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0s foreign
4s can real-world behavioral relationships
6s between predator and prey be applied to
9s Eve online here to answer that please
12s welcome capsulear zakaidon Esther mayor
31s ah there it is
33s awesome
35s all right so I'm an evolutionary
37s biologist uh it's a lot of fun because I
41s get to wear lots of different hats some
44s applied aspects I look at the commercial
46s Turtle harvesting so in the state of
49s Maryland you can commercially Harvest
50s snapping turtles and so when I started
53s grad school
54s they didn't have any regulations I had
57s very few regulations in the turtle
58s Harvest so uh being the the state then
63s uh convenient working group so they got
65s scientists and Harvesters and advocacy
68s groups and they put them all into a room
70s and they said come up with some kind of
71s regulations that would make this Harvest
74s sustainable and then me being the bright
75s out grad student in the room they all
77s looked at me and said go collect data uh
80s so I did I went out with commercial
81s Turtle Harvesters they met all the
83s measured Turtles hundreds a day that
86s they usually collect and then it led to
88s some kind of uh regulations
91s uh some observational aspects I look at
94s the evolution of signaling traits these
96s are lizards that the males will defend
99s territories
101s and so if an intruder comes in
103s they'll square off with each other and
105s then do a whole bunch of push-ups and
107s they'll show off these bright blue
108s bellies and probably convey some kind of
111s information with uh fighting ability
113s they don't want to fight fighting is
115s dangerous it leads to injuries probably
117s death and that's not such a good thing
119s so they try to figure out who's going to
120s win before they actually get to fighting
122s but with these lizards they can see into
125s ultraviolet they can see things that
127s that we can't and so I wanted to see if
129s there's any components in the signals
131s that they convey that had UV or if UV
134s would be important at all and it turns
136s out it's it is pretty interesting
137s there's a lot of UV information that
139s they have in these patches that they
142s might use to evaluate fighting ability
146s and then my favorite part about being a
148s evolutionary ecologist is the
149s theoretical aspect not specifically
151s Predator prey Dynamics uh predatory
153s Dynamics goes all the way back to the
155s latko Volterra models where they modeled
157s population uh Cycles yeah Cycles based
161s on population size and they can be
164s cyclical they can reach an equilibrium
167s and it's a really really good starting
169s point for things it's also an alliance
172s is anybody here from latke Volterra
176s nobody
177s it's kind of an old one all right
180s um but what are the limitations with
182s population cycling is that it doesn't
185s convey everything with this particular
187s conflict conflict there's behaviors that
190s take place and we want to see what
192s behaviors might be the best
194s um uh to determine this conflict and
196s optimize some kind of payoff right so
199s Game Theory comes into this game theory
202s is basically a study of conflict it's uh
204s just three major components you have
206s players that can be one player or or
209s many players
211s there's strategies that these players
213s can take to try to optimize what we call
216s a payoff so what what is the thing that
218s they're trying to to do the best at
221s um one of the Classic Game Theory uh one
223s of the classic games out there is called
224s the prisoner's dilemma the idea here is
227s that you and your partner just got
229s arrested for robbing a bank and they
231s have you in a room by yourself and your
234s partner's in another room somewhere else
235s and uh they say well if you confess
238s we'll let you go and put everything on
240s your partner and so you can either stay
243s quiet and if your partner stays quiet
245s then you'll both get off probably
247s scot-free uh but if you stay quiet and
250s your partner confesses you go to jail
252s for a really long time so you have two
254s players you have different strategies
256s you can either cooperate or defect
258s or yeah
262s so I play this with my students in
265s evolution class and uh I give them cards
270s and then they pair off for about 10
272s rounds and they get to play either of
274s the two strategies and it's adorable
276s because the students usually start off
278s cooperating everybody's nice by Nature
281s as much as CCP doesn't want you to be
283s nice
284s but there's always that one student that
287s either kind of gets it or is just a
289s really mean person or wasn't listening
291s to my directions and played a random
293s strategy that starts off defecting and
296s then so they start accumulating a lot of
297s points and all the people who are
299s cooperating feel like suckers right
301s because this person just took all the
303s points and they got nothing for it so
305s about round five or six uh everybody
308s everybody is playing the the defecting
311s strategy the the selfish strategy
314s and so uh in 1977
317s there was a tournament that was held
319s that I wanted to try to figure out what
322s would the best if if somebody could
324s write code that could win prisoners
326s Dilemma to get the best uh payoff there
329s was about 14 submissions this was
331s written in Fortran and basic I think uh
334s they put those uh scripts into a giant
337s made-frame computer waited overnight
339s each strategy was played 200 times
342s against all the other strategies and
344s then there was another strategy that was
347s just a random it would select random uh
349s either defect or cooperate
351s and then they were surprised by the
353s winner the winner happened to be written
354s by by this guy and he uh he's a expert
359s in peace which is kind of weird because
361s it's a con studying conflict and
365s his they expected that the code would be
368s really really complex this was the same
370s time that uh they were writing code to
373s beat people in a big humans in chess and
377s they thought it would be hundreds or
378s thousands of lines of code it actually
380s just happened to be a few lines of code
382s and basically the strategy was start off
385s by cooperating and then anytime you meet
388s that player again you do whatever they
390s did to you so if they cooperated you
392s cooperate again if they defected then
394s you defect again and that happened to be
396s the best strategy and there were two
397s tournaments and it happened to be the
399s best in both of those it's called Tit
401s for Tat
402s right uh we see prisoners dilemma all
406s over the place we see in in climate
407s change uh so if you have a whole bunch
409s of countries that get together and
412s they'll say we want to reduce emissions
413s right there's maybe one country out
415s there that says if I don't reduce
417s emissions I stand to to gain
420s economically
421s um and then all the other countries that
423s have been doing it uh to say well I
424s don't want to be a sucker so then
425s everybody ends up not reducing
427s submissions
428s uh it's also in dating when you go on a
431s date for the first time you can be
433s completely honest with your date and say
435s everything about you
437s um but if your date holds a lot of their
439s stuff back then you kind of feel like a
441s sucker so everybody on their first date
442s tends to hold everything back
445s uh there's a really great example of
447s prisoners dilemma in World War II uh the
450s Japanese wanted to reinforce some areas
452s in New Guinea and they had two routes
455s that they could send their ships uh
457s through either a northern route which
458s was uh pretty stormy and cloudy
461s um and then a Southern route which
462s wasn't and the Allied Air Force knew
465s this the Allied Air Force wanted to
466s maximize the number of days that they
468s could use to bomb the Japanese Navy and
472s so they thought well what would the
473s Japanese do if they could take the
474s northern route that has lots of cloud
476s cover lots of storms that's that's going
479s to inhibit the ability to bomb these
480s ships then if they go to the southern
482s route where if we go north they're going
485s to have a great time but if we go south
488s then we'll have lots of days to bomb
491s them so the payoff is more risky in the
493s southern route so the Japanese ended up
495s going to Northern route and and the the
497s Allies predicted that
500s uh there's a variation of the prisoners
504s dilemma it's called the hawk Dove gave
506s this kind of incorporates some kind of
509s uh
510s uh more conflict so uh if you play a
513s hawk then you'll be more aggressive and
515s you'll steal resources from who you play
517s with if you play a dove you won't
520s um so you could play a risky one because
522s if you're a hawk and you get paired up
524s with a dove then you take all the Dove's
526s resources and nothing happens to you but
528s it's more risky in that if you end up
529s meeting another Hawk then uh you're
532s gonna both lose resources both be
534s injured and that's that's a problem
536s right so one of the questions I ask in
539s in my research is can Game Theory
542s predict animal behavior can we use Game
544s Theory to figure out why animals make
546s the decisions that they do one of the
549s central tenets in in foraging ecology is
552s trying to figure out how we can explain
554s how foragers distribute amongst habitats
557s right so if you have a bunch of foragers
559s and you have uh patches with resources
561s in them how are they going to distribute
563s amongst those resources and what you'd
565s predict is that the foragers would go to
567s Patches based on how many resources
569s there is so the forger density ratio the
572s number of foragers should match the
574s amount of resources availability
575s available this is called the ideal free
578s distribution and you can see this all
580s over the place too if you go to a pond
582s and you put two people on either end of
584s the pond and they start feeding bread
586s out into the pond at different rates
588s you'll see more geese go towards the
591s higher rate than the lower rate and yeah
593s that's the ideal free distribution
595s but another question is how can we get
597s non-perfect matching for these patches
599s one way to do that is to introduce
601s predation risk or if a cloaky Loki jumps
605s into your system you might see a bunch
607s of resource gathers miners move out into
610s other less risky type of patches
613s so we wanted to study this using Game
616s Theory where uh specifically where the
618s players would affect each other's
620s decisions your decision depends on what
622s your opponent is going to do
625s uh limitations so far is that typically
628s the research will fix one side or the
630s other so
632s um you'll fix the Predator's behavior
633s and see what the prey do or you'll fix
635s the the praise behavior and then see
637s what the Predator does but if you let
639s them play simultaneously you should see
642s that the prey will allocate towards
644s being safe in a refuge or going out and
646s foraging and getting energy and
648s converting that energy into babies
650s and then the Predators should manage the
653s praise fear this comes from something
655s called a waiting game the idea here is
658s that you have a predator that chases a
659s prey into a refuge that's when the
662s waiting game starts so the Predator
664s knows that the prey is in the Refuge it
666s has to decide how long it's going to
668s wait for the prey to come out or it can
671s decide to leave and it can go off try to
673s hunt some other prey and get the element
676s of surprise or something like that the
679s prey also has a waiting game it needs to
681s figure out I just got chased in there I
683s know there's a predator out there or at
685s least was so how long am I going to wait
688s in this Refuge where I'm safe but I need
691s to get out there and I need to start
692s foraging I need to get that energy to
694s make babies
695s right one way that was this was tested
698s empirically uh was by some folks in
700s Israel they had this enclosure had a
702s bunch of kiddie pools around uh inside
704s those kiddie pools were goldfish so in
707s the center there's a refuge uh they can
709s hide in the Refuge or they can go
710s outside where they can uh feed and then
713s they would let a little Egret go into
715s the enclosure and little Egret would go
717s from pond to Pond and try to eat
719s goldfish so we could see that time
720s allocation for the prey and also the the
722s managing of the the Predators
725s so with our game model uh that's just
728s think of those those two players
729s goldfish and a little Egret
732s um and so with our game we have two
734s patches uh and the first patch is broken
737s up into two parts where the prey can
739s move either from a refuge where it's
740s safe from predation uh but it can't
743s forage or it can move out into what we
745s call the open where it can forage but
747s it's exposed to predation risk
750s the Predator can move between the open
753s where it can hunt prey or it can move
756s into the environment the environment is
758s a fixed intake uh if you think of it
761s that way so uh or just a goldfish bowl
764s that we can control the number of
766s goldfish so it's something static
768s something that the gives the Predator a
771s choice to either hunt or go to this this
773s expected amount of food just lets us
776s wiggle something
777s so with uh two places that the prey can
780s go to and two places that the Predator
781s can go to uh there's four states but we
785s wanted to be more explicit about uh
786s information so uh when the praise and a
789s refuge just on its own time allocation
791s that's different than it went and when
793s it was chased in there so we added two
795s more states where the prey is in the
797s Refuge because it just got attacked by a
799s predator right and then the a predator
801s can be either in the environment or the
803s open
804s with six states we can create a
806s transition Matrix uh it looks something
808s like this so State R23 is just uh while
813s the Predator is in the open the prey
815s moves from The Refuge to the open so
817s that's the rate that the prey leaves the
820s Refuge
822s uh State R uh R sub 2 0 2 is the rate
827s that uh
830s uh from state zero to two that's the
833s rate that the Predator enters the open
835s right so while the the prey is in the
837s Refuge we had a couple of assumptions
839s that there's no moving simultaneously
842s there's a non-zero probability that they
845s would move at the same exact time but it
847s was so small we just considered it zero
849s we also assume that the Predator would
852s never leave the open when the prey was
854s in the open it would never come in Sea
856s pray and then just decide to leave we
858s didn't allow that
860s so with a transition Matrix we can then
862s calculate eigenvectors to figure out the
864s proportion of time spent in each of
866s those Six States so Pi sub 3 in this
869s case is just the amount of time of the
871s total time that they're playing uh where
874s both uh players are in the open
877s and then from the eigenvectors we can
880s use uh we can use a proportion of states
883s to uh
885s sorry we can use the eigenvectors to
887s determine Fitness functions and fitness
890s is just the way that we uh
893s think of the the payoff right so each
895s player is trying to maximize their own
896s Fitness
897s so the fitness function is this massive
900s beast but it's just broken up into
902s several parts so this this first element
904s is the intake that it gets from the open
906s uh this is a movement cost we found that
909s if you didn't have a movement cost the
912s prey would just act like an electron
913s field just be a probability field it
915s moved back and forth really really fast
918s um and then this is the probability of
919s survival
920s the prey Fitness function is very
922s similar you get the intake from the uh
923s the open you've got the intake from the
926s environments and then it also has a
928s movement cost
929s so with these Fitness functions we
932s utilized a tool called adaptive Dynamics
934s this assumes a monomorphic population so
938s every individual in this population
940s exhibits the same exact Behavior but if
943s a mutant shows up and let's say it has a
945s slightly better Fitness than everyone
947s else given enough time that population
950s should evolve to that particular
952s Behavior
954s so we can calculate or we can figure out
957s one particular Behavior so in this case
959s with The Predator
961s the rate that it goes to the open we can
964s use the fitness functions to calculate
965s the fitness if it was a slightly faster
967s Behavior or if it was a slightly slower
970s behavior and then that will give us a
972s fitness curve we can calculate the
975s tangent of that curve and if it's
976s positive then we'll slightly increase
979s the behavior in the Next Generation if
982s the tangent is negative will slightly
985s decrease the behavior in the Next
987s Generation
989s right and then so if you let them play
991s you'll see something like this we always
992s wanted them to go to some kind of
994s equilibrium that wasn't zero a rate of
996s zero and so you'll see uh them kind of
999s start to play uh quite a bit and then
1001s they reached an uh equilibrium
1004s so we asked a couple different questions
1006s how does our model stand up to previous
1009s models right these static Predator prey
1011s models we wanted to be on par with those
1015s um what happens if they play
1016s simultaneously that's the really really
1018s interesting question and then also
1020s what's the importance of information
1022s so we had four different models static
1024s prey static Predator uh we had a game
1027s where there was no information so the
1029s prey went into the Refuge and then
1030s didn't consider whether it was attacked
1033s by a predator or not and then the full
1035s game is where there is information and
1038s uh where they can play simultaneously
1041s and so with some of the results uh you
1044s get something like this uh there's lots
1047s and lots of interesting things go read
1049s the paper it's it's pretty fun but I'm
1052s going to talk about the the third column
1053s so this is with a high missed
1055s opportunity cost so think of this like a
1057s giant Fishbowl full of fish so the the
1060s Predator always has that option to go
1062s get a high payoff by going to that
1064s environment
1065s we also wiggled the uh lethality of the
1069s predator so when her Predator is really
1071s really bad at capturing prey it doesn't
1074s even bother right that's pretty
1075s intuitive that makes sense and so the
1078s the red part of the uh the third graph
1081s on the right is uh them not playing at
1084s all but as a predator gets better at
1086s capturing prey it spends a little bit
1088s more time uh in the open trying to hunt
1092s prey but it'll go in if the prey is not
1094s there it leaves immediately or if it
1095s goes in it'll attack the prey it won't
1097s wait at all because it has that high
1099s missed opportunity cost and this this
1102s was pretty interesting this is a
1103s hypothesis I thought a lot about it like
1106s what where could we see this in nature
1107s and I was reading a paper that had
1110s nothing really to do with this
1113s particular project
1115s um it had to uh had to do with
1117s ultraviolet signals in in fiddler crabs
1120s and one of the things in the methods
1122s that they talked about was it was really
1125s easy to capture these fiddler crabs they
1127s would uh purposely chase them into their
1129s Refuge and then after just a couple of
1132s minutes the total cab would emerge and
1134s they would just grab it and it just that
1136s in this paper they even say that doesn't
1138s make sense if there's a predator a smart
1141s enough Predator it should have evolved
1142s to just pick these things off like
1143s popcorn it's a very predictable behavior
1147s um and so yeah that you shouldn't see
1149s this in fiddler crabs but our model
1151s predicts that you can see this if the
1154s Predator has a high missed opportunity
1155s cost right if it's something like a gull
1158s it's going to go in Chase it and then
1160s just take off right because it's going
1162s to go somewhere else
1164s and so the the neat thing is that we we
1166s see this a lot in uh in Eve online right
1169s so we do this every day uh you've got
1172s miners you've got people who like to
1174s blow up miners we see these kinds of
1177s behaviors quite a bit uh we also see it
1180s in the economics so there's a lot of
1182s great economics talks that took place
1184s today and I I liked it was it the Tycoon
1187s one where he's like I just set up shop
1189s in the systems that I could pronounce
1191s right it could be a little more refined
1194s you can use Game Theory uh to try to
1196s figure out the things that aren't
1198s necessarily intuitive but might maximize
1200s your your payoffs
1202s um but yeah it doesn't have to be very
1205s mathematical either there's lots of
1207s different ways to do it
1208s um or if you're into Transportation so
1211s uh
1212s if you need to get uh you know 50
1214s billion worth of cargo from one place to
1216s another uh you can use Game Theory to
1218s try to maximize maximize this and again
1220s we do this intuitively we think about
1222s risks and duration and costs and and
1225s that sort of thing uh but but game
1226s theory formalizes that
1228s um and could put it more into context
1230s and show you things that maybe you're
1231s not thinking about right and so how is
1234s Eve uh online unique it's it's just an
1237s incredible ecosystem right you you guys
1239s do this it's as a scientist I want to
1242s see Predator predynamics out in nature
1245s but it's really really hard seeing an
1247s actual predation event is pretty
1249s impossible you have to be at the right
1250s place at the right time it usually
1252s happens very quickly and so you can't
1254s really observe that in nature and then
1256s if you take predators and bring them
1258s into an enclosure and you try to do an
1260s experiment that way predators are a pain
1262s in the ass they they don't like to
1264s behave when you want them to
1267s um and so yes anybody from CCP here
1271s can I can I uh do something like project
1274s Discovery but I don't know project
1276s Predator Maybe
1278s I just want to look at data because you
1280s guys are doing this and I want to I want
1281s to study you right I want to test my
1284s hypotheses because this this is just
1285s very very great way to do this
1289s um and then yeah if you're really really
1291s interested in this uh or even starting
1293s to be interested in this I highly
1295s recommend this book it's a how not to be
1296s wrong
1297s um so Jordan Ellenberg uses lots of
1300s examples of real life and and uh
1304s approaches them from a mathematical
1306s mindset and it's not mathematical at all
1309s um so if that's not your strong suit
1311s like like me I'm not uh yeah math isn't
1314s my strong suit I highly recommend this
1316s book it'll just make your thinking uh
1319s much much different uh in in everyday
1322s problem solving and and that sort of
1324s thing
1325s um so yeah that's my talk
1337s you have any questions feel free to buy
1339s me a beer I'll
1341s I'll tell you anything you want so all
1343s right thank you