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1s hello fun facts Kevin Hammy
4s excellent news okay first thing any
6s Odin's in the crowd
9s I can't believe they let you through
10s passport security and honestly
14s so this is going to be a little talk on
18s the experiences of at 18 which was 280s
22s ago sadly 1819 happened just a little
25s bit too late unfortunately in the day
27s for um let's have a video about it and
29s obviously we came like 12th so it was
31s less good um
32s so it's gonna be about 20 2018 where we
35s came second
38s um so
39s I'm going to walk here I can see you see
41s the screen better
42s um
43s so we're just going to cover a couple of
44s things so again first of all me oh [ __ ]
47s team
48s I'm gonna go into a little bit about
49s sort of our preparation stages so the
51s months leading up to the tournament
54s um the feeders which if anyone does
56s remember from two years ago well a year
58s and a half ago not stressful at all I
61s promise I didn't have any gray hairs it
63s was horrifying do every laser Hawk
65s tattoo
66s good okay
71s so
73s don't you go to the mental event and the
75s rest of it as you can see so one thing I
77s will say is that
79s um part of this talk is going to be
80s about things I hope you guys could pick
82s up from what we've done or from just a
84s tournament in general and see how it can
86s change the way you guys might play the
87s game a little bit so any of those I've
89s got in purple so hopefully
91s if there's a purple line that's we're
93s going to talk about
95s um so very quickly about me I made the
97s lights died playing in um officially my
99s account was 2018 but I started in 2020
102s um I was very lucky to have some rather
104s fantastic people go and introduce me to
106s the game one of which most of you'll
108s probably know is bayart Joe anyone any
109s handsome by anyone nobody oh I see we've
111s got some of the uh even takers down here
113s I think
115s um
116s so there was a alliance called Ministry
119s of inappropriate footwork I've actually
121s called the foot people by some other
122s people which is a bit weird um
124s but no they were a good bunch and
126s eventually they
128s Post cover died down a little bit
129s unfortunately so that was where oh [ __ ]
131s came in and uh
132s gave me a home home to live in
136s so and again there is two of the people
138s that I credit with getting me into
140s tournaments which is bayonton and since
141s that they can't be here
142s um he lives miles away which is his
144s fault really
146s um
148s anyway so a little bit of a meet the
150s team um unfortunately I think from that
153s year there's not actually many of us
154s here there's some people who I know
156s were in last year's this recent team
159s um but I think it might just be me oh
161s sorry toast actually where's the hand
162s toast there we go was in 2018 as well
166s um we had yokan our incredible glorious
168s leader
170s who uh
171s it's unbelievably French
175s um
176s we had generally the Odin's gang which
178s are a very good bunch and then we had NC
181s Dot's finest mercenaries so Colonel
183s Kurtz and his gang of merryman uh joined
186s us and made our team much nicer which
188s was fantastic
190s um
191s we had a lot of our Theory crafting was
193s done by uh mostly Hoda
197s Devin Hoda
200s um and a guy called Paradigm is one of
201s the Odin's guys who were fantastic
205s does anyone know Martin Conrad anyone
208s so kind of I guess the audience would
210s know
211s um there's some funny scenes from him
213s later on so we'll bring him out and then
215s of course toaster nerd as well Ernest
217s he's there too tea of our lodgy Pilots
219s um he was saved Our Lives Many Times
222s I'll see you as never on so he
225s he told me to get a mention
228s exactly uh
231s so this is going to be the first couple
233s slides here are going to be a bit of an
234s overview of some of the preparations we
236s took so the main three things obviously
238s being Theory crafting
240s um practicing the logistics so all those
242s need to be done beforehand if you want
244s any chance of doing well I'd say
247s um and this is this is Hoda's character
248s and this is what he felt like probably
249s by the end of the tournament
253s so
257s as it says on the Tinder it's one of
259s those things that I think a lot of teams
260s think they can get by with or without
262s putting a lot of time into and it's
265s really obvious when you practice or play
266s against teams that just sort of go by
268s the seat of their pants a little bit or
270s they just play what other people are
271s playing without putting thought into it
273s and
274s honestly
276s you've got to do it beforehand this is
278s something that's it's really gonna
279s really gonna hurt you if you don't
281s some of the guys that are really into
283s this they will know every start on every
285s ship they will know every module
288s everything you can imagine every rules
290s there every minor change and they will
292s spend
293s month of their life dedicating to to
296s working out these comps and working on
298s these different things
301s um so
303s here we go
305s one of the most important things that we
307s did do was was yokan had a very specific
309s role not just as the captain
312s um our Theory Crafters would come up
313s with awful comps
315s honestly absolutely terrible and his job
318s was basically just to say no
320s repeatedly violently at times
324s um
326s and um sorry the second we'll go into a
329s bit more in the practice action but the
330s things you learn from practice partners
332s are unbelievable
333s um some of our finest comps were
335s ruthlessly borrowed
338s um from others which uh I'm sure they
340s graciously gave us some some license for
343s that
344s um
345s and I think one specifically so this
348s purple one I put in to really bring in
350s you know what it means for the rest of
352s you is dressed and press is just as true
354s on TQ as it's in TD
356s if you go somewhere with the wrong fit
357s it's just over it's it's just that
360s you're just gonna be crying you're gonna
361s be sat there thinking
362s damn I wish I had that longer own ship
366s I wish I had something that would do
368s this job I wish I had some capability in
369s my sleep and you don't have it and it's
371s too late by them
372s so putting some thought into that on TQ
374s I think is very valuable as well
377s so that's supposed to be Thunderdome on
380s fire with Martin
381s um that's kind of how I felt Thunderdome
383s was on fire very often unfortunately
385s um back in those days as well um some of
388s you will have been on the singularity
389s test server as well we use that while
391s waiting for TD access that was even more
393s on fire I'll say
395s um but honestly fantastic resource um I
398s think nowadays you can request to create
400s a TD account as kind of anyone
402s um as long as the tournament Cycles
404s ongoing so
408s I think
409s yeah it gives you access to almost All
411s Ships Unlimited skill points which is
414s phenomenal and um
417s yeah it just means you can practice your
419s practice Partners you'd have to worry
420s about losing ships on TQ you'd have to
421s worry about people spying on you most of
423s the time
424s um
424s amongst other things
428s so here is just like a little overview
430s so this is one of our screenshots have
432s graciously blewed out the name of the
434s other team there to protect their
435s privacy
436s um and this is kind of the
439s the way that we record a lot of these
441s practices
442s um Google Sheets is is not the perfect
444s way but it is it is a way and it's one
446s one that we did
448s um
449s I mean it's kind of does what it says in
451s the tournament practice makes perfect
453s um
453s if you go out with a ship on TQ and you
456s lose it does that mean that you and that
458s ship are always terrible
460s it might take you a hundred times to go
462s out and do that thing before you're
463s actually good enough to not lose your
465s ship
468s um and you're only going to get there if
469s you lose your ship 100 times well maybe
472s 100 times that's a bit excessive but
474s you know for the people especially if
476s anyone's kind of um afraid of doing
478s things like Nano or something like that
479s there's so many cheap ships you can get
481s out and just go out and try and find
482s content and die and before you know it
485s you know half
487s a month later two months later
489s you're actually starting to do some
490s pretty amazing things and you're getting
492s all those really impressive dead kill
493s board links
495s which everyone loves
497s um
498s so we've got this dangerous King at the
499s bottom Point um
501s this is one of the most pivotal things
503s that we had especially in 1819 I will
505s say the amount of stuff that we recorded
507s was ridiculous I imagine it's very
509s similar for the teams as well endless
512s shapes honestly the managing the
515s spreadsheets was probably a two-person
517s job I think just to manage them
520s um but it's so true and it's true for TQ
522s as well you know if you're constantly
524s fighting some group for themselves
525s somewhere mark down what they bring
527s go and record what ships they've got
530s all the rest of it you know where do
532s they normally go to like if you walk
533s into a system someone whoops away what
534s structures doesn't want to go to save it
536s make sure you know because next time
538s look at them
542s so this is
546s okay there we go
549s Kurtz nearly died honestly we had to
551s call an ambulance four times
553s he's actually not here today because he
555s died of logistics that's what happened
558s um it's honestly really hard work so
560s this last tournament I did Logistics
562s with Kurtz as well
563s we spent a lot of risk on lots of things
566s and um
568s it's it's really hard it's really hard
571s to do for the tournament
572s um I mean
574s we all have this burden every time we
576s play the game especially if they wear
577s worm will go up so we have perhaps a
579s slightly even more painful burden
582s um and um
585s I think if you don't pay the respect it
587s deserves you end up in massive trouble
589s because you want to go and do something
591s you have something that you want to
593s accomplish and if you don't have the
594s ships you can't do it it doesn't matter
596s how good you are right if you're there
597s with
598s I know you've got you've got 10 rift at
600s 10 lone rifters and PR shows up with 700
603s people
605s um it's probably going to be impossible
607s um
608s so I think if you're interested in Nano
610s or Nano ganging then so make sure you've
612s got stuff like evil ship stopped grid
614s control ships ships that go really fast
616s people love fast chips
620s um
622s I think that the last point on the
623s flagship is quite an interesting one
624s because I mean we saw this with
626s fraternity last this last OT
628s compared to some of the flagships that
631s were lost in the 80 or used the
633s fraternity one was quite modest actually
635s and it goes to show that it's not just
637s about the price he put in but it does
639s help so
641s don't be stingy if you're playing in the
642s A2
644s um
646s so this is the AFK Creator AFK uh Sierra
649s is talking about
651s so we spent I think yeah 110 billion in
654s 1818 50 billion 80 17.
657s 130 and wrote capelle spent 120. thank
660s you very much for sharing those figures
662s because in a lot of teams are very
663s protective over this
664s I feel like really if you run a very
666s budget run a team could go through the
668s OT for about 50 60 bill and and have a
671s reasonable chance of doing well probably
673s not with the Bargas though very
674s expensive
676s um
678s I feel like as well some of these
680s numbers just just to give you an idea is
682s a little bit deceptive because every
683s team goes through they go and do their
684s first OT they spend a ton of us doing
687s something
689s and then they have loads of ships left
690s over so most of the value we got in our
692s 1818 stock basically a lot of it came
695s from the ships we bought in 1817 never
697s lost
698s so I think keeping stock of your ship is
700s also very important and again go through
701s TQ as well
705s so this is on some secrecy
707s um that's Paradigm in my character
710s um
710s it's really important to not be too
712s gobby about the stuff you're doing and
714s there are lots of Garvey people in the
715s alliance tournament everybody loves to
717s tell you about all the amazing
718s strategies they found all the uh
721s secret mega ship fits and um
726s it will be used against you so do be
728s careful
731s relevant thing because we literally had
734s the thing about someone stealing 700
735s Bell on Earth didn't we
737s um
738s so secrecy
742s so now we're going to get into the
743s actual kind of um the meat of the
744s tournaments this is the feeders bit so
746s this is this is again this was
747s afterwards um hospitalized
750s um
751s we had a
754s Rocky Run in the feeders uh we had two
757s pretty good games unfortunately I can't
758s talk about all the games today because
760s we just don't have time
761s um
762s but we had two really quite smooth games
764s really happy with them again all
765s controls are suspicious they put up a
767s good fight but I think we we would just
768s practice more better ships
771s beside that was
773s that was a Manpower issue I think
774s beastood was we one of our Pilots um a
776s guy called adults who said they can't be
778s here today
779s um he ended up making a TD account about
783s 10 minutes before the game because we
784s only had nine people online
787s um so I think we're always doomed a
789s little bit but um it be subtly really
791s well very very rough are we gonna be
793s thought violets and
795s okay good I can talk trash about them uh
797s they're not that good are they
799s um and then they go on there this is the
801s I'm going to sort of talk a bit more
803s about specifically the loads of hawks
804s best of three so
805s there was the
809s I can't remember the name of it
810s basically the girl it was it was the
811s last chance sort of thing for teams that
813s had got a few wins under the belt but
815s then lost the the final game to get
817s through to the main tournament and from
818s the feeders
820s and yeah they
822s I think we crammed into eight games and
825s two I would have been sex games even
826s sorry into one day and um
829s incredibly stressful blob kitchen
831s sinkhole and percussive Pizza Time
833s diplomacy which is a fantastic name
836s I feel like we were just kind of the
837s stronger team there I think we were
839s quite confident we
841s had seen some of their other comps and
842s and we've got stuff we were happy with
844s against them
845s laser Hawks was a different Beast over
847s we'd see in the they had like a really
849s annoying Rush comp
851s um and to go through these so we were so
854s nervous about them bringing this it's
857s kind of like a sort of
859s I'm just gonna call that Rush comp to be
860s honest it was it was a bit funky but we
862s had seen this before and we were
864s thinking God we're not really happy
865s playing into this we're playing nothing
866s but kind of armor control really two or
868s three battleships
870s and this was kind of the comp that would
871s really hurt us and of course they
873s brought it you know we were we was there
875s afraid of them bringing it and then they
876s brought it
877s um
878s one thing that makes this quite
880s important as well is the way that the
882s best of series work is that if you win a
887s game you can't bring any of the ships
890s from that game
891s in the next round and that sounds like
894s it's not too big a problem because
895s obviously it's like well then it means
896s that Odin's call then gets something
898s back the other time
899s but no actually that's kind of problem
902s because then if we win second game in
904s our final third game we would have our
905s ship spanned out
908s I think the key takeaway from this
909s really though is that
912s if your word is going to happen it's
914s probably gonna happen so you need to be
915s prepared for it right we played a pretty
918s good game here I think we
921s we're a lot closer than we thought we
922s would be
923s and unfortunately
925s I think there was there was there was
927s really a really small piloting mistake
930s at the very end
932s um
933s and we just we just lost narrowly super
935s narrowly and um
939s we've got to hand these laser Hawks as
940s well I think we didn't expect it from
941s them you know we thought they were
942s pretty strong but they really really
944s hurt us and again the the Jitter section
946s as well
948s was unbelievably tough to go over I
951s remember I I was playing a more and I
953s lost my ship right at the start I was
954s kind of a speed bump for that Rush
956s I just got up and I walked out of the
957s room I took my heads off I just couldn't
960s watch the rest of the game it was that
962s nerve-wracking
965s so came to you was a really slow grindy
968s game I remember this because I had a
969s badger that I think was was dropping cut
970s business for people
972s and this was a
975s and again all these games are on YouTube
977s so if you do want to watch them they're
978s available I might see if I can get CCP
980s to link the games
982s um too wherever this gets uploaded
985s but we have like this I remember I think
987s it was Kurtz was was just
990s trying and trying and trying and trying
992s to get this um is this an apoc I think
995s it was
996s and we just couldn't quite get to them
999s um
1000s until we finally did and that was that
1002s was the rest of it right we spent a lot
1003s of time we killed that Badger I think
1005s earlier we've got got some cap pressure
1006s on them
1007s um
1010s you know and uh eventually we managed to
1012s to get our way through one thing to
1014s notice here is the dub the double Sally
1016s I think I've commented here that we
1017s brought the reason for this was because
1019s then we could bring D connects around if
1020s we needed to because obviously if we
1022s take value now and when tally is gone
1024s for the next game and that really how it
1025s says
1027s um but I think this was this actually
1028s was quite endemic of what a lot of at
1029s matches are like where you start this
1032s game everything goes quite slowly at
1034s first and then all of a sudden one ship
1035s dies and then everything collapses it's
1038s like a super snowbally game where
1040s everything's important you've only got
1041s 100 points with the ships or 10 Pilots
1044s and again I think you know this is is
1047s incredibly accurate on TQ I think things
1050s like your win conditions when you find
1051s people it's one of the hugin and you
1053s kill the hugin you might be free for the
1055s rest of the fight you can run rings
1056s around them if somebody has some Jam
1059s chips and you kill them all of a sudden
1060s your DPS looks a lot better
1062s so identifying things like outside ships
1065s ships that are really important ships
1068s that you can Newt off maybe is going to
1070s really help you
1072s and then game three this game honestly
1075s was all about Confidence from us we both
1077s had uh kite comps in my memory serves I
1079s think ours was better
1081s um
1082s but we were so confident with this
1084s matchup I remember we walked on grid and
1086s yokam was worried about them bringing
1087s another Rush comp and he was screaming
1089s into the microphone the second that we
1091s had some D scans of deathly he was
1092s absolutely loving it because he knew
1095s that we've got a real chance
1097s you know we're not we're not we're not
1099s lost in the draft here
1101s we had some unbelievable logic piloting
1105s um from
1106s West house yeah tasting his eyes toast
1109s survived against all their ships when we
1111s killed their Scimitar which was
1114s surprising I think is fair to say so
1117s this was a
1120s fantastic win for us and I think in a
1122s lot of ways actually going through the
1123s feeders in this way helped us get to the
1126s position we got to in the tournament was
1128s having all of these games just to grind
1129s through get the nerves gone
1131s and just uh start believing in the team
1134s being confident and on TQ if you're
1137s confident and your leadership is
1138s confident you're going to be better it
1140s just works in almost all aspects of life
1143s so this is the aftermath of the um
1146s of that game
1148s it's fine oh my God
1154s oh my God oh no I'm sorry I
1158s should Osprey still he's still there
1162s [Music]
1164s we go
1165s [Applause]
1168s it's 5 A.M
1189s in my life
1194s so that was kind of the experience of
1197s coming by after winning a pivotal game
1198s we always went into the other uh the
1199s other channel where all the spectators
1201s were watching and honestly
1203s unbelievable Vibes that's what it was
1206s um there's gonna be lots of censoring by
1208s the way I apologize for my team
1210s um
1211s so that we're going to talk now about
1213s the main tournament and specifically the
1214s road to finals this is certainly what it
1216s felt like going into this
1217s um
1219s now I think we're going to talk
1222s specifically about templates and tuskers
1224s but paper numbers
1228s paper number's a really close game we
1230s had a I remember it's like a really
1232s funky gear like icon for hoder had spent
1234s 14 years building in his basement it was
1237s awful
1239s um
1240s and it got through a lot of our practice
1241s I think we weren't punished in some of
1242s our practices we thought this was really
1243s good and uh those gilas had about three
1246s HP and we found that out the hard way
1248s luckily our Bargas was really good so we
1251s we won the tournament
1253s um
1254s to elaborate a bit further on the
1256s flagships just in case those those
1257s aren't nowhere you're allowed to
1258s basically bring a ship with no
1259s restrictions sorry some restrictions
1262s um and spend kind of as much money as
1264s you want on it so we had a reasonably
1267s blingy bargast
1268s um as our Flagship and uh it really paid
1271s off in this game to be honest um I think
1273s paper numbers really could have could
1275s have been also
1276s um thankfully though yoka and just
1278s cruised around the rest of the game and
1279s kind of won we known them which was
1280s quite nice
1282s nft was as their sort of controlled game
1284s I think we felt very confident in our
1285s environment
1286s and you can normally see when games
1287s finished like 51-3 that's a 10 minute
1290s game that's gone all the way and a lot
1292s of that is just control
1295s making sure that you're in the right
1296s place the right time and that your
1297s opponent just can't go to
1299s a grasp on you templates was our reverse
1301s title match so we will cover that more
1303s this was the bracket that we had so this
1305s spoilers
1307s um
1308s as you can see paper numbers into nft
1310s into templates into tuskers intervalter
1313s into Hydra
1315s um
1316s and yeah honestly I feel like we we were
1319s quite confident with our first two games
1320s but from 10 plus onwards we were
1322s certainly feeling like The Underdogs
1325s so this is the temperature thing so
1329s first of all um she will hopefully be
1332s listing uh on the recording an exodus
1335s member who went to the dark side and
1336s joined endless
1337s um
1339s so we had a hell of a match against
1342s Empress
1344s um they fly really well they fly very
1346s controlled um
1348s we felt super confident in the draft we
1350s had a kite come that we brought they had
1351s sort of I think it was a deal about Joe
1352s Battleship sort of control comp and we
1355s felt super confident here until we made
1357s two critical piloting errors and lost an
1359s authoris and a cyclone Cyclone Fleet I
1362s think it was water cycling
1364s to something we really shouldn't have
1366s done and that made us incredibly
1368s difficult
1369s um
1371s so yeah so
1373s honestly
1375s I mean I think one of the titty things
1377s here is that TK things that can happen
1378s to anyone right you know I don't care if
1379s you're grunt cater on me with like 10
1381s margaritas and me
1382s it's absolutely you're going to make
1384s horrible mistakes everywhere you go
1387s um now people might not always put
1389s videos of the horrible mistakes up but
1390s in the OT unfortunately you can't do
1391s that so everybody sees the horrible
1393s things you do
1395s um
1396s and I think one of the most important
1397s things actually was that we managed to
1399s continue the game without any blame for
1401s the mistakes that happen you know we're
1403s showing up the pilots that have made
1404s those mistakes and died because it's not
1406s going to help you you know it's
1407s cathartic it's not going to help you
1409s so for us it was all about make the best
1410s of a bad situation and we eventually got
1412s ourselves into
1414s um
1416s into our reverse tie-dye and I think
1418s once it got there we were quite
1419s confident
1421s so
1423s now
1428s to add six toward six what six eight
1430s twelve six what six six six six six six
1432s six six six
1433s what six six six six six six six six six
1435s foreign
1465s done
1468s even okay now someone's shooting it
1469s already yeah I started shooting before
1472s shooting him
1481s eight is is
1483s eight eight eight eight
1486s they have Warriors they're gonna cut us
1488s off at eight
1490s have a good week
1493s I want pens on the Orbiter now and
1496s everyone
1499s foreign
1508s foreign
1521s okay
1523s people in the Army I guess you might die
1528s it's a special moment by the way oh wait
1529s no he's trying to force a um he's trying
1531s to force a um Champa getting closer
1534s to his Works he gets the he gets the
1538s can't overstate how goaded Martin Conrad
1540s is when he pushed in he forced he got
1543s into closer optimal so his um dams were
1546s more effective uh Webb oh no Martin
1549s I got uh
1554s okay tie-dye's ramping up is that is
1556s that is that it's tight it's time five
1559s minutes four five minutes five minutes
1560s five minutes
1568s in the center of the Arena you will
1570s boundary if you go too fast
1578s six six
1579s after
1583s 40
1585s not the one I think
1587s about one is less thinking putting
1588s drones on SJ
1591s oh yeah it won't be switched over to the
1593s Curious Martin approached six Martin
1595s approached six yep yep I'm making my
1597s turn and now we should shoot back on
1603s Amazon
1611s okay
1630s um
1637s no heat
1639s approach two after two approach one I'm
1642s tackled
1643s that's when you can it's happening
1649s after two approach one after two
1652s approaches
1664s so hard
1667s so that was very much one day it's
1668s reversed harder it gets pretty wacky
1670s pretty quick
1671s um
1672s we thankfully had codes he'd been in
1674s that situation before we thought we'd
1675s wouldn't honestly when we got to reverse
1677s tie-dye we thought the first ship kill
1679s was gonna decide who the winner was no
1681s it was another five minutes of this so
1683s uh
1685s yeah you rock around the map with the
1686s equivalent of about 14 15 16 17 upwards
1689s care second
1691s um it gets very stressful and uh
1694s thankfully I think we just had the ships
1695s we had um I think yokan just left his
1697s his missiles running and that was that
1700s really nothing they could do
1702s um the goat gamer moment will live with
1704s us forever
1705s um
1707s we'll have to move on because I'm
1709s running a bit burned I'm afraid so this
1710s is a little bit about the tuskers tuscas
1713s game they're really well known for some
1714s of the weird stuff they bring they are
1717s funky at best diabolical at worst
1720s um
1722s and we were really worried about them
1724s um we kind of weren't sure what to bring
1728s and we had this like pseudo Tinker for
1731s Battleship thing that someone had
1733s probably ingested some illicit drugs and
1735s decided to go and try
1738s um
1738s it worked pretty well in some breakfast
1740s to be fair
1741s and um
1742s when you're in a position where you kind
1745s of don't know what you can do sometimes
1747s the best thing is to pull something
1748s unexpected out for her and this was one
1750s of those comps
1751s um
1752s so yeah I think this again this goes the
1755s same for uh the same for on uh
1759s on TK sometimes you need wonky comps
1761s right if you try and fight a 200 Mana
1764s fireworks Fleet with a hundred man vary
1766s explain you're doomed and I don't care
1768s how good you are pressing F1
1770s um so sometimes you've got to be you've
1772s got to be a bit stranger that you know
1773s you've got to bring boosters and
1775s burst Jammer ships and all sorts of
1778s nonsense
1779s um we got so lucky with these guys
1781s because I think they fit a mix of heavy
1782s and hand missiles if they've just gone
1784s all in on the ham launchers we'd have
1785s lost the game but I think they were
1787s worried about us bringing a um
1789s bringing a kite comp so they tried to
1792s sort of balance the books and bring both
1794s and um I think it did hurt them
1797s so this is going to be a short vid from
1800s that game Oh Captain Goods all red from
1802s Goods
1810s [Music]
1814s this is a tragic loss of Leo we do mourn
1817s him to this day
1818s um
1819s that game would have been probably a lot
1820s more straightforward if you hadn't
1822s boundaried immediately
1823s um
1824s but no it was it was a good try so
1827s honestly the teska's game I think it's
1829s worth watching it's maybe not the
1831s flashiest one to watch because it's just
1832s four battleships that in the same spot
1833s for 10 minutes so
1835s but it was it was very interesting on
1837s the theory crafting side so I think we
1839s were very happy with that game
1841s now on to the big one this is our filter
1843s series we have any Vault members in the
1845s house
1847s good again good
1849s um they don't need to see this
1851s um
1853s so this was this was our second best of
1855s three of the tournament and this one was
1857s very different to our laser three later
1859s Hawks were a team that we respect and
1861s gave a lot of um care to Volta was
1864s they're really good
1866s um
1867s and I hate to say it but they are and um
1871s this team has a lot of depth to them and
1874s some incredible Pilots so we were we
1876s were very worried here
1878s um
1880s and yeah I mean like I said some of the
1881s best tournament Players um I'm sure I
1883s loved it people like ryloid who
1885s something might know on the team amongst
1887s others
1888s um we copied the absolute crap out some
1891s of their stuff
1892s um I think we killed their Flagship with
1894s a rush comp we copied from them and put
1895s together in the last 10 minutes before
1897s the game
1898s um because again we didn't have anything
1900s as good and we saw it and we're like
1902s that's really good we've got some of the
1903s fits let's go and do it again Tiki
1907s moment there's nothing wrong with
1909s copying people if they do stuff better
1910s than you
1911s and then you can build on it from there
1915s our comms were unbelievably good I think
1918s everyone was having such a good time and
1919s I think
1922s that's the most important thing with the
1923s a team with any other eve content is
1925s that everyone's having fun You're Gonna
1926s Fly so much better that might not always
1928s get you a win but in the 80 it certainly
1930s helps a lot more than on TQ I think
1933s um and uh toast and nerd will love to
1936s hear this but pick up the lodgy they are
1937s the unsung heroes they don't get to kill
1939s males do they but they probably don't
1941s deserve to but
1943s um
1944s they are our favorites and we love them
1946s and the Keeper's alive
1948s uh and we called the flagship which
1949s would be a lot funnier if we hadn't just
1951s lost ours in the last tournament as well
1954s uh so this is um a few moments from that
1956s game they're on pixels
1959s one pixel ship
1963s or even a closure
1965s approach him and put you in push and put
1966s him do we want to wobble I assume now
1969s keep now hit now hit now hit download
1981s I'm dead how's that
1984s audio
1992s YouTube
1997s what's next it's like so many times
2016s who [ __ ] bumped who [ __ ] bumped me
2019s they're bumping you they're bumping you
2021s everything
2023s running out of here
2026s don't burn out
2028s I'm stupid
2032s they're all spray also has no more heat
2035s come on Craft we're doing it today I'm
2037s gonna drop my job
2043s [Music]
2048s okay
2053s some rap Skyline actually layered some
2055s stuff from that and then becoming my
2056s very expensive kill male for the other
2058s team
2059s um I think we did shoot the wreck in the
2060s end because we realized we were not
2061s getting out of this grid alive that's
2062s for sure
2064s um we died so that we might we might
2065s Prosper
2066s um
2067s this series was a really tough one and
2069s this is just one of those moments from
2071s it um but really I think that
2074s all of those games are worth watching if
2076s you're interested in the tournament play
2078s um and I think some of the Mind Games
2079s behind it in terms of the comps people
2081s brought the way people flew them really
2083s interesting to look at
2085s so this is how we feel against Hydra um
2087s this this was this was less fun
2090s um
2090s we'd gone through a lot of games on that
2092s day and Hydra have made a really
2093s incredible losers bracket run to get all
2095s the way to the finals
2097s um these guys are really good at Eve uh
2100s it's I remember I am
2103s one of the guys in our Co-op is uh he's
2105s basically like a Hydra Fanboy at this
2107s point and um every time we see see some
2110s of them in local somewhere I was like oh
2111s no we can't fight them of course you can
2113s go and fight them fight Hydra um
2115s probably not with you know regular
2116s doctor and ships you're probably gonna
2117s hate that but um fight them with some
2119s Nano stuff but um
2121s they're all really good Pilots
2123s um and I think with them this in this
2125s case I don't think it was even the
2126s piloting necessarily I think we just
2129s didn't know what to bring into some of
2130s the comps they were running
2132s um they had this I think they call it B
2133s War which was a pretty funky sort of um
2137s it was like a rail raily or comp really
2139s hard to deal with really hard to deal
2140s with and more importantly really hard to
2142s deal with for the ships that we were
2143s bringing in the ships we practiced
2145s so
2146s this was just a really tough completely
2150s sort of outclass game for us and we were
2151s riding on such a high we were so excited
2154s and then brought right back down to
2156s Earth really quickly
2158s um
2160s and um
2162s I think
2163s almost always there's a better team out
2166s there for most people there's only one
2167s winner every year
2169s and I think one of the things to do is
2171s is when you lose to a team like this
2173s don't be kind of upset about it I mean
2174s obviously you're going to be a bit down
2175s at the time but
2177s there's so many things you can learn
2178s from losing to people and so much you
2181s can learn from leading to people on TQ
2182s as well
2184s you know most of the mistakes I make on
2186s TQ and I make tons of them I learn not
2189s to do them again because I don't like
2190s losing my stuff right and it's the same
2192s with these guys they
2194s are Theory crafting going into the last
2196s tournament as much as we had a probably
2197s more unfortunate run I think was so much
2200s better because of playing against people
2201s like Hydra because they're so good at
2203s what they do
2205s um
2206s and so sort of pickups to them I suppose
2210s um and sometimes it doesn't matter how
2212s much prep you do some teams just have an
2215s edge on you
2216s I will say though best of five logistics
2219s for best of fives are unbelievably hard
2222s um everything's got to be bought ahead
2224s of time
2225s um there is such a control of the market
2227s on game day as well some of these
2228s players have trillions of risks in
2230s reserve and if you don't buy the stuff
2232s you need beforehand they will buy out
2234s everything of a certain type
2237s thinking I need some damp scripts and
2239s you can't get any or I need some some
2241s specific module or some specific implant
2243s and you can't get any
2245s um so again this was probably the the
2247s most Gray House coats ever had was from
2249s this
2250s um and here is a small clip of how we
2253s felt after the game
2257s rebounder boundary
2260s I'm gonna try it
2263s it's just here I'm trying to figure out
2264s how far it can boundary at the end of
2265s the game a little bit angle
2274s I got an ID boys
2276s oh yes I got the idea I witnessed the
2278s match
2278s I'm gonna sit 125 of the boundary anyone
2281s could try to guard me
2284s imagine it
2289s imagine they actually like eat their
2291s flag like that
2293s yeah
2294s I think is winning for me
2298s yes
2300s 122 still moving towards is one two
2303s three other Dexter is not moving anymore
2305s this one they stopped yeah it stopped
2307s he's not moving
2309s okay
2312s I also when I see I've got what's the
2314s limit can we go one I'm 135 not dead
2316s well it's because it's rounding you're
2319s like yeah
2320s you won 24.5 it's just just stand still
2323s now
2324s oh no
2327s slowest moving ship to boundary
2333s okay boys
2336s yeah very very strong
2339s [Music]
2341s like we got yeah no weather to be
2342s crafting to compared to that no
2346s it's a cool comp yeah that's what it
2348s really is great
2351s they lost the taskers and we lost them
2354s but
2355s we beat Tesco's out yes this game was
2357s really close so I think I think I just
2359s made a mistake and then like one little
2360s mistake cost them really close in that
2362s game
2363s yeah but also templates should have
2365s actually won against uh Hydra
2367s the bargaining stage by the way yeah
2370s yeah
2372s you don't get a kill mail when you
2375s boundary interesting no
2386s user left your channel user left
2391s foreign
2394s I hope part of part of that I think was
2397s that we were sad that we'd lost but
2400s I think at the end of the day playing in
2401s the the 80s it's difficult for anybody
2405s um and then having a good run feels
2407s amazing it doesn't matter you're always
2408s going to feel sad at the time but
2410s looking back that was a really
2411s unexpected and rather incredible run
2413s right
2415s um and as far as the experience was so
2418s fun there was so many good moments
2420s there's so much to it
2423s um
2424s yeah I guess it has a little overview
2426s actually the last one is the most
2427s important one really which is that all
2429s the other things are irrelevant if you
2430s don't enjoy it
2432s there's no point to go you know actually
2434s a better way of saying it is the pro
2435s ships are all lovely and bling we ever
2437s everyone loved them everyone loves
2438s selling Pro chips that's the best part
2441s you're probably not going to get them
2443s unless you're one of the three top teams
2445s you know
2446s so the only way to really get into the
2448s OT is again because it's fun because
2450s it's super fun to try and compete with
2452s these amazing players to try and do all
2455s these things and if you enjoy it that's
2456s how you're going to build the skills to
2458s then go and win chips later on down the
2460s line right
2462s um
2463s but yeah I mean a lot of the stuff we've
2465s covered here today I think is so
2466s relevant to to kind of all the different
2468s things that you do on TQ I think one
2471s actually to highlight I didn't really
2473s talk about is the phrase slurry slowly
2475s smooth and smooth it's fast the amount
2477s of teams are lost games because they
2478s decide to just try and do something
2479s before it was time to because they
2481s didn't move a ship around to a certain
2483s point before they did something else
2485s loads of them
2487s um and this goes fatigue as well
2490s so this was uh just to give you a little
2493s bit of thought on 1819 this is our
2494s glorious Flagship in Flames uh we had a
2497s very unfortunate module burning incident
2499s I think it would have survived otherwise
2502s and this would have uh this would have
2505s probably helped a lot more against
2505s fraternity we were very stuck in a bit
2507s of a um
2510s I think there's a lot of issues with
2512s 1819 I think our foundations improved
2514s but our um
2517s our execution got worse because we had
2519s sort of a lot of people that couldn't
2520s make it to a lot of the practices we we
2522s had um all sorts of issues like that and
2524s I think we've learned from those hope
2526s they come back stronger next year
2528s um I think to sort of close out there's
2530s one final clip here for you from again
2532s Martin
2534s okay
2543s two capsules
2555s because he's uh he's violent he's a
2558s violent offender come on comrade
2561s um some special thanks obviously because
2563s you can't do presentation without some
2564s special thanks
2565s um
2567s very greatest forgiving of some of their
2569s spending figures because I know teams
2571s are very very protective over those
2573s um hopefully that gives you an idea that
2575s you can hopefully start from maybe the
2576s 40 to 50 build Mark and then teams
2579s really gunning for it gonna spend 100
2580s plus
2582s um the Odin's team of course some of our
2584s wonderful members here today
2586s um who made it such a fun experience to
2588s fly with
2589s um throughout all the tournaments we've
2590s done and without that kind of
2592s environment it's just not going to be so
2593s good
2594s um a guy is not here but um I thought
2596s I'd call him out um because by Dutch
2598s online
2599s um very graciously helped me with
2600s editing some videos because I'm Tara
2602s bladder uh Volk kind of helped too
2605s um and then as a honorable mentioned
2608s from this last year um Vanya and Melinda
2610s they brought a lot to the team
2612s um and uh it was a shame right now where
2614s we did but such is life
2617s and uh something I'm not going to try
2618s and pronounce but thank you very much to
2620s CCP for organizing the event and for
2621s having me on I don't know why they let
2623s me speak
2624s um
2625s and thank you to you guys for being here
2627s and listening any questions we've
2629s probably got a little bit of time for
2630s any questions so if anyone does have any
2631s let me know if not you'd probably just
2632s find me around
2637s good no questions my favorite
2639s well thank you very much for listening
2640s everybody
2649s [Applause]