over 2 years
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EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
4s | hello i am moderator joined by my good |
7s | colleague btt for what will be a very |
10s | very explosive uh best out of three at |
13s | least this first match hydra going |
15s | triple a bad and triple oracle pontifex |
18s | mueller double inquisitor walk me |
20s | through vidra here |
22s | vidra have gone something that we |
23s | haven't seen yet this tournament they've |
25s | gone with a balgorn triple navy brutix |
29s | double navy augra double deacon |
31s | confessor mauler trying to take back to |
33s | last year where octodad was quite |
36s | popular with all of these uh battle |
38s | cruiser clubs so maybe those medium |
40s | turrets can do really really well here |
42s | yeah you say octo dead but i think that |
44s | hydra is going to make uh vyder call |
46s | them daddy we already see that uh mika |
49s | knox is saying oops when they landed in |
51s | local um |
53s | oracles are just going to absolutely |
55s | scorch through uh pun intended these |
57s | brutus navy issues that are not whole |
59s | tanks uh these deacons are going to be |
61s | totally irrelevant hydra is just going |
63s | to blast through this core of brutus |
65s | navy issues and then just |
67s | destroy the balgorn um |
70s | man hydra just perfectly countercomps |
73s | vitra and this is just going to be an |
74s | absolute blowout we can see that we're |
76s | all of 30 seconds in vitro losing two |
79s | battle cruisers in as much time |
81s | um oracles are being tackled and they're |
83s | being muted by the belgorn but he won't |
85s | be able to shut them off in time it |
87s | isn't enough uh mickey knox getting some |
90s | reps but it doesn't matter already down |
92s | into hull and popping now |
94s | yeah an important thing for hydra here |
97s | is this comp is only really uses two or |
100s | three ship types uh with the abaddon and |
102s | the oracle for the conquest bands they |
104s | haven't really lost that much because |
106s | nothing except for this comp |
108s | uses them |
110s | yeah i mean that's you know something |
112s | that might have hurt them potentially in |
114s | that best out of three where they did |
116s | end up go |
117s | going down to uh volde here um speaking |
120s | of things going down the bow going |
121s | already down and just to a sliver 20 10 |
125s | of armor uh desperately trying to rep |
127s | and even if you have a reactive power |
130s | hardener it will not cycle fast enough |
132s | with three abaddon sitting on top of you |
134s | um |
135s | pumping damage into you and once that |
138s | belgorn goes down we can see the attack |
140s | bar of vitro go down to basically |
142s | nothing look at the attack bar of hydra |
145s | they've lost three oracles that are each |
147s | a battleship worth of damage and it's |
149s | nearly to the full screen mauler is |
150s | getting instantly deleted the second |
152s | they get any webs and grapples on top of |
154s | them um hydra choosing a very very |
157s | all-in composition and it's paying off |
160s | in spades for them i mean look at the |
162s | bands that we had bar guest slept near |
165s | nightmare |
167s | vargas and golem all things that are |
168s | good against tiger's comp |
171s | yeah i just don't think they really |
173s | wanted to go against anything that was |
174s | particularly kitty here both the |
177s | basilisk and the scimitar have been |
179s | banned so they didn't want to go against |
181s | those long-range kind of like shield |
183s | missile kites |
185s | which we've seen this triple button |
188s | uh triple oracle struggle against |
190s | because they can't get exactly on top of |
192s | things |
194s | yeah i mean |
196s | one of the things that you know you |
197s | often expect from these hydra vita um |
200s | teams is that you expect like this very |
203s | execution very you know kind of micro |
206s | intensive |
207s | you know |
208s | team-based uh setups that require very |
210s | high |
211s | individual level of skills which isn't |
213s | to say that this doesn't but they just |
215s | decided i'm gonna go hulk smash i'm just |
217s | gonna bring all of the lasers i'm gonna |
220s | punch you in the face and i'm gonna end |
221s | it |
222s | in all of three minutes as these deacons |
224s | are grappled and webbed i'm giving i |
228s | think more time for |
230s | um the production team to get back on |
232s | track and on schedule so thank you hydra |
235s | for you know winning so fast that you |
237s | get us back on |
239s | track yeah i find it extremely amusing |
242s | that the buttons are only just now |
244s | starting to move again two of them have |
246s | been sitting at zero trying to maximize |
249s | their tracking but important thing to |
251s | notice here is how hard it is for this |
254s | ship this composition to break those two |
257s | deacons uh it really goes to show how |
259s | good experienced pilots in deacons can |
261s | be because caitanya in this deacon is is |
265s | just not going down |
268s | yeah okay so i mean mickey knox even |
270s | when they landed on grid um they were |
272s | kind of saying oops you know gf they |
274s | realized that this was lost uh casper |
277s | thing rematch quick smiley face |
281s | uh they're kind of you know posting |
283s | local dexter's saying dude we can't |
286s | track we have battleships nice deacon |
288s | hacks deacon's known for a very small |
291s | signature radius um being very hard to |
294s | hit and the deacons are kind of uh |
297s | even without links you know to reduce |
299s | those signature give them better resist |
301s | um they're having difficulty uh you know |
304s | in these battleships hitting them not |
305s | that it matters uh they're just you know |
308s | burn time |
309s | um you know given give themselves a |
311s | little bit more time here to think about |
314s | what their next bands could be for the |
316s | match and as you had alluded to |
318s | um |
319s | not a whole lot brought for videra or |
321s | hydra here you know with the wind that |
323s | will uh you know force them to not be |
325s | able to bring something with the |
327s | conquest rule set here |
329s | yeah they even put inquisitors and |
331s | inquisitors is not something you see |
333s | a lot usually people go for these |
335s | deacons so deacons are still available |
337s | as lodging freaks in a later match |
340s | yeah i mean that's kind of an ideal |
342s | position to place yourself in i mean you |
344s | still have |
346s | you know you have uh |
349s | options this next match |
351s | carnival choosing to try to run away |
354s | just being target painted |
357s | right now |
359s | by these abaddons not every day that you |
362s | see a target panning abaddon but |
365s | you know given the setup it makes a lot |
366s | of sense |
368s | um |
369s | yeah just |
371s | bulk smashing their way into a clean one |
373s | zero lead in this best out of three |
377s | yeah we're seeing the they can finally |
379s | uh start to go down now i really like |
382s | the position of these buttons they've |
384s | got two of them a little bit further and |
386s | one of them a little bit further back |
388s | so that when if anything tries to get on |
391s | top of two of them like the deacon is |
393s | now the other abaddon still has that |
395s | little bit of extra range and can still |
397s | track a little bit better as this last |
399s | deacon goes down though we'll pass it |
401s | back to the studio and have them break |
403s | it down a little bit further |