10 months
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
5s | The Equinox expansion will contain new |
7s | features and updates to improve |
9s | experience for both veterans and new |
11s | players and specifically those of you |
13s | who belong to the player corporations as |
15s | well we are improving the air daily |
18s | goals by adding a monthly reward track |
20s | to it to reward you not only for |
22s | engaging with new Eden on a given day |
24s | but also for your continued engagement |
26s | over a month we're also adding some |
28s | exciting new types of goals and Rewards |
30s | to it the corporation window will get a |
33s | fresh new look we are bringing it up to |
35s | a more Modern Standard where it will be |
38s | clearer but also more pleasant to |
40s | interact with for all of you directors |
42s | and CEOs out there speaking of |
44s | Corporations we are also adding three |
46s | new types of Corporation projects so the |
48s | Corp members can engage with even more |
50s | diverse goals and initiatives making the |
53s | Corp life more attractive to our wider |
55s | group of players also including SRP |
59s | automation both the Corporation projects |
61s | and the daily goals utilize the same |
63s | underlying technology and recently we |
66s | improved many aspects of it to handle |
68s | the increased load better now the goals |
71s | and projects load much faster and |
73s | interactions with projects goals and |
75s | their rewards should be much more |
77s | pleasant lastly we are improving various |
80s | aspects of interacting with ships now |
83s | unlocking new ships and interacting with |
85s | them in the inventory Windows should be |
87s | much more clear and more exciting the |
90s | goal goal behind all these changes is to |
92s | provide you with more structured choices |
95s | when it comes to what you should do next |
97s | without doing something for the Corp |
100s | kickstarting your session with a clear |
101s | set of daily goals or choosing which |
104s | ship to fly next the update to the |
106s | corporation window interface is the next |
109s | step on our way to strengthen the player |
111s | organizations in if the Corp window will |
114s | now use the familiar navigation style |
116s | from the opportunities window where the |
119s | main categories are laid out |
120s | horizontally while the detailed sections |
123s | are placed in a sidebar this is a much |
126s | clearer form of navigation compared to |
128s | multiple levels of tabs that we had |
130s | before we're also adding tool tips to |
133s | each of the sections making it easier to |
135s | understand their functions but also to |
137s | inform which Corp rols are necessary for |
140s | a member to have to be able to access |
142s | them hopefully as a CEO you will no |
145s | longer need an ALT to test the corporals |
148s | in Equinox we are adding three new types |
150s | of Corporation projects with a number of |
152s | options for each to give you fine |
155s | control over the incentives you want to |
157s | provide your members with earn loyalty |
160s | points projects will allow your |
162s | corporation to create automated LP |
164s | buyback programs by setting the cor LP |
166s | tax and creating a core project with e |
169s | rewards for earning the lp this can be |
172s | applied to any type of loyalty points or |
174s | to a specific type of LP salvaging |
178s | projects will allow your corporation to |
180s | Monitor and reward salvaging of Rex |
183s | which adds yet another gameplay style to |
185s | the tools available to |
187s | organizations you can now incentivize |
189s | your members to keep your space clean or |
191s | you can finally identify that pilot who |
193s | salvages Rex during the fleet Ops ship |
196s | loss projects will enable your |
198s | corporation to automate the ship |
200s | replacement program by monitoring ship |
203s | losses with conditions predefined by you |
205s | and automatically rewarding es payouts |
207s | for those losses the conditions will |
210s | allow you to specify the type of ship to |
212s | monitor the losses for the location of |
214s | the loss and the organization that |
216s | destroyed it the combination of these |
219s | conditions will allow you for example to |
221s | reimburse the losses only for a specific |
224s | ship type and only if it was killed by |
226s | your War enemy in your home system but |
229s | also you will be free to create more |
231s | General ship replacement programs that |
232s | consider the ship type only I have been |
235s | managing corporations for most of my |
237s | time in Eve so I'm excited about the |
239s | updated Corp window of course however I |
243s | believe that the SRP automation with the |
244s | ship loss project type is the feature |
247s | that many of you will enjoy the most |
249s | happy exploding in June the main thing |
251s | we are adding to our daily goals is the |
253s | monthly track which will offer more |
255s | rewards for completing daily goals over |
257s | the course of a month we're also adding |
260s | two new goal types introducing more |
262s | variety into the daily goals pool the |
265s | two new go types we are adding are earn |
267s | LP and Salvage r ear LP p is a versatile |
271s | goal type since there are plenty of |
273s | opportunities to earn LP for most |
275s | players and it can be the LP of any |
277s | Corporation Salvage W is a nice new |
280s | addition for any scavengers among you it |
283s | pairs perfectly with the kill known |
284s | capsule years goal who doesn't like a |
286s | two for one the new monthly track has 12 |
289s | total steps with rewards given every |
292s | third step the rewards get better to |
294s | further you progress on the track you |
296s | can progress One Step a day on the track |
299s | by completing a daily bonus goal this |
301s | means that if you engage with daily |
303s | goals and progress One Step per day you |
306s | will be able to reach the final reward |
308s | in just 12 days out of 30 this gives you |
311s | plenty of time to reach the final reward |
313s | before to track resets on the 1st of the |
315s | next |
316s | month we have some exciting rewards for |
318s | you when you reach the corresponding |
320s | reward track Milestones participating |
322s | players will receive ever marks Skinner |
325s | items which will come in handy for |
327s | designing your personalized skins with |
329s | Skinner isk NSP Omega Players will |
333s | receive more of each reward and some |
335s | plages on top of that with these changes |
338s | we want to ensure that completing air |
340s | daily goals and interacting with new |
342s | Eden is Meaningful by contributing |
344s | towards a longer term goal with |
346s | significant |
347s | rewards both new players and Veterans |
350s | benefit from these additions newer |
352s | players appreciate a sense of direction |
354s | and having things to do while they |
356s | discover the universe and even veterans |
358s | can find some compelling Rewards at the |
360s | end of the track personally I'm most |
363s | looking forward to earning some new |
364s | Skinner components so I can create a |
366s | Swanky new skin for my ship we are |
368s | adding several quality of life |
370s | improvements to interacting with the |
372s | ship tree and ships in general when you |
374s | meet the requirements to activate a new |
376s | ship like learning a new skill you will |
378s | get a notification and can navigate to |
381s | the ship Tre screen where to unlock chip |
383s | or ships will be highlighted for you |
386s | along with the suggestion which skills |
388s | to train to further improve the bonus es |
390s | of those ships the default action or |
392s | double clicking on unassembled ships is |
395s | now to assemble and board instead of |
398s | just assemble which should feel much |
400s | more intuitive new card view option for |
403s | ships in the inventory window and the |
405s | station panel that will show more ship |
407s | information like group type name faction |
411s | and |
412s | characteristics when looking at the |
414s | requirements of ships or modules you |
417s | will now have an option to save any |
419s | required skills as a skill plan apply |
422s | skill points or add the skills directly |
424s | to the training queue upon assembling a |
427s | new ship you will now be prompted to |
429s | name your ship which will expose this |
431s | functionality to newer players these |
434s | changes will ensure your ship experience |
436s | is as smooth as possible from learning |
439s | to relevant skills and unlocking a new |
441s | ship to Flying it new players will |
443s | benefits the most from these changes we |
446s | will ensure that they know they can fly |
448s | different ships communicate at ship |
450s | roles and functions more clearly and |
452s | improve ship user experience in general |