4 months ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

8s [Music]
16s Heroes have
18s [Music]
20s risen Legends have been
25s forged their names echoing Through Time
34s their
35s Glory Ed into the
39s Stars doesn't appear to be take still
46s hammering come on Avon pull a hero on us
49s I'm looking for the hero hung load
54s is the arena
56s awaits this Crucible of Courage ready to
60s bear
61s witness who will be cast down and who
65s will join the immortal
68s Dynasty let the battle begin
83s [Music]
98s hello and welcome back to Alliance
100s tournament 20 I am CCP overload I am
102s joined by mystical might and black Bart
105s pirate for another day of spaceship
107s explosions we've already seen 14 teams
109s be eliminated uh last weekend we saw
111s some excellent matches we saw uh frity
114s dropping the first match and going into
116s the losers bracket we saw Exodus being
118s eliminated we saw tempas C being
120s eliminated rather unexpectedly we saw a
122s couple of upsets with uh flagships worth
124s hundreds of billions being destroyed and
127s we have more of that for you today as
129s well we have so much explosions mystical
131s might how was your how was last weekend
133s oh it was exciting stuff I think that we
135s had some really exciting matches I know
137s that probably the fan favorite for us at
139s least behind the desk is the white
140s squall versus genin impact match simply
142s because it was such a meme um still
145s disappointed that it didn't happen a
146s second time I do remember you Mr de
148s compiler but yeah no I I'm looking
150s forward to some really good matches
151s again today awesome well I mean we may
153s as well start strong our first match is
155s going to be evasive maneuvering versus
156s Brave collective in just a couple of
158s minutes so let's take a look at the bans
159s for
162s that all right evasive maneuvering
164s Banning out the Armageddon Navy issue uh
166s the Loki the Squall and the Deacon
169s meanwhile Brave Collective baning out
170s the Jack doot the mollus the crucifer
172s and the Cyclone Fleet blackb pirate your
174s thoughts on these bands hey we we have a
176s squad band we have a Squall band it's
178s the first Squall band um I think in the
180s f we predicted they would be amazing
181s ships uh we've seen them do okay uh
184s other than that I mean you know Brave
186s brought an armagedon nav isuk comp
187s maneuvering has banned that out uh Loki
190s Squall Deacon all very solid um Deacon's
193s very very very very powerful uh one of
195s the most picked ships of the tournament
197s uh Brave is uh getting rid of a lot of
199s the sort of small little uh ewar type
202s ships so you know mollus and crucifier
204s pretty big deal Cyclone feed issue I
205s think we uh saw that get used a bunch
208s successfully by them as well so these
209s teams definitely spent the last week
211s looking at each other preparing
213s hopefully they're going to be uh able to
215s beat each other I me I better see some
218s flagships both these teams have their
220s flagships available there's a lasack and
221s a balar are the flagship choices for
223s these two teams uh I mean we are in the
225s elimination bracket right now so uh if
228s you lose you're are done you're exiting
229s the tournament so this is where you want
231s to play for everything like you want to
233s really just throw everything in and see
234s if you can take that W and go further
236s into the tournament uh let's hand over
238s to the arena though and see if Brave Ive
240s can take this
246s win ladies and gentlemen welcome to the
248s arena for the first match of the day I'm
250s Star come on here with Wingnut I think
253s on grid right now we've got a vasive
255s maneuvering versus Brave Collective what
257s have evasive maneuvering brought the
258s moment I'm looking things up it looks
260s like evasive maneuvering has brought a
262s drone control comp looks of it that way
265s and also Brave Collective uh have bought
268s is that a flag B I don't believe so I
270s Haven haven't seen the word flag B show
272s up anyway so I think it's just a regular
273s Bal gor but this match is defin is going
275s to be on the way in second here
277s interesting with the drones from evasive
280s maneuvering with fafy the captain lots
282s of really good pilots on grid right now
284s booko on the brave side in so we're
287s going to have to see how the positioning
289s I think is going to work on this match
290s definitely having Armageddon with a
292s drone control cup I do love a Armageddon
293s they're usually pretty good yeah but
295s it's going to be interesting see how
296s much damage I actually have cuz you got
297s what two two eos's Armageddon drones
300s maybe some Vex of drones they're going
302s to be pretty thin in the damage
303s department but the control bar is just
305s fully maxed out yeah Brave Collective
307s with the Bor as well help get pushing
310s their control bar but as you said the
311s vase maneuvering control bar definitely
313s much bigger than brave but I feel like
315s the balon's going to push push out a bit
318s and try and catch a couple of things
319s here the thing it's not it's not a flag
320s bar it's a regular everyday balone yeah
322s I haven't I haven't said anything Al
324s unless they popping up I think that if
326s they've got a flag it's dead if I
327s remember correctly yeah I believe I
329s believe never mind it is there we go we
331s talking about shows up flag B fair
334s enough that changes everything it's a
335s flag bar that zone of control you're
336s talking about much bigger than I was
338s expecting so flag B on for bra
340s Collective that is going to be a huge
341s advantage of super super scary for the
344s vase moving TI side webs are definitely
347s going to be locking down some probably
348s the EOS is I reckon not the Armageddon
351s 18 seconds on the clock till the match
353s starts um yeah this one is going to be a
356s yeah an interesting an interesting match
358s a lot of control on both sides for sure
360s a lot of potential for control as well
361s that flag bar really does make this
363s match a lot more tight for evasive
366s maneuvering yeah I think for evasive
368s maneuvering they definitely need to
369s probably go and get some the inquisitors
370s down all the arbitrators luckily enough
372s the arbitrators shouldn't be doing that
374s much work for the brave side because of
376s the drones yes and no cuz you can
377s tracking theup drones you can you I mean
381s hey your arbitr is going to do something
383s right he's got to pretend to be useful
385s if you feel like it as the two teams
386s slowly approaching each other actually
388s the Bal gone going out and faffy waffy
389s in the EOS uh getting a bit too far out
392s there I think he might be he charging in
395s question mark or is he just trying to
396s get into drone control drop drones and
397s then run away yeah looks like we've got
399s some uh just um what we have some
402s Valkyries out at the moment yep there's
403s his drones out and he's mely turning and
404s running there we go so faf he's now
406s turning and trying to leave like I think
408s for the where put the drones on let's
410s see where did he where did these drones
412s go I feel like what Brave need to do is
414s just get some webs and just lock down
415s something and get get some kills early
417s on okay you trying to put drones in The
418s Inquisitor but you can already see also
420s these counter drones and actually some
422s Dr being shot so he's going to try and
424s get get Inquisitor before his drones die
425s but they're probably going to die too
426s quickly a defanging is definitely an
428s option for brave right now I think that
430s could be a good option it's can be a bit
432s timec consuming a bit of damage coming
433s down on The Inquisitor right now I think
435s probably a good idea for V maning to
437s just go for the inquisitors their T1
438s logi frigs if they can get the
440s application they'll definitely get them
441s down exactly that once once they got rid
442s of the logi it's just a slow grindfest
445s Brave knows that they've only already
446s got damage drones to come at them so if
448s you just keep killing them at some point
449s they will run out yeah it's not the most
450s entertaining of matches but it will do
452s the job and for the other side we got
454s Brave colletive going for again B
456s scrammed Bon is scrammed okay hold on
459s fafy in the Eos side no no no no no no
461s no I'm not going to run away I'm going
462s to go for that Bal gun and tackle it
463s down so and now we see a swarm of drones
466s looks like heading for the balone from a
468s m mov team maybe they're going to go for
470s the flag K straight away oh my that
472s that's such a big ask at the start of
473s this match the first match of the day no
476s way come on absolute swarm of ogres and
479s warriors hob Robbins all the drones on
481s the grid going for the Bal gone if they
482s get that down that is huge that's going
484s to be massive that's going to be I'm
485s watching that surely it can like with
487s it's own rep and they already shown the
489s kill drones as well surely you can tank
492s it's tech one inquisitors it it it can
494s probably it stop sh any self reps you
496s know yeah definitely I mean the Balor is
498s going to be very heavily tanked with
500s obviously hopefully an officer web or of
501s some kind just to get the projection out
503s there but right now better have an offic
504s a web otherwise why' you bring the bow
505s in the first place but I'm not seeing
507s any webs coming out from Brave right now
509s yeah I've celus is is not I don't see
512s any damps or anything I just we just
513s need a scram unless the unless the what
516s we're seeing is not right exactly yeah
518s well there's a scram back on the EOS so
519s it seems to be functioning correctly it
521s just means that brave isn't doing it
523s question mark a quick switch to the
524s inquistor as well right now and it's
526s about about to go down with well about
529s to go I say that and fafu actually now
531s taking a bit of damage from Brave
532s Collective if they get the quis down
534s that's going to be a huge that's the
536s first thing to get things started okay
537s Inquisitor down they're going to go for
538s the second one straight after I the BET
540s yeah definitely get the second coer down
542s and maybe start working on the molders
544s or the ders or you could just go for the
545s B gun if you wanted to droger arbitrator
548s the malls are pretty tanky just start
549s picking stuff off they could go for the
551s B but that's such a big ass but then
552s again they're not being pressured no not
554s right now and the second inis goes down
556s so invas Maneuvers in a massive lead
557s fafy rafay leading the charge scramming
560s the bow gun scramming a flag bow at
562s Point Blank and just going me and then
564s and going for the moulders now which is
566s a good shout probably checking where the
567s drones are seeing what's close draer
569s taking bit of dam
570s and that thing is quite nasty can do a
571s lot of damage especially when it's spoed
573s up and will start to really uh put an
576s impact on vas maneuvering but right now
578s aing got their thur they're kind of
580s chilling they've got their entire comp
581s ready Brave in a bit of AIT next Target
584s that's a good Target for sure drag going
585s go down pretty quick and yeah they're
587s killing off the damage of this comp
588s pretty well now I think if Brave want to
590s try and get something down they just
591s need to get some thers down I don't I
593s don't think they can break Val or V or
596s just something small you're not going to
597s be win trying to brw down the big guys
599s but they're not even showing that
600s they're doing that much the damage look
601s at the damage bar it's minuscule it's
603s very much like they're being locked down
604s and the application isn't coming through
606s scram on thear here and the mall they
607s right now um I think Brave they need to
609s go for the thallia or try and get a py
611s down like I just don't feel like with
613s the draw gone there a lot of DPS gone uh
615s they're going to struggle here and about
618s to go down okay they're starting to
619s pressure through the EOS but I'm just
620s trying to go figure out they've got a
621s flag bar it's got noes and it's probably
624s not you know they can't be bling but
626s they've got them they've got a web why
627s they not seeing it why not webbed
629s anything just to make it a little bit
631s easier to apply like what's what's going
632s on here what have I missed I'm not
634s really too sure why we're not seeing a
635s web at the moment uh the Balor does have
637s guns and it will have guns and NES as
639s well um just to make use of the of of
641s some damage and some NES as well but
643s obviously like you said the main thing
644s is the web yeah where is it that's
646s that's that's where is it I I feel like
648s I'm going crazy here surely the UI is
650s not broken it's just they're not using
651s it I assume but the control bar is
653s absolutely gargant but I don't see where
655s the controls going I I think I think the
657s UA might be buggered I think yeah I'm
659s I'm seeing some effects coming out right
661s now and there's NES on GRE things bugger
663s yeah okay fair enough yep okay I think
665s we are I'm assuming the Balon is
666s completely completely damped by this
668s lesis and there probably Webb something
671s obviously a Pandy in armagan at zero
673s velocity right now arbitrator in L in
675s going to structure sorry about to go
677s down so I mean this is a takeaway for
679s AAS maning well really well piloted
681s actually oh yeah I did not expect they
683s had the DPS to do it but they picked off
684s the weak points two inquisitors tick one
686s lodgy easy to frag and then start
688s picking the team apart I mean fafy wfy
691s seasoned captain of Alliance tourament
693s has and most of his players as well P
695s Pandy scar killer um really good Pilots
698s Brave Collective I mean they just didn't
700s really break through anything they
701s didn't really they seem like they were
703s trying to break through anything I
704s didn't really see them trying to punch a
706s hole they had more damage theoretically
707s with the aard Absolution and B Gone
709s together with officer guns in the bow
711s able to break things you know but they
712s didn't really I think yeah I think they
715s they do have a bit of an advantage on
716s the damage but I think they just weren't
718s applying anything I think honestly the
719s The Sentinel arbitrator definitely would
721s have ruined it for them yeah we just
723s didn't really tell cuz again the UI for
724s us good way of seeing information and
726s also this thing on so Sentinel and
729s arbitrator on and the celestus on the
732s vas Ming side doing a massive work for
734s Dam second arbitrator goes down for
735s brave and also those TDS most likely as
738s you said on the St in Absolution
740s absolutely just ruining their tracking
741s triple scram now across all the major
743s ships on Brave Collective uh looks like
745s they're going to try and maybe get this
747s Bal gor down they got three and a half
749s minutes to try I think so good idea get
750s the B gun down first and then loot it
753s the game doesn't it finish so don't get
755s moved out don't miss out the opportunity
756s to get some nice little faction someone
758s actually that happened last week didn't
760s that someone actually couldn't get the
760s loot or was it they got pretty close I
762s think everyone so far has gotten the
764s loot I think but some teams uh they
766s leave it to last and depending if the
768s game's really towards the end they'll
770s just move you out immediately and you
771s have to SP clicking the loop button
773s looks like they are going for the uh the
775s bow gone at the moment in half armor or
777s approaching half armor um I mean bra I
780s feel I feel they could have they could
781s have had a chance in this match I think
783s that if they maybe went for we didn't
786s really see much damage going to the Thia
787s only really landed on the EOS and arm
789s again but maybe if they went for the
790s lower end definitely hard one for sure
792s cuz they were definitely being like uber
794s controlled like with the celest Sentinel
796s in arbitrary just constantly hurting
797s them but they didn't reume they tried to
799s do much beyond that like I don't think
801s the St Absolution were tackled at the
802s start so they had a bit of free reign to
804s move around if need be and they just
805s didn't really bother I think the only
807s thing we're seeing on here is is scrams
809s on the screen of in front of you so
810s probably everything else is being missed
811s out so you're are seeing reps on the
813s screen in front of you and some NES
814s coming out as well um anding about to go
818s down the Bal on should be a shiny kill
820s hopefully we do love expensive flagships
823s hopefully it's not a cheapo flag we're
824s going to get someone over on the desk
825s start like reading about cheap Bor the
828s more expensive the flag the better the
830s more likely you are to win I think maybe
833s not actually considering well should be
835s a good flag kill I think um
837s unfortunately for brave this is going to
838s be the end of the for them yeah and
840s losing a flag while on theend run is
842s never fun but hey they went pretty damn
844s far in this I did yeah I think some
846s people expect Brave wouldn't get this
848s far but they've managed to kick scratch
849s and bite their way back in Brave
851s performing really well this Sol they
853s always kind of do they're always that
854s low end the low end of the good teams
856s and I mean that in the nicest way
857s possible and the flag goes down quickly
860s go to Zill refresh the page see what
862s that's like see I'm s the analyst will
864s check it out see what's going on we can
865s talk about that later um Evas moving
867s going to move on in losers bracket which
869s is looking to be a difficult losers
871s bracket the losers bracket is full of
873s good teams actually it's very scary this
875s year there's not really many bad teams
877s left it's just like
878s absolute and including like Brave being
881s here as you said performing really well
883s this tournament and getting this far
884s good fights going up in locer right now
886s uh a lot of yeah lot of nice words going
888s across lots of good lucks for the team
890s of a maneuvering from Brave Collective
891s there some good sportsmanship here
893s always yeah bra's always been good
894s sports that's the best thing about right
896s but a fantastic showing for brave this
898s tournament uh you know
900s final weekend they played against vter
902s uh they played against who else they
904s play against renan I think uh I don't
906s remember anymore to be honest mate that
907s was a week ago that was like seven days
909s too much for me remember and also Bas
910s maneuvering you know a strong team and
913s actually like you know they get we got
914s 55 seconds left on the timer so
916s surviving the whole game near enough
918s with some ships left they they won't get
920s through everything the m is about to go
922s is going to low armor I think but really
924s good from then to keep keep playing keep
926s going through but basing going to be
928s moving forward
930s faf wfy running it for the losers
931s bracket they're going they've got
932s Fraternity in the losers bracket we've
934s got vter in the losers bracket we got
935s Ron in the losers bracket I think a
937s raler in the losers bracket we've got a
939s lot of teams of lot of good teams like
942s strong teams which which is where the
943s cool I think the best fight is going to
945s be oh yeah and hly big respect to
947s invasive here as well for getting this
948s win without a single loss that's kind of
950s definition of control comps if they're
951s flown well and against the right comps
953s you can go 100 to Zer or this case 200
955s to Zer repeatedly but they're going to
957s get 200 to Z they're only going to get
958s about 150
960s big respect to evasive big respect to
961s Brave definitely and with the clock
964s counting down 5 seconds left four 3 2 1
967s and congratulations to vasive
970s maneuvering for moving forward into the
971s lose bracket and keep going out onto the
974s win um and with that we'll send it back
976s to the desk after this break
1013s [Music]
1027s battle with teams on line besties the
1031s force the Stars Aline they call the fans
1035s they see the place guiding viewers
1038s through the
1040s at mytic masters of the fight reading
1045s each move a perfect sight one tactic
1049s shine all mistakes unfold this's voice
1053s is strong and
1054s [Music]
1062s bold hello everyone and welcome back I'm
1065s CP Overlord this is bti and welcome to
1068s the bti show bti I'll start with b how
1070s are you today oh I'm doing I'm doing so
1072s good today I love the bti show me too
1075s it's one of my favorite things that we
1076s do here at CC CCB Games headquarters is
1078s the bti show this is the the main
1080s filming location of the bti show uh
1082s we're very lucky to have both B and isty
1085s with us today uh isty please break down
1087s what happened in that last match between
1089s uh Brave Collective they they obviously
1090s lost their Flagship which was you know
1092s 70 to those guys drones drones yeah
1095s drones uh yeah sadly I was saying when
1098s we were watching the match that I
1099s thought Brave had a chance to win but it
1101s really depended on whether they were
1102s using their Bor as a utility ship so
1105s just fitting some long-range webs but
1106s also fitting some smart bombs as well um
1108s there were some new smart bombs that
1109s were released into the game recently
1111s with some of the changes that were made
1113s to zazac um so there's like a medium
1115s smart bomb which has reduced fitting uh
1118s reduced capacity use but still does
1119s decent amount of damage but it's Omni so
1121s potentially was expecting to see some of
1123s those on the ship as well it didn't seem
1126s like the Balor was using smart bombs at
1127s least we couldn't tell from the desk um
1129s but essentially the evasive maneuvering
1131s team was just able to sit really far
1133s back um they Ed the oses to control the
1135s Balor and some of the the um command
1137s ships on the other side
1139s um and it just meant that brave were
1141s stuck sitting there doing nothing for
1143s the majority of the match I do think
1145s Brave should have began to shoot sooner
1148s um it took a while for them to start
1149s actually getting their damage out it
1150s seems like they went for the Armageddon
1152s at the very beginning which was probably
1154s a mistake especially when EOS was
1157s burning in there were only two thall on
1158s the other side so I think it would have
1160s been really easy for them to control the
1161s two thalers um reduce their ability to
1164s actually remote rep and then start
1165s clearing away either going through the
1167s thalers first or going through is so um
1170s a bit of indecision it seems from Brave
1172s that led to their ultimate device yeah
1174s and I just looked at the the kill Mill
1176s for uh the the flagship Balor from Brave
1179s Collective uh it's about 20 billion uh
1181s is is respectable has a pretty nice
1182s damage control but I really feel like uh
1184s they've got a dark blood status this web
1186s before far but I feel like that's really
1188s where you want to pimp a flagship Balor
1190s I uh I have a theory I think that brave
1193s are cowards and I think that they were
1195s like cuz uh somebody who we may or may
1198s not see later today was talking them up
1200s and like oh our flagships very expensive
1202s much more than 50 billion uh clearly
1205s it's not I think that they might have
1206s pulled the good stasis web of Fire and
1209s Put a dark blood one on because they
1210s were scared of losing wow and maybe
1213s that's part of what led to their
1214s ultimate demise maybe if they'd put that
1215s on they would have won uh well I guess
1217s we'll never know all right let's uh take
1219s a look at our next match for the day
1221s it's going to be arrival versus
1222s fraternity this is going to be an
1223s exciting one because uh arriv rival very
1225s solid team they lost their Flagship
1227s varer this is also an elimination match
1229s and they're going up against last year's
1230s defending Champions fraternity now
1232s fraternity stumbled in that Opening
1233s match of the tournament uh IST and um uh
1237s got knocked down by till doomsday but
1238s since then they've been pretty you
1241s composed what do you what's your
1242s predictions for this match I'm expecting
1244s an EOS band cuz HEC drones I'm expecting
1248s HEC drones um I I think I was looking at
1250s the band strategies for both teams
1251s before arrival since they were using the
1253s flagship Fara quite a bit had been
1255s removing the tracking disruptors um that
1257s we typically see in the tournament but
1259s as they have lost their Flagship Vaga
1261s they're going to have to start using
1262s something different so it's really hard
1264s to predict what they're going to switch
1265s to whether they're going to carry on
1266s using uh medium gun spam and just
1270s replace the Vaga with something else or
1271s whether they actually have other comps
1272s that they were planning to use once the
1274s Vaga died I don't know if you really
1275s plan to lose your varaga but win the win
1278s your match so we'll see how they've
1280s adapted and adjusted to to that um
1283s happening but I think frats generally a
1285s bit more flexible with the band so let's
1287s take a look at the bands actually cuz we
1288s only have a few minutes before the match
1289s so uh arrival banning at the hyena
1291s pontif effect Magus and bifrost so a lot
1294s of uh Commander D links taken off the
1295s field there and of course the longrange
1297s webs with the hyena fraternity Banning
1299s out the EOS because G drones ishar slep
1302s and Loki uh B any any quick thoughts on
1305s these bands yeah I'm uh I was kind of
1307s hoping to see a fraternity B varer ban
1310s just to be like yeah you know you're not
1311s bringing it so um arrival actually uh
1314s has their same comp still just you know
1316s without a flag vargar obviously as it
1318s died so we could see arrival just run it
1319s back uh you know maybe third times a
1321s charm here um the uh arrival ban you
1324s know taking out all those uh command
1325s Destroyer links really does set this up
1326s for like this is really looking like a
1329s medium gun spam setup to me uh because
1331s the EOS is gone so you're kind of just
1333s you know that's when you're being like a
1334s stard a uh absolutions things like that
1337s um it does look
1339s like yes fraternity are bringing their
1341s Flagship Armageddon Navy issue I have a
1343s little screen here that tells me stuff
1344s about flagships and right now it's
1345s saying they're bringing it which is
1347s super nice um so this is going to be
1349s well this is a must-win obviously for
1350s these teams we talked about iter on we
1351s are in elimination uh brackets at this
1354s point these teams aren't confirmed
1356s shiing drawers as far as I understand I
1358s think they're still outside the top 16
1361s uh I know we've had 14 teams eliminated
1362s last week Brave with the 15th team
1364s technically this is the last of that
1366s particular round in the lore bracket um
1368s looking at the the brackets yeah so
1370s we're still in losers round two so I
1372s believe uh you lose here not only are
1374s you out you don't get any ships which is
1376s uh pretty pretty big sagge all right
1377s let's hand it over to the arena for this
1380s match let's go
1383s now welcome to the arena guys I'm of
1385s course Winger joined by sfc and we have
1387s the last year's winners in the loose
1389s brackets from the first match and they'
1391s decide you know what we are going all in
1392s and they are bringing a flag gon Navy
1395s yeah a rival as well bringing a little
1397s kitey comp a little kitey comps little
1399s schools obviously Osprey Navy issues
1402s carac Navy C Navy D semi Fleet cyclone
1405s and an alligator as well but fraternity
1408s with the heavy armor pum at the moment
1410s the Navy AR two Navy armor against
1411s prophecy D Sentinel I mean for turny
1414s with the flag flag Navy by the way both
1416s rapid Heavies as well so they they've
1417s gone heavy into that as well this is a
1419s this is going to be interesting trying
1420s to chase down a kite cop with what is
1422s going to be two rapid heavy get navies
1424s yeah school um um the schools and the on
1426s the arrival team definitely need to be
1428s very careful they're very squishy um I
1430s do think the arrival have a bit of I
1432s think they can do this as well I think
1433s this is it's going to be very hard for
1435s them to to C around the armageddon's
1437s being very oppressive with 3 seconds to
1438s count down to the match starts I think
1439s we're going to see damage land hard and
1441s fast right now definitely at the start
1442s for sure they've got no way to stop
1444s damage except for distance whereas the
1445s uh fraternity team does have some
1447s control with the Sentinel in the
1448s arbitrator yeah two deacons on
1449s fraternity as well I'm expecting a lot
1451s of damp here come some damps coming out
1453s in the alligator some GDs as well
1455s obviously across from the arbitrator
1456s onto arrival but the forain team slowly
1460s burning in and as expected arrival
1462s moving away we got Hy babes M 44 howling
1464s wind we got jenu lots of season pant on
1467s their team and obviously oh yeah um you
1468s got Fuki on the fraternity side so some
1471s really good pilots on gri right now and
1473s a rival really have a very small margin
1475s for error exactly that I'm just looking
1477s through and it looks like we've got the
1478s effects working correctly now but you
1479s notice there's only one G disrupter so
1481s far there's only one it's maybe he's
1482s stacking on on one on one one ship maybe
1485s maybe well there's no real damage coming
1487s in right now so and they might not be in
1489s range for the other things but they are
1490s bowed up right now arrival and the
1491s fraternity slowly moving in it looks
1494s like they are on a mar jump drive Beacon
1497s the arrival team so they might be
1498s looking to do a quicker switch Runo and
1501s go around the arena and start hitting
1503s some you know some of the ships trying
1504s to get some down and just get away from
1506s the gons and stuff because the only real
1507s things for tackle that relatively quick
1510s is I think a draer and the vexa for
1513s looks like they canceled it they just
1515s decid to go for the run in looks like
1517s looks like they are going the arbitrator
1518s up why is the arbitrator up front uh an
1521s interesting choice the arbitrator the
1522s first primary for arrival the damage
1523s will be landing hard and fast the
1525s deacons need to be pre-re repping it
1527s looks like they were they were ready for
1528s the mjd the other okay I need to get
1530s over here away from the mjd and they
1531s said okay we're just not going to do it
1532s now we're going to go straight to you
1533s and now we're seeing a massive massive
1535s amounts of damage oh they're going to
1536s kill the AR as fast as they can the
1538s going to do my absolute best Arby is
1539s going to go down I spr Navy being
1540s pressured as well I think it's a quite a
1542s good trade get those GDs off okay now
1544s should pull range get go away again save
1545s the try and save if you can but get away
1547s get away get away now he's gone okay I
1549s think they are committed right now rival
1551s they need to they need to just
1552s focus you're sure they were Heavies
1555s right yeah you have to unless their
1558s hands say maybe they're trying to do a
1559s switch ah they are hands I believe oh no
1562s dude I trusted you I believe they are I
1565s think they're just going for it though
1566s but this is a risky move though yeah in
1568s that case this is a fullon ham rush but
1569s it's a risk I think they're trying to go
1571s back and then just go straight in yeah I
1572s guess so this a ham Rush play rather
1574s than a cting play so entirely different
1576s strategy entirely yeah look at all the
1578s scrams this was a ham Rush this was
1580s absolutely a ham rush so here we go
1582s they're going to try and eat a prophecy
1584s which by the way incredibly tanky battle
1586s Cruisers so they take a lot to die maybe
1589s going down as well though this is a huge
1590s gamble I mean Now understand what they
1593s were doing they're trying to go back to
1594s the beacon to get everything on at zero
1596s and get all the damage immediately
1597s because they know that this is going to
1599s be difficult to F fight in terms of like
1601s that prophecy is surviving now I don't
1603s think he's moved any lower than his he's
1605s at at the moment I think if this is a
1608s rush which it looks like it is unless
1609s that Deacon goes down they get the other
1610s Deacon quickly they might be in trouble
1612s get a webs and TP on him right now he
1614s should go down he should go down come on
1615s come on come on get him get him he's
1617s being swarmed with drones he's off away
1619s he's too far away I think I think this
1622s is going to be it for arrival man I was
1624s I was excited for it being a kite I'm
1626s even more excited it was a rush and
1628s unfortunately both doesn't matter either
1630s way I think they're about to get
1631s flattened yeah I think I mean fraternity
1634s the Deacon of of copper literally saving
1636s the match I think right there if he died
1639s it could be a completely another way cuz
1641s if he dies a deacon a second Deacon
1642s potentially dies as well but then the
1644s prophecy now he has burned away so now
1646s the Reps won't be landing on the
1647s prophecy so the prophecy should go down
1648s here but I think that's probably a
1650s little too late at that point right but
1651s arrival definitely behind right now they
1654s still have ay still have D cenal two
1656s armor game Navy issues so the control
1659s bars you on the screen right now is
1660s massive for Fraternity which just
1662s demonstrates how much how much utility
1663s they still have they are going for the
1665s dragon next that's that's actually a
1666s very good call to remove some cheap easy
1669s damage can they get oh I don't know can
1672s they survive to the reload they're
1673s getting Heavies I don't know if they can
1675s they still have a simitar on arrival
1676s which is worth noting they still have
1678s their reps but the damage is too much
1680s taking the d off is huge and getting
1682s that damage off but the two gons are
1684s just looming for the end game you know
1686s exactly that exactly that so I think
1687s that you know the vexa going for the
1689s vexa uh is probably the better choice
1691s and the school about to go down as well
1692s the school should be they are quite
1694s actually pretty far they're staying a
1696s bit far away but they doesn't matter it
1698s doesn't matter they're going to be in
1698s range to shoot which means they're in
1700s range of the rapid Heavies yeah pretty
1701s much they're going to die it doesn't
1702s matter the simitar can just do his best
1704s to to help up the Reps and stuff but the
1706s vexa looks like it's holding I think bit
1708s sent damage on the Sentinel right now NE
1710s Drake's now webbed I mean the Rival
1711s still trying to fight which is amazing
1713s but they need to try and either they're
1715s all locked down though this is the
1716s problem they're lock down yep yep this
1718s is going to be a brawl to the end for
1719s them but there's not really much they
1721s can do it's kind of a like well we're
1724s here now we're stuck we're engaging and
1726s we can't really kill what we need to
1728s kill yeah I feel like a rival obviously
1731s understanding they have to go in no
1732s matter what they have to go in and they
1734s tried to do their best to get all the
1736s damage they had theoretically they had
1738s the right thing they got the arbitrator
1739s first which was weakening them so
1741s straight away took that out and that
1742s point they kind of committed in but it's
1744s difficult but when you when you come up
1746s against these comps when you have to
1747s like rush in make decisions it's so
1750s difficult to make decisions in a snap
1751s second because you go for the arbitrator
1753s there maybe you know something else is
1755s closer to you so like you know a rival
1756s might have to switch them quicker or you
1758s know you have to kind of look where all
1760s the ships are to make sure everyone's in
1761s range to go for something and get the
1763s damage immediately because I think they
1764s traded the arbitrator for nopr evue
1766s right which not too bad yeah but it's
1768s like what was your followup after that
1770s it's like they kind of ran into the wall
1771s that is a prophecy in two gon Navy like
1773s everything we engage is way too tanky
1775s it's the Deacon if they got the Deacon
1777s down they I think it' be a different
1779s match they would it' be much closer I
1780s think like we wouldn't be talking about
1781s oh how it's all over they' be talking
1783s about oh maybe they can get something
1784s this cuz if they get the Deacon down
1786s they still have a lodgy yeah I'm not a
1788s fan of engaging the prophecy first I'm
1789s going to say that right now you picked
1791s the tankiest thing around with which
1793s does as far as I'm aware the least
1795s damage I believe well he's got he's got
1797s links as well on there true but bloody
1799s hell mate like you're picking the
1800s biggest chunkiest thing you can find
1802s it's like you're shoot you're shooting
1803s at the something that is the size of a
1804s moon it's true but you can apply it
1806s quite well which is which is which is
1808s which is good they probably saw it as
1809s being quite close alligator going down
1811s for hzy babes um fraternity pushing
1814s through the losers bracket and we're
1815s seeing this in this losers bracket big
1817s teams moving through they'll definitely
1819s come across AAS maneuvering at some
1821s point um but fry are doing a fantastic
1823s job losing their first match as you said
1825s at the beginning and the first match of
1826s the entire tournament too by the way
1828s that was day one match one they lost
1830s like oh God here we go this is different
1832s and then still pushing through I like it
1834s unfortunately arrival looks like it'll
1836s be the end of the row for them I mean
1838s again with all the teams in the losers
1840s bracket really strong showing as we said
1841s in the last match with Bray arrival
1844s really strong team solid Pilots I mean
1846s fantastic to get this far they still go
1848s away with at ships I believe uh everyone
1850s that gets to the last weekend still gets
1852s some of the prizes I think it's only
1853s like one ship one of each ship a wins a
1855s win so they still get they still get the
1857s python which is what everyone's after
1860s the other ship don't really matter it's
1861s just the P the pie think is the first
1862s batt ship at at ship which is fantastic
1865s I mean and like every blop ship it is a
1866s just a constant dick measuring ship it's
1868s a it's it's a marshall with extra signs
1870s on it you know it's I mean it's a really
1872s strong ship as well it is a very strong
1874s ship right now it's just clean up right
1875s now the Sall uh is off on his own I
1879s think uh he's being D GED right now the
1881s Simi howling wind uh still uh they're
1884s together right now on a on a beacon as
1886s you can see on the screen are they going
1887s to MJ do out he's mding up he's mding up
1890s so he's going to try and stay in the
1892s game oh love the skin on that look at
1893s that yeah yeah I love it when they have
1896s a nice skin there you know on on the
1898s ships and stuff we get let squore is
1901s nothing but a giant billboard you can
1902s put whatever you want on that it really
1904s is just a Square billboard exactly you
1906s put whatever the hell you want on that
1907s thing put your we do like I do like a
1908s good skin I always check the Skins
1909s before when the matches matches start
1911s because as we know that's all that
1912s matters how you look like how your ship
1916s is is what matters the Deacon honestly I
1918s think going to give it to Copper Cen for
1920s the MVP realizing that he was basically
1924s about to go down and realized I need to
1926s get out of here right now because he was
1927s in close to keep the Reps for the whole
1930s team for Fraternity but realizing he was
1932s in danger burning away with his AB uh
1935s getting out and then uh surviving and
1938s then coming back in but obviously a bit
1939s of a double smart play there too because
1941s either a I get away and I survive or B I
1944s get away and and I'm about to die anyway
1946s but I drag their drones with me exactly
1948s so you're because alligator drones you
1950s got these very chunky High DPS drones
1952s you've managed to drag off the fight for
1954s a moment of time you can waste time and
1956s that is a lot of you know good players
1958s in the at it's just wasting time if
1960s you're about to go down especially
1961s against drone comps the moment you see a
1962s drone comp the game is just to go away
1964s just go away from the drones Let Them
1965s Suffer let them chase you like as Benny
1967s Hill for the next half an hour like I
1969s think if you can waste as much time as
1970s possible if you're about to go down and
1972s you can extend 10 seconds that's 10
1974s seconds of your team for example the
1975s arrival team he is wasting time the
1978s arrival team trying to kill him
1979s meanwhile fraternity and managing to get
1981s get one ship down after the next
1983s Obviously good fights in local one
1984s minute remaining on the time um I'm
1986s excited to see how fraternity go and how
1988s far they go I I would love to see them
1990s make it to the finals again after they
1991s you know match one day one loss that be
1994s a good final exactly having them drag
1995s their way to the end as the previous
1997s Tournament champion I've said it before
1998s said before say it again that would be
1999s an awesome run returning Champions go to
2001s losers in the first match then straight
2003s through the through the losers bracket
2005s all the way to the finals and then
2006s potentially win again that would be
2008s would love to see that and that would be
2009s they're going to get all the the skin
2010s run they're going for the skin skin run
2012s yeah this there was a cunning plan all
2014s planned at the barbecue it's all
2016s probably the fry barbecue let's go for
2018s the losers bracket and get as many skins
2020s as possible I mean harling still staying
2022s alive not wanting to go down I I rate
2025s that really well like I think you canate
2028s that I'm sitting there going boo Haring
2030s wi saying that he's uh he needs to save
2032s the isk for SRP for the flag so he needs
2035s to you know got to keep the keep every
2037s penny counts
2038s um that I wonder how much uh is SAR
2041s would be for the flag but there you go
2043s match is complete thank you so much to
2044s arrival for your beautiful match and
2046s going to go uh back on break and back to
2047s the studio
2083s last year's defending Champions showing
2086s why they won the Lions tournament 19 as
2088s they knock a rival out and I believe
2090s secure themselves at least top 16 in
2093s Alliance tournament 20 so they have some
2096s prize ships on the way uh arrival
2098s unfortunately have no priz ships on the
2099s way and they lost their vargar last week
2101s anyway so uh not a great run from them
2103s but uh I still really enjoyed the
2106s performance from arrival this tournament
2107s I really like their um more offbeat kind
2110s of uh comps like the the flag varer and
2113s things like that I I think added some
2114s nice variety to the tournament uh which
2116s was super nice so unfortunately we say
2118s goodbye to them uh but fraternity will
2120s move on and continue their run through
2122s the low bracket the skin run uh as we
2125s sometimes say now mystical mind we saw
2127s on um the arrival team there was a
2130s couple of squalls Sall good mouth feeli
2134s Squall why would someone bring a Squall
2137s to Alliance tournament yeah so uh we
2139s actually noticed in twitch chat uh from
2141s Borger simulator um that they were
2143s asking what purpose the Squall has in an
2145s alliance tournament match it's a
2147s industrial ship it does a lot of hauling
2149s on TQ but it's one of the new lines of
2153s industrial ship that CCP has released
2155s that can fit missiles and some form of
2157s tank and it actually goes fairly quickly
2159s so because it's so cheap in the
2161s tournament I think it's about four
2162s points if you're just bringing one it's
2164s a really good fill-in ship especially in
2167s a comp like ham Rush where you want to
2169s be doing a lot of damage I think the
2171s Squall gets up to about 400 DPS um for
2174s Four Points which is pretty good um so
2177s you can bring a few of them uh due to
2179s the point inflation if you bring three I
2180s think it's what six points each
2183s thereabouts I can't do maths I was in
2184s VTA so math maths is impossible for me
2187s but essentially it's just a really good
2189s easy ship to bring in that will rarely
2192s be banned but sometimes is okay now uh
2195s blackb pirates in that last match um it
2197s was really kind of touch and goal for
2199s both teams and at one point um the
2201s arrival team managed to grab one of the
2203s deacons on the fraternity side and we
2205s were watching it and I remember we were
2207s standing looking at it we're like if
2208s this Deacon lives then frat wins this
2210s match but if this Deacon goes down then
2212s it's probably going to be a bit of a
2213s Snowball Effect for the arrival team and
2215s we saw that Deacon surviving just a SLI
2218s of Hull why was that so important so you
2220s know you're flying a shield Rush comp a
2222s rival is flying a shield Rush comp and
2223s they had kind of engaged pretty heavily
2225s on a prophecy which is kind of a
2227s questionable choice but you know we've
2228s talked about it before sometimes like
2230s that's your only option what I think
2232s happened was the prophecy was at like
2233s 20ish per armor and one of the deacons
2236s got a little close and a Ral to that
2237s like y switch get it get it I can tackle
2239s it we can kill it and they did tackle it
2241s uh the Deacon 90% sure was ten in a fit
2244s basically just flew in a straight line
2247s barely got out of range barely caught
2249s reps and then all that time that your
2251s Shield Rush is spent uh spending
2253s shooting a ship that you don't kill is
2255s time you're shooting a ship that you
2257s could have killed so they probably could
2259s have killed the prophecy I think the
2260s prophecy was very very low he kind of we
2263s were it's it was right on the edge there
2265s um by not killing the Deacon you they
2267s wasted like almost a minute of DPS time
2269s that they're still losing ships the
2271s other teams not losing ships which is
2273s bad you want their team to lose ships
2275s and your team to keep them e tip by the
2277s way and then uh yeah but like since the
2279s Deacon escaped they spent a ton of DPS
2282s not killing a ship and then the Deacon
2283s just kind of flew back right in once it
2285s was repped up and at that point it was
2287s too
2288s late I was just going to add I think
2290s that switching to the Deacon wasn't
2292s necessarily a terrible choice because as
2293s you mentioned with the Ten Men it does
2295s make it very hard to kill but we did see
2297s that the Deacon offensively just flew
2299s directly away from both the enemy team
2302s but also his team so when they decide
2305s okay we can't actually kill this Deacon
2307s we're unable to ch it because we're
2309s probably pinned down by things like the
2310s prophecy which is why they were shooting
2311s it um they can switch back to the
2314s prophecy and quickly clear it off the
2315s field I think the main issue is just
2317s that they didn't make that decision
2318s sooner yeah cuz the Deacon's only going
2320s to have about a 13k rep range where it's
2322s actually doing good reps outside of that
2324s it starts to fall off pretty quickly so
2326s the moment it started flying away they
2327s could have swapped back to the prophecy
2328s since it was still low and you know
2331s cleared it away much quicker yeah I feel
2332s like moments like that when a a team
2334s notices a a positioning error maybe the
2337s de can getting too close and then and
2338s they're able to swap over and try and
2339s catch it although it didn't work out for
2340s arrival this is kind of what you see
2342s some of the the top tier teams doing
2343s they don't just get tunnel focused onto
2344s the ship they're shooting and let you
2346s know those deacons just sit at optimal
2348s uh unmolested for as long as they want
2349s this time they managed to see them swap
2351s almost almost worked for them
2353s unfortunately it did not so they are
2354s done all right let's look at our next
2356s match it's going to be Ronan reloaded
2357s versus we form Volta so let's take a
2359s look at the band for this
2360s match run reloaded Banning out the
2363s simitar hyena Loki and the zaraz I think
2367s that's a type of Z
2368s uh we form VTA Banning out the
2369s arbitrated crucifire Loki and Sentinel
2372s so lots of uh ewar kiting ships uh like
2376s the Sentinels with the the GDs and the
2377s tracking disruptors Etc uh blackb pirate
2380s what do you think we might see in this
2381s matchup uh well you know one thing here
2384s is that Ronin has clearly studied their
2385s opponent and they know that Volta have
2388s legendary hyena Pilots um so I what I
2391s would expect is that like a lot of the
2393s times these really high tier teams like
2394s Volta has been in the past we'll see how
2397s they are after this match we make a
2398s decision in that case uh are very very
2399s good at using um ships like the hyena
2402s and the hugan and I'm I would expect to
2404s see vola bring something with the hugan
2406s uh it is one of the most disgusting at
2408s control ships in the game also
2409s disgusting on TQ died to one yesterday
2411s you know shout out to that Rome um no no
2414s zarm Manders that's kind of weird I
2416s don't think Vol has used one yet
2418s so but I get it um I would expect to see
2421s with all of these tracking disruptors
2422s banned I would expect to see some kind
2424s of medium gun spam possibly a heavy
2426s missile kite I don't think we've seen
2428s them be particularly good with the
2429s exception of the tuskers one but you
2431s know that's the tuskers they're special
2433s Y and we did see that Volta have already
2435s lost their Flagship it was piloted by
2437s anet was about like 170 or so billion uh
2440s the flagship Bargas that is deed so they
2442s obviously can't bring that to band Doge
2444s obviously the Bargas isn't even banned
2445s in the first place but the power of a
2447s flagship baras is quite immense uh so
2449s I'll be interested to see what happens
2451s here I do think that this zarm ban um I
2454s think it does really affect the Widow
2455s comp and I know Volta or ECM and joy ERS
2458s uh they they do tend to use uh more ECM
2461s focused comps at time to time so this
2462s could be a targeted ban from Ronin there
2465s uh B what do you think about that uh I
2467s could see it we haven't seen it yet but
2468s also you you know you're correct Bolta
2470s has years of experience and they could
2472s pull it out at any point and we've only
2473s seen I think one ECM comp so far this
2476s tournament but it was really really good
2477s but it did require the Widow and the
2480s zarm um I would love to see some ECM
2483s comps actually I like them I know twitch
2484s chat hates them and I know people hate
2485s being jammed but uh they're very very
2488s from like an analytical perspective uh I
2490s could see Volta do it I think that they
2491s would do a very good job and I think
2492s that against a team like Ronin who is um
2495s newer they're definitely not bad like
2498s you know they have ships 16 teams don't
2500s uh I think that it would be maybe a good
2502s way to kind of pressure them but then at
2503s the end of the day it's a best of one so
2505s do you want to really like literally be
2507s dice rolling your chances of winning
2508s like okay well you know maybe this will
2509s Jam maybe it won't your jams do bad you
2512s can literally lose a match because RNG
2513s said no no all right well with that
2516s let's head over to the arena for this
2517s match match and I think it's going to be
2518s a good
2521s one and welcome back to Arena and you
2524s can probably see there's a chair missing
2526s right now I'm sta Le commander and I'm
2528s going to be joined by CCP overload who's
2531s just running into the studio right now
2532s we from V versus R reloaded it only felt
2535s right that you were here we here for
2537s this one the vter match today um medium
2539s rail guns span medium ra gun span
2541s against a little Abad and flee Tempest
2544s okay which is going to be uh a lot of
2546s laser damage a lot of eh p in those two
2548s abandons there as well so we'll see if
2550s the volter team can break through that
2551s and the countdown is running I think we
2553s volter have to go for the vigil if I get
2556s some of the small things down
2556s immediately if they waste time to like
2559s not killing anything I think this is
2560s going to go bad and that wait a second
2563s is that oh my god do you know who that
2567s is I've heard of this person I I think
2569s but I don't know where it comes from um
2571s conquer doen con dokan is on the way on
2574s the way from V legendary Alliance
2575s tournament person I mean I think I I
2578s don't I can't put my finger on it but I
2580s think he's I think he's well known in in
2581s the in sort of I believe he is an
2583s alliance tournament ship enjoyer as with
2585s that the match is underway and I see
2587s drones being dropped the Magus is the
2589s first primary and he's getting chunked
2591s right now the Reda is going to have to
2592s start spilling on him but that's the
2593s problem with those travan reps they
2595s spill slowly so if they can get this
2596s Magus down that will be a lot of links
2598s off the field really quickly yeah we
2600s from vter really need to capitalize on
2601s the damage that they can get immediately
2603s but it looks like the Magus isn't going
2605s down uh TP still on him right now
2607s vigilant right now Ze taking a bit of
2609s damage web the Navy om Navy Sho vter
2611s really need to change the target get
2613s something else down exactly now that
2614s Riva has spoed on that Magus it's going
2616s to be almost impossible to break so
2617s they're going to need to take something
2619s else out and see if they can uh they can
2621s take that down side and there you go the
2622s the the Reps have now moved on to the
2623s vexer so this could be an opportunity to
2625s swap back onto that Magus Now The Spill
2626s has been broken maybe it's just time to
2628s go for the Riva and try and get him down
2630s I know they're tanky but they they
2632s they're struggling to break anything
2633s right now for the vexa Navy am is issue
2636s in ibox is uh he's not tackled anymore
2638s he's not webbed volter trying to kite
2640s away keeping their distance right now uh
2642s right now the temp issue the battleships
2644s are are pushing in but the Navy Omen is
2646s going a bit down the vexa is taking a
2648s lot of damage we on the Tempest we on
2649s the Navy Harvey Navy issue of Ma I mean
2652s VTA need to get signed down yeah I mean
2654s the moment the the Riva allun reloaded
2656s uh bed daos is doing a great job keeping
2659s his teammate alive the vexer slowly
2661s bleeding there is some damage onto the
2662s Magus as well and it's going to be
2663s really hard for him to swap his reps
2665s back and forward between multiple
2666s targets when they're on and when they're
2667s spilled if he gets through that initial
2669s bit then he can keep them alive under a
2671s lot of DPS that Navy Omen though is
2672s starting to look a little bit toasty we
2674s got a TP on the Riva lots of bots in him
2677s now the Vigilant maybe needs to go in
2679s damage coming onto the Riva now looks
2681s like Volta deciding to go straight on
2683s Thea putting drones on some some of the
2685s Magus as well on the Ponte but Ma is
2688s tackled in the Navy Harbinger and he
2690s will go down yeah I think so I was just
2691s looking at the positioning of this Riva
2693s he's well placed behind uh the rest of
2694s his team there's a swarm of drones kind
2696s of chasing him around but he currently
2698s is not really in any danger of being
2700s tackled unless he makes a misplay the P
2702s effects though starting to look uh like
2704s he might be about to go down yeah the
2705s Reda needs to decide doesn't he he needs
2707s to decide he can only rip one target at
2709s a time and obviously the spool resets
2711s when he ever when he changes a ship the
2713s pon is just got loads of drones in here
2714s right now and volter could easily just
2716s switch him and try and kill him yeah I
2717s mean this PX is not getting the reps are
2720s landing on him now uh but he is almost
2722s into Hull and there we go the Reps area
2725s is taking some damage he's about to go
2726s down what is hitting him oh if they lose
2728s this Reda then it's going to be a bit of
2729s a bad bad time for them and there he is
2731s he's down huge win for vter getting a
2733s Reda down now it's time to clean up that
2735s support get the support Off the Grid
2736s immediately and then kite around the
2738s abandoned Tempest or potentially just go
2740s for the battleships yeah I mean there
2742s goes another ship there okay so n going
2743s to start to become harder and harder for
2745s run reloads to pull this back they
2747s didn't manage to break any of the ships
2748s on the Volta side yet they really
2749s threatened that Navy prophecy he is
2751s still still taking a lot of damage as he
2752s drops even closer towards Hull but at
2754s this point the links are off the field
2756s for run Reloaded The the loggies off the
2758s field things are going to die fast here
2759s we go the crew is now taking damage yeah
2761s getting rid of the CER big win the webs
2764s for lockdown they're looking to just try
2765s and go for the longevity aren't they get
2768s rid of the lur end and just kite around
2770s kodor can about to go down the structure
2772s maybe it's a poetic end for him
2774s potentially about to go down into into
2776s structure Vex is still up alive for
2778s running loaded but they are losing their
2779s entire support Wing aren't they about to
2781s go down no Pro taking a lot of damage
2783s about that but he's no webs at all reps
2785s landing on him right now from planet 6
2787s uh two really good Pilots right now he
2789s looks like he is going to stay alive if
2790s he goes down that's a huge win for Ronin
2792s yeah it's definitely a win but the Reps
2794s have landed on him now and he's tanking
2795s I think uh he might just be able to
2797s survive but every time uh every little
2800s second he lasts a little bit longer he's
2801s in Hull now he probably will die another
2803s ship goes down for R reloaded it is
2804s basically an ehp race at this point if
2806s they lose that Talia and noo just
2808s holding on planet 6 and the other Deacon
2810s KCK probably overheating all of his reps
2812s right now he has a sliver of Hull
2814s remaining and the armor is just gently
2816s bouncing up and down as he starts to go
2818s down 5% structure on this Talia looks 1%
2822s looks like Planet 6 is Ned so he's
2824s trying to pulse reps looks like no will
2826s go down so the LOD down for for we and
2828s volter I think a correct move for volter
2831s team go for the fleet tempis AG start
2833s getting the batt shs down you've got the
2834s damage you can probably win this DPS
2836s race yeah I mean the running reloaded
2838s comp is a very top heavy three battles
2839s ships does a lot of damage a lot of HP
2841s sitting in those three ships Volta
2843s decided to split their stuff over
2844s multiple sort of mid-range ships which
2846s is why this points are actually closer
2848s than it kind of appears with a bunch of
2849s ships missing on the roning side but
2851s this Fleet Tempest oh gosh he is going
2853s to uh he's going to make a quick end I
2855s think I think so but the Bruto s stiggy
2857s is going to go down as well so a little
2858s bit of a trade but a good trade they
2860s still have a Vigilant Navy Navy om Navy
2862s issue and navy Hub and a St for DPS so I
2865s think the bons are going to be hard to
2867s chew through though they are they are
2868s just brick monsters but that Fleet
2870s Tempest when he drops off that's a lot
2872s of uh control from that Fleet Tempest
2874s with those utility highs it's a lot of
2875s HP and it's a lot of damage I mean
2877s that's a that's a faction Battleship
2879s there now it's just two Tech Two
2880s battleships and with this vigil now
2882s being removed those abens are going to
2883s find it quite hard to reach out and do a
2885s lot of damage to some of these smaller
2886s ships on the Volta side yeah I think
2888s Volta looking to sort of kite around a
2890s bit on the on the screen in front of
2891s view they are spread out the badens uh
2894s well it looks like they're going to go
2895s for Fury in near badon 4 minutes 43
2897s seconds on the clock 115 points to
2899s volter I mean the badens will struggle
2901s to track potentially but they might be
2903s able to chew through yeah I mean they're
2905s going to have to start doing some Pro
2906s Gamer moves and and try and uh reduce
2908s the transversal as much as possible uh
2910s the very very Advanced tactical control
2913s space will help them here to track I
2915s mean we we still have Planet Six alive
2917s in a deacon yeah which could come in
2920s clutch at the end that's going to be
2921s free ehp every time he gets his rep
2922s cycling on something that's ehp that
2924s Ronin have to shoot through again so I
2926s mean although there's only one down if
2927s he gets shot if he gets caught in that
2929s Deacon then he's going to be um well
2931s he's going to die basically he's got
2932s some drones on him which I think are
2934s sort of peppering him down the omen naue
2936s of vbx taking a lot of damage going to
2938s go into structure I think he is trying
2939s to burn away a bit a lot of damage
2941s across the volter team right now and
2943s they have to go two through in aad which
2945s is going to be difficult F FX has to be
2947s a get bit close he needs to get in close
2948s to get the damage a nice hit on the omav
2951s right now of ibox if only planet six can
2953s get in I think he should get in ASAP get
2956s I'm just looking at his positioning he
2956s is quite far he's actually heading
2957s towards one of the uh he's heading
2959s towards the omen Navy right now so the
2961s Navy is pulled right back they sitting
2963s very close to a jump a micro jump drive
2964s unit trying to get out of range these
2966s are badens of course um are slow AF
2969s they're not going to be able to chase
2970s these other ships down so I mean this is
2972s this is Advanced tactics star Fleet it's
2974s being shot by something that can't move
2976s just run away just literally run away I
2978s mean the it's a slow grind down on the
2979s bad as you can see on the screen like we
2981s still got a vision on the side of you
2983s can see the attack bar is obviously way
2984s larger for the volter team but it's no
2986s it's a no small feat to kill in the bad
2988s and it's so so tanky but I think FY is
2991s really low armor though there's still a
2993s lot of VP to chew through and the sky
2995s Breer also going down here we go okay so
2996s it's just two badens now and that is
2998s still a lot of points to tr through
3000s that's 80 points right there and I VTA
3003s probably this is Theirs to lose I think
3005s more than anything else I think if
3007s volter make a huge mistake here because
3009s they're going to get theand down and
3010s they and red haven't killed anything yet
3013s for it they might kill a lot of low 0 HP
3017s ships on that VTA side though all it
3019s takes is one well played wrecking shot
3022s and then those chips are just going to
3023s go poof and then it's going to start the
3025s damage will start to drop off and the
3026s other will last longer he has 2 and a
3028s half minutes to do some solo PVP right
3030s now uh the final abaten on the Ronin
3033s side but I mean look at this Navy Omen
3034s of ibox he is very low I think he might
3036s still go down I think he might go down
3038s here Planet 6 doing amazing job even
3040s though he's sort of have I love how
3041s Planet 6 having his own little battle
3043s right now of drones he sort of ignored
3044s the rest of the game like I've got these
3047s drones on me I got to run around he's
3048s probably busy telling no Pro to stop
3050s feeding probably yeah they were probably
3052s locked down by the NES I think
3054s struggling uh PL six yeah I mean the the
3057s good thing about having the Talan the
3059s Deacon and flown by two really
3060s experienced Pilots there is they they
3062s work together super well but if one goes
3064s down the other one kind of becomes
3066s almost a liability at times but Planet 6
3067s has turned that into a positive he's
3069s being able to just reposition around the
3070s arena he's being helped by the rest of
3072s his team when they get primary the team
3074s pull back towards Planet 6 he reps them
3076s up a bit and every time that happens
3077s again like I said that is just more ehp
3079s for that abadon to chew through there is
3082s a good good luck in local I think good
3084s ggs are going up in local uh the last
3087s bad and still holding on I don't think
3089s he's going to get anything down everyone
3090s is so low the whole vter team is so low
3093s just takes like one wrecking shot from
3095s that abadon H could just end someone's
3097s spaceship life here because like they do
3100s they do so much damage I know I mean
3102s Planet Six regening Shields now and has
3105s got to ptus and trying to give him some
3107s reps a bit of reps I think but I think
3108s he's probably struggled on the cap he
3109s should be okay now but I think I think
3113s vter have got this I think so I think um
3115s like I say it's theirs to lose barring
3117s any mistakes but oh look at that Navy
3118s Omen he's he still down actually I'm
3121s actually yeah I want him to die he's
3123s about to go down I think he's instruct
3125s kill him kill him stop stop kill him
3127s kill him now he's not in oh he's not
3129s moving he's only 200 he's he's just slow
3131s poting right now oh no ibx he's going to
3133s go down I think y here you go so there
3135s it is one kill mark for the abandon um
3137s I'll take that as I guess cons
3139s consolation conation but I think the
3140s ab's going to go down I think we're
3142s going to get him I think f is I don't
3144s believe let's see where he I think he's
3145s G think there a bad his a game I think
3147s he's going to pull through he's got 30
3149s seconds can the remains of the Volta
3151s team chew through this abandon in 30
3152s seconds or can uh I'm not sure Point 20
3156s plan Planet six oh no Planet Six is down
3159s as well Lo's down Lo feeding classic
3163s volter move classic volter you got the
3165s win just stop dying yeah stop dying oh
3168s oh the bad's going to survive 10 seconds
3170s 10 seconds I'm just I'm so invested on
3172s this a bad in surviving now 7 seconds he
3174s is in super low Hull oh oh he's down
3177s four seconds 4 seconds to go game ends
3181s we're going to have to send you back to
3182s the desk yeah I've got my other job to
3183s go back to but yeah thanks for coming
3185s over thank you for having me but with
3186s that we'll go to a break and you're
3187s going to see this guy on the
3190s desk there we go we for vter taking the
3193s win there they managed to squeak through
3195s they lost a couple ships towards the end
3197s those abandons were gaming uh and it was
3199s a little bit touch and goal when the
3201s first Lodi frig went down but VTA
3202s managing to pull through with the sort
3204s of mum gun spam style comp uh blackb
3207s pirate take me through what happened in
3208s that particular setup well uh we did
3210s have a medium gun spam style comp versus
3212s a triple Battleship with abadin which
3216s are very very dangerous up close but uh
3218s not that dangerous far away in Volta
3220s using you know years of experience and
3222s uh a little bit of Competency we're like
3223s hm what if we just don't be next to them
3226s uh so basically stayed at max range the
3228s whole time um being little spikee heads
3229s for those uh who know the meme and uh
3232s yeah they they were able to kind of
3233s slowly Woodling down um there was a bit
3235s of shenanigans uh the vigil pilot of
3240s ronin uh decided to Target paint his own
3242s teammates uhoh which is not what you're
3245s supposed to do it does in fact make your
3246s signature larger and make it easier to
3248s be hit uh and more importantly not only
3250s did they do that they also did not
3252s Target paint the logistics FRS which are
3254s notorious for it being very very small
3257s ships that you need to make bigger so uh
3259s it is entirely possible um can't confirm
3263s it but they might have lost specifically
3266s due to a little bit of visual axing but
3268s hey I mean you know we already saw
3270s certain uh certain things in that match
3272s that shows that Volta is down to do a
3274s little bit of dirty trickery so maybe
3276s there was some uh a bit of paying off
3278s possibly Alliance ship trade or two and
3280s maybe he like ah M Mr vigil pilot what
3283s if you what if you sabotage your own
3284s team what will give you something nice
3287s well one thing I did notice as well uh
3289s the Volta side they normally like to fly
3291s things like hyenas and stuff like that
3293s and the Ronin side ban out that hyena
3296s but I can't what feel that if that video
3298s was a hyena it would have probably been
3299s better with those uh the triple
3302s battleships yeah that's right B yeah you
3304s know what you know what you know what
3306s I'm going to say it what if he webbed
3307s his own teammates true if he was if he
3309s was a h he could have webbed and painted
3311s his own teammates we into I feel like
3312s the hyena band was actually just damage
3314s control on their side to stop him from
3316s flying the hyena is like I don't want to
3318s be webbed but I will accept being Target
3320s painted I think was probably the Ronin
3322s Ronin thought process um the thing with
3325s the vigil versus a hyen is that vigil is
3328s able to stay pretty far away um the one
3330s that we were watching on the grid had a
3332s sense booster and then three paints if
3335s correctly applied to the other team
3338s would have been a really good way to
3339s clear the Thalia and then the Deacon and
3341s I think vter would have been in a much
3343s tougher spot had they been able to kill
3345s that Thalia and Deacon very very quickly
3347s unfortunately because of a little axing
3350s from zafin that didn't happen so it it
3353s really did change the course of the
3354s match but a hyena needs to be much
3356s closer to be in web range so I'd say the
3358s vigil is probably the correct choice in
3360s this particular match we did also notic
3362s some some pretty good piloting from the
3364s logistics Pilots um and just honestly
3366s the Vol team in general so we saw once
3368s the um it was just down to the the
3370s battleships those things have a lot of
3372s projection they can still kill uh a lot
3374s of the ships on the Vault side
3375s especially with only one Logistics frig
3377s we saw whoever was getting primary would
3378s just turn and agel tactic fly away from
3380s the thing that's shooting at you and
3382s then the Deacon would hang around really
3384s far away so basically they'd meet in the
3385s middle bit reps come back in again and
3387s force the abandons have to either you
3389s know switch to really long range ammo
3390s and try and project through a deacon or
3392s switch to something closer and then they
3393s would start to swap around again yeah I
3395s I think that's correct but one of the
3397s issues um that really helped vulture as
3399s well it seemed like the abens at some
3401s point one of them burn their prop um we
3404s saw one of the abandons burning up
3405s towards the vter team the n man like you
3407s said was burning away to try and reduce
3409s the amount of damage and survive as long
3411s as possible and give the single Deacon a
3412s chance to continue repping it the other
3415s abadon unfortunately was sitting BAS
3416s basically 10 and something km away at
3418s the bottom of the Arena sorry you can't
3420s see my hand gestures but I'm talking
3422s with my hands um sitting at the bottom
3424s of the Arena unable to actually project
3427s likely unable to lock because they lost
3429s their links early on um and you know the
3431s links would have run out within 60 to
3434s 120 seconds since those ships went down
3437s so yeah we can actually take a quick
3438s look at some information about how
3440s Target paints work so let's see if we
3442s can uh we can throw that up and we'll
3443s kind of talk over it so this is Target
3445s painting so you have to try and shoot a
3447s ship and they have a basically a
3448s signature radius it's how big they are
3450s if you target paint them it makes them
3451s feel like they're basically really big
3453s and that means that if your weapons are
3454s struggling to hit because for example
3456s the ship is too small a deacon is a
3458s great example they are very very tiny
3459s ships so your uh missiles benefit from
3462s this guns benefit from this for tracking
3464s purposes it just makes it so much easier
3465s to apply that damage it's why Target
3467s paints uh are so important in a
3469s composition like this um some would even
3472s say one of the most important ewar
3473s things you can bring to a specific comp
3475s Target paints really
3477s important yeah yeah starting analysis
3480s yeah thank you so much I'm so glad all
3483s right let's head over to our next match
3484s and look at the banss for white squall
3485s versus unspoken Alliance so white squall
3488s Banning out the Armageddon the Loki the
3489s alligator and the abadin uh and unspoken
3492s Banning out the typhoon Fleet the FX
3494s Navy the molus and the celestus uh black
3497s bar pirate turn time to hear from you
3499s this time so what do you think about
3500s these
3501s bands well you're not black I think you
3505s just little little mistake here from
3509s white
3509s squall who didn't ban the Nighthawk uhoh
3512s they half listened when I said ban the
3514s Nighthawk and the alligator if you don't
3516s want to face the unspoken comp and they
3517s went we're going to ban the alligator
3519s and leave the Nighthawk in so I'm
3520s expecting we're just going to see the
3521s same unspoken comp but with nth Hawks
3523s instead of alligators yeah I will say um
3526s I think the alligators are better well
3527s it's weird because we saw we saw it a
3529s bunch in the feeders as that people were
3530s doing Gators you saw it in uh anger
3531s games 6 that you know the the Florida
3533s man comp I think we've been seeing that
3535s people that are running the sort of
3537s alligator Shield Rush es comps are doing
3540s a really good job because it uh the
3541s alligator gives you such a it's much
3543s more versatile right you can say oh
3545s maybe we shouldn't rush in but we can
3547s still put our drones in and do a ton of
3548s damage so um I do think that you know
3551s yeah if they didn't want to get Shield
3552s rushed you probably shouldn't have
3554s banned the alligator you should have
3555s banned the Nighthawk but in this
3556s specific case I actually like the
3558s alligator banned better than the
3559s Nighthawk um I think that it really the
3562s alligator just gives the shield rush so
3563s much more utility instead of just
3565s something where you're like oh they're
3567s going to charge at us and shoot us it's
3568s like ooh the alligator can sit out in
3570s the back and do a little bit of we've
3571s seen them like take down like a deacon
3573s before they rush in and it's been very
3574s powerful I think it's a case so you
3575s should just ban both I think Banning
3578s both really does limit unspoken ability
3580s to bring the comps that they've been
3581s bringing so far that they're comfortable
3583s with um and it would force them to
3584s either make adjustments that are not as
3586s good for that for their comp like
3588s bringing a claymore instead um or they'd
3590s have to bring a different comp entir yep
3592s I mean I am a big fan of um the the
3594s Nighthawk Loki uh now alligator also
3597s included uh rushia I think is very
3598s strong uh I think it's also one of those
3600s comps that a good team should know how
3602s to beat pretty much any team that's
3604s bringing it with whatever comp otherwise
3606s your comp should just be thrown away
3607s Bart you say this a lot I think it's
3608s super important yeah if like look if you
3610s can't beat a shield Rush with your setup
3613s don't fly that setup um and that is like
3615s literally that's the evolution of like
3616s the medium gun spam uh some of these
3618s Battleship setups but like we know that
3621s Shield Rush is in everybody's pocket
3622s it's been incredibly good for years now
3624s if your comp cannot beat Shield rush and
3627s you're like there's nothing we can do
3628s and it like especially even if it's one
3629s where it's like if we can't beat Shield
3631s Rush unless we play absolutely
3633s perfectly trash get rid of it mhm all
3636s right let's head over to the arena for
3637s white squall versus unspoken
3642s Alliance welcome back to the arena my
3644s name is fav joined by Ali Aris and we
3646s are getting ready to go with white
3647s squall bringing medium guns spam what
3649s have unspoken brought unspoken Alliance
3652s have brought an armor control setup they
3654s have a Navy Armageddon they have two
3656s ships that are going to be a little bit
3657s of a problem for the white squall setup
3659s that's the arbitrator and the crucifier
3661s both ships hopefully brought tracking
3663s disruptors if they did then white squall
3666s ships aren't going to be able to use
3667s their flexible longer range they're
3669s going to have to get in close and put in
3671s some damage on the unspoken Alliance
3673s team that said those two bombers on the
3676s unspoken Alliance side those aren't
3678s going to be able to hit the white squall
3679s ships as well as otherwise it looks like
3681s unspoken might have been thinking that
3682s white squall was going to bring more of
3683s a battleship setup perhaps even their
3685s flag Bal Gorn
3687s yes unspoken has already lost their uh
3690s Flagship their flag Bel Gorn ended up
3692s losing uh earlier on in the tournament
3695s now they're bringing what is new to them
3697s a drone control setup as white squall
3699s they've brought Shield medium gun span
3700s but have not brought the armor variety
3702s yet this tournament we are now underway
3704s in the match and white squall are making
3706s Bart Proud by beginning to burn in as we
3708s had 100 km warps to start off this match
3711s yeah and they absolutely have to be
3712s doing that you can see those tracking
3713s disruptors have been spread across all
3715s of their ships
3716s uh those tracking disruptors they're
3717s going to give those ships less range
3719s potentially less ability to track the
3722s smaller ships uh and unspoken Alliance
3724s is starting to immediately take out uh
3727s Hillary kenal in the r Riva who's
3730s definitely a terrifying pilot from the
3732s white s side yeah had a really good
3733s performance with his arm in the first
3735s match uh of course that uh one to zero
3738s victory over genan impact Alliance uh
3740s that said uh the Trigg leine rep now
3743s currently spooling on Slim Jim Tim as
3745s the Riva seems to be uh under no massive
3748s threat at the moment it seems that the
3750s aard of yabi is the tackle and maybe
3752s primary from unspoken Alliance but uh
3754s these drones you take a look at the
3756s attack bar it's about even for both
3757s these teams and unspoken are applying
3759s damage quite a bit more considerably at
3761s the moment as I say that though they're
3762s under this hound and trying to take out
3765s these Torpedoes yeah again those hounds
3768s they're uh they're not
3770s particularly big damage but they also
3772s aren't particularly big tanks so taking
3774s them out will be able to really light up
3776s the damage that's coming on yabi yabi is
3778s dipping into low armor even though the
3781s Riva of Hillary is repping yabi as hard
3783s as they can it's not enough to they they
3786s spooled the rep way too late Hillary uh
3788s in a little bit of a lapse of
3790s Consciousness or perhaps uh the started
3791s was just too far out uh unable to get
3794s yabi spooled up on the Reps and they end
3796s up losing First Blood over to unspoken
3798s Alliance we see how they uh match has
3801s kind of devolved into an allout brawl we
3803s see this Harbinger Navy issue Omen
3804s Buck's Navy issue MERS
3806s all on top of this armagon Navy issue
3808s that is the primary and they're doing
3810s exactly as Bart says all the time I'm
3812s going to keep saying that just Ram in on
3814s top of these battleships you have the
3816s close-range DPS your attack bar is
3818s absolutely massive and they're applying
3819s that damage quite well and it's a Race
3821s Against Time because those as they're uh
3824s applying all that damage to Jason fler
3825s and the drones have come for the Riva uh
3828s unspoken Alliance trying to take out the
3830s lodgy without having to get any of their
3833s ships out into that spot Beyond uh where
3835s White Squall or defending now the Navy
3837s Armageddon obviously going to be have uh
3840s those heavy drones uh the EOS also going
3843s to have that as well as the Ishtar but
3845s everything else uh on this squad not
3847s really a threat to these medium ships of
3849s course the hounds while torpedoes do a
3851s lot of damage just are not going to
3852s apply uh even with a handful of paints
3856s as we see this Navy BRX is holding from
3858s the Riva reps right now despite the
3859s damage coming in uh from these HS and
3862s this Navy Armageddon who is now very low
3863s armor about to go into structure as to
3866s say that though the buck Navy issue
3867s might start breaking the Riva reps just
3869s not spooling fast enough this is going
3871s to be a little bit close yeah it's very
3874s tough the Riva It's a Good Ship it's
3875s been spooling on Slim Jim Tim for as
3877s long as it can you've got a very good
3878s ability to overheat that rep but even
3880s with that the tech one logi not as good
3882s as the
3883s zarz yeah and of course uh the zarz not
3887s banned out this particular match but
3888s they decided to take this Riva again
3890s Hillary just unable to save yabi or slim
3892s jim Tim but they will get this Navy
3894s armagedon it is in D structure and with
3896s that it is all that n pressure off the
3899s field for them and perhaps Riva can get
3901s their reps on a little bit harder uh now
3904s heila in the Navy harbringer is the
3905s primary uh from this unspoken Alliance
3908s side yeah unspoken Alliance just trying
3909s to do everything they can do to cut down
3911s the incoming damage on the white squall
3913s side a lot of these medium guns spam no
3916s the The Harbinger Navy issue it dies
3918s pretty much immediately this Navy
3919s Armageddon is actually staying alive way
3921s too long despite the commitment coming
3923s in from white squall and the Navy
3925s Armageddon dies but they end up trading
3927s three ships for one white skull are
3929s absolutely running out of DPS we see the
3931s attack bars are about even between the
3933s two teams right now and the application
3934s doesn't matter about those torps right
3936s now because the Riva has been able to do
3938s absolutely nothing this match yes the
3940s NES are out but this Omen it's not tanky
3943s enough the Riva just isn't repping
3945s enough honestly and a big difference
3947s here between the unspoken Alliance side
3949s and the white scho side is the control
3950s bar unspoken Alliance they still have
3952s that control bar they with even with the
3954s Navy armag getting down they still have
3955s the cruci fire they still have the
3956s arbitrator you've been seeing those
3958s tracking disruption sides across the
3960s white Squall line those are really
3962s impacting the ability of those ships to
3964s put out the big damage that they're
3965s known for meanwhile the crucifier on the
3967s white squall side yeah sure there's a
3969s tracking disruptor on the Magus but even
3971s without looking I can bet you that that
3973s Magus does not have guns fit yeah but
3975s look at the defense bar from both these
3977s teams you can see pretty much half of
3979s the totally HP white squall brought is
3981s gone and that purple part which
3983s represents the active rep just isn't as
3986s big as unspoken Alliance who have quite
3989s a lot of rep power in that aneros uh and
3993s with the damage drones on in this Omen
3994s they're breaking the Riva reps once
3996s again I just I'm not sure this Riva pick
3999s was right for them it's tough because
4001s it's one of those points things right so
4003s the zarm has it's a lot of points the
4004s onos is 32 the zarm is 34 if you were
4008s going to upgrade that Riva to his arm
4010s you'd have to downgrade some of these
4012s other ships these medium gun span comps
4014s they're usually putting as many of
4015s points as they can into damage and
4017s that's what they've done here it's just
4019s that the unspoken Alliance team even
4020s though this is more of
4022s a comp that has a lot of potential for
4024s control it has these drones it has two
4026s ships that are dedicated to control
4028s pretty much exclusively those bombers
4030s actually the damage is pretty
4032s significant in this case and it's able
4034s to overwhelm the T1 logy so what white
4037s squall needed to do here is they needed
4038s to trade things out we saw them try to
4040s do that by getting down Jason and the
4042s Navy Armageddon taking away that burst
4044s damage that control all all that good
4046s stuff but it just wasn't enough and uh
4050s now they're on to the Riva and Hillary
4052s had a great tournament thus far just
4054s unfortunately has uh not been able uh to
4057s have much of an impact this match a lot
4059s of that came from those armag gun Navy
4060s NES uh obviously keeping the Riva at Bay
4063s and uh getting the snowball started onto
4065s that a stard day and um for white squall
4068s they made top 16 they got prize ships
4070s unspoken Alliance uh likely to move on
4073s now into the top 12 uh this isn't
4076s elimination match but all these teams
4077s have prize ships now they are all
4079s winners in our hearts indeed and I mean
4082s everyone here uh we talked about this a
4083s little bit last weekend everyone here
4085s had to play in through a qualifier
4086s except for the people who made the top
4087s four last time uh so many of these teams
4090s have already defeated a bunch of already
4093s other teams to get here and indeed uh
4096s Whit Sall into the
4097s top yeah unfortunate for them ending
4100s their run here but uh definitely a very
4102s good showing their first tournament was
4104s last year they went out I believe in the
4107s second rounds one O2 to uh Brave
4110s knocking them out of the tournament if I
4111s remember correctly I might be wrong um
4114s but that said uh still very good showing
4117s for them very strong uh ideas coming
4120s from their comp Design This tournament
4122s um obviously this Riva didn't work out
4125s quite well enough for them but uh this
4127s time around uh still uh a lot to take
4131s away from this tournament and a lot to
4132s be happy about yeah honestly I think the
4134s Riva pick could have been fine here uh
4136s it's just that the tracking disruptors
4138s the tracking disruptors from the
4139s arbitrator from the crucifier we've been
4141s seeing so many people when they bring
4142s this medium gun spam setup they're
4144s bringing it with with with these
4148s disruptors banned here we only
4150s see here we don't see any of the
4153s tracking disruption ships band we just
4154s see The Damp ships band uh unspoken
4157s Alliance said great I'm going to bring
4158s the arbitrator I'm going to bring the
4159s crucifier these are the ships of
4160s Alliance tournament 20 and they're going
4162s to be on grid and they did what they've
4164s been doing in so many of these match if
4166s they weren't here white squall maybe
4168s they could have traded something out
4169s maybe the Riva could have just provided
4172s enough of a speed bump in hit points to
4175s make the trades work fortunately uh for
4177s them didn't work out but once again
4179s congratulations to unspoken Alliance we
4180s can talk a little bit about this drone
4182s control setup we've been seeing a lot
4183s more of these starting in feeders uh
4186s this single Armageddon or now Armageddon
4187s Navy issue plus EOS and a bunch of other
4190s drones plus the controlling ships what
4192s do you make of this comp in this
4193s tournament this comp is definitely one
4195s of the strong control setups in this
4196s tournament uh with the drones you don't
4198s really care as much about the tracking
4200s disruptors and we saw this we saw this
4202s earlier today we've seen this previously
4204s uh in fact in the kickoff match frat
4205s versus till doomsday till doomsday
4207s brought a drone control setup and just
4209s dodged a whole bunch of ewar the fact
4211s that the drones can act independently
4214s from the ships that they're being
4216s launched by really gives that comp a
4218s great deal of strength and lets these
4220s comps have this kind of inevitability to
4224s you fit I also their armor comps they
4226s get more mids for control which is great
4229s and uh those control modules uh still
4232s can only be fit onto bonus ships for
4234s them but uh bring enough of them in a
4237s medium gun spam you end up having a
4239s draft like this and uh they flew up very
4241s well they only end up losing the NR
4242s mcgeddon as the rest of the team was
4243s able to split off and as the smaller
4246s goes down to white squall we say goodbye
4247s to them in Alliance tournament 20 and
4250s unspoken Alliance moving on to the top
4252s 12 do you have any final thoughts before
4253s we send it back to the desk not all well
4255s on both teams uh and great great showing
4259s we'll be right back after this
4310s unspoken Alliance defeating white squall
4313s there and knocking them out of the
4314s tournament but at the cost of their
4316s Flagship I think I do believe that was a
4318s flagship that died I'll get some
4320s confirmation on that a little bit later
4322s um so mystical might interesting set of
4325s comps we had basically medium gun spam
4327s going into drone kite with a couple of
4329s bombers now bombers normally great
4331s against battleships struggle sometimes
4333s against medium gunsan but we saw in that
4335s case uh they did manage to break the AAR
4337s the other team seem to go all in on the
4339s gon Navy in fact moderator welcome to
4341s the desk let me come to you how did that
4342s match go for you well I really thought
4345s that the medium gun spam team would be
4347s able to you know send some of their
4349s Omens or some other you know lighter
4350s ships after you know an arbitrator go
4353s after a bomber and it really felt like
4355s they spent the entirety of um their time
4358s really just kind of tunnel vising on
4360s this Armageddon and by the time they did
4361s that they lost their start they lost so
4364s much damage that it's like okay yes you
4367s got the kill but at what cost and these
4370s sort of matches really when you're in
4371s the medium gun SP gun spam you're
4373s playing to trade right you're trying to
4375s out trade the side and if you lose two
4376s of your really core Mainline chips
4378s especially with the links right in an
4380s arbitrator against the geta Navy it's
4382s just not going to go for you yeah and
4385s twitch chat uh correcting me uh as they
4387s are want to do uh it was not a flagship
4389s they already lost their Flagship Bal gor
4391s and I believe it was a bit of a poverty
4394s fit balg that was already uh already
4396s lost so sorry twitch chat jeez all right
4399s so on that last match we saw uh doing
4401s some good work against the medium gun
4402s spam there was an arbitrator and a
4404s crucifier mystical m why would they be
4406s so important yeah so tracking disruptors
4409s are something that we see teams really
4411s wanting to ban out this year there are
4413s two different forms of disruption there
4414s is the tracking disruptor which affects
4417s guns and turret like turret based weapon
4419s systems and then we have gu guidance
4422s disruptors which will affect missiles um
4425s effectively you are able to load them
4426s with two different scripts you will have
4428s one that reduces the range of the weapon
4430s or there is one that will reduce the
4432s ability for that weapon to apply so R
4434s ruin the tracking basically Al um so in
4438s this particular case you were mentioning
4439s the two hounds actually earlier one of
4441s the reasons that hounds can struggle
4443s against medium gun spam is that
4444s typically they have decent range and
4446s decent tracking uh especially the
4448s further away from things you are the
4450s better you will generally apply to
4451s things provided it's in your range the
4454s hounds were able to actually survive for
4455s quite a while because the tracking
4457s disruptors would be lowering the range
4459s on the weapon systems that they were
4460s using so instead of hitting out to let's
4462s say about 70 with decent ammo like iron
4465s which also gives you a tracking bonus
4466s and they'd be probably hitting out to
4468s about like 50 or or or 40 or even lower
4470s depending on how many tracking
4471s disruptors were actually applied so by
4474s pairing generally squishy ships that
4477s like to sit really far back with ships
4479s that can effectively reduce the range of
4482s the enemy team it means that you're able
4483s to keep those ships alive and they pump
4485s out damage continuously over the match
4487s especially into something like a battle
4488s cruiser hole which with one or two
4490s target painters means that the Torpedoes
4492s that are coming out from the hounds are
4493s actually going to be doing the Lord's
4495s work as it were the Lord work I believe
4497s we have an infographic to show about um
4500s the uh track and disruption um which I
4502s think we can throw up on the screen here
4504s we go weapon disruption so as
4507s mystical mentioned uh there are two
4509s different types of weapon disruption
4510s obviously you have guidance um for
4512s missiles and you have uh ones for
4514s turrets uh you can do things like reduce
4516s their range reduce their ability to
4518s track um uh missiles times and flight
4521s things like that uh it just becomes
4523s annoying because you theat crafted okay
4525s we need to be at this range to do
4526s maximum damage uh and that allows us to
4528s kite away blah blah blah all the fancy
4530s stuff then you turn up and suddenly all
4532s those ranges have changed so the way you
4534s fly the match has to change the way you
4536s position yourself has to change and of
4538s course um some teams will not just leave
4540s tracking guidance disruption damps that
4542s kind of stuff on one ship they'll
4543s actually move it around so you see this
4545s a lot especially with damps they force
4547s ship to go really far away uh and then
4549s damp it forcing it to come back in again
4551s and then they catch it especially with
4552s Logistics yeah one thing I was also
4554s going to add because I don't think
4556s either of us mentioned it is that it
4557s these types of ewar are locked to ships
4560s that have bonuses for them so you can't
4562s put tracking disruptors on your Cyclone
4564s Fleet issues for example I know Tusk is
4565s very sad about that CU they did pioneer
4568s an armor CFI setup I think that had just
4570s tracking disruptors in the mids um you
4572s can only use them with ships that have
4574s bonuses to them so that's why we see
4576s these arbitrator banss these pilgrims
4578s these curses these Sentinels these
4580s crucifiers These are the ships that can
4582s use the tracking disruptors or the
4583s guidance disruptors which makes them
4585s very valuable yes I do remember uh we
4588s used to see when you could fit eward to
4590s pretty much any ship we used to see the
4591s armor Jack do uh quite a lot because you
4593s could just Ram uh ewar into the mids and
4597s then just fly it around really far away
4598s from everything just making everyone
4600s very upset uh so I'm glad that thing is
4602s dead because that thing was honestly
4603s terrible H all right let's look at our
4605s next match which is Rage Quit cancel sub
4607s versus genjin impact Alliance and let's
4609s take a quick look at the bands for
4612s that all right R qup cancel s Banning
4614s out the armor again the arbitrator The
4616s Sentinel and the crucifier so the eore
4618s we just talked about a lot of it being
4619s removed uh genjin impact Alliance
4622s bringing Banning out the sleer the Loki
4624s the EOS and the arthurus moderator your
4626s thoughts on these bands here so both of
4628s the teams that we see in this match have
4630s done a lot of a combination of three
4633s Battleship core or um a combination of
4637s you know double Battleship with some
4638s control right and really what these
4641s bands are getting at is getting at the
4642s ability of the Armageddon to apply
4644s control via NES right the arbitrator
4647s just like Misty and you were talking
4648s about right really heading at these um
4650s ships and with these bands you can still
4653s bring a curse you can still bring um the
4655s pilgrim It's You Know cover Ops
4658s equivalent but you have to spend 30
4660s points a pop and really when you get
4661s into these kind of Battleship um core
4664s comps you start start to run out of
4667s points very quickly and if you start to
4668s want to bring like a curse or a pilgrim
4671s maybe you can't bring three battleships
4672s maybe you have to bring two and that's a
4674s very uncomfortable situation to be in um
4677s so that makes sense for me from Rage
4678s Quit cancel sub genin however they're
4680s banning out um a few different
4682s compositions with this so the sleer
4684s really gets at the ability of like an
4686s artillery longrange comp with the Loki
4689s to web but the Loki and sleer also kind
4691s of a common archetype ships in these
4693s rushes right the Loki holds things down
4695s the sleer gets in close and then punches
4698s then you've got the EOS which is a
4699s staple really of any sort of drone
4701s control setup we've seen that used a lot
4703s today earlier by fraternity uh genin
4706s impact also notably uh another Chinese
4708s speaking uh team that could be scrimming
4710s with them and seeing something with that
4711s and then you've got the orthus which is
4713s been a staple of uh the sort of kiting
4716s uh mid-range HML or even a rush setup
4719s they're not incredibly expensive you can
4721s just dump rapid lights or R heavy
4723s assault missiles into them and just
4725s really try to push out things with their
4727s projection and pick apart lodgy pick a
4729s part of low endend and maybe just not
4732s wanting to deal with any of that so some
4734s of these bands seem a lot more targeted
4736s uh than some of the ones we've seen
4737s before getting rid of tracking
4739s disruption gets at some of these control
4741s comp comps getting rid of Rush is
4744s something that you want to do if you
4745s really really are afraid of having your
4748s control setup just get punched out yep
4750s and uh both teams in this particular
4752s matchup are going to be Fielding their
4753s flagships a Vindicator and an Armageddon
4755s Navy issue H it's worth noting we are
4757s actually in the losers bracket still uh
4759s so this is a a you know lose and go home
4761s basically uh if you do not win you're
4763s out of the tournament if you win you're
4764s confirmed top 12 at this point which is
4766s great that means you're going to get
4767s some awesome ships um uh but with
4770s flagships on the field this could be a
4772s spicy one so let's head over to the
4776s arena hello everyone and welcome back to
4779s the arena my name is Ali ARS joined by
4781s fear vinet for Rage Quit cancel sub
4783s versus gship impact Alliance we have a
4786s battle of the flagships here Rage Quit
4789s cancel sub has their Vindicator backed
4791s up by Redeemer onos celestus and some
4794s other including Amal so some good
4796s control some ability to try to control
4799s what genin impact can do fear what have
4801s genin impact brought well they have
4802s brought dual rapid heavy armagedon Navy
4804s issue alongside their Flagship armagedon
4806s Navy issue from Sailor uh this is very
4808s similar to the comp that they brought
4810s against white squall in their first
4811s match where they uh ended up losing 1 to
4814s zero this time they have brought the
4816s full 200 points uh and they also have a
4819s very powerful curse uh it's going to be
4821s interesting to see how the ewar battle
4823s plays out with that celestus molus
4824s versus this CS who can make a Vindicator
4827s really really unhappy indeed and uh this
4831s Vindicator will not be able to run will
4833s not want to run away and kite the entire
4835s match out instead this Vindicator wants
4838s to get up close and apply void directly
4840s to the enemy
4842s hole with that said the match is
4844s underway they'll be looking for an
4845s opport Rage Quit cancel sell will be
4847s looking for an opportunity to bring this
4848s Vindicator of debugged bear they do have
4851s some more DPS in the form of the
4852s Redeemer that control though those damps
4855s immediately going on to the aimu and the
4857s pontif effect probably looking to
4859s prevent some of those light drones from
4861s coming over as well as the uh Navy
4863s Armageddon prevent that initial volley
4865s from coming looks like uh genin impact
4867s Alliance have dropped centuries here
4869s yeah they dropped centuries out of their
4870s armag navies but immediately picked them
4872s back up uh interesting to see damage
4875s drones out of a dual rapid heavy setup
4877s uh typically with that type of setup
4879s you'll see a full flight of heavy rep
4881s Bots uh they did scoop the drones back
4883s up though so we'll see how they continue
4885s with that as the teams just continue
4886s jocking for bus by that I mean just
4888s burning in yeah right now both teams are
4891s sort of like looking for an opportunity
4893s and they are burning in but it's a
4895s little bit slow so R cancel sub sort of
4897s burning sideways while genjin impact
4900s Alliance not eager to repeat their 1 nil
4903s loss to white squall have are just
4905s burning in heading in and looking to do
4908s things you can see those damps are
4909s really affecting the gench and impact
4910s Alliance team those are going to prevent
4912s those battleships from locking
4914s particularly far meanwhile the tracking
4915s disruptors are going onto the Vindicator
4917s and the Redeemer so those ships are not
4918s able to bring their guns to Bear
4920s particularly not when they're very close
4922s now as long as both teams have their
4924s links the damps they're a problem but
4927s they're not a big problem watch out for
4929s the Ponte effectes on both sides though
4931s because if the pontif effect goes down
4932s for gench and impact Alliance the damps
4934s get a lot better heavy DRS and various
4937s others haveu actually been dropped onto
4938s this Confessor who had burned in uh got
4941s tackle onto the samam Arvin genon and a
4943s little bit onto the ash Mo but but is
4945s now tackled up himself scrammed on auson
4947s on the nav Armageddon uh but now this
4950s Confessor under a myriad of drone damage
4952s we'll see if they decid to clip the
4953s rapid Heavies onto him as the other
4955s Confessor starts burning in here as well
4957s yeah those rapid Heavies you they they
4959s can do some good damage but uh you great
4961s thing about the tech 2 Lodi in this case
4963s uh Rage Quit cancel sub very happy that
4965s genin impact Alliance doesn't have dams
4966s because that onos is able to stay hang
4968s back give some reps to that Confessor
4970s who assuredly is in defensive mode and
4973s just turtling up and tanking as best as
4975s they can meanwhile the isimu of luu has
4978s gotten tackled uh not super close to the
4981s vindicators this isn't a this isn't a
4982s Vindicator situation but uh we are
4985s seeing some damage start to come in on
4986s it yeah it's uh some damage but really
4991s nothing to break anything quite yet I
4993s mean the ashamu uh has reps from Dual
4996s Deacon so it will eventually die unlike
4998s being under that anos RP right but the
5001s curse has been completely untouched it's
5002s still able to get this tracking
5003s disruption on The Vindicator Redeemer
5005s which means that it's not going to apply
5007s very well maybe not be even in range of
5009s this ashamu if the ashamu is able to
5011s pull away indeed that ashamu by the way
5013s is webbing Down debuging The Vindicator
5016s so the reason why rage qu cancel sub
5017s wants to get this ashamu down is once
5019s they get this ashamu down then The
5021s Vindicator can just do whatever the heck
5023s they want damping out the ashim not
5025s likely to be effective again as long as
5027s those pontif effect reps are available
5029s so genin impact coming onto the Hound
5032s because the Hound is honestly the best
5033s range DPS that Rage Quit has yeah I mean
5038s they don't appear to have taken guidance
5041s disruption this seems to be a full
5042s tracking disruption curse uh teching
5044s into the likelihood of a Vindicator
5046s Flagship uh I do like this call however
5049s the Hound uh still going to apply pretty
5051s much fully to these Navy Armageddon and
5054s unfortunately has not really had the
5056s opportunity to be tackled by get impact
5059s Alliance so The Hound's able to run away
5060s and continue applying Torpedoes directly
5062s to the face indeed meanwhile uh out the
5065s Punisher of WEA Jo has come into range
5069s of the vindicator's webs now the
5070s tracking disruptors are doing a very
5072s good job of keeping this Punisher alive
5074s but the Punisher is not moving that
5076s speed is nine so I would also like to
5079s point out the N battle that's been going
5080s on uh right we've seen a lot of nosas
5082s being put out onto these na armagedon on
5084s the simu but all the while uh the curse
5087s medium NES and the Navy armagedon issues
5090s uh heavy NES have been spread all across
5092s this red side where quit cancel Subs
5094s starting to run out of capacitor they're
5096s starting to run out of uh steam here and
5099s their guns require that capacitor to be
5101s able to uh be used at all uh meanwhile
5104s the neros has been completely untouch
5106s this match and thus is able to keep
5107s things alive but if genj and impact
5109s Alliance are able to get those new son
5111s the and heroes then they might be able
5112s to snowball this match pretty quickly
5114s and you know Punisher falling into arm
5116s punisher's down this is what happens
5118s when you get two close to a Vindicator
5120s those webs are absolutely deadly uh but
5122s fortunately uh The Vindicator still hold
5124s down and as you point out Fe those NES
5126s they've been they've been applying
5128s continuously for the last 5 minutes and
5130s if that V that Vindicator needs that
5132s capacitor in order to run not just the
5134s guns but also those webs it seems like
5138s they've just not been committing onto
5140s anything maybe finally onto this
5141s Redeemer as we see the rapid heavy Clips
5143s come out um but again the anos has not
5146s been capped out wait the
5148s Hound The Hound's dead yeah that Hound a
5152s major source of damage against these big
5154s battle ship in the genin impact side so
5156s we have damasus cadesh in the Redeemer
5158s in half armor fighting for his life
5161s meanwhile none of the genin all the
5163s genjin impact battleships are all quite
5164s comfortable and genjin impact they're up
5167s one seven points to six if this match
5169s continues genjin impact are currently in
5172s the lead I mean the the curse just has
5174s not been damped out at all you have a
5175s celestus and you have a molus and you're
5177s using all this onto the sash moon and
5178s the name Armageddon but the curse keeps
5180s keeping her Vindicator Redeemer from
5182s doing anything from applying any damage
5184s they have a little bit on Rus on saw
5186s right now but uh even with just the
5188s double deacons they're able to keep them
5190s up and meanwhile they're starting to
5191s lose their links this Ma just going down
5193s pretty low but the aneros once again
5195s clutch on the Reps and uh the Redeemer
5197s of damasus cadesh the rapid heavy clip
5199s says ended but the aneros hasn't been
5201s ripping damasus Cades up at all which
5203s means that these Navy Armageddon uh have
5206s their pick up the litter when the clips
5207s reload yeah this curse is in a very nice
5210s position you mentioned the damps uh with
5212s those Pon effectes alive the curse can't
5214s get damped much lower than like 22 20ish
5217s kilom and the curse is just sort of
5219s sitting just a little bit back so yes it
5223s I agree they should switch the damps
5224s onto it but it might not I think they're
5226s looking in they're saying like yeah it's
5227s not worth it let's keep trying to keep
5228s uh webs off The Vindicator webs off the
5230s rest of our team that said whole rest of
5232s the team is seriously in danger here
5235s yeah well rouson saw about half armor as
5237s well that's not the flagship nav armor
5238s gun that one's being piloted by sailor
5240s so uh the Viator and Redeemer finally
5243s able to get on top and control space we
5245s see the Redeemer actually going 0 m a
5247s second briefly now three as this Navy
5249s Armageddon also uh currently webbed and
5252s grappled and under a lot of stress but
5254s as I say The Vindicator webs end up
5256s falling off and the ne again keeps on
5258s trying to boat out of the way and that's
5259s the power of these heavy nudes turning
5261s this Vindicator web off giving a little
5263s bit of breathing room for these Navy
5264s Armageddon at this point if I'm the
5266s vindicators The Vindicator is like right
5268s next to the Navy arm again you can see
5269s it on your screen uh at this point if
5271s I'm in The Vindicator I am just like
5273s control space and the only thing I'm
5275s running is my guns just like inject guns
5278s inject guns inject guns and you we can
5280s see that Rus Anda low armor heading
5283s towards structure both uh yeah double
5286s Deacon here are not able to stay as far
5288s away as that auros we can see one of
5290s them is being tackled we haven't seen
5291s NES from the Redeemer come onto them yet
5293s possibly because the redeemer's out of
5294s cap uh but it's a it's a tough space
5297s meanwhile Hunter Hughes and the Magus
5299s low armor yeah but Nexium has been
5303s absolutely repping the living hell out
5305s of Hunter Hugh in this Maes who has
5307s stayed alive for way too long kind of a
5310s bit of an overc committal from genin
5312s Impact Alliance and the Mages is still
5313s alive he's repping up now into onethird
5316s armor one half armor as well and
5318s meanwhile Navy Armageddon of Ron saw now
5321s into low structure so all they needed to
5323s do was stay alive after the hound and
5325s the pisher go and now with the Navy
5328s Armageddon gone Rage Quit cancel subar
5330s firm control this match that is a huge
5333s thing both that that if the trade had
5335s happened if the Magus had gone down it'd
5337s be a much closer game that maggus is
5339s providing a whole bunch of survivability
5341s as well as probably some links to help
5343s make the uh the webs of that Vindicator
5346s reach further out uh you keep up the
5349s rest of the team but man losing the Navy
5351s armag again not even quite trading it
5353s out the Redeemer even recovering now
5355s that that big Battleship DPS is down
5356s this is huge yeah and uh it's
5359s unfortunate when you take dual rapid
5361s Heavies into battleships because you
5362s cannot clip even with a flagship even
5366s with officer guns even with officer uh
5368s damage mods you cannot clip through uh
5371s some of these tanky or battleships uh
5373s immediately so you have to rely on
5375s nuding out the Lodi or getting the Lodi
5377s away and we saw xm2 now under pressure
5380s from NES but uh basically completely
5383s untouched for the start uh has to burn
5385s in to get onto this Redeemer now but uh
5388s really really smart play from nexum 2
5390s staying out of range of the NES but
5392s importantly being in range to rep the uh
5395s much needed ships uh from wage kits
5397s cancel sub they will lose the Redeemer
5399s here which should put the points at 51
5402s to 50 in favor of Rage quck cancel sub
5407s nothing's going to keep these uh this
5409s genjin impact Alliance team out of the
5411s uh the close matches but as we say that
5413s redeemer is hanging on and Fa I just
5414s want to draw your attention to that
5416s curse you mentioned the curse wasn't
5417s damped well now the curse is you know
5419s why because the Ponty is tackling it so
5421s the curse has been completely damped out
5423s of the fight tackled some like 50 km off
5426s at this point that curse is no longer
5428s able to bring the NES to bear and maybe
5430s that's part of what's keeping damasis
5431s KES alive as we say that though Damas is
5433s down points equalized 4 seconds it's not
5437s going to go to reverse tiedy it's
5439s another one-point match loss for genin
5442s impact Alliance they are out of the
5443s alliance tournament and rage qu cancel
5445s sub win by one point and move on to the
5448s top 12 we're going to take a quick break
5450s when we return the dusk will break that
5452s down we'll be right back after this
5482s like and there you have it so genin
5484s impact Alliance they dropped that one by
5486s one point one point it's the second time
5490s they've done that in this tournament
5491s their first match um they brought 199
5493s points instead of 200 uh no one killed
5496s anything uh and they lost one n uh this
5498s time they did Kill stuff they did bring
5500s the full 200 points very proud of you
5502s there um but they lost by one point um
5505s with that Redeemer going down took it 51
5507s to 50 uh it looked like the Magus went
5510s down just after the end of the match if
5511s they killed that Magus maybe like five
5514s seconds earlier I think than they would
5515s have won uh but unfortunately it went
5517s after the timer so the official score I
5519s believe is 51 to 50 Rage Quit cancel sub
5523s survive um to keep going down their skin
5525s run mystical knight uh that was an
5528s interesting matchup there we had two
5529s flagships Flagship Vindicator we don't
5531s see them very often um and by the range
5534s that that thing was webbing stuff looked
5536s like it was probably quite an expensive
5538s web I imagine on that thing so break the
5539s match down a little bit for me yeah it
5541s it was a really interesting technical
5543s match I think there were series of
5545s potential misplays um but some also
5547s really good plays as well from both
5548s teams um there's a lot to pick apart but
5551s I guess what I would focus in on is the
5555s location of The Vindicator there was a
5556s lot of movement and positioning going on
5558s in the match we saw that the um genin
5561s team was able to effectively kind of
5563s keep The Vindicator at range and at Bay
5565s for a little bit um at one point we saw
5567s The Vindicator burning away from the
5569s fight entirely it got to about 25 35 km
5573s out and The Punisher burned in to keep
5575s it pinned down to try and buy as much
5576s time as possible with these things The
5579s Vindicator has a very strong web um it
5583s can web to 90% I think at maximum
5585s without
5586s Abyssal um which we do not allow in the
5588s Lions tournament because it takes away
5589s from the fun when purple things die um
5592s so the Punisher will eventually go down
5594s but when you pair the Punisher sitting
5596s at about 9 km against a Vindicator that
5599s is scrammed so it's not able to move
5601s quickly and you put some tracking
5602s disruptors on it it means that the
5604s Punisher can last quite a while while
5606s The Vindicator slow boats towards the
5608s Punisher so I I thought the positioning
5610s was fairly interesting another
5611s interesting point was the curse um
5614s playing around The Vindicator so imagine
5617s this is the middle of the match middle
5619s middle of the Arena uh they were both
5621s spinning around the opposite sides to
5623s ensure that the curse doesn't go down
5627s but um I think the customers played in
5629s terms of not getting on top of that
5631s aneros faster if it had got on top of
5632s the aneros I think that gen won that
5634s match yeah I mean I think that's one of
5636s the matches that um if you're new to the
5638s L tournament you should definitely go
5639s back and watch it has really good
5640s examples of positioning and tactics and
5643s uh just the way the teams were kind of
5645s working together as a unit as you say
5646s kind of moving around the curse was kind
5647s of keeping himself opposite from The
5649s Vindicator The Vindicator was trying to
5650s get around without getting caught
5651s himself it was a very interesting match
5653s although it felt like it was like a back
5655s and forward tug of war for a while and
5657s the thing is um with the curse on field
5659s the curse is basically um one of the
5661s things that you least want to see as a
5662s Vindicator uh it can really affect you
5664s with uh his energy neutralizers
5666s especially over uh a sustained period of
5668s time which that match was let's take a
5670s quick look about how energy neutralizers
5671s actually work in Eve
5673s online so it's very simple you have
5676s capacitor it's like you're a space Mana
5678s it lets you do stuff uh and if you have
5679s none you can't do stuff which is very
5681s sad very sad Vindicator so if you have
5684s um very cap heavy stuff like blasters
5686s prop mods Etc and then something like a
5688s curse which can M from quite significant
5690s range it giv a bonus to that ship to the
5692s range uh it can just drain your uh your
5695s capacitor down really quickly and
5697s suddenly your Vindicator is not shooting
5698s anymore it's just kind of stuck there
5700s now you're probably able to fire
5701s injectors and get some shots off every
5703s now and then but the problem is with
5704s curse having medium nutes they'll cycle
5706s quite quick and it means it's very hard
5708s to to balance it so very difficult and
5710s as the match goes on your capacitor pool
5711s gets lower and lower and lower the regen
5713s of course is not uh linear there's like
5716s a peak and once you get below that it's
5717s really hard to recover from it yeah
5720s again astounding analysis and
5723s interesting enough so the curse here was
5725s brought almost assuredly because we saw
5728s that in draft right we were even po
5731s pointing out that arbitrator Sentinel
5733s and the crucifier were banned and maybe
5736s some speculation that the curse the
5738s reason that the curse was a little bit
5739s slow to get to the o neros is that that
5741s pilot might be more familiar with the
5743s capability of the arbitrator feels like
5745s the comp uh pick that they really wanted
5748s and then when it was banned they're like
5749s okay well I guess we have to bring the T
5752s 2 version of it and then maybe not
5754s realizing that hey the confessors are
5757s held down in the backline the confessors
5758s did a really good job actually of trying
5761s to go after uh the deacons and what that
5764s Confessor did is it forced um some
5767s tackle on those deacons and then with
5769s damps really what you're able to do with
5770s the celestus that they also had is you
5772s can damp down the um deacons which are
5776s held down in the backline and maybe
5779s those deacons weren't able to you know
5780s rep Rus Anda in that Armageddon Navy
5782s issue and that's you know maybe not the
5785s most intuitive way to think about the
5787s way ew War works but once you kind of
5789s stack things on top of each other you
5791s would get the tackle you get the damps
5793s it really is kind of the defining
5795s Hallmarks of how do you win a control
5797s comp right when you're in these top 16
5799s top 12 matches now and just knowing that
5802s you're going to run into a lot of armor
5803s control if you're not able to understand
5805s how that Mirror Works in depth and
5807s really have the understanding of what
5809s your win condition is and what you have
5811s to do to execute and when that's the
5814s difference right now between winning and
5815s losing and like Misty and you said If
5817s that onos had been you know nuded out by
5820s the curse I mean and the onus is forced
5823s to inject I mean that onus we saw he was
5825s constantly having to split reps between
5827s the Magus right and that Vindicator if
5829s that Vindicator um you know goes down or
5832s the Redeemer goes down that match goes a
5834s different way and funnily enough we were
5837s also noting that um you know genjin
5839s impact uh instead of being one punch man
5842s because they are weebs they were
5843s onepoint man
5844s when they brought those double
5845s Armageddon Navy issues what ended up
5848s happening is the point rule went into
5850s effect right instead of being a 44 ship
5853s it's a 45o ship now and if they had you
5856s know maybe brought not double AI but
5858s another
5859s Battleship that match goes into overtime
5861s right and we get sudden death and then
5863s it looks like they were winning yeah I
5865s think so um we have about two minutes
5866s before our next match so let's take a
5867s quick look at the bands so it's going to
5869s be evasive maneuvering versus fraternity
5871s and twitch chat tells me fraternity is a
5873s small family Alliance and they need your
5874s support So evasive maneuvering Banning
5876s out the onos the Armageddon Navy the
5878s Armageddon and the Loki fraternity
5880s Banning out the isar the EOS they always
5881s ban the Ishtar s and aloki mystical M
5884s your thought on these bands heck drones
5888s heck drones true real um okay I just see
5891s something very interesting come up both
5892s flagships are being fielded a lasack and
5894s an armagedon Navy issue this is an
5896s elimination match it is a best of one
5898s this is for prize ships this is uh this
5900s is important so let's just go to the
5901s arena now and let the guys talk about it
5906s welcome back to the arena my name is f
5907s joined by Ali Aris and on the blue side
5909s we have fraternity dot who are bringing
5911s their Flagship Armageddon Navy issue in
5914s a dual rapid heavy plus tracking
5916s disruption comp what have evasa
5918s maneuvering brought Evas maneuvering
5920s have also brought their Flagship lasack
5923s this time uh along with my uh Alliance
5926s mate dark hedron's favorite ship the
5928s Widow uh that Widow is here to play
5930s Guardian for the lak you'll note the
5932s fraternity knowing about the lasack they
5934s brought that Sentinel arbitrator we saw
5936s a lasack flag of bod fall to tracking
5940s disruption and that's what the Widow's
5941s for I'm guessing that Widow is stacked
5943s with gold jams uh in order to jam out
5946s that Sentinel and that arbitrator and so
5949s fraternity if they can get that Widow
5951s off the field they should be in a good
5953s spot evasive maneuvering if they can jam
5956s out the tracking disruption that L Shack
5958s should be able to just run around spool
5961s up on everything and wreck the those big
5964s fraternity battleships I'm also going to
5966s point out we have an industrial not
5968s named the Squall in this match evasive
5971s maneuvering have brought a naras for uh
5974s used to be a badger but the naras also
5976s makes sense for additional tracking uh
5980s remote tracking computers or remote uh
5982s sensor uh sensor computers so the remote
5986s tracking computers are probably what
5987s they've got in this one to help counter
5989s uh this uh Sentinel and this uh
5992s arbitrator from and as we see the track
5995s disruption going out on this lak off the
5997s start of the match but Pandy and fafy
5998s waffy and the Maller just burning right
6001s in on top of this typhoon Fleet issue
6003s indeed and uh battle is join ewar
6005s effects going out on both sides that
6006s arbitrator uh is missile disrupting the
6010s Navy Armageddon that's going to lower
6012s the range at which those rapid Heavies
6014s can be applied meanwhile the fleet
6015s typhoon tackled down perspective first
6018s primary uh but the jam and the jams have
6020s actually gone out on the tackle which
6021s makes a certain amount of sense if you
6022s want to get your lasack in position
6023s position you got to make sure that
6025s nothing's going to tackle it off of
6027s where it wants to be his armor up on the
6029s malediction as well it burned in a
6030s little bit the mer is tackled and uh
6033s actually Mr caps and the zarm has
6035s actually been swapping between the mer
6037s and the malediction trying to keep them
6038s both alive yeah it's really tough uh
6040s both ships are very important uh but
6043s we've just got a giant brawl at zero
6046s here basically with battleships on both
6049s sides being locked down lasack coming in
6052s close uh currently track and disrupted
6054s but uh it doesn't matter if you're only
6056s 6 km off R is going we can zoom in on
6059s that right now uh unlike the tracking
6062s disruption that came out on top of that
6064s bod lasack this lak is spooling
6067s perfectly fine on a typhoon Fleet issue
6069s and again uh I I pointed this out the
6072s start of the that it is due to this
6073s narius which is full tracking computers
6076s in the mids or remote tracking computers
6077s in the mids keeping the lasack uh able
6080s to spool out on top of these battleships
6082s and the Widow doesn't do a whole lot of
6084s DPS but it doesn't matter you have a lak
6086s on your team you can punch through
6088s literally everything including AAR asra
6091s uh so the Z speaking of the zarm rep the
6094s Widow has been attempting to damp the
6096s zarm now the uh mollus or sorry Widow
6099s Jam the Zas MLL damped the Zas and we
6101s see that spool fall off of the fleet
6103s typhoon this is a really tough spot for
6105s the zarm if if they're jammed they can't
6107s do anything about it if they're damped
6109s now they have to wonder do I come in to
6111s rep my friend and maybe get tackled or
6114s do I stay far out here where I'm just a
6117s 34o brick and we see that rep go back on
6120s jams have fallen off uh you know Widow
6122s cycling jams among different things very
6124s uh common strategy and we'll see if uh
6128s that is going to be the the Difference
6130s Maker because if that zarm as rep falls
6132s off there's no reps on that side then
6134s the uh the lasack poool should be able
6136s to do a serious number on this typon
6138s Fleet issue yeah I'm wondering where the
6140s narius is actually positioned right now
6141s we see the Widow positioned very far
6143s back alongside that arbitrator in arm
6145s just liting the L Shack I mean we're
6147s seeing it right now on stream just
6148s absolutely spooling on this typhoon
6150s Fleet issue whing away at zero control
6153s space and just Ram in with the lasack
6156s and those rtcs uh helping massively
6159s against this arbitrator and against uh
6162s this Sentinel and as we see the flight
6165s typhoon even though it's got those
6166s armarm reps on top of it and the zarm
6167s reps are spooling L Shack is spooling
6169s harder they're off again though the zarm
6171s like we can see it on the you can see it
6172s just watch that little it's a it's a
6174s sort of like funny Circle looking green
6176s thingy uh and you'll see it appear and
6178s disappear and appear and disappear and
6179s every time it disappears that's because
6181s the uh the zarm got jammed out but uh
6184s forget that they've decided to just
6187s quickly turn around snap the Magus lower
6190s the amount of buffer the amount of
6193s repping power that this team has yeah
6195s and that Fleet typhoon already in the
6197s structure let his arm go back on top of
6199s it for a little bit a little bit longer
6201s but yeah the lak uh doing lasack things
6204s it is inevitable in this match despite
6207s being tackled up uh actually The Tackle
6209s mods are completely off of the lasack
6211s but as we see just continually burning
6214s and burning the disintegration Ray on
6217s top of these ships in fact he's not even
6219s on the fleet typhoon right now we saw
6220s he's on he's on the fleet typhoon he's
6221s on the fleet typhoon for sure yeah
6223s they're like right next to each other
6224s it's there going past it okay okay I was
6227s like it that doesn't look like it's in
6229s the fleet typhoon that looks like it
6230s hasn't ped it but yeah no l Shack do
6232s what L Shack do and once again thear no
6235s longer on top of that Fleet typhoon Jam
6237s lands uh they end up losing a
6238s malediction for this but uh still once
6241s that Fleet typhoon goes down it is just
6242s the flagship armag get a Navy issue for
6244s DPS or fraternity indeed and this lak
6247s this is this is what you have to do to
6249s make the leack flag work you have to
6251s have enough of a structure around it
6253s that this one ship can kind of come in
6256s and carry particularly against other
6259s large ships so particularly against
6260s people like this Fleet typhoon the armag
6262s Navy issue you know it's been taking a
6263s long time to kill this Fleet typhoon
6264s that's partly because you know the zarm
6266s keeps coming back on repping it up you
6268s see the lak's got smart bombs going
6270s preventing any rep drones from really
6272s getting in there and and helping the
6273s zarm out uh but not only is the fleet
6275s typhoon in in low armor but the pontif
6278s effect is also in low armor those links
6279s are absolutely critical to the
6281s fraternity side in order to be able to
6283s stand up to these ewar effects that pawy
6285s goes down and it's down nobody's going
6288s to be able to log anything on the
6289s fraternity side down goes the fleet
6291s typhoon and fraternity dot winners of
6294s last year's at they made it into the top
6297s 16 however they will go no further being
6301s knocked out by evasive maneuvering
6303s captained by fafy waffy previously of
6305s dark side uh a bit of a Russian super
6308s team as we have heard several times now
6311s and you know L Shack it's done all they
6314s need to right they have the zarm as the
6316s zarm as is completely and totally fine
6318s can wrap up literally anything on this
6319s team because the only damage left is
6322s this one uh army gun Navy issue which is
6324s scrambled it is damped and it is doing
6327s absolutely nothing yeah those damps by
6330s the way uh I I made a nice little chart
6332s with pipa and now that that Pon effect
6335s is down our friend the armagan Navy
6337s issue can lock to maybe like 14 kilm
6341s maybe you know somewhere between 20 and
6343s 14 so really all you need to do to be
6346s able to neutralize fubuki in this comp
6349s is just tackle them somewhere and then
6351s go somewhere else yeah and even though
6354s there's tackle on this Widow who has
6356s been smart bombing off the the drones on
6358s top of them I mean you've got a zarm
6360s zarm is not under any n pressure it is
6362s not under any damp pressure and uh
6366s evasive maneuvering now just picking
6367s apart this fraternity. comp uh some
6370s damage onto the Sentinel onto the
6371s Vengeance onto the Punisher uh really
6373s they don't have to kill anything else
6375s but uh they would probably like to kill
6377s this Navy armagedon and get some uh
6379s shiny loot to take back home indeed with
6381s the fraternity being Pride Shi enjoyers
6383s in fact winners from last year we can
6385s certainly hope this Navy Armageddon is
6387s going to be one of the uh more fancy fit
6390s Navy Armageddon flagships we've seen in
6392s this in this match uh and in fact the uh
6394s the Armageddon Navy issue and uh pandies
6397s lashek are are having a little Battle
6399s Ship off like yes they could have
6401s isolated uh fubuki and then come back
6404s for later but no no no no no no if we're
6405s going to kill this we need to set the
6406s Little Shack on it spool it up we need
6409s purple mods of course you do you got to
6412s get as much value as you can of your
6413s tournament run besides uh we talked last
6415s week There's a 90% Loot drop going on uh
6417s this is the main server this is the live
6419s server so the same 90% loot jop that
6422s people are enjoying in PvP in regular
6423s space they're also enjoying that in the
6424s arena you know it's Crimson Harvest but
6427s blood Raiders aren't sponsoring this
6428s tournament I don't know what the timing
6430s of this is we show out a gist's event uh
6433s CCP please uh regardless still spooling
6436s on the Navy Army get an issue uh the
6438s shack has some NES on top of it uh might
6442s try to turn that spool for the time
6444s being but again once the LI hits the jam
6447s onto the Navy armagon then the NES are
6449s off and L Shack's able to get his cap
6450s back yeah exactly and the Widow honestly
6453s mostly jamming out the armz because it
6455s did take quite a while to kill the fleet
6458s typhoon we only have two minutes left in
6460s this match so while it's like oh yeah
6463s it's over are they're kind of mostly
6465s mopping up and you can see that no one
6467s in the evasive maneuvering side has been
6469s like seriously threatened in a while we
6471s have some uh tackle coming on to Sky
6473s kill Russian in the vexer the the low
6475s end of fraternity is basically on a
6477s small like PVP Ram to try to we have the
6480s battleship fight and then we have the
6481s small like PVP roam to try to kill
6482s something more on the evasive
6484s maneuvering side so like that narus is
6486s oh finally I mean it did it job it gave
6489s the rtcs to Shack it's it's still alive
6491s though it's still alive like they're
6493s zarm reps on the narus all right you
6496s wish you had your logi all right on your
6499s narius on TQ when you get caught like
6502s this narus here
6507s uh yeah it's uh it's definitely a rough
6510s thing with uh narus got caught Vengeance
6514s got got caught the this team is sort of
6516s Defending uh that that important ship uh
6519s meanwhile again that spool going onto
6521s the Navy Armageddon Navy Armageddon
6523s dipping into structure but we only have
6525s one minute remaining here I want a shiny
6528s kill mail our last match had flagships
6531s that did not die we need a death of a
6534s flagship uh Beyond just The Brave One
6537s today uh Fuki Wu once again in structure
6541s has some reps from various rep drones on
6544s top as well as what I would assume is a
6546s local rep for that armag get Navy issue
6548s but is now dipping into about 50%
6550s structure should go down in the last 30
6552s seconds and thankfully the lak's right
6555s on zero on top of the army got Navy
6556s issue so is the merer so is the merer
6559s everybody every team knows where their
6561s bread is buttered they are uh just like
6563s we saw you know every time we see a
6564s flagship die you've got everyone just
6566s coming close to spamming you open loot
6568s open loot 10 seconds come on down come
6571s on give us the content give us the
6575s content kill Fuki waifu 4 seconds
6577s remaining in the match three two one the
6581s flagship getting lives all right and
6584s with that fraternity are out they keep
6586s their flag we'll be sending it back to
6588s the
6590s desk fraternity last last year's
6593s defending Champions the champions of
6596s Alliance tournament 19 are now
6598s eliminated from Alliance tournament 20
6601s mystical M mhm big fat L for you guys
6605s it's fine we're just going to find their
6606s Wormhole I'm going to get my revenge Rey
6610s yeah it's fine it looked like uh luckily
6613s the flagship did survive was very very
6615s close we were shouting teleport it I I
6618s was shouting for Swift I was like Swift
6620s teleport it now yeah I mean sometimes
6622s when these match go right to the second
6624s um you sometimes see ships die after uh
6627s the match we saw our Magus die a couple
6629s matches ago just after the match has
6630s ended does not count uh and usually we
6632s reimburse those people but when it's
6634s like a flagship that's presumably quite
6636s expensive usually the refs are hovering
6637s over the end match button to like
6639s teleport them away as soon as that timer
6641s is over to preserve uh the the flagship
6643s because obviously trying to uh keep some
6646s some Intel together would be quite
6647s important for the teams but yeah I mean
6650s what the heck happened there I mean that
6652s was that was a great match uh that I
6653s think that was probably V maneuvering um
6656s that is probably their Alpha comp I
6657s imagine that's that looks like a very
6659s serious comp yeah I think especially
6662s when you have a flagship Flagship
6665s Shack um you want to be building your
6668s comp around that uh just due to the
6670s point cost but also the fact that it's a
6671s fairly inflexible ship you can only
6673s really bring it with an armor setup I
6675s guess you could do a shieldless shack
6676s wouldn't recommend it but um so you're
6679s building your comp around the flagship
6680s that you have because you want to be
6681s making best use of it you can't really
6683s it out so now that they've shown that
6685s they will be pairing it with a z zad and
6689s a widow it's likely that anyone else
6691s going up against them is going to remove
6692s at least one of those two ships I do
6694s think you can still run the widow
6696s without the zarm the guardian still puts
6698s out a decent amount of reps and just due
6701s to the fact that you can position your
6702s Widow so far back you don't often need
6704s to rep that much anyway it's just really
6707s good when you're going up against drones
6708s but we did see that they were running
6709s their smart bombs pretty consistently on
6711s both the lasack and the Widow which
6713s tells me that they are pretty
6714s comfortable and prepared to go up
6716s against at least some of the Drone comp
6718s that we've seen um in the eventuality
6720s that a team tries to kind of cheese
6722s their way around the uh the Widow yeah
6724s it will be interesting to find out um if
6726s this comp gets brought again under aarm
6728s ban for example to see how it performs
6731s uh I think you're right I think the zarm
6732s ban is a good one against this type of
6734s setup because it really does make them
6736s have to kind of think are we going to
6737s bring this or are we going to bring
6738s something else but I mean we saw the
6739s immense power of the Widow there on
6741s display sitting at range bonus to ECM
6743s strength it's one of the strongest uh
6745s jamming ships in the game in terms of
6747s just raw strength and of course uh the
6749s way ECM works is like a taunt so you can
6751s shoot the Widow but then you have a zarm
6754s which can just spill on you and it was
6756s interesting to see zarm versus zarm it
6757s was kind of a bit of a a stalemate for a
6759s little while and yeah spilling you know
6762s spill is going to spill lots of spilling
6764s in that particular matchup moderator so
6768s people sometimes we talk about you're
6770s having your battle Badger today we had a
6772s battle nearest and for those of you in
6775s chat who might not know why would I
6776s bring a nearest well besides the ability
6778s to fit you know capsticks in there it
6780s cost a total of three points it also has
6782s a total of uh five lows so you can
6784s actually get a pretty good tank for a
6786s hauler but most importantly you can put
6789s a total of you know five mids slots
6792s worth of remote sensor boosters so what
6794s did we see going on that nearest the
6797s entire time was just giving remote
6798s sensor boosters to his support buddies
6801s right so the idea is if a l Shack right
6804s and I get jammed even once right that
6806s means I have to repeat the whole process
6808s right and to spool up completely in that
6810s ship can take three three and a half
6812s minutes so if you do that um you're in a
6815s lot of trouble we saw what looked like a
6819s again a ton of uh sensor boosting again
6821s the Widow here is something that I think
6823s that teams are going to have to start
6825s Banning against evasive maneuvering from
6827s here on out because this is a Lynch pin
6830s kind of setup we saw um unspoken
6832s actually or sorry till doomsday actually
6835s knocked down fraternity uh into the
6837s setup so fraternity currently 0 and2
6840s against widows and I think that this is
6842s really the difference that we see in
6844s kind of these day three meta versus you
6847s know the last week is that teams are
6848s still starting to really have to say hey
6851s I'm having to bring out my Alpha compa
6854s because you're the previous winner
6856s evasive maneuvering not wanting to have
6857s to show that but they did mhm okay so
6859s before we move on to our next match I
6860s want to take a look at the player
6861s profile so we have the profile of a guy
6864s called Pandy now p is one of the the
6866s members of aasa maneuvering and an
6867s extremely experienced uh pilot in the
6869s Lions tournament as you can see here is
6871s flown in Dark Side Gorgon Empire
6873s afterlife vidra reled when there were
6875s multiple Alliance tournament champions
6876s dark side again and now innovasive
6878s maneuvering he likes to fly that lak
6880s they have that Flagship lak this year
6881s it's going to be I assume extremely
6883s expensive this is a very experienced
6884s team and look at that win loss record 53
6887s wins to only 22 losses so extremely
6890s experienced pilot in Alliance tournament
6892s for many many years so I think evasive
6894s maneuvering have to be one of the
6895s favorites now to make it run to the
6897s finals uh that was an excellent display
6899s of of really top three three crafting
6901s and execution we also have a Graphic on
6903s uh Logistics I'm told so we can have a
6905s we can throw that up and have a look at
6906s that so this is logistics and uh this is
6909s how it works it's basically like you're
6910s a space priest and you get to make all
6912s your friends feel better cuz you you
6913s send in uh armor or Shield uh and the
6916s cool thing about logistics is the way
6918s that they work so Shield tends to well
6920s tends to it always applies at the start
6922s of the cycle whereas armor applies at
6924s the end but of course you have us you
6925s have better range on the armor so it's a
6927s bit of a trade-off there and of course
6928s you can see fall off as well with an AM
6930s of healing uh decreases par cycle from
6933s your favorite local uh space priest um
6936s there's Logistics piloting in a line
6938s tourn is probably one of the top skill
6940s intensive things you can do in EV online
6943s you only have one you're basically the
6945s Lynch pin of a lot of comps if you feed
6947s then that's it game over but if you are
6949s good and we've seen some amazing plays
6951s uh so far in this expent from some
6953s really really top top tier Logistics
6957s Pilots yeah just one thing I wanted to
6959s add on to the infographic that we're
6961s seeing here normal reps have the falloff
6964s right like shield and armor reps but
6965s with the Zam and the Riva you only have
6968s optimal so you're either in rep range or
6970s you're not but the benefit is that they
6972s can rep out much further with that
6974s optimal range than other Cruisers can
6976s which is another reason why you would
6977s see the arm fielded with a widow which
6979s wants to sit very very far back there is
6981s also remote Hull WS um nobody cares
6983s about them to be honest if anyone brings
6985s them then good luck I wish you all the
6987s best but we'll probably see you in the
6988s elimination bracket all right let's take
6990s a look at our next B next match for the
6992s bands is till Doomsday versus platinum
6993s sensitivity so let's see what they are
6995s choosing to ban out till doomsday
6997s Banning out the Sentinel the mollus the
6999s abadin and the Deacon uh and plant
7001s Banning out the Armageddon Armageddon
7003s Navy issue EOS and zarm so uh mral M
7006s your thought here on these
7008s bands no Armageddon Navy issues finally
7012s yay um no I I think these are pretty
7014s standard bands the EOS band makes sense
7016s if you don't want to go up against drone
7017s setups it's also a very flexible and
7019s strong command ship in its own right
7021s even in you know like uh double
7023s Battleship or single Battleship um CES
7025s we have the Zam which is obviously
7028s something that we've just seen in the
7029s previous match work really really well
7031s um and then you've got your typical ew
7032s War bands like the Sentinal models these
7034s are all pretty standard bands I don't
7036s really think it gives away the game too
7038s much on what they want to be bringing I
7039s don't know if you have any different
7040s thoughts more yeah till doomsday I'm
7042s seeing that in the second half they
7044s banned the um the bat in here after they
7047s saw that the initial Armageddon
7050s Armageddon Navy had already been banned
7051s and then they banned the Deacon so this
7054s is something that I've mentioned already
7056s is that uh these bands from you know
7059s have to be very targeted at this point
7061s um Platinum sensitivity seemed very
7063s targeted and speaking of things that
7065s might get targeted on grid I'm being
7067s told that Platinum sensitivity they've
7068s brought their Bal Gorn flag they have
7070s indeed I watched the screen Amy mffm our
7073s head referee who was relaying that
7074s information was clearly having sort of
7075s some sort of stroke as he was typing it
7077s because it kept changing into different
7079s different words but we got there PL
7082s bringing a flagship Bal Gorn so let's
7084s head over to the arena now and see how
7085s that
7086s goes oh dger yeah they hear you hello
7090s everyone and welcome back to the arena
7091s we have till Doomsday versus platinum
7093s sensitivity Platinum sensitivity they've
7095s brought a flag Bal Gorn with flag Bal
7098s Gorn webs uh that flag Bal Gorn is going
7100s to have to work overtime because fear V
7102s what have till doomsday brought they
7104s have brought a shield Rush with both a
7106s Loki and an onyx the first time we're
7108s seeing that bonus range web on the Loki
7110s as well as the bonus heavy scram uh from
7113s a heck ham Rush versus some heavy
7116s Battleship core two battleships and then
7118s a dger and that is pretty much all the
7120s DPS on the table for platinum
7122s sensitivity the match is now underway we
7124s will see how till doomsday plays the
7126s start of this match will they go back or
7127s will they go in and it they chose to go
7130s in they chose to go in
7133s oh yeah yeah no platinum or till
7134s doomsday absolutely going in Platinum
7136s sensitivity they are backing up beep
7138s beep beep they have both the Tempest
7139s Fleet issue and the Bal Gorn out front
7141s that Bal Gorn Kat in the Onyx actually
7143s diving very quickly and not screened up
7146s by this Bal Gorn could get the scram
7148s onto this Balor to Fleet Tempest and
7149s start saw scram go we saw that scram go
7151s quickly all the members of platinum
7153s sensitiv or all the members of till
7154s doomsday are up on this Platinum
7156s sensitivity Bel Gorn and unleashing
7158s massive ham DPS into it and honestly
7161s that's what they have to do this born is
7163s the number one thing that is preventing
7164s them from rushing all over everyone and
7167s they were able to snag it get on top of
7168s it and now it's just a DPS race can
7171s Platinum sensitivity get their missiles
7173s down and the you the arbitrators are
7175s going to help a little bit but that
7177s Nighthawk of uh ombre is actually the
7180s Nighthawk of ombre is 27 km off the Bal
7182s Gorn that Nighthawk might not be able to
7184s hit the Bal Gorn certainly not with it
7185s doesn't even matter it does not even
7187s matter the rest of the DPS is all on top
7189s of the Balor even with the Nighthawk not
7191s there uh we see the Onyx got on top of
7194s the Tempest Fleet issue as well so
7195s should be able to keep that one going
7197s even though the fancy UI doesn't show
7200s the hick scram it is definitely on that
7202s Fleet Tempest because it is not moving
7204s very quickly at all the Bal Gorn webbed
7206s up by the Loki as well and even though
7207s they got this web on this Nighthawk it
7209s just does not matter he is very very low
7212s now about 20% armor remaining in the
7215s flag Bal Gorn and the head shot nearly
7217s working the Squall taking some DPS now
7219s maybe the scalpel as well but uh till
7222s doomsday uh this is the deepest run
7224s they've ever had in Alliance tournament
7226s we're going to see if they can kill this
7227s fic Bor and he's starting to get some of
7229s his armor back though yeah one of those
7231s squalls goes down Platinum sensitivity
7233s they have to take out as much DPS as
7235s they can and Mark bridg is starting to
7237s struggle back uh you that Nighthawk uh
7239s ombre is 56 km off and heading out of
7242s the fight might be heading for a jump
7244s Beacon trying to jump back in because uh
7246s ombre has not been able to bring any of
7248s that DPS to bear on this BGR losing one
7250s of their big Nighthawks is a is a
7252s problem um now some of the damage is
7254s going into louu Mahan on a Squall but
7256s aridon is able to keep L up so uh so far
7260s so good but uh the Bal Gorn is
7263s recovering in fact uh it looks like uh
7265s the whole plat the whole till doomsday
7267s team has switched off the Balor they've
7271s decided they can't break it they're
7272s switching off they're going to the fleet
7274s Tempest fear I'm concerned well the
7276s fleet Tempest is definitely the more
7278s efficient ship to get off the field in
7280s terms of DPS over ahp especially because
7281s the B
7282s is as we've all mentioned going to have
7284s those purple reps on it at the very
7286s least uh this jogger as well the other
7289s major source of DPS for platinum
7291s sensitivity till doomsday they lose both
7292s their squalls but their scalpel are
7294s keeping themselves alive pretty well
7295s lumahan had a good showing in the zarz
7297s earlier on in both of those drone comps
7299s that till doomsday have brought so while
7301s they're on this Fleet Tempest and he
7302s does appear to be breaking uh that
7305s should start the match for field till
7306s doomsday in terms of points they still
7309s have to not get strong apart and not get
7311s uh tackle up and unable to kill any
7313s Targets yeah my concern here is that you
7315s know in Rush it's really about killing
7317s ships as fast as possible missing that
7319s kill on the Bor and having to switch to
7321s the fleet Tempest grinding through it
7322s and the fleet Tempest has a lot of HP
7325s too these Thalia nothing's preventing
7327s them from repping that Fleet Tempest the
7329s fleet Tempest almost certainly is a
7330s local rep meanwhile Bradford and the Moa
7333s is in serious trouble and aidon also
7336s serious trouble aons might go down here
7339s getting as many reps as he can from
7341s lumahan in fact clawing back that Shield
7343s faster then he can lose it so really
7346s good heads up play from the one scalpel
7347s they will lose their MOA for it but
7349s keeping your scalpel alive is very
7350s important and the fleet Tempest is very
7352s low armor at the moment yeah so oh and
7355s there goes aidon with all that damage
7356s now able to focus on this is probably
7357s the dragger once you know we can't look
7359s at the kill Nails immediately but this
7360s is probably the dger that's just going
7362s through and taking each of the low end
7363s out with that fast moving gun in
7365s addition to the drones from the Magus
7367s and the pona effects all the three
7369s together can be pretty deadly to those
7371s little things with the scalpel Budd down
7372s lumahan doesn't have long to live here
7374s no he doesn't he's trying to get some
7377s back in range with that Navy Drake who's
7378s also taking damage from these Fleet
7380s Tempest on this born as the dger
7382s continues to wreak havoc on the logy the
7384s Navy Drake getting a little bit of
7385s Shield back and the fleet Tempest in
7387s structure now haven't taken it down that
7389s is about a third of the DPS gone until
7391s doomsday can take that but they only
7393s have their high-end ships left and this
7395s Navy Drake is also going down very
7398s quickly yeah so Mark Bridges living to
7400s win there managing to survive in the Bal
7403s Gorn Fleet Tempest goes down but as you
7405s say fear there's just the highend left
7408s on the other hand Platinum sensitivity
7409s their attack bar was the Balor and the
7411s dger and some drones so this is going to
7414s slow it down this is very smart from
7416s till Doom they have the Hickam on the
7417s dger right now they're going to turn on
7419s top of it they're going to lose their
7420s Navy Drake for it uh the points are
7422s still 42 even um but if they can get the
7425s dger down the only DPS left on this
7427s entire comp is the born which uh really
7430s doesn't have the most DPS uh for a
7434s battleship even with the flag guns uh so
7437s I like this idea of moving on to the
7438s dger it's webbed up but they just
7439s haven't been able to apply to the dger
7442s quite yet in fact this Navy Drake goes
7443s down and there's no damage on the dger
7445s anymore no they have to switch to the
7447s stalia they've got it uh web they've got
7449s it scrammed they've got to be able to
7451s try to apply but man those uh those
7454s heavy assault missiles they do not apply
7455s very well to athalia and none of these
7457s ships appear to have Target painters in
7458s their mid so that Thalia is managing to
7461s survive quite nicely with the Reps from
7464s the LOD partner nebis yeah and platinum
7466s sensitivity right uh they let til Stay
7469s full committ onto the born but the B
7471s Gorn was able to spool the reactive reps
7472s they kept the Nighthawk off the Bal Gorn
7474s and that was really the Difference Maker
7476s right the Nighthawk uh could not get on
7477s top of the born till doomsday was a
7479s little bit too late to swap onto the
7481s Tempest Fleet issue and as a result the
7483s born stays alive until doomsday they're
7485s losing this Onyx now they just haven't
7487s been able to kill any of this low end
7489s that's keeping the B Gorn and the dger
7491s alive once the Onyx goes down it's
7493s really just the web and hams from the
7494s Loki and the hams from the Claymore and
7496s Nighthawk left and the attack bar will
7499s unfortunately be smaller than the plot
7501s sensitivity attack bar once the sonics
7503s goes down indeed and that application is
7505s a serious problem again like they're
7507s trying to get down uh lieutenant bizar
7509s in the pon effects but it's not doing
7511s much these arbitrators are actually
7513s seriously impactful from this these
7514s arbitrators showed up with missile
7516s guidance disruptors those disruptors we
7518s mentioned that the heavy assault
7519s missiles don't apply very well uh for
7521s those of you who tried to use them on TQ
7523s for like crabbing and stuff you know
7524s shooting frigs you're just like oh it's
7526s taking a million years anyway same thing
7529s uh it's taking million years and these
7530s arbitrators are almost certainly
7532s disrupting the application of the
7535s missiles at this point so sure they can
7537s shoot it but even if they're going to
7539s switch to Precision Ammo or faction ammo
7540s or something that tends to apply a
7542s little bit better it's not going to work
7545s because the arbitrator you there's only
7547s three ships we can see the arbitrators
7548s are spreading their guidance disruptors
7549s across all of them yeah and this is an
7551s upper bracket match till doomsday and
7554s platinum sensitivity both have made
7555s their way into the top 12 Platinum
7557s sensitivity making their way into the
7559s top six by winning this match till
7561s doomday goes into the lower bracket
7563s they're not out of the tournament quite
7564s yet we've got a couple more upper
7565s bracket matches to go before the break
7567s uh but still two do stay first time
7570s bringing something that wasn't that
7571s drone comp that they brought the first
7573s two matches this time it doesn't quite
7575s work out against Platinum sensitivity
7576s just a little bit of an execution uh
7578s difference and platinum sensitivity uh
7580s using the Bal Gorn to some effect this
7582s bait and also using these arbitrators as
7584s you mentioned to stop this application
7586s and stop till doomsday from being able
7587s to take out the Platinum sensitivity low
7589s end indeed yeah and that logic comp uh
7592s pretty much or that drone comp pretty
7593s much entirely banned out we got the aost
7595s and the zarm from the pl bans from the
7597s Platinum sensitivity side so uh I do
7599s like the idea to bring Russia into this
7601s uh it was nearly very effective uh
7604s Russia's a very effective Flagship
7606s assassinator very effective against you
7609s it's it's often easy for you to get
7610s something with your Rush even even if
7612s you're ultimately uh not going to live
7615s but yeah just that uh Mark Bridges
7618s living to win just wasted so much time
7621s from the till deam stay side yeah and
7623s plattin and sensitivity making their way
7624s into the top six um they've kind of been
7627s in that four to eight spot for a while
7628s so uh they're going to try to punch into
7631s the top four of this tournament uh with
7633s their next matchup who will be the
7634s winner of the next match in the
7636s tournament um that said Till doomsday
7639s again this is the deepest run they've
7640s had in a tournament they're not out of
7641s it quite quite yet they've made top 12
7643s if they can win their next match they're
7644s top eight and that means even more prize
7646s ships for them so uh till doomsday
7649s unfortunate loss for them but uh they
7652s are still I imagine pretty pleased with
7654s their tournament uh progress thus far
7657s yeah they've had a fantastic run this
7658s this tournament so far and we've seen
7661s very good things for them again that
7662s upset against frat in that first match
7664s was just absolutely incredible now here
7666s they are again still in the Winn's
7668s bracket they have one more to give uh
7670s before they're out of the tournament and
7672s as you say they're priz ship enjoyers
7674s always happy to be prize ship enjoyers
7676s and uh very well done uh by Platinum
7680s sensitivity to pick apart this rush and
7682s only lose a fleet Tempest for it uh you
7685s know when we were on warpin we were
7687s discussing a little bit Platinum
7688s sensitivity doesn't really have a lot of
7689s screen in this comp except for the Bal
7691s gor so uh the Bal Gorn did what it
7693s needed to do Mark Bridges was an
7695s excellent pilot getting those longrange
7697s webs out and keeping till Doomsday's
7699s Rush at Bay indeed indeed and uh I'm
7701s just a picked up my knitting here I've
7704s made this much progress since coming to
7705s Iceland uh and if you want to make a
7707s sweater Pro tip knit all the time and
7711s with that we'll send it back to the desk
7712s I'll keep working on this and I'll see
7714s you all later today
7751s till doomsday there um in an exciting
7755s match uh that is uh the first of our
7757s winners bracket one again uh so we have
7759s Platinum sensitivity taking the dub uh I
7762s think till doomsday maybe got baited on
7763s a flagship
7765s bar Balor there b Balor um because they
7769s went Barling in straight on top of it uh
7771s and we first uh saw we were like uhoh
7773s that's going to be a dead balone pretty
7775s quickly uh there a lot of DPS but then
7777s Mark Bridges uh was gaming and he
7779s managed to new off where I was tackling
7781s him pull range and then I think that's
7783s when it all started to fall apart for
7784s till doomsday starle Commander welcome
7787s to the desk well good to be here good to
7789s be of you guys and first time with you
7791s on the desk hello how you doing buddy
7793s it's now an ex volter desk yeah real
7796s this is the you leaving vter as well no
7798s the this side this side
7800s of Commander confirming he is leaving we
7802s form Vol here in Ali stre in 20 wow
7805s interesting uh so starle break it down
7808s what happened there they went in on that
7809s that Bal gard and then it just seemed to
7811s stop working well with those comps those
7813s sort of rush like ham Rush comps you
7815s kind of just have to go all in and they
7816s made they made a gamble at the beginning
7818s you saw them burning in immediately try
7819s and get the damage on them butk Mark
7822s just pulled it away and he at some point
7824s we were watching he didn't get he wasn't
7825s tackled was he Missy and he slow slowly
7827s got away but they weren't out of the
7829s woods yeah they've started to lose some
7830s scores they still got the fleet Tempest
7832s down at the end but obviously wasting
7834s all that time on Mark just basically
7836s gave Mark's team enough time to rally
7839s and get some kills yep I mean it was a
7841s it was a still a pretty tense match it
7843s could have um gone either way like they
7844s were breaking their Fleet tempers for a
7845s very long time they were very close to
7847s Breaking that balar in the first place H
7849s and of course if that had gone down then
7850s obviously this match has gone completely
7851s different um that was again as I
7853s mentioned uh in the winners bracket we
7855s have left the losers behind we're back
7857s to winners all the losers are gone um uh
7860s but they will now drop down till
7861s doomsday into that elimination bracket
7863s they will play Rage Quit cancel sub
7865s later today so they're down but not out
7867s and platinum Sensitivity I believe are
7869s confirming themselves at least top six
7871s now so a solid win for them in that
7873s instance besto I feel like that's just
7875s one of those ones where if they kill the
7877s Balor match goes the other way was there
7879s really anything else that could have
7880s done differently there should have done
7881s their research you know the
7883s indestructible Mark Bridges you don't
7886s shoot him first you shoot him last he's
7888s indestructible it's in the name that
7891s gives them an unfair Advantage what if
7893s he's indestructible yes I mean you know
7895s you're the ones colluding with him I
7896s don't know I didn't make the rules that
7898s these are just the rules um no I think
7901s that if they'd had more tackle and the
7904s ability to lock down the Bal Gorn as
7906s stuff L was saying then they're able to
7909s actually break through they remove the
7911s thing that is basically keeping most of
7913s their ships in place with the the Balon
7914s webs um I think it was just a really
7916s good pairing of control on the Platinum
7919s sensitivity side that allowed them to
7921s kind of make it through that match um
7923s they really by rights shouldn't have won
7926s but thankfully uh to DS they shot the
7928s indestructible Mark brid so it was okay
7930s well it's one of those things where if
7932s you your decision at the start for The
7934s Rush comps is basically defines the
7936s match I think they'd make the right
7937s decision I think but I think if they
7939s went for the fleet Tempest they might
7941s have killed it
7942s if they would have killed him and maybe
7944s cuz we saw that the um they only had
7946s really a tempest for actual damage so if
7948s they maybe went for the Tempest first
7951s got him down yep I mean a tempest
7953s definitely does not tank anywhere near
7954s as much as a flagship Balor so I'm
7956s pretty sure Mark obviously and obviously
7958s being FL by someone who is destructible
7960s indestructible IND I I think another
7963s thing is um you always have to consider
7966s your target priorities right uh we have
7968s a a slight meme on the vter team with
7970s the whole uh K the B and don't let him B
7973s which was I heard someone said that but
7974s I don't know who did that yeah I don't
7975s know who could have said that the rumor
7977s but um essentially usually we would
7980s leave the flagships to last because you
7982s want to be able to make sure that you
7983s are securing the win you're clearing out
7985s the rest of the team Bor well flagships
7987s in general are typically going to be
7989s tankier than most things on the enemy
7991s team so you want to be sure that you are
7994s you have time to kill it towards the end
7995s right um it seems like just it's because
7998s the born was the one that was actually
8000s webbing them down keeping them control
8001s that they had to go for it at the very
8003s beginning and then when the Tempest
8004s Burns in um to start applying its damage
8007s properly that's when they had the
8008s opportunity to swap to the the flest and
8011s also arbre was webbed at the start so
8014s the rest of till doomsday burnt in and
8016s arre was probably a bit too far away he
8017s was an alligator I believe wasn't he uh
8019s so his drones were still applying but I
8021s reckon potentially his his missiles
8022s weren't so that was probably that might
8024s have been it they did do a really good
8026s job of not being split up U they
8029s although they were all tackled they were
8030s all tackled together which is what you
8031s want to do rather than being strong out
8033s across the arena so they did a really
8034s good job of someone probably get tackled
8035s and then called the rest of them slowed
8036s down so good job all right let's look at
8039s our next match this one's going to be an
8040s interesting one it's truth on or light
8041s versus paper numbers now truth onor
8043s lights uh won Alliance tournament a
8045s couple of years ago uh they've the team
8047s himself are made up of like some amazing
8049s Pilots some of the best in the game H
8050s and paper numbers is no slouch but I
8052s mean twitch chat looks like you guys are
8054s quite favoring uh truth on a light um so
8057s mytical M should we take a look at the
8058s bands for this one absolutely all right
8060s so truth on a light Banning out the
8061s curse the jack do the arbitrator and the
8063s pilgrim so lots of tracking disruption
8065s removed from the field paper numbers
8067s Banning out crucifier Sentinel
8068s arbitrator and a badden so the rest of
8069s the track and disruption removed from
8071s the field there still a curse there
8073s still a curse still curse no it's not
8075s it's right there first ban mystical M
8077s are you I'm
8078s blind I don't know why I'm here I'm I'm
8081s I'm off guys I'm out see you the first
8084s ship it's fine I think in this case I
8087s allow Starfleet to explain these bands
8088s to me thank you well I think we're going
8090s to probably see meting rails this is I
8093s don't know what you think I'm I'm
8094s feeling me rails I'm feeling well the
8096s gon's obviously on the table we might
8099s see some gons see lots ofon see lots of
8101s gons coming in I think we're definitely
8103s going to see some I think turrets I
8105s think we're going to see either Oto ra
8107s kind of thing both of these teams are
8108s telegraphing they don't want to see
8109s things that disrupt turrets yeah
8111s basically so I think maybe I get an Navy
8113s I reckon I think I think it it It's
8116s Tricky I'm wondering if they're going to
8118s look at using um bombers perhaps since
8120s they remov the the Jack door is a very
8122s specific ban if you were doing medium
8124s gun spam then you wouldn't really be
8126s worried about a jack door because you'd
8127s be able to clear it Off the Grid very
8128s very quickly whereas with um Battleship
8133s control comps that have like a couple
8136s hounds maybe mhm that's when you're
8138s going to want to get rid of those light
8139s Ms yeah I also wouldn't be surprised if
8140s we see um the like a Widow's arm comp
8143s here from TR on light cuz I'm pretty
8145s sure they practice with um evasive
8148s maneuvering um and that would be
8150s something that they've probably
8151s practiced uh quite a lot and we just saw
8153s that being brought out by evasive
8154s maneuvering so it's you know the cats
8155s out at the back to speak and strong
8158s although as I said that um I've been
8160s proven completely wrong because truth on
8162s light are bringing their Flagship Bal
8163s gor so great timing perfect timing
8166s enough time for me to say something that
8168s could be construed as intelligent uh and
8171s then be found wrong they could still
8172s pair it with the Widow cuz it's actually
8174s one point cheaper than lak I think the
8176s Bor true so it's and I do like those
8179s sort of like not high DPS more control
8181s comps a lot of the the sort of top teams
8183s prefer more control than just raw DPS
8185s not to say like Rush teams don't do
8187s really well as well we've seen Tron like
8188s bring High DPS Rush comps um oh my I
8191s just muted that was extremely
8194s strange that was really off fitting uh
8197s all right let's head over to the arena
8198s for this match between paper numbers and
8200s Truth owner light very least with a
8203s bunch of
8204s D good day there mates welcome to the
8206s arena this is the match I've been
8207s looking forward to all day because we
8208s have truth on a light versus paper
8210s numbers and this is going to be a wild
8211s one cuz truth on the light have brought
8213s their flag yeah so truth onor light
8215s having chosen the flag Bal Gorn we're
8218s seeing something of a similar is setup
8219s to their uh practice Partners in um you
8223s know formerly dark side now known as
8225s evasive maneuvering and so paper numbers
8229s has elected to go with a very classic
8230s minmatar rush so what they're going to
8232s try to do is get all of their ships on
8234s top of that THL uh you know Widow uh and
8237s really tried to break through it before
8240s the other side of THL is able to use a
8242s lot of their uh you know jams to really
8244s break anything critically though one
8247s thing that I note about this paper
8248s numbers team is that almost all of their
8250s ships are of a minmatar hall class right
8252s so the Widow when you're choosing these
8254s jams you really need to make sure you
8255s have the right racial jams and if they
8258s put a lot into AAR on THL or you know
8260s into Kara yeah maybe you can jam out a
8263s MOA or Raptor but that's going to hurt a
8265s lot also paper numbers looking at this
8268s um you know defense bar and attack bar
8271s they're just going to dive on top of
8273s the a Mel too which is like you don't
8276s see particularly often it fits the MTI
8278s rush but it's such a big thing they're
8279s going straight for the B going but looks
8280s good they actually are just going to go
8281s all in yeah they're just going to hard
8282s commit to this because the one of the
8284s issues with these U you know rushes is
8286s that if you're able to be uh you know
8287s pulled apart uh by a b gun you're going
8289s to be in a world of hurt however we're
8291s seeing that drones in the back yeah
8292s drones are being used to try to harass
8296s some of the Thalia into the Deacon which
8297s I think is a right call the cball is
8299s going to try to get reps from um scalpel
8301s but the scalpel are receiving damps try
8303s to make it even more inefficient to rep
8306s them in jams attempts from the Widow but
8307s again if this Bal Gorn drops that is
8309s like the entirety of the damage from THL
8311s because this Widow again just with uh
8314s you know the dark side side of things it
8316s does not have any sort of you know
8318s damage it's all smart bombs it's all NES
8320s is trying to do things but NES aren't
8321s going to do a lot yes they're going to
8323s kill a cal but damn that born is getting
8325s rather low and that Thalia also taking a
8327s ton of damage looking at the Thalia we
8329s see an absolute cloud of drones are on
8332s top of it chasing it down maybe forcing
8334s the Deacon buddy to split reps exact and
8336s the Bal Gorn now trying to uh you know
8339s is getting a little bit more in kind of
8340s repping we see again more Jam attempts
8342s onto the sleer uh and to the cball core
8345s so again maybe that could be the Widow
8348s of blue melon just being able to land
8350s more of those jams and really break
8351s damage off I mean again if they don't
8353s break through the logic here with Dron
8355s they've held it they've held it he's
8356s held he's perfectly held now they got to
8358s change this plan now because they are
8359s not going through his sh his armor has
8360s gone back up to 60% they're still trying
8362s to harass the th but they need to start
8364s ref focusing maybe go after the Widow
8365s but I bet that thing is as tanked as you
8367s can make a widow tank well that's the
8369s problem though with this Widow is that
8370s the Widow is pretty far away right and
8373s that's kind of what you do meanwhile
8374s though the Bal Gorn has the ability to
8376s web multiple targets away and that's
8378s making it basically impossible what can
8379s get on top of the Thalia maybe the
8381s Raptor but that's about it if I'm um the
8384s side of paper numbers and it looks like
8385s the Raptor is diving into the backline
8387s just as I say that getting on top of the
8389s Thalia they need a web and they do
8391s actually get a web on the tholly and
8392s crucially the web is what you need this
8394s is going to be a 10n frig uh on the side
8396s here and another cinn ball going down so
8399s that's more damage and this is really
8401s the key of these uh you know jamming
8403s Cordes is that if you try to apply more
8405s damage uh you know across uh your
8410s backside with the slep onto a BAL Gorn
8413s yes you can do it eventually but getting
8416s more jams it just means that more things
8418s can go on top of you and it's harder for
8420s you to attack damage again like you were
8422s saying that uh Bal Gorn is getting fully
8424s ripped and now the Raptor is getting
8425s mitigated on by you know a counter
8428s tackle and NES on top of him if they
8430s don't break athalia or a deacon here
8432s shortly on the side of paper numbers THL
8434s is just going to grind it back I thought
8436s that that Bal Gorn was going to break n
8438s n no with a widow sitting there I didn't
8439s see that going to happen it was
8440s basically a race and these Cals are not
8441s known for tank they're known for being
8443s pretty aggressive honestly there's a lot
8444s of opportunities here I feel like paper
8446s is kind of wasted you've got a raptor
8447s who can engage small stuff why were the
8449s bombers not touched why would the other
8451s small ships like you they went all in on
8452s the flag with Balor it's like they just
8454s sort went we want to have a shiny kill
8456s and it's like well you got a widow there
8457s it's going to constantly sty me your
8459s attempt to do this yeah and the mo does
8461s go down here um that said paper numbers
8464s what they brought um their composition
8467s is very much a flag um people call it a
8470s Kings Slayer this is a flag killer comp
8472s that paper numbers brought they brought
8474s this from my read with the intention
8476s explicitly of trying to get on top of a
8479s single Flagship and just breaking it ton
8482s of autoc Cannon damage from the Cals and
8484s the sers but like you said oh theia
8487s actually getting really low of tin bear
8489s drops down critically the scalpel are
8492s still alive if I'm paper numbers here
8495s I'm going after the Deacon and once all
8497s this Lodi drops if they can break a
8499s widow and try to just get the harassment
8500s off of them or the Bal Gorn they might
8502s be able to do it because no
8504s Lodi uh I mean the reps are still coming
8507s on from the scalpel uh onto each other I
8510s actually we do see noret looks like
8512s jamming uh young Renegade is taking a
8515s good amount of damage getting it to half
8516s Shield right now I want to be hopeful
8518s for my boys and paper numbers but it's
8519s looking really dire at the moment like
8521s they got rid of the logic yes but they
8523s still have a flag horn and Widow core to
8525s try and break through and they are
8527s losing ships like the the ma is about to
8528s be pushed into armor oh my God so this
8530s scalpel here is getting pushed very very
8532s low this is all just jams uh the other
8534s scalpel buddy of nor is not able to rep
8536s whatsoever now okay now we see the rep
8538s bar as it gets down into Shield come on
8541s sa save him sa some repping is going
8543s down but again they're going to trade
8544s out scalpel here so uh now that paper
8547s numbers has been able to um you know get
8549s rid of the low end and get rid of the
8551s ponf effects are going after the Hound I
8553s like that call again the Hound purifier
8555s are going to be doing absolute work um
8557s to the side of um you know paper numbers
8561s mcal jaly is probably going to go down
8563s here um because again only one scalpel
8566s to rep you uh I say as Casper is getting
8569s rather low but surving much longer than
8572s I thought a bomber in whole wood does he
8574s have a bunch of rep DRS on him I haven't
8575s had a chance to look no cper is just an
8578s being chased being chased by five light
8580s drones and now the lisus that's been
8582s doing absolute damp harassment for this
8584s entire time is probably getting low is
8587s kind of tank so jaly is kind of alive
8590s here but the scalpel was just cleared
8593s off by drones and now it's going to be
8595s two sers which are getting jammed and
8597s crucially these sers are being held down
8600s at Zer right there is potential here if
8603s that bomber goes down they're down to a
8604s single flag horn is damage with maybe a
8606s few drones from the vexa there's a
8608s potential but I think it's about to
8609s immediately vanish as yeah so that was
8612s crucially here rusen a and um and it
8617s looks like um his buddy of uh EOS are
8620s just trying to approach what it looks
8624s like is the vexor of brain star and
8627s going towards the Widow here of blue
8629s melon so far uh the Magus is doing a
8632s great job at playing keep away the
8633s Raptor has been trying to play tackle
8635s and does finally go down to drones
8637s however orantes critically uh yes he is
8640s a purifier so no they don't do awesome
8643s damage against any of um you know these
8647s Minar you know Tech 2 uh holes but
8650s Amelia duck space is just completely
8652s effed off into Narnia here we can't say
8655s that word quite on uh you know this
8657s broadcast and that's because really what
8659s you're going to try try to do is you're
8661s try to use your 70 km webs to keep these
8663s s apart y these sers are going to want
8665s to and are getting on top of uh the man
8668s formerly known as Big Daddy blue melon
8670s um so far blue melon is doing a great
8672s job at Tiding away as uh Zale is using
8676s his uh life sacrificially it appears to
8679s get tackle along with his uh vexer buddy
8681s on the sleer uh but I don't know if the
8684s sers can actually Target a damn thing
8686s right now because they're still getting
8689s they're still harassing that Widow but
8691s they're getting jammed out really hard
8692s if I'm them I think they may have just
8694s loaded barrage and they're trying to
8696s chip away at the hole here of this Widow
8698s and the pel is providing a little bit
8699s extra bonus as well with the target pain
8700s trying to get onto the purifier as well
8701s so they got a little bit of extra help
8703s here they could probably get the Widow
8705s but so this Bello is actually sitting on
8707s top of blue melon basically at zero just
8709s trying to chunk away with a tiny little
8711s bit of damage um the Widow actually
8713s looks like he's shooting a little bit of
8716s um launcher damage not a ton um maybe
8719s just a a flight of actually what appear
8722s to now be uh rapid lights but that Widow
8724s down into Hole uh ruson continuing to
8727s take a good amount of damage this is
8728s going
8729s to exactly that he's got maybe three or
8732s four left maybe at the most and there
8733s are a handful of armor rep Bots that are
8736s you know holding onto the Widow but the
8737s Widow of blue melon Falls critically
8739s this is now a points game right so with
8741s the Widow down paper numbers is up by
8744s two right we've seen te teams lose by
8745s one or two Vex purify Vex and purify get
8748s rid of them Cru okay rifen is running
8750s out of ASB charges he's going to be on a
8752s second 60sec reload rifon has to survive
8755s for the next 60 seconds but I don't
8757s think he's going to do it oron's Jordan
8760s is taking just a tiny little bit of
8761s drone damage and that and the vexer are
8763s continuing to apply really good damage
8765s to the Hulk here of rifen however exos
8769s uh would be the only thing left right
8771s but he's being webbed down again by this
8773s Bel Gorn Amelia has control spaced at
8775s the very edge of his web range and it
8777s looks like THL is going to be able to
8780s claw this back here uh rifon is getting
8783s really close to being able to reload uh
8785s just as Jordan goes down I think reload
8788s off he's going to die he's going to go
8789s down he's not going to get the reload so
8791s critically um the Bellos and the sleer
8794s uh combined are less points in that born
8797s so papers numers chance their only
8799s chance to win this match would be to
8801s kill the THL uh Bal Gorn of Amelia Ducks
8803s base but that's not going to happen
8805s right even with no lodgy on the field we
8807s can see that that pink bar is going to
8809s be an officer repper
8811s that is going to be you know a self tank
8813s for the B Gorn and the S is being held
8814s down uh basically by that officer web it
8818s can go nowhere quick um Melia duck space
8821s really showing a master class in how to
8823s control space just chill it range and is
8826s just plinking away at that slep near
8827s Shield using um that um mid-range to
8832s long range uh Scorch damage oh yeah
8834s interesting thing as well is that as you
8835s said that even if they killed the mega
8836s of X they would not be ahead and that's
8838s kind of like a double-edge sh for the B
8839s gun it's like it's very expensive it
8841s also means you can lose your entire
8842s Compass to get away with it so something
8844s to note here is I think that if that
8845s Hound had gone down there's a real very
8848s real world in which rifon is able to get
8850s his ASB reload off in time because we
8852s saw that I mean it's 60 seconds to
8854s reload that if he had gotten that off he
8856s probably lives and this goes the way of
8859s paper numbers again paper numbers is not
8861s out here they're going to drop down to
8863s the low lower bracket and THL is going
8866s to advance uh very scarily but very well
8870s play to both teams we're going to send
8872s this one back to the desk after the
8874s analysts break it down
8911s truth honor light taking the victory
8913s over paper numbers there and getting
8914s themselves one step closer to the Grand
8917s Final that was a absolute nail biting
8919s match right there uh when when we saw
8923s that high DPS Rush comp come in against
8926s uh the flagship Balor with that Widow
8930s that Balor was in danger and we all said
8932s it standing here looking at it we kind
8934s of looked each other went you rush the
8935s Widow right that's the plan Rush the
8937s Widow I think some of them get screened
8939s on the way there but you saw how quickly
8941s that would have died at the end just the
8942s two slep and a bellicose so I I reckon I
8945s reckon if paper numbers rushed that
8946s Widow maybe th would have dropped that
8949s one what do you think B yeah I uh I
8951s think paper numbers uh made they had two
8953s choices for Target calling and they
8955s picked the exact wrong one um we all
8958s said you need to rush the Widow twitch
8959s chat said you need to rush the Widow uh
8961s they did not I think they got the uh I
8963s think so from what I understand Amelia
8965s typed like oh no I'm in danger and then
8967s I think they're like yes get get the
8968s Balor get the Balor so it was very close
8971s the Balor did almost go down but the
8972s problem is so obviously the Widow was
8975s very very squishy um they have a very
8977s they do not have that many low slots
8978s they get a shield tank bonus not an
8979s armor tank bonus it is probably an armor
8982s Widow we assume I guess you go check the
8984s Kil um but if the Widow is alive they
8988s have insanely powerful jams and so even
8991s if you're rushing down with like the
8992s paper numers DPS bar was massive like
8994s that was chunky chunky girthy huge
8997s ginormous like engorged probably
9001s engorged I mean there was a lot of DPS
9003s and that Bal Gorn was um not in a good
9006s position at one point I think a couple
9007s of jams just landed at the right time uh
9009s then one cineol dropped and the DPS
9011s started to to you know peel off a little
9013s bit well that's what the problem is is
9014s that if the Widow lives sitting at like
9016s 66 km off the fight just kind of like
9018s jam Jam Jam Jam there's nothing you can
9021s do and so you know by ignoring the Widow
9024s basically they lost they did kill it and
9026s it actually and it was crazy how fast it
9028s died cuz like it got ran down by like it
9030s almost look like got sold
9033s by wait a second then they they're
9035s losing THL he like oh wait up a second
9038s The Widow's dying to like yeah like a
9040s Vost on his own yeah and the two hounds
9043s obviously on THL y providing a lot of
9045s damage as well but I think yeah it kind
9047s of flipped almost flipped Y in in
9050s against THL but I think yeah just that
9053s first tile was the down wasn't it but
9055s well and like look here's you know what
9057s I think actually happened here cuz THL
9059s as soon as they like got the first sble
9060s down it was kind of like okay they
9062s probably won I think what happened is
9063s they all like stood out St out of their
9065s chairs took their hands off their
9066s keyboard and was like you know taking
9068s selfies like ah yes we won another match
9070s oh good hand shaking around and then um
9073s people start dying still while they're
9074s like not paying attention he the hull
9076s alarm in the backgound they like like oh
9078s oh no that's my ship oh no no no no know
9080s uh yeah it I think they played like
9083s almost perfectly from the get-go there's
9085s this moment where like you have a flag
9086s Bal Gorn and then two completely
9088s unscreen sers that are in range of it
9089s and you're like what are you what are
9091s you doing with your spaceship there
9092s buddy like why is nothing webbed but
9094s it's fine they still won uh we got to
9096s see uh you know amazing to be honest
9100s ders that's the first time T have lost
9102s any ships yeah this tournament yeah and
9104s they almost lost the match to be honest
9106s that was it was pretty close and
9108s according to uh local chat at least um
9110s the Macario was 1 second away from an
9113s ano reload when it went down so a
9115s different game yeah nothing more
9118s frustrating than seeing like the little
9119s flashing bar going around as your like
9121s Health gets lower and you're like come
9122s on he's spamming whatever key key bar
9124s he's got I bet you the sner was within
9127s 10 as well that last one we were sitting
9128s there like yeah that sner got an e and
9131s off there wasn't much DPS left and the
9132s truth on her like side I reckon if he
9134s managed to get that off he would have
9135s survived and then they would have won on
9137s points but oh W water match one of the
9139s best matches tournament uh so good job
9142s um and let me just check who truth on
9144s light are playing next Platinum
9145s sensitivity are the next one that truth
9147s on light will have to face in the upper
9148s bracket so that will not be a slouch
9150s we'll find out just how indestructible
9152s Mark Bridges truly is meanwhile paper
9154s numbers will go up against evasive
9155s maneuvering so we're getting into like
9158s the point where there's just like the
9160s top teams are starting to like bubble up
9162s to the top right now and it is looking
9164s like it's going to be some spicy matches
9166s still to go here in Alliance tournament
9167s 20 all right let's take a look at the
9169s bands for the next match match which is
9170s going to be the tuskers versus
9171s deteriorated this is also in the upper
9174s bracket so tuskers Banning out the zarz
9177s the Scimitar the Loy and the Blackbird
9179s getting that ECM out the way as well as
9180s the zarm um and deteriorated baning out
9182s the mollus Sentinel arbitrator and
9184s Carries now Starfleet Commander I think
9186s deteriorated if I remember correctly
9187s we're the first team to bring the Widow
9188s in this tournament yes uh what else do
9190s you kind of see with these bands here I
9192s mean they obviously in this is very
9194s common in all the bands we're seeing a
9196s lot of ewar just being taken off in
9198s every single band um yeah focusing on a
9200s lot of damps and a lot of TDS and then
9202s tuska is doing obviously aamad uh zamad
9206s how do you pronounce that it's called
9207s pres Zade it's armade yeah um I think
9212s deteriorated probably going to field
9214s just I mean again armag again Navy ISU
9216s still on the table lots of BS calls
9218s probably with a bit of maybe some maybe
9221s crucifier like some some ew war and
9224s tuskers well known for doing some sort
9225s of you know they' done a guardian with
9227s hugging comp with Fleet Cy and stuff so
9230s it might be fing a bit something a bit
9232s weird but I think yeah I think we're
9234s going to probably see some
9236s Armageddon
9237s Armageddon maybe I
9240s um the the tuskers flag Bal Gorn comp
9243s that we saw was like one of the most
9244s disgusting like Noob stomp team setups
9247s that I've ever seen where they're just
9248s like like what are you going to do about
9249s this so um I think that's still open to
9251s because so much tracking disrupting is
9252s banned uh we could see them just you
9254s know show up with a mass amount of DPS
9256s and a flag Bal Gorn as well uh but yeah
9259s they I do agree like it's it's tuskers
9261s they do weird stuff um I don't want to
9263s see armag I'm sick of them you know what
9266s I'm I'm on team misty here like it's
9268s it's there SCS like ah we brought our
9269s rabbit heavy ships like they're not that
9271s good yeah I feel like we're we're going
9272s to see more and more widows popping out
9274s now as well let's take a quick look at
9275s how ECM works in the video game Eve
9277s online uh so if we can throw up that
9280s infographic here we go electronic
9281s counter measures um which I mean real
9283s this should be eccm but it's not but
9285s there you go uh so ECM essentially um
9288s when the module Cycles on top of um uh
9291s enemy ship if you're if you do succeed
9293s in jamming them which is based on the
9294s sensor strength of the ship and the
9296s module and the ship the you're in in
9297s terms of bonuses um then basically the
9299s ship can't lock anything all its targets
9301s get broken except it can lock the ship
9303s that is jamming it so it's kind of like
9304s we call it sometimes like a taunt
9306s basically so uh you have the idea of um
9309s the Widow jams everyone and everyone has
9311s to shoot the Widow basically at that
9312s point but of course the Widow is just
9313s flying around in Nar at doing his own
9314s thing uh so that's the hard part keep
9316s everyone away from the Widow Widow is
9318s fine let everyone get on the Widow WI
9320s was not fine okay all right so this is
9322s going to be an interesting one cuz both
9323s flagships are here a Balor and an
9325s armagedon Navy issue uh looks like we've
9327s got about 2 minutes until this next
9328s match so uh what do we expect here do
9331s you think there's going to be tuskers
9332s darle I think yeah I think tuskers are
9335s going to take it I think obviously the
9336s loser of this match plays vter so
9339s another you know so is that correct it
9341s is correct so it's kind of a bit of a
9343s spicy one so that's why I think we're
9344s seeing Flags coming out because they're
9346s like let's if we get through the winners
9348s uh then I think matches Les yeah less
9351s skins though but I think they they're
9353s treating this like you know like a semi
9355s or even a f at this point they're
9356s bringing their the quality of the teams
9357s at this point this gets you top six if
9360s you win here top six and you get just
9362s tons of ships and like including the the
9364s the amazing uh New Alliance tournament
9366s prize Battleship which would' be super
9367s exciting to see those out in the wild um
9370s honestly I feel like we should just go
9371s to the arena and let the commentators
9372s talk about this one because this is
9373s going to be a spicy match it's going to
9375s be hype there's going to be a lot of uh
9377s expensive modules for sure on uh this
9380s these ships so oh looks like we might be
9383s a little bit of no it's not not going to
9385s be delayed let's just go to the arena
9386s let's head to the arena now figure it
9389s out hello I'm moderator joined by my
9392s excellent friend from Down Under who
9395s brings the Thunder and speaking of
9397s bringing some Thunder we see not one but
9400s two flagships we have a king Slayer comp
9403s rapid Heavies across the board supported
9405s by a celestus for some damps and then
9408s your usual smattering of bombers and
9410s logi frigs tusers bringing out their
9413s version of drone
9414s control lot of control like we emphasize
9417s on the control with that Bon that is
9419s control with capitalization and
9420s quotation yes so V mirom Mane had a
9423s little bit of a issue that we had to
9425s sort out with the referees but this
9427s appears to be a gun bell and this beat
9429s tuskers I know from past experience that
9432s at the time you know five six years ago
9434s when I was with them when they uh you
9435s know brought a flag Bor in 1
9438s at14 um they have that toe bias web
9441s right they've got the max range
9442s everything and speaking of max range
9444s everything I mean that's how you get a
9445s hyena right now getting picked even at
9447s 70 km it's getting reps but it's taking
9450s a ton of damage and the EOS drones
9452s aren't even there yet that's literally
9454s just Bal Gorn guns shooting your hyena
9457s and bouncers true actually a big old
9460s wave of bouncers all got dropped and
9462s tried to snipe that hyena he did get
9463s saved he's now moving so he's going to
9464s be very hard to kill but all it takes is
9466s a few lucky shots from a couple of
9467s drones like those wrecking shots can be
9468s absolutely bold
9470s I say that actually yeah you're right
9471s those are going to be those you know
9473s those big uh larger X's are going to be
9475s indicating you know bouncers wardens or
9477s some sort of other Sentry drone so far
9480s uh qappa in the Navy Armageddon he's
9482s trying to get close trying to get in new
9484s range but again the Bal Gorn of and his
9486s Tobias web says no no you're not going
9488s to get close to me I'm going to keep you
9490s down and so far uh tuskers is really
9493s just trying to play a bit of a
9494s positional game right maybe they'll burn
9496s back to some of their centuries pick
9497s them up um so far it looks like
9500s deteriorated is trying to uh burn back
9503s and get out of range but here's the
9505s problem being the practice is now being
9508s webbed down so this is what you can do
9510s with um tuskers right is their B Gorn is
9513s it can be at full speed they can do
9514s whatever they want they can move around
9517s but the Praxis and that uh Navy
9519s Armageddon that Flagship again of qappa
9522s they're stuck there being held down by
9524s those 60% webs and they're going nowhere
9526s fast at they're trying to close in still
9527s with those triple battleships it's not
9528s really moving and the the Bon sat at
9530s zero after the start of the match he got
9531s to zero sat there and just basically is
9533s being a wall and at the moment they are
9535s eating through this
9536s practice this is probably the second
9538s time seen a Praxis in the tour I think
9540s maybe a third yeah and actually I really
9541s like this call of going for the prais
9543s right you compare it to the Navy
9544s Armageddon the fleet typhoon that's got
9545s a ton of lows the prais again not known
9548s for the same amount of tank and really
9550s when you take like a flag you know ship
9552s really supported by all those Sentry
9554s drones the Praxis is going to have
9556s really a lot of trouble being held up
9558s again it doesn't look like it has any
9559s rep bot on it it's just the Thalia just
9562s the Deacon which yeah okay they do a lot
9563s of rep power but at the end of the day
9566s uh it might not be enough for the Sentry
9567s damage looking at the drones they've got
9569s they actually got a bunch of heavy rep
9570s drones as well as some light rep drones
9571s on it so they are trying to keep this
9572s practice alive but they are just being
9574s chunked by the amazing amount of drone
9576s damage that's coming in yeah I'm just
9577s looking at the angry uh you know or the
9579s helpful cloud of drones that are trying
9581s to support the practice but it's you
9583s know being outnumbered right now by The
9585s Angry Cloud by The Angry Crowd however
9586s the Deacon deleted do get does get
9589s deleted so there was a bit of a snap
9590s swap where what you can do here actually
9593s and looks like what tuskers did is they
9595s dropped their drones so right they let
9597s them go abandoned then they reconnect to
9600s those centuries the Deacon gets webbed
9602s down as he's trying to pull away they
9604s get webbed down he dies now the hyena
9606s dies right so this is again the power of
9608s that flag Bal Gorn yeah the merer might
9611s get killed for having to try to dive the
9612s backline but I mean it's worth it if you
9615s kill a hyena athalia and now a Praxis
9618s I'll take that every day the week just
9620s trying to hunt down I that Hena got
9622s tackled just before he died really yeah
9625s I didn't unfortunately I missed who did
9627s it unfortunately I don't think it was a
9628s crw he's in the wrong spot but that H
9630s was tackled and then immediately snap
9632s killed and then move on they just doing
9634s this doing we just lost a paon effects
9636s here I mean this is a really well done
9638s from Tusk just constantly like we've
9639s tackled you kill you we tackled you kill
9640s you constantly while still pressurizing
9643s that pressurizing pressuring the
9644s practice the entire time well I mean I I
9647s think you could be pressurized because
9648s the Cher is getting absolutely cooked by
9650s the uh fourhead and five head of uh Mira
9654s I mean earlier we saw a combination of
9656s an HML kite comp that had no damage but
9659s it wouldn't be tuskers if they didn't
9660s win with a kite comp uh and now they're
9662s winning with a born control comp we can
9664s see that deteriorated yeah they're
9666s trying to do their best to use um some
9668s damps um from that celestus to try to
9671s hold down the deons but now those are
9672s gone just like you said so I I mean what
9675s does deteriorated really have left
9676s they've lost uh a lot of their core
9679s ships and now their hound and purifier
9681s getting webbed down I can tell you what
9682s they've got left damage what have they
9685s done with
9685s it judging by their attack bar nothing
9689s yeah like they have the damage still
9690s their entire damage core is still there
9692s the bombers plus all three battleships
9693s but they've been so just thoroughly
9695s kneecapped in this entire match they
9697s haven't been able to really use it and
9698s and this is part of the problem that you
9700s really run into when you're deteri going
9702s against tuskers right so yes you bring
9704s this King Slayer comp and what they
9707s should know is that King Slayer does not
9709s kill a really any flag Battleship under
9713s time uh they are getting this EO rather
9715s low and that might have been a bit of a
9717s better Target but this Thalia you know
9719s already uh taking a ton of damage it
9722s looks like checking Thalia being whipped
9725s and painted down I'm just trying to see
9726s exactly who has that on him I believe
9728s it's the creu yeah I mean I'm looking in
9731s the kind of the the backline it looks
9733s like um that was actually just the just
9737s the Bal Gorn doing Bal Gorn things just
9738s born things yep fair enough that's
9741s honestly it's very well done by this is
9743s why flag bows are bloody terrifying cuz
9746s yeah the bow going decide you and just
9749s grab you stop you from moving and then
9750s let these bouncers which are still
9751s shooting I believe just delete you or
9753s put drones on you let them get deleted
9755s it's really brutal again I'm looking at
9756s this Hound here right this Hound just
9758s had a flight of light drones on it but
9760s it was dying just because I'm a born and
9763s I say you get webbed at 70 km you get to
9765s move anymore yeah it's just over for you
9767s so the punish the purifier is being
9769s painted I see uh what looks like stew
9771s Miner and a cloud of drones going after
9773s it meanwhile the fleet typhoon and the
9776s Armageddon Navy being held down again
9779s just Bal Gorn things really I hly love
9781s the double combo of Balor bellicose
9782s because basically what you've done is
9783s made a long-range hyena you've got the
9785s paint bonus and you've got the web bonus
9788s you can basically just pick a ship at a
9789s distance to say that person is not not
9790s allowed to move and he's now twice as
9792s big yeah and that's really what you get
9794s with the Bal Gorn right you get the NES
9795s of a curse but heavy I mean you get the
9799s projection right in web of like a hyena
9803s again even more like a raper really with
9805s that officer utility and you just tell
9807s the other team that they're just not
9808s going to get to play the game right now
9811s deterior rated problem is that what they
9813s needed to do um to kill any of these
9817s deacons really was to have something
9819s tackle it but here's the problem what
9822s are you going to send into the backline
9823s in this composition that you have
9825s exactly nothing yeah we've seen a lot of
9826s that people have gone really heavy on
9828s the control it's like well congrat
9829s you've got a very good control comp now
9831s what happens if you can't break the one
9833s big ship you're playing to break and the
9834s answer is you die yeah exactly and
9837s that's Again part of what we're talking
9839s about is the distinction between some of
9841s these teams like the tuskers that have
9843s very mature well-rounded setups where
9846s this composition I'm looking at from
9848s tuskers they can face a lot of things
9849s right now yep
9851s deteriorated it's a little bit more one
9853s dimensional it's basically an anti-
9854s Battleship comp and maybe an anti-
9856s medium gun comp to a lesser degree it's
9858s just I want to kill big things what
9860s about the Small Things e we'll leave
9861s them poer and you have to really have an
9864s answer for yes heavy missiles generally
9866s do apply
9867s well except to like tenen after burning
9870s Lodi frig so exactly this is where maybe
9873s instead of purifier Hound which would do
9874s really good at killing the battleships
9876s which you already have ex the get in the
9879s practice for swap some of this out maybe
9881s make some of these some tackle ships
9882s that can really get into the backline
9884s and support you more however uh speaking
9887s of things that are going to be uh taking
9890s it getting taken down H Kappa that Navy
9892s Armageddon saving the best for last as
9895s tusker's Bal Gorn menacingly is nuding
9898s what a fearsome looking ship they better
9900s get to zero on that boy cuz when he goes
9902s pop they need to get the loot before
9903s they get kicked out yeah usually the
9905s refs do a pretty good job when you know
9907s we've got around two minutes left on the
9909s clock of giving teams the time to scoop
9912s the loot and I'll be very interested to
9914s see just how shiny of a flag this is yes
9917s yes yes yes yes I honestly very much
9918s like this TUS comp it mixes a good
9920s amount of control and damage as well as
9921s you know good tank and range the
9923s deteriorated comp is just kind of a king
9926s Slayer on a bit of extra steroids yeah
9928s and that's kind of the idea is when you
9931s have a flagship you want it to be able
9933s to Define you know your composition not
9935s just be like a better version of what
9937s you already do but that sounds like
9939s analyst work we're just commentators
9940s we'll send it to the break and let the
9942s analyst do their job
9958s and there you have it the tuskers co
9959s taking a vectory over deteriorated and
9961s sending them down into the lower bracket
9964s where they will go on to face Wei form
9966s Volta that was an interesting match up
9968s for sure we just looked at the uh the
9969s loss mail of one of the eos's from the
9971s tusker side there triple drone damage
9973s amplifiers just all damage basically
9975s almost no tank we did we were watching
9977s the match and he just disappeared so
9979s quickly we like wait what what happened
9981s there starle Commander that's an
9982s interesting fit right well yeah I mean
9984s usually you'd put a couple more tank
9985s mods on it right so as you're saying
9987s well obviously the match was going on
9988s and the EOS almost died and me and Bart
9991s were like looking at each other like
9993s what so obviously and obviously the
9994s damage was Landing super fast as well
9996s that FRS were popping really quickly so
9999s especially at the beginning They al they
10000s tried to go for the hyena with a
10001s centuries and that's a lot of damage
10003s coming from two just two oses on the
10004s team obviously they had some vexas
10006s didn't they but I think they dropped the
10008s centries tried to go for H
10010s they burnt away so they had to redrop
10011s their drones but the damage was just
10013s Landing fast wasn't it bar yeah it was
10015s um it was way higher than it should be
10017s because usually when we're doing a you
10019s know cuz this is basically it's an armor
10020s drone control um it you know it happened
10023s to have a flag Bal Gorn which is a
10024s little bit different but uh usually when
10026s you see the DPS from these it's like oh
10028s they kind of do some NES and then they
10029s slowly Whitt someone down but they had a
10031s triple drone damage amplifier eos's
10033s which just do tons of damage and I think
10036s the other thing we saw at the end there
10039s they did do they threw like a couple
10040s shots into the flag Bal Gorn I think at
10042s the end they're kind of like well let's
10043s see what happens the flag Bal Gorn was
10044s in like 20% armor yeah I I saw that
10045s theend kind
10047s like what's happening here maybe flag
10049s belor also was full damage fit the whole
10052s comp is just
10054s damaged like nobody expects this and
10056s it's like well so now the question is
10058s like you know what do you do against
10059s this next time yeah that was way more
10061s damage than a drone comp should have um
10063s tuskers at it again fantastic Theory
10065s crafting uh my favorite thing about it
10067s was that they basically so tuskers is
10069s really well known for using like hyenas
10070s and hugan really well and they didn't
10072s use hyena or hugan they used a flag Bal
10075s Gorn as a really really big hyena and it
10077s basically kind of sat there and would
10078s like you know clearly has Toby webs like
10081s those were some 65 70km webs it would
10083s just like web a Target down and then the
10085s drones would just fly over and just
10086s delete it because you know it's probably
10088s like 3,000 DPS worth of heavy drones or
10090s something dumb like that yeah I think
10091s deteriorated did flu pretty well as well
10093s um that Hena at the start uh it was it
10095s was the right target call for tuskers I
10097s believe to try and remove it uh from the
10099s field and I mean they almost succeeded
10101s but the pilot in that hyena managed to
10102s pull himself out to range and out to
10104s safety and it kind of at that point I
10106s remember saying like oo this might be a
10107s little bit trickier for tuskers because
10109s that hyena got free Tor did fly well I
10112s think if they the bow gor just pushes in
10115s and as you said but it's just oppressive
10117s web and we just like basically lock down
10119s anything and when they redrop their
10120s drones and we saw like Heavies and stuff
10123s they so it's so quick to switch which is
10125s why you start to see frigs popping
10126s really quickly because as soon as no
10128s ship dies you can quickly check what's
10130s next to it and the drones will
10131s immediately aggress and it it can
10133s Cascade really quickly from then on yeah
10135s so I mean b how do you how do you beat
10137s that comp
10138s there well um not Can't Ban the flag
10141s born uh I don't know I
10144s mean go for the EOS I think well so the
10147s actual the actual answer apparently was
10148s to either go for the EOS or the flag
10150s because is not us the answer because
10153s like so again if if you guys go look at
10154s the fit you'll notice that the EOS had
10157s uh a plate a damage control and a tech
10160s one explosive hardener so it has a
10163s massive em hole um very easy to blow up
10166s but it's probably not going to be fit
10167s like that next time now they're going to
10168s do something else but uh yeah apparently
10170s it was go for the EOS or go for the flag
10171s Bal Gorn which me would put it past the
10174s tusers to bring what looks like the same
10176s comp but completely different fit next
10178s time so like heavily tanked uh I'm
10180s pretty sure mea goes into his theat
10182s crafting Den has a giant wheel of
10184s modules and just kind of
10185s goes and then that's how he fits them
10188s Guardian he gets a guardian then he gets
10191s armor hugging and to be honest they've
10193s been doing some really interesting comp
10195s just now so like you know it could be
10196s Mind Games Y for the next match I mean
10198s this is we're now at the level of the
10200s tournament where mind games are now
10201s legitimately important um I we talked
10204s about it in the the last match with
10205s trite you know was Amelia typing in
10207s local I'm in danger before the match
10209s started was he really thinking he is in
10211s danger or was he just trying to you know
10213s Edge them into shooting the Bal Gorn
10215s instead of the Widow like this is the
10216s kind of stuff that starts to go through
10218s people's minds and you get the SP spiral
10219s the spiral will start and the spiral
10221s will continue um and star you've been
10224s there in in the the Mind Game spiral
10225s before as well yes it do you do get in
10227s your own head when it comes to like
10228s picking comps and things and it's one of
10230s those things that I try and tell people
10232s just like just stick to what you know
10234s yeah don't don't get into your own head
10236s and think well if they do this I'm going
10238s to do this just fly where you're
10239s comfortable flying which is what I think
10241s most teams are doing uh not not all of
10243s them but I think especially like tuskers
10246s tuskers clearly have a plan yeah and
10248s they going for it their bands are are
10251s targeted and they just filled what
10252s they're comfortable with yep I just saw
10254s the flagship kill Mill for deteriorated
10257s um it's a I would say pretty reasonable
10259s one 33 in a bit billion um we have about
10262s 16 billion in launchers and thanks to
10264s the the 90% Loot drop event that's all
10267s there I'm pretty sure tuskers won't need
10268s to upgrade their Flagship though I'm
10270s pretty sure it's already fairly maxed
10271s out they're definitely a max out your
10274s Flagship type team um but yeah so
10277s unfortunately if deteriorated not only
10278s did they drop down the losers bracket to
10279s face we4 and Volta they do it without
10281s their Flagship now Volta already lost
10282s theirs as well so there's going to be no
10284s Flagship in that match which is nice for
10286s everybody good nice and safe all right
10288s let's have a look at our the bands for
10289s our next match which is barcode versus
10291s Odin's call so barcode Banning out the
10293s Armageddon the EOS the arbitrator the
10296s armagan Navy and the Sentinel uh Odin's
10298s call Banning out the Z armadillo the EOS
10300s the onos the orus and the Tempest Fleet
10303s or fist as is sometimes known blackb
10305s pirate what do you think about these
10306s bands here it's kind of the one that you
10309s know sticks out to me here because like
10311s most of these are meta standard at this
10313s point um Banning of fist is a little bit
10315s weird because Odin's call actually
10317s really likes to use them uh weirdly
10319s enough and they're also not that good um
10321s they have been good in the past there
10323s used to be uh you know a couple years
10324s ago when we had an at where mmar points
10326s or ships were discounted they were
10328s actually insane in a shield rush but uh
10330s yeah I don't I don't necessarily know
10332s you know barcode has been flying very
10334s very well um if somebody was going to
10335s bring some kind of uh interesting um
10338s sort of maybe ECM surrounded setup I
10340s could see it like you know perhaps a
10342s widow Tempest Fleet setup uh but yeah
10344s it's I don't know the rest of the Bands
10345s they're pretty standard right like well
10347s two loggies banned two loggies banned
10349s yeah and that was the dup ban as well
10351s from Odin so maybe they're just going to
10354s obviously I think they're obviously logy
10355s frigs they want to be close so they
10356s probably maybe want the other team to
10357s bring logi frig or Shield
10360s comp because why would because you're
10363s you're cutting out all the armored TT
10365s loggies so maybe they want to fight
10368s something that's got FRS or is just
10370s Shield which could be a thing what what
10373s what would you like to fight with L FRS
10374s that's kind of the question well it if
10376s you're going to go maybe you want to do
10377s something brawl like we saw we saw today
10379s you know THL almost lose to a rush maybe
10381s you do a rush comp and you go in and you
10383s just you just break the break it I mean
10384s the ham Rush is wide open basically yeah
10386s and you could you could break through
10388s like easily the the uh the tank and ham
10390s rushes are really really good at killing
10392s ly frigs it feels like it shouldn't be
10395s but they're exception killing flagships
10397s as well uh so
10399s get on top of something um like as we
10402s saw Amilia in his his flag Balor was
10405s very touch and go at one point it's a
10406s lot of DPS and there's only so much you
10408s can really tank in these in these uh
10410s matches so most of the ships um except
10413s flagships can only fit Tech 2 modules so
10416s you can't like faction fit the tank on
10418s most of your ships in the game you have
10419s to go with Tech 2 that means like your
10421s fitting is a lot more constrained the
10423s actual survivability is more constrained
10425s of course the damage is more constrained
10426s as well but you sometimes have these
10428s ships that are just like you could get
10431s so much more DPS out of them but you're
10432s just not going to and you cannot tank
10434s against some of the unless unless
10436s tuskers then you just don't care
10437s polarized when polarized Blaster EOS is
10440s when miror come on do it polarized
10443s Blaster EOS is would expect it no no one
10446s would expect it I would expect it but I
10448s would heavily judge them afterwards cuz
10449s they probably feed it would be a heck of
10451s a feed all right so let's head over to
10454s the the arena very shortly this is going
10455s to be the last of our uh matches that go
10458s in into the top sort four in the upper
10461s bracket so these are all top six winning
10462s teams at this point um we'll go for a
10464s break and I believe during that break CP
10467s Swift will be here to tell us about the
10468s results of the CSM election so that'll
10470s be very exciting until then let's head
10472s over to the arena for this
10474s match hello I am moderator joined by
10477s Wingnut cross hoping that I am not about
10478s to be handed an L so I don't know if you
10483s feel threatened right now but I feel
10484s maximally threatened by A Mir matchup
10487s there's going to be this match is going
10489s to last probably all of about five
10491s minutes both teams willing in at nearly
10493s identical ranges and having nearly
10495s identical comps so this is something
10498s that I am not too surprised by when I
10501s see these bands um when you look at a
10503s lot of tracking disruption you look at
10505s um some of the kind of control bands
10507s that are out um it makes sense in my
10510s opinion to bring um a comp that does
10512s very well economically for the points
10514s that you bring and Max thre is a very
10516s well-rounded comp so Odin's call they're
10518s going to be very familiar with how this
10520s comp is ran likewise so is barcode yeah
10523s and this is almost an entirely perfect
10525s mirror down to the frigs and that's
10529s where we get some difference one team
10531s bringing double mors other one bringing
10533s Ms hyena so a bit of extra application
10534s but that double molus has the potential
10536s to be very annoying yes likewise however
10539s so is a Hena it's really going to depend
10541s in the first couple seconds when we see
10543s who gets the damps and who gets them
10544s better right but who dies cuz they might
10546s just delete these FRS no they're going
10547s for vigilance of crazy is getting shot
10551s and goes down instantly that's huge
10553s however we're going to see again a trade
10555s um Odin is going to go for the Vigilant
10557s and barode is going to go for the MLL so
10560s now mollus on the side of barcode is
10563s going to be able to continue to damp
10564s things out and it looks like they're
10566s going to go for the lodgy of uh blank
10568s and then they're damping out his buddy
10570s so what the play is here is to make sure
10572s that blank can't get reps because his
10573s buddy is now damped out because the only
10575s remaining mollus belongs to barcode
10577s barcode still has a Vigilant down into
10580s armor and this is where we're talking
10581s about we're 40 seconds in and I think
10583s barod won it just off that exactly yeah
10584s here's the thing that hyena at the start
10586s that Hy is provided extra application to
10588s make this deacons just die they can
10589s apply easily this is just destructive
10591s and the V Vigilant still alive they
10593s haven't lost damage yet the V Vigilant
10595s is still alive no the Vigilant is
10596s actually repping up and here's actually
10598s basically the difference right you have
10600s the hyena pains and that makes these
10602s Lodi frig so much more easy to hit Y
10604s people underestimate it significantly
10606s they're going to kill the other viil
10607s before they kill theirs they the same
10609s damage man I was ready to have to hold
10611s this L but I mean Odin's absolutely just
10613s got skill difference um barcode here
10615s absolutely showing why the barcode is
10619s you know going to be absolutely printing
10622s wins and skins so Odin's call uh in
10626s their restar is now being primaried and
10628s again I tear uh still holding on here I
10633s I'm just they man they were shoot the
10635s Vigilant from start until now and they
10637s couldn't even kill the vigilant before
10639s the opposing team had killed off their
10641s support and their
10643s logy and then they're Vigilant they're
10644s still there like they're just I'm amazed
10647s about you've got all this damage in the
10648s world you haven't been able to use it
10650s nothing's really stopping you and
10651s without giving too much of the the
10653s barcode uh you know cookbook away I mean
10656s this is basically like the third time in
10657s a row that barcode has brought
10660s essentially this Max threat comp in a
10662s row so they're going to make it to you
10665s know play the tuskers in the next match
10668s and they have
10669s literally nothing but Ma threat the
10671s entire time they're probably one of the
10672s few teams left that have managed to keep
10674s their a a cards close to their chest and
10676s hidden so that we honestly don't know I
10678s mean you do I don't know what barode has
10681s in the tank ready to go well they're
10684s ready to basically take out this Navy
10685s bruix and now it looks like the top row
10687s is going to be the primary I will say
10689s that barod barode right is this is a uh
10693s a match that um you're going to scrim a
10696s lot right like uh again Max thread is a
10698s comp position that has been brought for
10701s like the last 3 to 4 years it's
10703s something that you are going to be
10704s testing a lot of your other comps
10706s against high damage CES have been a very
10707s consistent thing yeah and really again
10710s this is going to be uh something that
10712s when we watched evasive maneuvering
10713s right it was a very very close match
10715s both teams flying this very well but
10717s again barcode putting people on notice
10720s this is a comp that usually trades out
10722s very evenly and saying hey we're going
10724s to mirror match you and we're going to
10726s 200 nil you yeah that's the scary part
10728s right it is a mirror match with a
10730s perfect 200 to zero that is that is
10734s actually kind of worrying I'm not going
10736s to lie yeah I mean I'm glad to say it's
10739s an absolutely dominant performance I was
10740s going to say this match wasn't even
10742s going to last four minutes but it might
10743s not even get that far I mean the Navy
10745s Prophecy of the Paradigm is the final
10747s ship and iter surviving actually I say
10750s Striker Striker you better not die we're
10752s taking a share away from
10755s you well and he's being ripped he's safe
10758s he's safe your a we're good crisis
10760s averted okay I tease a little bit a
10762s striker uh previously uh the M pilot who
10765s against evasive maneuvering played
10767s lights out uh really well played here by
10770s barcode I am so glad that I do not have
10772s to hold an L I get to get a W uh for
10775s this match and we're going to send it
10776s back to the desk and then to uh halftime
10779s uh to let these teams take a bit of a
10781s break and uh get ready for the next set
10783s of matches
10800s all right welcome back everyone to
10802s Alliance tournament 20 coverage just
10804s kidding this is csm1 19 coverage now we
10807s have taken over I know there's lots of
10809s people in twitch chat who are a little
10811s bit anxious to see where they placed in
10813s csm1 19 uh but with the help of CCB
10816s convict some numbers and your voting uh
10819s we are going to find out who is going to
10821s be on csm1 19 in just a couple
10824s minutes but before we go uh let's take a
10826s look at CSM 18 uh huge shout out to this
10830s wonderful group of players we had 12 uh
10832s that went down to 11 because of uh Mark
10835s resurrect is betraying everyone and
10837s becoming CCP
10839s yoten he did just woo maybe you guys got
10842s to hear that but seriously a big thank
10843s you to csm1 18 they've been instrumental
10846s in this past year and I put in an seen
10849s amount of work so uh golf claps in chat
10852s for everyone there uh but now this is
10855s what you're all kind of waiting for
10857s running into csm1 19 we had a very high
10860s number of candidates running for
10861s election uh 47 to be exact um well 47
10866s approved candidates to be exact uh and
10869s kind of here's where they are between
10870s our own interviews several Community
10873s interviews and just a lot excuse me a
10876s lot of posts we've heard so much about
10879s them um but you're you're here for the
10881s votes right uh we use the STV system
10884s which allows voters to choose up to uh
10887s 10 candidates in a ranked preference uh
10889s we really love this system but sometimes
10891s it can be kind of hard to visualize how
10894s that whole thing works out uh so we're
10896s going to walk you through this process
10898s right now uh as you can see right now
10901s these are the number of First Place
10903s votes that candidates received um this
10906s doesn't mean that this is you know
10908s exactly how they're going to end up but
10911s let's just put that in order a little
10912s bit so we can see kind of how that lines
10916s up uh yeah you can see cads and Luke
10919s they have a bunch of votes uh in fact
10923s they've got so many votes they are
10924s instantly elected to csm1 19 they are
10927s our first ones to uh join the ballot
10931s they are also incumbents so you know a
10933s lot of uh support behind them and the
10935s work that they already have
10937s done uh but then you know things kind of
10940s move around we're in round one there is
10942s a quot of votes uh and if you go over
10945s that quota as you can see those votes
10947s get distributed within the system they
10949s don't get thrown out so people that
10951s voted for casir had zint on the number
10955s two ballot so many of them in fact that
10957s zage managed to get
10959s 4,4 votes uh up from the 560 first place
10963s votes that he originally
10966s had uh so yeah good job zage it looks
10969s like he's over the quota of
10971s 3246 uh so he will be the next candidate
10976s elected of course we also have Luke who
10979s had a bunch of
10980s overvotes uh and those votes get
10982s distributed within the system as well so
10985s those 1393 votes it looks like if you
10989s had Luke on your ballot number one a lot
10992s of people had Kenneth Feld number two on
10995s their ballot so those votes spill over
10997s to Kenneth
10998s but that isn't enough to get Kenneth
11000s Feld elected so he stays in the system
11003s we do this whole thing move it around
11005s and uh keld moves into the sixth spot
11008s well tentatively the sixth spot uh the
11011s only thing we know for sure right now is
11013s that Cass Luke and zage have been
11016s elected and because the first round is
11019s the craziest round we have zage with
11022s overvotes as well so his votes now need
11025s to be redistributed and uh let's see
11028s where they go in the
11030s system yep if you're djck you're feeling
11033s pretty good right about now your team
11034s might have been eliminated but you got
11037s you picked up a whole bunch of votes and
11039s you had 1337 votes to begin with you
11042s felt pretty lucky there
11044s anyways so DJ grabs a bunch of a bunch
11047s of zin's votes and again we reorder
11051s things hopefully Kenneth didn't get too
11053s comfortable in the sixth spot because he
11054s got bumped down by DJ uh who now takes
11057s over in
11058s 6th my goodness what a crazy round it's
11061s going to be uh and we've got uh I think
11064s 30 something rounds to go through but
11067s you know a couple rounds uh some of the
11069s early rounds uh not the most exciting
11072s but they're still incredibly
11074s important so uh you know there's kind of
11078s more things that happen right uh you
11080s know it's not every single vote that
11081s goes from C to zage and not every single
11084s vote goes from zage uh to DJ there's a
11087s little bit of stuff in between between
11088s there so let's kind of move that around
11090s and rearrange our
11092s candidates all right there we have it
11095s the order is updated we've got our
11098s candidates moving into the next spot and
11102s it's time to begin the STV process so
11106s what's going to happen now is the
11108s candidate with the least amount of first
11110s place votes is going to be eliminated
11113s their votes assuming there are you know
11116s someone put something in number two on
11117s that ballot are going to be
11119s redistributed within the system the
11122s quota is going to be reduced and then
11124s going to rerun this whole simulation
11126s again to see where those votes go so
11130s unfortunately for atheist of fail we
11133s have to say
11134s goodby uh Boop goodbye atheist to
11138s failure 15 first place votes will now
11141s get redistributed into the system like I
11143s was saying and then we'll kind of skip
11146s ahead in this process
11149s um as I was saying again you'll see the
11151s quota go down round by round and there
11154s are two ways a candidate can get
11156s elected the way that we've seen first is
11160s get more votes than the quota uh and
11163s then the second way is just survive uh
11166s right so it's going to be you know as
11168s you can see there's we're removing small
11170s numbers going forward from here so we're
11173s going to skip a few steps uh just you
11176s know because we want to get back back to
11178s the at match we want to see who's
11179s finishing uh but also it's a little bit
11182s easier to visualize when you see a few
11185s hundred votes get redistributed rather
11187s than you know a couple
11191s dozen all right atheist of fail uh you
11195s are gone redest ha aerodynam Colby
11199s Commander Shephard
11202s scks mopat uh these candidates were now
11206s uh removed one after the other and their
11210s um votes have been redistributed within
11212s the system you can see now we're uh
11215s We've skipped to round seven uh and we
11217s still only have three candidates
11219s elected but we can update the order and
11222s we can also uh you know see where we are
11225s now uh the top 10 kind of look pretty
11228s much the same as they did before but
11231s other people have you know moved you can
11233s see how close uh millant ARC Trooper is
11236s to NEOS shocker separated by just one
11238s vote uh Augustine Augustus and Grim of
11240s the Mad are only two votes separating
11242s each other and these are crucial spots
11244s right because of how it works the one
11246s with the least amount of votes it's
11248s eliminated so we're eliminating here
11250s from the bottom
11252s up uh but let's skip a couple more
11254s rounds just so we can kind of see things
11256s a little bit more clearly and see how
11258s things are shaping up with the
11262s votes uh we say goodbye to frippy Grim
11265s of the Mad Augustine Augustus NEOS
11268s shcker Milan AR Trooper hexor gaming
11272s bexi songweaver scale Orana prospector
11276s shiplock and Frozen Fallout special
11279s shout out to all these candidates uh
11281s they did some amazing interviews got a
11283s lot of their uh words out we got to hear
11285s a lot about what they thought was very
11287s important for Ev online this is a
11289s crucial part of the CSM process as well
11291s you can have a dramatic influence just
11294s by running just by talking about what
11295s you think is important and starting
11297s these
11298s conversations but uh these candidates
11301s have been eliminated but their votes
11302s have not been lost as you can see the
11304s quot has only gone down by a little bit
11307s which means that the number of exhausted
11309s votes uh has been very very small so if
11312s you voted for Frozen Fallout or had him
11315s somewhere in your ballot and you had
11317s someone lower than that in your ballot
11319s who's still there those votes still stay
11321s in the system uh in fact let's kind of
11324s see how that looks
11325s out and you can see even uh kind of in
11328s the top there's been a little bit of a
11330s shakeup uh if we were to stop the
11332s election right now that Top Line would
11334s be our CSM uh but nope that is not going
11337s to be our CSM spoiler alert we still
11340s have a long way to go and more votes
11343s kind of move around the system uh let's
11346s not go too far ahead on this one let's
11348s just jump uh really quickly just a few
11350s more rounds up to round
11355s 22 so we say goodbye to
11358s switch for orus Kom Sunder and Steve
11361s Martis in those next five rounds uh and
11365s we kind of let's let's also see where
11366s those votes moveed now as you can see as
11368s we're getting further through the rounds
11370s we've got more votes to move through the
11373s system so it started with a couple dozen
11375s now it's a couple hundred this is where
11377s some big changes uh can potentially
11379s happen and you can see even in the very
11381s top line uh people moved around mck
11384s fightmaster overtook the Oz uh delos is
11387s up there stto and Mike as a Rya are kind
11389s of neck and neck kha and mashon so close
11393s to each other uh rots and young puke
11395s only one vote separates them uh this is
11398s getting really really
11401s tight but uh as we go through uh let's
11405s kind of go and let's skip another five
11408s uh five rounds just to see how this
11409s starts to to shape
11411s up all right series Pro cros Gideon
11415s zendar anai and Dutch Gunner
11418s unfortunately are all eliminated uh now
11421s crucially why did we jump these five
11423s rounds well we now have 20 candidates
11425s left so let's kind of see uh how how
11429s those ballots now shake up you can see
11431s Ariel Ren moves into fourth uh position
11436s uh getting really close to the quota the
11438s quota is still quite High we've
11440s exhausted very few votes again another
11443s reason we love the STV system is because
11446s votes don't leave the system if you vote
11448s for candidates and you have you know a
11450s good ballot uh a good number of people
11452s on your ballot there's a really good
11454s chance your vote's going to stay all the
11456s way until the end and someone that you
11458s like is going to be receiving that
11462s vote but let's go ahead a little bit
11465s more and uh just see how it's going to
11467s be actually you know what let's let's
11469s tidy it up we've got uh we had to say
11471s goodbye to us of people now it looks
11472s like you know we've got more people
11474s eliminated than our left uh let's let's
11477s check out final 20 uh head to
11482s head all right so why do we focus on 20
11486s um well 10 of these candidates will be
11489s directly elected right you already have
11491s casir Luke and zage those are definitely
11494s going to be on csm1 19 um the next seven
11497s of the highest vote Getters that you
11499s elect will be on to CSM 19 as well but
11503s CCP recently introduced a an addition to
11506s the CSM we expand Ed the system a little
11509s bit to account for 12 people on the CSM
11513s and in that we um you know can select
11517s two people who finish in the top 20 so
11519s we want people who or rather we want
11522s candidates who have received a lot of
11524s votes it is hard to get to this spot on
11527s the CSM trust me I ran for CSM several
11530s times as a player I lost three times
11532s before getting elected finally uh and
11536s then after I got elected as a alternate
11538s I finally got elected onto the CSM then
11540s after that I was like okay no more I
11542s give up uh so it is a grueling run to
11544s get there uh but yeah we can choose two
11548s people to kind of round out the
11549s experience of the CSM focus on you know
11551s we know what we're as CCP are going to
11553s be doing in the future uh so we kind of
11556s want you know that type of experience on
11559s the CSM and if we don't see it in the
11561s elected 10 we do want to take from that
11564s uh expanded list of
11566s 10 but as we move to round 28 as you can
11569s see Drake Iden uh is only 70 votes away
11573s from Gustav but that's not enough to
11575s save him so we say goodbye to Drake but
11579s now that we have fewer candidates and a
11581s lot of votes are being thrown around uh
11584s we're going to take a little bit more
11585s time round by round just to see exactly
11588s where these votes are
11590s distributed uh so as you can see if we
11593s kind of picture his votes Drake's votes
11596s like this we'll see exactly how they go
11599s and DJ gets a bunch stto gets a bunch
11602s Mick fight Master actually gets the most
11604s the Oz gets quite a bit and of course
11607s makes sense Phantom would get some too
11610s so now let's uh tally them all together
11612s and see how that works out and also
11614s we'll say goodbye to Gustav Manfred uh
11617s Gustav Manfred is the next in was the
11619s next in line and we'll see where his
11622s votes go so again you can see these are
11626s some of the big chunks of his votes
11630s D Gustav sends a bunch of his votes over
11633s to the Oz this is important for the Oz
11635s because you know he's kind of fallen in
11637s the back there a little bit getting to a
11640s a point where he might get eliminated
11642s but Mike Azariah also gets a ton of
11644s these votes right so somewhere on your
11646s ballot at least 71 of you had gustoff
11649s somewhere and Mike Azariah just below
11651s him uh so you know Mike's going to be
11654s feeling a little bit better at this
11656s process
11657s uh but again we're going to have to say
11660s goodbye to another candidate rots uh you
11665s know run ran a great campaign got very
11668s far uh 17th spot uh but will be
11672s eliminated but before that let's just
11673s kind of shake things up you'll see how
11675s things moved around after Gustav's votes
11678s get kind of tallied uh Oz feels a lot
11681s better in that spot Mike gets uh a
11684s little bump uh he's still very close to
11686s stto
11688s uh but is in kind of range of D Rose
11690s over there as well uh so rotz your 661
11694s votes uh not enough you're eliminated at
11697s Round 30 uh but let's see where they go
11701s uh a couple big chunks
11704s here all right maybe didn't expect that
11706s one uh rosz sends a lot of his votes
11710s over to Kenneth Feld uh some you know
11713s industry love over there uh and of
11715s course stto also grabs a a shocking
11718s amount uh you know it shows you how
11720s diverse R's campaign was uh he gets
11723s people uh from kind of all over the
11725s place uh MC fightmaster picks up 60 D ja
11728s one ey picks up 48 uh really impressive
11731s stuff and now let's kind of reorder
11733s things and see how it's shaping up this
11735s is getting to the part where my Palms
11737s are getting sweaty if I'm here uh just
11740s barely hanging on uh mashon or you may
11745s know him by another name uh gets
11748s eliminated and let's see where his votes
11750s start to go again another diverse set of
11752s votes but there's a lot look at that 171
11754s where is that going to go oh Oz picks it
11758s up that cheeky bugger uh Mike Azariah
11760s also with a big windfall there trying to
11763s survive trying to just move up as much
11766s as he can we see this year after year
11768s from Mike uh caselle adron also picks up
11771s uh quite a few in that one uh and those
11773s are crucial because she would be next on
11775s The Chopping Block
11778s all
11780s right cool uh very next we have uh you
11784s know kha we talked about how close she
11786s was picking up votes not enough
11788s unfortunately CU sha adron uh is next at
11791s Round 31 to be eliminated uh and then
11795s coming on CSM 18 uh gave amazing
11798s feedback uh and let's see where her
11800s votes go oh my god there are two big
11803s chunks here 284 and
11805s 244 where do they go Mike Azariah and
11808s the Oz fellow incumbents picking up the
11811s Lion Share there uh and let's kind of
11813s reorder things a bit to uh young puke is
11817s the next to go uh snuck in there coming
11821s from faction Warfare again has a lot of
11823s votes we expect a lot of these to go to
11826s people like stto uh but you know they go
11828s to Kenneth Feld as well Mike Azariah and
11830s the Oz and we're just going to keep
11833s clearing through here Phantom might
11836s csm5 uh Legacy member is now getting to
11840s the point where he is eliminated stto
11842s just barely holding on a little bit
11844s longer and let's see where his votes go
11848s oh my goodness this is getting tight
11851s Mike azay picks up 80 but stto picks up
11854s a whopping 170 here m fight Master with
11858s 175 and the Oz just keeps gaining some
11862s uh again as we're kind of going through
11864s that aiel Ren got elected as well uh
11867s Ariel ended up uh having more votes than
11869s the quota so uh you know we've got Cass
11873s Luke zage DJ and Ariel Ren uh and now
11877s we're really fighting for the next spots
11879s here let's update that order and oh my
11882s God stto feels amazing man five votes
11886s separate the next three candidates five
11890s votes save stto from elimination but
11893s Mike Azariah is the one on The Chopping
11895s Block uh on this CSM a countless number
11899s of times six uh and Driver of the Magic
11902s School Bus Let's see where his votes uh
11904s end up going through the system stto
11908s what is he doing he picks up 500 votes
11910s almost from Mike Azariah and a bunch
11912s also go to the Oz there so whoop let's
11916s move things up Oz catapults up to the
11919s next spot uh and now Dow Rose is on The
11922s Chopping Block Dow Rose first time
11924s running on the CSM um but you know again
11927s as Mike is eliminated and those votes go
11930s through uh the Ozz and storm delay end
11934s up having more votes than the quota
11937s because the quota has shrunk so here are
11940s some members of your csm1 19 we still
11943s have a few to go and it's getting tight
11945s out there so Doos where do your votes go
11948s oh that's a big chunk that's a big chunk
11951s it goes over to stto again just stealing
11954s a bunch of votes 64 three votes go from
11958s stto he is no longer the last in the
11961s elimination also Kenneth Fel grabs
11964s enough votes from delos to get elected
11966s welcome back Kenneth and let's see what
11969s happens now oh s jumps all the way up
11972s and this is it this is how we do it I
11976s tear barcode Alliance Captain the last
11979s one to get eliminated uh it doesn't
11981s matter where your votes go because
11983s there's no candidates left we've got our
11985s 10 cas Luke anen Zin janaka DJ Wai Ariel
11990s Ren the Oz storm delay Kenneth Feld stto
11994s and Mick fight Master congrats to you uh
11997s we also talked uh quite a bit yesterday
12000s picking over who we would like to round
12002s out CSM 19 uh drum roll
12008s please Drake Iden and young puke two
12011s will be the final two members of csm1 19
12015s uh for the Fantastic work they have and
12016s the experience that they have in their
12018s respective areas of space uh so yeah
12022s that is it I hope you enjoyed this uh
12025s good luck to csm1 19 uh again Alliance
12029s for 20 will continue shortly after this
12033s I've been CCB Swift thanks again for
12035s voting thanks for everything and we'll
12036s see you out there soon welcome back to
12039s Alliance tournament 20 I am CCB Overlord
12042s joined once again by mystical might and
12044s the ever joyful CCB Swift C how are you
12047s today I am Jolly Jolly as ever amazing
12050s matches csm1 19 results yay yeah any uh
12055s uh any amazing matches that you
12056s specifically wanted to share out there's
12058s been some awesome moments so far today
12060s the truth on our light match was uh
12062s pretty great uh it was it was fun
12064s watching them it was fun watching things
12066s almost explode y uh and you know it's a
12070s lot of uh familiar faces on that team
12072s for me uh Lucas Quan former uh PL pilot
12076s blue melon also FW PL Casper boundar for
12079s PL so yeah like to like to watch them
12081s explode yeah you're intimately familiar
12083s with the boundary as well I believe uh
12085s never in the alliance tournament have I
12087s boundary violated I would just like to
12088s point that out that was some other
12091s lesser
12092s tournament uh but yeah after that I was
12094s always placed in the uh in the slow Ship
12096s Without a prop mod nice for safety and
12099s of course CSM results just came out uh
12101s we went through the very complicated
12102s single transferable vote system but we
12105s got this democratically elected Council
12107s of Stell management some interesting new
12108s faces in there this is going to be a
12110s good CSM I think yes uh not STDs but
12113s stvs single transferable votes um but
12117s yeah it's been amazing just to watch how
12119s these votes matriculate through the
12120s system uh stto probably loves this
12123s system more than anyone else uh
12125s especially now because he went from like
12127s 20th position to eighth in the matter of
12130s like four or five people um but yeah I'm
12133s really excited for csm1 19 we have some
12135s incumbents in there so a lot of
12136s experience coming back and a lot of new
12138s faces from all over the place uh Mick
12141s fight master I know is going to be a
12143s wormholer by the way yeah uh so yeah
12146s we'll have some Wormhole representation
12148s I tear just an 11th spot uh can't can't
12152s win them all you can't win your match
12154s and the CSM apparently but you know I
12157s think you'd rather win AI more in 20
12159s probably yeah you were called out
12160s directly in chat by show pointing out
12163s the Lions tournament 14 Grand finals uh
12165s I think that might be uh sometime you
12167s may have boundary violated in the
12168s alliance tournament nope fake
12170s news all right let's take a look at the
12172s bands for our next match which is till
12174s Doomsday versus rage quck cancel sub so
12176s this is an elimination match uh again
12178s we're back to elimination matches we're
12179s with the losers once again we shall
12181s return to the winners later but for now
12183s only losers uh so till doomsday Banning
12185s out the abadon the mollus the Sentinel
12187s the Armageddon Navy issue and rage quit
12189s Banning out the Loki arbitrator cruci
12191s far and Sentinel CP Swift what are your
12193s thoughts on these bands here uh I like
12195s the abadon band you know I think that
12196s team that like that double the bad and
12198s core setup has been giving people a lot
12200s of trouble uh if you want to do some
12202s kind of cheeky things it's so annoying
12205s to just have to deal with right like you
12207s have all these setups that you have um
12209s and you kind of as you kind of imagine
12211s how The Meta evolves you start seeing
12214s these aband you're like oh man this
12216s aband really puts a cramp in my style so
12218s getting rid of that there's nothing
12219s really that can replace it the same
12221s exact way we've seen people try with a
12223s lot of different setups but you know the
12225s abad's a good thing to give get rid of
12227s and of course the Sentinel probably the
12229s most annoying ship in the game right
12231s like it just gets on you if it gets on
12233s your lodgy your LOD is screwed uh it's
12236s got tracking disruptors for you know the
12238s medium gun gun spam which is uh
12240s something we've been seeing a lot of uh
12243s yeah just get rid of the Sentinel like
12244s it yep and of course um till doomsday
12246s only dropped down um after losing to
12248s platinum sensitivity earlier on they
12250s knocked uh fraternity down in the first
12252s match of allance ran 20 fraternity are
12254s now uh sitting at home Happy least got
12257s someone in the CSM but they they didn't
12259s didn't win any more matches sorry M uh
12261s all right so let's head over to the
12262s arena for this match which here in the
12264s Lance tournament
12267s 20 welcome back to the arena my name is
12269s shirana joined by the lovely start fleet
12271s commander and we are getting ready to go
12273s on the red side it is to Doomsday who've
12275s once again brought their double EOS zarm
12277s setup what have Rage Quit cancel sub
12279s brought rage quit bringing a star
12281s Absolut and zard as well so two um
12283s single logy on the on on both teams like
12287s both teams can only rip one ship at a
12289s time I I I actually like to Doomsday's
12291s comp into into rage quit I think it does
12295s have uh potential DPS issues if you look
12297s at the attack bar Rage Quit is going to
12298s get a little bit bigger till doomsday is
12300s going to get a lot bigger once the
12301s drones come out um but really it's going
12303s to come down to These Arm pilots and the
12305s Target priation and Target switching
12308s yeah um ragequit cancel sub a lot easier
12310s to switch between targets because they
12311s have guns instead of drones uh meanwhile
12313s till doomsday lumahan has actually been
12315s able to keep up with Target switch
12317s on that previous fights at the same time
12320s so is Nexium earlier on today inos so
12324s really going to come down to these ly
12325s pilots and see how there's a lot of DPS
12327s from both these teams basically no
12329s control uh you see the control bar a
12331s little bit bigger for to Doomsday but
12333s that's mostly in some of those utility
12335s meds and tackle and NES that you're
12337s going to have on those EOS both teams
12339s having highas as well which is which is
12341s so important and looks like Road quick
12344s going for the for the Z as Target number
12347s one and then to Doomsday going for the
12348s hyena but I think the damage if I mean
12351s are the centes out or it is it so so I'm
12354s looking it is Imperial Navy acolyte so
12357s this is Heavies uh coming out from till
12360s doomsday straight to the hyena straight
12361s to the hyena importantly though both Zs
12364s uh pred on the hyena once Kat one got up
12367s to speed the zarm doesn't have to prpo
12368s on the hyena anymore because then you
12370s know not really under threat but this
12372s hyena going to have to full SPO the arm
12374s reps uh pretty quickly up against these
12377s drones as I say that the hyena gets we
12379s down and oh my gosh instantly gone
12382s completely annihilated I mean it's I
12384s mean that was so quick it was Kit Kat
12386s maybe out of position there and just
12388s getting absolutely voied by Rage Quit
12390s huge win for Rage Quit to get the hyena
12392s down I mean they thought Kit Kat was
12394s going to be alive but actually got hit
12396s by a web I think that was the other
12397s hyena for hyen on hyen action and when
12399s you do that all of a sudden the entirety
12401s of the medium gun span is able to
12403s converge on that one Target and that's
12405s the target you want to take out right
12406s now they're onto this vexer it's
12408s receiving some of these arm webs but
12409s there is no really longrange webs or any
12412s sort of paints from till doomsday
12413s they've really lost their application
12415s now till I think they're going to
12416s struggle now to kill anything if they
12418s couldn't kill a hyena he's been proled
12419s they're going to have to go for
12420s something else I'm not really seeing any
12421s damage coming down now we're seeing
12422s damage coming down on the zarm for rage
12424s quit but I think it might be too late I
12425s mean with the high down do you think
12427s they can apply it really depends on how
12430s the zarm is fit uh could be 50 amen
12432s could be 100 amen I haven't really been
12433s paying too much attention to the speed
12435s cran 1,800 00 m/ second at the moment
12438s now 2,000 m/ second uh so the zarm if
12441s it's 50 MN fit uh might have multiple
12444s reps on it and that is still difficult
12446s to deal with with the uh drones even
12448s though it has the higher Sig but the
12450s Hond Dr man is going to outrun those
12451s drones and have a low Sig he's also got
12453s a smart bomb as well so he's going to
12454s get some of the drones off and as we
12455s always see the drones they kind of lose
12457s connection they start going back and
12459s they're sort of trailing behind the zarm
12460s right now so damage is just really
12462s lacking and also the highing is gone so
12464s there's no replication so I I don't know
12466s what two zooms they can do they can try
12468s and maybe go for something a bit bigger
12470s maybe's going to swap targets though
12472s Noah currently the primary in that vexer
12474s uh keeping Tundra up we see the rep
12478s actually go off of todra and back on so
12481s Noah in then actually ends up being a
12483s sacrifice here but I mean look at the
12485s Drone blob right now it is very confused
12488s running after several targets I mean all
12491s these drones are going after the zarm
12492s and the zarm is just laughing and
12494s running and tanking everything because
12496s the hyena is down and keeps pre-spooled
12499s on the hyena they cannot nuke this hyena
12501s because it will face the full arm reps
12504s nexum two currently staying very much
12506s alive and his team has dropped logib
12508s Bots uh to help out that zarm and keep
12511s him up uh meanwhile uh really no sign of
12515s a primary uh maybe actually the zarm
12518s that got webbed up by the hyena oh they
12520s got rage had the high so they have the
12522s ability to basically kill anything on
12524s two doom and to track anything on two
12525s Doom's team I think to dunesday I I'm
12527s kind of looking around and trying to see
12529s is there a way through Rage Quit as it
12531s stands so I mean it was a slight mistake
12533s from lumahan taking the the zarm rep off
12537s of the hyena early on we saw Lucius end
12541s up going in grabbing the tackle on the
12543s other hyena now finds the zarm As and
12545s just like that till doomsday uh they
12547s have no logi left they have no
12549s application for their drones and they
12550s are not killing this zarm they are not
12552s killing this hyena they lose their ishar
12554s that's another form of tackle gone now
12556s the Navy is next and it looks like till
12558s Doom are going to fall out of the
12560s tournament here I'm I'm seeing scrams
12561s and webs on your AAR Omen they maybe
12564s they should just they should have put
12565s the drones onto something they can
12566s actually keep tackled because if because
12568s so far they tried to go for the Zs and
12570s he's just burnt off but also when both
12572s hyenas were weing each other as be
12574s another sh the na moris go down I'm
12576s surprised the till doomsday Zam didn't
12578s pre-re their hyena well he did off the
12581s start of the match and then either the
12583s hyena burned away Ki c one or just
12585s stopped repping uh the Hy as it got up
12587s to speed not thinking I was going to get
12588s tackled by anything but my hyena has the
12591s same range as your hyena and in fact my
12594s hyena has worse or has better range
12596s because I have an aard day whereas uh
12599s the eos's have uh worse by 5% worse
12605s matters it does matter it's game of
12607s inches so uh unfortunately for T
12611s doomsday they're going to get knocked
12612s out of the alliance tourament top 12
12613s still their best finish um in recent
12616s memory Rage Quit cancel sub going on
12618s going to secure the top eight position
12620s uh both these teams have prize ships but
12621s it's just more prize ships and uh more
12624s Glory uh for every single ring up the
12627s ladder that you go this prophecy now the
12629s primary from RS cancel up and they're
12631s only going to lose one Omen for clearing
12633s the entirety of till doomsday I mean two
12635s doomsday really good pilots and done so
12638s well this tourament but rage quit
12640s proving that they can take him down not
12643s even problem but I think I do think two
12644s Jes had a chance here I think could have
12646s they could have broken maybe through but
12648s rage quit just the damage that well we
12651s blinked in the hyena was gone like that
12653s was it then I think that was over but by
12655s when the haa dies on two doomsday I
12656s think that was basically the rings on
12658s the wall yeah it's pretty unfortunate to
12660s have your one kind of Lynch pin ship in
12662s this comp hyena that just end up getting
12666s away from your reps and then absolutely
12669s nuked after getting hit by the enemy
12672s hyena but again that's kind of the thing
12675s about drone Dr comps when you have a
12677s full DPS drone comp instead of some of
12679s the Drone control setups that we've seen
12681s uh you don't have like the longrange NES
12683s that an Armageddon or arm nav isue will
12685s bring you uh you don't have uh any of
12687s the tracking disruption that arbitrators
12689s will bring you right your full DPS and
12692s you have tackle mods on all your ships
12693s that's great but as we saw here they
12696s were not able to control rage crit
12697s cancel sub who just kind of played the
12700s the right game at the right time found
12702s the right tackle onto the right Target
12704s and uh Snowball the game from there well
12705s we're seeing fights in local and lots of
12708s uh chat in local which is nice to see
12711s lot of friendly chatter in local which
12713s is always always good so I think I might
12716s be wrong till doomday is the first team
12718s out of the tournament this uh late that
12721s has not fielded their flag shut up ble
12723s this tournament I think so yeah they
12725s have fielded which I'm surprised about
12727s yeah I'm surprised about in Los bracket
12729s especially this late you go for it most
12732s all the other teams are doing it
12733s everyone everyone wants to fi their flag
12734s you might as well to secure those extra
12737s yeah and and both these teams have
12738s vindicators as their flagships that
12740s would been cool that that would have
12741s been really cool to see a flag on flag
12743s Vindicator uh just wasn't the setup from
12745s either of these teams uh till doomsday
12747s you know three times they've taken this
12749s uh EOS uh drone comp um they had some
12753s very good piloting from various things
12754s but uh they kind of faltered on the
12756s medium gun spam earlier today they go
12757s back to comfort and this time around
12759s just once again slight piloting mistakes
12762s you know slightly better links from gr
12764s quit cancel sub um and they're out of
12766s the tournament but uh still well flown
12769s to till doomsday and well flown
12770s obviously to rage quit cancel sub who
12772s are now top eight I definitely think if
12774s if rage quits High went down for some
12777s reason yeah I think it would have been
12778s it would have the other it's just so
12781s it's so the Lynch pin of both comps are
12783s just like one friger to a c to a certain
12785s degree obviously but I think for two
12786s doomsday it pretty much is there's
12788s nothing really else on there that can
12789s actually project or the webs or TP
12792s there's nothing you have an iska for
12793s tackle vex's are going to they're too
12795s slow so it it lies all lies in the hyena
12798s well I think it's also one of the more
12799s beautiful things about the alliance
12800s tournament right you can have these team
12802s comps that rely on these uh smaller
12804s ships uh as like your your kind of Lynch
12808s pin instead of thinking of you know your
12809s nulc fleets where everything is the big
12811s you know DPS ship and you have a couple
12813s of support ships here your support ships
12814s are the most important and as we see R
12817s qu cancel up identifies that uh take
12819s till doomsday out of the tournament make
12820s their way to the top eight this EOS is
12822s about to die and then we're going to
12823s send it to a quick break when we return
12825s the desk will'll break that down and we
12827s will be right back after this
12862s welcome back till doomsday now
12864s eliminated from Alliance tournament 20
12866s they came in strong they defeated
12869s Fraternity in the very first match they
12871s then H had a few more pretty solid wins
12873s but unfortunately that was no more Rage
12875s Quit cancel sub are the ones that take
12876s the dub in this particular instance uh
12879s moderator break it down for me what
12880s happened in that match so this was a
12882s essentially drone control versus a
12884s maximum uh threat that missile gun or
12887s rather turret um spam uh setup and this
12890s is what we would call uh kind of a bit
12892s of a skill difference and that the uh
12895s turret composition was able to really
12897s just get on top of the other team
12899s quickly the eos's were trying to
12901s scramble drones across the arena for a
12903s good amount of the manage and while
12905s drones are moving they're also uh
12907s consequently doing no
12909s damage medium guns are always doing
12912s damage as long as they're not tracking
12913s disrupted and there is no sort of real
12915s disruption and
12916s uh essentially the DPS trade was just
12919s essentially one uh rather quickly and um
12922s as soon as the Drone comp lost their
12924s hyena um we saw just how long it took to
12927s try to chase uh that zarm as a primary
12929s and they never got it so too much time
12931s was spent on that and it's no B from
12934s there yeah mtic M do you think they
12935s could have done anything different there
12937s till doomsday It's Tricky it feels like
12939s it was more of a comp issue um the
12942s travel time like M was saying with the
12944s drones having to wait for your drones to
12945s actually get across the the field before
12946s you start applying damage whereas with
12948s medium gun spam you're applying damage
12950s instantly um makes it very difficult for
12952s you to start trading effectively if you
12954s mess up the first one or two praries
12956s that you go for um we've seen other
12958s teams use drone comps today where
12959s they've used centuries which does have
12961s instant application of damage um and if
12964s they were going
12965s for um you know I think that might have
12968s been a better tactic for them to use mhm
12970s cool awesome so all these teams are
12971s actually uh priz ship enjoyers at this
12973s point uh if you get top 16 in Alliance
12976s tournament you get prize ships and this
12978s year for the first time in a in a long
12980s long time almost 20 years we are giving
12982s away um limited edition battleships so
12985s there are frig Cruisers like normal and
12987s there's also a battleship so top 16 you
12989s get at least one Battleship which is
12991s pretty cool um in fact maybe we can take
12993s a look at these ships uh and we'll walk
12995s you through them so this is the Cobra
12997s this is the force Recon uh so I'm
12999s excited about this thing first of all I
13000s think it looks absolutely a banging it
13002s looks incredible um but it gets a bunch
13005s of like funky bonuses including uh the
13007s ability to fit a micro jump drive uh
13009s which is a unique on a cruiser sized
13012s Hull um so because it's a Recon it gets
13014s cloak cover up cloak it can set it range
13017s it can lock you from really far away and
13018s then it can just uh jump down scram you
13021s and do some some cool gaming moves yeah
13023s I'm looking forward to it I'm I it's
13025s probably the
13026s one um at Cruiser that I want or at ship
13030s out of this lot that I would want I
13032s don't really do much with the python or
13034s Black Ops in general don't really have a
13036s for the frig but having a force Recon I
13038s can empd around kind of sounds cool yeah
13039s it does sound very cool and this is the
13040s python you can see now this is a Black
13042s Ops Battleship um it has a bonus which
13046s scales negatively with sex status so
13048s obviously um in the lore forance
13050s tournament 20 it was initially sponsored
13052s by Concord and then the GES came in um
13055s and then just ruined the party uh and
13057s they graffed all the Concord ships added
13058s their own bonuses so they're going to be
13060s pretty cool this is the side Winder uh
13062s this is the cor Ops frig so these are
13064s these are pretty powerful things and
13065s like I said if you get top 16 then you
13067s get two side winders two cobras and a
13069s python top 12 which is where I think uh
13071s we are now with till doomsday get four
13074s cers four corpas and two pythons so
13076s they're definitely going to be um prize
13078s ship enjoyers um they should not accept
13081s any contract with these price ships in
13083s them um but I'm looking forward to
13085s seeing these things out in TQ I think
13086s they're going to be pretty good
13087s moderator which one is your favorite so
13089s I really like the python you kind of
13091s have like this Mirror Image where the
13092s Marshall right the Concord version of
13095s this essentially gives you a bonus for
13096s having high sex status right you know
13098s Concord wants you to be a lawful Abiding
13100s Citizen the GRE to say no I'm going to
13103s be the devil on your shoulder and I'm
13105s going to give you points for being a bad
13106s boy or girl or you know them they listen
13109s you can be anything in new Eden and what
13111s we want you to do is be evil that's what
13113s the greas are saying so that'll be very
13116s very fun uh to see I'm expecting um you
13120s know because we're reintroducing like
13122s you said these battleships um again it's
13125s been 20 years you used to have like the
13127s uh megon you know Imperial issue or the
13130s sorry the Abad and listen a a imperial
13133s you've got the Raven State issue but
13134s here's the problem it's been 20 years
13136s some of these ships don't exist anymore
13138s some of them there's like two of them
13139s left and they're just sitting in
13140s someone's hanger I'm excited I want to
13142s see who's going to be like the first
13144s person to lose one of these in a
13145s hilarious way because we haven't had you
13147s know an at Battleship die in like 20
13149s years it's about time yep and I think um
13152s it'll be interesting to see if now with
13154s the current rules at least in all room
13155s 20 you can bring Alliance tournament
13157s ships again in the meta of course no one
13159s is elected this year they were priced
13161s perhaps very aggressively but the option
13162s was there so maybe next year now there's
13164s a battleship on on board maybe we start
13166s to see some of these things start to get
13167s fielded uh the last time we saw uh any
13170s sort of like tournament Battleship of
13171s course was I think a l stream in 16 or
13173s maybe 15 when blue melon and pandemic
13175s Legion fed it a raven State issue
13177s basically just to show that they could
13179s uh as far as I remember it should have
13180s been a a stomp comp and it was but it's
13182s just to show hey we have this ship now
13184s you have to think about it and I do
13185s remember someone banned it from them
13187s which meant it worked like it forced
13188s someone to burn a ban so will we see
13190s these next year who knows all righty
13192s let's look at our next match which is
13193s going to be paper numbers versus evasive
13195s maneuvering so let's see the bands for
13198s this so till doomsday Bing out the
13201s crucifer The Sentinel the orthus and the
13203s zorad Dillo um ra quit cancel sub
13206s banding out the typhoon Fleet the
13207s vulture the pilgrim and the slip
13210s mystical might your thoughts on these
13212s bands here I think it's kind of
13214s interesting to see that the curs is
13215s unbanned the arbitrator is unbanned at
13217s this moment in time but you have the
13219s pilgrim ban on the rage quit cancel
13221s subside I believe these names are wrong
13223s though I'm hoping the bands are right
13225s because this match should be paper
13226s numbers versus evasive maneuvering so oh
13228s yes yeah I'm just going to assume that
13229s is in fact the correct thing well we
13232s could always uh wait and see check the
13235s old fashioned way reading okay so bands
13238s for paper numbers versus m maneuvering
13240s crucifier Sentinel tyen Fleet issue
13242s vulture or arm as had Pilgrim slep near
13244s so right just the
13246s um so I was going to say I think it's
13247s interesting that the pilgrim was banned
13249s in the second stage but the curse and
13251s arbitrator weren't I think that
13253s whichever team banned the pilgrim um was
13256s aiming or at least believed that the
13258s arbitrator and the curse would then be
13259s follow-up banss following the crucifier
13261s and the Sentinel but they weren't um so
13263s we do still have two of those ships in
13265s play and I would argue that those are
13267s the two stronger ships um that you could
13269s bring along um and I think it's also
13271s interesting to see that there's a
13272s vulture ban I'm not sure if it's just
13274s something where they've practiced
13275s together at some Point they've done some
13276s scrims I don't know if it's like warmup
13277s scrims or something and they've seen a
13281s vulture effectively used probably in
13283s something like medium gun spam vulture
13285s hits at a couple things so vulture used
13287s to be used in kind of a medium gun spam
13289s but it's also weirdly applicable as part
13293s of like a pseudo Tinker sort of
13295s composition uh we also saw the orth
13297s skting band which is a little bit um
13301s different I'd say um it's been kind of
13303s used in these mid-range kite setups and
13305s we haven't really seen a lot of people
13307s bring in orur so far so I don't know if
13310s they're just kind of throwing things
13311s together just trying to Target some like
13314s outside stuff but the zarm ban I was
13316s talking earlier about how when we saw
13318s evasive maneuver bring that you know
13320s their flag comp that Widow and the zarm
13322s that it might might force people to
13324s start Banning the zarm and here we see
13326s it you know evasive maneuvering has put
13327s the fear into people and now people are
13329s starting to ban that zarm against them
13331s and dissipating the typhoon Fleet issue
13334s um that's a bit of a weird one Misty I
13336s I'm not sure I like the typhoon Fleet
13338s issue but we've seen it fielded a few
13339s times it's not that bad it works it has
13341s a lot of utility highs it does do a lot
13343s of damage especially if it's fit with
13344s rapid Heavies I just it feels like the
13347s bands are slightly weird the reason I
13348s wasn't so sure about the vulture is that
13349s the fni like the the foox Navy issue
13351s also does the job pretty effectively as
13354s well um there are plenty of different
13356s ships that you can bring for medium gun
13357s spam and I don't think we've seen
13358s vulture really effectively used in any
13360s other comp apart from gunsman so it
13362s seems like a weird one yeah I feel like
13363s these bands are like very specifically
13364s targeted against something that these
13366s teams know about each other perhaps
13367s they've practiced together perhaps they
13369s just looked at what they'd like to bring
13370s and you know they're making some sort of
13372s educated guesses here or maybe they're
13373s just trying to like Play Mind Games and
13375s ban crazy things um I mean I was about
13377s to say I suspect we might see um the uh
13380s Widow the shack comp again because the
13383s uh Widow is unbanned uh the zarm is
13385s banned so we might see the guardian that
13387s we talked about uh earlier on well the
13389s Riva or the Riva and both teams are
13391s bringing their Flagship so Flagship
13392s armagedon Navy issue and Flagship L
13394s Shack I'm just also watching uh sh in
13396s twitch chat just like continuously
13398s cashing out his his skins like he's done
13402s half of them jeesus
13405s show all right well I hope you guys keep
13407s continuing to uh play with your channel
13409s points CU um show apparently just wins
13411s them all from you so let's head over to
13413s the arena and see this exciting
13414s elimination
13417s match welcome back to the arena paper
13419s numbers in the vas moving and we have
13420s two flagships on grid don't we what do
13423s AAS moving brought and Vas have brought
13426s their flag lasack but not the same
13428s lasack Widow control comp that we saw
13430s earlier today they have instead brought
13432s a version of as bbp has called it the
13434s at16 comp with the lasack plus medium
13437s gun Span lak in place of the born that
13440s is traditional in that comp and paper
13442s numbers Widow no again which is their
13444s Flagship this Widow could be a big
13447s problem for the L it could be a big
13450s problem for the lak uh also could be a
13452s big problem for the lak they've got an
13454s arbitrator on this team uh we'll see if
13456s it's uh full TD arbitrator based on uh
13459s the fancy UI at the bottom of your
13461s screen uh because you're not going to
13463s just go on that lasack um obviously this
13466s medium gun spam the Absolution Navy
13468s prophecy these dual mullers The Omen uh
13470s it's just a lot a lot a lot of damage
13473s and that vigil very important to the
13475s application of these medium guns you
13476s need to take it off the ground
13478s immediately as we see actually kite back
13480s from the ewar wing of the paper numbers
13482s Squad off the start they want to keep
13483s this molus alive through the median gun
13485s span tracking disruption on L Shack in
13487s the Absolution so it's a 2-1 arbitrator
13489s we're sort of seeing a very slow start
13491s to the match at the moment V is moving
13493s in from JY damage on the damage on the
13495s molus and a bit on the Vengeance but I
13497s think evasive maneuvering need to act
13500s fast and probably maybe go for the Widow
13502s if they can get through but I don't
13503s think they can get to him that's the
13504s problem well I mean it has to be screen
13507s right uh this Widow is without a z armaz
13509s paper numbers baned the zarm As and take
13511s a widow that's not something we see very
13513s often typically you see a widow paired
13514s with his zarm or AAS maneuvering
13516s actually brought Widow L Shack and I
13518s think you
13519s onos the Vengeance down yeah got tackled
13522s on the Absolution but is taking damage
13525s right now painted up by that vigil
13526s getting some reps back from the onos
13528s parkbank very good logy pilot in his own
13529s right and uh is trying to keep this
13531s Vengeance alive as uh he has been
13533s grappled up but now gets away from those
13534s grapples the Absolution getting full SPO
13536s his arm reps and it's time for new
13538s primaries for both these teams I think
13539s so I mean Pap is not really damaging
13541s much at the moment but the vengeance is
13543s taking a lot of damage but he is holding
13544s as as you said I think they probably
13546s don't even need to go for um they can
13548s just Jam the Riva I'm I'm surprised the
13550s lack of damaging right now well I mean
13551s that's what they're trying to do is we
13553s see the jam effects uh pretty much all
13555s yellow jams from that Widow are on that
13557s Riva right now this Vengeance living so
13560s long but eventually is going to go down
13562s you'd have to imagine this medium gun
13564s span has a lot of range and they only
13566s have tracking disruptions on a shack and
13568s the Absolution of the vengeance is
13569s staying alive and in fact they tackled
13571s to vexer instead and the Vengeance stays
13573s alive but now JY and the vexer might be
13575s the primary it might be this Confessor
13576s of Arwin yeah I think the Confessor
13578s would probably be next Target he's uh oh
13580s the Absolution but already faf got
13582s jammed the riva's got Jam no nothing SP
13586s with fafy they've noticed it trying to
13587s get him down and this is the thing with
13589s the Widow just need that one Jam removes
13591s the spoiling up as well so fafy waffy
13593s when he gets the Reps on which land now
13595s it's going to be quite a long a while
13596s probably around a minute or so until he
13598s gets actually to Max reps Jam damp and
13600s scram on this molus of Alexander as well
13603s trying to get that molus down and again
13604s getting that jam on the Riva so the
13606s Widow doing a very good job and not
13608s getting caught by anything at the moment
13610s keeping the distance getting away from L
13612s Shack and away from this median gun span
13613s first BL goes over to paper numbers as
13615s they take out the smallest and that's a
13616s little bit of the control off the map
13618s for the I it starts stacking up as well
13620s mulus now doesn't have to do a damp W
13622s with his counterpart on other Thea is
13624s still jammed the reiva is still jammed
13625s and fafy is well he's getting some bot
13627s reps right now now he's getting reps on
13629s Riva but Pap no damage coming down the
13631s paper D really at the moment a bit a bit
13633s of tickling on the Vex and Confessor but
13634s it seems pretty stable right now for the
13637s is webbed up though Park Bank in a
13639s little bit of a weird position getting
13640s rep bots on top of him Theos needs to
13642s stay alive if they have any hope dealing
13645s with this lak even with the Widow
13646s getting the jams out the armag Navy
13648s issue also currently tackled some more
13650s damage going on this Absolution maybe
13652s actually the Navy prophecy they've
13653s decided to swap onto that one instead uh
13655s it's cruise missiles on the Widow and
13657s Rapid Heavies on the Navy armagedon so
13659s not a whole lot of burst DPS like you
13661s expect have a double rapid heavy setup
13663s uh but if they can get the red down and
13666s keep uh the rep Bots from Landing then
13669s they might be able to punch through the
13670s sasive maneuvering Squad I mean right
13672s now the omen of Sam is webbing the
13675s aneros and that's that's a huge if they
13677s can get the aneros down trade an omen
13679s for the aneros that's huge but I mean
13681s right now he is being tded and pointed
13683s as well so I think the um Theus might
13686s just creep away a tiny bit but again
13688s there's there's a bit of little bit
13689s damage across the above the bo so so
13692s interestingly we actually see the E
13693s effect of both a web and a grapple on
13695s top of this little Shack of Pandy if
13697s this Navy Army gon goes down we now have
13699s officer grapples so maybe that is
13701s something that R and paper numbers have
13703s fit to that Navy Armageddon but we don't
13705s know quite yet these little shacks and
13707s navy Armageddon haven't quite been dying
13709s as much as I'd like to uh Confessor
13711s staying alive and uh parkbank just
13713s working his absolute butt off to keep
13716s paper numbers Squad alive as they have
13718s the very minimum lead right now 7 to
13721s zero I mean same with Mr KS and Diva
13723s he's got a tough job he has to make a a
13725s single decision of what ship he wants to
13727s try and keep alive and then probably
13729s only have maybe 10 Cycles before he gets
13731s jammed again I mean the the shack of
13733s Pandy if he does get on top of something
13735s which I think he is he is literally
13736s right next to Theos is eating itos is
13739s eating it right now absolutely mental
13741s yet we've got the lak and the armagan
13743s Navy she basically just together he's
13745s just going to shoot what's next to him
13746s but the anus is almost dying he's if he
13748s goes down this is a huge win for evasive
13750s maneuvers I mean it it swings the match
13753s in favor of invasive maneuvering not
13754s just cuz the in down that's reps but
13756s also it's very close match in terms of
13758s the actual point value and is 32 points
13760s inos finally goes down a maneuvering
13763s taking the lead but this Navy prophecy
13764s Sky killer Russian 30 points might
13766s actually go over to paper numbers now as
13768s the reps are just not Landing this Riva
13771s is still jammed now the Navy prophecy in
13773s structure should it go down this will
13775s give the lead back to paper numbers and
13777s it does they still have their logy but
13779s the jams I think they could win on the
13780s jams if they can get nice lucky jams and
13783s just break through maybe go for faf ra
13785s or maybe just go TR I go for the low end
13786s like The Omen I think they're going to
13787s go for the omen now yeah and uh you know
13790s some damage on this Vengeance as well
13792s tackle on the vexor tackle on this
13793s arbitrator actually uh of exos is
13795s currently webbed up but as we see that
13798s you know there's damage on the Open men
13799s from paper numbers Rabbid heavy E clips
13801s be damned uh they are going to try to
13803s punch through evasive maneuvering as
13805s best they can this Riva is damped out
13807s this Riva is jammed up this Omen is
13808s receiving no reps and paper numbers are
13811s not taking any damage from evasive
13812s maneuvering right now because of this
13814s arbitrator it's actually the vexa is
13817s scramming the lak on his own miles away
13820s and and obviously he's getting tded yeah
13821s so literally Pandy is just not in this
13824s fight yeah but what I'm saying is the
13825s arbitrators got the TDS on the app
13827s solution and The Omen the MERS don't
13828s really matter in terms of the DPS those
13830s are what you really need to get uh the
13831s TDS on if the L Shack's not hitting
13833s anything it takes one wrecking shot to
13835s kill a vexer uh but at the end of the
13837s day uh even with the vexer going down he
13839s bought a lot of time for his team uh
13841s still paper numbers though haven't quite
13843s killed anything yet other than this Navy
13845s prophecy mollus and a still very close
13847s match Five Points difference between the
13848s two teams I still think evasive
13849s maneuvering have a slight Advantage just
13852s cuz their ad Divas alive but we can't
13854s right off the Widow he is Webb right now
13856s and looks like well the vengeance is
13857s obviously in structure The Omen is
13859s slowly dying fafy is in half armor if
13861s fafy goes down that's a lot of their
13863s damage are gone essentially I think they
13866s should be trying to go for the
13867s arbitrator like you said trying to get
13868s off they're splitting damage between the
13869s OB and the Absolution and in fact the
13871s Reda we rep stops on the omen so once
13874s again a jam from the Widow who is
13876s staying alive but is in half armor and
13878s does not have any LOD remaining if they
13880s can get this Absolution Omen down that's
13883s a lot of DPS off the T table but they
13885s will lose this jam and the Redal will
13887s start to actually matter in the later
13889s stages of this match the Widow trading
13892s for an Absolution I think go just goes
13893s to show how how flimsy and Fa goes down
13896s the captain the Widow though so flimsy
13898s ship look at that completely down jams
13900s off the grid for for paper numbers but I
13902s think B still in the lead completely I
13904s think 7 3 to 92 it's a very close match
13907s 2 minutes 46 seconds remaining uh damage
13909s from paper numbers they need to pick
13911s another primary and now they don't have
13912s the jams so while the is currently being
13914s pre-spooled by the Riva paper numbers
13916s need to uh CT and kill something right
13919s now and they choose to go for the M or
13921s the paon effects I should say the Riva
13923s is actually damped out and can't WRA up
13924s the paon effects I think it's still over
13926s though Pony goes down links off the some
13928s links off the grid for for paper numbers
13930s the arbitrator is about to go down and
13931s once the arbitrator is down the Les is
13933s now free as well he's now coming back
13935s P's back into the action right now so
13936s we're going to start seeing a lot of dam
13938s damage ramp I reckon he's going to go
13939s straight for again and just start
13940s ramping up I mean you might as well you
13943s you missed the flagship kill you missed
13946s the flagship kill on fraternity earlier
13947s today just barely you might get another
13949s one on a paper numbers he needs to go
13951s right now paper numbers have the isk
13953s they can definitely fit an officer
13954s grapple officer web on that Navy
13956s Armageddon if it goes down I want to see
13959s please the Le burning for Armageddon
13962s right now he's he sees sees his PR in
13965s his sights and thinks I've got one
13966s minute and around 30 seconds or 40
13968s seconds to spool up and try and get this
13970s guy down so so paper numbers right uh I
13973s think when they first landed on grid you
13975s were saying that you really like this
13976s paper numbers comp what kind of went
13978s sideways for them up against theas and
13980s maneuvering Squad I I'm surprised at the
13982s lack of damage really because the Reda
13985s was jammed multiple times and I feel
13987s like they should have gone for this they
13989s got the MERS down but I think they
13990s should have gone for the smaller things
13991s that that this match was very spread out
13993s and I think that they could have
13994s capitalized on not having the Reps
13996s because the reeda was repping I reckon
13998s for half this match I reckon like half
14000s of it he was probably jammed and I
14001s reckon they do have enough damage just
14002s to get the lower end down and then you
14004s can start like amplifying the widows
14007s jams as we said like when ships die you
14008s can start putting more evil across you
14011s know you focusing you start focusing the
14012s ew war on more ships and I think that
14014s maybe they should have gone for the
14015s smaller ships maybe got the py down
14017s maybe get the omen down the vigil down
14018s you know just break it down I I also
14020s want to say uh parkbank has been a very
14022s good logic pilot for a very good time a
14024s Ved some manver in they got the tackle
14026s on him that's very difficult to do uh so
14029s well played to the aase maneuvering
14030s tackle Wing I didn't quite catch you got
14032s it um but obviously taking out that onos
14035s really really part of why this match for
14038s them this Navy Armageddon is not going
14039s to go down we will not see a shiny
14041s Flagship kill mail I want more Flagship
14044s GL mailes please uh you shiny kill
14048s mailes are the best kill males always uh
14050s this Pon effect finally Falls it's going
14052s to trade for the Vengeance 20 seconds
14054s remaining of the match not going to kill
14055s this Navy arm again there's nothing that
14057s they can do about that but uh AAS
14059s maneuvering uh moving on paper numbers
14062s unfortunately after hitting top 12 get
14064s knocked out of the upper bracket and get
14066s immediately knocked out of lower bracket
14068s of AAS maneuvering get to top eight uh
14070s so to be what they wanted after winning
14073s anger games right so uh even though they
14076s started in the lower bracket pretty much
14078s immediately uh they've made a very good
14080s run of it we're going to take a quick
14081s break when we return the desk will break
14083s that down and then we will be right back
14085s after
14103s this paper numbers folding there to
14106s evasive maneuvering uh in a nil biting
14109s match right there that was an exciting
14110s one it was it was back and forward back
14113s and forward for a little bit I think the
14115s evasive maneuvering uh which more
14117s dominant it looked for a while though
14118s that the Widow was going to be more
14120s disruptive than it was I was a little
14122s bit surprised not to see Evas maning
14124s bringing the Widow themselves uh but
14125s maybe you know they kind of almost
14127s baited the other team into thinking they
14128s were bringing the Widow and of course uh
14130s the other team brought their Widow
14131s thinking you know Widow versus Widow
14132s that would just be I mean it would be
14134s it' be gaming I'm not sure if it be
14135s exciting but it would be gaming uh
14137s moderator what could they have done
14138s differently paper numbers there well
14140s paper numbers there uh it felt like
14142s their opportunity um we were talking a
14144s little bit how Mr Krebs I believe in the
14146s oiva was able to just kind of boat
14148s around freely and uh was able to support
14151s uh very well that uh merer and that Omen
14154s that did an excellent job of diving into
14157s the backline of the paper number side
14159s getting on top of the onos breaking the
14161s onos eventually and it turns out um that
14164s we have found out what is scissors to
14167s the paper numbers it was you know a Riva
14170s living and lasack spooling yeah that uh
14173s Riva was just left by him self untouched
14175s for too long really and able to keep the
14177s rest of his team alive I mean sh out
14179s both teams there um incredible loggy
14181s pilots on both sides uh like it's I've
14183s said it before I'll say it again it's
14184s one of the hardest things you can do in
14186s the tournament is be the logistics pilot
14188s um especially if it's just you know
14189s you're one of them uh in a ship like a
14191s aneros or Riva you have to be thinking
14193s about your positioning positioning of
14194s the enemies positioning of your Fleet
14196s module management heat management uh
14198s just tons of stuff it's really really
14200s hard and um we see paper numbers quite
14202s often uh Park Bank uh does a lot of like
14205s putting the team Mone back and carrying
14206s them around um and having a really
14208s Dependable Logistics pilot really
14210s elevates the whole team play uh so I
14212s think you know paper numbers they're
14213s they're going to be price shipping joers
14214s uh for sure um and going out to a team
14217s like evasive maneuvering is you know
14219s something to be something to be proud of
14220s at least like they're a very very solid
14221s team Misty uh do you think they could
14224s have done anything a little bit
14224s different as well uh I was thinking
14226s about it I think it it's kind of tricky
14230s um because a lot of it just kind of
14232s falls on whether the jams were Landing
14234s or not they did seem to be getting some
14236s good jams off on the Riva but they
14238s didn't have much damage coming out of
14240s their comp um so I probably would have
14242s liked to have seen maybe um a bummer or
14244s two just for some additional damage that
14246s they could put out on the battle
14247s Cruisers and the battleships in the
14248s times when the reder is jammed or just
14252s spending more time at the very beginning
14253s going for the Reda so that they could
14256s remove it quickly and then Focus their
14257s gems on other things um to reduce the
14260s amount of incoming DPS is probably the
14262s the two ways that they could have really
14264s tried to change what they were doing um
14266s and I just wanted to mention a little
14268s bit briefly on the decision behind the
14271s Inus and the guardian I know that I've
14272s said before when the arm is banned you
14273s can just bring a guardian because it
14275s puts out quite a bit of rep so it's
14276s still viable to do a widow comp with um
14280s other T2 logy I think the reason that
14282s they brought in aneros in this case is
14283s that it has more mids which means that
14285s if you are going into air match up
14287s against other widows um as we've seen
14289s evasive maneuvering I think play once
14290s with Del Shack then you'll have local
14293s sense boosters that you can use to
14294s increase the chance that you'll be able
14296s to lock things so I think that's the
14298s reason why they brought the inos even
14300s though it reps less um it does have a
14302s higher chance of being able to repit all
14305s yep yeah and something critically about
14307s kind of choosing these different races
14309s right is that you have to consider that
14311s the Widow is going to want to make the
14314s band such that they're going to be able
14316s to sack the racial Jammers in a way that
14318s they want right so if you have uh you
14321s know a bunch of essentially like um
14324s galente armor ships that are completely
14326s banned out and you have a really good
14329s you know read that the other team is
14331s going to bring an armor comp you can be
14333s like hey I'm just going to stack a ton
14334s of Amar racial Jammers and hey your
14336s guardian yeah you could bring it uh or
14339s any other ship that like the um the
14341s lasack these triglavian ships also
14344s having I believe the amarian sensor type
14346s as well also have that kind of
14349s vulnerability so you can kind of play
14351s these mind games and that's something
14352s that people don't always think about but
14354s when you're getting to these top 12
14356s matches paper numbers and uh you know
14358s evasive maneuvering evasive maneuvering
14361s again when they played as VRA and they
14363s brought like double chameleons they very
14364s intimately and clearly very still
14366s intimately understand the win conditions
14368s with these ECM cops so very well played
14371s by them very very big brain team there
14373s all right let's have a look at our next
14375s match it's going to be deteriorated
14376s versus Wei form Volta another
14377s elimination match uh let's take a look
14379s at the bans for this okay deteriorated
14383s Banning out the arbitrator The Sentinel
14385s the slep near and Vigilant and I see a
14387s cheeky prophecy Navy sliding in there
14390s and hiding but I do see it even though
14391s it doesn't have a picture uh Volta
14393s Banning out the crucifier the arbitrator
14395s the curse the Loki and the Armageddon
14396s Navy issue Mite your thoughts on these
14398s bands here a lot of uh tracking
14400s disruptions and gain disruption off the
14401s field yeah I mean this is kind of the
14403s story that we've been seeing time and
14404s time again it does seem like the pilgrim
14406s is still available so if they really
14409s didn't want to seen sea tracking
14410s disruptors and NES then they maybe would
14412s have dedicated a ban towards the pilgrim
14414s as well but it feels like the Loki and
14416s the Armageddon Navy issue ban are must
14418s haves for vter so they don't really have
14420s the additional spot to spare for the
14421s pilgrim they kind of just have to hope
14422s that they don't bring it um or that if
14425s they do bring it they'll be able to deal
14426s with it a little bit more effectively
14428s than they would a curse or arbitrator
14430s yeah what do you think about this
14431s Vigilant ban mod so a Vigilant ban is
14434s something that we've actually seen uh be
14437s almost more effective towards like a
14438s truth honor light or a barcode uh type
14442s um max threat um com combination or
14445s control we've seen a few other teams
14447s bring them so people you know they talk
14448s about The Vindicator a lot in the 90%
14451s webs but this year the Vigilant is not
14453s that expensive and a lot of teams will
14455s bring it um not just in that Max threat
14458s comp but they'll bring it in um a kind
14460s of a a control composition where you're
14462s going to rely on a very brick tank one
14464s even though you can't get that much tank
14466s on them you'll get a 90% web on
14468s something like a Lodi or some other uh
14470s you know Cruiser or Destroyer that's
14472s very hard to hit and then you'll make it
14473s very easy for things like heavy assault
14475s missiles or heavy other you know Damage
14478s Big turrets to apply to it so teams are
14481s clearly continuing to bring it in a
14483s variety of cops for a reason mhm so
14486s again as mentioned before we are in
14487s elimination matches again so uh each of
14489s these teams is going home the bracket uh
14491s over on the chalange as our official
14493s bracket is starting to look pretty spicy
14495s with some of the uh the the matches we
14497s have our top four in the Winn's bracket
14499s uh later we're going to see Platinum
14500s sensitivity versus truth on the light
14502s and tusker's Co versus barcode but
14504s before that we still have these uh the
14505s skin run enjoyers on the lower bracket
14507s who are fighting through to try and make
14509s their way back up into the the Grand
14511s Final if they win the lower bracket
14512s final they get in and they go up against
14513s the winning uh winners bracket final to
14516s see who gets to go home with the most
14518s amount of prizes and of course eternal
14520s glory and having your alliance
14522s emblazened on the monument in minarc so
14524s will Volta go out or will deteriorate it
14526s let's go over to the arena and find
14530s out L and gentlemen welcome back to the
14532s arena it's Star leue Commander joined
14534s with a very special guest CCV Swift how
14537s are you doing my buddy I am doing
14539s amazing oh my god it feels so good to be
14542s commentating a liance tournament match
14543s and it is a banger of a match we form
14546s Volta I think you're going to be a
14547s little bit nervous on this one versus
14549s deteriorated uh we formed Volta in blue
14552s taking a setup that we've seen before
14554s the aarde Absolution Navy Harbinger Navy
14557s bruix triple mer for tackle double
14560s deacons for reps and of course that Omen
14562s I should let you introduce the boys what
14564s my thinking tell me about detated BR two
14567s Fleet typhoons prais Magus Ponty h two
14570s Aion and a Deon purify MERS I mean this
14572s comes down to the for vter the first 10
14575s seconds is what matters I think oh my
14578s God and look at this warpin they are so
14580s close right so this is something we
14581s don't get to talk about too much uh when
14583s you warp in you get to or when you kind
14585s of get teleported into the system you
14587s get to choose one of four different uh
14590s warping spots uh and these guys they
14593s both warped in at range but look at that
14595s angle that angle is so close they are
14597s going to be a lot closer than they
14598s wanted to be uh definely both are
14601s definitely in range they're definitely
14602s in range to touch the support wing of uh
14605s deteriorates and and they're either
14607s going to go for the hyena or the morus
14609s or something at the start probably the
14611s hyena I think yeah that red team is
14612s going to have to deteriorate they're
14614s going to have to kite back with that
14615s support Wing they're going to have to
14616s try and really quickly make some moves
14619s there uh and the match is on let's see
14621s what happens uh as we uh get to the
14624s mollus as you mentioned is one of the
14626s first targets here let's see if they can
14628s punch through it I think the uh well the
14630s mullus down TP at the moment a web going
14632s down the estar the morus is is taking
14635s damage but he is burning away he's not
14637s even bleeding structure super low armor
14638s he is currently trans trans matching
14641s moving away actually but he might die
14642s but they must switch now if they don't
14644s get him down I think they need to move
14645s on yeah uh th in the a start taking a
14648s ton of damage he is dropping so fast to
14651s these Fleet typhoons can he survive uh
14653s can these MERS come in and maybe like
14655s screen off these Fleet typhoons a little
14657s bit uh not enough theth goes down the
14659s aard first blood for deteriorated this
14662s team uh must be feeling pretty good
14664s about it right now yeah definitely the
14665s Hena just went straight in I think and
14668s and trying to get the webs down on the
14669s battle Cruisers again a web now on the
14671s Navy Harbinger which the grapple sorry
14673s supremely M they tackled by the probably
14675s the fleet typhoon but the high nothing
14676s down for the for the det TI side I mean
14679s volter need to get some of the tackled
14681s off yeah this is where you know
14682s composure comes into play right you
14684s things aren't going the way you planned
14686s it Navy Harbinger about to go down as
14689s well uh oh no that's a lot of DPS is
14692s going to be off the field but maybe they
14693s can just survive a little bit longer and
14695s then start getting something off we see
14697s this Pon effect gets tackled for a
14698s little bit get those links off the field
14700s maybe uh I don't know uh put some
14703s pressure on this Deacon this Deacon is
14705s going down as well uh oh the harbinger
14707s Dr goes down Deacon about to go down I
14711s think all right does go down okay good
14713s you're feeling better here except for if
14714s you're uh fter uh one of your deacons is
14717s nuded the other one's damped oh not
14720s feeling good but the Thalia also gets
14721s web the Thalia is tackled deteriorated
14723s might lose another Lodi ship here I
14725s think this is this is the only way for
14727s vter to win this game get the logi figs
14729s down then clear the hyena and just clear
14731s with the tackle and just try and Outlast
14733s the game with the Deacon still alive
14734s that's the key thing as well volter
14735s still have their logi frigs so to remove
14737s the support Wing get rid of the hyena
14739s get rid of the molus and then they can
14741s kind of cut it around can't they yep
14742s exactly and this hyena gets scram now
14744s too uh they're doing it Trent man of the
14747s match up to this point though did so
14749s much work in this hyena this Lynch pin
14751s ship for the deteriorated setup mollus
14754s goes down now amazing uh hyena oh hyena
14757s broke Trent is no longer tackled so he's
14759s a little bit free here uh volter really
14761s need to kill this hyena get him cleared
14763s off and then start kiting to the sides
14765s of the Arena to survive I mean right now
14767s it's just the abso of Annie and stiggy
14769s as a sort of projected DPS on the volter
14772s side the mag about to go down so links
14774s links going down for for um deteriorated
14776s I mean web now the on the Deacon web on
14779s the Moher they need to start getting the
14781s H they got a TP on now perfect try and
14783s get him down get the Ponty down and I
14784s think volter can take this back sticky
14787s now going into low armor take probably
14789s the reload from the T Fleet typhoons has
14791s just come through haa going down now
14793s Ponte being webbed I think the stiggy
14795s might die here he might try and Kut it
14797s away but he if he can survive the reload
14800s he this could this be huge yeah Planet
14802s Six and the Deacon shook off off some
14804s tackle that was on him now uh hyena Gone
14807s ponix Gone Fleet typhoons and a purifier
14810s are all that's left I think sticky is
14812s going to survive it's going to be really
14813s really close entering structure but you
14816s know these Navy BRS has a bunch of
14817s structure he's too far away the de the
14819s deacons are trying to catch up to him
14821s right now but he's just too far away for
14822s the optimal reps I think he will go down
14824s here as the damage switches to the
14826s practice I mean VTA still in this I
14828s think it's quite close but the obviously
14830s the sticky is going to go down here I
14832s think unless the clip Runs Out
14835s of armor Alive come on stiggy sorry like
14839s you can survive come on guys um prac is
14842s taking a bit of damage right now look at
14844s Planet 6 Planet 6 coming up uh just to
14846s get stiggy a little bit more reps
14848s overheating to get in range uh Sticky's
14851s back he's alive he survived the
14852s onslaught and now it looks really good
14855s for this Volta side if they can get uh
14857s some of his damage or some of the damage
14859s off the field the purifier could be
14861s quite an easy kill but obviously stiggy
14862s is so far away right now so he's not
14864s applying at all maybe some spike uh
14866s action going on but it's going to be
14867s little tickling and stuff Pui web right
14869s now I think they're just opting to just
14870s get some of the damage off the board
14872s Annie now taking a lot of damage in the
14875s Absolution cuz he's on his own and the
14877s deacons are too far away I think this
14879s might be not good for the captain of
14881s vter as he does go down the damage is
14883s coming off points in favor of
14885s deteriorated purify about to go down but
14887s I think this might oh I don't know about
14890s this the this wter still have enough on
14892s grid but it's going to be really close
14895s yeah as you mentioned you know we talked
14897s about how Planet 6 and and Outlaw
14899s managed to surve keep stiggy alive but
14902s it left Annie all alone outside of the
14906s rep range uh and they just unloaded on
14908s him so now there's just three MERS for
14909s damage and Omen and this Navy bruix here
14913s uh to see if they can just they've got
14914s to take down a battle ship they're going
14916s for the practice uh how do you feel
14918s about it I think the zeb's about to go
14920s down as he does go down I think the
14922s deacons are trying to get back into
14923s range to try and get some uh some reps
14926s in but it might be a bit too little too
14928s late the practice is in half armor and
14930s they are going for him but I think even
14932s with the kill if nothing else dies no
14937s even with the kill it's not enough
14938s they're going to have to kill the
14939s practice and AET typhoon yeah and that's
14941s going to be hard with only four and a
14942s half minut left to go in one bruix and
14944s one Omen uh another mer about to go down
14947s for pretorius uh oh no uh these MERS
14951s aren't as Tangy as I thought they would
14953s be dying aren't they pus going to low
14955s armor right now he's got reps from the
14957s deacon now but he's going to hold on the
14958s practice is going to go down I think
14960s ptus is going to go down sticky now is
14963s the only real damage on the Vol side and
14965s the omen obviously but it's going to be
14966s not enough to break a fleet typhoon I
14968s don't think yeah it looks like uh ptus
14970s might survive a little bit let's see if
14972s he can get completely repped up before
14973s these typhoons start firing again you
14976s can see the attack bar and deteriorated
14978s they're not applying anything as these T
14979s Fleet Ty uh are oh my gosh uh the prti
14984s just oh hold a gun he's going to go down
14987s I think but I think this will still be
14989s the end for for Leon vter I don't think
14992s they got 108 they need to get a fleet
14994s typhoon down and it's just one wer and a
14996s rtic nen left these deons are both
14999s getting nuted by these Fleet typhoons
15001s incredible piloting on this deteriorated
15003s side uh mer also tackled uh at this
15007s point they just have to go all in yeah
15008s and try and kill one there's no way
15010s around it yep exactly and if you're the
15012s omen you're kind of hoping everyone else
15013s goes in first so you can do it but this
15016s mer is eating it as well these deacons
15018s can't keep up with the Reps these Fleet
15020s typhoons are just unloading into this
15023s mer and it will go down as well oh Z
15027s holding on the tiny bit but I think he's
15028s going to bleed into structure right now
15030s and looks like they're going to go for Q
15031s kapper in the fleet typhoon they've only
15033s got they got three minutes to kill it Z
15035s in structure and does go down it's only
15038s stiggy left this the the little what the
15041s bruck Navy held on is only maybe he can
15044s be the little bruts that could it's
15046s going to be really difficult for him
15047s very difficult for him no structure
15050s buffer left he only has his armor uh and
15053s we've seen these ships chew through his
15055s armor and his structure uh my gosh these
15058s deacons need to be able to put out all
15060s of the rep power that they can as
15062s they're testing stiggy one more time uh
15065s it looks like he's dropping pretty low
15066s on this one but uh maybe maybe surviving
15069s a little bit Deacon also taking some
15071s damage Deacon getting n to too I think
15073s the deacons are too far away from Stig
15074s at the moment it does honestly it's up
15076s to Stig obviously they can split damage
15078s quite easily and everyone's a bit spread
15080s out right now the omen is up above and
15082s the sticky is below and the deacons are
15084s kind of actually split up at the moment
15086s really to be honest I mean I think the
15089s fleet typhoon I think well I'm being
15092s given an L uh a mystical M has entered
15095s the comment the game is not over yet
15098s yeah we've got two minutes left Misty
15100s the two minutes left for stiggy to to to
15102s win this match for us I think maybe he
15105s can refit into Super torps or something
15107s I don't know I think Super torp bump him
15109s out the arena or something go get him to
15111s jump out somehow just be very
15114s intimidating super intimidating go into
15116s him there's not much damage that be
15118s honest there's not much damage landing
15120s on the fleet typhoon I don't think he's
15121s going to go down my good the target
15123s calling on this deteriorated Squad
15125s absolute perfection they knew exactly
15127s what they had it to do at every stage of
15129s the game and that is hard against a
15131s squad like Volta who know what they're
15133s doing they've been to the Championships
15135s before they have you know composure
15138s throughout this entire process uh so
15140s really incredible shout out to
15142s deteriorated uh and really Trent in that
15145s hyena just doing so much work trading so
15149s much for his team uh to put them in this
15153s position you've got a minute left you've
15155s got a fleet typhoon with
15158s 75% uh that's what Isen is down at this
15162s point they're going to have to let's see
15165s even if they kill one Fleet typhoon it
15166s won't be enough I'm so sorry you you
15170s gave the Caster's curse right come to
15173s Iceland the boys lose oh there good
15176s fights in local I mean we from VTA doing
15179s really well I'm I'm I'm proud of the
15180s boys for getting this far as well and it
15182s was it was tough I mean deteriorated as
15184s you said flying superbly solid comps
15187s throughout the whole tournament I mean
15189s they've still got a long way to go in
15190s the losers but I think they could go the
15192s way AB absolutely and with a match like
15194s this they're going to be feeling really
15196s good as well uh they took down some
15198s former Champions uh twitch chat probably
15201s losing a lot of points on this one uh
15204s deteriorated incredibly well flown uh by
15208s both teams but you know deterior gets
15210s the win here I'm sorry Starfleet I'm
15212s being heckled to put this on by by an
15215s elusive man behind the
15217s camera this one the match is now over uh
15221s deteriorated in red take it one 48 to
15224s volta's 108 Starfleet and I will send it
15227s back to the desk for them to break
15229s everything down and see if the we we
15231s missed anything we couldn't have missed
15232s anything
15248s yeah not playing deteriorated advancing
15251s into the top eight here at Alliance
15253s tournament
15254s 20 um they knock out VTA who will go
15258s home top 12 um and I am joined on the
15261s desk by CCP Yen as well as of course
15263s moderator um moderator going to come to
15266s you first on this one um that was an
15268s interesting match up we had kind of like
15270s a almost a king Slayer type uh comp
15272s going up against this sort of Max threat
15274s medium guns type thing but as soon as I
15277s saw them land on field I said I was like
15279s why three MERS like points inflation
15281s each one's going to cost two extra
15283s points and normal you know why not just
15284s bring like a vexer maybe U like swe one
15287s of the deacons into Italia and then
15288s suddenly you can bring a vigil and put
15289s paints on things like what's going on
15291s there you know you're right that would
15293s have been a great idea but unfortunately
15295s they didn't so like you were talking
15297s about normally a merer would cost only
15299s 10 points but uh you know two would cost
15301s 11 and now 12 so you've basically spent
15304s like six more points total right on
15306s inflation than you would have and you
15308s really could get a lot of utility like
15310s you said again like a vigil uh would
15312s have been uh very important for uh these
15315s medium gun boats to really apply damage
15318s onto a uh one of these sorry excuse me
15322s one of these frigs on the logi side
15323s which is what they struggled with really
15325s getting through um the te 2 frig logy on
15328s the side of um deteriorated right and
15332s you're kind of wondering like bring a
15333s bellicose bring a vigil bring like an
15336s omen Navy issue you know change it up it
15338s felt like Volta maybe they hadn't like
15339s really practiced a ton of other like
15342s swaps out for like they confident than
15344s they tried to force what they had and it
15346s it was just very strange yeah I mean t
15349s be Yen I I think um even though it
15351s looked like volter were in the back of
15352s food from the start in that particular
15354s matchup U it felt like they flew pretty
15356s well it looked like at some point they
15358s almost kind of had it back but they were
15359s just like a little bit behind the curve
15361s the whole time uh if that abso for
15362s example had stayed alive a little bit
15364s longer they might able to kill the
15365s practice a little bit quicker and maybe
15366s finish off one of those Fleet typhoons
15368s and win on points um wow yeah I mean
15372s stiggy makaka in the Buck's Navy really
15374s did a ton of work in the middle of that
15376s match to try and uh both keep the match
15379s going keep keep things you know keep
15381s them occupied uh by pulling down and
15383s away from the rest of of of the ships
15385s especially those Fleet typhoons I mean
15386s you you got to think moving further away
15388s from them and forcing them to kind of
15389s have to pull after him with those rapid
15391s Heavies you know missiles in Flight does
15393s mean that you know every time that he
15395s you know just keeps going a little bit
15397s further and further away that's longer
15399s those missiles have to be in Flight
15400s that's further into the clip they have
15401s to get uh and and he did a lot of work I
15403s mean at the end of the day it didn't
15405s really make that big of a difference uh
15407s you know that one ship was not quite
15408s going to do it and as we saw the MERS
15411s were necessary at the very end to try
15414s and Chip through one of those Fleet
15415s typhoons uh and did not quite have the
15418s longevity to get that done yeah
15420s especially when that start went down so
15421s quick I was like if they can clip this
15423s abso in the second thing it's just going
15424s to be completely J but they didn't clip
15426s it so I thought oh maybe there's a
15428s chance that um the vola boys can come
15429s back here I will sh out Planet 6 and no
15432s proo in the fots there doing an
15434s excellent job sticky as you pointed out
15435s pulled away and then you saw the little
15437s two LOD FS like following down keeping
15440s them alive uh you really extending the
15442s chances for their team and as stly said
15443s you know holding out hope and it's tough
15445s too and I'm I'm sorry I the when you're
15448s in that position as a as a lodgy pilot
15450s you really do have to make a choice
15451s right you have to make the choice about
15453s following off the ship that it needs
15454s your help right now but also separating
15457s yourself from somebody who might need
15458s your help in the future and we saw that
15459s with the Absolution the Absolution as
15461s soon as those the deacons were pulled
15462s off immediately attention switches up to
15464s the abso the abiso gets clipped and it's
15466s over yep all right so let's look at our
15468s next match it's going to be the last one
15469s that determines our top eight in
15471s Alliance tournament 20 so we're getting
15473s to the pointy end of the stick at this
15475s this stage of the tournament so it's
15476s going to be Odin's call versus unspoken
15478s Alliance let's take a look at the band
15479s for this all right Odin's call Banning
15482s out the EOS the zarad the alligator and
15485s the orthus meanwhile unspoken Banning
15488s out the celestus the fck Navy the prct
15490s Navy and the Deacon moderator your
15492s thoughts on these bands here so I see
15494s the EOS ban is really targeting a lot of
15496s these armor um control STS we've
15498s continued to see again all the way up
15500s through the point from 32 now to8 the
15503s zarm uh I mean we've seen this be kind
15505s of a Lynch pin of a lot of these um jam
15509s setups with the Widow unspoken um has
15513s been a team that has thrown some kind of
15517s uh unique and kind of different at the
15519s wall things Odin's seems to be
15521s continuing like thematically with the
15522s Bands they've gone after with the
15524s alligator really uh hitting at some of
15526s these armor sorry excuse me Shield Rush
15529s comps Odin call actually being the team
15531s that really was like the progenitor
15533s along uh with tempas who has been
15536s eliminated earlier of being kind of this
15537s ham Rush team and orthus really hitting
15540s again at some of these rush and kind of
15542s kite Shield chips as well unspoken
15545s wanting to go after the celestus we've
15547s seen how many times right that's
15549s celestus this year has really replaced
15551s the Blackbird for what it was last year
15552s this year here the Blackbird costs a few
15555s more points and it's kind of fallen out
15557s of favor the celestus now has kind of
15560s come in as the replacement it doesn't
15563s Jam things out but what it really does
15565s is it Force things to get in Close to
15566s You jams them it does yes and when
15569s you're forced to come in especially when
15571s so many teams are going up against like
15574s Armageddon Navy flag um ships where they
15576s can get nuded out you're forced to come
15578s in and then you get nuded we've seen
15579s this happen to logy frigs Lodi Cruisers
15581s plenty so
15584s again along with um some of I believe we
15586s saw a deacon band in there as well makes
15589s sense to me yeah I like the um the
15592s celestus BAM because uh it can be quite
15594s powerful damps in in the right hands
15595s it's one of those ones like ECM like you
15598s can be like an advanced game and play
15600s ECM the Smart Way by like turning off
15601s auto repeat and things like that and
15603s coordinating if you have multiple ECM
15605s boats but I feel like the the skill
15607s ceiling for when to use damps and when
15610s not to could be caught out by damps can
15611s be a little bit higher so it's not just
15613s like turn it on and hope like you look
15615s to see who's out of position and like an
15617s logi ship might be very far ranged from
15620s uh the the thing he's trying to rep but
15621s he might be at the point where if you
15624s damp him you suddenly break that and
15625s then you have that moment to kill him so
15626s you have to look out for these different
15627s positioning errors see if you can catch
15629s someone see if you can drop that damp on
15630s them at the right time and if you can
15631s move it between different chips you can
15633s start to force people to move in and out
15635s yeah especially against uh triglavian
15636s heavy setups we've seen so many uh you
15639s know Rivas and Zars uh on grid uh those
15643s loggies uh require uh you know that that
15646s spool time to be able to keep up with a
15648s lot of the um you know the the the
15650s especially the the higher end DPS that
15652s you see in a lot of other comps so you
15653s need that spool to be consistent and if
15655s you have range between your lodgy and
15658s the target then if you're able to damp
15660s that down to less than what that range
15663s is and break you know break the spool
15665s you've done now you you've set them back
15667s a whole you know 20 30 seconds uh from
15669s where they need to be exactly all right
15672s so I think that we can head over to the
15674s arena for this match here in Alliance
15676s tournament
15678s 20 welcome back to the arena Star
15681s Commander here with CCP fif still uh for
15683s the last match I think I think you're
15685s going off this one which is very sad
15686s we've got Odin cool versus unspoken and
15689s we have what what do unspoken have uh so
15692s unspoken brought the Nighthawk Claymore
15694s Scimitar double heila be frost two
15698s crucifiers purifier and Hound uh this is
15700s a pretty spooky uh comp from spoken
15703s Alliance and owners called the fleet
15704s typhoon na again cental magas Ponty H
15707s more two inquisitors and they've walked
15710s in at 50 the uh the fet typhoons and but
15713s the the nigh Hawk and the clan wars have
15716s sort of come in a bit closer and the
15718s gillos are a tiny bit behind so I think
15720s well they're going to have to go in and
15722s get some damage
15723s and I think the fleet typhoons with uh
15726s their clip I think they can start
15728s breaking through things it's going to be
15729s tricky the Oden call need to do
15731s something about these crucifiers I think
15733s uh if they've got missile guidance
15734s disruptors that they can spread across
15736s uh these cores uh if not maybe maybe
15739s unspoken gambled and lost a little bit
15740s and just took the crucifiers for medium
15742s guns gun spam but uh we'll have to see
15745s that be bad if they did that but they
15746s did ban FKS nav sheb Navi so maybe
15749s they're just pushing maybe they are GDs
15751s if they've got the bans it they may be
15753s pushing towards it but then obviously y
15755s team actually banned alligator and offer
15757s so both teams sort of banning the other
15759s teams compy to a certain degree yeah it
15761s might be see what goes so we see some
15763s dams spread across uh from the Odin call
15765s side uh and guidance disruptors are
15767s landing on that fre typhoon and that
15769s Navy armor again so unspoken Alliance
15771s they know what they're doing this whole
15772s time it's all planned two two GDs went
15775s on the purify and Hound which I think
15777s are are probably maybe a good idea but
15779s they they switched them to NW and
15780s Claymore those P the purifying Hound on
15782s unspoken G me doing a lot of work uh
15785s like a th DPS between the two of them
15787s and will apply perfectly to a battleship
15788s the gers web right now I think Odin
15790s school just need to get a clip because
15791s they are rapid heavies so they need to
15793s just lock sign down and as soon as they
15795s have it locked down like confirmed to
15796s not going anywhere then just unload the
15799s damage onto him yeah so these healers
15801s are are running up and also doing some
15803s uh some screening work as well so
15804s they're going to be doing quite a lot of
15805s damage see damage already going on to
15808s this mollus uh and this healer is is up
15811s right up right up in everyone's business
15813s right here he's right in the center
15814s right there and he does go down first
15815s Blood oh God I mean first Blood to
15818s Odin's court and a DPS off the grid
15820s obviously the apply DPS does favor Odin
15823s a tiny
15824s bitar by unspoken is also webbed oh no
15828s webbed and nuded oh they can't kill the
15830s fleet Typhoon fast enough on the Odin
15832s call side Odin call uh they need to get
15834s some damage on this citar and get him
15836s down pretty quick I mean they don't need
15837s to but they'd love to that's a great
15839s next Target the fleet typhoon now taking
15841s a lot of damage on the Odin School side
15843s the paradig is going to go into low
15845s armor right now I think he might break
15847s and just as to show even with the giler
15848s down they still got the damage to push
15850s through the Reps if they do get him down
15852s oh but so the simitar is he's as
15854s beinging a little bit he's you can see
15855s his HP go up and down a little bit he
15857s only gets nine of those right so if
15858s you're counting you can tell when this
15861s simitar is going to go down he is not
15862s going anywhere uh stopped moving
15864s probably turned off that mwd for some
15866s extra uh cap in general just to get any
15869s reps off but this Fleet typhoon is who's
15871s going to drop first I think the fleet
15873s typhoon might go down or actually no the
15875s simar will go down he's going to start
15876s bleeding in the second I think and he's
15878s probably got maybe two or three charges
15879s left and he it's quite common for Sim to
15881s go into armor and then boots back a bit
15883s of Shield but the fleet typhoon getting
15884s a bit of armor back the skim into into
15886s structure and the simy does drop first
15889s but I think the flight Fleet typhoon
15890s might still go down anyway yeah look so
15892s these purifiers and Hounds or this
15893s purifier and Hound on the unspoken side
15895s they got damped and guidance disrupted
15897s you can see them rushing in a little bit
15898s just to get that last bit of damage in
15900s there they got a little bit too close
15902s though purifier is tackled they just
15903s want to finish off this Fleet typhoon uh
15906s they need to do something here but
15907s Odin's call cooler than the other side
15910s of the pillow they've got a be frost
15912s tackle a pacifier tackled or rather a
15914s puure fire tackled um and uh they're
15917s about to just take off the links from
15919s the unspoken side I think Odin is now
15921s going to stabilize bifr about to go down
15923s for unspoken a fantastic job with Odin
15926s just me the Simi I think he was out
15927s position I think he just got tackled and
15929s the purifier he's not going to go down
15931s but the B for go down first I think the
15933s Simi just got tackled he was a bit too
15936s close and you can just see look how
15938s close it was though that Fleet typhoon
15941s almost cracked and died and it could be
15943s a completely different story we have no
15944s idea but you know Odin's call they knew
15947s what to do again we're talking about
15948s typhoon still goes down though oh [ __ ]
15951s okay Odin call they they're still in a
15954s really good spot they've got a Navy
15956s genon they've got a fleet typhoon
15957s they've got the Sentinel uh they've got
15959s a hyena to keep things off uh you can
15961s see them kind of screening things the
15963s mall is for uh control so damping these
15966s crucifiers they're not even applying any
15968s of their stuff and killing the heila off
15970s yeah these things do a lot of damage uh
15972s comparatively wh less tanky uh just
15974s great Target calling not over
15976s celebrating not getting too excited here
15978s they're just kind of trying to finish
15980s the match uh and you know just not make
15982s any mistakes going through it I think I
15984s mean this this this tour there's so many
15986s good teams in this tournament you can
15987s see here like it's even when teams are
15989s on the they're losing they still are
15991s fighting to get things down I mean it is
15993s a sure win right now for UND score but
15995s do you think I mean unspoken if if the
15997s Simi survived it might have changed I
15999s think it could have changed yeah that
16001s was a scary amount of damage was coming
16003s out that I don't think was Odin call
16005s wasn't really uh expecting too much um
16009s but yeah two tyon with the full clip and
16011s the Navy arm again that's a lot of
16013s damage the Sentinel secretly doing its
16015s work in the background I'm I'm assuming
16017s the nigh HW and claim of Reed didn't
16019s that probably range was terrible and
16020s they probably couldn't really hit much
16021s yeah they probably were were hitting
16022s life quite a bit there uh maybe that's
16024s kind of what forced the Simard to come
16026s in a little bit close maybe they say hey
16027s the battle B switch the damps from the M
16030s onto Simi that's a quite a common Tac in
16032s tourament is let don't damp the Sim at
16034s the start and then wait for the fight to
16036s happen he sits far away uh thinking he's
16038s okay then switch the damps over to the
16040s Simi and then all of a sudden he can
16042s lock like 40 km exactly yeah and then
16044s when you do a snap call like that those
16045s dams go on the crucifiers who now find
16048s themselves unable to apply and then
16049s suddenly all the damage starts coming at
16052s you and and maybe that's potentially
16054s what happened the M pilot wasn't really
16055s pressured muchness in this match and the
16057s higher as well so a lot of the utility
16059s on the Odin's support Wing wasn't really
16062s both this match and you can see the
16063s control bar is almost maxed out right
16065s now for Odin's cool so the poor Claymore
16068s is being uh webbed and GD and Ned and L
16072s and everything all the above and the
16074s crucifiers probably can't even lock let
16077s alone one's not even moving just like eh
16080s over going to stop walk up control space
16083s he's left he's already gone he's off I
16086s mean these days still everyone still
16087s gets at shits even at this stage um and
16090s and some couple of skins as well cuz
16091s they've all at least everyone's here at
16093s least one a match a couple one or two
16095s matches to get to this stage so no one
16097s goes home with nothing yeah I mean these
16098s guys will be well compensated right and
16100s we're talking about like I like to brag
16103s cuz you know between the two of us we've
16104s got so many gold medals like this room
16106s can barely hang on but if you take a
16108s team like unspoken and you throw them
16111s back in time to Alliance horn six or
16112s seven they wipe the floor with everyone
16115s oh yeah like that's how competitive
16117s these teams are the standard has has
16120s gotten up like everyone is really
16121s competitive now as you can see this
16122s match like all the matches have been
16124s really it's been really close and and
16126s one's got a bit of an advantage it's
16127s been even you know THL playing earlier
16130s today like almost losing to Mao rush and
16132s the Vol match before as well was super
16134s close like all the teams are definitely
16136s up their game at this point uh the just
16138s the crucify left as the unpredictable uh
16141s fist n is the last crucify he's burning
16143s around he's not going to make them you
16145s know he's not going to give him an easy
16147s one he's really far away up in the
16149s distance right now uh 98 98 from the
16153s center might be going for the edge I
16154s think he is it looks like he was around
16156s in mjd Beacon there
16159s 233 km out uh I don't think that's a
16162s record but it's pretty close it's pretty
16164s close and with this we're going to go to
16165s a break and then we're going to send it
16166s back to the
16169s desk Odin's call there with a pretty
16172s solid win over unspoken Alliance
16174s knocking them out of the tournament I am
16176s joined here on the desk by as far as I
16177s can see just CCP Yen uh so thank you for
16180s joining oh hello there I know I'm short
16183s but makes a a Better Door than a window
16187s you're fully excluded here I'll step
16189s back a little bit I just have my cloak
16190s on man I just just a CO cloak I'm hidden
16192s I'm good okay so let's discuss that
16195s particular comp so um we had one team
16197s bringing basically King Slayer with like
16198s the rapid heavy uh clips and then the
16201s other side bringing a kind of pseudo
16203s Florida man which Wing insist is
16205s Australia man yeah it's the other
16207s Florida man the other
16209s Florida second Florida exactly oh GS
16212s instead of alligators yeah yeah um now I
16215s find it kind of interesting that they
16216s brought two crucifiers which obviously
16218s they're going to have guidance
16218s disruption and they going to slap them
16220s on and they're going to do some some you
16221s know range Shenanigans with them and
16224s then they also Barrel straight in um
16225s which feels like you're just kind of
16226s negating the the benefit there obviously
16228s you can do other things like you know
16229s reduce missile explosion velocity blah
16231s blah blah blah I feel like 18 points if
16233s you're going to rush in would be better
16234s Ser served elsewhere what do you think
16236s we that yeah double Mor would have a
16237s better idea for that just to make sure
16238s they have to come to you double
16240s crucifier as you says like you spent all
16242s this time and money I think they saw the
16244s bans for the previous days like oh
16245s everyone's Banning track and shoters
16246s they must be good and then they're like
16248s we they baned it even bring brought it
16250s without even considering what it's
16251s useful for it's like oh we're just going
16252s to go in and just suicide because their
16254s comp doesn't really care they got gers
16256s they can do whatever they want to do be
16258s closer range and TB do you think um
16260s unspoken could have done anything
16261s different in that particular instance
16262s there they felt they just kind of got
16263s outd drafted I think and then outplayed
16266s afterwards yeah I mean running into King
16268s Slayer is always going to be kind of
16269s hard uh if if you don't have a sim a
16271s comp similar built to to to tackle
16273s Battleship specifically um and they yeah
16275s they just I mean they went early on they
16278s were able to snag a battleship feel
16280s pretty good after that but they just
16282s from that point on it didn't really feel
16284s like they had a lot of Direction I think
16285s you're really stressing the word early
16286s on that took a quite some time to the
16288s first to be to be perfectly Fair yeah
16291s you're absolutely right by the time they
16293s had that that the the battleship down
16295s they had wasted so much time they were
16297s already down a couple of ships
16298s themselves and they're just in a tight
16300s spot and there's not really any coming
16302s back from you're absolutely right you
16303s know you you're you're you're bringing a
16305s comp that almost looks like it wants to
16307s play a spacing game and they're not
16309s doing any spacing at all it's just it's
16311s it is a rush in and do as much damage as
16314s we can and try and swamp a couple things
16316s and it it just didn't didn't quite work
16318s out for him that time it did not it did
16320s not um okay so we have about 10 minutes
16322s before our next match and I have
16325s something for you chat I have something
16326s for you we have a raffle which don't do
16328s it yet C be con is somewhere in this in
16330s this building don't do it yet I want to
16331s show you what you can you can win so you
16333s can win in this raffle a 100 gift
16336s voucher for uh Lloyd George lgo's Web
16339s Store I even have on post a note and
16341s some examples of some of the things you
16342s can get from his store so we have this
16345s pretty cool uh watercolor print uh of
16347s dvic which is awesome uh if anyone has
16350s happens to have uh the 20th uh
16352s anniversary collector edition excuse me
16354s I'm showing mine now as well thank you
16356s hello uh you have this one as well so
16359s these are examples you're not wearing
16360s these no these are this is m
16363s I think I I think this belongs to me
16365s currently can I have it okay now it
16367s belongs to me thank you um so you can
16369s you can win a 100 um voucher for um the
16373s the web store and I highly recommend
16375s that uh you get involved cuz his his art
16378s is incredible look at it I believe
16380s actually have one of those as well
16381s where's zo Zoom all the way in on this
16383s Mr cameraman that's it zoom in yeah come
16386s on look at that that's what we're
16388s talking about there we go that's the
16390s good stuff right there yeah so and this
16392s is one of many uh yeah any anybody who
16394s uh got the 20th anniversary Set uh
16396s you're probably familiar with at least
16398s this this one here pay attention C and I
16400s said this okay well I'm just saying if
16402s you're not if you didn't listen to CCP
16404s overload 5 seconds ago when he said that
16407s this came with the 20th anniversary set
16409s Lloyd George 20th anniversary uh megga
16411s thron art spectacular the and his stuff
16414s is all very very good yep keeps going it
16417s and then um the the other cool thing is
16419s this particular painting um is uh
16422s essentially a painting of the skin that
16424s you get in game as well with the 20th
16425s anniversary collector edition which was
16427s made by our very own tamber Kadar Prime
16430s Pony Club and it looks I mean give it
16432s back to me it's incredible yeah it's so
16434s good it's so good and such a nice ship
16436s as well I mean obviously you prefer it's
16438s Vindicator cousin but I like a good
16440s megga thron meon is a is a classic when
16443s when I'm out of pennies I take a megga
16444s thron out in suicide just as well all
16447s right I'm going to gently place these
16449s over here and they're down on floor
16451s there we go incred well done thank you
16453s very much all right um I hope you're all
16455s doing it what is it is Eve art
16457s exclamation mark Eve art so make sure
16459s you get that in there I'm sure CP
16461s convict will uh close off the raffle at
16463s some point and we'll be in touch with uh
16465s your amazing 100 uh virture for the
16468s store and make sure to check it out uh
16470s it's in chat now as well ly George doart
16473s yeah didn't even know there was doarts
16474s these days I guess there a do from uh
16476s from art and Tina ah okay yep can we get
16481s someone else on the desk here we go can
16482s we change things you got me for four
16484s three more segments after this too so oh
16486s my God I don't think we're going to
16487s survive my man not sure I'm I didn't
16489s consent to this we we'll strive forward
16491s boys we'll be all right hey it's going
16492s to be okay we'll be all right my my guys
16495s my my boys I'm looking at this how make
16498s me feel even smaller man this guy's
16499s hands are size of my
16501s shoulder all right so we're back down to
16504s Loser bracket matches again so we have
16506s evasive maneuvering versus rage quck
16507s cancel sub we only have eight teams
16510s remaining in Alliance tournament
16513s only it's funny that it happens this
16514s quickly you know it really because you
16517s all of last weekend it feels like
16518s there's so many teams and nobody's
16520s really getting eliminated and it's just
16521s a churn over and over and over again but
16522s as you get now towards day three I mean
16525s it's it's quick I mean we started today
16527s with what uh
16528s 24 am I WR we lost 14 last weekend so
16532s whatever 32 minus 14 is 16 maybe that
16535s what whatever the number is I listen I'm
16536s an American I don't know math uh it and
16539s it happens so quickly from this point on
16541s and also how Qui people can fall like
16542s paper numbers I think were in the Victor
16544s the winners bracket and went from
16545s winners to losers to out within best
16547s space about an hour and a half life
16548s comes at you fast it is brutal and as a
16551s fan I was like oh that's a that's a
16553s sudden shift of Fortune yeah yeah you
16555s know what they say yeah get knocked down
16556s got to get back up again you can't this
16557s time you can only you do that twice and
16559s no more times after that yeah after that
16561s you're done no more getting back up U
16563s also um if someone with twitch admin is
16566s is paying attention I think it would be
16567s interesting to have a poll um would you
16569s rather fight um a god
16573s he what it how this two two Wingnut
16575s sized CB or one CB sized
16579s Wingnut like who would win uh maybe
16582s three C size wi nuts I think maybe no
16586s listen listen here's the thing you like
16588s I I'm super topheavy so like go for the
16590s legs I'm done that's easy weak weak spot
16594s just all right let's take a look at the
16596s bands for our next match Rage Quit
16598s cancel sub versus invasive maneuvering
16600s okay so Rage Quit cancel sub Banning out
16602s the abadin the Loki the Talia and the
16605s Deacon invasive maneuvering Banning out
16608s the EOS the onos uh the Zoras and the
16611s Riva so both Tavian logistic ships The
16614s Tech 2 and the tech1 variants banned out
16617s Wing knut cross that's interesting what
16619s do you think about that is that our
16620s first R Diva ban it might be it is it's
16623s yeah we saw maneuvering bring the arm
16626s Widow comp earlier uh with the lak then
16628s they brought uh the uh the lak again but
16632s but this time with a Riva and it's still
16633s one so um I find it super interesting
16636s that they're choosing to ban these out
16637s yeah they're banning out their own like
16638s hey this is a cool comp you're using and
16640s we're getting rid of it and EOS has
16641s always been a solid band it's it's been
16643s showing its strength more and more so
16645s that's honestly just a solid we just
16646s don't want to see good armor comp it's
16647s so funny the Riva and the zarm Mas band
16650s really more I think more than almost any
16651s other ban that you see is is absolutely
16654s telegraphing like hey we do not want to
16655s see that Widow comp like we don't want
16657s to see widows we don't want to see
16658s battleships like we don't want to see
16660s but they are the Widow comp
16662s that's what I'm it's very strange it's
16664s it's it's an I mean I you know if if
16667s they are if they are expecting it from
16669s an opponent then it makes sense but if
16671s it's one of your stronger comps and you
16672s really have to wonder where that's
16673s coming from oh I see the the would you
16675s rather fight PO is up I
16678s better let's see what we got three wing
16680s size yans currently in the
16681s lead okay okay okay they would you think
16685s they would stack on each other like a
16687s big TR got good legs can stack up for
16690s that as well three wi sians I feel like
16692s take that okay I'm pretty sure one Yan
16694s siiz Wing that would be terrifying it'
16696s be it's a tasan devil the largest
16698s Australian known to
16700s man it's a pretty big Australian all
16703s right might not be wrong might not be
16705s wrong predictions for this match CTB
16707s this is uh two pretty experienced teams
16709s of course uh vasive maneuvering they are
16711s made up of a number of people from
16713s former vidy LED and of course we showed
16714s Pandy earlier on you know one of most
16716s experienced people in Alliance
16717s tournament history uh this is a team of
16719s Champions essentially but they're going
16721s up against um Rage Quit cancel sub which
16723s is led by damasus cadesh he is also a
16725s super experienced tournament veteran uh
16727s is Captain teams for a while all the way
16728s back from the MR championship in 2014
16730s where he was one of the uh the holders
16732s so you know again super high level of
16734s experience on both sides yeah who you
16736s going to go for here I you know I think
16738s smart money is evasive maneuvering but
16739s I've got a real soft spot for Rage Quit
16741s cancel sub they've got a really good
16742s name too and I'm big into Vibes uh I'm
16745s the kind of The Vibes guy on this
16746s broadcast uh and I they've they've shown
16749s a lot I mean they've shown a lot of
16750s gumin during this
16752s the last couple days so I'm going with
16754s rage rage quit cancel sub and what about
16757s you br across what do you think between
16758s these two teams last week I said Rage
16760s Quit can't lose cuz either they win and
16762s they're happy or they lose and they rage
16763s quit and happy anyway there you go but
16765s as you said I think the smart money Ser
16767s evasive it's their match to lose yes
16770s looks like um oh it's it's closer than I
16772s thought but it's mostly three wing SI
16774s yon is winning and it looks like it's
16775s going to win uh one youth ins size wing
16777s nut confirmed weaker option there I'm
16779s not entirely sure if I should be happy
16781s or sad about
16783s I mean one way or another this is not
16785s looking great for either of us yeah
16786s indeed yeah okay so I'm looking forward
16788s to this match I wonder if we're going to
16789s see flagships uh based on the bands it
16791s might be maybe sus if they are but
16794s either way I think this is going to be
16796s one of the matches of today I'm sure
16798s about it so it is going to be one of the
16800s matches of today 100% all right shall we
16802s go to the arena let's go to the arena
16803s for this match here in Alliance
16804s tournament
16806s 20 all good hey welcome to yet another
16810s exciting match of the alliance
16811s tournament where we are going to have
16813s evasive maneuvering in what appears to
16815s be an absolute rush rush in moment with
16820s all of those ham boats against a medium
16823s gun spam comp in actually these appear
16827s to be switched so uh damasus cadesh um
16831s is in fact a member of Rage Quit cancel
16832s sub not evasive maneuvering fafy wafi is
16835s a team captain for um sorry for evasive
16839s maneuvering maneuvering is on the is on
16841s the red side where qu cancel Subs on the
16843s blue side uh the titles are switched
16846s however evasive maneuvering is in that
16847s Shield Rush as you already mentioned
16849s medium gun spam for Rage Quit cancel sub
16851s so uh definitely and there we go uh or
16856s other way around Rage Quit cancel Subs
16857s in the gun is in the shield rush evase
16859s maneuverings in the meum gun span we
16860s finally got it done uh anyways uh so
16864s they this is a match up we've seen a
16866s couple times before uh I'm interested to
16869s see how vase maneuvering deals with this
16870s we saw all of the armor logy being
16873s banned out except for the guardian they
16874s went for in augur so have t tier one
16877s Cruiser lodgy Rage Quit cancel sub saw
16879s that are like no one's going to bring a
16880s flagship here and they brought this
16881s Shield Rush uh so it'll be interesting
16883s to see if a v maneuvering can actually
16885s string out the shield Rush with uh less
16887s of that screen that we typically see in
16889s a lot of these comps that go into the
16890s shield Rush Yeah so basically uh now
16893s that we've um you know lindsy low hand
16894s ourselves back into Freaky Friday where
16896s the chips are on the right names and
16898s everything um evasive maneuvering just
16901s off of the jump um from what I've seen
16904s out of this level of play from them uh
16906s when they faced us kind of with this
16907s composition they should win this on
16909s draft usually the median um span when we
16912s get to these top eight matches tends to
16914s beat rush for the simple reason that
16917s evasive maneuvering you're seeing now
16919s that the clock is started is about to
16921s probably burn away and try to Starburst
16923s so this raptor is going to try to get on
16924s top of something uh possibly a bruex
16927s here or in the start meanwhile the Navy
16928s ospre of caspe is being shot and repped
16931s evasive maneuvering um is doing a decent
16934s job of getting a lot of their ships to
16936s pull out but getting a Navy Brutus and
16938s oh a Navy prosy CAU that could be pretty
16940s painful here yeah trying to get the uh
16943s the screen out they get the Navy ospray
16945s down they've got another scram on a
16946s Hunter Hughes and the other Navy ospray
16947s their Navy brck still very very low
16950s armor and this is the key right if
16951s you're in a setup like this you need to
16954s string out the shield rush so they're
16955s not able to effectively go one to the
16957s next to the next we see there is no Loki
16960s there are no Hicks from quit cancel sub
16962s they're going to have a hard time
16963s getting on top of targets after the
16964s first couple they're onto this Navy
16966s prophecy now but they're going to trade
16967s back onto this Navy ospre maneuvering
16969s are deleting this Navy ospr because oh
16972s my God the Russians have got all their
16974s ships T caught the Navy Osprey has or
16976s sorry the Navy prophecy has been caught
16978s the are starting the Absolution were
16980s actually scrammed but it looks like
16981s those are dropping in favor of an
16983s augurer trade so the augurer is
16985s currently being um sat on meanwhile the
16988s Osprey uh is also being shot so it looks
16990s like oh my God the Raptor actually lost
16993s tackle on that Osprey so sorry the augur
16996s rather so but the Absolution theard are
16997s currently tackled as well and the web's
16999s back on the augurer so a b of
17001s maneuvering unfortunately rage Quint
17003s cancel sub has been able to catch up
17005s with these medium armor boats they're
17006s nearly taking down this Absolution
17007s they're able to trade for the ospre at
17009s the very least so all the lodg gone for
17011s wage crit cancel sub they don't really
17012s have any uh bonused uh XL ASB type ships
17015s on their side but the absolutions down
17018s and AAS maneuvering are currently down
17019s 54 to 96 so here's problem look at the
17022s attack bar right for either team and now
17024s the augur again is being caught the
17026s Raptor of Lucius vanf is absolutely
17029s cooking the chef has gotten into the
17031s backline is on top of that augurer and
17033s we now see a cloud of damage Zone
17035s swarming that augurer and the rest of
17037s the team of uh vas maneuvering is trying
17041s to desperately save him but blood ConEd
17043s get secondary tackle gets on top of that
17045s Aug I I mean it's just over you've lost
17047s three out of your four battle Cruisers
17049s in a medium gun spam setup you're now
17051s losing your auger this is a shield Rush
17053s they're going to be faster than you on
17054s paper aase maneuvering just did not
17056s screen this nearly as much as they could
17058s have with uh The Limited tackle that
17060s they have in this medium gun spam setup
17062s and now Rage Quit cancel sub right even
17064s though they don't have the long-range
17065s tackle they don't have a lowkey they
17067s don't have a hick uh they're just able
17069s to continually Ram into evasa
17071s maneuvering who just balled up at the
17073s start didn't Starburst effectively and
17074s now rage quck cancel sub are going to
17076s take out the winners of anger games yeah
17078s so again evasive maneuvering uh this was
17081s a team that that even um you know we had
17083s CCP uh members being like hey you know
17085s when I played them when they were VRA
17087s when they were other teams right related
17089s I mean yes they're going to kill the
17090s Squall that is a good Target um I don't
17093s want to count all my chickens before
17094s they two hatch as I say right is uh
17096s Pandy thear has now been caught by what
17099s appears to be a combination of the
17101s Raptor again Lucius van CLE an absolute
17104s hero I think he's going to die based on
17106s the drones that we un see on top of him
17108s but that Raptor had burned 220 km just
17112s trailing Benny Hill Music a cloud of
17114s angry light drones after him and
17116s survived critically getting on top of
17118s that augurer getting initial tackle and
17120s then breaking it on the Navy prophecy
17122s and the bruix was what sealed Rage Quit
17124s cancel sub's Victory here yeah I I mean
17128s it's absolutely brutal what they've just
17130s done to aasa maneuvering with a single
17132s fast tackle ship once again no long
17134s range tackle this is something we always
17135s talk about Shield Rush that needs
17136s longrange tackle they just were able to
17138s keep aasa maneuvering from spreading out
17141s star bursting doing whatever they needed
17143s to here and evasive maneuvering I mean
17145s they've got two mullers two Omens and a
17146s visual the pains aren't going to really
17147s help them at all uh and uh there's just
17150s so much more attack bar so much more
17151s defense bar uh from which could cancel
17153s up heck even the control bars are the
17155s same for both these teams as they've
17157s just got tackle mids uh in the remaining
17159s ships yeah now this merer here of uh
17162s blue has being um held down uh or was
17165s being held down initially so Rage Quit
17168s to cancel sub uh sorry this merer Y is
17170s now being caught in the furball and is
17172s going to pop here so again we've been
17175s talking about how there are these teams
17178s that have very storyed um you know
17181s tournament runs but it it could just be
17183s one bad match and that's all it takes I
17185s mean their match was very close against
17187s barcode to put them into the lower
17189s bracket and again this was just kind of
17191s maybe a bit of a misplay here where um
17194s they didn't Starburst is fact but like
17196s rage quck canel sub I would have not
17199s necessarily expected them to seize on
17200s their win condition like they did but
17202s godamn they've played their lights out
17204s at the beginning of the match to get
17205s that tackle and to continue to snowball
17207s this yeah and again Shield Rush is not a
17210s comp that we see very often this late in
17211s tournaments typically teams will bring
17213s comps that they're comfortable taking
17215s into a shield Rush uh because of Shield
17218s Rush being one of those gatekeeper comps
17219s we see uh this time around this
17221s particular Shield Rush ends up dealing
17222s with aasa maneuvering very effectively
17224s uh the dark side/ VRA Uh Russian team is
17228s going to be out they still at least made
17230s it to the top eight but they will not
17231s make top six ragequit cancel sub is
17233s going to be one of our two lower bracket
17235s top six teams uh for the time being the
17238s next match will determine the next one
17240s uh but I mean really well played by
17242s range quck cancel sub uh this is a team
17245s made up of several tournament vets who
17246s have kind of pieced together uh this
17248s team around debug as their captain and
17250s rage quck cancel sub have like
17253s absolutely uh shattered what I think a
17255s lot of people were expecting from them
17257s in taking out evasive maneuvering I mean
17259s I I'll St say it there were people that
17260s I knew
17261s um that were say saying damasus cadesh
17264s he's washed he hasn't done anything in
17265s years blood ConEd he's washed he hasn't
17267s done anything in years they are proving
17269s the haters absolutely wrong here
17271s knocking out evasive maneuvering who I
17273s got to say just on paper you you look at
17275s them they're one of the top four or five
17277s teams right you got to thank them truth
17279s honor light you look at tuskers again
17281s you know barcode some of these teams I
17283s mean heck even Volta before they went
17285s out these are teams that have
17286s historically done very very well and you
17289s know Rage Quit cancel sub showing
17291s um any given day any given match you can
17294s knock out in a B1 and you can be you
17297s know the Victor yeah and uh obviously
17300s things could always go differently in
17301s different things this is a result I
17303s don't think a Bas maneuvering are going
17304s to be very happy with uh having expected
17307s to be kind of one of those top four
17308s teams having one anger games uh up
17311s against barcode in second Now barcode uh
17313s making their way into the top six of Bas
17315s maneuvering not so much and uh
17318s unfortunately for them that's the end of
17319s the road R quit cancel some I got to
17320s admit extremely impressed with how
17322s they've been playing this tournament
17323s yeah I mean imagine being a team right
17326s like and that's where you can come from
17328s behind right like no one has any
17329s expectations externally for you you're
17331s like oh oh okay you made top six you
17333s made top eight that's better than we
17335s already thought you did when you're a
17336s base of maneuvering all the pressure is
17338s on you you're one of these teams where
17340s if people look at you and you say oh you
17341s didn't get top four like what what did
17344s you do this year and uh R quit canel sub
17348s I mean playing immaculately in a rush
17351s yeah yeah an imaculate rush we seen mjd
17353s play actually from this Nighthawk trying
17354s to get on to of this visual perhaps uh
17357s 77 km versus 100 so the vigils burning
17359s into the Nighthawk can we get the web
17361s yes we do so evasive maneuvering will
17364s end up losing all their ships and we
17365s will not have an edge of glory uh at the
17368s end of this match but uh still well
17370s played to rage quit cancel sub
17372s commiserations to evasive maneuvering
17373s and uh you know ragequit cancel sub
17375s they've secured top six um which is uh
17379s really really nice one more match you
17381s end up getting into top four and then
17383s you get into the real meat and potatoes
17384s of the priz ships and the day appearance
17387s we'll see them later today yeah I'm
17389s saying given though their name think
17391s about all the Plex I know it's expensive
17393s on the J and the mar Market it's all
17394s been bought out but with all the prize
17396s ships you're about to win you can afford
17398s it right you don't have to cancel your
17399s sub you can probably pay for all your
17401s member subs for the next like 10 years
17403s and plus with all of this yeah and not
17405s just their Mains right all their alls as
17407s well yeah of course it's E online you
17408s have to have vets or else what are you
17409s doing like if you don't have vets you're
17411s not even really an e player just not
17413s really but for these guys yeah uh
17415s anyways we're going to send it to a
17416s quick break when we return the desk will
17418s break that down and we'll get right back
17420s uh into this after this break
17445s invasive maneuvering there getting
17446s knocked out of Alliance tournament 20
17449s the former Champions under different
17451s names they drop down uh to rage quit
17454s cancel sub in a very exciting match I
17456s mean I think wng that um this seemed
17459s like a bit of a misplay from aasa
17461s maneuvering there what do you think I am
17463s not an at Pilot I'm not an 0 Captain but
17467s I looked at that and went okay why did
17469s they all not move there's a rush coming
17471s right at them why did they not Starburst
17472s to the four corners of the earth they
17474s just unless like the UI was having a bit
17476s of trouble which I had a few times today
17478s they just sacked there yeah it's like
17479s you could have pulled range I get maybe
17481s they were considering can we win the
17481s damage race but it's like a situation
17483s where you don't need to yeah I feel like
17484s the tayls all the time though that uh
17486s you know very experienced tournament
17487s veteran team comes in um with you know
17490s some sort of like big brain comp uh and
17492s then goes up against some people who
17493s just approach F1 and that's not to you
17495s know the funny about big brain comp
17497s their comp was median gum man big brain
17500s they brought like
17501s both teams brought clubs to hit each
17502s other with just one person hit harder
17504s well but you know it is funny we were
17506s complaining about the triple merer comp
17507s just a little while ago and they came
17509s back and that they did the they did the
17511s the thing they did the not triple merer
17513s they used those extra points for
17514s something else and by all accounts had a
17517s better comp than than uh you know we saw
17520s during that that triple merer comp
17522s earlier but at the end of the day it
17524s just did not matter that team came out
17526s and they were Gad zooked they were Gad
17529s zooked they were not ready that told me
17532s um one of the Adat he like I'm going to
17533s use the word get they were Bamboozled my
17536s friends they were not ready for the rush
17538s they they needed to move immediately uh
17541s our good friend Alaris just or Ali Aris
17543s a minute ago just standing here said you
17545s know what you have a minute and a half
17547s when you land on grid and you have to
17548s like devise a plan and in that situation
17550s the plan is oh my God they're going to
17553s try and Rush us we see hams maybe we
17555s should move we got to go and they did
17557s not go they did not go I mean a lot of
17559s points got reallocated everyone was
17561s betting on um evasive maneuvering there
17564s uh you're welcome to those who won
17566s that's partly our fault hell yeah um and
17569s I mean honestly I was a little bit
17570s surprised to see them going there I know
17571s damasus and uh the rage quit team are
17573s extremely competent team as well um but
17576s I mean that that was a solid team in
17577s evasive maneuvering uh so I was that to
17579s me that was a bit of an upset but
17580s everyone played super well um just to
17583s shout out we saw some really good
17584s piloting on both sides with people like
17585s maneuvering into positions catching
17587s things right at the end we saw a really
17590s nice m
17591s with a Nighthawk catching a vigil that
17593s was just running around the arena trying
17594s to waste time andw managed to just JP
17597s right on top bang landed scram uh web
17600s and just nuked him uh excellent play CCB
17602s overload approved so you can take that
17604s one uh with you now we have some stats
17607s to look at uh for the alliance
17609s tournament so far let's first of all
17610s look at the most commonly brought chips
17612s in Alliance tournament 20 and see what
17614s you guys are choosing to fly so looks
17616s like obviously the Deacon is super
17618s popular tends to be brought in pairs but
17620s sometimes choose a point inflation you
17622s will bring it with um uh the Talia
17624s instead but the Deacon if you're going
17625s to choose two of one it's the most
17627s popular one then of course the pontif
17628s effect Magus everyone loves them their
17630s links their armor they're super powerful
17632s and then the armag armag Navy was still
17633s hanging around in the top four it did
17635s slide backwards uh from I think it was
17637s third at one point yeah um black bar
17639s pirate right now is shivering and
17641s doesn't know why and then we have the M
17644s the arbitrator so merer we're seeing a
17646s bunch of them being used they're super
17648s chunky H you can fit scrams to them you
17650s can fit to them they're just a very
17652s powerful utility ship that can be really
17654s hard to get off so you send it in as
17655s like heavy tackle and it can be really
17657s strong and then we're down into things
17659s like uh the the mollus and the vexer
17661s which vexer and merher kind of like can
17663s be swapped around in their roles and
17664s then finally it's finally cracked into
17666s the top 10 uh the Squall the Squall has
17668s arrived yes very good we're all very
17671s happy about that very good all right
17672s let's look at the top Logistics ship
17673s specifically in aliance tournament 20 so
17676s as we probably could have expected the
17679s is super popular and again uh the
17681s logistics figs tend to have their
17682s numbers inflated because you bring them
17684s as pairs uh you can see here the the
17686s Deacon still super popular the most
17688s popular one and then we're into
17689s Inquisitor and scalpel uh interestingly
17692s the most used Logistics Cruiser appears
17695s to be the zorz little bit edging out the
17697s onos It's usually the other way around
17699s which is quite interesting I guess with
17700s this year's meta the spooling especially
17702s with these Widow comps starting to pop
17703s out uh we're seeing a lot of them then
17705s we have to go down a little bit further
17707s before we get to the Scimitar and
17708s finally the diva also taking a couple of
17710s points off of the auguro here so good
17712s spread of all the different logistic
17714s ships shield and armor armor still
17715s clearly the favorite here quick as well
17717s with the Deacon one that Deon Thalia
17719s difference usually the most efficient
17721s point point use is Deacon and Thalia yep
17723s but you no team are picking double
17725s deacon at times which is not Point
17727s efficient but the Deacon is the superior
17728s ship people are going I'm willing to pay
17730s for two of these exactly well and it
17732s could be too that they get to the end of
17733s their the the end of their comp they
17735s have one or two extra points left over
17736s and they think well I mean we're here
17738s you know we've got the points to spend
17739s might as well all right and let's look
17741s finally one more graph one more graph
17743s for you target painting ship usage in
17745s Alliance tournament 20 um this is
17747s somewhat to be expected I think this
17749s doesn't look totally crazy to me but the
17751s hyena is number one um followed by the
17754s vigil and then the bellicose the the
17757s much maligned bellicose uh is number
17759s three way above the hugan and the vigil
17762s Fleet issue so Target paints super
17764s useful in Alliance tournament the Hena
17766s is very very popular because not only
17767s can you get those pants you also get
17769s webs so it's a sort of Je use thing the
17771s vigil is a lot cheaper obviously but it
17773s only really does the paints wasn't that
17775s vigil Fleet issue the one that was uh
17776s doing a cheeky self Target paint uh or
17780s is that just a normal vigil uh I have no
17782s idea viil I believe it was a normal
17784s vigil but at the same time I can't
17786s remember things past 5 minutes so we'll
17787s find later yeah what match are we on
17790s Match 54 we've seen 54 matches sometimes
17792s all blurs together into just wanten
17794s destruction on the internet quick not
17795s with the Bell Coast as well I love
17796s seeing that one showing up more and more
17798s cuz they are a cheap budget Target
17799s Painter with damage
17801s which is very nice cuz like said much
17803s malign ship hey we bring them especially
17806s if you bring with a for yourb we saw
17808s earlier Balon web bellone paint there's
17811s your hyena just in a bigger form bigger
17813s and much more expensive form all right
17815s let's look at the bands for this
17816s upcoming match between deteriorated and
17817s Odin's call we are still in the losers
17819s bracket uh so these are still
17820s elimination matches and they're coming
17822s fast for some of these teams there's
17823s only seven teams left in the tournament
17825s so every time they play it's another bit
17827s of fatigue they have to get back
17828s together and start planning for the next
17829s match as soon as they finished the
17831s previous
17832s one God pardon me I got so emotional
17835s there this was such a overcome just the
17837s drama of it so deteriorated Banning out
17840s the mollus the snir The Inquisitor and
17841s the Navitas I'm sorry what an
17843s interesting set of Baner the tech 1
17844s Logistics frigs yeah what okay and then
17847s Odin's Banning out the EOS the zaras the
17849s orthis and the Praxis uh M mystical M
17852s wing nut cross your thoughts here I I
17855s feel like I've entered La La Land okay
17856s the practice is suddenly a ship to be
17858s worried about oh don't worry we're going
17859s to ban the T1 l fre let's leave the
17861s Deacon we just shown was everywhere
17863s these people are playing a different
17864s game yeah I like this I mean seem to be
17867s yon what do you think here here's the
17869s thing I don't give a [ __ ] about bands uh
17871s it's pretty pretty you know I think most
17873s people kind of understand my my whole
17875s vibe about this uh generally your bands
17878s are until you get to the finals your
17880s bands are really just there to kind of
17882s um either push down things that you have
17884s found that you don't like or things you
17886s have not you know youve you've seen from
17887s teams that you've played uh you know
17890s that have had had matches before you um
17892s or you know very Loosely uh you know
17895s push things here or there uh again what
17899s do we get out of seeing that they don't
17900s want T1 armor lodgy I don't I don't know
17904s uh they're extremely cheap um they are
17906s extremely cheap just bamboozling people
17908s like just like we got ban those but
17910s here's the thing like they are cheap I'm
17912s not going to deny that even a little bit
17914s but when you're in a situation where
17915s there are so many other comps that we've
17917s seen that use Thalia Deacon and use them
17919s well and NE banned and neither were
17921s banned what do you really get from that
17923s I guess
17926s is that's the point I'm trying to say is
17928s like I think he made a point for us
17930s there what in the world is going on I'm
17931s sure someone somewhere has a spreadsheet
17933s that explains this and there as much I
17935s don't want to pretend like I'm they're
17936s not much smarter than me they know much
17937s more than I do I'm just saying if this
17939s is if this if there's a logic to this it
17941s is above my simple monkey brain mine too
17944s I think all right let's head over to the
17946s arena for this match H here in Alliance
17948s tournament 20
17951s welcome back to the arena my name is f
17953s joined by Ali Aris and on the red side
17955s we have deteriorated who have brought
17956s triple rapid heavy what have Odin's call
17958s brought Odin's call also have triple
17960s rabbit heavy we have a and the
17963s difference between these two comps
17964s deteriorated they have a little bit more
17966s control their celestus is going to be
17967s able to damp out the ships from the
17969s Odin's call team again that pontif
17971s effect on the Odin's call team
17973s absolutely critical to keeping those
17974s ships able to lock meanwhile Odin's call
17976s they have a crucifier which will disrupt
17978s the long distance missiles from
17981s deteriorated deteriorated they've got
17983s two bombers to Odin's calls one it's
17985s going to be a pretty close matchup here
17987s uh Odin's call probably is going to end
17989s up having to go in a bit which means
17991s that I expect to see those missile
17993s guidance disruptors on the purifier and
17996s the Hound more than the battleships
17997s maybe this could just end up being a
17999s battleship brawl in the middle we'll
18000s have to see if to br's Flagship Navy
18003s Armageddon is going to be the thing that
18005s lets them carry this through right and
18008s as we see the points slightly different
18009s at the high end Armageddon versus
18011s Armageddon Navy issue bring that second
18013s one to complement your Flagship and this
18015s hyena I think and the second bomber are
18017s going to be really important for
18018s deteriorated in this match that bomber
18021s going to apply perfectly to Any Given
18022s Battleship even with rage Torpedoes
18024s especially with the uh bonus web from
18026s the hyena or bonus paint from the hyena
18028s so uh deteriorated we'll see how they
18031s play this one out Odin's call has that
18033s Flagship Advantage going for them and as
18035s we see both teams just start burning in
18037s but Odin call is the one that burns in
18039s the more Detro is actually pulling back
18042s yeah that makes sense deterior has the
18043s range Advantage here with their celestus
18045s and you can see damage already coming
18047s onto the Paradigm Odin's call they're
18049s holding their clip until they're able to
18051s get close and find the Target that
18053s they're looking for yeah and the damps
18054s on the crucifier and this purifier as
18056s well trying to pull the bomber in closer
18058s but also keeping that crucifier uh from
18060s being able to get the guidance
18062s disruption onto deterior that's high end
18064s we see this damage now on the sleet
18066s typhoon of the Paradigm as you already
18067s mentioned he's painted but he's not
18069s webbed a little bit gu disruption on a
18071s qap as navy Armageddon as we speak but
18073s Odin's call still uh trying to burn in
18076s and trying to get their first clip going
18079s the way they want in fact they go for
18080s the armagon first definitely and we can
18083s see damage drones coming in those damage
18085s drones are adding to the cloud of damage
18088s on the paradig but the logistics of
18090s Odin's call able to keep the paradig up
18092s Martin Conrad and the crucifier
18094s meanwhile it seems to be taking a little
18095s bit of damage as that crucifier is you
18098s can see it's just disrupting the nav
18100s Armageddon probably actually all in on
18102s that Navy Armageddon to prevent it from
18104s being able to apply fully well caral
18106s ks's Navy Armageddon the flagship has
18108s been webbed and tackled down we actually
18110s see these rapid heavy Clips going into
18112s Colonel cart so deteriorated with their
18114s triple rapid heavy Battleship and their
18116s double bombers are going to try to get
18118s the head shot down onto Colonel Kurtz's
18120s uh Flagship na
18122s Armageddon and this could be huge
18124s Colonel CTS likely you know reasonable
18126s amount of muffer flagships are usually
18128s quite heavily tanked probably has a good
18129s local but meanwhile Oden call trying to
18132s trade it back onto qappa also in the
18133s Navy Armageddon dipping into low armor
18136s as Colonel Curts is getting repped up by
18138s the logistics by the logistics and also
18140s the ever powerful local rep that you can
18142s put on these flagships right you can put
18143s purple reps on them slightly better than
18145s the blue versions oh and there goes
18148s qappa okay so Odin's call First Blood
18150s and that is a big big deal in this
18153s battleship in this battleship war with
18155s these rapid heavy things it's most
18157s important that you kill something first
18159s that you get all of your CLI in now
18160s deteriorated they don't have one of
18161s their battleships they don't have one of
18163s their battleships and that means that
18164s they're not actually going to be able to
18165s clip through any of these battleships
18166s they go for the flagship head shot and
18168s unfortunately for them it just doesn't
18169s work as the Thalia gets absolutely
18171s deleted just gets nuded out and then
18173s taken out by drones now the webs onto
18175s this Deacon mores onto the Deacon as
18177s well matisz now down to 200 met per
18180s second 100 met per second and meanwhile
18182s the sweet typhoon of Reggie has been
18184s tackled up and is getting some damage
18185s going onto him as well yeah and this is
18187s what we see a lot in these rapid heavy
18188s comps the uh rapid heavy ships on Odin
18191s called those three battleships they
18192s aren't firing right now they're on
18194s reload they've uh clipped or if they
18196s haven't clipped they've chosen to reload
18198s so that they'll have a full clip and in
18199s the meantime oh their Clips back okay
18202s here we go Fleet typhoon uh webbed nuded
18205s and uh painted and there's just so much
18208s damage from Odin's call their attack bar
18210s is absolutely massive their control bar
18212s as well uh using those bonus NES from
18214s the Dual Navy armagedon uh using you
18217s know the rest of their control in this
18219s crucifier keeping the purifier and the
18221s Hound from being able to do a whole lot
18223s to the Odin call Battleship line Reggie
18225s Ador and the fleet typhoon now very low
18227s armor dipping in a structure now and
18229s Odin's call I mean they take out the
18231s Navy Armageddon and the fleet typhoon
18233s they're going to be able to keep Colonel
18234s Curts alive throughout the rest of this
18236s match and they'll move on into the top
18240s six deteriorated out in top eight but a
18243s very good showing for them for really
18244s their first at run oh yeah definitely
18246s top eight is uh not only do they have
18248s prize ships they have a a decent number
18250s of prize ships so that'll be able to
18252s fund their next year's team as well as
18254s be a very exciting reward for this
18255s year's team Odin's call meanwhile second
18258s in at18 top 12 I believe in 1819 and now
18263s looking to come back and make it into
18265s the top four of at20 they've got top six
18269s and they're on to the loser of uh the
18273s next uh couple of matches uh upper
18275s bracket matches are our next two so
18278s Odin's call getting top six uh they're
18281s getting a very good run for it and not
18283s to minimize deteriorated this is a
18285s massive run for this team um a lot of uh
18288s couple of tournament V that I recognize
18290s on the team but uh mostly a bit of an
18293s unknown going into this tournament and
18295s uh they've really really done well up
18298s against a lot of these top uh
18300s competition deteriorated has shown very
18302s good piloting good comps throughout this
18304s whole tournament they've been they were
18306s extremely convincing in the winners
18308s bracket until they came down and joined
18309s us here in the losers
18310s and even losers they've been still
18312s pretty strong yeah just a really great
18315s run from them and top eight nothing to
18317s sneeze at obviously odens call going
18319s into that top six as they clean up these
18321s bombers the Hound goes down and purifier
18323s as well uh they're going to make this a
18325s perfect Victory I'd have to imagine
18326s unless this mal addiction ends up
18327s falling uh but uh Odin's call uh right
18331s back where they want to be uh really
18333s really strong showing this tournament
18335s after some lower placements and previous
18337s ones so uh really excited to see what
18339s they bring out in the top six matches
18341s they will be playing later today uh once
18344s again at the end of the day we will have
18346s our top four so uh we will look forward
18348s to those matches deteriorated though uh
18351s still this purifier and celestus not
18352s really tackled down but they're going to
18354s get some damage from these rapid Heavies
18355s anyway exactly this is the this is the
18357s part of the game where you just cut it
18359s out enjoy the arena got uh some
18361s beautiful effects some sort of Aurora
18363s going on in the in the background I'm
18365s personally hoping that there will be
18366s Aurora going on in real life tonight uh
18369s the the oval is looking really good
18371s there's gaps in the clouds it wasn't out
18373s there when I looked like 5 minutes ago
18375s but fingers crossed fingers crossed for
18377s the Aurora spotting as we are here in
18379s ccp's offices in Iceland uh in recc and
18383s the celestus now going down tackled up
18385s by Odin's skull and with that we're
18388s going to take a quick break as soon as
18390s the celestus Falls when we return the
18393s desk will break this match down and then
18396s we will see you right after this
18427s Odin rang this time and they were there
18429s to answer the call because that was a
18432s pretty commanding Victory there
18433s deteriorated unfortunately will be
18435s leaving Alliance tournament 20 but they
18437s made top eight which is pretty good um
18439s chips yeah they get a whole bunch of
18440s chips uh but that was um an interesting
18444s sort of almost like King Slayer into
18446s King Slayer style comp but we had uh a
18448s couple of interesting differences
18450s between the two sides the first thing I
18452s want to talk about Wingnut H is the uh
18454s deteriorated side they went with only
18456s one command Destroyer they only had a
18458s pontif effect and have a magus um this
18460s is considered an important ship in what
18463s lot of these comps because it brings the
18464s Skirmish links why is that so important
18468s it's I'm not the one to talk about links
18470s but I will say there's a reason every
18472s team brings both that is a significant I
18475s call faux to not bring the entire Suite
18479s so the fact that they didn't it's like
18480s okay what were they going to do for that
18481s and the answer is they did nothing they
18482s just died yeah I mean the scrim things
18484s are super important because obviously uh
18486s they they do things for like reducing
18488s your signature radius which against I
18490s type comp with like heavy missiles or
18492s rapid uh missiles that's important it
18494s means you die less um C be Yen bit of a
18497s misplay like they maybe brought thought
18499s they could bring the celestus instead
18500s yeah I mean I I kind like I like the
18502s celestus I like I like those those damp
18504s picks uh we talked about damps earlier
18506s about how strong they are but
18508s sacrificing your Skirmish links
18510s especially into rapid Heavies seems like
18511s such an odd move um you're the the
18514s reason why that's so important is
18515s because the rapid heavy uh or the rather
18518s the Skirmish links also give give you um
18521s Sig reduction which especially into
18523s rapid Heavies is a huge deal that's so
18526s much damage mitigation for your low end
18528s that you just lose uh and on top of that
18531s you also lose uh e one of either the um
18535s the uh interdiction Maneuvers for range
18538s on those scrams uh or you lose the
18541s agility uh um link as well which is very
18545s important when you're trying to go fast
18547s especially in tend log fraks exactly so
18549s so without those you're at a pretty
18552s significant disadvantage basically from
18554s the jump I don't know if if the link
18556s itself like I feel like there is a
18557s universe that exists where you can be in
18559s a situation where you can have no links
18563s or have not you can be missing your
18565s Skirmish links and still outplay the
18566s other team but you are you so far back
18569s from the start that's a hard thing to do
18571s yeah and I also want to talk a little
18572s bit about um the the sort of execution
18574s methodology of the two teams and we saw
18576s that kind of different there so both
18577s teams brought very similar comps with
18579s the same kind of like the way you
18581s execute those those comps um and one
18584s team uh deteriorated they came in and as
18586s soon as the match started they basically
18587s started firing they just started
18588s blasting like immediately uh meanwhile
18590s we saw Odin uh hold their volleys
18593s basically they just sat there held them
18594s did not fire for a while you saw them
18596s kind of positioning jockeying for
18598s position as some would say and getting
18599s ready until it was optimal so by the
18602s time they actually started firing things
18603s were moving slow things were tackled
18605s things were at the perfect range and
18606s then bang suddenly all the damage was
18608s applied at the same time that's just
18609s basically to do with like experience I
18612s guess we'll say like that Odin SCS is an
18614s experienced team they've had a couple of
18616s like little oopsy daisies uh this
18617s tournament so far but you know they are
18620s by no means a a weak team they're
18622s they're definitely going to have an
18624s opportunity to go far and there's a few
18625s ways that could have been had their
18626s triple King Slayer comp be potentially
18628s nuted at the start if they tried to
18629s shoot too early the celestes could have
18630s damped one of them out they could have
18632s um they could have not fired the right
18635s stuff they could also Ned out the uh
18636s logy FRS at the start and waited for
18638s that right moment like hey he's at zero
18639s C hit there's a lot of different ways
18641s they could have made that work and they
18643s did which is perfect that's that's how
18644s you do it you don't just fire missiles
18646s out of willy-nilly which the other team
18647s did a lot of they even brought twin
18648s bomber to do that even more y I mean
18650s when we talk about things like um uh
18652s rapid heavy comps uh same with rapid
18654s light comps uh we talk about clips and
18656s clipping you hear this a lot from the
18658s casters you hear it from the analysts
18659s essentially what we mean is that when
18661s you have a uh rapid Heavies or rapid
18663s lights you fire a whole bunch of damage
18665s you do tons and tons of damage and then
18667s there's like a 35 second reload window
18670s it feels like an eternity Alliance tour
18672s match it is trust me it's a very long
18673s time so um you want to make sure that
18676s your battleships don't get out of syn
18677s especially if the other team has
18679s Logistics because of course they can rep
18681s it up and so if only one is firing at
18683s any one time because you're out of sync
18685s then it's an easy game for the logistics
18687s pilot on the other side he just sits
18688s there and Reps so you want to make sure
18690s that uh you hold you ready and the other
18692s problem with uh rapid Heavies and Rapid
18694s lights is when they do clip when they
18696s run out of missiles if the thing you
18698s chose to shoot hasn't died there's now
18701s 35 seconds where the logistics uh is
18704s able to just WRA it back up again and if
18706s you have a situation where let's say
18708s you're shooting an armor ship you get it
18709s down into like you know 10% armor and
18712s then you clip and then by the time you
18713s shoot again it's back at 100% armor
18715s you're aren't going to kill him you need
18716s to you need to change your tactics you
18718s need to go kill the logistics you need
18720s to like new to that you need to do
18721s something otherwise you are basically
18723s just helpess yeah I mean it's it feels
18725s like an obvious thing to say but you
18726s only ever have as much DPS as you have
18728s firing at any given point in time right
18730s to the point that you made if you have
18732s two ships that can that have a big break
18734s of time in between when they can reload
18737s then if one of them is firing and the
18739s other one fires in that second block of
18741s time you now effectively have half as
18743s much potential DPS for a period of time
18745s as you would have otherwise right uh now
18747s that being said we did see deteriorated
18749s bringing out what I I like winget's way
18751s of phrasing it earlier the uh King
18753s Slayer plus they did have two extra
18755s bombers at the back they had a hound and
18758s a purifier yeah yeah uh which is just a
18762s little bit of extra DPS that can help
18764s you fill in those gaps but if you're not
18766s ready for you know volleys you're not
18768s ready for Clips then it really doesn't
18770s matter if you have that extra DPS you're
18772s still not going to be push you're you're
18774s still not going to be able to push
18775s through battle ships yeah I feel like
18776s bombers are one of those ships that can
18779s be incredibly valuable in tournaments
18781s they're not very expensive uh points
18783s wise and they do a ton of DPS especially
18785s against a battleship heavy comp however
18787s if you come in and the opponents are
18789s bringing all the Cruisers and battle
18790s Cruisers so those bombers can sometimes
18792s struggle a little bit but traditionally
18794s it was like you saw double bombers in
18795s every comp and then all a su people
18795s start bringing ripples just going
18797s hunting bombers constantly so it was for
18798s a while it started being that bombers
18800s started Vanishing for a while and people
18802s stop started bringing like ooad stuff
18803s like that heavy battle cruiser comp
18805s which like bombers do okay with but
18807s they're not perfect against that Jack
18808s does too exactly yeah so for a while the
18810s bombers did kind of die off but it's
18812s good to see them come back especially in
18813s these new king Slayer versions awesome I
18816s see a couple of graphs we can use uh one
18818s of them rather interesting so the
18819s practice is seeing a little bit of a
18821s shall we say Resurgence is quite a graph
18824s in Alliance tournament we seeing a lot
18825s more practice we even saw practice ban
18827s just before and look at this look at
18828s that number I mean wow CCB why didn't
18832s anyone bring a practice in Alliance
18833s tournament 7 I'm going to tell I'm going
18836s to tell you there uh uh uh CP overload
18840s didn't exist yep all do it for you yeah
18843s like a free ban it is basically a free
18845s ban and was free ban for years
18846s afterwards as it turns out uh then L
18849s tournament 16 suddenly it was the the
18851s year of the practice I think it was uh
18852s down pointed that year for some reason
18854s or another or it was just particularly
18855s cheap what I really like about this
18856s graph is it it shows the process of
18860s human innovation in real time what you
18862s see here is a learning experience put on
18865s paper you see the year where everyone's
18867s like you know what hey new toy new toy
18868s new Praxis that's a new toy that's a
18870s cool thing and the next year everyone's
18872s like God the prais no it sucks why do we
18875s bring this I can actually share some fun
18877s thing about the prce so it came out um
18879s around the L T 16 we had uh a really
18882s cool intro video uh just before the show
18884s started it had like all these ships
18885s flying around and stuff and we had a
18887s couple of versions of this uh intro
18888s video made and it was only right before
18891s uh we were pretty much ready to go and
18893s start the actual tournament itself that
18894s somebody noticed that in that video the
18896s practice was flying backwards yeah yeah
18899s because the model looks like it should
18900s fly one way it feel flies the other I'm
18902s very proud of the first time I flew
18904s practice when they first came out I was
18905s like I'm not going to fly a regular fit
18906s I'm going to fly a 2400 DPS polarized
18909s torpedo yep all right let's go back to
18911s looking at matches cuz this next one
18913s coming up honestly big one going big one
18916s so Platinum sensitivity versus truth
18918s honor light so uh we are back up in the
18920s winners bracket right now are we in
18921s winnner semis yet or is this
18922s quarterfinals uh this is quarters I
18924s think but I don't really understand
18926s these things so I could be wrong um but
18928s we are here so pensivity versus truth or
18930s a light not elimin elimination match
18933s this is still the upper bracket so let's
18935s take a look at the bans for these two
18936s teams Plum sensitivity Banning out the
18938s Sentinel the arbit tror the lisus and
18940s the arazu interesting choice there with
18942s the arazu under if they know something
18944s that we don't truth on a light Banning
18946s out the curse the jack do we saw that
18948s before the Loki and the EOS when not
18950s cross your thoughts on these bands here
18952s the Sentinel arbitrator is exactly what
18953s we're expecting to see it's almost like
18955s this point you can ban those and not
18956s tell anyone what you're bringing like
18958s the arazu one did you mention that's a
18961s that's a eye raising one like huh so I
18962s know in the last round um truth on light
18964s had alus with just rexus SCS he pretty
18969s sure boundar as well uh which there's an
18971s Oopsy Daisy for you but they still won
18973s uh they still won that match gam play
18975s gamer play yeah didn't need that Lis
18977s anyway um so I suspect Platinum
18979s sensitivity uh don't want to be scrammed
18982s off into different pockets of uh of the
18984s arena with those two ships there so it
18986s says to me perhaps they're thinking of
18988s something more more rushy where they
18989s want to get in on top of them and they
18990s don't want to be strung out across the
18992s arena what do you think about that c
18994s Buon yeah I mean the especially for for
18997s truth honor like the the um what what
19000s we're what you can expect from these B I
19003s know just a minute ago I said ah bands
19004s are useless and I don't give a [ __ ]
19006s about bands that's still true uh but at
19009s the same time generally speaking teams
19012s like truth onl TR teams like Platinum
19014s sensitivity teams with the you know long
19015s histories have been doing this for a
19017s long time still have a reason for doing
19018s these things while I have questioned the
19020s logic of certain bands in the past it in
19022s perhaps the distant past some might say
19024s as of you know 10 minutes ago uh it it
19027s is still you can you can still sort of
19029s expect there is a there's an underlying
19031s logic between these they're they're
19032s trying to subtly push comps one way or
19034s another knowing that there are still
19036s replacements for those ships um that you
19039s know they could fit if they needed to if
19041s they if they wanted to adjust one way or
19042s the other uh but you know these these it
19045s all makes sense once you see things on
19048s grid but from from you know a purely
19050s speculative point of view up here a lot
19051s of times it's hard to say okay so I
19053s think we should go to the arena for this
19055s one pretty soon because this is going to
19056s be a really hype match this is probably
19057s going to be one of the best matches that
19059s we see here today I think is two
19061s incredibly experienced and talented
19062s teams with some amazing theat crafters
19064s and amazing Pilots um I'm looking
19066s forward to this one so let's hand it
19067s straight over to the arena for this
19071s match hello and welcome back to the
19073s arena I Ali Aris here with feina for
19076s truth honor light versus platinum
19078s sensitivity uh Platinum sensitivity have
19080s shown up with gun Rush at comp we
19081s haven't seen much this tournament but we
19083s are about to see them try to run in and
19085s deploy uh hail right into the enemy Hole
19088s uh fear what have truth light brought
19089s they have brought Shield medium gun spam
19091s but they've got a lot of Rd so might
19093s call it a fly Killer maybe uh for an
19098s age-old uh comp of your but either way
19102s uh it is minitar Rush and it is a very
19105s fast rush because they've also got cnal
19107s uh which have uh lower relative points
19110s than your typical pirate battle Cruisers
19112s or pirate Cruisers excuse me so Platinum
19115s sensitivity they're going to try to make
19116s the rushi rush that has ever rushed in a
19119s onor light and uh they have no longrange
19122s tackle once again but uh much like we
19124s saw earlier today not necessary uh
19127s perhaps if you can get the right targets
19128s at the right time with these two spit BS
19130s I will say truth on our light they've
19132s shown up with a fairly large amount of
19134s control they have a kitsun for jams they
19136s have a crucifier for tracking disruption
19137s they have a mollus and a celestus I'm a
19140s little bit concerned because that mollus
19141s and celestus uh maybe will prevent the
19144s like logy fgets from doing much depends
19146s on what the link situation is like on
19148s the the Platinum s team but uh damping
19151s someone off of you doesn't really work
19153s when they're like right next to you and
19155s uh as a reminder this is the upper
19156s bracket this is upper bracket semifinals
19159s the winner becomes a top three team and
19161s the loser still top six has to play
19164s their way up one more time today and we
19166s see the track disruption immediately
19168s onto these three sers uh web onto Nicks
19171s wiro and the sler as well as this Rush
19172s keeps going in na is seeing the cineol
19175s very very fast and trying to get on top
19177s of one of these uh ships from truth
19179s honor light no tackle has landed quite
19181s yet though no what we see right now is
19183s truth honor light they're they're
19184s rushing in and of course uh or sorry
19186s truth light are kiting my apologies uh
19189s blue side is kiting red side is rushing
19191s in Platinum sensitivity and uh looks
19193s like damage is going on to that cinal
19194s that cinal is in very low Shield very
19196s very low shield and has dual scalpel but
19199s they're damped out and uh everybody's
19201s jammed so Platinum stivy lose the Cal
19203s and these jams have actually been
19205s absolutely massive because we saw the
19206s Cal burn in but he didn't actually
19209s tackle anything because he was jammed
19211s out so even though Platinum sensitivity
19213s is uh on paper a little bit faster than
19215s these truth honor light ships uh right
19217s with these dual CS these uh SPI they
19219s just haven't been able to do anything
19221s they track and disrupted we still have
19223s seen zero tackle land on a truth onor
19225s light this entire time and these jams
19227s just keep on hitting onto this Platinum
19229s sensitivity high end yeah we can see
19231s some drones are chasing the uh truth on
19233s her light hyena around but of course
19235s hyena is a speedy boy hyena is managing
19237s to survive meanwhile fipple just just
19239s boom that's the power of these uh ships
19242s they can uh artillery ships they can
19244s just volley you off the field yeah and
19246s uh I mean this is kind of how you want
19248s to see this match run if you're truth
19251s onor light right you you take out the
19252s cable that was charging you you take out
19254s the fipple that was charging you now you
19255s take out the other cineol that's
19257s charging you once again still no tackle
19259s has landed onto this truth wer light
19261s Squad whatsoever these jams these damps
19263s doing everything that they need to and
19266s so Platinum sensitivity they're losing
19268s this cineol now they keep on losing the
19270s DPS the slep are just continually
19272s tracking disrupted and Truth on light
19274s are doing what we expected evasive
19276s maneuvering to do in the match earlier
19277s today yeah truth on or late uh I was I
19280s was wrong about these damps I'm just
19281s going to straight up admit it uh the
19283s damps are actually doing an amazing
19284s thing to Logistics frigs I'm sort of
19286s following one of these Logistics frots
19287s around and basically what truth on our
19290s light are doing is every time one ship
19292s gets too far away from the logistic ship
19294s forgets which you they have short range
19296s and now they have even shorter range
19297s it's somewhere between 20 and 30 km
19299s probably whenever one of these ships
19300s like the stabber that was just getting
19302s shot gets way out far out in front TR on
19304s light will switch to it and they will
19306s start blowing it up and then uh oh oh
19309s bye fipple yep and and then the stabber
19311s will come back for reps or the the
19312s scalpel will catch up and then some
19314s other ship will get too far apart and
19316s truth and a light meanwhile they're just
19318s kiting they're just continually kiting
19320s and you know cable fast ship swipp Fast
19323s Trip stabber fast CHP does not matter
19326s Tru th light also pretty fast in their
19328s Fleet hurricanes getting that Skirmish
19330s links from the the slepnir as well and
19332s uh the hyena obviously giving those
19334s bonus paints to those guns that truth
19337s Hunter light have brought they're onto
19338s the cineol now shitake LC has been in
19341s and out of rep range for a little bit
19343s longer we see the dams once again on the
19344s scalp Cal still receiving reps but
19346s they've moved onto the stabber again
19348s exactly as soon as one ship gets reps as
19350s soon as one ship gets in range they
19353s switch immediately and this is why true
19355s thunder light is a top team like both of
19356s these are very good teams both of these
19357s are top teams but this
19359s uh very fast very decisive Target
19362s swapping is what's winning them this
19363s match here yeah really really nice
19366s Target swapping and once again uh this
19368s kitson uh absolutely massive for truth
19370s hun light this crucifier and the smalls
19372s also doing everything that they needed
19374s to do uh the mallus uh obviously getting
19376s these damps on the scalpel I mean uh
19378s truth Hunter light is just a well-oiled
19380s machine they have been for a very long
19382s time and every single pilot is pulling
19383s their weight in every single one of
19385s these ships uh really Platinum
19387s sensitivity they have stood zero chance
19389s against truth honor light this entire
19391s time this hyena keeps webing up these
19393s slep keeping them at Bay keeping them
19395s away from the truth honor light uh DPS
19397s core and while they're tracking
19399s disrupted and while they're damped out
19400s they can't actually hit anything so long
19402s as this hyena keeps the screen going and
19404s now that now that most of that DPS has
19407s been cleared out especially some of that
19408s fast stuff like the the Spees one of the
19411s uh one of the sbls it's time to go on to
19413s the scalpel so one scalpel removed uh
19415s the other scalpel night cap uh probably
19417s soon to follow brain straw actually got
19419s webbed so so senstivity has tackled and
19422s immediately got jammed off so uh brain
19424s straw no longer tackled uh truth hter
19426s light just uh absolute master class in
19430s uh what is I I hesitate to call it a
19432s shield medium gun spam even because it
19434s has so much control on the low end we
19436s think of medium gun spam as this uh
19438s archetype where you have eight gunships
19440s or seven gunships uh this particular
19443s comp they only brought four but those
19445s four ships have the strong volley and
19446s the rest of their comp has brought so
19448s much control the celestus the smallest
19450s the kitson this crucifier have kept
19451s Platinum sensitivity down and completely
19454s out for the punch I have not seen a
19456s victory this clinical in a very long
19458s time what yeah this isn't even like a
19460s shield medium it's sort of you I
19462s mentioned fly killer a little bit it's
19463s not you know fly killer usually had a
19465s whole like you have your art ship sure
19467s but then you have some other ships that
19469s let you just kill the opponent's low end
19471s like right out of the gate this is
19472s honestly like a Missle kite except we
19473s replaced our heavy missile ships with
19476s some artillery ships and it's working
19478s great uh brain straw tackled again uh
19481s scrammed webbed and you might start
19484s taking damage but it's three SN against
19486s one I mean look at the damps once again
19488s look at these jams uh just trying to get
19491s the the jam off onto these tackle ships
19493s now he's scrammed as well so brain straw
19496s finally under the brunt of all of these
19498s [ __ ] but truth Hunter light has taken
19500s out the entire low end of platinum
19502s sensitivity they've only got these s n
19504s and their N9 XL ASB charges a piece uh
19506s to keep them alive and while TR TR on
19509s her light uh their attack bar is about
19510s even between these two uh the control
19512s bar is still absolutely massive nearly
19514s goes all the way to the end of the
19515s screen for truth on her light and uh
19518s even though this uh XL ASB charges from
19521s Mark Bridges will keep them alive for a
19522s little bit longer so will it for brain
19524s straw exactly exactly so Mark Bridges is
19529s Mark Bridges is probably going to doubt
19530s brain straw honestly could go down here
19531s three slep is quite a lot of damage and
19534s they're all sort of right up against
19536s each other so those tracking disruptors
19537s the damps not as effective as anym the
19539s jams might be but Mark bridg is going
19541s down brain straw still surviving brain
19543s straw still has the benefit of logistics
19546s that in that Osprey that's just able to
19548s comfortably rep no no dams no nothing
19552s yeah Lucas Quan keeping the SLP there up
19554s only only target you have to rep the
19556s entire time uh I would say it's an easy
19558s uh easy ly match but I know from your
19561s experience it's anything but uh just
19563s staying at the right distance staying uh
19566s at the right place uh to keep Platinum
19569s sensitivity from really having a single
19571s chance on any of these truth honor light
19573s ships Platinum sensitivity though
19574s they'll drop down to the lower bracket
19576s they're still top six they have one more
19577s match left to play today when they do
19580s play that match if they win their top
19581s four and we'll see them tomorrow if they
19582s lose they're out in top six truth honor
19584s light though securing their spot in the
19586s top three uh going to see them at the
19588s beginning of tomorrow in those winter
19589s brackets finals and uh just absolutely
19592s clinical destruction of this Platinum
19594s sensitivity Shield Rush indeed and uh
19596s Platinum sensitivity will be playing
19597s Odin's call
19599s next up so so it'll be interesting by
19602s next up I mean in like three matches
19604s yeah yeah so truth honor light obviously
19607s tournament favorites going into this one
19608s they're doing everything that's been
19610s expected of them but uh you know it
19612s really kind of shows the gap between
19614s teams that we expect in this kind of top
19616s eight to top six uh range like Platinum
19619s sensitivity and the true upper echelons
19622s of uh the at right truth honor light has
19625s such a storyed history as so many at
19627s victories uh as various variations of
19630s Hydra so truth honor light this time
19633s around looking to get their second at
19635s Victory under this banner and uh with
19637s this slep near now going down uh they
19640s have at least secured their way into top
19641s three and they'll face the winner of the
19644s next match which is going to be barcode
19646s versus tuskers indeed and uh one one
19648s last comment you know we talk sometimes
19650s about if you're a new player a new team
19652s you want to get in you want to copy
19653s comps you can't just copy paste this
19654s comp because unfortunately you can't
19656s just copy paste the piloting skill of
19658s every single person
19659s on the THL team and with that we'll send
19661s it to a break and then back to the
19678s desk the indestructible Mark bridges
19681s that has been proven to be false he is
19683s in fact destructible as Platinum
19685s sensitivity get I mean I don't think
19687s there's any other words to say it just
19689s dominated by truth honor like that was
19691s one of the more painful matches to watch
19693s I could see them just chasing around
19696s truth on the light just going in circles
19697s around the arena and I know I'd like to
19699s see the fit of that kit soon I kind of
19701s think that that was just all stacked red
19703s gems I think Platinum sensitivity got a
19706s giga PL right there yeah well I also
19709s think the hugging uh was it that damp
19712s sorry sest didn't they have the stist
19714s had lots of TDS as well so I think
19716s that's I think it was just uh
19719s outp picked out banned out executed uh
19722s honestly feels like um one of the more
19725s dominating matches of the last couple of
19726s years uh which is kind of surprising
19728s against a team with the strength of
19730s platum sensitivity like I'm not trying
19732s to say that this was an easy win for uh
19734s truth on a light just to be clear they
19736s all flew exceptional in that match like
19739s this is a really experienced team uh
19741s shout out to the hyena pilot from truth
19744s on the light he was just like looking at
19746s things approaching his team and then
19747s clicking his webs and like you shall not
19749s approach you shall not approach you
19751s shall not approach and just kept them
19752s all apart it's super hard cuz at the
19754s start we saw all the cable's
19757s everything's going in and the hind part
19758s has to kind of Juggle between the two
19761s but I do think well the kit you
19762s mentioned it as well during the match
19764s yeah red jams I think yeah yeah I I I
19768s don't really know what else like Bart
19770s yes use your wrinkly analyst brain what
19772s Plum Platinum sensitivity do differently
19775s and to do anything better in that match
19777s they don't so the so the only thing I
19779s could think of
19781s um if you maybe cuz I bet you that they
19785s did not have infol links because they
19787s ran with triple sner yeah which means
19789s they probably so mimar ships are
19791s relatively low sensor strength kind of
19793s getting the nitty-gritty of this and the
19794s thing that we saw that prevented uh
19797s Platinum sensitivity from getting any
19798s kills was 100% the jams like the hyena
19800s pilot great job fantastic but they
19803s actually got tackle on a brain straw
19805s multiple times because uh I don't know
19807s why brain straw I maybe go a little
19809s faster next time but they did tackle
19811s brain straw like at least four or five
19812s times and every time like as they're
19814s going up to brainy they get jammed off
19817s and so I think that like maybe if you
19818s had info links you could have survived
19820s um it's like I said it's possible either
19822s the kit scene was like all red jams or
19824s got the luckiest dice rolls ever of all
19828s time uh yeah no I don't I don't know
19830s like this is the problem you know we
19831s talked about it earlier if you are if
19834s you have a comp and you can't beat
19835s Shield rest with it don't fly it yep
19838s that was clearly like the most practic
19840s like okay well we know exactly what to
19842s do as soon as they land through th
19843s lights like yeah okay well we know how
19846s to beat this they just flew in a big
19847s circle and I mean that's yeah again just
19850s sharting out like the the piloting
19852s quality on truth on light we know it's
19854s exceptional um but I would recommend you
19856s know go back watch that match again and
19858s just watch all the individual things
19859s that each of those uh people on that
19861s team are doing I would love to hear a
19862s recording uh from their side of that
19864s particular match I I bet you there was a
19865s lot of chats a lot of going back and
19867s forth people calling jams people calling
19868s webs calling positions like 100% this is
19871s why they are so successful because they
19873s are just that good they are very very
19875s good um but I want to shout out nith in
19877s that um uh hyena so let's see if we can
19879s get a little player chart up about him
19882s uh and see if we can't take a look I'm
19884s not sure if we have it available I can
19885s see it on my screen um but I can see it
19888s on your screen I'll describe it it's a
19890s graph um featuring nith hinkin uh he
19893s flies in truth on the light and has done
19895s for the last four L tournaments um he
19897s tends to fly the smaller support ships I
19900s see a lot in the Sentinel the hyena the
19902s carries couple MERS and he has flown the
19904s barg a couple of times as well but he
19905s mainly flies those those support ships
19907s there we go so you can see it there and
19909s look at that that win loss record 21
19911s wins to five losses and more often than
19913s not he does survive as well so this is
19915s um a very experienced pilot and
19918s sometimes these people flying these
19920s smaller ships like the hyena you really
19922s have to be you know a double clicking
19924s space gamer to do a lot of this stuff
19926s you have to be really aware of what's
19927s going on you're you you looking at who's
19929s approaching who's got velocity who's
19930s getting near your teammates well also I
19933s mean you're playing against things like
19934s slep nears and stuff if you make a
19935s mistake and get a little bit too close
19936s at the wrong time I gets deleted you
19939s know so that's that's some high skill
19940s High APM gaming right there from from
19942s nith and yeah again recommend go through
19945s watch that match back um it was
19947s excruciating to watch it um just because
19950s it was so dominant but not not
19952s undeserved it was probably it was
19954s probably horrible to play against too I
19955s imagine that was inred like they're just
19957s like ah my ship should be faster you
19960s know yeah I was thinking about it like I
19962s think the only thing that they could
19963s have maybe done and this probably
19964s wouldn't have done anything is like get
19966s a perfect mjd on top of the kid soon and
19968s then like take it out with barrage and
19971s if you don't I mean come on like that's
19972s not going to happen we have to get CU
19974s they're going to get damped so I mean
19976s Platinum stivity they're not out uh that
19979s was the Winner's bracket so they will
19980s drop down
19984s into like wait a second and then we've
19987s got we've got we've got different wrink
19988s bra analyst and tournament host that's
19991s me that is you that is me oh my gosh
19993s yeah that's also you that is also me
19996s yeah yeah um so that was uh as I
19998s mentioned um not an elimination match
20001s Platinum sensitivity um will be back um
20004s in the the lower bracket so they've they
20006s they got a lot of spare time because
20007s they've just been like knocked down
20008s today teams that got knocked down in the
20011s weekend one have had to play a lot more
20012s matches to get to where they are now um
20014s like there's still a lot to play for
20016s there's still a lot of ships on the line
20017s like these teams are B to like top six
20018s at this point um so they are getting a
20020s lot of ships a lot of prizes uh so I
20022s expect to see Platinum sensitivity come
20024s back let's actually take a quick check
20025s at who they're playing next because I
20026s think it will be interesting yeah
20027s they're going to play Odin's call uh so
20029s that should be an interesting match OD
20031s call it's the second last match so we
20033s say they don't get a lot of time they
20035s get like 30 minutes they get 30 minutes
20036s so they just the opposite of a lot I me
20038s like forward now now they don't have
20040s time now they have no time now they're
20042s they're in panic mode so truth on the
20044s light for example they can put the feet
20045s up they can go home they not need it
20047s until tomorrow now uh because they won
20048s that match but uh Platinum sensitivity
20050s they lost which means they now have to
20052s come back and do it again and they could
20054s play th tomorrow they could we've seen
20056s that before we've seen it before that's
20058s they go all the way through the losers
20059s they play them again but the best off I
20060s believe yes we best off at that point
20062s all right let's look at the bands for
20063s this next match which is again still in
20065s the winners bracket it is the tuskers co
20067s versus barcode so again another two
20069s really experienced teams uh do we have
20072s the bands if I just say bands until they
20075s appear bands hello there we go Works
20080s a yeah okay so the tuskers co Banning
20083s out the zaras the Loki the EOS and the
20085s pilgrim meanwhile uh looks like barod
20087s Banning out the curse the arbitrator The
20088s Sentinel and the crucifier so a lot of
20091s tracking disruption and G destruction is
20093s Off the Grid I think that's all of them
20095s I think that's all of them every time we
20097s say that there's always one we forget
20098s about but what about I know I think
20100s that's actually all of them that is all
20101s of them yeah bco just saying no to any
20105s and the ters saying they're probably
20106s going to say no to all of them we'll do
20107s the for them yeah literally yeah so SAR
20110s what do you make of these bands here I
20112s think well if this again this is
20114s consistent across all a lot of the teams
20116s everyone's just getting rid of a lot of
20118s T TDS and stuff and GDs because they
20120s want to maybe project and everything and
20122s both these teams super seasoned tusker's
20125s known for flying weird stuff we've seen
20127s it today and barod really competent so
20131s maybe ra spam maybe some maybe some
20134s rushing or maybe some other games yeah I
20138s feel like whenever like two really top
20139s tier team play each other it's either
20142s both of them bring something cheesy like
20144s rush or both of them bring like their
20146s Flagship like heavy armor coms like I
20148s feel like that's the norm you know
20149s what's crazy about this tuskers has
20151s flown something different every single
20152s time they have they have a
20156s wheel got the wheel is the wheel of
20158s Destiny like usually you don't do that
20161s you don't spins the wheels like okay
20163s we're bringing a proteus that's to that
20166s so we know the last the comp's banned
20169s out but yeah I mean I mean just CU I
20173s mean yeah they could just do anything
20175s and that's the thing though you're right
20176s they they have they've been different
20178s comps every match so if you come up
20180s against them you're kind of
20181s like what they going to do I have twitch
20184s chat points out not all tracking
20186s disruptors crucifier Navy has bonus for
20187s disruptors always there always one more
20190s crucifier nav we have twitch yes exactly
20192s that's L to basan of knowledge um and
20196s the moment they're basically spamming
20197s loads
20198s you just wanted to say that you waiting
20200s for the opportunity you're sitting there
20201s like all right I can fit it in somehow
20204s I'm sure you can oh no C somewhere he
20207s got his hands in his face um all right
20210s let's let's save him in the trouble
20211s let's send it over to the arena for the
20213s Tusk SCH versus
20216s barcode hello I am moderator joined by
20219s Wing sorry wing nut cross sorry he's on
20221s the desk or was I'm joined by fear Vina
20224s and I am praying that I am not about to
20226s be handed a fat L I am watching the most
20228s mirie brained comp ever with not one but
20232s two or three potatoes uh I don't think
20235s he's Irish uh but you wouldn't know um
20239s this is looks like to be a heavy missile
20243s comp from barode going up against what
20245s appears to be a bit of a tinker Dy setup
20248s uh we assume Tinker uh there are no guns
20250s on any of these Domin xes which means
20252s that they will have heavy NES but if
20254s they choose to do something along the
20255s lines of the Tinker setup they will have
20258s uh one remote cap transfer which is the
20261s maximum allowance for any of these
20263s ships that said I mean tuskers this is
20266s such a interesting comp uh you know
20269s we've seen a lot of drones this
20270s tournament and a lot of drones this
20272s tournament uh the attack bar looks
20274s pretty anemic now but once these Dominic
20276s drops either centuries or Heavies that
20278s attack bar is going to get much much
20279s bigger and barcode HML kite we see if
20282s this tangu has jams on it but
20284s unfortunately for them a jamu doesn't do
20286s a whole lot Against drones uh looking at
20288s the sub systems those appear to be jams
20292s for me okay uh I hoping I'm not
20295s completely washed as a barcode member
20297s there is good reason that I am not
20298s flying this match and uh joining you on
20301s the desk um so critically here um
20304s tuskers if you're dropping centes right
20306s you try to kill like the vigil the
20308s Squall kind of work your way up and then
20310s once you do that um deal with the the
20313s singular um scalpel and kind of work
20316s your way through the core here
20318s um if you're barcode something you can
20320s actually do and we've seen done is you
20322s just kill all the Dominic drones and
20324s then once they're out of drones there's
20326s no damage this tusker's bar it's all
20328s control there's like no damage
20330s whatsoever on anything I mean uh well
20332s now you see the attack bar is starting
20333s to get wider and wider and wider and
20336s wider and look at all these drones that
20338s are dropped now I I wonder what happens
20341s there uh barod now trying to primary
20343s this ashm getting the bonus Pains of
20345s this vigil on top uh but they're getting
20348s Inquisitor reps on top of that Ash for
20349s the time being barode uh trying to play
20352s at a distance here some might say spooky
20354s action at a distance uh for an older
20356s meme but uh still they're burning around
20359s these Dominic's to try to get on top of
20361s the backline of tuskers yeah I really do
20363s actually like that call so so far we see
20365s that the orthoses are getting hit with
20366s some of that Sentry damage and this is
20368s actually interestingly enough a single
20370s scalpel comp and uh the isimu is just
20372s getting pelted by heavy missile damage
20374s and two inquisitors yes they do rep
20376s things uh but it turns out that you
20379s don't hold up against everything and the
20381s fleet Cyclone is caught what is the
20383s fleet Cyclone caught by looking at it it
20386s appears to
20387s be
20389s um I'm not entirely sure uh the or the
20393s Dominic now it was a vexor it was a
20395s vexer and then well now the uh tangu is
20398s weed as well Fleet Cyclone trying to get
20400s some of those reps right now but vak
20401s kinger already in the half armor trading
20404s for the vexer that's actually exactly
20406s what the tuskers want to do you see
20407s their attack bar the red portion is
20409s applying absolutely beautifully to The
20411s Spar code Squad Fleet Cyclone vak
20413s kellinger now in very low structure
20417s about to die this Ashu stays alive even
20419s though the vexer goes down and tusers
20421s are off to an early lead yeah uh hate to
20424s see it if you're me so the tank the the
20426s tangu was caught he did slip that so the
20429s fleet Cyclone uh trades out for the
20431s vexor the shim's probably going to drop
20433s but like that was a uh one-way uh trip
20435s for that um that composition but ically
20438s now that barcodes lost that Fleet cycle
20440s that's actually an appreciable amount of
20441s their damage it appears now that the
20443s target is going to be the Inquisitor and
20445s the Bell Co here is doing absolute work
20447s right and um The Inquisitor is probably
20451s going to pop I see an Angry Cloud of
20452s drones NW that Nighthawk oh no that
20456s Nighthawk has got Ned off and that is oh
20459s no that is not what you want to have
20461s happen if you're a Nighthawk um that's
20463s getting completely CA dry by The
20465s Dominics of Mir and V and once the
20468s Nighthawk drops that's a lot of damage
20471s like that is a lot of damage it is
20472s kinetic locked but unfortunately that
20475s doesn't really matter a whole lot when
20477s it's and the or of Sid the Kid is also
20479s getting nuded God I hope tsers is not
20482s about to send me right down to the lower
20484s bracket uh Misty get the L please get
20487s the L please yeah so I'm hoping that
20489s they can come off this rapid uh heavy um
20492s you know damage in order to try to break
20494s the inquisitors because if they don't
20496s really um going is just falling super
20499s fast yeah one scalpel to rep it this is
20501s a one scalpel comp it's not a dual logy
20504s um one scalpel can actually work against
20505s it's kind of a Lodi but like you're not
20508s going to keep up uh against you know
20511s three domies worth of damage so
20512s something that we're seeing actually
20513s from barcode and I want to say this uh
20516s they are doing this correctly is they're
20518s actually sicking a lot of their drones
20519s onto these sentries and trying to get
20521s rid of tusker's damage at the source uh
20524s unfortunately for them uh they are being
20526s tracked very well by these Sentry drones
20529s right now and it's just not working out
20531s for them at all I mean this going down
20534s out as well these NES these NES this
20536s vexer Davy issue this vexer these
20539s Dominic is uh just absolutely
20541s demolishing the Shields and the
20543s hardeners from this barcode side uh desk
20546s please I require a big red letter for my
20550s coaster here yeah uh so they're
20553s Dominic's right they're one of the
20554s slowest ships in the game um you would
20556s think that fleety clone Hawk tangu I
20558s don't know how you're getting nuded by
20560s them they don't have that large of a n
20562s range and yet somehow they're getting
20564s nuded out losing all their capacitor yes
20566s they're going to kill The Inquisitor and
20568s then you try to work through the vexor
20570s navyus you try to work through the megus
20572s the pontif effect but that tangu is
20574s dying and it's got really nothing left
20578s at this point it is it is all right is
20580s being H by all right it's all right we
20582s can I am in the arms of the Angel right
20585s now as I'm being held I see a member of
20588s CCP the largest member is approaching
20591s with a large L and I feel like I'm that
20595s Nigerian meme where I'm being coffin
20597s carried down to the lower bracket
20599s Blackstar 13 he's about to get sent into
20601s the coffin but Wild Things in this
20603s orthis is going
20605s down and the vexer Navy is now the
20607s target but unfortunately good fights are
20609s in local um barcode their bar is getting
20614s much much smaller on defense attack and
20616s everything else so so I want to ask you
20618s because when we uh saw these teams war
20621s on you had a very particular reaction uh
20624s walk me through uh why the tuskers have
20627s run away with this match okay
20630s so barcode um was prepared to fight a
20634s very different sort of comp um than what
20636s they're dealing with right now oh
20638s they're actually trying to boundary uh
20640s we actually might have a record hold on
20642s uh uh we might actually might have a
20644s record for bounding uh 212 can we get a
20646s check on that from still reic is that
20648s the record right now uh pasty white
20650s devil uh so far is also just burning
20653s around he's about to
20656s boundary um I have the shape of vanel on
20660s my forehead uh right now and the
20662s tuskers sometimes the Drone damage keeps
20666s running and they're going to go to the
20667s loser bracket to fight THL barcode this
20670s is not the end of the road for them uh
20672s they have one more uh fight in the lower
20674s bracket tonight against um help me out
20677s youting they are up against uh Rage Quit
20680s cancel sub all right well if they lose
20682s I'm going to rage quit and cancel my sub
20684s not really you should subscribe to EV on
20686s line the video game by CCP
20688s games we'll be right back after this
20715s the tuskers C with a dominating Victory
20718s there over barcode see what I did there
20721s that was
20722s good up and again tuska's just new comp
20726s they span the wheel span the wheel round
20728s it went and then they were like Dominic
20730s all right it's time for the Triple Dy
20732s comp you know what's really funny every
20733s time we've seen three of the same
20734s battleships they've won yep perhaps the
20737s Met
20738s yeah where's mystical M I can't see him
20739s because he's in there somewhere I assum
20742s he's nodding appreciatively hiding
20744s somewhere true who knows triple Navy gon
20748s yes so triple Dominics that was an
20750s interesting one um I mean Sly Commander
20753s take me through what happened in that
20753s match there I mean the mirror will is is
20757s giving and clearly they're just going to
20759s keep going through this tournament and
20760s just bring different comps in everything
20762s and to be honest none of us expected
20764s this no I mean and seeing triple dommies
20766s is great cuz love Dominic say anyway but
20769s yeah it just I think they kind of got
20770s Bamboozled I think Barco they probably
20772s came up against it and was just like
20773s what what what we mean I find they comp
20775s a little bit interesting as well like I
20776s know the heavy missile tangu is legally
20779s it is a thing legally yeah like we can't
20783s we can't exclude it from
20785s participating I I think just they didn't
20787s have much damage on barcode I feel like
20789s it they'll you know like you said free
20791s battleships are like it's a lot of HP
20795s and if if they get two of the of the PS
20797s down for the barcode team they're going
20798s to struggle to even get through the HP
20800s even if they get inquisitors down to
20802s even win the match yeah I don't I don't
20804s know I don't know I so the tuskers
20807s team's cool um I
20811s I tusker team is cool uh I think that
20814s the uh the barcod comp was weird I think
20816s they were just like I think they got
20818s into their own heads like oh God how do
20819s we beat this um I don't think the U that
20821s bad I think the one okay I don't like
20824s Tango I like the tangu I just think
20827s other things that are better uh in that
20829s maybe not like a heavy missile launcher
20831s tingu does like a lot of damage right
20834s and because of the points inflation I
20835s think they were trying to like build
20836s around that the uh the one lodgy frig
20839s that was a little weird a question yeah
20840s that was that was my thing was like I
20841s guess it's like free ehp because like if
20845s it survives cuz you don't shoot it then
20848s it gets to just rep things yep and if
20850s they shoot it then they're not shooting
20851s at other things yeah so it's kind of
20853s just like it's designed to die it's
20855s Expendable you know yeah no I mean
20858s understand one of your ship have more HP
20860s that's it yeah no I I I think that um
20862s they weren't expecting triple tomies
20864s because nobody wasting Tri you're right
20866s if you say you were you're lying you're
20868s right they kind of just their comp was
20870s just like a Navy Drake a tenu like
20873s they're just sort of thinking okay what
20875s what does heavy missiles NE Drake tangu
20878s let's just get just let's just get them
20879s all in and then they come up against
20881s three battleships and they're just
20883s like yeah okay yeah and then the tuskers
20885s they just um dropped their draw
20888s pressed F Boop and then things started
20890s disappearing so Fs in chat please Fs in
20893s chat but that was um that match takes us
20896s to now our finalists of the winners
20899s bracket are going to be truth honor
20900s light versus the tuskers co so this is
20903s now the top three basically all right is
20906s uh truth on light T SCH and someone else
20908s who will will'll find out later um but
20910s these two will play against each other
20912s in a best of three the winner of course
20914s advances to the Grand Final uh the loser
20916s will drop into the elimination bracket
20918s where they'll play in the losers bracket
20919s final and potentially look back around
20921s to the Grand Final again now no one
20923s wants to do that H it's a It's a Grind
20926s it's an absolute grind because one team
20928s gets to sit there and watch the other
20930s best of three where you go through
20931s another set of matches you do get more
20933s ship skins though if that's true well
20935s yeah I mean if if you don't win
20936s obviously but like I'm just
20938s saying there's a potential you make a
20940s little a little bit extra cuz you know
20942s clearly the like 808 ships you're
20944s winning at this point it's like ah but
20945s like that extra you know 10 ships
20947s it's worth it guys I mean starle
20949s Commander you've um I just noticed fckin
20952s comment starle Commander you've
20954s experienced this uh you actually losing
20957s done lots of that yeah yeah we're I'm
20960s firmly aware of all the VTA losses I'm
20962s very good at that but uh I was talking
20964s about 017 where in the winners bracket
20967s final um Volta defeated truth on a light
20970s knocked them down yes and then Advanced
20973s into the Grand Final truth on the light
20975s uh then went back through the loser
20977s bracket finals and came back and then
20978s won yeah I think we lost cuz I played
20980s yeah that yeah cuz I didn't play the
20981s first one and I played the the finals
20983s and then we lost so uh you know but you
20986s do it's a lot easier obviously you just
20987s get to watch I was just thinking in that
20989s match barcode is playing later yes so
20991s they literally have what 30 minutes 30
20994s minutes which is the most stressful part
20997s of I think this the dance tournament
20998s especially for the best of because you
20999s literally come out the match bam they
21002s already Cony you to start doing the
21003s bands again and you haven't even had
21004s time to even think think about what
21007s have your B buck and you just go forward
21010s I'm interested to see if Mirror Has if
21012s he can go through this entire tournament
21014s with just different comps yeah I mean
21017s some some teams Volta obviously like to
21019s do this he did it a couple years ago
21020s just bring the same comp and say he just
21022s we're going to run this until someone
21023s fig out to beat it that's basically what
21025s a rival planed to do with their Flagship
21026s varer someone beat it um but uh the
21029s tusker is going for a different strategy
21031s of just you know spin the wheel see what
21033s comes up yeah it's like it great perfect
21037s we want to see right like it's about
21038s entertaining exactly you know for them
21040s it's about winning but for everybody
21041s else you know the other like 7,000 of us
21043s were just like yeah we want to we just
21045s want to see things and be like a what
21046s what the heck is that it's like oh
21048s tomies yeah tomies tomies tomies three
21051s dommies three dummies the try comp all
21054s right uh let's take a oh no look we have
21057s um we have a graph H can we throw this
21059s graph up yeah throw this graph up
21060s dominis par team in Alliance tournament
21062s 20 uh one dmy 100% win rate three
21066s dommies 100%
21068s so clearly undefeatable Dominics Dominic
21072s meta are I think Misty would agree with
21073s this one too the answer it's always one
21075s and three it's one and three never bring
21077s two two is bad two is bad twoing bring
21080s two always lose yep two means you're not
21082s fully committing one means that you're
21084s you know you've got a plan three means
21086s you're just going for it so you're going
21087s to win three means you have you know
21089s what you're doing you've 3D crafted the
21091s triple dominance setup and you're ready
21092s to rock and roll two you're like oh
21093s maybe the dominance works I'm not sure
21095s though and one you're like yes it's
21097s moral doy yeah and it worked clearly it
21100s won it won single Dominics won all right
21101s let's look at the band for our next
21103s match of the day uh which is going to be
21105s platinum sensitivity versus Odin's call
21107s elimination match this one so this is
21109s two very experienced teams in the
21111s elimination bracket is The Clapper for
21112s the bands broken band
21116s hello work excellent CL work you didn't
21120s do the two claps I didn't clap enough
21122s times B sensitivity banning at the
21123s Armageddon Armageddon Navy I shoot Misty
21125s and chambles uh the LOI and the Jack
21127s doll meanwhile Odin's call Banning out
21129s the Zoras the orthis the EOS and the
21131s Tempest Fleet interestingly interesting
21134s there's no eil bands this one there's
21136s nothing off the table which is
21138s surprising every band session we've seen
21140s has been mostly at least a crucifier or
21143s something I guess the Loki and the
21144s orthus could be if you squint a little
21147s bit like one's a Webby boy and the other
21148s one is a scramm boy so those are no no
21151s but this opens up a lot that's saying
21153s Armageddon is a b is an e War band cuz
21155s it NES there good that's yeah I mean
21158s they're stretching it a bit there I
21160s think know but this opens up a lot
21162s pretty much everything's open at this
21163s point I mean his arm big band first uh
21166s can I show something from Odin's call
21167s they're quite afraid now of the zarm
21169s it's the most popular Logistics Cruiser
21171s uh this time STL Commander what do you
21172s think of that I mean it makes sense see
21175s there can be a lot of single Target
21177s damage so you just want that ramping up
21178s but it is a gamble so you have to be
21181s certain that what you're fighting
21182s against can't just split the damage cuz
21184s obviously it only can rep on ship and
21186s obviously if it comes up up against a
21187s widow which we've seen today it doesn't
21189s really work very well and I think we'll
21190s see more widows this tournament I agree
21192s I think the Widow is going to start
21194s appearing more often in some of these
21195s matches we've seen it fielded by a
21196s couple of the top teams already to a
21198s great effect um obviously truth on the
21200s light brought one earlier on uh I think
21201s it sadly died but they still won the
21202s match anyway yep but um yeah I mean I I
21206s forgot to check that kill I'm was an
21207s interesting Widow no not really actually
21209s it's I I will say that Widow I looked at
21211s it and it is exactly what You' expect it
21213s to be you're like they just don't tank
21215s yeah they just have no tank yeah no that
21217s that was not an interesting Widow fit it
21219s was exactly what you expected it to be
21221s and you're like yep okay yep that was a
21222s widow y one thing to mention about the
21224s match we just saw mhm and what you
21225s mentioned watching it why didn't they
21227s just test the dmy tank fit check fit
21229s check maybe they had no tank mhm I mean
21232s that that would be a very Tusk thing to
21233s do we saw earlier on they brought um uh
21236s eos's with basically no tank and all
21238s damage mod that's why when they turned
21239s up with the eos's do you know what
21240s tuskers they're they're F enjoyers
21243s they're pressing F on a lot of people
21244s today with their drone comps and I would
21246s not be surprised if they were effing
21249s with no um no tank and just lots of
21252s drone damage amplifiers again and it's
21253s something to note for the match coming
21254s up with that Odin court and platinum
21256s sensity like it's always kind of worth
21258s kind of testing the tank because you
21260s just don't know you could you know
21262s something that's in the center might
21263s actually just have no tank and you could
21265s just go for it straight away yeah
21267s especially with like a heavy missile
21267s setup is you have the ability to like
21270s you're going to volley through an armor
21271s Dy Shield probably I mean unless it's at
21274s least a couple of yeah you could you
21276s could spend the 3 seconds to kind of
21277s just like okay let's do two three
21279s volleys into it and then move on like
21281s right off the bat and be like oh cuz if
21283s you're an experienced pilot or an
21285s experienced captain or whatever you
21286s should know like how hard your weapons
21288s hit yeah versus resistances like you
21290s should be able to look at it and be like
21291s huh so according to my little paper DPS
21293s it says that I Vol for 3,000 damage I'm
21295s hitting the DY for 300 okay maybe don't
21298s use that ammo type don't shoot the Dy
21300s now if you shoot it for you're like okay
21301s I know my Vol is for 3,000 oh it's
21303s hitting for 1,500 it's like oh this guy
21305s does not have resistance
21307s he has a damage control and a plate y
21309s I've seen a lot of times um some some
21311s some Advanced teams will do things like
21313s split the launchers and then load one of
21315s every damage type into each one and then
21317s they'll have one person do this not
21318s everyone of course and then they fire
21320s all four missiles and they look at the
21322s damage logs and see which one is the
21324s lowest resistant they'll call for
21325s reloads you'd have to make sure you're
21326s kiting for this cuz if you're like
21327s anything rush you just don't have the
21329s time yeah right so for kiting I'd say
21331s yeah you could you could just test it
21333s see or you can do like weird stuff where
21334s it's like okay maybe you'll do like five
21336s launchers and then one off and you know
21337s just do some stuff but yeah I don't know
21339s I think that I think there was an
21340s opportunity there that we could have um
21343s done some stuff and it didn't happen and
21346s oh well I mean I I'm curious I want to
21347s see the Tommy fits but yes who knows I'm
21350s just watching the the timer for the next
21352s match so our next match is scheduled for
21353s a couple minutes away I saw here we go I
21356s came back the timer just vanished and
21357s said 15 minutes and I was like something
21359s has gone catastrophically wrong
21360s somewhere but it looks like uh they've
21362s wrangled the the kittens uh this timer
21365s is going
21366s we got we're going up and down going
21368s back in time I mean this is what happens
21370s though when we get to this point in the
21371s tournament cuz all these teams have
21373s played only like 20 minutes ago some of
21375s them so this is where like people are
21377s making mistakes people are starting to
21378s like I'm not ready like and you know
21380s suddenly like things take a little bit
21381s longer to get ready it's no longer you
21382s have an hour and a half to prep for your
21383s match it's like okay on now go it's hard
21386s because you can prepare as much as you
21387s want and get as many comps ready but
21389s then some bats you might get left field
21391s band and think oh damn or simply not
21394s have a ship ready in in G cuz this is
21395s happening on Tranquility so so you have
21397s to have wherever you're you're staging
21399s presumably GAA because you can buy
21400s things but we saw last week we saw uh
21403s someone bought all the PES off the
21404s market uh and then someone needed a p
21407s effect for their their comp and they
21408s were flying in like half an hour and
21409s ended up paying like two billion for a p
21411s Market PVP Market PVP it really does
21414s work it does definitely work okay so 90
21417s seconds until the match is due to start
21418s it's going to be platinum sensitivity
21420s it's going to be them going up against
21421s Odin's call in this best of one
21422s elimination match let's go to the arena
21428s good Max welcome to the arena they got
21430s us a little bit early because the ship's
21431s still coming in but we have well what
21432s looks to be another king Slayer comp
21434s versus something very curious so
21436s Platinum sensitivity they have brought a
21439s BAL Gorn based control Gump uh so they
21441s have a BAL Gorn they have a damnation
21443s for links a curse and a celestus for
21445s control that curse if it is fitted with
21449s missile guidance disruptors will be
21450s preventing Odin's call from applying
21453s their damage at really any kind of range
21455s the celestus likewise preventing range
21458s application of damage could be there
21460s also to interfere with the logi frigs
21462s like we saw in the previous match again
21464s watch that pawn effects from Odin's call
21466s it's going to be very important that
21468s Miller survives in order for Odin's call
21470s to resist these control effects both
21473s teams here have brought their Flagship
21476s we have the flagship born Mark Bridges
21479s IND
21481s indestructible put Aster next to that
21483s now yeah yeah we'll we'll see how
21485s destructible Mark Bridges belr TR is
21486s meanwhile Odin's call to sprout once
21489s again Fielding their Flagship armag Navy
21492s is all right see how we go with this one
21494s this going to be a very curious match
21495s we're seeing uh the BAM moving forward
21498s to try and start screening so it's Dam
21500s Nation yeah we see damps going on to the
21502s Navy Armageddon and the hyena now it
21504s looks like Odin's call is holding their
21506s Clips so that damp on the Navy
21507s Armageddon mostly just going to prevent
21509s them from bringing their long range NES
21511s to Bear uh meanwhile The Damp on Martin
21513s Conrad and the hyena means that Martin
21515s Conrad can't web something down and
21518s maybe give Odin's call the opportunity
21519s to get on top of it it does look like
21520s Odin's call is moving in which is going
21523s to be necessary and uh both the paradig
21525s and toast BR are being webbed by Mark
21527s Bridges Mark Bridges playing the extra
21528s large hyena role of the flagship Bal
21531s Gorn exactly that and you can see he he
21532s was going in now he's starting to pull
21534s back the entire team's pulling back the
21535s damn nation's pulling back they don't
21537s need to go in they can take their time
21538s with this one you see they're already
21539s starting to get a bit of damage on that
21540s Balon I wonder what from I haven't seen
21542s exactly what who who fired that clip
21544s early I mean all of a sudden it looked
21547s yeah yeah yeah all of a sudden it looks
21548s like this damnation is actually the
21550s primary for Odin's call they are firing
21553s they've got it tackled they've got it
21554s painted those missile guidance
21556s disruptors are coming on but uh it looks
21560s like they are all pretty close to the
21563s damnation I I I'm going to say damnation
21565s is one of the tankiest things to try and
21567s uh shoot they are like notorious for
21570s being absolute bricks the inqu
21571s inquisitors on the other side are
21572s currently being hit T1 logy Bros aren't
21575s the best in tank of ships yeah T1 logy
21579s it's often a choice for the the points
21581s that triple battleship is using up quite
21583s a bit of points as well as that control
21585s in the as well as the uh benefits of the
21587s things in the middle um but a and CA
21590s she's repping her logy partner blank Ela
21592s blank is uh
21593s surviving for a while might go down here
21596s might not we'll
21597s see he's holding but he's stting struck
21600s there we go blap all right well they
21602s need to make a change now they've lost
21604s one of their loggies the next one's
21605s about to go they're going to lose a
21607s purifier right after that's a good
21608s amount of damage they need to make a
21610s move well looks like the three
21612s battleships have all gotten up on top of
21613s Mark bridges in the Bal Gorn Mark
21615s Bridges is webbed is nuded and it looks
21619s like this might start to be a battleship
21621s slugfest that said Platinum sensitivity
21623s they're going for the lowend they've
21624s taken out one Lodie frig they're going
21626s for Martin Conrad in the hyena whose
21629s webs are absolutely crucial to helping
21630s Odin's call and Target paints are
21632s absolutely crucial to helping od's call
21634s apply here we go again with the King
21635s Slayer trying to King slay one of the
21637s tankiest things you can engage and you
21639s can see the damage mock bridge is taking
21641s he's taking some good chunks but they're
21643s going to clip out pretty quickly and
21645s they're not going to get through at this
21646s point like they need to find something
21647s honestly well as they're applying that
21650s damage to Mark Bridges they're also
21651s spreading their NES around so Mark
21653s Bridges is getting Ned out that's going
21654s to prevent him from using his webs from
21656s using his own NES damnation getting
21658s nuded out might even shut off the links
21661s question mark and that Thia and Deacon
21663s were taking quite a bit of Lo NES but I
21665s think that was from crazy in the
21666s Sentinel who's just gone down yep yep
21668s yep bin is getting down but I'm watching
21671s this watching this Miss I can't remember
21672s how many we've seen F yet but I'm I'm
21674s not hopeful and you see look at that rep
21676s from the Bal I think the S was actually
21678s keeping him pretty low so we just saw a
21680s nice rep cycle yeah FIA and Deacon back
21683s Ned now those logi Frets they'll be
21685s trying to boost through it but you can't
21686s boost through everything uh meanwhile
21689s Odin's call lowend just getting
21691s completely obliterated here athel and C
21694s last logy frig standing and not for long
21697s she goes down topr still tackled down in
21700s that Fleet armagan Navy issue and
21702s platinum sensitivity they're switching
21704s to the purifier this is a good shot
21706s those purifiers are able to provide a
21708s lot of damage against especially these
21710s large targets yep and I like to say know
21712s most DPS least tank purifier very much
21714s fits that if you can kill it kill it
21716s quick but looking at the Balor he's
21718s tanking good but I think the missiles
21719s are coming back in now here they are I
21721s think that was actually just a Reload
21722s unless I'm mistakens but here we go
21724s they're going to try it again
21726s yeah you can see those NES are still on
21728s the Bal Gorn some of the control drops
21731s off but the uh the scram and the target
21732s paint are still
21735s there yeah meanwhile that ponax and M
21739s dangerously low pona effect currently
21741s helping these uh rapid heavy ships
21743s resist the% armor they about might be
21746s about to get him he's he's got back at
21747s to 20 but they've got a good amount of
21749s clip to go this is way too close for
21753s comfort absolutely and it's really
21755s dangerous here and those links are with
21757s the pwn effects down that's going to be
21759s some sustain off the Odin's call team
21760s that's going to be some of again those
21762s links that are preventing them from
21763s getting damped out immediately we can
21764s see all damps all missile guidance
21766s computers all that control is piled on
21769s to this Flagship Navy Armageddon to try
21771s to prevent toast BR from using his
21774s presumably quite nice launchers I'm
21776s going to be honest this looks like bait
21780s I've been watching his armor it's been
21782s bouncing from 15 to 25 and it has not
21785s moved
21786s I think he's baiting oh that's spicy cuz
21790s like he's got Lodie backing him up and
21791s if he needs to he can overheat repper
21793s and look at that see look at that boom
21794s up to 40% honestly I'm honestly
21796s wondering if maybe he was just low on
21797s cap or maybe something else happened but
21799s it honestly looked like he was baiting
21800s for a second there but that is fully
21803s repped fully safe now he's going to go
21804s back up to 100% wherever he wants that's
21806s going to be it there's nothing they can
21808s really do anymore they've lost their
21809s application they've lost their support
21810s wi they've lost their links SE for one I
21813s think well done to platinum sensitivity
21815s here we have to see that flagships again
21817s we've seen them clutch it out uh
21819s although one thing I just noticed
21820s watching the stream feed actually is uh
21823s you might have seen as we were looking
21824s at that beautiful shot of Mark Bridges
21826s Bal gorm being surrounded by these
21828s missile ships uh you might have seen
21830s this little sort of triangle guy fly in
21832s and like bounce off of one of the
21833s missile ships I believe Platinum
21835s sensitivity is bumping the Odin call
21838s battleships away from their Flagship and
21841s these again now that that paon effects
21843s is down all of this ewar is applying
21845s fully that's celestus is damping toast
21847s BR to some really low lock range also I
21851s just noticed potentially something can
21852s you check for me does that b one have
21855s guns I just looked and I didn't see it
21857s but again this thing is not running 100%
21859s right now does that Bon even have guns
21862s fitted uh that's a big negative so this
21865s is a full NOS noot or smart bombing B
21868s there is no guns in there's no damage
21870s it's just there to control and make the
21872s opponent suffer that is insane I love
21876s that this cob was already kind of
21877s lacking in DPS but they just went no no
21879s no we're just going to commit to the
21880s control bit and you can see the control
21882s bar they have committed and the team
21884s name is
21886s CH indestructible Mark Bridges
21889s indeed Mark Bridges once again uh just
21893s repping and surviving uh two out of two
21897s teams that have primaried Mark Bridges
21899s have found themselves going home from
21901s this Alliance tournament 100% loss rate
21904s do not engage Mark Bridges
21907s do not respond to Mark Bridge posting do
21909s not touch it he's not going to die that
21911s honestly that's incredible that the fact
21913s matter a tank you would have them man of
21914s control that is a honestly scary and
21916s also incredibly bloody annoying ship
21918s he's not even killing you he's just
21920s making your life worse and this is why
21921s the Bal Gorn was banned as a flagship
21924s year after year after year this is the
21925s first year in Alliance tournament in
21927s quite some time where you've been
21928s allowed to bring a BAL Gorn and fit it
21930s out with all sorts of shiny expensive
21932s and extra effective modules and honestly
21935s what we're seeing from the
21936s indestructible Mark Bridges here is
21937s really showing us why it's not just the
21940s tank it's not just the webs you know you
21943s can't really bling the NES anymore but
21946s you sure can bring bling the smart bombs
21948s it is a constant mix of all those things
21950s like the the Bon's great for multiple
21952s bloody reasons and yeah the fact that
21953s we've got him back as a flag I mean it's
21956s a pretty good example why he basically
21958s controlled the match however he wanted
21959s he was able to be where he wanted I'm
21961s I'm putting my bet that he would B
21962s tanking but I'm happy to I'll be fine to
21964s be wrong but I'd like to believe that
21966s some Elite piloting was going on there
21968s but toast bro and the Armageddon Navy
21970s which I'm pretty sure was their flag oh
21971s yeah is about to go pop and I think he's
21974s actually sitting right next door to loot
21976s that yep yep you can actually see you
21977s can see the huge look at look at them
21979s they're all sitting at zero damn Nation
21980s sitting there they're all just sitting
21982s directly on him vex's damnation they're
21984s all just sitting at zero getting ready
21985s for the loot and there we go and three
21987s two one boom I think he's looted already
21991s yep to me so uh while we're uh while
21995s we're watching the these last two ships
21997s go I'll just uh try to maybe Define bait
22000s tanking real quick for those viewers who
22001s might not have had this delightful
22003s experience uh the name sort of implies
22005s what it is but uh you don't actually
22008s have to run your self repair at maximum
22011s efficiency you can you can just hang out
22014s in like 10% armor and if you go if
22017s you're really committed to the bit you
22018s let yourself lose a little bit of armor
22020s and then you w back up and you lose a
22021s little bit of armor you keep baiting
22022s them to bring more and more and if they
22024s just go a little bit further stay a
22026s little bit longer they'll get the kill
22027s definitely and then the moment it's time
22029s you just click both your rappers and go
22030s back to full and they're
22032s like what I I have done that a few times
22035s in my past nothing makes you feel more
22038s like a badass in that moment where you
22040s like you've managed to just balance it
22041s all a sudden click back to full and you
22043s can watch their hearts just
22045s break definitely and it it can provoke
22047s positioning errors from
22050s teams Colonel Curts in the uh the fleet
22053s typhoon posting in uh in local chat a
22055s message that many Eve online players
22057s have heard when facing a BAL Gorn namely
22060s the capacitor is
22064s empty I I heard it in the voice I heard
22067s the voice of Aura say that in my head I
22069s saw it in text and it came out as text
22071s to speech I
22073s swear oh man that that's some PTSD level
22075s stuff no it's brutal but uh well played
22078s to Odin's call and ending up this
22080s Alliance tournament run at top six at
22082s top six that is a very good run they've
22084s played very well throughout this tour
22085s tournament they've had many exciting
22087s matches I look forward to seeing them in
22090s future Alliance tournaments and wish
22092s them all the best uh Platinum
22094s sensitivity meanwhile they are into the
22095s top four we will be seeing them tomorrow
22097s and we will get to see how they hold up
22100s against uh they they will almost
22102s certainly get their rematch against
22104s truth honor light and we'll get to see
22106s how they hold up there
22128s Platinum sensitivity live to fight
22130s another day as they take the W over
22132s Odin's call knocking them out Odin at
22134s least gets top six they do lose their
22136s Flagship though H and the kill mail has
22138s been posted and it is a a spicy meatball
22141s this one that's the wrong one I clicked
22142s in the wrong one oh ruined ruined
22147s listen you're guest on my show do what I
22150s say all right so we have um bunch of
22152s esls Rapid Heavies of course 90% Loot
22155s drop event going on just now in EV
22156s online so most of them dropped only one
22158s was sadly taken uh too early for us uh
22161s in uh in the loot fairies world uh we
22164s have a very nice goans web two of them
22166s in fact 42 billions worth of webs there
22169s uh and a pretty nice cormax modified
22171s damage control uh at a toasty 34 billion
22174s total loss on Zed kill
22178s 157 billion isk nice good amount of
22181s money good amount of money a lot of
22182s money I mean they've definitely more
22183s than covered that in terms of like the
22184s ships that they've won and the skins
22185s that they've won so uh you know in terms
22187s of investment it worked out pretty well
22189s for them it's okay yeah it's good nice
22191s little top yeah Sly Commander I want to
22192s talk about that match because uh
22194s Platinum sensitivity landed and um I got
22197s out my magnifying glass and then once I
22199s zoomed in I just about spotted the
22201s attack bar yeah I know we all standing
22203s there just like where's the damage and
22204s then we noticed it was a SM bomb that's
22206s the main Dage I mean it was a very I
22209s mean they played it really well though
22210s to be honest cuz it's a complete control
22212s comp so like you have to just sort of
22214s slowly get your damage in and get things
22217s off the board I
22218s mean platin Mark Bridges bringing it
22222s through and we all saw that on the
22223s stream he is indestructible and I saw it
22226s come up this this time yeah time this
22228s time he's back he's so back once again
22230s so back he got destructed but then he
22232s was reconstructed yes and and has
22234s remained indestructible yep how long
22236s that will go I'm not sure yeah we'll
22238s find out tomorrow find out tomorrow can
22240s he remain indestructible uh so what
22243s really went wrong for Odin's call there
22244s cuz it looked like on paper it felt like
22246s they should have done better than they
22248s did really in that comp I I just think
22249s they just can get through I think they
22251s just was struggling to apply any damage
22252s and they they did try to go for Mark but
22254s they just it was a bit little too late
22257s um like Mark slowly coed back they got I
22259s think they got the bomber down and they
22261s were sort of ging a lot as well so like
22263s the damage probably wasn't applying he
22264s was noting out his as well so like he's
22266s probably KN out some of the damage
22268s potentially from the genon maybe but I
22270s just think they just maybe didn't have
22272s enough or didn't start early enough on
22274s him mhm yeah I I don't know if they
22276s didn't start early enough it might have
22277s been might have been the wrong call as
22279s well to go after Mark Bridges right off
22280s the bat um I understand the logic is
22282s it's like okay well we have a lot of
22284s Rapid heavy missile launcher damage
22286s including you know we have our Flagship
22287s and Odin has actually successfully nked
22290s multiple people's flagships by doing
22291s exactly what they did um I think this
22294s time they were like ah well we've done
22295s it you know we did they did it to rival
22297s uh they did it to you know a couple
22298s other teams and then this time didn't
22300s work which was it was very close yeah if
22303s if the purifier had lived it would have
22306s worked um so I think that Odin's just
22308s kind of like they had a little confident
22309s of like well if it's not broke don't you
22312s know don't fix it and in this specific
22313s case was like ooh yeah didn't work
22316s though um I will say like we looked at
22319s the comp that uh Platinum sensitivity
22321s brought and we're like there is not
22322s enough damage here um but there was a a
22324s moment when every single ship like all
22326s those little ships popped damage drones
22329s and that was when you're like okay you
22330s know it turns out if you you know yeah
22332s okay how much damage with drones does a
22334s vexor do like I don't know 200 250 maybe
22337s 300 depends on your fit but when every
22339s single ship does it suddenly you have
22341s enough damage to do it and the amount of
22343s n pressure that was out like nobody was
22345s using their modules they were sitting
22347s there just like listening to that voice
22349s you know play you sound your capacitor
22351s is empty and like cool I guess we'll
22354s just uh we'll just not push our button
22355s you know it doesn't affect the rapid
22357s Heavies but I I bet you that that curse
22358s on Platinum side was just all guidance
22360s disruptors as well because guess what
22362s Odin flew the same comp over and over
22364s again and at some point you have to be
22365s like yeah you got predicted yeah yeah I
22369s mean I think honestly it's a great run
22371s from Odin's call this year um top six is
22374s is nothing to you know be ashamed about
22376s and some of my favorite moments from
22378s Alli 20 have been uh thanks to Odin's
22381s call that Odin's call versus a rival
22383s match genuinely one of the best matches
22385s um of the whole tournament and like one
22387s of my favorite ones I think of all time
22388s because you saw like great back and
22390s forward play you saw really great
22391s individual piloting you saw good team
22393s decisions of like bumping away from that
22395s flag varer and you saw flag varer which
22397s is just kind of cool uh so excellent run
22399s from them Platinum sensitivity will be
22402s back uh they are not done uh there will
22404s be more they will play um tomorrow in a
22408s best of three lore bracket final against
22411s the the winner of our next match which
22414s will be uh barcode versus to quit cancel
22416s sub so um
22419s maybe uh I'm not sure if the bands are
22421s ready yet I think the teams are slightly
22422s delayed because these are ones where
22424s again I mentioned it before it's pretty
22425s chaotic at this point you've just played
22426s both teams have now just played in the
22428s last like half an hour or so and then
22429s they have to No One plans to lose like
22433s maybe maybe maybe starf do you plan to
22435s lose I don't plan to lose yeah no I'm on
22437s the desk I'm here yeah say he's he's
22440s learned the secret that we uh some of us
22442s have known for years is like you know
22443s what's better than the stress the
22445s alliance tournament he watching your
22447s team
22449s play yeah we it's it's it is different
22453s but yeah no um
22456s I Counterpoint hot take if you're a team
22459s that's good enough to get to this point
22460s which both of these teams are um barod
22463s being top four last year uh you know
22465s Platinum sensitivity this is I think
22468s slightly farther than they've ever made
22469s it um Oden's call also was up to that
22471s point uh my brain is spacing out vas of
22474s maneuvering
22476s I second but U my my point is no Rage
22479s Quit cancel sub Rage Quit cancel sub
22480s gets a pass okay they've never been at
22483s this point before that's true but I'm
22485s just saying like if if you are trying to
22487s win the alliance tournament at some
22489s point there is going to be a point where
22490s you have a match and then 30 minutes
22491s later you have another match in fact
22492s that is what tomorrow is going to be is
22494s every single one of those is going to be
22495s like match match match so you know
22499s welcome to just practice Yeah you hey
22500s you made it now it gets hard yeah that's
22503s practice like GG go next like get
22505s everyone together 20 minutes later next
22507s match yeah okay guys reship let's go
22509s again yeah hopefully we win this time or
22511s lose you know depends depends on your
22513s strategy Str the lose Strat and at this
22515s point all the teams are super solid I
22518s think the the performance this year in
22520s the losers especially today has been
22522s amazing all the matches have been really
22523s close like have gone backwards and
22525s forwards I mean we watched you know THL
22527s almost losing earlier today to a maial
22530s sort of rush and then the next match
22532s just smashing it but like you know
22533s volta's match is going backwards and
22535s forwards so mostly backwards mostly
22537s backwards all right okay yeah didn't
22538s okay they're doing fine they're okay um
22541s but the losers bracket still all to play
22543s for y and some super strong strong teams
22546s and flap doing fantastic this tournament
22548s yeah it would be quite cool to see in uh
22549s in twitch chat if you guys put your
22550s favorite moments from this tournament as
22552s well like which matches you really
22553s enjoyed any particular like Pilots that
22555s you saw did something super cool um you
22557s know just put it in there uh CCP arcade
22560s will go through and message each one of
22562s you individually with an opinion on your
22563s on on your opinion um all right um I'm
22566s told the bands are ready for our next
22567s match I'm also told it is now a Clapper
22569s uh so let's have a look at the bands for
22570s barcode versus rage quck cancel
22573s sub excellent barcode Banning out the
22576s Loki the ospry Navy the Armageddon and
22578s the Armageddon Navy uh R qu cancel sub
22581s Banning out the zorad the onos the Widow
22583s and the Riva so the Widow Riva out the
22587s the trig reps gone Tri reps all gone
22589s triangles triangles off Tri triangles
22592s off the table no triangles here sir this
22594s is either cir or squares no no spoolie
22597s reppy boys but they could be spoolie DPS
22599s boys they could be spoolie DPS boys but
22602s again no ew War bands again no cruy no
22604s arbitrator so they're going to be on the
22606s field AR hold on one second did you say
22608s no e bands when the Widow's been banned
22611s no the other ones the other ones I mean
22615s you know the
22616s widows good save good save
22619s um did anyone notice no I don't think so
22622s no I'm expecting seeis forit tracers uh
22625s mes and stuff I think we're going to see
22626s those in next match they're super strong
22628s and relatively cheap I think for teams
22630s to fly yep awesome I mean I am looking
22632s forward to this match I think it's going
22633s to be a good one it's our last match of
22634s the day um we are down to just a few
22636s teams left in Alliance tournament 20
22639s many entered uh some didn't quite make
22641s it through the feeders uh despite their
22642s best attempts um and a bunch of them
22644s have now been defeated but South Le
22647s Commander do you know what the most
22649s important thing is which color you are
22652s let's have a look at who is winning red
22653s or blue in Alliance tour this is
22656s extremely important in this mat can we
22659s have the graph is it Clapper for this
22660s one as well hello that wasn't very loud
22664s oh there we go red versus blue in
22665s Alliance tournament 20 so turns out
22670s red like yeah why I I don't know why is
22674s red so strong I I'm not sure but red is
22678s twice as strong I think figured it out
22679s hold
22680s on do you guys see the background it's
22683s so red it's redish it is red is that is
22685s the hint all along this is also red this
22687s is red i' say that's more of an orange
22689s part but yeah so red winning twice as
22691s many is uh is blue I mean you think
22694s statistically it should be closer to
22696s even right so but top tip yeah team wins
22701s red yeah yeah you know what's funny
22702s though is it's like this every year not
22704s necessarily red but like it's always one
22706s or the other like we'll have a days
22707s where it's like you'll see it and
22708s there'll be like 20 matches and it's 19
22710s blue wins and one red and you're just
22711s like huh something something's fishy
22715s yeah so in terms of what we're looking
22716s forward to tomorrow let me pull up the
22718s uh the bracket so we mentioned earlier
22720s on uh we have our winners bracket final
22722s is going to be truth on the light versus
22723s the tuskers big match that's a big match
22726s s Commander what do you think it's the
22727s best of three so we're into Conquest
22728s band at that point it's I think it was
22729s the expected match I think but you said
22731s as well like we we kind of expecting
22733s them two to be like top three so this
22736s was kind of yeah they were going to all
22737s the way I think I had them for you know
22739s the bracket and everything that they're
22740s going to go the way to the end I reckon
22742s they could go to losers and then come
22744s back I think we might see that yeah yeah
22747s I mean I think that's yeah I think
22749s you're right I think truth on light are
22750s really strong crucially still have their
22752s Flagship um we we have I think almost
22755s everyone has their Flagship that remains
22756s at this point which is really important
22759s um you really don't want to be getting
22760s into these like best of finals without
22762s that extra Flagship and if you haven't
22764s already like Giga pimped it this is the
22766s time like tonight find someone who will
22768s actually sell you some of these
22769s expensive modules stick them all on yeah
22771s it will be good luck maybe there's some
22773s salty people who get knocked out uh who
22774s are willing to you know sell it to try
22776s and uh try and help but you never know
22779s you know I have a question which we
22780s probably don't have the answer for
22781s quickly mhm what flagships is everyone
22784s flying because using my probably
22786s incorrect thing tuskers has a BAL Gorn
22789s THL B has a BAL Gorn I think barcode
22792s also has a BAL Gorn let me have a look
22794s so plant sity has a b a BAL Gorn oh
22798s cancel a v Vindicator okay so there's
22801s there's so we have four borns in a
22803s Vindicator so I predicted I was like ah
22806s Bal Gorn good yep Balor good y there's a
22809s reason why the Bal Gorn was not allowed
22810s to be a flagship for a long time
22812s personally I actually quite like the the
22813s flagship diversity this year the balar
22815s it is strong uh it scales really well
22818s with those webs uh but we saw a lot of
22819s people bringing things like there's a
22820s couple of vindicators in there and those
22822s Vindicator teams one of them is doing
22823s really well the other one um was till
22825s doomsday also did relatively well this
22827s year so the V Vindicator Flagship um you
22830s know looking good armagedon Navy iue we
22831s saw being super popular uh we see a lot
22833s of them and they also scale pretty well
22835s uh in terms of like control and the DPS
22837s that you can get out to those things uh
22838s lots of teams choosing those evasive
22840s maneuvering uh and bright side death
22842s both going for the L Shacks uh and we I
22844s I really like that evasive maneuvering
22845s the shack W zarm comp that we saw one of
22847s my favorite comps that we saw for sure
22849s yeah I I really liked it I think the
22851s it's probably I would say yeah it's
22853s probably one of my favorite if not like
22854s my favorite one I've seen so far the
22855s issue with it is that you can you if you
22859s have to have the Widow and the zarm for
22861s it you can't just have a widow or just a
22862s zarm but well we saw them kind of use
22864s like Reda they didn't bring the Widow
22866s obviously they brought the L Shack and
22868s some other stuff and a Reda and that
22870s worked fairly well for them
22872s so I I kind of wish that we we' see some
22874s more comps like that it was fun it was
22875s interesting I like it when it's not just
22877s kind of you know the same might
22879s indicator I I mean The Vindicator the
22881s flagship Vindicator they might bring it
22883s out yeah that's going to have that's
22885s going to have an expensive web not into
22887s Bal and I'm not like Chan too much
22891s that's a good point yeah it's
22892s potentially your last match this is an
22894s elimination
22896s match just bring your Flagship yeah but
22898s what if they they bring their flag they
22900s know you do that and it's a balarn and
22902s do you know what vindicators don't like
22903s B you know what vindicators also
22905s probably don't like whatever tuskers not
22908s tuskers whatever Mir Chief brings which
22909s they could end up having to fight
22910s anyways whereas in this one it's like
22913s you know who who cares just just do it
22915s just do it yeah just do it don't be cars
22916s you know what yeah in fact you know
22918s don't be cars just don't be cards look
22919s at me come into this camera on this
22920s camera here want to look them in the eye
22923s don't be cowards yeah exactly you know
22926s it's nobody picked at ships for their
22928s flagships because they're scared because
22930s they're cowards because they're cowards
22931s yeah but hey you know here's your
22933s opportunity also they were quite
22935s expensive super expensive also they were
22937s like 50
22939s points I kind of get it yeah all right I
22942s mean I see that we have uh just over 90
22945s seconds for this it's our last match of
22947s the day it's going to be an exciting one
22950s absolutely for sure I mean barode really
22952s experienced team they've been doing
22953s super well Rage Quit again really
22955s experienced team this is top tier yeah
22957s top tier I think barcode might I think
22961s barcode are probably going to be the
22962s favorites let me see what um what's
22964s twitch saying what did twitch say other
22966s than nothing but nice things I can't
22968s actually see the the oh there it is yeah
22970s nope that's just telling me about
22971s rewards oh I'm just going to assume that
22974s um twitch is saying nice things and
22975s probably getting it right as always yeah
22976s good job good job twitch um barcode
22979s Flagship on grid so there we go we're
22981s going to see at least one Flagship let's
22983s head over to the arena and check out the
22984s FL
22987s ship hello I am moderator joined by oi
22990s Aris for the final match of the night
22991s and what I hope will not be the final L
22994s for me and barcode of the tournament so
22996s barcode is in their Flagship B Gorn
22999s composition supported by a variety of
23001s major damage ships in that dvac and a
23003s badden but rage quit canel sub is going
23006s to run it down mid reminding you that we
23009s are competing against uh worlds and this
23012s is our world right now where sers and
23014s kzel are going to want to get on top of
23016s that b Gorn and just punch through it so
23018s Bal Gorn 70 km webs when you overheat it
23021s bar code's going to have access to the
23022s Tobias webs and we've seen uh you know
23025s earlier just what it can do exactly and
23027s rage qu cancel sub they've warped in at
23029s zero this is not usually where you put
23030s your rush but when you're expecting a
23032s flag Balor it makes a certain amount of
23033s sense because now they're able to rush
23035s in one slep near Lily arsten gets webbed
23038s gets scrammed uh another krail we can
23041s see again barcode just has to do their
23043s absolute best to screen out rush and
23045s that AB badden can't get away in time
23047s because again all you know 20 it we had
23051s the battleships at 20 km we had the rage
23053s quck cancel sub team at uh at zero that
23057s was uh you can't you just can't lock
23059s that fast yeah and this is a problem is
23061s that um if you're barcode right now and
23064s you are you know in that abat and you're
23066s going to take an absolute pounding right
23068s now and it looks like the K reel is
23070s going to be the initial primary that
23071s makes a lot of sense to me right so the
23073s slep they're going to have really good
23074s resists against that em damage right
23076s being Tech to minmatar uh but if you're
23078s able to punch through aisel um the
23080s abadin might do a little bit to survive
23083s right now we see that the attack bars
23085s are actually rather even which is
23086s telling me that the abat is not taking
23088s nearly as much damage as we want to it
23089s looks like there's been a bit of a swap
23091s to the Deacon of uh pasty white devil
23093s maybe realizing that the Bal Gorn isn't
23095s solely going to break and a big reason
23097s for that is that this uh the SL near of
23099s Lily aren is webbed about uh 8 km off of
23103s the Bel Gorn was 12 km just a few
23105s minutes ago and that means that that
23107s ewar is effectively preventing Lily
23109s arsten from actually being able to apply
23111s DPS but uh it looks like it's going to
23113s be a trade of Deacon for krael uh mod
23117s who do you think this favors I'm happy
23119s to take a krael it's still a battle
23121s cruiser faction battle cruiser yeah
23123s you're going to lose a pasty white devil
23124s but what you're forcing to have happen
23126s right is a lot of these ships are going
23128s to have to break away from the
23129s battleships and critically the Bal Gorn
23131s to dive the Deacon uh it was a rupture
23133s that did that right so now that the K
23135s reel's down you're basically going to
23136s push through the rupture very quickly
23138s it's only a tech one um you know uh
23142s Cruiser the burst in the Bantam they're
23143s getting nuded but now critically also
23146s the crucifier is not going to have any
23147s reps so that's been or sorry it's going
23150s to be doing you know its level best to
23152s try to mitigate the sleer damage and if
23154s the crucifier goes down that's going to
23155s be a lot but again really good scram so
23158s far on the K Ro the broadsword the sers
23160s just kind of keeping things apart from
23161s each other exactly and that's what you
23163s need to do with this Rush team we can
23164s see that that uh all of those folks are
23167s tackled that means that they're not able
23168s to switch targets very easily so it
23170s looks like in fact they're all going
23172s back on vorak in the abden they've been
23174s scrammed so let's just shoot what we're
23176s close to yeah and so far the burst has
23178s been getting absolutely picked apart by
23180s the Drone Cloud it's not even really
23181s anything committing to that it's just
23183s we're going to throw all of the drones
23185s at you and then they're going to do the
23186s same to the bantom right they're going
23188s to do the same they're with they're
23189s holding down a MOA and then separately
23191s you know you kill the bantom with the
23193s drones then you work through the krael
23195s you get the Moa again these sers you
23197s really want to keep them apart the
23199s abadin yeah he's probably going to go
23201s down but really critically right now
23203s look at the defense bar yes barcod is
23205s going down but rage quits going down
23207s faster exactly Rage Quit they're down
23209s their Logistics that means that neither
23211s side has the ability to rep things and
23213s with that a Baden down again it's a big
23215s loss uh but this Bal Gorn still has guns
23218s on it and what that means is that the
23219s Bal Gorn can still apply damage along
23221s with its buddy the draak and these
23223s drones to the side of the rage with
23225s cancel sub team and Damascus cadesh and
23227s the krael low structure going down
23229s that's going to leave three sers one
23232s broadsword one MOA for the most part
23234s versus the barcode side this is a
23236s situation where a flag Bal Gorn this
23238s flag B Gorn might be able to solo maybe
23240s so direct vac you really want to get rid
23242s of that spoolie boy damage out because
23244s again um direct vac is going to be doing
23247s primarily thermal damage and primarily
23249s explosive if you're a sleer you don't
23250s want to deal with explosive damage right
23253s so barcode they're wanting to break
23254s through the Moa it doesn't do a ton of
23256s damage but when you look at like how
23257s much damage it does compared to the HP
23260s it has it makes sense right and now that
23261s that Abad and and director down bar
23263s code's attack bar has actually dropped
23265s off a lot but that MO is likely to go
23267s down here leaving only really the Raptor
23270s and then those t two resist um boats
23273s yeah honestly this uh this could go
23274s either way right now so the crucifier is
23276s still up the crucifier is still doing
23277s some effective uh mitigation with the uh
23280s the tracking disruptors we still see the
23282s damps coming in from the mollus uh but
23285s ha in the Bal Gorn is tackled is not
23287s moving scrammed and webbed speed 53 and
23291s most of the rage quit team is able to
23293s apply damage Lily Aron the slep furthest
23295s away at 8.4 km and closing it doesn't
23299s matter if you're scrammed if you can
23301s still just gently boat your way close to
23303s your target yeah but even uh that amount
23306s of damage that or range that the sner is
23308s away if I'm vexor of Sid the Kid I
23310s actually want to like try to bump as
23312s dumb as it sounds the sers away because
23314s when you're you know tded by a crucifier
23318s you might actually not have any range
23319s even with uh you know barrage or hail
23322s and that's why we see you know all of
23323s the eward going onto Lily whereas the
23326s bug is already on that Bal Gorn at zero
23328s it's going to apply damage no matter
23329s what so barcode yeah they don't have a
23332s ton of damage right now they're just
23333s trying to push through the Moa and
23334s they're going to kill the Moa uh right
23336s now uh Rage Quit is up on points if I am
23339s barcode I'm not liking the fact though
23341s that my pontif effect a verbus has been
23343s caught um
23345s that P effect needed to stay kind of
23348s away I understand why you're getting
23349s close but that's a lengths down that's
23351s incredibly important right now um if
23354s that's gone um you're going to be in a
23357s world of hurt and right now what we're
23358s seeing vorak uh is down with that it's
23361s huy K is putting nudes onto the Raptor
23364s and we saw some of the Broad Sword
23365s you're trying to turn off those
23366s hardeners the Raptor's been actually the
23367s Raptor just took out the crucifier the
23369s Raptor sort of like went off on his own
23371s and was like I'm just going to PVP this
23372s thing and free up Lily Aron or at least
23376s help free up Lily arston in order to get
23378s more damage on that Bal Gorn right now
23380s rage quck cancel sub their head on the
23382s points and as mod mentioned the slepnir
23386s and the broadword are going to be more
23388s resistant to that Bal Gorn DPS the Bal
23390s Gorn it's mostly lasers with a little
23391s bit of guns and that means we've got
23394s yeah uh said the kid here taking a ton
23396s of damage and if I'm that vexer I don't
23398s know why I'm so close like the sers are
23400s all going to be sitting on the Bal Gorn
23401s for the rest of the match if you're the
23402s vexer just run the heck away oh my God
23404s maybe he was trying to bump maybe he was
23406s trying to do the bumps yeah the bump
23407s Tech and now he's in like a if you can
23409s look at that that amount of ho
23410s percentage it's like 2% right now yeah
23414s and let's just see is that Raptor yeah
23415s so Lucius van CLE is free nowhere near
23418s the vexer right now but it looks like uh
23419s Lucius van Clee coming on a mission he
23422s running down he's on an honorable solo
23425s PVP mission right now however the Bal
23427s Gorn of uh huie con is trying to
23430s continue to push through uh debug I mean
23432s the debug were counting kind of the ASB
23433s charges he's used a good amount of them
23436s the Bal Gorn should eventually be able
23437s to break debug really that's going to be
23440s the effect of those uh NES and uh that
23442s NOS really just shutting off the
23443s hardeners I mean the Balor we don't see
23445s any ewar there's no NOS or anything on
23447s that sleer to keep you know any sort of
23450s um invol or multispectrum hardening on
23453s indeed indeed so it's uh s two slep and
23456s a broadword versus one Balor and I'm not
23458s handing mod the L because honestly this
23460s is anyone's game right now Rage Quit
23463s cancel sub they're ahead on the points
23465s they're a little bit they're in a little
23467s bit of a of hot water here once that Bel
23469s Gorn debug is holding on for raptor is
23473s chasing after the mollus and critically
23475s right now the match is at a bit of a uh
23479s situation where if debug goes down and
23481s this mullus gets solo pvpd by the Raptor
23484s it would be a tie on points so that
23486s would take us to sudden death so Alis
23489s hkat needs to be playing his absolute
23491s life right now continuing to apply
23493s tracking disruption just allowing Qi
23495s cont to continue to live to win however
23497s debug is in uh you know Shield or sorry
23500s armor rather as a BAL Gorn continues to
23503s drop lower and lower but if it's one
23504s sleer versus a BAL Gorn I don't know if
23507s the Bal Gorn is killable it's really
23510s tough and so the mollus goes down the
23512s mollus is uh in danger of of getting oh
23514s no and the bug continues to oh he's
23516s getting an ASB he's got his ASB back so
23519s I think that the Bal Gorn might not have
23521s been able to break it um you know you
23524s might be wait not until the B Gorn drops
23527s but you might be able to hand me that or
23529s that might be one of the last charges of
23530s the slepnir if the bug drops and Lily
23533s does not uh survive
23536s first um I'm looking at the born and you
23540s can Crown me yeah that's the Bal Gorn of
23543s huy K down that will be Rage Quit cancel
23545s sub beating barcode
23548s unfortunately um in this situation
23550s barcode um they brought their
23553s composition in at 20 km really trying to
23556s expect like a kite comp and wanting
23557s initial tackle but that's kind of the
23559s the risk right is that if you get rushed
23561s down and you get caught your Bal Gorn is
23564s going to be sat on top of and you're not
23565s going to be able to split people apart
23567s Rage Quit cancel sub for the first time
23570s ever is going to make top four barcode
23573s you know they made uh third place last
23574s year they will not make top six this
23576s year and that means that barcode is
23579s going to go out they will get a total of
23582s I believe eight of the frig eight of the
23585s cruiser and four of that uh python yeah
23588s and uh as this match wraps up uh I just
23590s want to give a shout out to Lucius vanle
23592s bringing solo back in this match and uh
23596s really taking care of a couple of those
23597s key targets and with that the last
23600s barcode ship has fallen barcode has
23602s fallen we'll send it back to the desk
23604s and we'll see you all tomorrow for the
23606s top four
23637s and there you have it we have our top
23639s four here in Alliance tournament 20 we
23642s have the truth on life the tuskers co
23645s Platinum sensitivity and our fourth and
23647s final R quit cancel sub they join the
23650s top four so tomorrow those four teams
23652s will compete to see who goes home as the
23653s grand finals that was our last match of
23655s the day see you later barod we we are
23658s pretty much done so let me just just pop
23659s that there thank you thank you as well
23662s we're pretty much done here um yes
23665s that's a good stand that's what we want
23667s that's what we want oh we get the SI
23669s yeah get the sipping noise some ASMR
23671s welcome to the live tournament 20 ASMR
23673s Edition
23675s I thought that was for you there were
23676s some amazing matches today thank you so
23678s much U everyone who competed uh the
23681s amount of time and effort that you guys
23682s put into doing this uh is is incredible
23685s uh and you've given us some amazing
23686s moments this week uh and last weekend as
23689s well just incredible I'm super excited
23690s for tomorrow these are four incredible
23692s teams uh thank you to all of you guys
23694s out in in twitch land as well uh for for
23696s a second around of watching and uh for
23698s you know having some fun with us today
23700s that was uh an incredible last match
23702s what way to finish the day uh we will be
23704s back tomorrow but don't go away because
23706s we're going to be raiding uh Shad
23709s Squatch did our alarm just go off uh
23711s it's they detected legal activity oh no
23714s oh no that was the flagship death alarm
23717s so someone go find that out we're going
23719s to raid Shad Squatch uh he is doing a 24
23722s charity stream he's about uh 5 and a
23724s half hours into it right now uh so make
23726s sure you stick around and watch that uh
23728s I've been told when we go over he is
23730s going to be doing a giveaway of his
23731s Nitra so uh make sure you check that out
23733s stick around
23734s highly recommend you uh you donate if
23736s you can uh he's doing it all for a good
23738s cause um if you don't that's fine I mean
23741s maybe you're just not a nice person I
23742s don't really that's up to
23745s you
23747s donate all right and with that we'll see
23750s you tomorrow same time same place
23752s twitch.tv/ CCP for the conclusion of
23755s Alliance tournament 20