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Transcript (by Youtube)

6s foreign
34s good evening good morning wherever you
36s are in the world and welcome once again
38s to the alliance tournament here on
41s twitch.com
43s and we are starting off Alliance
46s tournament 18. it's finally here with
49s the trial so this is essentially a
52s replacement for the feed around so the
54s teams that didn't make it into the main
56s Alliance tournament either by not
58s getting an invite uh due to not
60s finishing top three in the anger games
62s or Alliance tournament 17 our team
64s suggest didn't have enough money to just
66s buy their way in with the silent auction
68s uh we have a whole bunch of teams 35
70s competing for seven spots in the
74s alliance tournament and conveniently uh
76s there is seven tribes in the Minotaur uh
80s primitar group so each of those tribes
83s is going to have little uh group Death
84s Match and each of those tribes I'm going
86s to put one team four forward for the
89s alliance tournament
90s of course
91s um if you come second in your group it's
93s not uh not the end of the world you're
95s not completely out there is a remaining
96s tribe who will be putting forward the
98s winner in a Redemption Arc I'm ethical
101s Hulk I am joined by some incredibly
104s talented people uh black part pirate and
106s mystical might uh Bart how are you today
110s I'm doing pretty good I think uh speak
113s for all the U.S times when people that
114s some of us are up pretty early for
116s Saturday especially since we're all you
118s know Eve Gamers so but super happy to be
120s here glad the tournament's back and uh
122s ready to watch some explosions
124s awesome and someone who doesn't have to
126s be up early today uh mystical mate how
129s are you
130s it's still early in the day for me uh
132s you know yeah I'm really excited to see
134s some really good games today fingers
135s crossed I'll be interesting to see uh
138s where team's heads are at really with
140s the meta
142s um and whether they're going to feel
143s some interesting comes to some
144s interesting bands already so we'll see
146s if that carries forward
148s yeah this is going to be it's actually
149s our first look at what the meta for
151s Alliance number in 18 may end up looking
153s like
155s um unlike previous Alliance tournament
157s feed around it's not a one and done it
159s is um a series of matches in those
161s groups uh with the the leader of in
163s standings going forward
166s um that's a bit of a change from
167s previous years as mentioned no longer
168s best of one Bart do you think that we
170s will see teams still being conservative
172s with what they bring you know hoping not
174s to give away too much information before
176s they get to the main tournament or do
177s you think it's still going to be hey we
179s we really need to win as much as
180s possible here
182s I mean I I think that it really does
184s depend on the teams um but I don't think
187s that you are going to really hold back
188s you know you have I think at least four
191s games that you're playing no matter what
193s like even if you go you lose almost
195s every game I think if you lose every
197s game you're going into three games maybe
199s four depending on the bracket so you
201s can't really hold back like you have
203s four different you can see people's meta
205s evolve throughout the tournament just
207s because they're gonna be playing so much
208s uh I do think we're gonna see some
210s really weird stuff some really
211s interesting stuff and you know hopefully
213s uh get a good idea of what November is
215s going to look like
218s yeah and our first couple of matches are
220s literally minutes away
222s um as I see teams have literally just
224s landed on grid as I say that
226s um for the first match of Alliance
228s tournament 18 trials uh it's gonna be
230s all Hilton app versus the network let's
232s take a quick look at the band for this
234s match coming up uh Misty what have we
237s seen here in terms of bands looks like
238s uh also now Banning the Battleground and
240s the bar guest and the network band is
242s slipping out in the abandoned what's
243s what's your takeaway here
245s I mean these are all typically strong
247s ships from the previous tournaments that
249s we've seen uh the balgorn I think is
251s always the boogeyman any team coming
253s into the at just because of the
255s combination of strong newts and long
256s range webs but the bar guest is pretty
259s flexible we saw lots of Flagship I guess
261s last year and the slept near is usually
262s the linchpin ship in a typical mimitar
265s rush so it looks like they're just
267s trying to cover all their bases for the
269s first match of this Alliance tournament
270s at least the feeders or trials
274s um and yeah we'll see how it develops
275s over time whether these bands are really
277s the ones that teams will continue to go
278s for when uh the meta sells out a little
281s bit
282s awesome well um we're almost ready to go
284s to the arena so we will go in probably
286s about 30 seconds but I just want to take
288s a moment to remind you guys uh that you
290s can choose to completely spunk your
292s channel points up the wall and bet on
295s your team's uh in twitch right now uh
298s and there's a whole bunch of prizes uh
300s that you can redeem skins and I've heard
302s rumors there might be more prizes coming
304s at some point later and maybe in the
306s main tournament itself so make sure you
307s get in deck those uh those matches and
310s see uh if you can get any right I know I
312s will get most of them wrong
314s um but there's time to find out so let
317s us go to the first match of the alliance
319s tournament 18 feeders all hill now
321s versus the network with your casters
323s Wagner cross and Jin tan
331s hello everyone and welcome to the arena
334s we are going to have a really
335s interesting and possibly quite slow
337s paced match here as we have a drone kite
339s set up coming up against a missile kite
342s setup what do you think are going to be
344s the the key pieces in this match
347s I think the very start we're going to
348s see all the ishtars at the Alexa and the
350s EOS is dropping drones and setting them
351s probably directly onto that Scimitar but
353s from there it's going to be what Target
355s calls are made both teams have splurged
357s on the t2 logic Cruisers so it's
359s definitely going to be like can they
360s break through targets also there's
363s there's both the stalk and a Nighthawk
365s on the uh on the Shield team which is I
368s don't know that's they're really
369s committed to the links
372s yeah meanwhile we've got two eos's there
374s for the uh or our hail Gnar team so
377s things should be quite spicy that's the
378s match is started you can see all of
380s those Shield kite ships just moving
382s towards the opposite direction it's just
384s going to be a question of whether
385s they're able to kill off this tackle I
387s think that's going to be the key part of
388s this match here can they kill off this
390s tackle before it lands on top of them as
391s it heads towards it that hyena really
393s low and dead already
395s that did not take long at all and all
398s these drones which are rushing in trying
399s to get into range
400s not seeing any drones really out at the
402s moment so they haven't got anything yet
403s meanwhile the Confessor is now being
404s primary of course rapid lights in these
406s caracals and Osprey Navy is just going
407s to rip these things apart even under TT
410s lodgy reps it's just you can't hold
413s us like this um
415s it looks like this hyena from Noir is
418s doing a really really good job just
419s sitting there screening tapping Target
420s paints and stuff like that that said
422s look at all these shits they are the
423s ishtars now they're in the middle of the
425s uh blob of Shield ships they're starting
428s to push everything away they might be
429s fit with newts and if they are if
430s they'll allow them to play this really
431s aggressively as they come in and there
433s we go heavy drones are on the field now
434s as well so a lot of DPS is going to
436s start getting put out here
437s it's just a question of whether they uh
439s whether this rlml team can successfully
442s break tackles here
444s but I believe there's also newts on is
446s that the EOS no never mind there's a
448s direct maybe newting something I think
450s in the next time doing so yeah they've
451s got newts in this comp so let's see what
453s that can do but obviously the Scimitar
455s is playing smart and staying well away
457s from the situation
459s which means you have to go to the
460s Breakthrough ships under a scimitar reps
463s yeah you can see that they've only got
465s effectively two offensive tackle ships
467s left now it's vipple and the Confessor
468s Shawna alabel in the vexer is just
471s sitting on top of their neros preparing
472s to screen it if anything else Dives in
475s um not really willing to burn into the
478s heat of those heavy missiles which it
479s would die to you very very quickly that
481s said Robert Mason now he's out of
483s shields the DPS is starting to do work
485s here for the Drone kite team
488s more and more
491s and that's going to be pretty painful
492s for this Shield cut team losing that
494s much DPS as well as a pretty sizable
495s ship even with your Scimitar still on
497s grid that's that's going to hurt sure
499s the other team has lost a bunch of
500s tackle but that's a painful loss as the
502s Drake maybe goes down oh the hyena looks
505s like it's tackled by the Confessor as
506s well if they can pull some DPS onto that
508s and kill it off quickly that's going to
509s really really harm this HML application
512s here that said the neros it doesn't look
514s like he's been caught but they're just
516s able to project onto him here they might
519s be able to kill this and neros before
520s he's able to burn away
522s yeah I get what they're going for
523s they're trying to kill off tackle first
524s and then go for this oneris but now
526s they've uh got some of the stuff tackled
527s might as well kill the Americas now and
529s honestly if they can do that they start
530s pulling apart these ishtars and or even
532s that free vexer kill that's sitting
533s there
534s so they gotta get the nurse and he's
535s tanking he's tanking very well
538s he's attacking very well but he's not
540s really burning away I don't think he
541s thinks it's worth it yeah there we go
543s though DPS now landing on the Scimitar
546s it looks like we're going for a
546s logistics trade here uh our hell Nara
549s significantly behind on it but those
551s drones will play out better in a late
554s game where you can sit on jump beacons
555s and just project across the arena
557s without really worrying about where your
559s project where your position
561s the one on the nearest Kobe doesn't
562s doesn't like doesn't like being tackled
564s particularly well the Scimitar really
565s doesn't like being tackled it's being
567s held down by two ishars now who are
568s probably trying to Newt it out maybe
570s even remove the Adaptive off of it as
572s well now neuros is getting close to
573s going down they could maybe break
575s through them
576s but they need to be quick because the
577s Scimitar is on borrowed time
580s well we can actually see Heavy Armor
581s maintenance spots on this scenario
582s somehow they've managed to actually find
585s some room in the drones uh in the Drone
587s ships to fit those in and keep it alive
589s just a bit a little bit longer there we
590s go we see the Scimitar finally going
592s down and the ineros is burning away from
594s the fight now they might not even be
595s able to project onto him oh as I say
597s that Caster curse goes down
601s those are some light the vects are
603s actually brought it's pretty much the
604s standard vexer uh Loadout of drones all
608s of it was rep drones there he brought
609s like two Heavies two mediums and a light
610s to try and repair that on Euros but it
612s was just a bit too late
614s but luckily two teams have downloaded
616s the logic now so now at the race
618s what do you think about this cool to go
619s on the Nighthawk here rather than the
621s squishier Drake Navy issue or even the
623s Osprey Navy shooter potentially protect
625s the attack was swinger
627s I'm not the biggest fan but people they
629s might be seeing something different
630s maybe they had him tackled they thought
631s miles will go for him I would I would
633s agree I would probably start nuking
634s characters if you can get your hands on
636s them of course but they are quite a good
638s distance away that being said of uh
640s cavegi is actually just tackled down one
642s of the caracals so I suspect the caracal
645s Navy of Ikea will be the next Target as
647s he's now currently held down
651s yeah it looks like this is more of a
652s drone aggro team than the Drone kite
654s team that we thought at the start of
656s this match uh the Ishtar is finally
658s getting tickled but he's gonna have an
659s ADC to protect himself for a few seconds
661s here uh by his team a lot more time
665s um as you can see the rest of the kite
667s team though they're scattering now
668s they're starting to move towards these
669s different jump beacons and make it as
671s difficult as possible for this drone
673s block to catch them it's going to cause
675s a lot of delay between the target
676s changes on uh as we go later on in this
679s match as a caracal Navy finally goes
681s down there as well so that's uh
684s do they have anything tackled anywhere I
687s think so actually yeah they've scattered
689s entirely and nothing's held down so at
690s this point that was looking pretty bad
692s for the Shield team but now they've
693s actually got distance they've got the
695s hyena still on field that's constantly
696s keeping control and a carriage was just
698s damping things out they're actually in a
700s pretty good spot All Things Considered
702s even with you know the loss of a good
705s chunk of their comp
706s this is interesting this could actually
708s go either way right now depending on the
709s pilots
711s yeah there's gonna have to be a lot of
712s really good work done here by the
714s frigates though they they are pretty
715s much safe as long as they don't get too
717s close to that Vector but they need to
719s have as much impact as possible on this
720s match
722s okay
727s uh it looks kind of like carvagi is not
729s going to be very very long for this one
731s oh no he's successfully mjd'd he's no
732s longer taking DPS he managed to escape
735s oh yeah this is the downside of playing
737s a kite comp if you can't lock down a
739s Target they can use these ngd because
741s they're scattered across the arena to
743s just move 100 kilometers away and that
746s is pretty much out of the weapon range
747s of anything realistically brought in the
749s tournament
751s and look at the reptons from the Vex are
753s now coming over to help out the ishtay
755s like this vexer is basically just a
756s logic vexer now with his rep Wing let's
759s go buddy hell yeah I love this
763s is
765s going down
768s this is actually a really commanding
769s position now for our hail na uh as they
772s work their way through that final top
773s end DPS ship uh without that oh how not
776s is gonna have sorry without that Noir is
778s gonna have a real real bad time if
780s they're trying to break these uh break
782s these Cruisers
787s you've got to say
790s oh yeah it's it's honestly like seeing a
792s uh a drone rush and then having like the
795s vexer which is you think is just more
796s drones no no he's he's like a support
798s vexer as well as having some DPS I I
800s Honestly Love Like the match up here
802s I st I kind of feel like no one might
804s have tossed on the table a few times
805s there like surely you could you know
807s jump away yourself and try and keep away
808s you've got the the hyena still on grid
810s you should be providing control right
812s now
813s but they're just getting caught way too
815s easily
819s can get out of there my man run
822s even if he does there's not much that
824s that can really do you know they're
826s gonna have about 120 kilometers and out
828s there he is they've just converged on
830s him he's scrammed down he's new he got
831s caught by once at the same moment
836s you're caught the exact same taken by
838s two different ishtars my man
841s I absolutely love the piloting here from
843s our hill now though they've been doing
844s really well about spreading their
846s approaches into different directions and
848s then converging on a target from that we
850s have good fights put out in local here
852s from our hail uh sorry from the network
855s uh seems like they have effectively
857s given up in this match you can see a
859s couple of people heading towards the
860s very edge of the arena there we'll see
862s if anyone goes and manages to hit a long
863s jump record but really really excellent
867s execution there I hope we I look forward
873s yeah they use the newts really really
875s effectively there just to turn off all
877s of the hardness of uh the heavy DPS
881s ships from the network and that it
884s turned out was just the crucial Factor
885s they were never going to be able to
887s really out kite them in a long game so
889s they held off but in a little bit
892s managed to make a few key catches and
894s then from there turned the game on uh to
896s their side
897s random question do you think those one
900s of those maybe had a skirmish link or
901s two to try and make their guys go even
902s faster because they were catching things
904s really well in these ish Stars
907s almost certainly but I'd be surprised if
909s the uh if the network didn't have a
911s skirmish link of their own at least
912s rapid deployment
915s uh tackle ishtars what a day we live in
919s yeah it looks like we're gonna just see
921s uh See the the network team here just
923s play out the clock demonstrate to us how
926s bad Cruisers typically are at catching
928s frigates uh and zip around the arena not
931s being caught for a while so we have a
932s bit more time to talk about this match
935s um this is why we've seen quite a lot of
937s EOS bands in scrims for myself that
940s obviously we finally see someone
941s boundary
942s uh I've seen a lot of EOS bands because
944s without the EOS this composition just
946s really really struggles you don't have
948s enough ships that can bring a full
950s complement of heavy drones and uh
952s effectively put out enough DPS to break
954s a logistics
956s the only thing I've seen that
958s potentially comes close to it is that
959s the occasional Proteus comp
962s which has been recently lost
967s I really hope we see one or two of those
970s yeah well the stalk is about to leave
972s the arena and there we go
976s yep that's game so let's head it back to
978s the studio where they can tell us even
980s more about what's happened here and what
981s we have to expect
984s now for the triglavian weather report
986s brought to you by Exodus integration
996s and that's the weather forever
1007s for just 10 million ISC a month you can
1011s save the life of a high SEC minor
1019s foreign
1051s take a win over the network
1054s um looks like you guys out in
1056s Deutschland didn't expect that most of
1057s you voting for the network most of you
1060s wrong
1061s um which is unfortunate as all your
1062s points have gone goodbye mystical might
1065s uh what happened there looked like the
1067s network we're in a good position
1068s um I saw that the cemetery was tackled
1071s like where did it all go wrong for them
1074s I think you kind of pointed out where it
1076s went wrong for the network
1078s um PVP and I were just chatting in the
1080s back channels and he pointed out that
1082s primering the Haida on the network side
1084s was a really good first move because it
1087s effectively allows them to kite around
1089s the arena without those long-range webs
1090s on grid so theoretically they'd be able
1093s to stay away from that drone setup that
1095s we saw unfortunately I don't think they
1098s really had a chance to utilize their
1101s hyena as effectively as perhaps they
1102s should have but when you're going up
1104s against so many ships all with tackle
1106s and newts it is really difficult to keep
1108s them away from all of the important
1110s ships on your side so we saw these
1112s people and a couple ishtars get on top
1114s of the Scimitar and I think that's
1116s really where it went downhill
1117s importantly these the ishtars both had
1120s medium newts I would assume maybe some
1123s Smalls as well and that would
1125s effectively remove the Scimitar from
1126s play completely as it wouldn't have
1128s capacitor to run its reps
1131s um so yeah I think that's really where
1132s it began to go downhill for the network
1135s and bbp
1137s um you mentioned um obviously that how
1140s you know being headshot at the start why
1142s is it why is it such an important ship
1143s to her you know in comps like this
1146s uh so you know they're they're running a
1149s drone setup and they're using mostly
1151s heavy drones which uh well they have
1154s pretty uh they don't really have issues
1155s applying too much except for like you
1157s know a oversized a b Lodge you forget uh
1159s they are kind of slow uh so having the
1162s hyena you know they got Target painters
1164s um I obviously we don't know what their
1165s fit is but I can assume it probably had
1167s at least two uh pretty long range cases
1169s webifiers so taking that out as a kiting
1172s team which the network hypothetically
1174s was would allow them to run away um
1176s obviously you know like Misty said every
1179s single ship on ahel nella's team was a
1182s tackle ship I'm guessing the ishtars
1184s probably were scram web fit they
1185s definitely had nudes but you know yes
1188s the you're probably not going to get
1189s away with it Nighthawk I do feel that
1192s the network probably under utilized
1194s their own carries and their own hyena
1198s um I think that you know there's a
1199s moment that when the Network's Scimitar
1202s got tackled where uh Misty mentioned
1205s this in our little back action but maybe
1207s the carries and the hyena could have
1209s combined to like web the web the simple
1211s off the Scimitar use the carries damps
1214s to make it so the owneros had to come in
1216s closer so they could have killed it
1217s earlier
1218s um it was a pretty rough one though I
1220s think that maybe they weren't
1221s necessarily outplayed but
1223s drones have always been traditionally
1225s really good against uh damping setup so
1228s the carries as damps were really that
1230s good due to drone assist and then just
1232s the oh hell now is just really good
1234s tackling made it so that the kiting team
1236s wasn't able to kite
1239s you mentioned damps and it's probably
1242s time to talk about the elephant in the
1244s room uh mystical night dance what's
1245s changed in Alliance tournament 18 versus
1247s Alliance tournament 17 with respect to
1249s dams
1251s yes uh not just stamps but most scripted
1254s e-war modules I believe
1255s um or all scripted equal modules so in
1258s the previous Alliance tournament and in
1259s some of the tournaments before that you
1261s could bring damps you could bring track
1264s and disruptors or missile guidance
1265s disrupters but you weren't allowed to
1267s bring a script to make it extremely
1269s powerful at disrupting one specific
1271s thing so you could use a damp and it
1274s would lower the lock or rather it would
1276s raise the lock time for the Hostile ship
1279s and it would also reduce the lock range
1281s now in 8018 that restriction has been
1285s removed so you can now script your damps
1288s or your track and disruptors if you want
1290s to
1291s um to specifically reduce you know lock
1293s range in this instance is what I think
1296s would have been useful if they were able
1298s to slap a bunch of lock range damps on
1301s the ineros then it may have I've broken
1303s the anaris's lock on the sweeper when
1305s they were primaring it and they would
1306s have been able to kill it you know these
1307s important little things they can try and
1309s play around with now so that is one of
1311s the major changes that's why installment
1314s and Bart do you think that's going to be
1316s something that we're going to see really
1317s influence the meta in Alliance
1319s tournament 18 the prevalence of uh
1322s scripted dance
1325s I I really do uh obviously we will see
1327s what people choose to bring in the
1329s feeders which can always be a little bit
1332s of a toss-up since we do have some teams
1334s that have never competed before but
1336s scripted damps haven't been in for
1338s several tournaments I believe that there
1340s was a reason for that which was at the
1342s time that was kind of the meta was to
1344s just bring a ton of them and make it so
1346s people couldn't enjoy their lock range
1348s in any way shape or form so now that
1351s they're back I fully expect to see some
1352s like absolutely absurd you know maybe 15
1355s scripted dance and you're able to lock
1358s two kilometers out setups coming out of
1360s your uh obviously we haven't quite
1362s really seen that yet but we've also
1364s we're only one match in so we'll see
1365s what happens for the rest of the day
1366s yeah don't don't give people ideas
1368s please
1370s yeah as uh as fellow lock range enjoyers
1373s I'm sure many many competitors out there
1375s are going to be uh quite upset when they
1378s can just not lock anything in particular
1380s matches I'm looking forward to it
1382s um so that was of course the network
1383s dropping a match to all hill now they're
1385s not out of the feeders uh they have time
1387s to feed again
1389s um as they are in a grip stage with a
1391s couple of other teams all hill now uh
1393s Prismatic Legion shut up I'm trying
1397s um we from blob because uh yeah that's
1399s and a bunch more uh there's a whole
1401s bunch of teams uh in each of those
1404s tribes that's not what I'm looking for
1405s uh and they are all going to be
1407s competing multiple times so we will see
1408s the network again so they have time to
1410s go away and think about what they're
1412s doing in life now let us uh move forward
1415s look at the next match which is only a
1417s few minutes away it's going to be
1418s Prismatic Legion uh versus shut up and
1420s trying in soccer Group B and make sure
1423s you check out uh the challenge brackets
1425s by the way I'm sure there's some sort of
1427s uh exclamation mark command in twitch so
1429s you can get them up or someone will put
1430s the link in and then you can see what on
1432s Earth we're talking about so Prismatic
1434s Legion
1435s um Bart they're choosing to ban the
1437s balgorn and the EOS interesting choice
1439s they're taking some links off the field
1441s shut up I'm trying a great name uh
1443s Banning the Nightmare and the
1444s thunderchild the thunderchild bar what
1447s is going on here
1449s uh I the only thing I can think of is
1452s that
1463s hello ladies and gentlemen it is me
1465s Ithaca Hawk streaming from my own
1467s computer as an emergency backup uh from
1471s our producer Mr brj who has suffered
1473s some technical issues
1475s um so this is uh now a scuffed stream
1478s and we are going to be uh doing our best
1480s to get the mainstream back online as
1482s soon as possible good news everybody
1485s um we're at least back and also in the
1487s next match seriously suspicious versus
1489s the minions
1490s um the minions have actually
1491s unfortunately had to Forfeit so we will
1493s be able to get back on schedule uh for
1495s the match hole control versus bright
1496s side of death but in the meantime
1500s um let's see if we can get a match
1504s underways it's going to be really hard
1505s for you to see what's going on because I
1508s only have one client running I don't
1509s have the fancy stuff going on board so
1511s you're gonna have to bear with us
1513s um but I think the countdown should be
1514s coming pretty soon
1517s um
1518s um I'm just going to cast this with um I
1520s see CCP Swift is here with me hello CC
1522s Swift how are you
1526s I'm doing great
1528s um we're really excited for this one
1530s we've got some uh pretty funky teams
1533s coming up here I am very partial to the
1536s Prismatic Legion team I like what
1538s they're throwing out here
1540s yeah awesome so I'm waiting for the
1542s counter to come in local
1544s um and I'll do my best with that with
1546s volume I am literally doing this
1548s as we go
1552s uh no pressure uh but we just go quickly
1554s through it uh uh the uh Prismatic Legion
1558s team which you'll see in red has a
1560s Vindicator Navy Mega Navy brutics brutix
1563s Navy executor vexer Navy issue enyo uh
1568s vexer and then two bombers so they're
1569s going no lodging whatsoever uh pure
1572s Blaster Rush DPS
1575s yeah I mean this is a certainly an
1577s interesting comp from uh from shut up
1579s I'm trying as well uh double bar I Got7
1582s Oracle star kind of carries uh they seem
1584s to have just forgotten that they are
1586s allowed to bring out to 10 Pilots
1588s choosing and not to do that
1590s um and that will be uh I mean it's a lot
1592s of damage coming out to a bar I guess a
1594s lot of reps coming out of a scimitar and
1595s of course that Rook is going to be able
1597s to put out a lot of jamming power uh
1599s personally I'm interested to see if they
1601s can just kite away from this uh this
1604s Blaster Rush what are you thinking
1608s um I think uh stuff is gonna die really
1610s quick I'm not sure if the blue team is
1613s is trying super hard uh maybe they know
1616s something we don't uh in that the with
1618s their their super core but if they can
1621s stay away and if they can kite perfectly
1623s and if Prismatic Legion or
1626s um uh fitting something uh incredibly
1629s awkward
1630s then I think they've got a pretty good
1632s chance
1633s yeah I mean I'm gonna have to apologize
1635s to the viewers as well we're not gonna
1636s be able to get colors in the brackets
1637s normally this is look behind the curtain
1639s but normally we crop this part out of
1640s the bottom of the screen and then we
1642s overlay a separate overlay
1644s um from a separate client which shows
1646s the different colors so you're gonna
1647s have to bear with us here these are I'll
1650s take you through it with my beautiful
1651s voice right the The Blob in the middle
1653s that's the Prismatic Legion team uh they
1655s are currently rushing at the shut up I'm
1657s trying team right now the shut up and
1659s trying team worked in at 50. Prismatic
1661s Legion warped in at zero
1664s yeah I mean that's kind of what you want
1666s to do if you want to rush in on top of
1668s someone with a whole tanked Rush comp
1669s that annual though uh getting drunk
1671s pretty hard but look at that bar guest
1673s of CJ he has got all the effects landing
1675s on him there webbed uh grappled wrapped
1678s as well which is nice for him and I see
1680s a whole bunch of drones flying around as
1682s well uh some of them these Imperial
1683s neighbor uh guys do nothing and these
1685s light Shield maintenance but it's also
1686s doing nothing
1688s uh yeah it looks like The Rook is damped
1691s out completely so he cannot get a jam
1693s off as we can see the control bar on
1696s that blue side is incredibly small
1699s um you know you would expect them to be
1700s exerting quite a bit more but looks like
1703s the vexer is going to go down pretty
1704s quickly here uh so shut up I'm trying do
1707s actually get first blood as they're
1709s about to trade their Bargas out though
1710s yeah not a great trade losing a bar gas
1713s for a lowly vexer uh and that bar gas is
1715s a bit good then there he goes uh the
1718s problem with bringing on demand comp is
1720s obviously you can bring lots of heavy
1721s ships however when they go down you lose
1723s a larger portion of your comp entirely
1725s so that second bar guy is now choosing
1728s to sit completely stationary and just
1729s eat damage from these whole tank Blaster
1732s Rush bold move
1734s yeah we talked a bit about uh how dams
1737s were gonna play a big role in this uh
1738s tournament uh at least how we suspected
1741s it now you see the Shadow from trying
1742s team did bring a carries which is one of
1744s the better damping platforms uh
1746s unfortunately they're going up against a
1747s team that doesn't need to lock past 10
1750s kilometers because that's about where
1751s their optimal is anyway uh so that
1754s carries died good stuff for that one uh
1756s the Prismatic Legion are about to lose
1758s one of their tackle annuals which is
1760s quite crucial but they are getting
1762s phenomenal trades here with a rook and a
1764s Bargas going down simultaneously yeah
1767s and conveniently they're all choosing to
1769s set stationary in the center which is
1770s certainly helping my first time
1772s operating a camera in Alliance
1773s tournament match as it's really not that
1775s difficult but we can zoom in there and
1777s see this fantastic explosion as the
1779s second bar guys goes down it's really
1780s just an oracle which is also going there
1782s in a stark and finally the Scimitar so
1784s this is going to be a pretty easy win
1786s for prismatic Legion uh shut up I'm
1788s trying uh trying but obviously not hard
1790s enough here
1792s indeed and yeah the the shut up I'm
1794s trying Scimitar uh the last one to go
1797s down uh usually in tournament as we see
1799s a logistics primary first but the
1802s Prismatic Legion team uh they saw what
1804s their opponents brought identified that
1806s they had just a massive DPS to overwhelm
1808s them uh they didn't even bring the
1809s logistics themselves so they just went
1812s all out let's take the the battleships
1814s out quickly so a great shot calling from
1816s the Prismatic Legion team they probably
1818s had a little bit of an advantage here
1819s too but you got to give them credit when
1821s they do everything right anyways
1823s yeah they certainly um give it their
1825s best shot uh so not for lack of trying
1827s uh two bar guests though is putting a
1830s lot of your points into two baskets
1833s really and uh 24 points each is heavy
1835s obviously CC Swift there's a rule in
1837s this Alliance tournament where if you
1838s bring the same ship they all go up in
1840s points do you think perhaps maybe one of
1842s those Burgers could be swapped for
1843s something else
1844s uh yeah that would actually allow them
1846s to bring uh more pilots which is always
1849s a good thing in this tournament as you
1850s mentioned uh Prismatic Legion worked
1852s around this by bringing a Vindicator and
1854s a Navy Mega
1856s uh and then a brutics and a Navy brutics
1858s so you can see what they were thinking
1859s there to save a few points
1862s yeah well it is now uh shut up we tried
1867s um it does not don't go well for them
1869s they killed the vexer which is
1870s unfortunate is not enough to to really
1871s do any damage and there you have it 100
1873s to four
1875s um in favor of Prismatic Legion shut up
1877s I'm trying dropping this match
1880s um we do have a studio to return to
1882s uh because uh it lives on Mr beard juice
1885s computer and it's currently not working
1888s um so we can just we can just talk here
1891s um mystical might I'm going to ask you
1892s to give us some thoughts on that while I
1894s try and hide any intel that may appear
1896s on screen
1898s yep uh where to begin with that match
1902s I made a lot of notes and then had to
1905s throw them all out and the match began
1907s because uh the suit team or the shut up
1911s I'm trying team decided to effectively
1913s sit still
1915s um watching the galante team uh rushed
1917s towards them which is not the ideal
1918s position to be in when you were flying a
1920s bar guest so
1922s I was gonna say that the bomber
1924s shouldn't really have been too much of a
1925s deciding factor in that because the bar
1928s guest would kite and all this stuff but
1930s uh yeah essentially it was just a good
1932s old brawl
1933s um and it favored the team they had what
1935s people and had brawling ships
1941s nice I see the Microsoft Paint coming up
1943s feel free to talk about yourself
1945s oh dude I will absolutely Talk Amongst
1947s yourselves I uh I feel like we have
1950s achieved optimal trials
1953s um with you know like let's just say
1955s this like those two team setups with the
1957s production quality we had matched each
1959s other perfectly all right like if you're
1962s bringing a blasters Rush ever I mean I
1964s think that's the first time we've ever
1965s seen a blaster Rush actually win
1967s but
1968s does it count if you beat people that
1970s bring six people I I guess like points
1973s do count but uh yeah it's uh
1976s that's pretty great I did uh I will say
1979s um so the Carries On the Underman team
1982s actually did do a really good job
1984s damping out the bombers on the Blaster
1987s Rush setup so I think that uh those
1989s bombers weren't actually able to shoot
1990s very much it's a good call like good job
1993s actually using some strategy and stuff
1995s but man I they got rammed by that vexer
1998s like that vexer charged and tackled down
2000s or if actually maybe she charged in a
2001s tackle down that Bargas right off the
2002s bat so yeah it kind of just it didn't
2004s work it fell apart it's very unfortunate
2007s yeah I actually had a a primary list
2010s kind of sorted out for the suit or the
2012s shut up I'm trying team which says to
2015s shoot the primary uh sorry shoot the
2017s tackle and then shoot the exact Navy and
2019s the vexer Vex the Navy issue because
2021s they would be the next fastest ships on
2023s the grid
2024s um I assume that they would have more
2026s time to do all of these things before
2028s they were actually nailed down and
2029s tackled by The Tackle wing of prism but
2033s um yeah I mean we're able to see the
2035s exact Navy issue in the Vex Navy issued
2037s of extra zip across the grid because
2038s they are actually pretty quick ships
2040s especially when they are structure
2042s tanked so I don't believe
2045s um structure tanking modules
2047s reduce your velocity like plates do
2050s because I don't think they actually add
2051s much mass to the ship so that allows
2054s them to zip across the grid much faster
2055s than they normally would be able to and
2057s that's one of the benefits I think of
2058s them bringing no Logistics in this
2061s particular setup that they came with
2064s yeah they did they did fly it very very
2066s well
2067s um like they definitely understood what
2070s they had uh what they had to do like
2072s Prismatic Legion understood what their
2073s win conditions were and they were able
2075s to get in very very quickly uh they were
2078s able to get tackle on the most important
2079s ships and I do think that um I feel like
2082s the Bargas maybe could have done a
2084s little bit better trying to get away but
2086s at the end of the day like
2087s they do have even though they're pretty
2089s fast for kiting ships they do have like
2090s an acceleration that that whole tank
2092s Vector Navy issue
2094s um and all those other small ships
2095s really didn't have but yeah I I do agree
2098s um if they had primaried off the tackle
2100s maybe they could have done something I
2101s just don't think they were really
2104s prepared to be Blaster rushed like that
2107s yeah it definitely came across that way
2110s um I would also
2112s I'm not calling anyone out on the suit
2114s team but I did see that one bar guest
2117s was tackled and one was perhaps
2119s approaching the other
2120s so I'm not sure if there was a call to
2122s Anchor if someone wasn't comfortable
2124s flying their ship that's absolutely fine
2125s it is a great environment I think to to
2129s learn these skills like double clicking
2130s but I do think one bar guest effectively
2133s tackled Itself by uh by approaching his
2135s friend there
2137s hey it does happen um it does a reading
2140s twitch chat which is uh probably my
2142s favorite thing to do during any Alliance
2144s tournament for the insightful and uh
2147s high quality commentary on how we are
2149s doing and how the matches are I do
2151s believe that the suit team captain or
2154s one of their team members was saying
2156s that they were having some uh issues
2158s today unfortunately so you know who
2160s knows um hopefully maybe they can get
2162s those resolved later on because like we
2164s have talked about a couple times they
2165s are not out uh they are just down one
2168s point and I believe they will be playing
2171s either one or two more games so if they
2174s can kind of get that sorted they might
2176s be able to actually end up taking this
2179s bracket still so uh who knows
2183s yeah I am gonna forewarn all of the
2185s teams playing today by the way that I am
2187s basically betting on Blue
2190s um and blue so far has been the network
2191s and shut up I'm trying followed by the
2193s minions
2195s um so you know if you're in the blue
2199s bracket and uh I'm betting on you you
2202s might just be cast a cast and you might
2203s lose unlucky what can you do
2207s it always goes
2209s I I'm not gonna lie I'm actually uh
2211s pretty pretty uh zero and two right now
2213s on my bets as well but that's okay uh
2216s Channel points are just uh just a
2219s figment of my imagination
2221s um
2222s I guess we're playing hangman now that's
2224s uh pretty exciting
2226s this is this is perfect like this is the
2229s production that I've actually wanted for
2230s the at and the at feeders for years and
2234s years now well I mean I wasn't expecting
2235s to have to suddenly stream this at all
2239s um so at least we have a desk
2242s um the vector died last match this is uh
2244s as good as we can get we could have a
2246s game of scribblue while we're waiting
2247s and we have the next match coming up I
2250s think uh
2253s 1600 so that is 24 minutes from now so
2258s you guys have some time to fill this is
2261s a great time to have a bio break if
2262s you're watching uh maybe go make a
2264s coffee
2265s um and we'll see if we can keep this
2266s going I think it might be time to go to
2269s a short break
2271s um so we will keep the stream up
2273s um see you in about 10-15 minutes
2284s uh nobody saw anything welcome back uh
2287s everything is working
2289s um nothing possibly could ever go wrong
2292s um we are back on schedule
2294s um it is time for Hall control versus
2296s bright side of death thankfully um the
2298s minions uh they actually saw this coming
2300s and they gave us some time to fix
2302s everything by forfeiting their match
2304s um but yeah back on schedule let's go
2306s straight to this match now between hold
2308s control and Brightside of death Alliance
2310s sermon 18 feeder trials continue
2317s hello and welcome to the arena for match
2320s four out of three I'm here with jentan
2325s and we've got the bright side of death
2326s versus whole control and they've both
2329s brought Rush setups
2331s uh that's not quite this case actually
2333s because whole control have brought two
2335s artillery sleptness and the rare Arty
2338s Vaga but they've brought them in at zero
2340s this is a really bizarre turn of events
2342s looks like they're gonna be trying to
2343s fly it similar to a fly killer just try
2346s and SWAT off those forget early games so
2348s let's see if these tackle pilots from uh
2352s the minus 15 team I believe that's
2354s bright side of death can successfully
2356s keep themselves alive as they rush in
2358s here and try and Tackle stuff down you
2359s see there's air takes a big chunk of
2361s damage but uh he is able to look down
2363s for Sama and that sleptner is going down
2366s so so fast
2368s yeah they're about a there's about a
2370s thousand DPS per Command Ship going up
2373s against that slept near and they have a
2375s lot more DPS from hams on the Loki and
2378s the and the auto cans of the broadsword
2381s and he just got deleted and stablot is
2383s going down secondarily
2386s the Osprey Navy issues of hole control
2388s are killing the Lord she of uh
2391s Brightside but they're gonna be so far
2393s behind on DPS once they actually have
2396s those ships down you think they can hold
2400s this back
2401s I mean these are this is only two points
2403s of logistics here for the bright side of
2405s death team is between the burst and the
2406s Bantam they're effectively not killing
2408s anything you know very if uh bright side
2410s of death are able to succeed in killing
2412s this Griffin and it looks like they're
2413s going to be able to that's already more
2414s points taken off the board for them
2416s you're just going the Griffin because
2419s they have to as well like he must have
2422s gotten some Jam stuff there
2424s yeah there's quite a lot of range
2427s you have the slip nurse uh surviving
2430s better than I thought given how fast the
2434s other one died but uh the bright side of
2436s death are also not going to be able to
2438s overheat their guns for super long as he
2441s just goes down stablad being dead and
2443s they have to rely on the Varga to get
2445s any heavy work done
2447s yeah and maybe it would have been
2449s possible for them to uh win through the
2451s kite at this point but unfortunately it
2453s looks like the Osprey Navy issues are
2454s all tackled as well uh whole control
2456s have gonna have a really really hard
2458s time coming back into this match it's
2459s going to take some amazing power plays
2461s from this marker and with everything
2462s sitting on zero with it even if they're
2464s battle Cruisers that artillery is going
2466s to really struggle to trap
2468s given how tanky the um the ships are
2472s remaining for Hall control for a bright
2474s side are now I don't even think it
2476s matters but they lost a lot like that
2478s Margaret just doesn't have the DPS to
2480s kill a note Hawk or a sleptner in that
2484s time
2485s yeah this just seems like um one of
2487s those things that was lost at the
2488s warping uh whole control clearly
2491s expecting something a little bit
2492s different maybe an armor control comp
2494s and hoping to just open up with a really
2496s really strong volley
2498s um take out some key you know frigate
2500s targets and then kite back uh but I'm
2504s pretty sure they were uh Rush
2506s I'm pretty sure they were also looking
2508s to us there those don't seem to be
2511s artillery but uh they uh they had to
2515s rely too much on trying to get support
2517s chips down and they they brought
2521s a lot more control elements going up
2523s against somebody who
2525s all of the high slots are either links
2528s or damage no
2529s faffing around with uh extra damps and
2535s gems
2536s and Crystal Steel in that wargre is
2538s taking a lot of damage he's going down
2540s fast
2542s yeah something else to talk about with
2544s regards to the bright side of Def comp
2545s is just the sheer number of mimitar
2547s ships were brought for those of you who
2549s aren't aware the tie Breakers if every
2551s team in a group ends up being one one
2553s and one is determined by the amount of
2556s mimitar ships you have brought over the
2558s course of your matches so this puts a
2561s bright side of Death at a huge advantage
2563s in terms of those tie Breakers all
2565s they're going to need to do now is
2567s um even if they lose the next one bring
2569s a couple more Minotaur ships and they're
2571s going to be winning coasting through to
2573s the playoffs just off that basis
2576s yeah it really feeds into the archetype
2578s as well they've gone for a Highlander
2581s setup in order to not have to pay any
2583s points for duplicates you just normally
2587s see Triple Sumner or triple Nighthawk in
2590s a comp like that but they've opted for
2591s one claim or one Nighthawk and one
2593s sleptner in order to spread the points
2596s out and pay as little as possible in
2598s these rules
2600s what do you think about this
2601s stormbringer being bought g-tech you
2604s know it's a quite an expensive ship but
2605s it does have a lot of tank and a lot of
2608s utility with those uh Eden comp guns
2612s it is good in two situations in
2615s particular if your opponent were to
2617s bring sentries which are pretty
2619s reasonable in this tournament format and
2622s they're good against that killing off uh
2625s like tightly grouped drones but
2627s primarily I like it against rap bots in
2631s an armor com if you're up against
2633s somebody who
2635s wants to keep their ships Alive by
2638s putting a whole bunch of heavy armor
2640s maintenance spots on on Narrows or
2642s something like that the stormbringer
2644s just chews through them and really takes
2647s that out quickly
2652s yeah and it's only 50 more than a
2655s regular Cruiser it's not gonna really
2658s hurt your wallet that much and it's
2660s incredibly tanky
2664s yeah now we can see finally getting
2666s caught as it went for the micro jump
2667s drive Beacon just trying to uh either
2669s send itself on a long jump record or uh
2672s survive for just a little bit longer but
2674s yeah there is not a hope in hell for a
2677s whole control to really come back into
2679s this match and less bright side of death
2681s decides to
2682s really aggressively throw
2685s in a previous year my team got knocked
2688s out by right side of death so I have a
2690s bit of respect for
2692s having to face them in a tournament
2694s setting
2696s and also that time we were flying The
2698s Nighthawks
2701s yeah really nice execution here I'm
2704s interested to see if we're going to see
2705s more of the broadsword actually be
2706s bought in this tournament it seemed so
2708s so potent in that get in this game oh we
2711s can see some mjd plays coming out just
2712s to catch that more lesson close up this
2714s match really quickly
2716s the combination of the broadsword and
2718s the Loki are often going to keep
2720s somebody
2721s completely locked down with a long-range
2724s scrum and long range web
2727s at a reasonably long distance yeah
2731s as the match starts if you're within 20
2734s or 30 kilometers you're likely to be
2737s locked down immediately
2740s and with that we're sending it back to
2741s the desk
2744s now for the triglovian weather report
2746s brought to you by Exodus
2748s calls for this integration
2756s and that's the weather forever
2766s for just 10 million is a month you can
2771s save the life of a high SEC minor
2783s foreign
2807s controller getting rolled out by bright
2809s side of death uh in the pretty harsh
2813s stomping uh it has to be said
2816s um mystical might I wanted to ask you a
2818s little bit about something that we
2820s noticed in that match uh the war pins
2823s uh can you can you talk to us a bit
2824s about that
2826s sure so on the
2829s I'm gonna say whole control team two
2831s slept news and the bug they came in at
2833s zero
2835s um which
2836s is a very risky play at the best of
2839s times
2840s um importantly they also walked their
2842s support Wing at range and I couldn't
2844s tell whether their Logistics frigates
2846s were 1mn or tannerman so the reason I'm
2849s mentioning all of this is that when you
2851s walk to zero against the team that you
2852s actually don't know what you're going up
2854s against it puts you in a very weak
2856s position because if you're going up
2858s against a team where you would prefer to
2859s burn away because perhaps they have more
2861s damage than you do as we saw in this
2863s case you don't really have any
2864s flexibility with your positioning you're
2866s committed before the match has even
2868s begun and warping your Logistics
2870s frigates at range in that case
2872s especially if they are when a man fit
2874s which means that they are harder to hit
2876s but they're also slow on grid
2878s um they're unable to get into range to
2880s really support you at the beginning of
2882s that brawl and we saw that first let me
2884s go down like within seconds it was very
2886s very quick at the rate that it went down
2889s and the second one survived a little bit
2890s longer and I'm thinking that's because
2891s Logistics frigates managed to get into
2894s range to support him a little bit better
2897s and Bart what about the the difference
2899s in uh the low end support for each of
2902s those columns it looked like uh once I
2904s chose control once I chose DPS
2909s uh whole control they kind of they
2911s brought a little bit of control
2913s um it's it's hard to do control setups
2915s with shields just because you have to
2917s dedicate some tank to it but I feel like
2919s bright side like their smallest ship was
2922s a Sipple which isn't particularly
2923s squishy like they almost didn't really
2925s have a low end in the sense that like
2927s you know a cyber Fleet issue is a ton of
2930s DPS a simple is still a ton of DPS so
2933s it's like really what do you target
2935s there I mean obviously killing a triple
2937s first is smart I think that it was a
2938s decent idea
2940s um but if you look at what hold control
2942s had you know they had a marker so they
2945s put a ton of points into this very you
2947s know heavy uh High DPS Battleship that
2951s probably you know obviously you can hit
2953s a small frigate with the marker I'm sure
2955s everybody who's played Eve in the last
2957s you know year or two has lost a small
2959s fur gets two vargers but at the same
2961s time you know if you're looking up
2963s against like sleptner's uh Shield
2965s Cruisers maybe hold control should have
2967s gone after something that was a little
2969s bit easier for a Varga to apply damage
2972s to uh whereas you know bright side of
2975s death they clearly have bought that
2977s match before they've done the
2978s calculations they were like okay we know
2980s that we have probably seven or eight
2982s thousand DPS on grid we know that we can
2984s blow a sleptner up in seconds and they
2987s just went top down and just completely
2990s demolished whole controller
2992s yeah
2993s speaking about that Varga
2995s um I just wanted to come in and ask you
2997s something about that uh the Varga
2999s obviously on TQ uh Bastion Mojo uh that
3003s can just click that button and be very
3004s hard to kill
3006s um can we use that here
3008s no no that's the module is banned
3012s um I think we've had previous
3013s tournaments where Bastion modules were
3015s allowed
3016s um and I think we also had a record
3017s number of overtime matches where it was
3020s essentially one Marauder bashing its
3022s head against another Marauder as
3024s assistant continued to speed up until
3026s someone's APM couldn't match uh the rate
3029s that the system was going so no Bastion
3031s modules are banned because they are
3032s boring to watch
3035s very well said and the other thing I
3038s wanted to ask you about was the
3039s stormbringer interesting choice uh to
3042s bring in in this only six points which
3044s is uh which is pretty good
3046s um what do you think about that that
3047s ship Choice they're missing is it a good
3048s ship to bring in a tournament
3049s environment or do you think that maybe
3051s those six points could have been spent
3053s elsewhere
3054s so the sky breaker which is the frigate
3058s version of the stormbringer and the
3061s thunderchild is a really good ship to
3063s bring I think in a tournament setting
3065s because it is so
3068s um
3068s a small Point wise
3071s um but it also does a great job at
3072s clearing drones whereas the stormbringer
3074s which is the cruiser variant that we saw
3076s in the last match
3078s has a hard time applying to some of
3080s those smaller drones I actually watched
3082s the stormbringer shoot some ec600s which
3085s are an ECM drones medium ECM drones and
3088s it got it to half Shields from the time
3091s it took to travel across the entire
3093s Arena so not exactly the strongest ship
3096s to bring especially if you're in a kite
3097s with it but it is fairly tanky so it can
3099s be used as a ship to tackle down other
3102s ships if need to be
3104s also decent amount of Med slots and if
3106s you're to bring it in an armor comp then
3108s those mid slots could be used
3110s um for example
3112s um ebar modules scripted Ur modules you
3113s could slap a couple of damps in there so
3115s it could just be a bit of a utility belt
3117s and again only six points
3119s um actually not that bad depending on
3120s how effective it can be uh Bart you're
3122s looking awfully glum so I'm going to uh
3126s cheer you up by telling you there's a
3127s match coming up in just a few minutes uh
3129s the first of our mimitar roleplay cards
3132s like this Matari uh they're gonna be
3134s very excited to be participating in this
3136s representing the the brutor tribe going
3138s off against High SEC miners uh let's see
3141s if we can take a look at the bands going
3142s on between these two teams here
3146s so uh legislative choosing to ban the
3149s Loki and the curse uh meanwhile High set
3152s miners Banning the Nighthawk and the
3154s unneros uh Bart what do you think about
3156s these bands here
3158s I think that these are I would say
3160s probably the first like
3163s bands that are thought out in regards to
3166s you know past tournament meta um
3168s so high SEC minors from what we what we
3171s can tell are uh related to a team last
3175s tournament that brought a hamrush almost
3178s every single time so Loki's are
3180s traditionally very very good in hamrush
3182s curses are just absurdly powerful right
3184s now uh especially since nowadays we have
3187s the scripted ewar
3189s um it does look like high SEC miners you
3191s know Nighthawks are both good kiting
3193s ships and both uh and very good Rush
3196s ships I'm not really sure about the
3197s onero span um I don't think that
3199s innoneros is particularly
3201s uh Irreplaceable like if you can bring a
3203s guardian with it or you know maybe
3205s universe so I think that uh Alexis
3207s matari's bands I really really like they
3209s definitely have some thought put into
3211s them um High SEC minors
3213s probably just don't want to deal with
3214s any kiting setups but I don't think that
3216s the Nighthawk is necessarily a ship to
3219s ban in that case so kind of would like
3221s to see like a scimitar band instead
3224s Misty by the virtue of having
3226s functioning cameras now um I can see you
3228s nodding away as Bart is talking uh your
3231s thoughts there
3233s yeah I was just more thinking about the
3236s the curse ban
3239s um and what that may kind of predict
3241s what we see on grid just thinking back
3242s to the conversation we had earlier
3244s around the allowance for scripts and E1
3247s modules because a very effective
3249s long-range new boat but also really good
3252s at applying those tracking disruptors
3253s and those guys guidance disrupters
3256s um so you know it may be that they want
3258s to be able to apply damage at range
3261s um which would be fairly tricky if you
3264s are going up against a curse in those
3265s situations
3267s yeah curse is a great email platform and
3269s of course with the um
3271s uh ability to bring scripted e-war uh is
3274s just more powerful this year than than
3276s the last how many years since uh we
3279s banned scripted Ebor modules I remember
3282s I think it was Alliance tournament 13 or
3284s 14 where it was just celestes all the
3287s way down uh damps were the order of the
3289s day obviously the game has changed a bit
3291s since then so see if it becomes as
3294s powerful this year as other years
3296s um I see both teams are in system
3299s um and on field so I think what we'll do
3302s is we'll hand over to the arena and let
3303s our commentators talk you through what
3305s they see on grid uh so this one is going
3307s to be a lesson Atari versus high SEC
3309s minors with your casters Wingnut cross
3312s and gentan
3317s foreign
3320s and we have kingslayer versus a full
3324s order Cannon rush it looks like everyone
3326s thought Minotaur is the uh definitely
3327s the style of the day and we've got this
3329s is gonna be very interesting to be
3330s honest agent
3332s yeah this is we've seen we're seeing
3334s some unusual ships be brought by both
3336s sides here we can see Asia Elkin
3339s um member of the CSM uh piloting the
3342s ashimu there and Jack Harvey in the
3344s hugin from the high SEC minors site
3347s um both of those are ships that we don't
3348s often see in the alliance tournament and
3351s they both provide some really really
3352s powerful long-range webs although the
3354s hugin is significantly better and the
3356s reason we don't normally see them is
3357s because they are incredibly fragile if
3360s anything's able to get on top of them
3361s and they aren't able to use their
3363s control effectively it is going to lead
3365s them to their Doom very very very easily
3369s that said and especially actually with
3371s sorry go ahead sorry go ahead
3375s um that that hugin is especially going
3377s to be under pressure from all of those
3378s rapid heavy missiles from the two
3380s typhoon Fleet issues and the typhoon you
3383s know you're looking at nearly 3 000 DPS
3385s that can apply pretty much perfectly uh
3388s to any Cruiser on the grid
3391s interesting of course as well is that um
3393s Isaac Myers have decided to bring in the
3395s hugin and a scimitar so they've gone
3396s pretty healthy it's their support
3397s meanwhile it looks like Alexis Matari
3399s went you know what no we just bring
3400s frigates they're good enough the import
3402s of visual Fleet instead of our hyena so
3403s they are really committing to this
3405s triple type in Fleet core as the match
3407s goes now
3408s wow look at that tackle streaming in
3411s from the high SEC
3412s minus side getting into those back lines
3415s almost immediately uh but the slept near
3418s of Khan appears to be the first primary
3419s very very unusual
3421s um uh Choice there from the kingslayer
3423s team normally you want to head um
3424s headshot the logic quickly uh before
3427s your Clips run out and the visual Fleet
3429s issue is taking a lot of DPS too
3432s yeah we see actually ECM drives coming
3434s out on an ashimu and looks like the
3435s slips being hit the typhoon they've
3437s actually picked on the typhoon first so
3439s we have to see if they can break through
3440s this guy obviously probably the weaker
3441s of the three battleships there visual
3443s fleets being primary as well as
3444s fitbull's being primary there is damage
3445s going everywhere at the moment everyone
3447s seems to be holding which smoke
3450s yeah a Khan's obviously going to be
3452s burning through his xlasb charges he's
3454s being held off of the primary which is
3455s Cloak and divery Insidious in the
3457s typhoon oh this Ripple there goes down
3459s very very quickly looks like Khan is
3461s finally breaking here but it's going to
3463s be a question of whether or not sorry
3465s how many shots these typhoons have left
3467s in their Clips after he goes down oh my
3469s God in the aftermath of this
3472s there we go that's the first kill that's
3475s something that kingslayer is incredibly
3477s powerful at they have so much front
3478s loaded DPS people want to see that
3479s attack bar drop very very sure uh drop
3482s very preceptively for his precipitously
3484s as they all go on to reload and then
3486s they're going to elect us material are
3488s going to need to tank out the remainder
3490s of their time it's going to take them 45
3492s seconds to reload off that but the site
3494s Fleet issue is going down in seconds as
3496s well this uh the Scimitar just doesn't
3499s seem to be having any reps but out he
3501s must be getting damped or something
3504s maybe the ashimu actually just double
3506s check they assume we're currently on
3507s scimitar
3508s no he's not so it's not him never mind
3510s but yeah interesting enough of course
3511s like now they've um killed off one of
3514s those battleships that typhoon is not
3515s going to hold permanently so they're
3516s trying to pick off the small ships now
3517s Deacon pontifex and it doesn't matter so
3519s if I just went down to what is this
3521s Scimitar doing
3524s uh yeah it does look like
3527s um it doesn't look like he's even he is
3529s getting damped I think uh I can't quite
3531s tell our uh we don't have fancy UI for
3533s those who don't know and wow a stupid
3534s flea issue goes down as well this is
3536s just the power of these rhmls just
3538s plowing through this Cruiser ehp this is
3542s a really dominant Victory here from
3543s electivism Atari just controlling this
3545s Rush absorbing all the pressure that's
3546s coming out and winning off the back of
3549s that
3551s yeah it was a classic Myers they tried
3553s to go for the uh you know Hedgehog off
3555s the battleships but it just didn't
3557s didn't play out for me didn't have the
3558s DPS to break through meanwhile these
3559s three three typhoons can just rip apart
3561s one ship very easily and then pick off
3563s whatever went off look at the Scimitar
3564s now all those heaviest was just coming
3566s in oh God look at that I only got two
3570s reps out of his XL ASB before he was
3573s destroyed this is great stuff from
3575s electus Matari uh it seems like high SEC
3578s miners they came in here with a game
3580s plan they were going to out mimitar the
3581s mimitar RP Alliance and they have
3583s completely failed in that endeavor uh I
3586s guess they know yeah they've got to
3587s think of them at least all right yeah
3591s something really good like that during
3593s during the early part of that match was
3595s Aussie Elkin and a couple other ships
3597s just holding those slutness away forcing
3599s them to shoot into fall off range
3601s forcing them off of hail off of the
3604s highest DPS uh ammunition and using that
3608s space to just operate all those typhoon
3610s issues back and away from one another
3613s and just carry the game from there great
3616s stuff yep big respect to workers matara
3619s here this is not what I expect to see
3620s from this match I love seeing the old
3621s triple typhoon comp back in Action
3623s kicking butt and with like the Matari
3626s taking the win there we're going to send
3627s it back to the boys in the studio see
3628s what they think
3631s apart
3678s foreign
3711s welcome back ladies and gentlemen there
3713s so
3714s um Alexis from Atari uh showing that
3716s with enough duct tape you can do
3718s anything as high SEC minors
3721s um shouldn't quit their day jobs uh
3723s going down and losing that one fairly
3725s substantially uh mystical might
3729s um what do you think about the execution
3730s of
3732s um the high tech miners team there
3736s I think that the house like miners team
3739s um they had a reasonably strong setup
3741s mimitar Rush has historically been
3744s pretty strong within the alliance
3746s tournament
3747s um and this year I think it's especially
3749s strong given some of the rule changes
3752s that we've seen their decision to
3754s primary the typhoon at the very
3755s beginning wasn't necessarily a bad one
3759s um as the typhoon is the weakest of the
3761s three battleships that were on grid for
3763s the electus Matari team
3765s but
3767s they weren't really able to trade
3768s favorably so they very quickly allowed
3771s the match to get away from them when
3773s they began to trade a slept near for
3775s nothing
3776s um at the very beginning and then that
3778s just kind of spiraled from there
3780s um so I think they perhaps should have
3782s switched to the logifrags
3785s on the electus Matari team sooner and
3788s then played out some of the support they
3789s also had in the form of the armor links
3791s on the pontifex just to weaken the
3793s battleships that they were going up
3794s against
3796s awesome and uh Blackboard pirate I
3799s wanted to ask you a little bit you had
3800s some comments um in our in a production
3803s chat
3804s um about uh the choice of ships from
3807s high set miners you weren't a fan of
3809s that hugin
3810s um can you can you talk through what do
3812s you like about that cruise ship other
3814s than its Aesthetics it looks like yeah
3816s yeah they are it is probably one of the
3819s uh the ugliest ships left in the game
3820s since you know it's the old MOA has been
3823s uh fixed I guess it's been like 10 years
3826s since that happened though now uh yeah I
3828s know the hugin it's it's so many points
3831s and I don't think you really need one
3833s like it's it's not that I don't like
3836s hugin I just don't really like the hugin
3838s in their setup so if you're running a
3840s Minotaur Rush setup the entire point is
3842s to like get in there as fast as possible
3844s and you know Scythe Fleet issues are
3846s extremely fast uh even you know even
3849s like slept news Nighthawks claimers they
3850s didn't have Nighthawks but all those
3852s ships are very quick and they can get on
3853s top of something super fast and bringing
3856s the hug and it's like okay we have a
3857s long Wing range web but
3860s what are you going to really use it for
3861s I think that maybe a high SEC minors
3864s thought they were going to be going up
3865s against like a drone kite or some kind
3868s of light missile setup but even then I
3870s mean all of the minotaurships are faster
3871s so I'm kind of sitting here like well
3873s you spend you know I think like what was
3875s it 14 points 13 points on a ship that
3878s you could have spent that on something
3880s else and maybe done a little bit better
3882s um
3883s you know that being said I don't think
3884s that was necessarily what the real
3885s problem was uh Alexis Matari just
3888s screamed so well and stopped that
3890s initial push in and that was kind of the
3892s power of like that that two-point vigil
3894s Fleet issue you don't see that very much
3896s but it's basically you know it's like a
3898s miniature hyena which is what I would
3900s rather see than a hugin pretty much any
3903s day
3905s yeah I would say Alexis batari did a did
3907s a fantastic job there uh flying uh the
3910s the completely brought really well
3912s execution could sometimes be where some
3914s teams fall down
3916s um historically you know it's very easy
3917s to look at a comp uh on find it on Zed
3920s Kell from a previous Alliance tournament
3922s update it to the current meta and then
3924s bring it and then get just curb stomped
3926s by someone else bringing the same thing
3927s because you fail in execution
3930s um Mr Mike how important is that kind of
3932s stuff like is there some comp you can
3934s just power through with
3936s um your execution versus some other
3938s comps that maybe are like very high
3940s skill
3942s yeah so I mean any Rush comp I suppose
3945s is gonna rely Less on execution more On
3949s Target calling so the order in which you
3951s kill the enemy team is going to be very
3952s important in a rush comp because you're
3954s basically using your hit points as
3956s damage right like the longer you're
3958s alive the more damage you're putting out
3960s um you're looking to trade over time but
3963s you're also looking to overwhelm them
3964s with the amount of damage that you have
3966s so being able to clear the right Targets
3968s in the right order is very important but
3970s then you also have the very technical
3971s setups where you're going to be bringing
3974s you know
3975s um we've seen ECM startups in previous
3977s years for example where being able to
3980s communicate what you're jamming who
3981s you're jamming looking around the grid
3983s to see whether there are any remotes
3986s um sensor boosters coming out from the
3988s Hostile health Team to support their
3989s essential ships like the logistics
3991s cruisers for example these are all
3993s things that would need to be
3994s communicated and decisions need to be
3996s made on the fly so I would definitely
3998s say that that is more difficult to
4000s achieve and execute than a rush comp
4003s but
4004s there is no all proof setup that you can
4008s really bring to the alliance tournament
4009s matches right it's all going to depend
4011s on how you execute that on the day
4012s because you could bring the simplest
4014s thing that has like two buttons you
4016s could bring an oracle Just Guns just a
4018s my Corp Drive and you could still forget
4020s to click one of them and screw your
4022s entire team over so yeah people need to
4024s bring their a games to the matches
4026s regardless of the concept
4029s yeah I think it's fair to say as well
4030s that in general the quality of piloting
4034s and 3D crafting needed
4036s um to do well on the alliance term has
4038s just continued to get you know more and
4041s more advanced if you go back to like a
4043s Lancer in 10 11 and stuff like that the
4044s number of teams that are executing the
4046s crafting super well compared to the
4048s number of teams that we're just able to
4050s get you know reasonably far with um with
4052s a couple of easier to execute comps with
4055s certainly a different ratio I remember
4056s getting
4058s um we went two and two myself cadaver
4060s with the bastards basically using a
4062s mimitar rush for four matches
4065s um and it was relatively successful and
4067s I just don't think that that kind of uh
4069s play would have as much success these
4071s days
4071s um we mentioned earlier but worth
4072s mentioning again
4074s um the trials it's no longer best of one
4076s and you know wham bam thank you ma'am
4078s and you're done it is a group stage so I
4083s wanted to highlight this particular
4084s group the router group so the six teams
4087s in this group are Alexis Matari High SEC
4088s minors kitchen sinkhole shrakhan turbo
4092s feeder glory and no vacancies this is a
4095s super interesting group because Alliance
4096s room 18 is sponsored by the mimitar
4098s Republic
4100s so Minotaur ships are underpointed
4102s compared to some of the other
4104s um uh Empires and uh in the trials if
4108s there is a tie on matches then the uh
4110s the rust Factor whoever brought the most
4112s Minotaur ships is used to break that tie
4115s this is also the group with both
4118s of the well-known mimitar uh role role
4123s play groups Alexa better and ishra Khan
4125s both essentially competing for one spot
4128s in the main Alliance tournament there is
4130s the Redemption bracket of course so
4131s maybe we see one tick that lead position
4134s and one taking into the Redemption where
4136s they'll have to fight through more
4137s matches to try and secure their place uh
4140s Bart what do you think about the the two
4142s Minotaur uh role play cards ending up in
4145s the same tribe right now that's uh
4148s that's quite something
4150s well I'm not gonna lie we did a little
4152s tier list stream which was you know us
4154s just kind of taking the piss at uh teams
4157s and I put both of them into the good
4159s luck tier uh however you know Alexis
4162s Matari is now up one and zero so clearly
4165s you know there's some something here uh
4167s we'll see I believe the next match
4168s actually will have the other one in it
4170s so hopefully I redeem my uh talking
4173s there uh it is unfortunate it would be
4175s kind of cool for both Minotaur role play
4177s teams to be in separate brackets so that
4179s because of the way it works one of them
4182s might have a chance of 100 going through
4184s and the other one will like at best have
4187s to go play up against the best of the
4189s rest so uh it is possible both of them
4192s get through I don't think it's
4193s particularly likely
4195s it it is what it is but I I kind of wish
4198s they had been in separate brackets
4199s because it could have been their their
4200s dream run I mean this is the tournament
4201s for your Minotaur role-playing teams to
4203s actually win right
4204s we'll see what happens though
4207s so yeah I'll point out in that um tier
4209s list stream bar I put uh both
4211s electricity and usual can in the uh the
4215s middle tier and I was out voted and
4218s people used vetoes to put them back down
4219s again so I'm sitting quite smug right
4222s now that lesson tarry uh were sold when
4225s you were dominant in that last match
4227s over High SEC minors so that's uh that's
4229s good for me unfortunately I've got to
4230s put any twitch points on it otherwise uh
4232s I could have won a whole bunch don't
4234s forget out there in twitch land you can
4236s use your Twitch points uh the bet on the
4238s matches you can use them to redeem for
4240s our skins amongst other things or if
4243s you're a true Chad you can continue to
4245s bet them until you've got as many points
4246s as possible
4248s um let's look at our next match part you
4250s mentioned it briefly and it's going to
4252s be ushra can versus turbo feed Or Glory
4255s terrible Fleet Or Glory of course being
4258s um a wormhole group
4260s um with Mark resurrecter CSM member and
4264s hero slash villain of wormholes
4266s depending on your point of view and last
4269s Alliance tournament the basically it was
4271s all terrible feed there was no glory so
4273s they're looking to get a bit of Glory
4275s this time instead of instead of the
4277s trouble feeding the bands are on screen
4279s right now now ushra can have
4281s historically not done very well in
4283s Alliance tournament in the past they've
4284s played a bunch not really done very well
4286s so what we have here is two teams
4289s historically who both lose going up
4292s against each other so good news one of
4294s them probably has to win here ishra can
4297s Banning Bargas and hug him and the
4299s trickle-down ban as well which is that
4301s the first time we've seen those
4304s um Misty just quickly explained to me
4305s the trickle bands
4308s yeah sure so
4311s the way that the trickle bands work is
4313s that both teams get two bands initially
4315s so these will be blind bands they'll be
4318s able to put down the ships that they
4319s don't want to see coming up in the next
4321s match if both teams put the same ship
4323s down in this case we can see it's the
4325s bar guest then they both get the option
4328s to ban a different ship while the bar
4330s guest remains banned so
4333s um you know usual Khan kabo feel the
4334s glory both don't want to see the Bargas
4336s probably because it's a fairly flexible
4338s missile platform that can be used in
4340s both a shield and an armor setup and
4342s they're pretty hard to deal with in most
4345s scenarios they're very good damage very
4347s good with projection and they're very
4348s quick with two utility highs as well but
4352s we can see here that Usher Khan is very
4353s scared of webs because not only have
4355s they banned hugin as their second
4357s initial ban but they've also opted to
4360s ban the hyena as well so that gives me
4362s the idea that perhaps they're hoping to
4363s be very mobile they don't want to be
4365s pinned down too much but they also don't
4367s want to deal with too much projection
4368s coming out their way so they're looking
4369s to out project the enemy team
4372s yeah and then uh Bart the turbo feed
4375s team Banning that Scimitar it's a very
4377s popular ship in Shield comps especially
4379s kiting field comps
4382s um there isn't really much of a uh
4384s replacement for that unlike the nearest
4385s which you can mostly replace with a
4387s guardian the uh the Basilisk is just not
4391s a replacement for a scimitar why do
4393s people usually consider that
4396s uh the reality is is that you know the
4398s Scimitar has a very very good resist
4400s profile and is extremely fast for a
4403s logistic ship um that scimitars are
4405s faster than most uh possible armored
4408s tackle ships if you're flying them while
4410s you're at YouTube mwd uh versus you know
4413s basilisks are pretty slow they actually
4415s have pretty nasty em holes and well
4418s obviously in TQ land there's a lot of
4421s ways to solve all those problems in the
4423s at you kind of want to have the ability
4425s to self-rep sustain and avoid damage as
4428s much as possible you don't have 15 of
4430s your buddies there they can rep you and
4432s save you at the last minute
4433s um by Banning out the Scimitar I'm not
4436s going to say that they can't Shield kite
4437s because obviously you can do whatever
4439s you want I just don't think that you'll
4441s be able to do it anywhere near
4442s successfully as if you had the Scimitar
4444s in there so turbo feed clearly does not
4447s want to go up against the Shield kite
4448s they really I mean they ban the bargist
4450s and the Scimitar so they've kind of
4452s taken out two of the big ships they
4454s don't want to go up against light
4455s missile setups probably
4458s I think that you know they're very much
4460s showing what they want to do but we'll
4461s see if uh see if ushakon's able to read
4464s that sort of counter
4467s Mister you've uh you've flown in a
4469s couple of
4470s um upper tier teams in your time
4473s um we form Volta
4475s um Hydra of course as well uh now uh as
4479s a
4480s key member of the fraternity team when
4482s you see
4484s um bands coming in are you likely to try
4487s and say hey they are going to be
4489s avoiding they don't want to see Shield
4490s kiting are you going to try and still
4492s get Shield kiting in there because you
4494s know that they think they're weak
4495s against it or are you gonna say okay
4497s well our Shield case income has been
4498s weakened we're going to bring something
4499s completely different
4502s so I would say it depends on both the
4506s team that you're going up against and
4507s how far into the tournament you are at
4510s these initial stages where many of these
4512s teams are flying for the first time in
4514s quite a while
4515s it's probably going to be quite hard to
4517s predict what they actually mean or
4519s intend with their bands it may just be
4521s that they've practiced against it and
4523s they haven't figured out how to deal
4524s with that particular ship not
4526s necessarily an archetype
4528s um light kiting but just the fact that
4530s okay they see about August on grid and
4532s they are absolutely terrified of it so
4533s they just don't want to see it in an
4535s actual match that could be very well
4536s some of the thought processes that we're
4538s seeing with these teams here
4540s um but
4542s when it comes to deciding whether you
4544s play into the bands that the enemy team
4545s have and you bring something that you
4547s don't think they want to see the risk is
4549s that in your mind game it yourself I
4551s think you're better served just bringing
4553s a compost setup that you are very
4555s comfortable with not playing into the
4559s fears or the expectations of the enemy
4560s team because we've done that before in
4562s Volta and it has historically not worked
4565s out very well so uh yeah I cannot
4568s recommend
4569s awesome we can talk a bit more about uh
4572s mind games and The Meta of uh Alliance
4575s tournament uh a little bit later because
4577s it's time to go to the match I see the
4578s teams have landed in the arena so it's
4580s going to be usra can versus turbo feat
4582s Or Glory will they have Glory or will
4585s they trouble feed to shrekan uh let's
4588s hand over to the arena with dujek and
4589s Wingnut
4597s hello and welcome to the arena we have
4601s um ushra Khan versus turbo theater glory
4603s and the turbofit have brought a typical
4606s uh Rush setup whereas uh usho Khan have
4610s a
4611s very top heavy Battleship setup
4615s what do you think about this the triple
4617s battleships all at zero
4621s that'd be very interesting
4624s both have opted for uh frigate laundry
4627s in this uh case but we have Shield
4629s versus Armor and the match is just about
4632s to begin
4635s yeah it's gonna be very interesting
4636s because this that is an order kind of
4638s slept near as well so they basically
4639s have a rush comp against a triple
4641s Battleship core right in front of them
4642s and yeah they're they're going in for it
4644s Knight Hawking they've been hard tackled
4645s and here comes the DPS ECM drones and
4648s everything
4649s yeah
4650s um the turbo feed team have uh decided
4654s to pick off a slightly less tanky but
4657s less powerful ship in the Scythe Fleet
4659s whereas uh for sure can't have gone
4662s straight for a Nighthawk taking out the
4664s most powerful uh Shield links and uh a
4668s lot of the damage and he's taking a lot
4670s of damage
4671s they're not going to enjoy having that
4674s trade
4676s yep Noah's about to go down there we go
4679s so sci-fi for a Nighthawk they're gonna
4680s trigger for a step of Fleet now some
4681s damage to go to the ruptures they were
4683s having a bit of a Communications there
4685s but if they can get disruption to stab a
4687s fleet that's a lot of DPS but is that
4688s really worth a Nighthawk
4691s certainly not in the EPS but perhaps in
4695s uh control like it's going to be much
4698s harder to actually chew through a
4700s battleship for uh turbo feed at all
4703s especially if they lose their two uh
4706s largest DPS contributors in the sleptner
4709s and the Nighthawk the most over 1 100
4713s DPS on paper each whereas the rupture is
4717s probably only like 350 or so and he's
4720s going down but they can't continue to
4722s trade like this forever like three
4725s smaller ships for one battle cruiser is
4729s not going to work in the long end and
4731s well that means
4733s he's about to die now
4736s yeah he's uh um
4742s so they've actually tried to escape away
4744s and he got caught down by one of the
4745s battleships just before his niled friend
4747s died so I think he's trying to get away
4748s knowing he was next he's still doing
4750s quite well he loves you from this Kirin
4752s and scalpel is still around trying to
4753s save him so he could maybe buy some time
4755s but they gotta find another Target to
4757s kill soon
4758s yeah if they don't get something down
4761s and the battle re commences but without
4765s any log she on the utrechan side that is
4768s going to be the way turbo feeds take
4771s this down but if they lose the sleptner
4773s before they take out either the Deacon
4776s or the Thalia
4778s I can't see this going their way
4781s yep that's unfortunately that's probably
4783s going to be the moment right there that
4785s that's a lot of DPS loss typhoon Fleet
4787s is taking damage but the valley Deacon
4788s are currently still up so they should be
4790s able to buy him quite a lot of times I'd
4791s have killed another Target so I think
4793s honestly that slip to going down was
4795s probably their last asked I say that the
4797s typhoon is still slowly falling Maybe
4801s yeah the fleet typhoon of 40 is also the
4806s person who's um being
4809s um guidance disruption probably by the
4811s Jack diamond or the steeple on the glory
4813s side
4815s he is not having a good day in that case
4820s really they could
4822s be back
4826s Billy dying
4827s yeah you could imagine that uh the turbo
4831s feed side might get a bonus from having
4835s smaller ships now it might actually be
4839s difficult for the other side to apply
4843s fully to them maybe the
4846s paper DPS in this case isn't going to be
4849s what makes the difference
4851s three percent structure and he's just
4853s getting enough repairs
4857s he's up to 10 hours he's logging been
4859s trying their best so close
4862s I think he's funny yeah
4866s but this is gonna wow
4869s I I think that if they get the grapples
4873s uh properly applied and lock something
4876s down this is gonna
4879s be a very uphill battle for turbofit
4881s despite having more ships on field now
4883s but they are doing significant damage to
4886s sarin Nathalia who has just launched as
4888s well
4890s like honestly
4892s it starts way
4895s yeah this Jack die is still gonna keep
4897s killing the Deacon probably if there's
4900s people helping him
4901s but if they lose the Onyx
4905s they don't really seem to be going to
4908s everything now and that Beacon is gonna
4910s just leave
4912s then swapped onto the pontifex and
4914s they're going to trade the pontifex for
4916s an onyx
4918s yeah that Deacon is burning around with
4920s they be doing like 900 Ms so he's very
4922s hard to hit with mostly I don't think
4924s anything's rapid lights I think they're
4926s uh hams right
4928s that we're checking yeah yeah I assume
4932s so I think so so yeah that's gonna be
4933s really hard to apply to that Beacon
4936s yeah the control bar of the ushra Khan
4939s is incredibly large into that balgorn
4943s and the Sentinel with nude sweps and
4946s disruption
4948s but the damage bar for Turbo feed does
4952s nothing
4953s you can barely see it they're not
4955s applying or shooting anything
4957s significant at the moment yep stepper
4960s Fleet just got killed
4961s I love that but it's just not going
4963s to do well with the Tempest Fleet and a
4964s bowel gone just ruining your day
4967s Cerberus I don't think that service
4971s yeah but I don't think that Cerberus
4973s could actually kill any of the
4975s battleships even if there was nothing
4977s else on field at this point there just
4979s isn't enough so I mean you could maybe
4982s do it but it wouldn't be definitely
4983s wouldn't be within battle time for sure
4985s it would take him some time
4988s everyone nurse make a hamster
4992s and he actually will get the Deacon so
4994s respect for that that does get rid of
4995s the lodgy but it's too little too late
4997s maybe go for the central next try and
4998s remove that Bloody ewall but
5000s it's it's strong several feet are also
5002s too far behind on points they would have
5005s to kill
5007s well let's see they they wouldn't
5009s actually catch up even if they killed
5011s the balgorn they have to kill at least
5013s two shots
5016s yeah server is going to go down so that
5018s there's pretty much no chance of it but
5019s you know in our hearts we can imagine
5021s them killing the Ponting Sentinel and
5022s maybe somehow killing the Tempest of the
5024s Battleground but
5027s and killed
5030s yeah they're the scoring points matters
5032s they had a lot of uh men with our ships
5035s on their team like high breaks could
5038s potentially matter in this format if uh
5042s their opponents if the bracket ends up
5045s with uh one win one loss on each team
5049s that could be the case
5052s yeah I think there's a few moments this
5054s match could have flipped in the other
5055s way there was actually like that attempt
5057s that typhoon taking that little bit
5058s longer to die might have bought them a
5060s bit of extra time I don't think we
5061s particularly needed it but could maybe
5063s have happened the slept near he tried to
5065s run away but a bit too late so you got
5066s caught by these battleships so there are
5069s probably some chances here it could have
5070s maybe flipped but honestly it was going
5072s to be a tall mountain to climb with as a
5073s triple Battleship core in front of your
5075s face
5077s yeah
5079s and so much control I think the usual
5082s Khan team was uh
5084s prepared for several eventualities like
5087s the balgorn is a gun Gorn but like they
5090s have the new they have some
5093s uh disruptions they've got web scrapples
5096s quite a few things about going is the
5099s eventuality
5101s could do most things to be honest it's a
5103s very good ship to have big old ball of
5105s control
5108s yeah there is a reason why they're
5109s banned as flagships later in the
5111s tournament they would just be a little
5113s bit too good to getting all of the
5116s benefit from having officer mods
5120s and useful ones at that newts and webs
5126s well at least there's two on two that's
5128s a fair fight right
5130s oh yeah definitely this is a fair fight
5132s in the YouTube Battleship versus two
5133s destroyers definitely fair
5135s I I 100 support this
5142s I mean that was yeah it's we saw three
5145s battleships warping in at zero and they
5146s did not lose for it so congratulations
5148s for that one that's uh improving the
5150s analysts wrong no no it's a lot of
5153s Courage at least
5156s oh yeah you gotta slap him on the table
5158s don't you know
5159s yeah
5160s also I feel like a lot of these Rush
5163s setups have
5165s been a bit lighter on DPS than I was
5168s expecting like you and like when I think
5172s Shield rush I think three battle
5175s Cruisers
5177s doing
5178s a lot of damage there's a lot of
5182s support going on and a lot of
5185s High application but lower damage ships
5189s as well
5191s like if you're going yeah you should
5193s kind of thing uh channeling their uh
5195s mimitar Heritage here and they brought
5197s like a honestly a great mix between
5198s control and high DPS ships it was
5201s honestly like there's also quite a comp
5203s I don't think it'd be a metacom layer
5204s down the line but it's definitely a good
5206s mix of stuff that really just proved
5208s quite potent here especially against the
5210s uh the hopeful Nighthawk slope near rush
5212s they had going against them
5216s yeah and the bands make sense in light
5219s of what we've seen turbo feed definitely
5222s wanting something that didn't kite away
5224s from them too much and they got that to
5226s be fair
5227s they got people staying at zero and uh
5230s brawling there
5235s yep well I'm just gonna call that zero
5237s gravitas Banksy you cheeky bugger get
5240s down there and either get out the arena
5242s or get killed I don't care which please
5245s nevermind the match has ended perfect
5247s timing thank you so much boys we'll head
5249s back to the studio and see what they
5250s think on this one
5253s in the Silence of the night we will
5255s always hear the screams so this is our
5259s story wolves are monks to strangers
5263s did you know that anything can happen in
5266s Ultra fleets
5268s are you still shaving Jesus why you
5272s messed up some big balls yeah
5276s yeah literally anything
5295s thank you
5298s foreign
5314s sorry the second minitar group uh
5317s winning there as trouble feeder Glory I
5319s would say that wasn't quite a turbo feat
5321s I would say that was like a minor feed
5322s however their name implies that they
5324s only accept binary responses so in this
5327s case it was a terrible feed
5329s um it's for Canada both one and O in
5332s this instance uh mystical might uh what
5335s do you want to talk about in that match
5336s I saw a whole bunch of things I saw
5338s absolute hero tanking by uh 40 Wings in
5341s that iPhone using the power of the
5343s Republic to his benefit to just declined
5346s to die which is uh certainly a strong
5349s superpower to have in an alliance
5351s tournament match I also saw a bunch of
5353s newts on the logifricts from a sentinel
5356s and that looked pretty important as well
5358s uh what what do you want to talk about
5359s I'll let you let you choose
5362s sure uh I'll talk about the usra Khan
5364s side of things if that's okay with uh
5366s black bar uh I'll leave the other team
5369s to you
5370s um with the usual con side of things uh
5373s yeah you identified that 40 Winks in the
5375s typhoon Fleet issue managed to prolong
5377s his death by burning away from that Loki
5380s and their Onyx when he was hitting
5382s structure about half structure
5384s um we were talking in the back channels
5386s and I was saying that really he should
5387s have been burning away much earlier than
5389s that when he still had plenty of armor
5390s left because he had the benefit of being
5393s able to project around the arena whereas
5396s the two ships that were already shooting
5397s him at that time the onyx and the Loki
5401s uh effectively cap dry events of alcohol
5404s so they weren't able to tackle him down
5406s and so he should have put that to use
5409s um and burned out of their weapon
5411s you didn't and unfortunately a step of
5413s Fleet issue was able to chase him down
5414s and finish him off towards the end but
5416s he did a really good job of prolonging
5418s his life as long as possible by figuring
5421s out that he should probably burn away
5422s sooner rather than later
5425s um you know if he'd been a little bit
5426s sooner he would have lived the entire
5427s time I think
5428s but with the bow gone uh one perhaps
5431s suggestion for improvement is with the
5435s balcon newts for anyone who's not too
5437s aware of them
5438s um the balcor can have
5440s three utility highs
5442s I think typically you'll fill these with
5446s notes um and they're bonus notes so
5448s they'll new an extreme amount compared
5450s to what a normal nuke would
5452s on another ship
5455s nice uh the problem is you might get
5459s extremely wide there
5461s wide I've been I've been trying to do it
5463s on my end yeah
5467s um uh yeah sorry the problem was uh with
5471s a nuke that strong dedicating that neat
5473s to a ship like a speeple or a Kirin or a
5476s scalpel that are already being pressured
5478s by The Sentinel that Usher Khan had is
5480s effectively a waste of that neutralizer
5482s because they have such a long cycle time
5484s that um you're not really getting much
5486s out of it if you're newting out as
5488s people so if he had spent that entire
5490s time muting out the core
5493s of the other team that I think they
5495s would have performed a lot better
5496s um but yeah I mean they won anyway so
5498s Props to Usher Khan are not quite as
5501s garbage as Blackboard thought
5503s there you are so
5505s um I'm gonna come over to you in our
5506s wide bark pirate
5508s um what do you think that tribal feeder
5510s Glory could have done differently in
5512s that particular match uh to secure
5514s themselves to win because as Misty said
5516s um I made a few mistakes like they could
5519s have been capitalized on but they didn't
5523s uh yeah I think that honestly I really
5525s liked turbo feed start um I think that
5527s them taking out the uh you know they
5529s took out the site Fleet issue the
5531s stabber the rupture right off the bat I
5532s think that was very smart on their end
5534s uh because all three of those ships
5536s really aren't that tanky like they're
5537s all they're all taquan Cruisers they
5539s melted really fast
5540s um I maybe it wasn't necessarily like
5543s the perfect choice I'm sure if they did
5545s it again they'd try something different
5546s but for what they did that was a great
5548s idea I did not like the follow-up on
5551s that where they then tried to take down
5553s and ended up succeeding
5556s after a very long amount of time due to
5558s you know the hero tanking uh of that
5560s Battleship and uh like Misty said that
5563s Sentinel was like the key of that Fleet
5567s I don't know if they would have been
5568s able to take the Sentinel down with the
5569s remaining ships that they had but I
5571s think that you know you have to try and
5573s by not taking it down you pretty much
5575s guaranteed your loss um we saw the
5578s entire time that turbo feeds Logistics
5581s frigates had Sentinel notes on them
5583s which cycle very quickly I'm sure those
5585s Logistics forgets for me to be getting
5586s like
5587s one cycle off every couple of seconds at
5590s most like maybe a single rep every
5592s couple seconds and they also had a ton
5594s of EC drones on top of them so you know
5597s this this poor logic forgets they had a
5598s really bad time uh I think that turbo
5601s feed they had to take the Sentinel out I
5603s don't know if they would have been able
5604s to it's entirely possible it wouldn't
5605s have gone down but not even really
5607s trying until the last minute kind of
5609s sealed their defeat
5611s yeah and of course um with fourth year
5613s length tanking so long it just prolongs
5615s the match like that's that's more time
5618s that you could be shooting somebody else
5619s like I know that sounds pretty obvious
5621s but every second that you keep yourself
5622s Alive by doing something smart like
5624s burning away getting out of range
5627s um you know focusing on the drones that
5629s are killing anything along those lines
5630s means that there's more time that the
5632s other TMS has been shooting you well
5634s you're still alive shooting them and
5636s that can be uh when are lost and set
5639s scenarios so yeah great job uh the
5642s momentary Republic thanks you for your
5644s service now let's look forward to the
5646s next match it's going to be scary
5648s Wormhole people uh AKA versus Specter
5652s Fleet
5653s um the uh Infamous
5655s mpsi group
5657s let's have a look at the bands for these
5659s two matches so
5661s scary one more people Banning the balgar
5662s and that makes sense they're a wormhole
5664s grip they're probably terrified
5665s Battlegrounds and lookies
5667s um whereas interesting coming in from
5669s Specter Fleek here zarmsad and a gila uh
5673s Bart what are you making the zombie
5676s I I mean I think that it's a very
5679s strange ban uh just because the zarm is
5682s so many points and it has uh some
5685s glaring weaknesses it does have some
5687s very good strengths it is probably the
5689s most difficult to kill Logistics Cruiser
5691s in the game both on TQ and in the
5694s alliance tournament as we don't have uh
5696s Alliance tournament ships anymore for
5699s those but
5700s it's so many points like it is a massive
5703s number of points it can only rep one
5704s thing at once I'm very curious of what
5707s Specter feat's plan is by Banning it
5709s like it maybe they're planning on
5710s splitting DPS among amongst a bunch of
5712s ships or maybe they're just like oh
5714s zarms that's kind of a wormholer ship
5715s let's ban that
5717s um if they're using you know if they're
5718s doing it intelligently though I like I
5720s would expect Specter to do some kind of
5722s multiple Target you know like maybe
5724s they're gonna hit the slow end and the
5726s high end at the same time uh maybe just
5728s their practicing has said that this
5730s arm's a very good ship though we really
5732s don't know
5734s awesome well let's find out is this arm
5736s uh going to be a good ship not in this
5738s match at least because it's banned uh
5740s but let's see what else they bring
5741s instead as we go to scary bar more
5742s people versus Specter Fleet with Wingnut
5744s cross and gentan
5751s hello everyone and welcome to the arena
5754s as you can see we have a really
5756s interesting matchup here with a triple
5758s Battleship all in comp from uh Spector
5761s Fleet going up against what looks like a
5762s shield kingslayer variation uh from
5765s scary Wormhole people
5769s uh yeah it's gonna be very very
5771s interesting once we get to the screen
5773s hold on there we go okay so uh just to
5777s introduce things uh we've got a very
5779s interesting match up here with a three
5780s Battleship all in being brought by
5782s Specter Fleet um going up against what
5784s looks to be a shield King Slayer
5786s variation from scary Wormhole people
5789s without heavy battleships that are gonna
5792s try and pound it they're gonna charge
5794s you with everything Tempest baby it's
5796s gonna be creatively it has yeah
5799s Leroy
5805s and they're off
5807s yeah these caracals from TDC are gonna
5809s have to put in work they need to get on
5811s top of those bombers and start dpsing
5813s them down quickly or their own
5814s battleships are going to fall in seconds
5816s uh to the sheer amount of DPS that they
5819s can put out on this grid there you go
5820s you can already see those light missiles
5822s doing work on that yeah oh my God
5825s but he's in he's in he's in he's in but
5829s how long is he gonna be alive for us he
5831s sits there at about 20 armor starting to
5834s get a little bit of reps now but my
5836s goodness he is falling quickly to the
5839s combined Torpedoes he did yes on the
5841s Ravens the weakest one there go go go
5843s the characters are picking off bombers
5844s in the background I've got two bombers
5845s in the back trying to provide extra
5846s Battleship DPS that Vindicator is now
5848s going into Hull come on my man do it I
5851s believe
5852s if they can kill that Raven before the
5854s windy goes down that's going to be huge
5855s for them though um it will let them just
5857s get those last few licks in on the
5859s Scorpion Navy issue and put it under so
5860s much pressure before it manages to uh
5862s it's almost regening Health what's going
5864s on here how is how is he surviving
5866s massive rep drones rep drones everywhere
5868s there's so many of them he's gold not
5870s for dealer left the second bomber goes
5872s down the Raven is in Hell come on I
5874s believe in you buddy you can do it
5876s yeah and there we go the Raven is in
5878s very very low Hull here it looks like
5880s he's doing this amazing stuff
5882s respectively they're winning the all-in
5884s race it looks like all of these
5886s battleships are just sitting in the
5887s middle of one another in a ball there
5889s are smart bombs firing they're trying to
5891s kill off uh kill off these rap drones
5892s but it's just not happening fast enough
5894s and the Scorpion Navy issues they're
5896s going to be running out of Rapid heavy
5897s missile charges soon enough and that's
5899s going to put them at such a disadvantage
5901s versus the Specter fleet team which
5902s could just keep pressing F1 harder than
5905s them and longer than them and this is
5907s the worst thing about bringing the
5908s kingslayer cop it is an amazing comp
5909s until you do not kill at which point you
5912s are worthless these battleships have to
5914s reload now and this vinegar is just
5915s sitting there not giving the slices of
5917s shits and is now beating down on a scorp
5919s Navy which is by the way an incredibly
5921s tanky ship and Adidas doesn't care
5925s yeah they were able to use those
5926s caracals to just clear off those bombers
5928s but those deacons are still alive and
5931s they're gonna they're gonna need to go
5932s in and try and pressure them now they're
5934s gonna need to pick off one of these
5935s deacons early um sorry one of these
5936s deacons to really turn the match in
5938s their favor this scorpion Navy issue of
5940s Carl brutor he's not dying nearly as
5941s fast as his compatriot in The Raven and
5943s and
5944s low back into Hull
5948s Here We Go Round Two vindy can you
5950s survive another one I don't think you
5951s can though it's not enough rep drones on
5952s them but I think a bunch got smart
5953s bombed off this might be the end for the
5955s window K to come on my men I believe in
5957s you
5958s yeah there's also a really interesting
5959s tackle war going on in the background
5961s with these Cruisers just trying to
5963s screen off the hawk screen off the um
5965s and uh just keep them from really having
5968s an impact on this match from getting in
5969s on these battleships it's going well so
5972s far this question of how long they can
5974s hold up after that vindicate it again
5979s wow my man
5981s instantly oh my man you got the big
5984s balls in this battlefield I love it so
5986s much the Scorpion Navy though is
5987s actually incredibly tanky himself I
5989s honestly thought they'd kill him by now
5990s but he's still there Phantom goes down
5992s this one of the uh Roger freaks had just
5995s been deleted I suspect the web of windy
5997s finished that one off oh it goes down
5999s though there goes the windy there goes
6001s the vindi at long last it took them a
6003s while but now it's even two battleships
6005s a piece uh we've still got oh no we've
6007s still got the two Logistics frigates
6009s alive though that's gonna give them the
6010s sustain as this match goes on uh and
6012s they've also got all the utility from
6013s those 10 best Fleet issues still at play
6015s these scorpion Navy issues can't don't
6018s have quite the same amount of mids free
6019s to really control the match and slow it
6022s down as things go on that said gaming513
6024s Tyler he is taking chunks as well
6026s they're gonna need to get on top of
6027s these Cruisers really they've got to
6029s stop chewing away at Carl brutal he is
6031s not breaking they need to disengage from
6034s this Central battle and start picking
6035s away at this support you leverage the uh
6038s High tracking of those Auto cannons and
6040s just power through the rest of this team
6042s if those scorpion Navy issues are
6043s sitting there on their own there's no
6044s way they can win this match
6047s they're going to kill something now they
6049s can't just sit here it's just just not
6050s working for them at the moment they'd be
6051s fair one of them is held down but the
6052s other Tempest Fleet could definitely do
6053s some damage they have a good range
6054s application as well
6056s this is just you gotta change tactics
6058s now I I get the commit I love it I'm all
6061s for it but you gotta change up find
6063s something else there's this Nighthawk
6064s nearby you could beat down on the
6066s caracals are not not too far away burst
6068s gets deleted there are options here make
6070s use of them you can do it
6073s yeah we are seeing a lot of newts come
6075s out from these scorpion Navy issues but
6077s they should be able to just power
6078s through them with um with cat boosters
6080s for at least a little while they will
6082s run out eventually the you know the
6084s Tempest way issues they have a
6085s surprisingly little amount of cargo bay
6086s uh you've only got around five minutes
6088s of three two hundreds to charge through
6091s this
6092s um
6094s wow this is just rough temperatures
6100s this is the Make It or Break It moment
6102s that they're fully committed to the
6103s sculpt Navy now there's too late to
6104s change this fleet's about to go but
6106s maybe you go down this is full
6108s commitment mode guys all in get that
6110s scorp Navy overheat Fray they've killed
6112s the lodgy so just maybe just maybe they
6114s can hold but he's getting real low
6118s is that maybe like a regen School Navy
6121s or something like that I don't
6122s understand how he's tanking so well with
6124s no Logistics on the grid you must have
6126s like three levels please
6132s empathy live please I want to see this
6134s The Vindicator can't lose
6137s mm-hmm
6138s this Nighthawk though is doing amazing
6141s work I I believe I don't know if he's a
6143s ham or not I haven't checked uh and I
6145s probably should have before the start
6146s this match but he is just sitting here
6148s not really being pressured and just
6150s pounding damage into this field
6153s uh I believe those are hams so he is
6155s putting out nearly a thousand DPS and he
6157s hasn't even been touched none of the
6158s attack was gone for him another tackles
6159s tried to screen him gaming 513 regening
6162s a bit of armor here though this is
6163s really close this is gonna go
6165s how's the tanking what in the world is
6168s going on how
6170s how is he still tanking there's no logic
6173s left
6175s there's no Logistics left but he has
6177s just so so much ehp by the looks of
6179s things that it doesn't matter like he's
6181s he's just representing that he just
6183s wrapped up they are not making an
6185s emotion and the purpose goes down oh no
6191s uh your baby The Vindicator is
6194s apparently not a windicator in this case
6195s it's going to take some major major
6197s plays here perspectively to come back
6199s into this game even with those deacons
6201s now uh they've lost a flight of heavy
6204s red drones from the other Tempest Fleet
6206s issues so Varian Stone Shard should go
6208s down quickly here
6209s getting too hard and for too long on
6212s something that wasn't working here
6213s respectively really unfortunately yeah
6216s that's particularly definitely burned
6216s their guns for sure Tempest Fleet I
6218s don't think he's even firing anymore
6222s oh no
6224s oh yeah you can see that attack bar is
6227s minuscule it is smaller than me
6230s wow that just goes to show how how much
6235s um how much you can out think yourself
6237s in matches like this all it takes is
6239s holding down shift for too long and not
6242s clicking it on quite the right cycle
6243s when suddenly you're an illusion it
6245s wasn't a comp's fault right the comp was
6247s good it's just that they they went too
6249s hard over here the guns yep it's
6250s definitely not the cop the cop was going
6251s to win this is all spectacle Fleet
6253s throwing out the window I can't blame
6255s The Vindicator
6258s yeah that that is this is probably the
6260s uh biggest choke we'll see today uh
6263s respectively absolutely had the
6264s advantage in that early game uh but they
6267s committed too hard onto that scorp Navy
6268s and then ultimately burnt out their guns
6271s trying to break it before then purposely
6274s just leaving say look like he 'd have
6275s done that at any point picked pick
6277s Target he's now leaving after it no
6279s longer matters like they could
6281s hear the other options he's just leaving
6283s me I'm like I'm done I'm just going for
6284s the edge see you guys yeah they're
6286s finally putting DPS on these caracals
6288s you know if they'd have done that
6289s earlier on in the game maybe they'd have
6291s been able to keep their frigates alive
6292s keep their tackle alive uh hold
6295s something else down and control the
6297s match you know that
6298s it's it's a real shame uh we see the
6301s deacons here finally getting DPS down by
6303s these uh Miracles and the reigning
6304s tackle from the scary Wormhole people's
6307s side
6307s nice execution I gotta say you've got to
6309s hand it to um scary Wormhole people for
6312s not folding under the pressure not
6313s giving up when they lost the advantage
6315s and keeping on pressuring knowing their
6317s roots to Victory which was through to
6319s destroying that top end and killing off
6321s those uh bombers right in the early game
6325s I'm not sure I can give them any props
6327s my heart is broken The Vindicator is
6328s lost yeah they honestly just did really
6331s well they tanked it quite well they
6332s tried to uh remove the logic drones as
6334s well so they they honestly sat there
6336s took the pressure from the rush they
6337s managed to hold on did lose a ship but
6340s yeah just
6341s burning guns not that's not the way you
6343s want to lose
6344s no no it's such a tough way to it's such
6347s a tough way to lose
6348s um it's one of those ones where
6350s you you everyone knows it's not what you
6352s want to do but
6354s you you try and try your best
6358s uh but sometimes the RNG goes against
6361s you there unfortunately
6364s it looks like durian stage
6366s the fat guy uh long jump record though
6369s as he burns towards that Beacon let's
6371s see how far he can get a battleship out
6372s of the Arena
6374s are you seconds he's gonna do it now
6376s there we go
6380s honorable weirdness
6387s um
6388s and he is 207 kilometers out of the
6391s Arena that's a that's quite the that's
6393s quite the jump you gotta say wait no
6396s we're just waiting here for a mop-up
6399s um I don't know if we'll see this Shield
6400s uh The Shield kingslayer brought out
6403s again it's uh
6404s it's one of those comps where you lack
6406s the typical control that allows you to
6408s get through the reload of the armor
6410s kingslayer uh bringing it is very very
6413s bossy and it's paid off here for TD sin
6416s so let's hand it back to the studio and
6418s we'll discuss a bit more about how that
6420s happened and how to not burn out your
6421s guns
6431s foreign
6471s there you are a scary Wormhole people uh
6474s dunking on Specter Fleet actually that's
6476s not entirely true respectively they're
6478s dunking on Specter Fleet
6480s um as the uh inability to manage heat on
6483s the guns potentially cost them the match
6486s um worth shouting out Ensign like Leon
6489s in that Vindicator near the start that
6490s was some hero piloting from him just
6492s tanking and tanking declining to die but
6495s like three reloads of the rapid Heavies
6497s coming in to try and actually take them
6499s out uh I'm actually going to use the
6500s power investors in me to promote him
6502s from Ensign to um Junior Lieutenant
6505s there you go that's what I'm gonna do uh
6507s so mystical might other than pure heat
6510s management
6511s um what was going on in that match that
6513s seemed to be a bit of a bit of a
6514s curveball the whole thing
6517s yeah it was quite the slog I think for
6519s both teams
6520s um The Shield setup that we saw coming
6522s out from want to say scary Wormhole
6526s people so say one
6528s um yeah it suffered quite a bit from the
6531s fact that they had to reload their
6532s weapons throughout various points in
6534s that match so at the very beginning we
6536s saw that The Vindicator actually dropped
6537s fairly low I expected The Vindicator to
6540s die within that first minute there of
6543s those ships kind of locking horns but I
6546s hadn't realized by that time that the
6548s Raven and the Scorpion Navy issues had
6550s rapid Heavies so a I guess a unique
6554s um characteristic of Rapid missile
6557s systems whether they're lights or
6559s Heavies is that they're able to burst
6562s damage very very well so they get I
6565s think 20 cycles of their missiles and
6568s then they have to go into a very long
6569s reload and in that time they basically
6572s do absolutely nothing for you so yeah I
6575s think that's really where some of the
6577s struggles came in for for the scary
6579s Wormhole people team
6582s yeah I mean
6585s that was just one of those matches where
6586s it could have gone either way and I
6588s would have loved to see what would
6589s happened if
6591s um the respect for the team had managed
6592s to keep their guns intact and firing uh
6594s because I think they were in a good
6596s position to to bring it back just based
6598s on how long that um Vindicator survived
6601s they were able to start going through
6602s going through things now are one thing
6604s we did see a lot of in both teams in
6606s that last matches uh kind of a Target
6608s fixation you know you're shooting
6610s someone and you're not killing them but
6612s you keep shooting them and you just keep
6614s shooting them and you keep shooting them
6615s sort of hoping for something to change I
6617s guess I mean we heard the casters uh
6619s calling for them to change up and do
6620s something
6621s um why does that happen like how is it
6624s so easy to get suck it into just
6625s shooting something when it's not working
6628s it's always hard to tell if you're not
6630s breaking someone because
6632s you're you don't have enough DPS for it
6634s or if you're not breaking them because
6636s like maybe you're not in optimal range
6637s yet maybe you're you know out tracking
6640s yourself maybe your newts haven't landed
6642s yet
6642s um
6643s so I it kind of makes sense I'm I'm
6646s wondering if Specter Fleet like when
6648s we'd have to re-look it to figure out
6650s the exact moment when the gun's burned
6652s out on that TFI but I I'm wondering if
6655s they didn't really say anything about
6657s the guns burning out for a little bit
6658s and
6660s possibly like if they had called it
6663s immediately like then oh crap my guns
6664s burned out and then maybe swapped it
6666s might have worked uh that scorpion Navy
6668s definitely was very slowly almost
6669s breaking for a while and I think that
6671s they just kind of were like well if we
6673s can just take this one shift down we'll
6674s win
6675s they fixated on it like you said um they
6678s respectively did do a good job swapping
6679s uh to the logic frigates when they
6683s realized that they weren't actually
6684s breaking anything that first time I
6685s think that maybe if they had continued
6687s to like work on that bottom end
6689s um you know telling a raven great idea
6691s scorpion Navy issue is the next Target I
6693s mean that's
6694s still one of the most tanky ships in the
6696s game regardless as if you have logic or
6698s not so I think that if they kind of kept
6700s that plan of going from like lodgy
6703s fruits and maybe working on like those
6704s caracals or maybe even the Nighthawk
6705s they could have done something even with
6707s the burn guns
6709s awesome and uh Misty we actually saw at
6711s the start a couple of bombers on the the
6714s Specter fleet team and there you go ask
6716s dunk pretty quickly why would you focus
6719s on bombers right at the start like that
6723s in a setup where your top end is
6725s essentially three battleships
6728s um bombers are super scary especially if
6731s you're not going to be moving anywhere
6732s right so
6733s um I think it was a very important
6735s decision for them to take those bombers
6736s out at the very beginning because they
6738s are essentially two more battleships
6740s worth of damage at the Specter Fleet
6743s um team would have been able to bring to
6744s the grid
6745s um I think that's really where we saw
6747s the Raven dying so quickly at the start
6748s is because those bombers were still
6750s alive at that time
6752s um and importantly if they hadn't
6753s removed those bombers later on in the
6755s match we would have seen that scorpion
6757s Navy issue also probably dying a damn
6759s lot you know faster than it actually was
6761s and virion burning his guns wouldn't
6764s matter so much
6765s um if they were still up you know so by
6767s removing them at the very beginning it
6769s sets themselves up to win later on
6771s because they're not going to be
6772s attritioning HP so quickly
6775s awesome and then before we look at the
6777s next match I actually want to take a
6778s moment uh to tell you where this is
6780s taking place this is taking place on the
6782s Thunderdome server which is not
6784s Tranquility it is a completely separate
6786s server but everyone has maximum skills
6788s and all the ships are free
6790s um that means that everyone's on equal
6792s playing Ground no one has the best or
6794s skills everyone has absolutely maximum
6796s skills this is really good for things
6798s like the feeders uh because it means
6800s that the teams that are here don't have
6802s to worry about losing you know lots of
6804s ships they can compete they can be on
6805s the same level playing Ground as all the
6807s other alliances and it's a really great
6809s way to get involved in Alliance
6811s tournament if you've never been in one
6813s before I highly recommend getting
6815s involved next year if you're not in this
6817s year if you've ever thought about
6818s putting a team in get a couple of mates
6819s together and at least try the feeders it
6821s costs you literally nothing so thank you
6823s to all the people who make that happen
6824s uh CP zealous has basically picked up
6827s Alliance tournament then they don't
6828s placed it on top of his back you can't
6830s see my hands but I was guessed during
6831s what I was doing there but the cameras
6833s are so thin
6834s um and he is carrying out to this stage
6836s that we're at now so big thank you from
6838s us to him
6839s um we we love the alliance tournament
6841s and I hope you guys do it as well and
6842s hope you all competing it next year as
6844s well now let us look to the next match
6847s Rusty hyena Clan versus no visual dot uh
6851s if we can throw the bands up on screen
6852s quickly and see what these teams are
6854s choosing to ban
6856s so Rusty hyena is it bang the
6858s Battleground the Cerberus
6860s um no visual also bearing the
6861s Battleground and a nightmare first one
6863s we've seen those yet and the trickle
6865s Downs uh taking the slept near and the
6867s curse uh mystical might nightmare
6870s interesting ban
6872s I was gonna say I think we saw maybe a
6875s nightmare ban in one of the earlier
6876s matches I can't quite remember I thought
6878s I'd seen it might have been distracted
6880s chaos that happened yeah yeah absolutely
6883s Fair
6885s um I don't like the nightmare in the
6888s alliance tournament I've said this in
6889s previous 80s I think the nightmare is
6892s absolute crap if you can't fit you know
6895s Dead Space modules to it which is why
6897s it's really good on TQ because you can
6899s fly with high grade snakes and all the
6901s finest modules in the game
6903s um and then is really really good one of
6905s the better ships and that you could pick
6907s for that for that purpose but in the
6909s alliance tournament I think that it just
6912s doesn't really perform anything that
6915s well that another ship can't do better
6918s is essentially where I'm at the only
6920s really good thing that it has going for
6922s it is the fact that it can move quickly
6924s with an afterburner
6927s which in some cases might be might be
6929s quite useful for getting through things
6930s like screening if they don't have much
6932s in the way of webs but most teams that
6934s we're seeing now that webs on their
6936s ships
6937s um and that's an effective counter or
6939s nightmare Mobility
6941s great and uh with that it's time to go
6944s to the match so
6945s um it's going to be Russia Hyena's Clan
6947s versus
6949s um no Visual and it's gonna be casted by
6950s dojek and Wing that cross meanwhile
6952s we'll stay here but Black Backpack will
6954s enjoy the rest of his white claw and I
6956s will see you after the match
6964s hello and welcome to the arena I am
6966s douchek and I'm here with wing not cross
6967s we have the rusty hyenas team and they
6971s have brought
6972s an incredibly tanky long-range Cruise
6975s setup
6977s and they're up against bargists what do
6979s you have to say about that
6980s well we've got yeah triple Cruise
6983s battleships for Rusty highness versus a
6985s paper which kite control buggers comp
6987s but there's nowhere they can run because
6989s they've got these Golems can reach the
6992s entire map pretty much
6993s they've got a Morse that can definitely
6994s damp one one or two of them down and try
6996s and reduce that range but going against
6998s cruising the company this is not going
6999s to be a fun ride that Scimitar is going
7001s to be working overtime
7003s yeah we're gonna have to see what kind
7005s of uh extra um you were they have on the
7008s jack does which is one of the strengths
7010s of all the mids on that ship but I think
7013s the no visual teams is gonna have a
7016s uphill battle given that barges are
7019s neither longer range nor tankier than
7022s the counterparts they're going up
7023s against them they're losing their
7025s Scimitar wow that's so quick
7028s dude
7033s had
7034s he didn't even go into armor
7036s particularly and the bargains are going
7039s up against the Nighthawk trying to get
7041s those links off the field as soon as
7043s possible
7045s The Tackle Wing that they've brought
7047s with these Golems is insane Raptor
7049s Merlin Republic Fleet fighter and a
7051s skybreaker that is brutal tackle work
7053s they got that Scimitar within seconds oh
7056s it's being primary because he's being
7057s very annoying probably but that is
7059s they've got an incredible Wing going on
7061s here and they're going to kill that
7062s small end as well as whatever else they
7063s decide to shoot
7065s yeah the damage to split on the bar
7067s guests as well I I'm guessing there
7070s might be targeting range issues going up
7072s here for the rusty hyenas team but
7075s they're not really losing anything
7078s either and uh there's such a big
7082s difference between they have four ships
7085s that are almost all their points and six
7088s frigates to compensate for it including
7091s Tech One
7093s largy
7095s indeed interesting as well is that these
7097s are golden I believe are also kept
7098s transferring the Nighthawk next to them
7100s so this is true this is Cap transfer
7102s setup as well with these golems and uh
7104s scorp Navy if they once they killed us
7106s more or less they all have full range to
7108s shoot over the entire Arena however they
7110s like and that is going to be a really
7112s painful experience with no visual here
7115s yeah the no visuals team is just going
7118s to have to do two things kill the taco
7122s try to keep their moles alive and see if
7125s they can't keep a range where only they
7128s can shoot because their opponents cannot
7130s lock that far but that is difficult
7132s against Golems Marauders have an
7134s insanely long lock range Baseline and
7137s the malice happens to be dead and a
7139s Bargas is joining him in hell yeah I
7143s think basically they brought missile cut
7145s and a lot of control and there is just
7147s nowhere in the arena they can go though
7149s where can you run against Cruz and
7151s probably these Crews didn't even warp in
7153s at zero they walked in at range and they
7155s can still shoot the entire Arena that is
7158s that is a painful experience to live
7161s yeah I mean the cruise is always going
7163s to hit the entire Arena unless they're
7165s uh missile guidance disrupted that like
7168s targeting range is always the limiting
7170s factor there but it isn't anymore the
7174s damps are off the other TM and that
7176s Bargas is
7177s dying and nothing is going to say
7180s anything that as well
7182s the core of this comp has not been
7184s touched and they're ready for it like
7185s they've got lodgy drones on my Nighthawk
7187s they're all sitting next to each other
7188s kept transferring with me B like they're
7190s sitting in a absolutely like dominating
7192s position and just haven't been touched
7193s they've just been able to pull apart
7195s this team at their own Leisure however
7196s they want they lost a bit of their
7198s tackle but honestly they had tackle the
7200s spare this is yeah
7205s the Golem Sni and Nighthawk in and of
7208s themselves are all in the top list of
7212s most tanky ships there are
7215s like golems with the rep bonus and snys
7218s and I talked with the resist bonuses
7221s they just they're hard to kill
7224s and going up against a team that
7227s has to kill something quickly
7230s I think they might have tried to go for
7232s support and kiting only in this match
7235s they started on Nighthawk and it just
7237s didn't work out
7239s yeah in the nicest way I think this
7241s match was pretty much entirely one but
7243s by the moment people picked their comps
7244s like there was just nothing these bar
7246s these pancakes could do they would just
7248s they at the moment they entered on grid
7249s it's there's just no real way you can
7251s beat this as far as I can see it's just
7253s too tanky too much brick and you're in
7256s the wrong comp to fight it
7262s there's no visuals team we're certainly
7264s hoping for somebody to rush after them
7267s with their double web ships and
7270s and fast yep abs
7276s just watching the visual Fleet now being
7278s killed by cruise missiles and drones
7280s like trying to fire Crews at a visual
7282s Fleet is not a fun experience I've been
7285s there before it's gonna it's gonna die
7287s sooner or later there are plenty of oh
7289s he's gone left on the rusty Hyena's team
7291s at least
7292s like the Golems also have probably one
7296s bonus paint each that's 60 percent
7300s size increase each
7306s um this is um
7309s just formalities left of this match
7313s unfortunately for no visuals
7318s yeah there's also like it's they
7320s couldn't exactly win with this setup
7323s let's say hey it makes it easy for the
7325s pilots right you have to worry about uh
7326s boundary don't have to worry about mjd
7327s or maneuvering just to sit in one
7329s position fire missiles and keep applying
7332s DPS to forehead until dead
7335s yeah the last tournament Vargas were
7338s actually
7340s discounted on points and this was what
7343s we tried against it we tried triple
7345s scorpion Navy against Marcus and that
7347s felt
7348s okay
7350s or against might have been a little bit
7351s too
7352s strong in that setting but
7356s it's it's a fair match
7359s artists are way less tanky and
7365s cost a lot of points
7368s yeah well a single Jack door left uh
7371s pecano I don't know how to pronounce
7373s that name at all but uh well he's just
7375s gonna take a bit of time dying I don't
7377s know if he's trying to go for the edge
7378s of the arena or if he's uh
7380s just taking up some time while he can
7383s but it's actually I'm actually kind of
7385s surprised how well these Golems are
7386s still applying I mean yeah I get it I
7387s got Target planners but that's still a
7389s pretty good amount of application on a
7390s defense mode jackal
7393s is a shield ship it's a signature is at
7396s least large enough for it to not
7398s matter his uh only defense would be
7400s speed and now he's dead
7403s yeah we're going back to the desk
7410s now for the triglovian weather report
7412s brought to you by Exodus the weather
7414s calls for this integration
7421s and that's the weather forever
7432s for just 10 million is a month you can
7436s save the life of a high-sec minor
7471s a rusty Hyena's Clan taking the W there
7474s over no visual I tell you what uh
7477s mystical might the only thing that I saw
7478s no visual of was that Scimitar uh as he
7481s just got absolutely deleted at the start
7483s of that match that was uh zero lifespan
7486s of whatsoever uh what happened there to
7489s that scimitar
7491s uh as you uh
7494s so observantly pointed out I think it
7496s died it died very quickly
7499s um yeah no why gollums why did it die so
7502s quickly Golems have bonus Target
7505s painters it's one of their whole bonuses
7508s and
7509s um all three of the battleships on the
7512s rusty hyena side and cruise fit
7515s um so that allows them to apply to most
7517s corners of the Arena regardless of where
7519s they are but more importantly it also
7521s allows them to apply really good damage
7523s to Cruisers and up because of those
7525s bonuses
7526s um for the painters Scimitar had nowhere
7528s that it could go had no chance for
7530s reducing damage and it fell apart really
7532s quick so
7533s um I'd be interested to see if it
7535s actually had any buffer or if it was
7536s completely resist and ASB fit which is
7540s sometimes what we see in the 80.
7544s yeah now speaking of things we've seen
7546s in the at Blackboard pirate that comp
7548s fielded by Rusty hyenas looked awfully
7551s familiar to me
7552s um where do you think we might have seen
7553s that one before
7555s well uh Ithaca of uh Volta I believe
7559s that it was used several times in the
7562s final match between hydroloded and Volta
7565s and it was uh completely undefeated I'm
7568s so I watched the match for about 30
7570s seconds and then I kind of knew it was
7572s over so sorry sorry to be cringy Edge
7574s Lord but I was like yeah this I don't
7576s need to see the rest of this I know how
7577s it goes uh because Rusty hyenas pretty
7580s much played it exactly as some of the
7582s final matches of at 17 was
7584s um I will say they did an incredibly
7586s good job tackling that Scimitar he was
7588s tackled within about 10 seconds right
7589s off the bat you saw all the rusty hyenas
7591s tackle Rush him tackle him he died
7594s as soon as that happened like I could
7596s just watch it and be like all right well
7598s these three battleships are cap transfer
7600s each other they're all cruise missile
7601s fit they're just going to sit here and
7604s slowly Wipe Out the
7605s team um
7607s it has been used I don't think it's
7609s actually been eaten yet in any uh
7612s matches that people have gone up against
7613s it so uh I will leave Misty to decide
7617s whether or not he wants to spoiler alert
7619s what the possible strategies are against
7621s it but we did see you know it's kind of
7624s cool because we saw a team that prepared
7626s and actually looked at past matches and
7629s was like cool yeah we're going to copy
7630s this comp and run it again so we saw the
7632s E.T winner last time just win and you
7635s know sometimes it's important to
7637s actually look at history
7639s awesome well we actually have nine
7641s minutes until the next match uh so it's
7642s time for our first feature of the day
7644s which is called Ithaca Hawks Deep dive
7645s where we take a deep dive into a
7647s particular comp and how to beat it
7648s mystical might as a member of the
7650s fraternity team if you were to come up
7652s against a comp such as that which looks
7654s kind of like a bit of a cruise Tinker
7655s what would you suggest to your team
7657s fraternity uh in order to beat them
7660s yeah there's plenty of time yeah yeah
7663s that's fine uh so before I answer that
7665s question I had another question which
7667s was did they have a raptor I can't quite
7670s remember because I did zone out once the
7672s Scimitar died
7675s um I think it's it's important for
7677s myself I had something
7679s there's something fast I always tackled
7681s because if it is a raptor that tackled
7684s the Scimitar okay I can see in twitch
7685s chat people are saying yes thank you
7687s very much for the assist
7689s um the Raptor the reason I wanted to
7691s point it out is uh the reason it was
7693s able to get onto the Scimitar so quickly
7695s is because I believe Raptors Crusaders
7701s Tyrannosaurus I want to say and
7705s Clause all have overheat bonuses to the
7708s micro drives so you're able to get a
7711s tech2 fit interceptor up to like 8 or
7715s 10K a second very easily just by
7717s overheating a microb drive and that
7718s allows it to zip across the grid and
7721s snag whatever it wants to really quickly
7723s the downside to that is that typically
7726s they die because they're out of position
7728s because it happens very easily so that's
7730s one thing I wanted to get out of the way
7732s back to your original question
7735s um yes please let's go back to that
7736s question yeah yeah let's go back to that
7738s question that's fine
7740s um
7741s none of these ships have cap transfer
7743s range bonuses I I think is all that
7746s really needs to be said right it's uh
7748s there's simple ways that you can beat
7750s thinkers in any 80 and it is positioning
7754s or it is damage either you out damage
7757s what the tink is able to rep or you
7760s position yourself and them in a way that
7762s you like I think has always been how
7765s it's been
7766s um anyone that's looking back at
7767s previous matches where Tinkers were
7768s fielded
7770s would also be able to kind of deduct or
7772s deduce that from
7774s history I suppose or ECM I suppose would
7777s also be another effective counter
7779s um in some cases sometimes no one is
7780s rolling the dice however
7782s um I was going to say rolling the dice
7785s doesn't typically work in my favor at
7788s least
7789s um whether I'm using the ECM or I am
7791s flying against ECM uh it's never been on
7794s my side so you know yeah
7797s in the finals of a live stream at 17 and
7800s we saw this comp fielded um we actually
7802s saw it almost get beaten um when if
7806s memory starts correctly Annie gardett in
7808s the Vault of Flagship bar guest uh
7810s managed to get a couple of really good
7812s bumps in against those battleships split
7814s them up and then the water team started
7816s to uh do some damage but it was a bit
7819s too little too late in that particular
7820s match and I think I might have been the
7822s third and final match of the of the day
7825s um really good comp
7827s um I think this is one of the first
7828s times we've seen a picked up from 8017
7831s comp dropped almost unchanged into uh
7834s the feeders thus far
7837s yeah a bar I think I mean obviously you
7839s need to actually look at it but I think
7842s that was exactly almost like a dead
7844s straight copy you know I'm sure there's
7846s a little bit of adjustment to some
7847s points but yeah it was pretty much them
7849s to copy pasting it applying it in
7852s exactly the same way too like at
7853s shotology and then just work your way
7856s down
7856s so yeah it'd be interesting to see if
7858s some more teams bring this because as
7860s mentioned um undefeated seems to have
7863s worked again this uh this uh meta
7866s already so I look forward to seeing more
7868s teams bringing or defeating those that
7870s will be extremely extremely interesting
7873s uh now we've used the term Tinker a
7875s couple of times
7877s um or can you just maybe elaborate what
7879s we're actually meaning when we say
7880s tinker
7882s yeah uh so the original OG Tinker has
7886s been dead
7888s for like five or six years now maybe
7890s even longer but kind of nowadays what it
7892s is is it's sort of the equivalent of
7894s like a spider tanking Dominic setup some
7896s of those setups where basically your
7899s ships are using a local tank and then
7901s they're cap transferring each other so
7902s that they can run it permanently uh
7904s generally with Shield ships specifically
7906s like I don't I don't think armor Tinker
7908s is viable anymore but with Shield ships
7910s they'll use an ancillary Shield booster
7912s and once the cap charges of the
7914s ancillary Shield booster Runs Out
7917s it's still boosts for the same amount it
7919s just uses up a mass amount of cap so
7920s what you do is instead you have your
7922s ship's Gap transferred to each other so
7924s that you can continue to run the
7925s ancillary Shield booster without cap
7926s charges and get that insane ancillary
7930s Shield booster tank build
7931s um like I said it kind of only works
7933s with Shield armor
7936s reps work in a different way so you run
7938s out of paste in your answer your armor
7939s repair and it just sucks whereas if you
7941s run out of cap boosters and you answer
7943s your Shield repair
7944s it just sucks your cap a different kind
7946s of sucking one kind's better than the
7948s other in this specific case
7951s well said well said
7953s um it's worth uh worth mentioning as
7956s well
7957s um the way the reason that this works is
7960s in the universe of uh new Eden the cap
7963s transfer modules
7965s give to your friend more cap than they
7967s consume while cycling so you can
7970s essentially create an infinite Circle
7972s object of energy and keep your bodies
7975s alive
7976s um we have about four minutes to go
7977s until our next match which is snuffed
7980s out versus percussive Pizza Time
7981s diplomacy which is a fantastic name so
7984s after of course self-proclaimed Kings of
7986s lossec
7987s um for many many years because of Peace
7989s time diplomacy also loss like residents
7991s living in gal Mill space
7994s um great guys uh give a shout out to the
7996s uh the rest of the galante Federation
7997s doing their bit to hashtag build the
7999s gate so
8001s I've been involved a little bit in there
8002s so faction Warfare recently in a couple
8004s of Alpha alts and it's been a lot of fun
8005s I've been flying with some of those guys
8007s and uh good group of people so check
8010s them out let's have a look at their
8011s bands uh we have snuff Banning out EOS
8014s and slept near two link ships removed
8016s and trickle-down ban into the gedden
8018s meanwhile percussive Pizza Time Banning
8020s out Loki and EOS and the typhoon Fleet
8023s issue mystical might uh double EOS band
8026s what do you make of that
8028s so I'm not sure if this is based on some
8032s of the practices that they've perhaps
8033s been doing in the background
8035s um with their own practice Partners or
8036s whether this is based on what we saw
8038s earlier with the EOS performing fairly
8040s well in that drone setup I think that we
8042s saw as the first match of the day
8045s um EOS is a fairly strong boat
8047s it seems like they don't want to go up
8049s against a drone setup so they're
8050s removing one of the key ships for the
8052s Drone setup uh the EOS being a mobile
8055s damage platform which can use drones but
8057s also usually the ship that carries links
8060s as well for the team by removing the EOS
8063s there isn't really I think another
8066s command ship that really does the same
8068s job in the same way so it makes it much
8071s harder for a team to put that drone comp
8073s together I'm sure there are Replacements
8075s that they can bring but they just
8076s wouldn't perform as well as the EOS
8078s would so that seems to be the first step
8080s in their kind of ban allocations there I
8083s think the Armageddon is also an
8084s interesting one to see from snow
8086s yeah so um snuff have I'm just looking
8090s at what they've got a very interesting
8091s comp so I want to give the casters a
8093s little bit of time to talk about this
8094s one so let's hand over to the match now
8096s uh snuff diverse is a percussive pizza
8098s time diplomacy uh with William cross and
8100s jintan
8108s g'day mates Welcome to the Real
8110s Thunderdome here we have an insane match
8113s going on snuffed out have decided to
8115s bring all of the Blaster battleships
8117s plus some ECM and meanwhile because of
8119s pizza box have brought the triple
8120s Battleship comp gin what the bloody
8123s world have we entered
8125s uh we have entered the Thunderdome by
8127s the looks of things I will go through
8129s all the reasons where you probably
8131s shouldn't bring four of the shame same
8132s ships in the analysts desk after this uh
8135s but all of the real pressure here is
8138s going to be put on the rupture heretic
8139s and svipel uh of snuffed out Superman
8142s and uh percussive Pizza Time diplomacy
8144s uh they are going to need to screen off
8147s these diamoses stop them from getting on
8150s top of their battleships and as long as
8152s they can as long as they can keep them
8153s more than 10 kilometers away from them
8155s they're going to easily Coast to a
8157s victory here the newts uh the new
8159s pressure especially from that battleborn
8160s is going to do so much work in turning
8162s off these dimasses if they can survive
8164s the opening minute of the game keep your
8166s eyes peeled uh because this has exactly
8170s support it's crazy
8174s yeah just ridiculous it's gonna be
8176s mental
8178s if those are dual prop dymoses this
8180s might be a little harder in the late
8181s game but uh that Vindicator is going to
8183s stop them from sick tanking particularly
8185s well the 90 webs are going to make uh
8188s you know the space where dymoses want to
8190s be which is about uh pretty much in
8193s docking range is the most deadly place
8195s to possibly be for a Vindicator I'm
8197s surprised that you focus here we go the
8199s presence of the divorce is not the your
8201s favorite ship in the game I think it
8202s might be about to pick up this is going
8205s to be the greatest match of all time
8206s because everyone is screaming in at Max
8208s Speed Leroy let's go actually the video
8211s isn't moving Vindicator wake up I know
8213s my has been tackled first dmos has been
8214s primed and here we go the Party begins
8217s wobbles are probably tapping his ABC
8219s right now but is it going to be a
8220s question of they really should just swap
8222s over to another Dimos burn another ADC
8224s at this point uh you can see that active
8226s rep bonus that the diamonds have really
8228s coming into its own turning him um
8231s all the way back to halfway
8234s the diamond The Vindicator seems to be
8236s the most primary that's a good call
8237s but
8239s wow
8240s um lots of DPS trade getting traded back
8242s and forth you can see both of those
8243s attack bars starting to really fill up
8245s now there's the residual speed from the
8248s burn in has uh faded
8250s Off the Grid
8255s there are four threats on the field
8257s they've identified them they just need
8259s to kill them the Kitsune the Griffin the
8261s more less they aren't going to have a
8263s huge impact on this game
8266s running directly into Vindicator web
8268s range is always just absolute suicide
8272s and this Vindicator is still barely
8274s Dying by the way they've really brought
8275s deacons this team brought a guardian for
8277s their lodgy and it cannot survive triple
8279s Battleship to the face under Vindicator
8282s webs this is just Madness
8285s yeah um you can see that the
8288s um snuffed out tackle they're just
8290s sitting around the edge of this fight
8291s they're trying to stop the Zippo and the
8292s heck they from getting on top of their
8294s own ewall support this is clever stuff
8296s from them they're trying to control the
8299s um actual influence that those smaller
8301s ships can now have on the wider battle
8303s but it's not going to matter if they
8304s can't kill uh if they can't kill this
8306s Vindicator
8307s especially as those nukes are getting
8309s spread out really really well by this
8310s Picasso Pizza Time team that said the
8313s guardian's completely safe
8315s really at some point they need to make a
8317s burn for that wow the guardian's getting
8318s sniped I don't even know how that
8320s happened or we just got way too close to
8322s the Zippo and died
8323s Ah that's a that's a rough one
8327s Casino down Griffin is still alive but
8329s he got primary as well they're trying to
8330s get rid of the ECM that vindicate is
8331s starting to actually crawl towards 30
8334s armor they could maybe get away with
8336s this the dmos is still alive it all
8337s takes us one lucky shot and he'll go
8339s straight down at the hull so this this
8341s could still flip that Vindicator should
8343s stop moving right now dude stop moving
8345s you're gonna make it hard
8347s this Ripple the heretic they're all
8350s going for this Griffin now they're gonna
8351s be able to grab him it looks like they
8353s have yep that's gonna be it that's gonna
8355s be another piece of evil off the field
8356s and that's going to be enough to let
8357s this Dimos probably go down if not they
8360s basically have no evil no frigate
8362s support at this point uh these t3ds
8365s should be free to go through onto this
8366s Guardian now tackle him down pressure on
8369s his cap
8370s this is brutal this is a this is going
8372s to be us that's the moment right there
8375s I think all stuff down
8379s yeah all snuffed out can really do at
8380s this point is try and turn on some of
8381s these frigates uh use their Superior
8383s tracking to get them down and try and
8385s avoid the 100 zero the slam dunk Victory
8388s from percussive pizza time
8391s man Vindicator home sent Victory all the
8394s time I don't talk about never lost yep
8396s uh yeah they're just they almost managed
8399s to get away with it almost like they had
8400s to really rip those vindicate a bit
8402s faster but the problem is you're rushing
8403s blasters into a ship which loves holding
8406s people stealing Blaster range that was
8409s never really gonna win
8411s I I don't know what the idea was but
8414s whatever the idea was it didn't come to
8416s fruition unfortunately it's never a
8419s snorber in the guardian now finally
8420s tackled he's got three destroyers on top
8422s of him
8423s um the the other ones are just putting a
8425s little bit of pressure on this Magus
8426s trying to take the last few ships Off
8428s the Grid nice and quickly of clinical
8430s clinical finish here from Picasso Pizza
8433s Time diplomacy but not too many
8435s decisions they really had to make
8437s um one thing I love about this match at
8439s the start the Vinnie didn't even bother
8441s to move because he just knew they kind
8443s of come to me anyway who cares just sit
8445s right here
8447s yeah don't mess up your own tracking 100
8449s and get zero transversal on you and just
8451s fire away
8453s it didn't even matter like the balgorn
8456s actually was going to be pretty
8457s destructive against these demos is just
8458s constantly capping them out as well like
8460s this is
8462s not for playing their own game man I
8465s mean we make jokes about them and sinus
8467s but like what in the world was that
8469s really the only way they could have won
8471s this game was by turning back you know
8473s burning away going to one of those MGD
8475s beacons weighing out letting the tackle
8477s maybe from Picasso Pizza time to from a
8479s diplomacy spread out a little re-engage
8481s at that point kill off a bunch of their
8483s tackle and then move in and they just
8486s weren't able to I thought for a second
8487s that you were going to say turn around
8488s run back and then get out the arena
8492s I don't see enough there's ever going to
8494s be a win
8495s I don't know except defeat
8498s now
8499s it's done
8503s oh
8504s yeah I
8506s like so many upsets away I think pretty
8508s much every team that we decided was
8510s significantly favored on our uh pre-show
8513s last weekend has just immediately lost
8517s um the minions didn't even show up a
8519s team that we thought might be favored
8520s it's enough doubt are losing here
8523s um uh ushra Khan and I like desmetari
8527s both picking up wins what a day of
8529s upsets um already in this feeder
8531s tournament
8532s Yep this has been an interesting uh day
8535s for sure and pontifex is now going for
8537s the Edge of Glory he's going to try and
8539s break the record because that's the only
8541s thing his team's going to be able to
8542s break today that's for sure
8544s yep yep you can see that Kai and Mark's
8546s sitting pretty he's got a bit of fire in
8548s this hole but he doesn't really care
8550s he's probably feeling like an absolute
8552s chat at this point
8554s I know right that is that's probably my
8556s maximum chat energy right there just I
8558s managed to take down four demosses and
8560s win let's go boys definitely didn't have
8563s a team behind me yep
8566s just soloed them just soloed them
8569s uh looks like info infinitas is just
8571s getting to chill out there single drone
8573s orbiting him there we go he's fighting
8575s no he's stayed inside the arena
8579s we get to watch this for just a little
8581s bit longer there's a ripple and all that
8584s uh
8585s yeah I can't even boundary properly you
8588s know
8590s you guys did not hear that from us like
8592s we heard that from someone else in the
8594s call so
8596s just casually getting roasted by people
8598s in the background as well my man
8604s oh there we go he's going to the
8605s boundary again will he achieve it no
8607s he's turning around it seems like he is
8610s just here to to waste uh
8613s is he oh yeah no he is he's aimed the
8616s right way
8617s God bless
8622s utter lunacy let's go back to the studio
8625s and watch
8627s the the endless trying answer what just
8629s happened
8660s foreign
8688s thank you
8713s well there you have it because of Pizza
8715s Time diplomacy taking a couple of slices
8717s out of that somewhat cheesy comp brought
8720s by snuffed out welcome to the alliance
8722s sermon 18 feeders if you're wondering
8725s what the worst comp was going to be in
8726s the tournament then wait no longer we
8728s have just seen it
8729s um four dimoses someone hasn't read the
8733s rules I don't think or they just didn't
8735s like their points anyway because uh
8737s mystical might tell me about how points
8740s work when you bring multiples of the
8742s same ships
8743s okay I don't like that question so I'm
8745s going to change it slightly
8748s um how can they bring four damos's to
8750s begin with I think uh yeah
8755s um I'm gonna do that because I can't do
8757s maths
8757s so uh
8761s that's fine go on tell me the math no
8764s you asked me the question uh so it's 12
8766s points for Dimos
8768s um I believe and every time you bring an
8770s extra diamonds it becomes an additional
8772s point
8773s uh so if you bring Lord I misses it's 60
8776s points which means that there's just 12
8778s points that you just left sitting on a
8781s table somewhere uh by itself without any
8784s parent or Guardian around to supervise
8786s you just left them alone
8788s um and that's what results I mean this
8790s is kind of like if you've ever seen
8791s those goats that kind of bash heads
8792s against each other that's essentially
8793s what we had there with those two comps
8795s except one of the goats was a Vindicator
8796s and the other goat was four demos's that
8798s cost too much uh no back to back to you
8801s Misty you may continue your point
8803s okay cool
8805s um yeah so the other rule change that I
8808s wanted to point out so that is one of
8809s them where if you bring the same ship
8811s hole multiple times then each one costs
8815s more than it normally would right it's
8816s uh the replica rule I suppose I don't
8819s actually know what it's called
8820s um
8821s the other rule change that we've seen is
8823s that in the last 80 you could only bring
8825s three of a certain ship plus so you
8829s could only bring three Cruisers you
8831s could only bring through three
8832s battleships three frigates three
8835s destroyers whatever it is that you want
8836s to use you could only bring three
8839s um in at18 you can now bring four of
8842s each ship class that you want to field
8844s so
8846s you know it opens up I suppose different
8849s teams to uh the different comps that
8852s they may want to try and run it's going
8853s to change the meta quite a bit I think
8855s making certain setups stronger like for
8857s our setups where you can have now four
8859s Cruisers plus some command ships
8862s um and it might make some comps weaker
8863s like I think a setup that we saw earlier
8866s where now that there's so much more
8867s damage on grid it becomes a little bit
8869s harder to tank where you're going to be
8871s finding
8872s um when you're warping onto grid you
8874s know so yeah I think two interesting
8876s rules that will shape how tend to think
8879s of outcomes
8881s definitely and until that's called the
8883s point inflation rule that's the uh the
8884s official name for that particular rule
8887s um it's not much more to break down
8888s about that last match
8890s um it was pretty interesting all around
8892s really
8893s um I don't recommend if if you're
8895s getting into last term I don't recommend
8896s you to copy that comp try the previous
8898s match
8899s um but for now we are going to take a
8901s short break
8902s um and we will be back for hidden Leaf
8904s Village Ninja Assassin Esports Squad
8907s versus off sound mind uh in
8910s approximately 30 minutes so see you then
8916s foreign
8923s to day one of the alliance tournament 18
8927s mimitar feeder trial rounds uh we have
8931s three more days after today but before
8933s that we have the rest of today I am
8935s joined by two more incredible uh people
8938s in the eve Community zuruzak destroyer
8940s and Jin tan so how are you today
8944s I'm pretty good just I'm pretty
8946s relocated for the evening so I can
8948s present this lovely tournament today but
8949s otherwise doing quite well thank you
8952s awesome and Jin tan a man who
8954s self-identifies as smaller than the
8957s attack bar for Specter Fleet how are you
8960s today
8961s I'm doing very well I've been enjoying
8963s watching these uh comedy festive games
8965s we've had so far this evening really for
8967s us about seeing what people have brought
8970s out whilst playing for allegedly their
8972s tournament
8974s yeah so Jen you've been obviously
8975s commentating uh with us the day so far
8978s has there been any matches that stood
8979s out to you as a some fantastic ones to
8981s watch back
8983s I think the first game
8985s um the Drone kite versus the Drone kite
8987s that turned into a drone aggro versus
8990s um The Shield fight game is probably the
8993s best one to watch that it gives you an
8996s example of how to identify the wind
8997s conditions of your opponent attack them
8999s and then win the match
9002s up even if it's not what your
9003s competition is we're trying to do
9006s I can't remember what team played sorry
9007s it's all a little bit of a blur after
9009s three or four hours commentating
9012s um but you want to know how to fight
9013s tackle well how to approach aggressively
9016s in the theme that is a vote
9021s yeah so that first match you're
9022s referring to is all Hill novice the
9023s network where all hill now took that
9025s Victory uh in a very exciting match so
9027s yeah great one to watch
9029s um we have had half our matches down as
9030s mentioned and we're going into the
9032s second half of the day uh our first
9034s match is going to be between hidden Leaf
9036s Village Ninja Assassin
9039s Esports squad team I can't remember
9041s their full name it's obscene and uh
9044s they're going up against of sound mind
9046s Zoo what did you think about this
9048s matchup uh I think a lot of the casters
9050s previously have put a lot of uh a lot of
9052s power behind hidden Leaf like do you do
9054s you think that's that's rightfully
9055s rightfully put there
9058s uh I think hidden Eve have had a strong
9060s showing I believe they were one of the
9063s teams that I think just randomly formed
9066s for the anger games I believe and being
9069s done doing strong since
9071s um kind of one of these meme names that
9072s just kind of sticks to the end of the
9073s day but uh memes aside they've been
9076s having quite strong showings on all
9078s their participations from what I've seen
9081s um so hopefully it can probably be one
9082s of the teams who makes leaders here um
9085s loving the format for computers by the
9086s way
9088s yeah definitely
9089s um I love the performance of these
9091s videos too by the way it's a great job
9092s please be zealous just quickly look at
9093s the band cybers and slept near from
9095s hidden Leaf whatever and typhoon Fleet
9097s issue hugin from officer in mind so this
9100s should result in some very interesting
9101s matchups Billy it's time to go to the
9104s arena and watch the match itself uh
9106s hidden Leaf Village
9108s Etc versus officer in mind with your
9110s casters fear finer and moderator
9117s hello everybody my name is fear joined
9120s by moderator and I'm excited to bring
9122s you the second half of the day
9125s starting out on the red side it is
9128s hidden Leaf Village Ninja Assassin Squad
9131s Esports uh bringing a uh battle cruiser
9136s kind of Shield uh core lineup I believe
9139s this looks like a kite setup based on
9141s the rapid lights in the low end but uh I
9144s actually uh I'm having a hard time
9146s telling that this is a ham or an HML
9148s Nighthawk
9150s yeah those are going to be uh ham so
9153s we've seen kind of a bit of a a mix we
9155s see that of sound mind is going for
9157s Rapid
9158s um light and kind of uh kiting uh with
9161s the 720 Auto cannons whereas ultram's
9163s team is going full heavy assault
9165s missiles already we see that
9167s um the of some line teams trying to kite
9169s away and run away but look at how fast
9170s those Osprey sites and particles are
9172s closing on top just trying to tackle on
9174s things
9176s yeah drum blob onto the jackdaw right
9179s now is the Scorpion Navy issue is being
9180s burned past they're gonna try to burn
9182s onto this bar guest it looks like as
9184s baltram in the hurricane Fleet issue is
9185s taking a bit of damage uh upside mines
9187s jackdaw though is uh taking damage for
9191s them at the moment but they're finally
9192s getting all of their DPS onto dark
9194s hydron in this bar guest with the shield
9196s Rush setup this bar guest's going to
9198s melt he doesn't have a whole lot of ehp
9200s yeah we see that the drones on top of
9203s the jackdaw but the bar guest is now
9205s fully uh surrounded by an orthos uh
9208s hurricane fleas shoot Scythe caracal and
9210s it's going to go down jackdawg drops to
9212s drones
9213s um the bar guest doing what he can to
9214s Shield rep
9216s um they're gonna lose a bar guess
9217s probably about the same time the
9218s hurricane Fleet issue goes down Ah
9220s that's an excellent trade if you're
9222s hitting life right now
9224s yeah interestingly uh the setup did take
9227s a basilisk so you actually got a little
9228s bit more rep power uh than you do out of
9231s a semitar which is why the hurricane
9232s Fleet is being able to stay alive for a
9235s little bit longer than perhaps we would
9237s accept uh with that Scimitar in the
9240s lineup of course semitar being faster
9241s and with better cap that said the
9243s Scorpion Navy now down into half shields
9245s in this hurricane Fleet issue of Baltron
9247s uh he's being able to wrap up all the
9249s way through this rapid heavy reload I
9250s would have to assume of this scorpion
9252s Navy issue and with that as an eye into
9255s armor it looks like the game is already
9257s over uh for of sound mind hidden Leaf
9260s ninja Village assassin Squad Esports uh
9263s should be taking this one uh after this
9265s Sni goes down
9267s yeah that's kind of one of the risks
9269s that you run when you bring only two of
9271s these battleships that go rapid heavy
9273s kind of two to three sort of where you
9275s get the threshold that you need to
9276s really effectively clip out a battle
9279s cruiser and just two in this case wasn't
9282s enough to do it we saw that uh balstrum
9284s did get down into armor about once all
9287s the RS uh and dark uh you know hit their
9290s reload or in darth's case died
9292s um it was pretty much all over and we
9295s see that Frosty knee
9297s um is going down already just gets
9299s absolutely eviscerated uh by that heavy
9302s assault missile damage um you know just
9305s look at the attack bar right of now of
9307s hidden Leaf they they definitely came to
9309s brawl and um I've found mind
9313s um didn't really have much in the way of
9315s the ability to screen any of these ships
9318s I mean you have a jacked off Fleet size
9321s caracal Navy Osprey and then authoris
9323s all trying to close on top of you you're
9325s not going to be able to pull away from
9326s that
9328s yeah just it's one of those cases don't
9331s scream for the bar guests and the bar
9332s guests weren't able to self-screen
9334s effectively so I Fleet if she goes down
9336s we did notice uh a griffin of hydro goes
9339s down uh from hidden Leaf Village uh so
9343s they will not 100 to zero this game but
9346s uh either way that initial trade going
9348s very well uh for them with that Shield
9351s Rush setup able to take out the bar
9352s guest which is the ship that they're
9354s afraid that actually might kite them out
9356s um so really well played from them and
9358s making a very clean match to start off
9361s this afternoon
9363s yeah I almost can't help but feel like a
9366s hidden Leaf just kind of won it in draft
9369s um and just really out executed
9372s um of sound mind on top of just having a
9375s uh
9376s a better equipped comp to deal with what
9379s was going on
9381s um as Felix Dodgers is now or Dodgers is
9384s now doing the very uh best that they can
9386s to try to uh hide out but if this match
9389s is very very over
9391s um nearly 100 to zero dunk with the
9394s exception of that Griffin
9396s um as we see this Scythe Fleet issue
9399s um streaming across the field at uh you
9401s know nearly 3 000 kilometers a second uh
9404s closing on top of the caracal uh the
9406s speed of that Scythe Fleet issue these
9408s carical Navy issues is you know or
9411s through Skilling over three thousand
9412s you're not going to be able to kite away
9414s from that in a bar list even
9416s so yeah very uh decisive
9421s yeah caracal maybe not a ship we see a
9422s whole lot of but in the at and ham Rush
9425s setups it is very cheap uh for quite a
9429s bit of damage on that heavy assault
9430s missiles
9431s um as it is a particularly HML and ham
9435s bonus chip not a rapid light fit as we
9437s normally see with caracals uh they catch
9439s up Felix storgers around the jump Beacon
9443s and that is all she wrote for the match
9445s 100 two three for hidden Leaf Village uh
9448s any final comments before we send it
9450s back to the desk
9452s yeah it's nice to see some of these
9454s other faction uh ships get used now that
9456s the points have been changed but I'm
9458s sure that's the desk to decide
9461s all right back to the desk we go
9464s and on to the next one
9491s foreign
9531s welcome back hidden Leaf Village ninja
9534s Etc taking a match there off of of sound
9536s mind any commanding Victory uh 100
9539s points to three very very well executed
9542s there by the hidden Leaf team uh zoo I
9545s want to come to you first on this one
9547s um sometimes we see these comps where
9549s they are heavy in battleships lots of
9551s points and very few ships in that case
9553s it was a Vargas and a Navy Scorpion and
9556s they were up against a team that is
9557s choosing to spread their points across
9559s lots more medium-sized ships a bunch of
9562s battle Cruisers and cruisers
9564s um what's the kind of like thought
9565s process behind the decisions here and
9567s maybe the benefits of each one
9570s so the battleship you can think of a
9573s more eggs in one boss kind of style
9576s um it's a big chunky core to get behind
9578s especially with battleships having that
9580s bonus towards plates and extenders uh
9583s gaming shield and you know they have the
9585s nukes which can be devastating they have
9586s grapples grapples can be devastating
9588s they have good drone based so they
9590s normally while we're not seeing
9592s flagships in this kind of tournament you
9593s can almost consider them a kind of like
9595s as teams or compositions Flagship uh you
9597s might see this actually especially with
9599s the Shacks um that's primarily a kind of
9602s an all X and one basket uh normally
9604s because of the shack is quite
9606s devastating uh but you know you pay a
9608s lot of points for that but I kind of
9610s prefer the hidden Leaf approach of
9612s spreading more it means you can keep
9614s your momentum going uh you know you only
9616s lose a slight bit as each thing gets
9618s removed going down the ledge but you
9620s know uh we kind of saw that happening
9623s here for sound
9624s um oh you got these chunky boys that are
9626s going to be doing a lot for your team
9627s your problems built around them but the
9630s moment they're really removed whether
9632s what's the rest of your team going to do
9633s where versus a hidden Leaf if they
9635s started losing ships they could still uh
9637s you know they still got the damage they
9638s still got the tackle they probably had a
9640s lot of tackle spread throughout their
9641s account as well
9643s um and I think a lot of the accomplish
9644s just focus doing the same thing versus
9646s um sounds being kind of missiles but in
9650s a sense still split in a bad way with
9653s ranges and reloads and weapon types
9656s slightly
9658s awesome and
9660s um just speaking of the way that the the
9662s floor fluid as well we'd sometimes talk
9664s about uh winning in the draft or winning
9667s um in the comp or winning an execution
9669s uh the hidden Leaf team in this case uh
9672s played really well they flew really well
9674s didn't tan you were talking a little bit
9675s about a defensive piloting
9678s um and uh how that caused the off Zone
9680s 19 to sort of stretch out a little bit
9682s too far and over extend can you just uh
9685s explain a little bit about that for us
9687s yeah not not just actually uh out
9690s forcing sound to overextend but Ultram
9692s in that match uh when he was getting
9693s shot rather than sit there you know
9696s pounding his DPS into the primary what
9698s you would think you might want to do if
9699s you're a classic F1 monkey you know just
9702s ignore what's happening to your own ship
9704s and just keep doing what your FC tells
9706s you you burnt all the way back managed
9708s to outrange the rapid Heavies and in
9710s doing so he forced all of the sound
9712s tackle to try and follow him upload him
9714s within that range and that gave a
9716s crucial opportunity for the rest of his
9718s team with those rapid light missiles to
9720s just eviscerate The Tackle wing of sound
9722s and from that point they had no ability
9725s to hold down the much much faster ships
9728s of the Hidden Leaf ninja side and at
9731s that point so little they can do they
9733s have no control over the actual flow of
9735s the battle they just have to hope their
9736s opponents make a mistake and pound
9738s enough DPS downrange to kill off those
9740s battle Cruisers and win through sheer
9743s stats and thankfully unfortunately it
9745s was just a matter of hidden Leaf not
9747s falling into that trap and executing
9749s better than that
9751s so what do you think about the hidden
9753s Leaf team Banning out the slept near and
9755s then bringing the comp which arguably
9757s could be improved with a slept near in
9759s it
9761s yeah I think
9764s I I like it in a sense but um sometimes
9768s sometimes you remove the better ships
9769s option from the enemy because
9772s if if that's kind of like if you were to
9774s be on a consider an equal playing field
9777s even
9778s um you know or actually in this case
9780s hiddenly almost maybe considering
9781s themselves better than the other team
9783s just take the better ships away from
9785s them
9786s um and you know you're already taking
9787s down uh so you know stop giving any team
9790s free easy bonuses the free easy bonuses
9792s off the step having a ridiculous tank
9794s the free easy bonus of this slap doing
9796s the you know like a pretty easy bonus of
9798s all that damage you know so take the
9800s free energy bonuses away and uh bring
9803s them down a bit and you know uh make it
9805s let your pilot encounter a bit more than
9807s the actual
9809s yeah we also saw a couple of support
9811s ships from both sides that were perhaps
9814s important for this match uh hidden Leaf
9815s bringing a Griffin and a jackdaw and
9818s um The Ultimate Team bring a sky breaker
9820s a fly catcher and a jackdaw jintan what
9823s do you make of these support chords
9824s especially that Griffin like it seems
9826s sometimes like that's a very easy ship
9827s to remove especially when you come
9829s against the team with you know a jackdaw
9833s yeah so there's two kind of schools of
9834s thought about how your how you should
9836s use a Griffin in a comp the first school
9839s of thought is that you use a griffin to
9841s basically I am gonna send three points
9844s I'm gonna stop one ship that I think is
9846s really crucial for my opponents from
9848s having any impact on the match for the
9849s first 30 seconds to maybe a minute and
9852s force tackle out of position whilst they
9854s try and chase me and then you die um you
9856s know you're effectively just trying to
9858s get that key bit of momentum at the
9860s start of the match because fights in Eve
9862s online snowball so so quickly and the
9864s other theory is you try and use it more
9866s defensively you burn away at the start
9868s of the fight you don't put out your ECM
9870s you just try and survive until the late
9872s game but you can come back in turn off
9874s the logistics turn off a tackle ship get
9876s something free in the middle get in the
9878s mid game maybe and and really have the
9881s impact there the main thing is though
9883s you're only going to have one shot at it
9885s have once you once you come into the
9887s range of something a tackle that can
9889s dive out at you you are going to die in
9890s a griffin you have no tank and you are
9893s slower than most other frigates in the
9895s game
9896s and Jen another question for you in
9899s terms of things like 3D crafting and
9902s piloting and execution
9905s um which of those if you had to put one
9906s at the top is the most important for our
9908s team to actually win like is it okay to
9910s have mediocre theater crafting but
9912s excellent execution or can um you know
9915s really talk to you through your crafting
9916s and pre-execution still pull out a win
9920s oh sorry was that for me
9922s um yeah yeah uh
9925s um I think
9926s you know that you need a little of both
9928s you can't go into it you can't go into a
9930s game with terrible Theory crafting and
9931s just hope to play your way out of it I
9933s mean some teams have managed to do that
9935s uh but you need your opponents to under
9936s execute for that to work
9939s I I think the theory crafting tends to
9942s be the most important at this level
9945s um when you're playing in a theater
9947s tournament having a good solid comp that
9950s doesn't have any key flaws is going to
9952s win you more matches than being better
9954s practiced and better executing than your
9955s opponents once you get into the actual
9957s tournament and both teams have like kind
9959s of good understanding of the Baseline
9961s meta that's when the execution
9963s differences really come into effect
9964s that's when having a tackle pilot you
9967s can get past two pieces of defensive
9969s tackle and get in on a logistics will
9971s win you a match whereas in this sort of
9974s level it's more about making sure that
9976s you have those two defensive tackles to
9978s protect your Logistics
9980s awesome thank you now let's look forward
9982s to our next match which is going to be
9984s in just over five minutes from now it's
9986s gonna be Singularity Syndicate versus
9988s wolves among strangers so let's see if
9990s we can take a look at the bands for
9992s these two teams so as you can see
9994s sitting guide is in the Banning the
9996s bargain quite a few teams actually
9997s chosen to ban the balgorn uh they're
9999s also Banning the typhoon Fleet issue
10001s meanwhile wolves among strangers Banning
10003s the EOS the other ship we're seeing a
10005s lot of bands off and the celestis zoo
10009s um Celesta span what do you think about
10010s that
10012s interesting band
10014s um celesters are being the T1 galante
10016s e-war bonus ship uh the bonus towards
10019s damps obviously this is one of the first
10021s tournaments long time I think where
10023s we're seeing dams come back uh but I
10026s mean damps with scripts uh which is the
10028s big part here so Celeste is obviously
10030s being able to have a big harness towards
10032s that being a really scary e-worship I do
10035s feel it's a bit of an interesting band
10037s because normally when you're considering
10040s things like
10041s um ECM even webs
10044s um
10045s anywhere you generally take a look of
10047s the electronic attack ships electronic
10050s tech frigates all the T1 frigates first
10052s so you know when you're looking at ECM
10053s you're looking at the Griffin you're
10054s looking at the Kitsune when you look at
10056s the webs and paints the hyenas you know
10058s Top Dog pretty much uh when you're
10059s looking at that's even so I went for
10061s damps you'd be considering the carries
10064s and the more or less most of the time
10065s the reason that being is these ships can
10067s be quite evasive and uh you know do a
10070s lot of in a sense damage for the e-wars
10073s or the mitigation they apply with that
10074s kind of control from a really long range
10076s being mobile
10078s um and I think as Jensen was pointing
10080s out earlier with Griffin
10081s um you know that kind of setup that can
10083s have you know living to win doing a lot
10085s of damage or just doing that vital uh
10087s but they need to do at the beginning so
10089s if damso you're concerned you'd probably
10091s be looking maybe more towards those
10093s they're also a cheap thing to throw in
10095s whereas the celestis
10096s um It's Five Points only I believe um
10099s but it's a bit more of a commitment
10100s being a cruiser hole first off that's
10102s another consideration you need to take
10104s um as well
10105s um frigates are generally easier to fit
10107s in Cruisers can be a bit contested a lot
10109s of the times so might just be something
10112s they've been seeing during their uh
10114s scrims but I prefer to ban the frigates
10117s normally over the Cruisers
10119s yeah that's an interesting thing you
10121s mentioned there the scrims uh Jen
10123s obviously you've spent a lot of time in
10124s the last uh like last tournament cycle
10127s and this year practicing with
10129s um the fox Hollows team um I believe
10131s you've if not team captain you've been
10133s definitely one of the leadership of that
10135s team
10136s um how have you seen the kind of
10138s practice meta evolved like do teams kind
10140s of find the method with their own
10142s practice partners and then kind of get
10144s dialed into it sometimes
10146s uh that definitely happens when teams
10149s have like a set practice partner who
10150s they'll play with every week you'll end
10152s up with both teams kind of going down
10154s One path you know figuring out what
10156s ships uh individual Pilots tend to be
10159s particularly good with and then moving
10161s on from there you know figuring out the
10162s matchups but most teams prefer to uh at
10166s least mid-tier teams will prefer to have
10167s a wide range of practice opponents
10170s either mix up every couple of weekends
10172s or just go with completely different
10174s partners every weekend and maybe even
10176s weekday practices if you're really try
10178s Harding and because of that you end up
10180s fighting a lot of different comps and it
10182s becomes a little easier to understand
10185s the varying matchups that certain
10187s compositions can have
10190s um I would say it's always very
10191s difficult anyone who's tried to do
10192s Sports will know the pain of trying to
10194s get 10 human beings or 11 human beings
10197s together uh on one particular time and
10200s uh
10202s yeah it's good fun though I really would
10204s encourage everyone to give joining a
10207s team at some point a chance it is in my
10209s opinion the best way to play Eve online
10211s you get you know two to three hours of
10213s guaranteed Fair PVP at no cost you don't
10216s have to grind up ships for it you don't
10218s have to go in and make your bookmarks
10220s unless you're the poor sort who has to
10221s set up the arena
10223s um it is fantastic fun
10226s I cannot recommend it and it's got a lot
10227s easier these days with their multi-fit
10230s and Thunderdome I remember uh running
10232s teams back in the day where a couple of
10234s you had to get on hours before and set
10237s and fit up every individual ship one by
10239s one by one so I'm glad that those times
10242s have long gone uh welcome back to you
10244s and talk to you a little bit more later
10245s on about that whole like how to run a
10247s team how to practice and things like
10248s that because I think that's something a
10249s lot of people have been considering you
10251s know joining the at would be interested
10253s to hear about but for now it's time to
10255s go to the match it's gonna be
10256s Singularity Syndicate versus wolves
10258s among strangers with your casters Alec
10261s and bbp
10266s just as you
10272s hello and welcome to the match where we
10275s have Singularity Syndicate versus wolves
10277s among strangers uh Singularity Syndicate
10279s is bringing what looks to be a heavy
10281s missile launcher kite but they have
10283s decided to bring a couple of carries and
10285s mollus as well so they're gonna try and
10288s damp people down while pulling as much
10290s range as possible uh Alec are you with
10293s me
10296s awesome perfect I got this all right we
10299s also have uh welcome strangers bringing
10302s a double Bargas double Cerberus or
10303s thrust by Frost with some hyenas doing a
10306s light missile setup so we have two
10307s separate hiding setups that look like
10308s they're going to be attempting to out
10311s kite and outly each other I do really
10313s appreciate the hyena on the Wolves among
10315s stranger side and we will see how this
10318s goes down we have about 15 seconds left
10320s before this match starts
10329s yeah hey bark stepping in for this match
10331s due to some technical difficulties we
10333s have
10334s um what are your kind of early
10335s predictions here
10337s uh I'm uh I'm really liking Singularity
10340s Syndicate I think they're the first
10341s heavy missile uh kite setup that we have
10343s seen this match but this is really going
10345s to come down to who's able to apply
10347s damage and who's able to actually get
10349s something done in this initial stuff we
10351s are seeing damps going out on the Argus
10353s and the servers from Bulls among
10354s strangers which should make it so that
10355s their lock range isn't quite that high
10356s some of the damage from multiple
10358s strangers is going straight onto that
10359s Navy Drake kind of an interesting choice
10361s there but they are relatively squishy
10362s ships but Singularity Syndicate is doing
10364s a lot of damage to this orthos from
10365s Worlds among strangers
10367s yeah I'm definitely liking the trade
10369s against going for arthrus it's a
10371s relatively squishy its tank is probably
10373s just going to be an ancillary Shield
10375s booster and you know whatever the burst
10377s in the Phantom can apply whereas a
10379s Drake's gonna be a bit harder to break
10381s but you know kind of uh
10384s um interesting as you were describing to
10386s see kind of a bit of something of a
10388s mirror match between heavy missile kite
10390s we see that the harpy from uh
10392s Singularity sync it is trying to close
10394s range a little bit maybe get some tackle
10397s uh nothing really breaking just teams
10399s front position right now is this Loki is
10401s trying to close range and maybe get
10403s bonus webs on something
10406s yeah we're getting a little bit of
10408s damage out on Cole's carries uh actually
10411s they didn't might break through it uh
10413s dropping it into a Shield's armor
10414s structure and it does catch at the last
10416s second but I think it's still going to
10417s go down and it does drop quite quickly
10419s uh Singularity Syndicate though it
10420s appears to have damage applied to
10422s Stewart's burst though looks like
10424s they're having a little bit of trouble
10425s applying those heavy missile launchers
10427s to the logistics rivets
10430s yeah we do see that there are
10433s on top of them that would help a little
10435s bit but uh it may not be enough
10439s um the burst is doing a decent enough
10441s job at trying to whole range from what
10444s would be heavy missiles so that may be
10446s mitigating some of the damage uh Karen
10449s Rayleigh now as it appears to be the
10451s primary
10452s um taking damage he was in front a
10455s little bit maybe now trying to burn away
10459s um yeah he's trying to pull range a
10461s little bit now oh no he's he's anchoring
10463s uh-oh that's not that's not good part
10466s not I don't know I mean anchoring is a
10468s pretty cool tactic right like everyone
10470s does it in TQ all the time I've heard
10472s that it's uh perhaps the best way to fly
10474s your chips but uh yeah in the at
10475s anchoring generally isn't a great idea
10477s uh he doesn't seem to be holding pretty
10479s well I wonder if that's because of the
10480s ADC though and you know interestingly
10483s enough uh because they're anchored
10484s everybody's taking decent amount of
10485s damage from that stormbringer on
10487s Singularity which we don't really see
10488s that much
10491s yeah
10492s um normally we see stormbringers do a
10494s really good job of killing um drones
10496s it's actually cleared off a good amount
10498s of Shield maintenance bonds that would
10499s be fair enough but if you're carrying in
10502s that situation and you're being the
10503s primary what you need to do is choose to
10506s earn away uh right now we see that um
10508s jacked off here of Razer
10511s um was you know also anchored and
10513s jackdaw is not going to have a
10515s survivability of any of these other
10518s Cruisers
10520s can you guys hear me
10522s oh yeah we can totally hear you uh but
10524s yeah it turns out absolutely maybe isn't
10526s the correct Choice here and they have
10527s chosen to die and this authors is now
10529s taking a massive amount of damage so uh
10531s welcome to the party Alec uh
10533s how how is everything just in time to
10535s see that Singularity is Syndicate
10536s basilisk run into a big heap of treble
10539s that is about to drop
10541s oh
10543s yeah they did uh
10547s he's got to be feeling that one it looks
10549s like he had an ancillary Shield booster
10551s but he couldn't have gotten off more
10552s than one or two charges there they were
10554s really hoping that basil has tanked a
10556s bit longer and now their Loki is about
10557s to join him this is a big potential
10559s turnaround for Bulls among strangers
10563s yeah it is I think that maybe there's a
10565s chance here now uh because they still do
10566s have those two burgers they are going to
10568s probably lose Corey in the Cerberus but
10570s it looks like they might trade it for
10572s the Loki here and something to note both
10575s these teams are kind of kiting fit that
10576s they're kind of blobbed up right on top
10578s of each other uh
10579s which is not exactly where you want to
10581s be uh the Basilisk pilot actually was
10584s directly on top of the Argus and uh that
10587s probably led to its demise quite quickly
10590s yeah the bar guests have abandoned the
10592s kiting strategy entirely and they're now
10593s trying to run down and Maul The Cutting
10597s team from Singularity Syndicate and it
10599s is working for them they seem to be
10601s boxing them out uh kind of pushing them
10603s more toward the edge of the Arena where
10605s they're running out of room to run and
10606s it's allowing them to land these scrams
10608s that said they're about to lose that
10610s bifrost which should be links that will
10612s slow them down
10615s yeah it will and I I'm wondering uh it
10617s looks like the Navy Drake of Cyrus is
10619s tackled down by a vargist and they're
10620s both sitting uh pretty much directly on
10622s top of it I would like to see uh maybe
10624s one of these Argus pull off and you know
10626s they're pretty long range ships that
10627s they don't need to be directly on top of
10628s the Navy Drake so I think that uh
10630s Singularity is gonna have to start
10631s really seriously kiting here I'm a
10633s little worried because two bargists even
10635s if they were anchoring up on each other
10637s which they still might be doing are
10639s incredibly difficult to take down with
10641s only a tingu and a Drake and a Navy
10643s Drake except said Navy Drake is about to
10645s drop over the hyena on Wheels among
10646s strangers does drop as well which means
10648s there's no more webs on grid because I
10649s don't think those Vargas have them fit
10651s and very critically not only are the
10653s bargs hard to take down but they are a
10655s massive pile of points that is 48 points
10658s for the Wolves among stranger team right
10660s there if they manage to stay alive that
10663s itself opens up a tremendous opportunity
10665s for them to win on points if this goes
10667s to time and like you said they have a
10669s pretty stiff tank or they should anyway
10671s we're about to see that here as Hill of
10674s monies bar gas tank is being tested
10675s right now
10677s it is being tested but uh they are
10679s taking down the Drake of East tibian at
10681s this moment and again both of these
10682s Vargas uh finally split up so maybe one
10685s of them decided to stop anchoring at
10686s this point uh splitting up and going for
10688s other ships and I don't know I don't
10690s think you can actually break up Argus
10691s with Justie tingu any stormbringer as
10693s DPS
10694s yeah I was just about to say that the
10696s Tango is really the last significant
10698s piece of damage they have the stork and
10700s the harpy could potentially be putting
10702s out a fairly sizable amount themselves
10704s but not enough to take down a pair of
10706s battleships
10709s is managing to stay alive that is
10712s impressive buying that team a little
10714s more time to get the points back
10717s well wolves does have both of their
10719s Logistics forget still alive even though
10721s they are tech one and uh I think two
10723s tech one Logistics forgets can still
10725s slightly barely tank against a single
10727s tingu any Stormbreaker so I'm uh up on
10731s points right now it is actually on
10733s Singularity Syndicate to kill one of the
10735s bargs if they don't there's no way that
10737s they're coming out of this tournament or
10738s excuse me of this match with a win and
10740s advancing the tournament and that Tengu
10742s is about to drop he is clawing back
10745s Shields but every time he does his
10746s structure is bleeding more and more
10749s oh that's a big chunk oh he's down
10752s self-rep tingu almost survived so I mean
10755s that's good points up here but uh yeah
10757s wolves with their uh possible anchoring
10759s and
10760s such strategy uh definitely proved that
10763s at the end of the day you know comps
10765s matter and Vargas are very very powerful
10766s here but
10768s I don't know I don't I don't think
10769s wolves can possibly lose this unless one
10770s of the Vargas decides to take a journey
10772s to the outer edge of the Arena
10774s oh and there if you look at the barks
10776s they are paired up very tightly together
10778s into a little death ball there and
10780s they've even managed to tackle the
10782s stormbringer and now that is probably
10784s gonna drop as well stormbringer just a
10787s great idea in concept I really like the
10789s pick of the ship but
10791s just ran into the wrong comp for it but
10794s these bar guests the lack of drones uh
10796s there really wasn't a lot for the
10798s stormbringer to affect and it was wound
10799s up being a big pile of points that was
10801s not doing a lot of work for them
10804s I think that it maybe had an opportunity
10806s here um I'm wondering if they were
10808s planning on fighting Up Against drones
10810s or something and then just decided to
10811s bring it anyways but I agree the
10813s Stormbreaker really didn't uh do all
10815s that much in this match and we have
10817s about two minutes remaining I believe
10819s that was among strangers Vargas are
10820s probably on a rapid heavy reload before
10822s they clear this grid so you know at this
10824s point uh I guess it's kind of up to both
10826s these teams to decide you know is
10828s anchoring a good thing is losing to
10830s people that anchors a good thing
10832s I don't think there's any shame in
10834s anchoring as a tried and true Eve tactic
10836s for certain comps I think it can work
10839s and one advantage of anchoring versus
10842s not anchoring is it takes the math the
10844s mental math away from the anchoring
10846s Pilots so they can focus their brains on
10849s other things
10851s if your comp can get away with it it's a
10853s great way to give your Pilots more
10856s mental capacity to manage their modules
10859s to look at what the enemy comp is doing
10862s it's not necessarily a death sentence
10864s just by itself
10867s oh that is uh as we say that the support
10869s wing of Singularity Syndicate is
10871s suiciding itself against these bargs
10873s flying into scram a new range
10876s yeah uh somebody had a good idea on TQ
10878s or in the tournament
10880s well and you know here's the thing is
10882s that they the points actually do matter
10884s like the amount of points you lose by
10886s does matter because this isn't something
10887s where they're out like if this ends up
10889s in a tie what if Singularity Syndicate
10892s ends up losing the tiebreaker by 11
10893s points because they didn't keep historic
10895s Aries alive something to think about
10897s teams if you want to uh possibly worry
10899s about this tiebreaker matches
10901s and it looks like the car race has
10903s gotten the memo because he is kiting for
10905s dear life right now
10911s we are now 30 seconds left and the
10914s ultimate test is to see if this guy is
10916s gonna survive he's hanging around a
10917s micro jump Beacon right now looks like
10919s he's maneuvering himself around to make
10921s a jump but will he go for Glory or go
10924s for survival that is the question
10927s well it appears that uh he went for
10929s missing the jump B completely and uh is
10932s now turning back towards the jump Deacon
10934s so drop it out and his head points to go
10936s there you go yep doesn't matter he goes
10939s down uh just as the match ends and we
10942s are going to send that back to the desk
10946s now for the triglovian weather report
10948s brought to you by Exodus the weather
10950s calls for this integration
10957s and that's the weather forever
10969s for just 10 million isk a month you can
10972s save the life of a high-sec minor
10975s foreign
11007s wolves among strangers they are
11009s deploying the elite pack tactics of
11011s anchoring to Victory and quanting down
11014s those Cindy memes in twitch chat uh Jin
11018s tan I'm going to just let you take the
11021s thought you had some comments on uh the
11023s screening there from Singularity
11025s syndicate
11026s yeah so Singularity Syndicate had two
11029s pieces of defensive tackle they had
11031s their primary defensive tackle in the I
11033s believe it was a heartbeat it was either
11034s the harpy or a hawk it was one of the
11035s kaldari assault frigates and then there
11038s they had some emergency defensive tackle
11040s in their stalk and they didn't use
11042s either of it those two ships were still
11044s alive right at the end of the match and
11046s you know you can maybe make some blame
11049s on the Basilisk there for getting caught
11051s because realistically in a basilisk you
11053s shouldn't be getting caught by a
11054s battleship
11055s that is a mistake on their part but
11058s those those frigates should have gone in
11060s at that point they should have tackled
11061s down one of those battleships and they
11063s should have made sure that they were
11064s spread apart made sure they couldn't
11065s concentrate their fire onto one target
11067s but they didn't instead they chose to be
11069s selfish chose to keep themselves alive
11072s and as a result of that their team lost
11074s I think Cindy had a quite a clear
11076s Advantage at the midpoint of that match
11077s and
11079s um once uh wolves wolves amongst
11081s strangers change their approach went in
11083s for a really aggressive run with those
11084s bar guests the fact that they didn't
11086s react to that counter it with you know
11089s going in for a bit of suicide tackle
11090s holding off that front and letting them
11092s finish off the rest of the fleet support
11094s before the bar guests managed to get on
11096s top of the Basilisk that cost uh Cindy
11099s that match should be perfectly honest if
11101s uh if Cindy had been able to soak that
11103s pressure it would have won off the back
11104s of that
11106s yeah I think that comes back a little
11107s bit to what we spoke about earlier on
11109s where some team some ships and some
11111s people
11112s um are basically designated to die as
11116s soon as the match starts like that's
11117s your job is to live as long as you can
11121s but do not let this guy free like or
11124s tackle him and just stay on them until
11126s they kill you and you know leaving that
11129s alone to go try and save yourself or
11130s running back to your logistic ship
11132s saying hey rep me rep me while he's
11133s trying to rep
11135s like to be a win for the team and
11138s obviously you win or you lose as a team
11140s here in the alliance tournament speaking
11143s of doing things as a team Zoo
11145s um it looked like perhaps we saw some
11148s anchoring in the world's team uh is that
11151s right
11154s well you can say anchoring or some very
11156s coordinated double clicking in space we
11159s can say
11160s um but normally you have Kai comps you
11162s could consider it in a sense of accurate
11164s it's look it's not the end of the world
11165s obviously we're frowned upon it because
11167s we're all uh Elite pvpers here in the AP
11169s uh sphere
11171s um you're doing sometimes a Kai comp you
11175s maybe want to keep that uh you can
11177s travel around this ball normally while
11178s you have a logic app you want to keep
11180s that cluster up to make sure Logie
11182s doesn't need to run all over the map
11183s chasing all the little children lost
11185s around the map to wrap them up if Logie
11187s goes down you can do something called a
11189s starburst and then it's just pretty much
11190s in a sense every man for itself is
11192s something to apply but something which
11195s people sometimes don't consider in the
11196s sense of anchoring is when there's a lot
11199s of e-war pretend showing grid so let's
11201s say damps uh you don't know how what's
11202s gonna have missile guidance disruptors
11204s anything like that and you're running
11205s this long-range missile
11208s compared every accounts every shot
11211s counts are connected
11213s you don't know what's going to happen
11214s with your range disruptions
11216s um you can suddenly be like okay we're
11218s cutting uh you know here at or I can
11221s shoot this guy or you can't shoot this
11222s guy you know one of these podcasts go
11224s down to 40 kilometers suddenly and the
11226s other one can't so if they try and keep
11228s themselves clustered up or anchored we
11231s can say in this case
11232s um the FC can just try and figure out
11234s what is the minimum distance uh I need
11237s to be now for the entire fleet to apply
11239s all their damage that being said
11242s um I do feel arriving on grid uh wolves
11245s probably should have assessed quite
11247s sooner that hiding against the e-war
11250s heavy team uh well you know is not the
11253s best in that setup because the others
11255s team could constantly shoot them while
11257s uh wolves was against stamps all the
11259s time and we saw it took a great effect
11261s when we all suddenly realized why are we
11263s cutting let's just fight them at Point
11265s Blank use these new to use these smart
11267s bombs we have on these bar gas there's
11269s no reason to kite if we have the bigger
11271s Firepower
11273s yeah and they actually say turned around
11276s and changed their tactics moved in and
11277s just started dismantling at one point it
11279s was 50 points a piece uh with those two
11281s bar gas and then two points in the
11283s logistics frigates uh the tech one
11285s Logistics frigates going up against more
11287s ships but less uh less chunky boys uh
11290s jintan uh we don't normally see very
11292s many Tech three Cruisers uh but that
11295s last comp we saw a Tengu and a Loki
11297s fielded by the same team why don't we
11299s see those those ships as often as we may
11301s be able to think
11304s um there's a couple of reasons uh some
11305s of them are just due to the limitations
11306s of the format as we described before
11309s with regards to the nightmare Tech 3s
11311s are one of those ships that gain so so
11313s much from being able to bling them they
11316s have really strong percentage bonuses
11318s but those percentage bonuses only really
11319s apply one um they apply so much better
11322s when you have a very high baseline from
11325s good modules
11327s um and the other one is just the points
11328s value of them in the tournament the uh
11330s Tech threes are all pointed at 16 points
11333s and that makes them effectively two
11335s points cheaper than a heavy assault
11338s Cruiser but four sorry in a command ship
11341s but four points more expensive than a
11343s heavy assault Cruiser and that means
11345s that you know a Tengu is better than a
11348s Cerberus but it's not Four Points better
11350s than the servers it's not better than an
11351s extra third of one in the overall team
11353s so you tend to not see them raw except
11356s in comps like this where you really need
11358s as many heavy missile carriers as you
11359s possibly can
11360s in addition that that high point total
11363s is typically brought uh brought up by
11365s the power of the Loki Loki is such a
11367s strong ship because it brings High DPS
11369s High tank and then one of the most
11372s crucial things in a tournament
11373s composition which is bonus webs
11376s um the ability to control range either
11378s offensively or defensively in a low-key
11380s uh means that it's normally worth the 16
11383s points but that means that the Tengu the
11386s Proteus and even worse than that the
11388s legion generally don't get a look in in
11390s the tournament setting
11392s and speaking of controlling range let's
11394s look at our next match as one of the
11396s teams here Exodus uh very storied
11398s tournament team very uh good TQ Pilots
11401s as well lots of Katie BS they like to
11403s fly up against the initiative uh the
11406s bands are on screen right now we have uh
11408s balgar and band again and bar guest by
11410s Exodus along with the shack first time
11412s we've seen that I think uh initiative
11415s choosing to ban balgar and EOS and the
11417s Gila uh Zoo what are you thinking about
11419s these bands here we've seen a lot of uh
11421s balgarh bands why why ban the shack
11426s so the shack being a trickle ban
11428s obviously with both teams Banning the
11430s bulgar and they both got an additional
11431s band here
11433s um The Shack is an interesting one I'm
11434s not too sure how much we've been seeing
11436s it at all it is a scary ship but the
11439s shack normally by itself is quite
11441s expensive
11442s um it does a ridiculous amount of damage
11444s but does require time to get up to that
11446s particular amount of damage but I also
11448s feel it's a bit of an odd demand
11450s considering scripted Ebor is back in so
11453s I was talking about that spool of the
11455s shack so it can ramp up to ridiculous
11457s amount of dams I think if you feel it
11459s you know in a certain way over 2000 or
11460s business breaking 2000 Mark um tracking
11463s is pretty good on them as well but the
11465s problem with triggerating weapons is if
11467s they have an optimal range they have
11469s zero fall off so if any uh if they go
11471s out of that full of their optimal I mean
11473s they immediately stop so with something
11475s like scripted ewar I mean uh damps and
11478s tracking disruptors you can literally
11480s just you don't need to keep disrupting
11482s the The Shack you can just cycle once do
11484s it nice heated overload cycle of that
11486s and go like okay uh start from Zeal or
11488s Shaq have fun
11490s um but it is an expansive ship like I
11492s mentioned before uh with the damage it
11494s has the new bonus
11496s um normally it's been used in the past
11498s with armor control pumps um there's a
11501s shack being very expensive to cut you
11503s off their Zoo as we are ready to go to
11505s the match itself I'm afraid um it's
11507s going to be excess versus the initiative
11510s countdown about to start up your hand
11511s over to fear and moderator
11519s welcome back ladies and gentlemen to
11521s this next round of the alliance
11523s tournament theaters we have
11526s um the initiative in a you know
11528s Battleship heavy core
11530s um 3bs going with those uh rapid heavy
11532s missiles and uh walk me through kind of
11534s the archetype of Excellence
11537s uh they brought uh triple Battleship as
11541s well and another armor control type of
11542s matchup but this time rolling it out
11544s with blasters with the Dual vin with a
11546s Vindicator megathorn Navy and important
11549s distinction and it brought rhmls on
11552s their get in it's a full new get in from
11554s Exodus dot as we start the match in uh
11558s right now indicator's starting to burn
11560s in towards these dual typhoon Fleet
11562s issues now typhoon Fleet a little bit of
11564s a faster ship we'll see if they're gonna
11566s be able to catch him with this low end
11567s but both teams low ends are burning back
11569s right now waiting for an opening
11572s yeah I can't help but feel like that is
11574s shimu um who is now turning around is
11576s going to try to um use some of his
11578s utility long-range webs to try to slow
11580s down Exodus as that Vindicator at
11583s megathron and that stabber Fleet are now
11584s closing to range uh but as far as the
11587s new war I can't help but feel like X is
11589s probably going to uh mitigate a lot of
11592s that as she moves newts right now we see
11594s wasps we see
11596s um taking some damage that's gonna be
11597s from a Grappler and a web we see those
11600s uh mashima webs getting on top of Wasa
11602s and slowing down sabotage is Battleship
11607s yeah the stabber Fleet issue going down
11610s pretty low trying to run scream for the
11613s rest of his team but he's starting to
11614s burn back as the vindicators keep moving
11616s in they're trying to go on to this
11619s ashimu now there's a big thorn in their
11621s side they need to get these webs off the
11622s table but the style is actually taking
11624s damage right now I'm not sure exactly uh
11626s what's on top of him it looks like just
11627s drones the stopper Fleet goes down first
11630s yeah that's going to be a lot of the
11632s rapid heavy clip from
11634s um initiative depend on killing waltha
11636s QC let's see what exes can do in return
11639s as and it's probably going to have to
11641s reload before they can really kill
11642s anything else they will put some damage
11644s onto their actual Nightblade of course
11646s but they won't be able to let them out
11647s meanwhile um they're going to continue
11649s to apply damage to that ashimu who is
11652s being sat on at zero by uh Blaster ships
11655s does go down Valley continues to take
11658s damage as you had mentioned but it's
11659s only from drones nothing's on top of f
11661s of yet
11663s well Magus uh is diving in towards the
11665s rest of this team giving them boost
11666s importantly this arm again is actually
11667s Doven all the way towards this thorax on
11670s the back side of the fight he's got the
11672s long range uh newts on top of him but uh
11676s he's playing a little bit further away
11677s from these vindies uh zaraxel Knight
11680s blade uh currently just got a bunch of
11682s armadrons on top of him he's staying
11684s alive is this typhoon Fleet of shig
11686s appears to be the new primary for Exodus
11688s Dot
11689s yeah um Shake is running pretty far away
11692s here
11693s um the Rex will continue to apply a new
11696s pressure to the initiative
11699s um Armageddon trying to trade out since
11700s he's got more Newt and trying to shut
11703s down the Thalia and the D and with
11705s applied uh new pressure maybe turn off
11707s some hardeners or turn off propulsion
11709s modules you can see that uh El Orion is
11712s going to be 1mnab moving at around 800
11715s 900 meters a second despite being
11717s scrammed so uh scram's usually not super
11720s effective at stopping um these nope
11723s tattoo I forget logic
11726s yeah they're having trouble tracking
11727s this Dahlia right now the vindicators
11729s are deep in the sauce at the moment
11732s might actually be on top of the thorax
11734s right now and that appears to be their
11735s new primary so the stalia got out uh
11738s using that afterburner to his Advantage
11739s but importantly not a lot has fallen
11742s quite yet these King killer rapid heavy
11744s ships haven't been able to take down
11745s this getting quite yet as they lose uh
11748s their first Cruiser off the match
11751s yeah and kind of interesting to note
11755s um Exodus choosing to bring a jackdaw in
11757s this composition you wouldn't normally
11759s think you know
11761s um you know jacked off uh but they've
11763s also got you know a purifier and a hound
11765s and I can't help but feel like
11767s um Exodus
11768s auger fighting with this awesome Saga is
11771s going down very low right now these
11772s typhoon Fleet issues getting their
11774s damage down this could take off the
11776s lodgy and the Armageddon will be in a
11778s lot of trouble only having rep drones on
11780s top of them the auger is dead and the
11781s logic's gone from the table for Exodus
11784s yeah that's going to be a kind of a
11786s crucial uh trade that initiative did
11788s here they realize they can't break any
11790s of the Battleship so you know you have
11793s to play for the support and going after
11795s an auger is I would say definitely the
11797s call there uh so that's going to prompt
11800s access to try to close the range get on
11801s top of something and they have gotten on
11804s top of uh shig tawny's
11806s um Battleship we see that the indicator
11808s and the megathon are planted on top of
11810s him at zero slamming him uh with void
11813s and I don't think he's going to be able
11815s to hold against that kind of damage here
11818s yeah dolology frags are very good but
11821s not enough to deal with uh two ships
11823s with a full rack of blasters uh doing
11826s void damage at zero Shake about to go
11830s down they're gonna lose significant
11832s chunk of the rapid heavy power but
11833s remember this is a rapid heavy getting
11835s so they will have at least some damage
11837s on that get in while they move on to the
11839s rest of these ships uh but that said
11841s this Vindicator megathon Navy have been
11842s untouched this match now they're getting
11844s damage on top of the cabin of Kenny
11848s yeah unfortunately for Kenny he's being
11850s shot on again by a megathron in
11852s Armageddon and if you look at
11853s initiatives attack bar I don't even know
11855s if they have any clip left
11857s um they're continuing to try to put
11858s pressure onto zaraxon light blade and
11860s just get the nudes off of them but uh
11862s it's not really working right now for
11865s them right now we see drones on Del
11866s orientalia uh putting split pressure on
11869s that and the Armageddon who is
11871s desperately trying to Smart bomb drones
11873s off of him uh but it's going to be two
11875s little two ladies is going down into
11877s whole uh Thalia going down into hole and
11880s will pop just before this Armageddon of
11882s Kenny drops
11884s and that's pretty much all she wrote for
11886s this match single typhoon Fleet issue
11888s does do some damage but not nearly
11890s enough to deal with three battleships uh
11893s from Exodus dot taking the win a little
11895s bit of a scary start poking and prodding
11898s they lose their laundry but they make
11900s the commitment onto the battleships and
11901s they end up pulling ahead and uh should
11903s be able to clean up this match just fine
11906s yeah before um the uh excuse me for the
11911s auger of night or drop down I was trying
11913s to talk about compounding the purifier
11915s who have been sitting just at range
11917s kiting with javelin missile staying uh
11920s very smartly out of the range of Rapid
11922s Heavies from
11924s um the core of initiative and they've
11927s just been pelting them with you know 400
11929s damage worth of their torpedo Staying
11932s Alive because initiative just didn't
11934s really have the tools
11936s um to really get on top of these bombers
11938s and death wind
11940s um you would think oh hey that's a
11941s shield ship in that Jack thought uh no
11944s he's just been applying um amps and just
11947s harassing being annoying to initiative
11949s uh making them either have to lock
11951s longer or take
11953s um you know closer engagements and uh
11956s not be able to necessarily lock on top
11958s of those bombers
11960s yeah and the armor jacked uh I mean it's
11962s a really interesting pick but I think
11963s you're right the damp utility that it
11966s brings is really nice even though
11967s they're on bonus stamps you have a lot
11969s of mid slots uh and enough low slots
11972s that you can successfully armor tank the
11974s ship in these types of Ops
11976s um this is actually why you see some TQ
11978s fleets actually bring damp Daws uh in
11981s their kind of Mainline t3d dog Trends
11983s because they have a lot of mid slots
11985s especially for t3d uh so I like the uh
11988s damp flit I will hope to see what the
11991s desk thinks about that is Magus and
11993s vexar are the last two alive Magus looks
11995s like he's going for the boundary right
11997s now
11998s oh now he's turning back in
12000s yeah the vexer is just trying to kite
12002s towards one of the corner micro jump
12004s drive beacons
12005s um X is having a really strong showing
12007s in this event I think at the
12010s um onset of this tournament we said that
12013s um them alongside Odin's call are
12015s probably uh the two best teams in this
12017s entire feeders event
12019s um I think mini on the desk myself
12021s included thought that they would have uh
12023s bought in or paid enough into the main
12025s event
12027s um but you know they're absolutely on a
12029s tear in this qualification bracket and
12032s dismantling initiative uh very
12035s decisively and showing why they're the
12038s tournament Mainstay that they've been
12039s essentially forever
12043s yeah really strong showing as they win
12045s the match off a boundary from the vexer
12047s taking the mjd to glory and that's all
12050s for this one we'll turn it back to the
12052s desk before we move on to all hell and
12055s all versus we Farm blob
12080s did it
12088s again
12110s foreign
12141s sexist they're uh taking the W over the
12147s initiative uh who in this case not in it
12149s to win it uh they are more likely in it
12152s to bin it
12153s um so interesting parts of discussion uh
12156s there are many for this one uh zoo I
12159s wanted to ask you first
12160s um we saw their Exodus brought two
12162s stealth bombers and they were just left
12165s unmolested the entire match even though
12169s um the inner team had a couple of big
12170s ships which would be getting absolutely
12172s pounded by those bombers uh why didn't
12175s they try and remove those bombers do you
12177s think
12180s um bombers have in a sense really been
12182s seen they're kind of a gloss Cannon
12185s um so they could have honestly just
12187s underestimated the potential these bring
12189s because what a lot of people in the
12191s Torpedoes from Super far away Torpedoes
12193s have a really slow flight so you're
12195s sitting there a minute into the match
12197s going farmers are good why should we
12199s care about them and then the damage just
12202s keeps coming in and that by that time
12204s your plan might have changed you might
12206s not have ships free people might have
12207s been you know tackled up already so no
12210s one might be free to engage
12211s um and I think uh bombers also start
12213s shining a lot more in this form right
12215s now where damps uh and odor stamps come
12218s into play so the combination of the
12220s armor jacket or being able to use its
12221s mids for damps um armors would be able
12224s to use their mids for camps so these
12226s armors can just set a super long range
12229s take advantage of that and just play a
12230s range game pretty much out blocking the
12233s enemy and just putting that steady
12234s stream of damage onto a full application
12236s battleships
12238s yeah it's just like the worst possible
12240s thing to see when you're in a comp that
12243s relies on heavy battleships and you
12245s don't really have much that can deal
12247s with bombers you're just gonna have to
12248s sit there and take it in the face all
12250s day unless you can do something about
12252s them in this case and it
12254s um seem to be inexperienced facing
12256s bombers uh perhaps that's a throwback to
12258s take you I'm not really sure uh jintan
12261s I'm in Volta so my math isn't entirely
12263s great but by my calculations a deacon
12266s and Natalia is 10 points and an auger is
12270s nine points but of course the over only
12272s gets tech one resists what do you think
12274s about that choice there from Exodus
12276s yeah T1 Logistics are a really
12279s interesting choice they're very very
12281s hard to keep alive you're effectively
12282s you know some in a lot of these fights
12285s you will see your Logistics go down
12286s towards the mid game once tackle gets
12289s into position on them uh but that is
12291s even more the case with the T1 Logistics
12293s you need to spend a lot of effort just
12295s to keep them alive for three four
12297s minutes where they can have their effect
12299s whereas the logistics frigates you have
12302s to spend two pilots on them so your
12304s you're kind of impacting the rest of how
12306s your team's constructed if you fit them
12308s with 10mm those things can be really
12310s really hard to kill unless you have a
12312s composition that's uh designed to deal
12314s with them I said Exodus kind of dealt
12317s with the
12319s um the downsides of bringing a T1
12320s Logistics really effectively in that
12322s match uh they had so many damps
12325s um from their damp door and also the
12327s pontifex and the Magus had dams fit
12330s which is something that's a little more
12331s unusual uh they were able to stop the
12333s typhoon fully issues uh the kid Lynch
12336s pin of what we often called a kingslayer
12338s composition which relies on the
12339s projection application of Rapid heavy
12341s missiles to just reach across the grid
12343s and kill our Logistics quickly they
12346s couldn't lock those that augura and
12348s because of that they weren't able to do
12350s what they wanted and it let that augural
12352s live well into the game and just keep
12354s that Armageddon which ended up being
12356s their backup primary alive until you
12359s know until it was practically too late
12361s for initiative to regain the advantage
12363s of that
12365s pretty sold execution grafting and a
12368s whole our own well put together a comp
12370s there by Exodus um I think it was
12373s mentioned by the casters that many of us
12375s favor Exodus is one of the strongest
12377s teams in these particular feeder
12379s brackets along with Odin's call both
12382s teams with a lot of historic good
12385s success in Alliance room and Odin's
12387s being the newer one of those two of
12389s course uh but in recent years they've
12391s been doing some pretty cool things and
12392s we will see them in about 20 40 minutes
12395s or so from now
12396s um but before that we have at least two
12399s more matches and the next one is going
12401s to be all hill now versus wheat form
12403s blob so we're back to the a we
12405s form that sorry we hill now we're the
12408s first Gods all our hill now where the
12411s first team we saw today so many team
12414s names
12415s um and they won against the network so
12416s they're currently sitting pretty in a
12418s one and all position in their uh their
12422s tribal bracket so if they can win now
12423s and go two and oh they're in a very
12426s strong position to guarantee themselves
12428s entry into the alliance tournament we
12431s form blob this is their first match of
12432s the day so they're looking to come out
12434s strong and and try and take that first
12436s Victory and also critically stop a hill
12439s now going to an O the bands here on
12442s screen right now balgarh Burgess and
12444s Vindicator from ahil now so they don't
12447s want to see big heavy battleships they
12448s don't want to see The Vindicator aka the
12450s windicator and they really don't want to
12452s see those uh potentially long-ranged
12454s webs uh we form blob also don't want to
12456s see the bar guest uh they don't want to
12458s see an EOS and they don't see a
12459s Nighthawk interesting sets of bands for
12462s them uh these Pilots of course probably
12464s going to be
12465s um somewhat fatigued already because
12468s they'll be have to be defending from uh
12470s fraternity Invasion I believe that's why
12472s mystical might left us to go uh and
12474s invade the uh the space of Reform blob
12478s on TQ
12480s so gentan anything jump out of you in
12483s these bands uh the EOS band for example
12485s seen quite a few of them what's your
12486s thoughts there
12488s yeah as I said the EOS is just the the
12490s EOS is the linchpin of the Drone kite
12493s comp and I think what we see from the
12495s other two bands as well is that we form
12497s blob don't want to deal with something
12499s that can project from range we normally
12501s associate the Nighthawk more with the
12503s ham Rush uh you know uh sort of
12506s compositions where you're trying to get
12507s in and do a lot of damage but it it
12509s wouldn't fit with heavy missiles it can
12510s do the kite roll just as effectively it
12513s tends to be the linchpin of some of
12514s their heavy missile kite comps that
12516s we've seen be thrown around
12521s awesome thank you and
12523s um zoo in terms of the format today
12526s um
12527s now are going to want to go up to no
12529s obviously
12530s um but how critical is it like are they
12533s going to be able to just relax after
12534s this or does everyone still matter going
12537s forward
12539s um well wins always matter
12541s um because another team I'm trying to
12544s think no other team can also no they
12546s come on it's only one team I think two
12548s owner bracket now trying to do some
12549s Volta Maps here it's not working out but
12552s I don't think it's ever a good idea to
12553s rest on your laurels in an at format
12555s especially theaters
12557s um it doesn't matter also um if you win
12560s sometimes it matters how good you win so
12562s win win hard and keep winning is the
12565s basic principle I'd say if you want to
12567s get a highest placement as possible
12569s I I will note that the um the person who
12572s wins the group doesn't automatically
12574s Advance there's actually a playoffs that
12576s will be taking place next Saturday
12579s um uh so this is effectively just a
12581s seeding unless you are the last in your
12582s group in which case it's good night
12584s goodbye
12587s exactly well put so still plenty to play
12589s for
12591s um eye on that versus we form blobs
12593s coming up pretty much right now so let's
12595s go to the arena as I see both teams are
12597s in local and we can let the casters talk
12599s a little bit about what they see on grid
12601s so let's hand it over to Alec and
12603s Blackboard part
12609s welcome back to the alliance tournament
12612s 18 trials where we have two teams that
12614s have decided to throw caution to the
12616s wind and warp in at zero with their
12618s cores ahelna bringing a sleptner
12621s claymore Gila rush and we form blob
12625s thinking that they might have an idea
12627s and brings a armor version of what we've
12629s seen a couple times already today uh
12630s Alex how are we thinking this is gonna
12632s go
12634s I am thinking this is going to be a
12635s short match one way or the other
12637s waveform blob with two Tempo sleet
12639s issues an Armageddon OG Navy
12641s two command destroyers two deacons right
12645s interesting choice there and then
12647s Vengeance Mauler they're definitely
12649s leaning more into the tank
12651s I think waveform blob has the slight
12653s Edge but we are gonna find out very fast
12656s as both teams are on top of each other
12659s yeah I uh I have noticed the twitch chat
12662s does in fact think that this is a
12663s completely even match um I don't think
12666s that's quite as true as it could be but
12668s you know we're gonna see how this goes
12670s uh the Sila is rapid light fit which is
12672s a little bit different so he's going to
12673s be able to apply some damage from far
12674s away but the big deal like you said
12676s quick match the sleptner's and the ham
12679s Claymore are sitting at zero on top of
12681s the Tempest Fleet issues in the
12682s Armageddon so uh there's not going to be
12685s really that much screening I'm wondering
12686s if anyone's going to burn straight away
12687s or if this is just going to be one of
12688s those three minute Giga brawls
12692s uh I hard to say now the Gila is very
12695s far away the broadsword also came in
12697s slightly at range it looks like the uh
12700s not is
12702s they've got a bit more of their team
12704s spread out I think that'll be easier for
12706s them to control the range with their
12707s backline we form blob is just about all
12710s in except for one of their deacons which
12713s may have come into the wrong range
12716s oh I mean there's the links it might be
12717s the ultimate tactical or it could be the
12719s ultimate tactic here but uh Ohio Mel is
12722s immediately burning their back line
12723s straight towards that Deacon that is at
12725s the wrong range which is a little bit
12726s weird it looks like he's gonna get
12727s tackled by the sky breaker here dress is
12729s already taking massive amounts of damage
12730s so it does appear that ahelm knot is
12732s going after the blob Logistics at least
12735s with some amount of damage meanwhile
12736s their Tempest is already dropping quite
12737s low with a massive amount of damage from
12739s the sort of mimitar ham Rush coming from
12741s Ohio now
12743s and that tackle is actually really huge
12746s that's going to pin the Deacon out of
12747s position it's going to really limit his
12750s amount ability to do reps armor wraps
12752s rather short range compared to Shield
12754s which have very long fall off so he's
12756s really in trouble neither of them are
12758s going to be able to support this Tempest
12760s Fleet issue which is dipping into
12761s one-third armor both the deacons are
12763s also taking fire as they're about to
12765s lose a Claymore on the oh hell no side
12769s yeah disclaimer does drop before the
12771s Tempest Fleet issue drops but I think
12773s that the Tempest Fleet issue is also
12774s going to go down you did make a very
12776s good point we formed blobs deacons are
12778s actually tackled outside of their
12779s optimal range on that Tempest Fleet so
12781s they're not able to apply enough reps
12783s and they are also being soloed down by
12785s that Sipple in the jackpot which is
12787s pretty strong The Tempest Fleet does go
12788s down and it looks like the Deacon of uh
12790s dryas is probably going to drop as well
12793s I have to say overall I think this is
12796s favorable for we form blob uh they
12799s traded a command ship for a tempest The
12801s Tempest did last a while the uh sleffner
12804s that's currently Under Fire is burning
12806s through its ancillary Shield booster
12807s charges at a rather rapid rate they will
12810s lose this Deacon but if it's already out
12812s of position it's not adding a lot of
12814s value this is really going to come down
12815s to a DPS race between the command ships
12818s and the battleships
12821s burn in
12823s yeah they are and the deacons were able
12824s to burn in kind of at the last minute I
12826s do believe they might be uh tenement
12827s afterburner fit but you know you're
12830s right is that the battleships are it's
12832s it's kind of even even here but you know
12834s again still has their Logistics where
12837s the second Deacon has now dropped from
12839s we form blob
12841s now the Tempest do have a bit of local
12843s on them so it's not the end of their
12846s world meanwhile oh the the ASB is run
12850s out on etria dropping very rapidly half
12853s structures trying to claw back some
12855s Shield but it's just not happening
12860s oh this is a race
12863s and there it goes Tempest Fleet is still
12865s alive now the DPS should slow on it
12867s considerably now but can it pull back
12869s any armor looking like no but it's
12872s trying
12873s there's a very very small amount of
12875s self-rep you know one last gas before it
12877s does drop and uh you know that that is
12879s most of the DPS down this Armageddon
12881s does actually have two lasers on it
12883s which is a little bit weird but the
12885s links go down from we form blob and you
12887s know so far you free to your entire top
12888s end and your logistics for a sleptner to
12890s Claymore which is not a position you
12892s ever want to be in the alliance
12893s tournament
12895s yeah I think they would really love to
12897s have had a little bit of time to chew on
12899s this last remaining sleffner just the
12901s sleffner versus the get and Mauler OG
12903s Navy it will probably able to tank this
12905s comfortably
12906s that battle ended on a knife's edge
12909s there about which of these two top ends
12911s was going to win the race and
12913s unfortunately uh not only did we form
12917s blob lose that race but in the process
12918s they lost their entire bottom half of
12920s their team
12922s yeah I think we've uh we saw it earlier
12924s about the the warping in at zero but I
12926s believe a mystical Mite said that
12928s warping at zero is almost never a good
12930s idea and we're kind of seeing why uh
12932s they did not have enough time we from
12934s Bob didn't have enough time to screen
12935s any of those tackle ships which were
12937s able to do a lot of pressure to the
12938s beacons here and you know the soccer
12940s Navy goes down at this point all
12941s knowledge is cleaning up they did lose a
12943s little bit of ships but I think that
12945s they you know we from Bob had to take
12947s down at least one more DPS to have any
12949s shot here
12951s yeah absolutely and to all hell not as
12954s credit they did disperse their DPS
12956s across four or five ships rather than
12958s concentrating it in three so that was
12960s their that was their strategic decision
12963s it's paid off for them here I think if
12966s those deacons had started off a little
12968s bit closer into the fight and could have
12969s better supported each other and that
12971s initial Tempest you've got to wonder if
12973s this fight would have played out very
12975s differently
12977s yeah having having this fight start with
12980s them having the full amount of DPS
12981s applied to your uh top end and them not
12984s having to even bother like you know you
12986s can't even tackle them you can't screen
12987s whatsoever like you know just future
12990s reference for teams that are going to be
12991s uh continue to compete working at zero
12993s is probably never a good idea
12996s ever even if you're a rush team but that
12998s being said both teams did warp at zero
12999s oh hell not does end up taking this
13001s they're kind of just picking away at the
13003s schedule what do you think about a laser
13004s get it
13006s I think it's a very curious Choice
13009s um you know the Armageddon gets its
13010s bonuses to neutral irises and drones but
13012s it does have a pretty diverse high slot
13016s turret hard point so you could do
13018s turrets you could do missiles most
13020s people would think to do missiles
13022s because it doesn't take capacitors you
13023s can put that capacitor toward the newts
13026s using a laser which is the most cap
13029s intensive turret that's questionable
13034s well uh I don't think that was why they
13036s lost but it definitely wasn't the
13037s smartest idea ever matches over in
13040s slightly longer than five minutes and we
13041s are going to send that back to the desk
13043s so they can take a good look at this and
13044s tell you all about it
13056s oh
13060s us
13090s there are a lot of fun dice games but
13092s rolling the number you need to win is
13094s pure luck or is it
13104s oh
13106s welcome back ladies and gentlemen uh to
13109s that matchup where we form blob uh
13112s formed a blob of molten scrap metal uh
13115s Under The Guns of a hill now taking the
13119s W there uh jintan interesting matchup uh
13123s everyone kind of walking in all over the
13125s place mostly at zero it was discussed a
13128s bit during the match about how that's
13129s generally considered not an optimal
13132s strategy
13133s um but what could these teams have done
13135s differently I think you said that you
13136s thought that um The Blob comp and setup
13139s was actually the superior comp there
13145s I cannot hear you gentan
13148s left myself muted a classic mistake
13150s there uh but no I think we form blob had
13153s the comp to win that match
13155s um they had a lot of really tanky
13157s Cruisers in the augura Navy issue and
13159s the Mala that should have been able to
13161s disrupt the rush as you know in theory
13165s um their opponents are Helena were
13167s coming in and they just because of the
13169s way they walked in they weren't able to
13170s affect that what they should have been
13172s you know in an armor control comp you
13174s want to spread your opponents out and
13176s then concentrate your force of your
13178s armaged and your bowel gone whatever
13179s ship like that you have available that's
13181s going to just turn something off and
13183s make sure it dies no matter how little
13185s DPS you're really applying to it
13187s um and they weren't able to do that
13189s because they just came in at zero they
13191s must have been expecting a kite comp or
13193s something like that where they needed uh
13196s those Armageddon newts to apply from uh
13198s zero zero on the clock but you know
13201s we're gonna we're gonna talk that to
13204s death if we talk any more about how they
13205s shouldn't have walked to zero
13208s yeah
13209s um just in terms of like other ranges
13211s obviously zero is a is a great range uh
13214s to be if you're a logistic ship and
13216s that's where you want to you know rep
13217s your palsy or you're definitely going to
13218s be out of range
13220s um but Logistics frigates uh don't have
13222s the same kind of range as their Tech to
13225s Cruiser counterparts Zoo what's the kind
13227s of the main problems with those
13229s so Logistics frigates
13232s um so they use small reps so it doesn't
13234s matter if they have the bonuses to the
13236s repair optimon fall off obviously it
13238s still helps but they don't really have
13241s that much numbers to work with initially
13243s anyway so even though they're bonus they
13245s don't get bonus that much obviously
13246s Shield
13247s um has the more fall off armor has a
13249s better optimal but you can kind of say
13251s you freakology wants to be normally
13253s around at 12 15 kilometer range and they
13256s can comfortably still wrap something at
13258s 30 kilometers I'd say
13260s but after that it starts getting really
13261s really dice here really quickly
13263s especially for the armor so beacons you
13265s kind of want to like you want to be
13267s telling your boys hey you're getting out
13269s of range quite quickly
13270s um so another thing we saw there at the
13272s start is I think those deacons were
13274s having an uphill battle right off the
13276s bat
13277s um when you warp it in I know we're kind
13278s of getting back to warpings here but you
13280s want to set yourself up when you want to
13282s set yourself up or you can start
13283s focusing on the job you want
13286s um and unfortunately the things those
13288s deacons have looked like we're focusing
13289s on first is I need to get back to my
13290s frame I need to get make sure I'm in his
13292s range because if he dies I die and you
13295s know they had to suddenly start fighting
13297s their own little battle for positioning
13298s there the other pressure was being
13299s applied everywhere else so just that the
13301s small disruption in the war pins already
13303s kind of like put these deacons in a
13306s separate kind of mindset
13307s um I don't want to say tunnel vision
13309s because Logistics Pilots normally have a
13310s lot more reference I'd say like you know
13312s they knew what was their priority and
13314s unfortunate that priority wasn't really
13315s coinciding with maybe what was happening
13317s with the rest of the match so
13318s positioning uh for freak lodgy is
13321s exceptionally important because you have
13323s to be thinking for two people at the
13324s same time all the time
13327s yeah having good Logistics ship pilots
13330s in your team in Alliance tournament or
13332s any tournament really in Eve is such an
13335s important thing like they are they're
13337s worth their weight in gold if you have
13339s someone who's able to position
13340s themselves and their ship well while
13342s also keeping an eye on the positioning
13344s of the rest of the team while also
13346s keeping an eye on the positioning of the
13347s enemy team while also managing local
13350s tank modules remote calling for drones
13352s it can just be a huge amount of work and
13354s uh there's a couple of Pilots out there
13356s who are just really really good at it
13358s Planet sex reload uh for example from
13361s the Volta team uh fantastic Logistics
13363s Pilots as a Starfleet Commander uh
13365s people like General Hungary from the
13367s tuskers a couple of the other ones whose
13369s name's Escape me uh jintan speaking of
13372s teams and organizing teams I want to go
13374s back to that a little bit so you've been
13376s spending a bit of time with the
13377s foxhallers team uh kind of like running
13379s practices and just kind of generally
13382s being pathogen tan to the team what kind
13386s of workload is involved now like how
13388s would someone who wants to start a team
13390s and maybe from next year or a small
13391s tournament get started with this
13394s um it depends what your uh what your
13396s aims are like if you're trying to be a
13397s top tier Alliance tournament team you're
13399s normally going to be screaming two to
13400s three times a week
13402s um it depends how long for depends on
13404s how long uh you have the tournament
13406s announced for most of these teams are
13408s probably only been screaming for about a
13409s month and a half which is how long the
13411s format's been announced although I know
13413s some teams had actually started to scrim
13415s kind of before that in anticipation of
13416s the announcement uh and then all of
13419s their Theory crafting was kind of thrown
13420s out of whack when the new rule changes
13422s were announced
13424s um but what you're generally looking to
13426s do as a captain is you're also trying to
13429s help teach people so not every not every
13433s practice has to be hey we're going to go
13435s 10 Man versus ten man we're gonna just
13437s play out eight matches sometimes you can
13439s play some you can do some drills you can
13441s say okay we've got a logistics pilot
13443s we've got a couple of tackle Pilots
13445s we've got a couple of other tackle
13446s Pilots you guys are going to try and you
13448s know one team is going to try and defend
13450s the logistics one team's gonna try and
13452s attack the logistics and if you get a
13453s tackle on the logistics your little team
13455s wins or if you successfully defend it
13458s for a certain amount of time the
13459s defending team wins so you can sort of
13462s make things work if you've only got four
13464s or five people online at a certain time
13465s it's just uh generally less effective
13469s than getting a 10v10 in because
13471s communication ends up being one of the
13473s key aspects you have to learn in an
13476s alliance tournament match because it is
13478s so different to Tranquility uh a lot of
13480s the time you know you if you're if
13482s you're used to flying in big fleets
13483s you'll hear you know die quietly and
13486s lovely phrases like that that we use to
13490s indicate that people should just you
13492s know get on with things do what you're
13493s told and then leave the decisions up to
13495s your Fleet commanders and you know comms
13498s open for your Scouts and other people
13499s who are gonna
13500s inform you if the Strategic situation is
13503s changing but in the 80s all purely about
13506s tactics so communicating absolutely
13508s everything that's important is and doing
13511s it in a concise way that's easily
13513s understandable so that the decisions
13515s being made can be changed on the dot
13517s that's what ends up being in key in an
13520s at
13521s uh in terms of cut time commitment again
13523s depends on what what uh how competitive
13525s you want to be
13527s yeah if you have a couple of
13529s um really really good communicators that
13531s can really make a huge difference a good
13533s example is uh let's say you have a
13534s pretty solid Logistics pilot he can't
13536s predict who the enemy is going to shoot
13538s but if his um DPS Pilots are calling out
13541s I'm being yellow boxed by everyone and
13543s he knows to perhaps get ready to swap
13545s his reps across and that little bit of
13546s communication I mean those reps land you
13549s know three four five seconds faster than
13551s without it and that can be a huge huge
13553s difference especially against the comp
13554s that is uh like kingslayer designed to
13557s just blast through people as quickly as
13559s possible
13560s um those are all things that you can
13562s practice either just by doing those
13564s little drills that you mentioned gentan
13565s or even just like flying around on TQ as
13567s a group like a lot of
13569s um teams especially in bigger alliances
13571s will do almost like 80 training rooms
13574s where they'll all fly together in sort
13575s of like Haiti Nano ships around roaming
13578s looking for content and just sort of
13579s practice flying understanding how each
13581s person communicates with each other and
13583s generally building up that team Rapport
13585s zoo let's let's look forward to our next
13589s match up here so we just had all hail
13591s now go 2-0 versus uh we form blob of
13593s rather in their division by beating we
13595s form blob and we're going to go forward
13597s to Prismatic Legion so this is Tucker B
13600s we're looking at now and they're going
13601s up against uh shut up I'm trying so both
13603s of these teams already played today
13605s Prismatic Legion uh beat shut up I'm
13608s trying already so they are 1-0 in this
13611s particular matchup now they are actually
13613s playing as a best of three because of
13615s the um uh the teams that have dropped
13619s out of the bracket themself they're in
13621s one of the smaller tribes so they don't
13624s actually have to play everyone else they
13626s just have to play each other as the best
13627s of three so good opportunity here for a
13629s shot up I'm trying to try and take a
13630s match back and take it to one and all
13632s this Varga ban Zoo
13634s I don't understand this but then sure if
13636s I'm trying also buying a Golem enlighten
13639s me here
13641s Marauders are apparently scary they say
13643s but unfortunately we have not allowed
13645s the Bastion module to come back
13647s um but the Varga I think we saw it I saw
13650s a lovely I think double Varga comp in
13652s Anger games I think uh there were some
13655s scary stuff there I absolutely love
13656s seeing that com
13658s uh Margaret absolutely having I think
13660s most of the time uh it has a ridiculous
13662s partnership that damage part is
13663s obviously I have the utility highs uh
13666s the new smart bombs always have
13668s effective to bring all your utility you
13670s can to an engagement make sure you can
13673s take comers
13674s um and the Golem known for its
13677s ridiculous paintballs
13678s so most of the time when you're bringing
13680s some missile ships you normally will
13682s have a ship dedicated on the side which
13683s is going to be doing the painting for
13685s you a Golem is an all-inclusive package
13688s it can apply the damage and it can make
13689s sure that the damage is applying uh we
13692s can say it like that
13693s but
13694s um just are expensive they can't use the
13697s Bastion module
13698s um so it's interesting to see them band
13701s here because I don't know maybe this the
13703s teams are just getting to know each
13704s other because of this sfd format it's
13707s more worthwhile to investigate the team
13710s you'll be fighting against I'd say it
13712s might be that and this might be a scrim
13714s bubble we're seeing against but I will
13716s say seeing a double murder band in the
13719s sense of each team Banning an individual
13720s order is quite interesting maybe not the
13724s best but the teams sometimes do know
13726s better than us
13729s awesome awesome
13731s um I'm looking forward to seeing if uh
13733s shut up I'm trying can go 2-1-1 on the
13736s series and push it to the final match in
13737s the best of three uh obviously Prismatic
13739s Legion would rather than not happen and
13741s rather they go to and know and put
13742s themselves in a very solid position to
13744s go forward
13746s um and teams landing on the fields now
13748s looks like a couple of interesting ships
13749s to be sure uh no uh no no vargers no
13755s Golems because they've both been banned
13757s I would put money on the EOS and the
13760s balgar and being our most banned ships
13762s thus far uh gentana I've asked you about
13764s the other a couple of times and we've
13765s heard about spoken about the balgarh
13768s um are they really that powerful that
13769s they are ban or bring
13773s I think it's less that they are that
13775s powerful and more that they are ships
13777s which you can ban individually to take
13780s out a com
13781s um we've seen armor control be brought
13784s with uh two Tempest Fleet issues quite
13786s regularly now uh so it doesn't look like
13788s that's going to be as effective as maybe
13789s some teams think it is but algons really
13792s do make uh armor control so much more
13795s terrifying it basically presents a you
13797s know 30 40 kilometer window where you
13799s can't be inside it or you will die uh
13802s just due to the power of the webs and
13803s the nudes
13805s um and the EOS as I've said it's the
13806s linchpin of the Drone kite comps so by
13808s Banning those two ships you take those
13810s two comps off the table you limit what
13812s your opponents can bring feasibly and it
13814s allows you to think a bit more about
13816s okay I can bring these comps that would
13818s otherwise be counted by those two
13820s columns which is you know typically
13822s mimitar rush and a few other things that
13824s we've seen quite prevalently
13826s yeah as we're about to go to the match
13829s um I just wanted to let you people out
13830s there on Twitter know if you've never
13832s played the match yourself
13833s um the way it works is you're teleported
13835s from station into system way off D scan
13837s from the other team you can't move you
13839s can't warp you're then told by the uh
13842s the GMS to uh warp to the arena at a
13845s range of your choice between 0 and 50.
13849s um after you're all in warp it's locked
13850s again and you kept moving until the
13852s match starts if you were up at another
13853s range or somewhere else for example the
13856s Sun and then you are teleported by the
13859s GM to zero whether you like it or not
13862s and uh that has just happened by one of
13864s the teams here
13866s shut up I'm trying try to walk to the
13868s arena work to the Sun and got moved to
13872s zero so with that let's hand over to the
13874s match uh with fear and moderator
13882s welcome back to the arena I'm fear
13883s that's moderator and we have the second
13886s match of a bo3 between Prismatic
13889s religion and shut up I'm trying
13890s Prismatic Legion bringing uh a what
13894s appears to be an rhml comp with
13896s rattlesnake and Scorpion uh if you'll
13899s introduce what shut up I'm trying is
13901s bringing
13903s so shut up I'm trying earlier in the day
13907s didn't bring a full team of and
13911s players they once again only have seven
13913s I have to wonder if they even have
13916s um 10 people on their roster
13918s um it's interesting we would see a
13920s Vindicator uh brought with a Scimitar
13923s indicator being you know almost always
13925s an armored battleship
13927s and as the desk was saying he warped to
13930s the arena at zero or walk to the Sun
13933s instead of the Arena so this will be
13936s interesting he's the first primary makes
13938s a lot of sense armor ship in a shield
13940s comp I'm not going to be tanked well
13942s unless this is somehow full
13946s um
13947s yeah and I see he's actually not taking
13949s a whole lot of damage through his home
13951s yeah it means your his armor and his
13953s Shields died very quickly
13955s yeah so this is the whole time
13958s yeah he's gotta get on top of someone
13960s first though this caracal dies but I
13963s mean he's so far away from these
13965s scorpion Navy issues there's keeping on
13966s kiting the spitball of uh Yvette has
13969s screened him off in this Vindicator I
13971s mean he's got no reps on him obviously
13973s because he's a whole time vendy and he's
13975s about to go down there's not a whole lot
13977s more that they can do and once again uh
13980s not bringing 10 people and uh mixing
13982s your uh tank types not exactly what you
13985s want to do uh in the tournament looks
13987s like Prismatic should be able to just
13988s run over this one
13990s yeah and uh it's kind of unfortunate
13992s that
13993s um this happened in the same half of a
13996s bracket with a prismatic and shut up I'm
13998s trying being the only two teams
14000s charismatic won their game
14002s um earlier and now with celendus's
14004s Barger
14006s um
14006s you know does finally drop here it means
14010s that Prismatic Legion will be 2-0 so
14012s that's going to mean they will advance
14014s uh ashborn is taking a good amount of
14017s damage uh the Scimitar doing what they
14020s can to keep him up someone bringer on
14022s top of the mid zero holding him down
14026s um Osprey Navy issue now taking rapid
14028s heavy damage from the Scorpion Navy
14031s issue and rattlesnake
14034s yeah and these door rabbit have these
14036s chefs uh on top of the drones that the
14038s rattlesnake can bring it's just a whole
14039s lot of damage to deal with uh once again
14042s this is a shield King killer setup we've
14044s seen two different varieties uh the
14046s armor and the shields the armor being a
14048s little bit more popular but this time
14050s around the working way uh from that
14052s Vindicator now uh through the rest of
14055s the team starting with these Cruisers
14056s the sauce by Navy tanking up as best as
14058s he can with his ASB uh and with the
14061s Scimitar but once that ancillary Shield
14062s booster is dead uh there's no more in
14065s the tank for him and he will die
14068s yeah we see that this fight pool is now
14070s the primary right now in being held down
14072s by
14074s um this Onyx and the Osprey Navy issue
14076s that he was trying to get tackle on top
14078s of
14079s um hugin has scram on top of him he may
14083s be a primary uh here shortly uh but at
14087s this point it Almost Doesn't Really
14088s Matter What Prismatic Legion does any
14091s application of damage anywhere is going
14094s to win them the match at this point
14097s um they've chosen the Scimitar which is
14099s a goodest call as any as that's going to
14102s be the logistics we see that drones are
14104s chasing after him
14106s um I don't know if the heavy drones from
14108s the rattlesnake um can even really keep
14111s up with the microwave thriving Scimitar
14114s um that said
14117s the Osprey Navy issue of Prismatic
14121s Legion is living to win right now as
14124s he's still being held down by this Onyx
14126s and being neuted out
14129s yeah doing as best as he can asriel
14131s Delta uh you know it's it's one of those
14136s cases where we'll see both of these
14138s teams in the playoffs regardless uh
14140s because there's no third team remember
14142s the top one gets seated first in their
14144s playoffs a half goes against second
14146s place from the other side of the group
14148s so we will see both these teams in
14149s playoffs regardless but the top seed of
14152s them will be Prismatic Legion they lose
14154s another ship uh they're honest hugin now
14157s um but once again there's just not a
14158s whole lot of single scorp Navy can do
14160s they take down the Osprey Navy but the
14162s semitar is still alive and both these uh
14165s rabbit heavy ships are alive uh to take
14167s out the enemy Logistics as well uh Onyx
14170s and stormbringer and the Scorpion Navy
14172s the last ones remaining
14175s yeah I mean Prismatic Legion that they
14177s will get on top of their bracket but I
14178s have to be a little bit worried about
14180s them
14182s um you really shouldn't be losing Navy
14184s Osprey a stabber Fleet issue a swivel
14187s and a caracal to a seven point
14189s maybe a seven person composition with a
14192s kind of a troll pack in the whole tank
14195s indicator uh may want to tighten that up
14198s a little bit
14199s um going up against what will be the
14201s winner of the other side of the bracket
14203s um otherwise they're going to be in for
14205s a world
14208s yeah that's onyx
14210s about to go all the way down to zero and
14215s Chad Chad is mentioning this could
14216s actually be a multi-boxer for shut up
14219s I'm trying I'm not actually sure of what
14221s the story of uh shut up I'm trying is
14223s but it would make it fun if that was
14224s actually uh the the case here with uh
14227s one man doing seven ships
14230s um either way Prismatic Legion I mean we
14232s could talk about them on TQ they're kind
14234s of cool uh one uh earn Alliance
14237s dedicated to uh lgbtqia people so uh do
14242s like to see that uh this Onyx is going
14244s down though
14246s yeah
14248s um
14250s definitely uh proud of the fact that
14252s they're going to be winning their half
14253s of the bracket as it's just uh CJ okasi
14257s just kiting
14258s um at the very edge of
14261s their rapid heavy uh range putting
14264s Target paints getting Target painted
14267s actually
14269s um creating paints with the other Navy
14271s scorpion uh one Navy scorpion though
14273s does not win against the Navy scorpion
14275s that rattlesnake and support court here
14277s the rest of the Prismatic Legion team is
14279s trying to close distance and get on top
14281s of him uh the worm
14284s um trying to close range and get some
14287s tackle realizing that they're a little
14289s bit out of the Reps of the rest of the
14292s team and deciding to pull back before
14294s they uh get killed
14297s yeah they they want to keep their points
14299s uh that said uh that's pretty much all
14303s they have for this match don't know the
14305s exact time remaining as I don't have
14306s fancy UI because once again uh
14309s Thunderdome is weird like that I believe
14313s there's a little bit under two minutes
14315s remaining
14316s yeah we got about um three and a half
14318s three and a half minutes here the
14320s Scorpion Navy issue of CJ okasi is slow
14323s boating towards a tournament micro jump
14326s drive unit and trying to see maybe if
14330s they can hit the Edge of Glory uh that
14332s would be rather entertaining see how
14334s much range they can get
14336s um they're shooting the rapid Heavies
14337s into the other native scorpion but of
14340s course uh that will not be breaking with
14342s zorexia's uh reps on top of them
14346s um
14347s now about 10 kilometers off that micro
14349s drum Drive Unit
14351s and two and a half minutes remaining in
14354s this match here the warm prying once
14356s again possibly to get taco onto CJ
14359s before they can fall out of here let him
14362s njd let them mjd let them boundary I
14364s want to say the Edge of Glory why you
14366s got to do this why do you gotta why do
14368s you do you have to remove the
14370s entertainment value by tapping the
14373s Scorpion Navy I mean he's blowing the
14375s mjd right now this form doesn't scram
14376s does he
14377s yeah he does he's got the scrim on top
14379s of him and Rocket shooting so uh no no
14382s boundary for tjo coffee once uh the rest
14386s of the team eventually catches up
14390s um and I'm wondering if there are even
14391s really
14392s major propulsion modules on top of uh
14396s Prismatic Legion they don't seem to be
14397s going fast okay they're picking up a
14399s little bit of speed the Scimitar appears
14401s to be moving at around what you would
14403s expect with the nmn After Burner not a
14405s micro warp drive uh the Navy scorpion
14409s um just picking up a little bit of speed
14411s okay and now he does he will be let uh
14415s away and he does pull away so the warm
14417s let him go and that'll be the end of
14420s this
14447s foreign
14486s foreign
14490s versus shut up I'm trying
14493s um and credit to shut up I'm trying
14495s where it's due they are trying like
14497s they're on demand clearly and and still
14499s bringing comps bringing as many points
14501s as they can and you know giving a a damn
14504s good try and that's to be honest all you
14507s can really ask for it could they could
14508s have easily just forfeited the match and
14510s left us with 40 minutes of blank space
14512s but you know they wanted to compete they
14514s wanted to play and play they did they
14517s also brought the absolute Chad move of
14519s the whole tanked Vindicator
14522s um I would have respected them even more
14524s if it was
14525s um polarized of course but uh I've been
14528s I've been informed reliably that it was
14529s not a polarized Hull indicator so next
14533s time
14534s um jintan let's talk a little bit about
14536s the rules in the format of Alliance
14538s tournament 18. so one of the
14542s um the interesting things is it's
14543s sponsored by the mimitar Republic which
14546s means the Minotaur ships are under own
14548s pointed and everything else has you know
14551s been rebalanced to whatever it needs to
14552s be
14553s um there's a lot of really really good
14555s Minotaur chips that you can get
14557s relatively inexpensively I'll come back
14559s to those but first of all uh Zoo one of
14562s the rules that has changed is uh you can
14565s bring four of a particular whole size
14567s rather than three like last year how is
14570s that going to change the The Meta do you
14572s think
14573s I think by face value when you see that
14576s first off you you get this kind of cold
14578s feeling going through like ah four we
14581s can take four of a whole type we're just
14582s gonna see very you know someone's gonna
14584s find a good ship spam it and we're going
14586s to see very repetitive comps but it's in
14589s a good uh position to come in in
14591s combination with that plus one
14592s duplication rule
14594s um because now you have in a sense
14598s um diversity being enforced by that but
14601s you're actually not really trying to say
14603s crippled by your choices as much
14606s um so I I really do like that uh for
14608s real giving it allows for more diverse
14610s comments to be shown a lot more you you
14612s can actually focus more on the things
14614s you want to focus like if you want to do
14616s a hacker if you want to do four diamosas
14618s okay that's you but you could have done
14620s you know two DMS is two sex
14622s um you know so if you want to go and
14624s hacks you can actually properly go into
14625s hacks if you want to go into battle
14627s cruiser sure you can't do daddy
14629s um that's thing but you can actually
14631s have a proper focus on you know battle
14633s cruises if you wanted you can somehow do
14635s four battleships um you can focus more
14637s on tackle things so it allows you to
14639s actually focus a lot more on what you
14641s want to focus uh on what you think is
14643s the core of your comp but then the plus
14645s one rule Works quite well in conjunction
14647s with it you stop that stale meta and to
14650s stop you abusing and what might be a
14651s really powerful
14654s yeah and speaking of uh Shepstone
14656s actually briefly you mentioned the
14658s Octodad comp that was a a comp that saw
14660s a lot of success in I believe Alliance
14662s tournament 16 uh mainly focused on
14664s bringing eight battle Cruisers uh to to
14667s the field uh it was so dominant and
14670s Powerful that it meant that the next
14672s year uh in Alliance tournament 17 and
14674s actually in the alliance opened uh we
14676s introduced a rule
14678s um where you can only bring three a
14679s particular Hull the logistics do not
14682s count towards that so you could bring
14683s for example three frigates and two
14686s Logistics friggers now that's been up to
14687s four
14688s um so yeah we'll see how that goes uh
14691s this year I'm already looking forward to
14692s seeing the method develop it's
14694s interesting when there's just little
14695s changes like that they can have quite a
14696s big ripple effect now gentana has
14698s mentioned earlier on about some of the
14700s under pointed ships and the ones that
14703s we're seeing a lot of people using uh
14705s stabberfully and Scythe Fleet why are
14707s they so popular
14709s yeah so one of the big impacts obviously
14712s is that the sponsorship role is only a
14714s flat one point decrease on all of these
14717s ships
14718s um and that has a really big impact
14720s sorry it has more of an impact on the
14722s overall points cost of a ship the
14723s smaller it is uh the visual Fleet and
14726s the Republic Fleet firetail where it's a
14728s one-third points decrease we haven't
14731s really seen those as much we've seen
14732s them here and there uh but generally
14735s people have been trying to put more
14737s points into their uh tackle Wings anyway
14739s so yeah because they're just not very
14742s survival unfortunately so we're unlikely
14745s to see a huge amount of those but this
14747s there is such a sweet point it when you
14750s get to the stabberly issue and the
14751s Sci-Fi issue the very fast that they're
14753s very good at dealing with other frigates
14755s and they let you basically and they and
14758s most importantly actually they can work
14759s in both armor and shield uh the real
14763s power of them is that they're great at
14765s bullying your opponent's tackle
14768s um if your opponent has brought a lot of
14769s assault for a Gates or they're running
14771s around with something else like a
14772s Punisher that's trying to get in there
14774s and do a lot of damage and try and
14776s Survive by just being small the
14778s stabberly issue in the cycling issue are
14780s so good at dealing with them and they
14782s just allow you to occupy a large amount
14784s of space on the grid which your opponent
14787s opposing frigate Pilots have to Pilot
14789s around to get to where they want to be
14792s um for the standard Fleet issue that's
14795s because it has a massive tracking bonus
14796s it's uh 10 per level I believe uh and
14800s with the already incredibly High track
14802s based tracking of autocannons that means
14805s you can almost always hit a frigate on
14808s the approach and you know combine that
14810s with a good bit of lurch speed you can
14812s if you grab a scram on a web on I forget
14813s it's normally going to die or at least
14815s force one or two reps from the logistics
14817s to go on to it to keep it alive and at
14820s that point it's effectively dead in the
14821s water anyway because it's not tackling
14823s something it wants to be tackling the
14825s safely issue on the other hand is a lot
14827s faster but it has the downside of not
14830s having that same tracking bonus it's
14832s it's got to use either rapid lights or
14834s Auto cannons and it needs to rely on the
14836s utility highs that it has so putting out
14838s newts or putting out if it's armor fit
14841s two three webs to allow the rest of the
14844s fleet to just quickly apply to that bit
14845s of tackle that's wandered a bit too
14847s close and kill it through that
14849s we're going to see a lot of these going
14851s forwards in the tournament in my opinion
14853s they are just so so powerful of the
14855s ships especially the staff of Fleet
14857s issue which in my opinion is the better
14859s of the two
14862s do you think that these ships are going
14864s to be powerful enough and impactful
14865s enough that we might see teams start to
14867s ban them or do you think that there's
14869s not linchpin enough to to comments that
14872s they're worth burning a ban on maybe not
14874s in feeders when there's only two bands
14875s but what about in the main A.T
14879s um yeah so it's a good point that you
14880s make about the two versus three bands so
14882s with the trials here all the feeders we
14885s only have two bands and going to the
14886s main tournament there'll be three bands
14887s so there's also more potential for
14889s overlapping bands which you know they
14891s can then in their potential you could
14892s see what's that uh six nine depends well
14896s we're bad at Mass here on the panel
14898s apparently
14899s um but I like you said I don't think
14902s they're a make or break style ship they
14904s normally augment a style uh we see safe
14906s leads being thrown into some rapid icons
14909s they have that bonus maybe not the best
14910s because they suffer on Range a bit uh
14912s most of the time they excel at the kind
14914s of Rush there Auto cannons that jinton
14916s was speaking about
14918s um but you won't see Purity like I don't
14921s think if someone wanted to really do a
14923s rush you would like oh safely bad we
14926s can't do a rationale
14928s um you know the other thing still the
14930s Hicks always good
14932s um
14933s the broadswords classic slappers there's
14937s things you want to do if you want to do
14938s a rush The Shield Rush with the hams
14940s hadari ironically makes a good Rush
14942s still
14943s um
14944s so no I don't think they're a make or
14946s break they will never really be an
14950s optimal fan it's one of those things
14951s also if you really really wanted a band
14953s a rush you're gonna have to earn so many
14955s things normally you're better off going
14957s for something like a slap
14960s awesome awesome awesome so we are going
14962s to look forward to our next match it's
14964s going to be seriously suspicious versus
14965s Odin's call now Odin's call a team that
14968s the casters have put a lot of pressure
14971s on to perform well uh ranking them
14974s pretty highly and seriously suspicious
14976s uh this is their first match of the day
14978s they should have played delay on versus
14979s the minions but the minions forfeited so
14981s they haven't had a chance to warm up
14982s they're going in cold here against a
14985s highly ranked team seriously suspicious
14987s Banning the balgar and The Vindicator
14990s mean well Odin's called band in the
14991s slept near and the Loki two very
14993s different band strategies at play here
14995s and The Vindicator in the background
14997s heavy battleships with a lot of control
14999s whereas Odin's Banning the slept near
15001s and the Loki not wanting to see things
15004s perhaps like a fly killer or a county
15006s comp and they don't want to see those
15007s long-range low-key webs super super
15010s interesting
15012s um we're pretty much ready to go to the
15014s arena itself there actually so let's
15015s hand it over to fear and moderator to
15018s look at what's on field here or personal
15020s Legion sorry seriously suspicious and
15023s Odin's call with Alec and bbp and 52
15026s points in two ships
15034s hello and welcome seriously suspicious
15037s taking advantage of that uh Point
15039s reduction that Yin tan mentioned at the
15041s top of the analyst desk here double
15043s typhoon Fleet issue hurricane Fleet
15045s issue broadsword Osprey Navy issue
15047s bifrost scythefleet issue scalpel hyena
15050s mollus
15053s they do and uh they also happen to warp
15056s in most of their Fleet at zero so uh
15059s just to put it out there these are
15062s torpedo typhoon Fleet issues
15064s so uh it's a little bit different than
15067s what we've been seeing most of the day
15068s here we've been seeing a lot of not
15070s torpedo type and Fleet issues we've been
15072s seeing a lot of uh rapid heavy typhoon
15074s issues it's a very very different I love
15076s the torpedo configuration
15078s I really do I love it
15082s yeah it's uh it's a lot of damage uh
15084s they are also running uh autocannon
15086s broadsword autocannon hurricane Fleet
15088s issue so there's a mass amount of
15089s anti-battleship DPS which is maybe
15092s unfortunate for Odin's call who has
15093s spent 52 points in two Le Shacks with a
15096s smattering of other ships so they do
15098s have a curse which is pretty good I
15100s think that's one of the first curses
15101s we've seen today actually
15104s yeah it's the the first of my
15106s recollection they also got a celestis
15108s was an interesting addition especially
15110s with scripted damps being part of the
15112s tournament here
15113s it's going to be a battle of the
15115s battleships here but seriously
15117s suspicious has a bit of a thicker low
15118s end we'll see how well that does for
15121s them
15122s and we're off well it does look like
15123s seriously suspicious is actually burning
15125s straight in to grab a tackle on
15128s something though that site Fleet issue
15130s of mosquito does get screened by uh
15132s looks like Mauler webs and then also
15134s grab down a does look like mosquito is
15136s going to be able to pull away here not a
15138s huge amount of damage coming out lots of
15140s tracking disruptors on both of those
15141s Fleet typhoons right now so that'll
15142s reduce the damage quite a bit though the
15143s shack of Colonel Kurtz is tackled and
15145s already into armor
15147s now the type of inflate issues are
15148s screaming across the field they are far
15150s faster than a battleship should be and
15152s they have closed the gap on top of the
15154s little Shacks in record fashion here
15157s there's a massive cloud of thoughts
15159s coming out
15161s I think yeah there's a mass amount of
15162s rep Bots they do need to get these
15163s typhoon Fleet issues hopefully they have
15165s got smart bombs I might normally make a
15167s comment about uh XX gen XX overshooting
15170s his Target but with perps it doesn't
15171s really matter that much and he's moving
15173s in newts are going out but you know this
15176s Shack is dropping through both of these
15178s typhoons already and unlike rabbit
15180s Heavies there's not going to be a
15180s respite when they have to reload
15183s an interesting difference here seriously
15185s suspicious went damaged drones whereas
15187s Odin's call is going rep Bots very
15190s different approaches here the Odin's
15192s call team electing for more control
15194s trying to extend the length of the match
15196s whereas zero suspicious is all in
15198s straight away tank and spank and right
15201s now they are unfortunately getting the
15203s bad end of the spanking as that typhoon
15205s Fleet issue is about to drop he's trying
15207s to claw back his shield but it's just
15209s not enough the ramped up damage from
15211s these little Shacks doing work about to
15213s drop it and once it goes their chances
15216s of breaking kernel kurts drop
15218s drastically
15220s yeah I think it was a it was a really
15222s really good attempt but Shield typhoon
15224s Fleet issue is just so squishy I mean
15225s look how fast he just lost half of his
15227s shield and like two volleys on jantus
15229s and I'm assuming their Shield tank
15231s because it is a shield setup I don't
15233s know I mean it was a really really cool
15234s idea but we're not we're not really
15236s seeing it work all that well uh it does
15238s appear that they have swapped over to
15239s shooting at warring in the vexer so
15242s giving up on that LE chat kill already
15245s yeah and In fairness they are making
15247s good progress in him that vexer will go
15249s down but it's a very poor trade for
15251s uh one of the two main pieces of DPS on
15254s their team now I did say seriously
15256s suspicious has a thicker low end that is
15258s true but especially in their torpedo
15261s setup these Fleet typhoons were the
15263s Lion's Share of damage on that team
15266s yeah both of them already dropping uh it
15268s does look like that low end of seriously
15269s suspicious is actually doing a pretty
15271s decent job taking out the load of Odin's
15273s call but you know these two Le Shacks I
15275s mean that was amazing damage like
15276s there's so much potential here from
15278s seriously suspicious to just completely
15280s dumpster uh Odin's call here and it just
15283s didn't happen 52 points of the Shacks by
15285s itself probably can win this match at
15287s this point
15289s yeah the test for Odin's call is whether
15292s or not they could weather the early
15293s Storm from seriously suspicious their
15295s damage drone Focus
15297s high damage short range orientation to
15300s their comp if they could last past that
15302s initial push and start to you know clip
15305s some of that damage down it allows the
15307s control setup to really get comfortable
15310s that's what we're seeing here as pretty
15312s much all the damage from seriously
15314s suspicious is stopped they're trying to
15316s kill the Confessor but they're not even
15319s really making progress against it
15320s meanwhile they are losing ships at a
15322s regular consistent Pace this Scythe lead
15325s issue absolutely torn apart like it was
15327s made of paper
15329s yeah I think he went down in about four
15331s seconds there which is uh pretty dang
15334s fast
15334s um where these little Shacks are having
15336s absolutely no issue applying damage to
15339s everything Odin's call I believe you
15341s know they were talking that some of them
15342s aren't the same people as last year
15343s maybe they aren't the same team but uh
15346s as a team that went 5-2 in the 80 last
15348s year was a very very good team they're
15350s showing that they still have at least
15352s some level of magic as they are
15354s completely stopping the seriously
15355s suspicious team uh you know they're
15357s suspicious definitely brought an
15359s off-the-wall setup too so you never know
15360s how people are going to react to
15361s something like that but they're just
15362s dumpstering it this Osprey Navy she's
15364s taking Mass amounts of damage as well
15365s kind of boosting through it but you know
15367s it's not not long for this world
15370s you know and frankly the seriously
15371s suspicious team their comp was not bad
15374s they just had to execute one thing
15376s correctly which was
15378s basically kill one of those Shacks
15380s before they lost anything
15382s that didn't happen and the entire rest
15384s of the match ran away from them
15386s well in I think I feel like they maybe
15388s had a little bit of a chance there if
15390s they had uh possibly like like instead
15392s of wearing Fleet typhoons brought
15393s scorpions or something like that because
15396s uh imagine this setup
15399s picture it in your head where the fleet
15401s typhoons aren't garbage tank Shield
15404s ships that die in like 20 seconds to do
15407s the Shacks just putting that out there
15409s this might have worked with some
15410s scorpion Navy issues
15412s yeah perhaps uh I think the fleet
15415s typhoon probably went with it for the
15416s reduced points value but they kind of
15418s undercut that by bringing two of the
15420s same Hull
15421s I have
15422s I bet they're kicking themselves right
15424s now for not doing one Fleet typhoon and
15426s then maybe a tempest Fleet issue and
15427s then using that other point somewhere
15429s else
15430s I also think the hyena inclusion is a
15434s bit odd considering they already have
15435s the broadsword maybe something tankier
15437s to keep those webs on for longer would
15440s have been a better option maybe
15441s something that could bring a little more
15442s than just the web
15444s maybe bringing two laundry frigates
15445s instead of just one
15447s instead of a hyena perhaps that's a
15448s possibility too yeah there's some uh
15450s there's some serious uh glaring holes in
15452s the seriously suspicious setup but I
15455s don't know I think maybe they'll learn
15456s from this and be like hey we should
15458s bring better ships it's time yeah I mean
15460s the core idea was good uh we're now
15463s seeing their bifrost The Last Man
15464s Standing not standing for long in deep
15467s armor now hitting structure about to
15469s drop he does take down the Confessor so
15472s they didn't come away completely
15473s empty-handed but they have been wiped
15475s out by who this call as we throw this
15477s back to the desk
15483s thank you
15509s forever
15538s thank you
15540s foreign
15561s 's call answering the call there and
15563s taking one out over seriously suspicious
15566s uh shout out to Hodor there in the
15569s Confessor boundaring for Odin's call
15570s right at the end there he thought we
15572s didn't notice but we did I saw that you
15575s you went outside the arena for no reason
15577s speaking of doing things for no reason
15579s uh Jin tan bringing a single Logistics
15583s frigate uh question mark question mark
15586s exclamation mark
15588s yeah I mean I don't really have an
15591s answer for that one of the benefits of
15592s logistics frigates is that you can bring
15594s two of them uh if you're strapped for
15597s points you can you know it allows them
15599s to self-support and self-wrap one
15600s another
15601s if you're if you're that strapped for
15604s points bring a T1 Logistics trigger and
15606s a T2 Logistics forget you know it only
15608s costs six points it takes up one slot
15610s but then hey you've got points free to
15612s maybe uh provide something somewhere
15614s else in your composition
15617s I've got no answer for you on that one
15619s Ithaca sorry
15620s foreign
15621s yeah I mean it's an interesting one it
15623s just feels like there's there's very
15626s little reason to to bring one it's five
15628s points that
15629s isn't really going to do very much at
15631s this point you may as well bring either
15632s you know some other ship that's worth
15634s those five points that does damage or
15636s drop something else and bring a second
15637s one having One unsupported I must say
15641s when I saw that I was suspecting that
15644s maybe it was going to be something like
15645s a tenement scalpel and I was gonna
15647s expect a huge amount of Records coming
15649s up to support it which could be a viable
15651s strategy you know bait them onto that
15653s skull pools reduce signature Tandem and
15655s rep I'll keeping it up
15657s um but then Odin had the bigger rep
15659s valve and barely anything on that scalpa
15661s anyway so really weird strategy there
15665s yeah I mean we like to see Off the Wall
15667s strategies and crazy things sometimes uh
15669s when you're going up against a really
15671s well disciplined team you sometimes see
15673s them lose to some just complete cheese
15675s strategy because I mean you can't really
15678s practice against stuff that's that's
15680s kind of a little bit weird a little bit
15682s wild and occasionally it gets lucky uh
15685s unfortunately for seriously suspicious
15687s it was not to be today they are still
15689s one-on-one on the day uh due to the
15691s minions forfeiting that earlier match so
15693s not All Is Lost for them Odin's call
15694s that was their first match they go one
15696s and oh in the CBS Store bracket
15701s um quick shout out to everyone who's
15702s been creating and submitting the adverts
15704s that we've been broadcasting on the way
15707s back and forward to the desk
15709s um if you want to submit your own
15711s adverts to be broadcast during Alliance
15713s tournament 18 then the details are in
15715s the most recent online streaming blog I
15717s believe
15718s um in terms of what you need to do what
15720s the format has to be what the
15722s requirements of content are CCP zealous
15725s is just very kindly Linked In twitch
15727s chat the actual Forum itself to submit
15730s them I think the deadline off the top of
15732s my head is somewhere around November 5th
15734s for Alliance tournament 18 so if you
15737s want to advertise your Eve Corp your
15739s you've programmed whatever and make sure
15741s you do it there's been a couple of
15742s really good ones so far uh shout out of
15745s course to the fun and guys and kayakti
15747s uh all the mpsi groups that you can go
15749s on I think that's pretty cool they've
15751s got an advert in
15752s um so make sure to check them out as
15755s well
15756s right let's look forward
15758s um to our next match which is nine
15760s minutes away and we're going into the
15763s last couple of the day three more today
15764s we have whole control versus bright side
15766s of death
15768s um we've seen price of that already go
15769s up against Hall control this is another
15770s best of three
15772s um and bright side of death came out
15774s Victorious jintan uh I think you were
15777s casting that one
15779s um any any sort of uh things to to give
15783s advice to whole control what maybe they
15784s can do to try and pull a win out here
15788s um I'm gonna be honest with you I don't
15790s remember precisely what happened in
15791s their match but I will say the bright
15793s side of death a really really good
15794s execution comp
15797s um sorry a really good team for
15799s execution so they're gonna need whole
15801s control are gonna need to bring
15802s something that's going to challenge them
15804s probably on a comp level rather than an
15806s execution level uh
15808s given the bands here that we're looking
15810s at I'm not sure entirely what I bring
15812s but maybe something rushy something
15814s where if you get a nice pick early on
15815s you can snowball out of control rather
15818s than something where you're going to try
15819s and out execute like an armor control or
15822s a king Slayer or something along those
15823s lines
15825s yeah that's actually something I wanted
15827s to talk a little bit about is control
15829s and what we mean when we talk about that
15831s and that last match
15833s um we saw Odin's call have a pretty
15836s substantial control bar as some people
15839s would say is as wide as black pirate was
15841s earlier on in whiteboard mode
15845s um control Zoo what is control
15849s so well we can first go basically
15851s controllers you want to control what's
15853s happening in the game
15855s um control is normally some a really
15857s scary comp and really
15859s um for teams that are really good at
15861s execution because it allows you to kind
15864s of in a sense lose that you know rock
15866s paper scissors of the blind bands
15868s matchups turn on grids so you can
15870s actually show up on grid b in a sense in
15873s a worse matchup of arm control and
15875s actually being a good pretty good spot
15877s to quarterback if you've got the
15878s execution this is because normally the
15881s tools that control gives you so if
15883s control we're talking normally about the
15885s worst stuff
15886s um and it kind of can also be a bit
15888s grindy that's why we see the shack
15890s featured so when you talk about e-war
15891s you normally see something like
15893s blackbirds kitsunes uh Rooks I've also
15897s featured with this
15898s um so you start controlling what the
15900s enemy can shoot you dictate uh you know
15903s and that comes in with damps as well
15904s tracking disruptors so you pretty much
15907s it's two things you control all where
15910s the enemy can apply DPS so that also
15913s comes on your site you need to make sure
15914s that you're presenting the right target
15916s at the same time as well it doesn't help
15918s if you're jamming or damping and then
15920s you know something that is in range or
15922s is lockable should it is getting a shot
15925s at um sorry what I mean is you know
15926s doesn't help if you're dabbing and your
15928s Logistics is staying in range so you
15930s know then just to be aware of that
15932s um but then it's also the ability to
15933s just make sure whatever you're grabbing
15936s on you can just slowly grind it down and
15938s it's like anything you normally latch is
15940s in a way a guaranteed kill which is why
15942s we see it Le chat come into that where
15944s it just has that spool grinding grinding
15947s and grinding away and get that going
15949s um so in a nutshell control is just
15952s limiting what your opponent can shoot
15955s and being able to choose your Target to
15958s pick apart the enemy team
15961s and we usually see um control comps
15964s armor control is super popular obviously
15966s because the tank modules for armor go
15969s into the low slots and most uh offensive
15971s e-war and control modules go into the
15974s mid slots obviously there's some high
15975s slot ones like newt
15977s um but again lots of armor ships are
15979s very very strong with newts as well so
15981s we do see armor control really really
15983s often it's one of those
15985s um archetypes where the longer the match
15987s goes on the more powerful those control
15990s modules essentially become especially
15992s when it comes to things like uh engine
15994s neutralizers you know you're not going
15996s to be infinitely regenerating capacitor
15998s you're going to be burning through
15999s boosters if you have them your compass
16001s is going to get lower and lower and
16002s lower and eventually you might not be
16003s able to shoot or run your tank modules
16005s at all whereas you know at the start of
16007s the match when you've got full capacitor
16008s you're in a much better position
16010s in terms of the actual UI that we see on
16013s the screen now you might sometimes hear
16014s the casters referred to as fancy fancy
16016s UI that's the internal name it's known
16018s as and that's the bars across the bottom
16020s of your screen with the ship types the
16022s points and a couple of bits of
16023s information like speed and of course all
16025s the different effects being applied you
16028s know NG neutralizers webs uh tackle
16031s modules things like that you can see
16033s which modules being applied on what ship
16035s you also have the defense bar the attack
16037s bar and the control bar we've just spoke
16038s about control defense is essentially ehp
16041s and if you see a little purple bit in
16042s the end that's active reps so things
16044s like your ancillary armor repair as
16047s opposed to Pure HP and attack is DPS the
16051s number is in your fitting window added
16054s together across all your ships Whoever
16056s has the most has the biggest attack bar
16058s so that's what you're seeing when you're
16060s looking at it in the matches now um if
16063s we can bring those bands back up for
16065s whole control versus right side of death
16067s if you spend a bit of time talking about
16069s control whole control have control in
16071s their name but they're banning off one
16072s of the most popular control ships the
16074s balgorn
16076s um gen 10 I think you spoke a little bit
16077s about what you expect to see here what
16079s do you think they don't want to see
16082s uh well they don't want it what they
16084s seem to not want to see is I don't know
16087s it just seems like power bands it's not
16089s a consistent theme because they're
16090s banning something that's going to be
16092s really powerful close range and
16093s something that's going to be either a
16094s really powerful close range or further
16097s away in the Nighthawk you'd normally see
16099s a slept near band or something a little
16101s more geared towards
16102s um taking the metal rush off the table
16104s if you're worried about that uh
16106s personally I I tend to ban the low-key
16108s if I'm worried about rush because I find
16110s that the combination of hands and Ernest
16112s webs is is probably the most important
16114s part of it something really interesting
16116s though is the fact that no team has
16117s banned the EOS here so we might actually
16120s end up seeing a uh a drone kite mirror
16123s or potentially one of these two teams
16125s has found something that they believe is
16126s the counter to the Drone kite comp and
16129s they're going to bring that and hope
16130s that their opponents uh fall for the
16132s Trap and bring the EOS which has been
16134s left unbanned for the first time in
16135s quite a few matches I believe
16138s that would be super interesting we
16140s haven't seen any mirrors yet in the
16142s alliance tournament trials as far as I
16144s can remember there's been some comps
16146s with similar themes uh you know Russian
16148s punch each other the face comps coyote
16150s comps that we've not really seen any
16152s pure mirrors where both teams bring
16154s essentially almost the same ship lineup
16156s maybe just some difference in their in
16158s fittings I love seeing mirror matchups
16160s because at that point it can come down
16162s to execution Target calling and just who
16164s is the better team whereas sometimes you
16167s find that matches are one in the draft
16169s they're one in the Banning there's one
16170s in chip selection and ship fitting
16173s um we're almost ready to go to our next
16175s match uh whole control versus right side
16176s of death I see that twitch uh you guys
16179s are strongly favoring bright side of
16181s death uh 650 000 of you putting your
16184s Twitch points put on right side there so
16187s only 140 000 for hold control so very
16190s strongly uh people expecting Brightside
16192s death to go 2-0 in this series uh we'll
16196s find out in in just a moment as let's
16198s hand over to the arena for this match
16201s with your commentators fear and
16203s moderator
16210s welcome back to this next match of the
16212s alliance tournament theaters lady and
16213s gentlemen we see that whole control has
16217s choose to bring
16218s two Cruise fit and very fabulously pink
16223s um Golem
16225s ships and bright side of death has
16227s brought a
16228s claymore and a slept near and just a
16232s very fast support court here
16235s yeah it's Shield Rush with the Tempest
16238s Fleet issue added on top of it we'll see
16240s how that works uh the true minimatar
16243s Rush uh only having three caldari ships
16246s in the entire Shield comp uh it's
16248s interesting because we actually saw this
16249s exact dual Golem single scorpion Navy
16251s issue Tinker setup uh and I don't know
16255s if these are tinkered yet we'll see if
16256s there are cap transfers earlier in the
16258s day and it won but whole control I don't
16261s know if they've actually practiced with
16262s this comp yet we'll see because it is
16264s very difficult to execute these kinds of
16266s setups if you haven't tried them before
16268s believe me uh I know because this is
16271s actually something that we had prepped
16273s for last at until we got knocked out by
16275s bright side of death in the feeders
16277s we'll see if bright side of death are
16278s able to go up 2-0 in the series though
16280s as we're about to start right now
16283s yeah interestingly the Scorpion Navy
16285s issue is the loan
16287s um of that Battleship Corps that has
16289s gone with uh rapid Heavies instead of
16291s going Cruise like the Golems um Cruise
16294s Golems you know kind of make some sense
16296s the Golems are going to use their uh
16299s painter bonus to try to apply better and
16302s I would expect them to try to pick apart
16304s at the support core of the solder tri-2
16307s headshot one of the larger ships and
16309s they're choosing to go after the Stamper
16311s Fleet issue trying to get rid of that um
16313s fast tackle but immediately we can see
16316s that wanto is deciding he's going to
16318s burn far away he doesn't want any of
16320s that smoke uh meanwhile the psalm is
16323s going to be the primary as the slept
16325s near Tempest and Claymore all closed on
16327s top of them at zero and are going to be
16328s slamming into him with auto cannons at
16330s close range
16332s yeah interestingly this Vagabond also
16334s staying far back trying to protect this
16336s Osprey but now he's got the opening
16338s going back in this uh whole control team
16341s is very very tightly balled together and
16344s the answer onto the Scorpion Navy issue
16346s remember he's the lone rapid heavy ship
16348s out of the uh comp they'll have to deal
16350s with rapid heavy reloads but he is
16352s getting through the safe lead issue
16353s right now alongside those bonus paints
16355s from the cruise missile golems and he's
16358s in Hull now the Scythe leader issue
16359s about to go down does Griffin though has
16361s been caught out on the side uh by these
16363s drones nearly volleyed and both fall at
16365s the same time
16367s yeah the Scorpion Navy issue is just
16370s trying to survive as long as he can
16373s um only really having a burst for reps
16376s is not going to be sustainable at this I
16379s say the Bantam goes down at the same
16380s time so one of those pieces of frig
16382s lodging not quite as survivable as if he
16384s had a scimitar on top of him but I mean
16386s that's what you get when you bring
16387s triple Battleship you just don't have
16389s the points for um heavier laundry and
16391s now that one of those yeah frigates is
16393s going down the burst is going down
16395s vasama is in low armor and will be dying
16397s fairly soon and uh they need to kill
16399s more of the support core of B solder
16401s they're going to be in a world of hurt
16402s here
16404s yeah I don't think there's a whole lot
16406s left in the attack in fact these tankers
16408s set up uh as they were tankers we did
16409s see the cap transfers uh hitting
16412s um importantly uh as was mentioned in uh
16416s by the analyst uh by mystical might as a
16419s couple more ships die here is that if
16421s Tinker gets bumped out off of each other
16423s especially with these big heavy ships
16425s they're no longer able to tank as
16426s effectively more ships just dying left
16428s and right from hold control as this
16430s Golem is now into half Shields but look
16432s he's not able to rep significantly at
16435s the moment because bright side of death
16437s has actually been able to get these
16438s bumps off
16440s yeah and besided they've been having
16442s their um you know their lighter ships
16444s like the jackpot the stabber and the
16445s Vega Bond
16447s um have been just absolutely picking
16448s apart the the Bantam the bursts the
16450s Marlin the fleet vigil very well played
16452s uh on their part realizing that they can
16454s get more value out of their um low rent
16457s before choosing to a breakthrough
16459s um the core of um whole
16462s I'm sorry of um of hole control rather
16464s than just having it all go for the
16466s Golems while they focus their heavier
16468s ships on top of the Golem as karab does
16471s drop stavland will be the last major
16473s ship along with Pavel in the Claymore
16475s and it's been pretty one-sided for what
16477s you thought here
16479s um executing their Rush very very well
16481s against the Golem team that probably
16484s thought that they would have more time
16486s um to apply those cruises and maybe
16488s Whittle away at chips but
16491s um bright side of death just absolutely
16493s controlled the arena didn't allow that
16494s to happen and has been picking apart
16496s full control here
16499s yeah and this is why they were predicted
16501s to be one of the top teams going into
16502s the tournament they're very good at
16503s execution uh we saw them Place top eight
16505s in the last at we'll see if they're
16506s going to be able to make that happen
16507s again as they will move on to the
16510s playoffs for the feeders we'll see if
16512s they're gonna be able to move on at A.T
16513s but uh all that being said uh well
16516s played from Bright Side of death of
16518s course whole control being in a two-team
16520s group will still automatically be
16522s runner-up and we'll be playing in the
16524s playoffs next Saturday as well just as
16526s the second seed from the group and not
16528s their first seed
16531s yeah um faffy waffy critically no longer
16534s part of this right side of death team
16537s um we were wondering how good of a
16540s roster they would be kind of without him
16542s he's moved on to Darkseid who is
16544s qualified into the main tournament uh
16546s we're also wondering how well some of
16548s these um Russian teams would do after
16550s the um kind of implosion of vydra and
16554s with some of their members spreading
16556s across to the Four Winds and also with
16558s what's going on in Eastern Europe right
16560s now but um
16562s seems like uh bright side of ditch is
16564s not having too much trouble with that as
16565s they drop the Claymore of Pavel and the
16568s sky breaker
16569s um of Crystal trying to burn towards the
16572s edge of the Arena here as bright side of
16574s death takes a commanding Victory as
16576s Crystal Burns and boundaries
16580s we're gonna send it back to the dust to
16581s break that one down and bring us into uh
16585s the next match which will be Alexis
16587s Matari vs kitchen sinkhole we'll be
16589s right back after this
16614s thank you
16632s foreign
16636s foreign
16656s death they're shining brightly as they
16659s take out whole control in what seemed to
16662s be a pretty commanding Victory they are
16665s in our 2-0 on the day looking strong uh
16669s as uh as fear mentioned during that
16671s match uh one of the favorites
16672s potentially to do quite well and get
16674s through into the uh into the main
16676s tournament there was a couple of
16677s questions raised about losing one of
16679s their key members on one of their key 3D
16681s Crafters but it goes to show that
16684s um not just one person can make a team
16686s you know one person can certainly have a
16688s huge influence on a team uh jintan I'm
16690s sure you've seen some of that in the
16692s teams that you've been with uh Fox
16694s holders uh I believe you're obviously we
16696s said this a few times but you've been
16697s leading a lot of the practices uh I
16699s think it'd be safe to say you know if
16701s someone like yourself wasn't in that
16702s team then they would maybe you know
16704s struggling a bit more than perhaps they
16705s they might would have been you know
16707s having one linchpin anchor person or
16710s personality can really make a huge
16712s difference so very pretty nice to see
16713s that besides are still doing well even
16716s though you have lost one of their
16718s historic members uh jintan what did you
16721s make of that match though is there
16722s anything whole control could have done
16724s differently do you think
16725s uh Brother Bear comp
16728s um
16730s in terms of actual execution there's not
16733s a huge amount you can do with a tanker
16734s you are very much a pseudo thinker we
16737s shouldn't really call it a tinker there
16738s is no Tinker Logistics involved in there
16741s um it's just trying to project a lot of
16743s DPS out onto the field and go from there
16746s uh yeah you are match-up fishing really
16749s hard when you bring a tinker you're
16750s hoping your opponents bring some sort of
16752s control uh control or kite setup ideally
16756s a control setup that doesn't have newts
16758s or a kite setup that doesn't have the
16760s option to go aggressive and they just
16762s weren't able to do they they weren't
16763s able to find that you know maybe it
16765s would have done well against the Drone
16767s setup I can imagine that being the case
16769s all you'd need is a couple of smart
16770s bombs on the golems and uh some you know
16773s and the ability to project onto their
16775s Logistics and you could have won via
16777s that that might have been their their uh
16779s train of thought but unfortunately uh
16782s bright side of death they saw through
16784s the ruse they believed in themselves and
16786s they brought a simple execution comp
16787s rather than the powerful comp that
16789s everyone else seems to fear and because
16791s of that they were able to pull out a
16792s very simple Victory there
16795s yeah and uh and Zoo
16798s um what do you make of burst Bantam like
16801s it's only two points it's two Logistics
16803s fragrance tech one Logistics fragrance
16805s not even Tech Two
16807s um and you're bringing them with some
16809s pretty heavy ships like the Golems uh
16811s and the Navy Scorpion and the Claymore
16813s are they really gonna have the rep power
16815s to to keep these ships alive do you
16817s think I mean obviously not we've we can
16819s answer that question factually uh but do
16821s you think that's something that they
16822s could have done differently with those
16823s ships
16825s I don't think there's too much that
16827s could have done different
16828s um what we also saw happening there that
16829s was picking the frequency apart was
16831s there was uh looks like bright side
16833s broad uh light drones uh DPS drones to
16836s supplement their Rush teams normally
16837s might have EC drones or Logistics drones
16841s um and Bryce titles had a jack draw so a
16843s combination of those two allowed them to
16845s put a lot of like sideline pressure on
16847s those frequency in a sense forget them
16849s and focus on their main target but what
16851s someone like hold control might have
16853s been hoping for with these things um is
16857s supplementing your reps what you're kind
16859s of hoping for is sense of like a
16860s Breaking Point
16861s um you're hoping that the friglogy even
16864s though it's just T1 can give you just
16866s that edge to remain
16868s um above that your kind of breaking
16870s point on your self rep for your
16871s battleships so the battleships can
16873s hopefully start getting off enough EPS
16875s you know so
16876s um hopefully the frequency then survives
16878s are relying on their small sick radius
16880s and
16881s um Melody and all of that uh just put up
16884s enough rep power to make sure the
16885s battleships just stay just just staying
16887s in there and then hopefully the
16889s battleships would have gotten rid of
16890s some of the DPS you know that was
16892s rushing them but obviously that's not
16894s the case here um
16897s you mostly due to a lot of DBS coming in
16900s um not enough DPS going out and the
16903s potential for the split DBS from bright
16905s side and quite an effective folder I'd
16906s say as well I'm not completely tunneling
16909s on their primary target understanding
16911s like cool this fruit Lodge you aren't
16912s going to do it much but they might just
16915s buy enough time so let's do what we can
16917s about them so if everything that can
16919s perfectly apply to them perfectly right
16921s and they decided that was deductible and
16923s they're like drunk
16925s yeah well
16927s it wasn't to be unfortunately for them
16929s those two points uh were just not enough
16932s to keep uh the hopes of Hull control
16935s alive and well against the bright side
16937s of death
16938s um they are now owned two
16941s um so it's gonna be a tough climb for
16943s them uh to try and make it through into
16945s the consolidation bracket they still
16947s have some more matches to play tomorrow
16948s so we'll see if uh if they can carry a
16951s couple of wins there and perhaps take it
16953s to the tie break uh that will certainly
16955s be very very interesting uh now speaking
16959s of interesting our last two matches of
16961s the day are going to be uh featuring our
16964s Minotaur uh role play corpse once again
16966s Alexis material they're not playing each
16968s other yet uh that would be super
16970s interesting and they are playing
16971s respectively let's retire playing
16973s kitchen sinkhole and ushra Khan playing
16975s no vacancies both of them
16978s um put into the good luck tier by a
16981s number of the casters not me uh in our
16984s tier list show and both of those teams
16987s doing relatively well
16989s Gentile I think from what I remember
16991s Alex matai looked maybe the more put
16994s together more uh more experienced team
16997s what do you think
16999s yeah I have to say I like this Matari
17001s looked really really good in that in
17002s that first match they must have been
17004s practicing that comp quite a lot uh I
17007s think it's gonna it's gonna come down to
17009s is that a comp that they've sat down and
17010s run you know 10 you know 15 times or is
17014s it just that their base skills are
17016s actually good you know a lot of times a
17019s team will narrow in on one style of comp
17021s or one specific comp exactly and just
17024s practice that over and over and over
17026s especially for a tournament like this
17027s and try and get really good with it and
17030s then they'll neglect to do other styles
17032s of com so it's gonna be a question of
17034s you know do they have an aggro comp in
17035s their back pocket do they have something
17037s else that they can bring and maybe
17039s surprise no vacancies with because no
17041s vacancies I haven't played yet today so
17044s they haven't shown anything uh sorry
17046s kitchen sinkhole have played today my
17047s bad I'm looking at the wrong match
17053s no they haven't played they haven't
17055s played sorry my bad
17057s um you're right the first time
17059s I was correct I just had the wrong teams
17061s but it's gonna be a question of uh can
17064s they bring something different and maybe
17065s surprise kitchen sinkhole
17067s um or are they gonna bring the same
17069s thing and maybe get counted that's
17070s always a possibility especially a
17072s tournament like this where you're trying
17075s to conserve a little bit of theory
17076s crafting as well because you want to
17078s prepare yourself well for the playoffs
17079s you don't want to show everything right
17081s now
17083s yeah Alex Cemetery also uh have uh RCA
17086s Elkin member of uh this Council of
17089s Stellar management Uh current sitting
17090s member
17092s um they are in the same uh tribe as
17094s total feeder Glory uh who have Mark
17097s resurrect his Wormhole candidate uh
17100s sorry one more CSM member sitting in the
17102s CSM everyone in csm17
17104s um it would be interesting if uh if
17106s those two fight off against each other
17107s perhaps the loser will resign their seat
17109s who knows uh that would be certainly uh
17112s very very interesting
17114s um I'm looking forward to I'm looking
17117s forward to tomorrow to be honest because
17118s today's match is well interesting uh are
17121s just like the group level matches all
17123s right so tomorrow is when we start to
17124s see teams basically starting to get
17126s eliminated uh or in positions to be
17129s eliminated from The Alliance tournament
17131s trials
17133s um you know no one has really secured
17134s themselves a spot yet and some teams are
17137s really looking a bit shaky whether or
17139s not they're going to make it through
17141s um but tomorrow is when we start to see
17143s those uh those chances you know firm up
17146s or or wash out completely
17150s and Lexus Matari and kitchen sinkhole
17153s see what these teams have decided they
17155s do not want to face
17157s so if we can pop them up on screen
17162s cool so Alexis Matari interesting sets
17164s of bands here Banning the curse and
17166s banning that Loki so as jintan mentioned
17169s a couple of times uh if you want to
17170s avoid that sort of ham Nighthawk Loki
17173s Rush then he thinks behind that Loki and
17175s those long range webs is the more
17177s powerful of those bands the curse also a
17179s very powerful e-war platform especially
17181s with scripted e-war the guide
17182s instructors are tracking disruptors and
17184s the energy neutralizers that you can
17186s slap on that bad boy can cause a lot of
17188s disruption uh kitchen sink Banning that
17190s zarmsad uh we've only seen that band
17192s once thus far it's a very very powerful
17194s single Target logistic ship not normally
17197s the most picked Logistics Cruiser
17200s um in any format really because it's
17203s inability to rapidly switch between
17205s targets and tournament environment but
17206s still very strong and of course that
17209s typhoon flea tissue sometimes known as
17212s the flun which it can be just vomiting
17215s out DPS and has those utility highs
17217s usually filled with heavy energy
17220s neutralizers at Zoo anything else really
17223s jumping out of you here from these bands
17227s well I'm loving to see the curse in some
17229s capacity Chris is one of my favorite
17231s ships but it's always a good band um
17232s because it's kind of like a cheap
17236s um self like bring all kind of armor
17239s control all you want in a sense it's got
17241s the drones it's got you know the e-war
17242s it's got newts um oh like that's awesome
17245s uh but those arms also kind of you could
17247s say another thing that falls into the
17248s armor control style that we've said
17250s before
17251s um thriving in an area where if you're
17254s controlling what the enemy team can
17255s shoot and his arm ramping up you know
17257s being able to uh rep just one shift
17259s stronger and stronger stronger
17261s um if you're limiting the enemy's
17263s ability to switch targets
17265s um you know that's uh that's where his
17267s arm can Thrive there
17269s um stuff isn't really jumping out I
17270s think Jin Tan's mentioned quite before
17272s Halal Loki uh is normally a sign that
17274s you might be scared of something like a
17276s rush
17277s um so I'm wondering if we're also going
17280s to see more frequency
17282s um coming in from sorry I forget teams
17284s now here if I just go back uh from uh
17287s electus
17288s um because a curse with its small nudes
17291s can be quite effective which is
17292s absolutely ruining for watch these days
17294s with those cycle time bonuses and being
17297s able to spread them all around but I
17299s sometimes feel like Shield might suffer
17301s a bit more from nudes as well you
17303s genuinely want to keep that hiding
17305s potential you have
17306s um getting your microwave drive shut
17307s down is a tense amount of death at that
17310s point so I want to say that Alexis might
17313s be trying to go for a more Shield uh
17315s kite style here
17318s all right well uh let's find that
17320s however right you are zoo or if you're
17322s wildly wrong uh we'll know in just a
17324s moment as we hand over to the arena to
17326s see this match between Alexis Matari and
17329s kitchen sinkhole with your casters Alec
17331s and Blackboard pirate
17333s foreign
17343s matchup these teams starting very far
17345s away from each other Alexis macharia has
17348s a pair of EOS a hugin a murmidon Ishtar
17351s vexer Navy athalia Deacon vexer and
17354s skybreaker very drone heavy comp
17357s Blackboard what do we have from Kitchen
17359s sinkhole
17361s and kitchen sinkhole is uh done
17362s something a little bit interesting here
17364s they are actually running Auto Cannon
17366s hurricane Fleet issues and slip ner but
17369s they did work in at 50 so very very far
17372s away uh but with a lot of very close
17374s range damage uh also they have a hugin
17377s you got a kitsun they got a carius they
17378s have a pretty solid e-ore and control
17380s setup and they're rounding off that low
17382s end with jack off like catcher
17384s stabbers it's an interesting hybrid of a
17386s pretty rush and an e-war control
17390s indeed and they you know I I really
17392s actually like their setup because
17393s they've got some good close range damage
17394s they've got some good anti-tackle though
17397s it does look like the flycatcher and the
17399s jacked off are uh well the fly catchers
17402s rocket and the jackdaws lightness so
17403s there's kind of a little bit of a
17405s yeah I don't know maybe a mix of
17406s opinions here long range short range
17408s e-war who knows
17411s yeah unfortunately it gets the Drone
17413s comp all of that control is not going to
17414s help them a ton uh doesn't matter if the
17417s Drone ships are webbed far off damps
17419s will be helpful but I don't have enough
17421s damps for the whole team and the jams
17423s are going to be effectively meaningless
17425s so I actually think Lexus Matari may
17427s have the edge in this rock paper scissor
17429s War but it will all come down to the
17431s execution here they need to be putting
17433s the drones on the right target they need
17435s to get that Target tackled down so the
17437s drones can apply
17439s you know that is true uh however to help
17442s them get that Target tackled down Alexis
17444s montari also has a hugin uh the question
17446s is is Kitchen sinkhole going to be able
17448s to prevent said hugin from doing any
17450s tackling I think they do have a decent
17452s Eeyore setup so like you said this is
17455s what would be your solution
17458s would you would you if you were kitchen
17460s sinkhole would you try to e-war the
17462s hugin and count on your Kitsune and
17465s Carries to keep it isolated or would you
17466s try to primary it
17469s you know I think in this case like I
17471s would damp the heck out of that hugin
17472s and then maybe ignore it but uh you know
17474s we're gonna see I'm a little something
17476s that we we actually haven't seen in
17477s eos-based drone setup yet and I'm kind
17479s of curious to see if lectus Matari has
17481s filled all of the mid slots on that with
17483s amps of their own which we're going to
17485s find out in about five seconds here
17487s yep links are up the teams are raring to
17490s go and we're off
17493s gigantic heavy drone cloud is already
17496s out so we're not seeing any sentries uh
17498s we'll take a little bit for this damage
17499s to apply uh it looks like long range
17501s webs are already on the vexer and uh
17503s kitchen sinkhole is has their hugin and
17506s their carries and their Scimitar Dam so
17508s it does look like Alexis Matari has fit
17510s quite a lot of sensor damps on a variety
17512s of their ships here
17514s yep and we can see like this Atari
17517s Fanning out now meanwhile kitchen
17519s sinkhole driving desperately in a
17521s straight line to catch anything their
17522s flag catcher has zoomed out very far
17525s ahead of the rest of them and oh that's
17527s a pop
17529s well you know the fly catcher actually
17531s just dropped a stasis webifier bubble on
17534s top of all the drones so that's kind of
17535s an interesting tactic there uh
17536s unfortunately by doing so it has also
17538s stasis webified itself and all of those
17540s heavy drones are doing Mass amounts of
17542s damage to the fly catcher it does look
17543s like the sky breaker is going to drop
17545s first uh and then the vector Navy's
17547s taking a decent amount of damage and
17549s actually this fly catcher almost is
17550s holding but I think it is eventually
17552s going to drop here very interesting use
17554s of web bubbles right there
17555s that's Simi is doing a lot of work
17557s buying time on this fly catcher I think
17559s he will die but the vexer may go first
17563s uh
17566s um it is actually keeping it alive but
17568s all the drones did swap over to the
17569s Scimitar uh who is not moving but is
17572s also not tackled I believe they damped
17573s the Scimitar down it flew in to get on
17575s the Fly Catcher And then Alexis Matari
17577s switched all of their drones over
17578s towards it uh is boosting for its life
17580s and the vector Navy issue drops down
17581s here so kitchen sinkhole is actually
17582s doing a really really good job versus
17584s drone setup
17586s yeah the semi surrounded by a cloud of
17588s hostile drones no wrap drones on their
17590s side so as soon as since his ancillary
17592s Shield booster charges run out he will
17594s drop very rapidly but it looks like
17596s they're gonna go for a lodgy trade here
17598s they know that's about to happen so
17600s they've taken out the Thalia now it
17602s seems like they're splitting damage
17603s across the hugin and the Deacon the
17605s hugin not the greatest armor tank in the
17607s world
17608s oh and that's their semi Okay so
17612s this match is evolving in a very
17614s interesting Direction I think kitchen
17615s sinkhole has the edge of the snowball
17618s here but things are far from certain now
17619s that their lodgy is down
17622s well and we're gonna we're gonna see if
17623s electus mataria has actually practiced
17625s drones it does look like they have as
17626s all of their drone uh ships are
17628s starbursting towards beacons this is a
17630s classic tactic whenever you are flying
17632s drone ships is to get away from
17633s everything because the drones don't your
17635s ship does not need to be near the drone
17636s target uh the hugin is tackled and will
17638s drop but none of the other Alexa Atari
17640s ships are down so now the drones are
17642s going to be flying around while kitchen
17644s sinkle has to chase after their targets
17646s uh very very interesting setup here this
17648s match could definitely go either way
17649s still at this point
17652s yeah I think the challenge now for
17654s Alexis metaria is they're not going to
17655s be able to slow down any of these ships
17657s you can see the kitchen sinkhole Fleet
17659s microworp driving away kind of dragging
17661s that cloud of drones behind them the
17663s drones not able to do their theoretical
17666s full damage because they have to speed
17668s up catch up fire every time
17670s it's enabling this hurricane Fleet issue
17672s to stay alive a lot longer than you'd
17674s think although he is running out of
17676s shield and running out of Runway
17679s quick
17684s yeah he just uh he just turned and maybe
17686s he's gonna survive uh he's kiting the
17688s drones extremely well here
17690s um very very good play on kitchen
17692s sinkhole they've definitely playing a
17694s fought Up Against drones before and they
17696s have the vexer of Lord and mega tackle
17698s up getting that's gonna be the next
17699s Target and yeah this hurricane Fleet
17700s issue is living to win just kiting
17702s drones extremely well
17704s has his armor is dropping but these
17706s these drones are just so slow I wonder
17708s if by putting so much e-war in their mid
17711s slots they forgot to put the Drone nav
17713s computers to allow those drones to get
17715s onto Target
17717s Ah that's very possible and it's
17719s actually kind of surprising how well
17721s they're kiting here I think that you
17723s know Alexis of Atari maybe needs to look
17724s into swapping to a different Target but
17726s you know somehow they're playing almost
17727s no damage uh a lot of this is the Drone
17730s choice too there's a lot of Navy
17731s Predators out which are quite slow I
17733s think that maybe if they had Berserkers
17734s or something they could do more damage
17735s but peroath is still living to win here
17737s uh very very low armor but you know the
17740s EOS of uh Athen is tackled and probably
17742s gonna go down maybe even before parole
17745s and the most concerning thing is you
17747s mentioned swapping to another Target
17748s that's the best Target they've got the
17751s hurricane Fleet issues are by far the
17754s best option for these for this drone
17755s Cloud to park itself on and it's still
17757s kiting them out
17760s yeah at this point uh yeah parole's just
17764s flying Burl it's actually going to
17765s outlive the EOS as well uh layer of the
17768s match right here EOS going down verol is
17770s still alive with this massive drone
17772s cloud and kitchen sinkhole is uh just
17774s handling Alexis Makari who's massively
17777s over committed like they're tunnel
17778s visioning on this poor hurricane Fleet
17779s issue
17781s now they have no tackle to really pin
17783s down anything else this is I've this is
17787s a runaway and it's all thanks to the
17789s piloting that Hurricane's lead issue
17792s yeah and uh they're swapping over to the
17794s Ishtar now who is tackled down uh three
17797s drone ships left not really that much
17800s damage I I don't think that Alexis
17802s batari has any chance here uh this star
17805s is just gonna drop so quickly and we're
17806s not seeing any drone damage to fly to
17807s anybody on kitchen sinkhole yet
17811s we're seeing a lot of uh hate on drone
17813s comps in the twitch chat it's not that
17814s they're bad they they are quite good but
17816s you need to pair them with a little bit
17818s of tackle that was a glaring Gap in the
17821s electus Matari comp here it just didn't
17824s have it and the very little bit of
17826s tackle they did have got taken out way
17828s too easily rather than invest so many
17830s points in a fragile hugin it might have
17832s been better off Distributing those
17834s points than to several tanky frigates
17837s no I mean it might have even been better
17838s off just having like your EOS be a
17841s tackle or something but uh you know and
17842s I thought that for a while Alexis
17844s actually had this because that Scimitar
17846s um did not the cemetery lived way longer
17849s than it should have like it was sitting
17851s at zero on top of their uh lie catcher
17853s and had a ton of drones on it the
17855s Scimitar just tanked which was very
17857s surprising uh I'm not sure if Alexis had
17859s the drones on the wrong target or maybe
17860s they just messed up but you know there's
17862s definitely a little bit of tunnel
17864s visioning here and we're kind of seeing
17865s I mean we're seeing the result of that
17867s right now
17870s yeah no no viable options I'm I've got
17873s to assume that the ease and the mermaid
17875s and neither of them has a scram or web
17877s if they did they would probably be
17878s trying to go in and apply it on
17880s literally anything at this point
17883s uh but they are so far behind in both
17885s the DPS and e-war race I would be
17888s shocked if they could even Target
17889s anything with both the carries and the
17891s katsune still alive
17892s those drones are probably running on
17894s autopilot
17897s yeah it looks like they're uh they might
17899s get uh kidris flycatcher down which has
17901s been uh surviving in like 30 structure
17903s for the last you know five minutes or so
17905s uh
17906s maybe I did see another web bubble and
17909s some kiting away but yeah this is just
17911s uh I just again totally handled kitchen
17913s sinkholes definitely practiced Against
17915s drones they were ready to fight drones
17916s and they're doing a fantastic job
17918s against them
17920s yeah it was probably one of the best
17921s defensive flying we've seen against the
17924s Drone comp in any tournament setting in
17926s a very long time just absolutely
17928s fabulous I think there's nothing in the
17930s kitchen sinkhole comp that suggests you
17933s know they had some kind of uh rock paper
17936s scissor type advantage over this drone
17938s comp this was purely down to Target
17940s selection and personal piloting
17944s yeah they did a they did just pop that
17946s kitsun uh kind of out of nowhere I think
17948s that was probably the only target
17950s um but you know that's that's way too
17952s late here the murmidon is now tackled
17954s down and they're gonna like slowly
17957s slowly wipe this one out uh they left
17959s the mermaid on for last probably the
17960s least dangerous ship here and you know
17962s again huge shout out to parole I think
17964s probably some of the best piloting we've
17966s seen today more or less single-handedly
17968s wasting Alexis matari's DPS for like
17971s three minutes straight which was a again
17973s very very good play
17977s unfortunately the EOS for electives
17979s Atari not long for this world pixie
17982s Warrior is about to drop now the EOS
17985s does have a very beefy tank one of the
17987s tankiest especially in terms of active
17990s tank if all the command chips so we'll
17992s take them a little bit to grind him down
17993s but I think it's a foregone conclusion
17996s uh his drones just do not have the DPS
17998s now he's in structure it's dissipating
18001s very rapidly and kitchen sinkhole is
18004s about to claim a very spectacular
18006s Victory as we throw it back to the
18008s analyst desk
18021s thank you
18029s something stupid I think it's called
18031s it's Alton like uh F4 I think just going
18035s in
18037s so what's gonna happen here is Derek is
18039s going to undock the Titan and Bridge us
18045s foreign
18058s there are a lot of fun dice games but
18060s rolling the number you need to win is
18062s pure luck or is it
18074s welcome back ladies and gentlemen as
18077s Alexa Matari dropped that match to
18079s Kitchen sinkhole
18080s in what is considered clearly a bit of
18083s an upset uh not just on uh what we saw
18086s in the field but also to you you're in
18088s twitchland uh 428 of you put 600 000 of
18093s your channel points on Alexa Matari and
18096s you lost all of them meanwhile 240 of
18098s you choosing to bet 200 000 on uh
18101s kitchen sinkhole you get to be smug you
18104s are the winners in that particular one
18105s uh you can of course redeem those for uh
18107s some pretty cool skins uh there's a bot
18109s that's doing it
18111s um it sometimes gets overwhelmed not
18113s used to having so many people trying to
18114s talk to any one time so be patient but
18117s you will get some pretty cool skins for
18119s 10 000 points jintan uh exact quote from
18123s you during that match in our production
18125s chat uh quote I think em have this end
18129s quote what did you see at that
18131s particular moment that made you think
18133s that and what changed
18136s uh yeah so this was a point in the match
18138s where um Alexis Matari had yet to lose
18141s any major DPS ship so they still had
18144s um all four of their major drone DPS
18146s things in play and
18149s um their opponents had lost their
18151s Logistics at that point in theory you
18153s should be able to go to all your beacons
18155s and there is so much ground that a rush
18157s team uh like kitchen sinkhole have has
18160s to cover before they can apply their DPS
18163s whereas Alexis Matari can just sit and
18166s apply their DPS from pretty much any
18168s range that I think I thought that they
18170s should have been able to win it from
18172s that point unfortunately the range
18175s control of the hugin and um uh got
18178s caught at that point uh just as I said
18180s it unfortunately sorry Arthur give you
18182s the uh gave you the old curse there
18185s um and from that point kitchen sinkhole
18187s were actually really able to execute
18189s really well you've got to give props to
18191s their tackle to be perfectly honest uh
18193s they did really well on not all ganging
18195s on one target but spreading around
18197s making sure they'd caught as many ships
18200s as possible communicating the handoffs
18202s well you actually saw a couple of times
18204s a fast ship would go in grab one thing
18206s uh a slower companion like the fly
18209s catcher would come in grab grab hold of
18211s it afterwards and then that fast chip
18212s would move off and grab another ship
18214s those sort of handoffs uh and making
18217s sure that you don't have the opportunity
18219s to press activation on a jump break-in
18222s or mwd off another couple of cycles and
18225s just give yourself that little bit more
18226s time is so so crucial when you're flying
18228s a rush comp like that that's going to
18230s need to get pretty much within docking
18232s range of your opponents to uh properly
18234s kill them
18236s you know sometimes something we see with
18238s drone comps when they go up against a
18240s team like this is that as soon as one
18243s person's attacking them will just
18244s scatter in every direction uh go set on
18246s beacons get ready to jump around make it
18249s so that sure Rush comp may have more DPS
18251s it may have more control it may be able
18253s to lock people down but it is going to
18255s have to finish some someone off pack up
18258s all their belongings get in the car
18259s drive across the arena and get ready to
18261s set up again and kill the next person
18263s and of course the whole time uh your
18266s drones are just doing what they have
18267s been programmed to do which is just
18269s wreck nerds uh Zoo is there anything
18272s else you think that Alex Cemetery could
18275s have done here we saw some interesting
18276s plays from um the kitchen sinkhole team
18279s with specifically the wobble coming out
18282s um but yeah let's retire could they
18284s really have done much more or do you
18285s think Jin tan kind of covered it
18287s well I think he covered it but another
18290s good point he uh touched on to was the
18293s hugin
18294s um hugin might have been a bit of a
18296s wasted points there so it's a Recon a T2
18299s uh electronic warfare Cruiser pretty
18301s much
18302s um you could say normally that role or
18305s that slot even with those specific
18307s points and allocation is a lot better
18309s support operator spent on something like
18311s a curse or a rook a falcon
18315s um I'm not too sure if we're going to be
18316s seeing arousers in the Jesus yet who
18318s knows maybe someone's going to do
18319s something Jackie
18321s um that's normally where though that
18323s role actually shines normally when
18324s you're looking at webs and paints um the
18327s hyena is so much better more efficient
18329s more mobile you can even look at 10mn
18332s options uh which our production has
18333s mentioned in our chat as well uh becomes
18335s extremely survivable and it can do
18338s pretty much everything especially when
18339s you're going for an armor a hyena
18341s possibly you know you have you can go
18342s like double whip paint or you know two
18345s paints a web so you're not actually
18347s lacking anything that I you can kind of
18350s brought so I think that's the biggest
18351s thing maybe a bit more optimization on
18353s their comps
18354s um the other unfortunate thing is
18357s um so good job for kitchen sink on their
18359s piling uh but with drones they do we
18362s speak about obviously starbursting the
18364s potential that drone comps have to just
18366s scatter and make that it's a real drag
18368s to catch them all and you know a lot of
18371s time wasting travel between but it is a
18373s double-edged sword that drones
18375s unfortunately have to travel as well the
18378s disadvantage that drones have is
18380s um if you're in space and you have Tech
18382s overlay and you see lovely blue arrows
18384s or something we talk a lot about double
18386s clicking so if you're approaching
18387s someone and someone is going to your
18390s there you don't fly towards where they
18392s were you fly towards their where they're
18394s going to go you set an entice of course
18396s unfortunately drones come on do that so
18398s when someone's ready to go to filing as
18400s we saw a kitchen sink I can do like
18402s drones can really lag behind and never
18404s really catch up to a Target to apply
18406s especially if they're not the right
18408s drones they're not the fastest drones in
18409s their class as well so maybe some better
18412s optimization on their uh the webs and
18415s better optimization on their drone
18416s choices maybe but I will say kitchen
18418s sink did a good game as well
18421s yeah so definitely well done the kitchen
18423s sinkhole
18424s um going uh one up on uh Alexis Matari
18428s there let's retiring now a bit of
18429s pressure to pull out some wins tomorrow
18431s so we'll see them again as mentioned
18434s this is a group tournament at this point
18436s to get to the top of each of the tribes
18439s now this is an opportunity for isra can
18442s to take that top position in that tribe
18444s by going 2-0 as they go up against no
18446s vacancies let's take a look at the bands
18450s for this upcoming match and
18452s who or so what Israel can No Vacancy
18455s choosing to ban so usual can choosing to
18457s ban the bar guest and the Scorpion Navy
18459s issue uh big heavy DPS ships with decent
18463s amount of control especially that
18464s scorpion Navy and no vacancies Banning
18467s the typhoon free tissue and the balgorn
18470s uh nothing super unsurprising here
18473s jintan or there's something jump out at
18476s you
18477s I think the main thing that jumps out to
18479s me is ushra Khan Banning two rapid heavy
18481s missile ships um between the Scorpion
18483s Navy issue and the Bargas and then that
18485s combined with the Novak ban of the
18487s typhoon Fleet issue and again another
18488s ship that we typically see uh brought
18491s with rapid Heavies apart from that one
18493s instance of uh top typhoons
18496s um kind of makes me think that we're
18498s going to see a couple of Tech 2
18500s Logistics possibly even tech one
18502s Logistics Cruisers rather than the uh
18504s the logistics frigates that seem to have
18507s had much much more prevalence during the
18509s rest of this feeder because the natural
18511s predators of them have now been taken
18513s off the field
18516s yeah and um do any any further thoughts
18519s from you and those particular bands um I
18521s think uh gentan as before you can cover
18524s it pretty well
18525s um but I'm just waiting for teams to to
18526s land on the field right now so any any
18528s additional Thoughts From You There is a
18531s um I kind of picked up the same thing on
18532s the rapid column so that kind of forward
18534s heavy loaded DPS especially coming from
18536s those two ships
18538s um that would really Excel normally uh
18540s just blitzing off something in the
18542s cruiser category or something out of
18543s Cruiser category including uh Cruiser
18546s Logistics
18547s um which I don't think we've actually
18549s been seeing it too much people prefer to
18551s focus on the freak Logistics and they
18553s kind of just the uh durability it almost
18556s gives you um you know a kind of Duo
18559s tandem-ness of just increasing
18560s survivability
18562s um but who knows maybe we're going to
18563s see some more focus on Cruiser Logic on
18565s their side and they just felt that
18566s something that was already weak point of
18568s theirs and I just want to make sure that
18570s weak point isn't exploited
18573s awesome well uh let's not drone on any
18575s further and uh let's hand over it to the
18578s match and see if Israel can go 2-0 or if
18581s no vacancies I can take this W uh with
18585s your casters fear and moderator
18593s welcome back to the arena on the red
18595s side it is ushra Khan bringing an armor
18598s control with a key Vindicator and
18601s Tempest Fleet issue the Armageddon has
18602s lasers on it we'll see how it goes up
18604s against what do we have here for no
18605s vacancies moderator
18607s we have
18610s no laundry team where no vacancies has
18614s decided to bring either two or three of
18617s every well actually they have lodging
18618s excuse me I cannot read
18620s um double slept near double Fleet Scythe
18622s double stabber through the shoe and
18624s sniper going to make sure that no matter
18626s what they would not lose on tie break
18628s with the absurd amount of Minotaur ships
18631s um that No Vacancy side is all cannons
18635s um all day no artillery they're just
18637s going to try to get on top of things at
18639s zero all coming in at a 15
18642s um kilometer warp range interestingly a
18644s custom warp range uh indicating they've
18647s probably practiced with that specific
18648s setup once or twice before uh it would
18651s not surprise me if they immediately get
18653s on top of that Tempest Fleet issue in
18655s Vindicator and immediately chew through
18657s it
18659s yeah I mean we've seen the shield Rush
18661s versus Armor control matchup time and
18663s time again we'll see if utra Khan can
18665s actually pull ahead in this one remember
18666s it's a gun getting so they have a little
18668s bit more DPS out of that than you would
18669s normally see with one that just uh uses
18671s its drones the full nudes but at the
18673s same time you're not gonna have as much
18675s of a good time against these uh Scimitar
18677s and the other uh Shield ships here from
18680s no vacancies we're off to the start of
18683s the match though
18684s one second left we'll see who dives who
18688s if I'm the disciples I get on top of the
18690s deacon or the valley I kill those I send
18692s my shield
18694s um battle Cruisers and cruisers and kill
18696s one of the major
18698s um whole ships instead though they're
18699s gonna try to kill off the fight Fleet
18701s issue and the Snapper Fleet issue
18703s um trading out much better breaking uh
18705s deep paga and debt meanwhile josefin is
18708s just taking some Shield damage
18710s yeah it's like Felicia should just get
18712s melts as a cave and stab her fleet has
18715s some Ansel Chargers has I slept near to
18718s help him uh through this and in fact he
18721s is not melting to this DPS right now as
18722s these counterpart debt just died in the
18725s stabber Fleet as well the guitar role
18728s play corpse they started the day off
18729s strong we'll see if both end up one and
18731s one on the day though as this
18733s stabberfleet issue of zaphan starts
18735s going into armor
18738s is going to drop now going into armor
18740s but now 40 Winks of The Vindicator is
18743s going to be the primary and I'm liking
18745s uh where no vacancies is out a little
18747s bit more I would like if there's viples
18749s uh broke off and tried to kill you know
18751s the demon and the thalias I'd mentioned
18753s earlier uh probably more efficient than
18755s trying to just pound everything you know
18758s full face rush into The Vindicator but
18761s um they might win anyway
18763s um 40 Winks already down into Holland
18764s Sandra Min now down at the hull as well
18767s but I'm liking this trade much better
18769s even
18770s um with the amount of damage going into
18773s sendermen
18774s importantly though starcatcher and this
18777s Auburn again and actually The Sentinel
18778s of kale are neuting out the Scimitar so
18780s he's not able to actually give any sort
18781s of reps as he's trying to run away uh
18785s from this heavy new pressure this fibble
18787s of Alex is about to go down but first
18789s that Vindicator Falls now the only DPS
18791s left on the field that's actually in the
18793s middle of the brawl is this Tempest
18794s Fleet issue
18797s yeah and unfortunately you see a bunch
18800s of um Vespa EC 600s from what are
18804s probably
18805s um you know some of the core ships on
18807s the side of ashra Khan but um the
18810s Scimitar is just burning away he's
18812s getting well outside of the optimal
18814s range of those newts and without
18816s anything really to catch down the
18817s timetar he's going to be fine he's
18819s continuing to apply some reps we see
18821s those effects go out into Alex harico uh
18824s who's rep down up to uh full shield and
18827s just bouncing back if he takes damage
18828s but uh into Miner uh down into low armor
18832s and no vacancies running away with it
18836s yeah I mean the shield Rush setup once
18839s again into these armor control comps uh
18841s can be very potent because the armor
18843s control has to execute a much higher
18846s level than these Shield Rush setups have
18849s to they just need to get their targets
18850s right and they have taking out that
18852s Vindicator about to take out this
18854s Tempest Fleet issue as well and uh they
18856s don't even need to talk about these
18857s logic frags it's all over uh for this
18860s one and for the second time today team
18863s goes one and one so tomorrow is going to
18866s be big for them and it's out of their
18867s hands for both these memstar role play
18869s corpse as uh whether or not they make it
18873s in on tie breaks
18876s foreign yeah definitely going to be
18879s um
18880s very
18882s um influential with the amount of the
18884s Minotaur holes being the tie break
18886s format uh now is Harkin in the Thalia
18890s goes down
18892s um this will be the first match we've
18894s actually seen out of
18896s um no vacancies
18898s um thus far in this event so they still
18900s have one more to play to try to
18903s demonstrate you know their prouts in the
18905s bracket and you know
18907s essentially getting a near perfect
18909s Victory is a good way to start that as a
18911s star catcher will be the next primary
18913s for Novak
18916s yeah there's not a whole lot left uh to
18918s say about this one no vacancies just
18920s execute better uh Usher Khan I mean they
18923s tried to go for that Scimitar with this
18926s gun get in but the cemetery outran them
18928s eventually they weren't able to turn off
18929s this prop and uh unfortunately even
18933s taking the Scimitar out of the fight for
18934s as long as they did uh it just was not
18937s enough to turn the ties in their favor
18940s so we've been talking a lot about
18942s control setups and
18945s one of the kind of the tenets of the
18947s control setups is that in order to beat
18949s a rush that if what you need to do is
18951s you need to be able to pull apart
18955s um these Rush setups and prevent the
18957s rough setups from being able to really
18958s get a critical mass of you know a death
18961s ball on top of you that can break
18963s through your core and then try to you
18965s know just Whittle them out grind them
18966s out get those new Supply and pressure
18968s shut off hardeners and eventually take
18970s the match but that's not really
18972s something you can do when you warp your
18975s entire core at zero and you're all with
18977s 15 you know kilometers away from a rush
18980s comp that will instantly get on top of
18982s you uh before locks even resolve for
18986s either team and no vacancies was able to
18989s get on top of those battleships and once
18991s they did they secured your wish win
18993s condition
18996s yeah I mean uh we'll see uh what the
18999s dust thinks about this matchup but I do
19001s think uh this is just a another win for
19004s shield Rush maybe we see a repeat of uh
19007s last year with a dominant Shield Rush
19009s meta we'll see what the desk thinks
19010s though take it away guys
19024s apart
19069s foreign
19099s getting dunked upon there by an entire
19103s Minotaur uh to slept nears7 Tara two
19107s Fleet size two stopper Fleet and three
19109s is V pools so just relying on that
19113s tiebreaker there are no vacancies taking
19115s a solid solid win over extra pounds so
19118s both memitar role player teams going one
19119s and one today and that means that
19122s they're going to be fighting for their
19124s positions tomorrow as the alliance
19127s tournament 18 mimitar prayable trials
19130s will continue then that was the last
19133s match of the day uh thank you Imperium
19135s news I saw you rated us a little bit
19137s late uh not the first time you've been
19139s late to report on something but there we
19140s are
19142s um now we have to take one moment to
19145s thank the people that make this possible
19146s of course uh CSP zealous has been an
19148s absolute hero in the background making
19149s everything actually work and get
19151s together but he has got a whole team of
19153s people GMS and some CCP dares to help
19155s them out uh we've got a GM style or GM
19159s Maverick koi Ashi GM goat and czp Swift
19163s there uh they've been the ones uh doing
19165s the referee uh refereeing teleporting
19168s people around and pushing the buttons to
19169s make the game happen of course behind
19171s the scene here we have a discrete error
19174s who's been putting all the stuff up on
19175s the screen and generally tracking
19177s everything we have uh art J as our main
19180s streamer and apparently now myself as
19183s Deputy mainstreamer for when that goes
19185s wrong and of course all of our casters
19187s and commentators today uh Wingnut cross
19189s didn't Han do Jack CCP Swift for
19192s stepping in uh moderator firvana Alec
19196s and Blackboard pirate and of course not
19198s forgetting uh mystical Knight and
19200s zurijat Destroyer on the desk with me I
19204s have been Ithaca Hawk
19206s um thank you very much for watching we
19208s will see you tomorrow for more spaceship
19210s on spaceship violence stick around and
19212s enjoy the raid see you then
19238s thank you