10 months ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s to shape Destiny is within all of
11s us with upwell you can shape the
20s universe unlocking the potential of the
22s stars and planets you call home has been
25s the unwavering focus of our finest Minds
31s and now we stand on the cusp of a new
40s era introducing
44s Equinox an unrival Suite of solutions
48s for a new age of
53s colonization revolutionary structures
56s that offer unprecedented systemwide
59s control
61s all operated and maintained by an
64s efficient and skilled
70s Workforce embrace the freedom to shape
73s space in your image and seize the dream
77s of a star system entirely under your
83s command aquinox from upwell
92s hello everyone and welcome to the stream
94s I am ccbb and next to me is CCB Castro
97s hello hello nice to be here how you
99s doing today I'm doing great uh you guys
101s are tuning into the second InFocus
103s stream where we're going to be talking
104s about the new shipes coming in the
106s aconic expansion on June 11th uh are you
109s ready to go talk about spaceships and
111s showcase the Squall Deluge torrant and
114s Avalanche oh yeah I'm already I'm always
116s ready to talk our spaceships exactly
119s let's undock here we're actually the
120s middle of nowhere on a test server and
122s we're going to do what we did last
123s couple of uh kind of expansions we're
126s going to go around show you them in
127s space talk about their stats talk about
130s their kind of stats layouts their
132s fitting and all that stuff let me get
134s moved over to the first
138s place to the Squall I see we're still on
141s there can we get moved over there we go
143s this is the Squall can you talk to us
144s about this ship first of all what is it
147s for yeah so the scho is the sort of end
150s level hauler that we have for this set
153s so it'll have an infrastructure Bay
155s which all of them will all of them will
158s have and in that infrastructure Bay you
160s can put in the new reagents yes you can
163s which are required for some s upgrades
166s uh for the expansion you can also put
168s planetary interaction materials in there
171s you can put fuel blocks in there and
174s every upwell structure as well as Sol
177s structures Sol upgrades Etc basically
179s anything for upgrading space in NOC as
183s well as just you know I want to put up
186s an apor in LC then you can put
187s everything in there that you need to be
189s able to set up that aore this is the
191s first one out of this is uh kind of the
193s entry level one right so if we if we
195s stack this up against other ships in
198s kind of its category would you say that
200s these are are on the same level as like
202s kind of the badger and the U the
204s nervious and in that kind of they're
206s like the tier one holl right yeah so
209s these are a little more powerful
210s um I'd say it's probably best to think
212s of it kind of like a Navy hauler okay um
216s it is a lot more expensive than the
217s basic tech1 Industrials so the basic
220s techon Industrials right now they around
222s 2 to three million is to build on TQ uh
225s this will be around 20 million isk at
228s our current estim estimations the
230s materials that you need to build it are
232s the same as a badger oh sorry same as a
235s mower okay for example with some added
237s like Pi materials required on top so
240s they'll be around 20 to 25 million
243s roughly so people can expect them to
246s roughly cost as much as a T1 Cruiser is
249s yes yes so uh T1 Cruisers have a bit
251s more slots than them and like more
253s weapons and stuff so when when you fully
255s fit a te 2 uh a cruiser with te 2
259s modules and such like a school with te 2
261s modules will be about the same price so
265s let's talk actually about that because
266s out of all the haulers everyone's heard
269s of the battle badger and the narus um I
272s myself am a big narus enjoyer I think
274s I'm still in the top 100 of narus
276s killers on on Zill I remember enjoying
278s that ship a lot before um before
281s nullification changes changed a lot of
283s Gap camping um but this thing here is
285s going to have a lot more bite and
287s different can you tell us what sets this
289s apart to the naras for example yeah so
292s this one has had a bit of love from the
294s M Legion as the part of the upow
296s Consortium and they've actually gave it
299s like pretty decent uh missile damage
301s bonuses and so this can put out about
304s the same level of damage as the Caro and
306s the Bellos can with their missiles so
309s it's got about the same Firepower as
311s those and I think the design intent
314s behind this so you said this is going to
316s be able to do all of the kind of hauling
319s and and the kind of need to upkeep your
322s sh area but they're also going to
325s hopefully be used in raiding skyhooks
328s can you talk to us first of all for
330s those who might have missed it last week
331s what are sky hooks that are coming in
333s the expansion so Sky hooks are a new
335s structure that's coming and they'll only
337s be able to be placed in
339s sovn and there are new uh resources in
342s NC so there's Workforce which is used to
346s power upgrades there's uh Power or
348s energy as well which is used to also
350s power s upgrades there's also reagents
353s which are consumables that come from Ice
356s and lava planets and they're also used
358s to power specific upgrades and these are
361s going to be on planet and they're going
364s to have a similar type of of heist
366s mechanic as ESS is have um and I believe
370s one of the design philosophies behind
373s this ship and this this whole line of
375s ships is that you didn't want what
377s happens with ess's right now where
379s people bring along an ALT that just kind
381s of goes robbing the ESS no one cares
384s about it you just kind of let it do its
386s thing and then you focus on your main
387s account with this you're hoping that
390s people maybe with this or the other te 2
392s versions that they use them on their
394s main is that correct yeah like we really
396s wanted to make a ship that can haul that
400s doesn't feel like it's just an a task
402s for an all yeah so like if you wanted to
405s raid Sky Hooks and let's say me and you
406s wanted to go together one of us needs to
409s fly some fly a huler to get some stuff
412s out of it we wanted it to feel like you
415s can still contribute and feel like you
418s can play a role in gangs so for example
420s if I was flying a Caracol and you were
422s flying the squo yeah like we both have
425s like a similar level of power obviously
427s uh you know the valuable goods are
429s inside you so you're probably going to
431s be a bigger Target and I think the Carle
434s is also quite a bit faster more mobile
436s and and and all those things let's
438s actually hop into the ship since we have
440s it right
441s here uh and let's look at the slot
444s layout of that let's look at the bonuses
445s let's let's look at all these things
448s have a little bit of a talk about them
450s we're going to show info that is not the
451s right ship I wanted to show info on the
453s ship that I'm actually in we're going to
455s open up a couple of tabs for those you
457s who don't know you can open several tabs
458s if you just hold shift I'm going to open
460s another one
462s and show info here we're going to have
465s this one on fitting maybe and then we're
468s going to have show info
471s on
473s attributes so first of all this you said
475s it has a flat missile bonus Dage it's
477s not getting any kind of range or
479s projection range it's just flat out
481s damage and with this you said it would
484s be about the same damage as a as a
486s cruiser right yeah so uh this is a 20%
488s damage per level it has three launchers
490s so that means it has six effective
492s launchers uh the caracal has 6.66
496s effective launchers CU it has five of a
497s rate of fire bonus yeah and the Bellos
499s right now has 5.33 I think but it has
502s like a pretty big drone Bay so this is
504s doing about the same kind of missile
506s Firepower that you would expect from
507s like a kakur or Bellos
511s as you can tell here with with navy
512s missiles I'm I'm currently doing about
515s 268 um the range is about 42 which is is
519s kind of normal now for Rapid lights
521s thankfully they were pulled back on on
522s certain HS um and it's not nothing to
526s scuff at like ehp wise uh the resist
529s profile in this ship uh it seems to have
532s um just a higher native em uh sorry
535s kinetic and and explosive is that
537s correct yeah so they actually have the
539s same resistance profile as the Eden
541s ships do those were also produced by
545s upwell yeah so it's gonna have slightly
548s lower em and thermal resists uh but this
551s T1 version here it's it's it's up there
554s in in decent resists uh it's an exciting
557s shape I'm actually I'm most excited for
559s the torrent but this one is definitely a
561s strong second for me from what I've seen
563s so far um let's talk about another thing
566s that I know people have been have been
568s thinking about the how much these Hall
570s how much how big is the the cargo hold
573s and all those things let's let's dive
574s into that for a second yeah so these
577s ships uh have a slightly smaller cargo
580s hold than the version that's kind of
583s similar to them so the school for
584s example has if you had a Max skilled
587s Badger and then you had a Max skill squo
589s it has about half the cargo bay because
592s it has the infrastructure holds yeah and
595s this thing is an infrastructure hold of
597s 67,000 67 and a half ,000 cubic meters
601s yeah that's with Max skills with the new
602s skill you need to fly it which is uh
605s upwell indust it's called upwell huler
607s could actually open that up as well look
609s at the
610s requirement um yeah just up huler itself
614s yeah yep and it's a very easy to train
616s you can trade it straight away because I
618s think every character starts out with
619s spaceship command level three yes the
621s only requirement is that this is an
623s Amiga only skill yes so you're not going
626s to be playing um any of these uple
629s haulers unless you're a yeah which is a
632s little bit different I believe you can
633s fly you said the aathal for example
635s without yeah you can fly yeah you can
637s fly the EP as an alpha um you can't do
639s pi as an alpha but you could for example
642s maybe trade Pi Goods or move them around
645s and try to make money that way
647s yeah it's just admired for a second I
650s like the uh the engine especially when
652s you hop into one of these in a citadel
653s and the engine's going to kick on cuz
655s it's such an aggressive engine slot
657s layout on the back the way it looks yeah
658s it's such a cool ship
660s let's warp this thing over to uh the
664s Deluge and let me see
667s control9 we're going to talk about how
669s this differs to the uh the the bigger
671s brother so to speak the cloy version of
674s this we hop over to the Del you
676s know yeah and on to the previous
679s question you asked me about the size of
681s the bay yeah yeah this one has a base
684s value of
686s 45,000 so which is actually the same as
688s the epol right now
690s so it can hold about ho the same amount
692s as the epol but this is obviously about
695s 10 times the cost of the epol so because
697s you said it cost
698s about about a T1 Cruiser price you said
702s yeah a bit more than a T1 Cruiser but
704s fitted about the same
706s yeah I like it we're going to be landing
709s now on grid with a few other ships in
712s this category we have uh the Deluge
715s which is going up against the crane
718s against the pro Raider the prowler and
720s the V now these These are the the ones
723s that people have gotten used to over the
724s years as the cloaky haulers can you talk
726s a bit about what sets this apart that
729s once you get up to a cloy holder what
730s can that do that a a tech one can't yeah
733s so the blockade Runners uh first of all
735s they're immune to Cargo scanners so you
738s can maybe try and haul some valuable
740s Goods like blueprints although some
742s people do do the uh tornado roulette on
745s the J undock so it might not completely
748s save you uh they can use cover ups
750s cloaks like you mentioned they can also
752s fit coverop sinos as well for like
755s getting things behind uh Enemy Lines
757s they can also be bridge too which is
758s also so they they have a lot more
761s utility than ATT Attack One version
762s because you can move them around a lot
765s safer and you can obviously Bridge them
767s with either Black Ops battleships uh and
770s they're they're actually my favorite way
772s of hauling my I'm I'm a big Vier fan
774s being able to move things around when I
776s need to yeah they also warp super fast
778s too if you have Max skills like
779s transport ship's level five it actually
781s has the same W speed as an Interceptor
782s so when it comes to PVP capabilities
785s does this hold the same as the Squall is
787s it able to uh so it is a little bit yeah
790s it is a little bit weaker than the score
792s it has a slightly smaller missile damage
794s bonus has 15% damage per level instead
797s of 20% yeah which is kind of similar to
799s you know like the rapia
802s versus like the cloaky M Recon versus
806s like a caracal yes um but it is speedier
811s yes so this one is actually really fast
813s um it's actually slightly faster than
815s the prowler in terms of Max speeds yeah
817s but the tradeoff is this actually has
819s the worst agility of all of the blockade
821s Runners so it's slightly less agile than
824s the crane which is the least agile one
827s right now let me see did I hop into it
829s already I think I did look at on
832s ship uh in a couple of the tests I know
835s you guys do all kinds of tests uh I
837s remember in one of them I fit this up
840s with uh with the intent of going as fast
842s as I could with it with highr snakes and
844s the whole CH bang and I think it would
846s be interesting to have one of these on
847s grid cloaked waiting right as maybe a
851s robbery is happening and if this is the
852s main ship you're flying someone else is
854s maybe cycling up on the uh the Skyhook
858s yours your reason to be there in this
860s ship is to pick up everything and be the
861s guy holding it but being able to decloak
864s and go I mean this is with no implants
866s nothing at all as it stands it's 2300
869s that's nothing the scoff at that's
870s that's a decently fast ship overheated
873s this thing is going to be breaking 3K
875s 3.3 and obviously if we add snakes and
878s drugs and all kinds of things onto this
880s uh this thing can thing can
883s zoom it has the same amount range 42 km
886s Rapids but what do you envision people
889s fitting missile bu do you think people
890s will stick with rapid missiles rapid
892s lights or do you think they'll use heavy
893s missiles or HS you can actually use any
896s missile type you like and even Rockets
898s or just regular like Miss if you really
900s wanted to if you wanted to fit like a
902s bigger tank like you get like an extra
904s large Shield Extender on or maybe you
906s know something we don't do you think
907s Rockets are going to be the one you know
908s I I listen rocket Castro is the best
911s Castro and so you know I'm going to be
913s playing a rocket
916s s rocket squore it had that just innate
919s bonus to to missile damage right so it
922s can it bonuses any missiles you fit onto
925s it also has the warp speed warp
927s acceleration uh and I know that chat
929s probably wants to know most of all even
932s though they want to know about the
933s fitting of it and they want to know
935s attributes they probably want to know
937s about the cargo how much does this hold
939s compared to the the squad so this holds
942s 4,000 M cubed base and it doesn't have a
945s bonus to increase it like the crane or
947s any of the other blockade Runners yeah
949s and so U it'll hold about half or a bit
952s less than that bit more than thator of
954s like what the other blockade Runners
956s have if they were in Max cargo fits but
958s it does it is is the only Blockade
960s Runner with like a specialized hold and
963s it has an infrastructure hold it is
965s smaller than the schools one yeah it's a
967s 30,000 M cubed base instead of 45,000 on
971s the school so but you it's still enough
973s for you to maybe put like an apan or in
975s there and the stuff you need from naal
977s and maybe a week's worth of fuel or
979s something like that but it being cloaky
982s means it has a little bit it has to have
984s some kind of you know some some it can't
987s be better than the Squall in in
989s everything right
992s um it has the same uh no it doesn't have
995s the same um profile damage profile does
997s it because it's a Tech 2 version yeah so
1000s these are the tech 2 version the torren
1002s and the delug yeah they have anti-
1004s triglavian resistances and the trig
1007s leing gun does uh primarily thermal with
1009s some explosive yeah and so they have uh
1013s basically 75% extra thermal resistances
1016s and 50% extra explosive on shield and
1018s armor so it actually has a very high
1021s native resist against that so if you if
1023s you plug the other ones for a for a
1025s cloaky haer at 54k this is this is
1028s fairly tanky too once you decloak and
1030s you want to start shooting at whatever
1032s is uh stopping you from robbing the
1034s Skyhook then I think this could actually
1036s hold its own quite
1038s well um we're going to move on from this
1041s one to the uh what is basically my
1044s favorite of all all of these the
1047s torrent now let's go over to the
1051s torrent what sets the torrent apart from
1054s the delage because they're both tack too
1056s so the torrent is very similar to the
1058s other deep space transports versus the
1060s blockade Runners so for example the Ora
1063s versus the Veta the Veta is obviously
1065s way faster than the Arca is yeah the
1067s arada can't fit the cod's cloak and it
1069s has like way worse agility Etc but it
1073s does get a really big Fleet hanger and
1074s it does get high resistances and high
1077s hit points and the torrent is very
1078s similar so it has a bigger
1080s infrastructure hold it also does have a
1082s fleet hanger like other deep space
1084s transports but it's quite a bit smaller
1086s than the other deep space transports
1087s because we don't want it to like
1089s obsolete them
1092s yeah let me see let's open up all the
1094s stats before I hop in it so it doesn't
1096s override with my own skills in there
1098s too show info show info and show info
1102s probably should have done this with the
1103s other ones when I was looking at it we
1106s can see traits fitting and attributes a
1108s lot easier it doesn't have my fits on
1109s there as well um one thing this also
1112s does is it's able to fit mgds right yep
1115s it can fit uh micro jump drives and all
1117s of these can fit any class modules that
1120s any of the other ships could yeah so the
1122s the tent for example can fit an
1124s interdiction nullifier like every other
1125s deep space transfer yeah you could be
1128s nullified and uh and mg it's kind of
1131s hard to hold these things down these
1132s things also have the built-in warp core
1135s strength um but what set this one apart
1138s for example to the
1140s um the the master done and the bustard
1143s is there's just sheer tank on this thing
1146s uh if we look at this this fit that I
1148s currently have on without simulating it
1151s you said it has the base resist against
1153s triglavian so it has the thermal and
1155s explosive but this thing becomes pretty
1158s tanky here when it's got everything on
1162s and it also has uh it has that overheat
1164s bonus right I think you actually still
1166s have the Del up there oh I'm still in
1169s the yeah yeah yeah I was like wait a
1170s minute should be
1171s higher HP back into this thank you that
1176s looks a lot more like it yeah yeah so it
1178s has a shield resistance bonus like the
1180s busted and the masteron which then
1182s actually increases how much so the ocer
1185s has a bonus to like active tank really
1188s yeah whereas this thing just becomes
1190s incredibly tanky once you once you
1193s overheat um I'm not sure do do you think
1195s this might be maybe a little overtuned
1197s with the current stats or do you think
1198s this is
1201s very strong yeah the tan is pretty
1203s strong um I know the CSM have like boil
1205s this up a little bit especially if you
1207s don't fit like any uh like launchers in
1211s the high slots you just like yeah go
1213s like triple large Shield extender or
1214s something it's definitely something that
1216s we're going to keep an eye
1217s on um one thing that you guys pulled
1220s back from Recently was you um I think
1223s you made some of its its car gold a
1225s little bit smaller so you couldn't fit
1227s certain uh certain things in there could
1228s you speak to that a little bit uh yeah
1230s so uh in the uh when it was showed off I
1233s think a week ago in the little preview
1236s in the video that we had it had yeah it
1238s had a lot bigger infrastructure hold
1240s than it has now so right now it has an
1243s infrastructure hold with back skills
1245s with
1245s 90,000 a lot of that was part of
1248s feedback from players and from the CSM
1250s mostly because uh the XL uh Quantum cuse
1254s for the keep in theou they 95,000 M
1258s cubed I didn't want someone showing up
1260s with an interdiction alifi ship scooping
1263s up a a a keep star core yeah keep star
1265s core and then just mjd out right yeah
1267s that would be a bit too broken and also
1270s it means that uh you won't be able to
1272s like set up a keep staring a class one
1273s Wormhole no which might be pretty hard
1275s to to
1277s SI since you can the only hard yeah the
1280s only Battleship you can get in the class
1281s one is a nest unless you build them in
1284s you'd have to go in and live there for
1286s many months and pump out ships um
1289s um out of all three of these which one
1292s is your favorite I actually really like
1295s the uh the the school personally just
1298s because like it's the kind of ship that
1299s I think I would fly quite a lot as a Sol
1301s of PVP yeah I think so too it's going to
1303s be it's definitely might my in strong
1306s second for me I just think that the that
1308s torrent is going to see so much use as
1310s like let's say there's a battleship gang
1313s fighting another one this could be
1315s sitting there on grid with cap boosters
1317s and this it could be a really tough
1319s little nut to crack to to you know to
1322s stop this mobile cap booster thing next
1324s to you right yeah I mean it won't be
1326s able to hold as many C boosters as the
1328s other D face transports cuz the fleet
1330s hanger on this is about half the size of
1332s the regular
1334s ones but you could still hold like a
1337s pretty sizable amount of cap boosters
1339s for them
1340s yes I think uh this could also be a
1342s really fun way to go out and and do like
1345s a like a salvager SL fighter thing where
1348s you go and and fight people because it
1350s actually has enough bite I've been
1351s flying Massad a little bit recently just
1353s to meme around with a salvager and and
1357s just follow fights around and be tanky
1358s this could actually do it and hit back
1361s right this does more damage than Del
1363s does it not uh yeah so this one uh kind
1367s has a slightly higher damage bonus so
1368s this has 25% per level instead of uh 15%
1372s per level on the Deluge and the score is
1373s 20% so this is the highest DPS of the
1375s three of the three haulers yeah yeah
1379s this thing is going to be an absolute
1381s blast it also has a uh a pretty hidden
1384s extra bonus too a little smaller uh it
1388s actually has a bonus to overheating uh
1390s energy neutralizers and uh noser as well
1394s regular deep space transport transports
1396s don't get that but this one has that so
1399s you can maybe if you wanted to fit a
1401s hauling curse I me it's not as strong as
1404s a curse because you don't have the range
1406s and you don't have quite as much nuding
1408s power but if you wanted to fit like a a
1410s small n and try and like nude off
1412s someone who's tackling you or something
1414s then this is a neat pretty nice bonus I
1417s like it it actually had escaped me when
1418s I was looking at them uh the next thing
1421s we're going to be looking at is the uh
1423s the big one the
1425s Avalanche uh let's close all these tabs
1429s let's talk a little bit about the
1430s Avalanche and what sets it apart from
1432s other freighter because that's a it's a
1434s big boy right yeah oh it's the only
1437s frighter in the game game that has uh
1440s High slots
1442s yes that's actually going to set it a p
1444s from from other faders in in a couple of
1446s different ways um but you cannot I
1448s believe uh put a cloak on it no so uh
1451s you can't fit a cloak on it no that
1453s would be a bit
1455s too it' be maybe a little bit crazy if
1457s you could do the cloak micro DFT trick
1459s with it yeah it would also look really
1460s ugly if it was like you know yeah moving
1463s at a 90° angle
1465s true but when it comes to the Avalanche
1468s compared to other fighers this one
1470s actually has a whole lot of bites right
1473s yeah so it has a it has a missile damage
1475s bonus like these other threee yeah and
1477s it has enough missile Firepower to match
1481s most battleships so this actually has
1483s the same damage bonus as a barest it
1485s doesn't have the range of a barus but it
1487s does the same damage of a barus and it
1489s has even more damage if you use Auto
1491s targeting missiles and this actually
1493s does more damage than a uh a Golem in
1496s Bast Bastion if you use Auto targeting
1499s missiles on it we're going to talk a
1501s little bit about the auto targeting
1502s missiles in a second uh but let's just
1504s first of all uh appreciate it it's just
1507s the way it looks because I think it
1508s looks real cool every time I see it I
1511s think of that uh that old song of X
1512s going give it to you and if it's warping
1515s sideway it's a big plus too right
1518s yeah it's a really cool looking ship uh
1521s people with a 3D mouse you're going to
1523s enjoy the fact that you can actually go
1524s into this tube and go all the way
1526s through the the the middle part and it
1529s looks really cool they've like thought
1530s about people with 3D mice to make it
1533s make it look extra cool here we're going
1535s to hop into
1536s this and we're going to look
1540s at the stats and the layout and uh and
1543s what this thing can do let's start off
1545s uh the other end this time let's start
1546s off with the cargo hold how much this
1548s can haul how does it stack up against
1550s the other freighter so very similar to
1553s like the design of the other ones this
1554s one has about half the size of the
1556s regular uh cargo container yeah so this
1560s has about the right now this is half I
1562s think it's half the size of like a
1565s Sharon the Kari Freer at level five so
1568s it won't be able to hold as much regular
1570s modules or ships as the other freighter
1572s do no but it does have a super huge
1574s infrastructure hold which is uh the
1577s biggest hold in the game yes a 3 million
1581s uh M3 it's a sizable hold that it can I
1583s can carry there uh let's look at the
1586s actual bonuses that it has you see said
1588s it had a a very strong bonus just to
1591s missile damage itself but it's
1593s specifically one that is here to uh to
1596s order targeting missile which is twice
1598s the amount yeah and that actually Stacks
1600s with the top bonus there as well so it
1603s has uh nine effective launches with uh
1606s regular missiles which is the same as
1608s the baras like I mentioned yeah but with
1610s all the targeting missiles it's uh 18
1612s times effective that's uh it's going to
1615s hit really really hard it has another
1618s bonus which which is kind of interesting
1619s uh can you tell us what a capital Flex
1621s Shield hardeners yeah so the capital
1623s Flex Shield hardener is uh a module uh
1626s it's a capital only module uh at least
1628s until now well the F the Avalanche is
1631s still kind of a capital but yeah uh it's
1633s essentially like a uh it's a sh harder
1636s that you can script to like a specific
1638s resistance type if you want so you could
1640s put a script in you can be like hey I
1641s would rather defend against this
1644s specific damage type yeah so if you were
1646s in high SEC for example you jump in and
1648s you see 20 catalysts on the other side
1651s you might want to load kinetic in there
1653s yes or maybe try and close the thermal
1655s hole because it has the same kind of
1657s bonus resist the resist profile as the
1659s uh the Eden com ship yeah so it has a
1661s native 30 30 57 57 here if we turn this
1664s on without anything scripted uh this
1667s thing is going to be about 460,000 ehp
1671s of course all this could change uh but
1673s if we slap in one of these let's say
1675s just the EM one that's going to push
1677s that em resist up to 78 which is really
1680s cool to be able to on the Fly go oh this
1683s might look like it's going to gank me
1684s let's actually put the resist in for
1687s that
1689s um there is one more thing we're going
1691s to do which is going to warp this thing
1693s around because it looks so cool let's
1695s close this thing
1697s here let's move over to the one and gate
1703s here click click click and click
1710s I think it's such a cool ship with the
1712s with the prop mod on we were trying this
1714s actually to see if we could get it into
1716s into warp with one cycle of a prop mod I
1718s think it's two cycles yeah if you
1720s overheat it so uh CCB Swift said you
1722s have to fit an X type because it's
1723s shaped as an
1725s ax I'm going to try and stop it
1727s completely here it's not going to be
1728s completely stopped but uh I'm going to
1730s do an overheated cycle of the prop mod
1732s it's not going to be a one cycle type
1735s thing uh but maybe if you abyssle a
1737s couple of prop mods and get a really
1738s good one who knows maybe you can yeah
1740s you could also maybe take the ballistic
1742s Control Systems you need the damage on
1744s there
1746s obviously but you could obviously fit
1748s intials on this and uh yeah so if you if
1751s you only have one account and you cut
1753s you don't have a uh like a all like a
1756s rapia then you can you can maybe solo
1758s move around with
1760s this let me
1762s see it's a really cool looking ship
1766s while we're actually here let's talk
1767s about the auto targeting cells because
1769s there is one thing in my in my holder
1770s that people may not have seen people
1772s would like know look at the attributes
1774s but they would like to see the
1774s attributes as well Y and I'd also like
1777s you to go over what what things can go
1779s into that's a good point let's cover
1782s both of those thank you Mr con let's
1785s open up
1786s the traits on this let's also open
1790s up oh the cargo hold let's open up show
1794s info go over to the attributes let's go
1797s over
1799s the fitting on
1802s it let's go through them just bit by bit
1804s let's talk about the um the bonuses
1806s first of all can we cover them yeah we
1809s kind of covered them but we can go over
1811s them again so it gets 10% bonus to
1813s missile damage as base it has six
1816s launchers so it has nine effective
1818s launchers if you use whatever the auto
1820s targeting you covered before y it can't
1822s use a cloaking device like you said it's
1824s the only freighter to have a high slot
1825s but you can't can't cloak with it uh if
1828s you look at the slot layout of it it has
1831s six High slots it has three mid slots
1834s three low slots and then attribute wise
1837s um if I just slowly pan down people can
1840s take the screenshots they need of things
1841s that they they care about the most this
1844s is obviously with me in the
1846s ship and yeah and for the I guess what
1849s what people probably want to what people
1851s probably care about is the maybe the
1852s lock speed on it and how many targets it
1854s can have yes the lock speed for it is
1857s like a bit worst than like the I think
1860s like the Raven or the like worst
1861s Battleship that we had so it's between
1863s dreads and BH fairly slowed locking
1866s things but that's why you have Auto
1867s targeting missiles that's why you have
1868s Auto targeting missiles it also warps
1870s quite slowly yeah yeah same as regular
1872s freighter for that and it's see the
1874s requirements as well yes and they take
1877s inut sign on
1878s them coming up lots of questions coming
1881s up no it's good thank you uh let's start
1884s at the requirements for them so people
1886s can see actually what they need to fly
1888s them
1889s yeah so to fly them you need opell frer
1892s which is a new skill and to fly that to
1895s train that you just need uh up Haller to
1897s level three
1899s yeah um and this is going to come in in
1901s the aquex expansion is that right yes
1903s both of those skills are coming in in
1904s the equinux expansion and for the cost
1907s of the skill is the same as like a
1909s regular freighter so like mimar
1910s freighter think is around 70 to 90
1913s million I don't remember the exact
1914s number but something like that it's not
1917s like super expensive for the skill yeah
1919s what about uh High and now show the
1922s materials show the blueprint now they
1924s show the
1924s blueprint they want to see everything
1928s that as well just click on all of the
1929s tabs just have everything I need more
1931s screens here I'm sure the Lord nerds
1933s also when you to click on the
1934s description to yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
1938s uh Mastery and and skins and then let's
1942s go for this so we can see this
1944s uh comic dask can it fit a Sino in high
1948s slots
1948s no it can't fit a
1950s Soo sinos are only on Black Ops and
1953s Recon ships and it can't fit an
1955s industrial signo either no um and here
1959s you can see basically everything that
1961s would go into it as of right now
1962s anything of this could change between
1964s now and the expansion itself keep that
1966s in mind oh yeah and for the cost of the
1969s Avalanche the blueprint is 2 billion is
1971s okay which is the same as the other
1973s racial fighers and the cost to build is
1976s roughly the same as another freighter as
1978s well so it won't be like significantly
1979s more expensive than like a Sharon or
1982s theis
1984s or before we jump this gate let's
1987s actually talk about um there's one thing
1989s here because we have Auto Target
1991s missiles loaded but there is another
1992s thing here what are these yeah so that's
1994s a uh Legion M order targeting heavy
1997s missile so we actually have uh faction
2001s order targeting missiles in the game
2003s yeah but they are very expensive because
2006s they don't actually drop from like any
2008s NPC in the game they also are not in any
2011s LP store in the game so they're un
2013s unobtainable yes the the only the ones
2015s that are on TQ right now the course four
2018s million is and jeda they came from like
2020s a Dev that accidentally put them in on
2022s the dev Ro and got killed like six years
2025s ago yeah that so they're super rare but
2029s uh for the expansion since there are no
2031s there are no like obtainable order
2034s faction order targeting missiles we
2035s renamed all of the existing faction ones
2037s yeah to uh Legion instead of like the
2041s Navy the M Legion tiean I like it yeah
2043s and they'll be in the mest legion
2045s loyalty Point store okay in Equinox and
2048s they'll cost about the same as like the
2050s same type of missile they have so like a
2053s a morest legion crew like aut targeting
2055s cruise missile is about the same as like
2058s a Cod Navy okay they follow that same
2061s same kind of pricing if we look at the
2063s damage difference between these because
2064s they don't they don't apply better they
2066s apply exactly the same they just have a
2067s higher amount of damage is that right we
2070s currently have uh
2073s 1360 DPS if we overheat here this is a
2077s pretty chunky amount of damage obviously
2079s this is with auto targeting myself I
2080s can't really choose what it's hitting
2082s it's hitting things that are first
2084s aggressing you right that's how aut
2085s targeting missile work so Auto targeting
2087s missiles you always go for whoever is
2090s the closest aggressing thing to you yeah
2092s and so uh people who like the Avalanche
2096s has insane like on paper DPS but really
2099s smart players can uh deliberately uh
2103s like manually pilot and yes they could
2106s could kind of jump in and out of the
2108s range yeah so like if me and you were uh
2110s maybe killing CCP convict in his
2112s Avalanche you know like I could be at
2114s the front and his missiles would be
2116s hitting me and then as soon as I get low
2118s I could pull away and go like bjor you
2120s You' be like the closest person to him
2122s and then the missiles would switch over
2123s to you and that way we could like I
2125s could maybe reload my anel and then when
2127s you're low jug the damage that's coming
2130s in Let's uh let's jump through this gate
2133s and and obviously since we're just
2134s gating a freight around nothing bad
2136s could possibly happen right um let's see
2140s if uh if oh no would you look at that
2143s the whole Community team which is
2144s waiting here to shoot us in oracles who
2147s would have thought uh let's see if they
2150s if they are able to crack this thing I'm
2152s sure they're just there to web you into
2153s walk yeah yeah obviously that's why they
2155s put up a bubble and stuff too right
2157s let's actually showcase two things here
2159s we wanted to showcase the fact that uh
2162s you can reload obviously they're all
2164s doing em and thermal damage because
2166s they're all oracles and let also see
2168s what it looks like without me locking
2169s anything to just show clicking just the
2172s missiles they're just going to start
2173s shooting on their own whatever Target is
2175s closest aggressing us we're going to
2177s decloak here first of all they're going
2180s to all lock us up if they're awake and
2182s at the computers and they're going to
2183s start shooting
2185s us we're going to turn on just one
2187s hardener and we're going to see our
2189s damage get get pumped in here a little
2191s bit we're going to go ahead and load the
2194s EM resist into the flex hardener and our
2197s incoming damage is going to go drop
2199s significantly here so they're going to
2201s hit us for about 3 400 instead of the
2203s the much harder hits than we do before
2206s and then we just click one button and
2207s our missile should go and start shooting
2210s whatever is closest looks like they're
2212s going over there to to Mr Swift who
2215s seems to be oring the closest now
2219s if you're getting ganked in HEC
2220s something like this is pretty nice where
2221s you don't have to lock the things you
2223s just click a button let's say I don't
2225s know 15 catalysts or something on top of
2227s you oh one down what's are we shooting
2229s next and it just does it it just keeps
2231s shooting it's shooting the next Target
2233s here we're going to lock up the rest to
2235s see what they all look cuz you don't
2237s have to lock them to
2238s shoot and it's doing a chunky amount of
2241s damage we're still using the T one
2242s version we're not using the uh Legion
2244s ones it looks like we're over on Mr yen
2248s he is down but this thing has got quite
2251s a bit of bite
2252s back I like it I like it a lot but you
2256s can't only just fit this what uh what
2257s other missiles can you fit to the ship
2259s uh so you could fit any type of missiles
2261s that you want to fit probably the uh the
2264s best types to fit would probably be like
2266s rapid lights with a the targeting
2268s missiles maybe cuz then they'll be like
2270s really good to killing like small stilet
2272s or saber that like catches you you could
2276s also fit cruise missiles because they
2278s have Auto targeted missiles and that
2279s does like the best like consistent DPS
2282s so you have rapid Heavies right now
2284s which have the highest like burst DPS
2287s with especially with all the targeting
2288s missiles but you can also fit torpedo
2290s launchers on them too you can also fit
2293s like heavy missiles as well if you
2295s wanted to like apply it like slightly
2297s better to Cruisers although rapid
2299s Heavies are probably better than like a
2301s lot of front loaded damage sitting in
2303s there you can also have Newt toiz slots
2306s you can fit any of those things smart
2307s bombs technically yeah you could fit
2309s small bombs you could fit like a heavy
2312s neutralizer we are now sitting here at
2315s uh lower and lower shield but we have
2317s reloaded yet again and I think uh with
2320s that we're going to shoot banquet and
2322s and
2323s zeis let me see missiles are out heading
2326s over to whoever is on that
2328s side and these things hit pretty damn
2331s high and obviously this is like a nice
2332s scenario where we're being shot with em
2335s so I could load the right thing in the
2336s in the flex harder
2338s looks like he's down and the missiles
2340s are going to be shooting over to the
2341s last Target which I
2343s think might have been GM
2347s banquet I like this ship I think it's
2349s cool I think it's it's cool to get
2350s something like this that can with the
2353s right I guess preparation if you have
2356s the flex hardener fit and you see and
2357s you you notice hey these things are
2359s probably going to come and gank me cuz
2361s often people do that in the same ship
2363s they all have like a gang of of the
2365s similar type ganking ships if you can
2367s just Rel the right resists then maybe
2370s you have a chance of surviving obviously
2372s if it was 15 oracles I probably would
2373s have just
2376s died all right do you think we'
2378s forgotten anything about this we could
2380s maybe talk a little bit about the uh how
2383s you get the tech two haulers the torrent
2385s and the Del cuz I don't think we really
2386s covered that too much I don't think we
2388s covered that that's right you I believe
2391s would have to to invent it from the uh
2394s the soll blueprint is that right yeah
2395s yeah so you'd have to take the S
2397s blueprint and run a copy job on it and
2399s then run an invention job on the schr
2401s blueprint but it will require a new
2404s skill to do that that the uh upo ship
2407s encryp encryption methods okay I think
2410s that's what it's called upo Starship
2412s engineering something like that uh which
2416s the skill book for that you'll have to
2418s buy from the uh factional Warfare
2421s militia LP stores okay you can't
2424s actually buy it from the character sheet
2425s you have to buy it from the militia LP
2427s stores or buy from someone who has uh
2429s faction Warfare LP yeah and that's also
2431s true for the data cause as well okay
2434s they they're own they're exclusive to
2436s faction faction Warfare LP stores gotcha
2439s eligible things for the infrastructure B
2441s El yes what can you put into the
2444s infrastructure Bay of this and any of
2446s these
2446s ships yeah so uh because you said this
2449s has a a massive infrastructure Bay if we
2451s open that again for a second uh INF Bay
2454s of 3 million what can uh what can
2456s actually go in here yeah so you can put
2458s in any upwell structure so for example a
2461s keep star a tatara you can put in uh any
2466s module that goes onto a structure an
2468s uple structure so like a uple bomb
2471s launcher a standup cloning service you
2474s can put structure rigs inside it I'm
2478s assuming you can also put in all the new
2479s things um if you need to put up a new
2482s sovereignty Hub if you need to put up
2484s Sky Hooks and and everything um uh the
2488s new auto um matox Moon drill it
2491s basically does it can hold all the
2493s things you would need to to set up and
2495s maintain your spins is that correct yeah
2497s that's true or or even just the like I
2499s mentioned like the regular uph
2500s structures too yeah it can also fit like
2503s as we mentioned Pi materials so the
2506s Avalanche could be really good if you
2507s have like a lot of uh Pi maybe a lot of
2510s people in your Corp doing pi and you
2511s want to just move a bunch of uh water
2514s all at once somewhere then
2518s you can do that it it can also carry uh
2520s moon materials as well menox Moon drill
2524s uh generates uh raw moon materials and
2527s so you can actually put those in the bay
2529s too it can't carry regular minerals but
2530s it can carry like Tech medium and yeah
2534s Cobalt and that kind of
2536s stuff I like it I think for the most
2539s part we've covered it
2541s um so yeah these are all coming on June
2544s 11th with the the aquinox expansion
2547s we're going to lowb out of this uh this
2548s bubble here and then try and make it to
2550s safety having uh just about survived
2555s this heinous gank from the community
2556s team how dare they I'll feed them next
2559s time we're on live to feed which we need
2561s to join sometime soon maybe after the
2563s expansions out um thank you all so much
2565s for tuning in today I hope you you
2567s enjoyed the kind of deeper look into the
2569s ships themselves uh if you missed any of
2571s the stuff last week we went over the new
2574s Sky hooks uh the whole system that's
2576s coming to to to NX sovereignty space and
2580s how that's going to affect the wider EV
2582s ecosystem really uh this time we decided
2585s to go over the ships themselves next
2587s week we're going to be uh maybe looking
2588s at some some Skinner tool stuff uh Mr
2592s Castro thank you so much for taking the
2593s time to come talk to us to have a deeper
2595s in-depth look at the design philosophy
2598s behind these what we're hoping to see
2600s players use them for and and the
2602s potential fits and and what what you
2604s think people will useing thank you so
2606s much for your time yeah thank you for
2608s inviting me on here thank you all for
2609s tuning in as well and uh I think
2612s tomorrow we're going to do another live
2613s de feed and then next week more streams
2616s have an awesome rest of the day we'll
2617s catch you next time bye everyone