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0s foreign
33s to the final day of the alliance turn 18
36s Minar Republic trials where we have six
40s teams competing for just one slot
43s available in Alliance tournament 18.
45s that's right just one slot 31 teams have
48s been confirmed five of them so six of
51s them yesterday uh in the various tribes
54s who took the the number one positions in
56s each of those tribes the second place
58s fell to today and we have one final
60s group round followed by a playoff for
63s that one remaining slot and we have a
67s series of fantastic teams today to show
70s you we have we form blob we have
72s percussive pizza time diplomacy we have
75s Odin's call we have the ancient we have
77s laser Hawks and we have kitchen sinkhole
80s who amongst them will be strong enough
82s to beat off all of those other strong
85s com competent teams and take that one
88s last remaining slot in a line term 18.
92s I'm joined on the desk by jintan and
94s Alexia Carter how are you guys today
97s gentan who do you think is going to make
99s it through
99s oh man that's a really hard call there
102s are some there are some obvious
103s candidates in here but personally I'm re
105s I'm rooting for pizza or Picasso Pizza
107s Time diplomacy as their full very much
110s of a mouthful name uh is uh they've
113s really impressed me with some of their
114s matches going through the brackets so
116s far and they lost in an absolute nail
119s biter of a match going up against the
122s equally uh auspiciously named hidden
125s Leaf ninja Villages assassin Squad
128s Esports or however the hell their name
131s is uh
133s ninjas as we call them
135s yeah uh and you know I I they were
138s probably one or two one or two heated
140s shots or dropping their rep Bots you
142s know two or three two or three seconds
144s earlier away from winning that match so
146s it'll be really exciting to see if they
148s can redeem themselves in this Redemption
150s bracket
152s Alex nice to see you uh finally we get
155s to see your face we've heard your uh
156s your sultry tones commentating some of
158s the matches over the the last two
159s weekends who are you looking forward to
161s seeing today
163s well I think percussive Pizza Time
165s diplomacy is a great pick there's also
167s Odin's call which has a tremendous
169s tournament pedigree somehow they're here
171s in the Redemption bracket instead of
173s just sailing straight through so I think
175s every team in the Redemption bracket has
177s to be shaking a little bit looking at
178s them and they're on the other side of
180s the field but uh I'm also say kitchen
183s sinkhole could surprise us
186s yeah wooden's called dropped yesterday
187s to Bright Side of death who advanced
190s Alliance room in 18 uh very much against
192s what uh everyone seemed to expect uh
195s twitch lost thousands of Channel points
197s on that one everyone betting on Odin's
199s call a strong tournament favorite
202s um we're about to go into match one
203s actually where we will see Odin's call
204s once again we form blob uh the team that
207s will take them on they are Banning out
209s the barges and the lecheck whereas
211s Odin's call Banning the near and
213s the Loki this is quite important this is
215s a group stage so you want to have the
217s best record to make sure you advance six
219s will become four will become two will
221s become one and this is the first match
223s to decide those uh those medium four
226s it's gonna be we Farm blob versus Odin's
228s call so let's head over to the arena
230s with the casters Wingnut cross and
232s Ithaca Hawk
240s Arena
244s I am Ithaca Hawk uh joined once again by
247s Wingnut cross uh for this fantastic
249s matchup between we4 on blob and Odin's
252s call and immediately I am excited uh
255s we're gonna I see a Vindicator and two
257s Fleet Tempest here on the blob side that
259s is going to be a huge amount of damage
261s and control for that team uh that the uh
264s ozans call guys are gonna have to get
266s ready but they have a balcon and also
267s two Fleet tempests what do you think is
268s going to happen here
269s that's an interesting call bringing the
271s venue with the Tempest flights the
272s Battleground provides control whereas
273s the indicator provides close range DPS
275s Tempest doesn't need to be close to
276s shoot so it's interesting copy if that
279s vendor gets on top that bow is going to
280s make him suffer but that is still extra
282s DPS that could turn the tide we'll just
284s keep an eye on the uh Chris fire in the
285s back as well as the celestes for the
287s opposing side so there is an ewall uh
289s angle going on here as well
292s yeah the molar and the uh The Vindicator
295s for blob warped in at zero as absolute
298s Chads and are immediately burning
300s straight towards the Odin's call team
301s trying to get tackle on it and it looks
303s like the Vengeance turning around
304s burning away going back to try and get
306s wrecked before he gets Giga dunked but
308s uh Captain is getting hit pretty hard
311s burning into a uh balgar and two Fleet
314s Tempest here
315s Yeah the more will try going after the
317s tackle and actually count screen off by
319s the opposing more so that's uh not going
321s well from but Tempest leaks are charging
322s are they shooting you think looks like
323s they're going for a tempest Fleet
324s headshot okay
326s they want to get rid of the beginning
328s we see the molar of blob about to go
330s down he's about to hit armor sorry Hull
332s and that's going to be a big big loss
334s That's Heavy tackle for that team that
336s could be removed from the field
337s meanwhile though trading it for a fleet
339s Tempest that would be very very worth it
341s if they can do so if they can take that
342s out of Odin's car that's a massive chunk
343s of their damage move from the field
345s starting to hold it yeah that model is
346s tanking Captain two bun tanking now so
348s the deacons of Kane andris getting in
351s there getting into range and putting
352s their reps on that molar bringing them
354s back up still a bit of a steal meat as
356s both teams are just struggling to get
357s position and Tackle your full wave of
359s drones on them as well that molar is
360s safe and now that Tempest Fleet is held
362s down but I believe both other Temple
364s splits and the uh Vindicator
367s either way yeah he's held down
369s now it's going to be a race and look at
370s that immediately they know that there's
371s going to be a race now go for Jack
373s doorbell try and break through one of
374s the battleships looks like they're going
375s for a more trying to get them off of one
377s of their targets
378s yeah they're all turning around uh you
380s can see the fleet Tempest there of uh
381s Elias burning back towards that molar to
384s try and take him down and they've done
385s it so one molar down and unfortunately
387s for Odin's call it is their Mauler
389s meanwhile the Muller of uh we Farm blob
391s is happily back up 100 armor the fleet
394s Tempest of Jack taking a little bit of
396s damage but I don't think he's that
397s concerned there's he has tackled uh but
399s if those deacons can keep him alive long
401s enough for them to take out Colonel
403s carts then they're going to be in a
404s really good position yeah so the mall
405s that went down was actually uh smart
407s bombing off the rep drones I believe on
408s the friendly more and I think it was
409s actually might be smart buying a smart
411s bombing of three friendly ones off as
412s well but now Jack the well is getting
413s very low temperature might come back to
416s you like that turn around might actually
417s cost them the match Temperance Fleet is
419s just holding on but I think next
420s volley's gonna push him through hull
422s there it is oh yeah look he's dropping
424s he's dropping through hull Fleet
426s tempests are taking a lot of damage one
428s going into armor one into Hull that is
429s not good that's that um uh balgar and
432s slowly starting to do some work probably
434s on those deacons we see some newts
435s landing on it we see some newts in The
437s Vindicator that Vindicator is very
439s susceptible to getting muted out and
440s then just not being able to apply any
441s damage Jack darville about to go down
446s one Fleet temp is down not a good
448s position for we form blob right now
449s they've taken out the Muller but they
451s need to get down this Fleet tempers of
452s Kernel cards if they want to have a
454s chance of stabilizing
455s yeah part of the problem as well is that
457s half their DPS now is in The Vindicator
458s which can absolutely be neutered off by
460s the balgoin whatever he decides to which
462s can definitely cut alert their DPS so
463s while they still have a lot left that's
465s going to start becoming a problem as you
466s see look at the rep drones on the
468s Tempest Fleet of uh Colonel Kurtz there
470s is just so many reptiles mediums Heavies
472s they're all there
474s yeah I'm just looking at this Vindicator
476s right now his guns are just not firing
478s oh he just fire around off he's clearly
480s clearly struggling for capacitor right
482s now you can in that balgar and just
484s applying all those heavy engine
486s utilizers straight to the face of that
487s Vindicator and turning him into a 23
489s Point hole in that we form blob team
492s this Fleet Tempest is about to go down
494s as well once that's down sure if
496s indicator can do a lot of damage but if
498s he doesn't have any capacitor he's not
499s going to apply any of it
501s yeah meanwhile I think in the
502s background's keeping an eye on stuff um
504s where is that Vengeance vengeance is
505s getting a primary as well and I'm not
507s sure what he's getting shot by the
508s people I've got maybe the Confessor I'm
510s not seeing anything else shooting him at
511s the moment
512s yeah
515s the moment I would say Odin's call are
517s in a very commanding position none of
519s their ships are even into armor right
520s now the Reps coming from the the tally
523s and the Deacon uh onto the street
525s Tempest of Colonel carts are happily
527s stabilizing them from the damage coming
529s from essentially one Fleet Tempest right
531s now that Vindicator has been neutralized
533s completely from 30 MS he is new to his
536s guns aren't firing he's just basically
538s it's just basically a bunch of ehp ready
541s to die at this point
543s yeah unfortunately I think that turn
544s around for the more what they might have
546s considered it necessary is going to be
547s the thing that cost them here they just
549s don't have they didn't have the DPS when
550s they needed it and now they're pretty
551s much behind the uh the eight ball here
553s again constantly taken out by the notes
556s it's really interesting because this is
558s two very very similar comps do you think
560s if we'd had a bag on the blob side this
563s would have been different it would have
564s been a bit of a new war
567s um
568s maybe because it changes the whole
570s dynamic the Belgium provides control
571s whereas The Vindicator provides DPS and
573s close control so definitely will be a
575s very different match but that means like
577s I don't know which way it would go to be
578s perfectly honest that could everything
580s could get flipped honestly I'm surprised
582s there's not a single smart bomb on this
584s a team to try and maybe remove these rip
586s drones like neither team actually the
587s more had smart bombs for Odin's cool but
589s I'm not seeing any smart bombs anywhere
590s else for a Bob here
594s yeah I don't think there's much more
596s they can do now that's that second fluke
597s Tempest down and uh oh there's a
601s crucifier as well so any e-war they had
604s that was perhaps reducing the damage
605s come from those Fleet Tempest has just
607s been removed
608s um the The Vindicator is dying pretty
609s quickly this match is over for we form
612s blob they're going to to lose this one
614s basically 100 to five now
617s um the the control except by that
619s balgorn was just too much especially
621s Against The Vindicator an incredibly cap
624s dependent ship
626s um just exactly great matchups
630s this was not the uh the fleet to bring
632s it into at all like the bad one this is
633s why one of the reasons why the
634s Battleground is a really good damn ship
635s is because like that new control plus
637s the extra web support as well just makes
639s it a brutal thing diverse and as my
641s favorite ship goes down it's
642s yeah that's that's the end
645s yeah we're uh somewhat surprised to see
648s them in the the bracket today we
650s expected them to get through yesterday
651s but you know they dropped that match uh
653s so this is them putting their their big
655s boy pants on and coming with uh their
658s their best comps trying to make sure
659s they secure that final position in the
661s last tournament 18. it is clean up now a
664s couple of deacons the celesters the only
666s Diamond ship really left probably is
667s that Vengeance it's how like that molar
669s is heavy tackle and newts maybe smart
671s bombs uh so if this is uh if it's up to
674s blob they're basically going to try and
676s burn for the boundary at this point get
677s this over with however that would be a
679s bad idea because the tie Breakers are
681s still in place so uh rust points are
683s important here
686s yeah I mean any team that read the rules
688s would know that there's rust points
690s which is used as a tiebreaker uh it
692s looks like both these teams would have
694s the same amount of rust points because
695s they only brought two Fleet tempests
697s each uh and that's it which I believe
699s would be 40 rust points for each of
700s these teams so they are tied uh in every
703s way except the fact that Odin's called
705s dunked on WE form blob
708s I was actually just double checking like
710s is there really not another membership
711s that's not this is just like Tempest and
712s nothing else I mean I'm a fan of the
714s Tempest Hull but uh I'm surprised I
716s didn't bring any other minotaurships
719s yeah Celeste is a good choice uh to
722s bring damps of course but if you're
724s gonna brawl in with a ship like a
726s Vindicator or tempests perhaps not the
728s wisest you can use them to force people
731s to brawl in against your brawling ships
733s and if you brought a Vindicator that's
734s clearly what you plan to do
736s um but in this case maybe not the most
739s useful ship
741s yeah I'm curious to see what the
742s analysts will say but personally I think
743s they over committed a bit too much on
744s the support there the celesters the
746s crucifier there's no backup DPS set for
748s their core whereas Odin's core has at
750s least a Confessor and even drones from a
751s vexer if need be so I believe that
753s Vector is mostly using rep drones I
755s think they just went too hard I'm like
756s we need to support our battleships and
758s went oh but uh uh we're gonna charge in
760s but we've got to crucify
763s yeah it was just a little bit
764s unfortunate for them that they brought
765s that Vindicator instead of a balgar and
767s same points and everything and that
768s balgarh was just you know the um the
772s rock to the scissors here in this
774s particular matchup but that's it 100 to
776s five uh in the favor of Odin's call so
779s with that let's head back to the studio
782s brought to you by Exodus the weather
785s calls for this integration
787s [Music]
792s that's the weather forever
803s for just 10 million ISC a month you can
807s save the life of a high SEC minor
824s [Music]
842s welcome back ladies and gentlemen uh to
844s the desk reform blob dropping the first
846s match to Odin's call uh Odin's called
849s very strong team uh most of the casters
851s expected them as mentioned to go through
853s not even make it to this stage uh so you
856s know we form blob having a lot to do in
859s that first matchup here but this is a
860s group stage uh they will have another
861s match later on uh not the next match but
864s the match after that where they go up
865s against kitchen sinkhole so they're
867s going to hope for a w there and to try
869s and get through on some sort of tie
871s break into the uh the intermediate stage
874s jintan how is that match for you it
877s looked like just tell you what do you
879s think of that the difference between the
880s balgar and The Vindicator and these two
882s columns
883s yeah so the Battleground and The
884s Vindicator kind of fill very different
886s roles the vindicate is there to kind of
888s push you over the edge if you're facing
890s some sort of Heavy Cruiser core or
893s potentially as a counter to rush whereas
895s the bowel gone is there for these kinds
898s of
899s um you know free Battleship control
901s which is what we would generally call
902s these setups from both teams for the
905s mirror in that because in those kinds of
907s games you're going to end up with a very
908s slow very grindy positional based game
911s and having a threat that can just deny
913s you know a 30 kilometer sphere of area
916s um which is where pretty much all your
918s opponent ships are going to want to be
919s gives you so much ability to grind out
923s an advantage and eventually win in the
925s late game as we saw in that as we saw in
928s that match you know it did amazing work
930s The Vindicator wasn't firing from pretty
932s much three minutes in uh until the end
934s of the match uh just due to the power of
936s those vindicating Utes and the fact that
938s it was able to use its webs to keep them
940s out of position even after it's uh Brave
943s uh screening Mala A4 sacrificed himself
946s to give his team time to get into
947s position for that
950s yeah and Alec I wanted to ask you about
952s something a bit more uh technical in the
954s comps so we saw Odin's called bringing a
957s Talia and a deacon Five Points each
960s meanwhile blob bringing two Dickens the
963s the way the rules work in uh in this
965s tournament is if you bring duplicates of
967s the same ship each of them increases uh
969s by one point so those two deacons were
971s six points each for 12 points total what
974s do you think about the choice to spend
975s 12 points for two deacons versus 10
978s points for Talia and a deacon
981s I think it's a little bit questionable
982s I've seen a number of teams do that over
984s the course of the faders
986s the Deacon and the Thalia are there
990s different ships obviously they do have
991s somewhat different strengths but they
994s are not two points different from each
996s other I don't really think there's much
998s of a reason why you would want to bring
1000s two deacons and pay those extra points
1002s when you could just swap one of them for
1003s a Thalia you're not losing a ton of rep
1005s power you're not losing a ton of tank
1007s and you can use those two points
1009s elsewhere which is what Odin's did bring
1012s a vexer instead of uh I forget about
1016s vengeance I think it was
1018s um yeah this gives you more more options
1021s now it's entirely possible you can't
1023s think of really what what to do with
1025s those two points that it might not feel
1026s like it matters but in a tournament like
1029s this where the slightest ship uh
1031s selection matters so greatly
1035s why handicap yourself like that it's not
1038s worth that two points
1041s both teams bring in the celestis we
1044s talked a lot about it during the the
1046s match is a is a great way to control
1047s range with the bonus stamps
1051s um he pretty much you know must pick
1053s type ship uh this year the The Damp
1055s bonus ships do you think
1058s um I don't think that the celesters is
1060s specifically a must pick ship but I
1062s think you want you know especially if
1063s you're in a control setup like this you
1065s need to have something to be able to
1067s push you over the edge in The Damp War
1069s uh you're gonna either look at a
1070s celestis an armor Jack door
1073s um or if you're really struggling for
1075s points or carries or a mawless that can
1077s just lock out your opponent's damp ship
1079s because without that you're not going to
1081s be able to really affect the game plan
1083s that you want as the match continues uh
1086s descriptive dance are just so so potent
1088s they effectively have been part of the
1091s reason why we haven't seen so many T2
1093s Logistics uh during the Run of this
1095s tournament so far and they're part you
1098s know we speculated yesterday that
1099s actually it's part of the reason why
1101s we've seen these matches end so quickly
1103s and with so many ships on both sides
1105s dying although uh wasn't the case in
1107s this match in particular
1110s and Alec um if you're if you're a
1112s captain of one of these teams and you
1114s come in and you see you've brought this
1116s brawl comp essentially and you see
1118s across from you another roll comp like
1121s what's what's your strategy to to out
1123s brawl the other team
1127s seems like the most effective strategy
1129s is to headshot the enemy DPS
1132s um you're kind of in a DPS race
1135s and ignore the control as much as you
1138s can
1139s it's not always possible but if you're
1141s going to be up close and personal those
1143s damps wind up not mattering a ton you've
1145s got to get in there and pull out the
1148s linchpin of the enemy setup whatever
1150s that main battleship is
1153s if they were able to take out the
1154s battleborn first instead of the fleet
1156s Tempest I think that match would have
1158s turned out very differently for them
1159s because that Battleground was completely
1161s taking out both their Logistics and
1164s their Vindicator which they invested
1165s such a huge chunk of points in they
1168s really weren't able to get a lot of
1169s value out of it
1171s the value of The Vindicator is already
1172s diminished because it's going up against
1174s a triple Battleship setup whereas The
1177s Vindicator traditionally does better
1178s against smaller targets with its bonus
1180s web so they're losing a lot of value
1182s there and then it's cap dependent
1184s blasters the balgorn shut that down and
1187s the longer the match goes the worse that
1188s is for them
1192s gentan you look like you had some uh
1194s some thoughts on that
1196s uh no I was actually just uh looking
1198s over and taking a look at the comps that
1200s the teams we have coming up next have
1202s flown in the past and it's uh looking
1205s like it might be quite an interesting
1206s matchup
1208s yeah well let's let's talk about that
1209s matchup then so this next matchup is
1211s going to be between the Ancients and
1212s percussive Pizza Time diplomacy because
1214s of Pizza Time diplomacy in an absolute
1216s nail biter yesterday uh against
1220s um the forest ninjas where they went
1223s down to just basically like a couple of
1226s Cycles here or there it was so close it
1228s could have gone either way right to the
1229s end one of those matches seven minutes
1231s and you still don't know who's going to
1232s win they are hoping to to make their way
1235s through this stage today and they're
1237s gonna have to go through the engines the
1238s Ancients uh the uh npsi group from
1242s phonic uh again did pretty well they
1244s brought a couple of pretty solid comps
1246s uh in some of their previous matches and
1248s you know they've made it all the way
1249s through to today uh I can't remember
1251s exactly who they dropped their their
1253s match to just check they dropped to
1255s Russia Hyena's Clan so another team is
1258s very very solid and and of course no
1260s shame to lose to ancients in this match
1262s choosing to pan out the slept near and
1264s The Vindicator so that strong web ship
1266s that we just saw get completely
1267s neutralized by the balgarh is banned in
1269s this case and percussive piece of time
1271s diplomacy Banning out the barges and the
1273s EOS uh jintan you would you said you
1276s were looking over some of the the comps
1278s that previous teams have brought the
1279s Ancients have been bringing some
1280s interesting comps we saw uh Torpedoes
1283s previously we saw
1285s um uh some more battleships as lasers
1287s what kind of stuff do you expect from
1290s them here
1292s um you know I was actually expecting the
1293s Ancients to try and bait because of
1295s Pizza Time into bringing their something
1297s similar to what we just saw uh both
1299s teams bring with a three Battleship
1301s control setup it's the only thing that
1303s Picasso Pizza Time diplomacy actually
1304s have a win on they've got two wins and
1307s zero losses with a ball vindi and TFI
1310s core meanwhile the Ancients have shown a
1313s really strong counter to that in a
1314s torpedo Raven all in something
1317s completely unorthodox and that we don't
1318s see very often at all in the tournament
1321s um normally supported by some bombers
1323s something that can throw out about 6 000
1325s DPS and just say wow bam and thank you
1328s mab to any sort of compa along those
1331s lines but it looks like they're going
1333s for a little bit of a different strategy
1334s here maybe they have another comp that
1337s they want to use like their Battleship
1338s laser Rush all in
1340s um and they just want to put pizza time
1342s off of the comp the only comp that
1344s they've really won with and uh you know
1347s basically put them off balance as they
1349s come into this game
1351s awesome well it's time to find out can
1354s percussive Pizza Time diplomacy uh take
1356s the W here and put themselves in the
1358s good position to advance into the last
1359s tournament or will the ancients
1362s they are on grid
1363s um or well uh will the Ancients take the
1366s W instead well let's find out by going
1369s to arena with your casters the Basilisk
1371s and Blackboard pirate
1376s my computer is being made
1382s hello everybody and welcome to the grid
1384s I'm the Basilisk I think I finally just
1385s recovered shaking recovered from shaking
1387s from the stress of yesterday's match
1388s against Pizza although I'm getting a
1390s little bit of PTSD from this comp I'm
1392s seeing here I'm joined here by
1393s Blackboard pirate of course to
1394s commentate this match coming up against
1395s the Ancients I think the Ancients having
1397s fielded a couple of sort of a little bit
1399s wonky comps in the past but to me this
1401s one looks a little bit more sort of
1403s refined but how are you feeling about
1404s this one
1405s and I'm just chilling I I love watching
1408s you guys get all stressed out from uh
1410s playing spaceship games online but uh I
1413s don't I don't know if I agree with you
1415s about this one being that refined it's
1416s it is definitely interesting uh the
1418s Ancients are bringing so these are crude
1420s scorpion Navy issues uh they are
1421s bringing the stormbringer which I think
1423s this is the first time we've seen one in
1425s these feeder matches uh I'm a little
1428s concerned uh they also have a kitsun
1430s which is pretty interesting we've got
1431s some ECM but they they're basically
1433s putting all of their damage into these
1435s two Navy scorpions and then they have a
1436s storm bringer which can do really good
1439s at sniping drones do really good at
1440s sniping uh sort of just causing overall
1443s damage but I am very worried because
1445s percussive Pizza Time diplomacy has
1447s brought this double the shack Absolution
1449s core so once those ships get in range
1452s there's going to be absolutely massive
1454s amounts of damage and I'm not sure if
1456s the Ancients are going to be able to
1457s take it
1458s yeah it's I mean when I said more
1460s refined it was it's more refined than
1462s the triple top Raven that they brought
1464s yesterday
1465s um but yeah these are on this occasion I
1467s believe their Cruise scorpion navies but
1469s yeah it's going to come down to whether
1469s or not these these guys can sort of kite
1471s around keep Ranger I think they have the
1473s advantage in terms of you know trying to
1474s keep the Scimitar keep the Scorpion
1476s Navy's out Farm's way and away from
1477s these the shacks and immediately we're
1478s seeing damage spread across the field
1479s here if they can take out you know
1481s there's some of these heavy tacklers on
1482s the on the pizza side the Vex or thorax
1484s The Omen those tech one Cruisers
1485s obviously tech one resist boats they may
1487s be able to sort of elongate this match
1489s and slowly chip away at the Lush Acts
1492s yeah they are doing a lot of damage to
1494s these Le Shacks right here we did see
1496s the Ancients immediately kind of
1497s starburst out and then uh looks like
1499s they're trying to sort of prepare
1501s themselves to counter screen but uh
1503s interestingly enough again we have these
1505s lashes barreling straight in Chad flame
1507s is taking a pretty decent chunk of
1508s damage off of this cruise missiles and
1511s uh like I said these drones are actually
1513s getting completely destroyed by the
1514s stormbringer so you know as much as a
1516s twitch chat uh was saying that sniping
1518s drones that's interesting it is actually
1520s very very effective they're doing a
1522s fantastic job all of the rep Bots are
1523s almost dead already uh the Le Shack
1526s though has burned in and is in position
1528s to start doing dps2 what looks like it
1531s might be going for the Navy scorpion yes
1532s it has begun both the Shacks are ramping
1534s on karanthor loon so the timer has
1536s started for these little Shacks to hit
1538s Peak damage and verbs through granther
1540s and the Ancients really need to figure
1542s something out here get some kind of
1544s damage going maybe start working on
1545s jamming those Shacks
1547s yeah I mean as you said Chad flame is
1550s starting to take some damage in this
1551s little Shack but I wonder how much of
1552s that is just because of how they're
1553s posturing aggressively their whole team
1555s is moving across the grid so these
1556s deacons are not going to be in optimal
1557s range but as you say little Shacks now
1559s have got on top of corintha and Scorpion
1561s Navy which means they can get into
1562s position they can start spooling up and
1563s these deacons can follow them in park up
1565s on top of them and start getting those
1566s reps out of their full Effectiveness so
1568s I wonder if Chad Flay might start
1569s recovering here obviously they've only
1571s got those two crew scope navies really
1572s for DPS and it's not the biggest DPS
1574s boats but Chad playing does seem to
1576s still be going down somewhat
1578s yeah unfortunately uh the Ancients
1581s forgot that the Scimitar is not a good
1584s ship to be brawling with and uh it has
1586s been caught directly on top of both of
1588s these lashacks who are now ramping up on
1590s it and blow it up yeah I don't know what
1592s he's doing there
1595s yeah
1598s this is the final day of the feeders as
1600s we've as the guys on the desk have said
1601s these are the final six teams and
1603s presumably to get to this point they
1604s have won some matches they have
1605s Ambitions of getting to the alliance
1606s tournament and obviously mistakes like
1608s that are you know gonna get punished by
1610s other competent teams the habago heroes
1611s have all gone home these guys are all
1613s serious opponents here so if you're
1614s gonna fly a scimitar in the middle of
1616s two Lush acts you're asking for trouble
1619s uh you're definitely right and you know
1620s what's interesting Chad flame is
1622s actually still dropping pretty quickly
1623s here uh you know relatively speaking
1625s there's very little uh jams going out on
1629s the Le Shacks which is you know there's
1631s a single Jam but they haven't really
1632s been jammed yet I'm still seeing a lot
1634s of damage being applied uh they are
1635s actually switching over and trying to
1637s kill the kitsun so I'm guessing that
1638s those jams from the kitsun have been
1640s very effective on the deacons I'm not
1642s sure how the The Shack tracking is going
1643s to do against a kitsun but now that the
1645s Scimitar is down they should be able to
1647s get it down eventually here uh kind of a
1649s bit of a race though and there it does
1651s finally drop there which means that now
1652s the deacons and the shack have no uh
1654s ability to have their damage stopped so
1657s the Ancients kind of falling apart a
1659s little bit here because of Pizza Time
1660s diplomacy being very very smart and with
1662s their target calling and recognizing
1663s opportunities as they fly in and that
1666s raptor goes down as well but yeah I mean
1668s to my eye I feel like those two deacons
1670s should be able to hold
1671s well I mean they have held for quite an
1673s effect of quite a long period of time
1674s the DPS from these two scorpion navies
1676s but if that kitsun was Landing jams and
1678s those deacons then we would start to
1679s expect Chad flame to start repping back
1680s up here but he does seem to still ever
1682s so gradually be going through armor here
1684s but I'm not sure if it's going to be
1685s fast enough because
1687s I mean the Ancients have already lost
1689s three ships here they've lost their
1690s tackle they've lost their jams they've
1691s lost their lodgy
1695s yeah I'm not really I'm not really sure
1696s what the deal with that is and also uh
1698s right now the Shacks are actually
1699s splitting damage um you can't quite see
1701s it but yeah the shack of Chad flame is
1704s actually directly behind karanthor like
1706s the ships are touching uh you know tip
1709s the butt so uh these made a very smart
1712s call and actually going after the
1713s servers with his ramping damage but I do
1715s think that maybe instead of like
1717s approaching he should not approach and
1719s finish off the Scorpion Navy because
1721s like you said Chad flame is very very
1723s slowly dropping here and uh I don't
1725s think the Cerberus is the correct Target
1727s for him to be shooting so you know it's
1730s entirely possible they're going to lose
1731s this Shack and not have enough damage to
1733s break scorpion Navy issues because they
1734s are still very very tanky even without
1736s reps
1738s yeah it's possible and we saw Chad flame
1740s take so long to go through armor I'm
1741s gonna guess
1742s um that these are the same sort of Le
1743s Shack fits that they use yesterday in
1745s their match against hiddenly Village
1746s which were triple plated Max tank triple
1748s try Mark or Shacks it's obviously going
1750s through armor took extreme long period
1751s of time but they are actually going to
1752s win this race here as Chad flame goes
1754s into 30 whole but the Scorpion Navy of
1756s current Thor is going to go down at
1757s about the same time as well
1760s yeah and as soon as it does go down Chad
1761s flame drops at the same time and uh I
1764s think that the Ancients probably aren't
1766s going to be able to pull this off just
1767s because of the ramping DPS going to be
1769s able to counter it but uh there was a
1771s little bit of a bit of a throw almost I
1774s don't think Chad flame had to die there
1775s uh you know all reps on Chad flame JC
1778s Chad flame a little bit of damage still
1780s coming out but yeah I don't know if one
1782s scorpion Navy issue has the ability to
1784s break through a shack uh certainly gonna
1785s try though the jackdaw does drop your um
1789s damage going out on the thorax actually
1791s which is kind of strange and uh I will
1793s say that isca scorpion Navy issue is
1796s mjding away probably the only person on
1799s the entire ancients team who actually
1800s realized that brawling into a bunch of
1802s lechecks is not an intelligent idea
1804s unfortunately not going to be able to
1805s mjd due to the work scrambling of that
1809s thorax
1810s yep I'm not sure if they're gonna be
1812s able to kill him in time I guess once I
1813s mean obviously one only one left track
1815s left in the Absolution for DPS so I mean
1816s four minutes
1817s probably doable I suppose
1820s um but I just want to talk briefly about
1822s these comps I mean I said at the start
1823s the Ancients had sort of maybe a more
1824s cohesive compliment yesterday than the
1827s Three Ravens
1829s um I feel like the The Three Ravens the
1831s three top Ravens was a very sort of one
1833s note you know either the opponent swarp
1834s in something at close range that you can
1836s pump your top DPS on some heavy
1837s Battleship core and you can pump through
1838s it or you just lose
1840s how do you feel about this one do you
1842s feel this one has sort of clear win cons
1844s clear counters clear sort of we win this
1847s match we lose other match and how how
1849s could they sort of play around what this
1851s comp does
1852s I feel that like with the mirror that
1855s we've been seeing in the feeders which
1856s is like so much just so ridiculously
1859s Battleship heavy I think that this setup
1861s was actually a very good one and that
1863s the Ancients just executed it like
1864s terribly and not even the the Ancients
1867s necessarily executed it terribly but
1869s having your Scimitar directly on top of
1871s your two cruise missile battleships
1874s is not smart like if you see what isca
1877s did right iska pulled off went to a
1879s beacon and was prepared to jump away to
1881s you know utilize the fact that cruise
1883s missiles can end anywhere what if both
1886s scorpion Navy issues pulled range and
1888s Scimitar pulled range and so that way
1890s like yeah okay well you all in on one of
1891s the Scorpion Navy issues but then all of
1893s your other ships are in different
1895s positions so that even if that's
1896s grouping Navy if she dies you still have
1897s to have that travel time to move through
1899s space to get to the next Target
1902s just putting that out yeah I think some
1904s of these teams need to get sort of
1905s better identifying win cons and a lot of
1907s these matches we've seen with the
1908s feeders a lot of um the less experienced
1910s teams matches sort of tend to devolve
1912s into an all-out brawl match whereas sort
1914s of similar to the adage on TQ if both
1915s FC's enter a fair fight one of them's
1917s made a mistake right if both teams start
1919s brawling upon you know right on top of
1920s each other and just start devolving the
1922s match into a mess it's going to be less
1923s favorable for one of them so one of
1925s those two fleets has made a mistake by
1926s sort of willingly engaging in that in
1928s that fight and I think the Ancients here
1930s could have done A Better Effort at not
1932s getting involved in this broadcast with
1934s these two little Shanks because
1934s obviously if you let through the Shack's
1936s absolutions deacons Park up on you
1937s they're going to win the DPS race
1939s against two Navy scorpions and they
1941s didn't really have any damp pressure
1942s here with you know they haven't brought
1943s celestis they haven't brought carries
1944s they haven't brought a damn Tech three
1946s Destroyer like Professor on Armor Jack
1947s door so I feel like there was room here
1951s for the Ancients to leverage their range
1952s leverage their speed on the Scimitar the
1954s Cerberus Etc and kite around the arena a
1955s little bit but they they didn't really
1957s play to the win condition of their
1958s compare
1960s no and also like think about the storm
1962s Runner um I guess people are saying that
1964s the stormers like zero five or zero six
1966s now uh so it's been brought a couple
1968s times
1968s this is actually like a case for the
1970s storminger would have been really really
1971s smart because if we we saw it being used
1973s correctly and just completely wiped the
1975s rep drones out on the Progressive Pizza
1977s Time diplomacy side uh the thing to get
1980s rid of rep drones is you got like three
1982s options you can use bombs you can use uh
1984s smart bombs or you can use a
1985s stormbringer with your cruise missiles
1987s and your Stormbreaker you can do that
1988s from far away so like the Ancients had
1990s this idea of long range damage that they
1993s could apply from anywhere on the grid
1995s and then they chose to brawl in with it
1998s with their entire fleet including their
2000s Scimitar so like I think that they had a
2002s good idea here but it just didn't work
2005s because the Scimitar Violet got tackled
2008s and you know as I say that uh Professor
2011s Pizza climb clumsy does finally clean
2013s this up uh Houston Lee final ill
2016s server's going down and because Pizza
2017s time does win 100 points to 26 and we
2020s will send it back to Ithaca
2023s thank you
2025s [Music]
2031s [Music]
2055s [Applause]
2065s [Music]
2069s thank you
2072s [Music]
2078s thank you
2080s [Music]
2090s foreign
2092s [Music]
2102s diplomacy showing us once again that
2105s pineapple truly belongs on Pizza as they
2108s dismantle the Ancients in a uh
2110s commanding Victory there it looked like
2113s Alec uh those two of the Shacks once
2115s they started getting spilled up upon
2117s those Navy scorpions especially assisted
2119s by that Cemetery who rather
2121s unfortunately ended up right next to the
2125s um the to the Shacks it was just too
2127s much DPS I mean 52 points and two ships
2130s though that's quite a commitment what do
2131s you think about that
2133s I'm a big fan of Little Shack I think it
2136s brings a lot to the table
2138s um I really like the RR aspects of it on
2141s Tranquility obviously you can't deal
2142s that here in the tournament but it still
2144s has a big chunk of utility highs it has
2147s a ton of damage
2149s it is pretty straightforward to counter
2152s which is the one big downside of it in
2155s tracking disrupt it to break at school
2156s you can ECM it to break at school you do
2159s a lot of things to break at school and
2161s when it breaks it has to spend valuable
2163s time re-ramping back up on whatever
2165s Target
2167s um
2167s that said you know it brings a lot of
2170s Versatility it brings a lot of damage
2172s and if you're seeing two of them on the
2174s other side of the field chances are it's
2176s going to overwhelm your Logistics
2178s in this case a little more directly than
2180s both teams see but you know it does
2182s happen
2185s yeah I just wanted to say that I think
2186s that um because of pizza time did a
2189s really good job in their Theory crafting
2191s in terms of putting putting play pieces
2195s around it to prevent that kind of evil
2199s disruption from really giving it the
2202s same problem you'd normally face we saw
2204s a five really high DPS tackle ships
2208s being brought out there by percussive
2210s Pizza Time and some ships we don't
2211s normally see especially in the thorax
2213s and The Omen that aren't that tanky but
2215s they can sort of operate independently
2217s in this comp and run around grab onto
2219s the crucifier or carries a Kitsune in
2222s the back lines and kill it down or as we
2225s saw in that match effectively just swarm
2227s onto a scimitar tackle it early on when
2229s it's out of position and Snowball the
2231s match from there
2233s and the other ship I wanted to mention
2236s you already have on the the taco ships
2238s that are gen 10
2239s um but we saw a stormbringer on the
2243s ancient side uh what do you think about
2245s that like what makes the stormbringer so
2247s interesting uh epic here
2250s uh the stormbringer is really really
2253s tanky um it gains the ability of uh you
2256s know a six percent per level I believe
2258s of a resist bonus and that means that it
2260s can operate kind of outside of the fight
2262s for a little bit shoot outside of it and
2264s take a lot of incidental damage without
2266s really being in threat of dying
2268s especially if you have a scimitar to
2270s support it but the main thing that it
2272s really gives is the ability to clear rep
2273s drones and this was something the
2275s commentators picked up on but I just
2277s want to re-emphasize you know one of the
2278s real big PowerPoints of the Le Shack is
2281s that it can Field Five heavy repair Bots
2283s and that means that it's doing you know
2286s something like 125 eh raw HP a second
2290s Perler Shack onto whatever's being shot
2294s um and taking that off the grid just
2295s makes it so much easier for a relatively
2297s low DPS comp like this cruise missile
2300s scope comp to break things uh you know
2303s what you're trying to do here is you're
2304s just trying to keep a flat line of
2306s damage over the course of the match and
2308s hoping that you're able to use your
2309s range control uh to prevent your
2312s opponents from really doing as much
2314s damage over the course of an entire
2315s match
2317s Alec what do you think of our teams who
2319s really
2320s uh load up the top end of their comps
2323s here we saw the shack two of them at 52
2326s points and then an Absolution 18 points
2328s uh that if my math allows is 70 points
2332s in just three ships meaning you've got
2335s uh 30 points to split across seven it
2338s feels very very unbalanced to me what do
2340s you think about that
2342s that's an interesting strategy
2344s battleships do bring a lot to the table
2346s I I don't want to say that that's not
2348s worth the points because it is but you
2350s have to take a very different approach
2351s to your match it's again mentioned
2355s earlier you're kind of building a cocoon
2358s around these battleships either to
2359s protect them or you're building an
2362s escort around them to make sure that
2363s they get on top of whatever they need to
2365s get on top of successfully so if you
2368s decide to go that route you're
2369s essentially committing your entire team
2371s and your entire strategy to making those
2373s two or three ships as successful as they
2376s can possibly be it's high risk High
2379s reward strategy because if something
2380s goes wrong with one of them
2382s your toast as we saw with The Vindicator
2384s match earlier on the other side you can
2387s spread your points out to have lots of
2389s proof you know high damage Cruisers and
2391s battle Cruisers and command ships things
2393s like that
2394s but each individual piece of that is
2397s much more fragile
2398s and all of your team have to be
2400s operating on all cylinders because they
2402s all need to get on the right target not
2404s get screened out
2405s there is a lot more moving Parts there
2407s that can potentially go wrong so I do
2410s like the strategy but it has to be a
2412s very deliberate choice if you just pick
2414s battleships because you like battleships
2416s you don't plan the rest of your comp
2417s around it it's a recipe for disaster
2421s awesome thank you um just want to shout
2423s out to everyone in twitch uh it looks
2425s like you overwhelmingly endorse
2427s pineapple and pizza 53 which is the
2430s absolute majority uh in this first past
2432s the post system supporting pineapple on
2434s Pizza while you're out there uh you can
2437s use your channel points to bet on these
2438s matches uh and then you can turn them
2440s into awesome gal net skins uh 10K at a
2444s time so make sure you uh you're gambling
2446s them all on all these matches uh
2449s speaking of gambling looks like a lot of
2451s you are favoring kitchen sinkhole here
2454s vastly over uh we form blob which is
2456s going to be our next match up here as I
2458s see 25 to 75 76 now uh of you voting for
2464s kitchen sinkhole over a week from blob
2466s let's take a look at the bands for this
2468s next matchup uh we're from blog versus
2469s kitchen sinkhole kitchen sinkhole lost
2471s out yesterday to Alexis Matari who sent
2473s them to this uh Redemption Arc whereas
2477s we from blob as we saw earlier on this
2478s is the second match of the day so
2480s they'll be looking to put a w here
2482s balgorn and EOS banned by we form blob
2485s whereas kitchen sink called Banning the
2486s zarmas and the Tempest Fleet issue
2489s interesting sets of bands there from
2491s Kitchen sinkhole gentan what do you
2493s think
2494s uh yeah I'm not entirely sure why
2496s they're banning these ships I know we've
2498s seen the zamas to be banned uh by them
2501s in a couple of other matches as well
2502s we've only ever seen Rusty hyenas break
2505s out and I think this is something to do
2507s with the comp that kitchen sinkhole have
2509s been relying on they've flown mimitar
2511s rush in every single one of their
2513s matches so far in the trials round and I
2517s imagine that they're very very concerned
2519s about this armad's ability to ramp up
2521s once they land on some sort of key ship
2523s that they think you know taking it out
2525s will remove the win condition from their
2526s opponents so just Banning it and leaving
2529s it to something like an aniros or a
2531s guardian reps which you know whilst
2533s having a lot more flexibility in its
2536s ability to rep doesn't have quite that
2538s Peak potential
2540s um
2540s isn't going to be as impactful versus
2542s the game plan of a minotaur Rush
2545s what that shows me is that because we
2548s haven't seen this arm that much they
2550s have had a very negative experience
2552s screaming against teams that have
2554s fielded it so whatever their setup is
2556s they've gotten burned really badly and
2558s they don't even want to risk it
2561s I mean it's a solid Logic for bands if
2563s you think that it's a ship that has
2564s beaten you a bunch then certainly just
2566s get rid of it and uh you know maybe
2567s you're more comfortable facing guardian
2569s or neros but it's time to find out but
2571s before we go to the arena interesting
2573s point of note every single day of the
2574s trials thus far days one two and three
2576s has started with undefeated matches from
2579s the red teams whereas today blue is
2582s undefeated Odin's column Picasso piece
2584s of time diplomacy both the blue team so
2585s today is just turning everything on its
2587s head can kitchen sinkhole continue that
2590s streak by being the blue team and taking
2591s a w here or will we Farm blob go one and
2594s one in this group stage let's find out
2596s as we go to the arena with the casters
2598s wing nut cross and Ithaca Hawk
2604s foreign
2612s very interesting
2613s memories versus Triple battleships but
2616s it's twin typhoon fleets with a less
2618s Shack so definitely a slight variation
2620s here
2621s yeah this is basically the same comp
2623s that we formed blob brought in the first
2625s match but they are completely PTSD from
2628s bringing that Vindicator so they decided
2630s to bring her the shack instead uh which
2632s to be honest the better choice what
2633s they've done is
2635s sorry the typing plates are not missile
2637s fit
2640s okay what I mean they can't fit that's a
2643s bold bold Choice by we form blob that's
2645s correct I've just zoomed in they are
2647s indeed not to miss outfit
2649s welcome to Looney land ladies and
2651s gentlemen well they're doing something
2654s they are doing something and will that
2656s work we will certainly find out as this
2659s match is now underway we Farm blob
2661s currently can contemplate in their
2663s fitting choices meanwhile Kitchen
2664s Central burning away from the center of
2667s the Arena let's see who takes First
2669s Blood
2670s I'm sorry I just um I'm trying to get my
2673s lungs back there yeah uh that's I guess
2675s they're all the Canon typhoon fleets I'm
2676s pretty sure yeah they're all the Cannons
2678s all right so we have Auto Cannon typhoon
2679s fleets with aleshack versus order Cannon
2682s hurricane slept near with a pretty
2683s sizable support link to be
2685s honest I got a hugot in that comp that's
2687s a lot of Point Spin and support even a
2689s scimitar as well
2691s yeah Hugo's going to be really important
2692s long range where uh bonus Target
2694s Panthers he can help the rest of his
2696s team apply and slow down and Screen
2698s things uh at the moment it's just that
2700s Vengeance though of arsonist on the blob
2702s side that is taking a little bit of
2704s tickle damage uh the tally and the
2706s Deacon they have learned they've brought
2707s uh rather than two deacons they've got
2709s Talia and you can saving those two
2711s points potentially for that the shack
2712s there is keeping arsonists very
2715s comfortably even though that Target
2717s painter from that hugin is sitting on
2719s top of them but the molar of Captain two
2721s one is now nope he was where briefly but
2724s he's fine he's safe now
2725s yeah tough effects are trying to move in
2727s it looks like at the moment they were
2728s trying to go after the hugin but it
2729s could be them just trying to cut off the
2730s rest of this comp that human is going to
2732s be an absolute nightmare these guys are
2733s going to get the speed then immediately
2735s gets slowed back down you can see the
2736s web cycling between the typhoons every
2737s once in a while that is not gonna be a
2739s fun experience they might need to try an
2741s mjd player at this point
2743s well at the moment these autocannon
2745s Fleet typhoons have done precisely zero
2747s damages uh in total to the opponent's
2750s side oh no finally the fleet side takes
2752s a little bit of damage look 87 just got
2754s a little bit right there the Scimitar of
2756s exclusive man is going to be all over
2757s him wrapping him up but oh no there we
2760s go the Vengeance of arsonists now remove
2762s so tackle gone and for brawling comps
2765s losing your tackle early on not good not
2767s good mm-hmm the Alex said they might
2769s have to try for the mjds because I don't
2770s think they're going to catch this comp
2771s with that uh huge and playing controller
2773s type and look at that crucify shot
2775s strained the armor with a single shot
2776s not looking good is he about his lodgy
2779s not even close
2781s it's kind of kind of a sad sight looking
2783s at these uh Fleet typhoons just burning
2785s around an empty space trying vainly to
2788s catch something they can apply they're a
2790s vast vast also carrying damage to uh but
2792s look at the shields of kitchen sinkhole
2795s everyone not one of them has any damage
2799s right now there's a tiny bit missing
2801s from the fleet side but meanwhile blob
2804s just I don't want to kill loser
2805s vengeance so the crucifier sorry sci-fi
2808s went off and killed the crucify all on
2810s his own while being shot at and just did
2812s not care what deacon now gonna die in
2814s seconds too this is just it could have
2816s pulled apart I don't think they even had
2817s a chance for the typhoon Fleet order
2819s cans to suck because they've just been
2820s getting killed anyway
2822s I don't know some someone got too deep
2824s into the bifur hall and was like look at
2826s this look how much damage they don't
2828s they don't need the cap they'll be great
2830s the ball going can't hurt us now if we
2832s don't bring uh guns that need cap
2833s fortunately uh many other things can
2835s hurt you if you bring uh autocannon
2837s sleep time sci-fi is doing solo PVP he's
2840s just he's not going up to the celestial
2842s on his own this guy is just like nah I'm
2844s not in a comp I'm a solo pilot I'm sure
2846s there's an arena I'm sure there's
2847s friendlies nearby but this is just me
2849s doing my own thing
2851s this is uh we form blob just dropping
2854s the ball completely on this comp they
2857s got outmatched outpicked and out Theory
2859s crafted on this one uh I'm sure Fleet
2862s typhens worked in uh some some practice
2865s scrims but this this is certainly a a
2868s bold call here cotton
2871s so good news the Claymore was captured
2873s bad news it is as far away from the
2875s battleships as it could be so you know
2877s yay question mark
2879s there's a chance to try to try and kill
2882s it but I'm just looking where are they
2883s yeah typhoon fleet's burning over the
2885s shack is the other side of the universe
2887s he's going for an mjd
2889s I don't think so no okay so this is just
2892s you've got to you've got a Target tackle
2893s that you're not even nearby this is just
2895s painful to watch
2897s yeah kitchen sinkhole doing just the
2900s best at staying away from from we from
2903s blob right now which is a pretty solid
2905s uh pretty solid strategy when your
2908s opponents bring ships that only really
2910s work at zero
2912s um of course the the type in Fleet does
2914s get a bonus to large project uh
2916s projectile rate of fire which is cool I
2919s guess if that's what you like but it
2921s also gets borders to damage from
2922s missiles heavy metal Christmas on
2924s torpedo that's usually why we see them
2926s fit with those uh as damage is
2928s considered an important aspect in
2930s killing your opponent ships in the
2932s alliance tournament
2933s yeah and maybe a mildly uh what's the
2936s word
2937s crazy thing to say I honestly think that
2939s missile is probably the best systems in
2940s the entire game
2943s hey what the hell completely white
2946s that's it they're turning the tide now
2947s stand by we from blob has now activated
2950s it's 23 points to 13. like
2953s this flick typhoon is probably going to
2955s die he's very low there's no uh
2957s Logistics left but that's that hurricane
2959s dying was a decent amount of DPS
2961s suddenly off the field if they can take
2963s out something else maybe they'll Shack
2965s in the fleet typhoon can just go on some
2967s sort of solo room here
2970s you're gonna die but the second time
2972s fleet has now arrived so even if he dies
2973s second toe for free is there try and
2975s kill disclaimer off the Claymore might
2977s survive with Scimitar support where he
2979s even is a scimitar honestly he's he's
2981s burning over now okay so he's a little
2982s bit of a distance away so he'll save him
2984s I think so yeah they had their little
2986s they had a little moment in the sun they
2987s did killer ship but
2989s nope nope speaking of getting saved not
2992s something that's happening happening
2993s right now to Elias Rampart in that Fleet
2995s typhoon uh in fact he's dying which uh
2998s is going to take off a chunk of this
3000s Auto Cannon Fleet typhoon damage from
3002s the field likely the Claymore will be
3004s able to tank now uh on his XL ASB for a
3008s significant amount of time potentially
3010s the rest of the match considering
3011s there's also a scimitar of exclusive man
3013s uh who was briefly tackled and briefly
3016s damaged but he managed to uh just you
3019s know get right out of Dodge get back out
3020s to range and sit happily uh repping all
3023s of his friends except the hurricane he
3025s didn't wrap his hurricane boy
3028s I just want to stay pleased to the guys
3030s in chat I am not being optimistic that
3033s is purely Ithaca being Ithaca okay these
3035s guys were screwed they brought order
3037s Cannon die files this is this is still
3039s heresy
3041s hey I'm always up for a team that's
3043s turning around and there's only 10
3045s points of a difference like if if
3046s something had happened they could
3048s certainly have turned this around I mean
3050s there's a lot of damage from those that
3051s the shack spilled up from that fluke
3053s typhoon I mean to be honest two Fleet
3055s typhoons and the Le chat could probably
3057s punch through
3059s um the slutman or the Scimitar and
3060s speaking of that Scimitar he is webbed
3062s he is muted
3063s yeah so let's see can we finish off the
3066s Scimitar because again Fleet typhoon The
3069s Shack that's a lot of damage and they
3071s have a Muller who can still tackle
3072s things down they are only like 20-ish
3075s points
3076s um if they kill off the Scimitar they're
3078s going to close that Gap but that the
3080s shack of uh Jack darville not looking as
3083s healthy as he was at the start of this
3084s match
3085s he's trying his best Scimitar is doing
3088s quite well considering he's under attack
3089s by both ships then again that happens
3091s you bring Auto cannons instead of uh you
3093s know missiles
3095s under attack is a strong strong way of
3098s pitting it he's uh he's he's basically
3101s being missed right now uh I can see the
3104s Shack's theme is going off into the void
3106s as he is struggling to trap uh track
3109s this Scimitar he's almost on top of him
3111s uh there we go the shack is down so now
3115s we get to find the the age-old question
3117s can a single Fleet typhoon solo the rest
3121s of uh the kitchen sink or comp uh
3125s this is a quick question can an auto
3127s Cannon solo Fleet typhoon killed in this
3130s entire com there's an extra no on top of
3133s the no
3134s I honestly can't remember the last time
3136s I've seen an also kind of Fleet typhoon
3138s in an alliance tournament I think that's
3139s uh I mean Giga Chads for for trying it
3143s you know well done we form blob uh I I
3145s like the creativity that's a lot of
3146s close-up damage and you're gonna kill
3148s the Scimitar you know so uh if you can
3151s hear this is me clapping you for killing
3152s the Scimitar well done uh we're all very
3154s proud uh unfortunately it might be too
3158s little too late yeah I mean the
3160s sleptner's tackled oh the cemetery might
3162s survive now he's boosting oh excellent
3164s reload
3166s oh we clap too early why did you do this
3169s oh that was my fault for clapping
3172s can I have a clap how do you how do you
3175s how do you clap backwards
3177s um all right well the fleet typhoon is
3179s now dead so
3181s this is it so we find blob the final
3184s stand uh
3187s this is a question of how long until
3189s they die uh if it can survive for one
3192s minute and four seconds there is a
3194s chance albeit minute that they could
3197s still get through in some sort of weird
3198s rust score tiebreaker
3201s but uh there's no Rusty ships Left Alive
3206s they brought they brought two Fleet
3208s typhoons which means another 40 points
3210s of uh of rust points so we did see a
3214s couple of teams Advance into the group
3215s stages with uh zero and two records
3218s based on the tiebreakers so
3220s mathematically
3223s they're probably eliminated but we can
3226s hope maybe
3240s uh there we are so we form blob
3243s uh with an interesting comp uh getting
3246s 100 to 13 by kitchen sinkhole
3250s um quite something let's send that one
3252s back to the desk and I'll break that one
3254s down a little bit
3256s yeah in the Silence of the night we will
3259s always hear the screams so this is our
3263s story wolves are monks to strangers
3267s did you know that anything can happen in
3270s Altered fleets
3272s are you still shaving your balls Jesus
3275s why you must have some big balls yeah
3278s [Laughter]
3279s yeah literally anything
3309s [Music]
3313s they are we form blob uh dropping
3316s another match there so now they're all
3318s into and basically that is them out of
3320s contention
3322s but in Alliance tournament 18 uh as
3325s kitchen sinkhole takes that win uh
3327s jintan
3329s autocannon Fleet typhoons
3333s um your your opinions please
3337s uh you know I really think we should
3338s just tea bbp up because that man is
3340s going off in the Green Room about these
3343s ships
3344s um for those who aren't aware the
3345s typhoon Fleet issue even though we
3347s normally do see it fit with some form of
3349s missile system it does have a bonus to
3351s Auto cannons and it's also a ship that
3353s you generally do want to put into close
3355s range but the benefit of the typhoon
3357s Fleet issue is that it's a ship that can
3360s use missiles that's also still really
3362s effective in a close range environment
3363s with those two utility highs and with
3367s its uh five mid slots it can just wreak
3369s havoc if you put it into the back lines
3371s it can start to neutralize tackle off
3373s itself it can do all sorts of wonderful
3375s things while still being able to slap
3378s things at range and with auto cannons
3380s you can do everything rhmls can do up
3382s close but you can do exactly idly squat
3386s uh to something at range unfortunately a
3389s little bit of a skill issue there from
3391s we form blob uh seems like they crumbled
3393s Under Pressure here unfortunately maybe
3395s trying a little too hard to you win on
3397s those rust points
3400s yeah skill issue and in this case the
3402s skill might be thinking I'm being told
3405s that even with all Navy ammo tarps and
3409s Rapid heavy missile launcher all do more
3412s damage
3413s um 800 DPS on rapid heavy metal
3417s launchers with a standard fit 900 DPS
3420s with auto cannons
3422s um according to my math that is more
3425s damage actually I'm just being told wow
3428s with hail so there you are 900 DPS with
3430s hail that's a larger number Alec 900
3432s larger than 800 so uh are we going to
3435s see a rise of these autocannon Fleet
3436s typhens or do you think the more
3437s traditional fit is the better one
3440s I think the more traditional fit is the
3442s better one I'm not I'm not going to join
3444s the hater parade on the autocannon fleet
3447s typhoon uh I I give them credit for at
3450s least trying it if
3451s under the right circumstances might
3453s might be good maybe they were trying to
3455s uh you know bait out some guidance
3458s disruptors or something like that you
3460s never know but my issue is if you're
3462s gonna be doing that why in the world
3464s would you bring two of them and not one
3466s Tempest Fleet issue which actually has
3468s the bonuses to the guns that you're
3470s planning on bringing save yourself was
3472s that banned just a quick question was
3474s this was the tempestly issued did I miss
3477s that is that why
3479s uh let me let me just double check that
3481s time because I think it was it was
3482s because it was temperature was banned
3485s so there you go that's
3486s I've discovered the logic what happened
3488s was the Tempest Fleet issue was banned
3490s so they went crap that's the core of our
3492s comp so they lifted the fit off and they
3494s put it on to the other Fleet issue
3496s Minotaur Battleship uh and hoped for the
3499s best
3500s of the world's greatest detective
3503s yeah
3505s call me Sherlock okay I mean is there
3509s anybody could have made that work do you
3510s think that um they should have just gone
3512s for the standard rapid heavy missile
3513s launcher fit or
3515s is there a a reason for Fleet typhons
3518s like to be fit without the Cannons I
3520s don't want to describe the blob team too
3522s much like they did bring a comp and they
3525s did compete in the match and they did
3526s kill a couple of ships it just if they
3528s caught things perhaps you know the motto
3530s Lord hail never fail would have actually
3532s worked unfortunately this didn't pay off
3534s for them in this case you know what
3536s could they have done differently and
3537s actually put a w with this team
3539s yeah I think actually you know it's not
3541s it's not quite as terrible of a choice
3543s as we're playing up to especially given
3546s the history of kitchen sinkhole as we
3548s said going into the match they've flown
3550s for four games now with nothing but
3553s mimitar rush and it's now game number
3555s five with nothing but mimitar rush and
3558s if um and they're effectively just
3560s putting an execution check on kitchen
3562s sinkhole you know are you guys just
3564s gonna assume that these are rapid heavy
3566s missile fly directly into us try and
3568s kill off our top end or Barrow your way
3570s through our low end at which point we
3572s can just slam into you with these Auto
3573s cannons will out DPS you and we'll win
3576s the late game from that uh but kitchen
3578s sinkhole they did their due diligence
3580s they checked those weapon systems and
3581s you saw even though they were in a rush
3583s comp even though they were completely
3586s um you know they were completely under
3588s ranged by their opponents they just flew
3591s around they waited for that blob tackle
3594s to get out of positions uh first of all
3596s the Vengeance and then later on um
3598s managed to actually wheel their tackle
3600s into the backlight you tackle on those
3602s Logistics frigates and pick them apart
3603s from there
3605s if kitchen sinkhole had done the classic
3608s overheat props overheat F1 and just prey
3611s methodology that we sometimes see teams
3614s use with these Rush comps I don't think
3616s it would have worked I think you know
3618s there is every chance The Blob could
3619s have won that match uh just uh they they
3622s you know their opponents didn't fall for
3624s the Trap basically
3627s and the truck card was not activated in
3629s this instant well
3630s unfortunately that is Owen two for blobs
3633s so they are gonzoed from Alliance
3635s tournament 18. uh but let's look at two
3637s teams that aren't gonzoed yet uh the
3639s Ancients versus laser Hawks in our next
3641s match and see what the bands are this
3644s time uh the Ancients Banning the
3646s Scimitar and the slept near uh laser
3648s expanding The Raven and the Oracle
3650s interesting sets of bands from uh from
3653s laser Hawks there the Oracle we saw
3656s fielded with great effect by the
3658s Ancients in that abaddin Oracle comp
3660s which uh slayed basically and the Raven
3663s as well we saw them bring those to pedo
3665s ravenship so this is laser Hawks
3666s targeting comps that they have seen the
3669s engines already bring and force them to
3671s try and bring something completely
3673s different Jin tan what kind of stuff do
3675s you think we might see them pull out of
3676s their bag is there any other comps you
3677s think
3679s I think both teams are probably going to
3681s have a lot of comps they've these are
3683s two of the teams that have shown kind of
3685s the widest diversity uh in things that
3687s they've brought to the field
3690s it's just going to be a question of
3692s whether they think they can nail down
3693s what their opponents have brought
3695s obviously laser Hawks have primarily had
3696s success with four Battleship all in and
3699s that's something that again it could
3700s have some real problems facing that top
3702s Raven all in
3704s um that we've seen from the Ancients in
3706s previous matches uh but equally the
3708s Ancients had their own version of it I
3710s wouldn't actually be that surprised if
3711s we saw something of a mirror with both
3713s teams running a lot of abandons
3714s apocalypses and just smashing them into
3716s each other and seeing whose tank held up
3718s for the longest
3721s Alec what about what about you what do
3723s you think about these uh these bands
3724s that we just saw here
3727s laser Rolex is definitely showing
3728s respect to the comps that ancients have
3731s put forth so far I think their bands
3734s kind of signal that they might be going
3736s a little bit Battleship heavy
3738s ancients we've only really seen them run
3742s two maybe three comps so they've been
3745s repeating their strategies so they might
3748s have more that we haven't seen yet maybe
3749s a kite cop I think that would be a very
3752s interesting matchup
3755s well it's time to find out and see if
3756s the Ancients are indeed bringing a cake
3758s comp or whether laser Hawks have got
3760s something to counter them uh let's go
3762s you know with the casters the vasilisk
3764s and Blackboard pirate
3771s and welcome back to the arena where we
3773s have the Ancients versus laser Hawks and
3777s unfortunately for the Ancients their
3779s plan of banning out the Minotaur Rush
3780s got hard countered by laser Hawks
3782s bringing The Nighthawks the low-keys the
3785s fleet size the scalpels and the Sabers
3788s so uh they basically have replaced their
3790s sleptner with a Nighthawk which means
3792s that they still effectively have a
3794s Minotaur Rush it's just a little tiny
3795s bit slower uh passes how do you think
3797s the Ancients are going to handle this
3799s I'll be honest with you I mean in the
3802s context as well that if they lose this
3804s match they are out of contention having
3805s already lost
3806s um you know half an hour ago in their
3807s previous match this to me looks like a
3810s very very dire situation for the
3811s Ancients
3812s um I feel like this these Nighthawks and
3814s Loki is just going to absolutely Ram in
3815s of course they have the webs from the
3817s low-keys these sight Fleet issues are
3818s very fast and on the ancient side it's
3821s four battle Cruisers Navy battle
3823s Cruisers three of them but of course
3824s they still have tech one resist so they
3826s are just gonna melt like paper mache and
3828s the paper Mash doesn't melt melt like
3830s butter that's a better analogy and of
3831s course the Redeemer here I think also we
3833s haven't seen it very often but I think
3834s it's this is probably a pretty
3836s unfavorable matchup for it I feel like
3838s that kind of with the ramping reps
3839s works best in a sort of slow or
3841s traditional match where you know the
3843s opponent doesn't have a huge amount of
3844s DPS you get time to get those ramps up
3845s to sustain something to keep it going
3847s and slowly Whittle the enemy down but in
3850s this match against a rush it's exactly
3851s the opposite of what you want the redeem
3853s is going to start cycling on someone and
3854s before he gets a chance to ramp up
3855s they're gonna pop
3858s yeah I'm very concerned we'll see if
3860s they do the correct thing they're
3861s already being rushed and unfortunately
3863s the ancient says I decided to not move
3865s any of their ships which is an
3867s interesting choice uh maybe trying to
3868s get that initial burst of damage doing a
3870s lot of damage to xalia right off the bat
3872s but on laser Hawks is already in so deep
3875s on top of them not any damage coming out
3878s from them quite yet so I'm wondering
3879s what laser Hawks is playing here it does
3880s look like they're going to be going
3881s after Alice Stone's verdict's Navy issue
3883s if that Ro Diva maybe starts
3884s pre-wrapping it might work out but I
3886s don't see any reps landing at all yet
3888s radiva being a little bit and that issue
3892s is
3892s yeah that's still a lot okay now it's
3895s gone uh so yeah
3898s yeah this is It's not what ancients
3900s wanted to see and this is one of the
3901s strengths that we've seen from Minotaur
3903s rush and these just sort of General Rush
3905s comps that so many teams have brought is
3906s in this two band format they are so hard
3908s to get rid of you've got to deal with
3909s Loki's and Nighthawks and sleptness and
3911s scimitars and basilisks and slightly
3913s Fleet issues and all these different
3914s ships that can all be sort of plugged
3915s and played into this comp very very
3916s interchangeably three different command
3918s ships is Claymore as well that can fit
3919s straight in as Corinth throwing the
3920s harbinger Navy is going to go down it's
3922s very very difficult to stop a team from
3924s actually bringing this sort of comp so
3926s you need to make sure that when you do
3927s bring a comp to the field you need to
3930s sort of have a plan for dealing with
3932s what is a very very likely comp but if
3934s you if you leave it open or indeed if
3936s you try and ban out the opponents May
3937s well just bring it anyway
3940s yeah it's uh it's it's pretty
3942s unfortunate uh hurricane Fleet dropping
3944s now too before the Loki has even dropped
3946s at all I'm I don't know like I like the
3949s Ancients comp it's such a cool little
3950s setup it's something we haven't seen
3952s before uh maybe if they had actually
3954s like tried to screen at all or move
3956s their ships at all when the match
3957s started instead of just standing there
3959s and taking it something could have gone
3960s a little differently this rodiva not
3962s quite pulling it off like we're almost
3964s seeing these ships catch like they're
3965s getting so low and then they're dropping
3967s like you can see the ramps the ramping
3969s reps going up they're just not ramping
3971s fast enough and pretty much the entire
3974s front line of ancients is already down
3976s for a single Loki this is going to be a
3979s really really quick match
3981s yeah I feel like if you're going to run
3983s a sort of full battle cruiser comp like
3984s this you need to sort of index more into
3986s range control the ishimu is really the
3988s only thing on their team that's capable
3989s of doing that and even that has tech one
3991s resist so I'd much rather see let's say
3992s like a 10mm hyena which has much greater
3995s survivability
3996s um and I mean the right the support Wing
3999s needs to follow that sort of Ideal I
4001s mean the Mala here is the only thing
4003s really that I I really like here the
4005s celestis is in my opinion basically
4008s useless in this comp these battle
4009s Cruisers are going to be long range gun
4011s fit they're going to have rail guns
4012s they're going to have beams on the
4013s harbinger they are going to be trying to
4015s get away they don't want to face rush
4017s and if you're bringing damps the amps
4019s are effective when you want to force the
4021s enemy in close to you which is exactly
4022s what they don't want in this matchup so
4024s I would much prefer if the Ancients had
4025s brought you know things to range control
4027s maybe some assault frigates to ADC and
4030s hold under reps from the ramping reps of
4032s the RO Diva rather than you know Navy
4034s order or celesters which are just going
4035s to melt with tech one resists
4039s yeah I just I don't know I think that
4041s like there there might have been a
4042s chance here if the Ancients had like
4044s kind of played this significantly
4046s differently
4047s um you know warping at 50 actually go
4049s away from the guys rushing you instead
4050s of just sitting there you know they're
4052s like I don't quite understand what their
4054s thought process here uh I again I like
4056s the Ancients comp it's a good setup I
4058s think that you know what they did is
4060s they thought okay well we banned the
4061s slepner therefore we can't be Minotaur
4063s rushed forgetting that there's like a
4066s ton of other ships in the Minotaur Rush
4068s that you can use including the notman
4069s matar Nighthawk so yeah it's really
4072s unfortunate models even better for some
4074s teams because it's just so easy to
4076s execute as well like with slapna you
4077s have to think about all these pesky
4078s things like range and tracking whereas
4080s the nighthole which we use to create
4081s affect ourselves you literally just get
4084s your micro up drive you approach the
4086s enemy and you fire your missiles and
4087s then you can just sort of go AFK go make
4089s a cup of tea or something and you're
4090s going to keep pumping out that 1100 DPS
4091s and whatever you're shooting and there's
4092s not much the opponent can really do
4094s about it so it's very sort of execution
4098s um agnostic is the term I would I think
4100s I would use where there's not a huge
4102s amount of
4103s of barrier of using it you know the onus
4105s is on the other team to out pilot you
4109s yeah which definitely did not happen
4111s from the ancient side here uh very
4114s unfortunate uh they're definitely going
4116s to be going down here quite soon I think
4118s this is just a a good reminder to
4120s everybody because even though laser
4121s Hawks wins this they're still gonna have
4122s to play at least two or three more
4123s matches today that you need to move away
4126s from Minotaur rush and be aware of it
4129s it's still very strong but with that
4130s laser Hawks does win 100 to 17 and we're
4133s going to send it right back to the desk
4135s with Ithaca and the boys
4144s thank you
4149s [Music]
4159s [Music]
4168s [Music]
4174s [Music]
4184s [Music]
4193s thank you
4198s laser Hawks taking that win over the
4200s entrance there in a pretty commanding
4202s Victory like they
4205s predicted almost what was going to
4207s happen there from the Ancients ancient
4209s says black pirate saying uh probably
4210s banning at that slept near anticipating
4213s that the rush would be banned out as
4214s well but just getting uh out out picked
4218s with that Nighthawk uh Choice there uh
4221s Alec the Nighthawk Loki we saw a lot of
4224s that in Alliance open uh we had uh Baza
4227s talking about it being so strong there
4228s what makes that comp just so powerful
4232s uh the overwhelming amount of damage uh
4235s the Nighthawk when it's configured to
4237s brawl
4238s is absolutely insane it's got a massive
4242s tank massive amount of damage good
4244s application
4245s the Loki webs mean you will hit whatever
4248s your primary is for 100 of the damage
4252s your ship is shelling out does have some
4254s weaknesses it's a little bit slower
4256s which again the Loki kind of uh kind of
4259s compensates for that by being really
4261s fast and Landing that long range tackle
4263s allowing your Nighthawks to get on top
4265s of them
4265s it does have some weaknesses in its
4268s capacitor tank wise but the ashimu never
4271s bothered to denote them so I never
4273s really went through that
4274s overall it was a really good answer to
4278s what I thought just looking at it as the
4279s match started to a pretty good ancients
4281s comp but ancients just could not execute
4284s it correctly the radiva Reps were late
4287s um they're Target calling I thought was
4289s pretty good shooting one of the Loki's
4292s first but uh they just didn't follow it
4295s up by applying their newts to enemy
4297s Logistics or to the primary target even
4300s uh meanwhile mimitar Rush is so much
4303s damage so fast it can really cause a
4306s panic in some teams because you're just
4308s losing ships left and right
4312s and speaking of uh ships uh it's been
4315s pointed out that the Ancients had shown
4318s a very very significant variety of comps
4321s fielded over the the past couple of
4323s weekends of course we saw their torpedo
4326s Battleship comp we saw that
4328s um a badon laser Rush comp we've seen
4331s this uh variation of what gentana
4333s believe your team called the quad mummy
4335s comp
4337s um as a as a team 3D crafter and person
4340s running uh practices can you talk to me
4342s about maybe the the pros and cons of uh
4345s diversity versus just picking one or two
4348s comps and executing them and practicing
4349s them really well
4351s yeah so one of the there's a there's
4354s some upsides and some downsides the
4356s upside is that when you get deeper into
4358s a tournament like this you have a lot
4360s more tricks to pull out your bag you're
4362s um a lot more able to deal with bands
4364s and kind of move effectively based up
4366s around what your opponents have brought
4368s in the past uh you know I think we saw a
4370s little bit of that in uh the we're
4373s probably gonna see a little bit of that
4374s come into effect against kitchen
4375s sinkhole if people think that they've
4377s found a really strong counter to mimitar
4380s rush for example we're gonna see that
4382s get brought against them which is
4384s something that you aren't going to be
4385s able to do if you're focusing on one or
4387s two specific
4389s um specific compositions but flying the
4392s same composition over and over again or
4395s compositions that work in the same sort
4397s of manner allows your team to get really
4400s really used to understanding the win
4402s conditions it lets you lets people get
4405s really used to Flying individual ships
4407s uh that they might not fly a lot on TQ
4410s for example we see a lot of ships get
4412s used for example like the ashimu and the
4415s Absolution and even the to a degree the
4417s typhoon Fleet issue in a tournament
4420s setting that aren't heavily used in
4422s Tranquility PVP
4424s and getting used to all of the nuances
4426s of flying those ships uh can be quite
4429s difficult for Pilots especially when
4431s you've got on top of that the burden of
4433s communicating quite heavily about hey
4435s the ship's tackling me you know and
4437s understanding okay that means that this
4439s part of my comp can maybe clear it or no
4441s I need to deal with that myself
4443s these are all things that you can only
4445s learn by practicing them extensively
4448s um so you're typically seeing newer
4450s teams have one to two compositions uh
4453s that they really focus in on and try and
4456s get good at executing and unfortunately
4458s here it looks like the Ancients spread
4460s themselves a little bit too thin I think
4462s if they if they were to come back in
4464s next year they'd want to grab one
4466s composition that works in a fairly
4468s similar way and just grind it out learn
4470s all the nuances the ins and outs of How
4472s It's flown and then come in and just
4475s hope you don't run up against the
4476s counter or ideally identify the counter
4478s and ban it out for example here I think
4481s a a broadsword low-key ban would
4484s probably have been significantly better
4485s than the slept near I can't remember
4488s what the other thing they banned was
4490s um which are because those are the two
4493s heavy tackle ships that can really get
4495s on top of you and just slow you down and
4497s Tackle you up
4501s okay that's an interesting one I suppose
4504s that's that's fairly good but you know
4506s you can deal with Jaguars you can deal
4508s with Ripples broadswords and Loki's
4510s coming at you in battle Cruisers they're
4511s gonna outspeed you and they're going to
4513s be so tanky that you can't kill them
4515s quickly enough to get away
4517s I think what might have been way more
4519s interesting for the Ancients as if
4521s they're battle Cruisers were fit for
4522s brawl as well and not fit to
4525s shoot at long range because they the
4527s celestes kind of suggests that that's
4529s maybe what they were hoping for they
4531s really didn't have the rest of the low
4532s end to support that no tackle uh putting
4535s all your eggs in one damp basket not
4538s great
4539s the semi I think was a good band for
4542s what
4543s they had to counter Logic the ishimu the
4545s ishimu's newts are not very long range
4547s so if you were counting on Logistics
4550s frigates coming in close that would have
4552s been a great answer
4553s if maybe you were
4555s thought there might be like a basilisk
4556s get range the celestes might have been a
4558s great answer but having both of them
4559s just didn't agree with each other
4561s and I think that's sort of emblematic of
4564s their comp there's a lot of good parts
4567s that didn't all fit well together and
4569s certainly weren't a good setup for what
4572s I think they were hoping to fight
4575s so Alec in terms of building a comp you
4579s talk about this one being a little bit
4580s disjointed uh you know how does a team
4584s go about building a complex where do you
4586s start
4588s I think you need to start with your core
4591s um and that is kind of informed by what
4593s you want a general concept to be do you
4597s want to be at range do you want to be in
4599s close do you want to focus on a ton of
4601s damage up front do you want to focus on
4604s more of a long grindy control match
4608s once you figure out the answers to those
4610s questions then there are certain ships
4612s that kind of lend themselves to that
4613s strategy as a good starting point
4616s if you want a massive amount of damage
4619s up front you're probably looking for
4621s either ships with a lot of Alpha and
4624s good projection in which case you'll
4626s then need to build some kind of tracking
4628s or control low end around that
4631s or you're looking for insane DPS up
4635s close and personal in which case you're
4637s probably looking to put other short
4639s range tackle in there with it maybe
4641s bring in some additional low end DPS to
4644s try to make sure that whatever you're
4646s getting you can grind through whatever
4647s Logistics support they're going to get
4650s you've seen different teams apply
4652s different strategies
4654s pretty effectively
4656s um I think was it anger games or last
4658s year's Alliance tournament the abandoned
4661s big pile of hit points big pile of
4663s damage comp
4664s that was really effective it was it was
4667s something we hadn't really seen before
4668s but at in its core it was really just a
4672s high upfront projected damage comp
4674s with everything else built around that
4676s idea so you've got to come up with your
4678s core concept and then there are some
4680s variations you can play with mimitar
4682s rush I think being one of the most
4684s versatile for all the reasons we touched
4685s on here it's really difficult to ban out
4688s even if you do been out some of the key
4690s Minotaur ships there are some caldari
4692s ships which can be swapped in
4694s and it is very difficult for certain
4698s comps to counter it absolutely does have
4700s its counters but if you haven't brought
4702s them that it does either very well or
4705s about on par with most of the other
4707s comps you can find in the alliance
4709s tournament
4711s and jintan so you've taken Alex advice
4714s you've come up with a a concept and
4717s you've refined that into uh this this
4719s comp that you've created you've got all
4721s the fits and it's time to practice what
4723s what are you looking for in practice are
4725s you just doing match after match after
4727s match or is it something perhaps more
4729s organized
4732s um generally it depends on how practiced
4734s your team is like and how much
4736s experience they have within a tournament
4738s setting
4739s what I tend to focus on um is is
4742s communication I try and give people a
4744s direction of like this is what you what
4745s I want you to be talking to me about you
4747s know go through all the pilots sort of
4749s explain their roles
4751s um and then afterwards you know after
4753s the match is actually completed what
4755s you'll probably do is you'll have all of
4757s your Pilots record their their uh their
4760s point of view during the match and then
4763s you'll be able to after the end of the
4765s scrims go through a couple of key
4767s matches where you felt things didn't
4768s work as well as they should have or you
4770s felt that there might have been some
4771s execution issues and you go through them
4773s and you ask people to show them the vods
4775s and you sort of Coach them and you point
4778s out okay at this point you know this
4780s happened you know what what were you
4782s thinking at this moment let's try and uh
4785s you know maybe
4786s help you to understand what the win
4788s conditions of this compar where you need
4790s to be and this specific instance or how
4792s you need to react to this certain threat
4794s or even sometimes like hey you got
4797s scrammed here did you just not notice it
4798s no I didn't notice it it happens next
4801s time we'll get you know next time just
4803s make sure you're keeping an eye on it
4804s and communicating that as soon as you
4806s can
4807s um
4808s it's always going to be it's always a
4809s learning process I don't think anyone
4811s has flown a single Eve online tournament
4814s match without making a mistake it is you
4816s know Eve's such a complex game that you
4818s I don't think it's possible to do that
4820s it's just about minimizing your mistakes
4822s and making sure that the mistakes you
4825s make aren't going to lose your team the
4826s match
4829s cool let's uh before we move on to our
4831s next match we've had four matches in
4834s this group stage here in the Redemption
4835s bracket two more still to go let's take
4838s a look at the standings for the the
4840s nephantar tribe here in this Redemption
4844s bracket
4850s we don't have the standings ready uh
4852s well let's not take a look at that let's
4854s instead just take a look at the bands
4855s for what this is called versus kitchen
4858s sinkhole instead and we'll look at the
4860s standings a little bit later uh so
4862s Odin's call choosing to ban out the Loki
4865s and the slip here so
4868s um perhaps targeting against that lucky
4869s uh slept near Rush very directly here
4873s saying we don't want to see that at all
4874s kitchen sinkhole Banning the zoramas and
4877s the balgorn uh Alec what are you making
4880s of these bands here from these two teams
4884s I think Odin's call is quite rightly
4886s trying to take away as much of Minotaur
4888s Rush as they can from Kitchen sinkhole
4890s kitchen sinkhole Banning the balgorn
4892s tells me they might be replacing
4894s sleffner's with Nighthawks
4898s I I think the Bal is not very scary to
4901s mimich our Command ships but could be
4903s very scary for kaldari command ships
4906s and jintan the the Loki slept near ban
4910s um extremely targeted or do you think
4912s this uh multiple comps this is going to
4915s ban out here that Odin's call may be
4917s afraid of
4919s uh this is actually uh some bands that
4921s we've seen Odin's call use a couple of
4923s times so far in this tournament I think
4925s they just don't like the optimal version
4927s of mimitar Rush um or at least the
4930s double slap near one Loki or double slap
4932s in a double Loki version that we've seen
4933s on a couple of other good teams bring
4936s um
4937s so I but equally it's an amazing
4940s targeted band uh this is just something
4942s that this match is only going to be
4943s played for seeding though so if there is
4945s any chart if you know if there's any
4947s point that kitchen sinkhole can bring
4950s out something that isn't mimitar rush
4952s you know they've got a basically a game
4954s in hand here they can lose this and
4955s still progress through to the uh main
4958s tournament as we form blob have gone 0
4960s and 2 in the bracket so the worst result
4962s that they can have is one on one which
4964s would still put them through into the
4966s playoffs you know maybe they can prove
4969s that these bands uh whilst they are
4970s targeted might be wasted
4973s I think it must be a good idea if I can
4975s do that because it oh sorry Ithaca
4978s nope that's quite all right I was just
4979s going to say speaking of that uh that
4980s bracket we can now look at the standings
4982s uh in this group here so we can see
4984s kitchen sink on Odin's called both
4986s currently tied on one win a piece in
4989s group a kitchen tinkle with the
4991s tiebreaker uh with a 71 rust score uh we
4994s form blob sitting at the bottom with
4996s zero they are eliminated Group B also
4999s laser Hawks one and pizza uh Picasso
5002s peacetime diplomacy on one with the
5004s Ancients being eliminated on zero uh
5006s laser Hawks breaking the tie uh with the
5009s rust score of 57 to Picasso Pizza times
5011s two at this point all those four teams
5014s at the top of the brackets here are
5016s through to the next stage however they
5018s are playing for seeding position now as
5020s the group a winner will face Group B
5022s runner-up and group a runner-up will
5024s face the group b winner so these matches
5027s are still important to decide who you're
5029s playing next
5031s um but it's pretty much time to go to
5032s the arena and find out
5033s our Odin's call going to take this
5036s victory over kitchen sinkhole and go to
5037s no or our kitchen sinkhole going to be
5040s the team that's going to know in group a
5042s well let's hand over and find out with
5044s the casters Wingnut cross and Ithaca
5046s Hawk
5054s g'day there mates welcome to the next
5055s match and we have a double the shack
5057s comp versus a well
5059s honestly I might be sure what to call
5060s this to be honest double Claymore and
5062s hurricane comp I guess mimitar Rush at a
5065s different form
5067s yeah I mean it's Minotaur it can Rush uh
5070s we'll certainly see if that's what they
5071s choose to do
5072s um this double the shack comp but the
5075s curse should certainly be interesting
5076s there is
5078s um a lot of power in those uh those
5080s curses in terms of uh long range
5082s tracking disruptures guidance
5083s disruptions and so on but if they've
5084s brought track disruptors it's not going
5086s to be a huge amount of use here against
5087s these claimers so let us see what goes
5090s on as the match is underway and who's
5092s rushing into who
5094s exactly and this is interesting as well
5096s what the celestis as well is extra
5097s backup damn so this is going to be a lot
5098s of evil and the Shacks as well have
5099s utility highs to add even more smart
5102s bombs nuke whatever you want this is
5104s honestly a lot of control hey look at
5106s that look at the buff owners calls uh
5108s control bar there that goes all the way
5109s to the roof
5111s yeah solid girth in that control bar
5113s there we saw briefly um kitchen sinkhole
5116s their fly catcher burning a little bit
5117s towards the Odin's call team trying to
5119s get in position to do some screening uh
5121s before he got a little bit of cold feet
5122s and turned around the claimer of provoke
5124s Burning uh in a different direction from
5127s the team may be getting a little bit of
5128s position he looks like he might be about
5129s to start turning the rest of this team
5131s staying very close together as these
5133s little Shacks trundle forward across the
5135s battlefield with the rest of their team
5137s behind them
5138s yep the mall is coming alongside them as
5140s well but I'm waiting for that mall or
5141s maybe something else to try and go for a
5142s lunge and Tackle something but honestly
5143s they can take their time with us they've
5145s got enough control with this e-war to
5147s really just do whatever they want
5149s pick their moment and go for it
5151s yeah this is a comp that um audans have
5154s brought here that is going to reward
5155s patience and positioning they're going
5157s to want to grab something get in and
5159s just punch it in the face but if they do
5161s it too quickly they could be caught out
5162s of position you can see right now the Le
5164s Shacks are the ones that are leading the
5166s way uh the Paradigm and kernel carts you
5168s have right behind them the molar and in
5170s their backfield the fly catcher on top
5172s of the Confessor who's been screened off
5173s as the sky breaker flees for his life
5176s away so they're doing a good job
5178s defending their back line uh but as I
5180s say that a hugin just burning straight
5182s into the back line of Odin's call here
5185s yeah he can goes in I think he is
5186s tackling that curse right down now also
5189s the uh fly catcher is also being uh
5190s pressured off but this is honestly not
5192s too good with that curse now being
5194s potentially held down
5197s yeah it looks like audience called
5198s perhaps overextended a little bit
5200s because they're the Shacks are out of
5201s position against some of the heavy DPS
5203s ships they need to be applying to
5207s I would honestly just love if this boss
5208s has been damping like a hugging and I'm
5210s also oh you can throw a curse but I
5212s don't think he is he's damping out the
5213s Celesta so a bit of a dample going in
5215s there cheap ass mullus damping out of
5217s celestis a little bit more expensive all
5218s right this whole thing's been safe on
5220s kitchen sinkhole is about to get
5222s skadunka dunked he's got all the Eeyore
5223s on them all the DPS he is about to just
5226s absolutely vanish 73 meters per second
5228s not good he's not getting away look 87
5230s in the fleet side first blood for Odin's
5233s coal here and in the moment none of them
5236s are being tested all of those ships are
5238s full armor uh toast brought and ERD void
5241s daughter in the Italia Deacon combo
5243s doing a great job keeping everybody
5244s topped up
5246s the interesting little note as well as
5248s the sky breaker of alpha chalk has kind
5249s of been a blasting off rap drones off of
5251s that curse and you see there's a massive
5252s ball of Earth reference in the middle as
5254s well so there's just a lot of drones
5256s being deleted by the sky breaker is
5257s going to definitely be worth his points
5259s and that curse is holding now but I'm
5261s curious to see what they're gonna do I
5263s think at this point he's pretty much
5265s safe as the Claymore has now been hard
5267s and tackled he's gonna go down
5270s yeah it's but this is the patience that
5272s we talked about here it's called trying
5274s to keep through the the team together
5276s and well positioned they have the
5278s Confessor flying around in the backfield
5279s just trying to make sure nobody gets
5281s near them meanwhile if you look at the
5282s kitchen sink called jackdaw and Scimitar
5284s they've been sitting at range but all of
5286s a sudden that seminar burning in he must
5288s have just been damped uh yeah it looks
5290s like he was damped so he cannot rep that
5292s Claymore very well so he's having to
5293s burn in close to these little Shacks to
5295s uh to get his reps on that's not a good
5297s position for him if he gets tackled now
5299s this could be pretty much a game over
5300s here uh well he's now well within uh
5304s well within the newting range of that
5306s curse as well so he's actually right
5308s there and he's already been somewhat
5309s tackled yeah
5313s primary
5316s I Could Be Clever play there from Odin's
5319s call holding off on those stamps uh on
5321s that Scimitar rather than just slapping
5322s them on at the beginning and let him get
5324s used to the range you let that Scimitar
5326s fly around comfortably a long way away
5328s and you wait till you start spilling on
5329s something like that claimer and then all
5331s of a sudden you put the dance on and
5333s then that Scimitar has to burn in and
5335s try and re-lock and if he gets too close
5337s then this is exactly what happens he's
5338s tackled his webbed he is muted and uh
5341s it's not going to be very comfortable
5342s for him in that position I didn't think
5344s it was gonna be the primary but I don't
5345s think it matters anymore they've got a
5346s pretty much a full moon just sitting on
5348s his face he was not going to be wrapping
5350s up anyone Amy time series you can see
5351s with this hurricane he was just getting
5354s chunked quickly he's not exactly a tanky
5356s ship and it's without logic he's even
5358s less tanky
5360s the Scimitar they're not actually
5361s choosing to shoot him right now they've
5362s got him webbed they've got him scrammed
5363s and they're muting them they're choosing
5364s just to essentially ignore him and keep
5366s spilling up on the uh the ships that
5369s they're that they're dpsing the Le shark
5371s of course just spills and Spills and
5373s Spills and the Damage gets higher and
5375s higher and higher swapping targets will
5376s break that spill and at the moment
5378s they're showing that they can punch
5379s through the Reps of this Scimitar on
5382s that hurricane as he goes down as well
5384s yeah that's unfortunate they like they
5386s had a potential win con here to just
5388s avoid this uh this checks and Those comp
5390s as best as they could but that was gonna
5391s be a hard come to try and get past you
5393s got this big ball of a death from the
5395s curse you've got obviously the DPS ball
5397s from the less Jacks and you've got great
5398s tackle and uh support wing with the
5399s vexer and the more so it's honestly a
5402s pretty dangerous comfortable approach if
5403s you don't quite have a plan I honestly
5405s don't know if they had one they tried to
5407s get to the back line that was the one
5408s thing and then after that what
5411s I would say both teams piloted
5414s um pretty well in this instance we saw
5415s both of them being cautious uh Odin's
5418s called trundling for behind the Shacks
5420s not overextending meanwhile um the
5422s kitchen tinkle team were playing quite
5423s defensively they were they were kiting
5425s away trying to wait for that opportunity
5427s to dive in and hit something the court
5429s Odin's caught a little better position
5430s at one point as Odin's overextended uh
5433s but they weren't able to capitalize on
5434s and then Odin's called recognizing that
5436s mistake uh got back together again in a
5438s bowl and uh I've been pretty much fine
5440s ever since and that allowed them to just
5442s start slowly dismantling the kitchen
5444s Central team the Scimitar must feel very
5447s useless right now is there's absolutely
5448s nothing he can do he's just tackled web
5451s muted and likely being held to be the
5454s last man to go down
5457s honestly I am a personal fan of the uh
5459s the Morse over the celestis as a support
5461s damp ship but obviously that must have
5463s been a bad call because the celestis did
5465s win you know cough cough that's
5466s definitely the reason why they won not
5468s the curse that has been flown very well
5470s by yokan at Saba
5472s yeah I mean sometimes we talk about uh
5474s control comps armor control being a very
5477s popular one uh and yeah I mean the size
5479s of that control bar for reference that
5482s control bar is basically based on the
5484s number of uh offensive e-war modules and
5488s then the more Greener is the more of
5489s them are being applied so eight newts
5491s would be eight parts of that bar uh
5494s guidance instructors things like that so
5496s those are the Shacks probably both
5498s carrying uh heavy utility units as well
5500s in their in their High slots having to
5502s only bring one single spilly boy gun uh
5505s lots of yeah
5507s they brought a lot of e-boards we're
5509s going to get the more is four new I
5510s don't think there's guns in the vexal
5512s which means that's probably also four
5513s new or smart bomb so honestly they
5515s brought an absolutely ungodly amount of
5517s e-water this comp and it honestly showed
5519s they didn't lack on DPS unless of course
5521s the last check goes down but respect
5523s well done two Odin's here
5525s yeah Odin's uh potentially back on Forum
5529s today taking we Farm blob comfortably
5531s now taking uh kitchen sinkhole
5534s comfortably as well in what will be a
5536s 100 to zero Victory here securing
5539s themselves to zero in the uh nefontaric
5543s group a so the Odin's called winning
5545s that particular group they'll go forward
5547s into the semi-finals a little bit later
5549s today but there's another match to go
5552s before then so let's hand it back to the
5553s studio
5561s thank you
5570s [Laughter]
5587s foreign
5594s [Music]
5608s [Music]
5615s [Music]
5628s Odin's call there taking the W over
5630s kitchen senko and securing themselves
5633s the top spot in the niffen tour 8 group
5636s there one more match before a short
5638s break to find out who will take the top
5640s spot in the uh nephronic Group B uh in
5643s Picasso Pizza Time diplomacy versus
5645s laser Hawks but uh jintan what did you
5648s make of the piloting in that last
5649s matchup it looked like it was pretty
5651s solid from both sides to be honest
5653s uh yeah I think that just goes to show
5656s what I talked about
5657s um in just in the time we had to fill
5659s before the match began about the team
5661s that will win is not the team that makes
5663s no mistakes it's the team that makes the
5665s least mistakes uh we saw Odin's cool
5668s kind of spread out their tackle Wing
5670s maybe a little too far from their
5671s deacons during the early game uh and
5674s kitchen sinkhole looked like they might
5675s move to capitalize on that but they
5677s noticed they pulled everything back they
5679s got back into their blob they made sure
5681s that those curse newts were going to be
5682s there to protect any protect against any
5686s tackle that came in and they slowly
5688s moved around the grid waited for kitchen
5690s sinkhole to lose their patients
5693s um and dive back in for the deacons
5696s um which you know there's some debate
5698s about what you really want to Primary in
5700s that comp it's a really hard matchup for
5702s um
5703s uh for memital Rush to win anyway but
5706s going on the deacons when you have heavy
5708s assault missiles as opposed to the power
5710s that you normally have uh to control
5712s your own tracking with the slutness uh
5715s uh it seems like a rough cool you're
5717s going to apply so much better to that
5718s curse especially if you can get right on
5720s top of it
5722s um and yeah from that point after
5725s kitchen sinkhole got engaged and they
5727s didn't really clear anything off uh
5729s within the first couple of minutes first
5731s couple of seconds of that engage
5733s that was kind of game for them it was
5735s going to be so difficult for them to
5736s claw it back after that point
5739s and Alex do you think kitchen sinkhole
5741s could have done much different there or
5744s um was was that match always going to be
5746s an uphill battle for them
5749s I think it was going to be an uphill
5751s battle they had a great sphere of
5753s control uh elton's called it kitchen
5756s sinkhole did what they did the previous
5758s couple matches they showed a lot of
5760s restraint they positioned well they
5762s spread their Fleet out looking for a
5764s hole trying to get their opponent to
5766s overextend and then dive into the back
5768s line that's been their MO consistently
5771s and they've done it very well but
5773s unfortunately they've ran into a comp
5775s which had a good deal of projection with
5778s those long-range curse newts with the Le
5780s Shack notes
5781s so there was only so close they could
5783s get without essentially being stuck
5786s committing because they couldn't escape
5789s and they I don't know if it was a
5791s mistake that they realized or maybe it
5793s was even intentional bait but they just
5796s they spread their line out just a little
5798s bit
5799s and kitchen sink was like oh just like
5801s the last match let's go in and get them
5803s and then as they dived in they realized
5806s it was just a little too late they got
5808s caught by the newts they had key
5810s elements of their comp pinned down
5812s trapped and unfortunately that Drew the
5816s rest of their comp in to try to save
5817s them which is ultimately their downfall
5819s here but I it really would have been an
5822s uphill battle I don't know what exactly
5824s they could have done differently to get
5826s a different outcome going up against
5828s Tula shacks and a curse with a competent
5830s Logistics Wing was always going to be a
5832s challenge
5836s advancing to the next stage uh hoping to
5839s secure themselves that final spot into
5841s alliance Tournament 18. of course we
5843s will find out in a little bit if they
5845s can actually secure that to get there
5847s and we are going to have a series of
5850s matches so after this next one we will
5852s have the group uh standing sorted
5855s odensco as you can see top of group a
5857s and we're just waiting to find out who
5858s will be top of Group B the group a
5861s winner will play group b runner-up and
5863s vice versa and that will decide uh the
5865s two teams that Advance into the final
5867s the final in this case will be a best of
5870s three so the teams will play three
5872s matches back to back to back and the
5875s winner being the one that either goes
5876s two and all or two one in these
5879s particular matchups this will also be
5880s the first time for many of these teams
5882s they have faced something in our
5884s instrument that we call Conquest bands
5886s gentan explain Conquest bands to me
5890s Conquest bands uh it's pretty simple if
5893s you win with a ship you can't bring it
5895s again in the future uh this kind of
5897s Forces teams uh to
5901s have quite a wide depth of compositions
5904s ready to go if they want to actually win
5907s a best of three or a best of five as we
5910s sometimes see in the grand finals of the
5912s tournaments
5913s um and it also gives your opponents a
5916s bit of a leg up as they know that you
5918s can't bring certain compositions so for
5921s example if your opponents bring mimitar
5923s Rush uh they you don't even have to
5926s spend your bands sort of making sure
5928s that your opponents can't bring it in
5929s the next game you can be fairly certain
5931s that they're not going to be able to
5932s bring that and then bring something like
5934s a rhml kite set up with bar guests that
5938s your opponents would really want to run
5940s a rush against
5941s and you leave yourself free to use your
5943s bands to take out other parts of
5947s comps that your opponents might be
5948s particularly strong at that you're
5949s worried about
5951s I'm looking forward this year uh to
5954s seeing how Conquest band is going to
5956s interact with Point inflation so this
5959s year if you bring multiple of the same
5961s ship then they cost one point more per
5964s each one you bring so if a ship is five
5966s points and you bring two of them then
5968s each of them is six or twelve points
5970s total if you bring three of them and
5972s each one is seven for 21 points total uh
5975s so it costs you a lot more however
5977s um Alec what do you think about let's
5979s say for example you wanted to bring
5981s Talia Deacon if you won in Conquest with
5984s Talia Deacon you've now got Talia Deacon
5986s banned do you think then it's worth
5988s sacrificing those two extra points to
5990s bring say two deacons meaning that you
5991s can still bring two taliers the next
5993s time
5994s foreign yeah I think potentially it
5997s would especially for those smaller ships
6000s um if there are multiple ships that
6003s could fill a certain role rather than
6005s lose two of them for the next match it
6007s might just be worth two maybe even three
6009s points to try to get that versatility
6012s but I think it also depends on what your
6015s team has done in practices
6017s if you've specialized like we've talked
6020s about before and just run one comp and
6021s focus on executing that one comp really
6024s really well
6025s you're going to have a much harder time
6027s in these late stages of the tournament
6029s because it's going to be very difficult
6031s even for mimitar Rush to sustain that
6034s comp when you keep losing ships every
6037s time you win with it uh you've got to
6039s have some kind of backup meanwhile teams
6041s that have
6042s uh
6044s trained and tested multiple comps
6046s multiple different variations of armor
6049s and shield rush and kite and long range
6051s projection
6052s they've got a much deeper grab bag to
6055s reach into and pull something out that
6057s keeps them fresh there are so many ships
6062s and Eve
6063s um a lot of them do similar things some
6065s better than others some better in
6067s certain circumstances
6068s so it's absolutely possible to put
6070s together a string of winning comps
6072s without
6074s having to repeat the core ships
6076s but it is much much much more difficult
6079s to train to be able to do that
6082s Conquest bands usually something
6085s reserved for the the semi-finals or the
6088s grand finals in the main Alliance
6090s tournament so a lot of the teams that
6092s we're seeing here in these mimitar
6094s trials will never have experienced or
6096s had any practice with these Conquest
6098s bands it's a completely different ball
6101s game to try and get through in fact I
6104s was talking with one of the teams who
6105s shall remain nameless to protect their
6108s honor yesterday and I I said to them
6110s it's like I'll make sure you prepare for
6111s Conquest bands and the first response to
6114s my message was what's a conquest band so
6117s certainly something that not all these
6118s teams are going to be prepared for
6120s certainly something that most of the
6121s teams have shown they can probably
6123s handle we see a lot of depth from these
6125s teams in com so I'm excited to see how
6128s they get on but we have one more match
6130s at the minute so let's take a look at
6131s the bands between percussive Pizza Time
6133s diplomacy and Laser Hawks because of
6136s Peace of time the plumsy Banning out
6137s Loki slept near so that uh that Rush
6140s comp that we've just spoke about uh
6141s looking like it's been neutral pretty
6143s heavily here we might see some
6144s Nighthawks perhaps but with the Loki
6146s removed unlikely laser Hawks Banning
6149s Vindicator and the shack so that is a I
6152s can't boost in percussive piece of time
6153s bring a whole bunch with those Giga
6155s plated Le shacks and done really well
6157s with them dismantling uh the ancient
6160s aileron and almost taking themselves
6162s straight through to Alliance tournament
6163s 18 against hidden Leaf uh yesterday
6167s jintan uh what do you think we're going
6169s to see here from Picasso Pizza time
6171s without the shack band though
6174s I'm not sure we've seen quite a few
6176s comps from uh Picasso Pizza time over
6179s the course of this tournament so it's
6180s not like they're quite as locked in as
6182s some other teams uh they're very very
6185s able to bring say the three Battleship
6187s control comp that they've won a lot of
6189s matches with which will be valve
6191s indicator and TFI core not utilizing the
6194s shack
6195s and they've also shown a mimitar rush
6197s although with the bands that they've
6199s dropped I I don't imagine that we're
6201s going to see that and then there's also
6203s I don't think we'll see anything new
6205s though both of these teams are not
6206s fighting for uh for their tournament
6208s life here they're just fighting for
6210s seeding and uh you're gonna need to be
6212s able to beat Odin's call if you want to
6214s advance anyway so I think we'll just see
6216s a nice gentle match of both teams
6218s bringing something that they've brought
6220s before and seeing who's better at
6222s executing it
6223s well I see the counter has just started
6225s so let's head over to the arena right
6227s now our team because of Pizza Time
6228s diplomacy and Laser hops if your casters
6230s the battle of the Blackboard Pirates go
6236s hello everybody Welcome to the arena as
6238s these guys are saying Picasso beats done
6240s diplomacy laser Hawks neither of these
6242s teams can get eliminated they are
6243s fighting for seeding to determine which
6244s of them will go against Odin's call uh
6247s the losers all the way up against Odin's
6248s call the winner will be going against
6249s kitchen sinkhole in the semi-finals
6250s after a short break after this match but
6251s now we are going to get this underway
6253s and Laser Hawks have brought looks to be
6255s like a rapid light focused kite comp
6256s here with a bunch of services authorous
6258s across rapid Heavies on the bar guest
6261s yep and it looks like because if he's
6263s the same diplomacy is bringing their
6264s standard triple armor Battleship sort of
6266s pseudo control setup with their balgor
6268s and lots of damage already going out on
6270s this football uh laser Hawks is going to
6272s be able to completely destroy that
6273s bottom end very quickly tons of rep
6275s drones already out on Progressive Pizza
6276s Time diplomacy though so uh we'll see if
6278s they're able to catch this fipple in
6279s time they do not that is very very
6281s unfortunate here uh hopefully they can
6284s kind of get themselves together for the
6285s next 30 seconds or so we're left you
6287s have the Sipple or the service Rapid
6289s heavy Clips as the heck 8 starts getting
6292s shot
6293s yeah the lower end is going to be at
6294s extreme danger here and it's going to
6296s come I think down to how quickly um
6298s these Battleship Pilots can assign rep
6300s bolts they've got these two deacons but
6301s obviously The Limited range and they
6302s need to push in so their comp's going to
6303s get spread out a little bit here and one
6306s of the things that good teams have very
6307s practiced at is assigning rep Bots and
6309s knowing where they need to be at a
6310s certain moment and bad teams perhaps
6312s less so and these these three
6313s battleships obviously each have a heavy
6315s complement of repots but this hecatee
6316s isn't holding either the deacons are
6318s sort of staying mostly this one Deacon
6320s staying with the bowel gone and the
6321s Tempest Fleet trying to push in so
6322s there's only one of them left to you
6324s know cycle reps on this hecatee with any
6325s sort of meaningful effect and he's just
6327s on the edge of structure here he is
6329s probably going to go down from a couple
6330s more volleys and I'm not sure if uh um
6332s Peter managed to really catch anything
6333s yet they're still sort of trying to burn
6335s in but the the shield kite team is
6336s keeping them at Bay for the time being
6339s yeah actually it does look like the
6341s heckaji is catching which is pretty good
6344s uh for them so I'm guessing that the
6346s serbs and the Vargas have clip at this
6349s point uh this the thing that I'm really
6351s watching here is this valgorn of Chad
6352s flame he is ramming in uh the balgorn
6355s webs are gonna be the thing that can
6356s catch something here laser Hawks has to
6358s stay away from it if even one ship gets
6360s caught this changes so fast we do see a
6362s Wubble coming out on the heretic I think
6363s it might have been a little bit too
6364s early uh that heretic looks like it's
6367s just charging in right now trying to get
6368s wubbles off popping them a little bit
6370s early again they really need to like
6372s just chill out for like three seconds
6373s here because that heretic is probably
6375s going to get completely deleted here
6376s since it's out of reperative everything
6378s tons of represents flying to the heretic
6379s but it does go down in time that being
6381s said the wubbles it did slow their ships
6382s down significantly these Battleground is
6384s catching up and the saber Fleet is also
6386s kind of ramming in
6388s yeah the wubbles you need to be careful
6389s when you're using them of course because
6390s there's no way to get out of your own
6392s wobble range
6393s um so you're just going to slow yourself
6394s down and of course that then means that
6396s the serbs the authors look at you and
6398s say hey that guy's going pretty slowly
6399s we can absolutely melt him and they do
6401s just that and the stab a fleet now of
6402s Couric it does look at the time being
6404s that pizza are just sort of getting
6405s kited around here and I really question
6407s on a sort of my micro comp scale here
6410s the choice to bring a pawn to fix rather
6412s than a Magus because this comp that
6414s they've brought is so so pivotal they
6416s can get webs from this bowel gone here
6418s to get Target access for the get a Navy
6419s The Tempest Fleet and perhaps if they
6422s had bonus Skirmish links from a Magus
6424s instead of a pontifex that extra couple
6426s of kilometers range might just let that
6428s balgorn heat his webs and just maybe web
6430s something down and start catching things
6431s because at the moment it looks like it's
6432s fairly comfortable sailing for laser
6434s Hawks here they're just sort of kiting
6435s around they've settled into a rhythm
6438s here they're taking out this low end
6439s they know from the previous couple of
6442s minutes of this match that the bowel
6443s gone The Tempest Fleet aren't able to
6445s get in range they they haven't got much
6446s left in their Arsenal here and obviously
6448s the more tackle dies the harder it gets
6451s for them
6453s yeah and honestly it you know you hate
6455s hate to see it but I'm not really seeing
6456s particularly great uh piloting from
6458s especially this balgor now it does look
6460s like the Tempest Fleet issue or the
6461s Armageddon Navy issue of All Ships of
6463s canned is actually doing a very good job
6465s at cutting off but it really feels like
6467s this algorithm is basically right
6468s clicked approached and has its mwd on is
6470s trying to catch off like you need to
6472s actually cut them off you can't just
6474s approach like that's pretty uh pretty
6476s basic stuff here um army navy issue is a
6479s very weird Choice by the way we were
6481s kind of looking at like why did they
6482s bring this as opposed to just bringing
6483s another Fleet Tempest uh we've only been
6485s one point different but the Armageddon
6487s Navy issue actually does almost get
6489s close enough to grab something before it
6490s gets webbed off by that hyena so uh heck
6493s it does drop here
6495s um I am wondering if laser Hawks is
6496s going to actually be able to take out
6498s the deacons the pawn effects or the
6500s other ships once these last couple light
6502s ships go down because they do seem to be
6504s having a little bit of trouble like
6506s obviously they're breaking through reps
6507s but they don't seem to be doing it as
6509s well as I feel like they should
6512s yeah and it might end up being a little
6514s bit sort of a traditional here for laser
6515s Hawks they can just win on points it
6516s won't be the most exciting the most
6519s um glamorous ending of The Tempest Fleet
6521s of elacon does actually initiate an mjd
6523s and try to get on top of something but
6525s it's it's just you know it's it's not
6527s quite responsive enough he ends up you
6528s know 50 kilometers maybe behind the
6530s enemy Fleet here
6531s um and obviously you know he's not in
6532s that much of a better position than
6533s where he started
6535s um so yeah laser Hawks here as they take
6536s down that that first Deacon sorry
6540s um you know it's just getting more and
6542s more dire here for pizza the more ships
6543s die the less chance they have of
6544s catching anything and Laser Hawks are
6546s just going to be able to sort of Stay
6547s Stay bundled up stay close together and
6549s just slowly circle around the arena and
6551s just sort of initiate a Tom and
6553s jerry-like Chase
6555s um even if in this case the Chaser is
6558s severely sort of overweight
6561s yeah yeah
6563s that's that is a that is
6566s on the pizza side let's put it that way
6569s definitely not uh the only one that's
6571s even going remotely fast is that uh to
6573s the speed issue
6575s um I do think that that mjd that is like
6577s the plan here
6578s um unfortunately it's probably gotten a
6580s little bit too late here uh that looks
6581s they are trying to take down this other
6583s Fleet issue I think they're just using
6585s up the clip while they're ready to hit
6586s the next Deacon but like why isn't the
6588s balgorn mjd that's what I'm sitting here
6590s it's it's actually just flying around
6592s doing effectively nothing like the
6595s Tempest Fleet had a great idea uh they
6597s need to like take that idea and apply it
6599s to all their battleships like just get
6600s all your battleships together on top of
6602s the mjd and just start eating yourself
6603s at them maybe you'll eventually catch
6605s them I don't know I completely agree I
6606s mean the Tempest fleet's your Mainline
6608s DPS ship here right like you want it to
6609s get into position but it's not the thing
6611s that's going to facilitate the rest of
6612s your comp whereas the Battlegrounds a
6613s lot more forgiving for getting on top of
6614s things you know with what like 40
6616s kilometer webs if you mjd something you
6618s don't have to be particularly precise if
6619s you just get in sort of the vague range
6621s change of where they are you can
6622s probably web something down maybe web on
6624s that bar I guess get your battleships on
6625s top of them and start pumping him and
6627s then maybe that then would put the onus
6629s on laser Hawks to sort of play more
6630s aggressively and then you know they
6631s might be behind on points when the tick
6633s timer ticks down but as it is the Pizza
6635s Time team are just sort of slowly
6637s hemorrhaging ships and now they're just
6638s down to four these three battleships in
6639s the stabber Fleet and it is going to be
6642s um Pizza Time going up against I believe
6645s Odin's in the next round which will be
6646s very very difficult for them
6648s um and Laser Hawks are going to face off
6650s against kitchen sinkhole as well after
6652s the break
6654s yeah it's uh this is gonna be a really
6656s really painful slow
6659s uh awful thing to watch but I mean not
6661s as control
6662s and piloting right here because I can
6665s tell it does appear that he has put the
6668s Osprey Navy issue on follow uh on
6671s approach on whatever term you want to do
6673s because every time that Oscar Navy she
6674s starts moving he starts turning and
6676s finally I'm seeing him actually manually
6679s pilot a little bit here uh looks like
6681s the valgorn is heading potentially over
6683s to the mjd beacon so you know with two
6686s minutes left they have had this flash of
6687s inspiration of weight we could use the
6689s thing that teleports us 100 kilometers
6691s to maybe tackle something uh maybe a
6694s little bit late on that I do it does
6695s look like most of the Pizza Time
6697s diplomacy ships uh are actually heading
6699s towards that Center mjpd Beacon right
6701s now uh maybe it's just the balgorn but
6703s I mean it's
6705s it might actually not be too little too
6707s late
6708s it's a little bit of a sort of
6710s disappointing lack of inspiration from
6711s pizza because they performed so well
6713s yesterday in that absolutely nail-biting
6715s match against us and of course winning
6716s their earlier match today
6718s um so Chad flame maybe perhaps a little
6720s bit sort of hard of learning in this
6721s match spending seven minutes eight
6723s minutes now chasing around in this
6724s belgawn you know it's not getting any
6726s better buddy you need to change
6726s something up before the whole of your
6728s comp dies so you know maybe if a
6730s customer diplomacy had sort of abandoned
6732s this Chase strategy and sort of tried to
6734s initiate this micro jump spear fishing
6736s as it were
6737s um with the bowel gone maybe a little
6738s bit earlier into match before they
6739s hemorrhaged all their lower end it might
6741s have turned out a little bit differently
6742s but I feel like they were just maybe
6743s just a little bit slow of coming up with
6745s that sort of idea of how to turn this
6747s around rather than trying the same thing
6750s yeah I uh it definitely correct uh looks
6753s like he he's actually a really good spot
6755s to mjd oh he does it a little bit
6758s um now he's he's gonna catch something
6760s I'll just look at it no uh absolutely
6762s not I don't know he might be kind of
6764s close to that Cerberus of Carl by all
6765s burning upwards ah dude I'm I'm zoomed
6768s in on this he's way off
6771s I think they might be in web range I
6773s think something might be in web range
6776s but I mean obviously it's not going to
6777s be enough but if they're just instituted
6778s this strategy maybe a couple minutes
6780s earlier they might have been able to get
6781s something done here but no it's gonna it
6784s does look like in fact no he's not gonna
6785s catch anything not quite but it was a
6787s valiant effort at the end here from Chad
6788s Flame you got the right idea you got the
6790s right you know just a little bit more
6791s practice you know the thing about it too
6792s because I don't think I don't think
6795s laser Hawks actually reacted to the mjd
6797s because what they did is they were
6798s flying to that micro jump Beacon and
6800s then as they hit it they all flew back
6801s to the next top one I think they just
6803s were like okay we're gonna go to this
6805s Beacon and then we're gonna go to this
6806s Beacon and then we're gonna go to this
6807s Beacon and he happened to uh
6810s mjd kind of it was it was okay I don't
6813s know it's it's rough again this needed
6815s to happen like nine minutes ago not with
6818s 40 seconds left on the match
6821s yep but of course as we've said this
6823s isn't an elimination match there's
6824s learnings to be had
6825s um you know both compositionally and and
6827s play style so while this is going to be
6828s laser Hawks winning
6830s um we are going to see both of these
6831s teams again later on and they're going
6832s to battle out for this one final spot
6834s that remains
6837s yeah and uh just just to uh popping over
6839s and looking at twitch chat real quick uh
6841s somebody says somebody said Chad burnt
6844s out that is not true uh a balgorn will
6847s never ever go at 900 Ms ever with a
6850s burnt out prop mod for anyone so Chad
6853s has had the mwd on the entire time just
6855s was not effective and unfortunately
6857s because if it's time diplomacy gets zero
6860s points killing nothing laser Hawks
6862s taking out most of the low end getting
6863s 56 and we will be moving to Ithaca Hawk
6869s now for the triglovian weather report
6871s brought to you by Exodus
6873s integration
6875s [Music]
6881s and that's the weather forever
6892s for just 10 million ISC a month you can
6895s save the life of a high SEC minor
6913s [Music]
6922s thank you
6931s percussive Pizza Time diplomacy uh
6934s popped out pizza in the oven set it to
6936s high and then completely forgot about it
6939s and then remembered uh 10 minutes too
6941s late and at that point it was burnt to a
6943s crisp as laser Hawks executed that
6946s kiting comp absolutely basically
6949s perfectly in this instance a couple of
6951s mistakes but uh Picasso Pizza problems
6953s they were not able to capitalize on it
6955s and just got catered slowly to death
6958s over the course of that match with that
6961s uh laserhawks wins the nether Group B
6963s and they will go forward to face kitchen
6965s sinkhole in the semi-final meanwhile
6967s percussive Pizza Time diplomacy has to
6970s get through Odin's call to make it into
6972s uh the the final at their end the the
6974s first match Odin's called versus Picasso
6977s Pizza Time diplomacy will be in about 20
6979s minutes so pressure's on now for a
6982s percussive piece of time
6983s um and until then we're going to take a
6985s short break here and we'll be back in
6987s about 15 minutes
6994s welcome back ladies and gentlemen to uh
6997s the final day of Alliance tournament
6999s 18-minute trials I am joined on the desk
7001s once again by Blackboard pirate and
7004s mystical might uh Blackberry pirate how
7006s are you today
7008s I'm I'm doing great uh I've got my nice
7010s little vocal warm up gotta watch a bunch
7012s of like really
7014s interesting piloting choices in the
7017s morning so yeah I'm here let's do it
7020s yeah we've got a match coming up and
7023s then there'll be a longer break between
7025s that and the next match uh just just the
7027s way the schedule works out so perhaps
7029s during that break we can uh we can do a
7031s little uh learning how to Pilot
7032s battleships with Blackboard part uh but
7034s before that we have got a exciting match
7037s coming up so now we're into elimination
7039s matches again so we we said goodbye to
7042s uh the entrance we said goodbye to we
7044s form blob six became four and in the
7047s next two matches four will become two
7049s Odin's called percussive piece of time
7051s diplomacy kitchen sinkhole and Laser
7053s Hawks which of those are going to make
7054s it through to the finals well we're
7056s going to find out who will win between
7058s Odin's call and percussive Pizza Time
7060s diplomacy as they will be up next but
7062s first let's take a look at the bands
7063s with these two teams so percussive piece
7066s of time Banning the curse and the
7067s pilgrim what it's called Banning Loki
7069s near classic bands from Odin's at
7071s this point because of Pizza Time really
7074s not a fan of anything with the the the
7076s arbitrator Hull here just banning all
7078s forms of uh of honest e-board on that
7080s planet platform do you think mystical
7083s mate that uh with the shack unbanned
7085s we're going to see it here
7087s I mean it's entirely possible that we'll
7089s see it uh it once again from the
7091s audience team um Odin has been pretty
7094s comfortable running that the shack
7095s control comp the curse however is a
7098s central part I think of any other Shack
7100s comp that they would be running it seems
7103s like they are going all in on the
7105s ability to tracking and guidance disrupt
7107s the enemy team as well as project some
7109s of those newts out so with the pilgrim
7111s and the curse both band you know maybe
7113s we'll see them bring an arbitrator and
7115s point more towards Sentinels as well to
7118s put on some more new pressure and also
7120s bring some more guns disruptors and
7121s tracking disruptors but you know you
7123s can't say for sure
7125s I'm certainly interested to find that by
7127s leaving that the shack unbanned uh do
7130s Owen's call think they have a comp they
7132s can beat Pizza times
7134s um The Shack comp that they fielded very
7136s successfully thus far they only dropped
7137s that match against laser Hawks because
7139s they were forced to uh try and catch a
7141s kite into a kiting team in the brawling
7143s comp and utterly and completely failed
7146s to do so uh so perhaps they'll be more
7148s comfortable again with a brawling the
7150s shot comp we have just another minute
7152s before that match starts so let us head
7154s over to the arena and find out uh who
7157s will win between Odin's call and Picasso
7159s Pizza Time diplomacy with your casters
7161s Alec and Jin tan
7169s hello everyone and welcome back to the
7171s arena here it looks like we have a
7173s little bit of a mirror with both teams
7175s having brought an armor control setup to
7177s the grid here
7179s um the question really is going to be
7181s how those Le Shacks match up against
7183s that balgorn Alec how do you think this
7185s is going to play out as both teams start
7187s to engage as the countdown winds up
7195s okay it looks like Alec is having a few
7197s technical difficulties so this is going
7198s to be a solo cast for a couple of
7200s moments
7202s foreign
7204s so the match has begun and it looks like
7206s all of the support there from the pizza
7208s team is running in to try and screen and
7211s oh no they're going to try and put
7213s pressure they're going to try and run in
7214s and grab some things here so that these
7216s the Shacks can start getting spooled up
7218s on uh the uh Odin's cool side they've
7223s got a lot of potentially really powerful
7225s tools to deal with those deacons here
7228s with that Muller and the vexer those are
7229s going to have a lot of heavy uh sorry a
7231s lot of medium nukes if they can get them
7233s into position looks like the yeah it
7236s just looks like they're going in here
7237s damn's getting spread across their team
7239s from the Odin's cool side though but I
7241s don't think those are going to be
7242s particularly effective in this kind of
7243s matchup
7245s hi Jen uh can you hear me I'm going to
7247s jump in here I think we've been attacked
7248s by a meter rater once again uh but I've
7251s broken free from his clutches and I'm
7253s here to join you in the arena so I'm
7254s seeing right now this uh this Omen
7256s taking some damage but he is looking
7257s pretty comfortable but that thorax there
7259s Edward uh getting getting chunked on
7261s there for a custom piece of time they
7263s are doing work to that Fleet Tempest
7265s though if they can break this Fleet
7266s Tempest uh while keeping these uh this
7268s small tackle ships alive as long as
7270s possible then they're going to be in a
7271s decent position but the the newts from
7273s this Battleground are going to be more
7274s impressive the longer this match was on
7276s yeah and it looks like um uh Odin's
7280s cooler going for a completely different
7281s strategy they're trying to leverage the
7282s webs and the high application of those
7284s Tempest Fleet issues onto these much
7286s more squishy T1 cruises that pizza party
7289s have brought and look at that vexer he's
7290s going really really low here if he can't
7292s pull out of this position he's going to
7294s drop and there he goes so that's one of
7296s the few tackle ships that pizza have to
7298s kind of dictate range as this match
7299s continues Off the Grid already
7302s um they're gonna need to make progress
7303s on this Tempest Fleet issue soon and I
7305s it doesn't even look like he's tackled
7307s right now he's just actually no he's got
7308s a scram on him but he's not webbed down
7310s and there's every chance that he will be
7312s able to clear his own tackle off with
7314s some news
7315s yeah the uh the shack that was sitting
7317s right on top of them are now starting to
7319s spill uh so he will be hopefully having
7321s some heavy units to to slap around the
7324s place as well uh but he's taken a lot of
7326s damage he is counter-tackled he is
7328s counter-neuted uh he is receiving reps
7330s from the two deacons here uh but he is
7334s struggling to keep alive meanwhile not
7335s much damage seems to be applying to the
7336s fleet Tempest from The Shack here is it
7339s possible he's been new to doubt
7340s completely
7341s I I'm not entirely sure I don't know
7344s maybe that maybe this is a bit of a bait
7345s we've been talking all evening about the
7348s three platelet Shack fit that pizzas
7350s have been doing maybe they skimped a
7351s little bit on the tank here just hoping
7353s that they'd get away with it but that
7355s said they are putting some DPS down on
7357s the Mellow they're trying to free Chad
7358s flame that's what's got him tackled here
7360s if they can kill um Ethel and Kura in
7362s the Muller and get him free that's going
7364s to potentially let him survive although
7366s with how low he's going I don't think
7367s this is this is a win con here for
7369s Odin's if they can take out this The
7370s Shack that's pretty much game from an
7372s early position
7374s yeah I'm looking at the shack here is
7376s not firing or whatsoever so he is
7378s definitely capped out by the fleet
7379s Tempest with their utility newts um and
7381s there you go he is down so not a good
7383s position for Picasso Pizza Time
7385s diplomacy this might have been a giga
7387s brain move by Odin's call expecting this
7390s Shack to come and bringing a counter to
7391s that which as it happens just seems to
7393s be as many newts as you possibly can
7395s they might still break the smaller
7397s um uh from under the Talia Deacon reps
7399s but it's going to be too little too late
7402s I think as that second The Shack is now
7404s uh being muted as well so he's going to
7406s be shut down very very quickly
7408s yeah something to note though is that
7409s this is taking place right on the very
7411s edge of the Arena the match is not not
7413s over yet there is a huge risk of a team
7416s potentially boundaring here if they
7418s start getting pushed in One Direction
7421s um
7421s that said the Absolution here of cayenne
7424s uh is dropping really really quickly oh
7426s this is this is a terrible position now
7428s for pizzas
7429s um they're still still trying to break
7431s the Paradigm of the Tempest Fleet issue
7433s but it isn't working they need to figure
7436s out some way of turning this around some
7438s way of leveraging that high application
7440s onto something else maybe newting down
7442s the thoroughly as neuting down the
7443s deacons getting these reps off the field
7445s and moving on from there
7447s do you can you see anybody back into
7448s this match
7450s honestly at this point no I think
7452s they've just been out executed
7454s um by by Oden's core not just in the the
7457s piloting but in what they've brought so
7459s Pizza have clearly favored this comp uh
7462s Odin's clearly left it wide open for
7464s them saying hey we see you bringing this
7466s uh this double the shack comp you know
7468s feel free to bring it and we'll bring
7470s something which we can beat it with and
7472s they have done so the the newt's coming
7474s from the balgar and the two Fleet
7476s tempests were able to shut down Chad
7478s flame first and then once that uh the
7481s shack gun was no longer spilling they
7483s were able to tank the the mall got a
7485s little bit lower the Confessor is
7486s getting a little bit low narrow but
7487s that's not going to make much difference
7488s with the Absolution gone uh this is just
7490s mop-up time for Odin's call uh fantastic
7494s 3D crafting from them fantastic piloting
7496s splitting those two of the shacks and
7497s bringing something uh you know in and
7500s that pick band phase they can just
7502s absolutely win here
7504s what do you think about the choice from
7506s pizzas to go really aggressive at the
7508s opening couple of minute seconds of this
7509s match burning everything in both their
7511s little shacks and all of their tackle
7512s right into the Newton web range of these
7515s uh of that heavy Battleship core from
7518s Odin's you know we've seen them be
7520s really patient in previous matches and
7521s here it looked it you know it feels like
7523s the pressure sort of got to them
7526s yeah I think the audience team just has
7528s a bit too much screening ability here
7530s the flute templates themselves are fast
7532s they're able to uh to screen pretty well
7534s for small ships with those heavy
7536s neutralizers so that the visual Fleet
7538s issued effects are would have struggle
7539s to get on top of them I think the best
7541s thing for them was potentially just to
7543s try and roll in and then chunk something
7545s down as fast as possible before those
7548s newts did the job as new the longer a
7550s match goes on become more and more
7552s powerful because once you hit cap dry if
7554s you don't have an injector I mean you're
7556s done like you cannot regenerate that
7558s with a with a background sitting on top
7560s of you just with one Newt style running
7562s yeah and there we go another Roman
7564s falling uh probably an omen of pizzas
7567s demise here in this match
7569s um I I feel like there was there's a lot
7572s they could have done though with these
7573s the Shacks they actually have a
7574s surprising amount of range
7576s um when you load them with I can't
7578s remember what the long range ammo is on
7580s the shack from the top of my head but it
7581s has around 60 kilometers 70 kilometers
7583s of range you could have sprawled up on
7585s one of these Cruisers
7587s um without those tracking disruptors
7589s from the curse and the pilgrim that they
7590s banned and you know just slowly apply it
7593s down but maybe these damps had more of
7595s an impact than we thought uh stopping
7597s pizza from executing any sort of kite
7599s away and jockeying the position in in
7602s that respect and then being forced to
7604s run in aggressively
7606s yeah this is the second time we've seen
7608s Odin's call bring a heavy control comp
7612s and just executes it really well and
7615s slowly dismantle their their opponents
7618s and this is a bit of a change from some
7620s of the fast-paced rush comps where the
7621s matches can be over in just a couple of
7623s minutes here we're seeing uh patience
7626s strategy uh piloting decisions and just
7629s all around good execution from Odin's
7631s call uh showing why they were predicted
7633s as one of the uh the top teams in the
7636s the trials overall and you know if they
7639s keep this kind of uh this level up then
7641s I think they'll do quite well in the
7643s finals and they will definitely be the
7644s team to beat
7646s yeah we finally see a little bit of a
7648s desperation play as pizzas go on the
7650s Thalia I've got to say that
7653s um Deuter daughter and uh toast bro
7656s played really well in those uh Logistics
7658s frigates managing to slip by all of the
7661s tackle of pizzas as they did do that
7663s engage
7664s um although you've got to give credit to
7666s the screening from Odin's side but
7669s preventing the tackle from getting on
7670s top of them all it would have taken
7672s maybe is one of those thaliers or
7673s deacons to get caught and a couple of
7675s you know lucky wrecking shots from the
7677s Le Shacks for those things to pop and
7679s from there you know Odin's wouldn't have
7681s had the sustain to deal with the ramping
7682s DPS of this really powerful Pizza core
7686s but it wasn't to be and we're just gonna
7688s watch here as the last few ships from
7691s Pizza get dismantled
7695s yeah it just makes you think what could
7697s have been if Pizza had been able to just
7700s eke out that win over a hidden Leaf
7703s yesterday they came so achingly close to
7706s doing it as well it was just a few a few
7708s rounds here there and they would have
7710s been in Alliance term 18 right now
7712s instead uh we see them right uh just
7714s being dismantled by Odin's call and they
7716s will exit from this there's no coming
7718s back from this this is the last we will
7719s see of Picasso Pizza Time diplomacy in
7722s Alliance tournament 18 and this could
7725s have been this could have been
7727s um hidden Leaf Village Ninja Assassin
7729s Eastward Squad right now uh but it
7731s wasn't and because of pizza time they
7733s got close they tasted Alliance room in
7736s 18 but then uh yeah just put out right
7739s now by Odin's call so with that let's go
7742s back to the desk
7743s bro remember me
7749s [Music]
7755s [Music]
7770s thank you
7773s oh
7775s yeah
7776s [Music]
7779s [Applause]
7789s [Music]
7804s [Music]
7810s thank you
7814s foreign
7816s [Music]
7826s diplomacy all seven but they are out of
7829s Alliance tournament 18 uh they couldn't
7831s pull it off they got
7833s well I mean not really much way to say
7835s other than schooled about ordinance call
7837s there in that comp uh not only with
7839s execution but of course the the Drafting
7841s and the picking as well Blackboard
7843s Pirates
7845s um look like orders have kind of
7847s mastered this three Battleship core
7849s what's your thoughts there
7852s yeah they haven't uh they're just
7854s playing it so well like they understand
7856s everything that they're going up against
7858s when they bring it
7860s um they haven't really lost any games
7861s using it from what like they've they've
7864s had a little bit of trouble every once
7865s in a while but uh they just like they're
7868s so good at recognizing the weaknesses of
7871s it which is that you're kind of you're
7872s based around three battleships right
7874s like you can't go too far away from them
7876s or you just get picked off and we've
7878s seen that a few times over the uh over
7880s the weekend where people bring what is
7883s pretty much the same thing like two tfis
7885s and then X and all the battleships push
7889s through leave all of their support
7891s behind their support gets picked off and
7892s the battleships are sitting there like
7893s oh
7894s huh
7896s why'd you guys feed and it's like well
7898s because you weren't there to protect
7899s them so
7900s um I guess a good good example is the
7901s pizza match of the last one right like
7904s not exactly what happened but you know
7906s the low end gets picked off from the
7908s back when the battleships that they're
7909s not able to do anything uh so Odin's
7911s doing very very good
7913s um they brought either two or three
7914s battleships every single match they seem
7917s to have actually practiced it a bunch
7918s they understand
7920s how to like work around the bands and I
7924s mean they've just been playing very very
7925s well
7928s Misty do you think that uh the pizza
7930s team would have been able to do anything
7931s different there should they have zigged
7934s when they zagged or was it kind of set
7937s up to fail against that particular
7938s Odin's comp from the start
7941s when we were looking through the Odin's
7943s team comp uh so when we were looking at
7945s the grid when both teams joined battle
7947s and were fighting against each other
7950s um we pointed out that most of the Odin
7952s ships had newt's fit in some form or
7955s other
7956s um with the cap dependency of the
7958s percussive Pizza Time diplomacy team
7963s um I think they were just really set up
7964s to fail the removal of the cursing the
7967s pilgrim during the pan phase perhaps
7969s ignored the fact that they didn't want
7971s to necessarily go up against a team that
7973s was going to put pressure or
7975s um you know
7977s have the ability to break the spools of
7980s their Le shacks and Odin's countered
7982s that by just bringing such high new
7984s pressure that the logistics frigates
7986s weren't really able to perform as you
7988s would expect them to as the vexer and
7990s the more are sat on top of them and the
7992s battleships weren't able to actually
7993s spawn their guns at all so we saw damage
7995s fall off of The Tempest Fleet issue
7997s fairly early in that match and then it
7999s never really bounced back
8001s um so yeah I think there's not really
8002s too much that they could have done I
8004s know jintan mentioned that they perhaps
8005s should have stayed further back and
8007s projected some damage in with those Le
8009s Shacks as they can shoot a fair distance
8011s but the celesters I think also prevents
8014s them from doing that by simply damping
8015s out at least one of the Shacks allowing
8018s the battleships to just put their newts
8020s although outside of optimal which will
8023s still pressure the the singular shot
8024s that can still fire
8026s um at Target so yeah I think they were
8028s just kind of set up to fail in that one
8031s now of course that um celestes as well
8033s if he's damping out one of those the
8035s Shacks uh if he wants to cause all he
8038s has to do is swap his dance back and
8039s forth between the Tula Shacks sure one
8041s of them will be frank at any one time
8042s but if you swap back and forward you're
8044s going to keep breaking that spool uh and
8046s as a shack pilot losing your spill
8049s um repeatedly will just be incredibly
8051s frustrating because the the damage will
8052s be anemic by comparison you're already
8054s sitting at long range you're not doing
8056s optimal uh optimal DPS compared to what
8059s you know the potential is with these
8060s little Shacks sitting right on top of
8062s someone in maximum spool and with that
8065s you could essentially take the two DPS
8067s uh amount from the Shacks down to maybe
8070s one third of one in the shack if you're
8073s if you're clever just with uh a single
8075s six point uh celestis and some good
8078s piloting play speaking of piloting play
8081s Blackboard pirate
8083s um you've had some strong opinions on
8084s Battleship piloting uh in some of the
8087s matches that we've been seeing not just
8089s today but in in the rest of the uh the
8093s trials this is uh in fact that was match
8095s 61. uh we've had 61 matches uh many
8098s featuring battleships
8100s um Talk us through Battleship piloting
8103s in tournament formats and the pitfalls
8107s yeah well I I mean I've had I think it's
8111s almost kind of become a meme at some
8113s point that I've had strong opinions on
8115s Battleship piloting for years now uh
8118s people people have said like oh he's
8120s he's on Battleship Pilots again
8122s it's like well yeah I mean
8124s we've we've seen it happen time and time
8126s again where people forget that big
8129s Battleship guns don't shoot small ships
8132s very well
8133s um there's a reason why you know to just
8135s for the people that like all do all this
8137s TQ stuff there's a reason why ships like
8139s munins and Eagles and demos's and these
8142s hacks are like the premiere big Fleet
8144s ship nowadays as opposed to uh
8146s battleships and when you have
8148s battleships they're not fitting guns on
8149s them you know you're getting like
8151s typhoon Fleet issues that are typhoons
8152s that are fitting like cruise missiles
8154s and stuff uh because at the end of the
8156s day
8156s the way that this game is set up is that
8159s guns are they have a tracking mechanic
8162s which is based off the ship size the
8164s ship speed and then your ship speed so
8167s in the at what we see a lot of times and
8169s we've seen it repeatedly uh today
8171s is people will be like mwd in their
8174s Battleship around and they're actually
8176s out tracking themselves and the problem
8177s is is that so many of these matches are
8180s decided
8182s um based on like like the thinnest
8184s little margins
8186s of DPS and even missing like two or
8189s three volleys in your ship can be the
8191s difference between you break that ship
8193s in time to maybe get your ship free get
8195s your Logistics free uh prevent yourself
8197s from losing and not so
8200s the reality of it is all you actually
8202s have to do
8203s is control space or ship and put
8206s yourself at optimal range and it sounds
8208s really simple and easy and like well
8210s that's not how it works it it is it's
8213s actually crazy like you can go onto Eve
8215s uni and there will be like guides that
8216s say
8217s optimal range is the optimal range for
8219s your ship to be shooting
8221s and tracking is based off of your ship's
8223s movement and their ship movement so once
8226s the ship's tackle the control space
8227s keep it range at your optimal range and
8229s you press F1
8230s that's all you got to do
8233s yeah that's all you got to do uh
8235s mystical might luckily in Eve online if
8237s you're flying a battleship and you want
8239s to get into brawling range with someone
8240s there's a great button labeled approach
8243s and this is truly the best way to get
8245s into that range and then you can hit
8247s that control space stop that ship and
8250s follow black Pirates advice there is
8253s that right just we approach and we wait
8255s to win
8256s yeah that's correct I think it was two
8259s matches ago now we saw one of the teams
8261s employ this approach where they hit
8263s approach with their their balcon Navy
8266s gedden
8267s um and they ended up trailing the
8269s Hostile team around the arena for about
8270s 10 minutes
8272s um approaching is great in some
8275s situations like Rush perhaps where you
8278s just want to approach a single Target
8279s get on top of them and do as much damage
8281s as possible when you are the slower of
8283s the two ships approach isn't always
8285s necessarily the best approach to take
8288s cutting the enemy team off by double
8291s clicking in space ahead of where they're
8293s going can actually shorten the distance
8295s more than approaching the enemy ship
8298s because you end up and use the approach
8300s command
8301s kind of curving behind wherever they're
8304s going to try and catch up
8306s um so it's not actually an effective way
8307s of limiting distance and also as
8311s mentioned in previous segments
8314s screening is a thing so if you just hit
8316s approach and you take no measure to try
8319s and avoid the enemy team's tackle on
8321s your burning then you're likely to get
8323s screened away which is what we saw with
8324s one of the Shacks in that previous match
8327s separated from the rest of his team
8329s outside the damage range it doesn't do
8331s much for your chances of winning
8335s yeah sometimes you see um in the top
8338s tier teams when they're chasing Darren
8340s uh a kite income rather than just not
8343s even just approaching with the uh
8345s approach but not even moving it in as a
8347s group trying to get in front of someone
8348s they'll split up and they will try and
8350s make a sort of pincer movement because
8351s we are in an arena here it's 125
8353s kilometers radius from the center if you
8356s fly outside of that then Kaboom you
8358s explode uh some teams know that better
8360s than others
8361s um if you are burning away from the bad
8364s guys and they're coming up behind you
8366s and you're getting close to that 125
8368s kilometers you have to turn so if you
8370s turn One Direction and they're all
8371s following you then that's not so bad
8373s it's going to be a bit hairy they're
8374s going to get a bit closer than you maybe
8376s want but you're still going to get away
8377s however if you can send a ship around
8380s the side and you'll force them to turn
8381s the other direction then you're really
8382s limiting uh their options to move uh and
8386s you can do that using the elite tactic
8388s of double clicking in space uh something
8391s that we we train all Pilots for to make
8393s sure that they are they're capable of to
8395s Advanced piloting I was going to say and
8399s then you win last tournament
8400s I think some teams would disagree with
8402s your comment that you know you'll be
8404s forced to turn at 125 kilometer Mark we
8407s saw I think six people disagree with you
8409s in a single match
8411s um not so long ago so yeah
8416s and no one actually forces you to turn
8417s it's a personal decision that you and
8420s you alone
8421s um have to make do I want to stay within
8423s the confines of the arena or do I want
8425s to seek Glory beyond the infamous Edge
8429s of Glory and I always say the same thing
8431s you know do whatever your heart tells
8432s you if your heart says Hey 233
8434s kilometers that's my goal then you know
8437s peace out and I will see you in a
8439s Valhalla uh but let's have a look at the
8442s the brackets as they stand now in this
8445s nifantara group uh we've already got
8447s Odin's car moving into the final but who
8449s are they going to play uh well it's
8450s going to be the winner of laser Hawks
8453s versus percussive Pizza Time diplomacy
8455s that is uh going to be a spicy match it
8459s doesn't look entirely right uh as Odin's
8461s called just lost to Picasso won against
8463s percussive Pizza Time diplomacy so I'm
8465s going to say the other semi-final is
8466s going to be kitchen sinkhole versus
8468s laser Hawks that seems more correct to
8470s me
8471s uh
8473s who needs accuracy we can just we could
8475s just speak words uh so yeah catching
8477s senko versus laser Hawks that's coming
8478s up and uh the winner of that will go
8481s forward to face Odin's call
8484s um it's gonna be a spicy one both of
8486s them are Wormhole groups both of them
8487s have had pretty good showings and Laser
8489s Hawks uh going 2-0 versus the Ancients
8492s and percussive Pizza Time diplomacy
8494s kitchen sinkhole uh they won against
8496s reform blob but they dropped one to uh
8499s Odin's call Odin's call of course uh
8502s have been undefeated today are going 3-0
8505s turn on the group stage and one all in
8507s the semi-finals so laser Hawks in theory
8510s have the advantage here do we think
8512s kitchen sinkhole are going to pull
8513s something at the bag here of Blackbird
8515s pirate and take a w over laser Hawks
8518s I I feel like they're both about equal
8521s teams which I'm sure is you know
8524s obviously one of them is going to be
8525s more equal than the other one and we're
8526s going to find that out in about like
8528s eight or so minutes here but
8531s um
8532s I will say that kitchen sinkhole has not
8535s been particularly impressive today in my
8538s opinion uh they're flying this like
8541s kind of weird I'm looking at it right
8543s now this very weird Rush that I feel
8547s um I've kind of commented on it in our
8549s little back Channel but they're
8550s basically flying like a 4000 DPS memitar
8552s Rush which is like two or three thousand
8555s DPS less than everybody else has been
8558s matar rush and since 2000 is a you know
8562s 2000 DPS less is bad the 6000 is more
8565s than four thousand they're probably
8568s going to lose if they get into a room
8569s until I Rush with each other so I kind
8570s of want to see them bring out something
8572s different
8573s um they've been sort of
8575s just today they've not been impressive
8576s they've been very impressive for the
8577s rest of the tournament but today it's
8578s been kind of like uh I don't I'm not I'm
8581s not really feeling you guys
8584s there you have it six thousand a larger
8586s number than four thousand uh large if
8589s factual mystical Mike what are your
8591s thoughts here on this upcoming matchup I
8593s I know you've got some of the the comps
8595s that we've seen before do you agree with
8597s Bart take care
8598s I mean if we just look at what both
8601s teams have actually brought previously
8602s kitchen sinkhole out of the I think six
8606s matches that we've got listed here I
8607s brought mimitar Rush six times which is
8611s very very focused on one particular comp
8613s they have made some changes uh depending
8616s on the bands that they've come up
8617s against
8617s um we saw that that wasn't actually a
8619s favorable change in the last match that
8621s they played there were better ships that
8623s they could bring they could have swapped
8624s the Claymores for Nighthawks instead
8625s boosted their damage number greatly and
8628s they may have been able to blast through
8629s a couple of the couple of the Shacks
8631s that they came up against
8633s um whereas laser Hawks no they're
8636s records pretty good
8638s um they've had a mixture of Battleship
8640s or lens
8641s um Shield rush and also a bar guest kite
8644s that they filtered today I believe
8646s um I think the only comp that they've
8648s really lost with is a double bar guest
8650s kite which has a little bit less support
8652s and a little bit less in the way of
8654s Rapid like missile launchers
8656s um and thus application all that kind of
8658s stuff towards the lower end
8660s um I'd have to favor laser hawks just
8662s based on the fact that laser Hawks have
8664s shown that they can bring more than one
8667s archetype
8671s awesome thank you
8673s um Now using the power of rewinding time
8675s and getting it right this time we can
8677s look at the the brackets once again and
8680s just confirm with our own two eyes that
8682s we are indeed right yes because of Pizza
8683s Time diplomacy they have made it uh
8686s their name is somewhat long which is
8688s good for our brackets uh they're no
8690s longer in the tournament so they're gone
8691s and they there we go doing it live we're
8694s doing it live ladies and gentlemen uh
8696s Odin's call uh took the W there and they
8699s are moving forward into the final uh it
8702s will be up against the winner of kitchen
8703s sinkhole versus Liz Hawks lizard's
8706s looking a bit small there can we make
8707s them a little bit bigger maybe fill them
8708s up a little bit more I mean kitchen
8709s sinkhole's got a bigger phone I don't
8711s think that's particularly Fair uh for
8713s kitchen sinkhole versus laser Hogs no if
8716s I can't get that added oh there we go
8717s laser Hawks there we go Oh that's oh
8720s dear that's uh that's not good they've
8722s boundary that's not a good sign okay
8724s they're back in we're good
8726s um speaking of this matchup let's look
8727s at the bands for kitchen sinkhole versus
8730s laser Hawk and see what these teams are
8733s saying no you shall not bring
8735s um
8736s any moment now here we are so kitchen
8738s sinkhole Banning out the zarmazad and
8741s the bar guest laser Hawks Banning Out
8743s The Vindicator and the curse Blackboard
8746s pirate what are you thinking here
8749s uh I I don't really get the zarmed fan I
8752s don't think laser Hawks has brought it
8753s at all but kitchen sinkhole really likes
8755s to ban it uh the Bargas span though I
8757s mean we just saw laser Hawks win very
8760s convincingly with their little Bargas
8761s kite um so I think that kitchen sinkhole
8763s is kind of looking at that and saying oh
8766s we really don't want to fight that
8768s um laser Hawks The Vindicator curse span
8771s very very standard very solid uh very
8774s good at stopping a Minotaur rush so
8778s you know we've seen laser Hawks actually
8779s do spectacularly well with their version
8781s of Minotaur rush I think that uh that
8784s might be what they're trying to bring
8785s here and if so I'm a little worried for
8787s kitchen sinkhole
8789s interesting uh Misty why is that Bargas
8793s so powerful we saw it feels it's a great
8794s effect uh in a match other one today but
8797s you know why do people love it so much
8800s yeah I mean the bar guest is a really
8802s flexible ship
8804s um it's one of these stronger faction uh
8806s pirate battleships that you can build on
8808s TQ in general
8810s um one of the bonuses of the bar guest
8812s is to its tackle range so if you fit a
8816s warp disruptor which is fairly useless
8818s in the 80 or a scram which is incredibly
8820s useful in the 80. you'll be able to
8823s tackle out to increased ranges so that
8825s could be about 20 kilometers on the bar
8826s guest which allows you to slow down or
8829s prevent ships from getting on top of you
8831s and your team alongside that some of the
8835s downsides of missile launches is that
8837s there is an extended flight time so if
8839s you're 100 kilometers away from a Target
8841s and you fire your missiles at a Target
8843s it will take nine to ten seconds for
8845s that missile to hit and in that time if
8848s you know for example they need to
8850s reposition to get their Logistics
8852s forgets closer they'll be able to do
8854s that and it will take some of the
8856s initial damage it could be doing away
8859s um with the bar guest
8861s demisiles zip across the Grid in the
8864s space like two or three seconds it's
8865s basically like a gun
8867s um an Eve online it's very quick to
8869s apply
8871s um
8871s they're just really good ships and like
8873s I said before they're fairly flexible so
8875s they can be armor or Shield fit
8876s depending on the comp that you're
8878s bringing we have seen some of our guests
8880s so far in the tournament I don't think
8882s they've necessarily performed too well
8884s um but perhaps it's just a matter of
8886s piloting and some of the theory crafting
8888s that goes into that
8891s yeah I mean armor bar guests are pretty
8893s cool and they're not as uh fast or agile
8896s potentially as uh their Shield
8898s counterparts of course they have a lot
8900s of mids for uh additional utility ewar
8904s um and the likes you know that long ring
8907s bonus scram really good for uh stopping
8910s uh people from flying away from you
8911s which is a fantastic if you want to
8913s apply damage to its face uh the bar guys
8915s was a very popular choice it's a
8916s flagship uh last year in Alliance
8918s tournament 17 of course it was uh
8919s discounted points the flagship rules
8922s which don't exist in the trials that
8924s we're playing for the day have been
8925s updated once again for the mineralized
8927s tournament uh to see the removal of
8930s Abyssal modules we saw plenty of Abyssal
8932s modules last year but now it's back to
8935s just just run of the mill Cheapo officer
8938s modules uh now so you can no longer
8941s stick on a 250 Bill Abyssal web it's
8943s only maybe like an 80 Bill Abyssal web
8946s uh so it's basically Alliance tournament
8949s for poor people now Blackboard right in
8952s terms of flagships what are your
8953s favorites uh uh in in several live
8955s stream in history
8957s an alliance tournament history I would
8960s say that I I love flag balgorns because
8962s they were so oppressively broken that
8964s they are no longer allowed to be flown
8966s anymore in the alliance tournament but
8968s um they were probably
8971s I I don't want to say that they were
8972s definitely it was not an interesting
8974s choice because every single person
8975s brought flag balgorn but they did
8978s make the game kind of they made the
8981s matches fun like I enjoyed uh flying in
8983s matches with flag balgorns uh flag
8985s backgrounds were always really expensive
8988s so that helped a little bit
8990s um since people would be like Oh I'm in
8992s a flag Al Gordon I have to buy Toba Toby
8994s Webbs which like would go from like 50
8996s to 80 billion is so every time a flag
8998s bow growing with dough well
9000s 200 billion this Battleship just died
9002s that's pretty cool
9003s um
9004s so that that was my favorite obviously
9006s you can't do that anymore the rules say
9007s that you cannot bring a flag balgorn
9010s like period that is there's no like oh
9013s well what if I do this no
9015s um however we did relax the battle or
9017s the uh Flagship rules a little bit this
9018s year which is pretty cool so we uh can
9022s bring webs again and newts I believe
9024s that's the big difference which means I
9026s think we'll see a little bit more
9027s variety than we did last year
9029s um last year in all honesty the flagship
9031s rules were maybe a little bit too harsh
9033s uh which is why all you saw were
9036s Flagship Argus there wasn't really
9038s anything else because you couldn't bring
9039s newts you couldn't bring webs you could
9041s basically bring
9042s damage mods the image dealing things and
9046s that was about it so uh for this year
9049s I'm not sure what people are going to
9050s bring I believe the flagship lock-in is
9052s directly after the feeders I think it's
9054s sometime next week is when the official
9056s it's either next week or the uh
9058s like the Monday after next week is when
9060s there's the official hey you need to
9062s tell us what your flagships are so once
9063s we see that we'll maybe have a bit more
9065s of an idea of what people are going to
9066s be doing
9068s yeah it's a little bit after this to
9070s give the teams who are competing for the
9073s sports time to actually submit a
9075s flagship uh Choice it would be rather
9077s unfortunate if they had to go through
9078s all the effort of thinking about it
9079s picking one buying everything and then
9081s not make it through the feeders so we
9083s certainly give them an opportunity as a
9086s reminder six teams Advanced for the
9088s feeders uh these Minotaur trials
9089s yesterday from the various different
9091s groups uh those teams being a hill now
9094s bright side of death Lexus Matari Rusty
9096s haginas Clan hidden Leaf
9098s Etc and Exodus the remaining teams that
9102s we're seeing today are all competing for
9104s that one remaining final slot and only
9106s three of those teams remain kitchen sink
9108s core laser Hawks and Odin's call uh
9111s we're just waiting for the teams to land
9112s on grid there was a small technical
9114s delay uh spelled with an o s m o l which
9118s has now been solved as I see the teams
9120s Landing so oh boy let's find out who's
9123s going to win between kitchen sinkhole
9126s and laserhawks with your casters out
9135s hello everyone this is hopefully the
9137s newly audible Alexa of card
9140s and we are here with kitchen sinkhole
9142s and Laser Hawks kitchen sinkhole
9145s finally bringing something different
9146s they've got a balhorn Absolution Ashima
9149s high-end with a scythe Fleet issue which
9151s looks like a holdover from one of their
9153s previous comps and what do we have for
9155s laser Hawks
9157s you know I when uh when I saw both of
9159s these ships on D scan I was certain
9161s which team was going to be flying what
9163s because laser hooks have brought a
9165s Minotaur Rush comp and not just any
9167s Minotaur Rush cup is pretty much the
9169s same one the kitchen sinkhole ran
9171s through their group stages earlier in
9173s the day so this is going to be a really
9175s interesting matchup kitchen Cinco
9177s they're going to be looking to try and
9178s slow this match down spread out the
9180s attack from this laser Hawks team
9182s um and meanwhile uh laser hooks just
9185s gonna be looking to get on top of
9187s something and just blow it up I imagine
9189s the ashimu the safely issue or maybe the
9192s Thalia Deacon are going to be their
9194s primary targets here and those Loki's
9195s can just reach out and grab things so
9197s they've got to be careful here
9199s yep laser Hawks diving in as you might
9201s expect trying to get screened by the
9202s heretic and the he's now in a cloud of
9206s drones uh looks like a deacon may have
9208s gotten on got caught here they're not
9210s going for him right now but he does a
9212s very bad position if they turn and
9214s Tackle him that could be lights out for
9216s their Logistics but so far it seems like
9218s they're going for the Le Shack they're
9220s trying to headshot the kitchen sinkhole
9222s cop here by taking out their biggest
9224s source of damage and they are making
9226s excellent progress as it dips alarmingly
9229s rapidly into half armor
9231s yeah you can see a couple of uh rep Bots
9234s dropping out from this kitchen sinkhole
9236s team trying to keep them up but that LE
9238s Shack is dropping dangerously fast and
9240s so little damage is getting spread
9242s across the other side of the team look
9244s at how girthy that laser Hawks attack
9246s bar is it is absolutely dwarfing what
9248s kitchen sinkhole are putting out is that
9250s the shack goes into structure and goes
9252s down oh this is devastating here for
9254s kitchen sick oh they needed that ship
9255s alive to really take them into the late
9257s game here they've got to slow down this
9259s laser hooks team somehow how do you
9262s think they're going to be able to do
9262s that alexiev
9264s well there they just took out a burst uh
9267s they might be able to successfully uh
9270s kill the lodgy of laser Hawks but that's
9272s not really going to do a lot for them
9273s they need to remove some of this damage
9275s the balgorn is a tremendous ship for
9278s control and it has turned several
9280s matches before but crucially
9282s neutralizers will not turn off any of
9285s the damage on the laser Hawks team they
9287s need to remove this DPS with their own
9289s DPS and unfortunately they just lost
9290s most of it
9292s yeah it looks like most of these
9294s Battleground newts are just going on to
9296s the scalpel just trying to take him take
9299s his Effectiveness Off the Grid and that
9300s doesn't matter when you blow him up
9301s really this Battleground probably wants
9303s to be putting his newts on the low-keys
9305s of this laser hooks team turning off
9307s those long range webs stopping them from
9309s being able to apply to the smaller ships
9311s of this kitchen sinkhole team you can
9313s see there the deacon now going low
9314s because of those webs and dropping here
9317s this is devastating in the kitchen
9318s sinkhole there's there's still a chance
9320s that they can pull this back but laser
9322s Hawks definitely have the advantage
9323s right now
9325s yeah the one Saving Grace they had was
9328s having their largely up now the Thalia
9330s is still alive but you can start to see
9331s it taking some damage without a
9333s logistics partner it'll have rep Bots
9335s but it's not going to be able to
9337s withstand the amount of damage that
9338s these left news and low-keys are putting
9340s out the safe lead issue going down will
9342s be a nice win for kitchen sinkhole but
9344s it's just not going to be enough once
9346s that failure drops the Absolution will
9348s follow shortly and that is pretty much
9350s all of their damage output the eshimu
9352s safe Fleet issue of battleground is just
9354s not going to be enough to get through
9355s the Loki or the suffering tanks
9358s yeah they've spent so much time focusing
9360s on Carl raholin in the slept near and he
9363s hasn't even really had to pull away he's
9365s been happy to just sit in the middle of
9366s this brawl at the center of the Arena uh
9369s getting just burning through his ASB
9371s charges he will run out of them
9372s eventually but not before kitchen
9374s sinkhole runs out of DPS by the looks of
9376s things as that Absolution goes down as
9378s well
9380s and here we see the safe Fleet issue uh
9383s someone didn't get the memo that they
9384s were switching comps and Luke's 87 drops
9387s immediately
9388s yeah you you know you'd have thought the
9390s kitchen sinkhole they'd have known the
9392s wind conditions here for the um mimitar
9395s Rush comp they seemed so practiced with
9397s it so good at it
9398s um in previous matches I would have
9401s loved to have seen a mirror here
9402s honestly I think that would have been
9403s spectacular but that's not the match we
9405s saw uh the bowel gone here now of barole
9408s is going down and once he drops I don't
9410s think there's any possible hope of
9412s kitchen sinkhole pulling their way back
9414s into this game really nice execution
9416s here from laser Hawks though they just
9418s burnt in they saw what they needed to do
9421s take out the two the two or three DPS
9423s ships that were gonna ever really phase
9424s them and they executed on that perfectly
9427s they didn't get bogged down with what I
9428s suggested maybe going for some of the
9430s lighter ships
9431s um breaking up the screen before they
9434s engaged and just went for the kill shot
9436s and it's worked out spectacularly for
9438s them
9439s yeah laser Hawks knew their win
9441s condition and they were laser focused on
9443s achieving it they dove in they ignored
9446s all tackle all the the smaller ships the
9448s smallest the fleet vigil the easy target
9451s of the Scythe which honestly could have
9453s been bait pick for them you know you you
9455s see a fleet scythe and an armor cop you
9457s just want to take it off the field they
9459s cut through all of that and went right
9461s for the Le Shack but everything they had
9463s into removing it straight away because
9464s they knew that if that DPS was off the
9466s field kitchen sinkhole would just not be
9469s able to claw back the match
9472s that's what we're seeing there's now the
9473s ashimu of lessican is starting to take
9476s some fire as well as Alpha Chalk's
9477s malice now the Ashima is actually
9479s putting out a fair bit of damage it
9481s might kill the Loki but I'm gonna doubt
9483s it
9484s yeah this kind of shows what uh what I
9486s was talking about the Loki is so reliant
9489s on its active hardness and it does not
9491s have any spare mids for injectors so if
9493s you're able to mute that thing out it
9495s has you know 20 to 30k ehp it is pretty
9498s much dead in the water once you drain
9500s out its capacitor
9502s um but instead you know maybe a minor
9505s execution issue there although it was
9506s always going to be tough and it looks
9508s like laser Hawks have this game clasp
9510s firmly within their talents so let's
9512s hand it back to the studio and discuss a
9514s little bit more about what we can expect
9516s from the finals
9538s thank you
9548s thank you
9559s [Music]
9580s I'm fine with us
9586s [Music]
9591s well there you have it it took us 62
9593s matches but 35 teams have become just
9597s two and of those two only one of them
9600s can advance into alliance tournament 18
9603s and oh boy do they have a mountain
9605s declined to get there Odin's call are
9607s our first finalists laser Hawks are our
9610s second finalist and they are now going
9612s into the absolutely grueling best of
9614s three uh series of matches here so they
9617s will have to play up to three matches
9619s you know one of the teams could just gig
9620s a dunk twice and then that's GG no re
9622s we're into alliance tournament 18 or of
9625s course if you're one and one and then we
9626s go to that third and final match we do
9629s have the conquest bands in place for
9632s this Wormhole group final here so if you
9635s win you lose access to all of those
9637s ships if you lose the next match taking
9639s it to the the third place match then all
9641s bands are undone once again so uh we
9644s could see one team win and lose
9646s everything is unbanned and then we're
9648s into the final match where Winner Takes
9650s all by all I mean access to Alliance
9653s tournament 18
9655s um in just over a month but until then
9658s we have a short break so we'll be back
9660s in about 15 minutes to talk about that
9662s first match see you then
9668s welcome back to the finals here of these
9672s uh Minotaur trials the last remaining
9675s spot in Alliance tournament 18 and it's
9677s going to be between Odin's call and
9679s Laser Hawks two very successful teams
9681s here we've seen both of them get through
9683s uh except they all dropped a match
9686s yesterday to get into this Redemption
9687s rack but this is time time to redeem
9690s themselves can they do it can they make
9692s a final spot theirs or will they lose it
9695s to their opponents at Battle of the
9697s wormholers is pretty even and and your
9699s Twitch Channel points basically 50 50 49
9702s to 51 right now so make sure you drop
9705s all your channel points on the team you
9706s want to support win big get dank skins
9710s um or not maybe you lose uh but uh I
9713s definitely recommend uh giving it a
9715s solid go
9716s um Blackboard pirate should we take a
9718s look at the bands for Odin's versus
9720s laser Hawks match one
9722s I I think we should absolutely take a
9724s look at the band's friends versus laser
9726s Hawks Nash one awesome let's look at the
9728s bands now uh so just waiting here they
9732s are so Odin's called Banning out again
9734s Loki slept near super common bands from
9736s them they've just decided that these
9738s ships are uh the enemies and must never
9740s be flown and they've stuck with that for
9742s for quite a while now laser Hawks
9743s Banning out Vindicator Le Shack uh so
9746s strong Webby boy and Strong's Billy boy
9748s mystical Mike what are we expecting here
9750s in this first matchup uh bearing in mind
9752s there's going to be Conquest bands
9755s well I mean I'm expecting both teams to
9757s be bringing their best because they are
9759s basically fighting for the last
9761s remaining slot in the main Alliance
9762s tournament in November
9764s um from the bands I'm expecting that
9767s Odin's is trying to prevent laser Hawks
9769s from bringing their mimitar Rush comp
9771s which was the double slept near double
9773s Loki that we saw in the previous match
9775s uh quite the strong mimitar Rush
9778s um so perhaps looking to limit the
9780s amount of damage coming in from the
9781s laser Hawks team whereas laser Hawks
9783s knows that Odin has done fairly well
9785s with their double Le chat control comp
9788s um I don't think they've dropped a match
9789s with it so far I mean they're pretty
9792s experienced when it comes to the three
9794s Battleship control as well but that
9796s utilizes two tfi's in a balgorn so I'm
9799s not sure how The Vindicator band really
9800s fits into the the scheme that laser
9803s Hawks has going here
9805s well uh I guess there's one way to find
9807s that and that is by going to the match
9809s so let's head over there now to see
9811s Odin's called take on laser Hawks with
9813s the casters the Basilisk and moderator
9819s hello again everybody and welcome to the
9821s arena for this Grand final of the
9823s Minotaur tribal trials uh laser Hawks
9826s coming up against Odin's called both
9827s these teams Fielding comps that we have
9828s seen them field earlier on in the day we
9830s did just have a look at those bands I'm
9832s a little bit uncertain about The
9833s Vindicator band from the laser Hawk side
9835s because Odin's call as they did earlier
9837s have brought bowgun which I'm expecting
9839s will be able to effectively control
9840s these Nighthawks they have the execution
9842s they have the the understanding of wind
9845s conditions and you know how they want to
9847s fly this out and I'd expect yokan to be
9848s able to keep these short range Mohawks
9850s away from the rest of his comp Lord what
9852s are your thoughts are
9853s yeah I like the choice of coming in at
9855s 50 kilometers from the side of Odin
9858s um deciding that you know that they're
9860s going to have to do that in order to try
9862s to control range as you alluded to
9865s um when conditioned for Odin's here is
9867s going to in fact be using their balgorn
9869s and uh is what was their Mueller and
9872s their Dexter to try to spread out the
9873s Nighthawk spread out the Claymore uh to
9875s make sure that no uh you know critical
9878s mass of ships gets on top of any one of
9880s these Tempest Fleet issues or the
9881s balcorn and just nukes it
9883s um you're gonna try to want to spread
9885s things and string them along we see that
9887s the valgorn is a pretty standard Oregon
9890s fit so
9892s using the rest of his high slots for
9895s those bonus effective newts and already
9897s off the start we're seeing that um
9900s the site Fleet issue of dujorn is going
9902s to be the first ship in here
9904s yeah so I'm expecting totally Odin's to
9907s try and string them out here the malice
9908s of a Phil is heading in to try and get
9909s first tackle and whatever's burning in
9911s and they're just going to want to try
9912s and string them out here and maybe burn
9913s down these sci-fi fleets first hope that
9915s they get ahead of the rest of the fleet
9916s you know maybe the long range webs on
9918s The Nighthawks or the claymore's holding
9919s them back and sight Fleet issue is then
9921s sort of alone exposed to the combined
9923s guns of these Tempest fleets and this
9924s first sightfully issue of Bjorn is
9926s taking some chunks of damage as is the
9927s second one of Marie but in exchange the
9929s mallard that's tackling one of them down
9931s of Aether is in fact getting melted by
9932s this DPS and they're just going to plow
9934s through him and then move on so it's
9935s going to be you know it's that matter
9937s does go down so you know
9939s it's gonna Odin's need to have gained
9942s something from that and they've gained
9943s range but not a huge amount of control
9945s being expressed so far they still
9947s haven't applied any of those long range
9948s represent the balcon they may have been
9949s a little bit too far away from the
9951s Maller and made his sacrifice in vain
9953s yeah that seems to be the case just as
9956s you were describing we see that um
9958s critically most of the Odin's call team
9960s is on top of
9962s um their micro jump drive Beacon at zero
9964s and now we see that the Tempest Fleet
9965s issues are pretty close together the
9967s belgian's polling range and we're seeing
9969s the entire
9970s uh oldies called team
9973s um you know trying to pull away as much
9974s as I can on top of that mjd Beacon laser
9976s Hawks uh collapsing on top of them
9978s getting another kill on the vexer but
9980s you know not really getting a kill on
9982s these like Fleet issues uh you would
9984s hope that you would have one or possibly
9986s two of them dead as they get one but now
9988s Colonel Kurtz will be the primary
9991s yeah they do get that first side flight
9992s issue down and in AC configuration they
9994s do pump a significant amount of damage
9996s when they get on top of you
9998s um but yeah Colonel Kurt's now in the
9999s Tempest Fleet they've all piled on top
10000s of him these Nighthawk these Claymore
10002s drink maybe they're just pumping
10003s missiles into him and they finally after
10005s clearing those two Crews has been able
10006s to get onto this priority Target of the
10008s of the battleship here and camel Kurtz
10010s just simply cannot withstand this with
10011s Stan this incoming DPS
10013s yeah I can't help but feel like Odin's
10016s called more or less fed their vexer and
10017s their model way too early
10019s um and didn't really trade anything for
10021s it now that they have no screaming ships
10023s uh the entire core of laser Hawks is on
10026s top of Colonel Kurtz is going to kill
10027s him meanwhile Nick fightmaster is into
10029s uh you know relatively low Shield but uh
10033s the Paradigm appears to be the next uh
10035s primary for this and looking at the
10036s attack bars uh Odin's call is applying
10040s um you know some damage but look at the
10043s our laser Hawks it's so much larger
10046s um Hardline is probably not going to
10050s stabilize once Mick drops here in short
10052s order
10053s I'm not sure I mean it may depend on um
10056s the fits here on these grids I would
10058s expect both of these iron battleships to
10059s have reactives fitted and of course The
10061s Nighthawks both heavily kinetic bonus so
10063s I'd expect both those Nighthawks to be
10064s firing kinetic rage into the Paradigm
10066s and if they can clear off as they have
10067s cleared off this one size Fleet they've
10069s cleared off the Drake Navy now we're
10070s looking at the second size Fleet to sort
10071s of as quickly as possible get rid of as
10073s much DPS and as little time as possible
10075s clear off the ships that have the
10076s highest ratio of damage to HP they may
10078s find that actually the Paradigm may be
10079s able to hold
10081s um if it's only kinetic damage coming in
10082s and it's reactive gets fully spilled and
10084s he's got the Reps of the deacon and the
10085s failure and all the red Bots from all
10087s the other ships in his comp but he is
10089s still sort of going down it's going to
10090s be a bit of a Race Against Time here but
10092s yeah as you said I feel like Odin's at
10093s the start burned off a little bit too
10094s far they used those they had the right
10096s idea of using those heavy Cruisers to
10097s tackle down the incoming DPS and buy a
10099s bit of space but perhaps a little bit
10100s too much space
10102s yeah I mean they do get the safe
10103s leadership kill but their chemist Fleet
10106s issue is down into 20
10108s um armor the reactive will be fully um
10110s you know shifted but you know you've
10112s also got Claymores that can fire
10114s whatever damage they want you've got
10115s stifles that can fire whatever damage
10117s they want and you're not gonna get
10119s um a perfect
10121s um split like it would be if it would
10122s say you know all Omar damage that would
10124s be you know em therm it's going to be a
10126s wide profile of damage they're going to
10128s break the slight bulb and probably the
10130s burst here uh pardon is safe is getting
10132s into low armor I mean if he doesn't
10134s stabilize it's over because one galcon
10136s is not going to be a claymore and a pair
10138s of nighthawks yes Paradigm goes down
10141s here this is going to be pretty much
10142s signaling the end of the match here for
10143s Odin's and he's just on the brinkering
10145s I'm teetering on the edge of holding
10147s there but he does just about go down and
10149s Odin's call I mean this is one of the
10151s closest matches we've had today
10153s um if Paradigm had held there if they
10154s maybe had you know another 30 seconds
10156s maybe slightly different Target
10157s prioritization maybe they had those
10159s tackle cruises a little bit alive a
10160s little bit longer and maybe maybe
10161s managed to delay the Nighthawk
10163s arrivaling on the scene they could have
10164s held him just long enough and maybe he
10166s would rep up from those Thalia and
10167s decomposite being alive but as it is
10169s Odin's now are going to find themselves
10171s suffering for acute lack of damage and
10173s it's very difficult to win from that
10175s position
10176s yeah I I mean looking at the attack bar
10179s we can see that Odin's you know very low
10181s they've got a lot of um you know active
10183s reps that would be between uh these on
10187s basically local to this balgorn the
10188s Confessor going down the
10190s um Thalia and the Deacon not able to
10193s hold them even with links
10195s um
10196s kind of critically if a Confessor could
10198s be held up a little bit longer while
10200s getting a Nighthawk Hill maybe things
10202s could have shifted a little bit possibly
10204s maybe ish but
10206s um as is
10208s with four minutes in the match and you
10212s know a half remaining
10214s yotes on you're only really
10216s realistically doing about maybe 700 800
10219s damage
10220s um with conflag in a balgorn meanwhile a
10222s pair of nighthawks and a claymore is
10224s well over 2 000. um not a good situation
10228s to be in if you're Odin's
10230s yeah their only hope here is that the
10232s new pressure was so overwhelming that
10233s he's completely shut off hardness prop
10235s mod you know everything on autonomous
10236s and that he's able to just melt right
10238s through him but that doesn't really seem
10239s to be the case and of course as we said
10242s at the start that mallor and vexil dying
10244s too quickly but also the celestes here
10245s against this rosh comp is going to be
10247s contributing basically nothing I mean
10249s the Celeste is obviously a damn boat
10250s most effective at sort of countering
10252s kaity comps that want to utilize long
10253s range and kite around the arena and you
10255s know fight you at a distance this laser
10258s Hawks comp obviously has just got right
10259s up in their face and the celestes damps
10261s are basically irrelevant
10263s yeah so this Thalia is moving 120
10266s kilometers so it would appear that there
10268s um it's looks like it just double webbed
10270s maybe trying to stabilize it's getting
10272s out a little bit
10273s um pulling range realizing hey maybe I'm
10275s a felia I don't have to be on top of you
10278s know everything at zero uh meanwhile
10280s they're attempting to swap off the
10282s scalpel and kill the Nighthawk
10284s um if they do actually kill the scalpel
10286s and Nighthawk they would be in the lead
10290s um if the Thalia can survive
10292s um the Deacon needs to be closer he's
10295s possibly not with an optimal of those
10298s reps needs to close just a little bit
10299s the Foley is still webbed still
10302s um still scrammed but you know this
10304s appears to be an after burning ship this
10306s is going to be the hyena being an
10307s absolute Giga Chad getting off the top
10309s of the quote to quote Ithaca earlier the
10311s tide may be turning they are still just
10313s about holding the stalia ERD void
10315s daughter and the Deacon is surely
10316s heating for his life he's doing absolute
10318s Lord Lord's work here keeping this down
10321s here alive and toe Sprite is starting to
10322s pick back up again and yokan they've
10325s stopped pumping DPS into yokan he is
10327s actually regening shield now because
10328s they were putting all their aggro onto
10329s Talia but these hand boats seem to be
10332s having trouble applying to him even when
10333s he's fully webbed down and the Nighthawk
10335s of artanis is finally starting to break
10337s just this one scalpel can't keep him up
10338s he's going into low Shields and the
10340s damage from this bowel gone may actually
10342s be enough to take him down and this is
10343s going to be this is going to be razor
10345s thin at the end I don't know who's going
10346s to win from this position we were
10347s calling it for laser Hawks laser Hawks
10348s seemed to have such a commanding
10349s position but Odin's the nighthawker
10351s botanus is going into half armor now
10354s yeah so this is our Thomas Knight this
10356s our Thomas Knight Hook is going to drop
10357s within the next 10 to 15 seconds
10359s um that's gonna be a lot of damage that
10361s might allow Toff to um survive if that
10363s happens we're going to be in a point
10365s situation where laser Hawks is up only
10368s by three points so if any one of the
10370s scalpel or the hyena dies within the
10373s next two minutes they would actually
10375s lose Odin's needs to get that Bell going
10377s bonused webs on top of something it
10379s probably can't be a Nighthawk or a
10381s claymore they won't break it in time
10382s they need to get it it can't be the
10384s scalpel and that scalpel is right there
10386s on top of them obviously limited range
10387s in the logic frigates and this bowel
10389s gone is just going to web him down and
10390s start pumping surely Odin's they've got
10392s the little the score counter in the
10393s corner of their screen they can see
10394s they're only two points behind they know
10396s that with that Nighthawk going down
10397s laser Hawks haven't got the DPS to break
10399s anything anymore they weren't able to
10400s break the failure they weren't able to
10401s break the Bal gun they're trying on the
10403s pontifex if they can get the six points
10404s from the pawn to fix they'll keep in the
10406s lead this is so intense I have one
10408s minute 26 left my goodness so the
10410s scalpel is trying to do everything they
10412s can right now if you can get a zoom in
10413s on that to manually pilot away from The
10415s Guns of the balgorn the balgorn is
10417s completely neuted off the scalpel and we
10420s see a small cloud of medium rep drones
10422s on top of him
10423s um switching to the celestes the tech
10426s one resists celestis
10428s he's done nothing this match and he
10429s might just his presence may lose it here
10431s he he's not helping this fight he needs
10434s to be Far Far Away head right here
10437s they've identified him as the target
10439s they can kill and he's going to go down
10440s they're going to trade the celestis for
10442s the scalpel maybe and look nasal Hawks
10444s will still be in the lead here
10446s yeah that's leftist needed to absolutely
10448s be a Narnia there is no reason at this
10450s point in the match that they shouldn't
10451s have just gone on to a micro jump drive
10453s Beacon and gotten the hell out of there
10454s uh the celestis is going to drop at the
10457s same time the scalpel and that means
10458s that they would have to pick up a hyena
10460s in order to be in the lead the scalpel
10461s does drop
10463s um the celestis can they hold the
10465s celestis how much heat have they got
10467s left 30 seconds left on the clock if
10469s this celestis lives Odin's are going to
10471s take this first win he's about 60 whole
10473s 50 whole 40 Whole 30 whole he is going
10477s down and there's only 50 seconds
10481s what with 14 seconds left Odin's call
10484s snatches defeat from the jaws of Victory
10486s uh the celestis did not need to be there
10488s at all would an absolutely nail biting
10490s match going down to the very edge of the
10492s wire and I mean the desk is going to
10495s have plenty to say about that and break
10497s down that exhilarating match
10500s two more of those please that was
10501s brilliant
10503s now for the triglavian weather report
10505s brought to you by Exodus the weather
10507s calls for this integration
10509s [Music]
10513s foreign
10515s that's the weather forever
10525s for just 10 million ISC a month you can
10529s save the life of a high SEC minor
10547s [Music]
10564s wow what a new fighter laser Hawks
10567s taking that one just just taking that
10570s one in the last couple of seconds uh
10572s they were able to remove that celestis
10574s Martin Conrad and the celestes he was
10577s caught out of position laser Hawks saw
10579s that they they capitalized on it they
10581s they grabbed them and they dunked them
10584s 10 seconds before the end of the match
10586s to secure themselves uh the first win in
10589s this best of three series uh wow what a
10592s hype match that was incredible uh the
10594s the piloting on both sides was was
10597s fantastic there was some mistakes on
10599s both sides as well uh the the balgorn
10602s looked like he seemed to forget that he
10605s had webs for a very long time we just
10606s didn't see a single web effect onto uh
10608s the Liz Hawks team for a long time and
10610s you know spoiler alert the Battleground
10612s good at webbing things
10614s um Blackboard pirate
10617s where to start with that one
10621s I I mean I'll I will start from the
10623s beginning the beginning of the match the
10626s warpins was a great idea so uh owns call
10630s uh was very very smart they predicted
10632s that there might be a zero uh cam
10634s warping so they warped in at 50. uh
10636s laser Hawks warped their entire fleet in
10638s at zero so like right off the bat
10641s that is so huge just to protect yourself
10644s from immediately getting dunked on and
10646s we actually saw Owens call survive for
10648s like you know there's almost no damage
10649s on them for a good minute
10651s um because they kind of tied it back I
10653s think that I'm not sure if it was vazer
10655s or mod or both of them or neither of
10656s them it could have been the voices in my
10657s head uh but somebody made a comment that
10659s they might have tied it back a little
10661s bit too far and
10663s I don't know like just just that initial
10665s first minute or so there was some
10668s opportunities for that balgorn to like
10670s web down both of those Fleet sites and
10673s the valgorn kind of kept kiting back the
10675s Paradigm went like off at a right angle
10678s into a different area which again that's
10681s I get it like you're spreading out and
10683s kernel courts got caught and as soon as
10686s that happened
10687s they kind of needed to reclapse in
10689s because it's like all right well at that
10689s point it's like all right
10691s we get it
10692s we're getting on like get Paradigm
10695s back in like we saw him shooting from
10696s like 25 kilometers away and the thing
10699s with auto cannons is they their damage
10702s fall off is huge so like when you're 25
10704s away even in even with large Auto
10706s cannons even with the Tempest Fleet
10708s issue you really want to be at about
10709s like five to ten and I think that like
10711s that alone like that was the first big
10714s error that I saw was that once the blob
10718s started the Paradigm was a bit too far
10720s away and the balgorn was kind of kited
10721s way too back like you have these giant
10723s whips you can use them to scream
10724s and the screening Pilots I know it's
10726s called it fantastic like but they just
10727s they died really fast which you're going
10729s to against Minotaur rush so there's just
10731s some like
10732s really weird positioning stuff that
10734s really screwed up the start for Odin
10736s said I think if they had adjusted that
10738s would have been like a clean sweep for
10740s them almost
10742s yeah I mean picture out to um yokan in
10745s that balgar and uh doing an amazing job
10748s carrying his team to the just the edge
10750s of Victory there all by himself in a gun
10753s barrel and notoriously not the most uh
10756s dpsy of ships but I mean he could have
10758s done that with a tour sprot 995 and uh
10762s ERD void daughter in Natalia Deacon
10764s combo they also doing a fantastic job
10767s moving around the field keeping
10768s everybody alive as long as they could
10770s they kept that balgar and Alive under a
10773s lot of DPS coming in from The Nighthawks
10775s and the claimers for way longer than
10777s they really had any right to uh mystical
10780s might laser Hawks obviously uh managed
10782s to pull this one out of the bag
10785s um what was it they did so well that
10786s allowed them to do that
10789s so
10790s I'm thinking
10792s at the very beginning we saw the safely
10794s issues burning in and then they started
10796s taking an incredible amount of damage
10800s um what some other teams may have done
10801s is fully committed London tried to get
10803s tackle on the battleships and then seen
10805s those scifully issues die early on what
10808s laser Hawks did is pull back when they
10810s began to take damage and instead
10812s collapsed in on that molar that was
10814s tackled in the middle of the battle
10815s cruiser blob which ensured that this
10817s Cipher issues actually survived a little
10819s bit longer allowed them to put their
10820s damage into the first Emperor's Fleet
10822s issue that went down and it basically
10824s swung the match into a state where we
10826s weren't actually sure what was going to
10828s happen until the last five seconds of
10829s the match because I mean the the back
10832s channel that we have where we were
10833s discussing what's happening in the match
10834s is basically just a bunch of reaction
10835s gifts and caps locks at this point
10839s um as we were trying to figure out okay
10841s which way is this going to swing in the
10843s last minute or so of the match
10846s um trying to guard people on but
10848s yeah I mean laser Hawks I think took the
10851s opportunities that were given to them
10853s they realized that they had to actually
10854s kill the celestis because they weren't
10856s going to be able to kill anything else
10857s after they failed to kill kill the
10859s failure towards the middle of the match
10861s and that ensured that they were actually
10863s I would take take this match away
10865s otherwise they would have lost a history
10867s on the point differences when that
10870s Nighthawk and that scalper went down
10872s yeah definitely shout out to laser Hawks
10874s there for noticing that celestis was out
10876s of position and then grabbing them and
10878s switching onto them um right at the end
10880s of that match there as Missy says if
10881s they hadn't done that then they would
10883s have actually lost that match on points
10884s one of the things you'll see a lot of
10886s teams do is when someone dies you don't
10889s really care that they're dead or not you
10891s tell them to die quietly but they will
10892s say something like you know Nighthawk
10894s down so the team knows and then from
10896s that point on you become an observer
10898s your job is to sit there in your capsule
10900s and look at the arena and call out
10902s things so you might find that one of the
10904s uh departed pilots from laser Hawks was
10908s watching the arena and spotted that
10910s Sylvester sitting there and not moving
10912s or in the wrong position and called out
10914s to his remaining colleagues like hey
10915s that celestis is right there grab them
10917s so that kind of uh tactical thinking and
10921s keeping an eye in the situation can be
10923s the difference exactly in this case of
10925s win and loss if they hadn't done that if
10928s they hadn't made that adjustment then
10930s Liz Ox would have lost on point to
10932s Oden's call there honestly one of my
10935s favorite matches that we've seen this
10937s this year in uh Alliance tournament uh
10940s what a great match you love it when you
10941s can't tell like nine minutes 30 seconds
10945s into the match and you still don't know
10946s who's going to win like that's what you
10949s want you want to see those uh incredible
10951s matches so fantastic job from both pilot
10953s both teams and all the pilots involved
10956s we definitely want to see more of that
10959s unfortunately for laser Hawks they now
10961s have to deal with Conquest bands so by
10964s virtue of winning with those ships they
10966s can no longer bring those ships so for
10969s them along with the bands that Odin's
10971s will submit and of course the bands that
10972s they will submit themselves for the next
10973s match they cannot bring the Nighthawk
10976s the Claymore the Navy Drake Fleet Scythe
10978s the scalpel the hyena the speeple and
10981s the burst Odin's can bring those ships
10984s if they're not banned regularly
10987s uh laser Hawks cannot
10989s wardens can also bring the same comp
10991s they just brought so if they think hey
10992s you know we've executed that one
10994s relatively well we made a couple of
10995s mistakes it's a good comp
10997s um they can bring the balgar and the
10999s double Fleet Tempest the Ponte Celeste
11000s Talia Deacon Confessor Mueller Bexar
11003s again and triangle uh one to one in this
11006s series uh mister you've played in uh
11009s best of uh matches uh with Conquest
11012s bands what's the what's the kind of the
11014s thought process here for these type of
11016s teams do you want to just say hey we
11018s know this comp is good we're going to
11019s bring it again or do you try and bring
11021s something different
11023s so if it's your best comp and you're
11026s fairly confident that you should be able
11028s to win most matchups that you go into if
11030s you're fairly confident that you should
11031s have won the last match up that you went
11032s into by you lost because of a small
11034s piloting decision then you can probably
11037s feel pretty comfortable trying to bring
11038s that same comp again uh the issue being
11041s since you've shown this comp now to the
11044s latest Hawks team in this case they can
11046s just ban
11047s The Tempest lead issue if they wanted to
11049s and remove your ability to actually
11051s bring the balcon double Tempest Fleet
11053s issue
11054s um as your your comp of choice
11058s um Odin's do have a couple of other
11061s comps that they can fall back on so you
11063s know the Le Shack control comp also
11065s being a good one for them to bring as
11066s well
11067s um but again you know I think I we just
11069s see laser Hawks ban temp split issue the
11072s shack and then I don't actually know
11074s what Odin is going to be able to bring
11076s because they've not really shown too
11077s much in the way of comp depth so far
11083s that can sometimes be
11085s um a tactical decision you know they've
11086s done relatively well getting to this
11088s stage
11089s um if you can show the least amount of
11090s comp versatility as possible that's good
11093s for you because it makes it harder for
11095s your opponents to specifically look at
11097s what you bring and then force you into
11098s comp and you're at specific comps you
11101s know we see that in the main Alliance
11103s tournament sometimes teams managed to
11105s make all the way through to the the
11107s semi-finals of the finals and then
11108s suddenly they pull out a comp that no
11111s one has seen uh all Alliance tournament
11113s they've had that in their back pocket
11114s they knew it was a very very strong comp
11116s and they've avoided using it until the
11119s last possible minute because it gives
11120s teams less time to sit there and think
11122s oh hang on how do we counter that uh
11125s Bart you've played in a bunch of matches
11127s over the years uh including I believe
11128s you told me you've you've killed three
11129s atomas which is pretty rid of you
11132s um what's what goes through the mind of
11133s teams when you you work in and you see a
11136s comp that you've not prepared for like
11138s what do you do
11140s I mean you're probably screwed like
11142s honestly you know that's that is
11145s literally the worst possible situation
11147s to ever be in is to show up and be like
11150s I don't know what this is and have to
11152s figure it out on the Fly
11154s um
11155s that's like absolutely the chances of
11159s you actually winning that are pretty low
11161s especially if the other team doesn't
11163s have the same reaction uh
11165s so like you'd expect that you know
11168s something like Minotaur Rush this has
11170s been a comp for like two years now at
11172s least that it's been extremely good um
11173s ever since the uh the surgical strength
11177s changes turn around what the the name of
11179s it was where damage of everybody went up
11181s a bunch the Minotaur rush or the ham
11184s Rush has been
11185s incredibly powerful so that
11189s hypothetically you should have practiced
11191s every single one of your comps into and
11193s understand can it beat it and can it not
11195s and in all honesty if your comp can't
11197s beat Minotaur rush you should probably
11199s just like throw it in the trash because
11200s you can't really vanish or rush out
11203s personal opinion on that
11204s um
11205s now that being said
11207s I'm hoping Odin's has something like
11210s crazy that they're about to pull out
11211s here because you know Misty's 100 right
11213s they've shown the same thing they're
11215s basically running either this Tula Shack
11216s control setup or they're running this
11219s TFI balgorn setup
11221s and they've been flying it really really
11222s well but apparently they didn't practice
11224s it versus Minotaur Rush enough or they
11226s did and they just had an execution error
11229s um so kind of hoping they're about to
11231s pull something crazy out that laser
11233s Hawks has never seen before just so we
11235s don't end up getting a 2-0 because more
11237s matches is better uh we will we'll see
11240s what happens though
11242s yeah I'm looking forward to more matches
11244s I mean to be honest shout out to all the
11246s the teams that we've seen playing not
11247s just today but over the entire two
11249s weekends of uh these trials we saw some
11252s absolutely stupendous matches yesterday
11254s in fact uh between a bunch of the teams
11257s that secure themselves spots by uh
11260s virtue of not losing basically which is
11262s a solid solid strategy and I definitely
11264s recommend it uh the hidden Leaf Village
11267s Ninja Assassin Esports squad team versus
11270s percussive Pizza Time diplomacy was a
11272s great match uh it really went down to
11273s the wire just like that one we just saw
11275s and I believe rights of death versus
11277s Odin's car was also uh a really really
11280s good match we saw a whole bunch
11281s yesterday and that last one in our first
11284s of these three best well potentially
11286s three uh best of three finals uh was uh
11290s to be honest not just a great one for
11292s these viewers but a great one in
11294s Alliance tournament in general in my
11296s opinion uh I just Mister you had you
11299s said it pretty much right uh just
11300s looking through our sort of back our
11303s Channel discussion is literally just
11305s emojis reaction gifts and caps lock you
11309s know and everyone knows caps lock as
11311s cruise control for awesome so everyone
11313s just like venting emotions watching that
11315s match for for a full 10 minutes
11318s um now you mentioned that if they wanted
11320s to lizard Hogs they could ban out that
11322s comp
11323s by Banning the fleet Tempest
11326s um they chose last time to ban The
11328s Vindicator and the shack so which of
11330s those bands do you think they'll they
11332s would want to drop perhaps in order to
11334s ban it actually Tempest if this will
11336s choose
11337s I mean just looking back at some of the
11340s other comps that laser Hawks has flown
11343s um they've used their
11345s version of The Rush comp as opposed the
11347s sleptner and the Loki was actually
11348s banned out so it's not something that we
11350s saw in this last match if it's not
11352s banned this time it's maybe something
11353s that we will see this time
11355s um replacing the safely issues with
11357s stability tissues if they wanted to so
11358s there is a bit of flexibility that I
11360s have on this side there but besides that
11363s they've used Battleship all in and bar
11365s guest kite so I'm expecting that they
11367s may switch The Vindicator ban for a
11371s either a balcon band or a tempest Fleet
11373s issue ban and then they can just bring
11375s their kite comp
11376s hope that you know Odin's doesn't really
11378s have anything that they can bring to
11380s accurately counter that and they should
11382s be in a pretty good spot or they can
11385s leave
11386s the bands as they are and let them bring
11388s the bag on double tempestly issue again
11390s and just assume that they'll be able to
11392s counter
11393s um what options can bring
11396s yeah I'm seeing that the bands are
11397s starting to Trickle and now so we'll get
11398s them up for you as soon as possible
11401s um but you have to remember as well that
11403s the the pressure for these teams in
11404s these best of three scenarios is immense
11406s normally when you have a match you get
11409s you start the process of being in a
11411s match uh about 45 minutes or an era
11413s before when the referees convo you and
11416s start asking for bans between the two
11418s two teams the bands are exchanged and
11420s then you have plenty of time to talk to
11422s the team make sure everyone's got the
11423s right fits double check ammo etc etc and
11426s you've got a good amount of time for
11428s that today we've seen the turnaround for
11430s some of these matches start to drop you
11433s know uh we found blog for example played
11434s at 16 14 and 1720 so they finished one
11437s match and only had 30 minutes until
11438s their next one so that's a bit of
11441s pressure less time to consider the bands
11442s less times to consider your comp now we
11446s have teams that have just finished a
11447s match and then immediately have to go
11448s into a Banning phase again in order to
11452s determine what they're going to do for
11453s the next match so they have to learn
11455s from what's just happened
11456s and then plan out their next one while
11458s also considering
11460s um the uh the conquest band bands are
11463s ready let's take a look at the bands for
11464s laser Hawks versus Odin's call so Odin's
11467s called this time Banning out the bar
11468s guest and the slept near
11471s um and lizard spanning The Shack and the
11472s curse so they're looking at that the
11474s shack comp that's been brought before
11476s they're allowing
11478s um odans to bring essentially this Fleet
11480s Tempest balgar and comp again none of
11482s their bands
11483s um Target that whatsoever it could
11485s Odin's could bring the exact same thing
11487s right now laser Hawks clearly feel that
11490s if that's the case they are in a
11491s position uh to beat it once again Misty
11494s what do you make of this
11496s well it makes sense on the Odin's side
11498s to ban the bar guest and slept near as I
11500s mentioned before the slept near was
11502s still open so it's something that they
11504s could have brought um in this match as I
11506s believe they brought The Nighthawks in
11507s the previous match
11508s um the bar guest was also one of the I
11510s guess Lynch pin ships for the other two
11513s comps of laser Hawks that they've
11514s brought so far with the bar guest kite
11516s whether that's the double bar guest or
11517s the single bar guest
11519s um so it makes sense from the Odin's
11521s side to see these bands coming out with
11523s the Le Shack I mean that's a pretty
11525s standard ban and it's one of Odin's
11526s comps again that removes the double the
11529s shot control comp from Odin's call it's
11531s interesting to see the car span coming
11533s out though in this case as typically
11536s they pair the curse with the double the
11539s shack I don't think we've seen Odin's
11540s run the curse outside of that double
11543s check comp so perhaps just really don't
11545s want to see that comp come out
11547s uh Bart you think this uh exudes
11550s Confidence from laser Hawks here saying
11552s hey bring that same thing again and
11553s we'll dunk you again
11555s oh yeah I think uh it's maybe a little
11558s mind games I mean you're saying like we
11560s don't care yeah we know we almost lost
11562s last match but you know we have your
11564s number like laser Hawks is saying I
11566s don't know if this is this is actually
11568s true or not they're saying that they're
11570s 100 confidence in beating exactly what
11572s they just went up against uh what they
11574s don't want to fight is like what Misty
11576s said are apparently curses in the Shacks
11578s which you know curses are very good I
11580s mean that kind of it's it's interesting
11583s um I
11585s sort of feeling like
11587s laser Hawks is still probably going to
11589s bring some kind of kiting setup uh I
11591s don't think they really need the Bargas
11592s for it either I think they they might
11594s have an idea here and if that's the case
11596s and Odin's does bring the same thing
11598s they just brought I don't know how well
11600s that will fare versus a kiting setup I
11602s mean we've seen a balgor and utterly
11604s fail to tackle anything versus the laser
11607s Hawks kite setup whether or not that was
11609s a piloting issue or the ship issue
11610s though maybe we'll be finding out in the
11612s near future here
11614s yeah and that near future is rapidly
11616s approaching
11617s um a lot of you people out there in
11619s twitch land dropping your Twitch Channel
11621s points on this match and it is 49 to 51
11625s so you guys are also struggling to
11628s decide uh who the favorites are here
11630s just as much as we are because I mean
11633s this is this is so close so I'm I'm I
11635s hope this goes to is there 50 50 exactly
11637s I'm hoping this goes to the full third
11639s uh so we'll see is laser Hawks
11641s confidence in their own comps uh
11644s Justified or Odin's call going to be
11647s able to take one off of laser Hawks here
11649s and push this one to the best of three
11652s well it is time to find out as we go to
11654s the arena for potentially the last time
11656s with the Basilisk and moderator
11665s hello I am moderator joined by the
11667s Basilisk for round two of a potential
11670s best out of three we see that Odin's
11672s call has decided to bring essentially
11675s exactly the same setup they had last
11677s time uh but with
11679s um
11680s well a little slightly different setup
11683s in their Logistics and meanwhile laser
11686s Hawks has chosen to bring an Amar Victor
11689s top end with uh not much in the support
11692s um and hauler that's list
11695s yeah I think
11697s from memory odins have changed the
11699s Thalia to the deacons the Thalia as you
11701s said maybe they felt like the Thalia was
11702s actually tanking better with its sick
11703s bonus and then they've got a visual
11705s Fleet in the issue there for extra webs
11707s at the end there but at the moment
11708s um laser Hawks are just immediately
11709s blasting up Martin in the celestis these
11711s armor battleships that laser Hawks have
11713s brought are actually going to be uh
11714s quite effective at range so in this
11716s scenario they are going to want to clear
11718s those damps ASAP and and you know stop
11720s stop those dams from landing and
11722s limiting their targeting range meanwhile
11723s the badger I'm assuming as Jin Tam was
11725s pointing out I think earlier today or
11726s maybe yesterday the badger just brings a
11729s load of mid slots and just is an e-war
11730s boat for two points but on the other
11732s hand you know the downside of that ship
11734s is there's not really much hope of
11736s keeping it alive you can't really fit a
11737s particularly solid tank Badger so I'm
11739s certain that it is going to go down in
11740s short short order here
11743s yeah that uh Badger however as we say
11746s that is starting to stabilize just a bit
11748s and we're swapping a little bit of
11750s damage over to
11751s um the vexer I mean that makes sense so
11754s um we see kind of a little bit of a
11756s split in kind of the core concept of
11759s what laser hawks's top battleships are
11761s doing so the apoc Navy and the apoc have
11764s a bonus to Optimal they don't really
11766s have any sort of um tracking as well
11768s they don't really have any damage
11770s bonuses the abaddin however is just a
11772s brick that does not shoot very far uh
11775s but if you're in close it's going to
11776s pound into you the Armageddon is just
11779s again a big new boat and
11781s um so far it is currently engaged in a
11783s new war with the balcorn the balgorn
11785s does more overall newting pressure but
11788s it doesn't have the long range and if
11790s I'm a balgorn I don't like being in that
11792s position of getting neuted and not
11794s trading however speaking of things not
11795s trading that pontifex is going
11796s dangerously low into armor yeah and if
11798s they lose links that's going to be
11799s really really dangerous and that is a
11801s topic of of this match that I think we
11803s haven't really touched on yet is going
11804s to be the new war that's going on here
11805s between the Battleground and the
11807s Armageddon here because obviously these
11809s Four Mile battleships are going to be
11810s very very cat hungry the balgon
11812s obviously a Newton ship the Armageddon
11813s have a Newton ship and the Tempest
11814s fleet's not cap Reliant at all so if
11816s Odin's win the cap War they can just
11818s keep pumping DPS they don't need to
11819s worry too much they've got those also
11820s cannons they got four heavy neutral and
11822s Tempest fleets they've got four heavy
11823s newts on the bow gone they can just keep
11824s them all dry and tank forever but the
11826s laser Hawk side it's imperative for them
11829s that they win the cat War because
11830s otherwise their guns are all going to
11831s turn off and from that point they're
11832s just done so the sort of new war here
11835s between the balgo and the apoc is gonna
11837s the the Armageddon sorry is going to be
11838s absolutely critical to how this match
11840s turns out and the pontifex does start
11841s holding but they switch back onto this
11842s list skin and at the same time Odin
11844s switched back onto the badger again I
11846s think they switched off him at the start
11847s maybe they saw that actually he's not
11848s he's not tracking disrupting he's not
11850s damping he's not an e-wall Badger per se
11852s he's more sort of I think buffing the
11854s battleships maybe a receiver maybe a
11855s tracking computer for each of them but
11857s this Badger does look like he's going to
11858s go down
11859s unless I cast a curse him again and he
11861s picks back up again
11863s yeah I mean a badger he's got six mid
11865s slots tough or low slots um down into a
11868s sliver structure and they pop so
11871s um that will be any potential
11873s um support that they might have had no
11875s longer there now uh swapping onto the
11877s Republic Fleet Fire tail uh makes a lot
11880s of sense it's you know very low pointed
11882s but not exactly the strongest in terms
11884s of resist but already giving pre-reps
11886s from lethalia
11889s yeah I'm noticing also that the odins
11891s called battleships are just they're slow
11893s boating in they're not making a Fast
11895s concerted rush they are actually I
11896s believe turning around now sort of move
11898s away a little bit but I'm not sure this
11900s sort of ranges where they particularly
11901s want to be I mean
11903s the the Marvel battleships on the other
11904s side are gonna have
11906s presumably better optimal better better
11908s range projection from these lasers and
11910s also the the new Range bonus on the
11912s gettin is going to make him more
11913s effective if the ball gone isn't
11915s arranged to Newton back and it doesn't
11916s look like he is so from this sort of
11918s angle at the moment it looks like based
11920s on the positioning that
11921s um I would imagine laser Hawks are sort
11923s of winning this new or the time being
11924s and as I say that now Odin's are turning
11927s around and Laser Hawks battleships are
11928s actually pushing in towards them here
11930s yeah if we see newts um going on to the
11933s Fire tail that looks like it's from the
11935s balgorn kind of an interesting call uh
11938s right now
11939s um we see that there are Republic Fleet
11941s Berserkers that will be from the
11942s Armageddon that are getting on top of
11944s the pontifex however this apocalypse is
11946s now on top of the battleborn
11948s um at basically Zero The Tempest to
11950s Fleet issues are closing range trying to
11952s um go for him I think we're gonna see a
11954s snap call and it looks like
11956s um now the Armageddon is getting in
11958s close yeah two sides are basically
11959s merging we're gonna see an all-out brawl
11961s in the next few seconds
11962s um yes both these teams have decided
11964s they want to opt into this they both
11965s feel like they've got the upper hand
11966s here in this scenario
11967s um and to be honest with you I don't
11969s know who's got the upper hand
11970s um but yeah I mean it's going to come
11972s down to how I mean the battle gun he
11974s needs to think about where he's going to
11975s use his nude so you can use them on the
11976s Armageddon to win the new or and stop
11978s the Armageddon Newton hymn but of course
11979s then he's not Newton the primary and the
11981s primary is going to keep his resists up
11982s they do lose the resist from the
11984s pontifex there but this apoc of zalia is
11986s going into low armor now I'm not sure if
11987s he's going to hold her
11990s yeah I'm losing a pontifex is going to
11991s hurt the longer this match goes but I
11993s think I'm willing to trade it for a
11994s single apocalypse right now uh no real
11997s damage going on to any of the
11999s battleships from um Odin uh looks like
12002s um laser Hawks is choosing to go for the
12004s low side
12005s um trying to pick up the celestis now
12008s um I'm really not sure how much the disc
12009s list is actually doing though given that
12011s all sides are pretty close in at this
12013s point of the match
12015s yeah at the start we said you know maybe
12017s the Celesta stamps are maybe a little
12018s bit sort of um debilitating for the
12020s battleships maybe they didn't have any
12021s effect at all maybe there was receivers
12023s on the badger but at this point when
12024s they've got all these battleships sort
12025s of bunched up on top of each other
12026s within you know 20 30 kilometers the
12028s damson celestis it feels like they're
12030s killing it just because it's sort of an
12031s easy kill not because it's their path to
12033s Victory here so
12034s in that situation maybe they sort of
12036s think you know they've tried the Mala
12038s they can't break the Mala they're not
12039s gonna they don't want to try and kill
12040s the Tempest fleets they're going to be
12041s tanky they can't kill the bowel gone
12042s they found out last match he's got
12043s really nice resists he's gonna tank so
12045s maybe it's sort of desperation they kill
12047s the celestes but now they're sort of
12048s stuck thinking well we've got all of
12049s these Targets in range you know we can
12051s shoot anything but none of them are
12052s looking particularly appealing and on
12054s the on the other side meanwhile Odin's
12055s are starting to plow through the second
12057s Battleship now the apoc Navy of Artemis
12058s is going to go down here into low armor
12060s they have switched onto the failure of
12062s toast brought but I imagine he's going
12063s to hold if ERD can get the Reps on just
12065s in time he goes down to 30 armor 20
12066s armor into 80 structure this Thalia I
12069s think is going to go down he does go
12070s down but they are going to trade it for
12071s this that is that is definitely a
12074s misplay from mythology of ode or a
12075s little bit earlier they were out of rep
12077s range of that celestis
12079s um and now the Thalia uh his partner
12081s goes down but at the same time the e-pot
12083s goes down and you know even with a
12085s little bit of misplaying from the
12086s Follies I still have to pretty heavily
12088s favor
12089s um Odin's call at this point just
12091s because
12092s um it's basically all a more damage um
12094s left and I mean those reactive hardeners
12097s are eventually going to shift they gave
12099s up on the Mueller because they couldn't
12101s even break through it because it had
12102s already shifted to em therm so they're
12104s going to go after this polio who no
12105s longer has a repbody all the abandoned
12107s is giving plum
12108s and with only these two battleships left
12110s now the new pressure is surely going to
12111s be overwhelming it's just again just the
12113s abaddin versus the bow going and the
12114s four heaving you from the from the
12115s Tempest fleets combined those guns are
12117s going to be shutting off pretty shortly
12118s and obviously that's the only DPS that
12119s laser Hawks have got here so this does
12121s look at this stage I'm going to say I'm
12124s going to say that it's going to go to
12124s one and one and then hopefully laser
12126s Hawks will somehow miraculously bring it
12127s back and we'll get another nail biting
12129s finish but from this position I feel
12130s like it's solidly in the control of
12132s Odin's here and I I wonder a little bit
12134s why laser Hawks didn't sort of I mean
12136s they have
12137s more Firepower I think from from the
12140s from the range they started at from the
12142s positions in the first couple minutes of
12143s the match they had those laser boats uh
12146s you know with more optimal than these
12147s than these Tempest fleets they had the
12149s new bonus from the Armageddon I think
12150s they were winning the new war when they
12152s were at distance and I'm sort of
12153s surprised a little bit that they didn't
12154s try and pump through one of the
12155s battleships and win the DPS War because
12157s as soon as it devolved into a brawl I
12158s felt like Odin's were gonna win the new
12160s war with the two Tempest fleets they
12161s were going to win the DPS War
12163s um with the just massive HP of the
12165s Tempest fleets and the Battleground and
12167s as soon as you start losing battleships
12169s on the laser Hawk side you lose all
12170s potential to kill anything and as we
12172s said in the last match killing things is
12173s a pretty integral part of winning
12174s matches
12175s yeah unfortunately
12178s um I feel like the critical moment in
12179s this match was when the balgorn uh was
12182s able to dictate range with
12184s um his webs but also getting new
12185s pressure on top of the Armageddon
12188s um you do really win that Newt War if
12190s you're about going uh trading with an
12191s Armageddon and again you're trying to
12193s use the optimal bonus on the Armageddon
12195s to never be in that situation because
12197s you don't have any other bonuses it's
12199s just or optimal if the Battleground
12200s closes on top of you you've completely
12202s given up the advantage uh in the example
12205s there I have to feel though like part of
12208s the reason that laser Hawks chose to go
12210s for the support horn off the top end is
12212s I'm sure they've ran against
12214s um The Tempest Fleet issue in battleborn
12216s set then they probably are aware that
12218s they have difficulty breaking
12221s um any of these Tempest Fleet issues or
12223s battleborn once we swap to full reactive
12225s just like we saw on the last match where
12227s a pair of nighthawks um and the kinetic
12229s damage had trouble breaking through the
12230s battleborn of yoken
12232s yeah of course I am not great against
12234s armor anyway on a good day
12237s um and with these reactives which are
12239s almost certainly fit for tempest Fleet
12240s in balgorn they have a very difficult
12242s time with four laser bows and that's the
12243s difficult part of you know building
12245s these comps around the conquest bands as
12247s we can see on the left-hand side they've
12248s got all these bands to deal with and
12249s they said okay well we're just going to
12250s bring a full heavy Mr comp but then if
12252s you come up into an armor comp on the
12254s other side and Odin's as they did they
12256s just ran it back they said okay we're
12257s going to bring basically the same thing
12258s again you can find yourself in a tricky
12260s position where it's actually very
12261s difficult to clear any of the DPS and
12263s sort of make Headway in the match
12266s so I don't want to necessarily call
12268s Odin's a a one trick right but we've
12270s seen essentially really like two to
12272s three comps out of them we've seen
12273s Odin's called bring a similar setup
12276s um in the low end but on the top end
12278s they'll bring essentially two Le shacks
12280s and then uh you know maybe a command
12284s ship as well or battle producer
12287s um for the kind of their third main core
12288s DPS ship uh We've also seen Min marktar
12291s rush out of them I'm kind of wondering
12293s now that your armor comps are basically
12297s largely banned out and part of the
12299s reason you might be in double Valley is
12300s right in this match is you say okay if
12302s we win I want to make sure in round
12304s three I can bring double peak in uh but
12306s that's gonna be it for us as we send it
12307s back to the desk as Odin's call takes it
12309s over laser Hawks
12311s um in this second match
12314s who have seen war will never stop seeing
12318s it in the Silence of the night we will
12321s always hear the screams so this is our
12324s story wolves amongst strangers
12329s did you know that anything can happen
12331s and Ultra fleets
12334s are you still shaving sir Jesus why you
12338s must have some big balls yeah
12339s [Laughter]
12341s yeah literally anything
12366s thank you
12375s Odin's call they're pushing it to the
12377s final match in this best of three series
12379s is now one all laser Hawk for one Odin's
12383s called one mystical might take me
12385s through what happened there for the
12387s laser Hawks team
12389s uh well what what to begin laser Hawks
12394s lost their Badger at the beginning I
12395s believe
12396s um and I was convinced that Odin's were
12398s just going to spend the rest of their
12399s match kiting
12401s um controlling with the balcon webs and
12403s newts to prevent the laser Hawks team
12404s from getting into range
12406s um instead both teams decided that now
12407s was the optimal time to butt heads now
12409s that the the badger was dead uh you know
12412s the the DPS powerhouse on the laser
12415s Hawks team and um yeah I have no idea
12418s what laser Hawks decided to do they had
12419s four battleships against three
12422s um they decided to
12424s kill the celestis
12426s I know four is bigger than three
12429s um they decided to kill these celestis
12431s despite the fact that the battleships
12432s were all on top of each other so lock
12435s range and block time wasn't really an
12436s issue
12438s um yeah I don't know I feel like laser
12440s Hawks could have perhaps won that if
12442s they decided to all in the two Tempest
12444s Fleet issues with the damage with the
12446s battleships that they had I think
12448s deciding to shoot the celestis and then
12450s go through the lower end of the audience
12452s team and that they effectively threw
12454s away their chance at potentially winning
12456s that match up
12458s but they were beginning from a position
12459s where they were perhaps uh a man down
12462s and in a weaker position than they would
12464s have liked and what's the Odin's team I
12465s think
12467s so Bart a lot of questions during that
12469s match and even now uh in twitch chat why
12472s bring a badger a tech one industrial
12475s ship to an alliance tournament match
12479s so the uh the badger is
12482s a very very very powerful extremely
12486s dangerous uh ship
12489s in regards to literally nothing it's a
12492s so basically they've got six mid slots
12494s on a badger right uh it is the cheapest
12497s ship in the game
12498s that has six mid slots that you can fit
12502s a okay like a very very okay not a good
12505s tank but like enough that it's not going
12507s to just get like sold by a swivel
12508s somewhere
12510s um while also having the ability to fill
12512s your mid slots with some kind of either
12514s e-war or what this specific one was
12517s doing were like 95 sure uh remote
12520s assistance modules so what we're pretty
12523s sure was going on we'd have to actually
12524s see the the fit of it is that the badger
12527s was filled with remote sensor boosters
12529s and remote tracking enhancers
12531s um these modules are actually
12534s significantly better than the modules
12536s you would fit on your own ship so remote
12537s tracking enhancer can like drastically
12540s increase your optimal range or your
12541s tracking speed remote sensor boosters
12542s can drastically increase your lock range
12544s which is really good when we're in a
12546s meta where you know block range is
12547s something everyone wants to enjoy and
12549s celestis is get rid of that really
12551s easily uh so I think the badger was
12553s there pretty much to counter the
12554s celestises and possibly uh curses
12557s pilgrims crucifier Sentinels cetera et
12559s cetera et cetera
12561s I don't know sorry that's a good idea
12564s but that's okay it did its job
12568s well that's all you can ask for it to do
12570s so to pluck a little Badger flown by
12573s Marie beldrift there to great effect uh
12577s not great enough of course to allow
12578s these dogs to take a two nil Victory and
12581s move on to the last tournament but great
12582s enough that they've at least made it to
12584s the the finals here
12586s um mystical might one of the things we
12587s heard moderate to talk about right at
12589s the end there was an interesting little
12591s tidbit in the first match Odin's call
12593s brought that comp but they brought
12595s Italia and a deacon whereas in the
12597s second comp they brought to talia's now
12600s with the point inflation bringing to
12602s Italia's costs 12 points versus a deacon
12605s Italia costing 10 points
12608s why surely that's less Point efficient
12612s so now that we're into a best of three
12615s and we have the conquest bands in play
12617s if they were to continue bringing the
12619s Thalia Deacon it effectively removes all
12622s armor Logistics frigates
12624s um from their uh selection pool right
12627s um so if they'd won the first match they
12629s would not have been able to bring either
12630s Thalia or Deacon in the second match
12632s thankfully they won I guess for them
12635s because it means that they can now
12636s choose to bring two of the same
12638s Logistics frigate in this case thaliers
12642s um which now allows them to bring the
12644s deacons in the third match if they
12646s wanted to
12647s um so it's about ensuring that they're
12648s not limiting their own choices
12651s in the first match perhaps they wanted
12653s to bring the strongest form of the setup
12654s that they had which involved the Deacon
12656s and the Thalia so making the best use of
12658s their points because they knew that that
12661s first match was going to be fairly
12662s difficult they were going up against the
12664s best comp that laser Hawks had to field
12666s in the second match they can be fairly
12668s confident that the laser Hawks comp is
12670s banned out because they won that match
12672s so due to Conquest bands they're not
12674s able to feel those same ships again
12676s which means that they can perhaps weaken
12678s their own setup a little bit
12680s I mean it's two points it's not crazy
12682s difference but you know some people
12684s think that they can perhaps be better
12686s invested elsewhere but it ensures that
12688s they won't be in a difficult position
12690s for their third match whether they
12692s actually decide to bring deacons in
12693s their third match remains to be seen it
12696s depends I guess on the bands that we see
12697s coming in over the next uh five to ten
12700s minutes
12702s yeah we will keep you all posted with
12704s those bands as soon as they come in
12707s um we're just getting confirmation on
12709s the exact list of uh ships banned out
12712s for the final match in terms of Conquest
12714s bands what I can tell you is laser
12716s hawked by virtue of losing and having to
12719s unbanned all of their Conquest bands
12721s again so they can bring once more
12722s Nighthawk Claymore Navy Drake Fleet
12725s Scythe scalpel hyena burst so the only
12728s ships they cannot bring in the third and
12729s final match will be
12732s um the map the ships that are banned in
12734s the actual Banning phase of this
12737s particular round
12738s now um one of the things
12741s um that we sometimes see is the the
12743s Talia Deacon which we just spoke about
12745s but a lot of people tend to favor double
12748s Deacon over double Talia like I think
12750s maybe it's one of the first times we've
12751s seen double Talia
12752s um usually when people are bringing the
12754s double Logistics armor fragrance it is
12756s almost exclusively the Deacon uh why why
12759s the deacons over the Talia usually
12763s uh that's a really good question I have
12766s a I'm not a 100 on this I'm like 85 to
12770s 90. uh there's a couple a couple major
12773s reasons is there's this profile of a
12775s deacon is way better like the Amar Tech
12777s 2 armored resist profile is just
12780s traditional good at everything like it's
12783s really easy to make sure it doesn't have
12784s any uh glaring holes on it also a lot
12786s easier to fit a tenement Deacon than a
12789s tenement Thalia you totally can I mean
12791s you can fit any ship any way you want to
12793s doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna be
12795s good or not I mean we've seen you know
12796s Auto cans on typing Fleet issues today
12797s so there's a lot of a lot of that going
12801s around
12802s um but also they have a little bit I
12805s think they have a little bit less
12806s signature radius so generally they're
12808s they're a bit tankier uh they can go
12809s faster
12811s if you're going tenement fit which isn't
12813s I think almost all the ones we've seen
12815s this weekend have actually been tenement
12816s fit it's a pretty standard uh fit and
12819s they just have better resist profile
12821s um that being said values are pretty
12822s good too and mystical probably has a
12824s better Insight on that or something that
12826s I missed here I was just going to add
12828s that I think the I don't know if you
12829s mentioned it but the Thalia gets I think
12831s an extra Med slot over the deacon so you
12835s have the added benefit of being able to
12836s fit a sensor booster if you'd like to
12839s which ensures that if they do have damps
12841s which we are seeing a bit more
12842s frequently now that these scripts are
12844s allowed in the tournament you're able to
12846s lock a little bit further than the
12847s perhaps two or three kilometers that you
12849s would usually get if a selesters decides
12851s to ruin your day so it's another reason
12853s why perhaps we're seeing Nathalia coming
12855s out as well as the use of ewar as well
12858s like ECM if you have a Thalia Thalia
12862s the chances of seeing multiple gallante
12864s jams is perhaps lower than seeing
12865s multiple Amar jams simply because of
12867s more ships are being used quite a bit
12870s more so again that's another reason why
12872s perhaps you're seeing double of the same
12874s ship just reducing your ability to be
12876s e-world out essentially
12879s yeah speaking of
12882s um being just out of be able to use
12884s ships
12885s um The Conquest bands for the final
12886s match are as follows so the laser Hawks
12890s ones reset but the audience call team
12893s cannot bring the balgar and the fleet
12894s tempers the pontifex the Talia the
12897s celestas the vexer the molar and the
12900s vigil Fleet issue they've also chosen to
12902s ban their absolute Classics they refuse
12904s to ban anything else the Loki and the
12906s slept near meanwhile laser Hawks
12908s interesting ban here they've banned The
12910s Shack which is kind of standard but they
12911s have targeted that Deacon they have said
12914s hey Odin's call we see you like that
12915s comp well get wrecked boils you ain't
12918s bringing it because you've banned
12919s yourself out of the tire we're banging
12921s yourself out of the deacon uh bar what
12924s do you think of that band there from
12925s from laser Hawks big brain or small
12927s brain
12929s uh I would say that there are definitely
12932s a large amount of ridges but there may
12934s actually be a wormhole in that brain
12936s um their laser Hawks is basically going
12938s into this assuming
12940s that Odin's call has not prepared in any
12944s way shape or form to fly anything
12946s without Logistics frigates and that I
12948s think is not
12950s a good way to look at this uh
12953s just because
12955s two Logistics frigates of the same type
12957s which we've seen is 12 points which is
12961s not that much less than a Tech 2
12962s Logistics Cruiser and honestly not
12964s really you can also use tech one
12966s Logistics Cruisers like a auger is
12968s actually a very good ship as long as you
12971s can keep from getting tackled you know
12972s it does turn into piloting which we've
12974s seen some questionable piloting all
12975s throughout the day here
12977s um but yeah I I honestly think the
12979s Deacon might be a wasted ban like they
12981s were they're making the assumption that
12983s Odin's call only has
12985s two comps which hopefully since Odin's
12988s call is a relatively veteran team they
12990s got I believe the top eight or top six
12993s last year in the airlines tournament
12995s they've probably done some degree of
12997s preparing for a situation like this
12998s where there is Conquest bands in the
13001s play so this this might be that a thing
13004s we talked about I think before the first
13005s match where
13006s maybe Owens is about to surprise us and
13009s bring something that laser Hawks is
13010s going to have that oh we didn't
13012s prepare for this moment or they're gonna
13014s feed tonight Minotaur rush we don't know
13016s that's those are the two options I'm
13017s predicting uh either feeding to Minotaur
13019s rush or surprising everybody
13023s yeah mystical you're looking awfully
13025s pensive there when we came back from
13027s those bands uh what what do you think
13029s are are they wrinkly brained or is this
13032s perhaps as Bart says a wasted ban
13037s I was just looking through the Odin's
13039s core setups that they've shown so far
13041s looking at the Double The Shack control
13043s comp that they brought which was the
13045s double Shack in the curse
13047s um I think five of the ships that they
13049s would bring in a typical setup or
13052s actually just banjo the conquest walls
13054s anyway so Mauler x uh Thalia celestis
13057s and pontifex are all ships that they
13059s can't field but are ships that are
13061s perhaps essential for their Le chat
13063s control setup so I think they're being
13065s pushed more towards Fielding their
13067s barges kite that they flew before which
13070s may be slightly weaker to a rush setup
13073s that's able to get on top of them
13074s quickly since the safe lit issues are
13077s now open to pick on the laser Hawk side
13081s um it gives them the ability to zip
13084s across the grid like four and a half
13085s kilometers a second and snag those um
13088s our guests and and navy battle Cruisers
13092s um I think it would be more interesting
13093s to see Odin's bring a mirror of a rush
13097s we haven't actually seen Odin's bring
13099s Rush much at all in this feeders
13103s tournament they've favored armor control
13105s quite a bit with our guests heavy
13108s missile launcher kite being the only
13109s real attempt at is Shield comp anyway
13112s as far as I can see from this little
13113s document that we have here so yeah I
13116s think mirroring The Shield setup and
13118s trying to out brawl laser Hawks could be
13121s a fairly interesting match
13123s here we saw Odin's field that um that
13126s Katie comp earlier on against because of
13128s Pizza Time diplomacy and uh they just
13130s flew away from them for um basically 10
13134s minutes it was 10 minutes of running
13135s around in a circle
13136s with uh almost comical music playing in
13139s the background if laser Hawks chooses to
13141s bring a really fast Rush with those uh
13145s site free issues as you mentioned those
13148s are Speedy boys it's gonna be really
13150s difficult to to kite away and to screen
13152s however if odins are able to screen them
13156s off effectively bar uh you know what
13159s happens then like is it kind of game
13161s over for Liz Hox is it going to be eggs
13163s in one basket
13165s I I don't think so
13168s um just because of how well like how
13170s practiced laser Hawk seems with that
13173s specific setup that they've done and
13174s also uh you know one of the issues with
13177s screening a Nighthawk or you know some
13180s kind of Nighthawk Minotaur Rush is that
13182s your screening ship is going to die like
13184s it's it's almost impossible to keep them
13186s alive through that so
13188s um it kind of turns into like a very
13190s very situation where it's like okay well
13192s we screened you and we slowed you down
13194s but you lose your screening ship like
13195s you're not gonna keep it alive and then
13197s they get close to you and you screen
13198s them and they get close to you and they
13200s screen them so it's it's going to be
13202s really interesting um the other thing I
13204s think that we could see here
13206s as well which we haven't seen from
13208s either of these teams yet is is like a
13210s drone setup uh which could be really
13212s interesting I think that that has some
13215s very high potential to counter play uh a
13218s rush uh and I believe that Odin's is a
13221s team that's got a pedigree enough that
13222s they might be able to pull that out of
13223s their out of their hat but
13225s yeah I don't know it's
13227s kind of you know we'll see I mean
13229s definitely getting excited but we still
13231s gotta wait a couple minutes so
13233s yeah there's a lot of things still open
13235s here uh in this final match I mean with
13238s only essentially one round of Conquest
13240s bands uh for each team the depth they
13243s have to reach into their bag of comps
13245s isn't that deep uh you might find in a
13248s grand final best of five uh you know you
13251s can easily lose two matches or win two
13253s matches in a row and if you win two
13255s matches in a row then you've got a huge
13257s amount of ships potentially banned out
13259s an alliance tournament you can also have
13260s up to nine bands uh coming in from the
13263s regular bands as well uh so you could
13265s conceivably go into your third match
13267s with 29 ships banned which is just a
13271s ginormous uh number compared to you know
13274s three which is what you'd probably be
13276s hoping for uh teams are in system so
13279s we're only a few minutes away from uh
13281s from our last match of the day and just
13285s to remind you this is for the final spot
13286s in Alliance tournament 18 uh the loser
13289s here goes home like that's it they are
13291s done until Alliance tournament 19.
13293s that's it there's no chance for them to
13295s go through and win a bunch of freckies
13298s and mimiers there's no chance for them
13300s to go through and even win skins for
13302s winning matches in Alliance tournament
13303s 18. that is it it is literally pack up
13306s your ships go home and uh sit on the
13309s sideline and watch for next year uh Bart
13313s what's your highlights being for these
13314s mimitar feeder trials so far
13318s uh the entire uh basically all the
13321s matches of yesterday the specific like
13323s that last six or so
13325s where we found out who was going to make
13328s it through the first round of people
13330s that made it to the at versus who would
13332s end up having to play today every single
13334s one of those matches was really intense
13336s everyone flew like their best
13339s um they're all really exciting and it
13341s was it was just really good like I don't
13343s think a single team uh made it through
13346s that didn't 100 deserve to make it
13348s through just based off their piloting
13350s their Theory crafting their setups alone
13352s uh which is that's what you want to see
13353s right sometimes you get people saying oh
13356s so-and-so had a free ride blah blah blah
13358s well I don't think anybody had a free
13359s ride yesterday
13361s um whoever wins this one absolutely did
13364s not have a free ride like imagine having
13366s to play basically the equivalent of the
13367s alliance tournament semi-finals just to
13369s get a shot to play in The Alliance
13371s tournament like this is this is really
13373s brutal so whichever team wins this is
13375s going to be very very well prepared for
13377s uh November
13380s yeah I'm just looking through uh the the
13382s matches at the minute I believe just
13384s this weekend alone uh this will be uh
13387s the ninth match for laser Hawks uh and
13390s Odin's call uh to get to this stage of
13392s course they played last week as well uh
13395s playing I think four matches or maybe
13397s somewhere between two and four matches
13400s so these teams have that's a lot of
13402s matches like not many teams even in the
13404s alliance tournament have that many
13405s matches in a couple of years you know
13407s many many teams by the way and and then
13410s go on tour two and two and it takes a
13412s long time to build up that experience
13414s but these teams have been just
13415s practicing and getting awesome
13417s experience here uh so you know big thank
13420s you from us to CCP for putting on this
13422s format I'm a big fan of it and I think
13423s it's been a great exhibition of of
13425s talented Pilots but we are pretty much
13428s ready to go to what I'm seeing on grid
13431s should be a very exciting match uh and
13433s this is going to determine the final
13435s slot is it going to be Odin's call is it
13437s going to be laser Hawks who will advance
13439s in in match 65 the best of three final
13443s is 1-1 let's go through and find out
13445s with the Basilisk and moderator
13453s welcome back to the arena and it it's
13455s looking like we have sort of a pseudo
13457s mirror here both these teams as the desk
13459s was sort of maybe hoping for they've
13460s both bought Shield comps they've both
13462s put very very similar Shield comps with
13464s a focus on rapid light missiles I
13465s believe mainly more from the laser Hawk
13467s side with the author of Salisbury Navy
13468s rapid Heavies on the Bargas of course I
13470s think these are heavy missile Claymores
13472s again combined with an authorous of Our
13474s Guest very similar sort of fair here
13476s um but Odin's bringing two jackdaws so I
13478s think they're gonna have
13479s possible sort of damp superiority
13481s assuming they are going to be fitted as
13483s I would expect with with damp kite fits
13486s yeah I can confirm that these Claymores
13488s are in fact going to be heavy missile
13490s fit uh basically everything else is
13492s going to be lights or rapid lights from
13494s uh the term models that we have on top
13496s of the ships both teams electing to uh
13498s come into the arena at 50 kilometers
13500s it'll be interesting to see again
13503s um are these going to be damps are they
13505s going to be guidance disruptors tracking
13506s disruptors
13508s um because those mid slots are going to
13509s be crucial if you can get uh guidance
13512s disruption onto the bar gas or the
13514s Claymore you're going to severely
13516s mitigate the amount of you know incoming
13518s damage the range one other interesting
13521s aspect here is going to be the choice of
13523s a scythe versus Scimitar what are your
13525s thoughts on that here basa yeah I mean
13527s Odin's field of deciphon there in the
13529s when they filter that I believe this
13531s basically this comp in their loss
13532s against bright side of death
13534s um yesterday I think it was
13536s um and I was I was pretty critical of
13537s the choice of Scythe
13539s um I I don't know how this is going to
13541s turn out to be honest these are two very
13542s similar takes on the same company
13543s scimitaries obviously far more powerful
13545s than the Scythe but it may find itself
13547s suffering from damps from the Jack door
13548s so maybe indexing so heavily into tech2
13550s lodgy in terms of points investment they
13553s might not be able to leverage that extra
13554s power of the Scimitar if it does find
13556s itself in burdened by those damps from
13557s the jackdaws but also those Jack doors
13559s they need to consider dents on the
13560s crucifier for example do they want to
13562s stop guidance disruptors do they need to
13563s you know maybe try and lock out range on
13565s the vigil Fleet as the Scimitar does
13567s start taking a chunky goes straight
13568s through Shield he's gonna that's an ASB
13570s fit but he goes straight straight
13571s through armor they're just volleying
13573s straight through him this Scimitar he's
13574s definitely not worth the points
13575s investment now he is dead
13577s yeah unfortunately the bar guest from
13578s laser Hawks are trying to return fire
13580s into the Scythe but there have been
13581s guidance disrupted and they came into
13583s the arena essentially at 100 kilometers
13585s from each other uh so the crucifier who
13587s was going to have guidance disruption or
13589s some uh tracking disruption on him is
13591s already down into low armor the orthos
13593s already down into low hole as well
13595s Scythe uh continuing to
13597s um survive psych has actually gotten out
13599s of range from um the core of a bar guest
13603s the hyena goes down trying to get rid of
13605s Target painting in webs uh it's gonna be
13607s absolutely bloody in the first initial
13609s match the orthos though has made the
13610s right call has immediately burned away
13612s gotten the hell out of Dodge uh both
13614s teams uh trying to tackle on each other
13617s crucifier going down crucify goes down
13619s the vigil Fleet takes chunks the sky
13621s break it goes down but this is rapidly
13622s swinging against laser Hawks here they
13624s did get a kill there on the sky breaker
13625s but they've already lost four of their
13627s ships here the most critical being that
13629s Scimitar of course they really haven't
13630s got a chance a few keeping things up
13632s they've got a significant I'd imagine a
13634s fair chunk of ehp in those Bargains but
13635s the bifrost just gets vollied this is
13637s clinical piloting from Odin's here their
13639s target calling is is impeccable
13641s absolutely impeccable they are just
13642s bullying ships off the field left right
13644s and Center here the author of xalia is
13646s the only one who survived that onslaught
13647s of missiles but there's it's just these
13650s two bar guests now
13651s um and the authoris and Osprey Navy
13653s they're going to be struggling here of
13654s course damps I think we see on the fancy
13656s UI there's guidance disruptors maybe
13657s they're not damp Jack doors maybe
13658s they're guidance disruptor jackdaws and
13660s of course the rapid Heavies of the
13661s Bargas then are going to be really
13662s really struggling to hit the author of
13663s The Scythe Jack door Etc
13665s yeah we saw that from again the very
13667s beginning beginning of the match
13669s um our guests normally would be able to
13671s hit out a hundred kilometers and that's
13673s why we saw that initially the Scimitar
13675s of lace walks went down in the first 30
13677s seconds of the match but
13678s um these were guidance disruption
13680s jackdawks and I mean those you know 10
13683s points between those two jackdaws have
13685s been absolutely critical uh we see that
13687s the Bargas of uh Carl and Adonis are
13690s still being guidance disrupted now that
13692s we're at 7 40 and both Clips have
13694s reloaded for each team uh we could see
13696s the attack bar uh for laser Hawk still
13698s not there still not able to apply any
13700s damage to the Bargas if Carl uh not
13702s having any Logistics to wrap them I mean
13703s he's gonna go down between uh the
13705s continual damage of this Claymore and
13707s yokon who will have just gotten off
13709s reload
13710s um Carl and Adonis are trying to go for
13712s the Scythe they'll break the Scythe but
13713s I mean man they're all going to kill the
13715s site but it's not going to be enough
13715s they're going to lose the boggiest here
13717s and this is going to be the end of the
13718s road for laser Hawks from this point I I
13720s just don't see how they do it they've
13721s got about each team has a bogus but
13723s they're just so
13724s you know so
13726s cut down on what they've got left on the
13728s field here and the rest of their comp
13728s they've got an authors who's limping in
13730s 40 Hull they've got an osprey Navy and a
13732s jackdaw there's just no way they win
13734s based on what's left here I mean both
13735s these teams they've put up an excellent
13737s show throughout the day but
13738s unfortunately of course only one of them
13740s go to Alliance on tournament 18 and it's
13742s looking at this point like Odin's call
13743s will be advancing to the tournament
13745s after an arduous difficult testing run
13748s and Laser Hawks will unfortunately be
13750s sitting at home and waiting for a chance
13752s to participate next year but I have to
13753s ask going all the way back to the
13756s um the pre-feeders show when we sort of
13758s rank them on the tier list I think we
13760s asked the question you know why did
13762s Odin's this is a story team that's that
13764s gets far they won prize ships last year
13765s why did they not buy in and you know was
13767s all this stress really worth it
13770s oh I mean absolutely not I mean imagine
13773s that you know you get knocked out right
13776s in from your main bracket you have to go
13778s in through the you know the Second
13780s Challenge bracket and you have a nail
13783s biting you know best out of three where
13785s essentially the reason you go on is
13787s because you pick the right mid slots in
13789s your jackdaws against laser Hawks um the
13791s bar guest of Adonis is going down at the
13793s hole he's going to drop shortly uh
13795s Colonel carts Elite pixels and yokon are
13797s continuing to apply damages if I see
13799s those missiles go across the field even
13801s the caracal on top of him at zero Adonis
13804s drops and that's the last of the main
13805s core ships except for the orthorus and
13808s the Osprey Navy remaining
13810s um you know hats off to Odin's call
13813s um they definitely showed why they
13815s deserve to be in this event
13816s um you know they did well last year we
13818s thought they were a little bit of a one
13819s trick but they've gone through an
13821s absolute hell uh grueling match to be
13824s here so well well played
13827s yeah of course props to props to all the
13829s teams that took part but also special
13831s mention to laser Hawks as well to come
13832s all this way to fight so hard to get so
13835s far one match away from entering the
13837s alliance tournament and I believe the
13839s most sort of you know the most arduous
13840s and grueling feeders tournament we've
13841s had so far but that's going to be it
13843s from us Odin's call are going to take
13844s this Victory 2-1 they come back from
13846s behind to push laser Hawks out Advance
13849s themselves into alliance tournament 18.
13851s I've been the Basilisk he's been
13852s moderator thank you so much for watching
13861s [Music]
13869s thank you
13872s foreign
13874s [Laughter]
13897s [Music]
13911s [Music]
13918s [Music]
13930s there you are and that is it laser Hawks
13933s securing themselves 33rd Place in
13935s Alliance tournament 18. meanwhile Odin's
13937s call move forward into the main bracket
13940s we will see them as the 32nd team
13942s entering Alliance tournament 18 in just
13945s around one month from now when the main
13948s tournament takes place those teams are
13950s going to be competing for freckies
13951s mimiers and of course the pride uh of
13954s their entire alliances uh everyone's
13956s going to be looking at them to be like
13957s hey winners some cool stuff
13960s um I hope you guys have enjoyed watching
13962s all these matches I know I certainly
13963s have there's been some absolutely
13964s fantastic ones over the last couple of
13966s days and over the last two weekends and
13968s I really cannot wait for Alliance
13969s tournament 18 to start in a month time
13972s but until then
13974s um I need to say thank you to every
13976s single person that's helped make this
13977s possible uh GM Banker banquet Jim carbon
13980s GM Kawaii actually GM Maverick GM
13983s Star-Lord and our very own event Amy
13986s mothimoff as the referees seems to be
13988s convict and cease to be zealous for
13989s doing all the hardware that they did to
13991s make this happen uh disk read error and
13993s brj for all the production and of course
13995s the teams that Advance Odin's call
13997s that's it and then everyone else who got
13999s eliminated laser Hawks kitchen sinkhole
14001s percussive Pizza Time diplomacy we form
14004s blob the Ancients thank you very much
14006s guys for competing you all did amazing
14007s of course the casters that are here with
14009s us uh we have Alexa card bringing across
14011s the Basilisk blackbar pirate jintan
14014s mystical might and moderator and of
14016s course thank you to all of you guys out
14018s there in twitchland watching and tuning
14020s in uh you know wasting all your Twitch
14022s points uh commenting and enjoying all
14024s the matches uh again I hope you guys
14026s enjoyed it I hope you'll tune in in a
14028s month to see uh some more of these I've
14030s been Ithaca Hawk uh I'll see you all in
14033s November
14034s foreign
14044s [Music]