6 months ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

16s Heroes have
20s risen Legends have been
25s forged their names echoing Through Time
34s their
35s Glory Ed into the
39s Stars doesn't appear to
42s be still
46s hammering come onon pull a hero on us
49s I'm looking for the hero hry
54s load the arena
56s awaits this Crucible of Courage ready to
60s bear
61s witness who will be cast down and who
65s will join the immortal
68s Dynasty let the battle begin
90s hello everyone and welcome to this
93s Temple to the orbs of Fate as we are
96s going to be drawing uh from this
98s beautiful Contraption before us all of
102s the positions for the alliance
104s tournament 20 XX the room at 20 feeder
107s rounds I'm CCP Overlord joined by CCP
110s Lumi uh as we prostrate ourselves before
113s the gods of chance um we are the the
116s high priest and High Priestess of this
117s new order uh you can call me Father over
120s if you prefer Padre is also fine um and
123s also we have online one of our deep
126s acolytes and disciples uh father zealous
129s uh also known sometimes as CB zealous
131s but I prefer father zealous uh who is
133s going to be explaining some of the bits
135s and pieces of today before we get going
138s with this uh religious
140s ceremony uh forever pondering the orbs
144s seems to be today's
145s goal uh so I'm going to take take things
148s from here so I going to go over the
150s format for this year to get things
152s rolling along um so uh yeah this year we
156s had a whopping 55 teams enter uh four of
159s which were last year's winners uh
161s fraternity barcode truth on the light
163s and tuskers uh and they're going to be
166s fortunate enough to escape the roller
168s coaster that is going to be the feeders
170s this time uh so that takes us down to 51
173s teams which is the ones we can see here
176s zoom in a little
177s bit there we go 51 teams you can see
180s here
181s um so the main tournament as we've said
183s in October is a 32 team uh double
186s elimination tournament uh we need to
188s make 51 teams go into 28 uh with those
192s uh four advancing teams taken into
194s account uh we need to give teams at
196s least two chances to make it uh through
200s against different opponents for maximum
202s opportunities just in case you get a
204s tougher draw in in your particular uh as
207s your particular opponent but also we
209s need to keep the number of match is low
210s enough that we can still fit in those
212s two weekends so how did you do that you
215s ask well as the teams are pulled
219s today SC
221s across uh so as the teams are pulled
224s today they will fill 17 groups of three
227s teams from top to bottom it's it's an
230s eve stream right I need I need
232s spreadsheets it needs always needs
233s spreadsheets um so they will fill these
236s 17 teams of groups of three from top to
238s bottom uh with each team to play uh the
241s people in their group at least one other
244s time so this is going to give you your
246s your two opportunities um so if each
250s group will have someone finishing at the
251s top a runner up and an
253s elimination so each match is going to
255s have its score uh and it's match time
258s recorded uh which means for the
260s advancing teams the teams with the
261s highest score and the fastest time will
264s be seeded into the main tournament a
265s little higher uh for the runners up in
268s each group there will be one position
270s that will go to the top runner up that
272s is the one that that scores the most in
274s the fastest time uh who will also be
277s advancing through to the at uh with the
279s remaining uh 17 positions uh battling
282s out so we can see the outcomes here and
285s the runner up
286s included Bon uh for our first 18
291s positions with the runners up up
293s here battling it out against each other
296s uh to eliminate uh so sorry the with
299s with the first eight uh being pushed
301s through to the at uh and the last two
305s positions being uh whittel down from uh
308s the four losers from uh the Redemption
311s Road
313s um with that I think it's uh it's time
317s to pass it over to CP Lumi and CP
320s overload so I can start filling this out
322s and we can start seeing who's going to
323s be playing each other uh just so you
325s guys are aware as well I'm going to be
327s posing this over into the um uh Alliance
330s tournament channels on Discord
332s afterwards I've also included a handy
334s little tab here uh just to see your
336s match times uh and a little easier way
338s to just break down who's playing against
340s whom and uh at what time uh with that I
343s pass it back to CCP overload and CCP
346s Lumi to start pulling some numbers for
348s me
350s please all right thank you very much for
352s that uh Padre now um before we get
355s started CB convict uh tells us that we
357s have to be quick about this uh but uh I
360s B no man and I want to find out um uh
362s how are you cumi I am doing well I'm
365s excited to finally be playing with the
367s Bingo machine it's been sitting here for
369s about an hour and I haven't been able to
370s play with it yet you dog a very very
372s obvious uh euphemism there and for that
374s I'm actually quite proud of you that was
376s uh let's let's move on quickly with that
378s so a little word of how we're going to
379s run this uh we're going this thing is
381s loud as balls uh so what we're going to
383s do is we're going to run it and pull
384s about five balls at any one
388s moment seem to be see be is laughing in
390s the background uh and then we will take
392s those and we will read them off one at a
393s time in the order that they come out uh
395s and then uh father zealous will be the
397s one uh doing the spreadsheet ma magic
399s and of course what says Eve online
401s Esports more than a spreadsheet so
404s without further Ado CCP Lumi if you
406s would here we
414s go all right first five ready let's go
418s for it which's first they've got number
421s 31 number 31 that is the rusty hyenas
424s Clan first out Rusty hyenas Clan well
426s done you're first probably the only time
428s you will be first in this tournament but
429s good luck number two 15 15 this is ho
433s control hole control second out 24 24
438s paper numbers and I'm reading that off
440s of
441s paper number nine number nine that is
445s evasive maneuvering that's what you just
447s did on that pun number 20 number 20
450s Odin's call perhaps once again they will
453s answer all right
460s roll okay another five four number four
464s uh boundary
466s experts number 50 number 50 we form
469s Volta number 16 number 16 that is the
473s intergalactic space hobo is a great name
476s number three number three birds of prey
479s hopefully better than the film five um
482s Brave Collective okay and more balls
485s please Su
494s L all right what's next two number two
498s arrival you have arrived number 17
502s number 17 kitchen sinkhole the Wormhole
505s is are back as well number 46 46
508s unspoken Alliance we shouldn't have said
510s their name 26 26 uh Plug and Play i l
515s number 26 11 number 11 that is Fancy
519s Pants Alliance all right so more balls
528s please okay 23 23 pandemic horde 27 27
536s uh that is postp Clarity nice seven
540s seven uh that is the Norv gate Security
543s Commission the late entry 30 number 30
546s uh root Capel I shall be spamming my
548s madmazel one number one accept your fate
553s all
554s right bow
563s me 42 42 till
568s doomsday 40 40 the Ancients it's all the
571s wi ones now 34 34 I thought you talking
575s about the Ancients there um 34 slow
577s children at play 35 35 snuffed out and
583s 13 13 uh that is goon swarm Federation
587s the goons once again making their run at
589s the alliance tournament good luck
602s 39 39 uh that is test the alliance
605s please ignore I didn't know they were
607s still a thing but cool 38 38 um it is
610s templis calcif 21 21 is of essence 41 41
619s uh the initiative 19 number 19 uh no
624s need lose face Fair
638s there we go five more 37 37 is Sons of
643s Bane 25 25 Platinum sensitivity 45 45
651s United Federation of conifers the trees
654s 36 36 uh Solaris konium I think that's
659s spelling
660s slice basically 47 47 did you say mhm uh
664s that is
679s Ursa number eight deteriorated number
683s eight 32 32 it is sedition the L
688s saers 28
690s 28 Rage Quit cancel sub don't do that 43
695s 43 um it is a
697s try number 10 Exodus
701s Dot and more balls
711s please going to stick with three now six
715s that is number six bright side of death
718s 44 44 turbo feed Or Glory 18 18 uh mimar
725s Fleet
734s Alliance almost at the end we can almost
736s hear ourselves over this machine now
738s pretty nice isn't it 33 33 seriously
744s suspicious number 12 number 12 it is
748s genin impact Alliance
750s 49 49 uh watch this you know I'm glad
755s that um hidden Leaf aren't in this draw
758s because I'd have to read their whole
759s name out again and that's always a pain
761s good luck last
769s five if we get them out if we get them
772s out yes two left let's go little balls
776s oh there we go here we go the final BS
781s 22 22 uh that is only
785s fleets 14 uh Grand inquisitors
789s Federation 29 29 uh is ronin reloaded I
795s with two there's two left who are the
797s last two sui 48 48 is ushan how fitting
802s we end with 51 51 white squall all right
806s that is it that is all of the numbers
808s out uh I will pass the buck back over to
812s our dear father zealous who appears to
814s be uh in his pirate guys today seem to
817s be zealous how is it looking I heard we
818s might have a test versus goon matchup uh
821s it is it is
823s looking quite
825s fantastic uh match one I got to quickly
828s run through it match one is going to be
829s rusty hiners versus h control number two
830s evasive maneuvering versus Odin number
833s three is we form vter versus
835s Intergalactic space hobos number four
837s Brave Collective versus arriv Ral number
838s five on Alliance versus plug and play uh
841s number six pandemic horde versus postp
843s pod Clarity number seven root Capel
846s versus accept your fate number eight the
848s Ancients versus slow children at play
851s match number nine is goonswarm
852s Federation versus test Alliance please
854s ignore match number 10 is going to be of
857s essence versus the initiative match 11
859s sons of Bane versus platinum sensitivity
862s uh match number 12 is Solaris versus
864s Ursa match number 13 sedition versus
867s rage Quake cancel sub uh match number 14
869s Exodus versus bright side of death 15
872s minmatar Alliance versus seriously
874s suspicious 16 watch this versus only
876s fleets 17 versus Ronin Ronin reloaded
880s versus ushan match number 18 is going to
883s be whole control versus paper numbers 19
885s Odin's call versus boundary experts
888s Intergalactic space hobos versus Birds
890s of Prey M makes match number 20 arrival
893s versus uh kitchen sinkhole for match 21
896s match 22 is plug andplay versus Fancy
898s Pants Alliance 23 postp Clarity versus
902s uh the north gate Security Commission
904s match number 24 exceptional fate versus
906s to Doomsday 25 slow children at play
908s versus snuffed out 26 test versus tempus
912s 27 the initiative versus no need loose
916s face that still gets me every time I
917s read that name uh match number 28
920s Platinum censor 2T versus United
922s Federation of conifers match up 29 Ursa
924s versus deteriorated 30 rage qu Kaza
927s versus try 31 bright side of death
929s versus turbo field of Glory seriously
931s suspicious versus genjin impact Alliance
933s is 32 uh match number 33 is only fleets
937s again I gu that's going to catch me out
938s versus Grand inquisitors Federation 34
942s being ushra Khan versus white score 35
945s Rusty hyenas Clan versus paper numbers
947s 36 evasive maneuvering versus boundary
950s experts 37 we form VTA versus Birds of
952s Prey 38 Brave Collective versus kitchen
955s sinkhole
957s 39 uh unspoken Alliance versus Fancy
959s Pants 40 pandemic horde versus nve gate
963s Security Commission 41 root Capel versus
966s till Dooms Day 42 is the Ancients versus
969s snuffed out 43 goonswarm versus templis
972s CF 44 is of essence versus no need loose
976s face 45 sons of Bane versus United
979s Federation of conifers 46 Vian Solaris
981s versus deteriorated 47 Vian sedition
983s against try Exodus against double field
986s of Glory for 48 for 49 mear Fleet
989s Alliance versus The Gin impact Alliance
992s uh match 50 watch this versus the grand
994s inquisitors Federation 51 being Ronin
996s reloaded versus white score wow what a
1000s drawing there's some fantastic potential
1002s matches in there I am really looking
1004s forward to seeing how it plays out uh as
1007s I said I'll post this over on Discord
1009s shortly after this stream uh obviously
1011s we're going to go into Li to feed
1013s shortly uh once the the LI to feed wraps
1015s up we will uh we'll get that out to you
1017s all um
1020s but that's it for now stay tuned in uh
1022s and we'll be back shortly I just want to
1024s say special thanks to CP overload and CP
1026s Lumi for being uh I can't think of
1029s another phrase my ball controllers uh
1030s it's greatly appreciated uh and we'll
1033s see you all again
1037s shortly welcome back my guys gals and
1040s nonbinary Pals we are ready for Alliance
1044s tournament 20 it is that time once again
1047s I cannot believe it Alliance XX the 20th
1051s running of this Crucible of combat of
1054s Internet spaceships what a historic
1057s moment approaches very soon uh and we
1060s are kicking off tournament season with a
1063s little bit of a discussion about the
1065s upcoming tournament um I have all my
1068s notes Here I think it says prize ships
1071s interesting I'm sure we can get to that
1073s a little bit later uh but first let me
1075s introduce uh my panel with me today I am
1078s CB overload uh and I'm joined by by CCP
1082s Swift a man who has competed in many
1084s tournaments boundar countless times um
1087s and of course as a member of pandemic
1089s Legion the most winningest team in
1091s history of the LI tour he is no stranger
1093s to to Victory as he flashes his medals
1097s there excellent CCP Swift thank you for
1100s joining me I'm also joined by CCP
1103s zealous or should I give him his full
1105s title Dr CB zealous PhD in tournament ly
1109s uh he joins us today uh to talk about
1111s the rules the format and all the
1113s different fun bits uh of Alliance
1115s tournament 20 and of course we are
1117s joined by mystical might also a
1119s tournament veteran uh last year he was
1123s kind of part of the fraternity team uh
1125s the winners of Alliance tournament 19 uh
1127s and he has been in some successful teams
1129s for many years and of course you've
1130s recognized him from previous Alliance
1132s tournament broadcast a veteran
1134s broadcaster so thank you all for joining
1137s um C speeded zealous it's the feeders
1140s talk to me what are the alliance
1142s tournament
1143s feeders so we uh we removed oh well is
1148s it last year yeah last year we removed
1149s the um silent bid entry into the main
1153s tournament so this means you still need
1156s to find a way to get however many people
1158s that want to join the tournament into
1160s the main tournament so we have a feeder
1162s tournament to figure out that process uh
1165s we've changed it a little bit from year
1167s to year because we have to adapt it to
1169s obiously the number of people that end
1170s up joining um and this time round we
1172s have a new feeder format again kind of a
1175s little bit similar to what we did at 187
1178s I think it was with the the the tribal
1180s trials um and it's just a case of group
1183s entry uh play somebody else in your
1186s group and to determine who gets through
1188s to the main tournament we need 32 people
1191s which actually counts down to 28 because
1193s we have to uh remove the four winners
1195s from last year um so we need to whittle
1198s down 50 one teams uh to to fill those
1202s slots it's a lot of teams a lot of
1204s matches to get through uh play them
1206s through cut down version of the main
1207s tournament uh epic
1210s matches yeah as you say 51 teams trying
1213s to go into 28 we have to cut those
1214s numbers down and of course the optimal
1216s strategy for success in the atance T de
1217s feeders is in fact come top four the
1220s previous year and gain yourself entry
1222s directly into the tournament uh those
1224s four teams are going to be sitting back
1226s watching seeing what they can kind of
1227s sniff out from The Meta meanwhile the
1229s other 51 have to compete for those few
1231s 28 spots um they have been seeded
1234s randomly into groups of three uh I
1237s believe the first uh place in each group
1240s will go through directly the second
1242s place uh also has a solid chance of
1244s going through but the third place will
1246s be eliminated uh there are some tough
1249s looking groups already this year um
1252s especially I know mystical M you've been
1254s looking at some of these groups uh and
1256s kind of I can see in the notes here
1258s let's just talk a little bit Group B for
1260s a moment tell me about what we're seeing
1261s in group b yeah so Group B is probably
1265s looking to be the toughest group to be
1267s in at this moment in time we have
1269s evasive maneuvering Odin's call and
1271s Boundary experts now evasive maneuvering
1274s um may be a somewhat familiar name but
1276s it looks like it's made up of players
1278s that used to be on the dark side and the
1280s vitra team so very experienced very good
1283s at what they do usually only really play
1285s on TQ around tournament time to get back
1288s into the field of the Met and get an
1289s understanding of how to fly together
1291s again and you know how everything works
1293s any any changes that may have happened
1295s while they were away then you've got
1296s Odin SCH who placed top 12 last year but
1300s came second place in 8 and Boundary
1302s experts that placed top eight last year
1305s and top 16 in 818 so all of them have
1310s amazing tournament pedigree all of them
1312s should be expecting success in this
1314s year's liance tournament but not all of
1316s them can make it one of them has to go
1318s home early
1319s and I'm sure that they're going to be
1320s playing a lot harder for that because
1322s they don't want to be the one that's
1323s left
1324s out yeah is definely going to be a very
1327s tough group um as you mentioned um
1329s Odin's call they came top 12 last year
1332s but they came second place the year
1333s before in Alliance tournament 18 uh a
1335s kind of a a surprise run from them to
1337s get that deep no one really expected it
1339s but they by God they earned it that was
1342s a superb run from them only dropping at
1345s that final final hurdle uh last year
1347s they went top 12 so a little bit of a
1349s stumble can they come back from that um
1352s you know they always say the SQL is
1354s Never As Good As the the first one but
1356s the the three Quil is usually where you
1357s really come back and hit hard so I'm
1359s interested to see how they do uh
1361s boundary experts have a lot of lot of
1363s pedigree just straight up and as to
1364s evasive maneuvering with a number of
1366s Alliance tournament champions in that
1367s team so uh one to watch absolutely I do
1372s also want to add the boundary experts
1375s have one of the uh best pilots on their
1379s team it's not me uh but uh you know
1382s retired can't play obviously uh but Chad
1386s hammerco is on the boundary expert teams
1389s uh he was a fan favorite when he uh
1391s broke through onto the scene uh both for
1394s people watching and for um our amazing
1398s casters as they had to say that name
1400s straight-faced yep um speaking of our
1403s amazing casters maybe this is a good
1404s segue uh CCB Swift you're one of the
1407s most storied um casters all Alliance
1410s tournament history you've been here for
1411s for so many years doing this there's
1413s babyfaced CCP Swift videos from Alliance
1415s tournament like seven and8 um flying in
1418s Little Ships and then being on the desk
1420s and casting um tell me about this year's
1423s casting
1424s lineup uh yeah uh you are also by the
1427s way in fact everyone here is uh pretty
1429s stored uh for the alliance hornet in
1431s terms of casting uh but we've got some
1433s names that you've seen before and also
1435s uh some new names for everyone uh we've
1438s got a great list list of uh of talent
1440s both on the analyst side uh and on the
1442s commentary side uh this weekend you'll
1446s be hearing from uh quite a few of them
1449s uh and also during the alliance torment
1451s uh main broadcast uh will'll be flying I
1453s believe seven of the uh player
1455s commentators and analysts out uh to our
1458s studios here in raiki vic Iceland uh but
1461s you know some names that you uh might
1462s not have seen before at least uh on the
1465s talent side it's Starfleet Commander
1466s moving from uh Volta team uh former
1470s Captain a former Alliance tournament
1471s winner as well or gold medalist um you
1475s see him often in the logy ship uh he's
1478s uh ditching the team joining the uh the
1482s casting group uh Theon is also going to
1485s be casting as well and providing some
1486s amazing uh
1488s analysis uh during our chat with him as
1490s we were like chatting to a whole bunch
1492s of these um applicants uh just blew my
1495s mind with the amount of uh stuff that
1497s they on just has stored in his gigantic
1500s brain uh relating to at stuff uh it was
1503s so cool uh I geeked out a little bit uh
1507s moderator you all remember moderator uh
1510s number one uh Brett Thomas Thomas
1512s returns uh bay RJ even though he doesn't
1515s like the Limelight uh we'll be making
1517s sure that the feeders broadcast goes and
1519s looks smooth and amazing uh he's going
1522s to be the man behind the scenes uh don't
1524s pay any attention uh but pay all the
1527s attention of course you've got black
1529s barart pirate too uh I think uh blackb
1533s pirate has got an amazing amount of uh
1536s tournament knowledge uh can kind of
1538s break down uh what's going on behind you
1541s know what the teams are doing right like
1544s sometimes you're in a deadlock between
1545s two matches or two teams in a match and
1549s um yeah it's it's uh really important to
1553s be able to contextualize uh everything
1555s going on there yeah really good crew um
1558s it's going to be the return of uh both
1561s analysts and casters on location uh we
1564s haven't seen that for for a very long
1565s time um I believe I think Alliance
1568s tournament 14 was probably the last one
1572s in Iceland with all casters and
1574s commentators on site because after that
1576s we had the split between um event
1579s hosting in Nottingham with we had some
1580s online casters Al 16 was the same mostly
1583s on site but most of the actual match
1585s commentating was done uh online 17 and
1588s 18 and 19 all of the commentators were
1591s online and the analysts were on location
1594s this year um The Return of the entire
1597s crew being on location uh I'm looking
1600s forward to to that I think it's going to
1601s be a lot of like a lot of synergy it's
1603s always it's always great when you you
1604s can like finish a long broadcast to sit
1607s and discuss things uh with the people
1609s like You' you've watched like dozens of
1611s matches over the day and you want to
1612s talk about your favorite bets and some
1613s of the people who are on the casting
1615s like doing the doing the different
1616s matches are just not there cuz they're
1618s back at home home in whatever time zone
1619s they happen to be in so being able to
1621s bring them out this year for the 20th
1623s running of Alliance tournament is uh
1625s certainly something that I am looking
1627s forward to U Mr Kite you have been both
1629s a caster and an analyst uh how much are
1632s you looking forward to Alliance
1633s tournament this year round oh I am
1635s excited it should be a good one um the
1638s point changes mean that there's going to
1640s be a lot of different uh comps being
1641s brought to the matches in the field I
1643s think um which will allow teams to be
1645s probably a little bit more creative plus
1647s we've had the new ships join the game so
1649s um there's a lot of new variables in
1651s this Alliance tournament that will
1653s hopefully make it one of the more
1654s interesting ones and teams will have to
1657s play to get in which means that they are
1659s going to actually be there because they
1662s deserve to be there which I think is
1664s also a pretty good little factor to to
1667s consider yeah 100% um CIS mentioned this
1670s earlier on but um for many years one of
1672s the ways you could guarantee yourself a
1673s spot in the alliance tournament was
1675s simply to uh bid and get EnV VI of the
1678s silent play Plex auction of course all
1679s that Plex went into the prize pot uh but
1681s it meant that rich alliances could just
1683s splash the cash and get themselves
1685s straight in now they all have to go
1687s through this Gauntlet um and try and get
1689s in no matter how good you are if you
1692s didn't make top four the previous year
1693s you must earn your spot in the alliance
1696s tournament there is no more oh but I
1699s have lots of money in the game no no I
1701s don't care how much money you have you
1703s must actually prove yourself before uh
1706s the might of the tournament itself so
1708s I'm looking forward to that um CP
1710s zealous maybe we should go into a little
1712s bit more detail now on the changes to
1715s the rules and the point system so this
1717s is something you've been talking about
1719s for a while um for a long time basically
1722s as long as the land has been running H
1724s it has been 100 points uh there's been
1727s different numbers of Pilots allowed uh
1729s at one point I believe it was I think it
1730s maxed out 14 it was 12 for a while uh
1732s and then went to 10 a long time ago and
1734s stayed at 10 uh we are sticking with 10
1737s but you went in retreated to the uh the
1740s the the cave of tournaments and came
1742s back out and you like by Jo I have it
1745s 200 tell me about this who would have
1748s thought all you needed to do was just
1749s double the numbers right uh yeah so it
1752s was you're you're exactly right we have
1754s bounced around a lot of um both like uh
1757s players that can be brought to to a team
1760s uh and with the points uh well the
1763s thought behind the the whole 200 points
1764s system was the fact that because we've
1766s had 100 now for so long it's very easy
1768s to look at a like for example on the top
1771s end you look at two battleships you can
1773s very much tell the difference in terms
1774s of number of points and the value they
1776s actually bring to the arena uh just by
1779s the number of points it's very very
1781s reflective of that whereas when you come
1783s down to the smaller end uh the like
1785s value between an assault ship and a frig
1788s you can't really justify it just being
1789s one point so the idea this time around
1792s is not only did we double the point
1794s value to give that extra kind of
1796s granularity uh we also increase the
1798s amount of uniquely pointed ships so
1800s obviously when you're flying the m in
1802s space uh when there's uh uh regular
1805s Encounters in across new Eden rather
1807s than in an arena format the ships have a
1809s certain value whenever you bring them so
1810s there's like popular ships that you see
1812s in that format whereas in the
1814s arena that kind of value changes a
1817s little bit because you're confined to
1819s the space of the size of the Arena the
1821s composition of your team how it's
1822s structured so the value changes a little
1825s bit so trying to get a nice kind of
1828s range of what a ship is actually worth
1831s was kind of what the goal is with these
1833s points now normally when you you mess
1834s around with the points a little bit uh
1836s obviously year on year we traditionally
1837s would change the points anyway um
1839s because some ships are are under pointed
1842s some ships are over pointed depending on
1843s their popularity uh this time increasing
1847s those unique Point values um we also
1850s thought maybe it's probably going to
1852s take a couple of tournaments to just
1853s kind of get get get it to a really good
1855s point but I think I think I'm pretty
1857s happy with how they are today yeah one
1859s of the things that you told me just
1860s before we started the stream actually
1862s was that the not only are the the total
1864s points that you can bring doubled but
1866s the number of uniquely pointed ships is
1869s doubled so for a long time uh it was
1871s just entire classes like Black Ops they
1873s all had the same and uh you know some
1875s ships were brought more than others and
1877s some ships weren't you know like no one
1878s was bringing an omen but we were seeing
1880s tons of vexar for example vexar are very
1882s good utility uh alen just kind of a bit
1885s crap um and then uh this you know points
1889s being able to put points individual
1890s ships me we could take ships like the
1891s Gila which are Ora and put it up pointed
1894s a little bit we could take other ships
1896s which are see you know less sh downo
1898s them but as you say yourself like with
1900s 100 points the point
1902s granularity um left something to be
1904s desired especially for ships that are
1905s only like a 4 point to a five point is a
1908s 20% increase in points consumed uh so
1911s being able to take those and just make
1913s the numbers bigger uh means that the
1915s granularity uh that we can assign is a
1918s lot lot more uh and yeah the number of
1920s uniquely pointed ships have been doubled
1922s mystical might you've done a lot of the
1924s crafting uh I mean c feel free to CH in
1926s in this one as well um what does this
1928s mean for theat crafting and coming up
1930s with comps for the
1931s tournaments yeah um a lot of the ships
1934s that people like have probably been
1935s outpointed right cuz they're strong we
1937s like them for a reason so things like
1939s your bar gas are going to be more
1940s expensive than something else um
1944s probably more expensive than a Mel maybe
1946s not I haven't actually looked too much
1947s at the at the points it's going to take
1949s a while to memorize them all um but it
1953s allows you
1955s to um focus on bringing a strong comp
1958s that may utilize um less powerful ships
1961s because they give you more points to put
1963s into other kind of areas um that you
1966s want to focus those points in so better
1968s damage dealers but maybe your support is
1969s going to be a bit weaker using ships
1971s that aren't really utilized that often
1973s on TQ um the flip side of that is that a
1976s lot of the theory crafting from previous
1978s years might need to have slight reworks
1981s to allow those to fit into the new rule
1982s structure because of those Point
1984s increases to particular strong ships so
1988s the feeder should be kind of interesting
1989s to see where people are ending up with
1991s their Theory crafting whether people are
1992s following the same kind of um track when
1995s trying to replace previous year comps or
1998s if they're going to come up with some
1998s new stuff um I'm sure we're going to
2000s still see you know OCTA daddy um as it
2003s was coined last year don't don't don't
2006s look at me like that Swift um I'm sure
2008s we're going to see things like um Fly
2010s killer um but they may not be the ones
2013s that we're familiar with yeah don't
2014s forget the new rise of the Florida man
2018s um with the the alligators the gilas ETC
2021s I'm looking forward to to um hearing
2024s excitable American casters dropping into
2026s their Southern Accents and screaming
2028s about Florida man that was great in the
2031s anger games when that comp kind of took
2033s off uh one of the other things I'm
2034s really looking forward to with the the
2036s point granularity is the mind games that
2039s you do with bands uh I I think this is
2041s probably something that teams haven't
2043s quite thought of yet because they're
2044s still in the let me make a team phase um
2048s but like previously if you had banned
2051s let's say uh slepnir uh depending on the
2054s fit you could you know in a in a pinch
2057s uh just uh throw a claymore in there and
2058s you're like it's not exactly the same
2060s does similar things we'll fly a little
2062s bit differently but the overall comp uh
2065s stays similar and you could you know
2066s change things in and out like that
2068s uh now there's a lot more stuff that
2071s you're going to have to change on the
2072s fly if one of your favorite archetypes
2075s or one of your favorite uh setups uh has
2077s some pointed bands directed at it uh so
2080s this gives like a little bit of new
2082s value to scouting out the teams paying
2085s attention to what your opponents are
2086s going to fly or have flown before and um
2090s you know what your bands are going to be
2092s uh it's it's going to be really neat can
2094s you be versatile can you swap into stuff
2097s um and yeah it's a that's always my
2100s favorite part is is the Mind Game
2101s element uh especially as the tournament
2104s progresses indeed and um CP zealous uh
2108s CP mentioned it briefly but bands I
2110s believe have had a little bit of a tweak
2111s as well you want to you want to talk to
2113s me about this one this one you came out
2115s of the the cave again and you're like
2116s I've got it it's the
2118s bands uh again it was a bit of a change
2121s this year so traditionally we've done uh
2123s blind bands for the last few years that
2125s is a case of uh two conversations get
2127s spun up
2128s uh one team will submit their list of uh
2131s if we're talking about the main
2132s tournament they'd list their four ships
2134s they'd like to ban the second team would
2135s do the same and then we'd essentially
2138s share the full list of bands with both
2140s teams at the same time and then if there
2142s was duplicates they'd be given the
2143s opportunity to um give new ships
2147s essentially so uh they the ban list
2150s could actually be incredibly huge uh
2153s this time around we we've changed the
2155s the the Banning process uh as CCP Swift
2159s kind of alluded to it's the Mind Games
2160s element of it so we now have um both
2164s teams still have those individual kind
2166s of conversations that spun up but this
2167s time they give two bands uh they they
2171s they're passed to the referee the
2173s referee then collates them all and gives
2175s the teams both sets of uh bands so you
2178s get four bands in total uh then again
2180s it's the same again if there's
2181s duplicates they give them the
2182s opportunity to submit a new ship uh if
2185s there's a duplicate of the duplicates
2187s then it's you know it's just a case of
2189s you go with that uh but not only that
2192s then there's another round of uh
2194s additional bands so they submit another
2195s two chips that they'd like to ban so
2198s it's just a case of it's like Ban two uh
2202s possible duplicates if there's no
2203s duplicates then it's just Bann another
2204s two and then the full list of uh bands
2207s is then provided to both teams yeah
2209s we've certainly seen teams uh spaghetti
2211s hard when it comes to to bands um like
2215s out metting themselves and and like oh
2217s they must me this and they bring that
2218s and they end up with just a complete
2220s mess of a comp uh infamously I remember
2223s one instant in particular in the
2224s alliance open uh the we form Volta team
2227s uh got hit by a ban they weren't
2228s expecting and summer accidentally
2229s brought four destroyers thus getting
2232s themselves disqualified from the match
2234s uh so Banning can have a real effect on
2236s your uh your team now I'm actually quite
2239s glad that the old Ban system doesn't
2241s exist anymore CB Swift will remember
2243s this I have captained back in those days
2244s as well you would be sitting waiting and
2246s then all of a sudden this thing would
2248s pop up on your screen with big red
2249s numbers counting down from 1 minute and
2251s a drop- down menu with every single ship
2254s in the game and you had to find the ship
2256s you wanted to ban in that list and click
2259s it and bang it went through and if you
2261s messed it up tough like that was it like
2264s did you mean to ban the Venture probably
2266s not but tough it has been banned uh that
2269s was terrifying uh so I definitely uh
2272s banned the Armageddon Imperial issue
2274s once um you know no chance that that
2276s would wasn't even allowed to fly in the
2278s tournament but I was like my hand my
2280s Palms were like a giga sweaty I was like
2282s scrolling I was using a track ball and I
2285s was panicking and I and the numbers were
2288s counting down uh and I was just like H
2290s this one and it was just Imperial issue
2292s uh Armageddon and everyone on my team uh
2295s laughed at me but it was fine and the
2299s other thing as well is back in those
2300s days the bands went ABB so you would put
2303s your a in and then like a minute later
2306s the other would come back and you had to
2307s make a response based on those bands or
2309s if you were the second team a band would
2310s come in and you like that's not what we
2312s expected them to ban why are they
2313s Banning the apocalypse Imperial isue
2314s what do they know that we don't and you
2316s have like under a minute to figure it
2318s out it is catastrophic uh so I'm I'm
2321s quite glad that we've gone to this
2322s system of just talking to people it's so
2325s much easier much
2328s nicer I hear is the is the way to
2330s describe it these days um so um mystical
2333s might uh let's talk a bit more about
2335s some of these other matchups uh that
2337s we're going to be seeing um in the
2339s tournament uh there's something that
2341s you've highlighted uh group I in
2343s particular looks interesting maybe maybe
2345s talk to me about that I think this was
2346s uh Swift's favorite group um out of the
2349s selection just because of the old
2351s rivalry that it that it highlights we
2353s have in group I goons swarm Federation
2355s test Alliance please ignore and templet
2357s C all going up against each other for
2360s two slots into the tournament um goons
2364s and test of course have a little bit of
2366s History you could say um having both
2368s been in coalitions together and then
2370s fighting against each other and well
2373s this will give them the opportunity to
2375s show who's best in the ring um my money
2377s is on test but you know hey maybe goon
2380s surprise me and pull something out the
2382s bag and then we have tempas who have
2384s come top eight in both of the previous
2386s tournaments um last year and in at18
2389s they have done well in the alliance
2391s opens which is where they really had
2392s their big break into the tournament
2394s scene they beat the Hydra team so
2398s everybody they didn't lose a single
2399s match yeah so so they obviously have the
2402s ability to perform really well in a
2404s tournament we just haven't seen that
2406s necessarily come from them in the last
2408s couple that we've that we've seen them
2409s in but who knows maybe this could be
2411s theirs this could be their top one
2412s finish in uh in Alliance tournament 20 Y
2415s and then down in group N uh this is
2417s going to be a toughy as well we have
2420s Exodus a very story tournament team
2422s they've made it to Grand finals I think
2424s before um and uh there's bright of death
2428s again another historic uh Team they've
2430s they've had good success they've they've
2432s never had total success but they've
2434s historically always played pretty well
2437s uh and can certainly knock out um a
2439s lesser team and filling out that group
2442s uh is uh perhaps more than the turbo
2445s feed uh but is Turbo feed Or Glory uh is
2449s going to be a tough one for them they're
2450s they're newer to the tournament team
2452s tournament scene uh and they have two
2454s very tough tough teams to get through
2456s but should they be able to do so that
2458s would be a heck of an upset um and uh
2461s this is exactly why I think these groups
2464s have such potential to have exciting
2465s matches because you have two teams that
2468s maybe are going to be trying to keep
2470s some strategies behind keep you know
2472s maybe not bring the optimal stuff and
2473s then one team who's going to try and go
2475s for Glory um and we have seen that
2477s backfire for the you know the teams
2480s expected to win we have seen them drop
2482s in the past to the underdog because they
2484s just were not prepared for the um
2488s what's what's the way of saying it the
2489s unorthodox comps that are brought by uh
2492s by some of the teams with less
2494s experience and CB Swift uh like what's
2497s it like when you're one of these
2498s Underdog teams going up against a team
2500s that has a
2501s reputation uh so it's kind of great
2503s right because you almost feels like you
2505s have nothing to lose and everything to
2507s gain so uh of course you have the
2510s tournament Jitters uh you are very very
2512s nervous you want to be able to execute
2515s and and you know show off how good you
2516s are and uh make you know use of all your
2519s practice time but at the same time the
2521s pressure feels a little bit different uh
2523s especially if most people think you're
2525s not expected to win or anything like
2526s that uh so you just go out you do like
2529s muscle memory you're like kind of flying
2531s like a a bit of a robot a bit uh and
2534s you're just like you're just with the
2536s gang you're just with your squad uh
2538s playing some EV online killing some
2540s ships uh and it feels great uh but if
2543s you're like on the other side of the
2546s coin if you're like a top team and you
2547s know you do
2548s experience uh an unknown team you're
2552s kind of really scared uh I've been in
2555s this position before uh you have a giant
2557s Target on your back everyone wants to
2558s take you down they're going to show you
2560s their best team comp and you're just
2563s sitting there panicking sweating like
2565s what what am I going to take am I going
2567s to take like one of my endgame setups
2569s that I've been practicing for this whole
2571s time uh am I going to be confident that
2573s I can just execute um and I've guessed
2576s The Meta correctly like that first match
2578s is absolutely
2580s gut-wrenching uh and we've seen it
2582s happen time and time again uh I think
2584s the the best examples when you guys were
2586s just talking about it templus took down
2589s uh the Hydra team Hydra just they felt
2591s like they were just going to cruise to a
2593s fat dub nobody knew who these Tempest
2595s people were and then the Last Spartan
2598s came out probably in a rattlesnake just
2600s obliterated them and everyone was just
2603s like what yeah what just happened I was
2606s L streaming 16 you had they get knocked
2608s down in weekend one there was a four-
2609s weekend 64 team main tournament at that
2612s time and they get knocked down in their
2613s first match into the lower bracket and
2615s had to just grind all the way through
2618s the tournament uh to make it back uh
2620s into the I think they got to the Grand
2622s Final that year and then end up losing
2623s to vidra if I remember correctly but it
2625s was a heck of a run from Hydra after
2628s that surprise from uh from temples
2631s Castle so if you in a group with some of
2633s these like more Story teams then
2635s honestly you're probably making them
2636s them sweat more than you are sweating I
2639s think is the main takeaway there like
2640s you have the opportunity to write
2642s yourselves into the history books uh
2645s meanwhile they have the opportunity to
2646s potentially uh stumble and fall at a
2649s very important moment for themselves so
2651s lots and lots of good interesting
2653s matches we are going to be seeing uh in
2655s literally days like I I kind of forgot
2657s to mention that but it's literally days
2659s away um is what today today's at 22nd
2662s this starts on the 24th like it's
2665s literally just about to start um
2667s tournament season it basically has
2669s started um
2671s and what's going out bl's going out okay
2675s guess what tournament prize ships are
2677s back not only are they back in the the
2679s tournament but they are back in your
2680s hands and I have something special to
2682s tell you not only is there a frot not
2684s only is there a cruiser there is for the
2687s first time a Alliance tournament prize
2689s Battleship coming this year so there are
2692s three chips for Alliance tournament 20
2695s uh cpb have you got the pictures perhaps
2698s to throw up so we can see all three of
2702s the alliance tournament ships and maybe
2704s CB zalis can talkers through them a
2706s little
2708s bit o pogs a battleship that's all I got
2711s to say just getting that hold
2714s up oh he's getting it there we go here
2717s it is here they are Alliance tournament
2720s skins and prize ships tell me about
2722s these absolute beasts CCP zealous so uh
2727s the ones you're seeing here are actually
2729s the set of prizes uh for the prize skins
2732s uh of course the main ships themselves
2735s uh are normally traditionally very close
2737s to to what you see with the Skins uh I
2739s think off the top of my head it was The
2740s Enforcer at the top is getting a skin uh
2743s the Marshall is getting one The Pacifier
2745s is getting one and the monitor is
2747s getting one which is in the bottom right
2748s here uh these are just the the victory
2752s skins again traditionally we uh pass
2754s these out uh for achieving a win for uh
2758s anytime essentially during the
2759s tournament so during the feeders or for
2761s for the main tournament itself uh one of
2764s them gets you one of the victory skins
2765s and the Victory skin itself has all four
2767s skins attached to it uh we also have the
2772s Three Tournament priz ships uh obviously
2774s a little bit more details are kind of
2776s going to be developing as the the
2778s tournament goes on but they have the
2781s ability to share with you the names this
2782s time round uh is The Sidewinder is going
2786s to be the equivalent of the pacifier the
2789s Cobra is going to be the equivalent of
2791s the enforcer and the python is going to
2793s be the equivalent of the
2795s Marshall wow and now so obviously this
2798s tournament was announced initially
2799s sponsored by Concord but then those
2801s dastardly Pirates came in uh were like
2803s you know Screw you guys graffitied all
2805s over the website uh we had to scramble
2808s and pull together this this new set of
2809s rules after we got them sent to us from
2812s uh from the Pirates um they have taken
2814s these these ships and I believe be
2817s zealous obviously the Marshall we know
2819s famously responds to having positive
2822s security status um that's interesting um
2826s perhaps maybe you could tell us why I'm
2828s mentioning this I I mean it's the gerss
2831s right the GRS want to put on a good show
2833s give give the people what they want uh
2836s they're but they're Pirates after all so
2838s maybe maybe they the ship should do
2840s something depending on what your
2842s negative security status should be
2845s perhaps wow I mean
2848s I kind of want one um
2851s so
2853s they uh yeah I gasped so hard when I saw
2856s them uh everyone in the room fainted
2858s because I sucked up all the air uh an
2860s alliance tournament Battleship and
2863s having that be a Marshall and already
2865s yolked out ship to begin with um the
2868s fact that uh we get to have some fun
2870s with that is going to be even better uh
2872s and one thing that uh you might have
2874s missed while gasping very hard uh and
2877s UGL the ships is the number of prize
2879s ships the distribution of these ships uh
2882s you know back in the day in the the Dark
2884s Ages uh you got 50 ships finishing first
2888s of the Cruisers uh 50 frigs if you
2890s finish second and a pat on the shoulder
2893s uh if you finish third or less uh of
2896s course after that we kind of brought it
2897s down for first through fourth uh and you
2900s know when they brought the tournament
2902s back we've kind of been Distributing
2903s them more and more down the way uh so
2906s now as you can see on screen uh top 16
2909s teams uh will get two of the frigs two
2911s of the Cruisers and a battleship so
2913s really if you finish in the top 16 you
2916s are getting an alliance tournament
2918s Battleship uh like your team is going to
2920s be able to have this uh fly it around
2924s I'm sure you know trust isn't an issue
2926s so you all just share it amongst
2927s yourselves trade it uh set up contracts
2931s for it you just leave it in the Corp
2933s hangers yeah uh and of course that's uh
2936s if you do the math
2937s uh and uh you know you're good at
2939s counting that's
2941s 385 tournament ships uh that's an obsc
2945s number of ships out there uh they're
2947s going to be really fun to fly and we
2949s can't wait to see you uh fly them
2952s amazingly and horribly at the same time
2955s all Mr Kite uh what's your take on
2958s Alliance tournament battleships uh we
2961s first time we've really seen that the
2962s last time there was unique battleships
2964s was way way way back when in um the
2967s first Omar championship and through a
2969s couple of other um uh sort of lore
2971s events there's the Tempest tribal issue
2973s the uh the state Raven um the uh was it
2978s the Federation Mega and of course the
2981s the various uh apocalypse Imperial
2983s issues which c will love to ban um tell
2985s me what's your what's your reaction to
2988s 80 battleships yeah I think um a lot of
2992s people are going to be very happy with
2993s the inclusion of battleships now um you
2996s know we've been used to frigs and
2998s cruises year on year um I think
3001s battleships especially because it's a
3002s Black Ops Battleship you know the
3004s ability to cloak um and move around on a
3007s grid not necessarily warp unless that's
3009s going to be one of the special gifts
3010s given to the battleship this year who
3012s knows who knows not me um but it it
3017s provides an extra little safety net for
3019s people that want to use their at ships
3021s um so I'm glad that it has that ability
3024s um and yeah it sounds like it's going to
3026s be something that benefits from being
3028s minus 10 which will hopefully mean we'll
3030s see quite a few of these used in LC and
3034s NC I just counting how many battleships
3037s there are I think there's about uh 60 or
3039s so battleships so they're still going to
3041s be the the going to be the rarest of um
3044s of the lot compared to the the Cru and
3046s the FR even a top 16 team is getting one
3049s of those battleships to probably sell
3051s and split the isk amongst the the
3053s players who knows it go to the alliance
3055s executor pay attention Alliance
3059s hits accept on a contract who knows you
3061s can you can use that obviously yourself
3063s and just cut the rest of your team out
3065s as see you guys can decide what to do um
3068s so I'm I'm very excited to see the first
3069s one of these uh undock uh used in Anger
3074s uh and perhaps lost I think these are
3076s going to be excellent and I I'm big big
3078s big fan of the uh
3081s updated um prize ship structure uh CC
3083s Swift alluded to it um back in the days
3086s there 100 % probably still is uh but
3088s definitely was a cartel around these
3090s ships you know it's very small number of
3091s people had a very large number of them
3094s and they kind of especially if these
3096s when these ships were still being used
3097s in the tournament um it was hard to get
3099s one like uh you just could not get a
3101s hold of one teams wouldn't sell one to
3102s you um so the more of them means the
3105s more teams get to share and the fact
3107s that you get these prizes you know if
3109s you go I think two and two then you're
3110s pretty much guaranteed um a price
3113s Battleship which is incredible uh so
3115s your time investment is is paid off even
3117s if you only make a top 16 um and that
3121s means people are more liked to use them
3122s like we see a lot more um uh like leaps
3126s and rers and sellis and shap pases and
3129s and G's and besas out and about uh in
3133s space compared to you know the the ships
3135s of old and speaking of those particular
3138s six ships I just so happen to
3139s conveniently mention CP zealous uh we
3142s can fly at ships in the at again is that
3145s right yeah uh just before I jump on to
3147s that though there is two other small
3149s smaller smaller prizes uh that have been
3152s added to the
3159s priz uh so these ones was something that
3162s we used to do way back before we started
3164s doing uh rosters uh this time round
3167s again we're going to bring him we're
3168s going to bring him back we're going to
3170s go through the the log of uh figuring
3172s out the ones that have been owed before
3174s uh and we're going to get those sent out
3176s the same time as the new ones as well so
3178s you're going to get medals again at the
3181s moment it will probably be a case of
3183s those that make it through to the main
3184s tournament will be awarded a medal uh
3186s but not only that we're also bringing
3188s back a classic uh the alliance
3190s tournament cup like the World Cup uh
3193s there's one of these in in new Eden uh
3195s that's normally awarded to the captain
3197s of the winning team uh it's got the
3199s names of all the previous winners on it
3201s uh we're going to get that updated and
3203s award that across to the captain as well
3207s yeah I'm also looking forward of that
3209s yeah a lot of stuff to be fair yeah um
3214s so yes at ships they're back into the uh
3217s potential uh ability to be fielded so
3220s the we have CCV Swift showing off his
3224s previous cup that's the orig that's the
3226s original Lance tournament trophy you see
3228s um yep it is actually very heavy like it
3231s looks like I'm just picking up like it's
3233s plastic but no it's solid gold I'm just
3235s like yolked out of my mind mind uh very
3238s very heavy uh it's got every Pilot's
3241s name that's ever won on there my name's
3242s on here five times uh so it's pretty
3245s cool uh really name just off the side
3248s slightly just just just inside in like
3251s that did you put your name in the cup of
3253s fire no Goblet of Fire no uh but no it's
3256s it's really cool to bring this back I
3258s kind of uh just love the idea of it uh
3261s and especially the metals right like the
3263s just having something to say and kind of
3266s peacock a little but like yeah I'm I'm
3268s in that team yep I know I attempted uh
3271s unsuccessfully to segue on to Flying the
3273s alliance tournament ships and then C Sal
3275s PR back but I'm going to also bring us
3276s back to um uh prizes because I forgot to
3279s mention skins um of course there are
3282s skins you can you can see examples of
3284s them that were just shown uh but
3287s remember um you get skins for winning
3290s matches just kind of straight up so even
3292s if you don't get any prize ships um you
3295s know if you make it to top 32 um and and
3299s win at least a match somewhere and you
3300s know by virtue of getting in through the
3302s feeders you probably have uh then there
3304s are some skins for your team and these
3306s skins tend to be I think it's 10 per per
3309s win usually uh and these skins tend to
3312s have um first of all they look dope AF
3315s but second of all uh you can you can
3316s sell them um you can you know reimburse
3320s your your team for their time and effort
3322s and of course you can just kind of wear
3323s them around in your in your cool ships
3325s uh so uh there's a lot lot of prizes to
3327s go around uh in general with the
3330s especially because room 20 um but now I
3333s shall segue once again to Flying
3337s Alliance tournament chips in the
3339s tournament again CB zealous please tell
3341s us about it yeah so this was a desire
3345s from the community was obviously the
3348s previous priz ships have always carried
3349s such a huge value um but at the same
3352s time it's also really difficult if
3354s you're a new team uh to think hey I'm
3356s going against an alliance tournament
3357s ship or potentially Alliance tournament
3359s ships uh and it be feel like really like
3362s you're not going to beat them because it
3364s just kind of feels like the the wild
3365s card that you can bring and just win any
3367s game um so what I tried to do this time
3370s is as they desired to be put back is
3373s kind of bring them back but in a limited
3375s fashion so at the moment you can fly
3377s them as flagships so when we get through
3379s to the main tournament you can elect a
3381s flagship which breaks most of the rules
3384s uh it gives you the option to
3387s uh bring a little bit of extra power so
3389s that uh money you were saving before
3391s that you were talking about the fact
3392s that you don't have to do a silent uh
3394s auction anymore you don't have to buy
3395s your entry in you going to invest it
3397s into a nicer Flagship so it gives you
3399s gives you a nice kind of oomph extra bit
3402s of oomph where you need it so this time
3404s we bought the alliance tournament uh the
3406s last three Alliance tournament ships uh
3409s the cruiser and the frot back as options
3411s for you to bring as flagships so it's
3414s they have up upped point value where
3417s they're kind of closer to what the the
3419s regular battleships are uh for the
3422s cruiser and the frig's just kind of
3424s around like Cruiser battle cruiser level
3426s in the points uh but again they have a
3429s little bit more flexibility when it
3430s comes to module options so we'll
3433s experiment we'll continue to see what
3434s works and adjust going forward yeah I
3437s mean I'm personally I'm excited to see
3439s the potential uh once again for
3441s expensive Alliance tournament ships
3443s Irreplaceable Alliance tournament ships
3446s uh being destroyed in glorious combat uh
3449s it's been some time since since we've
3451s seen this properly happen uh I mean me
3453s and CCB s looking back over some old
3455s videos um recently and there was a match
3458s uh where I believe PL brought um an Nana
3462s and is it plpl brought Anana and three
3464s cambions h they won the match but they
3466s lost an Nana and a cambion in that match
3470s uh you know cost a lot to win and then
3472s the uh Caster afterward CP rise says H
3475s you know they paid a price for that they
3476s lost a 50 Bill atana and a 30 bill
3478s whiptail and I nearly fell off my seat
3481s um thinking about you know like wow I
3483s would pay 50 bill right now for Nana no
3486s problem uh what a world we live in yeah
3489s these things are so crazy and it is a
3492s lot of fun to see those ships into the
3494s alliance tournament uh it's a really
3496s really hype moment uh and I love the way
3498s that it has been done right so it's um
3501s uh in the last line the last few
3502s Alliance tournaments the prize ships uh
3504s have been increased to be uh to 280 of
3507s them so there are more circulating
3509s around uh because they're easy like if
3511s you finish top 16 you can have one uh in
3514s Your Arsenal you know they're a little
3516s bit more well quite a bit more
3517s accessible uh compared to the uh the
3520s darker ages or the the more Celli ages
3523s if you want to look at it back then uh
3525s so feasibly any number of teams could be
3529s Fielding uh something surprising that
3531s you might not uh be expecting uh are you
3534s gonna field uh a battleship or maybe
3537s it's going to be a lpse uh same am of
3539s points uh but one is a heck of a lot
3543s more expensive yeah imagine absolute
3545s scenes perhaps in Alliance tournament 21
3548s or 22 when the flagship at battleship is
3552s fielded like w that would be that would
3555s be quite something it's the only ship
3557s you can bring uh but it'll still looking
3559s at the what it is like uh or looking at
3564s never mind never mind I was just
3566s thinking that how am I going to I going
3568s to point this thing just a 1 V10 and
3570s it's it's going to win let's just be
3573s real I mean maybe maybe you have if it
3576s wins it just blows up as well
3579s so that's how we do balance
3582s yeah um so we've we've talked about the
3585s fact that the videos are coming in in
3586s just a couple of days we've talked about
3588s um uh the new points system and the
3591s return of Alliance tournament ships in a
3593s limited fashion we've talked about the
3595s prizes uh which I was very excited about
3598s um I was bugging CCB zeis uh just
3601s yesterday if I could talk about this
3603s today um and of course we have
3606s introduced the casters and the crew um
3610s mystical might anything else that you
3612s think uh you're looking forward to or
3614s want to highlight for the upcoming
3617s Alliance T 20 feeders on the 24th of
3619s August yeah um in fact someone asked in
3622s twitch chat whether the new cargo ships
3624s would be allowed in this tournament um
3625s can't remember if said so but yes they
3627s are so if you want to fly your battle
3629s barge or your battle hauler into battle
3632s in the alliance tournament you
3634s definitely can feel free go for it
3637s um in a limited I'm in a limited fashion
3641s it's uh I think the Deluge and the
3644s Squall are the allowed ones the torrent
3646s is not
3648s allowed I'm hoping that uh white squall
3651s flies a white squall in at least one of
3654s their matches I would disappoint if they
3656s don't get called out um seem be swift
3659s anything from you that you're looking
3661s forward to in particular for for this
3663s year's Alliance
3664s tournament uh really just the what the
3667s meta and how it develops like this is
3669s always incredibly fascinating uh to me I
3672s know the amount of effort that these
3674s teams put in not only with 3D crafting
3676s but with practicing um you know you you
3679s fly with a group of friends and they
3682s they in a way become your like weird
3684s dysfunctional family over the summer
3687s uh where you you love them and sometimes
3689s you get really annoyed by them and
3691s sometimes you shout at each other but
3693s you still love each other and you go out
3695s there and uh and just do some player
3698s versus player combat it's it's so cool
3700s to watch uh and I'm Giga
3704s excited yeah and of course uh our Master
3708s of Ceremonies Dr CCP zalis PhD
3711s tournament Aly um this has been a labor
3714s of of passion and love coming from you
3716s tell me a little bit more about what
3718s you're looking forward to this year
3720s honestly uh one of the little things
3722s that you get to
3724s see well I guess what the teams get to
3726s see I in I
3728s handcraft uh the Arenas uh so just
3731s getting everybody to see the the kind of
3734s new Arenas that I we started doing them
3736s a couple years ago uh so getting
3738s everybody to kind of experience and see
3740s the new Arenas is also something I love
3742s seeing the the reactions to uh but
3744s ultimately match to match I I just those
3746s upsets right people just losing their
3749s minds for their twitch points it's like
3751s you told me to to to put my twitch
3753s points on this team but no alas they
3755s ended up losing so uh just looking
3757s forward to some upsets for for this
3759s tournament as usual uh but yeah
3762s fantastic awesome yeah I love I love
3765s exciting matches uh that can go right
3767s down to the wire uh especially when it's
3769s like a come from behind uh last year's
3771s finals for example was a fantastic
3773s finals best in a long time in in my
3776s opinion you had the tuskers who had this
3778s two nil uh lead over fraternity they
3781s were favorites to win at that point with
3783s literally tournament point in their
3786s grasp uh and then fraternity rallied
3789s from behind and came back to win the
3790s next three matches taking the full five
3793s match series and winning 3-2 their first
3796s ever Alliance tournament Victory a new
3799s name uh on the monument in monar uh the
3802s tuskers of course have won before they
3804s won all stream of 14 uh so there no
3806s stranger to tournament success uh I'm
3809s sure they will be back this year um in
3811s greater numbers um and I am looking
3813s forward to seeing uh veterans and new
3816s people alike come through the through
3818s the scene I'm looking forward to seeing
3820s you guys get these ships into your hands
3823s uh especially uh if you are a team that
3825s wasn't expected to win and you managed
3827s to get an upset come through make your
3829s way stumbling backwards into the top 16
3831s and go home with that uh pyen the
3835s alliance tournament B ship uh it's going
3837s to be very exciting H there's a lot of
3840s potential for all sorts um all right I
3843s think it is time for us to wrap up this
3845s uh introduction to tournament season uh
3848s I have been CCP Overlord joined by CCP
3850s Swift CCP zealous and mystical might
3853s tune in on Saturday for the first day of
3856s the feeders of Alliance tournament 20