almost 5 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Laughter]
6s there we go oh my god oh no build me an
14s arch alright here we go
18s alright so Wow hello Toronto uh I'm
23s about to start this presentation which
27s is kind of like the the one in Vegas
30s where I basically harvested tears now in
36s this case at the end of this
38s presentation I might be the one know
41s we'll see because this presentation has
44s taken me through a lot of research
47s because this is going to go in a little
50s different direction and and so in this
58s in this part what's that I'm not ready
64s for this speech
65s wait what's wait what's going on wait
70s hold on wait oh god dang it guys did
91s this to me I gotta do the mic otherwise
95s it's gonna get all messed up okay yeah
103s better time we could have done this
105s before the presentation
111s [Laughter]
115s [Applause]
119s I had no choice for those who are on the
121s stream I had no choice and being the
124s space-boat it's all you
126s did this to me
130s alright I'm gonna start over hello
132s Toronto Oh Eve North alright for those
140s who for those who are new to Eve this
146s I'm gonna show you I want to get started
148s in showing you the original origin story
151s that ccp ran for a couple years before
153s they changed it up because i'm going to
156s talk about are we alone in New Eden and
160s are we alone in the Milky Way so I'm
162s going to play this this video and then
165s I'm gonna kind of summarize it so here
167s we go
172s the origin of our ancestors
183s a century had passed since they
186s discovered these gate
190s wormhole passage to a remote corner of
195s the universe
198s New Eden
201s it was the largest colonization effort
204s in the history of man
207s the mass settlement of hundreds of
210s strange new worlds we thought nothing
214s could stop us
227s after the Eastgate collapsed countless
231s colonies perished
234s the scattered survivors forgot the
237s old-world fragments of mankind
242s light-years apart lost contact
247s thousands of dark years passed until
251s humanity rose again to be with the Stars
255s one of my favorite songs in different
259s corners of New Eden great empires had
262s evolved
264s [Music]
266s different faces of humanity when they
272s clashed
274s the wars
282s [Music]
287s dead body that's just thought I'd end on
292s the dead body so a brief summary put in
295s text so this is called multimodal
297s learning so for those who left brain
300s right brain I'll take this a little
301s different direction so there's the same
304s story that basically we are in the Milky
306s Way and the inhabitants of New Eden
309s don't even know about Earth basically if
311s when you say earth in New Eden that's
314s like saying Atlantis to us because it's
316s a it's a lost it's a lost place and and
319s they really don't know where that is and
321s when we talk about the New Eden cluster
323s clusters are groups of stars inside
327s galaxies so I was at CCP headquarters
330s about five years and I kept asking well
332s what is named in the galaxy and and I
334s explained a clusters to them and and
337s they were like whoa we don't have a name
338s for the galaxy so that may someday
340s appear but right now we call it the New
342s Eden cluster and there was the Eve gate
344s between the two and it was the largest
347s colonization effort in the history of
350s man we sent out these huge colony ships
352s and we spread out and so Humanity in
357s early colonization just branched out and
359s we set up a little white house and a
362s white picket fence two cats in the yard
364s and all that stuff and it got to be
366s hundreds mass settlements hundreds of
369s mass settlements that were out there but
371s then oh something happened the Eve gate
375s exploded and and it collapsed and then
379s all of a sudden they lost everything
382s this is I'm gonna use the term called
384s great filters I'm going to talk about
385s great filters during this talk but all
388s of a sudden what was hundreds of
391s colonies now became only five and there
395s was an extinction by natural events they
397s destroyed themselves a lack of resources
399s or they starve to death and again I'm
402s going to talk about more of these
403s filters but this lasted for many
406s thousands of years during the dark ages
408s and they all lost spaceflight except
412s some lore people said Joe have never
414s lost a spaceflight but we don't have a
417s lot of information on that but these are
419s isolated survivor
420s there was no communications except for
422s the Gallente in the cold area because
424s they were in the same solar system so
426s they were probably talking planned at
428s the planet but the Amara in the mid of
430s Atari they didn't know of each other out
432s there except for the Joe of the Joe of
434s were potentially the first to take
436s flight that's why I like that one you
439s see the rocket taking off because it's
441s like they had to reinvent physics they
444s had to reinvent spaceflight they had to
445s reinvent all of this because of the
447s disaster that had occurred and then and
451s then the others followed humanity rose
453s again to be with the Stars so the cold
456s area the Minmatar the omar and the glen
458s t arose again and the jove had a couple
461s different empires in the lore there was
463s first empire second empire third empire
465s matter of fact I'm not qualified to talk
468s about the Jovians but Mikado is also in
470s going to talk about this with the Tri
473s gravy ins and that could be the result
477s where these drifters and the Tri glaive
479s Ian's and the sleepers may have come
480s from so we kind of don't count the Jove
484s when we say four different phases of
486s humanity because in the marketing that's
489s the four phases that you can play and as
491s you know you can't play that jove or any
493s of the Jove ancestors out there so
496s that's new Eden today and again there's
498s been a lot of work done on the Jovian
500s history and I've only modified this
504s chart in green and red you know where
506s I've declared they've come from the
508s tyrants but I have no data on that so
511s it's just faith because you know
513s believing in something with no data it's
516s just the leap of faith but Tyron sound
519s cool and try claim Ian's begins with a
521s tea so I know sodium are the caldera and
528s the Glen tee and the Minotaur and the
530s all the Jovian a sentence you know it
532s just wasn't this time when humanity
535s humanity rose to be with the Stars but
539s why are we talking about humanity well
542s the aliens at where are they they gotta
548s be out there so you know we've over the
550s years we've talked to CCP and say where
552s are the
553s one of the intelligent aliens yeah we
555s have photos and we have flavor hounds
558s but you have a whole galaxy and the
561s smartest thing in that galaxy is a slave
563s around what so we're all aliens so the
567s official word that's the that's the felt
573s that's the Falcon nebula up there even
577s the star of humans being humans and we
579s were ruthless cut hole cut throat
581s assholes
582s Eva's always will be the story of humans
585s being humans and aliens really not
587s needed so based on that it's basically
591s pretty much humans humans humans humans
594s humans humans everywhere but in the real
599s life in in the real world not in the
601s game world is this realistic is it
602s really scientific and actually this is a
606s very haunting question because the
609s answer is yes so that's my introduction
614s everybody knows I do half my
616s presentation is an introduction and so
618s but I couldn't convince CCP to make this
621s my my title the Fermi paradox Drake
624s Equation the rare earth hypothesis and
626s abiogenesis is one so hello Toronto so I
636s look out I mean I'm an astronomer I've
638s worked at Palomar and I've done things
641s with JPL and I've done stuff and I've
643s looked out there and I myself I myself
646s has asked the question is there anybody
648s out there at all and you guys made me
651s the space Pope but in the 1950 in the
654s 1950s there was another Pope actually he
657s was called the Pope of physics and that
660s was Enrico Fermi and I'm 59 he died at
664s 53 winning
668s but he was dealing with nuclear power
671s and radiation and all that stuff he
674s worked at Alamos he wasn't an astronomer
676s he was just a physicist he didn't do any
678s science matter of fact there's this
680s thing called the Fermi paradox and the
683s Fermi paradox is is just a statement it
687s wasn't a paper it wasn't a journal it
691s wasn't a lecture it was a lunchtime
693s conversation he was sitting at lunchtime
698s with Edie teller Herbert York Amell
701s Kaminsky and in him and they were just
705s sitting at lunch that's not the actual
706s lunch photo but it looked very much like
708s that even to this very day some things
711s don't change but that is the actual
713s cartoon he was looking at in the paper I
715s guess there was a trash crisis in New
717s York and they were calling on the aliens
720s to bring trash cans to New York so but
724s so he looked at that that cartoon and he
726s said where is everybody and they all
728s laughed because they immediately they
730s kind of knew what he was meant the
731s universe is supposed to be full of life
733s but well if that's the case where are
735s they but another man ten years later in
738s 1961 Frank Drake and oh look I brought a
744s Drake Frank we have a way to find them
750s because Frank Drake was talking about
753s using radio telescopes and using the
757s radio telescopes it was to reach out and
759s try to listen because this you can send
764s radio signals at the speed of light so
768s it makes sense that we would hear from
769s someone before they actually travel
772s 40,000 years to to get there when oops I
777s went out of the zone then then actually
782s spending that time you can spend the
785s speed of light so instead of 40,000
786s years you could maybe spend you know a
789s half a year sending that or four years
791s whatever so this guy Frank Drake came up
795s with this came up with this formula and
798s this formula was just to get us
802s think because he really wanted to come
804s up with funding for a special project
806s what was that project I bet most of you
809s yeah so I love you guys
812s I can talk in AU and you know exactly
815s what I mean yeah so this formula was is
819s what he took came out and started with
822s and this was what's called the Drake
825s Equation and so I like that but I made
829s it a little more colorful it's the same
831s formula the actual answer to this
834s formula is we don't know period dot we
839s don't know now there are some things we
840s do know that we can fill in the values
842s to these variables what we do know is
845s that the the number of civilizations how
849s many that we don't know but we know that
851s the galaxy the Milky Way creates about
853s three solar mass of stars a year so the
857s Milky Way is still building stars
859s not-so-bad exoplanets is is four
864s thousand now so it's four thousand
868s exoplanets that we that we know of but
870s one of the things we don't know is the
872s average number of those planets that
874s create an ecosystem where the materials
879s for life could actually exist not life
882s just the materials that are set up for
885s that life like polymers like polymers
891s because a cell a cell has like a polymer
895s and the little goo inside the cell and
897s all that so all of that has to kind of
899s exist within that ecosystem and then
901s this is the big one this is this is the
903s fraction of those planets that succeed
906s in developing life and this is what I'm
910s going to talk later in the presentation
912s called the zone and then those fraction
917s of those planets that life to develop
919s intelligent life no I always giggle when
922s I say intelligent life because what does
924s intelligent life mean you know the apes
927s are intelligent the Dolphins are
929s extremely intelligent cats
932s my wife says they're in tillich
934s and she argued with me and she said put
939s a cat on your slide yeah yeah snowball
943s yeah if you know the story of snow I
945s have a black cats call snowball it's
947s like really mean maybe that's why don't
950s know but but what is the intelligence
953s that so I define intelligence as the
955s ability to make a clock radio
958s that's the charlie factor you know how
960s many how many civilizations in the
963s entire universe has made a VCR and it is
968s a VCR a measure of intelligent life
971s maybe not so much and then how many of
975s those live because we've only been alive
979s a very short time in this and you know
982s people say maybe we're on the verge of
985s destruction or whatever of the human
987s race and so if that's true for us maybe
989s that's true of other aliens maybe they
991s just live for a hundred thousand years
993s and blow up we're not even that long as
996s far as that so that's the entire Drake
998s Equation in that Drake Equation was
1001s designed to get funding for SETI because
1005s it appeals to all of the the mathematics
1009s and when you're dealing with the
1010s mathematics that big number of 200
1016s billion stars in our galaxy
1019s you start with that number and then any
1022s fraction of that is going to be a big
1024s number and so Elon Musk says oh there's
1029s trillions of alien civilizations you
1032s know either they don't last long or
1034s there are a lot of aliens and so some
1036s say no it's maybe like 30 in our solar
1039s in our galaxy maybe some say 30,000
1044s we're comforted by these numbers I'm
1047s gonna take you a different direction
1048s Sean Carroll actually said not really
1052s life could be rare the probability of
1056s starting could be one Google one
1060s followed by a hundred zeros is a Google
1063s and it's misspelled as the Google you
1067s know
1067s because they this kind of screwed it up
1069s but the the real Google is one with a
1072s hundred and this is an insane number
1074s this mess if I talked about an Octavian
1078s or a sextillion what's that mean
1080s to us you know can we even comprehend a
1083s hundred versus a hundred thousand these
1086s are numbers that are so big it's hard to
1089s really understand it's basically what if
1092s you had a thousand dice and they all had
1094s to land on six Mac singularity six you
1098s know sixth Empire so you have to roll a
1100s six on a thousand of die and that's
1103s maybe your chances for each plan to go
1105s to each planet roll that maybe that's
1107s what your numbers are but the answer
1109s still is we don't know we really don't
1112s however I can boil it down to two
1115s options for discussions sake one either
1118s we live in a totally crowded universe
1121s with a whole bunch of civilizations out
1123s there just waiting to slap us in the
1126s face and get a kill mill yeah yeah we
1136s made contact and yeah exactly and and
1141s why would they travel that far to do
1143s that you know for our resources what
1145s resources do we have on earth hello
1148s water that's everywhere what the
1151s resources we have there so or we could
1153s live also in a barren universe to in
1156s there and there's that possibility so in
1158s the crowded universe that's fun because
1161s we're comforted by the mathematics that
1164s we're comforted by the statistics this
1166s is when math is our friend and we like
1169s math because it feels good and by that
1172s we've seen so many science fiction's all
1174s the science fiction's are better with
1175s aliens in them and we've seen so many
1178s movies and so forth that are like that
1181s but in a barren universe the thought of
1186s us being alone is haunting and
1188s disturbing and it's really not all that
1190s comfortable so I'm not gonna think about
1193s you know I don't like thinking about
1195s stuff that that that I don't like no I'm
1198s not gonna do it
1200s and so we
1201s as a race of human beings we tend not to
1205s think about these things we don't like
1207s it's not popular it's not a soundbite
1209s it's not clickbait it's not fast it's
1212s not something you can generate clicks on
1214s unless you make it sensationalist you
1217s know and put it on the Internet life
1219s Baron says Charles
1221s nobody's clicking on that so so we
1225s don't think about it so I talked about
1227s these things called the great filters
1229s and the great filters there's tons and
1232s tons and tons of these filters that are
1233s out there it's amazing all the things
1236s that are trying to kill us that are out
1238s there
1239s radiation folks it burns it really does
1242s suck I don't know if you've watched
1243s Chernobyl yet I haven't but all the
1244s spoilers are coming so I haven't
1246s recorded I'm gonna watch it yet
1247s the impacts you can just ask the
1249s dinosaurs hey how'd that go for you guys
1251s the space the sheer size of space is one
1255s of the biggest filters of them all and
1257s and time are we early in the evolution
1260s of the galaxy are we late are we at the
1262s end of it
1263s the universe believe it or not is just
1265s beginning it's only 13.8 billion years
1267s old only only it could last to be a
1271s hundred thousand billion billion years
1275s from now it could it's really awesome
1278s when you think about some some of the
1279s physics that are out there in the gases
1282s the gases can change the atmosphere
1283s there Earth was not did not have a blue
1286s sky there Earth had a red sky when it
1289s formed for many billion years until life
1292s turned it blue well people on stream are
1297s going a super knows of stars blowing up
1301s next to you metallicity
1304s what's in your blood iron calcium you
1309s need those things in your blood when you
1312s start adding up all the things about
1314s life it becomes this really complicated
1316s listen including these habitable zones
1319s like Goldilocks porridge what if one is
1322s too hot earth is too close to the Sun
1324s it's too hot or Earth is too far and
1327s it's too cold but the one in the middle
1330s just like Goldilocks is just right okay
1333s a lot of you guys know this
1335s but what about the Galactic Goldilocks
1338s zone wait what yeah there's a galactic
1342s Goldilocks zone if you're in the
1344s galactic core there's a lot of filters
1346s there that want to kill you the gases
1348s the impacts the radiation supernovas I
1352s mean you literally they're stars moving
1354s everywhere you know this stars are not
1357s for your light-years away there are
1359s there fractions of light air away so
1361s they're moving around there's black
1364s holes thousands of black holes that are
1366s there and if you go out to the black
1368s Galactic rim out near the edge there's
1373s not enough metal and the star types are
1376s different out there and yeah you can
1378s have some impacts out there too impacts
1380s are in all of them but there's this
1382s Goldilocks zone in the galaxy that is
1385s also just right and some of these
1387s filters especially impacts those
1389s wouldn't be a pretty bad day now
1392s actually we talked about the asteroid
1395s that hit the dinosaurs it was bad for
1397s them but it was kind of good for us
1400s because no more dinosaurs I mean I tell
1405s you a velociraptor would have eaten all
1407s our Apes out of the trees yeah yeah
1410s would not have been good supernovas
1413s those are also bad and good they're bad
1415s and that they can totally explode and
1417s take out a planet but they're good
1419s because guess what that's how the metals
1421s that's how the iron in your blood was in
1425s the core of a massive red giant once
1428s upon a time the same iron this is why
1431s Carl Sagan says we are made of star
1433s stuff this is my religion right here
1437s this is this is we don't need the fables
1440s we just need the truth about what it
1443s actually is to see the beauty the
1445s self-imposed filters of these are
1448s self-imposed these are filters we put on
1451s us stupid things like war that's filled
1454s with hate in ideology and economics and
1457s stupid intolerance and lucky for all of
1461s us you know there's pride months and you
1464s know you know there was gonna be a lot
1465s of parades in Toronto this weekend
1468s that's
1468s Eponine and we've already seen a few
1470s friends and I know a lot of CCP
1473s employees that practice this all year
1475s long it's not just a one-month thing so
1477s kudos to to just CCP for doing that but
1486s as Carl Sagan has said think of the
1488s rivers of blood that soldiers and
1490s generals are fought over for mode one
1494s side of a little tiny dot to the other
1497s side of a tiny little dot and who knows
1500s we're developing new technology we're
1502s probably gonna get killed by robots
1503s anyway so I'm on the anti robot rights
1507s committee so it's not gonna happen and
1510s you know drones rogue drones let's just
1513s kill them now biologic filters you know
1517s we're building superbugs people are
1520s using antibiotics for the wrong reasons
1525s engineered bio warfare how stupid can
1527s that be and a global pandemic which we
1530s haven't seen in our lifetime but it is
1532s possible you know and now this whole
1535s thing about resistance to vaccinations
1539s and all that stuff
1541s climate change we're not just talking
1543s storms and flooding what you have not
1546s heard a lot of in the news that keeps me
1549s and my wife awake is the deadly heat and
1552s I'm not going to talk about deadly heat
1554s because I mean what this is about but
1556s deadly heats coming and this town is
1558s coming like a ghost town this is Bodie
1560s California you know and the resources
1564s you know right now we pay for water or
1565s we're gonna have to pay for air someday
1567s in population this this freaked me out
1571s now it's not a good eve presentation
1573s unless there's a really good chart so
1580s have to keep up the tradition this
1583s freaks me out
1584s I was born folks in 1960 there were
1586s three billion of my fellow human beings
1589s on this planet three billion in 1960
1592s it's 2019 I'm 59 years and it's not just
1598s doubled it's over double its 7.7 and
1602s we're head
1602s to eight billion people very soon but
1605s look at from 1962 I don't know let's go
1608s zero
1610s there was a hundred ninety million
1611s people or let's go to four million ten
1614s thousand years ago this is are you
1619s scared
1620s this scares me this is something
1623s I'm this is not even the carbon SiC
1625s signature even though you look at the
1627s carbon in the atmosphere this is just
1629s number of eyeballs that are out there
1633s that are crazy the you know where I was
1637s going with that all right the greatest
1638s filter of them although all of those
1641s filters happens before life and if I
1645s couldn't make this any darker let's go
1648s even darker that there's a word for this
1650s one event that occurred it's called
1652s abiogenesis now you may have heard of
1655s biogenesis biogenesis is the development
1657s of life or preceding life forms but
1661s abiogenesis is life arising from nothing
1664s or right life arising from mud and
1668s before abiogenesis happens on each
1671s planet there has to be enough metals
1673s enough water enough minerals enough
1675s gases enough pressure pressure so you
1678s have to have the right size of planet
1680s just enough heat you have to be in the
1681s Goldilocks zone and you got all this
1683s chemical science this is biology science
1688s I don't do biology I do some geology but
1691s I don't do the biology but this is all
1693s of the RNA and PNAS and the DNA's and
1697s this is all before life occurs
1699s self-replicating polymers what all of
1703s that has to be in place and you have to
1705s have the right conditions for all of
1707s that to happen and these are
1710s stromatolites and I have an order on
1712s to have a couple that's
1715s dramatic light dependence because this
1717s is awesome this is the oldest living or
1721s the oldest fossil evidence we have as
1723s 3.7 billion years ago so life got
1726s started very early and in abiogenesis
1730s life came from rocks basically but this
1735s is a rock that came from life because
1738s these little cells poop out rock and
1740s this is a basically so poop that's there
1744s and these rocks are very sturdy they
1747s last 327 billion years to do that so we
1750s live on this giant Tree of Life
1753s there's two basic branches and one of
1756s the branch breaks off in the two and
1758s then it breaks down even farther this is
1760s a good chart but I like this one better
1762s I love this chart because this chart is
1766s is the oldest is in the middle and today
1769s is on that outer edge and this one we
1772s talked about we are all related this
1774s goes down to that first point and guess
1776s what we have a name for that grandmother
1779s that first cell that split is called
1782s Luca Luca is the last common last
1787s Universal common ancestor that is the
1791s first cell on earth and for that cell to
1794s actually start that's when a biogenesis
1797s occurs but it life did not just pop up
1800s on the earth all of a sudden it took a
1802s long time to percolate now you remember
1804s remember the population chart I showed
1806s you this is a different one but it's
1808s kind of same thing life was very simple
1811s for a four billion years it was rkn life
1814s forms of protozoic life forms and then
1816s all of a sudden came trust yes a Chevys
1825s eventually life creates a Chevy truck so
1832s so people are trying to work on this
1834s equation the rare the rare earth
1836s equation in this equation is again more
1839s of those things that you need to create
1842s life you know the right distance from
1844s the star the mass of the star the stable
1846s planetary orbits you kind of need a
1848s Jupiter and there's reasons for that I'm
1850s not going to tell you at all you can
1851s search this on the internet and learn
1853s more I really recommend you do that
1855s maybe Mars oceans large moons the right
1859s tilt you need all of these things
1862s together and so now that number from 200
1868s billions so this is the key the fraction
1874s of planets were microbial life developed
1876s we are the only example of success we
1881s are simply unaware how unique and truly
1885s special we are we are anthropocentric
1888s bias clouds our view it's really key
1893s this is a great video professor David
1895s kipping look for are we alone a lot of
1899s his talk inspired me to do this
1901s presentation
1901s check out his presentation he'll explain
1904s it in different ways and so oh okay now
1912s I'm gonna take you on a NASA video that
1914s is Andromeda it's the closest galaxy to
1918s us and that galaxy we've been able to
1922s use the Hubble telescope and take a
1924s quarter of that galaxy and zoom in on it
1928s now when we zoom in on this galaxy and
1931s go in what you're going to see is every
1935s that you see the big dots the big dots
1937s are the Milky Way because you're looking
1938s through a dirty windshield so when you
1940s see the big dots just know that's in our
1943s galaxy but all those little little dots
1948s four hundred billion stars
1951s four hundred it's the Andromeda is
1955s bigger than Milky Way it's it's a big
1956s galaxy and we're on a collision course
1958s we're gonna merge with Andromeda
1960s some days tomorrow maybe and so that
1967s might be an error so again the the large
1970s stars you see that those are Milky Way
1973s stars the little stars are the
1975s population of the Andromeda galaxy this
1981s is the statistics this is the statistics
1984s that makes us feel like with all those
1986s stars there's got to be life out there
1992s but the same statistics shows that you
1996s could roll a die on every one of those
1999s planets
1999s around every one of those stars and
2003s abiogenesis maybe only one it could be
2008s that rare astronomy is a humbling and
2012s character-building experience to me it
2015s underscores our responsibility to be
2017s kinder to each other and that is scary
2020s it is frightening but if you use your
2023s mind if you use your intellect you don't
2026s need to be frightened but I don't have I
2032s don't have I don't feel frightened by
2034s not knowing things by being lost in a
2038s mysterious universe without having any
2040s purpose which is the way it really is as
2042s far as I can tell possibly it doesn't
2044s frighten so where is everybody Fermi
2049s asked it's possible we live in a totally
2053s crowded universe it's absolutely
2056s possible I really recommend you go to
2060s youtube and just search for answers to
2062s the Fermi paradox there is some really
2064s funny and some stupid and some valid
2068s points out there I mean answers to de
2071s Fermi paradox somebody said well this is
2074s all a simulation in a computer so that's
2077s why yeah right no there's there's a lot
2082s on that one so so check that out look
2085s for answers to the Fermi paradox because
2087s that there's a lot of talks out there
2090s there's actually a hundred and fifty 180
2093s some answers that people have come up
2095s and some are actually valid
2097s so consider that it's also possible that
2101s abiogenesis is almost improbable but we
2105s know it happened once we know what
2108s happened well I'm sitting up here right
2110s look I'm proof we may be alone in New
2115s Eden so where is everybody the
2118s intellectual answer that I give because
2120s you know I work for NASA and people ask
2122s me this all the time the real answer is
2125s we don't know we really don't know and
2129s in eve evil always has and always will
2132s be the story
2133s humans making humans Hillians are not
2136s needed there's the Falcon nebula but you
2142s know what it should be a thing it's a
2146s good thing we just may be alone in New
2151s Eden we may be alone in the Milky Way
2153s galaxy but you know what
2163s pull it together I'm not alone I'm not
2169s alone
2172s we're not alone we have each other
2188s [Applause]
2195s [Applause]
2207s [Laughter]
2212s [Applause]
2217s we're not alone go after Michael mail
2222s I'll see you later
2228s hi this is Charles Wyden I got a little
2232s choked up at the end of that video and
2235s the reason is is because I was looking
2238s right into the faces of about 300 of my
2240s fellow players an EVE Online and they
2243s knew instantly what I was trying to say
2245s Eve is a very special community we have
2249s so many charities for worldwide
2252s disasters we celebrate when players have
2256s newborn children we memorialize their
2259s death and we are a community so when I
2264s said we could be alone in the universe
2266s and then I said I'm not alone everybody
2270s instantly gave me that look like no
2273s we're not alone it's the best community
2276s in the gaming world so thank you and
2279s sorry for that sorry for walking off the
2281s stage I really wish I could have stayed
2283s and answered more questions but you guys
2285s got to me thanks
2291s you
2293s you