almost 3 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link
almost 3 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s concord has made a major breakthrough in
7s its fight against a rising tide of
8s smuggling uncovering a major network of
11s smuggler and mercenary bases across new
14s eden sources in the directive
15s enforcement department have indicated
17s that thucker and khaldari organized
20s crime and mercenary groups have played a
21s key role in building up this network
24s concord has shared this information with
26s all empires and is requesting the
28s assistance of capsuleers and disrupting
30s this extensive web of hideouts and dead
32s drop hacking sites
34s smuggler hideouts are reported to be
36s spread across new eden including a
38s number of bases hidden in the depths of
40s wormhole space concorde is broadcast to
43s gravimetric and electromagnetic
45s signatures of these locations so the
47s illegal sites can be found using onboard
50s ship scanners
51s smuggler dead drop and stash sites have
53s been detected in all regions with these
56s requiring scanning and hacking to
58s discover and disrupt
59s concord has declared that any materials
61s recovered by capsuleers in the course of
63s dismantling the smuggling network will
65s be legitimate salvage to be retained as
67s payment for services to interstellar law
70s and order
71s against the background of increased
73s criminal and smuggling activity a
75s serious diplomatic crisis has sprung up
77s between the khaldari state and the
79s galente federation as evidence has
81s emerged pointing towards galenti
83s involvement in the recent mass defection
85s of infiltrators and spies within the
87s khaldari state
88s an investigation by kaldari
90s counterintelligence has identified a man
92s meeting with ezri hakuzosu days prior to
95s her defection as leopold nvilari a
98s galente diplomat attached to the federal
100s consulate on the gta 4 tac-4 trade hub
103s leopold envelari appears to have been
105s assisting the galente senate delegation
108s visiting the khaldari state two months
109s ago
111s one key goal of the senate delegation's
113s visit was to explore possible avenues of
115s achieving a peaceful resolution of the
117s status of the long disputed intake
119s system
120s located in the contested placid region
123s the war-torn system contains intake
125s prime homeworld of the intake people
128s extensive militia warfare over the past
131s decade has seen the system change hands
133s dozens of times with periods of lengthy
136s occupation and even planetary rating by
138s khaldari forces the senate visit had
141s ended just as the garista's spy ring was
143s exposed and leopold and velary is
146s reported to have returned to the
147s federation with the kalente delegation
149s the khaldari states chairman akima
151s kasaraki is known to have been in direct
154s communication with president sullivan of
156s the galente federation as diplomats on
158s both sides scramble to swiftly resolve
161s this sudden crisis
163s the galente federation firmly denies any
165s involvement in the infiltration of state
167s military and research agencies by
169s bigarista spies but this development has
171s already set back discussions on the
173s future of the intake system causing
175s alarm on intake prime
178s federal authorities are refusing to
179s confirm or deny reports that involary
182s has subsequently disappeared the caldari
184s state has added leopold and velary to
187s their most wanted list ignoring galente
189s protests at listing a federal diplomat
192s as a wanted criminal
194s the scope will report as the situation
196s develops
197s this is alton hovery reporting for the
200s scope
220s you
almost 3 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s capsuleers attending a session of the
7s interstellar anti-smuggling encounter
9s piracy conference at the geeta four tac
11s four trade hub were surprised when a
14s concord presentation on rising smuggler
16s activity was apparently hijacked by the
18s very same smugglers
23s platitudes
25s blandishments lies
27s you of all people know that concord and
29s the empires have no interest in common
31s with you they have done nothing for you
34s they shall do nothing for you
36s how long will you listen to their empty
39s words
40s in recent days as is their pitiful habit
44s concord has made use of you to advance
46s their own agenda
48s these free trade outposts you have so
51s willingly cleared of my associates have
53s been taken over by concord's worst
56s [Music]
57s lucero perhaps you don't believe me
60s check for yourself
61s i have broadcast the new signatures of
64s those sights to all
65s why should you not destroy the sorrow
67s bully boys they have always sought to
70s control you
71s do their bidding no more
73s open your eyes
75s seize your destiny and
78s if you would
79s join me
81s the deathless
83s embarrassed by this intrusion concord
85s officials have refused to comment on
88s sorrow activity at occupied smuggler
90s outposts other than to state that
92s measures are simply being carried out to
94s ensure the complete eradication of
96s illegal smuggling activities
98s any recent improvements in the strained
100s diplomatic relationship between the
102s galente federation and the khaldari
103s state have been overshadowed by claims
106s that a galente diplomat was involved in
108s a massive spy ring operating within the
110s khaldari state
112s the calidari state's chairman akima
114s kasaraki delivered a fiery speech in a
117s live broadcast from the kalduri chief
119s executive panel yesterday the scheduled
122s speech was reportedly originally aimed
124s at promoting interstellar diplomacy due
126s to the ongoing jita 4 tag 4 summit
129s however with state corporations and
131s citizens expressing outrage over the new
133s allegations the delivered speech leaned
135s heavily into patriotic rhetoric and
138s evoked previous hostilities with the
140s galente state
145s [Music]
147s no matter the cost
150s no direct response or comments have been
152s made by the galente federation so far
154s but federation navy and customs forces
157s have been placed on heightened alert
159s status
160s this is alton hovery reporting for the
163s scope
170s [Music]
183s you