over 1 year ago - EVE Online - Direct link

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10s for the November expansion we're adding
13s in brand new faction pirate destroyers
15s and faction Pirate Battle cruisers for
18s both the gas Pirates and for the angel
20s cartel the gas are getting the Mamba and
24s the alligator which combine the missile
26s Firepower of the corx and the Drake
28s which they're based on with guster's
30s drone Bas and shield resistance bonuses
33s for both High DPS and high durability
36s the angel cartel on the other hand are
38s getting the Mecha and the kisel both of
41s which feature High projectile DPS and
44s falloff bonuses while also having the
47s high Mobility players would expect from
49s the angel cartel with the warp speed
52s bonuses and having top speeds for their
54s class we decided to pick destroyers and
57s battle Cruisers this year because there
60s aren't any pirate destroyers and battle
61s Cruisers right now and we know players
64s have been asking for them also it felt
66s like a great time because last year we
68s added the Navy destroyers to the game as
71s well as extended the Navy battle cruiser
73s lineup and so it just felt like a great
76s time to do these ships the design and
78s balance of these ships were very
80s Heavenly inspired by the existing pirate
82s ships so for example the alligator which
85s is the gers battle cruiser is
87s essentially what happens when you take
89s the kadari Drake Co and the gers heal a
92s hole and just merge them together and
95s that's kind of the approach we went with
96s all four of them players looking to get
98s their hands on these brand new ships
100s will be able to do so by taking part in
103s the Insurgency content that's coming in
105s November you'll be able to choose to
108s align with either the angel cartel or
110s the Gru's pirates in doing so and
113s helping them spread the corruption and
114s Chaos across the battlefield and
116s capturing objectives for them you'll
118s earn lty points you can then spend those
121s loyalty points in their brand new
123s militia loyalty Point stores which will
125s have blueprint copies for the brand new
127s ships in addition to a whole host of
129s other Co offers for you in the Havoc
132s expansion we're adding destroyers and
134s battle cruisers for just the angel
135s cartel and the grus Pirates but in the
138s future we definitely want to add
139s destroyers and battle cruisers for the
141s seenus dous nation blood Raiders and the
145s other pirate factions what I think
147s players will enjoy the most about these
148s ships though is finally being able to
150s get a hold of them and fly them in the
152s game I'm really looking forward to
154s seeing what kind of creative setups you
156s can come up with them and where you use
158s them whether it's in factional Warfare
160s the abyss killing no SEC players or
163s maybe even adding these new ships to
165s your killboard if you're an
166s anti-pirate in the uprising expansion
169s and in the verden expansion the art team
171s did a great job extending and polishing
174s existing holes like the Navy comron and
176s the Navy Phoenix but this time the
179s models are are completely brand new and
181s I love seeing them and I can't wait for
184s you to experience them in the game as
186s well a number of years ago we had
188s introduced some concept art which
190s players had seen of an Angel Titan it
192s was a really cool concept um it was
195s actually the Angel's logo when viewed
197s from the top down turned into a ship
200s effectively uh and people really loved
202s this it was it was very cool it made a
204s big splash and boy have we been hearing
207s about that ever since um so it's about
211s time that we finally actually made this
213s thing a reality uh the concept was
215s Revisited by our art team and they came
217s out with something just truly fantastic
220s looking which is now known as the aeriel
223s which will be coming to you in November
225s so when we were looking at the angel
227s Titan design we had these older Concepts
231s that had been floating around for some
233s years looked at the base design there
235s and and saw there was something there to
237s work with we kind of took another pass
239s on those did did a few Concepts to
242s support that idea that was the original
245s design but modified it to to our kind of
249s current standards we also looking at the
251s angel ship design um as a whole kind of
255s where we want to take that CU we're
257s creating more than one ship we're
259s drawing inspiration from uh an animal
262s skulls insect armor plates and things
265s like that so when we kind of go through
267s that process of iterating on the designs
270s we do paintovers blockouts with 3D
273s finalize the design and then it's very
275s much an iterative process of of taking
277s you to the final piece yeah my part in
281s in all of this is working with the
283s artists finalizing the designs nudging
286s it a bit left and right if you will then
289s working with the 3D artists as the
292s project moves uh down into that part of
294s the pipeline then working with VFX
297s animation just guiding it in in the the
300s direction we want to take it yeah I'm
302s really happy with the updates on the
304s angel ships and and the Titan especially
306s people have been waiting for for a long
308s time and yeah some mean looking machines
311s coming your way when I first started
314s taking a look at the design of the
315s iserial I needed to figure out how to
317s merge the angel bonuses uh that are very
321s typical on Angel ships where they
324s tighten at first glance the angel
326s bonuses don't really seem like they
327s would apply well to a Titan uh angel
330s ships all have a warp speed bonus as
332s part of a default Rachel trait which you
334s can find on all Angel ships and Titans
338s being the largest of the capital ships
340s are not particularly known for moving
342s very much so what good is a warp speed
345s bonus uh and when I started looking at
347s this I tried to figure out are there
350s other ways that we could twist this
352s where we thematically have something
354s that is reminiscent of a warp speed
356s bonus but might be a little bit more
358s useful uh maybe something like jump
360s range or fuel conservation or something
363s along those lines and after a lot of
366s thought I wasn't really satisfied with
367s any of these answers and so uh when I
370s was putting together prototype I
372s actually just put the classic warp speed
374s bonus on the ship as I thought about it
376s some more it turns out that this warp
378s speed bonus actually works really well
380s for this kind of gameplay it reduces the
384s uh time for a Titan to get safe um which
386s gives them just a little bit more of an
388s edge uh this Hy dunking gameplay also
390s usually involves a Ragnarok in most
392s cases um largely because the Ragnarok
395s has some of the highest Alpha damage in
396s the game um the large artillery guns can
399s put out a large heap of damage in just a
401s single shot kills the Target and warps
404s away um with this Angel ship as well
407s Angels often use projectile guns we can
410s have the same sort of situation and so I
412s realized what I was designing was really
415s the peak hyper dunking Titan at this
418s point um
420s which I was like all right cool I can I
422s can roll with that uh the ultimate hyper
425s dunking Titan let's just lean into that
428s and I began to tune the stats around
430s that in particular uh when it came to
432s tuning the stats I was roughly aiming
434s for DPS that was just shy of the
436s vanquisher which is the highest DPS
438s Titan in the game so it's not quite the
440s highest damage but it has the highest
443s Alpha uh so in terms of immediate damage
446s applied to Target the aerial will be the
449s Pinnacle over the last couple years the
450s pirate Titans have had a pretty wide
452s range of build materials and ways in
454s which the blueprints are acquired and
456s how much those blueprints cost with the
458s introduction of the aerial adding yet
460s another pirate Titan we wanted to make
462s sure that we could simplify the field um
465s partly because it makes balancing for us
467s easier we can make sure that the Titans
469s are all comparative to one another
471s without having to worry so much about
472s their cost and partly to make sure that
475s the ships are actually reasonable for
477s you uh to to acquire in
480s build in so doing we've brought the
483s build materials down for all pirate
485s Titans to the equivalent of a te1 Titan
488s with this simplification of the build
489s materials it'll take you just as much
491s material to build a vanquisher as it
494s takes to build an arabis or to build a
496s kodo as it takes to build a leviathan or
500s in his aiel with the built materials
502s coming down we wanted to move some of
504s the cost of that pirate Titan premium
507s which we still want to keep around these
509s are
510s intended to be the the Pinnacle ships uh
513s in the game we wanted to move some of
515s that premium to uh the blueprint
518s acquisition cost so pirate Titan
522s blueprints have been pretty expensive
524s for a while as anyone who has attempted
527s to buy one knows um the only source for
530s many of the blueprints was coming from
532s Pirate shipyards uh for example the kodo
535s or the molok which are only available
537s from Gus or blood Raiders shipping yards
540s or for the vanquisher which was
542s available from the lp store for the
545s serpentis in the serpentes lp store the
547s vanquisher was a bit of an outlier again
550s all of its cost was in its build
552s materials whereas the lp store side was
555s relatively cheap uh comparatively
557s speaking to the other Titans um so we
561s needed to increase the base cost of the
564s lp required in order to purchase uh the
567s blueprint while simultaneously planning
570s to bring down the build materials having
572s that upfront premium on our side makes
574s it a little bit easier for us to adjust
576s the valuation of the chips without
578s having to make an adjustment to the
580s blueprint materials which is a little
582s bit more impactful uh every time we want
585s to adjust the position of the ships in
587s the ecosystem there's been a lot of
589s Desire from players to finally see an
591s angel Titan added to the game and we
594s knew this when we went into the project
596s and so we've put a lot of love into it
598s both from the design side and the art
600s side and we hope you'll love it too we
602s look forward to seeing them in
611s space