almost 4 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link


We have just released a new site designed to help new players: EVE Academy.

EVE Academy is designed to help bring you up to speed on the core mechanics of EVE Online while also providing a clear way for any Capsuleer to advance their career in a way that suits them. The site is currently in a beta stage with a bounty of content already available in the form of video guides, beginner ship fits, skill plans, and plenty more.

EVE Academy was developed in collaboration with players and we will continue to update the Academy in the coming months with new videos and resources. We want your input so please use this thread for any questions or feedback that you might have as well as suggestions for more career specific resources.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

Thanks! And yes, we’re aware. We’re working on adding the updated fit now.

We’re trying to fill a different niche. E-Uni is a fantastic resource but we want to provide a more curated starting guide. Throwing certain EVE Uni pages at some newer players can be a fair bit of information overload. It’s excellent, but dense - however we happily link to them for more info in a number of places.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback - we’ll take a look at how the magic 14 are presented.

They have some value in being broadly applicable and good queue filler, but you’re right we don’t really want these to become the default training queue for a brand new player either.

This resource is pretty focused on showing players what they can do in-game and learning first steps in terms of mechanics and opportunities. We’re looking at other ways to better surface lore / world news, but if I can find a way to work a bit more lore / a link into it from these academy pages I’ll be happy to do so.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

That we can do :slight_smile:

I’m just trying to think of other ways it could be worked into the paths perhaps as well.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

That’s the dream!

We should hopefully be able to bring in some of these videos into the client in the near-ish future.

Yes, I’ll make a note to update that now.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Fleebix - Direct link

Glad that it helps and thanks for the feedback. Feel free to share with us if you have any questions or comments regarding the academy, this is something we’ll continue to evolve.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

Bunch of small updates being worked on, I’ll be sure to keep poking them about this one for you!

Edit: It’s on the list, they’ll be done in bulk here soon.