665s there you are good math feel well it's
2668s time to go through and find out uh if
2670s math feel is enough uh to take the W
2673s between Odin's call and hold control uh
2675s with your casters CC Kestrel and Wingnut
2684s welcome back to the arena and CCP cash
2686s from joined by Wingnut Wingnut we've got
2688s a Dominic's Navy issue what the hell is
2690s going on oh my God it's crazy we've got
2692s a full drone comp with Arby's and
2694s stratiosis and that's gonna be
2695s interesting uh potential evil Arby's
2697s versus a triple BS com but obviously the
2700s big thing Dominic's Navy one of the best
2702s DPS ships in the in the entirety of Eve
2705s it's kind of influence of not being good
2707s so I want to see this work
2710s I mean it does 2000 DPS in the EFT or
2714s python so you know it has to be good but
2716s yeah Odin's score brought a more
2717s traditional uh triple armor Battleship
2720s core setup I think with the battle going
2722s and the double Tempest Fleet issues as
2723s like the major uh portion of the points
2726s and backed up by a pretty solid support
2727s wing of uh two lodgy
2731s frigatesa molar and the celestis tractor
2734s shop is Amelia on both Tempest fleets by
2736s the arbitrators and I think the
2737s crucifier as well so those Tempest
2739s pleats are now suffering there's even
2740s damps on the bowel gone so that
2741s Battleship core is definitely in trouble
2743s having trouble with it looks like
2744s they're not able to kill things just yet
2747s just it yeah those are those arbitrators
2750s uh they do have like pretty good drone
2751s DPS and they also have those tracking
2753s disruptors they also have a crucifier as
2754s well so they are going to be able to
2756s keep those crucifiers from shooting for
2758s quite a while the rest of their team are
2760s pretty slow but the Battleground does
2761s have that long range web so I suspect
2764s they will be able to catch them
2765s eventually especially since they do have
2767s that Confessor that vexer that I assume
2770s will be able to run something down
2771s eventually
2774s maybe maybe at the moment the
2775s battleships I'm sorry moving away but
2777s this is going to be so interesting like
2778s the track interrupting against all these
2780s battleships I'm just kind of watching
2781s see these Tempest will try an mjd but
2783s they're just chilling holding together
2784s now this is no damage really going off
2787s on their side they're just killing off
2788s drones potentially because obviously
2790s this is a full drone comp
2792s I'm just yeah I'm not seeing a whole lot
2794s happening from the uh from the Drone
2796s Squad of Hull control the Dominic's Navy
2799s issue as well I believe has uh blasters
2802s fitted but he's actually hanging out
2803s like really far at the back about 60
2806s kilometers away from the audience cool
2807s team right now it's not really doing a
2809s whole lot I'm not really sure what
2811s they're trying to it looks like they're
2812s trying to bait them into rushing into
2813s them and then maybe if Odin's called
2816s just doesn't like come in all as a group
2818s and they're not like they're spread out
2819s maybe they can win but right now it
2822s looks like they're just trying to pick
2823s off like a small support ship or just
2825s hanging back
2826s indeed I'm kind of keeping an eye on
2828s things I think the Confessor on Odin's
2830s is currently shooting drones but I could
2832s be mistaken honestly like if this match
2834s takes a while it should slowly come
2836s towards Odin's side as they can start
2837s removing DPS really quick by removing
2839s these drones but you see damage starting
2841s to come out sometimes on the Armageddon
2842s now
2843s Maybe
2845s yeah interestingly that Mauler as well
2847s in the audience core side has a small
2849s bomb fitted and he's sort of just flying
2851s up ahead smart bombing so trying to
2854s clear out some drones
2856s smart bombing mole and no matter baby
2858s and they actually they are going in for
2859s the arm again I'm getting this tackled
2861s now so at this point it is now going to
2862s be a Brilliance is getting I think three
2864s battleships plus their support will be
2866s able to rip this arm again a new one
2867s really quick both Tempest fleets do not
2869s care about capacitor so they'll be
2870s shooting this guy with hail with no
2872s worries even with tracking disruption
2878s he's put out Navy infiltrators and
2881s they're going for an arm again he's he's
2882s got Blasters for it and he's not doing
2884s anything he's just like chilling at them
2887s he should be at the front he should be
2889s in the on the front lines I agree then
2891s again like you don't want to be a boss
2892s of domino
2893s uh uh notes but honestly mate you need
2896s to be in the fight now not not even
2898s yesterday you're way too far away
2901s I mean it would make sense to make sense
2904s to maybe keep it like 10K from your
2906s Armageddon if you want to beat the
2907s Falcon onto your arm again right then
2909s you go in once they're committed on the
2912s arm again but like 50 kilometers away on
2914s a Onyx Navy that already goes like 800
2916s meters per second is it's just gonna
2918s take him like two minutes like the arm
2919s against gonna be dead before he's even
2921s in Blaster radio I think grab the
2922s trumpet poison comes the dummy name he's
2924s finally here trying to 11th Hour this
2926s but I don't think it's gonna work the
2927s Armageddon is going through hell man
2929s you're too late to the party
2932s and unfortunately it looks like the the
2934s domics Nave issue also got uh scrammed
2937s by Colonel Kurtz uh Tevis Fleet issue as
2939s well so he's not gonna he's not even
2941s gonna make it in there now he's gonna be
2943s stranded here in the middle of all of
2944s this DPS oh no
2947s you just entered the wrong neighborhood
2949s man you went to the Lion's Den wearing
2951s pork chop underwear you are gone
2954s yeah they just lost the crucifier too
2956s which crucially is gonna unlock more of
2958s that DPS on those Tempest Fleet issues
2960s and other tracking disruptors have gone
2961s from the field at least from the from
2963s the crucified they still still to have
2965s the arbitrators but I mean they're gonna
2967s be doing a lot more DPS now as well
2970s yeah and now Domino he's obviously been
2972s hardcore Tempest police also have some
2973s utility highs as well as the um the
2975s bowel gone so that's gonna be either a
2977s lot of nuke power just ruining him
2979s or just you know smart bombs and other
2981s stuff so he's this Dominic's Navy man
2984s does not want to be I I just reject at
2986s the ship and leave man it's not worth it
2990s yeah and right now it looks like they're
2992s just trying to kill a Muller like most
2994s of the Drone DPS seems to be on that
2995s Mauler that has a ton of Red Bulls on it
2997s that just seems like a horrible Target
2999s to me you know morla has that resistance
3001s bonus it's going to be super tanky it
3003s doesn't really like killing the mortar
3005s is really going to do anything at this
3007s point I just want to point out that's a
3009s lot I can't tell that's three four or
3011s five flights of rep drones on that mall
3013s like that all of them there's not a
3014s single smart bomb in this team to remove
3015s drones
3016s that mole is gonna Outlast the Dominic's
3019s Navy easily and probably Outlast the
3020s rest of the comp this has not gone well
3022s for whole control
3024s yeah I mean if you look at just look at
3026s the attack bar on your screen the whole
3027s control is a like uh attack bar is half
3030s of that of Odin's cause and they've only
3032s lost like an Armageddon was that that
3034s makes Navy issue goes I think that's
3035s going to be like a good portion of their
3037s DPS the the meter just shrunk
3041s yeah this is this is this isn't going to
3043s go well for them I don't fear I don't
3044s think there's any way back into this
3045s match at this point unfortunately I
3047s think the only thing that they can
3049s really do is is maybe try and kill Logie
3052s freaks or something just get some points
3054s just so you know it doesn't look like
3055s you got completely 100 zeroids but a
3058s hook in asano is uh stradius is tacote
3061s is going to go down pretty soon I think
3063s pretty much uh everything is just going
3066s to be uh killed here
3068s all you can hope for is like a lucky
3070s drone wrecking shot on like a Thalia or
3072s Deacon or something to try and kill it
3073s otherwise you're gonna get 100 zero
3075s bloody swept man
3079s yeah this is this is painful to watch
3082s honestly I honestly think they had a
3084s chance that their comp was actually
3085s quite quite interesting to try and cam
3086s these battleships but that dummy Navy
3088s just going on a vacation just ruined
3090s this entire match for them
3092s yeah and I think the mortar was probably
3094s like a really bad Target anyway just
3096s because I mean it had the smart bomb on
3098s it but like killing the Mauler isn't
3101s really gonna do anything for your comp
3102s uh
3104s you need to like I think once you once
3106s you're committed in that bro you have to
3107s kill tempestly assure the bow gun like
3109s you can't just go after like a random
3111s Mauler killing DPS for free
3114s yeah not only is the Muller like uh like
3117s tanky obviously because it has the
3118s resistance bonus but like it's just
3120s really difficult for you to kill it as
3122s well because it has the smart bombs so I
3124s mean I guess it can't smart one when it
3126s has the red bots on it but
3128s that's kind of a a mute point I think
3132s indeed oh next the arbitrary and
3134s prophecy get slowly going down together
3136s a bit of split DPS at the moment which
3138s is slowing things down a bit more than
3140s they should
3143s yeah the whole control basically the
3144s spread the guys out the tackle ships
3146s down just because uh Hull control are
3148s cutting with the stratios the prophecy
3150s and the arbitrator so they've just sort
3152s of split up dividing conquer I mean it
3153s doesn't matter at this point right you
3155s must they're already in firm control of
3157s this match just tackle people down kill
3159s them so you can end the match faster
3162s yeah I honestly feel like even if the
3164s Shadows left his drones on a target for
3166s the next like three hours it wouldn't
3167s break through anything it's just it's
3169s not gonna work mate
3171s you see the going damage on the onto the
3173s lodgy allows you freak so yep the whole
3175s team's uh coming apart now honestly well
3177s flown by odens that is an absolute
3179s perfect flight 100 to zero whole control
3181s gets absolutely smoked
3187s yeah I guess they'll have to find the
3189s k162 to
3191s unfortunately to the exit the uh the
3194s arena
3195s foreign
3197s someone try and go for the record come
3200s on boys I don't mind the shred house has
3201s tackle the Arbitrage tackle never mind
3203s they're not allowed to do that
3205s what is that is that newts coming from
3207s the stratus onto the onto the vexer
3210s yeah I mean Australia has a bunch of
3213s utility highs right like uh it does have
3216s a bonus to I think it's a energy turret
3218s optimal so you can fit lasers on it but
3222s generally not like they're not bonus
3224s right in terms of damage so
3229s just imagine right instead of those
3232s notes one smart bomb and they could have
3235s maybe maybe killed them all
3237s [Laughter]
3239s ah well I can always dream for things
3241s that won't happen unfortunately as
3242s Australia does go down into Hull again
3245s respect Odin's well we'll flown
3251s yeah they made the right call you could
3253s say
3254s [Laughter]
3257s uh let's get back to the studio probably
3259s makes another pun please
3270s did it
3272s [Music]
3279s [Applause]
3280s [Music]
3283s [Applause]
3291s [Music]
3293s foreign
3296s [Music]
3309s [Music]
3329s the Dominic's Navy there claiming
3331s another victim as Hull control are
3335s unfortunately rolled out of Alliance
3336s tournament 18 uh they are dunzo Odin's
3339s call advances towards the semi-final of
3343s the uh CBS Store tribe
3346s um mystical might the Dominic's Navy
3349s issue
3350s um it has great HP it does uh frankly
3352s ludicrous amount of DPS and pifer it's
3355s got drones it's got like a whole bunch
3357s of cool things and
3360s um thanks to the graphics update a
3361s couple years ago it no longer looks
3362s quite like a potato
3364s um why is it not seen more often in
3367s Alliance tournament matches
3369s so uh yeah like you said it's it's a
3373s it's a battleship it I think um
3376s benefited from the battleship changes
3378s that we saw where if you fit plates or
3380s Shield extenders two battleships now
3382s they get way more HP than they used to
3385s um so they're super tanky ships well not
3387s super tanky I'm sure there are tankier
3389s battleships than the Dominic's Navy
3390s issue but like you said as well it also
3394s does a lot of damage like a lot of
3396s damage
3398s um the issue being that's if you're
3399s fitting blasters
3401s um which are going to have a super close
3402s range so we saw The Dominics Navy issue
3404s kiting away at the very beginning
3405s sitting the furthest from the enemy team
3408s um of anyone on his team
3411s um doing absolutely nothing with his
3412s high slots and putting out medium drones
3414s every now and then which again not the
3416s ideal drone type to use
3418s um so essentially the Dominic's Navy is
3420s only going to be useful in a limited
3422s number of scenarios and all of those
3425s scenarios have the Dominic's Navy issue
3426s sitting at zero on his intended target
3429s and when you are outgunned and
3431s outshipped
3433s ehp isn't really going to change
3435s anything you're still going to die fast
3436s and you kill the enemy ship as we saw in
3438s this match
3440s it wouldn't call looking cam composed as
3444s they dismantled the hook control team
3446s there jintan uh that's another comp
3448s we've seen uh featuring three Battleship
3451s core balgar and Goofy tempests uh that's
3454s shaping up to be quite a strong meta
3456s thus far at least in the feeders we'll
3458s have to wait and see what happens in the
3459s main Alliance term what's your thoughts
3461s on Triple Battleship cores here
3463s yeah it's something that I think can
3465s allow teams with really good execution
3467s and communication to get a lot of
3469s Advantage I'm I don't believe that we're
3471s going to see as much of it as we go into
3473s the 8018 of proper uh simply because of
3477s what we saw on the opposing side on Hull
3479s control they had the tools to somewhat
3481s mitigate those battleships those two
3483s arbitrators that we saw were probably
3485s turning those two Tempest Fleet issues
3488s into uh something that's only going to
3490s apply within docking range of their
3492s opponents over the course of the match
3493s and they likely had some missile
3495s guidance disrupters there in case their
3497s opponents brought the missiles they just
3499s weren't really able to utilize that I
3501s don't really know why you'd bring
3502s arbitrators in combination with as was
3504s said at Dominic's Navy issue who wants
3506s to be sitting equally within docking
3508s range of your opponents but you know as
3511s we get later into the tournaments we see
3512s people who are better at uh working
3514s around having range control brought by
3516s track uh tracking disruptors and the
3518s like
3519s it's going to make these two Battleship
3521s cores incredibly incredibly vulnerable
3523s to e-war support that said
3527s um right now it looks like it's just a
3529s battle of who can get your battleships
3531s in position because people aren't really
3533s able to screen uh we saw that Mala there
3535s do some amazing work getting into the
3537s back lines and basically beating the
3540s entire enemy Fleet into focusing him
3542s before he turned on his smart bombs and
3543s forced them to move the drones away
3546s um and we'll probably see a lot more of
3549s that as we continue to go through these
3551s uh semi-finals
3554s great and mystical mate the Navy Domi as
3557s you see is one of these um ships that
3559s looks good on paper that in in at least
3561s Alliance tournament forums and to be
3563s honest on uh Tranquility doesn't really
3565s live up to
3567s um what it's in theory able to do
3568s another one
3570s um perhaps being the Maelstrom uh the
3572s alpha strike from an RT Maelstrom is uh
3574s notoriously humongous and I've seen a
3577s number of teams over the years think hey
3578s we can just Alpha the other team off the
3579s field unfortunately uh you can kite in
3582s RT Maelstrom with a pause so it usually
3585s doesn't go so well are there any other
3587s ships that seem to be good on paper for
3590s maybe like rookie 3D Crafters that just
3593s have a big weakness in a tournament
3594s format
3597s I'm just trying to think about some of
3599s the other ships that might fill that
3601s kind of role I'm thinking more
3604s perhaps not so much ships or weapon
3605s systems you know if we're looking at
3607s things like Torpedoes you put those on a
3609s battleship you see a big number and
3610s you're like hey this is great and then
3612s you have trouble getting into range of
3614s anything that you can actually apply to
3615s so you do nothing for the entire match
3617s that's you know something that you may
3618s run into every now and then
3621s um
3622s I don't know it's it's difficult to say
3624s really because the ships that would
3627s probably suck
3629s in the tournament setting usually don't
3630s get brought that much you know like most
3632s ships if you if you look at the numbers
3634s they're not going to be in the position
3636s where you're like okay this is going to
3637s do better than some other ship that I
3639s could bring for the same amount of
3640s points and they're because there's so
3642s few bands for each team
3645s you're not really going to be looking
3647s for you know like the fourth or fifth or
3649s fifth best ship in that series you can
3652s pretty reliably bring the second best
3654s because they're not going to try and ban
3656s out the entire Cruiser line for example
3658s um to mess with your setups so
3660s I I can't actually think of any that
3662s come to mind at this moment in time
3664s um but I'll get back to you on that one
3668s and uh Jen the the stratus it's not
3671s really a common ship I don't think it
3673s falls into the category of what I'm just
3674s asking Misty about but we really don't
3676s see them that often in tournaments
3679s um what's the reason for bringing like a
3681s Stratus over saying Ishtar
3684s uh I'm not sure why you'd bring it over
3686s an Ishtar especially when there's only a
3687s three-point difference between the two
3689s you probably have been better off there
3690s with say an Ishtar and a stabber Fleet
3693s issue is as your two Cruisers in that
3695s situation
3697s um but I imagine the theory behind it is
3699s a combination of the fact that they have
3701s a resist bonus they've got four percent
3702s per level two armor resists and that
3704s means that they can sustain a lot more
3706s DPS uh than their opponents then they
3709s combine that with having a relatively
3711s decent drone Bay I think you can get
3713s more Heavies out of them you can get
3715s slightly more if you do a really weird
3716s drone setup
3719s um oh no you can't because you can't use
3720s geckos in the tournament but yeah they
3723s do so they do some damage and then you
3724s bring along with that a lot of utility
3726s high and they sort of provide
3729s effectively a Mala that can also do a
3733s lot more DPS into the game
3735s uh the problem with that though is that
3737s it's not specializing into either those
3738s roles it's not going to be quite as
3739s tanky as a mallet and it's not going to
3741s be quite as dpsc as an Ishtar or any of
3743s your other kind of drone Cruiser options
3745s like the Healer so as you saw in that
3748s game it just end up it ends up doing uh
3751s trying to do a little bit of both and
3753s you can't be in two positions at once
3754s and Eve online unfortunately so you end
3757s up having to choose one and that ends in
3759s you getting splattered as we saw in that
3761s game
3763s cool uh now let's look forward to our
3765s next match because it's only a few
3766s minutes away it's going to be seriously
3767s suspicious uh versus bright side of
3770s death I think seriously suspicious of
3771s the second team have made it to this
3774s stage in the semi-finals uh without
3776s actually taking a w yet uh just due to
3779s the nature of the group that they were
3780s in but uh they have a chance right now
3782s to knock right side of death out of
3784s Alliance room 18 and move forward into
3786s the finals where they'll face Odin's
3788s call uh according to Twitch Channel
3791s points you people out there on Twitter
3792s do not think that's likely as 835
3797s 000 Channel points on Rising uh being
3799s bet on right side of death only 110 000
3802s for seriously suspicious
3804s um that's a good return investment I
3806s think I'm going to put 10 000 Channel
3807s points on seriously suspicious I might
3809s lose them but it's uh would be it'd be
3811s good uh seriously suspicious choosing to
3812s ban the slept near and the Golem right
3815s side of that banning the bar guest and
3816s the Gila
3818s um we don't normally see golden bands
3819s but we have seen a couple of Golems
3821s getting brought uh in last week's
3824s matches let's go to the arena and find
3827s out who's going to win between seriously
3828s suspicious on the right side of death
3830s with the Caster moderator and Blackboard
3832s pirate
3843s and here we go once again with seriously
3846s suspicious a very very interesting Rush
3849s here with uh several chips that we
3852s haven't really seen here though it does
3853s look like they are actually Fleet
3854s typhoons rapid
3856s kiting setup we've got the Claymore and
3860s Nighthawk as well as a Loki a broadsword
3864s for some tackle and a tempest Fleet
3866s issue art
3870s I feel like a moderator might have me
3871s muted but that's okay because I am still
3874s ready to do this here oh seriously
3876s appears to have
3878s two typhoon Fleet issues a low-key
3880s double authoris uh going for no Scimitar
3884s interestingly enough in that kind of
3885s Rapid
3887s um heavy and light missile comp setup
3889s going for fergalaji instead
3895s foreign
3901s ER check check
3907s oh yeah dude all right cool we'll figure
3910s it out eventually
3913s uh so it does look like that they are
3914s pushing in right now with the bantons we
3916s got a ham Rush Moving Straight into this
3918s kite comp from seriously suspicious
3920s seriously suspicious is moving back
3921s quite quickly here we do have a bunch of
3923s drones coming out uh it does look like
3925s the Scythe Fleet issue is maybe pushing
3927s a little bit ahead has now been tackled
3929s on the seriously suspicious side and is
3931s probably about to take a ton of DPS
3934s yeah running uh straight in uh against a
3938s kind of a rapid height setup will do
3939s that however the bound the the mall says
3941s boundary violated so uh they will also
3944s lose the ship at the exact same time uh
3946s but I would prefer losing a loss of
3948s reflect site than this composition
3952s yeah that is uh that is an interesting
3954s bit of piloting uh looks like they are
3955s about to also feed the stabber we just
3957s saw a crucifier boundary violate as well
3960s I'm wondering if seriously suspicious
3961s has decided to Anchor their way towards
3963s the boundary oh looks like they just
3964s lost a typhoon Fleet as well so uh very
3967s very interesting play here I would kind
3969s of uh have loved to see how seriously
3970s suspicious figured out how they were
3972s going to do this but they are just
3974s boundarying their ships left and right
3975s here so
3977s um I feel like they're doing a very good
3979s job clearing stuff
3983s I actually can't
3985s um that's another ship that got hit uh
3988s that fight pool actually did not
3989s boundary at 120 kilometers
3992s um at the very edge there so that is a
3994s total of a fleet typhoon crucifier and a
3997s mollusk not killed by enemy ships but by
4000s the boundary and the orthos
4006s about how scuffed our intro was on that
4008s due to the power of muting but at the
4010s very least it's not as scuffed as
4012s seriously suspicious as piloting as uh
4015s they have finally realized that there is
4016s in fact a death boundary with at least
4019s one of their battleships who is now hard
4021s tackled you know what's really funny
4022s about this is seriously suspicious
4024s probably would have actually won this
4026s because they started off so well and
4028s just sniped down three ships right off
4030s the bat
4033s yeah that it started off really well for
4035s them but
4037s um unfortunately running it outside of
4039s the arena is
4041s um
4042s it's not not a good way to stay in the
4046s match the Loki at 100 kilometers of uh
4048s janix will get held down and uh pounded
4052s through by the rapid Heavies of Jason's
4054s and his Fleet issue or typhoon Fleet
4056s issue rather but
4058s um just looking at the points here
4059s you're down
4061s um 49 points I don't know how you come
4063s back from that after running your entire
4065s team out of the Arena
4070s oh this is great Okay so
4073s I'm gonna like look at this from the
4075s perspective of what like the initial
4077s start on seriously suspicious was so
4079s good and I feel like maybe what they did
4082s is had every single person like keep it
4085s range and then turn the remedies on and
4087s as they got pushed into they got just
4089s shoved out of the Arena like one
4091s boundaring okay that that's fine I
4094s understand it the boundaring your Fleet
4097s typhoon and your orthos as well I I
4099s don't know man I was
4101s that was just cloudy I'm sad I think
4103s seriously suspicious actually could have
4104s won this just because they did so well
4107s in the first like 20 seconds here
4110s yeah it's disappointing because like we
4113s were saying earlier it was a good um
4115s Fleet composition
4116s um to you know really have you would
4119s want to be able to use your rapid type
4122s setup to be able to pull range and they
4124s boundaried the scalpel as well
4126s um
4127s okay so let's see if more ships died to
4132s the arena or if more of them die to the
4134s bright side of death at this point so
4137s yeah I mean it could have been a great
4139s match but unfortunately the the boundary
4141s has kind of robbed us of that
4143s opportunity here
4146s yeah and you know honestly I feel like
4148s bright side of death should just drop
4149s tackle on this Fleet typhoon at this
4151s point and let them boundary as well like
4153s there's a
4155s I don't know I don't know it's very very
4156s clammy match
4158s um I'm sorry if anyone voted or better
4161s points on seriously suspicious I guess
4162s there's a reason why the uh
4164s the point ratio was the way it was again
4167s I'm pretty sure that they could have
4169s actually won this very very easily if
4171s they had not done what they just did uh
4174s hopefully I wonder if anyone anybody who
4176s knows them find out if they thought the
4177s boundary was 150 kilometers because it
4180s kind of feels like that
4183s yeah I mean that's one of the things
4185s that you wouldn't notice in a practice
4187s right is that there's no insta-kill
4189s boundary when you're just you know
4191s scrimming uh necessarily in a match you
4194s could
4194s uh try to
4197s emulate that by just saying hey you know
4199s if you go outside of this you're dead
4200s but
4202s um it's something you don't necessarily
4203s experience until you're in a live match
4205s and when you do experience it and half
4207s of your team gets killed because of it
4209s um no real way to come back from that
4212s and uh with that they'll be sent out of
4215s the
4216s bracket and more on that from the studio
4222s yeah literally anything
4251s foreign
4257s there you have it uh the boundary is
4261s going to advance forward on that one uh
4263s I think we've counted six Bernie
4265s violations there from the seriously
4267s suspicious team which is quite something
4270s I haven't seen that many since a team
4273s last year anchored and officer of the
4275s arena in one go or maybe two years ago
4278s um
4279s honestly I don't have very many more
4281s words I thought I would maybe provide
4283s some sort of visual guide uh using the
4286s paper here so what we're going to do is
4287s we're going to draw an arena
4289s okay this is this is where we play we
4291s play here we play here we play here
4294s anywhere here is fine
4295s um what we do not want to do is go here
4297s this is outside of the Arena
4300s and then we die
4302s okay so for for your for your 3D
4304s crafting in the future
4306s inside
4308s the arena please cool mystical night
4311s other than apparently not believing in
4313s the boundary uh what could seriously
4315s suspicious have done better there
4318s I genuinely don't really know the answer
4320s to that question because I don't think
4321s we really had time to see what they
4323s could do in the first place
4325s um it was a very quick succession of
4327s boundaries
4328s um which I was still struggling to
4330s comprehend the first one when the next
4331s three in a row hit so
4334s um yeah I don't know they were in a
4335s super strong position
4337s um I think they had the upper hand
4338s against bsod in the beginning of the
4340s match because b-sod's positioning was
4343s terrible
4344s um you may not have been able to see
4345s necessarily on the stream but esot
4348s brought a bantam and a burst which they
4350s promptly left behind in their rush to
4352s get on top of the seriously suspicious
4354s team which meant that as we saw the
4357s Sci-Fi issue died immediately we had the
4358s stabber dropping really low or dying as
4360s well
4361s um kind of lost track of what was dying
4363s when everything started boundary but
4365s yeah they had the upper hand and they
4367s would have won if it wasn't for that
4369s pesky boundary
4370s I know I mean I I put Channel points on
4373s them like I put a thousand Channel
4375s points I was I was like holy crap this
4378s is actually going to pay off I thought
4379s it was a meme but I'm about to be
4380s Channel Point Rich
4382s um unfortunately it was not to be I am
4385s back to channel Point poverty
4387s um so no no skin for me now this is a
4389s reminder by the way you can bet Channel
4391s points you collect them uh naturally of
4393s course if you have patience you can
4394s eventually get up to ten thousand and
4396s get a galnet skin but if you're not
4398s patient you can gamble them on the
4400s matches that are being uh played out
4403s before you uh if the match that you bet
4405s on wins then you get all the points from
4407s the other side uh if you bet on too
4410s suspicious and then they all just fly in
4412s random directions and explode then you
4414s unfortunately lose all your channel
4415s points uh which is a right shame
4420s um let's look forward to our next match
4421s it's only a few minutes away actually
4422s it's time time no it's not it's 12
4424s minutes away that match ended a lot
4425s quicker than I thought
4426s um but let's look forward anyway it's
4427s gonna be kitchen sinkhole versus us for
4429s can so let's pull up the band uh which
4432s should be very interesting because I
4434s believe uh ushra can forgot to put bands
4438s in
4439s is what I was told yes here we are so
4441s ustra can
4442s um decided that they can beat all of the
4445s ships they don't need to ban out anyone
4447s so they submitted zero bands uh perhaps
4451s a purpose perhaps a tactic uh mystical
4453s mate is there any strategic reason why
4455s you would just not ban a ship
4458s foreign
4459s games I suppose you know when you're so
4462s confident and you know exactly what your
4464s your enemy is going to bring you don't
4465s want to spook them into perhaps mind
4466s gaming themselves right you want them to
4468s bring the ship they think strongest so
4470s you let them bring whatever they want I
4471s suppose is the only reason you would
4473s intentionally miss a van other than that
4476s it's uh you know just your captain not
4479s perhaps reading the rules or you know
4481s just not submitting those bands in time
4484s yeah let's go through quickly how
4486s Banning actually works here in Alliance
4489s tournament 18 uh trials so if you've
4493s ever played in a live stream before
4494s you've probably seen the band thing
4495s where it's a team a bands once then Team
4498s B bands twice and then team a bands
4500s again uh that was overly complicated so
4503s that was got rid of a little while ago
4505s now and we have blind Banning so both
4509s captains submit in the case of the
4511s feeders two bands in the actual
4513s tournament is three and they submit them
4515s blind they don't know what the other
4516s team is Banning these are then compared
4519s and if there are any duplicates so let's
4521s say both teams ban uh balgorn and our
4524s guest
4526s um then both teams would be offered two
4527s more trickle bands if those are
4529s duplicates as well then that's the end
4531s of it but it's potential for uh in this
4533s case six unique fans I believe and in
4536s the main Alliance tournament nine unique
4538s bands a lot more than four of the old
4541s days but in time we have a lot more
4543s ships these days compared to say
4544s Alliance tournament 12. uh which kind of
4547s banning system do you prefer
4550s um I definitely prefer this system just
4551s for a production point of view it means
4553s that we can talk about the band a lot
4555s earlier on in matches rather than having
4557s to basically talk about them during
4561s also gives teams a lot more time to
4564s prepare
4565s um but I do think that the old draft
4567s style system has a lot of benefits to it
4570s as well it lets you sort of feel out the
4572s opponent's Captain get an idea of maybe
4574s a what are you what are you afraid of
4576s okay you're gonna bring this to counter
4578s it okay if that's what you're gonna do
4580s I'm gonna ban this as the final thing
4582s and then we'll go through and select our
4584s comps from that point it gives you more
4586s of an understanding of what your
4588s opponent's Captain you know is either
4590s afraid of or what they think or what
4593s they want you to think that you're
4594s they're afraid of uh there's a lot more
4596s opportunity to mind game for mind games
4597s in the draft style bands
4600s I do prefer them although in practice
4602s it's just not really that that effective
4605s because you can't see your opponent's
4607s picks until you land on grid uh as you
4610s might in some other video games
4613s yeah true mystical mate you've been in
4615s positions um sort of as you know team
4618s team leadership to discuss Band Theory
4620s and uh The Meta game around bands how do
4623s you approach it if you're a team captain
4624s and you're asked hey what are your two
4626s blind banned what are you what are your
4629s thoughts there
4630s uh so I can give you two answers my
4633s personal approach and then perhaps what
4636s a captain should be doing uh my personal
4637s approach to the the question of the the
4640s leadership conversations heading into
4642s matches and you know you will get
4643s together in a team speak challenge
4645s discussing okay what do we want to bring
4647s what do we think they're going to bring
4649s what do we want to ban what do we want
4651s to leave open
4652s what are they going to ban there's a lot
4654s of questions that go into it so what I
4655s do is I mute the chat and I don't take
4659s part in that I just fly whatever I'm
4661s told to fly I find it much better that
4663s way or else I end up spiraling uh
4665s stressing out and mind gaming myself
4667s before the match so that's my personal
4669s approach what a team should be doing
4673s is exactly what I said you know
4674s discussing what their strengths are and
4677s more think uh thinking about okay what
4679s setups do we want to bring to this match
4680s and what do we do if they ban this ship
4683s right and what about what are our setups
4685s collectively weak against and you aim
4688s for a sort of Middle Ground so that you
4689s know you're eliminating the strong
4691s setups that they may be able to bring
4692s while also ensuring that regardless of
4695s the setup that you're able to field
4697s you'll be able to go into uh you know
4700s you're not going to be flying against a
4701s direct counter essentially
4704s um so yeah again I prefer my personal
4706s approach because it's less stress but
4709s it's more stress for somebody else which
4710s is still fine that's okay for me
4713s yeah I know just quickly if you're
4715s watching in twitch land you can type
4716s exclamation mark glory for a chance to
4718s win uh some cool skins from CCP so make
4721s sure you get that in now you only just
4723s do it once and you should get a little
4724s uh DM from mubot telling you you're in
4726s and that is it uh jintan as someone else
4730s who's been in uh team leadership
4732s positions when you're formulating uh
4734s Team comps and things like that how much
4737s do you have to sort of anticipate bands
4740s when you're building a comp
4743s um generally I don't anticipate bands
4746s when I'm building the first iteration of
4747s the comp but it's something that you
4749s want to think out think of after you've
4751s started practicing it for a while
4752s something you're going to naturally do
4754s is say okay so these are the ships that
4756s we think of the optimal let's you know
4758s experiment by taking one ship out and
4760s putting in another ship that's going to
4761s do roughly the same role but maybe has
4763s some slightly different
4765s uh you know a slightly different mouth
4767s feel to it as a mystical might might say
4770s and uh that allows you to get a good
4773s idea of and and more importantly
4775s practice using comps with slightly
4777s different variations of ships you know
4780s something when I've done bands in the
4781s past have liked to do is rather than
4783s Banning out the Big Top End ships you
4785s know the big things that are going to
4786s decide how a comp plays out which is
4789s what we've seen uh most teams in this
4791s tournament do I really like Banning out
4793s support ships I really like Banning out
4795s your jack doors your marlers
4798s um your punishers things like that to
4800s take the tackle Pilots kind of out of
4802s their rhythm of how they play the game
4804s because I find that execution on tackle
4806s Pilots especially when you're going up
4808s against
4809s um slightly lower tier teams which is
4810s where I play I'm not a high level player
4813s uh that that is what's going to win or
4816s lose you the game at the end of it
4819s yeah um it could be quite a Monumental
4823s task uh building a team running the
4825s practices coming up with with comps uh
4828s if you're if you're new to it then
4829s obviously the best thing to do is look
4830s at examples of other teams uh
4832s historically good comps and then compare
4834s them with the the current iteration of
4836s the rules and try and build something
4838s like that and just practice it
4840s um of course in order to do so
4842s um one must be capable of reading set
4844s rules and making sure that they are
4846s fully in-depth and understood uh lest
4849s you make a terrible mistake
4851s and try and feel the comp is not
4853s important so not legal for example
4857s um now speaking of reading the rules
4860s um one of the aspects of this mandatory
4863s trials tournament is the fact that on
4866s tiebreakers in the group stages last
4868s weekend uh it was done on what's called
4869s rust points number of points from
4871s Minotaur ships and we will be back to
4875s rust Point actually uh tomorrow in the
4879s um the the Redemption bracket because of
4881s course we have a group stage again
4882s before we advance to the finals so for
4884s teams playing tomorrow which is
4886s potentially any of you people still
4888s playing today make sure you remember
4890s your rust points you wouldn't want to be
4892s eliminated after a win simply by not
4895s bringing enough Minotaur ships that
4898s would be awkward
4899s um so in terms of this next match it's
4901s kitchen sinkhole versus
4904s going to be one of our first Minotaur
4906s role play uh corpse we'll see let's try
4909s a little bit later on uh potential
4911s potential we can have uh usra can versus
4913s elected in the final of the britor tribe
4916s what do you think about that do you
4917s think we're going to see that
4919s uh that's what I'm hoping for
4922s um you know I used to be in a Marvel
4924s action Warfare years ago so of course
4927s I've got my my grudges against Usher
4928s Khan and to a lesser degree electus
4930s Matari
4932s um but you know I'd love to see them
4933s both in the finals duking it out to see
4935s who actually gets the slot for that
4937s particular bracket there's no reason why
4938s I think both teams can't get through
4939s right if they both make it to the finals
4941s one falls down into the Redemption group
4944s um so they'll be able to play for
4946s another slot later on so I think that's
4947s probably the the best approach uh
4950s that we can hope to see
4953s yeah I mean we certainly hope to see
4955s both of them at our teams make it
4957s through the alliance tournament just
4958s because it seems like of all the
4959s tournaments for them to be in the
4962s mimitar Republic sponsored one is the
4964s one for them
4965s um but both teams are now in the arena
4967s so it's time to find out if it will be
4969s us for can or us for can't as they go up
4972s against kitchen sinkhole with your
4974s casters CCP Kestrel and Wingnut
4981s g'day there mates welcome to wish
4983s recovers kitchen sinkhole we've got a
4986s slip your hurry Rush versus an on-demand
4988s combo yes it is
4990s Yeah Usher Khan has only managed to find
4993s eight players unfortunately and what's
4995s even more weird is that they uh they
4997s have more and more ships and Minotaur
4999s ships and the kitchen sink holders have
5001s brought out six of Starships so remember
5004s to our role players are uh not doing too
5006s well here
5007s this is a backwards World indeed there
5010s is a single mimitarship on the uh and it
5012s is a single rifter
5015s I am I feel disgraced I feel embarrassed
5019s uh this is this is such a loss for all
5021s Minotaur parts around but the versing a
5024s full um slept near hurricane Fleet all
5026s auto cannons are gonna be rushing hard I
5028s suspect
5030s yeah and these are rapid heavy pancakes
5033s right here uh so we are going to be able
5036s to do a lot of DPS and they do have that
5038s scorpion too on the ushra Khan side
5041s so I imagine they'll probably be able to
5043s maybe jam out that Scimitar hopefully
5045s kill off some support ships and maybe
5048s try and kill the bigger ships afterwards
5050s I assume that's what their game plan is
5052s probably going to be a kitchen sink
5054s holders do have that Charis though which
5056s is normally pretty strong against ECM
5058s it'll be able to look that scorpion
5059s before he can lock the Scimitar and then
5062s damp it out so well there's the carries
5064s V carries actually potentially going on
5066s there's also star cache also in the
5067s carries but I'm honestly hoping that the
5069s Scorpions is going to jam out the
5070s Scimitar and they're going to dive in on
5071s one of these hurricane fleets with the
5072s rapid heavy and trying to lead because
5074s if they can maybe kill DPS fast enough
5076s they've got a chance even on demand but
5078s got 30 seconds till match start fingers
5082s crossed
5083s yeah I wonder what the uh the Omens are
5086s probably going to be doing here looks
5087s like uh beams to me uh
5090s honestly
5091s the lasers are a foreign concept to me I
5094s think they're they're like 180s but it
5097s could be incorrect
5101s the door light one sorry not 180 is the
5102s wrong word
5105s thing too that Usher content have any
5107s form of links on their side so not gonna
5110s have any uh kind of meat bursts
5112s available what matches on the way let's
5115s see what they do we're seeing of course
5116s evil going everywhere carries is being
5118s damped other carries is being jammed so
5120s the Scorpion actually jamming the
5121s carries
5123s and see what
5126s honestly I was expecting the slip news
5128s and everything get charging a lot
5129s quicker than they are they're kind of
5130s just chilling
5132s are they yeah scorpion taking quite a
5134s bit of damage here although he is going
5135s to be armor tanked with Daenerys on his
5137s side so uh going out for a while I think
5140s the Scorpion is probably jamming the
5141s carries because the Charis locked him
5143s first and damped him and then he can
5144s only well it doesn't actually make sense
5147s but
5149s I'm actually wondering if these Harry
5150s flutes and slippers are firing barrage I
5152s can't tell if he told the color by that
5154s but they're just staying at range and
5155s shooting at the moment Omen is taking
5157s some punishment
5159s yeah that's the omen of well safe in it
5161s brother I approve uh it's taking a
5166s it is taking a lot of damage here and it
5168s looks like he's probably going to go
5170s down doesn't like the nearest can can
5172s keep him up here
5174s um as well
5179s lost now it's only non-mimitarships and
5182s yeah Omen follows immediately after I
5185s think maybe the owners tried to save
5186s both and immediate unfortunately lost
5188s both
5190s not looking yeah I think I think the
5191s nearest is also maybe focusing on
5193s keeping the scorpion alive too the uh
5195s the the nearest might also be struggling
5197s with damps as well but I can't see any
5200s on him right now in the fancy UI
5204s all right
5206s look at this the hurricane fleets
5208s everything are charging in they're gonna
5209s go straight for that Omen go rip it
5210s apart and go to the next ship this is
5211s how member tile Rush is done pick a ship
5213s kill it and move on
5216s yeah this is
5218s taking quite a bit of damage now so the
5220s bar guests are going to be shooting him
5222s I'm not sure if they're going to be able
5223s to get through a horror complete issue
5225s uh with just the two bar guests when it
5228s still has that Scimitar up as well as uh
5231s uh the the like eor support that it also
5234s has on his team as well as
5238s to get the crews support scorpion
5241s but yeah it's gonna be a hard task that
5244s hurricane Fleet now they've lost their
5245s uh carry support all of them there was a
5248s scorpion to maybe Jam that's not looking
5250s good
5252s and a hurricane is being ramped back up
5255s now are these buggers are on reload it's
5257s him so
5258s uh there's a new kitchen sinkhole gonna
5261s be pretty safe and now that the Nero
5262s subsar is going down very quickly here
5265s oh yeah you scram down webbed
5267s don't think he's gonna last too long
5270s well well done sir we think it's kedra
5272s on the flyk actually got the first
5273s tackle on him and yeah just gone in
5274s seconds there's so much DPS coming down
5277s I mean at this point
5278s unfortunately for our glorious Minotaur
5281s role players this is over like sure the
5283s big ships are alive but mate this is
5285s over nothing's gonna happen now shooting
5286s a slap me which is probably the single
5288s worst option on grid I suspect
5291s yeah the the Snapchat is probably going
5293s to be more tanky than the two hurricane
5295s free issues and probably providing a
5297s similar amount of DPS it probably has an
5298s extra link maybe uh maybe you know the
5301s links are a little bit better but it's
5303s probably doing about the same depas as
5304s the Hoka fleets anyway so I'm not sure
5306s why they decided to swap over to the
5308s sapner rather than on the I reckon
5310s cliche they were already on before
5312s I love that there's a bit of slip DPS
5314s because the Scorpion's probably jamming
5315s something so that's like well fine I'm
5317s just going to shoot you you've got no
5318s logic to stop me
5320s and yeah just gonna rip them apart
5325s that's what that's what they get for
5326s only bringing one minute ship
5328s exactly right you gotta commit to the
5331s Minotaur role play you don't just
5333s forsake them and bring a single bloody
5335s morale rifter it doesn't work that way
5337s you got to bring the lot and the best
5339s thing about it is they died to mimit our
5342s ships
5342s hahaha
5345s yeah the the battle the bar guest of 40
5347s Winks was able to just mjd away just now
5350s so he is now uh quite far away from the
5353s kitchen sinkhole team so he's probably
5355s gonna live for quite a bit longer and so
5356s did KO he was also able to MDD and he
5359s also landed pretty close to another
5361s micro jump unit so you might be able to
5362s chain mjd but I don't think they can
5365s kill anything
5366s um they weren't able to kill that slap
5367s there with the two of them especially
5369s when they're spread out um because the
5371s carius now is uh completely unhindered
5374s right the carius doesn't have to damp
5375s anything else as I have the other
5376s curious dumping him you can just down
5378s put it damp them if they're going to
5380s play these like MPD games and they're
5382s never going to break anything now
5383s oh they had the carries it managed to
5385s get rid of the Shields and then
5386s immediately the scimitar's like yeah no
5387s you don't put them right back to full
5388s shield but he's bouncing around maybe
5390s another volley could do some damage nope
5392s never mind
5393s Terrace seems uh very lightly Tanked
5398s oh yeah he's hopes and dreams Tanked
5402s did you see some armor up on him hold on
5405s what was that yeah he's got an armor
5407s repair on him as well so he's an armor
5409s carries and a shield comp I love it
5412s I mean it makes sense I guess if you if
5414s like you you probably want to bring like
5416s two or two or three dams on a Charis
5418s right so you can go for like a single
5420s medium Shield extender or you can fit
5423s like maybe a plate in an answer like the
5424s standard kind of Nano roaming gank it
5428s interesting to think that potentially
5430s that carries was that potentially a lot
5431s easier to kill obviously because they
5433s can Alpha through the Reps
5435s but he's alive honestly his entire team
5437s is alive can't just think I will come
5439s home with a full Clean Sweep bringing
5440s again Minotaur role-playing ships
5442s against the memital role players this is
5444s beautiful
5447s yeah you can always trust the rusts uh
5450s the Bargas of cow moonshine is uh mg
5452s digging around still
5454s but he is still taking damage and he
5456s isn't going to be long for this world I
5458s I assume
5459s indeed not indeed not I am so sad for
5462s sure Khan I'm so sad but yeah
5465s sorry the big old pancake is about to
5467s get fried he's gonna get destroyed and
5470s then uh yeah we'll have to all be
5472s depressed Expressway together
5475s yeah they should have recruited more
5477s plumbers because they've just been
5478s blocked by the sink
5480s [Laughter]
5483s why
5485s why must you punish me with
5489s he's not even dead you have to wait for
5491s one you'd hit me with one more
5497s right there
5499s okay that's you know three out of ten on
5502s that one but as the pancake doesn't do
5503s get burned we're gonna go back to the
5505s studio and see what they think of this
5506s one
5508s [Music]
5517s [Music]
5527s [Music]
5533s [Music]
5539s thank you
5542s [Music]
5557s yeah so there we have it this definitely
5558s is for Kant this time as they are
5560s eliminated from uh Alliance tournament
5564s 18. before it even started really so the
5566s only remaining mimitar RP group is
5569s Alexis Matari who we will see coming
5571s along in a little while
5574s um jintan in that match we saw what
5576s seemed to be the power of the carries
5578s they're the damps on the kitchen
5582s sinkhole team making it difficult for
5584s that
5585s um the shrikan team to apply anything
5588s why are damps so much more powerful this
5590s year
5592s so this is something we're going to
5593s probably talk about quite a lot going
5595s forward and that's the fact that uh
5597s scripts have now been like re-allowed
5599s onto uh ships which have sorry not ships
5602s onto E1 modules which can be fitted with
5605s them so this is sensor dampeners and
5608s also tracking disruptors and missile
5609s guidance disruptors this means that you
5612s can really really focus down their power
5614s into the area that matters so for
5617s example in this case we saw the carriers
5619s just slapping on lock range uh damps
5621s onto it and bringing down his luck range
5624s to about 30 maybe 40 kilometers which
5627s meant that you couldn't do any
5628s disruption he had no ability to lock the
5630s logistics of his opponents had no
5632s ability to look down at even any of the
5634s tackle and force them to rush in and
5636s maybe Target him and fire off some smart
5638s bombs or some sort of trick play like
5640s that and as a result you just had to sit
5642s there and watch his friends die with no
5644s ability and help
5646s um I'm looking forward to seeing what uh
5649s how that plays into the rest of the
5650s tournament though we've seen the armor
5652s jackdaw for example be a real big
5654s beneficiary of these uh Buffs to evil
5657s modules and we'll probably see the
5659s Sentinel and a few other evil frigates
5662s make appearances throughout the rest of
5664s the day
5666s speaking of Eeyore mystical mate the
5667s Scorpion
5669s um not the most picture but definitely a
5671s useful ship of course bonus to ECM
5674s um ECM and tournament matches what's
5676s your what's your feelings there
5679s mixed uh yeah it's I think ECM and
5684s tournament matches aren't as oppressive
5685s uh as it used to be or isn't as
5688s oppressive as it used to be
5690s um for anyone who's not too aware it
5692s used to be that when you were jammed you
5694s couldn't lock anything at all for the
5697s full 20 second timer I think
5699s um of the module cycle so if you were
5701s Perma jammed you would basically just
5703s sit on the grid and do nothing for the
5706s entire match
5707s um at least now when you are jammed by a
5709s ship you're able to lock the ship that's
5711s jamming you and if multiple ships are
5714s jamming you then you can lock each of
5715s those ships so it's not like you get
5717s cross Jam you can't lock anything you
5718s can lock everything that jams you so
5720s that does feel like a bit more counter
5722s play to ECM in the tournament setting
5724s now
5725s but you know I've lost a few tournaments
5728s to ECM
5729s um there's an advert of us losing the
5732s tournament to ECM uh so I don't like it
5734s I uh mechanic terrible
5738s there you go it does feel sometimes like
5741s uh a bit of a bit of a dice rule as they
5744s say but if the date happens to land
5746s you're away it can be incredibly
5748s powerful you know maybe if you're if
5750s you're struggling to Break
5752s um a ship under Logistics reps and then
5755s you manage to jam that logistic ship
5757s those 20 seconds can be enough to push
5760s over the edge of course there's always a
5762s chance that you never hit any of those
5765s jams and there's a chance that uh
5767s something incredibly unlikely like an
5769s ec300 jamming a double Seaboard
5773s um a nearest can happen has happened the
5776s hero Jam Ibis we saw I think the
5778s alliance tournament 16 fielded
5780s successfully Landing a jam on a flagship
5783s if I remember correctly
5785s um and causing the the tight of that
5787s match to turn I can't remember who
5788s brought it might have been Pierre might
5790s be an NC DOT one of those teams perhaps
5792s but that was quite something
5795s um speaking of quite something let's
5797s take a look at the bands for electus
5799s Matari versus no vacancies and see what
5802s we have there
5803s so Alexis Matari Banning The Vindicator
5805s and the curse you know strong ebar
5808s platform uh capable of putting out a
5810s bunch of uh disruption with guidance and
5813s tracking from that especially with uh
5815s the the scripts now allowed very
5816s powerful ship at no vacancies buying the
5819s EOS and the typhoon flu test EOS we see
5821s a bunch of those being banned people
5823s wanted to remove that drone kite comp
5825s python Fleet issue we don't see as many
5828s of those getting the band gentan what's
5829s your thoughts here
5831s uh sorry what on What ships right the
5834s typhoon
5835s Yeah we actually we have seen it banned
5837s quite uh quite a lot in this tournament
5839s and that's uh because of the power of
5841s the rapid heavy missile fit uh it allows
5844s it especially with a few missile
5846s guidance computers to apply near
5847s perfectly to Cruisers uh when combined
5850s with a hyena or some other uh some other
5853s ship with bonus paints and when you're
5855s applying Battleship DPS effectively to a
5858s cruiser it tends to evaporate in seconds
5860s especially when you see the amount of
5863s logistics frigates flying around which
5865s just really aren't able to sustain even
5867s you know resistance bonus chips through
5869s that level of DPS
5872s um
5873s as a result uh it's a really really
5875s powerful ship and we're actually seeing
5877s something similar with the EOS these two
5879s no vacancies bands kind of indicate that
5881s they don't want long-range good tracking
5884s DPS on the field the only thing really
5886s left open here is the bar guest so
5888s they're probably going to be bringing a
5889s logistics or something like that that
5892s they don't want to get head shot in the
5893s early couple of minutes of the round
5894s that will give them sort of a slow
5897s rolling advantage over the course of the
5899s game
5900s a quick note if that's okay
5904s um I just wanted to say I think the No
5905s Vacancy bands were targeted towards
5907s Alexis batari as well quite closely uh
5910s just based on their previous comps so
5912s they have run armor control and
5913s projection and one using the typhoon
5915s Fleet issue and then they've also run
5917s the Drone kite which they did lose with
5920s but it was an EOS based strong kite so
5923s perhaps just looking back at some of the
5924s electric Atari setups there and trying
5926s to remove some of the things they're
5927s comfortable with
5944s um I was asking uh what's your thoughts
5946s on the Drone kite comp itself to fly as
5948s a as an execution
5953s I mean okay
5956s this one's for Gentile I'll be quiet
5958s okay yeah the uh the Drone comp is
5961s something that I've flown quite
5963s extensively it's another one of those
5964s comps that gains a lot from uh the
5967s bonuses to ewall because you have so so
5970s many mids free on your drone ships you
5973s normally have you know one or two damps
5975s on your ish Cars one or two damps on
5976s your eos's it allows you to control so
5979s much range and if you combine that with
5980s the micro jump drive beacons which are
5982s scattered around the arena
5985s um a 100 kilometer intervals from each
5986s region each from each of each each other
5991s um you can effectively spread out Force
5993s the teams to shoot one ship at a time
5995s and then have to burn a significant
5997s amount of distance to another and
5999s oftentimes you can just jump away
6000s completely evade that charge uh you're
6004s effectively just trying to slow the game
6006s down as long as possible and let the
6007s really consistent damage of drones which
6010s applies to pretty much everywhere in the
6012s arena and uh with relatively good
6014s tracking for as long as possible whilst
6017s your opponents run around trying to get
6018s their guns or missiles or some other you
6021s know weapon system that requires actual
6022s skill to work
6025s actual skill there you go uh speaking of
6028s skills this is happening on the
6030s Thunderdome server so these matches are
6032s not taking place on Tranquility uh where
6034s we normally blow up each other and this
6037s is happening on Thunderdome a separate
6039s completely separate server where
6040s everyone has maximum skills all I think
6043s it's like 585 million skill points or
6045s something now uh to fly All Ships
6047s perfectly in theory of course execution
6049s might be different for example
6051s um you know not stopping a battleship
6052s and orbiting something about tracking
6054s yourself there's nothing in-game skills
6056s can do to help you with that that is
6057s purely into piloting skills and
6059s execution uh mystical might we sometimes
6062s talk about teams winning with execution
6064s especially in things like mirror
6065s matchups how important is good piloting
6069s like can you get away with just having
6070s like solid 3D crafting solid comps
6073s I would say so I don't think you need to
6076s be like a theory crafting whiz to make
6078s it far into the tournament I mean the
6080s deeper that you go the more likely it is
6082s that you're coming up against a team
6083s that does have that you know
6085s understanding of the theory and then
6087s we'll come out with some wacky ideas
6089s that you may not be able to anticipate
6091s and if you're unable to anticipate some
6093s of the wacky Theory crafting you're
6094s unable to adapt to that on the fly with
6097s your piloting decisions so it
6099s essentially crumbles
6100s um the further that you get into the
6101s tournament but for teams that have good
6104s piloting but are a bit weaker on the
6106s theory there's no reason why they can't
6107s bring strong setups fielded by other
6109s teams and then make it fairly deep into
6111s their respective brackets and we've seen
6113s that I think in most ATS there will be a
6116s team that essentially just starts
6117s copying the teams that play before them
6120s on a particular day and they just bring
6121s the same setup and they end up doing
6123s fairly well
6125s um until they run into those
6126s uh teams that have a lot of tournament
6128s pedigree
6132s awesome thank you um let's take a quick
6134s look again at the uh brutor tribe uh
6138s brackets as they are so kitchen tinkle
6141s taking that W over ish for can uh puts
6145s them towards the uh the final for uh for
6149s bruter this match coming up Alexis
6151s Matari versus no vacancies we'll put uh
6154s the winner of that into the final where
6156s they will play kitchen sinkhole Forest
6159s Spot in Alliance Tournament 18. of
6161s course the uh the loser of that final
6163s will go into the the matches tomorrow to
6166s try and make their way through for that
6168s final spot in Alliance tournament 18.
6172s jintan uh last year's feeders was a
6175s rather brutal best of one
6178s once you lost your
6180s what do you think about the format this
6184s year with these uh there you go you got
6186s quick glance at it but that's that's all
6187s you get you have to wait till later
6189s um here we see it once more jintan what
6191s do you think about this year's format
6193s compared to last year
6194s I think this is a much more interesting
6196s format uh the group system just gives
6199s every team a chance to really show what
6202s they're worth uh get a couple of games
6203s in under tournament settings and
6207s um you know even if you're not a team
6208s that advances beyond the first round
6210s that kind of experience will really help
6212s you if you want to participate in any of
6215s the future tournaments be they the
6216s alliance tournament or any of the other
6218s minor ones such as anger games or some
6220s potential tournaments that have been
6222s planned for 2023 as we we head forwards
6224s uh I'm hoping that we uh hoping that we
6227s see some of the teams that did get
6228s knocked out in future tournaments you
6230s know don't get discouraged uh these kind
6233s of things happen uh it takes a lot of
6236s getting used to and you have to you know
6238s get over the PVP shakes which are like
6240s nothing else when you're in the
6242s tournament you know there are thousands
6243s of people watching you you've got people
6245s who are not particularly forgiving
6247s talking over exactly everything that
6249s you're doing and analyzing it and um
6251s check I'll check quarterback
6253s quarterbacking you
6256s um it's definitely something to get used
6257s to
6259s yeah the pressure uh being a pilot on
6261s the Lions turbo match is incredibly
6264s intense uh I've flown in a bunch of
6266s myself the Amara Championship as well it
6268s was even more intense when there was
6269s just four people on each side so if you
6272s if you messed up that was basically a
6273s quarter of your team messing up
6276s um but it's time to find out uh if
6278s Alexis metaria or no vacancies would be
6280s the ones that move forward to fight
6281s kitchen sinkhole for the position in
6284s Alliance tournament 18. so let's go to
6286s the arena with your casters moderator
6287s and Blackboard pirate
6290s foreign
6297s going up against no vacancies and we
6300s have two kind of similar team comps but
6302s they are also quite different uh with no
6304s vacancies bringing double bargist and a
6307s bunch of Rapid lights pretty commonly
6309s known as a rapid light heavy missile
6311s launcher kite and moderator what is uh
6314s what's Alexis Matari bringing against
6315s him
6317s so what just Matari has chosen to bring
6321s a similar like you were saying archetype
6324s but with an armor of variant taking the
6327s bar guest and uh double rapid typhoon
6330s the Shima for webs but using Tech 2 logi
6334s instead of attack when Fred lodgy
6336s because uh no vacancies put all their
6338s points into their high end so be kind of
6341s interesting to see who the initial
6343s volleys and primaries will be for each
6345s side is
6347s um it looks like the authoris and ashimu
6348s will be initials those make a lot of
6350s sense to me wanting to get rid of the
6352s orthos it's a lot of damage but not a
6354s lot of Tanks shimu was going to be the
6356s webs that would allow you to control
6358s range here
6360s yeah do you think uh I think that's a
6362s really good point to bring up that no
6363s vacancies does not have Tech 2 lodgy in
6366s any way shape or form this freaking
6367s logic are notoriously not particularly
6370s great they do rep a fair amount but they
6371s do not tank at all and we are seeing
6372s this orthos uh basically getting chunked
6375s down in the using its ancillator Shield
6377s booster to rep back up so at some point
6379s it is going to fall however this visual
6381s Fleet issue on the electus Matari side
6382s is actually taking a lot of damage uh
6384s the reps are maybe going to land on it
6386s in time we are seeing that little delay
6387s on the armor reps but it does go down at
6389s the same time this orthos is dropping
6391s quite quickly as well uh they do appear
6393s to swapped off the orthos they're going
6394s for a hard switch taking the servers
6395s down almost actually following it
6397s through Shields before it drops and then
6398s damage is back on the orthosphere so a
6400s little bit of damage splitting coming
6401s off the electric guitar team they do
6402s take the orthos down here but the Magus
6404s on uh Novak or Alexa is dropping at the
6407s same time
6408s yet so they chose to dive in pretty hard
6411s into the back line with the Cerberus and
6414s the orthos to try to get a pick onto the
6416s Jack don't try to get a pick on to the
6417s Magus and it looks like the Magus is
6419s stabilizing
6420s um just in time for these cerberuses to
6422s have to clip you usually see that about
6424s a minute and a half into the match we
6426s see that um Smitty Ultra is going to be
6429s the armor jackdaw interestingly enough
6431s we see very little guidance disruption
6434s across the field so I'm guessing he's uh
6437s tracking disruption and not missile
6438s guidance however titanium Ultra does
6441s drop wall uh no vacancies continues to
6444s reload here so kind of in the favor of
6447s velocity right now
6449s and I think an important thing to note
6451s like you said with that clipping I do
6453s believe that uh most of the electus
6454s Matari ships actually were on reload and
6457s that guy dropped just to drones and a
6459s little bit of extra damage here so
6461s electives Atari already looking in a
6463s very commanding lead uh the jackdaw
6465s Smitty is being taken down I believe it
6467s does drop I'm pretty sure that there was
6469s some pretty serious e-war and dance
6470s coming out from him Natalie's gone
6472s that's a big deal but Alexis Atari
6474s headshots the links so no links in about
6476s a minute or so no vacancies is going to
6478s lose a significant amount of ehp or
6480s potentially speed uh they're going for a
6482s lynx trade though and might headshot the
6484s uh Magus on the other side here which
6486s does go down
6488s yeah that Magus was right on top of the
6490s Bargas
6491s um well both both Vargas really so uh
6494s you're just not going to survive that
6495s and that's kind of going to be a pretty
6498s big deal here as the pontifax is the
6500s other link Shep who was you know pushing
6502s and trying to get tackled he does have
6504s tackle on the Phantom here but he'll go
6505s down for it I'm not sure it's worth
6508s losing both of your link ships for not
6510s really getting any tackle there
6512s um now the primary for Alexis antari is
6515s going to be the Bargas makes a lot of
6517s sense to me to try to get that ship off
6518s the grid meanwhile uh the ashimu is
6521s going to try to be the primary now that
6523s uh the links will have dropped he'll be
6526s much more susceptible to these rapid
6527s heavy clips and we'll probably get
6531s killed before uh that are forced to go
6533s on a Reload here
6536s I I think it's it's going to be really
6538s close uh I do believe this Sashimi will
6540s probably drop here it's unless oh
6542s actually it's starting to pull back so
6543s maybe it just they just clipped I'm a
6545s little concerned if Alexis Matari is
6546s going to have enough damage to clip
6547s through this Vargus and it does seem
6549s like both sides are on reload right now
6551s uh one big thing though is the spargas
6554s has been receiving newts from the ashmoo
6556s and actually it looks like electus
6558s Matari just did a quick hard Swap and
6560s just blew that burst up a very very good
6562s call here the spargus of Razer Razer is
6565s starting to pull back a little bit but I
6567s think that Alexa Matari realized they
6568s weren't going to clip through it in
6569s their first and decided to pop a lodgy
6571s with their last little bit so both teams
6572s are on reload uh kind of moving around a
6575s little bit it's a little bit of a brawl
6576s I feel like that maybe they should be
6578s pulling a bit of range all these ships
6579s are quite long range and nobody is
6581s tackled besides razor razors Vargas
6583s which is now dropping into armor uh with
6585s that reload doing quite a bit of damage
6587s a single tech one Logistics forget is
6589s not going to keep him up through all of
6590s the damage that's going out here Alexis
6592s Atari is in a very commanding spot right
6593s now
6594s yeah so this mishimu is uh burning down
6597s trying to get uh webs on what appears
6599s like the infinity face at Cerberus
6603s um but he and then the Deacon and the
6604s fella are trying to keep up with him but
6606s they just can't sustain the rep so the
6608s Banton drops at the same time the eshimu
6610s goes meanwhile razor Roar is getting
6613s some Shield boosting off but is in low
6615s low armor here and yeah
6618s so yeah he pulls that off the way
6622s yeah one of the effects there is that uh
6625s when you do mjd you're gonna pull
6627s missiles away from you that are in
6628s Flight
6630s um he's down into the very sliver of
6632s Hulk here still within range of the
6635s missiles and he does drop meanwhile the
6637s Thalia of uh Kyra is going really really
6639s low here the Cerberus and the jackdaw
6641s will apply really good damage uh we see
6643s paints from the hyena on top of the
6645s Thalia continuing to apply but the Folly
6648s is doing a really good job of using
6650s their signature to pull away even
6652s without links
6654s yeah I believe the athalia is that it's
6656s most likely 10 uh tenement a b fit so
6658s and is at maximum speed right now so
6660s unless that hyena can come in and get
6662s some webs on it which I kind of doubt
6664s that the hyena is actually fit with webs
6665s just because it is a shield hyena uh so
6668s I think that I mean no vacancies is not
6670s in a good spot here I believe that their
6672s only real option would be to maybe try
6674s and take a Bargas down but I I don't
6677s know I think that it was a really good
6679s mjd trick like almost pulled it off a
6681s little bit too late here and Alexis
6683s mastari still has all three of their
6685s battleships up so at this point I mean
6686s we have three battleships versus what is
6688s effectively a Cerberus a Bargas and a
6690s jackdaw as you don't really need those
6692s paints to take anything else down that
6693s being said they are swapping over and
6695s doing some pretty serious damage to this
6696s Deacon but the Cerberus is bleeding
6698s armor and is just getting Alpha through
6701s its ancillary Shield booster uh massive
6703s amount of damage coming out from these
6704s triple rapid heavy launcher battleships
6707s yeah absolutely we see that they're they
6709s are trying to take up the Deacon out as
6710s you said but I mean you're not gonna
6711s break a deacon with just a Cerberus of
6714s bargist and a jackdaw if the Deacon and
6717s methalia are really on top of their game
6718s and trying to mitigate here
6720s um I may Crow and the service drops
6723s right as if you can just getting into
6724s the very last bit of their armor leading
6727s some hole here
6729s um Deacon just trying to do everything
6730s they can to live to win uh even if they
6734s do drop the Deacon though the jackdaw
6735s goes down to Rapid Heavies and you have
6738s really one Battleship versus three no
6741s real way to come back from that
6744s yeah and with losing that Jack that does
6746s look like this Deacon is actually going
6747s to start tanking uh rapid Heavies do
6749s have very good application but not
6751s versus a tenement a b frigate with uh
6754s what is now no paints as the hyena gets
6756s blown up and you know at this point uh
6758s this game's basically over it is very
6760s very unlikely that Alexis Matari is
6763s going to uh pull a mass boundary they
6766s might we've seen it already earlier
6768s today so you know can't really discount
6770s that in any way shape or form but a very
6772s good play it was kind of interesting
6774s because we almost saw like what was a
6776s shield version versus an armor version
6778s of this um is is there anything the
6780s novanka sees could have done better
6781s maybe to pull this off
6784s I think that one of the issues you kind
6788s of run into with your no vacancies is
6792s you can't commit to over the top onto
6795s your high end
6796s um having only one link ship and then
6798s losing their link shift uh Midway
6800s through that match I felt what was the
6802s turning point they did eventually trade
6804s the links but it felt like when that
6806s happened
6807s um
6808s this the mobility of this kind of Shield
6811s uh kite wasn't able to really pull range
6814s from the armor version of that and they
6816s really ran into trouble after that
6820s yeah it's I it was definitely tart
6823s calling I think that Alexis Matari just
6825s having that really heavy top end of
6827s Rapid Heavies and just applying it so
6829s well I mean we saw some like little
6831s Target swaps which are very very
6833s difficult to deal with with tech one uh
6835s Logistics frigates or Logistics frigates
6836s in general uh just very good play on
6838s their part uh they will be finishing
6840s this last Vargus off here in the last
6842s little bid and that will end up with uh
6845s no vacancies who is trying to mjd away
6847s one last shot introduced to the next
6849s Beacon maybe we're gonna try for another
6851s mjd here uh
6853s a little bit too little too late I think
6855s that they could have maybe pull off some
6856s sweet mjd plays earlier but it is what
6858s it is
6858s [Music]
6859s um
6860s this will mean that Alexa Matari is
6862s going to continue to carry the Minotaur
6864s flag and honestly they've been doing a
6866s spectacular job this entire feeder
6867s tournament
6869s yeah I've been surprisingly impressed
6871s with their play so far I think in the uh
6875s you know pre-show when we were ranking
6877s the teams I think we put them into
6879s probably the good luck tier and they've
6880s been proving us wrong which uh you know
6883s I'm happy to see them perform much
6885s better than really any of us thought
6887s it's good to see teams kind of grow and
6889s develop and uh show you know their their
6893s stuff and they're performing rather well
6895s I can't really knock them here
6899s yeah doing a very good job and uh pinky
6902s lean is still trying to keep the barist
6904s alive uh I wonder if they uh don't
6906s realize that they don't actually get to
6908s keep the ship but that's okay you know
6910s what we'll just keep running that clock
6911s out get that last little little victory
6914s of holding on to uh 24 points and I
6917s believe this box is most likely going to
6918s live it has mjd away far enough and
6921s everything is on clipping boosting up a
6923s little bit
6924s um very interesting match good job on
6926s both sides I think that uh Alexis Matari
6929s just had a little bit better execution a
6930s little bit better Target calling here
6932s but with that uh Alexis Matari is going
6935s to win 76 points to 27 leaving a single
6938s ship Left Alive and we're going to send
6939s it back to the desk
6947s [Music]
6952s thank you
6959s [Laughter]
6975s foreign
6983s [Music]
6998s [Music]
7015s Alexis Matari eliminating no vacancies
7019s from Alliance tournament 18 contention
7021s and putting themselves only one win away
7024s from a position in Alliance tournament
7027s 18 proper in a well-flown match very
7030s very uh exciting match to watch that
7032s certain the most exciting that I've seen
7034s today
7035s um also exciting to see uh how many of
7037s you lost all your Twitch Channel points
7039s uh nearly a million of them uh just went
7042s pop uh 80 of people voting for no
7044s vacancies only 20 voting for electus
7048s Matari uh 505 of you uh believing that
7052s no vacancies was going to carry you to
7054s victory 505 of you being wrong uh so Jin
7058s tan we saw some fantastic piloting in
7060s that match on both sides of the ball uh
7063s but you wanted to call out the uh
7065s Logistics frigates let's hear let's hear
7067s about that yeah I actually wanted to
7069s call that specifically slave mat and uh
7071s bed divorce from that game uh they were
7073s flying the Bantam in the burst one point
7075s Logistics frigates uh ships that we
7077s typically see kind of brought just a
7079s round out uh comps that are very very
7082s top end heavy and in this case they made
7085s amazing use of those ships uh they
7088s weren't able to do much reps because T1
7090s Logistics forgets were early aren't
7091s designed to do that they could only kind
7093s of slow down your death as opposed to
7095s stop it as T2 Logistics frigates and TT
7098s Cruisers can but what they did instead
7101s was really clever and that's the that
7103s that was that they used their
7104s positioning incredibly effectively we
7106s saw them uh pull the pontifex and the
7109s Magus from the opposing team uh towards
7112s them like they left themselves in a
7113s slightly vulnerable position and then
7115s moved backwards out of the range of the
7117s deacon of the Thalia and that's why you
7119s saw those two link ships from electus
7121s Matari go down incredibly incredibly
7123s quickly uh once the uh what's the Hulk
7127s is it was a whole control no it wasn't
7130s vacancies no vacancies thank you once no
7134s vacancies
7135s um switched over to them and then later
7137s on the game they did the exact same
7138s thing with asria's ashimu it was
7140s incredibly good piloting and it's a
7142s shame that their team wasn't able to
7143s take advantage of it and win the match
7145s off the back of it
7147s yeah certainly uh you know one of the
7149s best matches we've seen today thus far
7150s mystical might one of the things that um
7153s people might ask is uh the term clipped
7156s is is heard a lot especially when we we
7159s saw that many Argus on the field what
7161s can you just explain what what the heck
7163s has clipped
7165s I was just laughing to myself because I
7167s was thinking about what like gun nuts
7169s would save we would talk about like
7170s Clips magazines or whatever I have no
7173s idea or opinions on gun culture
7175s um so I do not know uh the correct
7178s terminology on that side but when we use
7180s clipped
7181s um typically we are talking about a
7183s missile system they'll have a finite
7186s number of missiles loaded so with rapid
7188s Heavies and Rapid lights you can launch
7191s I think what like 20 volleys typically
7193s and then you'll go on to a long reload
7196s um so when we say clipped it means that
7197s you fired all of the missiles that you
7199s had loaded and now you have to wait for
7201s that reload cycle to go through and
7203s during that time typically you're not
7205s going to be doing any damage because you
7207s don't have any damage to do
7209s um so you'll still be able to burn
7210s around all that kind of stuff but yeah
7211s it's typically why we see LOLs in damage
7214s in certain matches where there are lots
7216s of massage systems fielded it's simply
7219s because they're all waiting for their
7220s missiles to come back
7222s uh gentan back to you for this one uh at
7225s the start of that match when the teams
7227s were shown on the grid uh you guys
7229s excited about the band evasion coming in
7232s from Alexis Matari uh talk to me about
7234s that
7236s yeah so
7238s um one of the teams in that in that game
7239s banned the typhoon Fleet issue and
7242s they'd also banned I believe the EOS uh
7244s and that left them in a position where
7246s you could kind of tell that they were a
7248s bit afraid of those long range uh High
7251s application weapon systems that's what I
7253s kind of talked about as we went over
7254s them and the problem was and what Alexis
7258s Matari did is they must have had a comp
7260s prepared for this circumstance that
7262s double Thai food and uh the other rapid
7264s heavy missile ship just allowed them to
7266s plow DPS across the field and into their
7270s opponents
7271s um taking out all of those rapid light
7273s Cruisers really quickly in the match and
7276s that alone meant that they just wouldn't
7277s have the DPS to win in the late game and
7280s I have to say there's some really smart
7282s um preparation as well as quick thinking
7284s to actually bring out and execute on it
7287s correctly during the game itself
7291s great now let's look uh to our next
7294s match so from one Wormhole group to
7296s another question mark I don't know if
7298s Security remote people are still
7299s currently in wormholes or if they're
7300s still flying out with initiative but
7302s they have Wornall in their name so scary
7304s Wormhole people versus the Ancients
7306s let's take a look at the bands for this
7308s upcoming match and see what these teams
7311s have chosen to eliminate so choosing to
7314s ban out the bar guest and the Bell
7316s Garden uh so not liking ships beginning
7318s with b meanwhile the Ancients Banning
7321s out those arms ad and the Scimitar
7324s um Misty we don't see that many zarzad
7327s Scimitar band combos what's going on
7329s here
7331s yeah it's interesting to see that they
7332s banned the zom and the Scimitar at the
7334s same time I mean we do sometimes see um
7338s the logistics bands to try and force uh
7341s you know the Hostile team to bring
7342s Logistics frigates or perhaps to force
7346s them into slow moving Logistics Cruisers
7350s um typically it ban the Scimitar and the
7351s ineros in that case the zamban is
7354s interesting because it suggests that
7355s they have practiced against disarm and
7358s they've found the single zom rep
7361s um fairly powerful and difficult to kind
7364s of deal with which is surprising because
7366s there's arms major weakness is the fact
7369s that it can only ever rep really one
7370s target at a time which means that it's
7373s very vulnerable to the splitting of
7375s damage which is you know an effective
7378s way of dealing with this arm and also
7381s winning against teams at Fields arms so
7383s I'm I'm kind of curious to see what they
7385s failed
7386s um that they felt that they needed to
7387s ban this on the only other thing I can
7389s think of is the fact that the zom has a
7391s really long rep range so if they are
7394s trying to pin down a logistics Cruiser
7397s then the Zone would be fairly difficult
7399s to deal with because it's going to sit
7400s really far into the back line I think it
7402s can rip out to about 72 kilometers
7404s compared to a standard Cruiser's rep
7406s range of up 50-ish for an armor Cruiser
7409s and uh 27.29 for a scimitar for example
7413s so
7415s range well it's pretty much time to find
7418s out
7419s um as the ancient's last time brought a
7423s more laser comp straight to zero and use
7426s that to great effect to win so will we
7428s see that again
7429s um from the Ancients or well scary where
7431s more people take the W and move forward
7433s uh in this start coming here try finals
7436s well let's go to the arena and find out
7439s uh with your Caster CCP Castrol and
7441s Wingnut
7448s ladies and gentlemen welcome to the
7450s Thunder Dome because this is going to be
7452s an insane match we have got triple top
7455s Ravens with bombers versus four rapid
7459s heavy battleships this is the most
7463s insane match I think I've seen all day
7464s oh my God please this is I'm so scared
7469s yeah this is gonna be a super fun one
7472s um scary Wormhole people have bought all
7474s of their battleships in at zero whereas
7477s the Ancients are in at about 30 uh with
7479s their Raven Navy issue and the two
7481s Ravens which are torpedo fits and
7483s they're going to be doing a ton of
7484s damage they also have three bombers in
7486s the back line too so lots and lots and
7488s lots of torpedoes which is good
7490s hopefully we'll see some bombs going out
7491s too maybe I don't know
7493s the fun thing as well is that the top
7495s ships did not whoop at zero whereas the
7496s rapid Heavies did so this this is
7498s topsy-turvy world with a lot of DPS
7499s those damage bars are girthy as the
7503s match goes on the way right now here we
7504s go
7506s yeah but unfortunately uh scary Wormhole
7509s is uh DPS graph might go down a bit
7511s either reloading or because they're just
7513s gonna straight up die who knows here
7515s let's see uh I want to see the damage
7517s coming out here from these three uh
7520s look at him he's getting chunked already
7522s the bombers are getting hit Raven is
7524s getting hit there that was being spread
7525s this is gonna be beautiful please
7528s play
7532s uh Kyle Bruno's taking a ton of damage
7534s he's already a 20 armor which is pretty
7537s insane it's because Raven is also going
7539s down pretty low too as well as silas's
7542s as Manticore but they're both kind of
7544s holding Kyle is gone already
7546s this raven manages to survive the rapid
7548s heavy clip they've won this match
7550s because that's how rapid Heavies tend to
7551s work in these scenarios that Raven is
7553s still holding next typhoon is being
7554s pounded upon that Hound is being beaten
7556s up in the back line the side fleet's
7557s been shot by something I don't know this
7559s is beautiful so much bomber DP has so
7562s much Torpedoes this type is getting
7564s written apart and the Raven is in armor
7565s they're gonna probably kill him
7567s yeah Esco looks like he's about to go
7570s down but radimir is also dropping at
7572s about the same time oh and the count was
7574s daunting
7576s hey did you get the Raven but they've
7577s killed off now half of this um of the uh
7580s scary one more people's core so this
7582s actually this could already be it right
7584s now this is beautiful I love a DPS Rush
7587s yeah scary Wormhole uh people is a DPS
7590s graph uh it was chunky at the beginning
7592s it's now gone flaccid whereas the Asians
7595s are still hard and they're still going
7598s oh three bombers are still alive upon
7602s fix just boundary I think yep so you
7605s want to be part of this anymore
7606s he was so so intimidated by the DPS I
7611s just decided to leave the arena
7613s this is beautiful wonderful glorious
7616s chaos telephone please be pounded of
7618s course the one bad thing about versing
7620s Torpedoes is that there is no respite
7622s there is no stopping the constant
7624s pounding of torpedo DPS telephone
7626s fleet's about to go down disciple it's
7628s also about to go down the Praxis is
7630s stuck the big boy in the middle of the
7632s Arena there's nothing he can do this is
7634s glorious the Ancients my boys represent
7639s yeah Duro Roman safely issue about to go
7641s down here to the Praxis of Maxim is
7644s taking those oh he just instantly goes
7646s from half Shields to like 70 armor I
7649s love it
7651s interesting news this is the one magic
7652s yet he's not in and suddenly they're
7653s winning coincidence
7656s but yeah glorious how's that cycling
7659s still alive by the way I mean that's
7660s just showing their torpedo application
7662s he's still alive somehow I'm not sure
7664s what's going on there but practice
7666s he's going at 1.7 k a second so it's
7669s possible you might even be able to
7670s outrun the tops I think it's mostly just
7672s the uh Fleet warriors on him right now
7674s that are doing the DPS
7678s foreign
7681s because they have a bit more range than
7683s the Ravens
7684s I'm fully on board the torpedo bee right
7687s now this is beautiful
7689s it's just a Inquisitor never Tesla I
7691s think they're running for the boundaries
7692s but honestly the problem is of course
7694s all these Torpedoes are going to suffer
7696s to even attempt to apply to these guys I
7698s mean they're hitting him but I mean
7699s those are scratches on these ships
7702s yeah I mean they didn't even need to
7704s they didn't even need to shoot the lodgy
7706s until now right because
7708s like those two loggy frigates so I'm
7710s gonna do anything to uh six torpedo
7713s shifts how to feel worthless 101 be a T1
7716s Lodge you forget against powership Plus
7720s I mean they did a pretty good job but I
7722s don't well
7725s because they they survived and
7728s they probably you know stop the
7729s battleships from dying like five seconds
7731s faster
7732s but
7736s um yeah that's just T1 lodgy freaks
7738s against what is that one two three four
7740s five six
7742s torpedo ships
7744s it's just so inadequate but because it's
7747s about the boundary thank you so much
7749s Angels you've given me a glorious memory
7751s with this one glad to see you boys
7752s kicking ass and with that we're gonna go
7754s back to the studio and see what they
7755s think of this
7758s now for the triglovian weather report
7760s brought to you by Exodus integration
7764s [Music]
7770s and that's the weather forever
7774s okay
7777s foreign
7780s [Music]
7782s a month you can save the life of a high
7786s SEC minor
7802s [Music]
7819s there you are the engines taking that W
7821s over scary Wormhole people uh important
7824s to note the um hoop Bell did die in the
7827s end uh we have to for careful when of
7829s course he is in a different time zone uh
7831s so in his time zone I hope Bell died a
7833s long time ago
7835s um ancients there bringing a very solid
7838s torpedo based comp and just dunking all
7841s over at that skate around more people
7845s um quad Battleship comp that is actually
7848s the same almost the same comp we saw
7850s scary one more people win with the other
7852s last week Jin tan do you think that
7855s these were targeted bands and a specific
7858s comp that the agents were hoping to see
7861s here
7863s yeah I think absolutely this just shows
7865s uh some of the importance of not
7867s bringing the same comp multiple times uh
7869s if teams are watching you uh they see
7873s that you bring out the same bands that
7874s you've brought out in the past time
7875s which in this case he is indeed they
7878s brought out the same bands that they'd
7879s used prior to bringing the quad uh quad
7881s Battleship comp previously
7884s um you can prepare something that you
7885s think will be able to beat it especially
7887s if you're doing scrims in the middle of
7889s the week in between the two weekends of
7891s matches uh which is what most good teams
7893s will do it's an unfortunate one though
7896s for uh TD sin uh they played really well
7898s in the match it was just very very
7900s little they could do versus the
7901s overwhelming of DPS uh that was being
7904s thrown at them there
7907s yeah I don't even want to think uh how
7910s much DPS was coming from uh two Ravens
7913s and navy Raven and three stealth bombers
7915s but that number will indeed be large
7919s um and in this case versus four
7921s battleships it will apply extremely well
7924s basically we don't normally see
7926s um Torpedoes we spoke about this earlier
7928s on what would have happened to this comp
7930s if uh let's say uh no battleships were
7933s facing them and it was a bunch of
7935s Cruisers and battle Cruisers
7937s well it depends it depends entirely on
7940s whether the Rapier died or not I think
7943s um I think the uh ancients team plan uh
7947s sorry it was weebu right which one
7949s which one won the Ancients won and scary
7952s one will be lost okay
7954s cool yes so
7956s um I believe the anxious team planned
7958s for
7960s um the potential surprise of not going
7963s up against the four battleships because
7964s they did have that Rapier which would
7966s allow their Torpedoes to apply even to
7968s those cruiser-sized ships or the battle
7970s cruiser size ships that um skywormhall
7973s people could have brought
7975s um of course if the team goes all in in
7978s some sort of sort of rush setup and
7980s takes out the Rapier early on it would
7982s be quite difficult then for the Ravens
7983s and the bombers to apply their damage
7984s and they didn't have much in the way of
7986s screening and of course we've mentioned
7988s screening a little bit earlier but it's
7990s the act of essentially preventing the
7992s enemy ships from getting on top of your
7995s ships
7996s because they lacked scream uh the
7999s bombers were pretty vulnerable so it
8001s would have been easy to remove them if
8003s there were a number of Cruisers and
8004s battle cruises on the grid
8007s so in this case it just seems like the
8010s Ancients uh won that one in the draft uh
8013s The Meta the thought scary Wormhole
8015s people and used it to create effect
8017s taking a solid W of course shout out to
8021s fun Inc the the group that the Ancients
8024s are part of and they're npsi ROMs I
8027s believe if you do exclamation mark npsi
8029s in twitch chat it'll give you some links
8031s uh you can I encourage everyone to go
8033s join some npsi stuff it's always good
8035s fun you can pretty much pick up play do
8037s some dope fleets uh cacti also streams a
8039s bunch of them as well and it's uh it's
8042s good fun to watch so check that out
8044s the entrance will go forward in the
8047s starkmanir tribe to face the winner of
8050s Specter Fleet uh and Rusty hyenas Clan
8053s so it of course will be incredibly
8055s interesting if uh the Ancients go up
8058s against specterfully in the final npsi
8060s versus npsi uh mystical might what do
8065s you think the chances are there do you
8066s think expect if you're going to get
8067s through Rusty Hyena's Clan
8069s so I did see virion uh in aftercan local
8074s earlier planning for some Ops later so
8077s I'm not entirely sure they've been
8078s spending their entire time focusing on
8080s their upcoming match
8081s um perhaps just uh warming up in advance
8085s um I think Specter Fleet have a good
8086s chance at winning
8089s if they are able to correct some of the
8091s piloting mistakes that we've seen in the
8094s previous weekend so respectively only
8096s really lost the match that they were one
8098s of their matches last weekend because
8100s Varian burned his guns out which meant
8102s that they didn't have enough damage to
8103s actually work their way through the rest
8105s of the enemy team
8106s um they were in a position to win that
8108s match until that happened
8110s um so you know it's it's entirely
8112s possible that they'll be able to beat
8113s Rusty hyenas but Rusty hyenas have also
8116s been flying really really well and
8117s they're probably one of the favorites
8118s based on the performance we've seen so
8120s far
8121s yeah I think this one's probably one of
8124s the hardest ones to pick so far and
8126s clearly out in the in twitch land you
8128s guys agree because it's almost neck and
8130s neck with the channel points uh only a
8133s couple of thousand difference between
8134s the two of them pretty much 50 50 split
8136s uh Jin tan what are your thoughts on on
8139s this one this coming match up
8142s yeah I'm really excited to see what
8143s happens because Rusty hyenas have
8145s brought out some really unorthodox ship
8147s choices over the their past couple of
8149s matches especially against the Ancients
8151s uh who they were able to be on their
8153s side of the bracket uh they brought a
8156s zamas and a hand damn Nation uh to the
8159s field something that seemed like it was
8160s very specifically designed to beat the
8163s three Battleship core that Specter leap
8166s have been fairly reliant on so far in
8168s the tournament so I think this is going
8169s to be a real test all respectively to
8172s see you know are they a one-trick pony
8174s are they have they only effectively
8176s practiced through Battleship core or do
8178s they have something a bit more spicy up
8179s Our Sleeve for this game
8181s yeah I hope to see another interesting
8184s match uh we've had a couple of good
8185s matches in a row now so perhaps we're on
8187s on a roll uh for the good ones
8190s um a couple other things I wanted to
8191s talk about in some of our previous
8193s matches
8195s um
8195s jintan talk to me about lodgy friggs and
8199s the positioning challenges that um that
8202s imposes on a team versus say uh
8204s Logistics Cruisers
8206s so Logistics cruises as we've talked
8208s about for a couple of times now they
8210s have a range of around 50 kilometers
8212s you've got a little bit more than that
8214s in fall off so you can play with things
8216s if you're getting pushed around uh the
8218s grid by tackle or something else but you
8220s want to kind of be comfortably within
8222s you know 30 to 40 kilometers of what of
8224s what's getting shot and at that point
8225s you can apply perfect reps whereas the
8228s armor Logistics and shield Logistics
8231s frigates they need to be within 10 to 15
8234s kilometers of uh the target to be
8236s providing as much reps as possible and
8238s you also need to keep those frigates
8240s relatively close to your battleship core
8242s as well because they're incredibly
8244s reliant on rep Bots to survive during
8247s these matches and on top of all of that
8250s they're normally 10 MN fit as well so
8252s they don't have a great amount of
8253s maneuverability
8255s uh all of this combines to mean that if
8258s you are flying a um a logistics frigate
8261s Reliant comp you need to move slowly you
8264s need to plan your moves carefully and
8266s you need to make sure that your
8268s um your own tackle or screening ships
8271s Don't Stray too far away from the
8272s deacons uh or thaliers or you know uh
8276s scalpels
8279s um lest they get themselves into a
8280s pickle because if Mala or anything like
8283s that gets on top of them they are going
8284s to go bye-bye in seconds and you're not
8287s going to be able to help rep the rest of
8288s your team off the back of that
8290s mystical as a pilot what do you prefer
8293s flying in a match with say Anonymous or
8297s in a match with a Talia Guardian
8301s so
8303s um I'd have to say that again it depends
8305s on the the ship that you're flying if
8307s you're in a support ship um a ship that
8310s needs to go out and actually pin down
8311s the enemy team so that your core can get
8313s on top of them
8314s flying with Logistics frigates is a lot
8316s trickier because there will be windows
8319s in time where you just don't have any
8321s reps coming in right so you'll either
8323s need to make the decision to fully
8325s commit to the tackle potentially die but
8328s ensure that your core can get on top of
8329s the Hostile team or you need to pull
8331s back and communicate with the rest of
8334s your team to understand when the best
8335s time to actually dive in would be
8338s um
8338s playing with the logistics Cruiser frees
8341s you up quite a bit it makes it easier
8343s for you to execute well whereas flying
8345s with Logistics frigates can sometimes
8347s make it so that you can field more
8348s interesting comps that some teams may
8351s not be able to expect or you know you
8353s can do way more damage than a logistics
8355s Cruiser would be able to rep right and
8356s then it's about balancing how long you
8358s can live your positioning
8361s um and also your target calling as well
8363s that kind of stuff there's a lot that
8364s goes into it
8365s um I personally prefer I think Cruisers
8368s a little bit just because of the freedom
8369s it gives you these are getting on top of
8372s the Nighthawk of roughly a heinous Clan
8373s Bart
8375s yeah Target painters are going up on top
8377s of it uh we they're actually holding
8379s really really well here so that's a
8381s pretty good sign
8382s um it does look like this nerus is
8384s actually ramming in which is uh pretty
8386s great so kind of a big fan of that and
8389s we are uh just kind of slowly moving in
8393s here I'm actually gonna pop open
8394s something on my end real quick some mod
8396s if you can take over for like 20 seconds
8397s here just so I can look at something
8402s is taking a pounding from um Cruise
8405s damage at the moment
8407s um which makes a lot of sense you would
8409s want to get rid of the Le Shack over
8411s time that ship is going to spool
8414s um we have continued uh guidance
8416s disruption uh going on from this curse
8419s and what appears to be uh this nearest
8422s as well virion Stone chart in the slash
8425s is continuing to survive we see now that
8429s um disciple of valedict will be the
8432s primary or the side effective sleep
8435s they're continuing to apply Newt and
8437s pressure trying to get that spitball off
8439s of the back line off of the pontifex and
8442s links right now the Raptor and the
8444s Mueller are just kind of ineffectually
8445s playing
8447s um against each other
8449s and urine is continuing to stabilize
8451s that's going to be the power probably of
8453s the reactive armor hardener and now
8454s swapping damage to Rusty uh the from
8458s from 14's Nighthawk
8461s yeah it's a it's a really good uh good
8464s call like we're seeing these Guidance
8465s disrupters just totally destroy the
8467s ability for uh Rusty hyenas to apply any
8469s damage here and I think you're right on
8471s the damage slap into Nighthawk that is a
8472s good call this neros is actually not
8474s really doing anything I've been kind of
8475s staring at it and hadn't been seeing it
8476s pull anything out so I'm not sure what
8477s their plan there was
8478s um Russell Haynes is starting to apply a
8480s lot more damage to both flushek and the
8482s Magnuson unfortunately Specter Fleet
8484s apparently has not gotten the memo that
8486s the only way to defeat this Tinker is to
8488s actually Ram it out so the smaller is
8490s the only one that is blitzing straight
8492s towards them but a modeler is not going
8493s to do a particularly good job bumping
8494s and in fact does not appear to be
8496s bumping at all it's going for a tackle
8497s on the burst so uh Specter is maybe
8500s going to go for the burst but I I don't
8502s know like this is not how you counter
8504s the setup and I'm not uh I'm not
8506s thinking the Specter is going to be able
8507s to win this one
8508s so if I have to guess I would imagine
8511s that you want the molar to get on top of
8513s things apply new to apply some damage
8515s but I mean the Magus is taking a ton of
8517s damage Varian Stone chart in the
8519s meanwhile uh has been getting you know
8521s held down by the Raptor and now that the
8523s Raptor is applying that tackle uh virion
8526s can't really mitigate nearly as well and
8528s the cruises are full damage uh the Magus
8530s goes down so the links are going to go
8532s down as well and the variants don't
8535s charge is just wrapping up a little bit
8537s trying to stay alive uh does drop but
8540s now that in about a minute the links are
8542s going to drop I don't think it's looking
8544s good for the other lecheck events than
8545s either
8547s no it's really unfortunate uh I think
8549s Specter actually could maybe still pull
8551s this off but they definitely could have
8553s won this if they had gone straight in
8556s right off the bat I'm not really sure
8557s why they tried to kite against cruise
8559s missile ships as these uh scorpion
8561s navies and rattlesnakes can hit the
8563s entire arena with their weapons but uh
8565s now that they've lost both the links and
8567s one Le Shack this other Le Shack is not
8569s going to last very long those links are
8572s absolutely massive amounts of tank that
8574s have gone down and Specter just really
8576s hasn't been able to pull anything off
8577s like yeah they might take this burst
8578s down maybe but once it goes down like
8581s what's what's your follow-up right it's
8582s like okay cool you took a burst down but
8584s you've already lost one of your
8585s battleships and it might even live
8586s longer than the slash does
8589s yeah like you were alluding to earlier
8592s the way that you actually break this uh
8594s Tinker setup because we have all these
8596s scorpion navies and the rattlesnake just
8598s sitting on top of the Nighthawk at zero
8600s just being a cap transfer bot the way
8603s you break that is you ran into them you
8605s know full speed and you force them to
8607s basically pull and fall away from each
8609s other
8610s um and that's not really going to work
8614s when you are kiting away the entire time
8616s they do get a kill in the Bantam uh now
8619s trying to kill the burst now that his
8621s lodgy buddy is uh dead
8624s um starting to work a little bit at the
8625s medium Shield Bots that are keeping the
8627s burst up but
8628s um this Deacon is taking an absolute
8630s pounding you see that the spiteful and
8632s the Raptor are on top of him in the back
8634s line that's fightful is going to
8635s continue to apply pressure uh they could
8638s even try swapping damage onto the cycle
8640s once they do kill his burst because uh
8643s no logic frigates and disciples just by
8645s himself so uh let's see if they can try
8647s to turn this around somewhat
8650s yeah it's I Spectra's actually holding
8652s on very very well like this is
8653s incredible logic piloting on their end
8655s and just general like use of the curse
8658s and such I just again it's like they're
8660s not fighting back the way they need to
8662s like they still have a chance here their
8664s lecheck is not tackled for this little
8666s Shack to just mwdn and just RAM and
8668s break that lodgy ball or break that ball
8670s of a battleship's part and it's just not
8673s happening and it's really unfortunate uh
8675s that I guess Specter did not uh see the
8677s last match versus these guys where
8679s somebody almost counted them so it does
8681s look like inside is going to drop here
8683s uh without being able to really do
8684s anything finally spooling up on this uh
8687s Nighthawk and burning in so finally has
8689s realized at the you know six minutes in
8691s how to beat this and I think it's a
8693s little bit too late here though uh
8694s unless they can somehow keep this little
8696s Shack alive which is slowly bleeding
8698s structure they're very very tanky ships
8699s but I don't think they're tanky enough
8700s and the lashac has now actually been
8702s webbed down before it's able to get in
8705s yeah that's that's unfortunate for
8707s Specter I mean it's the we see most of
8709s the rep Bots from the side of Russia
8711s hanging this client have been cleared up
8712s no but it's too little too late I mean
8715s you've lost two Le shackster down uh by
8717s you know 50 some odd points and you have
8720s no damage left it's basically over for
8722s you look at the attack bar for specific
8724s Vector Fleet they've got absolutely
8725s nothing left in the tank and we see good
8727s fights in local I'm congratulating Rusty
8730s Hyena's clan on their Victory here
8733s yeah it's uh so this is the second time
8735s that Rusty hyenas Clan has won with what
8737s is effectively the same setup here
8739s um switches
8741s should be maybe a sign for teams
8743s hopefully that they're actually watching
8744s and paying attention to what their
8745s opponents are uh again like specter's
8749s setup I think had a very good shot at
8751s winning this and I'm sure that I'm
8752s totally stealing all of the analyst
8754s stuff right here but we're also going to
8755s probably have to sit here for a while
8756s because cruise missiles do not apply
8758s very well to small ships and uh short of
8761s Specter starting to boundary we're
8762s probably going to be here for another
8763s two minutes and 40 seconds but
8765s um I do think Specter actually had a
8767s very good shot at this if they had just
8769s rammed in which is almost always the
8771s correct choice because flying away and
8773s kiting is for cowards
8775s okay so you've been in top level teams
8780s before so once you do Ram in and you can
8783s kind of split away the Scorpion Navy
8785s issues and the rattlesnake from the cap
8787s transfer
8788s um you know circle jerk what do you do
8790s next what's your primary how do you
8792s break things off
8794s so you pick whichever guy's farthest
8796s away right so like if you Ramen if you
8798s notice I don't know if we have an
8799s ability to like zoom in super duper
8801s close here but I'm looking at the
8802s Nighthawk and every single battleship is
8805s like ramming it they're sitting directly
8807s on top of it cap transferring so if you
8810s push in and you knock that ball away
8812s which now we're getting a sweet Zoom you
8814s see what I mean like they're kissing it
8815s they're like surrounding it like there's
8817s a meme that I'm not going to repeat on
8819s stream but all of you are imagining it
8821s where there's some guy standing in white
8823s t-shirts and we're uh you know we're
8826s doing a very good uh job here if they
8829s can bump into that with one ship and
8831s then go after whichever one is farthest
8832s out that's the easy kill because none of
8835s these ships can actually tank without
8837s being able to get the cap transfers
8839s constantly
8842s yeah and once they don't have the cap
8844s transfer and you know you don't have the
8847s support from the local tank your cap
8849s will eventually run out and then you
8851s only have two laundry frigates that are
8853s Tech when supporting you you will
8855s eventually break uh once you can kill
8857s the Nighthawk though I saw the links
8859s down and you're much much more effective
8861s against these uh battleships uh it looks
8864s like
8865s um some of the Specter Fleet ships are
8866s choosing to boundary violate realizing
8869s that this is a kind of a futile effort
8871s so you know well played by Rusty Hyena's
8875s clan
8876s um
8877s you know
8879s props to them I didn't expect this um to
8883s you know go
8885s decisively I thought that it was going
8887s to be a little bit uh you know I thought
8890s the Specter would know how to break this
8892s uh unfortunately it doesn't seem like
8894s they were able to execute and with that
8897s we'll send it back to the couch
8903s [Music]
8927s thank you
8928s [Music]
8937s [Music]
8943s [Music]
8949s foreign
8953s [Music]
8966s okay so we are back
8969s um there seems to be some issues being
8971s reported via Den detector for twitch a
8974s big spike uh we keep being disconnected
8977s from it at our end uh to be clear we are
8980s recording all of the matches as they
8983s happen locally from the streamer PC so
8986s if the stream drops during a match uh do
8989s not worry the match itself has been
8991s recorded and it will be uploaded on
8994s YouTube at a later point this week so
8997s the match stand as is obviously we want
8999s to bring you the best show but if uh
9001s twitch is trying to save a few bucks by
9003s not funding their servers correctly then
9006s that's not really something we can do
9008s Rusty aina's Clan took that match there
9011s um over Specter Fleet so we won't get to
9013s see the npsi battle of the century
9017s um because specifically could not cut it
9019s mystical Mike what happened in this
9021s instance perspective Fleet
9024s I think it's a case of um maybe they
9027s tunnel visioned a little bit they they
9029s decided to shoot
9035s hello again uh sorry sorry Jeff I didn't
9038s mean anything I said uh twitch is the
9041s greatest service of all time
9043s um please please don't please don't
9046s banners
9047s um we have another match coming up in
9049s four minutes potentially
9051s if if Jeff allows everyone say please
9054s Jeff in uh in twitch chat
9056s um let them know that we're thinking of
9058s them
9059s um it's going to be percussive Pizza
9060s Time diplomacy versus of certain mind uh
9064s I'm looking forward to this one because
9066s because of Pizza 10 diplomacy or uh one
9069s of the galmail faction Warfare groups uh
9071s who've been grinding hard to fight off
9073s that caldari Menace In The Loser career
9076s and hashtag build the gate I've flew
9079s with them a couple of times on an adult
9081s and they're they're good fun good people
9082s uh also mindo a solid team uh the bands
9087s for because of a piece of time Vargas
9089s and EOS and also Banning Le Shack and
9093s Scimitar mystical might what do you
9095s think about these bands here look pretty
9097s standard across the board
9099s I'd say so I think the one that stands
9101s out the most is probably the Scimitar
9103s ban just because it's suggesting that
9105s they don't want to see a fast-moving
9107s Shield Cruiser wrapping up range perhaps
9110s perhaps trying to dissuade them from
9112s taking a shield kite or Shield Rush it's
9115s kind of hard to tell
9117s um what they're intending as they have
9118s also abandoned a shack which is very
9120s typically an armorship
9123s um so again maybe it just suggests that
9125s during their own internal testing or
9127s testing with other teams they've come
9129s across the shack comps and you know
9130s comps that utilize the Scimitar quite a
9132s bit and they found them incredibly
9134s strong so they just want to remove those
9135s from the plane playing field
9138s Yeah Anna and Jin tan
9141s um my uh notes Here say to ask you about
9145s battle industry was in that last match
9146s as well uh can you hear to Phil exactly
9149s 80 Seconds on that please
9152s yep so the battle Industrials are kind
9155s of useful we haven't seen them a lot in
9157s previous tournaments but I think they're
9158s getting a lot more use in this
9160s tournament because you can now fit them
9161s with scripts and things like that it
9164s just allows you to get the most mid
9165s slots per Point possible all those are
9168s only two uh points in this format and a
9171s Neurosis has five mid slots and a badger
9174s has six so that can represent as we saw
9177s in that last match a couple of sensor
9179s boosters for your Shield ships which
9180s can't really fit them uh just offloaded
9182s onto a Neurosis or remote tracking
9185s computers to help mitigate the effects
9187s of tracking disruptors on your little
9189s Shacks so that they don't get locked out
9191s and lose their spool
9193s awesome thank you very much
9196s um and I look it looks like the teams
9198s have landed in the arena so let's go
9199s over to the arena and let the casters
9201s talk about it for another minute or two
9203s before the match starts uh we're going
9205s to see percussive Pizza Time diplomacy
9206s versus officer in mind with your casters
9208s CCP Kestrel and Wingnut
9215s oh welcome back to the arena I heard a
9218s lot of exotic noises from Wingnut
9220s because his favorite ship is on the
9222s field the wind Decatur why don't you
9224s tell us about that ship uh winglet oh my
9227s Vindicator always my favorite but
9228s honestly we've seen a very interesting
9230s kind of almost kind of a mirror comp
9233s here Vindicator temp is playing balgorn
9235s versus typhoon Fleet Tempest Fleet and
9236s bowgorn the support Wing is pretty
9238s similar as well but it looks like um the
9240s custom picked the time beside they don't
9242s want to go heavy on the DPS here so I am
9244s very excited
9246s yeah obviously our mind also being kind
9248s of the similar like lodgy frigates plus
9250s you know like heavy armor battleships uh
9252s they they've opted for a bit more e-war
9254s it seems with the Sentinel and the uh
9257s in the celestis whereas uh as you
9260s mentioned the Pizza Time guys they've
9262s got hakati super rupture instead of
9265s those kind of ships yeah match comes out
9267s of the way now but yeah uh both teams
9269s having a full bar of control this is
9271s going to be a wild one and yeah match is
9274s getting started Vindicator please charge
9275s in do what vindicators always do
9279s yeah because of Pizza Time diplomacy is
9281s a attack bar looks a bit bigger than of
9283s sound minds and uh is that a rapid uh
9286s heavy typhoon or is it a torpedo just
9289s take a look looks like it's rapid heavy
9291s so of sub minus DPS is also going to be
9293s a little intermittent I mean they still
9295s do have the vulgar and the Tempest flea
9296s issue those rapid Heavies are
9298s potentially going to be taking away the
9300s support of Peterson that sipo is looking
9302s very crispy right now
9304s yeah I mean all the Sentinel I think
9305s just get it doesn't actually get
9307s scrammed yeah Central got scrammed by
9309s the uh heretic caught and snagged well
9313s done to uh what is that Nick's aeon
9315s Bravo I think sense I've got a bit
9317s aggressive there
9318s yeah if they can get rid of the The
9320s Sentinel that'd be great for them
9321s because it's commonly called tracking
9323s disruptors on The Vindicator and the
9324s fleet Tempest so unlocking those the
9327s battleship guns will mean they can apply
9329s a lot more DPS in other places Ali
9331s Harris's uh celestis is also taking
9333s quite a bit of damage looks like
9335s Alexander's super is now stabilized and
9337s the DPS seems to be going on the Chad
9339s Flames battle gun
9341s yeah noticeably with Phoenix in that
9343s Sentinel is he's way too far away from
9344s his friends they're trying to get into
9345s the saving but the honestly risking
9347s there's a decal Intelligence on the
9348s opposing team but he's still alive so
9351s it's definitely working but I think he's
9352s about to pop
9361s issue are going to be way more deadly
9363s now that his uh tracking disrupt is
9365s unspread across both of them it's really
9367s hard to uh fly the logistics in this
9370s matchup right because you if you go too
9372s close then you end up getting bargone
9373s webbed and then The Vindicator just
9375s loads no one deletes you
9377s or you get just muted out by the battle
9378s gun but if you if you stay like further
9381s than like 35k then your reps are in the
9383s Deep pull-off so it's like you have to
9384s do the dance of death
9386s yeah there's been a case being neuted
9388s out by both the Tempest Fleet and the
9390s balcon so he's getting the maximum
9392s treatment right now balgones being
9394s beaten up the tempestly is being hurt
9398s but this is having some intimate cap
9401s issues but he is starting to fire again
9404s uh
9405s I mean even though the Vindicator is
9407s capped out it seems looks like they're
9409s still they're still making things happen
9410s as the uh one of the lodgy figures just
9412s goes down for uh of some mind
9415s yeah just enough capacity to fire the
9417s guns like two or three cycles and
9418s immediately needed back out Tempest
9419s Fleet is now in Hull balcon is in low
9422s armor if they can get the tennis plate
9423s gone they actually might be able to save
9424s this bad one
9428s but there goes the Tempest Fleet issue
9431s and we've got to remember the typhoon
9432s Fleet is a rapid heavy so he's not going
9435s to be doing DPS all the time so I think
9437s if Chad plane can survive his reloads uh
9440s whenever the next reload for him is then
9442s I think he has a good chance of just
9443s staying up
9445s oh I think he's gonna stay up as it is
9446s to be honest he's not even being nuded
9448s by the other Belgian because of course
9449s the belga's focusing The Vindicator so I
9450s think at this point Chad's gonna stay
9451s alive he's not repping particularly fast
9453s but there's just they've got nothing
9455s left I don't think the type of pig's
9456s even firing at the moment he's on reload
9459s yeah Ariel was on the reload right now
9460s Chad is still pretty low he's only got
9462s 15 armor so I think Ariel can probably
9465s kill him when they get their missiles
9469s back but
9471s nothing in
9474s it okay just going down at the same time
9475s and also uh Liz Ryan's failure is about
9478s to pop too so no more Lodge on the side
9480s of of sound mind whereas uh Pizza Time
9483s still have everything available right
9485s now
9487s yeah meanwhile the heckerty and the
9489s heretic have been spending their time
9490s being able to support me in the back so
9492s yeah Bravo the extra GPS definitely seem
9494s to work this should control while useful
9496s doesn't seem to have helped them out
9497s here because it just can't really break
9499s anything anymore
9501s yeah Chad flame is uh losing armor still
9504s he's a five percent armor so he's
9506s getting close I think the typing fee
9508s issues off a Reload so they might be
9510s able to take down Chad flame but dark
9512s hadron is also getting low too and I
9514s think once the bow gun is gone from the
9516s field then they don't really have much
9518s chance of really winning this match so
9520s they might get chatted Chad
9525s I want true chat energy survive and Hull
9527s let's go dark Adrian goes down and Chad
9530s is still slowly bleeding structure he's
9532s just holding on come on buddy
9538s yep I think he's safe now
9540s perfect oh he's still still losing a
9543s little bit of hole I think uh Arya was
9545s still shooting him with rapid headies
9547s but
9548s at this point yeah
9551s yeah I think I think yeah I think uh
9555s kurgan and uh kuruk probably have him at
9558s this point it's pretty safe
9560s yeah and honestly well flying for those
9562s deacons as well this is uh trying to
9563s keep their boy alive is oh not the
9567s easiest thing to do but they've done it
9568s and of course Vindicator 100 win rate
9570s don't at me I'm definitely not uh
9573s definitely not incorrect there yep
9575s and Ariel has been being tackled now too
9579s uh by all of the support and there is a
9581s uh a Vindicator charging angrily towards
9584s it
9587s you've been nuded me out this entire
9588s game how do you
9590s but yeah I want to see if the uh it's
9592s obviously the windy webs like the
9594s Vengeance and we'll just get deleted
9595s because of Indie web plus also
9597s Battleground extra webs is going to be
9598s just brutal
9602s pop yeah
9605s instantly Gotta Love indicators man
9608s Gotta Love indicators
9611s Dawn only the pontifex of Frosty knee is
9615s is alive it looks like she's trying to
9616s go out towards the the boundary but
9619s there's a good chance he might just get
9620s killed before she makes it she has been
9623s tackled now uh down by that suple so I
9626s think they're too long for this world
9629s go on
9630s well rather because of pizza time uh 100
9633s to zero Vindicator himself victories and
9636s with that go back to the studio
9644s [Music]
9645s foreign
9656s [Laughter]
9680s [Music]
9687s thank you
9689s [Music]
9695s Come Fly with us
9701s [Music]
9713s percussive Pizza Time diplomacy once
9716s again reminding you that pineapple on
9717s pizzas is delicious and I won't hear
9720s anything against it uh also in mind
9723s they're unfortunately taking the L there
9725s to the pizza Pals
9727s um jintan you were calling out the
9731s excellent piloting of the the lower end
9734s points chips in the pizza time
9737s um uh Fleet comp there uh 16 points
9740s spread across four ships compared to 66
9743s points spread across three what it was
9745s so good about the low end piloting there
9748s yeah um so because of pizza time did
9751s some really good work they realized that
9753s they had sort of the tackle Advantage
9755s they've realized that if they were able
9756s to pin down one of their opponent's
9758s ships early on in the match they'd be
9760s able to snowball that advantage and
9762s control the spacing of the smaller ships
9765s on the grid and then they just executed
9767s on it perfectly they made sure that the
9769s uh that the heretic and the zipple went
9773s ahead of the other two ships they're a
9775s little more cap pendant as they were
9777s going in on the Sentinel so that he had
9779s the Sentinel had to put his needs on
9780s them that way the heck attacker come in
9782s behind them and just fire on that heavy
9784s DPS and those that shit's known for it
9787s was just really smooth and I don't think
9789s a lot of people in the chat realize how
9792s little time you have to analyze the grid
9794s figure out what your opponent's ships
9795s are and then you know come up with a
9798s plan you've got maximum of like two to
9800s three minutes to figure out how 10 of
9803s your opponent ships are going to
9804s function and then you know come up with
9806s a planet plan off the back of that that
9809s looks like it was really well practiced
9811s and really well cooled by whoever is
9813s commanding these small ships on the
9815s percussive pizza time side
9819s yeah shout out to next Eon there in the
9822s heretic
9823s um he spent a lot of time fcing a lot of
9825s the small gang fleets around GAO Mill
9827s space
9828s um doing the you know the Lord's work
9831s and uh and yeah frying up some calamari
9835s um mystical mate anything that also men
9837s could have done differently there in
9839s that particular match to maybe secure
9840s themselves the dub
9843s just trying to think about it
9845s um I don't think there's really much
9847s that they could have done to change the
9849s outcome of that match because because of
9851s Pizza Time flew so well with their
9853s support wind like chintan mentioned I
9855s think the the the wolf pack you could
9858s call it
9859s um was one of the things that really
9861s swung the matching uh because of pizza
9863s time's favor
9864s um the only thing that really comes to
9867s mind for of sound mind is perhaps
9870s burning the typing Fleet issue in a
9871s little bit closer so that the typing
9874s Fleet could also contribute some newts
9876s towards the uh The Vindicator just to
9879s make sure that the guns were shut off as
9880s much as possible but apart from that I
9881s mean it's just a case of uh yeah because
9884s if this time flew really well and also
9886s mined grew the Short Straw
9890s awesome now that was the first in the uh
9893s crucial bracket
9895s um where because of its time diplomacy
9898s will go forward to face the winners of
9900s snuffed out and hidden Leaf Village
9903s Ninja Assassin Squad Esports
9908s um that will be a spicy match
9910s potentially uh snuffed out of course
9912s brought very interesting uh quad demos
9915s comp uh last week and it got rightfully
9919s dumpstered uh they then pulled out a bit
9922s more of a well thought together comp
9924s executed it well and secured themselves
9926s to position uh in this week's matches
9929s Jim tan
9931s um do you think that snuff Dart are
9932s going to be pulling out something else
9934s capable of beating hidden leaf or um do
9938s you think that maybe they've practicing
9940s too much of a bubble if they thought the
9941s quad demos has had any any value
9945s uh I don't really know you know this is
9947s something we've talked about it a couple
9949s of times where teams will try to try out
9952s things in scrims and you know you
9954s probably only got maybe a hundred scrims
9956s maybe a 150 if you're really going for
9959s it in the month and a half you've had to
9961s practice and that's not a huge sample
9963s size of understanding how the matchups
9965s go you know of those of those scrims
9967s you're going to have maybe played a Max
9969s of four six scrims uh in a composition
9972s like that and you can get a false
9973s impression of how good something is that
9976s said I think they'll have been chastened
9978s by that loss considering it meant that
9979s they only got through uh to this point
9981s in the bracket uh with tie Breakers and
9984s they'll probably try and do something
9986s that's a little more Orthodox something
9988s that doesn't look as weird on paper uh
9992s but you know you never know they are
9994s kind of the underdogs in this match
9995s hidden Leaf Ninja Assassin uh Squad have
9998s been flying exceptionally well
10001s um doing really well in against a match
10003s of them maybe potentially could have
10004s counted them uh they thought a triple
10007s Battleship talk comp with their own
10009s triple Battleship rapid heavy missile
10011s launcher comp in their their side of the
10014s brackets and they were able to out
10016s execute and win that match despite what
10018s could be a potential disadvantage there
10022s mystical my um you've flown in a bunch
10025s of Atlanta matches over the years for a
10029s couple of different teams
10031s um what's it like like the people talk
10033s about the the shakes and things like
10035s that like what's what's goes through a
10038s pilot's mate especially in their less
10040s experienced in these matches or even if
10041s they're in maybe even like the finals
10044s yeah so it's
10048s so when you're first getting into PVP on
10051s Tranquility right yeah just flying
10053s around in your day-to-day you might get
10055s the PVP shakes but eventually those tend
10058s to go away the more used to PVP that you
10060s get
10062s um
10062s the 80 I think is always a setting where
10065s when you hit the grid
10067s you're going to get the shakes a little
10068s bit simply because it's so far removed
10071s from everything else that you may come
10072s across on TQ even with the new Abyssal
10075s Arenas it's not quite the same concept
10078s because you're playing for a lot of esk
10081s and in prizes and price ships but you're
10083s also being broadcast to the rest of Eve
10085s so any mistakes that you make will be
10087s picked up and picked apart
10089s by the analysts and the commentators
10092s going through your mind when you first
10094s land on grid is going to be a case of
10095s tracking to make sure that everything on
10097s your ship is actually fit everything is
10099s online
10100s your guns are loaded if you have them
10102s your drones are organized into their
10104s respective little drone groups if you
10105s have those you're going to make sure
10107s everything is Picture Perfect before the
10109s match starts because you don't want to
10111s find out two or three minutes into the
10112s match that actually hey something isn't
10115s working as it's meant to and uh you know
10118s now you're falling behind and you're
10119s going to lose because of it the most
10122s scary thing the scariest thing is
10126s perhaps the internet deciding that it's
10127s going to take that time to go on strike
10129s I've personally been in a malice in a
10133s match before with 50 packet loss which
10136s is a miserable experience when you are
10139s flying a ship that's worth like 150 200
10142s billionesque trying to Newt out the
10144s enemy enemy team and you're like stutter
10147s framing
10147s uh as you go through so yeah there's
10150s some things outside of your control but
10152s it's things that you'll Panic about
10152s anyway
10155s malice being as Misty mentioned and a
10157s lighter at Price ship from previous
10159s Alliance tournaments
10161s um in terms of prizes this last
10163s tournament is sponsored by the minutiae
10164s Republic and as such they are going to
10166s be issuing as prizes new versions of the
10170s mimir and the frackie a lot prize ships
10173s from must be like Alliance tournament
10175s eight or nine or something like that a
10177s long time ago now
10179s um the mimir of course famous for
10182s basically being a slightly worse immunen
10184s but a incredible uh multiplier of cost
10187s uh basically garbage however CCP have
10192s stated that they're planning to uh re
10195s readjust them basically buff them and
10196s bring them up to modern day power levels
10199s a lot of these things are so terrible
10201s because they don't get balance with the
10203s rest of uh the game is uh there's no
10206s point in balancing uh a ship where
10208s there's only 50 of them that's why you
10210s have things like the guardian vexer
10212s which Can field 10 drones I'll do less
10214s damage than and a vexer because it
10216s doesn't have the same drone bonuses as
10219s the other ships
10221s um gentan what do you think about the
10223s the frecky and the mimir are you excited
10225s to see them again maybe we'll see people
10226s flying around in them yeah they're just
10229s really pretty ships like all of the
10230s alliance tournament ships are beautiful
10232s and we see a lot more of them in space
10234s these days with the changes in the prize
10236s distribution of the alliance tournament
10238s obviously now I think it's something
10240s like 250 of them get distributed and
10243s they get distributed down to the top 16
10245s of teams so all you need to do is pick
10247s up two victories uh before you get
10250s eliminated from the actual tournament
10251s and you walk away with a shiny limited
10254s edition ship for you to feed
10256s spectacularly into 20 Black Ops and
10260s low-keys and everything under the sun
10262s the second you show in local
10265s yeah or potentially just get smart
10268s bombed working across the system and
10270s that's another option uh for all you
10272s ride you enthusiasts out there
10275s um I'm I'm a big fan of the fact that
10277s there's more of them I know some people
10278s uh cough collectors slash cartel cough
10282s um didn't like it because it potentially
10284s pushes the value down for their their
10286s long Investments but you know daily Gaff
10289s I believe is the as the kids say
10291s um I think more of them being flown
10293s around TQ more than dying is fantastic
10295s so a super cool real change in the Lions
10298s tournament uh and yeah as you say all
10300s you have to do is get top 10 or top 16
10303s and you secure yourself at least one of
10305s each which you know you can you can sell
10307s and then spread out across your whole
10309s team so you're all slightly richer than
10311s you you were prior
10314s um we're almost ready to go to see
10315s snuffed out versus hidden Leaf Village
10317s Ninja Assassin Squad Esports team
10321s although the team is silent
10323s um and I think it sounds like hidden
10325s leaf is the firm favorites but let's
10327s check in with twitch uh not as firm as
10330s some might think
10332s um about
10333s sort of 60 to 40ish percent uh most of
10337s you voting course for a hidden Leaf but
10339s a solid contingent of you uh voting for
10342s snuffed out 320 000 Channel points on
10345s snuffed out potentially they will be
10347s snuffed out by hidden Leaf who knows
10350s um but it's time to find out so let's
10352s hand over to the arena uh with your
10354s casters moderator and Blackboard pirate
10359s I am one very nervous moderator joined
10362s by black bar pirate snuffed out has
10364s chosen to bring
10367s um a Vargus comp with rapid Heavies and
10371s a typhoon Fleet issue
10373s um with rapid Heavies into that Shield
10374s setup an orthos and the end of magus and
10377s supported by some jackdaws uh Bart
10379s walking through the kind of the
10381s archetype of hidden Leaf here
10383s well they've kind of brought the same
10385s thing haven't they like if you think
10386s about it they're both running three sets
10388s of uh three battleships both of them are
10390s armor setups and both of them are
10392s running three rapid heaviest now the big
10393s difference here is that snuff has chosen
10396s to bring a hyena with no other uh ewar
10400s in any way shape or form into tech one
10402s Logistics frigates that being said
10404s hidden Leaf has brought a tech one
10405s Logistics Cruiser which we don't really
10407s see all that much now I do think hidden
10409s Leaf has a bit of an advantage here to
10410s start with just because they've got that
10412s carries for some pretty sweet damps and
10414s two bombers which will do a little bit
10416s more damage um but we will see I I feel
10419s like this is a very this is definitely a
10421s toss-up definitely an exciting match uh
10423s either team could take this there's no
10424s real clear advantage on either side
10427s I want to know what the jackdaws from
10430s snuff have in their mid slots because if
10432s they have a ton of guidance disruptors
10435s um that's going to be a huge deal given
10438s that this is an armor setup they would
10439s not be surprising for that to be the
10442s case if it's tracking disruption that
10444s would be very unfortunate
10446s um likewise um like you were mentioning
10449s the the bombers snuff is going to want
10451s to use their authoris use their jackdaw
10454s to clear those off the field to try to
10456s make things easier for their battleships
10459s but an Executor not exactly the most
10461s revivable of logistics against a kind of
10464s an armor kingslayer
10466s no not really and I I do think that like
10469s that that would be a very good Target
10470s for stuff to start off with uh also I
10473s just realized there's an armor orthos on
10475s the snuff side which
10476s that's a little weird too uh the match
10478s is starting so like this first couple
10480s seconds here of who gets primary who
10481s gets shot is going to be a really huge
10483s dude we're seeing a lot of Dance come
10484s out on the Bargas and the orthos target
10486s paint from hidden Leaf going on the
10487s Bargas it looks like they're trying for
10489s a uh top end headshot right off that
10491s look at all those damps so the entire
10492s hidden Leaf bottom line is giga damped
10495s Target painter's on the executor and
10496s stuff is going for the logistics
10497s headshot just like you predicted massive
10499s amounts of damage onto that executor
10501s yeah but also method amounts of damage
10503s onto the Bargas of nuke Michael who is
10506s um getting kind of owned he's an armor
10508s now and structure we see the executor uh
10511s not being held down by anything he's
10512s just burning to win and if nuke Michael
10514s goes down here uh man it might already
10516s be over for snuff with uh the executor
10519s still living and stuff losing one of
10521s their armored battleships like you know
10522s not even all the way through their clip
10524s Matt Riley and his uh Navitas getting
10527s really low the executor going down at
10530s the same time but the Navitas uh
10532s struggling I have to imagine these uh
10535s the hound and the purifier just are
10536s destroying Tau ad and uh broke nuke
10539s Michael
10540s foreign
10541s y d drop about to go down the other uh
10545s Logistics or the Navitas drops at the
10547s same time on snuff tally D Drops uh the
10549s hyena of the Basilisk who is one of our
10551s commentators is still surviving still
10552s leaving the win we're about to show in
10554s the jackdaw here lots of ships dying on
10556s all side but snuffed is already down two
10558s out of three of their battleships with
10559s the first clip and basil does eventually
10562s drop but I think that he did his job at
10564s getting those webs getting those paints
10565s out uh Inquisitor on the snuff side is
10567s also getting dropped here really quickly
10569s just Mass amounts of damage flying out
10571s from both sides in the early uh bit but
10573s honestly I mean Vargas are not
10575s particularly strong while armor tanked
10577s and snuffed is now taking out the bomber
10579s finally I think that that might have
10580s been a shot they should have taken right
10582s off the bat here and uh it's looking
10583s real bad for snuff
10586s yeah um we don't see really any guidance
10589s disruption onto the hidden Leaf team
10590s from these jackdaws uh which makes you
10593s wonder well if they're not guidance
10595s disrupting them then what do they have
10596s in their mid slots right maybe tracking
10599s disruptors maybe some sort of sensor
10600s boosting but at any rate it wasn't
10602s anything that could really mitigate the
10604s hidden Leaf damage and I mean the bomber
10607s of my epic is still alive somehow I'm
10610s not sure why he hasn't been killed yet
10612s by rapid Heavies or rapid lights but
10615s um now that Gila kashada is dead that
10617s will be the last enough uh ship and uh
10619s it looks like with it their chances of
10622s continuing to the event
10625s yeah it's uh it's pretty unfortunate for
10627s snuff uh though after that first match
10629s that they did in this entire tournament
10630s where they brought four dimosts they
10632s kind of deserved it uh I'm not really
10634s sure what their jackdaws were doing here
10637s either I've been kind of staring at them
10638s I think they're either muted out or they
10639s just weren't doing anything maybe trying
10641s to apply a little bit of damps here but
10643s uh stuff does take the bombers out I
10644s mean look at this like hidden Leaf has
10646s all three battleships left and snuffed
10648s has a jackdaw and an orthris left as
10650s ships and both of those are getting
10652s taken down uh hidden Leaf has just
10654s basically decided to start free firing
10655s they're not even bothering to take one
10656s down at a time uh very very quick match
10660s uh probably one of the fastest of the
10662s days unless they are not able to take
10664s down this hyena and Magus in the next 30
10665s seconds which shouldn't be all that hard
10667s for them but yeah I don't know I it's
10670s it's hard to tell I don't think
10672s necessarily that snuff chose the wrong
10674s target I think they might have just
10675s chosen the wrong Logie
10678s yeah
10679s um possibly and I'm also kind of
10683s wondering
10684s why armor
10686s um orthos they're if I understand that
10690s you're trying to work in with that kind
10692s of the composition but there's better
10694s things you can do for nine points
10696s um than do that uh unfortunately kind of
10698s we saw that initially off the jump Matt
10700s Riley burnt in and uh when you're
10703s burning in against Torpedoes right in
10706s Rapid Heavies it's worse than burning
10707s away why is that Bart
10710s uh I'm gonna make Misty talk about that
10712s one because it'll be more fun and we are
10714s actually done with this match because uh
10716s the hyena does decide to Max to decide
10718s to boundary at the end so hidden Leaf
10721s wins 135 easy Victory four minute match
10724s and we will send that back to the desk
10728s now for the triglavian weather report
10730s brought to you by Exodus
10734s [Music]
10739s that's the weather forever
10751s for just 10 million is
10753s you can save the life of a high SEC
10756s minor
10772s [Music]
10789s snuffed out there showing you what
10791s happens when you forget to disable
10793s high-grid amulets in pifer as that first
10796s bar gets going down in just 42 seconds
10798s under the combined fire of hidden Leaf
10801s Village Ninja Assassin Squad Esports
10804s team
10806s wow that was a that was a bit of a
10808s dunking there uh jintan uh what what
10810s happened to Snuff those Bargas just
10813s vanished
10815s yeah I mean you Michael simply got nuked
10819s um he died within the first couple of
10820s seconds of the match and and from that
10822s point that was very very little snuffed
10824s out could do because they were facing
10826s three rapid heavy ships with only two
10829s I'm not quite sure how that happened
10831s though um we'd have to take a look at
10833s the fit maybe maybe some hardeners
10836s weren't overheated maybe it was just a
10839s matter of the fits being different and
10841s he had more application mods or
10842s something like that in his Lowe's DPS
10844s mods who knows really uh these are the
10847s kind of things that unfortunately you
10849s can't see as a commentator and call out
10851s until you see the health bars dropping
10854s um I have to say that it was a really
10856s good execution from both sides though
10858s you saw that the missiles were going
10860s across right to that executor there were
10863s paints on it uh they were trying to
10865s control the damp war with those Jack
10866s doors and prevent that initial volley
10868s like if you can concentrate all of the
10870s damps from your jack doors onto one
10872s rapid heavy missile ship you can leave
10874s yourself in a position where they
10877s effectively only have two ships and you
10879s have three and that lets you just blast
10881s through them but they just weren't able
10883s to weren't able to affect that game plan
10885s fast enough and as a result it led to
10887s their demise
10889s Misty do you think that
10892s um perhaps having two tech one Logistics
10894s frigates maybe wasn't the smartest of
10897s choices there or would have made much of
10898s a difference if they had say and near us
10900s there
10902s if they well I mean if they had an
10905s ineros it may have had a greater impact
10908s on the maps in the sense that the bogus
10910s may have lived a little bit longer which
10912s would then have the knock-on effect of
10914s the second bogus perhaps not dying uh to
10917s the initial clip that the hidden Leaf in
10921s the village assassin team had
10925s um I would say that I'd expect if they
10927s were to bring
10929s um Cruiser Logistics instead they would
10931s have probably just primate the cruise
10932s Logistics and we would have seen a lodgy
10934s trade at the beginning which would have
10936s then rolled into a trade between the
10938s battleships later on
10939s but I don't think the bar gets
10941s necessarily tank as well as the typhoon
10942s Fleet so they may still have been able
10944s to win that trade at the end of that
10947s in jintan we're seeing a lot of what
10949s seems to be
10951s um really fast matches uh that match
10953s there went to time in just three minutes
10956s 59 seconds
10958s um and what's your thoughts on that is
10960s it just a prevalence of Rush comps
10964s um or is there more to it than that
10966s I think there's a ton there's a lot of
10969s different factors that play into it uh
10971s overall a meta is never the result of
10973s one change it's the result of a lot of
10975s different things uh the primary reason
10977s that I can see though is that teams are
10980s really really afraid of the power of
10982s doubts uh we're seeing teams either go
10984s all in on providing their own damps or
10987s having playing a rush comp that isn't
10989s going to be as worried about it and that
10992s that puts an incredible amount of
10993s pressure on your scimitars or your other
10996s T2 Logistics Cruisers because if you
10999s can't position uh wherever you want to
11001s on the grid as a ship like that there is
11004s so much danger in a single frigate or a
11007s single Destroyer just lurching out of
11009s the field and grabbing you you know I've
11010s played in some matches where my you know
11013s my T2 Logistics pilot has been
11015s absolutely molding about the fact that
11017s they have a 12 kilometer lock range and
11020s they feel completely impotent during the
11021s match and as a result of that a lot of
11023s teams have moved over to using Logistics
11025s frigates which you know whilst they
11027s don't have the same power as the t2
11029s Logistics cruises they're able to get in
11032s really close range and that's where they
11033s need to be anyway so the dams don't have
11036s quite as big of an impact on their
11037s ability to provide reps in a game
11040s but in turn means that they don't have
11042s the same level of rep power so they are
11045s simply not able to keep things alive
11048s just Abate their death for a little bit
11050s longer
11053s mystical might uh do you think that we
11055s will see this meta continue towards the
11059s main Alliance tournament or do you think
11060s teams are going to be putting more
11062s effort into countering some of these uh
11064s logifrag Rush comps High DPS sort of
11067s trying to run the dance
11070s I think we've seen
11073s perhaps it's not always been entirely
11075s Rush
11076s um I'm just thinking back to the
11078s previous tournaments like the alliance
11079s opens in the previous at and also the
11082s anger games to some degree
11084s um Logistics frigates have been pretty
11085s popular over a lot of the recent
11088s tournaments that we've kind of seen come
11090s and go
11091s um you know I'm thinking back to the
11093s alliance opens where we had the
11094s Nighthawk and Loki Rush that also
11097s utilized Logistics frigates I'm thinking
11099s back to what we would call Providence
11101s now but you know the abaddin Oracle
11103s setups that we saw which also used
11105s Logistics frigates and they weren't
11107s that's not necessarily a rush setup it's
11109s just a projection setup that focuses
11111s most of its points into damage ships so
11114s I think that's more the conversation is
11115s are we expecting people to keep
11117s investing points into pure damage ships
11120s or are we going to be looking at teams
11122s moving towards more technical setups
11124s which can then utilize Logistics
11126s Cruisers a bit more to keep up their
11129s backline and I think you know teams of
11131s finding success with that with that Rush
11134s with that high damage low support comp
11138s we've seen most of the setups so far be
11141s a combination of
11142s um Rush winning or projection winning
11145s um very little Ebor and Technical
11146s applications
11147s uh being brought to the team uh being
11150s brought to the grid sorry uh by the
11152s various teams that we're seeing so far I
11154s don't expect that will probably change
11155s too much it depends on how practice and
11158s testing goes between the teams that are
11160s currently still in the tournament or
11161s have already scored that place over the
11164s next month or so
11166s yeah sometimes we see
11168s um these matches being also decided not
11172s quite fully on but it does have to
11174s definitely influence by the war pins
11177s um so if you've never thrown in the
11179s match before the the GMS or the referees
11181s will ask you uh which Beacon you want
11183s you can choose from four A B C or D uh
11187s you're then teleported with your team to
11189s that Beacon from whatever station you
11191s were formed up in and you're laid out
11193s very nicely in a long horizontal line
11195s all all very neat uh it's the best time
11198s to take screenshots before you get uh
11200s before you get allowed to work but you
11201s can't warp you actually can't move
11204s um both teams are off these scan range
11206s from each other and then they're told to
11207s work to the range of their choice
11208s between 0 and 50. these four points come
11212s in from different directions so you
11215s could find that the two teams are
11216s warping from completely opposite
11218s directions and are as far apart as
11220s possible if they both worked at 50 it
11221s can be 100 kilometers apart or you could
11223s find that you're basically come in at 90
11225s degrees from each other and you can be
11227s only maybe 30 or 40 kilometers apart so
11231s if you're a kiting comp and a rush comp
11234s comes in at the closest possible warping
11236s to you I can certainly make the pressure
11238s to screen them off a lot more uh a lot
11242s harder basically because if you don't
11243s get it done right then they're going to
11245s catch you very very quickly whereas if
11247s you're coming at the opposite side of
11248s the Arena maybe you have a little bit
11250s more time to get yourself into position
11251s get up things like receivables and get
11254s your screen chips into the optimal spots
11258s um jintan let's look at our next match
11260s coming up it's going to be laser Hawks
11262s versus the initiative
11264s um do you have any thoughts on on this
11266s particular matchup
11267s yeah like I said I actually called this
11269s out as one of the matches I was most
11271s looking forward to uh during the start
11273s of this stream and that's because both
11275s of these teams have a significant amount
11276s of tournament pedigree and then they'll
11278s facing off in a single elimination match
11280s don't forget we're still in the single
11282s animation portion of these playoffs if
11285s either the initiative or laser hooks
11287s lose they are completely out they're
11289s rolled out of the tournament they aren't
11291s going to make it through and they have
11292s no chance in the second uh the second
11294s chance qualifier on Sunday
11296s um as a result both teams are going to
11298s be kind of encouraged to bring something
11300s crazy either their best comp or you know
11303s a comp that they feel is really well
11305s practiced or a comp that they think is
11307s just gonna completely you know surprise
11310s their opponents and get the win off of
11311s the back of that so we've got so many
11313s options available to us here and right
11316s now the initiative hasn't shown a huge
11318s amount they've shown two different
11319s variations of the three Battleship
11321s control comp whereas laser Hawks on the
11324s other hand have shown uh a quad
11326s Battleship comp
11327s um utilizing some very odd ships they're
11329s using the the Hyperion and the abaddin
11332s and the Navy apocalypse together not
11334s ships we often see flown beside one
11336s another and a simple Minotaur Rush comp
11338s as well
11339s so it's going to be it's going to be
11341s very very interesting to see uh what
11344s both sides bring to this match and we're
11346s going to see some clinical execution
11347s from both sides I suspect
11350s yeah laser Hawks
11352s um Coming fourth and I think it was an
11354s alliance tournament 15 or third uh I
11357s think it was
11358s um was you know that's the highest
11360s they've reached thus far they've ridden
11363s on that success for for quite some time
11365s uh but perhaps not lived up to the the
11367s reputation for the last couple of years
11369s struggled to to when when they needed to
11373s um I know they've got a bunch of new uh
11375s tournament pilots in their team and a
11376s lot of the people who were in that
11377s original third place team have moved on
11380s so it'd be definitely interesting to see
11382s if they can you know live up to that
11384s reputation that they get uh they get
11386s loud to that quite a lot initiative as
11388s well
11388s um they've done okay in previous
11390s tournaments but they've never had that
11392s much success uh it looks like
11395s um out in twitchland you guys strongly
11398s favored laser Hawks though
11400s um 750 000 Channel points are just 180
11403s 000 uh what's wrong initiative you do
11405s not have any faith in your own your own
11408s team here I know you guys have got uh
11409s plenty of people to Fit channel points
11411s on so make sure you get them in laser
11414s Hawks Banning Vindicator curse type of
11416s flu tissue and the initiative Banning
11418s balgorn Vindicator and Nighthawks with
11421s double Vindicator band that's kind of an
11423s unusual one most I think the double
11425s bands have been balgorn bands rather
11427s than Vindicator bands but both teams in
11430s agreement here that The Vindicator is no
11432s fun uh the Nighthawk and typhoon Fleet
11435s issue uh Titan foot issue is kind of a
11437s somewhat common band as Jen spoke about
11439s before Nighthawk uh Mr comite is that a
11442s ship you think you would burn a ban on
11445s uh it's kind of interesting to see the
11447s Nighthawk I was trying to figure out why
11449s perhaps they've banned it I was thinking
11451s about the pseudo tanker setup that we've
11453s seen before with the three battleships
11455s the command ship in this case the
11457s Nighthawk and then you know we saw a
11460s nurse earlier with them I believe
11463s um I don't think that really prevents
11465s them from bringing the pseudo tinker and
11467s it doesn't really prevent them from
11469s bringing Shield Rush either because the
11470s sleptness still open
11472s so I'm not entirely sure what it is
11475s about the Nighthawk that has them scared
11477s perhaps they're trying to reduce the
11479s likelihood of seeing a battle cruiser
11481s Cruiser kite and comp
11483s um perhaps that's why they've decided to
11485s to ban the Nighthawk in this case but
11487s then it doesn't match with the rest of
11488s their bands because it looks like
11489s they're trying to remove the heavy armor
11490s core of the vindicate of Alcorn at the
11492s same time so I'm interested to see what
11495s they've actually got planned for us
11496s because I can't quite make sense of the
11498s Night Hawk band here
11501s well before we go to the match let's
11502s take a look at the uh verocure brackets
11506s for this particular tribe so laser Hawks
11510s um having to go up against the
11511s initiative here to secure a spot in the
11514s final and that will be against the
11516s winners of among strangers and Exodus
11519s Exodus another of the tournament
11522s favorites here at least from uh the the
11525s casters point of view before the
11526s tournament started very strong team very
11529s story lots of history and great success
11531s in the last tournament so that'll be a
11533s tough match for wolves among strangers
11534s then the winner of that particular match
11537s advancing to Alliance tournament 18 the
11541s second place moving into the Redemption
11544s Arc tomorrow
11546s um the teams have landed on grid so
11549s let's go to the arena and see who can
11551s win between laser Hawks and the
11552s initiative with CCP Kestrel and Wingnut
11561s g'day there mates welcome to a match
11563s entirely on the left field we've got
11565s quad battleships and Laser Hawks versus
11567s something I did not think I'd see
11569s phantasms on the grid with drekovacs and
11572s sacrileges this is
11574s different that's for sure
11577s yes really interesting seeing phantasms
11579s especially as part of an armor setup
11582s um Phantasm of course has a bunch of mid
11585s slots that's six mids so it's gonna have
11588s a lot of e-war potentially and also I'm
11590s not sure how much how well the after
11593s when the bonus of Sanchez will allow
11594s them to go on the guns here they also
11597s have a bit of a heavy Brewing setup too
11598s with the sacrileges and the drakovic so
11600s interesting to see what the initiative
11602s can do with this setup
11604s yeah and of course uh the quad
11606s Battleship comps in the apoc April Navy
11608s and aberon but this time they brought
11609s the Armageddon for the full ammarian
11611s flavor so they're gonna have some
11612s control of that uh I'm again backing up
11614s their DPS course so I am honestly I love
11617s that quad Battleship setup that's
11618s beautiful
11619s we also have a badger here too uh on the
11622s laser Hawk side which is uh kind of
11624s interesting I'll have to see what that
11626s Badger does
11627s I'm of the opinion that the uh the
11630s badges and whatnot are better for Quad
11632s Battleship comps because that way you
11633s can actually have more 3200s you get
11635s even more cargo capacity because
11637s honestly battleships can only carry like
11638s seven or eight maximum
11641s yeah and especially these are Marian
11643s battleships are probably gonna chug
11645s through the 3200 so pretty quickly here
11648s uh the badger also I've actually like it
11650s a lot more than the nearest just because
11651s it has the six mids so you just get like
11654s maximum amount of e-war uh for the the
11658s point of cost
11659s um
11660s I always always imagined Omarion
11663s Battleship part having like an IV drip
11665s of cat boosters injected into them
11666s because I think it's so much capacitive
11674s foreign
11678s they're about 30 kilometers away from
11680s the center and then the uh laser hooks
11683s uh sorry the the initiative team is also
11685s 50 kilometers away from the center with
11687s their support a little bit further
11688s behind
11690s oh Phantasm is primary for um
11693s for laser Hawks meanwhile the Deacon was
11695s the shot initially at the start but it
11696s looks like the Deacon is going to hold
11697s pretty comfortably
11700s you'll have to see a Wes air seems to be
11702s holding now of course phantasms do have
11704s that uh afterburner bonus so they can
11708s potentially mitigate quite a bit of DPS
11710s especially against the the band and the
11712s Armageddon which don't get the tracking
11714s bonuses that the apoc holes get
11716s it looks like he is kind of stable right
11719s now
11721s yeah for full Battleship shooting him is
11723s not going to be an easy thing they're
11724s not going to try switching potentially
11726s to a direct but it's gonna be a hard
11728s choice to be honest that's a lot of very
11729s hard target shoot and they're all I
11731s think quite tanky against em thermal
11733s right now
11735s yeah uh so the Vengeance of uh she has
11738s charged in got tackle on the Fire tail
11741s or I believe it might be their way
11743s around
11746s now down for laser Hawks
11749s that's not good but now they're going
11751s after a sacrilege sure why not those are
11754s one of the most tanky things on grid
11755s honestly having trouble shooting uh
11756s phantasms you might have to do that
11759s yeah he was the closest uh ship to that
11761s team so I guess that's why they were
11763s trying to crack him he has the Vengeance
11765s of a shaked horny was able to go ahead
11767s and get a scram on that fire tower and
11769s they're able to just drop it Ricky Biggs
11771s heretic is taking quite a bit of damage
11772s now although it's stabilized there's
11774s sacrilege is actually taking quite a lot
11776s of damage as well uh see if they can
11778s look at the riffs
11780s look at the Red Bull that's a show for
11782s that cycle is I think I only like Luts
11783s and maybe a few mediums but that is a
11785s massive ball of reptiles as well as the
11786s logic of course keeping that sacrilege
11788s right at about 70 armor
11791s yeah and I believe he also probably has
11792s an ADC as well so even if he jumps slow
11794s he can probably delay his death for
11796s another 20 seconds or so
11799s this is a bit of a technical thing it
11801s looks like it looks like the initiative
11803s are charging in now though they're
11805s getting a scram on the apoc Navy issue
11807s of skip cook
11809s honestly that might have been a bad idea
11811s because now that all the bouncers will
11813s Target that Dragon back and you see a
11814s mealy minute mini fogan he's gonna start
11817s getting shot by everything
11820s that's a lot of DPS right in front of
11822s you that makes it they might break the
11823s apoc Navy there before he um he dies so
11826s this could actually still go their way
11828s yeah I think if they trade the drekovic
11830s for the Apec Navy then it's a good trade
11832s uh the drakovic of course are much
11834s bigger than these psychologists and
11835s Phantasm so he is probably going to take
11837s full DPS on like the sacrilege and
11839s Phantasm which we're able to mitigate
11840s for a bit Yeah mini fogan is uh dropping
11843s pretty low here he's about to die uh the
11845s proper charging you are now under
11847s grapple range and once you're in grapple
11849s range against these ships you are gone
11850s you are not gonna be able to run away
11851s and they're going to better hit you 100
11852s as you can see even with all the Retros
11854s they're just ripping through I mean he's
11856s gone this was not a good call not a good
11859s cook for them at all they were in the
11860s lead there until that moment
11862s yeah maybe they should have just held
11865s back a bit more or poked around maybe
11866s try and kill like a few more support
11868s ships or so before they decided to go in
11871s and go for the battleship trade it looks
11873s like they're actually pulling off him
11874s now too because he's not really taking
11875s damage anymore and ungods uh drakovic is
11878s taking a lot of damage too we're seeing
11879s some damage going on to eros's uh
11882s pontifex now I mean if they kill the
11884s pawn effects getting the links off the
11885s field is good but they probably should
11886s have made that call before they like
11888s wasted on the apoc Maybe
11891s unfortunately I love that I had the
11893s balls to go for that but unfortunately
11894s that ended their match they are an
11896s interesting position there they maybe
11897s had the chance to go for the win but
11899s with the direct down second one tackled
11900s that's game over there's nothing they
11901s can do and which is again a damn shame
11904s though they're flying it very well to
11905s that point
11908s well see they don't have links anymore
11909s as well which is also going to be a big
11911s problem uh rekovic's uh providing links
11915s they're now gone especially if they were
11917s Skirmish links that were you know
11919s keeping the phantasms uh alive uh with
11922s Sig reduction see where's s's phantism
11925s is just getting absolutely murdered here
11928s yeah because he's right within that
11930s grapple range doesn't matter how much
11931s boosted a afterburners you have it
11933s doesn't matter when there's like two or
11934s three grapples holding you within 10K
11936s there's just nothing he could do
11942s double check something yeah yeah yeah
11945s there's um there's
11948s what's the name of this group sorry hold
11950s on there's rep drones on the posing ship
11952s I just need to find out which yeah sorry
11955s the initiative has rep drones on the
11957s opposing Abaddon
11959s rest in peace
11963s Accolade excuse me ADC now but now it's
11966s over he's dead
11968s uh yeah that was a bit of a questionable
11970s call from The Institute because I mean
11972s it looked like they were just so they
11973s were just making stuff happen right they
11975s got that kill on the Fire tail maybe
11977s they could have just said
11980s especially
11981s right because you can you can just spool
11984s up with the drakavex with Nissan just
11986s stay at 50k and eventually they'll
11988s probably School up enough to where they
11989s can actually get a Kill
11992s yeah basically the only crimp in their
11993s plan would have been that armaged with
11994s the extended uh Newt range but yeah
11996s basically there was there they were in
11997s the driver's seat there was their choice
11999s to charge in I I love the uh I love the
12002s the initiative to take to try that but
12004s it was not the right time to do it
12006s especially against this kind of comp
12007s especially it's four battleships there
12010s was I know it seems oxymoronic to not
12012s charge Omarion battleships but this was
12016s not the time to do it and yeah it's
12017s pulled their entire cup apart which is a
12019s damn
12026s yeah only support left now heretic and
12028s Vengeance so you can see you can see
12030s there's a DPS dvs5 is basically
12032s non-existent at this point so I think
12035s it's just going to be a painful death
12036s from this point on heretic is gone
12038s uh pretty solid win for laser Hawks
12043s indeed very so we may always lost was a
12045s fire tail which yeah that's fair I'll
12048s take that
12051s yeah I think I think they put the fire
12053s tower in a bit too early or got it a bit
12055s too close they're gonna talk about
12056s Avengers and killed then you know since
12059s then they basically just flown the comp
12060s as as it is as a just a ball and
12063s just killing everything
12066s yeah
12066s the battle Badger 100 win rate maybe I'm
12069s not sure how many if it's actually lost
12071s before
12073s Badger 100 winway confirmed I think
12077s now some some will probably correct me
12079s and tell me I'm wrong there but that's
12080s fine that's fine
12082s ah I'm I'm loving it Battleship
12084s Supremacy Vengeance goes down Bravo
12086s again to laser hooks thank you so much
12088s for a glorious match and with that we'll
12089s go back to the studio
12093s [Music]
12118s [Music]
12121s foreign
12127s [Music]
12133s [Music]
12143s [Music]
12157s the initiative now move forward into the
12160s bracket uh known as not being in the
12163s alliance tournament with a go up against
12165s Papa Guns Forum Federation uh in their
12168s own tournament uh
12170s that's all they've got now they're
12171s they're done at Laser Hawks of course
12173s taking that uh W there uh jintan talks
12177s to me about patience in execution
12180s yeah uh both teams not really displaying
12183s a lot of that in the game we just
12185s watched
12186s um
12187s the commentators went over quite a lot
12189s of it um obviously uh initiative
12192s established range control over that
12193s match really well just to start things
12195s off they had TD down all of the
12197s projection ships from laser Hawks early
12200s on they'd established the ability to
12203s kind of Zoom around there was no way
12205s that they were going to be able to lock
12206s down those phantasms because they have
12208s an afterburner bonus which means they
12209s move about as fast as an mwd ship even
12211s when they're scrammed and those things
12214s can do amazing work in clearing off
12216s tackle as you saw with that Republic
12217s Fleet Fire tail dying in the opening
12219s seconds
12220s but then from there it seemed like it
12223s was just a lack of maybe experience
12225s fighting the quad Battleship comp rather
12227s than sitting back
12229s um dealing with all the support ship and
12231s being able to really concentrate down
12232s that E1 onto four ships render them
12235s completely useless and then either time
12236s the match out or go in for the kill if
12239s you think you can uh make the numbers
12241s work in terms of DPS versus the HP uh
12244s they just went in they went in on an
12247s apoc and I'm not entirely sure why
12252s I mean me neither at this point but uh
12255s it is hard when you've got two points
12258s you're only up by two and you know logic
12261s says hey if we just kind of like stay
12263s away from them you know sure we might
12264s not kill that much more
12266s um but you know as I think the
12267s commentary has pointed out they could
12268s just load Maison and then spill on small
12271s things from far away and just you know
12273s try and not repeat seriously suspicious
12276s his actions and burn their team out of
12278s the arena and it would probably be in a
12281s relatively good position but the
12283s temptation to be like hey if we just you
12286s know if we go in we can kill off one of
12288s these big ships and we'll be in even
12289s better position but unfortunately uh it
12293s was I mean they took the initiative
12294s if we're if we're going there they they
12296s did uh it just didn't pay off for them
12298s in this particular case uh mystical
12301s might uh we also saw the use of red Bots
12303s uh called out uh unfortunately on the on
12306s the wrong team uh which is rather
12308s unfortunate but uh talk to me about the
12310s use of red bots in tournaments
12313s sure so I think most people who've been
12317s watching today may be quite familiar
12319s with Logistics cruises and frigates as
12321s we've mentioned them quite a bit now
12324s um so there are certain ships that have
12325s bonuses towards reps whether that is rep
12328s distance
12329s um or rap amount
12331s um what we don't commonly talk about is
12334s rap bots so there are armor shield and
12337s maybe even whole red Bots but they get
12339s used so rarely that I've deleted them
12341s from my memory if they do exist but
12344s showed an armor rep Bots
12346s um come in three sizes light medium
12349s heavy
12350s as with most other drone types
12354s any ship can use rap bots so what we
12357s typically see is that with an armor
12359s setup where you'll have a logistics
12361s Cruiser or a couple of logistics
12362s frigates the battleships and the
12365s Cruisers May often bring rep bots so
12367s they can put them on friendly ships on
12369s their on their team and it helps boost
12372s the tank uh or the tankiness of their
12376s side I think what medium reports do like
12380s 20 25 rep per cycle
12383s and you get like five
12385s so it's not like a small amount it's
12388s nothing to sniff at and it's often why
12390s we see smart bombs and Sky Breakers
12392s fielded in these tournaments is to get
12394s rid of those rep Bots as quickly as
12396s possible because it's the difference
12398s between being able to actually kill a
12399s ship and win a match or have that ship
12401s take you permanently
12404s yeah and uh while you were talking I had
12406s to double check uh yeah there are whole
12409s rep Bots I also wasn't sure when you
12412s said it I was like I mean surely there
12413s must be right but I don't remember ever
12416s ever seeing them uh except maybe when I
12418s used to live in pause Wormhole
12421s pre-citadel where it was pretty much the
12423s only way to wrap up Hull damage from
12426s from ships was to either use remote hole
12428s repairers which were incredibly slow
12432s um or uh whole Bots and in fact I do
12434s remember flying a whole tank Britax Navy
12436s is surviving on like 10 Hull and then
12439s having to leave it logged in in the Pod
12441s overnight with something running a small
12444s hole small hole repairers to get it back
12448s up to fill uh HP they are pretty awful
12452s um just in general whole rappers there's
12454s no real racing other than that but
12456s that's apparently by Design
12459s um so we have one more match uh today
12461s before a break and this will be the last
12464s of the semi-finals so it's going to be
12466s wolves among strangers versus Exodus
12469s um in the Veronica semi-final Wills
12473s amongst strangers Banning typhoon Fleet
12475s in the slept near so Banning out those
12478s uh that high DPS faction Battleship and
12482s of course uh the very versatile
12484s tournament favorite slip near
12486s Exodus Banning out two pretty common
12489s bands by this point the balgorn and The
12491s Vindicator Exodus being of course one of
12493s the most experienced uh tournament teams
12497s over the last sort of 15 years or so
12499s they've played in a bunch you can see
12501s there are 53 matches played 34 matches
12504s one and that is at least as far back as
12507s records go I believe we have the records
12509s uh going back to our alliance tournament
12511s seven
12512s um but no further than that if they
12515s existed back then
12517s after this match we will be into the
12520s finals so uh to run down the finals
12523s already we will see ahilna versus we
12526s form blob in the thicker final
12528s Odin's call versus bright side of death
12531s in the city Esther final
12533s kitchen sinkhole versus electus Matari
12535s in the brutor final
12537s the Ancients versus Rusty hyenas clan in
12540s the Stark manure final
12542s percussive Pizza Time diplomacy going up
12545s against hidden Leaf in a village Ninja
12547s Assassin Squad Esports uh in the crucial
12551s final and then finally laser Hawks going
12554s up against whoever wins between wolves
12557s amongst strangers and exodus in the
12560s veracure final The Losers of each of
12563s those matches will drop into the
12566s Redemption Arc bracket tomorrow uh the
12570s nefanteer tribe where we will see them
12572s play through at grip stage and then into
12575s a series of finals including a best of
12578s three final
12580s for the last remaining spot in Alliance
12584s tournament 18. uh I'm pretty excited for
12587s that
12587s um we haven't had a proper best of three
12590s yet
12591s um and we will see the the first
12593s instance of Conquest Vans coming up
12596s tomorrow uh Conquest bands being where
12599s you win a match with a comp and that
12601s entire comp is banned out jintan are you
12605s looking forward to those matches
12606s tomorrow
12607s yeah I really am I we're gonna see the
12610s best teams that didn't quite make it
12612s through maybe you know because of their
12613s bracket or just because of one silly
12616s mistake knocking them out in these
12617s finals they're about to go watch and I
12620s am so excited for it it's going to be
12622s amazing all those teams are going to
12624s have uh probably two three comps maybe
12626s left that they haven't shown at this
12628s point and you know watching teams with
12631s knowledge of what other teams have
12633s brought play against one another if is
12635s fascinating because you end up with
12637s people trying to counter pick trying to
12639s maybe even in you know the last few
12642s hours they've got tonight come up with
12643s comps that they think are gonna beat the
12645s person they're paired with in in their
12647s bracket and all that sort of thing and
12649s we've also got the fact that rust points
12651s are making a return
12653s um so all the teams are going to have to
12655s do some really really interesting last
12657s minute Theory crafting there figuring
12660s out whether or not they can win the
12661s tiebreakers in their brackets uh next
12664s week sorry not next week tomorrow
12667s and you know being encouraged to bring
12669s even more Minotaur comps than we've
12670s already seen
12672s yeah I'm sure each of those teams will
12674s want to just win today and then not have
12677s to do more matches tomorrow
12679s um but whatever team makes it through
12681s the The Crucible tomorrow will be forged
12685s with uh going into alliance tournament
12687s 18 something like seven potential
12690s matches eight potential matches under
12692s their belt before it's even started so
12695s that's certainly got to be great for you
12697s know experience execution the more
12699s matches you do is team the more polished
12701s you're going to be uh of course we saw
12704s harder reloaded uh go down to the losers
12708s bracket early on in Alliance tournament
12710s 16 or 15 I want to say
12714s um in in week one getting knocked down
12716s by Tempest calsuff and then having to
12718s fight through match after match after
12720s match after match and then coming back
12723s to the Grand Final uh so you know don't
12726s don't count out any team that
12727s potentially gets knocked into tomorrow
12729s just because they drop a match today
12731s they could very certainly come back
12732s could make it all the way through and we
12734s could see one of these teams in the
12736s grand final of the main Alliance
12738s tournament with about a billion matches
12739s under their belt by that point
12742s um well I see both teams have landed on
12744s grid so let's throw it to the arena uh
12747s with your casters moderator and
12748s Blackboard pirate for this match Exodus
12750s versus wolves amongst strangers
12764s hello hello we have wolves among
12767s strangers here versus Exodus both teams
12770s bringing two very similar setups was
12772s among strangers doing two Bargas two
12774s cerberuses and orthos by Frost hinya
12776s jackdaw and then two tech one logic
12778s frigates moderator what is Exodus
12780s bringing
12782s they've brought the same uh almost the
12785s same top end but instead of bringing um
12786s you know an authoris
12789s um you know or so rather a second
12790s service they decided to bring an osprey
12792s I don't know how long that Osprey will
12793s live uh given what we see here we also
12795s see that Exodus has um brought a mollus
12799s individual Fleet issue you know instead
12801s of a hyena so it's essentially a mirror
12804s match-up and it's hard not to favor
12807s Exodus in a uh basically kind of a rapid
12811s heavy or rapid light kite setup
12814s um they're one of the teams that
12817s are very very experienced with the setup
12819s they've ran different variants of this
12821s since oh God maybe Alliance tournament
12824s 13 with some of the same Pilots so I
12827s expect to see them
12829s in a bloody match but I think they their
12831s favorite here
12833s yeah it's uh it's kind of been a thing
12835s for years and years and years that
12837s Exodus has brought rapid light missile
12839s launcher setups versus teams that they
12841s feel that they are better Pilots versus
12844s so it's kind of interesting because this
12846s will come down a lot to Target calling
12848s and to piloting however I will say that
12851s uh the mullus versus the hyena is a
12854s little bit interesting traditionally you
12856s would think that the hyena is better but
12857s with bonus damps uh Exodus might
12860s actually be able to completely shut it
12862s down here so very interesting a lot of
12864s Rapid light DPS so I think we're going
12866s to see things get blown up quite quickly
12869s yeah I would expect to see Exodus choose
12871s to kill orthos's off of the very jump
12874s here it'll be interesting to see what
12876s these jackdaws have for Mid slots if
12879s they are running guidance disruption
12881s already we're seeing uh dams onto the
12883s Bargas actually and primary from access
12886s onto the orthos but the target paint uh
12888s pretty standard uh setup in this kind of
12891s a composition we see that wolves is
12893s going for sabotages bar guest and Exodus
12896s has already picked the orthos in going
12897s for the Phantom pretty surgically
12899s killing that
12901s yeah the the uh I think maybe a single
12904s rep landed on the uh on that orthos but
12906s it dropped so fast this Phantom actually
12908s seems to be holding a little bit um
12909s wolves is going for the top end head
12911s shot here not really sure if that's the
12914s correct call uh Osprey is actually rep
12916s quite a bit considering that they are
12918s teclan lodgy frigates and I think that
12920s uh Exodus is actually using that uh fact
12923s to a huge Advantage here is they are
12925s going after kurtzu's Cerberus and looks
12927s like they blow it up very very easily
12929s here Will's already down two ships and
12931s they have only gotten halfway through
12932s this bargist uh if they clip on their
12934s Bargas before they take down the Exodus
12936s Vargas it's pretty much over for them so
12938s very risky play on their part
12940s yeah so around the uh eight minute 30
12943s Mark into the match is when uh both
12946s sides will have to be reloading
12948s um you know those rapid heavy rapid
12949s light clips and
12952s it looks like they're gonna kill the
12953s Bantam and the Cerberus here before a
12956s sabotage even breaks like you were
12958s alluding to the Osprey is basically made
12962s of wet paper when you you know actually
12964s shoot it but as far as rep power rates
12966s nothing to scoff at
12968s um una villain just surviving in like
12971s most tiny sliver of Shield
12973s um they're trying to kill the mollusk
12975s now realizing that uh they're having to
12978s deal with a lot of very very unfortunate
12980s damp pressure the Mosses in pretty close
12984s to the Hostile wolves team and might
12988s actually survived he's pulled so much
12989s range now going
12992s um 5000 kilometers a second probably
12994s well overheated
12997s yeah that's a really fast I'm a I'm
12999s surprised they lived uh sitting there in
13001s about 30 structure right now it looks
13003s like some of the reloads should be
13005s hitting here so we're about to see a lot
13006s of damage come out from both sides again
13007s but they they didn't even scratch
13009s sabotage back up at like 70 HP Bantam
13012s does get killed on the second reload or
13014s service goes down on the second reload
13016s and already Exodus is just you know
13018s they're being very very surgical picking
13020s their targets quite well uh the spargas
13022s is actually starting to break a little
13023s bit though so if that Vargas is able to
13025s go down that might change things the
13027s hyena goes down Wallace goes down and
13029s the burst goes down so ships was getting
13031s blown up left and right here
13032s um I will say there's still a ton of DPS
13035s left on the Wolves among stranger side
13036s with those two Bargas so it's nothing to
13038s scoff at just because they've lost an
13040s entire bottom and doesn't actually mean
13041s they're out yet
13043s uh I would have to say that sabotage
13046s even if he drops um look how fast kill
13048s of money is dropping look at the attack
13050s bar right well if the monk strangers
13052s compared to Exodus it's not really
13054s comparable uh the jackdaw goes down for
13056s wolves
13057s um sabotage going down into whole trying
13059s to you know boost as much as he can
13063s um wolves have maybe got maybe six yeah
13065s they've got just enough left in the clip
13067s to break him so they'll trade him out
13069s but Hill of monies bar guest is gonna go
13071s down at the same time uh Bobby will be
13075s the only remaining DPS ship and I mean
13077s Exodus you don't
13079s at this level of play you don't go up
13081s against the mirror match set up against
13083s them unless you're you know Odin's call
13086s is probably the only team in this event
13088s um that can really match them in the
13090s setup
13092s uh I was trying to be the good cop
13094s moderator and make it so that they still
13096s had hope but I see that you have just
13098s absolutely crushed it and that is okay
13100s because uh you know that is one of our
13102s jobs is to crush the hope of all of the
13104s teams that attempt to make it through
13106s these feeders uh so yeah you're totally
13109s right I mean I there's always the
13112s possibility you never know I think that
13113s honestly the clipping on Exodus they
13115s probably only had two or three missiles
13117s left when they did take that Bargas down
13118s so it was quite close but you know we're
13121s seeing now that they've reloaded they're
13122s working on the last part it's working on
13124s that bifrost um it was interesting I
13127s think that I honestly feel that wolves
13129s might have had this like there's
13130s something about their damage that they
13132s did that made me feel if they had gone
13133s bottom up as well they might have taken
13135s this uh it is just kind of they went for
13138s a very very risky play and it just
13140s didn't pay off
13142s yeah unfortunately the way you kind of
13144s have to play this if you're wolves is
13146s you have to handle the Osprey and you
13149s have the perfect setup to do it
13151s um unfortunately it seemed like the
13154s Bargas had a bit of trouble actually
13156s applying their damage to having been
13158s damped by the mollusk who at the
13160s beginning of the match we were talking
13161s about could be the potential hero and it
13163s seemed like he was once those bar guests
13165s from wolves had difficulty applying to
13168s anything that far back like the logic
13170s they had to go for the bar guest and
13173s exodus you know has run this a million
13175s times and they know that that's their
13176s win condition uh more on that to send to
13179s the death quickly right before break
13181s uh thank you for watching this match
13183s where Exodus EXO dunked uh these wolves
13205s [Laughter]
13222s foreign
13229s [Music]
13250s of time we live
13253s [Music]
13262s they are Exodus secure themselves the
13264s final spot in the tribal finals in this
13268s the tribe video tournaments for Alliance
13271s tournament 18. well done Exodus in a
13273s solid Victory we're going to take a
13275s brief break and we'll be back for the
13278s first match of the finals which will be
13280s the soccer final between our hill now
13282s and we form blob in about 30 minutes uh
13287s in the meantime don't go away because
13288s CCP convict has prepared a great quiz
13291s for you all to do uh on Twitch and you
13294s do not have to type the answers in chat
13296s uh if you want to of course you're more
13298s than welcome to but it does absolutely
13299s nothing uh you literally click on the
13302s stream itself you have to give quiz kit
13306s extension permission to scrape your
13309s Twitch name otherwise you cannot
13310s actually win because they can't see who
13312s is uh getting everything right so make
13315s sure you do that and I believe there's a
13316s bunch of
13317s um Plex yeah first second and third
13319s place we'll all get five Hyundai Plex
13322s just by answering some questions about
13326s evil online the spaceship MMO game
13330s awesome we'll be back in about 30
13332s minutes uh enjoy your quiz and uh see
13335s you then
13365s foreign
13378s tournament 18. I am ethical once again
13381s joined by uh black pirate and the
13385s illustrious the legendary CCP Swift CCP
13388s Swift how are you today
13389s I am doing absolutely great uh love
13392s watching spaceships explode uh really
13395s enjoying the format of this tournaments
13396s players get to uh go through it's not
13398s just the one and done they get to go
13400s through extended torment uh which is
13403s always the best type of Torment
13405s yeah exactly extended tournament at
13408s torment which there will be more of
13410s tomorrow but before that we have six
13413s matches for you today each of these
13415s matches will result in one of those
13418s teams getting in to Alliance tournament
13420s 18. this is it for them they win and
13424s they are in there is no more matches to
13426s go through they are into the tournament
13428s however for the six losers uh they will
13432s have that opportunity tomorrow to
13433s compete for the final seventh slot as
13436s our producer uh Mr brj puts that they'll
13439s have a chance to cry more about their
13441s losses uh so that will be coming to you
13444s on this channel tomorrow uh but before
13447s then like I say sex matches to get in
13450s six attempts for six teams to secure
13453s themselves a final spot first match will
13456s be our hill now versus we form blob uh
13459s let's take a look at the bands for this
13461s matchup
13462s okay so I heal now buying the shack
13464s abaddin and we form blob band in the Eos
13467s and the Nighthawk uh Blackberry pirate a
13469s badon band we don't see them very often
13473s no we don't uh I don't know if this is
13475s necessarily the first one that we've
13477s seen but it is if it's not the first one
13479s it's like one of two and I think that uh
13483s we've seen a baddance come in once so
13485s far in the feeders and they did a crazy
13486s good job it's a very very high DPS very
13489s tanky Battleship uh extremely slow
13491s though so they're not particularly hard
13493s to deal with I think that ahill not is
13495s just really not wanting to be laser
13497s rushed so I'm kind of expecting maybe a
13500s Minotaur Rush coming out of this maybe
13501s some very heavy Battleship setup uh
13503s should be interesting
13505s foreign
13506s from what you've seen watching these
13508s matches uh thus far what would you
13511s expect either of these teams to be
13513s bringing in this case
13515s uh well I guess you can always expect a
13518s little bit of dams from someone it looks
13520s like the we form blob
13522s um bands are trying to get away from
13524s some sort of drone spam team by knocking
13527s out that EOS which is pretty crucial the
13529s other ships are kind of easy to deal
13530s with when it comes to drone spam or at
13533s least a little bit easier to deal with
13535s um so they'll probably be uh I'd imagine
13538s they're going to be being something
13539s that's a little bit kighty and they just
13542s don't want to get damped out and uh you
13545s know forced to come in and brawl I
13547s really like the a setup that we saw
13548s earlier today that I don't think we'll
13550s probably be seeing here
13551s um in this match uh but there was a
13554s great setup with I think percussive
13556s Pizza Time had it with a double
13558s Battleship core and a bunch of uh Tech 3
13561s destroyers to try and go ahead and catch
13563s the back line I love that archetype uh I
13566s has uh so many upsides when it comes to
13569s catching the logistics uh control
13571s dealing with uh dams and celestances
13573s hopefully we'll see more of that because
13575s it's definitely been my favorite
13578s awesome well it is time to find out who
13581s can secure themselves the first of our
13583s official spots in Alliance tournament 18
13585s is it going to be our hill now or is it
13587s going to be we form blob well let's go
13589s through and find out with your casters
13591s Jin tan and radicos
13598s hello everyone and welcome to the arena
13601s I'm here with radicals and we have a
13603s great classic matchup for you here it's
13605s Rush versus kite those Drake Navy issues
13608s are fitted with heavy missiles there are
13610s authorities are fitted with rapid lights
13611s and we're gonna see these two teams just
13614s try and Clash up against one another as
13616s hell no have brought a triple battle
13619s cruiser Command Ship cop and a Broad
13621s Sword for heavy tackle how do you think
13623s this match is going to play out and who
13625s do you think has the edge radicals
13639s sorry we're just having another little
13641s bit of a meter rate at the moment here
13647s and there we are the matches the match
13649s has begun uh we're gonna see both uh one
13652s team flying directly towards each other
13654s and the other sorry yeah our hill now is
13656s going to be burning in there and uh blob
13658s is just gonna be burning right away you
13659s can see them going absolutely bananas
13661s they've got to watch for the edge of the
13662s Arena though and try and prevent a
13665s repeat of what's Happening earlier but
13667s this Ripple of Nicolo he's getting in
13669s really really close there he's going to
13671s get land tackle on the jack door of
13672s Commander Min you should be able to
13674s screen him but look at the DPS that's
13676s applying back in return
13678s um it is huge from this blob team those
13680s rapid lights are putting in amazing work
13682s and they're so far out of range of their
13683s kirins as we pulled down uh looks like
13685s the Jack door is going low here as well
13689s Commander Min has finally been caught
13690s he's going to get shredded here but he's
13692s done his job he's managed to screen off
13694s that initial push and now
13696s um our hail now has to make their turn
13698s this is going to be a bloodbath here in
13701s the the short term it looks like the
13703s Drake Navy issue uh one of these great
13705s Navy issues has been caught as well oh
13707s and the bargist has been caught by the
13709s uh broadsword oh that's gonna mean that
13712s he's going to go down at some point here
13713s yeah you can see the DPS starting to
13715s track back onto him
13717s um but the rest of the blob complex has
13720s been able to spread out effectively
13722s awesome what do you what do you think is
13725s going to happen yeah it looks like it
13727s looks like the Vargas uh if he can make
13729s through these uh if he can't tank these
13732s uh these battle Cruisers uh this will be
13734s uh this the end of this match because if
13736s uh these guys can't take down uh Lord
13739s lordvo here uh El Hal na is going to
13742s take this from blob um and it looks like
13744s he's hitting into armor right now
13747s um it doesn't look like there's gonna be
13748s any issues here uh for uh the ahel na
13751s team uh to take down this Bargas and
13754s take him commanding lead in this match
13756s um Akila in the Kirin for ahema is
13758s taking some damage but he is tanking
13760s pretty dang well right now
13762s um I don't know if the author says
13763s eclipt yet but uh it seems like uh he's
13766s just going to live and this Vargas and
13768s Jin Lee uh for blob is going to uh eat
13771s dust very soon
13773s yeah it looks like carvedi in the
13775s broadsword he's managed to scoot on by
13777s uh the other parts of his team have
13779s handed over tackle on that bar guest and
13781s he is now tackling Down Jack door Val in
13783s the Drake Navy issue keeping him ready
13785s as a next Target for the team they are
13788s executing this rush really really well
13790s here let's go down
13794s uh sir jollus in the hyena he's getting
13797s he was getting low but he's managed to
13798s Pilot himself out of danger there
13800s um surviving now just with those reps oh
13803s wow I didn't see how he went down that
13805s must have been the rapid lights from the
13806s authoris just pounding into him uh
13808s Gloria Khan now appears to be the next
13810s primary from the rush team though this
13811s is a rough situation for blob they need
13813s to start trading something back and
13815s lovro has been tanking this entire time
13817s with his xlsb charges
13820s yeah there is no problems for tank here
13822s for these slepners um alhel Na is uh
13824s just showing uh The Blob team
13827s um what what they can do uh just locking
13830s down each Target and just taking their
13832s DPS right on the primary
13834s um with that Kieran down we might see
13836s lorevo um actually uh end up dying here
13839s um but uh because there's only a scalpel
13842s that is still alive for his for his
13844s lodgy freaks um he is about half Shield
13846s but you have the bifrost and gun talk on
13848s the blob about to go down uh that's even
13851s worse uh for the blob team they're just
13853s not in the they're not the you know
13855s they're not in a situation where uh
13856s they're going to uh be able to push
13858s through this just with the DPS they have
13860s and the uh what they have left I just
13863s don't see it happening um
13865s yeah it does look like they're having a
13867s little bit of trouble taking down the
13868s bifrost they're probably just not enough
13869s webs on him to allow those Auto cannons
13871s to fully apply but they're going to
13873s trade an authoris out anyway uh looks
13875s like he's just been caught in the back
13877s Lines by that broadsword kavegi has put
13879s in so much work this game uh just
13882s running around catching whatever he can
13884s and uh and just picking apart this
13886s dumping hail on whatever it is and uh
13889s yeah there's there's not much that this
13892s cutting King can do when uh they can't
13894s kite effectively and stay away from this
13896s Rush team they're just uh putting in
13898s work and uh depending on what tackling a
13901s Target that they need to and just
13902s putting it down exactly executing like
13904s that like you have to to do well uh to
13907s move on into the main tournament oh wow
13909s and then we see Ashana uh making his dad
13912s proud hopefully when he gets a chance to
13913s watch this VOD as he tackles down the
13915s authors in a much slower ship in the
13918s Healer that's some really impressive
13919s work in positional awareness from him
13923s well the Gila can do that too you know I
13925s mean it's a it's a chunky uh ship if you
13928s uh you want to use it as heavy tackle so
13929s it perfectly fits in this comp
13932s yeah and at this point it is just a
13934s matter of time uh oh now just picking
13937s apart the remainder of this core uh from
13940s The Blob side some really really good
13943s stuff there um yeah like you look so
13945s effective on the start of the match for
13947s blob but they just weren't able to make
13949s that turn
13950s yeah I mean I'd be able to take out the
13952s logic you know they were splitting
13954s between olaji and uh a sleptner um and
13957s that's about the worst thing you can do
13958s when you're trying to kite away from a
13959s rush comp you got to take them out
13960s single-handedly
13962s um you know do you think there's
13963s anything else this uh you know this blob
13966s team could have done to avoid uh this uh
13969s you know any screening or anything that
13971s you know the blob team could have done
13973s to you know help their cause and trying
13975s to win this match instead of getting uh
13977s absolutely gigadunked
13979s I I think they admit they have the right
13981s game plan kite off use your rapid lights
13983s to just spray down that tackle and stop
13986s it from getting into your back lines but
13988s unfortunately they just they turned a
13991s little bit too early that broadsword was
13993s just a little bit too powerful in doing
13994s what it was trying to do and as a result
13997s of that you know it was it was it was
13999s difficult I don't I don't think there's
14001s much of a way of them uh
14003s playing it out differently in the mid
14005s game they needed that early game to go
14007s well for them they needed to get off
14008s their marks quickly uh kite back
14010s successfully and and prevent all of
14013s these slept nears and Claymores from
14015s getting on top of them
14018s though they will be seen next uh
14021s tomorrow so they've still got a chance
14023s to perfect this learn for their mistakes
14025s and come back through for things
14027s yeah good luck to them and the uh in the
14030s matches tomorrow the Redemption matches
14032s right
14034s absolutely
14035s with that though let's hand it back to
14037s the studio and talk a little bit more
14038s about how that went and uh what we have
14041s to look forward to in the next match
14043s now for the triglavian weather report
14046s brought to you by Exodus
14048s calls for this integration
14050s [Music]
14055s and that's the weather forever
14066s for just 10 million ISC a month you can
14070s save the life of a high SEC minor
14087s [Music]
14105s I held now take the W there over we form
14108s blob uh who will be back tomorrow they
14111s are not out but now they have to fight
14113s through the group of Runners up to see
14116s who gets that last and final spot in
14118s Alliance tournament but our hill now
14120s secure themselves an entry into alliance
14123s tournament 18 uh starting on I believe
14126s the 10th of November Rings about maybe
14129s 12th of November something around that
14131s time
14132s um Alliance tournament 18 will begin
14135s Blackboard pirate what an interesting
14136s match it looked like uh we from blob had
14139s a good comp uh they had some good
14141s execution at the start uh like you know
14143s decent Target calling but you know where
14146s did it all go wrong for them
14149s yeah I I really liked their setup and I
14152s think that they had a a good shot at
14154s that
14154s um like their initial they initially
14156s wiped out one of the tackle and then
14158s they kinda
14161s instead of continuing on that path they
14163s sort of went for a Kieran they did a
14165s little bit of damage splitting
14167s um I think that what they needed to do
14168s was just continue to take out that low
14171s end so you know if you almost off the
14173s stipple why not go for the jackdaw next
14174s uh the other thing that I really wanted
14176s to see there Bargas got tackled by a
14179s broadsword
14180s um so the broadsword can use the scram
14181s the warp scram script so they can have
14183s that pretty long scram but you know just
14185s like in TQ if you ever get tackled by a
14187s hick they cannot receive reps while it's
14189s activated I think that we form blob had
14191s enough DPS as soon as they got tackled
14194s by that broadsword to hard swap to the
14196s broadsword and maybe kill it in time and
14198s then continue to let their ships go
14200s um honestly both teams did like really
14202s good execution wise I think that there
14204s just was like a little bit of Target
14205s calling mistakes on the blob side with
14208s what they had
14210s yeah and uh CP Swift
14213s um does that that take kind of uh do you
14214s agree with that take
14216s uh yeah I mean it's really hard when you
14219s have a kiting team or a team that's
14221s predicated on coding and you come up
14223s against a mimitar rush team uh really
14226s you've got a few options there as uh
14228s Bart was saying you've you can kind of
14231s screen off a few things and uh estimate
14233s the low end
14235s um but would have liked to see in the
14237s hyena try to screen a few more uh of the
14239s slept nears off uh that would have been
14242s probably the best use for it Swap all
14243s damn to that broadsword uh kavegi and
14245s the broadsword just nailed it grabbing
14248s the Vargas right like that's kind of the
14251s lose condition for the we form blob team
14253s is if their biggest damage dealer gets
14255s caught out and can't cut anymore
14257s especially on a kiting team yeah that's
14260s that's how you uh screw it up on that
14263s one but it's just really good piloting
14265s and really we form blob I think they
14268s were behind the eight ball right from
14270s the start uh so much uh pressure from
14273s the Minotaur Rush Squad of all like just
14277s just all-out rush you can't really
14279s screen up everything you just have to
14281s hope to screen a few of the crucial
14283s ships and Whittle away and hope you
14286s don't lose too much GPS in the process
14289s they also had orthosis which was I I
14291s think those are really neat ships uh in
14294s terms of offering defensive scrams but
14296s the broadsword reaches a little bit
14298s further than you so
14300s um Pro God Legend would be proud seeing
14302s broadswords win in an alliance torment
14304s setting
14305s I think he's the first team captain to
14307s ever bring them uh he was ahead of his
14310s time they didn't work out when he
14312s brought them but now really uh really
14314s working out strong
14316s they are so the broadswords is that is
14319s the future especially against these
14320s counting comps however part you know the
14323s bar guest is a is a big beautiful ship
14326s and as as the the larger of the ships
14329s why does it not simply eat to the
14330s broadsword
14333s is that how Eve works the bigger ship
14336s eats the smaller ship and then slowly
14338s becomes larger and larger I think that's
14340s I think that's only the minimatorships
14341s that do that
14343s um
14343s yeah it's I don't know it's I would
14347s normally say something about like heavy
14348s missile application on Cruisers but
14350s honestly like I think a Bargas can
14352s probably just blow up a broadsword um I
14355s think we've seen a couple you've seen a
14357s couple of broadswords get destroyed very
14358s quickly I think that they're they're not
14361s quite as tanky as people think they are
14363s uh especially in an alliance tournament
14366s setting where you know like it's
14368s something we don't really go over a huge
14370s amount because we haven't been looking
14370s at ship fits too much but you fit ship
14373s so much differently in the at than you
14376s do like with your big Fleet Feet even
14378s with your like little roaming setups
14379s like there's this very like interesting
14381s uh balance you have to do it between
14383s like tank speed DPS resistances
14386s um that you just it's not the same as
14389s what you would do on live so
14391s I think that you're kind of right the
14393s Vargas could have actually just eaten
14395s the smaller ship here they just didn't
14396s try um I would have liked to see it I
14398s think that would have been the solution
14399s it didn't happen the broadsword pilot
14401s did really really well as well so there
14403s was a lot of like little tiny things
14404s that happened in about 10 seconds and
14408s that was it I mean I got tackled and he
14410s died
14411s yeah one of the frustrating things about
14413s this sorry just to interject one of the
14415s most frustrating things here is this
14417s isn't a practice match right this is a
14418s live match if we foreign blob had like
14421s just another do-over if they're like
14422s okay let's just run that one again uh
14424s like it was a practice I think they
14426s could have definitely won uh they have
14428s the piloting skill uh they had a strong
14430s comp they were probably UH 60 40 at the
14435s very beginning just based on uh
14437s archetypes alone but uh that is the the
14440s joy of the alliance tournament you only
14442s get one shot
14443s for match one opportunity as they say
14447s um I feel like with
14449s um Captain comps versus Rush comps you
14451s the rush comp wins anytime they get a
14455s you know a scram on something and they
14456s have 10 minutes really to to do that
14459s whereas the counting comp has to avoid
14461s that for 10 minutes and I mean it's used
14463s to be Swift as a a member of Habitual
14466s euthanasia and pandemic Legion uh during
14469s the 80 you will have had many
14471s experiences with uh the great boundary
14474s how hard is it to kite around an arena
14477s knowing that boundary is there and
14479s knowing that your enemies are rushing
14480s towards you
14481s it's uh it's incredibly stressful though
14483s I will set the record trade I've never
14485s boundary violated in the alliance
14487s tournament it's only in lesser
14489s tournaments that are no longer uh being
14491s run so I'm taking a uh a moral win on
14494s that one I've defeated the Lesser
14496s tournaments
14498s um but no it is I've had the PLT TM uh
14502s boundary violate I think my Corporation
14505s wants to follow my lead a little bit too
14507s much uh destoya a very great boundary
14510s violator Casper really knows what's on
14513s the other side of that Edge of Glory
14515s um it's just a really stressful
14517s situation right you're you're flying
14519s your ship it's not something that you're
14521s familiar with because on TQ you can just
14522s keep going forever more or less
14525s um and you're like oh I don't want this
14527s guy to catch me there's a broadsword
14528s over here hyenas got Webbs over here
14530s there's a jacked on his people running
14532s at me maybe I'm getting damped oh I
14534s forgot to turn at 115 kilometers and my
14537s shift just Coast outside of the Arena
14539s it's not the Abyssal Proving Grounds
14541s where you can just take a little bit of
14543s damage out there and maybe strategically
14545s kill drones which is what I say every
14547s time I go outside of the uh arena in The
14549s Proving Grounds then you can come back
14550s in and not die no this is just a real
14553s sharp 125.1 you're gone
14557s yeah speaking of that by the way
14559s um last week we actually saw Casper 24's
14562s illustrious boundary violation record be
14565s bested
14567s um he previously had the record at
14569s around
14570s 227 kilometers of uh massive amount more
14574s than the uh the boundary of 125
14577s kilometers last week we saw someone
14580s 233 kilometers so not just beating
14584s Casper's record but absolutely smashing
14586s it uh that was Azure and arrogant from
14588s goons form Federation uh taking I think
14591s level just so far uh I think it's very
14595s interesting for for Casper to be second
14597s place I think he'll be really
14599s comfortable that he's uh second in there
14601s I can say that now that he's he's gotten
14603s gold so uh took a while for a happen but
14606s you know he got there
14608s yeah he is an expert in being second so
14611s yeah as you say but and to guns for him
14613s as well of all of all teams uh which is
14616s some somewhat ironic uh so let's look
14618s forward to our next match it's another
14620s match where the winner gets in and the
14622s loser goes through to fight more matches
14624s tomorrow uh Odin's call versus the right
14627s side of death in the CBS start final uh
14630s this is going to be another spicy one
14632s two teams ranked pretty highly by uh all
14636s of us here prior to this term even
14639s starting and now they're facing up
14641s against each other Odin's call Banning
14643s the slept near and the Loki right side
14645s of death Banning the curse and the Gila
14647s uh bar thoughts on these bands here
14651s these are probably some of the first
14654s like interesting meta bands that we've
14656s seen for a very long time uh Odin's call
14659s Banning slepner and Loki it doesn't get
14661s rid of minatar rush but it makes it
14664s super super hard to actually use uh so
14667s like them doing that means that it's
14669s very very likely that they are going to
14672s be bringing something that's super
14673s vulnerable to Minotaur rush so we've
14675s seen like a lot of different stuff lose
14677s to it but generally uh like two
14679s Battleship setups lose to at a decent
14681s amount anything where you're kind of
14683s using a weak or low end like you know if
14685s you're doing battle Cruisers instead of
14686s battleships but uh Brightside death The
14689s Gila band is really interesting I don't
14691s think we've actually seen it perform
14692s very well
14693s um at all but I guess they think that
14696s it's scary obviously curses are very
14697s good ships and we talk about that every
14699s time it shows up so
14702s Yeah we actually saw the the Healer last
14704s match of uh Shanna uh catch and scrum uh
14708s an authoris so uh yeah making his dad
14710s proud uh making up for that first match
14712s later on today uh and and doing a great
14715s job there well done
14716s um CP Swift if you were to pick one
14718s Odin's caller Brightside her death who
14720s would you put your Twitch Channel points
14722s on
14723s oh let's let's see let's see let's see
14726s what is the twitch says Odin's call in a
14729s huge uh Victor I'm gonna go I'm putting
14732s my points strategically on bright side
14734s of death
14735s um I also really like their bands
14737s they're not getting
14739s um pretty with it or clever with it
14740s they're just saying I don't want to see
14741s Minotaur Rush get it out of my face
14744s um they're not trying to to 40 chess it
14747s or anything like that I think that puts
14749s them in their comfort zone and as a
14752s massive Underdog hey what's your points
14753s on there what could go wrong
14756s so you're betting on the end of the dog
14757s uh how many Channel points have you got
14758s currently
14760s uh I have a lot because I watch a lot of
14764s CCV TV because I'm a bit of a CCP TV
14767s degenerate uh so I've got 154 000 points
14771s [Music]
14775s I mean
14780s you just put like 10K on there you just
14783s put a little bit on there you don't have
14784s to do a lot
14785s okay I just wanted to see if you put
14787s your money with your monetize but no it
14788s is not to be so let us go to the arena
14790s and find out what happens to CCP Swift's
14793s 10K Channel points this match between
14795s Odin's call and bright side of death
14796s with your casters Alec Anish
14801s with my good friend Alec and we're here
14803s to watch Odin and besad Duke it out uh
14806s Odin here has brought a very aggressive
14808s bar guest comp backed by double Claymore
14810s and notably a T1 lodgy in the form of
14813s that scythe and they've got some good
14815s utility going down the rest of the line
14817s uh Alec what has a bisod chosen to bring
14820s against that
14821s Asad has a double Battleship core with
14824s quite a bit of points spread into their
14826s low end with a Confessor Pawn effects
14828s fed Mac they do have an EOS for some
14831s extra links there
14832s I gotta say I like bsod's chances here
14835s bright side of death has everything they
14837s need to cut through the squishy Shield
14839s core
14841s of this Odin's call team they might
14843s struggle a bit against the Claymores but
14845s overall I think we're gonna see a heck
14846s of a match
14852s yeah I'm inclined to agree here I like I
14854s think it's going to be a challenging
14855s moment for Odin to push that Shield comp
14858s ahead uh with the Le Shack's Bull and
14860s with lots of damage coming out it'll be
14863s a matter of really skillful piloting if
14865s they can perhaps Corner uh maybe the Le
14868s Shack or another significant Target uh
14871s out of the B-side
14874s one interesting aspect of this is uh the
14877s bright side of death team while they are
14879s technically a Brawley high damage setup
14882s they actually have a lot of projection
14883s all the shack gets an underrated amount
14885s of range apoc Navy range bonus Ved Mac
14889s not the longest range but still pretty
14891s long for a cruiser links are up we're
14893s about to see what happens two seconds
14895s till we go head to head
14900s yeah you make a good point Alec I think
14901s there's a lot of range capability here
14903s uh we do have a little bit of damage
14905s going on on the B-side side but we don't
14907s see a dedicated damping chipper I should
14909s say a bonus damping ship
14910s on the Odin side but certainly space to
14913s do it so yeah
14917s it looks like Odin's hesitated slightly
14919s now they're deciding to move toward a
14921s micro jump Beacon while we do see the
14923s bright side of death team charging
14925s forward but not recklessly I think he
14928s they're keeping in range of their
14930s Logistics
14932s yeah Odin definitely circling here
14934s looking for the opportunity
14937s yeah they're they're pulling around I
14939s guess you might say to the right they're
14941s trying to swing around maybe get into
14943s the back line here or maybe just buy
14945s themselves time
14946s so far not a lot of damage coming out of
14948s bright side of death a little surprising
14950s here
14951s as dams are clearly taking their toll on
14953s this team
14955s yeah we do see besides Pawn effects and
14957s Punisher taking some pretty significant
14959s damage but uh The Punisher especially
14962s going into half armor here it is uh
14964s getting some love from the logic so
14966s bouncing back up a bit
14968s yeah the The Punisher had raised ahead a
14971s little bit to get tackle and now it is
14973s pulled back to its logic it should be
14975s out of range of most enemy damage so I
14977s expect tip points to recover here but
14979s we're not going to be able to say the
14980s same for the Odin's called jackdaw which
14982s is now in deep armor and is not out of
14985s range of anything and probably can't get
14987s out of range of anything it drops the
14988s structure and it will fall despite their
14990s best efforts to save it
14993s Circle
14997s yeah and that may be problematic for
14999s Odin not having uh bonus stamps and
15003s losing that Jack doll they do lose a
15005s significant amount of usually there Vet
15006s Mac has taken some armor damage here
15008s he's definitely getting some focused
15010s damage in
15011s uh he is spooling up so we'll be able to
15014s see if he can get a lot of work done
15016s before he goes down or if he's just
15018s gonna sink here but uh it does look
15020s pretty focused second jackdaw Falls uh
15023s that's pretty significant
15025s yep and that's almost all the electronic
15027s warfare now somewhere there's still a
15029s tracking disrupter coming off of the
15031s Odin's call team that is on the Navy
15033s apoc cutting its otherwise impressive
15035s range but at this point they've cut off
15037s the arena enough that these Cruisers
15039s don't really have anywhere to run they
15041s can't escape the apoc Navy's damage and
15044s you can see this here with the authoris
15046s they're trying desperately with this ASB
15048s and with logic to try to save it but
15050s it's just not enough the damage coming
15051s off the shack and the apoc is absolutely
15053s staggering
15060s terrible trade for Odin's call
15063s it is unfortunately what is it in Twin
15065s condition here how do they bring this
15066s back from the brink
15069s uh they've got to find a way to kill one
15071s of these battleships fast before they
15073s run out of damage they're about to lose
15075s their Claymore here that is not just
15076s links for this team that is also a
15078s significant source of their damage
15080s they've got to make something happen
15081s while they still have a claymore and bar
15083s guest
15086s yeah they're definitely gonna just
15087s focusing on the level
15090s they're focusing on the low end it's not
15092s the right call they don't have what they
15093s need to apply the damage there even with
15096s tackling they're not putting enough DPS
15097s into this Confessor to break its tank
15099s under reps they need to start spreading
15102s things around trying for bigger easier
15104s to hit targets with less resistances
15108s yeah yeah and I'll say kudos to the
15111s laundry Franks here on B-side doing a
15113s great job keeping things up and keeping
15115s themselves mostly out of Harm's Way and
15118s uh the hyena has lived much longer than
15120s it should on Odin's eye but it is now
15122s going to take a splash and uh Odin
15125s really counted it to the Odin's
15127s Logistics
15128s I would give credit to the Odin's
15130s Logistics as well I thought that Scythe
15132s would be one of the first things to die
15133s he's managed to position himself pretty
15135s well and he's only now taking fire they
15138s might trade him for this vetmac perhaps
15141s not as tanky as you might otherwise
15143s think but that said he is pulling back
15145s armor under reps
15152s stay alive
15154s and he lives yeah
15156s unfortunately it looks like it's going
15158s to be a very uphill battle for Odin's to
15161s sink anything here with just Claymore of
15163s Our Guest
15166s yeah I think unfortunately those ships
15168s are living to win right now they are
15171s relatively far from the Odin's call team
15174s but just don't have the Firepower to
15177s punch through they're now going after
15178s the EOS of cluster's edge the EOS is one
15181s of the tankiest command ships I don't
15183s really love their chances of actually
15185s breaking through it
15190s yeah I think at this point there's some
15191s recognition of uh the futility perhaps
15194s as we see yokan striding for Glory uh
15197s perhaps to the edge of the Arena here
15201s um he is making a bee line for the
15202s boundary
15204s and there he goes
15206s and off he goes no record no use of the
15209s mju there to break that 230 something
15211s kilometer record
15213s but uh they are cruising out and include
15216s the match
15218s throwing it back to the desk
15227s [Music]
15233s [Music]
15250s out
15251s loud
15254s [Music]
15257s [Applause]
15267s [Music]
15282s [Music]
15288s thank you
15293s [Music]
15303s Odin called but it went straight to
15305s voicemail this time as bright side of
15307s death goes through to Alliance
15309s tournament 18. CCP Swift
15311s if you had listened to me you would be
15314s Channel pointing Rich right now if you'd
15316s put all your 150k on right side of death
15319s you would be rolling in it
15321s how do you feel now I mean
15323s still so uh I read the bands wrong
15326s apparently uh but it doesn't matter
15328s because we're still right uh these these
15331s things kind of tend to work out I really
15333s do love the the bright side of death uh
15335s comp that they took uh it's a I would
15337s say it's a little bit untraditional uh
15339s to have uh to bring those types of
15341s shifts but like the double Battleship
15342s core Plus
15344s um kind of smaller ships that can act as
15346s their own Wing uh of the fleet and you
15349s know go up and catch something go up and
15351s grab a crucial linchpin ship uh screen
15354s some tackle uh I mean they did it
15356s amazingly well a really good positioning
15359s from from the team uh and I just think
15362s they they flew to the max I really loved
15364s it demolish Violet probably did the most
15366s work there uh the models could get bonus
15368s dams and just ruin someone's day in
15371s terms of lock range it's not something
15373s that's very easy to see when you're
15375s spectating uh but if you're flying in
15377s the tournament and your locker room
15379s suddenly is now like 11 kilometers uh
15381s you just want to flip your desk or throw
15382s something at the wall all
15385s yeah it's unfortunate for them but I
15387s mean you know like you say Bright's head
15389s of death put on a clinical display of
15392s how to fly that particular comp uh quick
15394s shirt of course uh to French roast uh
15398s who bet 148 000 Channel points on Odin's
15401s call uh and rather unfortunately for him
15403s uh lost them all along with the rest of
15406s you who lost 750 000 Channel points
15408s there Odin's car will be back tomorrow
15410s uh of course for those matches and
15413s another chance to make it through to
15415s Alliance tournament 18. Blackboard
15418s pirate uh we saw Odin's field two
15420s jackdaws we've seen the armor jackdaw be
15423s pretty common uh because of the number
15425s of mid slots uh to fit ewar especially
15428s the the damps
15429s Shield Jack does less ER slots because
15433s if you want to have tank you have to
15434s give up those slots what do you think
15436s about these uh these jackpots here
15439s I think I think a shieldy uh Jack dial
15441s Works totally fine and you don't really
15443s have to give up that many slots because
15445s think about like an armor jackdaw has
15448s two low slots
15451s so it's not like they're tanked anyways
15452s right might as well just if you're a
15453s shield jackdaw you have six bit slots
15455s just use one or two tank mods on it like
15458s it's the math makes sense right
15460s I don't understand why why you wouldn't
15462s just uh fill up your uh jacked off with
15464s full e-word no matter what kind it is
15466s but you know in all seriousness like
15468s jackdaws um especially with like these
15471s setups where you can fill them up with a
15472s light missile launcher since light
15474s missiles pretty much apply to everything
15476s you can just use them to you know
15478s pressure different teams I think we've
15479s seen a couple times where like did one
15480s or two Jack dust have soloed a small
15482s ship while everyone else is doing damage
15484s uh which is you know pretty good uh I
15487s really like them as a ship I don't know
15488s if they're necessarily better or worse
15490s than like a Sipple which I guess would
15492s be your equivalent um because we're both
15494s command destroyers and both them are
15495s traditionally Shield but it's it's a
15497s really strong ship uh and I mean even if
15499s Midas will put you wore in them anyways
15501s even if it's a shield one at least
15503s that's how I think about it I don't know
15505s in CC Swift what about um sometimes
15508s people call it the damp war or the ECM
15510s War where you see your opponent you know
15512s has landed on grid with a mollusk for
15514s example you've got your your damps and
15516s your jackdaws
15517s um what are these Pilots going to be
15519s trying to do first
15521s all right so if you're a jacked up pilot
15522s what you do is you hold down control you
15524s grab your mouse you click it on the
15526s Wallace as fast as you can and apply
15528s your dams first you want to be the first
15530s one uh to counter damp out that mollusk
15533s because if he damps you first and it's
15535s pretty clear that you're going to be the
15536s uh damp carriers on your team uh you're
15539s just gonna be out of it for the rest of
15540s the tournament the first person who gets
15542s that lock and applies that damn first
15544s essentially it sets the tone for the
15546s match for at least the first 20-40
15549s seconds of it the first few Cycles uh
15551s there are a few ways to counter this
15552s right if you're the malice and you get
15554s damned gonna burn out of range a little
15555s bit wait for the dam to cycle back
15557s they'd come in and kind of abuse your
15559s extra range that you've probably got uh
15562s have your damn fit for that's a great
15564s way to do it and I think that's probably
15566s what happened in this Mansion I think
15568s the Owens called jackdaws actually out
15570s clicked the malice
15572s um
15573s on the bright side of death's team and
15575s they Odin Scott actually won the
15577s damboard early on as they were kind of
15579s kiting around you saw them do a ton of
15581s damage to that Punisher which I think
15582s was all down to uh jackdaws as Bart was
15585s saying like you just
15587s um apply a lot of damage to even a small
15588s fast moving Target there without any
15591s application desires but uh right side of
15594s death they they knew what to do they cut
15596s it back a little bit came back in and
15597s then won the dampor and as soon as they
15599s did they'd never let it go
15602s yeah Bart um one of the other things we
15604s noticed in that match was Odin's were
15608s sort of circling around they weren't
15610s they weren't committing in they were
15611s just kind of you know flying backwards
15613s and keeping themselves at range maybe
15615s waiting
15616s um how hard is it you know to wait for
15619s the right moment and why would a team do
15621s that
15623s I think especially with their setup it
15625s is probably extremely important and uh
15628s kind of difficult because so you know
15631s they're running a lot of Rapid missile
15633s launcher systems which once you shoot
15635s off a couple shots with them
15637s you know when you reload it takes 35 45
15639s seconds uh depending on all sorts of
15642s little factors you know if they're
15644s running like metal ones or something
15646s weird like that but regardless like you
15648s have a limited number of ammo with it uh
15650s every other weapon system in the game
15652s you'll have at worst a 10 second reload
15654s with Rapids you could have quite a lot
15656s longer and if they launch all their
15659s missiles right off the bat and they
15660s don't kill anything because let's say
15661s they're out of range or the target kites
15663s away or anything you can basically have
15665s ruined 50 of your damage for the next
15668s like two or so minutes uh so it's
15670s important for Odin's like they did hold
15672s their damage at first
15673s um I think that they what happened was
15675s they over committed on that first Target
15678s and you know it's really hard though
15680s it's so hard to do especially with those
15682s weapon systems to say okay we're not
15684s breaking this we need to swap with every
15686s other weapon system we're like okay well
15687s we'll just press F1 on something else
15689s with rapid missiles it's like ah crap we
15692s just wasted half of our clip there's
15693s half of our damage for the next minute
15696s and a half
15699s yeah we sometimes see Team surf fixating
15701s in on something that's just not dying
15704s um and and really they need to have that
15706s awareness to say hey guys this is this
15709s is working you know maybe pull back if
15710s you can reloads get ready for the next
15712s clip
15714s um that's something you know like having
15715s a really good Target caller having
15716s someone who's aware of kind of what's
15719s happening in that match itself can be
15721s really valuable I've I've felt the
15723s pressure when I've been calling in
15724s matches before where you've got a plan
15727s you think hey we're going to hit this
15729s guy we're gonna take him down and then
15730s move on from there and then it doesn't
15732s work and you have to be able to okay we
15735s tried it it's not working we need to
15736s change we did something different and
15739s sometimes we just see it you know people
15740s people get Target fixated and focused in
15743s uh and unfortunately they just you know
15746s weren't able to pull out a w in this
15747s case but that being said right side of
15749s death well they're through as we
15751s mentioned the northern's call will be
15752s back tomorrow
15753s so let's look at our next match which is
15755s going to be the um brutor final between
15759s Alexis Matari and kitchen sinkhole so a
15762s kitchen sinkhole Banning this arms ad
15764s and the typhoon flea tissue I've been
15766s Fleet we've seen a bunch of those bands
15768s are less popular band but we certainly
15770s see some of them trickling through uh
15773s alexibitari banding Banning The
15775s Vindicator and the curse
15777s um CCB Swift is anything sort of jump
15779s out of you from these bands here
15783s is a very peculiar band I'd say
15788s um I'm not really sure I've seen kitchen
15789s sinkhole do this before as well they
15791s really strongly value this ship uh for
15795s its just ability to to stay on field I
15797s guess or it's just its durability not
15800s exactly sure uh they must have screamed
15802s and come up against a setup with his
15804s armazette or his arm as whatever
15807s and it must just like destroy what
15810s they're most comfortable flying so they
15812s say you know what let's just get this
15813s out of the way and that's really if we
15817s want to be honest the best way to use
15819s your bands I know a lot of people and I
15821s harped on this a little bit beforehand
15823s too A lot of people like to to get like
15825s a little tricky with it get a little
15827s cutesy say oh I'm gonna ban this so you
15829s think I'm taking this but in reality I'm
15831s gonna take this that never works right
15833s because the guy on the other side could
15835s just be like bandship I don't like I'm
15837s not giving you any information just
15839s telling you I don't like slept nears or
15841s curse or in this case vindicators it
15844s doesn't give away too much information
15846s and you're stuck here with like cutesy
15849s bands that might not pan out for you
15852s yeah sometimes people come up to me and
15854s they say uh you know Ithaca is it
15856s zarmazad or is it zaramazed and I always
15859s say the same thing to them how dare you
15861s talk to me art in terms of uh Logistics
15865s cruisers for um for armor what do you
15868s prefer do you like the zombies do you
15870s like the aniros or you prefer the
15871s guardian
15874s oh sorry
15876s no I want to hear the Boomer I'm I'm
15879s good but at least you say sorry that
15881s again
15884s Z some letters I just forget about dress
15887s I like the owneros um I don't even like
15889s Logistics frigates I don't like
15891s taekwondology just give me a Tech 2 logi
15893s uh and that's it that's that's the way
15897s that's the only way I could win really
15901s like
15902s yeah I don't I think so I will say that
15905s actually the last match did have some of
15907s the best tech one logic forget piloting
15909s that we've seen period
15910s but there's a reason why they're not
15913s that great like they have such short
15915s range they they die so easily this one's
15918s able to attack them like I love how
15919s nearest is a good owneros pilot is
15922s wonderful to watch
15923s um I'm a big fan of aniris's I I feel
15926s like those arms just too many points and
15928s it can only rep one thing at once which
15930s is kind of a problem like there's an
15932s easy counter for it you just shoot two
15933s Targets and then they both die
15936s whereas neuros is can rep two Targets
15939s and then they both maybe don't die very
15941s very good math right there
15944s awesome but we're pretty much ready to
15946s go to the match and I've been told that
15947s this is actually our first rematch thus
15949s far apart from in the uh the group
15952s stages where there was only two teams
15954s um the previous one uh sinkhole won the
15958s match versus that just Matari so can
15960s electricity take the W this time and
15962s secure themselves a place in Alliance
15964s tournament 18 or will kitchen sinkhole
15966s uh move forward themselves well let's
15969s find out by going to the arena with our
15971s casters jintan and radicos
15978s all right welcome everybody to match 51
15981s of the Bruder final versus lectus Matari
15985s and kitchen sinkhole uh we have a couple
15987s uh not so similar comps but some similar
15990s ships what are we looking at here jintan
15993s it looks like uh kitchen sinkhole have
15995s gone with what worked last time bringing
15997s a mimitar rush comp up against what
15999s looks to be a little bit more of a
16001s slower pseudo Rush comp here from
16004s electus Matari uh assuming the normal
16006s double or triple battle cruiser top end
16008s the double battle cruiser and a
16010s battleship so they're gonna have a lot
16011s of DPS that's going to apply really
16012s really well so that's to that slept near
16015s and double hurricane Fleet issue from
16017s Kitchen sinkhole but and this is the
16019s crucial the biggest butt of all uh
16022s they're gonna struggle to get it into
16023s position uh they're gonna need to you
16026s know what kitchen sink all I've got to
16028s do here is they've got a kite around uh
16030s make sure that Tempest Fleet issue is
16031s out of position before they dive in
16035s how do you think this opening is going
16036s to go right across
16038s well you know it's going to be
16039s interesting to see what the uh the
16041s electus Matari uh will do with that uh
16044s tempus Fleet issue um because he will
16046s need to uh get his DPS
16049s um on these BCS as fast as possible and
16052s we're off here we go uh it looks like
16055s everyone's just jocking for positions
16057s right now
16059s yeah this so the the rush mirror is a
16062s really interesting sort of game because
16063s you're relying on keeping your tackle
16066s alive for as long as possible and both
16067s teams can absolutely shred it when they
16070s get up close so you can see here that
16072s Alexis Matari are actually running back
16074s they are kind of trying to stay out of
16077s range of those that Loki webs and
16079s leaving their tempestly issue and one
16081s bit of tackle I believe that's their Fly
16083s Catch sorry if they're jacked or in the
16085s center of the Arena just controlling
16086s space and denying it to their opponents
16088s making any rush in here from Kitchen
16090s sinkhole really really difficult what
16093s does it look like the tackle from
16094s Kitchen sinkhole is attempting to do
16096s here
16097s well the Heckle isn't doing too much uh
16100s I mean the flycatcher of Kendra uh needs
16104s to burn in a little bit more to get on
16106s something uh you know we I don't see any
16109s kind of uh advancement from them it's
16111s really interesting just you know they're
16113s just it seems like there's a scene
16114s geographer position staying within lodgy
16116s range you know to get reps from the
16118s scimitar
16120s what needs to happen is you know these
16122s guys need to meet somewhere and they're
16123s just kind of no one wants to commit
16125s which is rightfully so because once the
16127s damage trade starts to happen you got to
16129s make the right calls on the right
16131s targets uh and right now I'm seeing semi
16135s staying out of range doing what needs to
16136s do they're getting pretty close here
16140s oh fascinating it was like damps coming
16142s out here from Kitchen sinkhole that's
16143s not oh yeah that's not usual
16146s that's really unusual I didn't actually
16147s check I'm I'm gonna have to check and
16149s make sure these hurricane fleets do
16150s actually have Auto cannons and aren't
16151s Arty fit
16153s no they do have Auto cannons taking some
16155s damage sorry
16157s yeah they're just projecting across the
16158s arena with barrage right now oh there we
16160s go there we go the Loki is finally in
16161s the mix and we're seeing electors Matari
16163s pounce on it uh they're pushing all of
16165s their DPS on top of him just trying to
16166s take him out really really quickly uh it
16168s looks like they've done well enough to
16170s protect their Scimitar he is now in a
16172s great position being screened by all of
16174s his Fleet uh being flown there by Asia
16176s Elkin uh looks like the jackdaw is going
16178s to catch yep the jackdaws successfully
16179s caught the flycatcher who was burning
16180s for her now it's just gonna be a
16182s question of what they can do with that
16183s temporally issue that tempestly issue
16185s has got to do work here do makeup for
16187s the battle cruiser uh difference the
16190s kitchen sinkhole have have on the field
16191s and Ragnar STS he's getting low he's
16193s already in half Shields whilst the Loki
16196s is holding pretty fine only about third
16198s damage
16199s yeah he's gonna get reps from a
16201s scimitarian and it'll go pretty well I
16202s mean Ragnar does have a sleptner active
16204s tank
16205s um so he will have some xlasb to go with
16207s their big rep right there
16209s um and it'll be interesting to see if uh
16212s the Loki can hold long enough to trade
16214s for the sleptner they really need to uh
16217s get a good trade here uh to hold it
16220s Luke's life in the stop but he's free
16222s he's broken into the back line because
16223s he got tackle of that Scimitar oh he
16225s overshot just a little bit if he yeah
16228s he's got he's got webs on that Scimitar
16229s now that's amazing piloting there from
16231s the stabber uh managing just to slip
16234s through all of that tackle the sky
16235s breaker the jackdaw they both missed him
16238s oh the Loki goes down the Loki goes down
16241s but look at Asia she is falling fast
16243s here already hitting armor as the DPS
16246s just applies to her immediately
16248s and there's so much DPS and they have to
16250s switch that to Luke and the stab who
16252s made heroic play there uh running
16254s through uh the asps in fact uh is is
16257s Assyria overtaking she is overtaking uh
16260s if they can get this free uh the circuit
16262s Fleet down um they can still stay in a
16264s pretty commanding lead even if this
16266s Scimitar goes down it seems uh yeah this
16269s this hurricane Fleet issue in tease 1983
16273s um and there he goes there he goes the
16275s Scimitar has got to be out of reps very
16277s soon here it looks like it's going to
16278s start chunking soon
16280s yeah kedra has now taken over for Luke
16282s but it looks like Luke's not far behind
16283s him they were getting he was getting
16284s screened by bensu it looks like they're
16286s abandoning the Scimitar here they're
16287s going for the kill they're going to just
16289s try and go for the trade now they're
16291s letting the positioning go oh this is
16293s bro this is so brutal for electus Matari
16297s yeah I mean you know without the
16299s Scimitar this isn't good but it also
16300s isn't good for the other team bharath in
16302s the hurricane Fleet issue the second one
16304s about to go down and that's a
16306s significant amount of damage that is off
16307s the field uh what what do you see that
16310s they're going after right now what is uh
16312s kitchen sink doing to uh keep going it
16315s looks like their Scimitar is now tackled
16316s and going
16317s straight into armor oh there we get some
16319s reps finally but it might be a little
16321s too late if it's already pulling you
16323s know it needs to pull its reps back and
16325s they need to get DPS on something uh you
16328s know it looks like kitchen sink okay
16329s you're not gonna get anything done
16332s it looks like kitchen sink house just
16333s trying to clear off the taco maybe keep
16335s that slept near from uh from dying any
16337s further you can see damage getting
16338s spread across a load of different ships
16340s because they're all spread out from that
16342s mad dash into the back lines for the
16345s Scimitar of Asia and look at the look at
16347s the top end advantage that electus
16349s Matari now have with that Scimitar from
16351s Kitchen sinkhole going down they
16352s committed so much tackle to their
16354s opponent's backline but they didn't have
16355s any left to screen their own and now and
16357s now electricity have quite a
16360s considerable advantage in fact as they
16362s just chew through their opponent's
16363s tackle here what a back and forth match
16365s this has been
16367s yeah you know there are certain times
16369s there's ships would have gone down for
16371s the uh uh for the electus material team
16374s maybe Titian single would have a chance
16376s but after they took out those two
16378s primary DPS and got their Scimitar uh
16380s the trades are not going the way they
16382s are they focused on smaller ships
16385s um that can kite a little bit better and
16386s can stay away uh from the ships that it
16389s were remaining and the ships that were
16390s on uh the site Fleet issue and the
16393s standard Fleet issue and sleptner double
16394s sleptner and a tempest Fleet you just
16396s can't you can't pursue that top end
16398s there's you got to make that call a lot
16401s earlier to uh really make a swing in the
16403s match like they needed uh right now
16405s Circo there Isis is just about to go
16407s down the and he's still pumping
16409s through his xlasbs but yeah you just
16412s can't you know it's it's uh it's under
16415s Redemption uh matches for uh kitchen
16417s sinkhole uh yeah it's it's just too bad
16421s they'd uh they didn't make the right
16422s decisions at the right times and you
16424s know that's uh a lot of the at and uh
16427s you know seeing that win condition and
16429s uh making the switch when it uh when you
16431s see that something's not dying at the
16432s same Pace as perhaps your Scimitar when
16434s you're shooting at tackle probably not
16436s the best to be staying on tackle you
16437s should have gone right for some DPS uh
16440s to at least uh try to stay to live
16442s longer
16443s yeah absolutely I think they might have
16445s been trying to clear to to you know save
16447s their own Logistics at that point but
16449s man what a what a match there turning
16452s from such a slow paced opening into an
16455s absolute bloodbath in the mid game and
16457s that's how these Minotaur Rush mirrors
16459s tend to go and Alexis Matari you know
16462s they saw what beat them last time they
16464s came in with a well-studied
16465s well-prepared counter to it let's hand
16468s it back to the desk and talk a little
16469s bit more about that amazing match
16472s yeah great match guys uh maybe next time
16475s uh Alexis Matari uh can cast some spells
16478s uh and uh they can keep their Scimitar
16480s alive
16482s [Music]
16506s foreign
16508s [Music]
16515s [Music]
16521s [Music]
16531s [Music]
16544s foreign
16546s there taking the win over kitchen
16550s sinkhole kitchen sinkhole circling the
16552s drain that they are not out of it yet
16554s they will have a chance tomorrow to come
16556s back and fight for that last remaining
16559s position in the Redemption bracket of
16560s course they'll have to get through with
16562s Odin's call and reform blob so far
16565s there's still another three matches to
16567s decide the next three teams that make it
16569s into alliance tournament 18 and the
16571s other three who will drop to the
16573s Redemption bracket
16574s that was a I mean that was a really
16576s exciting match from my perspective we
16577s saw two teams that had very similar kind
16580s of uh archetypes you know we want to get
16582s in we want a control range we want to do
16584s damage nice and fast but we don't want
16586s to get caught first so both teams moving
16589s around positioning themselves trying to
16591s just you know wait for their opponent to
16593s make a mistake or or to have that
16595s opportunity to reach out uh and catch
16598s something on the other side really
16600s interesting match to watch I especially
16602s enjoy those ones because you get to see
16604s you know that patience and the the
16606s target calling and the team working
16608s together to to make it happen and Alexis
16611s Vitara they're executing it super super
16614s well a special character Smitty and that
16616s stab or Fleet uh he almost overshot
16618s exclusive man in the Scimitar in fact he
16621s did overshoot it but I think he got to
16622s drive by scram and then I should turn
16624s around and get back get tackle securing
16627s it on uh the secure in the Scimitar on
16630s kitchen sinkhole there it's used to be
16632s Swift wow what a match do you enjoy that
16635s one I did Minotaur Rush is one of my
16637s favorite comps both teams took kind of
16640s similar versions of it I I think just
16643s Alexis Matari uh were probably a little
16645s bit more equipped for facing a a mere
16649s esque match uh the kitchen single team
16652s had devoted uh quite a bit of their team
16654s really to dance which don't do all that
16657s much in the scenario
16659s um the one thing that the dams do
16661s provide is like you can start shooting a
16663s Target let the Scimitar get further away
16666s then throw all the dams onto the
16667s Scimitar make it Rush forward which is
16669s exactly what they did right so
16672s um incredibly well done by the the
16674s kitchen single team they knew exactly
16677s what they needed to do got the dancing
16679s and they got first Blood killing that
16681s Scimitar uh which you know impressive
16685s right you the cemetery needs to rush in
16686s to to give up those reps and their
16690s support Wing was able to you know tackle
16692s RCA for a little bit she's a
16695s oily one so she managed to get away play
16698s the team a little bit and then got
16699s tackled again and died but by the time
16701s she was down the electus materi team
16704s they just knew what to do it's like they
16706s were on autopilot right they they split
16708s up they tackled linchpin ships they
16710s applied a ton of damage
16712s um and they just got fantastic trades
16715s and RCA Scimitar lived long enough in
16717s order for them to get two or three ships
16720s pinned down and in crucial damage
16724s and uh speaking of RCL we saw her
16727s they're using her Excel ASB the great
16729s effect to survive as long as possible
16731s because the XL ASB gives you huge boosts
16734s in Shield well it's loaded with charges
16737s but once it runs out it has to fire on
16738s cap and that can pretty much be the end
16740s sometimes we hear people talk about uh
16742s you must only have a few charges left
16744s there in his xlasb
16746s um and you know in this case she did a
16748s great job tanking but Bart we heard some
16750s of the casters call out
16752s um it looked like she was maybe
16753s overtanking what is that
16757s it's a especially with an xlasb it's
16760s something that can always happen with
16762s any self-rep ship
16764s so you only have nine charges with an
16766s xlasb and then you're you're no longer
16768s using your charges and you're using your
16770s ships faster and you will run out very
16772s very quickly uh so you kind of got to
16774s make each one count and the problem for
16777s scimitar is like if you think about it
16779s an Excel ASB is sort of like a
16782s battleship sized module made to rep for
16784s Battleship size Shield amounts and a
16786s scimitar is a cruiser so every time that
16789s that's why you see the the shields Spike
16792s up and down so much is a lot of times
16794s they're fits every cycle of the xlasb is
16797s giving like 40 to 70 percent of their
16800s Shield depending on a bunch of like
16802s little weird
16803s fitting things and the problem is if
16806s you're at like 80 shield and you use a
16807s charge up then you only ripped yourself
16809s for a little tiny amount and used to
16811s charge up
16812s obviously the other issue though is that
16814s if you're taking a mass amount of damage
16815s which uh she was at the time and you use
16818s a charge too late sometimes your ship
16821s will just blow up before you get it off
16822s so you know overtaking I mean
16825s it's really easy to sit here and say oh
16827s they're overtanking it's like well you
16828s don't know really how much damage you're
16830s going to be taking like yeah the tip is
16832s Fleet issue on your ship it's shooting
16834s you with like 13 1400 DPS
16837s for all you know that next shot is gonna
16839s actually just you know be a wrecking
16841s shot in one shot your ship so you kind
16842s of have to like balance it it's
16844s definitely a definitely a skill I don't
16846s think there was that much overtaking in
16847s there I think the chief survived very
16849s very well and probably got almost all
16851s the charges off
16854s yeah that to me as well RCA doing a
16856s fantastic job flying that Scimitar
16859s um on the side of kitchen sinkhole we
16862s obviously see uh slept near double Fleet
16864s hurricane all set with auto cabin so
16866s clearly intending to you know get up
16868s close in Brawl but yet they spend a
16872s bunch of points on a mollusk and a Kerry
16875s CP Swift why might that be
16877s uh so I think they just want their team
16879s to be a little bit more versatile if
16880s they came up with a kiting team uh that
16883s Mollison and Charis would help them win
16885s The Damp war and maybe make some of
16887s those teams have to come in a little bit
16889s uh right if you're if you've got a 50
16892s kilometer like lock rate sphere where
16894s you could uh go and that gives you like
16897s a lot of latitude to try and catch and
16899s kill someone but if you shrink that up a
16901s little bit it forces quite a few more
16902s mistakes so I think they just wanted to
16904s have uh basically a Swiss army knife uh
16907s with their comp to be able to counter
16910s just more different types of things
16913s um and then just give them a leg up
16916s um it probably would have worked in a
16918s number of scenarios or just in this one
16920s specifically those dams could only
16923s really bait the logistics in
16926s um which is exactly what they did
16929s right well electricity securing
16932s themselves a position Alliance
16933s tournament 18 so we will see them uh in
16935s November for the main event of course
16937s this tournament sponsored by the
16938s Minotaur Republic so uh we we hope to
16941s see many more of them and perhaps
16943s they'll get far enough to win themselves
16944s some fantastic mimitar Republic Alliance
16946s tournament ships frecky and the mimir
16949s but before that we have a bunch of our
16951s matches to go and our next one is the
16953s Ancients versus Rusty hyenas Clan so
16956s let's take a look at the bands for this
16958s match
16959s of the Stark manure final so the ancient
16962s spanning the zaramaz and the balgorn
16965s rostohina is Banning The Gila and The
16968s Vindicator Bart
16970s um anything anything special here to
16972s point out
16975s um not particularly Beyond I mean I've
16978s said it a couple times before but I am
16981s continuing to still be confused about
16984s the azarb and the balgorn bands I don't
16986s think that either of those ships are
16987s particularly great I don't think we've
16990s actually seen I think we've seen one
16992s match which was Specter Fleet versus
16993s goon swarm where the balgorn actually
16996s was the reason why Specter won the match
16998s and I wouldn't necessarily say it was
16999s the balgorn of Specter fleet's fault but
17002s more that goons don't know how to
17003s actually pilot small ships and they
17005s didn't screen it so
17007s you know I get it I understand that a
17009s balgorn is a very intimidating and scary
17012s ship to a lot of teams but I don't think
17015s that they're actually that good uh and
17018s again this arm I think we've seen it
17020s once this entire tournament it did win
17022s so that was pretty cool uh vindicators
17024s however we've seen a ton and they've
17026s actually been very very scary this
17028s tournament uh so I kind of understand
17030s that from Rusty hyenas like that's a
17032s solid ban vindicators have been doing
17033s extremely well and I think they're going
17036s to continue to do extremely well
17038s and CCP Swift earlier on today we hired
17041s CP Castro say the Gila didn't count
17043s because it was a crabbing ship uh what's
17045s your thoughts on the Gila in the
17047s tournament format here
17049s The Gila is a wonderful ship right uh
17052s just does so much damage those drones
17056s are a pain in the butt to deal with
17057s especially if you're a smaller ship I
17060s just got an incredibly large engagement
17062s envelope if you're talking about killing
17064s tackle ships or rather like control
17067s ships anything that's like very uh not
17070s very durable but very important to kill
17074s um they can also survive they can also
17075s be a little baby like you could tank
17077s them up a lot make them like a bit of a
17080s pit bull go in there and be a very heavy
17082s tackle with some newts as well
17085s um just incredibly versatile ships that
17086s are annoying to deal with get them out
17088s of here also fun thing to notice uh
17091s three of the four
17093s uh bands from the last match which I
17096s would not have expected
17099s there you go
17101s um well it's pretty much time to go to
17103s the arena and see who's going to take
17105s another of our slots for Alliance
17107s tournament 18. three have been confirmed
17110s three still to go today uh is it going
17112s to be the ancient or is Rusty Hyena's
17114s Clan going to secure themselves that
17116s coveted spot well let's go to the arena
17119s and find out with your casters Alec and
17121s ish
17132s elegant-ish here with a very fascinating
17135s match between two very underrated teams
17137s we've got the Ancients returning with
17139s their triple Raven setup very successful
17142s for them in a previous match ish what do
17144s we have for Rusty hyenas
17147s well we don't have a lot of big ships uh
17149s to for those Ravens to sink into on the
17151s rusty side because they've chosen to
17153s bring a double Claymore set up or excuse
17156s me a claymore setup uh with a lot of
17159s Rapid light behind it it's got double
17160s servers going on here
17162s and they've got the orthos so this will
17165s be a question of if those torps are
17167s actually going to prove to guide true to
17169s Target or if there's going to be more of
17170s a challenge to get the application done
17172s in this case
17174s it's really unfortunate for the Ancients
17176s that they don't have those those big
17179s ships to sink their teeth into I think
17181s if Rusty hyenas was bringing battleships
17183s ancients would be a lot happier with
17185s what they're seeing on the field but
17187s that's the nature of Eve it's a little
17188s bit rock paper scissor and
17191s I think they're coming out slightly bit
17193s on the wrong end but I think they still
17195s have to feel a little bit confident
17196s because this setup has done well for
17198s them in a previous match and they do
17200s have a rape here to apply some damage I
17203s think the risk is if that Rapier drops
17205s their team will fall apart rather
17208s quickly
17210s yeah it's gonna be a lot on skip here to
17212s make sure that he is piloting to his
17214s utmost to make sure that the painting
17216s and webbing uh happens at all and that
17219s it gets good makes good decisions on
17222s this field uh they're gonna have to get
17224s these rapid light platforms down pretty
17225s quickly or a lot of their small DPS and
17228s small utility like that Karen scalpel uh
17231s are going to be in trouble with all this
17232s rapid light on field
17235s yeah that's the trick the the bombers on
17237s the ancient steam will also be very
17239s vulnerable to those rapid lights I think
17240s Rusty hyenas has two win conditions
17242s either shred that bomber Wing or Shred
17245s the Rapier and we're about to find out
17247s if they can pull off either one as this
17249s match gets underway
17254s yeah so we see a little bit of
17256s skittishness from both sides but
17258s definitely ancient cell willing to be a
17260s bit more aggressive here they realize
17261s they've got to push into range and uh
17264s Rusty is only too happy here to just
17266s kind of sail off into the sunset they're
17268s willing to kite out just a bit and uh
17270s look for those opportunities and let
17271s those rapid lights sink home
17275s finding their target
17278s indeed skip is really taking some severe
17281s damage here he is going to go down into
17283s Hall and he is gone he is off the field
17286s that is a lot of application help uh
17289s gone so it's really going to be a
17291s challenge now for those torps from the
17292s bombers the torps from the battleships
17294s Define targets and to make sure they get
17296s solid hits we did see krom take a little
17298s bit of damage to his Claymore but barely
17301s a scratch to the paint and there's
17303s really some challenges here I think it's
17304s going to be an uphill battle for
17306s ancients it's going to come down to some
17307s definitely some piloting skill and
17309s hopefully some good catching
17311s uh skip we hardly knew he uh there's
17315s stork now taking some fire as well the
17317s only other potential source of tackle
17318s they have although it is hanging out in
17320s the back line with the bombers it is
17322s getting some reps but it's taking a
17324s really significant amount of damage I
17326s think it may drop unless they pivot to
17328s another Target which they may be doing
17330s here now going after the Hound of
17332s aragoda
17335s yeah there's a little bit of bouncing
17336s around on the targets here
17338s uh Rusty sort of has this Liberty though
17341s don't they with these rapid light
17343s platforms they do have the ability to
17345s maybe diversify in some of these targets
17347s they feel like they can get in a clip
17348s and there goes the Hound
17350s uh on that Target oh absolutely but of
17352s course in fact uh the hounds and really
17355s all the rest of their bomber is very
17357s vulnerable one or even two maybe of
17359s these rapid light ships could probably
17360s solo them so you could see them
17362s targeting two or three ships at a time
17364s and still be very successful
17368s indeed and we do see uh sco beak in the
17371s stork uh he's getting the next loving
17374s delivery of uh fine quality
17377s rapid light missiles here as uh he sinks
17380s down uh he's he's catching some reps
17383s he's catching mainly off that scalpel
17384s but I I don't know that it's going to be
17386s enough he's really looking here I think
17388s to just survive the clip and maybe soak
17390s up a little bit you know even Brave it
17391s up a bit uh for his team to soak up a
17395s clip so that they can get in that reload
17397s to maybe get some damage done in the
17399s meantime though Arya has taken a lot of
17401s damage here uh almost out of armor and
17403s the Manticore goes down
17406s so they're just about out of bombers to
17408s play with
17410s yeah and crucially the Ancients has no
17412s answer here they really don't have a win
17415s condition they can't pin down any of
17417s these ships the Torpedoes are not going
17419s to apply very well to the even the
17421s Claymore which is the biggest and
17423s slowest ship on the rusty hyenas team
17425s and even if they could the Claymore out
17428s speeds these Ravens so it can kite them
17431s effectively indefinitely
17435s yeah indeed and I think this is kind of
17438s just one of those moments where you
17439s wonder if there's maybe a misread of the
17441s Bands it's certainly not what ancients
17443s would be hoping to bring like you said
17444s earlier Alec they were looking for this
17446s big juicy Battleship targets to sink
17448s Torpedoes into and Rusty seemed to read
17451s that well enough to say well let's not
17452s bring them anything with a Sig to hit it
17454s their biggest Sig ship is this is a
17456s claymore and claymore's are actually
17457s fairly difficult to hit especially with
17460s Torpedoes and buzzing around the arena
17462s like they are that the speed difference
17463s is pretty remarkable and it's just going
17466s to be really hard to hit
17467s so is there any hope for ancients here
17470s is there something magical that can
17471s happen
17475s Rusty hyenas could take this opportunity
17478s to snatch defeat from the jaws of
17480s Victory by chasing to boundary violate
17482s their entire team but short of that I
17485s think they have this match well in hand
17487s as the scalpel for the Ancients drops
17490s that's half of their Logistics which to
17492s their credit I think the logistics for
17493s the Ancients are doing relatively well
17495s against this rapid light team but it
17498s it's fighting a losing battle and
17500s ancients again crucially has nothing to
17503s answer with they are barely putting out
17506s any amount of damage onto Rusty hyenas
17508s and the little bit of Shield scratching
17510s they're able to do is instantly patched
17513s up by this Scimitar of Zed's motorcycle
17515s as he Powers around the arena just
17518s throwing out reps to the serves and the
17519s Claymores pretty much anything that the
17521s Ravens even have a chance at pressuring
17525s and the Karen goes down that's the end
17527s of logic for ancients and yeah you're
17528s right Zed is just having a fantastic
17531s time right now doing Scimitar things not
17533s feeling the slightest bit threatened
17535s knowing that Torpedoes is simply never
17537s going to hit the micro Sig and fast
17540s speed that the Scimitar can achieve
17542s now we do see the Ravens of the Ancients
17544s it looks like they're attempting to
17546s position themselves in such a way that
17547s they might Force Rusty hyenas to
17550s boundary violate to get away from them
17552s but Rusty hyenas wise to that plan and
17554s instead of flying straight away for them
17556s as pinwheeled around to the opposite
17558s side of the arena and now these Ravens
17560s are left chasing them once again uh they
17563s they at least tried something probably
17565s the only thing they could do but Rusty
17568s hyenas was paying attention didn't go
17570s near the boundary recognized that they
17572s had to change direction and they've done
17573s so in a way that uh really they weren't
17576s at any risk of getting neuted or
17577s anything with the Ravens utility highs
17579s presuming they even have those we
17581s haven't seen them yet
17583s yeah well kudos for trying and uh maybe
17586s forcing some boundary but it's just not
17588s going to happen uh as he said they've
17590s kind of arced around and no dangers here
17592s and we're to see the last battleships
17595s here start to crumble from the ancient
17598s side it's an interesting contrast
17600s because we've seen torps today we've
17601s seen torps throughout the trials where
17604s there's just been amazing damage right
17606s off the bat when you have this big huge
17608s signature battleships and they eat in
17611s those three battleships they had three
17613s battleships and three bombers that
17615s amount of damage is incredible if the
17617s signature can match it but losing that
17620s Rapier so early losing that damage
17622s magnification uh to get that signature
17625s blown up they just didn't have an option
17626s here and this bomber has got almost
17628s nothing done unfortunately before
17630s sinking into the space
17632s yeah what makes the ancient setup unique
17634s is that they're what you'll see with a
17636s lot of these other setups in a similar
17638s type is they'll spread out their points
17640s into a lot of tackle in the low end
17642s whereas the Ancients goes all in on
17644s damage and all in on putting all of
17647s their control on that Rapier which is
17649s great in the sense that they're going to
17651s put out more damage than any other
17652s equivalent comp of a similar style but
17655s it's terrible for them if they can't
17657s protect the Rapier and if Rusty hyenas
17660s or whatever team they're fighting could
17661s just kite away from the remaining ships
17663s because they have no backup and in this
17666s case skipto died almost immediately and
17669s there really wasn't anything that he
17670s could do about that going against Rusty
17672s hyenas and sometimes you just run into
17675s this in the alliance tournament where
17676s your comp gets spotted out and countered
17679s and ish if you're in a similar situation
17681s as a captain of a team and you run into
17683s a comp which hard counters you
17685s what could you do to try to pull that
17688s match out because obviously it's as
17691s difficult as flying in the alliance
17692s tournament is flying against a copper
17694s you have a natural disadvantage is
17696s almost impossible what can they do to
17699s win
17700s well definitely been there a few times
17702s Alec and it's really difficult it really
17704s depends on how you're being countered
17706s and in this case it's it's a hard story
17708s right because the Ancients had very
17710s little hope to get that torpedo damage
17712s applied applied damage is always the
17714s best damage so if you're being countered
17716s in the sense like hey this comp is much
17718s faster than our reason we're just not
17719s able to catch then you hope you switched
17721s your longest range ammo you hope to you
17723s know pepper them with gravel pieces
17725s until maybe a ship falls but when you're
17727s shooting your absolute bestest and
17729s you're just not hitting anything at all
17730s it really becomes a hard thing the best
17733s I could say in this kind of scenario is
17735s you go all out for it you bring those
17737s Torpedoes in you get as close as
17739s possible you hope to get as many
17740s grapples and control landed as you can
17742s to hopefully sink a ship I think they
17744s were trying that A little bit we saw
17745s them be a little bit more aggressive
17747s than their counterparts in Rusty but uh
17750s unfortunately the rusty team pretty fast
17752s comp right uh Claymore pretty fast ship
17755s and that'd be the slow among the slowest
17757s of them and so just not able to catch up
17759s and it's kind of the worst of all worlds
17761s can't apply the damage can't catch them
17763s so what do you do
17766s oh you try to control the arena which to
17768s their credit they did do they didn't
17769s just sit down and take it but Rusty
17771s hyenas flew just a little bit too well
17773s for that
17774s I'll throw it back to the desk after
17776s this really awesome match
17785s [Music]
17788s thank you
17797s [Laughter]
17821s [Music]
17828s foreign
17830s [Music]
17842s [Music]
17856s rock against uh paper in this case they
17861s came up against scissors when they they
17863s fought against a wormhole people earlier
17865s on today and and dunked them but
17867s unfortunately in this case they were
17869s pretty much hard countered with uh the
17872s comps that were brought there c2b Swift
17874s we sometimes see um people bringing
17877s Torpedoes and torpedoes do a huge
17879s amounts of DPS but you know we saw in
17882s that last match the attack bar was was
17884s very girthy but the actual bit filled up
17887s was was very tiny uh like why is that
17890s what what is application in Eve online
17894s uh so Torpedoes they need to hit a very
17897s large very slow moving Target there are
17900s a few ways around this uh one of the
17901s best things you can do is bring webs and
17903s Target painters which uh agents did
17906s bring in the Rapier however
17910s if that ship dies your team is owned
17912s right like they can't do anything
17915s um so it's you're putting a lot of eggs
17917s in that very very frail basket there
17921s um and obviously uh Rusty Hyena's Clan
17923s took a comp and flew it to Perfection
17926s and picked that team apart of the
17928s Ancients
17930s um you know they they took out the
17931s bombers took out all the control uh they
17934s just just ripped it apart piece by piece
17936s it took all 10 minutes more or less
17939s um but they just slowly made it uh made
17942s it work
17944s yeah their first Target of choice was of
17947s course skip dough in that Rapier and he
17949s was just deleted uh I imagine that was
17953s pretty much the only chance the Ancients
17956s would have had to to apply a lot of that
17958s theoretical DPS versus bonus Target
17961s painters long range webs all things that
17963s help Torpedoes apply so a target of
17967s priority clearly for Rusty Higgins Class
17969s A great choice they are just dunking on
17971s him to start the match off Blackboard
17973s pirate it does feel like
17976s that matches almost a hard counter for
17979s the Ancients there
17980s um and there wasn't really very much
17982s they could have done
17983s unless Russians of course had just you
17986s know flown around the arena
17988s is there anything they could have done
17990s or was that pretty much they had already
17992s lost nine times out of ten
17996s and unfortunately I would say they had
17998s already lost nine times out of ten uh
18000s you kind of hate to see it because you
18002s always want to you never want to see it
18003s lost from the get-go
18005s um and you know it gets kind of rough
18007s because like you never know somebody
18008s could mess something up but it's it's
18011s really interesting because I think this
18013s is like
18014s a clear example of outmitting yourself
18017s because Rusty hyenas for the last two
18020s matches they've brought this uh at least
18023s two other three matches that they've
18024s done they've brought this Golem Tinker
18026s so it's these big Shield battleships
18028s that there's three Shield battleships
18030s and a Nighthawk and they all got to
18031s stand right on top of each other
18033s or they can't do anything and you know
18037s there is a counter to that which is to
18039s push your stuff in bump them apart and
18041s blow them up and if you have tort
18043s battleships that do Mass amounts of
18044s damage like it's perfect
18046s the Ancients had a counter to the Rusty
18049s hyenas setup and then the rusty but the
18052s thing is they like they all end on that
18053s and Rusty hyenas just didn't bring that
18055s setup and that was it so you know proof
18059s that like bands uh meta all that stuff
18061s it kind of sucks because they definitely
18063s it's clear that the Ancients did
18065s research on Rusty hyenas and looked at
18066s what they've been bringing and are like
18067s okay we know how to beat that they just
18069s didn't they kind of like went way too
18071s all in on it
18072s and
18074s yeah it's rock paper scissors at that
18076s point unfortunately
18078s yeah rock paper scissors and you know
18080s like we said Unfortunately they brought
18081s the wrong one uh there's one two three
18084s and they shot wrong but the engines
18087s will be back tomorrow uh where they
18089s compete for that final spot in the
18092s Redemption Arc Rusty hyenas though go
18094s through two Alliance tournament 18
18096s securing themselves the spot as the uh
18099s the champions of the Stark manure tribe
18101s representing that tribe uh in Alliance
18104s tournament 18 and I'm looking forward to
18106s see them like every time they've flown
18108s they've brought either interesting comps
18110s or flown really really well I think
18112s they've got a good chance of showing up
18114s some some teams when they get through to
18116s Alliance tournament 18 proper uh CP
18120s Swift you you you pick the same I assume
18123s you're sitting nodding away
18125s yeah I mean here's a great thing when
18127s you're playing through the feeders you
18129s have that many more matches uh more than
18132s your opponent does right like they're
18133s gonna go against someone that was
18135s automatically Sarah bid into the
18137s alliance tournament uh who have not
18139s played in this setting in this year
18141s right sure they might have played
18143s previous years they've scrimmed a lot
18145s absolutely but nothing really can
18147s simulate the that like uh the pressure
18150s of being in The Crucible of the alliance
18152s torment being on uh you know in an arena
18155s facing an opponent with only one match
18158s and you're out type of scenario so I
18161s think wrestling Hyena's Clan are gonna
18162s be a thorn and so inside they've showed
18165s a lot of Versatility uh and you know
18167s what they flew their comp perfectly it's
18170s not just that they had a really good
18172s comp against a hard counter it flew
18174s great like they knew exactly what to
18176s take out in exactly what order uh they
18179s were decisive and that's that's kind of
18182s scary if you go if you're trying to face
18184s a theme of that caliber that you're not
18187s really sure how strong they might be
18189s these guys are practiced well rehearsed
18191s uh and great decision makers
18195s speaking of practiced and well-rehears
18198s so we have two more matches for you
18199s tonight and both of them look like they
18202s could be excellent matches so our first
18204s one is going to be percussive Pizza Time
18206s diplomacy versus hidden Leaf Village
18209s Ninja Assassin Squad Esports and uh both
18213s of these teams performed pretty well
18215s because of Pizza Time diplomacy beating
18216s of certain mind and hidden Leaf beating
18219s snuffed out early on today but now they
18221s have to face off against each other they
18223s find that which team deserves the spot
18226s with the longest name in this particular
18228s tournament because of Pizza Time Banning
18230s typhoon flea tissue and EOS something
18233s that we've we've basically come to
18235s establish is kind of standard bands now
18237s but hidden Leaf Village Ninja Assassin
18240s Squad Esports Banning out the Cerberus
18244s and the balgorn Cerberus band Blackbird
18246s pirate that's uh perhaps an unusual one
18250s yeah I would uh I normally say it's not
18253s a particularly acted or strong band but
18255s we did just see Services uh completely
18258s eat somebody's team about
18260s five minutes ago so uh I don't know I'm
18264s obviously so the band done before we see
18266s the last match so it's definitely not a
18268s response I think that services are very
18271s strong in a light missile kiting setup
18274s um I don't necessarily know if it's the
18277s end-all be-all ship I'm
18279s it could be like if you ban the servers
18282s you probably don't want to bring a light
18283s missile kiting setup so uh I feel like
18286s you know they just don't want to see it
18288s um it is a very good ship I still think
18290s that banning the Scimitar would be a
18292s better idea if that's what you don't
18293s want to see but you know services are
18295s pretty cool too and that definitely
18298s signals something like they they don't
18299s want to be kited we'll see if uh we'll
18301s see if that actually happens or not
18305s yeah well I mean we're pretty much ready
18307s to find out if that will happen or not
18309s so can hidden Leaf Village Ninja
18313s Assassin Squad Esports take a slice out
18316s of because the Pizza Time diplomacy or
18318s will diplomacy Prevail and Propel pptd
18322s through to Alliance tournament 18. well
18325s let's find out as we head to the arena
18327s with your casters jintan and radicos
18335s hello everyone and welcome back to the
18338s arena uh it looks like ninjas have
18340s bought a modified Minotaur Rush comp
18343s with less mid-matar and more caldari
18345s meanwhile Pizza have brought a really
18347s heavy uh armor comp based around Tula
18350s Shacks what do you think the opening
18351s moves are going to be here right of
18353s course
18354s well it looks like uh beltrum uh and
18357s Baza and the ninja Esports team uh will
18361s need to get in on uh these little Shacks
18364s uh this little Shack core uh is very
18367s strong with Absolution double geek and
18368s uh some nice small tackle in there to uh
18372s balance the comp out
18374s if
18376s ninja Sports
18377s can do some
18379s can get evade some of the tackle or kill
18382s the tackle off as they go in maybe they
18384s can get a handle on this match uh I
18388s think it's going to be an appeal battle
18389s and they'll be flying uh for their lives
18392s here they're gonna be uh they're gonna
18394s be testing their limits uh I tell you
18396s that much with these little checks on
18398s the field
18399s yeah I have to say that the sheer amount
18402s of Rapid lights that have been brought
18403s here by ninjas uh four rapid light ships
18406s and then the light missile the standard
18408s light missiles from that Jack door are
18409s gonna do so much work against these
18411s deacons I don't think those things are
18414s long for this world at all either as
18415s soon as they get within range to fire
18417s off their first few volleys those things
18418s are going to disintegrate and then it's
18420s going to be a matter of kind of ehp on
18423s the uh Pizza side to keep them alive
18425s they're not going to have any active
18426s reps at that point
18431s is going to do
18434s oh this Griffin is going to have some
18436s fun getting shot at here uh
18438s if he gets some jams off
18440s resetting those little Shack spools will
18442s be huge
18445s all right and here we go it looks like
18447s the match is about to start let's see
18449s what the opening moves are do uh do
18451s ninjas go aggressive yes they do you can
18453s see those big red arrows pointing right
18455s towards them and it looks like they're
18457s gonna meet at the center of the Arena as
18459s Pizza accepts this engage let's see what
18462s the first primary is it looks like um
18463s Pizza is going for the weakest of the
18467s tanks on the main DPS trying to kill out
18469s that hurricane Fleet issue hoping that
18470s if they break those three battle cruises
18472s early on that's going to be enough to
18473s win them the game but luck about the
18475s shot going down so quickly radicals yeah
18479s the shack is uh eating a lot of DPS
18482s right now and if they can keep up those
18484s uh hurricane Fleet issues um they could
18487s really uh turn the tide uh and prove me
18490s wrong from what I just said and right
18491s under there uh dread Vengeance just
18494s takes it uh some slaps there he goes
18499s boom right through the logistics that he
18501s has fallen that leaves him with only two
18503s main DPS ships and it looks like those
18505s rapid lights are just falling harmlessly
18507s against this Ripple they keep firing
18508s into it but it's not going to be enough
18510s to break him onto these Deacon reps he's
18512s just doing a great job of uh kind of
18514s evading that and all the Basilisk is
18516s caught is it caught
18518s yeah he is he's been caught in the back
18520s Lines by the Hecate in the heretic
18522s oh my God that's all there here
18525s I mean even if with that bass look going
18527s down if they can get this lecheck that's
18529s a huge DPS off the field
18531s um and a lot of the utility as well it
18533s looks like they're getting down a swivel
18535s on Alexander Ricardo
18537s the Specialists are being called like
18539s this is not good especially when they
18540s can split DPS and just kill the
18542s orthodist maybe at the same time as this
18544s lecheck goes down
18546s yeah the little shot goes down the
18547s basilic system
18549s oh this is that this is just a just a
18552s slobber knocker right here everything is
18554s just flying everyone's going everywhere
18557s yeah look at the damage getting spread
18558s all across them and when we see the
18559s rapid lights finally firing into the
18561s Deacon just taking it down really really
18562s quickly but they're taking down the
18564s rapid light ships just as quickly with
18566s that Osprey Navy sorry with that author
18568s is falling immediately it looks like
18570s they're turning their attention away
18571s from that top end and just going on the
18573s low end and both teams are doing it now
18575s just going Bottom up trying to kill
18576s things as quickly as possible hoping to
18578s maybe win the tackle War here and maybe
18580s free their Basilisk
18582s yeah and that that Griffin he's getting
18584s it looks like he has a jam off on that
18586s on the lecheck uh which is a huge part
18588s of this DPS uh there's not much that I
18591s can do oh he's shooting the shooting Neo
18593s and the basilis now if the vassals can
18595s hold a little bit longer
18597s I just disc yeah
18599s I should try it's a trade hit both
18601s deacons are now down and the that goes
18603s down at the exact moment that the
18605s Basilisk goes down it is now All or
18607s Nothing both teams have a lot of DPS on
18610s the grid just trying to kill stuff
18611s quickly uh you can see that they're now
18613s turning back onto the shack uh I think
18615s ninjas are making the right call here if
18617s they can kill that the shack quickly
18619s it's going to be enough to win them the
18621s game because uh their opponents here in
18623s Pizza they're not gonna have the DPS to
18625s really do anything off the back of it
18626s the rapid lights are also doing amazing
18628s work clearing off the Confessor and the
18629s Hecate really really quickly here
18632s yeah they're doing a great job uh the
18634s fleet hurricane and the orthos going
18635s down
18636s um the DPS is going down a lot slower
18638s and they don't have the deacons uh
18639s because of pizza if they can hold this I
18642s think they can work through the wing of
18644s hidden Leaf ninja and this you know then
18646s this is the Once one more DPS ship goes
18648s down that lecheck uh will uh do well uh
18652s I
18653s I think there's a possible chance that
18655s pizza diplomacy still has this and
18657s they're going right next to the Target
18658s after the Navy character goes down in
18660s slime manic six
18664s right here
18666s getting chunked here these grappled web
18668s scrammed nuded the whole nine yards that
18670s lecheck is just flossing into him uh uh
18672s if those lecheck just keeps it up he's
18674s going to keep killing every little thing
18675s in his path uh you know with a celebrity
18678s Nighthawk there he could still die and
18680s he is dipping down into low armor maybe
18682s he's out of his Ansel now
18685s yeah this pizza team has done such a
18687s good job all of that tackle Wing has
18689s valiantly sacrificed himself just
18690s holding on to these Cruisers keeping
18691s them close to the fight and letting this
18693s Le Shack do work along with his
18694s Absolution friend and it might be enough
18697s to win them this game even as the Hecate
18699s now goes into really low armor uh
18702s another ship there The Jackal Falls four
18704s for four ninjas they're gonna have two
18706s top end DPS ships versus two top end DPS
18708s ships but I don't think pizza's gonna
18709s have two top ndps ships for very long is
18711s that the shack dips into structure the
18713s caracal is going down though oh man this
18716s is so incredibly close here an absolute
18718s nail biter at the end
18720s I mean it just shows the power of what a
18722s little Shack is uh you know just trying
18725s to stay alive fighting everything off uh
18727s but sometimes it's just too little too
18728s late and you're against two command
18730s ships
18731s um that uh are really Jones and get into
18734s this tournament uh and uh not have to go
18736s to redemptions tomorrow
18738s um this Absolution
18740s is hitting the Slender but the Slumber
18742s still will have xlasbs in
18747s just misses out on transversal just
18750s isn't able to I don't know if that was
18752s good piloting for about Trump or bad
18753s piloting from him but he was just able
18755s to land a wrecking shot and delete him
18757s in one volley and now they've only got
18760s one tackle ship left on the pizza side
18762s that Absolution he's gonna try and pull
18763s a little bit of range but no he's not
18765s going to be able to he's scrammed and
18767s webbed by the uh by the Nighthawk
18770s well luckily for the Absolution there is
18772s a fat tank
18774s um uh and it can keep going while this
18776s sleptner just has to pump through
18777s charges because the Absolution you know
18779s isn't the greatest ship to do DPS but
18781s when it's uh nice and up close like that
18783s it's not going to miss and it's going to
18784s hit the target that it needs to
18787s um you know if this slender can go down
18789s maybe the Absolution can keep repping
18791s through the nightmare DPS but uh you
18794s know at the same time the nightmare GPS
18795s is pretty significant so
18798s look at the ehp bars though you can just
18801s see how much ehp percussive pizza time
18804s diplomacy have left versus how much
18805s hidden Leaf have left uh the ehp on that
18808s Nighthawk is so much bigger than what's
18810s left on the field here even if this let
18812s me goes down I think ninjas might be
18814s able to solo the entire fleet uh the
18816s Nighthawk might be able to solo the
18818s entire fleet at this point the sky break
18819s is finally coming in just doing a little
18821s bit to clear these drones off of his
18823s friends as the slept near goes into it
18826s goes into armor not going to be long for
18828s this world whilst the Absolution goes
18830s into Hull
18831s Yep this is uh I think this is it here
18834s the hidden Leaf has uh done it's uh done
18837s its work and uh put all of that DPS
18840s everywhere it needs to be and it goes
18842s down you know you know that Absolution
18843s takes uh for a lot longer than I thought
18845s it was going to because that sleptner
18846s still stayed alive he had a little bit
18848s tank left and this is looking really
18850s good for hidden uh Leaf they might even
18852s catch out with uh with both command
18855s ships here or is he gonna die
18859s he got one final rep off I think that
18861s was just a regening capacitor and then
18864s firing it off not a Reload the what up
18866s what a ballsy play there not going for
18868s the reload and just accepting that
18870s you're not going to have enough for it
18873s there we go the heretic is finally down
18876s wow wow it's just a question of how long
18880s can this skybreaker kite off and it's
18882s not very long he's already been caught
18886s congratulations guys yeah they didn't
18890s leave congratulations this match was
18891s very exciting uh everyone was you know
18894s trying to go on the right target at the
18896s right time and it was just like a good
18898s old slobber knocker you know lefts and
18900s rights non-stop people putting uppercuts
18902s on each other it was really great match
18905s yeah you cannot ask for a better finals
18907s than that good luck I look forward to
18909s seeing ninjas in the finals and
18910s hopefully uh the next matches that pizza
18913s play in the Redemption bracket will be
18915s just as good let's head back to the
18916s studio and break this down
18918s now for the triglovian weather report
18920s brought to you by Exodus the weather
18922s calls for this integration
18924s [Music]
18929s and that's the weather forever
18939s [Music]
18940s for just 10 million ISC a month you can
18944s save the life of a high SEC minor
18961s [Music]
18971s thank you
18979s hidden Leaf The Village Ninja Assassin
18983s Squad Esports there just by the skin of
18987s their the hair on their chinny chin chin
18990s making it through uh the end of that
18992s match there against percussive Pizza
18994s Time diplomacy who I mean match of the
18997s day match of the the tournament so far
18999s for me uh they really put the squeeze on
19003s on the hidden Leaf team there uh yeah I
19006s preferred to me back and forth it looked
19008s like you know is that the Absolution
19010s going to finish off the slept near is he
19012s gonna be able to tank what one exciting
19014s match there uh c2b Swift wow
19019s yeah wow is right um that was absolutely
19022s fantastic I loved percussive Pizza times
19025s uh comp that they took like a Double Bs
19028s core with this really robust uh support
19030s wig that could go out and just do
19032s absolute work you saw them they they
19034s tackled Logistics uh they eviscerated
19036s kiting ships they got within a couple
19039s seconds of taking that match
19041s um you know if if if like this
19044s tournament or this match particular was
19046s a game of just a couple of seconds a
19049s couple of people overheating when they
19050s needed to a couple of people uh just
19054s living just that much longer it was
19056s absolutely astounding a great Target
19058s calling I'm sure it was very chaotic on
19060s both comms
19062s um I'd like to pretend that the I'm sure
19064s that both teams are very calm cool uh
19067s very composed but no doubt there was a
19069s lot of screaming shouting uh and uh just
19072s a whole lot of excitement especially
19074s when it became pretty clear that the
19076s hidden Leaf were gonna win that one
19080s yeah I've I've seen uh one of our line
19083s instrument commentators the Basilisk is
19085s actually one of the pilots in that uh
19086s match there and uh he is messages and
19089s saying that yeah a lot of a lot of
19090s shares a lot of screaming and he needs
19092s new Underpants uh also being told that
19095s the the Shacks there on the because of
19097s Pizza Time diplomacy side at triple 1600
19101s millimeter plated just absolute brick
19104s tanks and oh it was just so close I mean
19106s to be honest uh a lot of us put hidden
19108s Leaf right up there as one of the best
19110s teams in the feeders this year and we
19112s expect them to do well even in the main
19114s tournament because a piece of time the
19116s blumsy almost just took that win away
19118s from them which is a great showing from
19120s them at one point to be honest I I was
19123s convinced that it was happening it was
19125s so close to to swinging uh Bart you you
19128s think that perhaps it was a bit of a
19130s mistake
19131s um on the Picasso Pizza and the problem
19133s to say going after that basilisk when
19135s they did can you elaborate
19137s I don't know if it was really
19139s necessarily like a mistake because it
19142s the it's a lot easier it's easy to say
19144s in hindsight too like I'll I'll come out
19146s and say it's easy for us to be like well
19147s you know the sleptner was in structure
19149s if you had shot for 10 seconds Less on
19151s this Target and did 10 seconds more here
19154s this would have happened
19155s um
19156s but yeah I do think that
19159s when the initial match started and pizza
19163s was able to just immediately just blow
19165s that first hurricane Fleet issue up that
19168s should have been kind of a sign that
19169s it's like you can kill every single ship
19172s on grid here
19173s just keep going top down uh we I think
19176s we a lot of times we'll say like oh they
19178s should have gone bottom up they should
19179s have gone top down um top down being
19181s like the highest points or the most
19182s valuable damage ships versus bottom up
19184s would be like do the support chips so I
19186s think when you're when you have that
19188s much damage with those Tula Shacks I
19190s really truly think that
19192s there is a point where they won the
19194s shack was shooting the bowels and one
19195s lashac was shooting a sleptner and if
19197s they had both been on the sleptner or
19198s maybe even both been on the Basilisk not
19200s the Basilisk the commentator the
19201s Basilisk ship then uh they would have
19204s probably won
19206s um just a little bit of a split again
19208s that was a really crazy chaotic match so
19211s everything did fine uh it's just kind of
19213s that one little thing you're like ah if
19215s only if only
19218s yeah I uh I can't wait to see the
19222s because a piece of time the flimsy guys
19223s play again tomorrow if this is the level
19225s that they're gonna play at they've done
19227s doing really well to get to this stage
19229s so they're definitely going to be a team
19232s that other teams here are going to have
19234s to get through I think uh the way it
19236s will work tomorrow is uh it will be a
19238s group stage so just like the the
19241s different tribal groups that we've had
19243s thus far in the last term trials will
19245s have
19246s um the nephantar group a and Group B in
19250s the each of the the groups will play run
19252s robin tournament essentially uh inside
19255s uh three teams in each one and then the
19259s highest ranked ones at the end of that
19261s and the tie break is done by rust points
19264s if there are any tie breaks needed we'll
19266s go forward into a elimination bracket
19270s with the final two teams going into a
19273s best of three grand final match uh to
19277s decide who takes that final slot so by
19280s just a few seconds difference because of
19282s Pizza Time have committed themselves to
19286s at least another uh I think one two
19289s three four five matches minimum uh to
19294s get into alliance tournament 18.
19296s potentially six so we will see what
19299s happens in the the best of three but
19301s yeah no pressure they'll be no pressure
19304s whatsoever I'm sure there'll be uh uh
19306s just so oh that was so close if we'd
19308s just done that we wouldn't have to play
19310s five more matches but then again you get
19313s to play five more matches and if you
19314s like tournaments then that's just that's
19316s just great for you
19317s we have one more match
19320s for you today one more to decide the
19324s final slot well the second thought two
19326s slots remain in the feeders for Alliance
19329s tournament 18. the slot that will be
19330s decided tomorrow which you don't care
19332s about anymore and the slot that will be
19334s decided today uh between laser Hawks and
19337s exodus so let's take a look at the bands
19340s for this one so Vindicator typhoon Fleet
19342s issue uh banned by laser Hawks extra
19344s spanning balgar and Vindicator that
19346s vindi is just really becoming a popular
19348s band now and then the trickle bands are
19350s extra Banning the Armageddon laser Hawks
19353s the Cerberus uh CCP Swift what do you
19355s make of these bands here
19357s Vindicator is a great shape that band as
19360s you were mentioning it wasn't banned in
19362s the last match and I think if one of the
19365s less acts was a vindi it might have gone
19367s a little bit differently
19369s um but uh yeah just taking vindi out
19371s means that you you might want to be a
19373s Minotaur Rush right uh vindy's viscerate
19376s Minotaur Rush
19378s um and also they're just a really
19379s annoying ship to have a charging into
19381s you uh they're very strong with a damp
19384s meta just because it makes everyone play
19386s a little bit closer and a vindi will
19388s just stop you in your tracks and let you
19391s up
19392s uh in terms of the the Gen ban I think
19394s that that kind of just says that Exodus
19396s uh might take a little bit maybe like a
19400s a kiting type comp something that
19402s doesn't have to necessarily commit from
19404s uh the beginning of the countdown they
19406s can kind of move around the the
19408s battlefield a little bit and those newts
19410s are just really really annoying uh for a
19412s long match
19415s and Bart uh that's Cerberus band again
19417s second time second match in a row we're
19419s seeing a service ban uh you know
19421s question mark
19423s yeah I mean again against Exodus a
19426s server span's a good idea like this this
19428s is the one team that we have watched
19431s since like since I can remember watching
19433s at matches which is probably like
19436s about maybe about 10 years now close to
19438s that
19439s um that consistently likes to Fly Light
19442s missile kiting comps it's kind of their
19444s like their signature thing we've seen
19446s them you know over and over reach like
19448s top eight top four in the actual
19450s tournament by just flying light missile
19453s kind of comp so if there's one ship
19454s you're gonna Target against Exodus
19456s just get rid of the servers just so they
19458s can't use it in a light missile setup uh
19460s that being said has kind of said it a
19462s couple times I don't think that
19464s necessarily bans out light missile kind
19467s of cops because I mean we saw we've seen
19469s like Claymores do really good job Osprey
19470s Navy issues do a really good job uh
19472s maybe even a drake I don't know bring
19474s your Drake your light missile rapid
19476s light Drake
19477s maybe it'll work
19479s apparently enough
19483s you don't look convinced there's these
19484s to be switched yeah he's like no no no
19486s no no no I'm not convinced that that
19488s would be a good
19490s um you know uh version of a Serb now the
19493s syrup has the ADC it's got a lot of
19494s range probably a caracal Navy issue
19497s would be a crummy but you know good
19499s enough uh facsimile
19502s all right well um we have just a few
19506s minutes and the teams are landing right
19508s now in the arena uh so just as a
19511s reminder this is the the last of the
19513s matches today uh and then we'll be back
19515s tomorrow for the uh remaining six teams
19519s to fight for one one position in their
19521s lives tournament uh 18. it's going to be
19524s absolutely brittle uh all trying to get
19526s through to online turn 18 but before
19528s that we have to find out who that SEC
19530s team is going to be can laser Hawks
19533s secure themselves a spot in Alliance
19536s tournament 18 or can Exodus snatch it
19538s away from them and cruise through into
19541s the main tournament themselves well
19542s let's go to the arena and find out with
19544s your casters Alec and ish
19552s and hello we are here in the arena to
19555s see laser Hawks and exodus square up and
19559s Laser Hawks here has brought a double
19562s bar guest Shield comp
19564s uh looks pretty kighty here looks like
19566s lots of missile damage able to come out
19568s and a decent utility in the midline Alec
19571s what is Exodus chosen to bring
19573s Exodus has brought a very interesting
19575s top heavy setup but in a different way
19577s than we're used to seeing
19580s we've got a Nighthawk sleffner double
19583s Loki hurricane Fleet issue as their core
19585s with a blackbird for ECM support it's a
19589s very interesting setup and those Loki's
19591s are going to be a pretty decent counter
19593s to the laser Hawks team provided they
19595s can stay alive
19599s yeah indeed it's going to be it's gonna
19601s be a challenge here I think for both
19603s teams it's going to be about who can get
19605s that damage starting to apply first the
19607s bar guests of course have it huge
19609s advantage on projection here but slept
19613s near is uh up close can certainly start
19614s munching down a bar guest in no time
19616s flat it's going to come down to some
19618s piloting and some quality screening
19620s there is the Loki uh on the side of
19624s Exodus and the hyena on the side of
19626s laser Hawks help hold things off so
19629s we'll see how well that works out for
19631s each team as they jockey for position in
19633s the first few seconds
19635s one potential Advantage for The Exodus
19638s team is those are rapid heavy barcasts
19640s which means if they can survive the
19642s clips it's likely they'll be able to
19643s keep their ships alive so if they can
19645s combine kiting with their already
19647s impressive tanks the top and the Loki
19650s slap your Nighthawk might be able to
19651s live through it I fear for the hurricane
19653s Fleet issues life expectancy though as
19656s The Exodus team is charging in now and
19659s we see laser Hawks trying to cut away
19668s yep so we've got some damage starting to
19670s come out here we've got a lot of
19673s long-range ammo projection but we're
19674s seeing some aggressive com we're seeing
19677s uh some aggressive charging on the part
19678s of Exodus it's the right thing to do
19680s here as they try to Bear it out on laser
19682s Hawk uh we do see the burst on the side
19685s of Exodus uh taking a touch of damage
19687s here
19690s and uh same for those pimples fibble's
19692s gonna go down sunk really fast there and
19695s meanwhile laser Hawk's bar guest is uh
19698s just about through his shield it's gonna
19700s come down to if he's able to self-wrap
19703s that back up uh and or have lodgy hold
19706s him
19707s quite crucially the Bantam and burst
19710s combo on Exodus has pulled so far away
19712s from the fight trying to keep themselves
19714s alive that they are very far out of
19716s range of the entire rest of their team
19718s so while this broadcast will go down
19720s laser Hawks does have an opportunity to
19722s take advantage of that positioning and
19723s score some quick kills they're trying
19726s with the Loki
19728s of a captain is holding strong here in
19732s this Main Event match he's dropping to
19734s two-thirds shield and dropping very very
19737s slowly
19739s yeah I don't know if I don't know if the
19742s Loki is really the right call here for
19744s two reasons one there's two of them
19747s so you're not getting off all that
19748s control of the field two I I think we've
19750s seen I like these Loki's have been
19752s pretty tanky throughout these matches
19754s the current beta for using these
19756s low-keys it's been quite a bit of ehp
19758s it's gonna be a question of if they can
19759s bear through it
19762s it's interesting they do have to
19763s sacrifice some tank for the webs that
19765s make that ship so dangerous but they're
19767s still very beefy boys and when you only
19769s have one bar guest left and you're
19771s relying on its clip to cut through their
19773s tank that is a dicey proposition indeed
19776s meanwhile the hurricane Fleet issue
19777s which I thought for sure wouldn't be
19779s long for this world is actually doing
19781s just fine and the Blackbird hasn't even
19783s been tested
19787s yeah we see our Tanis here he he is
19789s looking to just gain all the range he
19791s can hoping to use his uh rapid Heavies
19794s to the fullest extent possible but I do
19796s see him caught here now by a web he's
19798s gonna try to wheel out of that and make
19800s a pivot but uh with uh the bifrost and
19804s the hyena on his tail
19806s uh it's going to be it's going to be a
19808s difficult time
19810s yeah that's the thing with these cutting
19812s comps they're great until you have to
19814s turn and the alliance tournament Arena
19816s boundary comes upon you very quickly
19818s once they turn that is when they're most
19821s vulnerable now it does appear that he
19823s has somehow slipped the web so he is
19825s escaping here I don't know if that's a
19827s lucky jam on the hyena or what but this
19830s broadcast has managed to break free and
19832s so has the majority of the rest of their
19834s team here meanwhile uh X's is trying
19837s desperately to catch up to them and now
19839s they've got a lot of Arena ahead of them
19841s they no longer are cut off here although
19843s Exodus is desperately trying to regain
19845s their positioning advantage
19847s ish what can they do to uh outrun
19850s themselves here
19851s which team is going to get the advantage
19853s on the initiative
19855s well we're we're seeing this Loki start
19858s to come in but there's uh there's also a
19860s good amount of force holding them back
19861s you see the jackdolls probably damp
19864s dolls would be my guess looking to damp
19866s that Loki to keep it from ever catching
19868s the bar guest this is really going to
19869s come down to two things can our Tanis
19872s keep from being controlled and can he
19874s make good use of those clips like he
19876s said when that clip runs out that's just
19878s going to be a problem the reload time
19880s feels like ages and he is their heaviest
19882s DPS they have left and there's still
19884s quite a lot of DPS on exit aside to take
19886s off the field
19888s now laser Rock's taking advantage of the
19890s three-dimensional nature of Eve by
19892s turning and going down trying to break
19894s this stalemate of both teams running
19896s parallel to each other with uh with
19899s Exodus controlling the center of the
19900s field keeping them on the edge they've
19902s now gone down to one of the lower micro
19904s jump units as uh loses an osney
19909s yeah they lose an osney for that uh in
19912s that exchange and there goes a jackdaw
19914s so like you said it is a 3D nature but
19916s when you take those turns you do still
19919s lose some velocity off that you do have
19921s your align time affecting you especially
19923s with your prop on like that it does lead
19926s to chances for you to get caught out and
19927s they lose two shifts in that process we
19930s now see Exodus Blackbird actually taking
19931s a fair bit of damage but uh he looks to
19934s be mostly clear of it now I think it's
19936s just a little bit of love from some
19938s missiles here coming off the Scythe
19940s Fleet as he's able
19942s well the safe Fleet DPS should be able
19944s to solo him there's no Logistics
19945s anywhere near that Blackbird not really
19947s known for their tanks and the squishiest
19949s ECM ship in the game does in fact go
19951s down
19952s but crucially unless laser Hawks can
19955s somehow get themselves back into the
19956s center of the arena and give themselves
19958s room to run every time they have to make
19960s one of those turns it seems like Exodus
19962s is going to take a chunk of their team
19963s and price
19966s indeed it looks like Exodus is reading
19968s the Maneuvers here really well and
19970s they've kind of staged up to look for
19972s those turns like you said and to see
19975s what they can catch as a result now
19977s they're bearing down to the bar guest
19979s here which is sort of the bottom of his
19980s Arc is webbed again
19983s and uh that's that's really going to be
19985s a problem that bar guest only going
19987s about 800 to 850 meters per second here
19990s it's not going to be enough to keep
19992s consistently away
19995s meanwhile the Scythe Fleet issue of
19997s Genia is loose in the back line it's not
20000s going after the Bantam or Exodus it has
20003s been while the rest of the team is
20005s basically chasing down the barcast it
20006s has been left completely alone and it is
20009s slowly picking off the stragglers on The
20011s Exodus team
20012s will it be enough hard to say but it is
20015s doing some damage for sure
20018s and Laser Hawks losing a hyena there
20020s made a heroic dive
20023s to uh to catch that bar gas dealt uh but
20026s paid for it with his life we now see
20028s artanis though taking a lot of damage
20030s here he is he is at this point he's just
20033s not going anywhere barely moving less
20036s than 100 meters per second and uh he's
20038s gonna start bleeding into Hall here very
20040s quickly with all this Command Ship DPS
20043s gathered around him
20045s now Simi is pumping reps into him but as
20047s you can see it's just not enough he's
20049s bleeding structure and there he goes
20051s down that is the biggest chunk of damage
20053s laser Hawks has just the fleet Scythe
20055s for them in terms of significant damage
20057s and oh they just lost another ship their
20060s team is absolutely collapsing here and
20062s they really don't have a ton to show for
20063s it the Scythe lead issue can break
20065s through Bantam reps but if it gets
20067s anywhere near the Loki's left nor
20069s Nighthawk to do damage it's gonna get
20071s turned on and it's going to get
20072s absolutely crushed
20077s yeah I think we saw some really good
20078s piloting here from exit sort of
20080s anticipating the Motions of laser Hawks
20083s and looking for that moment when they
20084s could really seize upon the bar guest
20086s without exposing themselves to too much
20088s risk from this rapid heavy gloves
20090s foreign
20092s to the laser Hawks team they they saw
20095s the low-keys on Exodus aside they
20097s understood the risk to their comp and
20099s they did the best they could to try to
20101s put as much distance between them and
20102s those long-range Loki webs as possible
20104s but the arena is only so big there's
20108s only so long you can keep that dance up
20110s and every time they had to make a pivot
20112s Exodus was there like you said shadowing
20114s them at every step ready to grab
20116s whatever ship turned just a little too
20118s late or lost a little too much velocity
20122s indeed that's always the risk with
20124s kiting I can say from time in the arena
20127s that is always a challenge when you are
20130s kiting you're thinking about not just
20132s where your boundary is but where are you
20134s going are you getting something done by
20135s going there and what will you do when
20137s you get there uh like you said you can't
20139s go forever you also have to think about
20141s what risk does going to a particular
20144s area of the Arena expose you to are you
20145s not able to apply damage there because
20147s you've gone too far out are you getting
20148s close to where someone on top of an mjd
20151s might land on you it's a lot to think
20153s about in a very short span of time
20155s what we are seeing now uh the last from
20158s laser Hawks go down they just have the
20160s vigil Fleet Scimitar Jack doll left so
20162s no real damage to operate with and uh
20165s the jackdaw's gonna go next
20167s and uh Exodus is going to be able to
20169s clean up here they did not come out
20171s completely clean uh they lost a little
20174s bit in the process but overall played
20176s this really nicely uh pushing that
20178s kiting comp around the arena and taking
20180s advantage of those Loki webs to slow the
20183s bar gas down at critical moments to come
20185s in ultimately for that catch
20188s and now I've seen the uh Scimitar of
20191s kavar just kind of left that jackdaw to
20193s die it burned to the other side of the
20195s Arena along with the vigil try to get
20197s some kind of uh we've got a distance
20199s here but as you mentioned there are no
20202s viable DPS ships left that Fleet visual
20205s is projected tackle for a scimitar that
20207s has no guns and the Scimitar has now
20210s been targeted he's doing his best to get
20213s transversal but it's just not enough
20215s even the chip damage will eventually
20217s wear down his ancillary Shield booster
20219s you'll only have so many charges in it
20222s and once those are down he will drop
20223s very rapidly he might be trying to go
20226s for an mjd Beacon could be looking to
20229s get some Glory out of the situation
20231s he will get there if he wants to go for
20234s it
20236s he's got he's got that 12 second spool
20238s up to get through and hopefully not get
20240s tackled so we can see him achieve his
20243s long desired Glory
20244s and we'll see if he can maybe hit a
20247s record here
20248s he hasn't activated it yet
20250s he's he's thinking about it he's
20252s orbiting it a little bit
20255s as his tank rapidly evaporates it's now
20258s or never
20259s he's running out of time
20261s I don't think he's going to be able to
20263s achieve Glory here unfortunately but he
20265s will make for a nice warm explosion as
20268s Exodus uh circles around to finish him
20271s off leaving just a vigil Fleet on grid
20273s he's sort of flying at the opposite end
20275s and just circling around uh pretty much
20277s knows what's about to happen to him
20280s yep and that is time as we send it back
20282s to the desk for a thrilling main event
20293s [Music]
20305s [Laughter]
20319s foreign
20329s [Music]
20344s [Music]
20350s [Music]
20362s Exodus they're securing themselves that
20365s final spot in Alliance tournament 18.
20368s well I say final there is one more
20370s tomorrow uh but to get there we've got
20373s to finish off today so we entered today
20375s with 24 teams in these trials 12 of them
20379s have sadly departed uh six also
20382s departing but less sadly as they've made
20385s it through into the main Alliance
20386s tournament uh the teams that we lost
20388s today uh shut up I'm trying Prismatic
20391s Legion Hull control seriously suspicious
20393s uh ushra can no vacancies scary Wormhole
20397s people respectively off certain mind
20399s snuffed out the initiative and wolves
20402s amongst strangers thank you so much for
20403s competing and we wish you better luck in
20406s the next tournaments you compete in uh
20408s we won't see any more of our hill now be
20410s uh uh right side of death electors
20412s Matari Rusty hyenas hidden Leaf Village
20415s Etc and exodus until next month when we
20419s see them in the main Alliance tournament
20421s so tomorrow is just six teams remaining
20424s fighting for just one spot so make sure
20427s you tune in at 16 40 to see those today
20431s this wouldn't have been possible with
20432s her that whole host of people in the
20433s background especially the the GMS and
20435s CCP guys that have been doing all the
20437s referees refereeing so thank you very
20439s much GM goat GM banquet GM carbon GM
20443s Kobayashi GM Star-Lord GM Maverick and
20446s events very on Amy muffmuff of course
20448s thank you to everyone else at CCP who's
20450s been helping us here today CCP Swift CCP
20452s convict CP Kestrel and the indomitable
20455s CCP zealous in terms of even T staff we
20458s have disc reader and brj doing
20460s everything in the background on the desk
20462s we saw a mystical night wearing that
20465s moderator BlackMart pirate uh jintan
20467s Alec ish and radicos I have been Ithaca
20470s Hawk thank you very much for watching
20472s once again and we'll see you tomorrow at
20474s 16 40.
20477s foreign